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Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited

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  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    C h a p t e r -

    I N T R O D U C T I O N

    1.1 Introduction

    1.1.1 Historical Background of Kist Bank Ltd.

    The Kist Merchant Banking and finance limited (Bittiya Sanstha) was

    incorporated in 2!" B#S# as a !!th company $nder the financial company %ct&

    licensed 'y the epal astraya Bank (Central Bank of epal) to $ndertake financial

    ser*ice in the co$ntry# The company has commenced its operation from 2+st ,e'r$ary

    2 and the Kist Merchant Banking and ,inance .imited (Bittiya Sanstha) has 'een

    transformed in to Kist Bank .imited on dated 2/th Baishak 200 B#S# same company

    %ct& licensed 'y the epal astraya Bank (Central 'ank of epal) to $ndertake

    Banking ser*ice in the co$ntry#

    Kist Bank .td# has !+ 'ranches with /!+ staffs at the end of fiscal year 20010in which "#/03 staffs are female and 0#!/3 staffs are male# 4p to fiscal year of

    %sar month& + staffs (2"#/"3) are holding Master degree& staffs (+#!!3) are

    holding Charactered %cco$ntant degree& +/5 staffs (2#5+3) are holding Bachelor

    degree& " staffs (+"#"!3) are holding 62 degree& staffs (#+3) are holding S#.#C#

    degree and / staffs (5#503) are $nder S#.#C# of total staffs (/!+)#

    K7ST Bank .td# is committed to pro*ide *ario$s financial ser*ices to its

    c$stomers# The company encompasses a range of ser*ices& each catering to a specific

    need or segment of the c$stomer# The company has an $n'roken track record of

    di*idend payment since its first p$'lic iss$e of share# The company has set o$t theo'8ecti*e of reaching o$t to the general people with a host or prod$ct and ser*ices that

    is e9pected to 'e helpf$l to them in their path to prosperity# :*er the *ery short period

    of time& the company has achie*ed significant s$ccess in e9ec$ting this o'8ecti*e and

    has created a tremendo$s sense of loyalty amongst its c$stomers# ;fficiency in

    operation and has created a tremendo$s sense of loyalty amongst its c$stomers#

    ;fficiency in operation& integrity and a strong foc$s on creating the needs of the

    indi*id$al people thro$gh high

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    1.1.2 Ob!cti"! of KI#T Bank Ltd.

    ;*ery organi=ation has 'een opened with a certain o'8ecti*e and K7St 'ank has

    also some o'8ecti*es#

    a# To pro*ide competiti*e to all c$stomer thro$gh competent and processional and

    e9perienced staff#

    '# To reclaim leadership with in the national financial comm$nity and share its

    e9perience to other financial instit$tion or companies#

    c# To contin$e to maintain leading share of 'anking sectors with a significance

    presence in all geographical areas in the co$ntry#

    d# To con*enient to the people a'o$t the economics progression of the co$ntry and

    their family to f$lfilling that need 'y pro*iding of the co$ntry#

    e# To render ser*ice to the people whether rich or poor and to contri'$te to the

    nation>s de*elopment with also need s$pport and 'est wishes of all which it hasconfident will 'e fo$rth coming#

    f# To pro*ide technologically inno*ati*e ser*ices to its c$stomer#

    1.1.$ #!r"ic!s %ro"id!s b& KI#T Bank Ltd.

    Kist Bank .td# is well-e

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    *iii# 7n*estment ad*ice#

    i9# 7n*estment ad*ice#

    9# ,ree %BBS facilities

    9i# Ae'it card facilities

    9ii SMS Banking facilities

    1.1.' (cti"iti!s of KI#T Bank Ltd.

    Kist has following ma8or acti*ities?

    i# ario$s deposit schemes

    ii# ario$s loan and ad*ances

    iii# Market maker for go*ernment sec$rities

    i*# on-f$nd 'ased ser*ices like iss$e of g$arantee etc#

    The professional and friendly ser*ices are e9tended 'y the depth and strength of

    the entire K7ST staff with access to the 'road range of financial ser*ices for the

    '$siness and indi*id$al needs of the c$stomers# K7ST emphasi=es long-term c$stomer

    relationship 'ased on *al$e-added ser*ices#

    1.1.) Board *!+b!rs of KBL.

    +# rof# ;r# Direndra Man radhan ? Chairman

    2# Kamal rasad @nawali ? MA1C;:

    # Chandra K$mar ai ? Airector

    /# a8endra Shakya ? Airector

    !# @ita @a$tam for E;A 7n*estment ? Airector

    0# am rasad Aahal ? Airector

    # @yan Bahad$r Fisi ? Airector

    5# achana T$ladhar ? Airector

    "# Ar# Aandpani ? Airector (Specialist)


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    1.1., *anag!+!nt T!a+ of t-! KBL

    +# Bhesra8 Khatiwada Chief ;9ec$ti*e :fficer (C#;#:#)

    2# Balan Singh Aharti %ssistant Managing Airector

    # Kamal rasad @awali Managing Airector1C;:

    /# rag$n Shrestha Aep$ty @eneral Manager

    !# Bal K$mar andey Company Secretary

    0# S$rendra Chandra ,inance Aept#-Dead

    # an8an andey Branch Co-ordination-Dead

    5# M$k$nd S$'edy Branch-Manager (Dead :ffice)

    "# ishi am e$pane Comm$nication G Tech# Aept# Dead

    +# Mahesh Bhattrai Tracery Aepartment Dead

    ++# S$desh Ae*kota .oan Aept#-Dead

    +2# 7shwar Karki DM-Dead

    +# en$ rasad andey Aepots Marketing Aept# Dead

    +/# Madh$s$dan Sharma Branch Manager Dead :ffice

    +!# Man8ayra8 andey Credit isk :fficer

    +0# Madha* rasad egmi .egal Aeposit :fficer

    1.1. Branc-!s of t-! KI#T Bank/

    1. *ain Branc-

    %namnagar& Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-/22!

    ,a9 o#? +-/20/0

    2. But0al Branc-

    Milan Chowk& B$twal

    hone o#? +-!//25

    ,a9 o#? +-!/0""

    $. %ok-ara Branc-

    Sa'hagriha Chowk& okhara

    '. Lalitur Branc-

    Fawalakhel& .alitp$r


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    hone o#? 0+-!2///

    ,a9 o#? 0+-!2+//

    hone o#? +-!!0//

    ,a9 o#? +-!!5!!

    ). N!0 Road Branc-

    ew oad& Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-/2+& /2+/

    ,a9 o#? +-/22!

    ,. #uk-!d-ara Branc-

    S$kedhara& Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-/0!!"

    ,a9 o#? +-/0!!/

    . N!algun Branc-

    S$rketh oad& epalg$n8& Banke

    hone o#? 5+-!20+

    ,a9 o#? 5+-!20

    . Biratnagar Branc-

    angeli oad& Biratnagar

    hone o#? 2+-//!

    ,a9 o#? 2+-//!0

    3. *anigra+ Branc-

    Manigram& $pandehi

    hone o#? +-!02"

    ,a9 o#? +-!02"

    14. 5ulari&a Branc-

    @$leriya& Bardiya

    hone o#? 5/-/2+++

    ,a9 o#? 5/-/2++

    11. It-ari Branc-

    Biratnagar oad& 7thar

    hone o#? 2!-!500

    12. B-air0a-a Branc-

    Siddharthanage& Bhairahawa

    hone o#? 2!-!50

    1$. K-airani Branc-

    Ae*daha Khaireni& $pandehi

    hone o#? +-!!

    ,a9 o#? +-!22/

    1'. Da+ak Branc-

    Fhapa-+& Aamal

    hone o#? 2-!5+0

    ,a9 o#? 2-!5//0

    1). Birta+od Branc-

    Dikkola oad& Birtamod

    hone o#? 2-!/2/!

    ,a9 o#? 2-!/!/

    1,. Bagar Branc-

    Bager okhara

    hone o#? 0+-!2"+/

    ,a9 o#? 0+-!2"+!

    1. Nara&angad- Branc- 1. Dolk-a Branc-


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    arayangath Chitwan

    hone o#? !0-!!20

    ,a9 o#? !0-!!25


    hone o#? /"-/2+5/

    ,a9 o#? /"-/2+5/"

    24. Kot!s-0ar Branc-

    Koteshwor Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-//"50

    ,a9 o#? +-//"505

    21. #ina+angal Branc-

    Sinamangal Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-//""5"0

    ,a9 o#? +-//5//0

    22. D-aran Branc-

    Mahendrapath& Aharan

    hone o#? +-//"50

    ,a9 o#? +-//"505

    2$. Da+auli Branc-

    Aama$li& Tanah$

    hone o#? 0!-!0+5

    ,a9 o#? 0!-!0+5/

    2'. Tad-i Branc-

    Tandhi& Chitwan

    hone o#? !0-!00

    ,a9 o#? !0-!05

    2). B-aktaur Branc-

    S$rya'inayak& Bhaktap$r

    hone o#? +-00+""

    ,a9 o#? +-00+0"+

    2,. Darbar+arg Branc-

    Aar'armarg& Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-/22//15!/

    ,a9 o#? +-/220"/

    2. 6anakur Branc-

    Mills %rea& Fanakp$r

    hone o#? /+-!2"0

    ,a9 o#? /+-!2"

    2. K-ic-aok-ari Branc-

    eople>s la=a Khichapokhari

    hone o#? +-/+!!"1+

    ,a9 o#? +-/+!!++

    23. 6orati Branc-

    Forpati& Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-//5/"+!

    ,a9 o#? +-//0/20

    $4. B-ais!ati Branc-


    $1. Birgun Branc-

    %darshnagar& B$rg$n8


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    hone o#? +-!!"25155

    ,a9 o#? +-!!"25"

    hone o#? !+-!!2

    ,a9 o#? !+-!!2

    $2. *angal Ba7ar Branc-

    Tangal& .alitp$r

    hone o#? +-!!2"0/

    ,a9 o#? +-!!!220"

    $$. %ala Branc-

    Makhan Tole& Tansen

    hone o#? !-!22+121

    ,a9 o#? !-!22/

    $'. *a-!ndranagar Branc-

    Main Ba=ar& Bhimd$tta


    hone o#? ""-!2215

    ,a9 o#? ""-!22"

    $). D-angad-i Branc-

    @odawari oad& Ahangadhi

    hone o#? "+-!2"1+

    ,a9 o#? "+-!2"2

    $,. (+arat- Branc-

    %matpath& B$twal

    hone o#? +-!/+++12

    ,a9 o#? +-!/++

    $. Kali+ati Branc-

    Kalimati& Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-/25!/!1+5

    ,a9 o#? +-/25!"

    $. T-a+!l Branc-

    arsingh Chow& Kathmand$

    hone o#? "-/2!500155+

    ,a9 o#? +-/205"+

    $3. Kalanki Branc-

    Kalanki la=a

    hone o#? "-/25552

    ,a9 o#? +-/25/!

    '4. Tulsiur Branc-

    Chandani Tole& T$lsip$r

    hone o#? 52-!0+5015

    ,a9 o#? 52-!0+55

    '1. Do-ari Branc-

    Bank oad& Aohari

    hone o#? 52-!0+5015

    ,a9 o#? 52-!0+55

    '2. 5ongu0o Branc-

    @ong$wo& Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-/5"01/5"

    ,a9 o#? +-/5"5

    '$. *a-ragun Branc-

    arayangopal Chowk& Kathmand$

    hone o#? !-!20!51!20!5+

    ,a9 o#? !-!20!52


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    ''. Hat!uda Branc-

    Main oad& Deta$da

    hone o#? !-!20!51!20!5+

    ,a9 o#? !-!20!52

    '). D-ading Branc-

    Ahading Besi& ilkanth

    hone o#? +-!2+51"

    ,a9 o#? +-!2++

    ',. #0a+b-u Branc-

    Dalchowk& Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-/!/215

    ,a9 o#? +-/!5!

    '. #aura-a Branc-

    Sa$raha& Bache$li

    hone o#? !0-!5//

    ,a9 o#? !0-!5///

    '. #ank-+ul Branc-

    Sankhm$l& Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-/5+2

    ,a9 o#? +-/5+05

    '3. #atdobato Branc-

    Chapagow Chowk& .alitp$r

    hone o#? +-!!!2+

    ,a9 o#? +-!!!22

    )4. Kausaltar Branc-

    Ka$saltar& Bhaktap$r

    hone o#? +-00+"100+/

    ,a9 o#? +-!!!22

    )1. Ban!s-0or Branc-

    Ae*kota& Kathmand$

    hone o#? +-//"22+51+"

    ,a9 o#? +-//"22+2

    1.2 #tud& Background/

    This report is my assignment as a partial f$lfillment of internship co$rse for the


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    The main p$rpose and o'8ecti*e of this st$dy is to know and acs responses towards the ser*ices pro*ided the 'ank#

    0# The determine the areas in the 'ank where it need to enhance its ser*ices toimpro*e relationship with c$stomers and pro*iding achie*a'le sol$tion to

    increase the le*el of satisfaction#

    # To e9plore the s$ggestion for impro*ing and implementing them for 'etter

    ser*ices to its *al$ed c$stoms#

    1.' #tat!+!nt of robl!+/

    The main aim of the commercial 'ank is the ma9imi=ation of profit and

    minimi=ation of the cost as far as possi'le the mo'ili=ation of reso$rce they ac

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    1.) Li+itation of t-! #tud&/

    This st$dy has 'een cond$cted appropriately howe*er there were se*eral

    complications which arose indigeno$sly# %t this research tries to 8$stify the e*ent in

    accordance with the well known or already esta'lished tools and techni

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    1. R!s!arc- D!sign/

    esearch design is taken as less descripti*e '$t more prescripti*e 'eca$se the

    historical secondary data has 'een employed of analysis# ,or concept$al framework

    literat$re part more partially p$rpose# Some s information ha*e 'een proceed

    thro$gh *ario$s process like a$diting& ta'$lating& and res$lt has 'een interpreted in the

    form of ratio& percentage& and different types of diagram for clear *iew#

    7n the a'o*e diagram& the researcher at the *ery first hand de*elops the

    concept$al framework and in order to s$pport and 8$stify this& researcher generates

    some a$thentic research

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    The a'o*e diagram shows the 7nternship eport research process of st$dy while

    preparing on ITotal Aeposit of K7ST Bank .td#I

    1. Data Coll!ction/

    There are se*eral methods of data collection '$t most the common and $sesones are primary and secondary methods# %ccording to Seltiw& write the looks as

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    '# The pro'lem of non-a*aila'ility of re

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    C-at!r9 ::

    %R;#;NT(TION (ND (N(Ls Li=uidit&


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    2.' .( D!osit In"!st+!nt Ratio ?DIRA

    Aeposit in*estment ratio shows the amo$nt in the 'ank after pro*iding loan o$t

    of deposit collected# %ccording to Ndeposit mi9 strategyL& c$rrent acco$nt& sa*ing acco$nt

    G fi9 acco$nt need +3& -/3 G !-+3 of li

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    2.'.B Curr!nt Ratio

    The relationship 'etween c$rrent assets and c$rrent lia'ilities is known as

    c$rrent ratio# Digh c$rrent ratio indicates 'etter li


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    8igur!9 2

    7n the gi*en fig$re 9-a9is shows the years from 20!100 to 20"1 in whichthe position of c$rrent ratios and y-a9is shows the times of c$rrent ratios which is

    calc$lated in a'o*e ta'le# The c$rrent ratio is high in ,#H#0010# So& it means this year

    the li

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    The fi9ed deposit is long-term lia'ility# Digher c$rrent lia'ilities ca$se lower


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    The a'o*e ta'le shows the decreasing ratio of Sa*ing deposit with respect to

    total deposit& which certified the declining li

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    The a'o*e ta'le shows the decreasing ratio of Sa*ing deposit with respect to

    total deposit& which certified the declining li

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    m$ch& which is not profita'le for the 'ank# ow the a'o*e are presented as 'ellow in

    graph? -

    2.'.5 %rofitabilit&

    K7ST Bank is a commercial instit$tion ha*ing profit moti*e # 7 pro*ides to

    its c$stomer and get ser*ices charge in ret$rn# Bank charges interest on its lending and pay

    interest on deposit collected# B$t it accepts deposit at a low rate and pro*ides .oan o$t

    higher rate# This difference 'etween amo$nts of interest is gross profit and residential

    amo$nt of after ded$cting operating e9penses is net profit# Digher profit ca$ses higher


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    Tabl! No 9


  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


    sourc! / 000.kistbank.co+.n

    %ccording to a'o*e ta'le& that represents the inward remittance is higher than

    o$tward remittance# 7t means 'ank sho$ld 'e kept more li

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited



    # U**(R

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited



    A$ring my st$dy period&7 ha*e fo$nd K7ST Bank Fanakp$r& strength are as follows?

    i# 7t has moderately strong financial position#

    ii# .arge no of acco$nt holder#

    iii# .arge market si=e#


    i# 7t has not comp$teri=ed system#

    ii# atio modern is not introd$ced in 'ranch#

    iii# 7t has a rented '$ilding#


    Da*ing good financial e9istence&this 'ank has not got any reasona'le e9ploitation



    Digh competation&scattered Market si=e&sl$ggish economic growth&

    political insta'ility& wrong policies of K7ST Bank& 'adwanes m$shrooming of

    financial instit$tion are the threat of this 'ank#

    $.2 #ugg!stion and R!co++!ndation?

    There are some s$ggestion and recommendation& which are 'eing deri*ed from


    (s !r a"ailabilit& facts?

    i# Since the li

  • 7/24/2019 Liquidity analysis of Kist Bank Limited


