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STYLE The pleasure of shaping your own life LITE The freedom of feeling light-hearted EYEWEAR The desire of expressing your very nature JOURNAL EDITION 02|2012 PRICE 5 EURO
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StyleThe pleasure of shaping your

own life

liteThe freedom of feeling


eyewearThe desire of expressing your

very nature

Journal EDITIon 02|2012 PrICE 5 Euro

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© Silh



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spx art MoD. 768404

backstageThe secret behind the minimalistic design and maxi-mum wearing comfort lies in the polymer composite spx . Unsur-passed lightness – pure pleasure for the eyes.

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14 peopleThe Spanish designer, Juli Capella, talks about his view of life and explains how a Silhouette frame makes his life so much easier.

28 collectionSilhouette, with their multifaceted collections, is giving lightness a new meaning and affords us a glimpse of the weightless designs of the future.

41 wellseeingEnjoy perfect, light-weight protection from the sun. People with eyewear can now also enjoy Silhouette’s prescription sun protection solutions.

48 worldRoyalty, film stars, directors – famous personalities from all over the world find sharper vision with ease.

publisher Silhouette International Schmied ag, Ellbognerstraße 24, 4021 linz, austriadesign d.signwerk4030 linz, austriathemata | kommunikation 2500 baden, austriarealization d.signwerk4030 linz, austriaMedia owner ferrytells Verlags- und beratungsgesmbh1010 Wien, austria

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onlInE ConTEnT






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silhouette iMirrorDiscover just how simple choosing eyewear can be. The Silhouette iMirror shows you the way to your very own eyewear – literally. Download the iMirror app: www.silhouette.com/iphoneapp

starsTrue stars from the world of design, TV, music and sport

are revealed in the following pages, you can also see video interviews online at www.silhouette.com/newsroom.

qr-codeScanning QR (quick response) codes with your web-enabled smartphone allows you to go straight to the Silhouette website to see further information. Simply download the appropriate QR code reader app for your smartphone, scan the codes and prepare to be amazed (e.g. for iPhone: i-nigma QR code / Android: QR Droid)!

find us on facebook | Twitter

pure lifestyleFeel lite, show style encapsulates Silhouette’s

philosophy for a pure lifestyle. Let this video inspire you to add your own personalised lightness to your life.


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true life

Seeing and recognising the thingS that count

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ThE simple bEauTy of rEalITySEEIng yourSElf In a nEW lIghT EVEry Day anD STIll knoWIng Who you arE? IT’S SIMPly a MaTTEr of SElf-ConfIDEnCE anD rElEaSIng the desire to live life to the full.

ShE WEarS a titan iMpressions MoDEl 4265, hE WEarS a titan iMpressions MoDEl 7773PhoTo: SErgE guEranD

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TruE lIfE


Celebrating the changes that everyday life throws at you is nothing new for ordinary people. No two days are the same. Life is constantly throwing new situations at us, whether these are focussed business meetings or time out to relax. With this in mind, we can pick the appropriate style from our eyewear collection just as we choose a change of clothes. Whichever eyewear we are looking for, the diversity of rimless styles is nothing short of infinite. The timeless design of these classic styles forms the basis to harmoniously bring out the uniqueness of every personality. The characteristic starting point is the timeless design of the classic models. Simple

and reduced to the bare essentials, this eyewear is the epitome of pure harmony. For a subtle and natural look that strikes a good balance between formal and casual, look no further than this classic design. This basic everyday eyewear, combining first-class materials with discreet colours, exudes a debonair serenity and a reassuring feel-ing of inner calm. ✦ titan iMpressions

MoDEl 4265

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, bEr







Those who look afTer The simple Things find The

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TruE lIfE


essential looks after itself.


CrafTSManShIP In ThE titan sculpture –

robuST TITanIuM anD ThE SPX PolyMEr


hIngE SoluTIon. IDEal for WEarErS WITh

a PaSSIon for TEChnology anD

DESIgn.MoDEl 5206

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Timeless sTabiliTy ThaT ouTlives fashions and Trends.

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TruE lIfE


an icon of perfect design.

WEIghIng In aT aMErE 1.8 graMS, ThEhIgh-TECh TITanIuM

DESIgn ICon,titan MiniMal art,

IS ThE lIghTEST EyEWEarIn ThE WorlD anD

foCuSES on ThEESSEnTIal by DoIng

aWay WITh rIMS,hIngES anD SCrEWS.

MoDEl 7613

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infinite DESIgn PoWEr

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architect, town planner, industrial designer, graphic designer, author, publisher and curator – Juli capella wears Many hats. buT aboVE all ElSE, hE IS an unSToPPablE DESIgnEr WITh an aCuTE aPPrECIaTIon of ThE ESSEnCE of ThIngS. Juli Capellas office in the heart of Barcelona is a gateway to the world of international design. This is where buildings are planned, town squares and quarters are developed, exhibitions are organised, magazines and posters designed. This is not simply a place where books about artistic developments, Spanish architecture and the history of design are written. This is a place where Juli Capella‘s copious works are actually writing design history. It‘s hard to believe that this curious mind ever rests. On the contrary, he protests, for he sometimes comes upon his best ideas in his sleep.

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I‘M noT InTErESTED In branDS. ThEy rEPulSE ME Too MuCh. I haVE a SIlhouETTE bECauSE IT hElPS ME SEE anD lETS ME forgET ThaT I nEED EyEWEar.

JulI CaPElla WEarS a titan dynaMics MoDEl 7717

Silhouette: Do you ever think about the boundaries between disciplines? Juli Capella: My father once said: “Do just one job, but be the best.” I do the opposite. I love combining graphic art, fashion, architecture and writing, because I see it as one whole. One has a responsibility to solve problems. There’s no such thing as a big project or a small one. It’s either interesting or uninteresting. I try and question some of the boundaries to allow me to override them in order to achieve things. Silhouette: What do you like about creating? Juli Capella: Neither form nor design. I’m interested in concepts, looking for strong ideas to which I can give shape. Silhouette: Do you hit on the “winner” within seconds? Juli Capella: I have every faith in my inspiration – I’m always on the qui vive. I also get good ideas when I’m asleep or in the shower. The first draft rarely sees the morning light, but it sometimes sparks the process. The work follows, needing energy, many good people and enough time for a flash of inspiration to occur. Silhouette: How do you find the right material? Juli Capella: I have a curious mind and innovative materials open up unimaginable opportunities, instantly letting me see an object in a different light. A chair – made of wood for centuries – can have a different impact in plastic: a revolution for the material world. I love new materials. My office is a real hive of materials. Silhouette: How important is design for you as a person? Juli Capella: When I was young, I sought out a lot of definitions to help me understand design. Nowadays, I see it as something simple: it is “thinking before doing”, a very human process. I believe that design should improve everyday life. It’s always a great pleasure when people like my products and enjoy using them, but for me, it’s not a

matter of beauty or prestige. I’m drawn towards serving people’s needs. Silhouette: Let’s talk about your Silhouette. Why do you wear a Titan Minimal Art? Juli Capella: I’m not really interested in my appearance. I want to feel good about myself and have been looking for good eyewear for a long time. For me, “good” means functional above all else, but I also love symbolic design. Those were my precon-ceptions, and about twelve years ago I found what I was looking for in my first Silhouette – despite the fact that I don’t actually like minimalism. I’m a big fan of maximalism. I can’t imagine a better epitome of maximal-ism than the minimalistic Silhouette. As Philippe Starck once said: “Nobody needs a tap. You need water, and the tap is just the means to the end.” I don’t need eyewear as such either, but I want to see better. And there’s nothing greater than my Titan Minimal Art to help me see better.

Silhouette: Are you as carefree about life as you are about work? Juli Capella: Now there’s a poetic question! Sharing ideas and experiences with others is what give life its charm. I’m a people person – regardless of whether I’m with customers or friends. Going past one of my buildings does make me happy, but I also know how to appreciate good moments and enjoy these just as much. Silhouette: One of your twelve books details the history of design. What’s that all about? Juli Capella: “That’s how Things are Born” describes the essence of everyday objects, such as eyewear, for example. I trace back to the scribes of the Middle Ages. Only those who read and write need eyewear – necessity is the mother of invention. The book goes from one milestone to the next, from the one-piece monocle to eyewear as we know it today, from the invention of sunglasses to the creation of the Silhouette. Silhouette: Silhouette is reduced to the absolute maximum. What does that mean? Juli Capella: To satisfy peo-ple’s expectations, it needs to be more than just a nice shape. Silhouette comes up trumps with the design. Silhouette have revolu-tionised eyewear with SPX and high-tech titanium, bringing lightness into a new dimension. Sometimes, the possible is pushed to its absolute limits. That’s what I find interesting – not the shape, but the actual concept. ✦


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urban chic

the ART of simply being

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WhEnEVEr lIfE nEEDS MorE Colour anD you WanT To flaunT your oWn InDIVIDual STylE, EyEWEar CoMES InTo Play aS a confident style stateMent.

hE WEarS a titan iMpressions fullriM MoDEl 2876PhoTo: SErgE guEranD

ThE Colourful variety of lIfE

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urban ChIC


Throbbing metropolises like London, New York and Tokyo never cease to fascinate people with their dazzling prospects and their colourful hustle and bustle. The amazing array of shapes and magnificent colours are part and parcel of a chic, urban lifestyle. When expressing your individual personality and your love of fashion and trends, one rule holds true: if you like it, wear it. Exclusive accessories form a fashion statement affording you endless ways to set the tone. They portray an awareness of style – a symbol of someone’s desires. Yet delving into different lifestyle worlds is not restricted to clothes and shoes alone. Eyewear provides a wonderful

opportunity to make your personality shine through in endless different ways. Subtle but incredibly effective, eyewear uses shape and colour to underline the different facets of your person-ality. With a multitude of magnificent hues, first-class materials and the emphasis on individuality and extravagance, eyewear reflects your very own joie de vivre. ✦ titan iMpressions

fullriM MoDEl 2876

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is born through resolutely looking ahead and the

simple act

of keeping all possibilities open.

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urban chicCh




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ThE WonDErfully SofT fEEl of ThE spx connection CoMES

froM ThE InnoVaTIVE spx PolyMEr


oVEr Too, WITh METallIC TouChES on ThE TEMPlES

anD an aTTraCTIVE rangE of ColourS.

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seeinG MuSIC

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creativity flows through linda sundblad‘s veins. ShE SIngS anD WrITES hEr oWn SongS, SEnDIng roWDy roCk SongS anD MElloW TunES arounD ThE WorlD. anD ShE alSo haS ClEar IDEaS abouT WhaT ShE WanTS froM hEr SIlhouETTE. Once the young girl in the old man’s rock band, “Lambretta”, the Swede decided to fulfil her dreams of a solo career after recording three albums with the band. Her first solo album (Oh My God!, 2006) soon brought her huge success in Europe and America as well as a Grammy nomination. She is living a dream, enjoying the freedom of starting afresh every day and the creative potential of putting her thoughts down in song. And when she embarks on a tuneful quest for the meaning of life, Linda Sundblad affords us a glimpse inside her own personality. All we need to do is sit back and listen, and let her subtle tones inspire us.

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Some dreamS are born when they are before our very eyeS, juSt like my very own „diamond GlaSSeS“. beinG able to expreSS mySelf throuGh my muSic iS juSt one of thoSe dreamS.

lInDa SunDblaD WEarS titaN MiNiMal art WITh an InDIVIDually DESIgnED lEnS ShaPE

Silhouette: You left school early. Is that because of music? Linda Sundblad: I joined „Lambretta“ when I was 15, which is when I realised that this was what I wanted. I consider it a heaven-sent gift to be able to use an instrument as a way of expressing my inner thoughts. But it just happened that way. I didn‘t plan it. I left school officially at the age of 17. Silhouette: Did you have to win people round to this idea? Linda Sundblad: My father is a guitarist so he can see his lifetime dream in me. My mother knew that it was a big opportunity and trusted me because there has always been a strong bond between the two of us. Silhouette: How does a young girl feel when she reaches No. 1 in several different countries? Linda Sundblad: Everything happened so fast, but it turned out to be the best university of life. I had a good relationship with the „old guys“. It was fun and life was exciting. Silhouette: You left the band in 2005 to begin your solo career. Do you enjoy going your own way or are you looking to join forces? Linda Sundblad: Up until recently, I had the feeling that I needed someone beside me. Now, however, I want to do my own thing. When I write, I need immediate feedback. I currently work on almost everything with my drummer, Elias. Life and the unexpected inspire me. Sometimes you feel as though all your paintings are done. And then, the very next day, everything‘s changed. That‘s what I sing about. Silhouette: How is a song born?

Linda Sundblad: I hear chords and a melody comes into my head. The song „How can I miss something, that I never had“ revolves around this very line. It symbolises our life and times, as we concentrate on what we haven‘t got. It then goes on to say „in a new painting of another life, I wait for you“ – a dedication to someone who I loved and missed. Illusions evolve into a

melody. Then I need to go straight to the studio because I have to let the song out. Silhouette: So the music comes to you? Linda Sundblad: I am not a spiritual person, but I can feel when the music‘s flowing. I don‘t have time to think, I just act. Some music is mundane, but most of it is good, I hope.

Silhouette: 2006 brought you success as a solo artist. What happened then? Linda Sundblad: It was great, but I was suffering from a broken heart. My second solo album was not as successful, but I got plenty of publicity. My broken heart was a big talking point. Reading about it was a kind of therapy. I became conscious of my abilities and got that itch to start making music again. Silhouette: With which artist would you really like to work? Linda Sundblad: Morissey. Most definitely. I sing „There is a light, that never goes out“ as a cover version. Silhouette: How will Linda Sundblad be taking us by surprise next? Linda Sundblad: I am releasing an EP with Swedish songs in autumn and will be working with an English DJ. That‘s all I know at the moment, apart from the fact that I‘m in the music business to stay. Silhouette: How did you come up with your Silhouette? Linda Sundblad: I wanted something very individual and contacted Silhouette before going to an eye-care professional with my design. The lens shape comes across as very artistic without being over the top. I like the combi-nation of simplicity and subtlety, and I was often photo-graphed in them at the Fashion Week. This eyewear is a real talking point – everyone thinks it‘s cool! And I love my Titan Minimal Art, too. I call them my „diamond glasses“. Silhouette: Do you consider eyewear as a fashion statement, or is it just strictly functional for you? Linda Sundblad: Of course I want to be able to see better, but it‘s great that I can do so with such a sophisti-cated accessory. I also wear my Silhouette for concerts. It‘s a real part of me. Sometimes I wear it instead of make-up. Perhaps I should be working as a Silhouette designer? ✦


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exquisite moments

Master- piecesfor your personality

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exquisite MoMEnTS

owning soMething exceptional is a privilege. EXTraorDInary ThIngS arE EXPrESSED Through ElaboraTE DETaIlS, SElECT MaTErIalS anD an aPPrECIaTIon for fIrST-ClaSS CrafTSManShIP.

ShE WEarS a starways MoDEl 4233, hE WEarS a powerlight MoDEl 5210PhoTo: SErgE guEranD

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Sometimes the best is all you need. When you make time for yourself, do something special with a loved one or enjoy the best things life offers. When you can allow time to stand still for a while, whilst travelling or appreciating fine art, for example. A hectic lifestyle and everyday humdrum knocks pale next to the magical sparkle of individuality. Creating something special relies on masterful details, which are expressed through the blend of select materials and virtuosic crafts-manship. Deciding on one of the elegant Silhouette styles is deciding on an exquisite lifestyle. As precious as a piece of jewellery, every style

is the epitome of sophistication. The fine craftsmanship, comprising more than 260 individual stages, is a delight for the fingers, as well as for the eyes. And even if the true splendour of life cannot be summed up in material terms, holding such a limited edition masterpiece in our hands fills us with an exultant joy that no words could ever describe. ✦ starways

MoDEl 4231

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special creates that

unique moment

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ThE powerlight IS JEWEllEry for ThE

faCE, fEaTurIng a luXury CrySTal SET In

ThE fEaThEr-lIghT hIgh-TECh TITanIuM


IS CrafTED uP To 80 % by hanD.

rIMlESS MoDEl 5210 nylor MoDEl 5252

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passionate abouT SInCErITy

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Journalist and presenter, sandra barneda valls, is writing television history aS a young, aTTraCTIVE SPanISh laDy WITh a SInCErE InTErEST In gEnuInE PEoPlE anD TruE STorIES. The combination of Sandra Barneda’s professionalism and naturalness never ceases to delight audiences. Whether she is appearing on screen or in a photo shoot, this Spaniard certainly has an unbelievable aura about her. Perhaps not surprising for a journalism graduate and actress with fifteen years of television experience. But that’s not all. It is a real pleasure to meet a star who is so open with others. Not just asking questions, but also listening intently to the answers. Her image doesn’t matter too much to her. What really matters is what people are getting up to in the world.

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Simple thingS are alwayS the moSt delicate. my Silhouette eyewear iS a Symbol or pure and Simple elegance.

SanDra barnEDa VallS WEarS a Modern shades MoDEl 5247

Silhouette: You are all over Spanish television. How did that happen? Sandra Barneda: I never imagined that I would be a television celebrity. I studied journalism because I’m a people person. I soon realised that a few theatrical classes wouldn’t do me any harm. Then I wanted to produce my own things and began working as a producer. Silhouette: Straight away on television? Sandra Barneda: First on radio. I like listening to a simple voice and leaving the rest up to my imagination. A teacher sent me to a TV audition. They ended up choosing me, even though I was shy and unsure of myself. Silhouette: What was it like standing in front of a camera for the first time? Sandra Barneda: I go about everything with confidence and passion. Television was not a lifelong dream – more like jumping into cold water. I was very excited, seeing it as an adventure when I started out. I knew straight away that I could make it. The challenge was worth it. It gave me more confidence. Those were my first steps on my career ladder. Silhouette: You seem to be at home on television. Were you in your element in front of the camera right from day one? Sandra Barneda: No, that happened about fifteen years later. In the meantime I was busy experimenting a lot with who I was. It’s still strange to see myself on the screen, but I do feel at ease in front of the camera. Silhouette: How much of you is the real you, and how much your character? Sandra Barneda: Everything is on show on television

and everyone sees it. The important thing is to be genuine. That’s hard because you try and protect yourself, or subconsciously try to be someone you admire. But that’s being insin-cere, and the audience wants to see genuine people. You only really succeed and start having fun when you have self-assurance and don’t need to put up a façade any more. Personal and professional worlds are

intertwined with one another, which is why I need a good balance between both. Silhouette: In your live show “El Gran Debate” you entertain audiences for hours at a time. What do you talk about and how do you decide on this? Sandra Barneda: We talk about everything, depending on what’s going on at the time: politics, social developments, personal topics. We always have guests – celebrities as well

as ordinary people. I was hooked on this great concept right from the start. Every day is a challenge. Anything could happen and I need to be able to adapt to a wide range of topics and people at the drop of a hat. Silhouette: How do you help guests who are very nervous? Sandra Barneda: I’m always the one who’s nervous, but it helps to concentrate fully on what others are saying. Focussing on the person talking to me makes my own fears automatically vanish. Exchanging points of view with others inspires me. It seems to help the person I am talking to as well. Silhouette: Many people are interested in your image and fashion magazines talk about what you wear. What is your style and how important a role does fashion play in your life? Sandra Barneda: I find that personality is essential. Fashion just follows. If you are not at one with yourself, even the greatest outfit will fall flat. I believe that beauty and harmony come from the inside, contrary to dictated fashion to which one falls victim. I love design, but I don’t buy it. I’ve got a tattoo and I like modernity, but nothing too cool. I’m not very fashion-conscious, just simple. I like comfy clothing, exclusive materials. And I love discovering novelties: nice spots, pubs, new things. Silhouette: What do you particularly like about your Silhouette Modern Shades? Sandra Barneda: Silhouette brings many things together in a unique way. It is unbelievably comfortable; you even forget you’re wearing it. And as for image...it is wonderfully aerodynamic and with so few features, strikes an unparalleled harmony between beauty, elegance and clarity. This particular line here is delightful. So too does the lightness of the Titan Minimal Art. ✦


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dynamic aspects

AS flexible as life itself

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gIVIng rEalITy a free reiGn finding your own teMpo requires solid foundations, abSoluTE frEEDoM of MoVEMEnT anD TEChnICal STanDarDS ThaT SurPaSS all oThErS.

ShE WEarS a titan eleMents MoDEl 4234PhoTo: SErgE guEranD

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There are many reasons to enjoy being active. Offsetting the multitude of challenges posed by everyday life and work, being active clears the mind and makes way for new ideas and concepts. Keeping active also makes for a self-determined attitude towards life. Nowadays, far from being seen as a tiresome duty, keeping active is a sign of a healthy lifestyle. It is a known fact that those who keep their body and soul in shape reap more of life‘s potential. Not to mention pushing out our own limits until we finally surpass them. With a clearly defined goal in front of us and the right tools for the job, reaching for our goals and achieving them

becomes simple. Technical excellence, feather-light high-tech materials and the perfect fit make Silhouette‘s active designs essential accessories for all types of sport and a casual, easy-going lifestyle. Their strong shades, dynamic shape and exceptional wearing comfort also ensure that you still feel good and have fun when life is on the move. ✦ titan eleMents

MoDEl 7756

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Vitality and


are the quintessence of an easy-going lifestyle.

titan rays lEnD ThEMSElVES PErfECTly To an aCTIVE lIfESTylE


ThE SkIn-frIEnDly SofT-TouCh SurfaCE


EXPrESSIVE Colour.MoDElS 4310, 5253

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sportinG VISIon

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antonio rossi is one of the Most successful canoeists in italy’s sporting history. ToDay, hIS CoMMITMEnT To SPorT EXTEnDS WEll bEyonD ITaly’S borDErS. Three Olympic gold medals, one silver and one bronze – the results of an unparalleled career in elite sport. Antonio Rossi first ventured onto the water in a kayak at the tender age of twelve. It was love at first sight! The same was true when he met his wife, Lucia Micheli – also a professional canoeist – a year later. Both of them share an innate passion for sport, which they have passed on to their two children.

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Since i’ve had a Silhouette, eyewear doeSn’t annoy me any more.

anTonIo roSSI IS WEarIng titan rays MoDEl 5254

Silhouette: As a canoeist, you have won all there is to win. You have provided top performances for over twenty years. You have also taken part five times in the Olympic Games. How do you keep busy after an active career, so that life doesn’t lose its excitement? Antonio Rossi: One can always find new challenges. I grew up with sport, which is why I have learnt to carry on setting new goals. After I gave up professional sport, I tried to fill my life with other things. I wanted to keep in sport though. That’s why I became a sports councillor in Lecco. I was voted onto the executive committee of Italian canoeists before ending up president of the European Athletics Committee. This is an exciting job because I get the chance to be involved in sport on a wider scale, which is great because I want to carry on in world of sports – maybe as a sports manager. Needless to say, our two children also make sure life never gets boring! Silhouette: Your wife, Lucia Micheli-Rossi, was also a top kayak sportswoman. You are also a sporty family. Do your children also have sporting ambitions and would you encourage them to pursue a career in sport? Antonio Rossi: I try to share my passion for sports with my two children, Riccardo and Angelica. We often do sporting activities together after school and also go skiing a lot in winter. When we’re by the sea, we go

canoeing or do other sporting activities. I suppose that’s what being a professional sportsman’s all about. You can generally tell with children early on if they have the physical ability and enough fighting spirit in them. But to say whether they can actually make a career of it is impossible. It’s still too early. But we do set them an example.

Silhouette: What ideals do you want to pass on to your children? Antonio Rossi: When children are involved in sport, they learn a lot of very important values in a fun way. These values can best be summed up as “respect”, I believe. Respect for their own body, respect for rules and respect for opponents, respect for the referee’s decision, respect for their own performance and that of their opponents. Sport allows children to spend time

with their peers, and it also teaches shy children how to blossom. There are so many things that children can learn through sport. Silhouette: As a sportsman, you probably travelled and still travel a lot. Does this make you appreciate your origins and roots more when you travel so much? Antonio Rossi: Yes, I’d say so. It was always a great honour to represent Italy at the Olympic Games and to be selected as the first athlete from the Financial Police to carry the flag in for the Olympic games. But travelling abroad also makes me miss home very much. Especially when I’m away for several weeks. Silhouette: If you could start afresh, what would you want to be? Antonio Rossi: I have always wanted to be a sportsman. I always say you’re either attracted to water or to mountains. I like mountains too, especially skiing. Had I not been a canoeist, I would probably have turned to another sport. I didn’t dream of anything else, despite coming from a family of doctors. My grandma was a doctor, my father a doctor. However, I never wanted to become a doctor. Silhouette: For sportsmen, functionally is the most important design element. The kayak’s perfect streamline shape can make tenths of a second of difference – the difference between winning and losing. What do you appreciate most about your Silhouette? Antonio Rossi: The fact that you don’t feel them when you’re wearing them. I used to only wear contact lenses because glasses annoyed me. Silhouette changes all that. That’s why I wear them quite often, especially for driving. ✦

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on the Sunny Side of life

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ThE bEST ProTECTIon froM ThE Dark SIDE of ThE Sun. alMoST EVEry MoDEl In ThE SIlhouETTE SunWEar CollECTIon Can bE fITTED WITh PrESCrIPTIon lEnSES. anD VICE VErSa, ClIP-onS Can TranSforM PrESCrIPTIon EyEWEar InTo SunWEar aT ThE flICk of ThE WrIST.Sun aDVEnTurEr MoDEl 8658MoDErn ShaDES MoDEl 4288 WITh ClIP-on

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Summer, sun and the lightness of being – light reflects off the surface of water, rebounding a hundred times stronger. We enjoy the sun’s warmth, rubbing in more cream to avoid the risk of sunburn. We buzz with new energy, leaving all our cares behind us.Yet even the brightest summer’s day has a dark side. Most sun worshippers have come round to the idea of protect-ing their skin, but underestimating the effect of the sun could end in tears, according to Christopher Kiss, MD, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Director Clinical Study Centre at the Department of Ophthal-mology & Optometry at the Medical University of Vienna. “Few people are aware that UV rays and exposure to the sun have exactly the same life-long effect on the eyes as they do on the skin.” High-energy radiation. We are only able to perceive a certain amount of these damaging rays. Although physi-cians define light as electromagnetic radiation, we consider it more emo-tionally. For us, these rays reveal a world full of magnificent colours. Depending on the wavelength, we see light as purple, blue, yellow, orange and red – just like the colours of a rainbow. However, if the wavelength falls beneath 380 nanometres, we cannot see the rays at all. This doesn’t help our eyes – in fact, it has quite the opposite effect. The so-called ultraviolet light is so high in energy that it can damage the tissue of the retina. In exactly the same way as skin takes a battering with sunburn, the cells in the eye also get damaged. Direct consequences include irritations of the conjunctiva and cornea.However, even visible light can have a negative effect. Blue light with a wavelength of between 380 and 500 nanometres can be particularly dangerous to our eyes. When the photoreceptors in the macula area – the point at which vision is sharpest – become damaged or die off, this can have fatal effects, according to Christopher Kiss on the subject of unprotected exposure to the sun. “Impor-tant epidemiological research, the Beaver Dam Eye Study, has proved that people who spent a long time outside without UV protection in their youth or early adulthood are twice as likely to develop AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) as those who were happier indoors. AMD is the most common cause of blindness in the western world.” However, cataracts and retinal damage can also be caused by too much sun and no protection. Perfect protection. Whether hiking in the mountains, enjoying a beach holiday or relaxing by a lake, it is worth making sure you keep your sunglasses to hand. And today, ametropia is no longer an excuse for going without. Almost all styles in the Silhouette sunwear collection are

available with prescription lenses. And whether the lenses are green, brown or grey, is just a matter of taste. You simply need to consider the intended use. Brown, grey or green lenses do not distort colour perception and provide good contrast, making these protective sunwear lenses perfect for all of life’s circumstances. A highly practical alternative to traditional optical sunwear is rimless clip-ins, which are prescription-strength lenses that clip on to the nose bridge inside. These are available on select sunwear, such as the Silhouette Pro and the Silhouette Centre Court. And vice versa, clip-ons can transform optical eyewear into sunwear at the flick of the wrist. Watch out! Blue light! Whatever the chosen style, 100% UV protection should never be compromised. This

reinforces the natural protection provided by the cornea, lens and retina when in the sun, which shields the eyes from light with a wavelength of up to 400 nanometres. The blue light filter is equally indispensable. Silhouette sunwear filters up to 93% of blue light, which is more than ample. Polarising filters also provide protec-tion by shielding sun worshippers,

sportsmen and drivers from reflected light rays. Smooth surfaces like water, sand and tarmac can dazzle consider-ably. Simply squinting and carrying on is no real solution. The best reflex is to reach for lenses with vertical polar-ising filters. These not only reduce the dazzle, but also provide a sun protection factor between 60 and 70, if sunglasses were to be measured against sun cream standards. Comfortable and sturdy. Let’s admit it. High quality lenses alone are not enough. Full exposure to the sun also means needing protection from all angles – and the wrap-around design by Silhouette does just that! The lenses are strongly curved so that lateral rays don’t even get a look-in. Eyes can look to the horizon too, as the lens shape affords the wearer a particularly wide field of vision.In other words, Silhouette makes sure that nothing impairs the vision of eyewear and sunglass wearers outside. Silhouette eyewear is tailor-made to ensure the very best comfort, particularly guaranteed by insistence on high-tech materials such as titanium and the poly-mer composite, SPX . There is no pressure or slipping, even when the going gets hot in the summer. Stability and safety are also guaranteed in extreme circum-stances (such as hard collisions), making Silhouette sunwear the perfect solution for driving – the world over! Absolutely nothing can come between you and a cloudless summer. ✦

aPPrECIaTE ThE bEauTy of ThIS WorlD, WhIlST kEEPIng an EyE on onE‘S hEalTh – MakE ThE MoST of SuMMEr WITh CorrECT ProTEC-TIon froM ThE Sun.

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ThE materialrevolution of lIghTnESS

MorE harD-WEarIng, lIghTEr anD MorE brIllIanT Than aCETaTE, silhouette‘s intelligent spx polyMer coMposite IS noT only SETTIng nEW STanDarDS, buT ITS grounD-brEakIng PoTEnTIal IS alSo rEVoluTIonISIng ThE lIghTnESS of EyEWEar DESIgn.

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Desire for comfort and perfect fit prompted the creation of the innovative, high-tech material with which Silhouette is perfecting the concept of virtually weightless eyewear: feather-light eyewear design, luminous colours and an infinite array of shapes. SPX is a composite containing up to eight different polymer components. It is high-tensile and extremely flexible, UV-stable, resistant to scratching and abrasion, antiallergenic, cosmetic resistant and always keeps its shape. And it is only used in Silhouette eyewear. Rupert Spindelbalker, Director of Research and Development at Silhouette, explains how SPX stands up to the diverse functional demands placed on a Silhouette. „SPX is revolutionary and stems from our many years of experience. We analyse every millimetre of the eyewear so are well aware of the demands made on the material. Injection moulding up to eight polymer components ensures we fulfil the requirements with precision: lightness, feel, attention to detail, elasticity and strength – different priorities in different places. To put it simply, SPX provides the maximum functionality that is hidden within the minimalistic design of the eyewear.“In its pure form or combined with high-tech titanium, SPX lets improved vision unite with virtual weightlessness. The precision Austrian craftsmanship behind these feather-light masterpieces not only guarantees a customised fit for perfect comfort, but also underlines the distinct character of each and every personality. ✦

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queen elizabeth ii For the past 60 years, Elizabeth II

has not only been the Queen of England, but has also been

leading the Commonwealth, an informal organization that

unites 54 nations. She is only the second Monarch of Great Britain

to have reached her Diamond Jubilee – the other being Queen

Victoria – and, like her, Queen Elizabeth II is immensely

popular amongst her own people, as well as around the world.

Her optician, Roger Pope, can attest to her love of Silhouettes –

read his interview at:

MoDEl 1899


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prince constantiJn and princess laurentien

Prince Constantijn demonstrates his commitment to culture, not only as

Honorary Chairman of the Prince Claus Award – created 15 years ago by

his father, Prince Claus – but also by attending the Salzburg Festival. Seen

here at the “Jedermann” première.

queen sonJa As a modern monarch, Norway’s

Queen Sonja puts on the charm at courtly events with her dazzling personality. Recognized for her

outstanding commitment to humanity, the Queen is also a collector and

photographer, whose work focuses on the beauty of her country.

Whether she is at the national holiday celebrations (top) or the opening of the 60th International Film Festival in Bergen (left), Queen Sonja can be sure that she is fully protected from the sun.

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Jane curtinWith roles ranging from late-night comedy star to

the extra-terrestrial, Coneheads family, and from America’s First Lady in Tad to Divorce Wars alongside Tom Selleck,

the queen of dry humor plays her characters with convincing passion. She is now trying her hand at crime, as the New York criminologist Dr. Joanne Webster, in the

crime series Unforgettable.

larry hagMan Larry Hagman, who played the entertaining bad guy

J.R. Ewing in Dallas, let us inside the world of the rich and famous back in the 1980s. The Texan family saga revolving

around the oil industry and intrigues is now making a celebrated comeback. Newcomers have joined familiar faces

to bring the Southfork Ranch into the 21st century with 10 new episodes.

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daniele liotti The Italian actor is reknown for his roles in The Final Inquiry, Mad Love and Doctor Zchivago – a new rendition where he plays alongside Keira Knightley. His current role in the thriller series The Valdemar Legacy is one not to be missed.

anna tsuchiya Anna Tsuchiya flits masterfully between rock concerts, movie

screens and the catwalk. Inspired by her Japanese and American roots,

this young artist woos fans with her Japanese rock music.

Michael haneke Michael Haneke was awarded

a Palme d’Or in Cannes in 2009 for his touching black and white film The White Ribbon. He received a

second for his 2012 film Amour, earning him a position amongst the

best film directors of all time.

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the greatest sight to see is the world – look at it! Kurt Tucholsky

DEar rEaDEr, Taking this imperative to heart, we never cease to be amazed when we look at the world every day in a new light – particularly through rimless eyewear. After all, there’s so much to discover. Many things need to be looked at many times over before we can really see and understand them. Only people who see perfectly can discover the world and appreciate it a little more every day. Your perfect vision and your unhindered perspective are our prime concern – and they have been for the past 50 years. Nothing should come between you and the greatest sight. Nothing should impair or hinder it – least of all your eyewear. For the past 50 years, it has been both our wish and our desire to bring you the best vision and ultimate wearing comfort – as well as making you look good. After all, that’s what it’s about if you want to discover the world with eyewear. Warmest regards,

arNold SchMiedExecutive responsibilitiesMarketing, Sales and Design

KlauS SchMiedExecutive responsibilitiesfinance, administration and Production

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pure readinG PlEaSurE

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