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Pack and Saddle Stock Outfitter-Guide Permit Draft EIS Citations- 1 August 2010 Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest Literature Citations Almack, J.A., W.L. Gaines, R.H. Naney, P.H. Morrison, J.R. Eby, G.F. Wooten, M.C. Snyder, S.H. Fitkin, and E.R. Garcia. 1993. North Cascades Grizzly Bear Ecosystem evaluation: final report. Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee, Denver, CO. 156 pp. Alverson, E. and Arnett, J. 1986. Plant Life Of The North Cascades: Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Ridge, Stehekin Valley, And Glacier Peak. Washington Native Plant Society. Douglasia Occasional Papers. Volume Two. 96 pp. Apps, C.D. 2000. Space-use, diet, demographics, and topographic associations of lynx in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: a study. In : Ruggiero, L.F., K.B. Aubry, S.W. Buskirk, G.M. Koehler, C.J. Krebs, K.S. McKelvey and J.R. Squires, Tech. Eds. Ecology and conservation of lynx in the United States. General Technical Report, RMRS-GTR-30WWW. Ft. Collins, CO: Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service. p. 351-371. Available online at http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs/rmrs_gtr030.pdf (August 19, 2008). Aubry, K.L., K.S. McKelvey, and J.P. Copeland. 2007. Distribution and broadscale habitat associations of the wolverine in the contiguous United States. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2147-2158. Bennett, M.W. 2008. Methow Basin and Lake Chelan Basin Outfitter-Guide Permit Renewal. Specialist Report, March 20, 2008. On file at the Methow Valley Ranger District. Bock, Carl E., Victoria A. Saab, Terrell D. Rich, and David S. Dobkin. 1993. Effects of livestock grazing on neotropical migratory landbirds in western North America, in Deborah Finch and Peter Stangel (eds). Status and management of neotropical migratory birds: 296-309. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report RM-229. Brodo, I.M.; Sharnoff, S.D.; Sharnoff, S. 2001. Lichens Of North America. Yale University Press. 795 Pages. Burns, Robert C.; Graefe, Alan R.; Robinson, Karen; Woodruff, Sara. 2010. 2009 Wilderness Use Study: A Comparison of Pasayten and Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness Use Patterns. USDA Forest Service, Okanogan-Wenatchee NF, Pacific Northwest (R6) Region, Wenatchee, WA. 94 pp. Christy, R. E. and S. D. West. 1993. Biology of bats in Douglas-fir forests. USDA Forest Service PNW-GTR-308. Portland, OR: Pacific Northwest Experiment Station. Cole, D.N. 1987. Effects of three seasons of experimental trampling on five montane forest communities and a grassland in western Montana, USA. Biological Conservation 40:219-244. Available online at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V5X-48XKKKN- VG&_user=4250274&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F1987&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d& view=c&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=4250274&md5=99596df66a4027b75a450b910da6 549f (September 16, 2008)
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Pack and Saddle Stock Outfitter-Guide Permit Draft EIS Citations- 1 August 2010 Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

Literature Citations Almack, J.A., W.L. Gaines, R.H. Naney, P.H. Morrison, J.R. Eby, G.F. Wooten, M.C. Snyder, S.H. Fitkin, and E.R. Garcia. 1993. North Cascades Grizzly Bear Ecosystem evaluation: final report. Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee, Denver, CO. 156 pp. Alverson, E. and Arnett, J. 1986. Plant Life Of The North Cascades: Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Ridge, Stehekin Valley, And Glacier Peak. Washington Native Plant Society. Douglasia Occasional Papers. Volume Two. 96 pp. Apps, C.D. 2000. Space-use, diet, demographics, and topographic associations of lynx in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: a study. In: Ruggiero, L.F., K.B. Aubry, S.W. Buskirk, G.M. Koehler, C.J. Krebs, K.S. McKelvey and J.R. Squires, Tech. Eds. Ecology and conservation of lynx in the United States. General Technical Report, RMRS-GTR-30WWW. Ft. Collins, CO: Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service. p. 351-371. Available online at http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs/rmrs_gtr030.pdf (August 19, 2008). Aubry, K.L., K.S. McKelvey, and J.P. Copeland. 2007. Distribution and broadscale habitat associations of the wolverine in the contiguous United States. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2147-2158. Bennett, M.W. 2008. Methow Basin and Lake Chelan Basin Outfitter-Guide Permit Renewal. Specialist Report, March 20, 2008. On file at the Methow Valley Ranger District. Bock, Carl E., Victoria A. Saab, Terrell D. Rich, and David S. Dobkin. 1993. Effects of livestock grazing on neotropical migratory landbirds in western North America, in Deborah Finch and Peter Stangel (eds). Status and management of neotropical migratory birds: 296-309. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report RM-229. Brodo, I.M.; Sharnoff, S.D.; Sharnoff, S. 2001. Lichens Of North America. Yale University Press. 795 Pages. Burns, Robert C.; Graefe, Alan R.; Robinson, Karen; Woodruff, Sara. 2010. 2009 Wilderness Use Study: A Comparison of Pasayten and Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness Use Patterns. USDA Forest Service, Okanogan-Wenatchee NF, Pacific Northwest (R6) Region, Wenatchee, WA. 94 pp. Christy, R. E. and S. D. West. 1993. Biology of bats in Douglas-fir forests. USDA Forest Service PNW-GTR-308. Portland, OR: Pacific Northwest Experiment Station. Cole, D.N. 1987. Effects of three seasons of experimental trampling on five montane forest communities and a grassland in western Montana, USA. Biological Conservation 40:219-244. Available online at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V5X-48XKKKN-VG&_user=4250274&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F1987&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=4250274&md5=99596df66a4027b75a450b910da6549f (September 16, 2008)

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Pack and Saddle Stock Outfitter-Guide Permit Draft EIS Citations- 2 August 2010 Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

Cole, D.N. And Trull, S.J. 1992a. Quantifying Vegetation Response To Recreational Disturbance In The North Cascades, Washington. Northwest Science. 66:4:229-236. Cole, D. N. and T.E. Hall. 1992b. Trends in campsite condition: Eagle Cap Wilderness, Bob Marshall Wilderness, and Grand Canyon National Park. Res. Pap. INT-453. Ogden,UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, lntermountain Research Station. 40 pp. Available online at http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs_int/int_rp453.pdf (September 16, 2008) Cole, D.N. 1995a. Experimental Trampling Of Vegetation. I. Relationships Between Trampling Intensity And Vegetation Response. Journal Of Applied Ecology 32:203-214. Cole, D.N. 1995b. Experimental Trampling Of Vegetation. II. Predictors Of Resistance And Resilience. Journal Of Applied Ecology 32:215-224. Cole, D.N. And Spildie, D.R. 1998. Hiker, Horse And Llama Trampling Effects On Native Vegetation In Montana, USA. Journal Of Environmental Management. 53:61-71. Cole, D.N. and T.E. Hall. 2005. Wilderness Visitors and Experiences in Oregon and Washington: Trailhead Surveys in Thirteen Forest Service Wildernesses. Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute. 106 pp. Copeland, Jeffrey. 1996. Biology of the wolverine in central Idaho. M.S. Thesis, University of Idaho. 138 pp. Available online at http://maps.wildrockies.org/ecosystem_defense/Science_Documents/Copeland_1996.pdf (September 16, 2008) Copeland, J.P., J.M. Peek, C.R. Groves, W.E. Melquist, K.S. McKelvey, G.W. McDaniel, C.D. Long, and C.E. Harris. 2007. Seasonal habitat associations of the wolverine in central Idaho. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2201-2212. Available online at http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.2193%2F2006-559&ct=1 (September 16, 2008) Council on Environmental Quality. 2005. Guidance on the consideration of past actions in cumulative effects analysis. Letter. June 24, 2005. Available online at http://ceq.hss.doe.gov/nepa/regs/Guidance_on_CE.pdf (August 20, 2008) Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, and F.C. Golet. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services. FWS/OBS-79-31. December 1979. 131 pp. Available online at http://www.nwrc.usgs.gov/wdb/pub/others/79-31.pdf (August 19, 2008). Cowley, E.R., T.A. Burton, and S.J. Smith. 2006. Monitoring streambanks and riparian vegetation – multiple indicators. Technical Bulletin No. 2005-02, Version 2.0. Boise, ID: Idaho State Office, USDI BLM. 134 pp. Available online at http://www.blm.gov/id/st/en/info/publications/technical_bulletins/tb_07-01.html (August 19, 2008)

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Pack and Saddle Stock Outfitter-Guide Permit Draft EIS Citations- 3 August 2010 Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

Davis, C.; Kawer, M., Kovalchik, B., Lillybridge, T., And Narsico, C.. 2004. Landtype Associations Of North Central Washington (Wenatchee, Okanogan, And Colville National Forests). USDA Forest Service. Okanogan-Wenatchee NF. 114 Pages. Davis, Carl. 2006. Soils Report, Outfitter-Guide EIS. March 13, 2006. On file at the Methow Valley Ranger District. DeGraaf, R.M., V.E. Scott, R.H. Harris, L. Ernst and S.H. Anderson. 1991. Forest and rangeland birds of the United States: natural history and habitat use. USDA Forest Service Agricultural Handbook 688. 625 pp. Dowie, L. 2008. Wilderness Ranger, Methow Valley Ranger District. Personal communication. Dowie, L. and M. Lenz. 2007. Heritage Program Appendix B Project Documentation. Okanogan-Wenatchee NF. Unpublished report on file at Methow Valley Ranger District. Eilers, J.M., P. Kanciruk, R.A. McCord, W.S. Overton, L. Hook, D.J. Blick, D.F. Brakke, P.E. Kellar, M.S. DeHaan,, M.E. Silverstein, and D.H. Landers. 1987. Characteristics of lakes in the Western United States. Volume II. Data compendium for selected physical and chemical variables. EPA-600/3-86/054b, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 492 pp. Everett, R.L., R. Schellhaas, D. Keenum, D. Spurbeck, and P. Ohlson. 2000. Fire history in the ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests on the east slope of the Washington Cascades. Forest Ecology and Management, 129(1-3):207-225. Available online at http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/journals/firehistory.pdf (August 19, 2008). Fritts, S. H. and L. N. Carbyn. 1995. Population viability, nature reserves, and the outlook for gray wolf conservation in North America. Restoration Ecology 3:26-38. Gaines, W.L, P.H. Singleton, and R.C. Ross. 2003. Assessing the cumulative effects of linear recreation routes on wildlife habitats on the Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests. General Technical Report, PNW-GTR-586. Portland, OR: Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service. 79 pp. Available online at http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/gtr586.pdf (August 19, 2008). Giblin, D. E. 2004. Personal Communication. University Of Washington Herbarium Collections Manager. University Of Washington, Burke Museum, Box 355325, Seattle, WA 98195-5325. www.washington.edu/burkemuseum/collections/herbarium. Glew, Katherine. 1998. Alpine Lichens From Washington State I. Lichens From The Northeastern Cascade Mountains. Lichenographia Thomsoniana: North American Lichenology. In Honor Of John W. Thomson.Eds: M.G. Glenn, R.C. Harris, R. Dirig And M.S. Cole. Mycotaxon LTD., Ithaca, NY. Pgs 261-280. Glew, Katherine, 2007, Personnel Communication. Lichenologist, Curatorial Associate, Herbarium Lichen Collection. University of Washington, Seattle WA.

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Pack and Saddle Stock Outfitter-Guide Permit Draft EIS Citations- 4 August 2010 Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

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Pack and Saddle Stock Outfitter-Guide Permit Draft EIS Citations- 5 August 2010 Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

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Pack and Saddle Stock Outfitter-Guide Permit Draft EIS Citations- 6 August 2010 Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

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Pack and Saddle Stock Outfitter-Guide Permit Draft EIS Citations- 7 August 2010 Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

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