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9/20/2017 Imami/LitRev 1 Literature Review Dr. Imami Nur Rachmawati, SKp., MSc. LR-Imami 1 Objectives of this session Describe the term of literature review Describe the functions or purposes that a literature review can play in a research project Describe the characteristics of good literature review Describe the kinds of material covered in a literature review Describe appropriate references used in the literature review Describe the way to read research reports Describe organization and presentation of a written literature review LR-Imami 2
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Imami/LitRev 1

Literature ReviewDr. Imami Nur Rachmawati, SKp., MSc.

LR-Imami 1

Objectives of this session

• Describe the term of literature review• Describe the functions or purposes that a literature

review can play in a research project• Describe the characteristics of good literature review• Describe the kinds of material covered in a literature

review• Describe appropriate references used in the literature

review• Describe the way to read research reports• Describe organization and presentation of a written

literature review

LR-Imami 2

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Imami/LitRev 2

The Term of Literature Review

• The activities involved in identifying & searching for information on a topic and developing an understanding of the state of knowledge on that topic

• The activities to designate a written summary of the state of the art on a research problem

• A review of the literature is an essential part of your academic research project. The review is a careful examination of a body of literature pointing toward the answer to your research question.


• Source of research ideas

• Orientation to what is already known

• Provision of a conceptual context

• Information on the research approach

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Imami/LitRev 3


• The purpose of the literature review remains the same regardless of the research method you use. It tests your research question against what already is known about your subject.

• Through the literature review you will discover whether your research question already has been answered by someone else. If it has, you must change or modify your question

LR-Imami 5

Information Literacy: Model the big 6

6 ketrampilan 12 langkah

1. Perumusanmasalah

1. Merumuskan masalah2. Mengidentifikasi info yg diperlukan

2. Strategi pencarianinformasi

3. Menentukan sumber info4. Memilih sumber info yg relevan

3. Lokasi & aksesinformasi

5. Menentukan lokasi sumber scr fisik & logis6. Menemukan info dlm sumber tsb

4. Pemanfaataninformasi

7. Membaca, mendengar, mencatat, dsb8. Mengekstraksi info yg relevan

5. Sintesis 9. Mengorganisasikan info yg diperoleh dr bbgsumber

10.Mempresentasikan info terbaru

6. evaluasi 11.Mengevaluasi info yg diperoleh (efektifitas)12.Mengevaluasi proses perolehan info (efisiensi)


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Imami/LitRev 4

Ketrampilan lain yg mendukungliterasi informasi

1. Membuat catatan (note taking)2. Membuat outline3. Membaca dg cepat & kritis4. Mendengarkan dg baik (listening skills)5. Membuat catatan bibliografi6. Memahami plagiarism7. Membedakan opini, fiksi, & fakta8. Membedakan berbagai sumber info9. Membuat format sitasi bibliografi (APA,

MLA, AMA, Harvard, dsb)


Literature Rev & Res Questions

If you find that your research question has not been answered satisfactorily by someone else, then search for these answers: • What is known about my subject?

• What is the chronology of the development of knowledge about my subject?

• Are there any gaps in knowledge of my subject? Which openings for research have been identified by other researchers? How do I intend to bridge the gaps?

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Imami/LitRev 5

Literature Rev & Research Questions

• Is there a consensus on relevant issues? Or is there significant debate on issues? What are the various positions?

• What is the most fruitful direction I can see for my research as a result of my literature review? What directions are indicated by the work of other researchers?

LR-Imami 9

Karakteristik Literatur Review yang Baik

1. Komprehensif semua pustaka terpenting ttg topikpenelitian

2. Pembahasan yg mendalam3. Mutakhir semua publikasi yg relevan, terbaru4. Selektif memisahkan informasi yg penting dari informasi

yg kurang penting5. Obyektif simpulan peneliti tdk hrs disesuaikan dg

penelitian sebelumnya6. Koheren mudah dipahami hasil sintesis dan analisis, tdk

hanya mengutip7. Organisasi penulisan jelasmudah diikuti8. Penggunaan bahasa akademik yg efisien, jelas, ringkas,

lengkapLR-Imami 10

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Imami/LitRev 6

Way to approach

LR-Imami 11

Start out broad and then become more specific

Good writing in a literature review

The following information is an example of good writing in a literature review because: • it integrates the research of various authors

• it shows similarities and differences of ideas

• it shows wide reading

• it shows analysis and critical evaluation of what the student has read.

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Imami/LitRev 7

Analysis of Paragraph

LR-Imami 13

Problems of Literature Review

• Lacking organization and structure

• Lacking focus, unity and coherence

• Being repetitive and verbose

• Failing to cite influential papers

• Failing to keep up with recent developments

• Failing to critically evaluate cited papers

• Citing irrelevant or trivial references

• Depending too much on secondary sources

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Imami/LitRev 8

The Generation & Communication of Research Knowledge & Information

LR-Imami 15

Generated fromcritical evaluationsinterpretative work


Conducted byAssociation Government

Institution CommerceIndividu Charities

Pressure Groups Unions


communicated viaanthologies conference papers journal lectures leters meetings newsletters

newspapers reports seminars textbooks theses

organized inabstracts bibliographies catalogues dictionnaires directories encyclopédies indexes

accessed throughelectronic media hardcopy

Source Of Research Ideas


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Imami/LitRev 9

Scope Of A Literature Review

• Types of information to seek– Research findings

– Theory

– Methodology

– Opinions & viewpoints

– Case reports, clinical descriptions & anecdote

• Depth & Breadth of literature coverage

• Primary & Secondary source

LR-Imami 17

Tipe Publikasi

• Literatur Primer

• Literatur Sekunder

• Literatur Tersier

• Media umum/ populer


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Imami/LitRev 10

Literatur Primer

• Ditulis oleh peneliti• Berisi data penelitian orisinal• Biasanya dipublikasikan di peer-

reviewed journal• Contoh lain: makalah yg diajukan

untuk konferensi, laporan awal, ataupra cetak

• Ditujukan utk peneliti atau spesialis, bukan masy umum


Literatur Sekunder

• Berisi hasil penelitian yg dikompilasi atau mrpkturunan dari literatur primer

• Contoh: artikel review (meta analisis, systematic reviews)

• Para profesional dlm berbagai bid ilmumengump literatur primer, menggabungkan, mensintesis & menghasilkan penelitian baru

• Ditujukan utk peneliti atau spesialis dlm bid ilmu tertentu atau kolega dr bid ilmu lain


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Imami/LitRev 11

Literatur Tersier

• Tdd buku teks, ensiklopedi, bukupanduan/ handbook

• Tujuan tipe literatur ini: menyediakanoverview atau hasil penelitian utama ygpenting & pengantar/ pengenalanprinsip & panduan praktis dlm bidangilmu tertentu

• Tipe yg sering diacu oleh mahasiswa• Menjawab pertanyaan foreground


Media Umum/ Populer

• Literatur kesehatan umum/ populer

• Tujuan: memberikan informasi & meringkas hasil/ konsep utama drpenelitian kepada masy umum

• Contoh: majalah, radio, koran, tabloid, televisi, & website


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Imami/LitRev 12

Bentuk Sumber Informasi

• Buku

• Chapter buku

• Artikel jurnal

• Artikel surat kabar

• Perpustakaandigital

• Surat keputusan

• UU

• Dokumen pemerintah

• Multimedia

• Websites

• Pakar atau narasumber

• Organisasi/ lembaga


Use of various types of information


Type of Information

Review FunctionSource of

Research IdeasInformation on What is Known

Conceptual Context

Research Approach

Research X X X X

Theoretical Explication


Methodology X

Opinions & viewpoints


Clinical Reports & anecdotes



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Imami/LitRev 13

Locating relevant literature for a research review

• Electronic literature searches– EBSCHO, Pro-Quest, JSTOR, Web of Science,

Elsevier, Science Direct, Scopus full text article (must pay for fee)

– Google, Yahoo Search engine abstract, information

– Website related nursing, ie nursing center

• Print resources– Indexes

– Abstract Journal

LR-Imami 25

Tips on locating research reports

• Flexible & think broadly about keywords & subject headings

• Dependent & independent variables search separate

• Manual search Index & abstract journal

• Combined searching methods

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Imami/LitRev 14

Mengembangkan Istilah & Kata Kunci

Kata Kunci

• Manajemen stress

• Gangguan perilaku

• Cemas

• Marah

Kata berhubungan

• Mekanisme koping

• Mekanismepertahanan diri

• Harga diri rendah


Menetapkan Kata Kunci

Istilah dlm MeSH

Pain management


Kata kunci penting ygtdk termasuk dalam



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Imami/LitRev 15

MeSH = Medical Subject Headings• Merupakan kamus utk istilah medis yg

digunakan oleh berbagai database & perpustakaan sebagai indeks & utkmenggolongkan/ mengklasifikasi informasimedis

• MeSH mengatasi masalah ejaan English atau terminologi yg berbeda antara USA dan UK yg digunakan utk konsep yg serupa

• MeSH dikenal juga sbg kumpulan katakunci atau kosakata yg terkontrol


Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT


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Imami/LitRev 16


Fitur PerintahFeatur Key Explanation

Expand Thesaurus(MeSH)

Use explosion and include all subheadings to expand your research

Truncation *(or $) Analy* = analysis, analytic, analytical, analyse, etc

Wildcards ? Gyn?ecology = gynaecology, gynecologyRandom?* = randomisation, randomization, randomized

Boolean AND Article must include both term

OR Article can include either term

NOT Exclude articles containing the term (ie econom* NOT economy picks up economic and economical but not economy)

Proximity NEAR Terms must occur close to each other (ie within 6 words) (heart near failure)

Limit variable As appropriate, restrict by pub type, yr, language or by searching for terms in specific parts (eg diabet* in ti-articles which have diabetes or diabetic in title)

Related variable “Related” hyperlink 32

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Imami/LitRev 17

Dasar Pembatasan

• Tipe publikasi

• Kelompok umur

• Jenis Kelamin

• Tahun publikasi

• Bahasa


Evaluasi Sumber Informasi

• Otoritas

• Isi informasi

• Susunan/ navigasi

• Kemutakhiran


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Imami/LitRev 18

Reading Research Article

Content of research reports• Abstract• Introduction

– central phenomena– concepts or variable under study– the statement of purpose– research questions & or hypotheses to be tested– review related literature– theoretical framework; significance of the study)

LR-Imami 35

Reading research article………………….

• Method (subject; research design; instrument & data collection; study procedure)

• Result (name of any statistical used; value of the calculated statistic; significance)

• Discussion (interpretation of result; implication; study limitation)

• References

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Imami/LitRev 19

Written Literature Review

• Abstracting & Recording Notes– Full citation

– Research questions/hypotheses

– Theoretical frameworks

– Key features of research methods

– Major findings

– conclusions

• Organizing the Review

LR-Imami 37

Written Literature Review…………..

• Content of the Written Literature Review– series of quotes nor a series of abstract

– Relevant studies detail

– Paraphrase/ summarize own words

– Objective as possible

– Conclude with summary of the current state of knowledge gap area

• Style of a Research Review

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Imami/LitRev 20

Identify key words

& concepts

to be searched

Identify key words

& concepts

to be searched

Identify potential

ref through elect/

manual search

Identify potential

ref through elect/

manual search

Retrieving promising references

Retrieving promising references

Screen references

for relevance & appropriate


Screen references

for relevance & appropriate


Read relevant

references & take


Read relevant

references & take


Organize ref

Organize ref

Analyze & integrate materials

Analyze & integrate materials

Write reviewWrite


Discard irrelevant & inappropriate references

Identify new references through citations

Flow of tasks in A literature review

LR-Imami 39

Sarana utk mengelola sumbersitasiSarana untuk menyimpan seluruh sumbersitasi dlm bentuk basis data & berguna utk:1. Menyusun catatan kaki atau kutipan secara

otomatis dlm format ttu (APA, chicago, MLA, AMA, Harvard dll.)

2. Menyusun daftar bibliografi scr otomatis

3. Menyisipkan rujukan dlm bentuk dokumenword

4. Membuat & menyusun bibliografi beranotasi


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Imami/LitRev 21

Sarana utk mengelola sumberreferensi

• EndNote

• RefWorks

• Zotero (free)

• Procite

• Reference Manager

• Mendeley (free)


Contoh Kesulitan Gaya Penulisan


Gaya Penulisan yg KurangTepat

Rekomendasi Perubahan

1. Diketahui bahwa harapanyang tidak terpenuhimemunculkan kecemasan

Beberapa ahli (Susanto, 1999; Johnson, 2003) telah menyatakan bahwaharapan yg tdk terpenuhi menimbulkankecemasan

2. Perempuan yang tidakberpartisipasi dalam kelaspersiapan persalinancenderung menampakkantingkat stress yang tinggiselama persalinan

Berbagai studi sebelumnya menunjukkanbahwa perempuan yg berpartisipasidalam kelas persalinan stressnya tampakberkurang selama persalinan dibandingyg tidak ikut (Klotz, 1997; McTygue, 1997; Reynolds, 1998)

3. Tanggungjawab adalahsuatu stressor intrinsik

Menurut Hendriatmo (2005) tanggungjawab adalah suatu stressor intrinsik

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Imami/LitRev 22

Contoh Kesulitan Gaya Penulisan……………….


Gaya Penulisan yg KurangTepat

Rekomendasi Perubahan

4. Sikap tidak dapatdirubah dalam semalam

Adrian (2002), Gautama (2002), danCruze (2005) menemukan bahwa sikapmerupakan atribut bawaan yang tidakdapat dirubah dalam semalam

5. Banyak studi telahmembuktikan bahwa paradokter dan perawat tidakterlalu memahamidinamika psikobiologispemulihan paska MCI

Studi oleh Rohadi (2006) dan Stanley (2007) menyatakan bahwa dokter danperawat tidak terlalu memahami dinamikapsikobiologis pemulihan paska MCI


Hart, C. (1998). Doing a literature review: releasing the social science research imagination. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Polit, D.F & Hungler, B.P. (2006). Nursing research: Principles & methods. Philadelphia: Lippincotts

Sastroasmoro, S. (2010). Mengurai & merajutdisertasi & tesis. Jakarta: BP IDAI

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Imami/LitRev 23

The End

LR-Imami 45

About The Lecturer

Dr. Imami Nur Rachmawati, SKp, MSc.Faculty Member of the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia since 1996.Interested in: Maternal and Women’s Health, Breastfeeding, HIV/ AIDS, Adolescent sexual health, Qualitative research, Pain study

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