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The Pennsylvania State University The Graduate School LIPIDOME COMPARISON BETWEEN PLANKTONIC AND POLYESTER-ADHERED MICROBES IN MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER OPERATIONS A Thesis in Agricultural and Biological Engineering by James Scott Pflumm Ó 2021 James Scott Pflumm Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science August 2021

The Pennsylvania State University

The Graduate School



A Thesis in

Agricultural and Biological Engineering


James Scott Pflumm

Ó 2021 James Scott Pflumm

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Master of Science

August 2021



The thesis of James S. Pflumm was reviewed and approved by the following:

Jeffrey Catchmark Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Thesis Advisor

Heather Preisendanz Associate Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Paul Heinemann Professor Department Head of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Naomi Altman Professor Emeritus of Statistics

Joshua Kellogg Assistant Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences




Polyethylene terephthalate (polyester) microfibers are one form of microplastic. The rate of

polyester microplastic (MP) pollution entering municipal wastewater currently exceeds the rate of

degradation capable in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities (MWTF). Residential laundry

machine effluent has been estimated to contain 1,900 microfibers after one wash of a single

polyester garment. Despite MWTFs removing up to 99% of microfiber particles, the remaining 1%

of particles is significant. Beyond concerns regarding MP ingestion, MP’s potentially bind heavy

metals and contaminants such as pesticides and pharmaceutical compounds, increasing the amount

of toxic chemicals bioaccumulating in the food chain. Wastewater microbes potentially interact

with MPs. Microbes possess lipid membranes interfacing with and responding to their environment.

Prior work has demonstrated marine microbes can degrade oil pollution. Furthermore, quantifying

the lipid composition of these microbial consortiums (MC) has been shown to provide a

performance index of hydrocarbon degrading activity. This project investigates whether the lipids

of wastewater microbes serve as biochemical indicators of microbial adhesion to a reproducible

polyester-fiber test specimen, hereafter referred to as substrate. Detecting microbial lipid

composition changes in response to this specific polymer substrate potentially benefits future

microbiological and wastewater engineering research efforts to assess microbe-microplastic

interactions under operationally constrained MWTF environmental conditions. I am not aware of

prior published studies that have used lipidomic analysis to quantitatively characterize in-situ

MWTF microbe interactions with plastic specimen substrates. The nature of this research will

characterize the lipid composition of aerobic MWTF microbe-plastic interactions using liquid

chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The results of this dataset are not conclusive due

to statistical sampling limitations of this pilot study. The contributions of the analysis documented

herein are the methodological approach and lessons-learned for applying lipidomics to evaluate

wastewater microbial interactions with plastic substrates of interest.




LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ vi

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................. ix

Chapter 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1

Defining the societal context of microplastic pollution ................................................. 1

Chapter 2 Literature review ................................................................................................ 3

What is the societal context of the proposal? ................................................................ 3

Why is microplastic pollution in water a threat to humans and habitat? ........................ 4

Why is microplastic pollution in wastewater a concern? ............................................... 4

Where does microplastics in wastewater come from? ................................................... 5

What wastewater concepts and technologies are relevant to microplastic pollution? ..... 5

What is lipidomics? ..................................................................................................... 12

How do lipids connect to the bacterial anatomy? .......................................................... 13

How has lipidomics been used to study microbial-environment interactions? ............... 23

What is the concept of operation for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry analysis? .............................................................................................................. 24

What are the components of the Orbitrap Tribrid mass spectrometer? .......................... 26

What is the concept of operation for liquid chromatography? ....................................... 27

What is untargeted discovery LC-MS lipidomics? ........................................................ 28

Chapter 3 Goals, Objectives, Hypotheses ........................................................................... 30

Why would a lipidome shift be relevant to MWTF microbe interactions with polyester micro-fibers? ......................................................................................... 30

What biophysical phenomena may be responsible for this lipidome signal shift? .......... 31



Goal: ........................................................................................................................... 32

Objective (Specific aim): ............................................................................................. 32

Hypotheses: ................................................................................................................. 32

Chapter 4 Methodology ...................................................................................................... 34

Field sampling ............................................................................................................. 34

Sample preparation ...................................................................................................... 36

Sample analysis ........................................................................................................... 37

Data analysis ............................................................................................................... 39

Chapter 5 Results and Discussion ....................................................................................... 40

Formulating an experimentally-derived index of microbial adhesion to polyester substrates ............................................................................................................. 45

Chapter 6 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 49

Addressing critiques of this project .............................................................................. 50

Limitations and lessons learned ................................................................................... 51

Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 54




Figure 1: Number of polyester fibers discharged into wastewater from using washing-machines with blankets, fleeces, and shirts (all polyester) (Browne, 2011) .................... 5

Figure 2: Primary plastic waste generation in millions of metric tons and (subset image) chemical structures of polymers including polyethylene terephthalate (PET) (Geyer, 2017) (Krueger, 2015) ................................................................................................. 7

Figure 3: Boxplot summarizing the read abundance of the 50 most abundant microbial species in 20 select Danish wastewater treatment facilities (Nierychlo, 2019) ............... 8

Figure 4: Relative mean abundance of 20 most abundant bacterial families based on 16S sequencing for samples collected on organic and plastic waste in the North Shore Channel, upstream and downstream of Terrence J. O’Brien Water Reclamation Plant, Chicago, IL (McCormick, 2014) ........................................................................ 10

Figure 5: Organisms arranged by genus with respect to plastic substrate degradation. Cyan indicates PET polyester degrading organisms. (Sheth, 2019) ............................... 11

Figure 6: Anatomy and size scale of model microorganism Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Milo, 2015) ....................................................................... 14

Figure 7: Order of magnitude quantities for select biomolecules within microbes (Milo, 2015) ........................................................................................................................... 15

Figure 8: Lipid dimensions in cell membrane (Milo, 2015) .................................................. 16

Figure 9: Lipid molecule skeletal model structure (Milo, 2015) ........................................... 17

Figure 10: Gram positive and negative cell wall structures (American Society for Microbiology, 2021) .................................................................................................... 19

Figure 11: Lipid class composition in yeast: CL: cardiolipin; Erg: Ergosterol; IPC: inositolphosphorylceramide; MIPC: mannosyl-inositol phosphorylceramide; M(IP)2C: mannosyl-di-(inositolphosphoryl) ceramide; PA: phosphatidic acid; PC: phosphatidylcholine; PE: phosphatidyl-ethanolamine; PI: phosphatidylinositol; PS: phosphatidylserine; TAG: Triacylglycerols; DAG: diacylglycerol; LPC: Lysophosphatidylcholine (Milo, 2015) ......................................................................... 21

Figure 12: Lipid composition by organelle (Milo, 2015) ...................................................... 22

Figure 13: Lipidomics of yeast grown on different carbon sources (Klose, 2012) ................. 23

Figure 14: Lipid-based Hydrocarbon Degrading Activity Index (HDAI) proposed by Aries et al. (Aries) ....................................................................................................... 24



Figure 15: LC-MS workflow (ThermoFisher, 2021) ............................................................ 25

Figure 16: Orbitrap Tribrid mass spectrometer (ThermoFisher, 2021) .................................. 26

Figure 17: UAJA municipal wastewater treatment facility schematic (Martin, 2011) ........... 36

Figure 18: Composition of unique lipid species across select classes for planktonic and PET bacteria samples. Lines overlaid on data points for visual aid purpose. Lines do not suggest trends across the categorical variable of lipid class. .................................... 41

Figure 19: Diacylglycerol (DG) composition of planktonic control versus PET-adhered microbial sample ......................................................................................................... 43

Figure 20: Phosphotidylcholine (PC) composition of planktonic control versus PET-adhered bacteria sample ............................................................................................... 44

Figure 21: Lipid species composition according to lipid class based on Area Under the Curve [AUC] observations for planktonic vs PET-adhered samples ............................. 45

Figure 22: Lipid-based Hydrocarbon Degrading Activity Index (HDAI) proposed by Aries et al. (Aries) ....................................................................................................... 46




Table 1: Phylogenetic composition of Archaea, Bacteria and Fungi in the Influent (Blue columns) and Bioreactor (yellow columns) for seven Arctic wastewater facilities in Finland (Gonzalez-Martinez, 2018).............................................................................. 9

Table 2: Lipidomic challenges (ThermoFisher, 2021) .......................................................... 12

Table 3: Lipid classification proposed by Lipid Maps (Fahy, 2009) (ThermoFisher, 2021) ........................................................................................................................... 18




Thank you to Carol, Jim, Craig, Reece, the Peppy’s, family and friends for their support. To

Dr. Jeffrey Catchmark, Dr. Naomi Altman, Dr. Josh Kellogg and Dr. Heather Preisendanz for

sharing their knowledge and academic support. To Dr. Priyangi Bulathsinhala and Dr. Lin Lin for

their statistics courses. To Art Brant – the Operations Manager at the University Area Joint

Authority for sharing his knowledge and providing facility and data access. To Dr. Andrew

Patterson, Dr. Phil Smith, Dr. Fuhua Hao, Dr. Imhoo Koo for their time and generosity in analyzing

lipid samples , answering questions and providing software training. To Dr. Sara Lincoln and

Odette Mina for the opportunity to contribute to microplastic research and access to ThermoFisher

LipidSearch and Compound Discoverer software. To Dr. Eric Tague for training and support with

ThermoFisher LipidSearch and Compound Discoverer software. To Dr. Andrew Zydney and the

Center for Industrial Biotechnology for financial support. To Caini Chen, Wei-Shu Lin, Hisaaki

Ishihara, Parisa Nazemi for their kindness, knowledge and support as lab members. To Dr. Paul

Heinemann, Wendy Thomas, Stefanie Hugill, Peggy Newell, Amy Maney, Tyler Robinson and the

Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering for the often behind the scenes work that

allows us to focus on research. To the Jeff Banks, Ed Crow, Dr. Karl Reichard and the Applied

Research Laboratory for their support to return to school. To the Department of Veteran Affairs

and the staff at the Penn State Office of Veterans Programs for their support enabling me to make

use of the GI Bill education benefits. To President Eric Baron and the University community for

working to provide a healthy, safe and welcoming academic community particularly during the

COVID-19 pandemic. To the Center for Open Science for their education and outreach to advance

preregistered experimental designs and transparent scientific practices.



Chapter 1


Defining the societal context of microplastic pollution

Polyethylene terephthalate (polyester) microfibers are one form of microplastic pollution. The

rate of polyester microplastic pollution entering municipal wastewater treatment facilities (MWTF)

currently exceeds the rate of degradation capable in MWTFs (World Health Organization, 2019)

(Koelmans A. B., 2016) (Koelmans A. M., 2019). As an emerging concern, microplastics (MP) are

known to bind heavy metals, pharmaceutical compounds and pesticides (Talvitie, 2017). These MP

interactions with other contaminants downstream of WWTFs potentially increase the amount of

toxic chemicals bio-accumulating in the food chain. WWTFs can remove up to 99% of MP particles

prior to discharge into surface water bodies by flocculating it into sludge for burial in landfills or

compost products. However the remaining 1% of particles in effluent can be significant. Prior

studies indicated the number of microfibers shed by a single polyester garment after one wash cycle

can be on the order of 1,900 fibers (Browne, 2011).

The research question this proposal aims to answer is the following: Does the microbial lipidome

serve as a biochemical indicator of microbial adhesion to polyester microplastic particles in

municipal wastewater treatment facilities (MWTF)? There are two motivations for this study. First,

Aries et al. demonstrated the lipid composition of a microbial consortium (MC) can serve as a

quantifiable proxy for degradation of oil pollution (Aries, 2001). Second, it takes upwards of

months to years to detect whether microbes metabolize plastic or simply act to break it into smaller

fragments in the natural environment (Jacquin, 2019). This time delay is an obstacle to research

efforts seeking to use microbes to degrade plastics in real-world conditions such as MWTFs. This

project addresses this knowledge gap by proposing microbial lipids as a biochemical indicator of

microbe-microplastic adhesion. To be clear, microbial adhesion does not automatically imply

degradation capability. However knowledge of microbial adhesion to plastic can inform research

optimization decisions regarding microbe selection, their environmental conditions and metabolic

pathways to target for wastewater engineering applications.

The impetus for selecting lipids as the biochemical indicator in this current study stems from

work that used lipid analysis to evaluate the efficacy of microbes to degrade hydrocarbon pollution

such as oil spills (Aries, 2001). Why would lipids be a candidate for a biochemical indicator of



microbial adhesion to plastic? Lipids form the cell membrane interface with the microbe’s

environment (Milo, 2015). The fact that lipids make contact with their environment potentially

means these biomolecules change in response to external substrates they interact with. In light of

the aforementioned work which developed a lipid-based hydrocarbon degrading index to address

oil pollution (Aries, 2001), the aim of this present study is to extend this prior work to polyester

microplastic pollution using lipid analysis. Subsequent research would expand this current work

further by conducting genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic analysis. I am not aware

of prior literature documenting microbial multi-omic changes as a function of plastic substrate

interaction in MWTF operations. The current project will document lipid composition differences

between planktonic (also known as a free-catch wastewater sample that is not in contact with a

plastic substrate) and polyester (polyethylene terephthalate - PET), adhered microbes in the aerobic

stage of a single activated sludge municipal wastewater treatment plant. This environmental

significance of the MWTF used in this current study is that it produces wastewater that is partially

beneficially reused and partially discharged to a stream that is designated as a “High Quality Cold

Water Fishery” (Environmental Protection Agency, 2019). The broader long-range objective of this

work is to link the fields of multi-omic and material characterization to address environmental




Chapter 2

Literature review

This literature review aims to contrast previous work to this current study. I will call attention

to specific results, figures, recommendations presented by authors that have influenced this study.

I will delineate distinctions between this work and prior studies. In some instances, prior studies

dive further into questions beyond those investigated in this study. In other instances, this study

explores questions further than the intended aim of other publications. I will point these out through

the course of this review. The intent for integrating these contrasting statements throughout the

literature review is to explicitly preview key points that influence the extent and boundaries of this

study. In doing so the reader will be more efficiently equipped to anticipate or critique the rationale

for experimental decisions pertaining to goals, objectives, methodology and results described in

Chapters 3,4,5.

What is the societal context of the proposal?

Pervasive microplastic pollution is a growing human, wildlife and habitat health threat.

Much deserved attention is devoted to pervasive plastic pollution in the form of disposable

bottles, bags and straws washing upon ocean shores worldwide (Geyer, 2017). Though the

magnitude of the situation concerning ocean plastics has become well known, the presence of

plastics, and more specifically, microplastics (MPs), in fresh water, potable water, and wastewater

has only more recently been examined. The World Health Organization (WHO) report referenced

50 studies focused on MP in fresh water, drinking water, and wastewater. Nine of these fifty studies

analyzed MPs in drinking water (World Health Organization, 2019). Plastics including

polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyester or polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyvinyl

chloride (PVC) and polystyrene (PS) in the form of fragments, fibers, films, foams, and beads were

the primary types of MPs detected. Particle counts ranged up to 103 particles per liter in fresh water.

For drinking water, mean particle count values spanned orders of magnitude, from 10-3 to 103

particles per liter (World Health Organization, 2019). Polyester microfibers are the form of

microplastic that is the focus of this current study.



Why is microplastic pollution in water a threat to humans and habitat?

Known contaminants adsorb to microplastic surfaces.

Investigations to determine whether MPs themselves directly threaten human health are

on-going. MPs are carriers of trace-level pollutants that are known threats to human and ecosystem

health (Talvitie, 2017). MPs can adsorb persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals in aqueous

environments due to their high surface area and hydrophobicity (Koelmans A. B., 2016) (Talvitie,

2017). Polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and organo-chlorine

pesticides were detected on the surface of microplastics in coastal regions, including along the

coasts of the United States, China, UK, Japan, among other countries (Mizukawa, 2013) (Carr,

2016). Metals are also adsorbed onto microplastics, including Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, Al and TiO2 (Fries,

2013) (Ashton, 2010). MPs also contain additives including flame retardants and plasticizers, dyes

and pigments (Talvitie, 2017). Browne et al. (2011) states that research is needed to determine if

ingested microfibers are taken up by tissues of the gut and release monomers, which may include

adsorbed contaminants. In addition, Browne et al. (2011) states the bioavailability of these

chemicals is likely to be greater for microfiber MPs from polyester and acrylic compared to more

hydrophobic MPs (e.g., polyethylene, polypropylene) (Browne, 2011).

Why is microplastic pollution in wastewater a concern?

Wastewater is reused for agriculture irrigation, thereby placing pollutants in the vicinity of our

food supplies.

The presence of MPs in wastewater is of concern because the water processed by municipal

wastewater treatment facilities (MWTFs) can be used in residential, commercial and agricultural

applications. Reusing treated wastewater has the potential to reduce the amount of freshwater

drawn from surface or groundwater bodies. In 2015 within the US, 147 billion liters of water per

day were withdrawn from ground and surface water sources for use as potable water. Additionally,

more than 40% of the water used for agriculture in the United States is withdrawn from groundwater

(Dieter, 2015). Typically, the amount of water withdrawn is more than what is recharged from

rainfall annually, resulting in a depletion of the groundwater supplies in an unsustainable manner

(Gorelick, 2015). Therefore, it is desirable to replace groundwater withdrawal for irrigation

purposes with treated wastewater. The presence of MPs in the wastewater stream presents concerns.

Irrigation using MP-laden water in an agroecosystems inadvertently introduces MPs to the aquatic

and terrestrial environments.



Where does microplastics in wastewater come from?

Synthetic fibers from garments enter wastewater influent through laundry machines.

Panel D of Figure 1 suggests that washing machine effluent can contain +1900 microfibers

(200 fibers/liter) as a result of washing one garment (Browne, 2011) (Hartline, 2016). Despite

MWTFs demonstrating the capability to remove up to 99% of microfibers from effluent, the

remaining 1% of microfibers enter the watershed through discharge. Furthermore, the ~99% of

microfibers flocculated into waste sludge are not permanently removed as a threat to the

environment. These MPs will end up in landfills, incinerated, spread as compost on agricultural

fields or landscape beds.

Figure 1: Number of polyester fibers discharged into wastewater from using washing-

machines with blankets, fleeces, and shirts (all polyester) (Browne, 2011)

What wastewater concepts and technologies are relevant to microplastic pollution?

MWTF have different configurations depending on water quality regulations, service

populations and community funding resources. According to Liu and Lipták, the quality of

wastewater is characterized in terms of physical, chemical and biological properties. Physical

characteristics include color, odor, temperature, turbidity, solid and grease composition. Chemical

characteristics include biochemical oxygen demand (BOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total

organic carbon (TOC) and total oxygen demand (TOD). Biological characteristics include plant,

animal material and microbes, including pathogens, viruses and fecal coliforms. Wastewater flow

rate ranges vary differently between small and large communities. Communities with 1,000-



100,000 residents can experience flow rate fluctuations from 20-400% with respect to the average

daily flow rate. (Liu, 2000). The Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 define

US water quality goals (Liu, 2000). Wastewater effluent is typically discharged into surface waters.

With respect to Pennsylvania water quality standards, surface waters are designated with high

quality and exceptional distinctions according to biological and chemical characteristic criteria.

Waterways deemed ‘‘High Quality, Cold Water Fishery, Migratory Fishery Waters’’ have special

protection according to Leeward Construction Co. v. Department of Environmental Protection, 821

A.2d 145 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2003) (Environmental Protection Agency, 2019). The above mentioned

terminology and regulations are relevant to the MWTF sampled in this current study because the

facility’s effluent is discharged approximately 3 kilometers upstream of a High Quality, Cold Water

Fish Hatchery. Furthermore, the extent to which modifications to operational parameters can be

implemented to treat MP pollution in the wastewater is constrained by these regulations.

Wastewater MWTFs are designed to remove chemical and biological waste, not MP. However

Iyare et al’s review notes that advanced treatment technologies may be effective at removing MPs

to varying degrees (Iyare, 2020). Advanced MWTFs typically include three treatment stages

denoted as primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary stage treatment typically includes bulk

screening, grit removal and primary settling. Secondary treatment can consist of anoxic, anaerobic

and aerobic tanks. Secondary clarifiers remove solids from both the top of the water surface as well

as from the bottom of the clarifier tanks. Tertiary filtration removes total suspended solids and

phosphorus. Tertiary treatment can include ultraviolet disinfection and reverse osmosis treatments

(Brant, 2020). The extent of MP particle pollution in wastewater potentially impacts not only

downstream water quality but also UV disinfection effectiveness as well as maintenance and

operation practices of reverse-osmosis equipment. MP can shield pathogens from UV exposure and

microfibers can potentially become lodged in filters. The MWTF sampled in this current study has

primary, secondary and tertiary treatment operations. Further details on this facility will be

described in Chapter 4 and illustrated in Figure 17.

What type of microplastic do we propose to focus on?

Polyester - Polyethylene terephthalate.

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) accounts for over 50% of global synthetic fiber production.

PET is referred to as polyester for fiber and fabric applications (Intro to PET, n.d.). The inset in

Figure 2 illustrates the ester functional groups in the polyester monomer. For broader context of all



global plastic waste generation, Figure 2 shows the waste trajectory for various plastics. In 2015,

an estimated 32 million metric tons of total PET waste was globally generated (Geyer, 2017).

Figure 2: Primary plastic waste generation in millions of metric tons and (subset image)

chemical structures of polymers including polyethylene terephthalate (PET) (Geyer, 2017)

(Krueger, 2015)

What is the prior work characterizing microbes-microplastic interactions in MWTF?

Characterization of microbes on multiple substrates within multiple MWTF stages is unexplored.

Microbiology studies microorganisms or microbes comprised of a single cell, including

viruses (Madigan, 2012). Nierychlo et al. noted there are few published studies characterizing

microbial communities in activated sludge systems (Nierychlo, 2019). Figure 3 summarizes the 50

most abundant microorganisms existing in 20 Danish MWTF.



Figure 3: Boxplot summarizing the read abundance of the 50 most abundant microbial

species in 20 select Danish wastewater treatment facilities (Nierychlo, 2019)

Table 1 shows results from Gonzalez et al. metagenomic characterization of archaea, bacteria and

fungi for aerobic treatment stages in 7 Arctic wastewater treatment plants in Finland (Gonzalez-

Martinez, 2018). One longer term goal beyond this current study is to characterize wastewater

archaea, bacteria and fungi adhering to multiple plastic substrates within aerobic and anoxic

treatment tanks of multiple MWTFs.



Table 1: Phylogenetic composition of Archaea, Bacteria and Fungi in the Influent (Blue

columns) and Bioreactor (yellow columns) for seven Arctic wastewater facilities in Finland

(Gonzalez-Martinez, 2018)

Figure 4 shows the findings of McCormick et al. documenting bacterial communities on plastic

substrates located up and downstream of a MWRF in Chicago IL (McCormick, 2014). To my

knowledge analysis of archaea, bacteria and fungi ability to flocculate and mineralize microplastic

substrates within the MWRF has not been conducted and remains a knowledge gap.



Figure 4: Relative mean abundance of 20 most abundant bacterial families based on 16S

sequencing for samples collected on organic and plastic waste in the North Shore Channel,

upstream and downstream of Terrence J. O’Brien Water Reclamation Plant, Chicago, IL

(McCormick, 2014)

Figure 5 summarizes Sheth et al’s work to map ocean-borne microorganism affinity to plastic

substrates. While this work surveys the marine microbiome, this knowledge is insufficient to inform

MWRF scientists and engineers on how to use individual microbes or microbial consortium (MCs)

to selectively flocculate and mineralize microplastic substrates within the MWRF, so as to prevent

upstream sources of marine pollution.



Figure 5: Organisms arranged by genus with respect to plastic substrate degradation. Cyan

indicates PET polyester degrading organisms. (Sheth, 2019)

The studies noted above use genomic techniques to investigate microbial composition of

freshwater, marine and MWTF environments. Genomic analysis is a valuable tool for probing

MWTF microbial ecology. However there are limitations to genomic analysis with respect to

investigating microbe-microplastic interactions. One obstacle of genomic analysis is the still-vast

number of microorganisms that remain uncultured and unidentified (Steen, 2019). This fact

presents challenges to taxonomic classification based on gene sequencing. However even if the

genomes of all microorganisms were catalogued with absolute certainty, identification of microbes

does not directly result in the ability to distinguish microbes that metabolically degrade plastic from

microbes that simply fragment plastic polymers. Nor does genomic analysis have the ability to

differentiate microbes capable of degradation from ones that adhere passively to plastic. Other

techniques are needed to detect microbial function. Despite these limitations, taxonomic

identification informs which microbes physically adhere to substrates.

Techniques with potential to identify plastic degrading microbes include transcriptomic,

proteomic and metabolomic methods. Each of these techniques has merits and limitations. While

it is a longer term goal to systematically integrate of all these techniques with respect to

investigating microbe-microplastic interactions, it is beyond the scope of this thesis to describe

each method in detail. As noted, this study focuses on lipid analysis. The remainder of this chapter

will focus on this field.



What is lipidomics?

Before describing lipids at the microscopic or molecular level of detail, the broader macro-

concept of lipidomics will be described. First, what are the definitions for the terms – lipid and

lipidomics? Lipids are biomolecules that are soluble in organic solvents but insoluble in water.

Lipidomics is the classification and quantification of lipids, typically at the cellular or subcellular

level (ThermoFisher, 2021; Reiko Kiyonami, 2016). Lipidomics is one dimension of the broader

omic research field focusing on bioinformatic analysis of a range of biochemicals: proteins

(proteomics), genes (genomics), mRNA (transcriptomics), and metabolites (metabolomics).

What differentiates metabolites from lipids? Metabolites are arbitrarily classified as small

molecules less than approximately 1kDa whereas lipids are can be orders of magnitude larger.

Metabolomics focus on approximately 1000-2000 species whereas lipidomics covers upwards of

50,000 species. Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) is able identify 80-90% of

known metabolites . On the other hand LC-MS coverage of lipids however is on the order of 2-5%.

This current limitation of lipid analysis is compounded by the ~12 fold change in concentrations

observed in some cells spanning millimolar to picomolar levels. Detecting concentrations across

this range biases results toward high concentrations (Murphy, 2018). The lipidomic implication is

that despite being present in small concentrations, the MS may not detect cell membrane lipids that

are biologically relevant indicators of plastic interaction.

Table 2 summarizes further challenges of lipid analysis.

Table 2: Lipidomic challenges (ThermoFisher, 2021)



How do lipids connect to the bacterial anatomy?

The purpose of this section is to provide a cellular context for lipids as biomolecules in the

broader physical composition of the cell structure. To begin, this section summarizes key anatomy

with respect to size and quantity within a prototypical bacterium, Escherichia coli (E. coli).

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) is a eukaryote and shown here for a second point of

reference. Model organisms are visually instructive to introduce order of magnitude concepts. Later

sections will describe the molecular structure of lipids in further detail.

Bacteria are prokaryotes. They are approximately 1-3 µm in length, 1 µm3 in volume and

contain no organelles as are found in eukaryotes, such as S. cerevisiae as shown in Figure 6 (Milo,

2015). A key point with respect to this microplastic study is to recognize the location of lipids in

bacteria and eukaryotic microbes. The outer cell membrane as well as the membrane of eukaryotic

organelles are comprised of a diverse set of lipids along with proteins and polysaccharides (Milo,

2015) (Sohlenkamp, 2015). These biochemical components are not static throughout the lifespan

of the microbe. Lipid composition changes as a function of growth phase, environmental and

nutrient conditions (Klose, 2012) (Milo, 2015).



Figure 6: Anatomy and size scale of model microorganism Escherichia coli and

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Milo, 2015)

Lipids occupy the cell membrane (Sohlenkamp, 2015). Approximately 107 lipid molecules

comprise a single E. coli cell as shown in Figure 7 (Milo, 2015). Within the context of lipidomic

analysis of bacteria, lipidomics aims to identify and quantify these biomolecules in the cell’s

membrane. In comparison, other -omic methods such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and

metabolomics focus on identifying and quantifying DNA, mRNA, proteins and small molecules

also shown Figure 7. A point of distinction with respect to lipids: Eukaryotes also contain lipids in

other parts of the cell anatomy beyond the cell membrane, namely the organelles.



Figure 7: Order of magnitude quantities for select biomolecules within microbes (Milo, 2015)

Lipid membranes form bilayers as shown in Figure 8 (Milo, 2015). The key take-away here is

that the cell membrane is approximately 4 nm thick and comprised of two layers of lipids whereby

the hydrophobic lipid ‘tails’ orient themselves toward each other. The tails are composed of carbon-

carbon chains with an approximate 0.126 nm distance between carbon atoms. As will be shown

later, these tails can be upwards of 20 carbon atoms in length. The ‘knee’ bend depicted in the tail

is a result of carbon-carbon double bonds, or unsaturated bonds (Milo, 2015) (Fahy, 2009). In

contrast carbon-carbon single bonds, or saturated bonds, can pack more closely together and form

straighter chains. The specific molecular composition of these tail segments combined with the

composition of the red ‘head’ component gives rise to unique lipid class molecules.



Figure 8: Lipid dimensions in cell membrane (Milo, 2015)

Lipid classification nomenclature has evolved over time and can vary by discipline. Figure 9

shows eight representative classes of lipids (ThermoFisher, 2021). These skeletal molecular

models show the long carbon chains, often referred to as tails, as well as the head groups

covalently bonded to the top of these tails.



Table 3 lists the abbreviations for these lipids (Fahy, 2009) (ThermoFisher, 2021). The

pertinent point for this current study with respect to classes of lipids is to acknowledge that

nomenclature and abbreviations are used in subsequent figures below. This study will focus on six

lipid classes: Ceramides (CER), diacylglycerols (DG), fatty acyls (FA), phosphatidylcholines (PC),

phosphatidyl-ethanolamines (PE) and Triacylglycerols (TG). The reason for focusing on these six

is due to the lipid database library used to identify results obtained from this study’s mass

spectrometry analysis.

Figure 9: Lipid molecule skeletal model structure (Milo, 2015)



Table 3: Lipid classification proposed by Lipid Maps (Fahy, 2009) (ThermoFisher, 2021)

The head groups vary by lipid class and contain various acyl structures along with more

complicated cyclic carbon and saccharide components. The relevant take-away from the skeletal

structures is that these multi-atom molecules can be decomposed into fragments. Analytical

instruments such as mass spectrometers use high energy collision strategies to fragment these

molecules and identify lipids based on the composite signature of these fragments. Mass

spectrometry (MS) is the method used in this study to identify the lipid composition of the bacteria

samples adhering to the PET substrate. The concept of operation for mass spectrometry will be

described in a later section.

Figure 10 shows the location of lipids in the membranes of Gram positive and negative bacteria

(American Society for Microbiology, 2021) (Sohlenkamp, 2015). The goal of this current study is

to analyze the composite lipid composition of microbial consortium adhered to the PET substrate.

To be clear, the goal is not to isolate lipids from a particular inner or outer membrane or differentiate

between lipids originating from Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.



Figure 10: Gram positive and negative cell wall structures (American Society for

Microbiology, 2021)

Bacterial lipid composition has its own complexity due to cell membrane structural differences

between Gram positive and negative organisms as shown in Figure 10. Gram negative bacteria have

both an inner and outer membrane composed of lipids, along with lipopolysaccharides (LPS)

embedded in the outer membrane. This distinction is relevant to this thesis study because the central

hypothesis is that lipid composition of a microbial consortium changes in response to adhering to

a PET substrate. The presence of Gram negative and positive bacteria together within a microbial

consortium presents a lurking variable. This study does not isolate outer membrane lipids capable

of making contact with PET substrate from inner membranes lipids within an unknown bacterial

consortium. Therefore our analysis assumes detectable lipid signals will be present to permit

association of lipid species composition to the substrate material. This point is important because

if the lipids in the outer membrane do in fact respond to adhesion to a substrate, but the inner

membrane lipids do not, then the inner membrane lipids essentially raise the noise floor for

detecting changes due to substrate interactions.



As noted above, the focus of this study is on microbes including both prokaryotes and

eukaryotes. Therefore it is useful to take a moment to point out lipidomic work performed in the

model eukaryotic organism, S. cerevisiae, commonly called yeast. Figure 11 shows the lipid

composition of a homogenous culture of budding yeast (Milo, 2015). Within a given class of lipids

such as phosphatidylcholine (PC) shown in Figure 11, there are unique types of lipids within this

class according to the lipid tail or chain length. Chain lengths are indicated by the nomenclature

10:0-16:1. In this example a lipid has two tails, one tail is 10 carbons long with 0 double bonds

(10:0). The second tail is 16 carbons long with 1 double bond (16:1). The head group and long

chain nomenclature is pertinent for interpreting the results of the lipid study presented in this thesis.



Figure 11: Lipid class composition in yeast: CL: cardiolipin; Erg: Ergosterol; IPC:

inositolphosphorylceramide; MIPC: mannosyl-inositol phosphorylceramide; M(IP)2C:

mannosyl-di-(inositolphosphoryl) ceramide; PA: phosphatidic acid; PC: phosphatidylcholine; PE:

phosphatidyl-ethanolamine; PI: phosphatidylinositol; PS: phosphatidylserine; TAG:

Triacylglycerols; DAG: diacylglycerol; LPC: Lysophosphatidylcholine (Milo, 2015)

Figure 12 shows the lipid composition across organelles in a eukaryotic cell (Milo, 2015).

These two figures illustrate the location of lipids in eukaryotic cells as well as the basic

nomenclature and graphical analysis concepts that are incorporated into this present study. To be

clear, this current work will not isolate lipids to specific eukaryotic organelles. Nonetheless, the

key point to recognize here is that lipids are in fact present in organelles. Therefore the lipid signals

detected in this study will be influenced by the presence of eukaryotic cells in the sample. If the

organelles’ lipids respond to the substrate adhesion, then this response is potentially detectable. If

the organelles’ lipids do not respond to the substrate adhesion, then here again, just as in the case



of Gram positive and negative bacteria, non-responsive lipids potentially elevate the noise floor,

and thereby complicate detecting a lipid signal response to the plastic substrate.

Figure 12: Lipid composition by organelle (Milo, 2015)

The key take-away’s with respect to the above figures and literature review are: (1) it is possible

to detect multiple classes of microbial lipids, (2) each lipid class has multiple lipid species and, (3)

lipid species use notation to differentiate head groups and chain lengths based on number of carbons

and number of double bonds. This current study will focus on comparing the composite microbial

lipid signal on different substrates. To reiterate, so as to focus the reader’s attention, this study will

not investigate lipid composition as a function of growth phase. It will not distinguish lipids

between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It will not isolate lipids within eukaryotic organelles.



How has lipidomics been used to study microbial-environment interactions?

Microbes’ lipid membranes respond to environmental cues. Environmental conditions can

be difficult to replicate in laboratory conditions. Sohlenkamp et al. suggest that experimental

methods need to enable the investigation of microbial lipid membranes within in-situ natural

environments (Sohlenkamp, 2015). Sohlenkamp et al’s suggestion for in-situ lipid investigation is

directly responsible for my decision to opt to perform in-situ MWTF sample collection in this study

instead of performing an in-vitro experiment.

Klose et al’s lipidome analysis of yeast cells in three growth mediums indicated carbon

source was a significant determinant of overall lipid composition (Klose, 2012). Figure 13

illustrates Klose et al’s findings for the three respective carbon sources, glucose (YPglc), glycerol

(YPgly) and raffinose (YPraf). The concentration of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and

phosphatidylinositol (PI) respond to the growth medium carbon source. Klose et al. also observed

glycerophospholipids became more unsaturated with longer carbon chains in the presence of

raffinose and glycerol.

Figure 13: Lipidomics of yeast grown on different carbon sources (Klose, 2012)

Doumenq et al. documented the fatty acid composition of anaerobic denitrifying marine

microbes. In order of decreasing significance on fatty acid composition, the following factors were

ranked: carbon source>temperature>growth phase≥oxygen (Doumenq, 1999). Aries et al. noted

that the phospholipid fatty acid composition of a 10 microbe consortium of hydrocarbon-degrading

bacteria responded to incubation in the presence of petroleum based oil relative to an ammonium

acetate carbon source. Based on these findings they proposed a quantitative Hydrocarbon

Degrading Activity index (HDAI), shown in Figure 14. The lipid-based index was suggested as a

means to assess the bioremediation potential of microbes for oil contaminated marine sites (Aries,

2001). One limitation of the HDAI proposed by Aries is that despite being based on experimental

measurements of lipid composition, it lacks quantitative bounds of measurement uncertainty.



Measurement uncertainty is important in experimental analysis broadly speaking. With respect to

mass spectrometry based quantification of lipid species, measurement uncertainty is important

because the detection efficiency of lipid species is not constant across lipids (Murphy, 2018).

Furthermore sample preparation procedures, liquid chromatography, mass-spectrometry

instrumentation configuration parameters, and calibration standards all contribute to lipid

measurement uncertainty. A secondary goal of this current study is to reformulate Aries’ HDAI

concept into an analogous plastic adhering index (PAI) based on the lipidome response of

wastewater microbes adhering to polyester substrates. This PAI will address measurement


Figure 14: Lipid-based Hydrocarbon Degrading Activity Index (HDAI) proposed by Aries et

al. (Aries)

What is the concept of operation for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry analysis?

Mass spectrometry (MS) is a primary analytical method used in current lipidomic analysis

(ThermoFisher, 2021) (Bielawski, 2009) (Muro, 2014). Liquid chromatography (LC) is a molecular

separation technique used prior to injecting samples into the MS. The workflow for these two

techniques relevant to this study are outlined in Figure 15.



Figure 15: LC-MS workflow (ThermoFisher, 2021)

Mass spectrometry enables identification of molecular lipid species. There are five steps to

mass spectrometry. Within a MS, a molecule is sequentially vaporized, ionized, accelerated,

deflected and detected (ThermoFisher, 2021). Vaporization creates greater surface area for the

ionization electrons to interact with the molecules. Ionization electrons knock electrons free from

the molecule creating ionic molecular fragments. The ionic fragments are accelerated through a

chamber toward a magnetic field. The magnetic field causes the ionic fragments to deflect. The

degree of deflection is determined by two factors: fragment mass and fragment charge. The larger

the mass of the fragment, the less the fragment deflects from its linear trajectory. The greater the

particle charge, the greater the deflection. The fragments collide into the surface of a detection

transducer that records the position of the collision on the detector. The deflection distance is a

function of the ionic fragment’s mass and charge. Mass and charge parameters are combined into

a single ratio called the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). Deflection distance can be expressed as a

function of this single normalized m/z ratio. Mass spectrometers typically report the m/z ratio

instead of the deflection distance in order to enable comparison of ion fragments across different

instruments. The more ionic fragments of a given m/z ratio that collide with the detector at a given

location, the greater the intensity reading of the output for this m/z value. When intensity is plotted

on the y-axis against m/z ratio on the x-axis ion fragments can be identified by their unique

intensity-m/z ratio signature plots. In this way, a given complex lipid molecule may be fragmented

into upwards of 2 or more ionic fragments. The resulting intensity-m/z ratio plots are used to

differentiate lipid molecules (ThermoFisher, 2021) (Tague, 2021). A microbial cell is composed of

multiple types of lipid molecules at varying quantities (Milo, 2015). Mass spectrometers can be

used to differentiate the lipid composition of a collection of cells (Muro, 2014) (Klose, 2012). The

purposes of this current work is to use mass spectrometry to determine if the lipid composition of



microbial consortiums adhering to a polyester substrate are distinguishable from free floating

planktonic microbes.

What are the components of the Orbitrap Tribrid mass spectrometer?

Figure 16: Orbitrap Tribrid mass spectrometer (ThermoFisher, 2021)

Molecules of interest, in this case lipids, are pulled from the LC into the MS by means of a

voltage potential and vacuum suction through the High-Capacity Transfer Tube (HCTT). The

molecules are fragmented and in the process become ionized. The Electrodynamic Ion Funnel is a

series of 23 stacked electromagnetic lenses that focus the ions’ travel path into the MS. Uncharged

or neutral molecular fragments are removed as the ions pass through the curved beam guide.

Removing uncharged fragments reduces signal background noise. The quadrupole mass filter is

used in targeted MS-MS mode to pre-select for specific ions of a specific m/z ratio. This current

study was analyzing all ions. The quadrupole filter was not used in this study because the samples

were analyzed using this exploratory non-targeted workflow. Non-targeted workflow will be

described below. The ions pass into the Ion Routing Multipole (IRM). As the ions enter the IRM

they pass through the Independent Charge Detector (ICD). The ICD counts ions until a user-defined

quantity is accumulated. The Orbitrap has a defined volume. Detection capability requires

regulating the number of ions entering the Orbitrap chamber to avoid what is known as space-

charging due to ion overcrowding. Once a sufficient number of ions is accumulated in the IRM,

this grouping of ions is thermally cooled and shuttled into the C-trap by means of a pulsed voltage

gradient (ThermoFisher, 2021) (Tague, 2021).



The C-trap uses a pulsed voltage gradient to channel ions into the (American-style) football

shaped Orbitrap. The Orbitrap is the sub-component in which ions are measured. The ions are

induced into a radial orbiting trajectory around the center spindle. This disk cloud of ions oscillate

longitudinally along the spindle. As the ions approach the narrow ends of the football shaped

housing, they induce a current in a circuit embedded in the housing. Ions of a given m/z ratio induce

a characteristic current. Multiple ‘doughnut disks clouds’ of ions are present in the Orbitrap

chamber at any given time. This creates a complex but periodic current signal. This complex current

signal can be decomposed using Fourier Transform-based signal processing techniques to resolve

the composite signal into a linear sum of individual frequencies and magnitudes. These frequencies

are unique with respect to m/z ratio and serve as signatures of an ion’s molecular identity. The

magnitude of the frequency corresponds to the quantity of the ion. The frequency component is

used to query into a database look-up table for a molecular fragment’s unique m/z identification.

Quantification of the number ions is accomplished by injecting known calibration standards into

the MS. The standard references are used to calibrate the magnitude values measured in the

unknown sample. On completion of analysis, the ions are purged from the Orbitrap by vacuum. At

any given time while a packet of ions are oscillating in the Orbitrap, the ICD and IRM are counting

and accumulating the next packet of ions for analysis. If the user-defined analysis is in full-scan

mode, then packets of positive and negative polarity ions are alternately introduced into the

Orbitrap. A typical scan time is on the order of 500 ms (ThermoFisher, 2021) (Tague, 2021).

What is the concept of operation for liquid chromatography?

Liquid chromatography (LC) is a method to separate a liquid mixture of heterogeneous

molecules by passing them through a filter column. Depending on the interaction properties of the

molecules with the column’s solvent (mobile phase) and filter (stationary phase), the molecules

will take different amounts of time to elute. This time duration is called retention time. When the

filtration is performed under specified pressure, it is possible to establish a constant flow rate of the

mobile phase and consistently replicate retention times for specific molecules across different

instruments. This is referred to as High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) also known as

High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Databases for multiple LC columns exist which

enables this retention time to be used as a signature metric for identifying unknown molecules. LC

columns are designed to separate molecules according to various molecular interaction phenomena.

Size, polarity, charge are three examples (Padala, 2018). The type used for this study is Reverse-



Phase Chromatography (RPC) (Smith, 2021). In RPC, the mobile phase is polar and the stationary

phase is non-polar. Hydrophobic molecules stick to the stationary phase. Glycerolipids,

phospholipids, sphingolipids and fatty acyls have long carbon chain tails that are hydrophobic.

These biomolecules of interest can be released from the stationary phase by washing the stationary

phase with a non-polar organic solvent. Higher concentrations of non-polar solvents are required

to elute increasingly hydrophobic molecules. Ramping the concentration of the non-polar solvent

enables selective filtration of lipids. In LC-MS analysis, the output, or eluent, from a liquid

chromatography column is injected into the mass spectrometer. LC-MS enables a heterogeneous

lipid mixture to be separated in time based on release conditions from the LC stationary phase.

Spacing the injecting of lipids into the MS helps address the dynamic range limits of the MS and

increases signal to noise ratios. LC improves the detection of low concentration lipids that may

otherwise be mixed with lipids that are present at many fold higher concentrations (Murphy, 2018).

What is untargeted discovery LC-MS lipidomics?

The two broad approaches to lipid analysis are referred to as targeted and untargeted analysis.

Targeted analysis focuses on detecting specific lipids of interest and their substituent fragments.

Specifying LC retention time and MS m/z ratio regions of interest are the two primary tuning

parameters used to conduct targeted analysis. By comparison, untargeted analysis does not pre-

select LC-MS regions of interest. All fragments are recorded and analyzed. Making use of both LC

retention time and MS m/z ratio to identify all fragments is referred to as an untargeted discovery

LC-MS lipidomic workflow, hereafter discovery workflow or (DW) for short. The advantage of

DW is that it thoroughly catalogues the entire lipid composition of the sample. This is useful for

exploratory analysis when particular lipids of interest are not yet known. One disadvantage of DW

is longer sample processing time and larger data files. Both processing time and file size increase

if MS is performed on positive and negative polarity ion fragments for multiple m/z ratios or

retention time bands (ThermoFisher, 2021). This present study used the DW LC-MS workflow.

One limitation of single mode MS with respect to lipids is differentiating lipid isomers. A

glycerolipid with two tails each with 10 carbons (10:0 – 10:0) long would have the same m/z ratio

as a glycerolipid with one 5 carbon tail and one 15 carbon tail (5:0 – 15:0). Single mode MS cannot

differentiate these isomers. However LC can separate these isomers based on retention time. When

an LC-MS workflow is used the isomers can be resolved as a function of retention time and m/z

ratio. This DW LC-MS workflow was used in this study to detect both positive and negative



polarity ions in single MS mode. While the spectrometer configuration measured positive and

negative polarity ions, the analysis presented below focuses only on positive polarity ions. The

reason for this is due to a known software bug in the ThermoFisher Lipid Search 4.2.27 software.

At the time of analysis, this bug prevented alignment of lipid species across experimental samples.

The solution for this analysis was to manually import LipidSearch raw output data into

ThermoFisher Compound Discoverer Software 3.2 (Tague, 2021). Manually importing data was

labor intensive. Because the data lacked replication, there was no added knowledge value to

importing both positive and negative polarity fragments into Compound Discoverer. The key point

of this study was to demonstrate the analytical framework as a roadmap for future work. This

LipidSearch bug was corrected by ThermoFisher after this current analysis was completed (Tague,




Chapter 3

Goals, Objectives, Hypotheses

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities (MWTF) are designed to remove contaminants

from wastewater. This infrastructure and the microbes tasked to perform these function were not

designed to selectively degrade or flocculate synthetic micro-fibers. Given the evidence indicating

plastic micro-fibers are now a pervasive pollutant in wastewater, it is useful to evaluate the

capability of MWTF microbial communities to remove this synthetic contaminant. This study

focuses on microbial interactions with a polyester substrate within the aerobic tank at the University

Area Joint Authority located in State College, PA. Specifically the study differentially compares

the lipid composition of microbial consortiums (MC) adhered to a polyester (PET) substrate relative

to the lipid composition of free-floating planktonic microbes not in contact with the PET substrate.

Why would a lipidome shift be relevant to MWTF microbe interactions with polyester


Lipidome shifts may aid MWTF operations and microbial consortium design by differentiating

structural vs nutrient interactions of microbes on polyester substrates.

The lipid composition of microbial cell membranes is part of the biological interface separating

microbial metabolic activity from polyester substrates in MWTFs. The lipids of an individual

microbe’s cell membrane contribute to the microbe’s composite lipid signal. The lipid composition

of an entire microbial consortium (MC) contributes to the overall lipid signal of the consortium.

The lipid signal potentially contains information about what is biologically occurring at the cell-

substrate interface. Furthermore, the microbial lipid signal shift may serve as a biochemical

signature of adhesion to a specific substrate, namely polyester. A confounding point to

acknowledge here is that microbes can aggregate in biofilms on surfaces. Biofilms potentially

separate microbes from directly contacting the substrate surface.

The underlying theory motivating this current study’s hypotheses is that microbes

metabolically interacting with polyester substrates will pass PET degrading enzymes and other

molecules across the cell membrane. The cell membrane’s ability to accommodate this

transmembrane mass transfer will manifest itself as a detectable change in the lipid signal of the

MC. The preliminary hypothesis to be examined in this present study is that the there is a detectable



lipid signal distinction between planktonic microbes and microbes adhered to polyester. Though

the lipid signal changes detected in this present study may in part be due to enzyme secretion and

nutrient uptake, this initial study is not designed to test the causal relationship between microbial

lipid composition, enzyme secretion and nutrient uptake.

What biophysical phenomena may be responsible for this lipidome signal shift?

This section will outline a biophysical rationale for why enzyme secretion may be a

contributing factor in the lipid signal shift observed in this study. Before proceeding, the reader is

advised here at the outset to keep in mind this project’s scope in terms of both its objectives and

boundaries. This pilot study was originally focused on estimating the minimum surface area of

polyester substrate required to obtain 25 mg of a microbial pellet for LCMS lipidomic analysis.

The current study was not designed to investigate the association between lipid composition and

enzyme secretion.

In terms of physical dimensions, secreted enzymes may be approximated on the order of 5-10

nm length scales. The cell wall thickness is on the order of 4 nm (Milo, 2015). Endo/Exocytosis

may be accommodated by structural compliance and elasticity in the cell wall. Saturated lipids pack

more densely relative to mono-and polyunsaturated lipids (Madigan, 2012). Klose et al. observed

the concentration of unsaturated glycerophospholipids increased with increased hydrocarbon chain

length when incubated in raffinose- and glycerol media compared to glucose media which is a

small-molecule carbon source (Klose, 2012). Lipidome shifts toward unsaturated lipids may

potentially be correlated with cell wall composition changes associated with a cell’s nutrient

interaction with an external substrate. If a sufficiently detectable number of microbes are using a

polyester substrate as a nutrient source, then the hypothesis would predict a lipidome signal increase

in the unsaturated:saturated lipid ratio. Confirming this lipid ratio increase would require Nuclear

Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis (Alexandri, 2017). Setting aside the choice of

instrumentation selection, there is potential scientific value in detecting this lipid ratio increase.

Namely the lipid signal can conceivably be used to infer MC interactions with a polyester substrate.

If lipid signal changes can be causally established, replicated over a range of operating conditions,

and the lipid change is unique to specific substrate types, then the lipid change can potentially yield

a characteristic lipidome signature which can be correlated to MC-substrate interaction. This

present study is confined to analyzing a single pilot study sample set using LC-MS analysis. The

goal of this study is to demonstrate a lipidomic differential analysis workflow comparing microbes



grown in the presence of a polyester substrate to microbes not grown in the presence of the polyester



The goal of this study is to identify differences in the lipid signal between aerobic planktonic

microbes and aerobic microbes adhering to a polyester substrate in the UAJA municipal wastewater

treatment facility.

Objective (Specific aim):

Measure and quantify relative differences in the lipid composition between planktonic

microbial consortiums (MC) and MC adhered to a PET substrate. To recap, the term ‘planktonic’

refers here to a free-catch wastewater sample that is not in contact with the plastic substrate.


Hypothesis Lipid composition hypothesis

• Null (Ho) The lipid composition of microbes adhered to a polyester

PET substrate is not different than the lipid

composition of planktonic free catch microbes.

• Alternate (H1) The lipid composition of microbes adhered to a polyester

PET substrate is different than the lipid

composition of planktonic free catch microbes.

Variable type Description

• Independent substrate type

• polyester (PET)

• wastewater planktonic free-catch sample

• Dependent lipid species type – reported MS units: Area Under the Curve


• Confounding growth phase | ambient oil/grease

biofilm thickness | dissolved O2 variability

environmental conditions (temperature, light intensity)

presence of PET microfibers in wastewater



MWTF glycerol supplement

manual removal of excess solids from substrate during sample


Unintended contamination from field and laboratory origins


• Positive None in the present study

• Negative None in the present study

• Internal None in the present study


• Instrumentation: Mass spectrometry using Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid

• Sample size: PET adhered biological sample: 20 mg wet pellet

Planktonic biological sample: 767 mg wet pellet

• Replicates 1 biological replicate | 0 technical replicates

• Randomization No

• Blinding No



Chapter 4


The specific question this project answers is the following: Is the microbial lipid composition

a biochemical signal that differentiates microbes adhering to polyester substrate versus floating

free? The proposed method to answer this question is lipidomic analysis. The methodology consists

of five steps: field sampling, sample preparation, chromatography, mass spectrometry, sample

analysis and data analysis. The following sections describe these steps.

Prior to describing these steps the rationale for selecting the wastewater treatment facility will

be described. The University Area Joint Authority (UAJA) wastewater treatment facility is located

at 1576 Spring Valley Rd, State College, PA 16801 (Latitude: 40.838850, Longitude: -77.818700).

The UAJA serves the Penn State University and surrounding communities in central Pennsylvania.

The average flow rate is approximately 15-26 million liters per day. The hydraulic retention time

is approximately 8 hours. The solid retention time is approximately 30 days. (Brant, 2020). The

UAJA discharges treated water into Spring Creek approximately 3 km upstream of Benner Spring

State Fish Hatchery located at 1735 Shiloh Road State College, PA 16801 (Latitude: 40.857820,

Longitude: -77.812540). The average trout production of the hatchery is cited as 152,573 kg

(336,366 lbs). (Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, 2021).

The aerobic tank was selected for sampling instead of the anaerobic or anoxic tanks in order

to align this study to prior marine and freshwater studies in which microbe and microplastic sample

collection was conducted at or near the water surface levels in oceans, lakes and rivers.

(McCormick, 2014) (Jacquin, 2019) (World Health Organization, 2019).

Field sampling

The original aim of the pilot study was to estimate the polyester substrate surface area

required to obtain 20-25 mg pellet mass per sample of microbial material to perform lipidomic

analysis. Lipidomic analysis requires 25 mg/sample, with 6 replicates recommended for publication

quality analysis (Smith, 2021). During the time period 2 October – 12 November 2020, 20 m of

high tenacity continuous multi-filament polyester yarn fiber, hereafter referred to as fiber,

(Goodfellow Ltd LS538362 ES / ES 305730/1) was submerged ~0.5-1 meter below the water

surface into aerobic tank number # 1 at the UAJA wastewater treatment facility (Martin, 2011).



The sampling location is designated with the purple chevron in Figure 17. The polyester fiber was

composed of 192 filaments. The diameter of each individual filament is 0.023 mm. The overall

approximate width is 2 mm wide and 100 µm thick. This particular polyester fiber was selected

because the supplier provided material specifications and purchasing options online that would

permit internal or independent reproducibility studies. The supplier also provided the polyester

fiber sample at no charge. The 40 day time duration and the October-November time period were

chosen to accommodate scheduling commitments during the semester. Future studies would

determine the optimal time duration and surface area required to produce a 25 mg pellet sample.

Sampling with replicates across different months would inform estimates of sample mass

variability with respect to season.

This polyester fiber material was not sterilized prior to use. The 20 m fiber sample was tied

to non-sterilized stainless steel washers every two meters in order to ensure the sample remained

submerged. The washers were fastened to a non-sterilized stainless steel carriage bolt with a

stainless steel hardware nut so as to compactly coil loop the 20 m fiber sample. A cotton fiber rope

was used to maintain the sample at the approximate 1 m depth below the water level. This study

was conducted at this one depth because the pilot study objective was to estimate the polyester

substrate surface area required to produce a 25 mg pellet. Future studies would collect samples at

multiple depths in order to determine if depth affects microbe and lipid composition. Future studies

might also implement a test fixture which permits the polyester sample to move throughout a larger

portion of the aerobic tank to imitate the unconstrained travel of an actual polyester microplastic

particle of pollutant.

This 20 m sample yielded a 20 mg wet pellet after sample preparation described below. On

12 November 2020, the sample was removed from the aerobic tank. The fiber coil was placed in a

polyethylene infectious waste biohazard bag (similar to Grainger Item # 3UAF2 – exact supplier

catalog number not known) and tied shut with a metal tie strap. The bag containing the sample was

covered with ice until returning to the laboratory for sample preparation. Nitrile chemical resistant

gloves were used to handle the sample insertion and removal from the aerobic tank. On or about

17 November 2021, the planktonic sample was collected from the same aforementioned location

and approximate depth in the aerobic tank of the wastewater treatment facility. To recap, the term

‘planktonic’ refers here to a free-catch wastewater sample that is not in contact with a plastic

substrate. No field blank sample with laboratory-sourced water was collected as a means to account

for potential external contaminants introduced via the sampling equipment and protocol.



The sample was collected using the UAJA’s designated plastic scoop cup. Model number and

material properties not known. The approximate 700 mL planktonic sample was placed in a cleaned

and rinsed 40 oz plastic container with screw top lid (Plastic polymer type not known). The plastic

container was placed in a polyethylene infectious waste biohazard bag and tied shut with a metal

tie strap. The bag containing the sample was covered with ice until returning to the laboratory for

sample preparation. Nitrile chemical resistant gloves were used to handle the sample insertion and

removal from the aerobic tank.

Figure 17: UAJA municipal wastewater treatment facility schematic (Martin, 2011)

Sample preparation

Upon retrieval from the UAJA, the samples were brought back to the laboratory. A cotton

laboratory coat and nitrile gloves were worn during all laboratory handling of the sample. A fume

hood was cleaned with 10% bleach solution prior to placing the sample in the hood for preparation.

Excess solid waste was manually removed from the fiber using a non-sterilized razor to repeatedly

scrape the polyester fiber surface at room temperature. The 20 m polyester fiber was cut into ~5

cm segments. These segments were not treated as biological replicates because they originated from

the same 20 m segment of submerged polyester fiber. The segments are not treated as technical

replicates because the entire 20 m length of fiber was required to obtain a single 20 mg wet pellet

for LC-MS analysis. The 5 cm cut-length was selected in order to fit multiple segments into a single

Eppendorf Tube. Adhered biological material bound to fiber segments was removed by placing the



5 cm polyester segments in Eppendorf tubes (ET) containing 45 mL Dulbecco’s Phosphate-

Buffered Saline (PBS) (Mediatech Cat No. 21-031-CV) and shaken for 120 min [RPM not recorded]

at room temperature. Sediment collected from the ET was then passed through a 149 µm Spectra

mesh polypropylene filter (Spectra No. 145773) using vacuum filtration and stainless steel utensils.

The vacuum filtration was performed on an unenclosed laboratory bench. Vacuum filtration was

not performed in the fume hood due to the hood’s vacuum ports not being connected to the

building’s vacuum system. Filtrate was centrifuged for 10 min at 24 ºC 8000 rpm (7741 G)

(Beckman Coulter rotor JA-30.50). Approximately 5 ET tubes cracked during centrifuging. A 50

mL serological pipette was used to collect the filtrate and re-centrifuge the sample. The final wet

pellet mass obtained from the 20 m polyester fiber sample was 20 mg. The methodology described

for the polyester substrate sample preparation was also used for preparing the planktonic control

sample. The final pellet mass obtained from the planktonic sample was 767 mg. Three relevant

differences between the preparation of the planktonic and PET adhered pellet samples are: (1) the

planktonic pellet was filtered through a ~40 µm filter instead of a 149 µm filter due to our laboratory

no longer having 149 µm filters in stock. (2) The PET adhered pellet required approximately 6

hours of laboratory preparation time compared to the approximate 2 hours of preparation time for

the planktonic sample. (3) Both pellets were prepared at room temperature. The planktonic pellet

was stored at -20 ºC for 3 days prior to lipid analysis. The PET adhered pellet was stored at 4 ºC

for 7 days. The reason for this was because the -20 ºC freezer was located in another laboratory,

which I did not know at the time that I had permission to use. Interpret the following results of this

pilot study with these factors in mind. Preparing the microbial samples at room temperature for 2-

6 hours potentially impacts the lipid composition. Similarly the difference between the -20 ºC

versus the 4 ºC storage temperature for the PET adhered and planktonic sample may also impact

the lipid composition. Future studies would use one or more microbial model organisms to quantify

whether lipid composition is impacted by filtration protocols conducted across a range of

temperatures and time durations.

Sample analysis

LC-MS analysis was performed using Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid

according to Penn State Metabolomic Facility Specific Protocol # PSU-HILSMCF-UHPLCMS-

005b: UHPLC-MS Protocol for Lipids -Bacteria (Penn State Metabolomics Core Facility Specific

Protocol, 2021). Directly quoting from the core facility protocol: Samples were separated by



reverse phase HPLC using a Vanquish UHPLC system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA)

with a Waters (Milford, MA) CSH C18 column (150mm x 1mm 1.7 µm particle size) maintained

at 65 ºC and a 15 minute gradient, at a flow rate of 110 µl /min. Solvent A was 40% HPLC grade

water and 60% HPLC grade acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid and 10 mM ammonium formate,

Solvent B was 90% HPLC grade isopropanol and 10% HPLC grade acetonitrile with 0.1% formic

acid and 10 mM ammonium formate. The initial conditions were 85% A and 15 % B, increasing to

30% B at 2 min, 48% B at 2.5 min., 82% B at 11 min, and 99% B at 11.01 min where it was held

at 99% B until 12.95 min before returning to the initial conditions at 13.00 min. The eluate was

delivered into an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid™ mass spectrometer using a H-ESI™ ion source

(Thermo Fisher Scientific). The mass spectrometer was scanned from 200-1000 m/z at a resolution

of 120,000 and operated in polarity switching mode for the first 12 min, and in positive mode only

for the last three minutes. The capillary voltage was set at 4kV in positive ion mode, and 2.5kV in

negative ion mode with an RF lens value of 60%, and an AGC target of 4 x 105 with a maximum

injection time of 50 ms.

ThermoFisher LipidSearch 4.2.27 software was used to create a list of molecular formulas.

ThermoFisher Compound Discoverer 3.2 was used to perform an untargeted lipidomic workflow.

Polarity mode filter scanned both positive and negative spectra. Retention times (RT) alignment

used the adaptive curve model with 2 min maximum shift and 5 ppm mass tolerance. Compound

detection used a minimum peak intensity setting of 1x106 with 30% intensity tolerance and signal

to noise (S/N) threshold of 3. Compound consolidation used a 5 ppm mass tolerance and 0.2 min

RT tolerance. [M+H]+1 ion fragments were selected for analysis. Blank background compounds

were hidden. This means that MS peaks detected in the blank sample were not included in the

alignment of the planktonic and PET adhered lipids. The searched mass list was imported from

LipidSearch 4.2.27. Compound prediction settings specified 5 ppm mass tolerance. Rings-and-

double-bonds -equivalent (RDBE) were set to 0 and 40, respectively. Hydrogen/Carbon ratio

minimum and maximum settings were 0.1 and 4, respectively. Maximum number of candidates

was 10. Pattern matching intensity tolerance was 30%. Intensity threshold was 0.1%. S/N threshold

was 3. Dynamic calibration setting was set to True. Fragmentation data was used for candidate

ranking with 5 ppm mass tolerance and S/N threshold of 3. ChemSpider searched LipidMAPS

database by formulae name with 5 ppm mass tolerance, 100 maximum results stored per compound

and 3 maximum predicted compositions. Minimum spectral fit for a valid candidate was 20.

Maximum allowed difference between spectral fit value of the best and worst candidates was 20.



Differential analysis of lipid species was performed by comparing Area Under the Curve (AUC)

magnitudes for the PET adhered sample to the AUC magnitudes for the planktonic sample.

Data analysis

Aligned lipid species AUC values for PET adhered and planktonic samples were downloaded

from ThermoFisher Compound Discoverer 3.2 into a Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx) files. The xlsx files

were imported and analyzed in R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit).

The following packages and libraries were installed. Dplyr, plyr, plotly, ggplot2, tidyr, splus2R,

ggrepel, treemap, MASS, data.table, regclass. Lipid species were grouped according to lipid class

using R filter-grepl functions on the spreadsheet column text descriptions of lipid identities. The

following lipid classes were selected for study: ceramide (CER), diacylglycerol (DG), fatty acids

(FA), phosphatidylcholines (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), fatty acids (FA), triglyceride

(TG). Other lipid classes were detected but were not included in the analysis primarily because

they contained very few lipid species. Spreadsheet rows without text descriptions of lipid species

were not used in this analysis. Lipid species with undetectable AUC readings were assigned a scalar

value equal to one, resulting in a log10 reading equal to zero, as shown in the following figures.



Chapter 5

Results and Discussion

Total spectra generated was 6,329. Blank 1 and 2 generated 1,568 and 1,563 spectra

respectively. Blanks can generate peaks due to contaminants in laboratory environment, materials

and reagents. PET and planktonic samples generated 1,594, 1,604 spectra, respectively.

LipidMAPS database was used for annotation. In total 3,830 compounds were detected.

Compounds are grouped by molecular weight and retention time across the PET and planktonic

samples, respectively. The minimum and maximum molecular weights detected spanned 264-933

Daltons (Da). Retention times spanned 4.58-15.39 min. The following lipid classes were selected

for study: ceramide (CER), diacylglycerol (DG), fatty acids (FA), phosphatidylcholines (PC),

phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), fatty acids (FA), triglyceride (TG). Other lipid classes were

detected but were not included in the analysis primarily because they contained very few lipid


The first question posed is whether the number of unique microbial lipid species in each lipid

class depends on the sample substrate type, namely planktonic control versus PET substrate. The

answer is no, the data does not suggest a lipid class dependence on substrate type. Figure 18

summarizes the number of unique lipid species detected within each of the six lipid classes. The x-

axis shows the lipid classes. The y-axis shows the counts for unique lipid species within each class.

The red data points show the total number of unique lipid species for each class from the planktonic

control. The cyan data points show the total number of unique lipid species for each class for the

PET-adhered microbial sample. One key take-away of this figure is that the control and PET

samples do in fact contain detectable levels of unique species detected per lipid class. However

these count values cannot be interpreted to make inferences about absolute or relative abundance

of lipid classes or species on a mass or concentration basis between the two samples. The reader is

cautioned to use the lines connecting the data points only as visual aids. The lines are not intended

to convey a trend across the categorical x-axis variable – lipid class. Further caution: This study

lacks sufficient replicates and does not analyze other substrates such as glass and stainless steel.

For these reasons, these results shown here cannot be interpreted to mean that the observed

difference is due exclusively to the microbes adhering to a PET substrate.



Figure 18: Composition of unique lipid species across select classes for planktonic and PET

bacteria samples. Lines overlaid on data points for visual aid purpose. Lines do not suggest trends

across the categorical variable of lipid class.

A Chi-square test for independence was performed on the two samples, the planktonic and PET

adhered samples, contained in Figure 18. The purpose was to test the above mentioned hypothesis:

Do the number of lipid species within each of the seven lipid classes shown on the x-axis differ

between the two samples? The Chi-square null hypothesis was that the number of lipid species

within each lipid class was independent of the two samples. The alternate hypothesis is that the

number of lipid species within each lipid class is dependent on the samples. At a 0.05 significance

level, the null hypothesis failed to be rejected. The implication of this conclusion is that microbial

lipid species counts across classes do not depend on the sample. In other words, although there is

a numerical difference in lipid species per class between control and sample, this observed

difference is not greater than would be expected if the planktonic and PET bacterial populations

contained equal number of lipid species in each class. Because no other substrate types were

included in this study, it is not possible to attribute differences observed within or between lipid

classes to the substrate type.

The second question is whether the relative abundance of individual lipid species differs

between the two samples. The answer is yes according to this albeit single-replicate dataset. Prior

to explaining this affirmatory answer to this question, the following interpretation precautions are

recapped up front. Here again, lack of replication, differences in sample preparation and lack of

lipid concentration calibration standards prevents a definitive conclusion. Without calibration

standards, it is not possible to convert the mass spectrometry measurement unit – Area Under the

Curve (AUC), into a concentration value. Lipid detection efficiency is not constant for all lipids.



Without the use of calibration standards, a larger AUC for a given lipid does not imply greater

abundance relative to another lipid with a lower AUC. Quantified comparisons of lipids measured

using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry [LC-MS] require the use of internal standards that

get spiked into samples at the time of injection. Standards allow lipid extraction efficiency and

injection reproducibility to be quantified. These type of standards were not run with this sample

because quantifying the lipid composition was not the intended goal of this pilot study. Without

knowledge of extraction efficiency it is not possible to compare LC-MS Area Under the Curve

[AUC] values between the control (planktonic) and treatment (PET-adhered) samples. Nor is it

valid to quantitatively compare AUC's within the control or treatment because extraction efficiency

varies across individual lipid species. Further, running standards through LC-MS after the samples

are processed does not permit a post-hoc calibration. Extraction efficiency of lipid species is not

only a function of the LC column and MS configuration but also sample preparation prior to loading

(Smith, 2021).

With these caveats in mind, Figure 19 illustrates how the raw data might conceivably suggest

that the relative abundance of certain diaglycerol (DG) lipid species is dependent on whether the

sample was taken from planktonic versus PET-adhered microbes. For orientation - the horizontal

axis indicates the AUC measurement for the planktonic control sample in log10 transformed units.

The vertical axis indicates the AUC measurement for the PET substrate sample also in log10

transformed units. The green 45º line indicates the graphical location of equal AUC readings

between control and PET-adhered sample. Lipid species located on the green line have equal AUC

detection readings between control and sample. Lipid species located above the green line

correspond to lipids with greater AUC readings in the PET-adhered microbe samples relative to the

planktonic control.



Figure 19: Diacylglycerol (DG) composition of planktonic control versus PET-adhered

microbial sample

Similarly, Figure 20 illustrates the raw data might likewise suggest that the relative abundance of

certain phosphotidylcholine (PC) lipid species is dependent on whether the sample was taken from

planktonic versus PET-adhered bacteria. For legibility purposes only 30 DG species are annotated

in Figure 19 and 25 PC species in Figure 20.



Figure 20: Phosphotidylcholine (PC) composition of planktonic control versus PET-adhered

bacteria sample

Figure 21 illustrates the results for the five other lipid classes with 3 similar categories of lipid

species: (1) Lipid species present in the PET-adhered sample but not the planktonic, (2) Lipid

species present in the planktonic, but not in the PET-adhered sample and, (3) Lipids present in

roughly equal AUC units in both control and PET samples. Reiterating – AUC is not an absolute

measure of abundance and is subject to measurement uncertainty due to detection efficiency,

among other factors. The relevance of measurement uncertainty as it pertains to this study will be

addressed below.



Figure 21: Lipid species composition according to lipid class based on Area Under the Curve

[AUC] observations for planktonic vs PET-adhered samples

The key take away is that if these three general categories can be reliably reproduced under

calibrated concentration standards for multiple plastic and control substrates, then it is conceivable

to develop a lipid-based indicator of microbial consortium adhesion to a given plastic substrate.

Formulating an experimentally-derived index of microbial adhesion to polyester substrates

In the previous chapters, the lipid-based Hydrocarbon Degrading Activity Index (HDAI)

developed by Aries et al. was cited as a motivation for pursuing this current study. The HDAI

proposed by Aries is shown in Figure 22.



Figure 22: Lipid-based Hydrocarbon Degrading Activity Index (HDAI) proposed by Aries et

al. (Aries)

Aries et al. put forth the HDAI as a metric to infer oil pollution degradation capability of a

microbial consortium based on its lipid composition (Aries, 2001). Similarly, this current study

aims to advance microbial research efforts to metabolically degrade microplastic in wastewater by

using lipids to infer microbial consortiums’ adhesion to polyester substrates. Towards this aim, I

propose a plastic adhering indicator or index.

What biotechnological purpose might a plastic adhering indicator or index (PAI) serve? A PAI

would conceivably be used as a screening metric for prioritizing microbial consortiums for plastic

degradation and flocculation potential. Microbial degradation of plastic is known to take days to

years depending on the bioreactor or natural environmental conditions (Jacquin, 2019). This wait-

and-see time delay logistically impacts experimental iteration by microbiologists and wastewater

engineers seeking to improve degradation and flocculation characteristics of microbial consortiums

or their environmental conditions. A PAI potentially serves as a biochemical-based metric to rank

microbial consortium capabilities relative to the lipid characteristics of known microbial


The following presents a simplified use-case scenario: A microbial consortium is

experimentally observed to degrade or flocculate a polyester substrate. Imagine for a moment, lipid



analysis is the only available analytical tool to characterize the biochemical characteristics of the

microbial consortium.

A lipid analysis is performed on the consortiums adhered to the polyester and control substrates.

In this simplified analysis scenario imagine a single lipid species is selected for the PAI metric.

Selection of this single lipid species would be based on analysis of plots similar to Figure 20. In

this scenario, an ideal lipid species for the PAI would be a species that is abundant in the PET

adhered microbial consortia but absent in the planktonic or control consortia. Now fast forward to

a future point in time in which several members of an independent research team each observe

several new microbial consortia adhering to polyester substrates. Given limited funding, personnel

and time constraints, the future research direction must be prioritized to select one single microbial

consortium for further investigation. What indicators should the team rely upon to choose one

consortium from multiple candidates? In this simplified scenario the abundance of the single lipid

species may be used as the scoring index, or PAI. Consortiums with PAI values most similar to, or

greater than, the prior ascertained ‘benchmark-standard’ reference would be given priority.

Undoubtedly in a real-world context, other metrics in addition to lipid composition might be used

to prioritize a research decision. But the underlying rationale for how to prioritize remains

regardless of how many parameters are at the disposal of the researcher.

Returning to this simple single lipid indicator, a PAI (I) can mathematically be constructed

using the following equation.

𝑰 = $𝒅&𝒄𝒑)𝟐 Equation 1


d = the detected concentration of the single lipid molecule from an unknown microbial consortium

on a PET plastic substrate

c = the detected concentration of the single lipid molecule on a control substrate

p = the detected concentration of the single lipid molecule from a known 'benchmark-standard'

microbial consortium on a PET plastic substrate

This formulation of the PAI was developed for this current study. It is intended for lipids with

non-zero concentration benchmark- levels due to the non-zero denominator requirement. Within

this context, larger PAI values suggest lipid profiles associated with adhesion. PAI values greater

than 1 suggest even greater abundance of the lipid species in the unknown microbial consortium

relative to the known ‘benchmark’. Key here is that the PAI is based on experimental data and is

therefore influenced by measurement error. Incorporating measurement uncertainty (UI) into the



PAI is based on National Institute of Standards and Technology metrology guidelines (Taylor,

2001). Measurement uncertainty (UI) of the PAI (I) is expressed as follows:

𝑼𝑰𝟐 = $𝝏𝑰𝝏𝒅)𝟐(𝑼𝒅)𝟐 + $

𝝏𝑰𝝏𝒄)𝟐(𝑼𝒄)𝟐 + $


𝟐 Equation 2

𝑼𝑰 = 23$𝝏𝑰𝝏𝒅)𝟐(𝑼𝒅)𝟐 + $

𝝏𝑰𝝏𝒄)𝟐(𝑼𝒄)𝟐 + $


𝟐4 Equation 3

𝝏𝑰𝝏𝒅= $(𝟐𝒅 − 𝟐𝒄)𝒑&𝟐) Equation 4

𝝏𝑰𝝏𝒄= $(𝟐𝒄 − 𝟐𝒅)𝒑&𝟐) Equation 5

𝝏𝑰𝝏𝒑= $−𝟐𝒑0𝒅𝟐 − 𝟐𝒅𝒄+ 𝒄𝟐1) Equation 6

The uncertainty terms for Ud, Uc, Up are the statistical variances in the lipid species’

concentration calculated by computing variance across experimental replicates.

The PAI using n-lipid species is:

𝑰 = ∑ 3𝒘𝒊 $𝒅𝒊&𝒄𝒊𝒑𝒊)𝟐4𝒏

𝒊:𝟏 Equation 7

The scientific importance of the PAI uncertainty analysis is that it quantitatively accounts

for compounding measurement uncertainty in the PAI interval for any number of n- lipid species

based on an internationally accepted metrology-based standard. While alternative formulations of

the PAI shown in Equation 1 should be evaluated by the research community, the key contribution

of this index inspired by Aries et al’s Hydrocarbon Degrading Activity Index (HDAI) is that from

a metrology perspective, experimentally derived indices are no different than experimental data.

There is uncertainty inherent in both experimental data and indices derived from experimental data.

Therefore it is informative to the end-user if the index’s scalar value is systematically reported

along with its measurement uncertainty.



Chapter 6


This pilot study experiment was intended to support a larger research effort to determine if the

microbial lipid composition could serve as a signal for microbial metabolic degradation of polyester

microplastic in municipal wastewater operations. Due to funding limitations the experimental work

to explore this aim has not yet progressed beyond this pilot project that focused on microbial

adhesion. Whether future studies focus on degradation or adhesion, additional funding would

foremost be used to address the replication shortcoming of this current study. The Huck

Metabolomic Core Facility recommends a minimum of 6 biological replicates for publication. This

study used a single 20 m piece of polyester fiber in order to estimate surface area requirements for

follow-on studies that would incorporate replicates. This study therefore used one biological

replicate and one technical replicate. Additional plastic polymers like polyethylene and nylon

would be tested along with negative control substrates such as Teflon, stainless steel and glass.

Stainless steel and glass substrates would serve as internal controls for the laboratory equipment

that will come in contact with the microbes and substrates. Additionally, commercially available

lipid standards would enable quantitative calibration and aid replication by independent research


The rationale for this experiment was motivated by Aries et al’s research. Aries et al.

demonstrated a microbial consortium exhibited a lipid composition shift when the consortium was

moved from an ammonium acetate medium into a petroleum-oil-based medium. Aries et al.

presented a hydrocarbon degrading activity index (HDAI) based on measuring oil degradation and

quantifying the consortium changes in lipid species concentration levels (Aries, 2001).

Whereas the Aries study measured degradation of the oil, this present study did not measure

degradation of the PET substrate. The lipids detected in this study are only indicative of the

microbes adhering to the substrate. The present study did not have a degradation metric to evaluate

the microbial consortium’s performance and was therefore unable to contemplate a Plastic

Degrading Index. Future studies would consider experiments which combine lipid, metabolic or

gene expression signals with carbon isotope labelled plastic substrates in order to link substrate

degradation to microbial metabolic uptake.

Were this study to measure degradation and lipid parameters, the following hypothesis

would be tested: Is PET substrate degradation associated with an increase in the unsaturated-to-



saturated hydrocarbon bond content? The rationale for this hypothesis is as follows: Lipid

membranes are the boundary between the microbe’s interior and its environment. Degradation of

plastic polymer substrates may likely require microbes to secrete enzymes capable of breaking

polymer bonds into smaller molecular substituents. Enzymes can be estimated to have a 5 nm

diameter (Milo, 2015). Prokaryotic microbes can be estimated to be 1 µm in length and 1 µm3 (Milo,

2015). Cell lipid membranes can be estimated to have a 4 nm thickness (Milo, 2015). Exocytosis

of a 5nm diameter enzyme likely requires the cell membrane to be capable of structural compliance

or elasticity. This elasticity can be achieved by incorporating a greater quantity of unsaturated lipids

in the cell wall. The hypothesis would compare the unsaturated:saturated lipid composition ratio of

wastewater microbes adhering to PET relative to control substrates such as glass or free-floating

planktonic microbes under otherwise identical ambient conditions.

Addressing critiques of this project

One criticism of this project is that the hydraulic and solid retention times of this MWTF are

too short to permit non-genetically modified microbes to metabolically biodegrade polyester; 8 hrs

and 30 days respectively. The response to this criticism is the following: (1) Metabolic

biodegradation of polyester by native MWTF microbes is not the only goal. Improving the

flocculation rate of polyester MP is equally important to investigate in order to reduce MP pollution

entering watersheds. MP buoyancy is impacted by microbial adhesion. This study focuses on

microbial adhesion to polyester and can inform solutions that target MP buoyancy. (2) Genetically

modified microbe organisms (GMO) may ultimately be required to accomplish in-situ degradation

with 8 hrs or 30 days. The justification to undertake GMO solutions and assume the potential risks

associated with introducing genetically modified organisms into MWTF would be strengthened by

documenting multiple independent investigations who have attempted but failed to metabolically

degrade polyester in-situ with native MWTF microbes.

Undertaking investigations of native MWTF to metabolize and flocculate polyester, along with

other plastic polymers is incremental and pragmatic. The lessons learned from these attempts will

inform future multi-omic analysis in noisy environmental systems. Promoting incremental and

pragmatic foundational work prior to introducing GMO technologies into MWTF to address MP

pollution may allay public concerns. (3) The retention time constraint of MWTF is a valid concern.

But the question remains- where is a better location to target MP in the waste stream if the goal is

to prevent MP in wastewater from entering watersheds? Should filtration systems upstream of

MWTFs or within households be the primary focus? If a sufficiently effective filtration system



were to be invented, how will homeowners be cost-effectively incentivized to retro-fit their

plumbing? How will homeowners be incentivized to perform regular maintenance on it if needed?

Will regulation be required to accomplish these goals? Would regulation and home inspection-

based solutions be more or less costly or likely to succeed relative to targeting microbial metabolic

degradation and flocculation of MP in MWTF? Perhaps synthetic textiles can be manufactured to

improve metabolic degradation and flocculation of MP. Until such changes in manufacturing

procedures, regulations or home-owners practices are realized, society may be faced with a steady

or continually increasing rate of MP pollution entering MWTF. If MP pollution in MWTF effluent

is a concern to animal, human, habitat health, then a multi-approach solution strategy may be

justified. One of these justified approaches for the foreseeable future may be continuing to

investigate native microbe interactions with MP in MWTFs.

A second criticism of this study is that lipid analysis is not a well suited biochemical indicator

of adhesion because of the many confounding factors mentioned in prior chapters. Metabolic or

gene expression analysis may be a more reliable signal. I agree with this criticism. Future work

should investigate these signals as well.

Limitations and lessons learned

The following limitations and lessons learned would be addressed into future studies: (1) Per

the guidance of the Huck Metabolomics Core Facility Director, six biological replicates for each

substrate would be analyzed (Smith, 2021). (2) Ideally three technical replicates would be analyzed

per substrate for quantifying measurement uncertainty variance of the LC-MS instrument. (3) The

following substrates would be analyzed: polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high density

polyethylene (HDPE), low density polyethylene (LDPE), nylon, stainless steel, glass, Teflon, and

a planktonic free catch ‘substrate’. The planktonic sample is a negative control to account for lipid

composition of unadhered bacteria. Teflon is a negative control. No microbes are expected to

adhere to Teflon. Lipids signals detected from the Teflon sample should be analyzed with caution

across the other substrates. LDPE and HDPE substrates are common microplastic polymers. (4)

These substrates should be obtained from sources with documentation to enable independent

studies to acquire and replicate the same quality and purity of materials. (5) Each of these substrates

must possess sufficient surface area to yield a 25 mg wet pellet for LC-MS analysis (Penn State

Metabolomics Core Facility Specific Protocol, 2021) (Smith, 2021). For comparison this current

study used 20 m of PET fiber which yielded only a 20 mg wet pellet. Additional pilot studies for



each of these substrates will be required to determine the needed substrate surface area. (6) The

total time between extracting the substrates from the WWTF, through sample preparation, filtering

and cryo-storage needs to be minimized. The lipid composition potentially changes during the

harvest and sample preparation time. This poses a confounding variable. A side-study would

address this confounding variable by systematically quantifying the change in lipid composition as

a function of sample preparation duration. Further, a side-study would also quantify the change in

lipid composition as a function of the temperature at which the sample preparation was performed.

(7) Processing upwards of six substrate types with six replicates each imposes time, material and

logistical challenges. Ideally all substrates and sample replicates are submitted to LC-MS analysis

in the same batch. The feasibility of achieving this requires design of a sampling fixture that quickly

permits samples to be extracted from the WWTF, filtered and cryo-stored at the field site.

Accomplishing this may require coordination with UAJA staff to make use of on-site laboratory

facilities as well as transporting liquid nitrogen from campus to UAJA. Developing the sampling

fixture and the on-site standard operating procedures will require side-studies unto itself. (8)

Internal lipid standards are required during LC-MS analysis in order to quantify and compare the

lipid concentrations across substrates. (9) The hypothesis would be that the mean concentration of

individual lipid species responds to the treatment of selected substrates types. This hypothesis

would be tested using analysis of variance. The null hypothesis is that all substrates have the same

concentration of a specific lipid species. The alternative hypothesis is that at least one substrate

has a different concentration of a specific lipid species. Replicates would enable confidence

intervals to be assigned to the concentration of each respective lipid species. (10) To avoid

contributing to publication bias which has already been noted in (micro)plastic degradation

research (Krueger, 2015), experimental design plans would be submitted to a Pre-Registered

journal publication to obtain phase 1 peer-review feedback and approval. Publishing this study in

a Pre-Registered journal promotes transparent and reproducible scientific practices, improves

public access to project data by recommending adoption of data management plan best practices,

improves public integrity of the scientific process, reduces publication bias and concerns related to

hypothesizing-after-results-are-known (Noseka, 2018).

Indices such as the Aries HDAI or the aforementioned PAI are calculated based on

experimental measurements. An adhesion or degradation index using one or more lipid species

should consider accounting for the uncertainty contribution of each respective species. Lipids with



highly efficient extraction factors combined with a low variance in extraction yield should be

weighted higher than lipids with low efficiency extraction and high variability in extraction yield.

Extension of the PAI to include microbial metabolites along with lipids is also conceivable. In

conclusion, multi-omic analysis of municipal wastewater microbes addresses a current societal

concern using current scientific knowledge and methods to evaluate microbial degradation of

microplastic pollution.




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