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Little Falls transcript. (Little Falls, Morrison County ... · American Agency & Collection Co....

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X 4! 3 VOI, 9. PJiOFRKSIONAL CARDS.j. KT 11. FAKSHAM, Attorney at-law, LITTLE PALLS, MINX- «'. A. I.IMiBFI'.CH. I'- ^ V ' I'.tMJfc LIN1M5ISKGH & XJITjLS, ATTORNEYS; AT LAW. Oftoe in Dr. Si inn-oils' former office. LMTr.K i'ALS. ... - M1X>". A. p. STOi'.EY. D- T CALHOUN. STOREY & CALHOUN, ATTORNEYS AT IAW- OHiCP at the Court ITouie. LITTLE FALLS, M INN. nOttOTARDSONr Attorney and Coi'Mellar at Lav-'. Agent for i Ua American Agency & Collection Co. Buy* nnct F«lis rortl enta'o, uric loam n oney on same. AIpo h?"' ii Ifirvy." in-nonnt ->'i ehoico Inrid uiul town lots tor .-Hit'. LITTLE FALLS, MTXK. E.S. SMITH. Attorney at law. —Office f.rat door v, esf of the Papular rink.— LITTLE LALT.S. - MINN. OJiJiciu XTMAH SIGJJQB.. REGISTER OF DKKDS, JIORK1FON (OCNTY, MINN. Will furnish A^siTiicts of Titln. -I'^y ""f axes. Hvis Lrnds for Sfiio. OYFlt'E .\T;C0U"RT HOUSE, LITTLE FALL?, - - - IIOSueciss, Clerk of the District Court. Scvor.t.li Judicial District. MOnRTSOK OOITXTY, MINN. #jrEr.tries« c-f Mian r.rt :itvv other Local Uud Oftiw w.li be promptly attended'to. LITTLE FALLS, MINN. S. P. FULLER, Justice of the Peace. OMcft on second iloor of Marotto'sblock, Oak St LITTLE FALLS, ninn. Msiro'CAim 0. A. ClJURClIIXiL, REAL ESTATE ^ INSURANCE. OHice at Tuttle A ChtircUill's LITTLK FALLS, MINN. Tfj. .1. WJMOMT REAL ESTATE AGENT. Collection? Promptly Attended to. Mfire next door if Lec/J Hondi-'s, on Firs' Street. fJTTT.F F A f.LS. M INN. ipmmHu* mwmma.n 3 i*'i11. r»/v in, wi«is r r, H. t>., * IPlvysirinii •"•iii'.oreon Office nnd residence nt iho lUickmun house, ' tK'iir school house. LITTLI2 FALLS - - 5IINN. M. D.. PIl YSI Of A N awl S UR O K0 K, "Would that lie lias resumed the pvactico of medicine in its various brnuche*. LITTLE FALLS, MINN. £jg~Ofllct; over Tut tie & Churchill's. A. G UJ'JRNON, M. T>., PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON. Will promptly attend to fill businei-s n the lin# of his profession. U. S. Pension Examining Surgeon. Ofiiice over Wm. l>utler's store. LTTTLK FALLS, MINN. STT lOltTIKll, ill. !>, <!. 3!. Oradunte of Victoria College Montreal, Canada, riiysicfau and Sur^oi?. Office at, Close's Drug Store. .LITTLE FALLS. AVill attend to calls day or nigh*,. A specialty made of Surgery, and also Jbstetrics. DR. LEWIS J. WRIGHT, SURGEON DENTIST L1TTLB FALLS. MINN. Oifice hours—9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. >n Dr. E. Herbert Stanley. W Specialty: Fine gold work. JWftoon* firatdoor north of main entrance t0 T (Winer's store, Little PAll". ; JT. W. CJMWiE, Utile Falls |l«»wfaeturing """iSisE Sitanions - stare nrfwttle ' RBdftt 251 Nicollet *ve- l,; ||H'njas»rta.: •' J ; '> 'PJ*»idcnt. i^%^retary^'' \' LITTLE Jlik)9 wawnny luiti'jcgj MORRISON COUNTY. .MINNESOTA. ITiiDAY, .11'I.Y 10. NO. 46. dp al/:ks is X SPilLXG BEDS, MATTRESSES, PIL- LOWS, CARPETS, TTtlTFKS, SATCHELS, CURTAILS, . -v PICT 1T&1ES, WU-AMM <rKO®,IJ^T SETTS, BATSV ('ARJMAGKH, KXFttim kc., ALSO COPPINS Zbmncl pww 111. iiapiwwiwiiwii^ Rain lias badly damaged wheat" in Kansas this week. OF ALL SiZES. Deaths from cholera in .Spain JIOW- number nearly one thousand, daily* Up to date the visitors to Lake ^in- netonka have not ber ; n very numerous tiiis season. Ole Anderson, while in an in-toxicat- ed sleep on the track, ivas killed );>y | the tfaroufih 'Northern Pacific freight f Satnrday nijht t'.ro miles east of Moor- j head. ! Koar Farvr.ran Infant on tli?- Fa.i'j«o >«.iutl u track wafc. picked up aul ! to.ssed into the uiteli by Fireman. SuLL,{ van, just, in time to. save iin lit'o,-«s the j train could not be stopped.. . , OYd -PHIL'- Parties desiring anything will save money b}" giving us a using elsewhere. m our line call before ft kJN; "5 ^¥»d' > l . ..... IV JM m * "xv, a* i topite IVhtt" >*t\ i-i "S^SV V' 'r'^Sss^y-. Unfav orable to l>ulutli. . PrtiOTH, July "•—Consternation was j Caused in maritje and railroad circles j •liere totlav: by the ce^tipt by the collector of"eusto:'if( of ihe rr-cont circular from live .seeiejarv.'of the treasury, annonncn).^ that hftreafter all shipnicnts of incn-ban- dis -.V between 'p° ::iT!s i ;| l-^iftd Slates .territory, by v.'j'ty ofCanudian water*, and railway?, will be ^e^ar led arf <'t'diu;:ry ttnpor'a'ions from foreign conlip-uiiu^ territory. ' The rcsnh* of this circular will havo a most injin ions' offset, vipon the sUippine In tenuis of IhthUh aiivi I he Northwfst. As interpreted by the enstoms </fli-.?tt.rs here,,, it >ht)t.s oil' sln-!- inents from D-uintii of -.flour '.to the Amerinnn port;; of'Rostoti arid Portland and otiioi -place.?. vi»v -bout and Mran-.i .Trunk railway, ft. also practically winds j-up rlit business. hereof the-Norihwqstern Another iiumfer OtciTi^d Sarnia. the liny of the iron rattle ro.ul ' noar ! iiad r "' ?},e Col!ingwood line, which carry Duluth a few days ago. Win. Streets ; fin,sr al niost cxchtsive!>-. flow .icivat rfliotand killed a man named S<vau ! ' s siiovvn ijy 'in' tact that about AUen. Oihcej's arc it: pui-suit of the'j 3*>0,000 barrels have nlteudy heeu s.nipped murderer, who jp a uospefaLe cliarac- j way for Ne'-v England, points this t er- |-season, and !!.'j0,000 more wrrc to have I been shipped this year, 'i'ite rcsuit will j material the !h Fotirth of .Jnlv was a bloodv dav iu i he that the jiars tncnlimicd will probably ! Driving boots and the dual citv. In hit. Paul John Wag- J tie up their boats, unless some \v.sy out n"r, c hotelkeeper, fatally, shot Frank !''f the coming difikulty is arrived ai. : :-tr. r .s, who had baow annoying him j There ::iv about 20,000 barrels here now '. y .iritig Roman cantjlcs, etc., in front 1 Blu ' nn '-'he way irom /.linneapolis b-r of Ji!<< hotel; and in a s.;looii row Nioh- j ^hipmr-ni r»v the C-mua route, which o,a.s Michaels stabbed Hubert Kronz | mast be turned some oilier route. The with p ratably fatal elects. In Minne- \ hi?t Canadian boat with honr left today. apolis Fred Mieiice fought .with his j This, ho-.voyer, is only a smitll. part of stepson, Anthony NTeingart,and so in- I the injurious effect of the new order. It jured him that he may die. I wili deprive the Minneapolis millers of , I i;. c . l^neiii of the Grand Tru')k route for The Chicago at rest car conductors i iionr s'upmenis and hurt the business of began a strike last week and for sever- j th e g;, p^ul & Duluth road very much. will lake away a lar.-rr amount of the IIERUON BROS., PROP'S, We have just received our spring stock of > ^r;mW , and now have tlie largest and finest assortment ever brought to this city. -r; •A, In 5 :/ Wc Ki k i-p i• vt 1 i\v i h iug In tho Line ci' Foot Wear, A Wpeelali'y nuuhi o! Iladies' Fine slioes tuni slippers—a large, i-stock to sdtecf. from. " -v-*'?®' comiietltion. I (JLSlv'M WORK—We are prepared fo moke all kinds of Fine and Heavy j Boots, Sluw-s and Slippery an.] a perfect' fit js guaranteed. Workmanship and Rcpairi.:^;- done on shorrnofice. Sewed work a specialty, hoes mailt- in niiy style ixquc.-ted. HER-RON" BROS. STOliJV OX FIRST XTUEEV, LITTLE FALLS, MINNESOTA EllK^OWK— The Per,] Jeof Little JPnI's and Morrison County n\-'d InVited to call and examine Our stack and Leiirii our i;rices. Wo defy al days prevented earn from running over the lines of the company with j c; r . :!u ; whom thev had the trouble. During j i prom me ru ik's biisincsri, .1 .shipping tl'.^ strike an atiecajjt was made to run ! jnjuu; every American and Can ilie cars with new men in charge and a squad of policemen were detailed to accompany and protect each cm'. All the cars sent out were attacked by mobs, the poiiccmon repulse-d, the j new employes savagely pounded, and I the cars thrown from vise tracks and [ demolished. A compromise was fixed ! up on Tuesday, and. the strikers are at work ;'gain. and, as a •aid tonight, Man reat lc.i;o.> and Tne evperienc? of American oorb< tious which have tried the plan of build-j M, 0. STAPLES sure kssoit TO S. F. STAPLES. IlCDairlrt? of Fine Watclies rv.'.vr.i<:u in Fine Diitisioiids. Silverware jeclneie'i. 1 OUR, MOTTO: 'PR FOUTNF^-S. SQUARE DEALING, L0^ I. E Qfjl \ tdiiri 7?C! road which touches the does a throu^it husine?s. The Aincrican iine of steamships at Boston and the Portland lines got two- .hirds of the Hour exported by their steamers from the? Grand Trunk, and l.Lii- wili -ill he lo-t to them and tinned j Kit her to New York or to Montreal. J. j T. Ilese, agei't for the Coliingwood line, thought it might possibly rcselt iti the j Grand-Trunk turning its export business- a " 1 Moatrenl. James r.Smilh, Jr., ex- Ob, i ' - > president of the Hi. Patil & Duluth, is in in-^uhurbariunrnsaud colonizing Uieir \ fhe ci , y; and 1( , araed of lhc circular he said its eifcct upon his road WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. J i -T- WIfKRE YOU VvMLL FIND A COMPLLTE-STOCIv OP COySiSTUG for t^e Trade DEALER ll\- Ti" HEAVY & SHELE All iv) Vhuls. of JOiA IJL'J, nicehaiiics 7 and xarininir tools VI IK :rMPP.OVT'ID HOWES SOJsJIaR mttmM 'vvorn 'men h;is not been uniformed, but the weight oi opinion is against the system a:- a whoie. Among the ignorant and less amitiousop'.vitives of the old world this system is capable of wind development ami most satisfactory result. ! Al 1 that, is needed over'here serines to be good executive ability on \ he I'arty of the management. In this country, however? the whole idea i* repu rnant. to the spirit , , j of out institutions, tatt it is, when .{ r> : '(;5V s . j properly cu.-ried oul, undoubtedly, the. very best provision tliat can be made for i la"^e number of poodle employed in one establishnicnl. But it does not salisy the Aerican workman and lii.s l'tmily. andis practically a failure her?. Tlier is some appearance an irrepressible feeling .hat, the libertj ^ouchsufud by our constitution is being encroached upon, so th>:l wherever the plan has been work- ing for any great length of time, discont- ent exists, and many sacrilice much in order to get away and bieathc what, to them seems a : freer atmosphere. It seems almost incr.-diblr: that men who have ?»eadv work good pay . and oomfort'.iliio ]';0!.n,'.s funnshed them bj' theii ethployeis, should start a great slri kc because of a trivial grievance which aficcted two or three of them cnly, but such a case has been record recent . It is but fresh proof of tiio proposition that such schemes can not be permanently successful in this count? y.—Ex. Prohibition uot Effective. It is appalling to see well IRON, STEEL and COAL, Tin, Copper an ..Sheet Iron AVare made to order. Repairing promptly done. would be very bad. Vessel men and railroad men "have been considering the matter all day a:ul have been in consul' ta;iou with the customs officers and iu telegraphic correspondence with chiefs of the tressniy department. It is thought by sopte that t,he interpretation.put upon the circular 'Ts too broad. Mr. Rose claimed that Hour shipments were made this way before the treaty of Washington ; was made and that Die circular only affected shipments made through by water, then rai -. then by v.",tier again, and not transit by boat, then by rail to points in the country. The secretary of the treasury wa? asked, by telegram, if transportation from Duluth to Colling- wood, or Sarnia, thence to be carried by rail to a point, in the United Slates for export is prohibited. Assistant Secretary Fairehild answered that the circular prohibits transportation on transit manifests in cases where the route is partly by rail and partly by water. It is confidently bf-lioved 1 hat some way out of the di fTiculty wiU he found, and that the-attorney general will put k difletv-r.t construction, on the matter wh: ; n it is brought to his attention. T'.je old stone mill at Newport', R. I., which has been the subject of arehjeo- logical study for so long, is beginning to tumble down. The strurduro has been pretty satisfactorily shown to have been built for a grist mill during the last century. j Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, II ats & (Cl JL JL/HJ AjjljSr 4 H. •DEALS?* IN see well meaning per songs turn away from present work which, through diiilcult, is not impo^siable, to future work whose impossibility deroaustrable. Instead of bi inging comunity up to the execution of laws all ready enacted, by nac bin eery allrcacly existing, we clamor for new laws, for a Constituional amendment, .1 . v, n . t„ o ! so much improved that she is able now to lor the woman s ballot. In apiotnoitoiy ^ ... slate, shortly after the Noreuiber Very lleuiarknhfo Recovery. Mr. Geo. V. Willing ot Manchester, Mich., writes: "My wife has been almost helplets for live v^avs,so helpless that .she could not turn over iu bed alone. She used two bottles ofEieetrie Bitters.and i^ acMsim •saste: Sash, Dooi mg j. c. DEALER IN McCORMlCK HARVESTERS. Specialties: Farm Insurance and Sewing Machines. t .1 ttl e Palls, *3VtiJQ.33L. election. I hear a clergyman, who' had seen apparently, in the whole campaign nothing hut a prohibition amendment to VETERINARY SURGEON. Having had many years experience, he is now prepared to offer hi3 services to all who need them. Good References. Office opposite Berg's hardware f»tre, LITTLE FALLS, MINN. do her own \vi>rk." Electric Bitte*s will do ail that is claimed for tham. Hundreds of testimonials attest their irreat curative powers. Onl}- f >0 cents a bottle at J. W. the Constitution, deliver a sermon on the I Close's- prevalence of drunkenness iu^his own j * city, the crimes consequent, and the,great neglect of duty in the enforcement of liquor laws! If the appetite of drunken men is too strong, if the conscience of temperate men is too weak,.tor'the laws that.'inclose t-hem at home, what is tote effected by a future law at the center of government a thousand miles away ? The one enemy to be grappled with is a consuming thirst and a weak will in the indivinual maa. Few weapons are further off or more ineffectual than an amendment to the natienal Constitution. What is wanted is an amendment to the man's own const itution. Ear more prac- tical and pointed is the truth contained in the pithy philosophy, that the only j way tt reform a man ,is to reform his grandmother. We may find this hard, but less hard than to reform a man by act of congress or by a three-fourths,vote of ti&t states. The grandmother of the dra^Vards of the future are closer to us th>tn a Constitutional amend cat fit that shall prohibit snd prevent the laaitufac- tui<5 of intoxicating liquors.—GaiMIam- ihon in JStalh Amert^^Kevid'w. . CUTLERY, LIME; Cement and Plaster Paris, Wood andiron Pumps and the Finest Line of Cook and Heatiig Stores North of Minneapolis. D. K. HAETING, ARCHITECT MD DRAUGHTSMAN. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED AND ESTIMATES - GIVEN. , ( OFFICE AT RESIDENCE, { | LITTLE FALL'S,': , .'v. , > MINNESOTA, j. H.F. SCHLEtlSENEK. iamjfiummwivaiiamLmim ».m—hw JLITTLE PALLS LUMBER CO Mnufaelurer of an.1 dealer in PINE LUMBER. Rough and Dressed,'all kinds* lath, Shingles, Pickets, Sash, and Building Paper. Doors, Little Fails, Minn* r Defective Page
Page 1: Little Falls transcript. (Little Falls, Morrison County ... · American Agency & Collection Co. Buy* nnct F«lis rortl enta'o, uric loam n oney on same. AIpo h?"' ii Ifirvy." in-nonnt

X 4!


VOI, 9.



Attorney at-law,


«'. A. I.IMiBFI'.CH. I'- ^V ' I '.tMJfc


Oftoe in Dr. Si inn-oils' former office.

LMTr.K i'ALS. . . . - M1X>".



OHiCP at the Court ITouie. LITTLE FALLS, M INN.

nOttOTARDSONr Attorney and Coi'Mellar at Lav-'.

Agent for i Ua American Agency & Collection Co. Buy* nnct F«lis rortl enta'o, uric loam n oney

on same. AIpo h?"' ii Ifirvy." in-nonnt ->'i ehoico Inrid uiul town lots tor .-Hit'.


E.S. SMITH. Attorney at law.

—Office f.rat door v, esf of the Papular rink.—






Will furnish A^siTiicts of Titln. -I'^y ""f axes. Hvis Lrnds for Sfiio.


IIOSueciss, Clerk of the District Court.

Scvor.t.li Judicial District.

MOnRTSOK OOITXTY, MINN. #jrEr.tries« c-f Mian

r.rt :itvv other Local Uud Oftiw w.li be promptly attended'to.


S. P. FULLER, Justice of the Peace. OMcft on second iloor of Marotto'sblock, Oak St




OHice at Tuttle A ChtircUill's •


Tfj. .1. WJMOMT

REAL ESTATE AGENT. Collection? Promptly Attended to.

Mfire next door if Lec/J Hondi-'s, on Firs' Street.

fJTTT.F F A f.LS. M INN. • ipmmHu* mwmma.n

3 i*'i11.

r»/v in, wi«is rr, H. t>., *

IPlvysirinii •"•iii ' .oreon Office nnd residence nt iho lUickmun house, '

tK'iir school house. LITTLI2 FALLS - - 5IINN.

M. D..

PIl YSI Of A N awl S UR O K0 K,

"Would that lie lias resumed the pvactico of medicine in its various brnuche*.


£jg~Ofllct; over Tut tie & Churchill's.

A. G UJ'JRNON, M. T>.,

PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON. Will promptly attend to fill businei-s

n the lin# of his profession. U. S. Pension Examining Surgeon.

Ofiiice over Wm. l>utler's store. LTTTLK FALLS, MINN.

STT lOltTIKll, ill. !>, <!. 3!. Oradunte of Victoria College

Montreal, Canada,

riiysicfau and Sur^oi?. Office at, Close's Drug Store.

.LITTLE FALLS. AVill attend to calls day or nigh*,. A specialty made of Surgery, and also





Oifice hours—9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. >n

Dr. E. Herbert Stanley.


Specialty: Fine gold work. JWftoon* firatdoor north of main entrance

t0 T (Winer's store, Little PAll". ;


Utile Falls |l«»wfaeturing

"""iSisE Sitanions - stare nrfwttle ' RBdftt 251 Nicollet *ve-

l,; | |H'njas»rta.: • ' J ; '> 'PJ*»idcnt.

i^%^retary^'' \ '


wawnny luiti 'jcgj


dp al/:ks is







pww 111. iiapiwwiwiiwii^

Rain lias badly damaged wheat" in Kansas this week.


Deaths from cholera in .Spain JIOW-number nearly one thousand, daily*

Up to date the visitors to Lake ^in-netonka have not ber ;n very numerous tiiis season.

Ole Anderson, while in an in-toxicat-ed sleep on the track, ivas killed );>y | the tfaroufih 'Northern Pacific freight f Satnrday nijht t'.ro miles east of Moor- j head. !

Koar Farvr.ran Infant on tli?- Fa.i'j«o >«.iutl u track wafc. picked up aul ! to.ssed into the uiteli by Fireman. SuLL,{ van, just, in time to. save iin lit 'o,-«s the j train could not be stopped.. . ,



Parties desiring anything will save money b}" giving us a

using elsewhere.

m o u r l i n e

call before


kJN; "5

^¥»d' > l . ..... IV JM m * "xv, a* i topite IVhtt" >*t\

i-i "S^SV

V' 'r '^Sss^y-.

Unfav orable to l>ulutli.

. • PrtiOTH, July "•—Consternation was j Caused in maritje and railroad circles j •liere totlav: by the ce^tipt by the collector of"eusto:'if( of ihe rr-cont circular from live .seeiejarv.'of the treasury, annonncn).^

that hftreafter all shipnicnts of incn-ban-dis -.V between 'p° : : iT!s i ; | l-^iftd Slates .territory, by v.'j 'ty ofCanudian water*, and railway?, will be ^e^ar led arf <'t 'diu;:ry ttnpor'a'ions from foreign conlip-uiiu^ territory. ' The rcsnh* of this circular will havo a most injin ions' offset, vipon the sUippine In tenuis of IhthUh aiivi I he Northwfst. As interpreted by the enstoms </fli-.?tt.rs here,,, it >ht)t.s oil ' sln-!-inents from D-uintii of -.flour ' .to the Amerinnn port;; of'Rostoti arid Portland and otiioi -place.?. vi»v -bout and Mran-.i .Trunk railway, ft. also practically winds j-up rlit business. hereof the-Norihwqstern

Another iiumfer OtciTi^d Sarnia. the liny of the iron rattle ro.ul ' noar ! i i ad r"'?} ,e Col!ingwood line, which carry Duluth a few days ago. Win. Streets ; f in , s r a lniost cxchtsive!>-. flow .icivat rfliotand killed a man named S<vau ! 's siiovvn ijy 'in' tact that about AUen. Oihcej's arc it: pui-suit of the'j 3*>0,000 barrels have nlteudy heeu s.nipped murderer, who jp a uospefaLe cliarac- j way for Ne'-v England, points this ter - |-season, and !!. 'j0,000 more wrrc to have

I been shipped this year, 'i 'ite rcsuit will j material the !h Fotirth of .Jnlv was a bloodv dav iu i he that the jiars tncnlimicd will probably ! Driving boots and

the dual citv. In hit. Paul John Wag- J tie up their boats, unless some \v.sy out n"r, c hotelkeeper, fatally, shot Frank !' 'f the coming difikulty is arrived ai. : :-tr. r.s, who had baow annoying him j There ::iv about 20,000 barrels here now '. y .iritig Roman cantjlcs, etc., in front1 Blu ' nn '- 'he way irom /.linneapolis b-r of Ji!<< hotel; and in a s.;looii row Nioh- j ^hipmr-ni r»v the C-mua route, which o,a.s Michaels stabbed Hubert Kronz | mast be turned some oilier route. The with p ratably fatal elects. In Minne- \ hi?t Canadian boat with honr left today. apolis Fred Mieiice fought .with his j This, ho-.voyer, is only a smitll. part of stepson, Anthony NTeingart,and so in- I the injurious effect of the new order. It jured him that he may die. I wili deprive the Minneapolis millers of

, I i;.c. l^neiii of the Grand Tru')k route for The Chicago at rest car conductors i iionr s'upmenis and hurt the business of

began a strike last week and for sever- j the g;, p^ul & Duluth road very much.

will lake away a lar.-rr amount of the

IIERUON BROS., PROP'S, We have just received our spring stock of

> ^ r ; m W

, and now have tlie largest and finest assortment ever

brought to this city.


•A, In5:/

Wc Kiki-p i• vt1 i\v i h iug

In tho Line ci' Foot


A Wpeelali'y nuuhi

o! Iladies' Fine slioes

tuni slippers—a large,

i-stock to sdtecf. from. " -v-*'?®' comiietltion.

I (JLSlv'M WORK—We are prepared fo moke all kinds of Fine and Heavy j Boots, Sluw-s and Slippery an.] a perfect' fit js guaranteed. Workmanship and

Rcpairi.:^;- done on shorrnofice. Sewed work a specialty, hoes mailt- in niiy style ixquc.-ted.


EllK^OWK— The Per,] Jeof Little

JPnI's and Morrison

County n\-'d InVited

to call and examine

Our stack and Leiirii

our i;rices. Wo defy

al days prevented earn from running over the lines of the company with j c; r. : !u; whom thev had the trouble. During • j i prom me

ru ik's biisincsri, .1 .shipping

tl'.^ strike an atiecajjt was made to run ! jnjuu; every American and Can ilie cars with new men in charge and a squad of policemen were detailed to accompany and protect each cm'. All the cars sent out were attacked by mobs, the poiiccmon repulse-d, the j new employes savagely pounded, and I the cars thrown from vise tracks and [ demolished. A compromise was fixed ! up on Tuesday, and. the strikers are at work ;'gain.

and, as a •aid tonight,

Man reat lc.i;o.> and

Tne evperienc? of American oorb< tious which have tried the plan of build-j

M, 0. STAPLES sure kssoit TO


IlCDairlrt? of Fine Watclies rv.'.vr.i<:u in

Fine Diitisioiids.

Silverware jeclneie'i. 1



I. E Q f j l \ tdiiri


road which touches the does a throu^it husine?s.

The Aincrican iine of steamships at Boston and the Portland l ines got two-.hirds of the Hour exported by their steamers from the? Grand Trunk, and l.Lii- wili -ill he lo-t to them and tinned

j Kit her to New York or to Montreal. J. j T. Ilese, agei't for the Coliingwood line, thought it might possibly rcselt iti the

j Grand-Trunk turning i ts export business-a"1 Moatrenl. James r.Smilh, Jr., ex-

Ob, i ' - > president of the Hi. Patil & Duluth, is in in-^uhurbariunrnsaud colonizing Uieir \ fhe c i,y; and 1(,araed o f lhc

circular he said its eifcct upon his road


J i -T-

W I f K R E Y O U V v M L L F I N D A C O M P L L T E - S T O C I v O P


for t^e Trade



All iv) Vhuls. of


nicehaiiics7 and xarininir tools



' vvorn 'men h;is not been uniformed, but the weight oi opinion is against the system a:- a whoie. Among the ignorant and less amitiousop'.vitives of the old

world this system is capable of wind development ami most satisfactory result.

! Al 1 that, is needed over'here serines to be good executive ability on \ he I'arty of the management. In this country, however? the whole idea i* repu rnant. to the spirit

, , j of out institutions, tatt it is, when .{ r> : '(;5Vs. j properly cu.-ried oul, undoubtedly, the.

very best provision tliat can be made for i la"^e number of poodle employed in one establishnicnl. But it does not salisy the Aerican workman and lii.s l 'tmily. andis practically a failure her?. Tlier is some appearance an irrepressible feeling .hat, the libertj ^ouchsufud by our constitution is being encroached upon, so th>:l wherever the plan has been work­ing for any great length of time, discont­ent exists, and many sacrilice much in order to get away and bieathc what, to them seems a :freer atmosphere. It seems almost incr.-diblr: that men who have ?»eadv work good pay . and oomfort'.iliio ]';0!.n,'.s funnshed them bj' theii ethployeis, should start a great slri kc because of a trivial grievance which aficcted two or three of them cnly, but such a case has been record recent . It is but fresh proof of tiio proposition that such schemes can not be permanently

successful in this count? y.—Ex.

Prohibition uot Effective. It is appalling to see well

IRON, STEEL and COAL, Tin, Copper an ..Sheet Iron AVare made to order. Repairing promptly done.

would be very bad. Vessel men and railroad men "have been considering the matter all day a:ul have been in consul' ta;iou with the customs officers and iu telegraphic correspondence with chiefs of the tressniy department. It is thought by sopte that t,he interpretation.put upon the circular 'Ts too broad. Mr. Rose claimed that Hour shipments were made this way before the treaty of Washington ;

was made and that Die circular only affected shipments made through by water, then rai -. then by v.",tier again,

and not transit by boat, then by rail to points in the country. The secretary of the treasury wa? asked, by telegram, if transportation from Duluth to Colling-wood, or Sarnia, thence to be carried by rail to a point, in the United Slates for export is prohibited. Assistant Secretary Fairehild answered that the circular prohibits transportation on transit manifests in cases where the route is

partly by rail and partly by water. It is confidently bf-lioved 1 hat some way out of the di fTiculty wiU he found, and that the-attorney general will put k difletv-r.t construction, on the matter wh: ;n it is brought to his attention.

T'.je old stone mill at Newport', R. I., which has been the subject of arehjeo-logical study for so long, is beginning to tumble down. The strurduro has been pretty satisfactorily shown to have been built for a grist mill during the last century.

j Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots &

Shoes, II ats &

(Cl JL JL/HJ AjjljSr

4 H.


see well meaning per songs turn away from present work which, through diiilcult, is not impo^siable, to future work whose impossibility deroaustrable. Instead of bi inging comunity up to the execution of laws all ready enacted, by nac bin eery allrcacly existing, we clamor for new laws, for a Constituional amendment,

.1 . v, n . t„ o ! so much improved that she is able now to lor the woman s ballot. In apiotnoitoiy ^ . . . slate, shortly after the Noreuiber

Very lleuiarknhfo Recovery.

Mr. Geo. V. Willing ot Manchester, Mich., writes: "My wife has been almost helplets for live v^avs,so helpless that .she could not turn over iu bed alone. She used two bottles ofEieetrie Bitters.and i^



Sash, Dooi mg



Specialties: Farm Insurance and Sewing Machines.

t .1 ttl e Palls, *3VtiJQ.33L.

election. I hear a clergyman, who' had seen apparently, in the whole campaign nothing hut a prohibition amendment to


Having had many years experience, he is now prepared to offer hi3 services to all who need them. Good References.

Office opposite Berg's hardware f»tre,


do her own \vi>rk." Electric Bitte*s will do ail that is claimed for tham. Hundreds

of testimonials attest their irreat curative powers. Onl}- f>0 cents a bottle at J. W.

the Constitution, deliver a sermon on the I Close's-prevalence of drunkenness iu^his own j * city, the crimes consequent, and the,great neglect of duty in the enforcement of liquor laws! If the appetite of drunken men is too strong, if the conscience of temperate men is too weak,.tor'the laws that. 'inclose t-hem at home, what is tote effected by a future law at the center of government a thousand miles away ? The one enemy to be grappled with is a consuming thirst and a weak will in the indivinual maa. Few weapons are further off or more ineffectual than an amendment to the natienal Constitution. What is wanted is an amendment to the man's own const itution. Ear more prac­tical and pointed is the truth contained in the pithy philosophy, that the only j way tt reform a man ,is to reform his grandmother. We may find this hard, but less hard than to reform a man by act of congress or by a three-fourths,vote of ti&t states. The grandmother of the dra^Vards of the future are closer to us th>tn a Constitutional amend cat fit that shall prohibit snd prevent the laaitufac-tui<5 of intoxicating liquors.—GaiMIam-ihon in JStalh Amert^^Kevid'w. .


Cement and Plaster Paris, Wood andiron Pumps and the Finest Line of Cook and Heatiig Stores North of Minneapolis.






- GIVEN. , (


H.F. SCHLEtlSENEK. iamjfiummwivaiiamLmim ».m—hw


Mnufaelurer of an.1 dealer in

PINE LUMBER. Rough and Dressed,'all kinds*

lath, Shingles, Pickets, Sash,

and Building Paper.


Little Fails, Minn*


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