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LISTS WITH PYTHON Jos´ e M. Garrido Department of Computer Science May 2015 College of Computing and Software Engineering Kennesaw State University c 2015, J. M. Garrido
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Jose M. Garrido

Department of Computer Science

May 2015

College of Computing and Software EngineeringKennesaw State University

c© 2015, J. M. Garrido

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Lists with Python 2

Lists with Python

1 Lists

A list in Python is simply an ordered collection of items each of which can be ofany type. A list is a dynamic mutable data structure and this means that items canbe added to and deleted from it. The list data structure is the most common datasequence in Python. A sequence is a set of values identified by integer indices.

To define a list in Python, the items are written separated by commas and insquare brackets. A simple list with name vv and n items is defined as follows:

vv = [p1, p2, p3, . . . , pn]

For example, the command that follows defines a list with name vals and sixdata items:

vals = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

1.1 Indexing Lists

An individual item in the list can be referenced by using an index, which is an integernumber that indicates the relative position of the item in the list. The values ofindex numbers always start at zero. In the the list vals defined previously, the indexvalues are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

In Python, the reference to an individual item of a list is written with the nameof the list and the index value or an index variable within brackets. The followingPython commands in interactive mode define the list vals, reference the first itemon the list with index value 0, reference the fourth item with index value 3, thenuse an index variable idx with a value of 4 to reference an item of list vals.

>>> vals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

>>> vals

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

>>> vals[0]


>>> vals[3]


>>> idx = 4

>>> vals[idx]


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Lists with Python 3

In non-interactive mode, the command print vals[idx] is used to display thevalue of the list item indexed with variable idx.

Using an index value of −1 is used to reference the last item of a list and anindex value of −2 is used to reference the previous to last item of the list. Thefollowing commands also in interactive mode illustrate this.

>>> vals[-1]


>>> vals[-2]


Because a list is a mutable data structure, the items of the list can change valueby performing assignment on them. The second of the following Python commandsassigns the new value of 23.55 to item that has index value 3.

>>> vals

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

>>> vals [3] = 23.55

>>> vals

[1, 2, 3, 23.55, 5, 6]

1.2 Slicing Operations

The slicing operations are used to access a sublist of the list. The colon notationis used to specify the range of index values of the items. The first index value iswritten before the colon and the last index value is written after the colon. Thisindicates the range of index values from the start index value up to but not includingthe last index value specified.

In the following example, which uses Python in interactive mode, the secondcommand specifies a sublist of list vals, that includes the items starting with indexvalue 0 up to but not including the item with index value 4. The third commandassigns the sublist vals[2:5] to variable y; so this command creates a new sublistand assigns it to y.

>>> vals

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

>>> vals[0:4]

[1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> y = vals[2:5]

>>> y

[3, 4, 5]

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Lists with Python 4

A range of items can be updated using slicing and assignment. For example,the following command changes the values of items with index 0 and up to but notincluding the item with index value 2.

>>> vals[0:2] = vals[1:3]

>>> vals

[2, 3, 3, 23.55, 5, 6]

Using slicing, the second index value can be left out and implies that the rangeof index values starts from the item with the index value specified to the last itemof the list. In a similar manner, the first index value can be left out and impliesthat the range of items starts with the first item of the list.

>>> vals[1:]

[3, 3, 23.55, 5, 6]

>>> vals[:5]

[2, 3, 3, 23.55, 5]

The first useful operation on a list is to get the number of items in a list. Functionlen is called to get the number of items from the list specified in parenthesis. In thefollowing commands, the first command gets the length of list vals and assigns thisvalue to variable n. The next command shows the value of n, which is 6 becausevals has six items. The next command calls function range to generate another liststarting at 0 and the last value is 5 (one before 6). Recall that function range wasused in the for-loop discussed previously. The next command combines functionsrange and len to produce the same result as the previous command.

>>> n = len(vals)

>>> n


>>> range(n)

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

>>> range(len(vals))

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

1.3 Iterating Over a List with a Loop

Indexing is very useful to access the items of a list iteratively in a loop. A for-loopaccesses the items of a list one by one by iterating over the index values of the list.

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Lists with Python 5

Listing 1 computes the summation of the items in list vals2 and selects only theones that have a value ≤ 3.15. The Python script is stored in file sumlist.py.

Listing 1 Python program for computing the summation on a list.

1 # Script: sumlist.py

2 # Compute the summation of the values in a list

3 # that are less or equal to 3.15 using a loop

4 #

5 vals2 = [2, 3.45, 1.22, 4.87, 0.78, 2.45, 8.76]

6 nl = range ( len(vals2))

7 sum = 0.0

8 for i in nl:

9 if vals2[i] <= 3.15 :

10 print "Index: ", i

11 sum = sum + vals2[i]

12 print "Summation: ", sum

The following output listing shows the shell commands that start the Pythoninterpreter with file sumlist.py, and the results computed.

$ python sumlist.py

Index: 0

Index: 2

Index: 4

Index: 5

Summation: 6.45

Python supports iterating directly over the items of a list using the for statement.Listing 2 shows a Python program that computes the same summation of the listdiscussed in the previous problem. Instead of using indexing, this program iterateover the items of the list vals2 and the final result is the same as in the previousprogram. Note that the variable item refers to the value of an individual item ofthe list. This Python script is stored in file sumlistb.py.

Listing 2 Python program for computing the summation on a list.

1 # Script: sumlistb.py

2 # Compute the summation of the values in a list

3 # that are less or equal to 3.15 by

4 # using a loop to iterate over the items of a list

5 #

6 vals2 = [2, 3.45, 1.22, 4.87, 0.78, 2.45, 8.76]

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Lists with Python 6

7 sum = 0.0

8 for item in vals2:

9 if item <= 3.15 :

10 print "item ", item

11 sum = sum + item

12 print "Summation: ", sum

The following output listing shows the shell commands that start the Pythoninterpreter with file sumlistb.py and the results.

$ python sumlistb.py

item 2

item 1.22

item 0.78

item 2.45

Summation: 6.45

1.4 Creating a List Using a Loop

A list can be created starting with an empty list; items can be appended using afor-loop. The append method is an operation of a list and is very useful for creatinga list. The following command appends the value of a new item v to a list mlist:


The following example builds a list of items with values that are multiples of 5.Listing 3 shows a Python program that builds the list starting with an item withvalue 5. Line 8 has a for statement that defines the loop that iterates with loopcounter j starting with 1 upt to SIZE. The value of the current item is computedin line 9 and it is placed at the end of the current list using the append list methodin line 10. Note that the variable item refers to the value of an individual item ofthe list. This Python script is stored in file blist5.py.

Listing 3 Python program with a list of values that are multiples of 5.

1 # Script: blist5.py

2 # Python script to build a list with

3 # items with values multiple of 5


5 SIZE = 15 # number of items in list

6 listmf = [] # create empty list

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Lists with Python 7

7 # the list starts with 5

8 for j in range (1, SIZE+1):

9 item = j * 5

10 listmf.append(item)


12 print "List is: ", listmf

The following output listing shows the shell commands that start the Pythoninterpreter with file blist5.py and the results.

$ python blist5.py

List is: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]

1.5 Passing Lists to a Function

One or more lists can be passed to a function and the lists are used as argumentsin the function call. The lists are specified as parameters in the function definition.

Listing 4 shows a Python program that includes a function definition buildlfstarting in line 8. The function has two parameters: a list llist and simple variablelsize. The function builds the list by appending items into it. The function call withtwo arguments appears in line 15 and the results are displayed by the instruction inline 16.

Listing 4 Program that builds a list with values that are multiples of 5.

1 # Script: blist5f.py

2 # Python script to build a list with

3 # items with values multiple of 5

4 # using function buildlf


6 #Function that builds a list

7 # the list starts with 5

8 def buildlf (llist, lsize):

9 for j in range (1, lsize+1):

10 item = j * 5

11 llist.append(item)


13 SIZE = 10 # number of items in list

14 listmf = [] # create empty list

15 buildlf(listmf, SIZE)

16 print "List is: ", listmf

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Lists with Python 8

The following output listing shows the shell commands that start the Pythoninterpreter with file blist5f.py and the results.

$ python blist5f.py

List is: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]

A list can be returned by a function and the list must be defined in the function.Listing 5 shows a Python program that includes a function definition buildlg startingin line 8. This function builds a list and then returns it in line 13. Note that thefunction includes only one parameter: lsize. The script calls in the function in anassignment statement in line 16.

Listing 5 Python program that builds a list with values that are multiples of 5.

1 # Script: blist5g.py

2 # Python script to build a list with

3 # items with values multiple of 5

4 # using function buildlg


6 #Function that builds a list

7 # the list starts with 5

8 def buildlg (lsize):

9 llist = [] # create empty list

10 for j in range (1, lsize+1):

11 item = j * 5

12 llist.append(item)

13 return llist


15 SIZE = 10 # number of items in list

16 listmf = buildlg(SIZE)

17 print "List is: ", listmf

The results are the same as the previous two Python scripts. The followingoutput listing shows the shell commands that start the Python interpreter with fileblist5g.py and the results.

$ python blist5g.py

List is: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]

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Lists with Python 9

1.6 Additional Operations on Lists

In addition to list method append, there are several methods for lists provided inPython. The extend method appends another list to the current list. The followingcommands using Python in interactive mode define two lists listm and lst2, thenappend the second list to the first list.

>>> listm = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]

>>> lst2 = [35, 40]

>>> listm.extend(lst2)

>>> listm

[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40]

List method insert places an item at a given position of a list. Calling thismethod requires two arguments, the first is the index value before which the newitem is to inserted, the second argument is the value of the item to be inserted tothe list. The following command inserts an item with value 33 into list listm atposition with index value 5.

>>> listm.insert(5, 33)

>>> listm

[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 33, 30, 35, 40]

List method remove searches for the first item with the specified value andremoves from the list. The following command removes the item with value 35 fromthe list listm.

>>> listm.remove(35)

>>> listm

[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 33, 30, 40]

List method pop removes the last item from the specified list and returns thevalue of the item. The following command removes and displays the last item fromlist listm.

>>> listm.pop()


>>> listm

[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 33, 30]

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Lists with Python 10

List method index finds the first item with the value specified and returns itsindex value. The following command gets and returns the index value of the itemthat has value 33.

>>> listm.index(33)


List method sort rearranges in ascending order the items of a list. The followingcommands sort the items (in ascending order) in list listm and displays the list again.

>>> listm.sort()

>>> listm

[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 33]

List method reverse rearranges the items of a list in reverse order. The followingcommand reverses the items in list listm.

>>> listm.reverse()

>>> listm

[33, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5]

2 Temperature Conversion Problem

The temperature conversion problem was discussed in the previous chapter. Thedescription of the revised problem is: given a list of values of temperature in degreesCelsius, compute the corresponding values in degrees Fahrenheit and show thisresult.

2.1 Mathematical Model

The mathematical representation of the solution to the problem, the formula ex-pressing a temperature measurement F in Fahrenheit in terms of the temperaturemeasurement C in Celsius is:

F =9

5C + 32

The solution to the problem applies the mathematical expression for the con-version of a temperature measurement in Celsius to the corresponding value in

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Lists with Python 11

Fahrenheit. The mathematical formula expressing the conversion assigns a value tothe desired temperature in the variable itemF, the dependent variable. The valuesof the variable itemC can change arbitrarily because it is the independent variable.The mathematical model uses floating-point numbers to represent the temperaturereadings in various temperature units.

2.2 The Python Implementation

The solution to his problem is implemented in Python using lists. Variable itemCrefers to a value of the temperature in Celsius and variable itemF refers to thecorresponding value of the temperature in Fahrenheit. All values of the temperaturesin Celsius are placed in list listC and all values computed of the temperature inFahrenheit are placed in list listF.

Listing 6 shows a Python program that computes the temperature in Fahrenheitfor every value in the list of temperature in Celsius. This program uses a loop inwhich the two lists are built by appending a new item to the lists. This Pythonscript is stored in file tconvctfl.py.

Listing 6 Python program for temperature conversion on a list.

1 # Program : tconvctfl.py

2 # Author : Jose M Garrido

3 # Date : 6-02-2014

4 # Description : Read values of temperature in Celsius

5 # from console, convert to degrees Fahrenheit, and

6 # display corresponding values of temperature

7 # in fahrenheit on screen


9 SIZE = 15 # number of items in list

10 listC = [] # create empty list for temp in Celsius

11 listF = [] # create empty list for temp in Fahrenheit

12 # listC starts with 5

13 for j in range (1, SIZE+1):

14 itemC = j * 5

15 listC.append(itemC)

16 itemF = itemC * (9.0/5.0) + 32.0 # temp in Fahrenheit

17 listF.append(itemF)


19 print "Values of temperature in Celsius: "

20 print listC

21 print "Values of temperature in Fahrenheit: "

22 print listF

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Lists with Python 12

The following listing shows the shell command that starts the Python interpreterwith file tconvctfl.py and the results.

$ python tconvctfl.py

Values of temperature in Celsius:

[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75]

Values of temperature in Fahrenheit:

[41.0, 50.0, 59.0, 68.0, 77.0, 86.0, 95.0, 104.0, 113.0,

122.0, 131.0, 140.0, 149.0, 158.0, 167.0]

2.3 Implementation Using a Function

Listing 5 shows a Python script that solves the same problem as the previous script.It defines function tconvf in lines 9 − 16. This function takes a list of values oftemperature in Celsius, computes the temperature in Fahrenheit, and returns thesevalues in a new list. This Python script creates a list of values of temperature inCelsius in line 18, calls function tconvf in line 19 using the list as the argument, thendisplays the two lists in lines 20 − 23. This script is stored in file tconvs.py.

Listing 5 Python program calls a function for temperature conversion.

1 # Program : tconvs.py

2 # Author : Jose M Garrido

3 # Date : 6-02-2014

4 # Description : Given a list of values of temperature in

5 # Celsius, convert to degrees Fahrenheit, and return a

6 # list of values in Fahrenheit. This script defines and

7 # calls function ’tconvf’


9 def tconvf (listC):

10 # listC list of temperature values in Celsius

11 listF = [] # empty list for temp in Fahrenheit

12 size = len(listC)

13 for j in range (0, size):

14 itemF = listC[j] * (9.0/5.0) + 32.0

15 listF.append(itemF)

16 return listF


18 c = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55]

19 f = tconvf(c)

20 print "Values of temperature in Celsius: "

21 print c

22 print "Values of temperature in Fahrenheit: "

23 print f

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Lists with Python 13

The following listing shows the shell command that starts the Python interpreterwith file tconvs.py and the results.

$ python tconvs.py

Values of temperature in Celsius:

[0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55]

Values of temperature in Fahrenheit:

[32.0, 41.0, 50.0, 59.0, 68.0, 77.0, 86.0, 95.0, 104.0, 113.0,

122.0, 131.0]

3 List Comprehensions

A list comprehension is a compact notation in Python for generating a list of agiven size and with the elements initialized according to the specified expression.The following example generates a list ll with 12 elements all initialized with value1.

>>> lsize = 12

>>> ll = [ 1 for j in range(lsize) ]

>>> ll

[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

The same list can be generated using a for loop and function append, as thefollowing example shows.

>>> ll = []

>>> for j in range(lsize):

... ll.append(1)


>>> ll

[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

In the notation for list comprehension, the expression appears first followed byone or more for clauses and all within brackets. The following example generates alist ll of size lsize with the elements initialized to a value from the expression j+12.5.

>>> ll = [ j+12.5 for j in range(lsize)]

>>> ll

[12.5, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5, 20.5,

21.5, 22.5, 23.5]

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Lists with Python 14

4 Lists of Lists

Lists of lists are also known as nested lists and means that one or more items in alist are also lists. Multidimensional arrays can be defined with nested lists. In thefollowing example, the first command creates list lst1 with four items. The secondcommand creates list lst2 and its third item is list lst1. The third command displayslist lst2 and the last command shows that the length of list lst2 is 5.

>>> lst1 = [12, 54, 2, 9]

>>> lst2 = [99, 5, lst1, 20, 7]

>>> lst2

[99, 5, [12, 54, 2, 9], 20, 7]

>>> len (lst2)


To reference an item of a list that is part of a larger list, two indices are required.The first index refers to an item in the outer list, the second index refers to an itemin the inner list. In the following example, the first command uses index value 2 toreference the third item of list lst2 and this item is the inner list lst1. The secondcommand uses two index values, the first index value 2 indicates the third item oflist list2 and the second index value 3 references the fourth item of the inner listlst1, which has value 9.

>>> lst2 [2]

[12, 54, 2, 9]

>>> lst2 [2][3]


The following commands create a small matrix smatrix with two rows and threecolumns, references the element of the second row and third column, and assign thevalue to variable eval. In a similar manner, the element of the first row and secondcolumn is referenced and its value is assigned to variable fval.

>>> smatrix = [[9, 2, 5], [4, 8, 6]]

>>> smatrix

[[9, 2, 5], [4, 8, 6]]

>>> eval = smatrix[1][2]

>>> eval


>>> fval = smatrix[0][1]

>>> fval


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Lists with Python 15

The following example generates a 3 by 5 list, that is, a list with three rows andfive columns. The outer for loop is used to generate a row list, the inner for loopgenerates all the elements in a row initialized to value 1.

>>> nll = [[]]

>>> for i in range(3):

... row = []

... for j in range (5):

... row.append(1)

... nll.append(row)


>>> nll

[[], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]

The following command calls list function pop to remove the first element fromthe list, which is an empty list.

>>> nll.pop(0)


>>> nll

[[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]

Nested list comprehensions are used to generate multi-dimensional lists initial-ized to a value according to a specified expression. The following example generatesa 3 by 5 list, that is, a list with three rows and five columns. The inner (first) forclause is used to generate the values in a row, the second for clause generates all therows.

>>> lll = [[1 for i in range(5)] for j in range (3)]

>>> lll

[[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]

5 Tuples

A tuple is a Python sequence similar to a list. To create a tuple of items, writethe values separated by commas. It is often convenient to enclose the items inparenthesis. For example:

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Lists with Python 16

>>> xt = (4.5, 6, 78, 19)

>>> xt

(4.5, 6, 78, 19)

A tuple is immutable, which means that after creating a tuple it cannot bechanged. The value of the elements in a tuple cannot be altered, elements cannotbe added or removed from the tuple.

As with lists, the individual elements of a tuple can be referenced by using anindex value. In the following example, the third element of tuple xt is accessed andits value is assigned to variable yy.

>>> yy = xt[2]

>>> yy


Tuples can be nested, which means tuples of tuples can be created. For example,to a create a tuple xt2 that includes tuple xt as its second element.

>>> xt2 = (25, xt, 16)

>>> xt2

(25, (4.5, 6, 78, 19), 16)

Method len can be used to get the number of elements in a tuple. The followingassignment statement gets the length of tuple xt and assigns this value to variablelxt.

>>> lxt = len (xt)

>>> lxt


A tuple can be converted to a list by calling method list. For example, thefollowing command converts tuple xt to a list llxt.

>>> llxt = list (xt)

>>> llxt

[4.5, 6, 78, 19]

A list can be converted to a tuple by calling method tuple. For example, thefollowing commands create list vals then convert the list to a tuple mytuple.

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Lists with Python 17

>>> vals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

>>> vals

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

>>> mytuple = tuple (vals)

>>> mytuple

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

It is possible to build lists of tuples and tuples of lists. The following commanddefines a list myltt of tuples.

>>> myltt = [(12, 45.25), (45, 68.5), (25, 78.95)]

>>> myltt

[(12, 45.25), (45, 68.5), (25, 78.95)]

The following command defines a tuple mytup of lists.

>>> mytup = ([14, 45.25], [55, 68.5], [28, 78.95])

>>> mytup

([14, 45.25], [55, 68.5], [28, 78.95])

6 Dictionaries

Dictionaries are also Python data structures except that these are indexed by keys.A dictionary is used as an unordered set of key and value pairs that are enclosedin curly braces. The key can be any immutable type and must be unique. Thecorresponding value associated with a key is written after a semicolon and followingthe key.

The following example creates a dictionary of three key-value pairs separated bycommas. Note that the keys are strings in this example. The last command extractsthe value of the pair that has given key ’price’.

>>> mydict = {’desc’: ’valve 5in’, ’price’: 23.75, ’quantity’: 54}

>>> mydict

{’price’: 23.75, ’quantity’: 54, ’desc’: ’valve 5in’}

>>> mydict[’price’]


The value of a pair in a dictionary can be updated given the key. The followingexample changes the value of price to 25.30.

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>>> mydict[’price’] = 25.30

>>> mydict

{’price’: 25.3, ’quantity’: 54, ’desc’: ’valve 5in’}

The in keyword is used to check whether a key appears on a the given dictionary.The following commands checks the dictionary mydict for the key ’desc’.

>>> ’desc’ in mydict


The dictionary method keys is used to get a list of all the keys in a given dictio-nary. The following command gets a list of the keys in mydict.

>>> mydict.keys()

[’price’, ’quantity’, ’desc’]

Given a list of two-tuples, it can be converted to a dictionary by calling functiondict. The following commands define a list of two-tuples (tuples with two values)myltt and convert this list to a dictionary.

>>> myltt = [(12, 45.25), (45, 68.5), (25, 78.95)]

>>> myltt

[(12, 45.25), (45, 68.5), (25, 78.95)]

>>> mdict3 = dict (myltt)

>>> mdict3

{25: 78.95, 12: 45.25, 45: 68.5}

7 Strings

A string is a sequence of text characters in a particular character encoding. Syntac-tically, a string literal is enclosed in single or double quotes and can be assigned to avariable. Strings are immutable, once defined strings cannot be modified. The fol-lowing command defines a string literal and assigns the reference to variable mystr.

>>> mystr = ’State University’

>>> mystr

’State University’

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One of the most commonly used operations is concatenation. It joins two or morestrings and creates a longer string. The concatenation string operator is the plussign (+). The following command concatenates two strings and the newly createdstring is assigned to variable str2.

>>> str2 = ’Kennesaw ’ + mystr

>>> str2

’Kennesaw State University’

Function len gets the length of a string, that is, the number of characters inthe string. The following command gets the number of characters in the stringreferenced by variable str2.

>>> s = len (str2)

>>> s


Indexing is used to access particular characters of a string. Index values start atzero and are written withing brackets. The following command prints the characterwith index 5 of string str2, which is s.

>>> print str2[5]


The character accessed in a string can be assigned to another variable, as thenext example shows.

>>> x = str2[5]

>>> x


The slicing operation is used to access a subset of a string. This operationrequires the slice operator (:) and indexes that specify the range of characters toinclude. In the following example, the first command prints the subset of stringstr2 specified from the second character (with index 1) up to the fourth character(with index 4). The second command assigns to variable strx a subset of string str2specified from the first character to the fifth character.

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>>> print str2[1:4]


>>> strx = str2[0:5]

>>> strx


The following example creates a new string that consists of "Kansas" concate-nated with a subset of str2 that starts with ninth character to the end of str2.

>>> nstrx = "Kansas" + str2[8:]

>>> nstrx

’Kansas State University’

The membership operator in is used to check whether a character or a substringis contained in another string and returns True or False. In the following example,the first command checks if the character ’K’ belongs in string nstrx. The secondcommand checks if the substring strx is contained in the string str2.

>>> ’K’ in nstrx


>>> strx in str2


Some characters in a string and escape characters and are written precededwith a backslash (\). For example when a newline character is part of a string, thatindicates that a change of line occurs at that point and the rest of the string appearson a new line. The following example shows a string that is to be displayed on twolines.

>>> message = "Start the program now\n click on the icon"

>>> message

’Start the program now\n click on the icon’

>>> print message

Start the program now

click on the icon

When a string is enclosed in double quotes (”) but one or more double quotesare also used as part of the string, these have to be escaped with a backslash as inthe following example. The same applies with single quotes.

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>>> mess1 = "The program responds with \"welcome\" then waits"

>>> print mess1

The program responds with "welcome" then waits

Python provides several string methods and the general form to call these meth-ods is:


For example, method find is used to find the index value in string nstrx wherethe substring "State" starts, as in the following example.

>>> nstrx

’Kansas State University’

>>> nstrx.find("State")


Another very useful string method is isdigit and is used to check whether allcharacters in a string are decimal digits. The following example checks whetherstring nn contains only decimal digits.

>>> nn = "54321"

>>> nn.isdigit()


8 Simple Numerical Applications Using Lists

This section discusses several simple applications of arrays as lists; a few of these ap-plications perform simple manipulation of arrays, other applications perform slightlymore complex operations with arrays such as searching and sorting.

The problems discussed in this section compute the average value and the max-imum value in an array named varr. The algorithms that solve these problemsexamine all the elements of the array.

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8.1 The Average Value in an Array

To compute the average value in an array, the algorithm is designed to first computethe summation of all the elements in the array, the accumulator variable sum is usedto store this. Second, the algorithm computes the average value by diving the valueof sum by the number of elements in the array. The following listing has the pseudo-code description of the algorithm.

1. Initialize the value of the accumulator variable, sum, to zero.

2. For every element of the array, add its value to the accumulator variable sum.

3. Divide the value of the accumulator variable by the number of elements in thearray, num.

The accumulator variable sum stores the summation of the element values in thearray named varr with num elements. The average value, ave, of array varr usingindex j starting with j = 1 to j = n is expressed mathematically as:

ave =1




Listing 7 shows the Python script that implement the algorithm that computesthe average value of the elements in the array. This code is stored in the script fileaver.py.

Listing 7: Python script file for computing average in a list.

1 # Python script file to compute average value in a list

2 # This script inputs the array size

3 # and the elements of the array from the console

4 # Computes the average value in the array

5 # File: aver.py

6 num = input(’Enter array size: ’);

7 varr = [] # empty list

8 for j in range(0, num):

9 item = input(’Enter array element: ’)

10 varr.append(item)


12 # Now compute the average value in list

13 sum = 0.0

14 for j in range(0, num):

15 print "index: ", j, " value: ", varr[j]

16 sum = sum + varr[j]

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18 ave = sum/num

19 print "Average value: ", ave

The following output listing shows the result of executing the script aver.py atthe Linux prompt.

$ python aver.py

Enter array size: 4

Enter array element: 9.75

Enter array element: 8.34

Enter array element: 7.25

Enter array element: 6.77

index: 0 value: 9.75

index: 1 value: 8.34

index: 2 value: 7.25

index: 3 value: 6.77

Average value: 8.0275

8.2 Maximum Value in a List

Consider a problem that deals with finding the maximum value in an array namedvarr. The algorithm with the solution to this problem also examines all the elementsof the array.

The variable max arr stores the maximum value found so far. The name of theindex variable is j. The algorithm description is:

1. Read the value of the array size, num, and the value of the array elements.

2. Initialize the variable max arr that stores the current largest value found (sofar). This initial value is the value of the first element of the array.

3. Initialize the index variable (value zero).

4. For each of the other elements of the array, compare the value of the nextarray element; if the value of the current element is greater than the value ofmax arr (the largest value so far), change the value of max arr to this elementvalue, and store the index value of the element in variable k.

5. The index value of variable k is the index of the element with the largest valuein the array.

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Listing 8 contains the Python script that implements the algorithm for findingthe maximum value in an array; the script is stored in the file arrmax.py. As in theprevious examples, the list is first created by reading the values of the elements, inlines 6-10. Finding the maximum value in the list is preformed in lines 13-18

Listing 8: Python script file for finding maximum value in a list.

1 # Python script file to find the maximum value in a list

2 # This script inputs the array size

3 # and the elements of the array from the console

4 # Computes the maximum value in the array

5 # File: arrmax.py

6 num = input (’Enter array size: ’)

7 varr = [] # empty list

8 for j in range(0, num):

9 item = input(’Enter array element: ’)

10 varr.append(item)


12 # Now find the maximum value in list

13 max_arr = varr[0] # initial value of max_arr

14 for j in range(1, num):

15 print "index: ", j, " value: ", varr[j]

16 if varr[j] > max_arr:

17 k = j

18 max_arr = varr[j]


20 print "Index of max value: ", k

21 print "Max value: ", varr[k]

Executing the script file arrmax.py with the Python interpreter produces thefollowing output.

$ python arrmax.py

Enter array size: 4

Enter array element: 5.56

Enter array element: 7.87

Enter array element: 3.78

Enter array element: 2.7

index: 1 value: 7.87

index: 2 value: 3.78

index: 3 value: 2.7

Index of max value: 1

Max value: 7.87

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8.3 Searching

Looking for an array element with a particular value, known as the key, is calledsearching and involves examining some or all elements of an array. The search endswhen and if an element of the array has a value equal to the requested value. Twogeneral techniques for searching are: linear search and binary search.

8.3.1 Linear Search

A linear search algorithm examines the elements of an array in a sequential mannerstarting with the first element. The algorithm examines the first element of thearray, then the next element and so on until the last element of the array. Everyarray element is compared with the key value, and if an array element is equal tothe requested value, the algorithm has found the element and the search terminates.This may occur before the algorithm has examined all the elements of the array.

The result of this search is the index of the element in the array that is equal tothe key value given. If the key value is not found, the algorithm indicates this witha negative result or in some other manner. The following is an algorithm descriptionof a general linear search using a search condition of an element equal to the valueof a key.

1. Repeat for every element of the array:

(a) Compare the current element with the requested value or key. If the valueof the array element satisfies the condition, store the value of the indexof the element found and terminate the search.

(b) If values are not equal, continue search.

2. If no element with value equal to the value requested is found, set the resultto value -1.

The algorithm outputs the index value of the element that satisfies the searchcondition, whose value is equal to the requested value kval. If no element is foundthat satisfies the search condition, the algorithm outputs a negative value.

The Python script is stored in file lsearch.py. Listing 9 shows the Pythoncommands that implement the algorithm that searches the list llist for the keyvalue, key. In line 18 list llist is created. In line 20, there is a function call tolsearchf using two arguments: the list and the key value to search. The functiondefinition appears in lines 8-16. The function returns the index value of the elementfound that is equal to the key value, or −1 if not found.

Listing 9: Script file for computing linear search in a list

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1 # Python script for linear search

2 # it performs a linear search of the array varr

3 # looking for the value kvar

4 # The algorithm sets the result, the index value of

5 # the element found, or -1 if not found.

6 # File: lsearch.py


8 def lsearchf (varr, kval):

9 # find the element in varr equal to kval

10 found = False

11 num = len (varr)

12 for j in range(0, num):

13 if found == False and varr [j] == kval:

14 found = True

15 return j

16 return -1


18 llist = [23, 12, 19, 35, 22, 81, 14, 8, 33]

19 key = input ("Enter the key value: ")

20 result = lsearchf(llist, key)

21 if result >= 0:

22 print ’Result index is: ’, result

23 else:

24 print ’Key not found’

Executing the script file lsearch.py with the Python interpreter produces thefollowing output.

$ python lsearch.py

Enter the key value: 33

Result index is: 8

$ python lsearch.py

Enter the key value: 45

Key not found

8.3.2 Binary Search

Binary search is a more complex search method and is very efficient, compared tolinear search because the number of comparisons is smaller.

A prerequisite for the binary search technique is that the element values in thearray to be searched be sorted in ascending order. The array elements to search

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are split into two halves or partitions of about the same size. The middle elementis compared with the key (requested) value. If the element with this value is notfound, the search is continued on only one partition. This partition is again splitinto two smaller partitions until the element is found or until no more splits arepossible because the element is not found.

With a search algorithm, the efficiency of the algorithm is determined by thenumber of compare operations with respect to the size of the array. The averagenumber of comparisons with linear search for an array with N elements is N/2, andif the element is not found, the number of comparisons is N . With binary search,the number of comparisons is log2N . The informal description of the algorithm is:

1. Assign the lower and upper bounds of the array to lower and upper.

2. While the lower value is less than the upper value, continue the search.

(a) Split the array into two partitions. Compare the middle element withthe key value.

(b) If the value of the middle element is equal to the key value, terminatesearch and the result is the index of this element.

(c) If the key value is less than the middle element, change the upper boundto the index of the middle element minus 1. Continue the search on thelower partition.

(d) If the key value is greater or equal to the middle element, change thelower bound to the index of the middle element plus 1. Continue thesearch on the upper partition.

3. If the key value is not found in the array, the result is -1.

Listing 10 shows the Python script that implements the binary search algorithm.The script commands is stored in command file bsearch.py.

Listing 10: Python script for searching for a key using binary search.

1 # Python script that implements a binary search

2 # of list (array) llist using key value key.

3 # The result is the index value of

4 # the element found, or -1 if not found.

5 # File: bsearch.py


7 def bsearchf (varr, kval):

8 # find the element in varr equal to kval

9 num = len (varr)

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10 lower = 0

11 upper = num - 1

12 while lower <= upper :

13 middle = (lower + upper) / 2

14 if kval == varr[middle]:

15 return middle; # result

16 else:

17 if kval < varr[middle]:

18 upper = middle - 1

19 else:

20 lower = middle + 1

21 return -1 # not found


23 llist = [9, 10, 13, 61, 72, 82, 89, 95, 102]

24 key = input(’Enter key value: ’)

25 result = bsearchf(llist, key)

26 if result >= 0:

27 print ’Result index is: ’, result

28 else:

29 print ’Key not found’

Executing the bsearch script with the Python interpreter produces the followingoutput listing.

$ python bsearch.py

Enter key value: 81

Key not found

$ python bsearch.py

Enter key value: 72

Result index is: 4

Note that because of the limited precision of digital computers, it is not recom-mended that two floating-point values be tested for equality. Instead, a small fixedconstant value is used to compare with the absolute difference of the two values.

The following example defines the symbol EPSIL as a constant with a relativelysmall value 0.000001 and is used to compare with the difference of the values ofvariables aa and bb. In this case, the two variables are not considered equal becausetheir difference is not less or equal to EPSIL.

>>> EPSIL = 0.000001

>>> aa = 46.005

>>> bb = 46.0055

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>>> aa - bb


>>> abs(aa - bb) <= EPSIL


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