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LIVE PEOPLE, Roller Mills.

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Fair STORE. trafegggKBsa yxatEafKssixmMX^ From Dec. 1st we shall have a full line of Christmas Goods, Toys, Novelties in Glassware and Fancy China. EVERYBODY WELCOME. Just Received -AT- The Fair Store. gjaEaBaBRBflapsa™ A New 1 line of Notions, Towels, Table Linen, and Crash, going at Bottom Prices for Cash. NO E!E8K3S3E5aS58BE5ISE5ES5^K TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. jyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniig ' | Are you Alive | to the fact that we are selling Furniture cheaper 5 ever before. A.lso, that we are selling more 5 CARPETS than all the other dealers in the E city ? If not, call at our store and be convinced. 5 Parlor Suits, | Bedroom Suits, | Couches, Lounges, | Mattresses, | Springs, * ! | Feather Pillows, i 5 Chairs, E Rockers, E Pictures, » S Book Cases, Sideboards, E Wardrobes, , -E Cupboardb, E Cabinets, 5 Office Desks,, 5 Beds, E Cots, .' Easy Chair Rockers, Bureaus, Comodes, Ironing Boards, Clothes Bars, Window Shades, Carpet Sweepers, Extension Tables, Center Tables, Kitchen Tables, Etc., etc. Large line •( Picture Mouldings for frames. , = 1 i*| V | i. we will make a present with § ?5 Until J21 It• 1ST every $1.00 worth of goods. | "1 GENERAL UNDERTAKER. H N RPI I ! I E Hearse in connection. II* I ^1 I—** I—* j| iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiinxiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MENEELY CLINTON H. MENEELY, General Manager, Troy, N. Y., and New York City. Manufacture superior Church and School « BELLS The inscription on the Presbyter- ian bell will be: "Glory to God in the Highest; Peace on Earth; Good will toward Men." Earned and Pre- sented by the Ladies of the Presby- terian Church. Rev. John Sinclair, Minister. November-1895. WE ARE YOUR MONEY SAVERS on everything to be found in a first -Class Shoe Store, and the same is true as to Hats, Caps, Underwear, Gloves. We Buy as Low as we Can, / That's Business Sense. |We Sell as Low as we Can, | That's Progressive Sense. Vnn "Rutt- as .M> w a s you Can, X OH That's Common Sense. ~~~ You Buy from Us, T r\o D t°h"oTus nd ^ nt8 fl..; RING. KNOPF & CO. "vT. Shoa Dealers. 4 k «.S': " Bertie's Letter. DEEH MISTUR EDETUR—The kwes- tehtin, "Will wimmen cam too the front?" waz ajitatid at our howee last nite. We bad sum company frttm Bos-' tern, and thay helld kwite a diskuehun. Dad sed if wimmen want two ware pants let 'em, and if they are capeble let 'em voat. And he allso sed if their waz a big'War with Ingland let 'em showlder a muskit and foiler the band. Ever since I waz bon my ma haz been soupream boss of our howseholed, and I think she haz run things better 'n dad cood. But I kalberlait it will be sum time afore wimmin can ware a flowin beerd like Senater Feffer and other grate polertishuns. Moast wimmin foaks have a gift of gab superiar two moast men. Thay can tork and tork on fash- uns and othur trash, but whethar wim- min will be abel too shute off thare wind for hours over Nashnul Ishews hazn't been desided. Lots of men are taim az kittens at hoam, but when thay git essited ^bowt polertiks thay rip rite out cussin and srwearin. When there wives get snferage, thay dairsent carry on sew. Stun times aftur a corkus or a grand raly the boys go rownd the corner and fill ther flowin bole. Sum of 'em cut up like Sezur and go off on a mid-nite bust. When wimmin have ekwal rites, won't there be jellusy in the ranks. Won man will jag down the streat with sum won elses wife. And their will be weepin and wailin and nashin of teath. Oh, Mistur Edetur, wot are we cumin too? The wimmin will or- ganize Alfabit clubs and whoop her up two the top knotch. Thare wan't be room for a entarprizin yung man like me any ware in the unerverse. I suppoze I will live furever an owld batchelar coa wimmin will be two bizy too go husband hunting. Owl the owld skule marms will join the pleeze forse, and New York will be kwieter than Filadelfiar. Yours affeckshunly, BERTIE. P. S.—Next weak I will rite afore paige sympozyum on a cookln skule my ma belongs too.—New York Recorder. At the Book Store of H. Win- ters you will find Slates, Pens, Pencils, Tablets, Inks, Cream Mucilage,Toys, Games, Station- ery of all kinds. Fresh baked Peanuts every day. Go to C, M. DUNNINGTON'S at the Corner Grocery for Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, etc At the BERGEN BARGAIN / STORE Christmas Gifts, Picture Frames and No-, tions. In the Nature of a Correction. "Look here, sir," said the editor to the intelligent compositor. The intelligent compositor looked. "In my article about the Vanderbilt wedding I wrote 'the duke's fiancee,' and you made it read 'the duke's financee.' " The intelligent compositor had no ex- cuse to offer and calmy awaited sentence of death. "Allowme," said the editor, extend- ing his hand, "allow me to thank you for the correction."—New York Sun. At the Festive Board. "Mr. Peter by, will you please carve the turkey?" "No, I thank you. The man who carves must either be a fool or rascal, and I don't care to be either." "What do you mean?" "If he keeps the choicest portions for himself, he is a scoundrel; if he does not keep them for himself, he is a fool, and, as I said, I don't care to place my- self in either category."—Texas Sitt- ings. One Barred the Other. Fond Husband—I wish there was no snch thing as love insurance. Loving Wife—What do you mean by love insurance? Fond Husband—The ability of a man to insure the love of his wife so that ehe would never want to part with him. Loving Wife—That might be possi- ble. But you would have to do away with life insurance.—New York World. When He's Gone. M Ho, hum!" sighed Cummin Weele. "I wish these wheels 'n electricity would hurry up. their work"— Truck Ryder—Wot idee ye got now, Cummin?" "Then we kin start out huntin a job o* tendin bosses."—Cleveland Post. An Apology. gentleman apologized for words ottered in wine: "I did not mean to say what I did, but I've had the mis- fortune to lose some of my front teeth, and words get out every now and then without my knowledge.''—White Plains WeekLv. CARL ROSEBERG'S BAKERY Fresh break and cake always on hand, f^ease give me a call. REDWOOD HOUSE, Munro Baldwin. Board by the day or week. N. R. GOSPAR Has always on hand a fine display <rf General Merchan- dise. 1 will offer for sale my residence property at a great bargain. C. M. LEFFINGWELL. Altermatt & Bastin have the finest line of Men's and Boy's Clothing that has ever been in Springfield, and you can save from 25 to 50 per cent by buy- ing from them. They also car- ry a fine line of Groceries and Notions. It will pay you to give them a call. Store located on the main street, Springfield, Minnesota. I 'V J'- . :•>& Flour exchanged for wheat on the same terms as at-the mill. The high- est price paid for wheat and all grains. A. D..MCLEAN. l^aird, JNfortop BflBALBBS IN WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Special attention given to setting by Car Lots." F\ M. ISHAM, AOENT. THEY CUT JUST LIKE NEW JJ Ladies, don't lose your tem- per by using dull shears when you can get them put in first- class order for 10 cents a pair at Tenney's Pioneer Barber Shop. REDWOOD Roller Mills. Best, Diamond, AND ip Top Brands of FLOUR. A. C. BURMEISTER, -Jeti) « . , ... ' '.R PROPRIETOR. e Glendale Herd OF Aberdeen Angus Cattle Be Largest and'Best flerd of the Breed in the state. The stock bull GOLDEN ABBOTT is con- sidered tbe best bull in America, Young stock for sale. Write tor particulars, or bet- ter come and see them. Address either r JOS. TYSON, or W.F.DICKINSON, Redwood Falls. Minn. DELHI Roller Flills BACKER BROS., Manufacturers and dealers in FLOUR, GRAHAM, CORN MEAL, ALL KINDS OF FEED, Etc. B. A. FERRIS,' Ha» best Hard and Soft »>COAL«< Always oil hand. •»> <«• Promptly delivered to any part of the city. BE SURE To subscribe for the Redwood Reveille. The best weekly paper in Red- wood county, and official or- gan of same. $1.50 per year. GEO. B. HUGHES, Editor and proprietor. A LIVE DRUG STORE, Managed by A L/IVE DRUGGIST, Doing busines among 6.000 LIVE PEOPLE, t Such is the live firm of .SGHMflHL & GO. Notice of Mortgage Sale by Adver- tisement. D EFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE payment of the sum of sixteen hundred and thirty four and 54-100 dollar.®, which is claimed to be due and is due at the date of this notice upon a certain mortgage duly executed and delivered by William w. Brew- ster and Nellie M. Brewster, his wife, to the Citizens Bank, bearing date the 22d day of November. 1892. and, with a power of sale therein contained, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Redwood countv, Minnesota, on the 26th day of November, A. D. 1892. at 4 o clock p. m , in Book "IB'' of Mortgages on page 182. Which said mortgage together with the note secured thereby, was duly assigned by said Citizens Bank, Mortgagee, to H. E Ran- ney by written assignment, dated the 8th day ot December. A. 0. 1802. and recorded in "the office of the Register of Deeds in and tor the said countv of Redwood and State of Minnesota, on the "31st day ot December, A. D. 1892, at 9 o'clock a. m., in Book "16" of Mortgages,on page 582. And said mortgage and the note secured thereby contained a provision that if default should be made in the payment of the princi- pal or interest, or any oart thereof, or of a jreach of any of the "covenants or agree- ments in said mortgage contained, it should be lawful for said mortgagee to declare the whole sum and interest secured thereby to be due and payable. And default having been made in the payment of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, principal, due on said mortgage on the 22d clay ot November, 1895. and in the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars, interest, due on said mort- gage on said 22d day of November. 1895, which defaults have continued up to the date of this notice And said mortgagor having failed to pay the taxes on the proper- ty in said mortgage described, for the year 1894, amounting to fourteen and 54-100 dollars, as covenanted and agreed in said mortgage, therefore the undersigned as- signee of mortgage and holder of said mort- Winona ''i. Lumber ® Co., Wholesale and retail dealers in LUMBER and^Luinber Products, LIME, CEMENT and Plaster. Ggnce andfyard near C. & N. W. depot. E. OIGREEN, gage has does and hereby declare the whole sum and interest secured by said mortgagi to be due and payable, amounting in all to the sum of sixteen hundred and twenty dol- lars. And the further sum of fourteen and 54-100 dollars, taxes paid by said mortgagee upon said premises, as provided in and by said mortgage. Making in all the sum of sixteen hundred and thirty four and 54-100 dollars, which is claimed to be due and is due at the date of this notice upon said mortgage. And no action or proceeding, at law or otherwise, having been institutecl to recover the debt secured by said mortgage. Now therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed bv a sale of thg premises described in and conveyed by saio mortgage, viz: The northwest quarter erf the .southeast quarter and lot number three [3] of section twenty-one 1211, township one hundred and twelve [1121, of range thirty- six [36J, containing eighty-nine and 22-100 acres, according to the governmant survey, in the countv of Redwood and State of Minnesota, with the hereditments and ap- purtenances, which sale will be made by the sheriff of said Redwood county, at the front door of the court house in the city of Red^ wood Falls, in said countv. on the 11th dav of January 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoo© of that day. at public vendue to the highe.lt bidder for cash, to pay said debt and interest and the taxes, and" ti'fty dollars attorney'^ fees as stipulated in and by said mortgage ia case of foreclosure, and the disbvrsementS allowed by law, subject to redemption at any time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by law. Dated November 23d, 1895. H. E. RANNEY, Assignee of Mortgage. .SOMERVILLE & OLSEN, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgage. Sleepy Eye, Minn. 15-7t AGENT. H. M. Noack, THE Live Dealer Notice of Mortgage Sale by Adver- tisement. W HEREAS, DEFAULT HAS BEEN made in the conditions of a certain mortgage executed and delivered by T. J. Looney, Johnanna Loonev and Timothy Looney. mortgagors, to John Martin, mort- gagee. dated the 17th day of November. A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county of Redwood in the State of Minnesota, on the 25th day ot January 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. in book 24 of mort- gages. on pages 34. 35 and 36. on which there is claimed to be due. at the date of this notice, the amount of four hundred and three and 15-100 |403.15-lo0l dollars, and no action or proreeding has been instituted at law or in equity to recover the debt se- cured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that bv virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, said mortgage will be foreclosed bv sale of the mortgaged premises therein described, and the "said mortgaged premises will be sold by the sheriff oi said countv of Red- wood. at public auction, to the highest bid- der therefore, for cash, at the front door of the court house in the city of Redwood Falls in the countv of Redwood and State of Minnesota, on Saturday the 11th day of Jan- uary A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety-six, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on said mortgage, with the interest thereon, and costs and expenses of sale, and twenty-five {25i dollars attorney's fees, as stipulated ill said mortgage in case of foreclosure. The premises described in said mortgage* and so to be sold, is the lot. piece or parcel of land situated in the county of Redwood and State of Minnesota, and known and de- Scribed as follows, to-wit: The southwest quarter \M] of section No. ten [10] in town- snip one hundred and twelve [112] north of range thirty-seven 1371 west, containing one hundred and sixty [160| acres of land more or less according to the U. S. Government survey thereof. - - JOHN MARTIN. JOHN H. BOWEBS, Mortgagee. Attorney of Mortgagee. 15-7 Dated November 26tli, 1896. -W GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Morton, Minn. CHAS. FLEISCHER, Proprietor of N. Redwood Cheese Factory and dealer in Full Cream Cheese. NORTH REDWOOD, MINN, BARNES BROTHERS, City Livery and Feed. Fine Single and Double Teams. /T\^at /T\ar^t Satisfaction Guaranteed . D. D. NICHOLS. H. C. Ackmann Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, et<£ - r ' , ^ Vtr Austin Bidwell Who was tried at the Old Bailey, It London, for the £1,000,000 forgery dk* the Bank of England, gives a thrilling narrative of his adventures in a story entitled From Wall Street To Newgate Via the Primrose Way This is a tale of great dramatic interest and the moral lessons involved are of especial value to young jtnen and em- ployees in positions of tract. It will b* printed as A Serial In This Paper , , .d ii^t JP V 4 \-< > -A , % - i \ r*
Page 1: LIVE PEOPLE, Roller Mills.


trafegggKBsayxatEafKssixmMX ̂

From Dec. 1st we shall have a full line of Christmas Goods, Toys, Novelties


Glassware and

Fancy China.


Just Received -AT-

The Fair Store. gjaEaBaBRBflapsa™

A New 1 line of Notions, Towels, Table

Linen, and

Crash, going at Bottom Prices

for Cash.





' | Are you Alive | to the fact that we are selling Furniture cheaper 5 ever before. A.lso, that we are selling more 5 CARPETS than all the other dealers in the E city ? If not, call at our store and be convinced. 5

Parlor Suits, | Bedroom Suits, | Couches, Lounges, | Mattresses, | Springs, * ! | Feather Pillows, i

5 Chairs, E Rockers, E Pictures, » S Book Cases,

Sideboards, E Wardrobes,

, -E Cupboardb, E Cabinets, 5 Office Desks,, 5 Beds, E Cots, .'

Easy Chair Rockers, Bureaus, Comodes, Ironing Boards, Clothes Bars, Window Shades, Carpet Sweepers, Extension Tables, Center Tables, Kitchen Tables, Etc., etc.

— Large line •( Picture Mouldings for frames.

, = • 1 i * | V | i . w e w i l l m a k e a p r e s e n t w i t h § ?5 Until J21 It• 1ST every $1.00 worth of goods. |

"1 GENERAL UNDERTAKER. H N RPI I ! I E Hearse in connection. I I * I ̂ 1 • I — * * I — * j |



CLINTON H. MENEELY, General Manager,

Troy, N. Y., and New York City.

Manufacture superior

Church • and • School


The inscription on the Presbyter­ian bell will be: "Glory to God in the Highest; Peace on Earth; Good will toward Men." Earned and Pre­sented by the Ladies of the Presby­terian Church. Rev. John Sinclair, Minister. November-1895.

WE ARE YOUR MONEY SAVERS on everything to be found in a first-Class Shoe Store, and the same is true as to Hats, Caps, Underwear, Gloves.

We Buy as Low as we Can, / That's Business Sense.

|We Sell as Low as we Can, | That's Progressive Sense.

Vnn "Rutt- as .M>w as you Can, X OH That's Common Sense.

~~~ You Buy from Us, Tr\oDt°h"oTusnd ^nt8

fl..; RING. KNOPF & CO. • "vT. Shoa Dealers.

4 k «.S': "

Bertie's Letter.

DEEH MISTUR EDETUR—The kwes-tehtin, "Will wimmen cam too the front?" waz ajitatid at our howee last nite. We bad sum company frttm Bos-' tern, and thay helld kwite a diskuehun.

Dad sed if wimmen want two ware pants let 'em, and if they are capeble let 'em voat. And he allso sed if their waz a big'War with Ingland let 'em showlder a muskit and foiler the band. Ever since I waz bon my ma haz been soupream boss of our howseholed, and I think she haz run things better 'n dad cood. But I kalberlait it will be sum time afore wimmin can ware a flowin beerd like Senater Feffer and other grate polertishuns. Moast wimmin foaks have a gift of gab superiar two moast men. Thay can tork and tork on fash-uns and othur trash, but whethar wim­min will be abel too shute off thare wind for hours over Nashnul Ishews hazn't been desided. Lots of men are taim az kittens at hoam, but when thay git essited ^bowt polertiks thay rip rite out cussin and srwearin. When there wives get snferage, thay dairsent carry on sew.

Stun times aftur a corkus or a grand raly the boys go rownd the corner and fill ther flowin bole. Sum of 'em cut up like Sezur and go off on a mid-nite bust. When wimmin have ekwal rites, won't there be jellusy in the ranks. Won man will jag down the streat with sum won elses wife. And their will be weepin and wailin and nashin of teath. Oh, Mistur Edetur, wot are we cumin too? The wimmin will or­ganize Alfabit clubs and whoop her up two the top knotch. Thare wan't be room for a entarprizin yung man like me any ware in the unerverse. I suppoze I will live furever an owld batchelar coa wimmin will be two bizy too go husband hunting. Owl the owld skule marms will join the pleeze forse, and New York will be kwieter than Filadelfiar. Yours affeckshunly,

BERTIE. P. S.—Next weak I will rite afore

paige sympozyum on a cookln skule my ma belongs too.—New York Recorder.

At the Book Store of H. Win­ters you will find Slates, Pens, Pencils, Tablets, Inks, Cream Mucilage,Toys, Games, Station­ery of all kinds. Fresh baked Peanuts every day.

Go to C, M. DUNNINGTON'S at the Corner Grocery for Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, etc


Christmas Gifts, Picture F r a m e s a n d N o - ,


In the Nature of a Correction. "Look here, sir," said the editor to

the intelligent compositor. The intelligent compositor looked. "In my article about the Vanderbilt

wedding I wrote 'the duke's fiancee,' and you made it read 'the duke's financee.' "

The intelligent compositor had no ex­cuse to offer and calmy awaited sentence of death.

"Allowme," said the editor, extend­ing his hand, "allow me to thank you for the correction."—New York Sun.

At the Festive Board.

"Mr. Peter by, will you please carve the turkey?"

"No, I thank you. The man who carves must either be a fool or rascal, and I don't care to be either."

"What do you mean?" "If he keeps the choicest portions for

himself, he is a scoundrel; if he does not keep them for himself, he is a fool, and, as I said, I don't care to place my­self in either category."—Texas Sitt­ings.

One Barred the Other. Fond Husband—I wish there was no

snch thing as love insurance. Loving Wife—What do you mean by

love insurance? Fond Husband—The ability of a man

to insure the love of his wife so that ehe would never want to part with him.

Loving Wife—That might be possi­ble. But you would have to do away with life insurance.—New York World.

When He's Gone. MHo, hum!" sighed Cummin Weele.

"I wish these wheels 'n electricity would hurry up. their work"—

Truck Ryder—Wot idee ye got now, Cummin?"

"Then we kin start out huntin a job o* tendin bosses."—Cleveland Post.

An Apology.

• gentleman apologized for words ottered in wine: "I did not mean to say what I did, but I've had the mis­fortune to lose some of my front teeth, and words get out every now and then without my knowledge.''—White Plains WeekLv.


BAKERY Fresh break and cake always on hand, f^ease give me a call.

REDWOOD HOUSE, Munro Baldwin. Board by the day or week.

N. R. GOSPAR Has always on hand a fine

display <rf General Merchan­dise.

1 will offer for sale my residence property at a great bargain.


Altermatt & Bastin have the finest line of Men's and Boy's Clothing that has ever been in Springfield, and you can save from 25 to 50 per cent by buy­ing from them. They also car­ry a fine line of Groceries and Notions. It will pay you to give them a call. Store located on the main street, Springfield, Minnesota. •



• • • J'- . • :•>&

Flour exchanged for wheat on the same terms as at-the mill. The high­est price paid for wheat and all grains.


l^aird, JNfortop



Special attention given to setting by Car Lots."



JJ Ladies, don't lose your tem­per by using dull shears when you can get them put in first-class order for 10 cents a pair at Tenney's Pioneer Barber Shop.


Roller Mills. Best, Diamond,


ip Top Brands of FLOUR.

A. C. BURMEISTER, • -Jeti) « . , ...


™e Glendale Herd OF

Aberdeen Angus Cattle

Be Largest and'Best flerd of the Breed in the state.

The stock bull GOLDEN ABBOTT is con­sidered tbe best bull in America, Young stock for sale. Write tor particulars, or bet­ter come and see them.

Address either r JOS. TYSON, or

W.F.DICKINSON, Redwood Falls. Minn.


Roller Flills BACKER BROS.,

Manufacturers and dealers in


B. A. FERRIS,' •

Ha» best Hard and Soft

»>COAL«< Always oil hand.

•»> <«•

Promptly delivered to any part of the city.

BE SURE To subscribe for the

Redwood Reveille.

The best weekly paper in Red­wood county, and official or­gan of same. $1.50 per year.

GEO. B. HUGHES, Editor and proprietor.


Managed by


Doing busines among


t Such is the live firm of


Notice of Mortgage Sale by Adver-tisement.

DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE payment of the sum of sixteen hundred

and thirty four and 54-100 dollar.®, which is claimed to be due and is due at the date of this notice upon a certain mortgage duly executed and delivered by William w. Brew­ster and Nellie M. Brewster, his wife, to the Citizens Bank, bearing date the 22d day of November. 1892. and, with a power of sale therein contained, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Redwood countv, Minnesota, on the 26th day of November, A. D. 1892. at 4 o clock p. m , in Book "IB'' of Mortgages on page 182.

Which said mortgage together with the note secured thereby, was duly assigned by said Citizens Bank, Mortgagee, to H. E Ran-ney by written assignment, dated the 8th day ot December. A. 0. 1802. and recorded in "the office of the Register of Deeds in and tor the said countv of Redwood and State of Minnesota, on the "31st day ot December, A. D. 1892, at 9 o'clock a. m., in Book "16" of Mortgages,on page 582.

And said mortgage and the note secured thereby contained a provision that if default should be made in the payment of the princi­pal or interest, or any oart thereof, or of a jreach of any of the "covenants or agree­

ments in said mortgage contained, it should be lawful for said mortgagee to declare the whole sum and interest secured thereby to be due and payable. And default having been made in the payment of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, principal, due on said mortgage on the 22d clay ot November, 1895. and in the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars, interest, due on said mort­gage on said 22d day of November. 1895, which defaults have continued up to the date of this notice And said mortgagor having failed to pay the taxes on the proper­ty in said mortgage described, for the year 1894, amounting to fourteen and 54-100 dollars, as covenanted and agreed in said mortgage, therefore the undersigned as­signee of mortgage and holder of said mort-

Winona ' ' i .

Lumber ® Co., Wholesale and retail dealers in

LUMBER and^Luinber Products,

LIME, CEMENT and Plaster. Ggnce andfyard near C. & N. W. depot.


gage has does and hereby declare the whole sum and interest secured by said mortgagi to be due and payable, amounting in all to the sum of sixteen hundred and twenty dol­lars. And the further sum of fourteen and 54-100 dollars, taxes paid by said mortgagee upon said premises, as provided in and by said mortgage. Making in all the sum of sixteen hundred and thirty four and 54-100 dollars, which is claimed to be due and is due at the date of this notice upon said mortgage. And no action or proceeding, at law or otherwise, having been institutecl to recover the debt secured by said mortgage.

Now therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed bv a sale of thg premises described in and conveyed by saio mortgage, viz: The northwest quarter erf the .southeast quarter and lot number three [3] of section twenty-one 1211, township one hundred and twelve [1121, of range thirty-six [36J, containing eighty-nine and 22-100 acres, according to the governmant survey, in the countv of Redwood and State of Minnesota, with the hereditments and ap­purtenances, which sale will be made by the sheriff of said Redwood county, at the front door of the court house in the city of Red^ wood Falls, in said countv. on the 11th dav of January 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoo© of that day. at public vendue to the highe.lt bidder for cash, to pay said debt and interest and the taxes, and" ti'fty dollars attorney'^ fees as stipulated in and by said mortgage ia case of foreclosure, and the disbvrsementS allowed by law, subject to redemption at any time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by law.

Dated November 23d, 1895. H. E. RANNEY,

Assignee of Mortgage. .SOMERVILLE & OLSEN,

Attorney for Assignee of Mortgage. Sleepy Eye, Minn. 15-7t


H. M.

Noack, THE Live Dealer

Notice of Mortgage Sale by Adver­tisement.

WHEREAS, DEFAULT HAS BEEN made in the conditions of a certain

mortgage executed and delivered by T. J. Looney, Johnanna Loonev and Timothy Looney. mortgagors, to John Martin, mort­gagee. dated the 17th day of November. A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county of Redwood in the State of Minnesota, on the 25th day ot January 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. in book 24 of mort­gages. on pages 34. 35 and 36. on which there is claimed to be due. at the date of this notice, the amount of four hundred and three and 15-100 |403.15-lo0l dollars, and no action or proreeding has been instituted at law or in equity to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that bv virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, said mortgage will be foreclosed bv sale of the mortgaged premises therein described, and the "said mortgaged premises will be sold by the sheriff oi said countv of Red­wood. at public auction, to the highest bid­der therefore, for cash, at the front door of the court house in the city of Redwood Falls in the countv of Redwood and State of Minnesota, on Saturday the 11th day of Jan­uary A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety-six, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on said mortgage, with the interest thereon, and costs and expenses of sale, and twenty-five {25i dollars attorney's fees, as stipulated ill said mortgage in case of foreclosure.

The premises described in said mortgage* and so to be sold, is the lot. piece or parcel of land situated in the county of Redwood and State of Minnesota, and known and de-Scribed as follows, to-wit: The southwest quarter \M] of section No. ten [10] in town-snip one hundred and twelve [112] north of range thirty-seven 1371 west, containing one hundred and sixty [160| acres of land more or less according to the U. S. Government survey thereof. - -


Attorney of Mortgagee. 15-7 Dated November 26tli, 1896.



Morton, Minn.

CHAS. FLEISCHER, Proprietor of

N. Redwood Cheese Factory and dealer in Full Cream Cheese.



City Livery and Feed. Fine Single and

Double Teams.

/T\̂ at /T\ar^t Satisfaction Guaranteed


H. C. Ackmann

Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, et<£

- r ' , ̂ Vtr •

Austin Bidwell Who was tried at the Old Bailey, It London, for the £1,000,000 forgery dk* the Bank of England, gives a thrilling narrative of his adventures in a story entitled

From Wall Street To Newgate

Via the Primrose Way

This is a tale of great dramatic interest and the moral lessons involved are of especial value to young jtnen and em­ployees in positions of tract. It will b* printed as

A Serial In This Paper

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