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List of Journal Physical Science and Engineering

Date post: 22-Jul-2016
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List of Journal Physical Science and Engineering
Title Content type Full-text AASRI Procedia Journ al Accident Analysis & Prevention Journ al Acta Astronautica Journ al Acta Automatica Sinica Journ al Acta Biomaterialia Journ al Acta Materialia Journ al Acta Mathematica Scientia Journ al Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica Journ al Acta Metallurgica Journ al Acta Metallurgica et Materialia Journ al Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) Journ al Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica Journ al Ad Hoc Networks Journ al Additives for Polymers Journ al Advanced Cement Based Materials Journ al Advanced Energy Conversion Journ al Advanced Engineering Informatics Journ al Advanced Powder Technology Journ al Advances in Applied Journ

Title Content type   Full-textAASRI Procedia Journal  

Accident Analysis & Prevention Journal  Acta Astronautica Journal  

Acta Automatica Sinica Journal  Acta Biomaterialia Journal  

Acta Materialia Journal  Acta Mathematica Scientia Journal  

Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica Journal  Acta Metallurgica Journal  

Acta Metallurgica et Materialia Journal  Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) Journal  

Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica Journal  Ad Hoc Networks Journal  

Additives for Polymers Journal  Advanced Cement Based Materials Journal  

Advanced Energy Conversion Journal  Advanced Engineering Informatics Journal  

Advanced Powder Technology Journal  Advances in Applied Mathematics Journal  

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science Journal  Advances in Engineering Software Journal  

Advances in Engineering Software (1978) Journal  Advances in Engineering Software and Workstations Journal  

Advances in Mathematics Journal  Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes Journal  

Advances in Molecular Relaxation Processes Journal  Advances in Space Research Journal  

Advances in Water Resources Journal  Aeolian Research Journal  

Aerospace Science and Technology Journal  AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications Journal  

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Journal  Agricultural Meteorology Journal  

Agricultural Wastes Journal  Agricultural Water Management Journal  Ain Shams Engineering Journal Journal  

Air & Space Europe Journal  Aircraft Design Journal  

Alexandria Engineering Journal Journal  Algal Research Journal  

Analytica Chimica Acta Journal  

Analytical Biochemistry Journal  Annales de Chimie Science des Matériaux Journal  

Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics Journal  Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis Journal  

Annales de Paléontologie Journal  Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure Journal  

Annals of the ICRP Journal  Annals of the ICRP/ICRP Publication Journal  

Annals of Mathematical Logic Journal  

Annals of Nuclear Energy Journal  Annals of Nuclear Science and Engineering Journal  

Annals of Physics Journal  Annals of Pure and Applied Logic Journal  

Annual Review in Automatic Programming Journal  Annual Reviews in Control Journal  

APCBEE Procedia Journal  Applications of Surface Science Journal  

Applied Acoustics Journal  Applied Catalysis Journal  

Applied Catalysis A: General Journal  Applied Catalysis B: Environmental Journal  

Applied Clay Science Journal  Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis Journal  

Applied Computing and Informatics Journal  Applied Energy Journal  

Applied Ergonomics Journal  Applied Geochemistry Journal  

Applied Mathematical Modelling Journal  Applied Mathematics and Computation Journal  

Applied Mathematics Letters Journal  Applied Numerical Mathematics Journal  

Applied Ocean Research Journal  Applied Radiation and Isotopes Journal  

Applied Soft Computing Journal  Applied Superconductivity Journal  

Applied Surface Science Journal  Applied Thermal Engineering Journal  

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences Journal  Arabian Journal of Chemistry Journal  

Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Journal  

Artificial Intelligence Journal  Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Journal  

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Journal  Astronomy Quarterly Journal  Astroparticle Physics Journal  

Atmospheric Environment Journal  Atmospheric Environment (1967) Journal  

Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics Journal  

Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere Journal  

Atmospheric Research Journal  

Atmospheric Science Letters Journal  

Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables Journal  

Automatica Journal  

Automation in Construction Journal  

Biochemical Engineering Journal Journal  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology Journal  

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics Journal  Bioelectrochemistry Journal  

Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics Journal  Bioinorganic Chemistry Journal  

Biological Wastes Journal  Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Journal  

Biomass Journal  Biomass and Bioenergy Journal  

Biomaterials Journal  Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal  

Biometric Technology Today Journal  Biomolecular Engineering Journal  

Bioorganic Chemistry Journal  Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Journal  

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters Journal  Biophysical Chemistry Journal  

Bioresource Technology Journal  Biosensors Journal  

Biosensors and Bioelectronics Journal  Biosystems Journal  

Biosystems Engineering Journal  

Building and Environment Journal  Building Science Journal  

Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques Journal  

Calphad Journal  

Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly Journal  

Carbohydrate Polymers Journal  

Carbohydrate Research Journal  

Carbon Journal  

Card Technology Today Journal  

Catalysis Communications Journal  

Catalysis Today Journal  

CATENA Journal  

Cement and Concrete Composites Journal  Cement and Concrete Research Journal  

Ceramics International Journal  Ceramurgia International Journal  Chaos, Solitons & Fractals Journal  

The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal Journal  Chemical Engineering Journal Journal  

The Chemical Engineering Journal Journal  Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification Journal  

Chemical Engineering Research and Design Journal  Chemical Engineering Science Journal  

Chemical Geology Journal  Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience section Journal  

Chemical Health and Safety Journal  Chemical Physics Journal  

Chemical Physics Letters Journal  Chemical Research in Chinese Universities Journal  

Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry Journal  Chemistry & Biology Journal  

Chemistry and Physics of Lipids Journal  Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Journal  

China Particuology Journal  Chinese Astronomy Journal  

Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics Journal  Chinese Chemical Letters Journal  

Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Journal  Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry Journal  

Chinese Journal of Catalysis Journal  Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering Journal  

Chinese Journal of Chromatography Journal  Chromatographic Reviews Journal  

CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology Journal  CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology Journal  

Climate Policy Journal  Clinical Materials Journal  

Coastal Engineering Journal  Cognitive Science Journal  

Cognitive Systems Research Journal  Cold Regions Science and Technology Journal  

Colloids and Surfaces Journal  Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Journal  

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Journal  

Combinatorial Chemistry - an Online Journal Journal  

Combustion and Flame Journal  

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation Journal  

Composite Structures Journal  

Composites Journal  

Composites Business Analyst Journal  

Composites Engineering Journal  

Composites Manufacturing Journal  

Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Journal  Composites Part B: Engineering Journal  

Composites Science and Technology Journal  Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics Journal  

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science Journal  

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics Journal  Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics- Journal  

AstronomyComptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-

Chemistry-Astronomy Journal  

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIC - Chemistry Journal  Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IV - Physics-Astrophysics Journal  

Comptes Rendus Chimie Journal  Comptes Rendus Geoscience Journal  

Comptes Rendus Mathematique Journal  Comptes Rendus Mécanique Journal  

Comptes Rendus Palevol Journal  Comptes Rendus Physique Journal  

Computational Biology and Chemistry Journal  Computational Geometry Journal  

Computational Materials Science Journal  Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Journal  

Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Journal  Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science Journal  

Computer-Aided Design Journal  Computer Aided Geometric Design Journal  

Computer Audit Update Journal  Computer Communications Journal  

Computer Compacts Journal  Computer Fraud & Security Journal  

Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin Journal  Computer Graphics and Image Processing Journal  

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Journal  Computer Languages Journal  

Computer Languages, Systems & Structures Journal  Computer Law & Security Review Journal  

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Journal  Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Journal  

Computer Networks Journal  Computer Networks (1976) Journal  

Computer Networks and ISDN Systems Journal  Computer Physics Communications Journal  

Computer Physics Reports Journal  

Computer Programs in Biomedicine Journal  Computer Science Review Journal  

Computer Speech & Language Journal  Computer Standards & Interfaces Journal  

Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Journal  Computer Vision and Image Understanding Journal  

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics Journal  Computers in Biology and Medicine Journal  Computers and Biomedical Research Journal  

Computers & Chemical Engineering Journal  Computers & Chemistry Journal  

Computers & Electrical Engineering Journal  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Journal  

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Journal  Computers & Fluids Journal  

Computers & Geosciences Journal  Computers and Geotechnics Journal  

Computers & Graphics Journal  Computers in Human Behavior Journal  

Computers & Industrial Engineering Journal  Computers in Industry Journal  

Computers & Mathematics with Applications Journal  Computers & Operations Research Journal  

Computers & Security Journal  Computers and Standards Journal  Computers & Structures Journal  

Computing Systems in Engineering Journal  Conservation & Recycling Journal  

Construction and Building Materials Journal  Continental Shelf Research Journal  

Control Engineering Practice Journal  Coordination Chemistry Reviews Journal  

Corrosion Science Journal  COSPAR Information Bulletin Journal  

Cretaceous Research Journal  Cryogenics Journal  

Crystal Engineering Journal  Current Applied Physics Journal  

Current Opinion in Biotechnology Journal  

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology Journal  

Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering Journal  

Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science Journal  

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Journal  

Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science Journal  

CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing Journal  

CVGIP: Image Understanding Journal  

Data & Knowledge Engineering Journal  Data Processing Journal  

Decision Support Systems Journal  Deep Sea Research Journal  

Deep Sea Research (1953) Journal  Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts Journal  

Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers Journal  Deep Sea Research Part B. Oceanographic Literature Review Journal  Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers Journal  

Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography Journal  Dendrochronologia Journal  

Dental Materials Journal  Desalination Journal  

Design Studies Journal  Diamond and Related Materials Journal  

Differential Geometry and its Applications Journal  Digital Investigation Journal  

Digital Signal Processing Journal  Discrete Applied Mathematics Journal  

Discrete Mathematics Journal  Discrete Optimization Journal  

Displays Journal  Dyes and Pigments Journal  

Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Journal  

Earth and Planetary Science Letters Journal  Earth Science Frontiers Journal  Earth-Science Reviews Journal  

Education for Chemical Engineers Journal  Education and Computing Journal  

Egyptian Informatics Journal Journal  Egyptian Journal of Petroleum Journal  

The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science Journal  Electric Power Systems Research Journal  

The Electricity Journal Journal  Electrochemistry Communications Journal  

Electrochimica Acta Journal  Electrodeposition and Surface Treatment Journal  

Electron Microscopy Reviews Journal  Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Journal  

Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Journal  Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Journal  

Energy Journal  Energy in Agriculture Journal  

Energy and Buildings Journal  Energy Conversion Journal  

Energy Conversion and Management Journal  Energy Economics Journal  

Energy Policy Journal  Energy Procedia Journal  

Energy Strategy Reviews Journal  Energy for Sustainable Development Journal  

Engineering Analysis Journal  Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Journal  Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Journal  

Engineering Failure Analysis Journal  Engineering Fracture Mechanics Journal  

Engineering Geology Journal  Engineering Structures Journal  

Entertainment Computing Journal  Environmental Impact Assessment Review Journal  

Environmental Modelling & Software Journal  Environmental Science & Policy Journal  

Environmental Software Journal  Enzyme and Microbial Technology Journal  

Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science Journal  Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Journal  

Euro III-Vs Review Journal  Euromicro Newsletter Journal  

European Journal of Combinatorics Journal  European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids Journal  European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids Journal  European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Journal  European Journal of Operational Research Journal  European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry Journal  

Fibre Science and Technology Journal  

Filtration Industry Analyst Journal  

Filtration + Separation Journal  

Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Journal  

Finite Fields and Their Applications Journal  

Fire Safety Journal Journal  

Flow Measurement and Instrumentation Journal  

Fluid Dynamics Research Journal  

Fluid Phase Equilibria Journal  

Focus on Catalysts Journal  Focus on Pigments Journal  

Focus on Polyvinyl Chloride Journal  Focus on Powder Coatings Journal  

Focus on Surfactants Journal  Food and Bioproducts Processing Journal  

Food Chemistry Journal  Food Hydrocolloids Journal  

Forensic Science Journal  Forensic Science International Journal  Forensic Science International Supplement Series Journal  

Frontiers of Architectural Research Journal  Fuel Journal  

Fuel Cells Bulletin Journal  Fuel and Energy Abstracts Journal  Fuel Processing Technology Journal  

Fusion Engineering and Design Journal  Future Generation Computer Systems Journal  

Fuzzy Sets and Systems Journal  

Gas Separation & Purification Journal  

General Topology and its Applications Journal  

Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering Journal  

Geobios Journal  

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Journal  

Geoderma Journal  

Geodinamica Acta Journal  

Geoexploration Journal  

Geography and Natural Resources Journal  

Geomorphology Journal  

Geoscience Frontiers Journal  

Geotextiles and Geomembranes Journal  

Geothermics Journal  

Global and Planetary Change Journal  

Gondwana Research Journal  

Graphical Models Journal  

Graphical Models and Image Processing Journal  

HBRC Journal Journal  

Heat Recovery Systems and CHP Journal  

High Energy Density Physics Journal  

Historia Mathematica Journal  

Hydrometallurgy Journal  

Icarus Journal  IERI Procedia Journal  III-Vs Review Journal  

Image and Vision Computing Journal  IMPACT of Computing in Science and Engineering Journal  

Indagationes Mathematicae Journal  Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings) Journal  

Industrial Metrology Journal  Information and Computation Journal  

Information and Control Journal  Information Fusion Journal  

Information & Management Journal  

Information and Organization Journal  Information Processing Letters Journal  

Information Processing & Management Journal  Information Sciences Journal  

Information Sciences - Applications Journal  Information Security Technical Report Journal  Information and Software Technology Journal  

Information Storage and Retrieval Journal  Information Systems Journal  

Infosecurity Journal  Infosecurity Today Journal  

Infrared Physics Journal  Infrared Physics & Technology Journal  

Inorganic Chemistry Communications Journal  Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters Journal  

Inorganica Chimica Acta Journal  Inorganica Chimica Acta Reviews Journal  

Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Journal  Integration, the VLSI Journal Journal  

Intelligent Data Analysis Journal  Interacting with Computers Journal  

Interfaces in Computing Journal  Intermetallics Journal  

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer Journal  International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives Journal  

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Journal  The International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes Journal  

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning Journal  International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing Journal  

International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete Journal  International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction Journal  

International Journal of Coal Geology Journal  International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection Journal  

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Journal  International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Journal  

International Journal of Engineering Science Journal  International Journal of Fatigue Journal  

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Journal  

International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Journal  International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Journal  

International Journal of High Technology Ceramics Journal  International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Journal  

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Journal  International Journal of Impact Engineering Journal  

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics Journal  International Journal of Inorganic Materials Journal  

International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research Journal  International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture Journal  

International Journal of Man-Machine Studies Journal  International Journal of Mass Spectrometry Journal  

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics Journal  International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes Journal  International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications Journal  

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Journal  International Journal of Medical Informatics Journal  International Journal of Mineral Processing Journal  

International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials Journal  International Journal of Mining Science and Technology Journal  

International Journal of Multiphase Flow Journal  The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology Journal  

International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics Journal  International Journal of Plasticity Journal  

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping Journal  International Journal of Production Economics Journal  

International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part A. Applied Radiation and Isotopes Journal  

International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part C. Radiation Physics and Chemistry Journal  

International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements Journal  

International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics Journal  International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry Journal  

International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials Journal  International Journal of Refrigeration Journal  

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Journal  International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences &

Geomechanics Abstracts Journal  

International Journal of Sediment Research Journal  International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Journal  

International Journal of Solids and Structures Journal  International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment Journal  

International Journal of Thermal Sciences Journal  

International Transactions in Operational Research Journal  IRBM Journal  

IRBM News Journal  ISA Transactions Journal  

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Journal  ITBM-RBM Journal  

ITBM-RBM News Journal  

Journal of Advanced Research Journal  

Journal of Aerosol Science Journal  

Journal of African Earth Sciences Journal  

Journal of African Earth Sciences (1983) Journal  

Journal of African Earth Sciences (and the Middle East) Journal  

Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research Journal  

Journal of Algebra Journal  

Journal of Algorithms Journal  

Journal of Alloys and Compounds Journal  

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Journal  Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Journal  

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis Journal  Journal of Applied Geophysics Journal  

Journal of Applied Logic Journal  Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Journal  

Journal of Approximation Theory Journal  Journal of Arid Environments Journal  

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences Journal  Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences Journal  Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Journal  

Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Journal  Journal of Biomechanics Journal  

Journal of Biomedical Informatics Journal  Journal of Bionic Engineering Journal  

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering Journal  Journal of Biotechnology Journal  

Journal of Catalysis Journal  Journal of Chemical Health and Safety Journal  

The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Journal  The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications Journal  

Journal of China University of Geosciences Journal  Journal of China University of Mining and Technology Journal  Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal  

Journal of Chromatography A Journal  Journal of Chromatography B Journal  

Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications Journal  Journal of Cleaner Production Journal  

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Journal  Journal of Colloid Science Journal  

Journal of Combinatorial Theory Journal  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A Journal  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B Journal  

Journal of Complexity Journal  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Journal  

Journal of Computational Physics Journal  Journal of Computational Science Journal  

Journal of Computer and System Sciences Journal  Journal of Constructional Steel Research Journal  

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology Journal  

Journal of Crystal Growth Journal  

Journal of Cultural Heritage Journal  Journal of Differential Equations Journal  Journal of Discrete Algorithms Journal  

Journal of Econometrics Journal  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Journal  

Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society Journal  Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Journal  

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1959) Journal  Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry Journal  Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena Journal  

Journal of Electrostatics Journal  Journal of Environmental Management Journal  Journal of Environmental Radioactivity Journal  

Journal of the European Ceramic Society Journal  Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering Journal  

Journal of Fluids and Structures Journal  Journal of Fluorine Chemistry Journal  

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Journal  Journal of Food Engineering Journal  

Journal of the Franklin Institute Journal  Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology Journal  

Journal of Functional Analysis Journal  Journal of Functional Foods Journal  

Journal of Geochemical Exploration Journal  Journal of Geodynamics Journal  

Journal of Geometry and Physics Journal  Journal of Great Lakes Research Journal  Journal of Hazardous Materials Journal  

Journal of Heat Recovery Systems Journal  Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B Journal  

Journal of Hydrology Journal  Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Journal  

Journal of Informetrics Journal  Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry Journal  

Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Journal  Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International Journal  

Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences Journal  Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences Journal  

Journal of King Saud University - Science Journal  Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Journal  

Journal of the Less Common Metals Journal  Journal of Light Metals Journal  

The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming Journal  The Journal of Logic Programming Journal  

Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries Journal  Journal of Luminescence Journal  

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Journal  Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969) Journal  

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A Journal  Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B Journal  

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Journal  Journal of Manufacturing Processes Journal  Journal of Manufacturing Systems Journal  

Journal of Marine Systems Journal  Journal of Materials Processing Technology Journal  Journal of Materials Science & Technology Journal  

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Journal  The Journal of Mathematical Behavior Journal  

Journal of Mathematical Economics Journal  

Journal of Mathematical Psychology Journal  Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées Journal  

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials Journal  Journal of Mechanical Working Technology Journal  

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Journal  Journal of Mechanisms Journal  

Journal of Membrane Science Journal  Journal of Microcomputer Applications Journal  

Journal of Molecular Catalysis Journal  Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical Journal  

Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic Journal  Journal of Molecular Graphics Journal  

Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling Journal  Journal of Molecular Liquids Journal  

Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy Journal  Journal of Molecular Structure Journal  

Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM Journal  Journal of Multivariate Analysis Journal  

Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Journal  Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering Journal  

Journal for Nature Conservation Journal  Journal of Network and Computer Applications Journal  

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Journal  Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Journal  

Journal of Nuclear Energy Journal  Journal of Nuclear Energy (1954) Journal  

Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part A. Reactor Science Journal  Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part B. Reactor Technology Journal  

Journal of Nuclear Energy. Parts A/B. Reactor Science and Technology Journal  Journal of Nuclear Materials Journal  

Journal of Number Theory Journal  Journal of Occupational Accidents Journal  Journal of Operations Management Journal  

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Journal  Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Journal  Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering Journal  

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Journal  Journal of Photochemistry Journal  

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry Journal  Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology Journal  

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews Journal  

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Journal  

Journal of Power Sources Journal  

Journal of Process Control Journal  

Journal of Proteomics Journal  

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Journal  

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Journal  

Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management Journal  

Journal of Rare Earths Journal  

Journal of Safety Research Journal  

Journal of Saudi Chemical Society Journal  Journal of Solid State Chemistry Journal  Journal of Sound and Vibration Journal  

Journal of South American Earth Sciences Journal  Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences Journal  

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference Journal  The Journal of Strategic Information Systems Journal  

Journal of Structural Geology Journal  The Journal of Supercritical Fluids Journal  

Journal of Supramolecular Chemistry Journal  Journal of Symbolic Computation Journal  Journal of Systems Architecture Journal  

Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics Journal  Journal of Systems and Software Journal  

Journal of Taibah University for Science Journal  Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal  

Journal of Terramechanics Journal  Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology Journal  

Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology Journal  Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, Mineral, Metallurgy,

Material Journal  

Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Journal  Journal of Visual Languages & Computing Journal  

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Journal  Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics Journal  

JSAE Review Journal  

Knowledge-Based Systems Journal  

Laboratory Automation & Information Management Journal  

Legal Medicine Journal  

Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer Journal  

Linear Algebra and its Applications Journal  

Lithos Journal  

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Journal  Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine Journal  

Marine Chemistry Journal  Marine Environmental Research Journal  

Marine Genomics Journal  Marine Geology Journal  

Marine Micropaleontology Journal  Marine Models Journal  

Marine and Petroleum Geology Journal  Marine Policy Journal  

Marine Pollution Bulletin Journal  Marine Structures Journal  

Materials Characterization Journal  Materials Chemistry Journal  

Materials Chemistry and Physics Journal  Materials & Design Journal  Materials Letters Journal  

Materials Research Bulletin Journal  Materials Science and Engineering Journal  

Materials Science and Engineering: A Journal  Materials Science and Engineering: B Journal  Materials Science and Engineering: C Journal  

Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports Journal  Materials Science Reports Journal  

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Journal  Materials Today Journal  

Mathematical and Computer Modelling Journal  Mathematical Modelling Journal  

Mathematical Social Sciences Journal  

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation Journal  Measurement Journal  

Mécanique & Industries Journal  Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Journal  

Mechanics of Materials Journal  Mechanics Research Communications Journal  

Mechanism and Machine Theory Journal  Mechatronics Journal  

Medical Dosimetry Journal  Medical Engineering & Physics Journal  

Medical Image Analysis Journal  Membrane Technology Journal  

Mendeleev Communications Journal  Metabolic Engineering Journal  

Metal Finishing Journal  Metal Powder Report Journal  

Metallography Journal  Metamaterials Journal  

Methods in Oceanography Journal  Microchemical Journal Journal  

Microelectronic Engineering Journal  

Nano Communication Networks Journal  Nano Energy Journal  Nano Today Journal  

Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine Journal  Nanostructured Materials Journal  

NDT & E International Journal  NDT International Journal  Network Security Journal  Neural Networks Journal  Neurocomputing Journal  New Astronomy Journal  

New Astronomy Reviews Journal  New Biotechnology Journal  

New Carbon Materials Journal  New Scientist Journal  

Non-Destructive Testing Journal  Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems Journal  

Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Journal  Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications Journal  

Nuclear Data Sheets Journal  

Nuclear Data Sheets. Section A Journal  Nuclear Data Sheets. Section B Journal  

Nuclear Engineering and Design Journal  Nuclear Engineering and Design. Fusion Journal  

Nuclear Instruments Journal  Nuclear Instruments and Methods Journal  

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Journal  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,

Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Journal  

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Journal  

Nuclear Physics Journal  Nuclear Physics A Journal  Nuclear Physics B Journal  

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements Journal  Nuclear Science and Techniques Journal  Nuclear Structural Engineering Journal  

Nuclear Track Detection Journal  Nuclear Tracks Journal  

Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements Journal  Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1982) Journal  

Ocean & Coastal Management Journal  

Ocean Engineering Journal  

Ocean Management Journal  

Ocean Modelling Journal  

Ocean and Shoreline Management Journal  

Oceanologica Acta Journal  

Operations Research Letters Journal  

Optical Fiber Technology Journal  

Optical Materials Journal  

Optical Switching and Networking Journal  Optics Communications Journal  

Optics & Laser Technology Journal  Optics and Lasers in Engineering Journal  

Optics Technology Journal  

Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics Journal  Ore Geology Reviews Journal  Organic Electronics Journal  

Organic Geochemistry Journal  

Radiation Measurements Journal  

Radiation Physics and Chemistry Journal  

Radiation Physics and Chemistry (1977) Journal  

Rare Metal Materials and Engineering Journal  

Rare Metals Journal  

RBM-News Journal  

Reactive and Functional Polymers Journal  

Reactive Polymers Journal  

Reactive Polymers, Ion Exchangers, Sorbents Journal  

Reactivity of Solids Journal  Real-Time Imaging Journal  

Refocus Journal  Reinforced Plastics Journal  

Reliability Engineering Journal  Reliability Engineering & System Safety Journal  

Remote Sensing of Environment Journal  Renewable Energy Journal  

Renewable Energy Focus Journal  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Journal  

Reports on Mathematical Physics Journal  Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy Journal  

Resource Recovery and Conservation Journal  Resources and Conservation Journal  

Resources, Conservation and Recycling Journal  Resources Policy Journal  

Results in Pharma Sciences Journal  Results in Physics Journal  

Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology Journal  Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI Journal  

Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería Journal  

Revista del Laboratorio Clínico Journal  Revue Française des Laboratoires Journal  

Revue Francophone des Laboratoires Journal  Revue Générale des Chemins de Fer Journal  

Revue Générale de Thermique Journal  Revue de Micropaléontologie Journal  

Robotics Journal  Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal  

Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Journal  Russian Geology and Geophysics Journal  

Safety Science Journal  Science of Computer Programming Journal  

Science & Justice Journal  Science and Technology of Advanced Materials Journal  

Scientia Iranica Journal  Scripta Materialia Journal  

Scripta Metallurgica Journal  Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia Journal  

Sealing Technology Journal  Sedimentary Geology Journal  Sensors and Actuators Journal  

Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Journal  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Journal  

Separation and Purification Technology Journal  Separations Technology Journal  

Signal Processing Journal  Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal  Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory Journal  

Simulation Practice and Theory Journal  Smart Materials Bulletin Journal  

Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Journal  Soil and Tillage Research Journal  

Soils and Foundations Journal  Solar Cells Journal  

Solar Energy Journal  Solar Energy Materials Journal  

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells Journal  Solar & Wind Technology Journal  

Solid State Communications Journal  Solid-State Electronics Journal  

Solid State Ionics Journal  Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Journal  

Solid State Sciences Journal  Space Research Today Journal  

Spatial Statistics Journal  Spectrochimica Acta Journal  

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Journal  Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy Journal  

Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy Journal  Speech Communication Journal  Statistical Methodology Journal  

Statistics & Probability Letters Journal  Stochastic Processes and their Applications Journal  

Structural Safety Journal  Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and

Philosophy of Modern Physics Journal  

Superlattices and Microstructures Journal  Supramolecular Science Journal  

Surface and Coatings Technology Journal  Surface Science Journal  

Surface Science Letters Journal  

Surface Science Reports Journal  Surface Technology Journal  

Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science Journal  Sustainable Cities and Society Journal  

Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems Journal  Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Journal  

Symposium on Combustion and Flame, and Explosion Phenomena Journal  Symposium (International) on Combustion Journal  

Synthetic Metals Journal  Systems & Control Letters Journal  

Systems Engineering Procedia Journal  Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice Journal  

Talanta Journal  Tectonophysics Journal  

Telecommunications Policy Journal  Telematics and Informatics Journal  

Tetrahedron Journal  Tetrahedron: Asymmetry Journal  

Tetrahedron Computer Methodology Journal  Tetrahedron Letters Journal  

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics Journal  Theoretical Computer Science Journal  

Theory in Biosciences Journal  Thermochimica Acta Journal  

Thin Solid Films Journal  Thin-Walled Structures Journal  

Topology Journal  Topology and its Applications Journal  

TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry Journal  Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China Journal  

Transportation Research Journal  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Journal  

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Journal  Trends in Biotechnology Journal  

Trends in Ecology & Evolution Journal  Tribology Journal  

Tribology International Journal  Tsinghua Science & Technology Journal  

Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology Journal  

Ultramicroscopy Journal  Ultrasonic Imaging Journal  

Ultrasonics Journal  Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Journal  

Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology Journal  Urban Climate Journal  

USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Journal  Utilities Policy Journal  

Vacuum Journal  Vibrational Spectroscopy Journal  

Vistas in Astronomy Journal  

Waste Management Journal  Water Research Journal  

Wave Motion Journal  Wear Journal  

Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web Journal  

World Patent Information Journal  World Pumps Journal  

Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik Journal  Zeolites Journal  

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Journal  

Palaeoworld Journal  

Parallel Computing Journal  

Particuology Journal  

Pattern Recognition Journal  

Pattern Recognition Letters Journal  

Performance Evaluation Journal  

Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal  

Petroleum Chemistry U.S.S.R. Journal  

Petroleum Exploration and Development Journal  Philips Journal of Research Journal  

Photogrammetria Journal  Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications Journal  

Photovoltaics Bulletin Journal  Physica Journal  

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Journal  Physica B: Condensed Matter Journal  

Physica B+C Journal  Physica C: Superconductivity Journal  

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena Journal  Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures Journal  

Physica Medica Journal  Physical Communication Journal  Physical Mesomechanics Journal  

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Journal  Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy Journal  Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and

Atmosphere Journal  

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Journal  

SciencePhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C Journal  

Physics of the Dark Universe Journal  Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Journal  

Physics Letters Journal  Physics Letters A Journal  Physics Letters B Journal  

Physics of Life Reviews Journal  Physics Procedia Journal  Physics Reports Journal  Phytochemistry Journal  

Phytochemistry Letters Journal  Planetary and Space Science Journal  

Plasmas & Ions Journal  Plastics, Additives and Compounding Journal  

Polar Science Journal  Polyhedron Journal  

Polymer Journal  Polymer Contents Journal  

Polymer Degradation and Stability Journal  Polymer Gels and Networks Journal  

Polymer Photochemistry Journal  

Polymer Science U.S.S.R. Journal  

Polymer Testing Journal  Powder Technology Journal  

Precambrian Research Journal  Precision Engineering Journal  

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics Journal  Procedia Chemistry Journal  

Procedia CIRP Journal  Procedia Computer Science Journal  

Procedia Earth and Planetary Science Journal  Procedia Engineering Journal  Procedia Food Science Journal  

Procedia IUTAM Journal  Procedia Materials Science Journal  

Procedia Technology Journal  Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Journal  

Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Journal  Proceedings of the Symposium on Combustion Journal  

Process Biochemistry Journal  

Process Safety and Environmental Protection Journal  Progress in Aerospace Sciences Journal  

Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization Journal  Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials Journal  

Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Journal  Progress in Materials Science Journal  

Progress in Metal Physics Journal  Progress in Natural Science: Materials International Journal  

Progress in Nuclear Energy Journal  Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Journal  

Progress in Oceanography Journal  Progress in Organic Coatings Journal  

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics Journal  Progress in Polymer Science Journal  

Progress in Quantum Electronics Journal  Progress in Solid State Chemistry Journal  

Progress in Surface Science Journal  Pump Industry Analyst Journal  

Quaternary Geochronology Journal  Quaternary International Journal  

Quaternary Research Journal  Quaternary Science Reviews Journal  
