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Liturgical Year (22 Nov 2015) (Edwin Lim)

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THE LITURGICAL YEAR OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 22 November 2015: 34 th Sunday of Ordinary Time Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Before We Begin Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created R. And You shall renew the face of the earth. Amen. V. Let us pray. O God, Who taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that, by the gift of the same Spirit, we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
  1. 1. THE LITURGICAL YEAR OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 22 November 2015: 34th Sunday of Ordinary Time Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Before We Begin Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created R. And You shall renew the face of the earth. Amen. V. Let us pray. O God, Who taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that, by the gift of the same Spirit, we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
  2. 2. Remember Celebrate Believe We remember how You loved us to Your death, and still we celebrate for You are with us here. And we believe that we will see you, when you come in Your glory. We remember, we celebrate, we believe. Remember Celebrate Believe We remember how You loved us to Your death, and still we celebrate for You are with us here. And we believe that we will see you, when you come in Your glory. We remember, we celebrate, we believe.
  3. 3. Remember Celebrate Believe Not WHAT But WHO Remember Celebrate Believe Hail Mary & Angelus We remember the Annunciation and Incarnation Queen of Heaven (Regina Coeli) We remember His glorious resurrection. Rosary Meditate on Jesuss life (Incarnation, Ministry, Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension & Beyond) Mass We recall Jesus sacrifice on the cross EVERY TIME
  4. 4. Remember Celebrate Believe Liturgy of the Hours As the sun sets, we lie with Jesus in the tomb. When the sun rises, we celebrate His Resurrection. Compline Terce Sext None None Office of Reading Vespers Lauds EVERY DAY Remember Celebrate Believe Fridays Remember Good Friday when Jesus died on the Cross. Sundays Remember Easter Sunday when Jesus rose from the dead. EVERY WEEK
  5. 5. Remember Celebrate Believe Through the Liturgical Year of the Church, we meditate on the pivotal events & moments of Jesus life. EVERY YEAR Behold Ponder Wonder Immerse WORSHIP of the Church where the People of God participates in the work of God. What is Liturgy? Liturgia (Gk) Public Communal Official
  6. 6. What is a Year? A year is the orbital period of the Earth moving around the Sun. What is a Liturgical Year? Premise 1: Liturgy is our participation in the work of God. Conclusion: Liturgy is the participation in the life of Christ. Premise 2: The life of Christ is the greatest work of God.
  7. 7. Conclusion: A Liturgical Year is the participation in the life of Christ as we move around the Son throughout the year. What is a Liturgical Year? Previous Conclusion: Liturgy is the participation in the life of Christ. Premise 1: Year is the orbiting period of the Earth moving around the Sun. Premise 2: Jesus is the Eternal Sun that never sets Why Liturgical Year? The Liturgical Year celebrates Gods time, which is eternal and timeless. Past FuturePresent In the present We remember the past We look into the future
  8. 8. Look forward to the time when Gods plan of salvation will reach its ultimate fulfilment in Christs future Parousia But how? The Liturgical Year is built around the important historical events of Jesus God of History God of Future God of Now Reminding us of Gods saving power made real in the history Celebrating that God is saving us now Genesis 1: 14 16
  9. 9. Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 on Seasons There is a for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven: a time for giving birth, a time for dying; a time for planting, a time for uprooting; a time for killing, a time for healing; a time for knocking down, a time for building. A time for tears, a time for laughter; a time for mourning, a time for dancing. A time for throwing stones away, a time for gathering them; a time for embracing, a time to refrain from embracing. A time for searching, a time for losing; a time for keeping, a time for discarding. a time for tearing, a time for sewing; a time for keeping silent, a time for speaking. A time for loving, a time for hating; a time for war, a time for peace. Jesus being a devout Jew, celebrated feasts Luke 2: 41-41: Jesus celebrated the Feast of the Passover as early as he was 12 years old. Jesus celebrated other Jewish feasts as well. Luke 21: 15: Jesus said, I have ardently longed to eat this Passover with you before I suffer
  10. 10. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1164 From the time of the Mosaic Law, the People of God have observed fixed feasts, beginning with Passover, From the time of the Mosaic Law, the People of God have observed fixed feasts, beginning with Passover, to commemorate the astonishing actions of the Saviour God, to give Him thanks for them, to perpetuate their remembrance, and to teach new generations to conform their conduct to them. Past Present Future We are present here because of the past. The past and the present offer us a sense of the future. The moment we forget about the past, we cannot make sense of the present, and subsequently we lose sense of the future.
  11. 11. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1163 Holy Mother Church believes that she should celebrate the saving work of her divine Spouse in a sacred commemoration on certain days throughout the course of the year. Holy Mother Church believes that she should celebrate the saving work of her divine Spouse in a sacred commemoration on certain days throughout the course of the year. Recalling the mysteries of the redemption, she opens up to the faithful the riches of her Lords power and merits Recalling the mysteries of the redemption, she opens up to the faithful the riches of her Lords power and merits Marble tablet with Liturgical Calendar for Easter cycle for years 532-626.
  12. 12. 23 The Clock is Ticking When speaking of the Coming of the Son of Man, Jesus said, Take a fig tree as a parable: as soon as its twigs grow supple and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near (Mark 13: 28)
  13. 13. Purpose of Liturgical Colours The purpose of a variety in the colour of the sacred vestments is to give effective expression even outwardly to the specific character of the mysteries of faith being celebrated and to a sense of Christian lifes passage through the course of the liturgical year. (GIRM 345)
  14. 14. COLOUR PURPLE WHITE RED GREEN MEANING Penance Humility Melancholy Light Innocence Purity Joy Triumph Glory The Passion Blood Fire God's Love Martyrdom Life Eternal Hope Spiritual Growth SEASONS ADVENT LENT CHRISTMAS EASTER PENTECOST ORDINARY TIME USE (based on GIRM ) Masses for the Dead * Pink is used on 3rd Sunday of Advent and 4th Sunday of Lent Feasts of the Lord (except Passion) Feasts of Mary and saints (who are not martyrs) Palm Sunday, The Lords Passion, Feast Day of Martyrs Pink is used on 3rd Sunday of Advent and 4th Sunday of Lent
  15. 15. 3rd Sunday of Advent 4th Sunday of Lent Which is the greatestcelebration in the Liturgical Calendar?
  16. 16. EASTER followed by Christmas Adventus (Lat): Coming or Arriving
  17. 17. 1st Sunday of Advent (New Year) 2nd Sunday of Advent 3rd Sunday of Advent 4th Sunday of Advent 24th Dec: Christmas Eve 25th Dec: Nativity of Our Lord 8th Dec: Immaculate Conception of Mary Season of Advent Late Nov/ early DecJoyous, devout and expectant anticipation and preparation for the coming of Christ into the world. Purple: Penance Pink: Joy White: Purity & Holiness 34
  18. 18. Jesus is the Reason for the Season 35 The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. (John 1: 14) Christmas (25-Dec) Celebrating the Incarnation (the Word made flesh) and Emmanuel (God-with-us)
  19. 19. Season of Advent Adventus (Lat) is translated from Parousia (Gk) which also means the Second Coming. First Coming Second Coming We are here 22 Nov 2015 Preparation for Christmas Wake up!! Recollect ourselves. Attend weekday Masses Read the daily Scripture passages in expectation of the long awaited Messiah. Make conscious effort to focus on Christ, the Reason for the Season. Pray, confess our sins and be prepared for His (second) Coming. Wait in joyful hope!!
  20. 20. Season of Advent The circle of Wreath expresses that Gods eternal love has no beginning or end. The candle flames push out the darkness to make way for Christ, the Light of the world. The evergreens tell of the faithful and constant love of God. Four Weeks of Advent 1 2 3 4 Season of Advent The crib reminds us of who we are waiting for Jesus the Christ
  21. 21. Christmas (25-Dec) Christs Mass: the Nativity of Our Lord. Begins with Christmas Eve Mass. Christmas is a holy day of rejoicing and thanksgiving. Christmas (25-Dec)?? People used to worship sun god because in winter time, the day is gradually longer than night. The Church in her wisdom, christianized the festive mood and since then, we celebrate not the sun god but the Son God, Jesus Christ the Eternal Sun that never sets.
  22. 22. During this season, we celebrate Jesus early childhood. Jesus increased in wisdom, in stature, and in favour with God and with man. (Luke 2: 52) Christmas Season 25th Dec: Nativity of Our Lord Feast of the Holy Family (Subsequent Sunday) Solemnity of the Epiphany (Sunday between 2~8 Jan) The Baptism of our Lord (Subsequent Sunday) 1st Jan: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Christmas Season 25th Dec: Nativity of Our Lord Feast of the Holy Family (Subsequent Sunday) Solemnity of the Epiphany (Sunday between 2~8 Jan) The Baptism of our Lord (Subsequent Sunday) White: Purity & Holiness Epiphany (Gk): Manifestation (Jesus revelation of His Divinity to the whole world.) 1st Jan: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
  23. 23. Ordinary Time Ordinal: the counted days. Begins on the day after the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord and ends on the day before Ash Wednesday. This period allows us to reflect on the mysteries of Christ and focuses on Christs earthy ministry. Green: Growth of Spiritual Life Ordinary Time
  24. 24. 47 Begins with Ash Wednesday & lasts for 40 days Purple: Penance Pink: Joy Red: Passion, Blood AshWedesday 1stSundayofLent 3rdSundayofLent 4thSundayofLent 5thSundayofLent PassionSun 2ndSundayofLent HOLY WEEK Season of Lent (Spring) Ends with Easter Triduum the Feast of all feasts (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday)
  25. 25. Season of Lent On Ash Wednesday, we put ashes on our foreheads to signify our repentance and sorrow for our sins. Period of penance and purification, renewed repentance of our sins, turning towards God once again and to get ourselves ready for the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord. Use of Ashes in Scriptures Esther 4: 1 (485-464 BC) - Modecai tore his garments and put on sackcloth and ashes. Esther 4: 1 (485-464 BC) - Modecai tore his garments and put on sackcloth and ashes. Job 42: 6 - Job told the Lord, I retract what I have said, and repent in dust and ashes. Job 42: 6 - Job told the Lord, I retract what I have said, and repent in dust and ashes. Daniel 9: 3 (c. 550 BC) - I turned to the Lord God, pleading in earnest fasting, sackcloth and ashes. Daniel 9: 3 (c. 550 BC) - I turned to the Lord God, pleading in earnest fasting, sackcloth and ashes. Jonah 3: 5-6, the king of Nineveh covered himself in sackcloth and ashes. Jonah 3: 5-6, the king of Nineveh covered himself in sackcloth and ashes. Matthew 11: 21, If the miracles worked in you had taken place in Tyre and Sidon, they would have reformed in sackcloth and ashes begging for forgiveness." Matthew 11: 21, If the miracles worked in you had taken place in Tyre and Sidon, they would have reformed in sackcloth and ashes begging for forgiveness."
  26. 26. Season of Lent Unite our suffering more closely with the suffering of Christ Fasting, abstinence & sacrifices PrayersAlmsgiving Passion Sunday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of Holy Week Holy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) Easter Sunday The Passion of Our Lord The Resurrection of Our Lord HOLY WEEK HOLY WEEK Passion Sunday: Jesus Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem The Last Supper (Institution of the Holy Eucharist and Priesthood)
  27. 27. Easter Triduum Holy Thursday recalls Jesus last supper with His disciples, when he instituted the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders of Priesthood. Good Friday commemorates Jesus suffering and death, and we venerate the Holy Cross on which hung the Saviour of the world. Holy Saturday commemorates the Jesus laying in the tomb. Easter Vigil Mass is celebrated at midnight, celebrating Jesus glorious resurrection and triumph over death. Easter Vigil & Easter Sunday Celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. Pascal Candle is lightened to signify that Jesus is the Light of the World who has conquered sin and death. (Aramaic: Pasha) White: Purity & Holiness
  28. 28. Easter If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. (1 Corinthians 15: 14) Easter We look forward to the resurrection of the body, and the life of the world to come. (Nicene Creed)
  29. 29. Season of Easter 40 days after resurrection 50 days after resurrection 10 days after Ascension 2nd Sunday of Easter 3rd Sunday of Easter 4th Sunday of Easter 5th Sunday of Easter 6th Sunday of Easter Ascension Thursday 7th Sunday of Easter ** EASTER SUNDAY ** Red: Fire & Holy SpiritPentecost Sunday Ordinary Time
  30. 30. Ordinary Time During this period, the mystery of Christ in all its fullness is celebrated and reflected upon. We celebrate many other feasts e.g. Holy Trinity Sunday The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Solemnity of Christ the King Liturgical Celebrations Solemnities Commemorating an event, person or belief of the highest significance of the Salvation History. E.g. Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, Solemnity of Christ the King, Immaculate Conception of Mary. Feast Days Commemorating the astonishing actions of God; giving thanks to God for His actions and teaching the new generations to conform their conduct to them. E.g. Feast of the Holy Family, Baptism of Jesus, Birth of Mary. Memorials Giving glory to God for the martyrs and saints, whose examples encourages the faithful on the pilgrim journey to the heavenly Father. E.g. St Francis Xavier (3 Dec, St Ignatius of Loyola (31-Jul).
  31. 31. Holy Days of Obligation 5 May 2016 Moveable Ascension Thursday 15 Aug every year Transferred to 14 Aug for 2016 only. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin 1 Nov every year All Saints 25 Dec every year Christmas Day 3A & 1C Holy Days of Obligation Sundays 3rd Commandment: Keep the Sabbath Holy Sundays are the commemoration of the Resurrection of the Lord.
  32. 32. Lectionary Cycle Lectionary is a book of Scripture reading used during Mass. Lectionary means gathering or selection of reading. Every day of the year, appropriate Scripture texts are prescribed according to the Seasons and Celebration of the Liturgical Calendar. Lectionary Cycle SUNDAYS 3 readings -1st OT -Resp. Psalm -2nd NT -3rd Gospel Year A Year B Year C WEEKDAYS 2 readings -1st OT -Resp. Psalm -2nd Gospel Year I Year II
  33. 33. Liturgical Year Sundays Weekdays 2 Dec 2012 to 30 Nov 2013 (2012/2013) Year C Year I 1 Dec 2013 to 29 Nov 2014 (2013/2014) Year A Year II 30 Nov 2014 to 28 Nov 2015 (2014/2015) Year B Year I 29-Nov-2015 to 27 Nov 2015 (2015/2016) Year C Year II 28 Nov 2015 to 26 Nov 2016 (2016/2017) Year ? Year ? Lectionary Cycle Confused? Laudate 66
  34. 34. Every Liturgical Cycle brings us closer to Christ 67 To know Him more dearly To love Him more intensely To follow Him more closely To serve Him more passionately Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe War Massacre Terror Pain Disaster & calamity Political instability Racism Religious persecution Economic downturn Confusion Chaos Death
  35. 35. Closing Prayer King whose name creation thrills, Rule our mind, our hearts, our wills, Till in peace each nation rings With Thy praises, King of kings. Angels, saints and nations sing Praised be Jesus Christ, our King; Lord of life, earth, sky and sea, King of love on Calvary. Closing Prayer King most holy, King of truth, Guide the lowly, guide the youth; Christ, Thou King of glory bright, Be to us eternal light. Angels, saints and nations sing Praised be Jesus Christ, our King; Lord of life, earth, sky and sea, King of love on Calvary.
  36. 36. Closing Prayer Shepherd-King oer mountains steep Homeward bring the wandering sheep; Shelter in one royal fold States and kingdoms, new and old. Angels, saints and nations sing Praised be Jesus Christ, our King; Lord of life, earth, sky and sea, King of love on Calvary. Thank You and God bless
