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Literati - Issue 5

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UWC- USA OCTOBER 2014 Terror Attacks Shake Ottowa CHARLIE THOMPSON (CANADA ‘16) —————————- In his last moments of life, N a t h a n C i r i l l o s t o o d ceremoniously guarding Canada’s National War Memorial. He was shot twice in the back, and although bystanders tried to bring him back, he succumbed to his injuries. He leaves behind a six year old son, a girlfriend, and a group of beloved rescue dogs. Friends and family describe him as a kind soul and caring father. The shooter proceeded to hijack a car and speed to the parliament buildings in Ottawa, where a meeting between Prime Minister Stephen Harper and other important government figures was taking place. By the time he entered the building, the room was barricaded and police were close behind him. Kevin Vickers, head of security and Sgt. at Arms, was the first to encounter the gunman, and managed to shoot him before any more casualties occurred. Vickers is being hailed as a hero for his quick actions, and was given a standing ovation when he entered parliament the next day. The gunman was a muslim man, and there was a knee-jerk reaction to attribute the attack to ISIS in the media. Only days earlier, an Islamic militant had run over two Canadian soldiers, killing one of them. The prior attack is believed to be in response to Canada’s participation in the American war against ISIS, as it took place only days after Canadian fighter jets took off for the middle east. It is not yet clear what his motivations were, but police say the gunman suffered from mental illness. (continued on page 4) CAMPUS NEWS Take a look at all the talent on the campus, from visual arts to theatre. WORLD NEWS This week had been a tumultuous one for the world, with the tragic shooting in Ottowa to the step forward in the bid for marriage equality. OPINION In this issue our journalists look at the use and misuse of feminism in the fashion industry. Following this is our weekly take on humour with great advice and even better jokes. Photo Credit: Credit: http://www.independent.co.uk/) 1
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Terror Attacks Shake Ottowa !



In his last moments of life, N a t h a n C i r i l l o s t o o d ceremoniously guarding Canada’s National War Memorial. He was shot twice in the back, and although bystanders tried to bring him back, he succumbed to his injuries. He leaves behind a six year old son, a girlfriend, and a group of beloved rescue dogs. Friends and family describe him as a kind soul and caring father.  

  The shooter proceeded to hijack a car and speed to the parliament buildings in Ottawa, where a meeting between Prime Minister Stephen Harper and other important government figures was taking place. By the

time he entered the building, the room was barricaded and police were close behind him. Kevin Vickers, head of security and Sgt. at Arms, was the first to encounter the gunman, and managed to shoot him before any more casualties occurred. Vickers is being hailed as a hero for his quick actions, and was given a standing ovation when he entered parliament the next day.

The gunman was a muslim man, and there was a knee-jerk reaction to attribute the attack to ISIS in the media. Only days earlier, an Islamic militant had run over two Canadian soldiers, killing one of them. The prior attack is believed to be in response to Canada’s participation in the American war against ISIS, as it took place only days after Canadian fighter jets took off for the middle east. It is not yet clear what his motivations were, but police say the gunman suffered from mental illness. (continued on page 4)


!Take a look at all the talent on the campus, from visual arts to theatre. !!!!!WORLD NEWS

This week had been a tumultuous one for the world, with the tragic shooting in Ottowa to the step forward in the bid for marriage equality. !!!!!OPINION

In this issue our journalists look at the use and misuse of feminism in the fashion industry. Following this is our weekly take on humour with great advice and even better jokes.

Photo Credit: Credit: http://www.independent.co.uk/) 1

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A message from the Editors

!Hello readers, !Halloween is here and this year it truly is scary with undead walkers and even more frightening deadlines. Make sure to pick up the Literati and catch up on the world though, before becoming too engrossed in the busy line-up of events, workshops and good, old-fashioned work. !Best, !!! The Editors !!!!



Blake Anderson USA-KS

Ojaswee Rajbhandary Nepal ‘15

Charlie Thompson Canada ‘16

Sunniva Olsrud Punsvik (Norway/ Denmark ‘16)!

Izabella Pastrana USA-MO

Sage de Brum Marshall Islands ’15


Parris Bushong

WRITERSRuby McCafferty USA-VT ‘15

Isabel Skye!

USA - WI ‘16


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Campus Culture: The Arts



This past weekend saw a multitude of arts events, namely the Autumn Castle Concert and the second-year Theatre IPs. Students presented a vast array of pieces that shared parts of their home culture, secret passions, and artistic ideals. At the Castle Concert, students performed traditional music, sang opera, and improvised beautifully. On Saturday and Sunday, various students performed slam poetry, comedy, drama, and original theater pieces. Each performance showcased the incredible talent of the individuals as well as their directors.

It always strikes me that we have so much talent in this school. Students spend countless hours studying and doing ExEds, but somehow they manage to sneak in hours every week to practice piano in the music room or run scenes in the auditorium. Sitting in the back of the cafeteria on Saturday, I was particularly struck by this. Student after student stood up in front of their peers and performed

exceptionally, some of whom had just chosen a piece that morning. This is what we do for fun, and that to me is amazing. With what little time we have, some of us are able to create near-professional quality art and present it fearlessly.

This school’s ability to support a wide variety of activities is essential to vibrant student life, but it is also not something to take advantage of. Many of us come from schools with a focus on one extracurricular or another, and it is incredible to be in a place where no matter what your calling, you can find the resources to supported. Granted, the resources provided are not always the best, but at the very least the school shows an effort to support the student body’s diverse interests. On any given weekend, there are sports games, performances, shows, guest speakers, and music lessons. While the student body tends to complain about the overabundance of things to do on the weekends, I think it is important to take a moment to be grateful for it. Just take a moment to consider the amount of effort the school puts in to supporting us, and the incredible things we are able to create out of this support, especially in this time of widespread discontentment.




Photo Credit: Alva Christo! 3

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(continued from page 1)

Stephen Harper is receiving some criticism for his comments on the event, and many Canadians fear he will use this attack as a justification for more military presence in foreign countries and for more invasive laws. Before receiving any solid proof, Harper connected the Ottawa attack to the man who ran over Canadian soldiers. Journalist Eric Wright wrote, “the prime minister framed two isolated crimes committed in one country in the same week as an abstract attack on our civilization, democracy, and institutions without a shred of evidence or sober second thought.” In the same address, Harper vowed to “take this fight to the terrorists on their own territory.”  

  Justin Trudeau, who is the leader of the Canadian Liberal Party, had a different perspective on the events. In his speech to the nation, he reminded listeners, “we are a proud democracy, a welcoming and peaceful nation and a country of open arms and open hearts. We are a nation of fairness, of justice and of the rule of law. We will not be intimidated into changing that. If anything, these are the values and principles to which we must hold on even tighter.” He went on

to extend his support to the Muslim community, “And to our friends and fellow citizens in the Muslim community, Canadians know acts such as these committed in the name of Islam are an aberration of your faith.”  

  When Thursday morning came, it was discovered that somebody had thrown rocks through the windows of the Cold Lake mosque in Alberta and spray painted “GO HOME” across the face of the building. Within hours, citizens of Cold Lake had repainted the building and replaced the windows, along with signs that said things like “YOU ARE HOME”. The event received a lot of attention on social media, and to many served as a good reminder of what it means to be Canadian.  







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One More Step Towards Equal Opportunities



! On October 26th, the federal government approved same-sex marriage in six more states and the District of Columbia. North Carolina, Wyoming, Arizona, Idaho and West Virginia have now legalized same-sex marriage. Since Massachusetts in 2004 recognized same-sex marriage, 32 states in total have now recognized it too. There are, however, eighteen states that have banned th i s w i th cons t i tu t iona l amendments and state laws.

Attorney General Eric Holder said, “With each new state where same-sex marriages are legally recognized, our nation moves closer to achieving full equality for all Americans.” President and founder of Right to Marry, Rea Carey said, “Marriage is an important moment in life when we make a public promise of love and dedication to the person we are building a life with, and ask our friends and family to support us and hold us accountable. Couples who've made that commitment in life should have the same commitment under the law; that commitment is called marriage”. Nevertheless, there are also people that oppose this legalization of same-sex marriage. Brian Brown the president of national organization for marriage clearly say that there is no room under the law for people who disagree or refuse to accept this new under s t and ing o f mar r i ag e . He says, “Experiences tells us they will be punished by the law. Churches and religious organizations can

lose their tax exemptions.” Hence, legalizing same-sex marriage would put churches at risks. Peter Sprigg from family research council states that same-sex marriage would lead to a push for polygamy.

Same-sex marriage has not only been recognized in 32 states, but it has also gotten federal benefits, such as social security for widowers and the joint income tax return. The public opinion also changes along with this: more people are in favour for same-sex marriage than it has ever been. After 2010, the public opinion about same-sex marriage has changed drastically. Polls since 2010 indicates that over 50% are in favour of this. In March 1996, 68% of the American population did not want this to be legally recognized, while 27% wanted it to be (5% did not have an opinion about this). In May 2014, the percentages look entirely different; 55% of the population want marriage to be equal for every gender and 42% still think same-sex marriage should be banned.

(continued on page 6)

Sources: https://www.google.com/search?q=gender+love&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Fr1NVNOqM4aZyASO9oDABg&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=love+has+no+gender&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=2cvaf9cmzdAYQM%253A%3B4VcHX36_m2sC3M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fdata1.whicdn.com%252Fimages%252F12243916%252Fthumb.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fweheartit.com%252Ftag%252Flove%252520has%252520no%252520gender%3B240%3B200!! 5

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Time is changing, and the world is changing too. Nineteen countries have legalized same-sex marriage and the United States of America is one of them. From having the majority against marriage for every gender to having the majority with is one step closer towards an equal future. However, there are still a lot of people who do not think same-sex marriage should be recognized. Same-sex marriage that, has been banned by law for so many years, is slowly taking steps towards a new future.

Homosexuals and lesbians might not have a hundred percent equal rights to every other straight couple, but the road has already been built. It is a matter of time before everyone




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The F-words: Fashion, Feminism

and Faux Protest ISABEL SKYE!(USA - WI ‘16)!


On Tuesday, September 30th 2014, Karl Lagerfeld, creative director and head fashion designer for French fashion house Chanel, sent down models on the runway head-to-toe in a new fabric, feminism. Carry signs saying such slogans as, ‘Make Fashion not War’ and ‘Men Should Get Pregnant Too’ while others shouted through Microphones, a faux protest meant to celebrate female power.

However, many are skeptical. Natasha Walker, respected author of the book “Living Dolls: The Return of Sexism” and founder of the organization Women for Refugee Women, is quoted with saying, “It is great to see more young women engaging with feminist ideas all the way from talking about them on social media to actually getting active, but real change requires huge social change, economics and political shifts. If people start thinking that feminism is suddenly fashionable, then the danger is that the next moment they will

say it has fallen out of fashion.” This statement, while questioning, is the milder of the questioning around the display.

There are people in the media and fashion world who are questioning if it is even meant to truly represent feminism and female empowerment at all. As Natasha Walker states, it could someday be an ideology that feminism is ‘cool’, well some believe that that time is already here and men such as Karl Lagerfeld knows this, and is using it to his advantage. That he is not encouraging and supporting the culture of feminism and equal rights, but appropriating it.

And appropriating it wrong. With the slogans of ‘Make Fashion Not War”, “Boys Should Get Pregnant Too,” “Ladies First,” etc. to be truly insulting. Some argue that it shows a complete misinterpretation of the ideals of feminism. A more sensationalized way that has a showman ship to it. That he may have even warped it out with the emphasis being on the creative, aesthetic aspect of the show, which when talking about a world issue, many interpret as insulting and misguided. If you are going to talk on a topic, then at least make sure that out of all else, you represent it well, especially if it focuses on the life and well-being of half the world community.







NPhoto Credit: http://georgianneblog.com!

Photo Credit: http://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2014/sep/30/chanel-karl-lagerfeld-cheered-jeered-feminist-staement-fashion-catwalk! 7

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UWC- USA OCTOBER 2014 When it comes to the many controversial topics, feminism being a rather large one in this day and age, what should be emphasized is the discussion it creates. One perspective on the subject is the publicity that he brought to the world community by using a medium that majority of the world is very conscious of. Even if he talked on it in a misguided way, even if he didn’t care for the topic enough beyond its social power to actually try and represent it well, he is still creating conversation. Which, in a globalized world, is something virtually priceless. If one wants to create social reform within a society, that society must first know that it needs the reform.

Fashion is an art form, it is an entity that responds to the world around it, interprets it, and tries to relay it to the world. Fashion and clothing are things that have been around for thousands of years, they change with the world because they are something humans use to respond to the world. Even if Karl Lagerfeld’s interpretation and representation of feminism isn’t necessarily healthy, or even if he is merely appropriating a popular culture in this

Ask Sir E Brum !!



!1. What is the definition of drama?

A. When Sarah likes Mike but Mike is going out with Jane when Jane actually likes Dylan but Dylan likes Sarah so Dylan asks out Sarah and Jane gets mad and breaks up with Mike so she can go out with Dylan then Sarah asks out Eric instead and Eric likes Hannah and Hannah likes Mike so Hannah asks out Mike and Jane gets jealous so she tries to make up with Mike

(Definition Source: http://www.pmslweb.com/the-blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/28-true-meaning-of-drama.jpg)

B. A composition in verse or prose intended to portray life or character or to tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions through action and dialogue and typically designed for theatrical performance(Definition Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/drama)

2. What are useful words that I can use that others may not understand?

A. Kakistocracy – n. A government run by old people.

- Possibly applicable in the countries of some people

B. Euphemism – n. A less blunt word used in place of a more blunt one

- For when your teacher calls your test a “celebration”

Sources: Turnipseed, Stephan. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2014/10/16/fashion-treats-feminism-like-latest-designer-label/!








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C. Dysania – n. The state of finding it hard to get out bed in the morning (Definition Source: http://www.yourdictionary.com/dysania)

- Sounding like a chronic illness, could be useful for filling out your sick form at work

D.Hypronedrokustiskediafragmakontravibrationer – The chemical reaction causing a hiccup (Definition Source: Sunniva)

- One of the many things in Sunniva’s bag of tricks.

3. Do you know much about combining jokes?

-Person A: Why did the chicken cross the road?

-Person B: Why?

-Person A: To get to the dumb person’s house!

-Person B: ?

-Person A: Okay, knock knock.

-Person B: Who’s there?

-Person A: The chicken!


4. How do I relieve myself of all this stress?!

A. Be near either Parris (Parris especially), Susie, or Todd and pretend not to know they’re there and say to another person that the Red Sox actually aren’t that great.

B. Keep a diary. Praise or badmouth anyone or anything in that little book of words. It’s like talking to trees: You can talk to trees, but trees can’t talk . . . it probably took a tree to make that book too.

C. Hot springs. QED.

D. Make an imaginary friend. What could be better than all your friends that are around you every breathing minute of your UWC life? An imaginary friend! One who can fill in those gaps of when your normal friends can’t be around. Watch out though, talking to your friend while in the bathroom may be a little odd and does annoy people, probably because they are jealous of your imaginary bathroom-mate.

E. Finish your work on time? I guess if your work is what is giving you stress, then by that finishing your work should relieve you of stress.

Happy pen wielding.


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“No more talk of darkness

Forget these wide-eyed fears

It’s done—it’s been submitted

The first draft of your Math IA…”

-Raoul, if he were a student at UWC-USA instead of a character in “The Phantom of the Opera”

Well, at least I hope you’ve turned that stuff in, second-years. Those Exploration papers are mildly important, I’ve heard. Firsties, stop laughing at our pain. You’ll be in this position soon enough.

But no matter what we think of math, no matter the status of your Math IA, I believe we can all agree that we’d all just love to hear the above variation of Andrew Lloyd Weber’s “All I Ask of You” crooned to us in the smooth, silky, and undeniably dulcet tones of our dearly beloved Haley and James. I mean, holy wow, those pipes. I’m pretty sure they broke most everyone at last weekend’s Castle Concert. At the very least, they broke Michelle’s viola (I’m not sure if they broke Michelle’s viola, but Michelle’s viola broke, and I’m just saying that it’s a valid assumption to make).

I suppose, though, that The Phantom of the Opera’s famed and beautiful love ballads are not quite so suited to tonight’s festivities as, you know, other things (haunted house noises?) because do you know what tonight is, guys?!

IT’S HALLOWEEN! Alternatively, it might be the evening before Early Applications are due, but don’t stress too much, okay? I’m sending happy vibes right on over. But let’s get back to the point: Halloween!! Now, if you’re anything like me, you might be slightly confused. You might be thinking to yourselves, “Wait, what? Halloween? A single night? Are you saying that Halloween isn’t an entire month?”

And that, dear reader, is exactly what I’m trying to say here. The month of Halloween is actually the month of October. It’s true.

You can, however, drown your inevitable sor rows about this wholly unwelcome revelation in the promised hot cocoa and candy at (also) tonight’s 24 Hour Run! What better way to rein in the month of (American) Thanksgiving—er, I mean, November?—than running?!

You may not be an Ultra-marathon runner like Katrin; you may not be a half-marathon runner like Rohan. But you know what? Let’s face it. We’re all going to need to burn off the calories we’ll unavoidably consume in the form of mashed potatoes and roast turkey (or the vegetarian and vegan equivalents) in a few weeks’ time.

Consider this though. These 24 hours of running? It’s all just a preemptive measure. The Running Club is just lookin’ out for us and our (sometimes questionable) health, and you can help them support the local animal shelter, too!! Yay, puppies!

In conclusion, it’s Halloween; it’s the weekend. Give yourself a break from (all the other breaks you’re taking from doing actual) school work. Scare some people. Watch a horror movie. Eat a pumpkin. Run a little. It’ll be great, probably, overall.


the FLIPside

10 The Flipside
