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LiveOak Prospectus

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  • 8/14/2019 LiveOak Prospectus


    A New Church Development of Mission Presbytery (PCUSA)Cedar Park | Leander, TX (metro-Austin)office: 512-775-5714web: www.liveoak-church.orgemail: [email protected]: PO box 701 Leander, TX 78646contact: Caz Minter (pastor), 512-767-3506 cell, [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 LiveOak Prospectus



    Over the past 10 years, the population of Cedar Park and Leander has grown from around 30,000 to well over100,000. Most of this explosive growth has been young families. (LISD is planning to build 13 elementaryschools in the next 9 years to keep up with the projected growth.) However, the overwhelming majority of

    these families are not part of a church. In fact there is a shortage of churches reaching out to these families.

    There is a great need for dynamic churches in the area. Some of the nearby Presbyterian churches as well ascommitted families in the area understood that a new church needed to be planted, one that would focus onreaching the young families who are mostly "de-churched" (have some church experience in their backgroundbut have not been active in years for a variety of reasons). One family (who helped plant one of the firstPresbyterian churches of Williamson county in 1858) donated prime land and the Presbytery moved forward todevelop a new church. In good fashion, a committee was formed and a search for a pastor to organize thechurch began. After a long process, a call was extended to Caz Minter. Caz accepted the call and moved

    (from Michigan to Texas) with his family in late August 2009.

    This New Church Development is unique in that there is no "core team" in place, no "mother church"

    developing the vision/resources/momentum, and the called organizing pastor is not local. Because of this,the foundational work is more extensive than in other situations. However, progress is being made quite

    rapidly. At this early stage there are 3 major objectives:

    1. "Exegete" the Community - careful study of demographics, focus groups and local culture is enabling us to

    understand the needs of families in this area in order to develop a plan for a relevant local church.

    2. Gather a Launch Team - starting with no existing relationships in the community makes this a slow process,and yet, through intentional relationship building, over 6 families and growing have already come together to

    be part of the launch team.

    3. Raise Funds - though significant funding has already been promised through churches and families in Mission

    Presbytery, another 200,000 over the next 3 years needs to be secured (from GA grants, local church support,and individual donation) for a well-funded, successful New Church Development.

    As we begin to meet with people and pull together a "launch team" we are finding that our calling is clear.LiveOak Church: a Presbyterian Congregation, is called to impact this whole community with the transformingmessage of Jesus Christ. We are focusing on reaching out to the "de-churched" and "un-churched" youngfamilies in the teeming developments of Cedar Park and Leander in creative and relevant ways. Our heart isto see people connect with each other and God in authentic relationships where together we will impact the

    community around us.


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    Cedar Park | LeanderCedar Park and Leander have grown from small country towns to large thriving suburbs in the matter of just afew short years. Young, professional families have been moving to this area by the thousands to takeadvantage of the affordable housing, excellent school district, improved commute (new 183 tollway, and soonto open Metrorail), major retail and entertainment centers (1890 Ranch mall, 8,000 seat Cedar Park Arena),

    and community amenities (Cedar Park Regional Hospital, large park systems, several water parks). Within a 5mile radius of our church property (on Bagdad Rd. in Leander) the population has grown from 10,554 in 1990to 25,723 in 2000 to an estimated 57,571 in 2009.

    The northwest suburbs of metro-Austin are defined by the large housing developments (many have more than1,000 homes) which have been built here in recent years. Because each has its own distinct identity,amenities, HOA, and price-point, the demographics are very specific to each development. There issignificant socio-economic diversity between neighborhoods from "blue-collar" families to "highly educatedprofessionals." However, all of these developments are marked by a high rate of "family households"particularly with children living in the home.

    Statistically, the number of churches has not nearly kept pace with the explosive population growth. InLeander and the northern half of Cedar Park there are a handful of older, established churches which focus on

    the families that have been in the community 20 years or more. Many of the most notable churches were partof a wave of church plants 7 to 9 years ago. Several of them (5-6 churches) reach between 300 and 500people each week and are in the process of building facilities. In the last 3 years another wave of churcheshave been planted to address the growing needs of the burgeoning community, yet still, with all of thechurches together, we have the capacity to reach less than 20% of the population.

    There is an obvious need for our specific ministry appeal. There are no Presbyterian churches (of anydenomination) in the city of Cedar Park. Leander has a historic Presbyterian church which is focused onreaching long-term Leander residents. The Reformed expression is all but absent in this community.Demographically, few churches are well equipped to meet the needs of the highly educated, young familiesmoving into some of the newest developments which represent 20,000 people or more. Developments likeCrystal Falls, Cold Springs, Caballo Ranch, Westside Preserve, Forest Oaks, Silver Oak, Silverado, Town Center,and Cold Springs have very few congregations effectively reaching their families. While the vast majority of

    these families are not attend a church, they have some (often considered negative or irrelevant) churchexperience in their background. These "de-churched" families need a fresh approach to church that criticallyengages the mind as well as the heart while providing an experience of the gospel that impacts their everydaylives.

    Our intent is to develop a family-focused, thoughtful, relevant, and missionally-minded church. Throughrelationships which are already developing, community service, and marketing, we believe we will not onlyreach a critical mass, but create a thriving congregation that has a notable impact on the communities ofLeander and Cedar Park.

    *(A demographics snapshot has been included in an appendix to this packet.)


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    Staff Leadership

    Caz Minter, PastorCaz is an innovative and creative leader who loves being part of the community called the church when it isoperating the way God created it to be. However, far too few people ever have this experience. Caz'spassion is to create a thriving, and life-changing church that is at the heart of the Cedar Park | Leandercommunity. He has worked on church staffs for the last 14 years, beginning during his time as a student atWheaton College. Since graduating from Princeton Seminary he has held positions with three large, dynamiccongregations where he learned the ins and outs of leading growing churches (Princeton Alliance, 1st PresKingwood TX, & Mt Pleasant Community Church). If you spend any time with Caz, you'll hear outrageous(almost unbelievable) stories about his family, you'll see both his joys and his struggles with life, and you'llfigure out that his passion is contagious.

    Camie MinterCamie's training for ministry began with Young Life where she learned the importance of "earning the right tobe heard" and the value of relationships over programs. Though her formal ministry education (MDiv,Princeton Seminary) is foundational as she helps people understand the bible, it has been her work in several

    congregations that has shaped her approach to ministry. Over the years Camie has started dynamic children'sand youth programs, developed ministries that meet the specific needs of women, and mothers, as well asoverseen discipleship for whole churches. However, when you meet Camie, you'll see that it is the way sheloves people that makes her ministry so effective. (15-20 hours a week, fundraising to cover childcare)

    Chesney SzaniszloChesney has a passion for helping people to know that God loves them in their brokenness and that it is ourweaknesses as well as our strengths that make us who we are and who we will become. She is excited to bepart of a church in which people can be real with themselves, each other, and God.Chesney graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity and a Masters of Theologyin Pastoral Care and Counseling. She is an ordained minister and has used her training in both church settingsand as a chaplain for Hospice Austin. (10-15 hours a week, volunteer)

    Gregory ToddGreg's heart beats to see whole communities transformed and he believes that this is what churches should befocused on. Working with non-profit organizations over the last several years has given Greg a uniqueperspective on community impact and the most effective structures for change. With a PhD in non-profitmanagement from Capella University and experience developing programs that strengthen families, Gregbrings a strong strategic element to LiveOak. (10-15 hours a week, volunteer)


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    The church's mission was spelled out in Matthew 28 when Jesus said...

    As you go, MAKE DISCIPLES

    -baptizing them (inviting them in) in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit-and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you

    In Matthew 22, Jesus summarizes the commands - everything we should obey...

    -Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.-Love your neighbor as yourself.

    This is not a classic, one-line mission statement like most organizations and businesses have, but it clearlysets the course for what we are about as a church.


    Imagine with us a church...

    that exists for the community around it - focused on those outside its own doors. Call it externally focused,

    call it missional; all we know is that the Good News is "good news" for everybody.

    where grace is the foundation of the culture. Relationships can be authentic and healing can happen when we

    realize that Jesus came for broken people like us.

    where lives are transformed by the God who is at work in our world. Where worship and community are

    approached knowing that God will use them to turn the world upside-down.

    that knows God redeems families - no matter what form or shape they are in. (Here, parents are equipped for

    ministry and children are valued as God's own daughters and sons.)

    grounded in the mysteries of an ancient faith while seeking new and creative ways to live out the journey in

    our lives today.

    where everyone is called - to the arts, to relationships, to their work. (Ministry is something that we live outin every area and corner of this city and the world.)


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    a few statements that remind us what is important to us as a congregation...

    authentic living in the burbsnobody has it all together, we are broken people in a broken world and that is who Jesus came tosave

    everyday justicemaking an impact on the injustices of our world and community through simple, strategic choices

    all truth is God's truthworshipping God with our hearts and our MINDS - we look for God's truth in all areas of life, the arts,media, and relationships. Addressing complex problems with simple solutions does not honor ourGod-given ability to think carefully about our world.

    church happens in your neighborhoodbeing a Christian means being a good neighbor - living out our faith in our community. LiveOak is achurch that is focused on going outside it's own walls (esp. since we don't have any walls).

    it's about who, not whatwhat really matters is relationship - our relationship with God is more important than perfectbeliefs, and our relationship with each other is more important than our programs

    join the storywe are always looking for ways to invite others into our community and into God's story - especiallypeople who would consider themselves, "un-churched" or "de-churched"

    Jesus changes everythingeverything we do, our corporate worship, our service, our relationships is centered on what Jesushas done on the cross - it transforms lives as well as communities


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    Ministry Design

    Our intention is to develop a church aimed at young, professional, suburban families, which emphasizespassionate and thoughtful faith, relevant music and teaching, as well as missional living. To effectively meetthis goal, some key values and structures must be established. We must have:

    an outstanding children's ministry a high-quality "contemporary" worship band thought-provoking / transformational worship services meaningful community service opportunities an excellent though portable church environment (with a welcoming atmosphere) a solid plan for communication and marketing

    Pre-LaunchA launch team is being developed through relational networking to promote and organize our structure. Sixfamilies have already committed and several more are considering the possibility. This launch team isbeginning to meet regularly to work on inviting friends to join, traditional marketing (fliers, ads, social

    networking web, etc.), creating some community service events, gathering portable church equipment,planning the children's ministry, as well as developing our core ministries plan.

    This team will plan, promote and run 3 to 5 monthly, pre-view services to build momentum and practice forour future weekly gatherings. In addition, this team will work to promote the NCD through inviting neighbors,a few key community outreach events, and some traditional marketing. Finally this team will work to connectrelationally which will form the foundation of our church community.

    LaunchBy our launch (fall of 2010) we will have developed seven core ministries and be working to develop an 8thduring the first year. Our goal is to launch with a full Sunday morning service (including children's ministry,worship, & hospitality) as well as an outreach program, an assimilation program and a community impact

    program. Our essential ministry components are:

    hospitality / ushers / greeters facility setup children worship / sound assimilation marketing / evangelism / outreach community impact (serving community) discipleship / small groups (to be developed during the first year)


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    In order to launch a new church, we must bring together: a launch team of 30 to 40 people who can run the ministries of the church

    enough community promotion to have critical mass in our weekly gatherings (usually around 80 adults) full volunteer staffing for each core ministry the funding to rent a facility and purchase necessary equipment for a portable church

    Our goal is to launch weekly services in early September 2010 (possibly late August). To do this, we areexecuting the following plan:

    Aug. 2009 - move to Texas, set-up a functional office, establish Presbytery / church relationships Sept. 2009 - church plant training with Hill Country Bible Church, establish relationships, recruit

    launch team, develop church name & identity

    Oct. 2009 - finish training, fundraising, beginning launch team meetings, develop business plan

    Nov. 2009 to Feb. 2010 - develop & expand launch team, begin promotion in community, plan pre-viewservices

    March to July 2010 - monthly pre-view services, team meetings, purchase equipment for launch,marketing, key community outreach events

    August / September 2010 - launch weekly services with core ministries operational


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    Goals / Projected Outcomes

    Since our goals deal with life-change and community impact, we recognize an inherent caution in focusing onnumerical outcomes. However, we need some quantifiable benchmarks to help us monitor for healthygrowth. To that end, we have set some realistic, first-year goals...

    -launch team: 50 people by launch Sunday

    (includes anyone who commits to the NCD and takes an active volunteer role before launch)

    -launch service: 200 people-average attendance by last quarter of year one: 80 adults-average children's ministry by last quarter of year one: 20 children-visitors throughout year (excluding launch service): 200 people-percentage involved in serving the community (missional activity): 75%-community development events / opportunities for involvement in year one (outreach): 20 events

    (many of these events will be small and only involve a small group of people from our congregation)

    -active in church volunteering (internally) on monthly basis: 30 people

    Once the congregation begins to develop, we plan to establish effective means to measure...

    -key markers of spiritual development

    -practicing spiritual disciplines-engagement in ministry to their neighborhood-connected in small groups (meaningful relationships)


    -new de-churched and un-churched families attending-retention of visitors-community reputation (is our town glad we exist?)-community impact (are we meeting real needs around us?)


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    Pre-Launch (Aug 2009 - Aug 2010)

    Staff:pastor salary and housing - $53,000pastor Board of Pensions - $16, 695director of community* (works in exchange for childcare with Hope Pres. children's center) - $9,000

    *private funds have been donated to cover this expense

    Operational:establish website, software, operate an office, phone and internet, general printing - $6,000

    Marketing:promotional events, print material, ads, signs, web advertising, campaigns - $10,000

    Portable Church Equipment:trailer, video equipment, audio equipment, children's ministry, hospitality (signs, coffee, tables) - $50,000

    Total Pre-Launch expenses (including salaries): $144,695

    Yearly Budget (begins post-launch, August 2010)

    Staff:pastor salary and housing - $53,000pastor Board of Pensions - $16,695director of community - $9,000Church Biz (outsourced HR, payroll, accounting) - $6,000

    worship band - $10,000

    Facility:school or movie theater - $40,000Operational Expenses: $6,000Marketing: $5,000Program Budget: $15,000

    Total yearly (post-launch) budget: $160,695


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    Income Prospective

    Assets: valuable frontage land on Bagdad Road in Leander

    Presbytery & promised funding:between the Presbytery and 3 local churches we have been promised $136,000 over 3 years

    Personal fundraising: over $12,000 has already been raised from family and friends this year with a potentialfor 2x that amount in coming years

    Church Missions Giving:-two small congregations have already donated $3,500-meeting with Shepherd of the Hills, Covenant, Westlake Hills, and 1st Pres Kingwood (Houston)-gifts promised from Dripping Spring Presbyterian, and San Gabriel Presbyterian-Hill Country Bible Church is considering a one-time grant

    PCUSA GA grant:

    currently applying for GA NCD grant - $25,000 / year for three years

    Congregational Giving:based on other church plants in the area, it is possible that a church plant of this size could receive $11,000each month in tithes and donations - $132,000 / year


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    the Name "LiveOak Church"

    The Story - As Christians, we are a community identified by our story. This story starts with a tree - Godplants the tree of life in the center of the garden in Genesis 2. As humans, our brokenness also involves a tree(the tree of the knowledge of good and evil). The cross (made from a tree) then stands at the center of ourhope. Finally, at the end of the book, in Rev. 22, we see that the tree of life, the one from the beginning, isstill there. Now it is in the middle of the New City (the world redeemed by God, or the kingdom of God). If

    we follow the trees in scripture, we tell the whole story.

    a History - Even though this is a brand new church, it is rooted in a long story. In the 1850's some of theearliest settlers in this community, the Mason family, helped plant a Presbyterian church. For years the familygathered under some large Live Oak trees on their homestead for family celebrations and to share mealstogether. These very trees are on the land that has been donated for our new church. The Live Oak namereminds us of the deep roots we have in the faith.

    Regional Scope - Live Oak trees are everywhere in this part of Texas. Local neighborhoods, communityorganizations and regional companies incorporate them into their logos; while developers build around them.Yet, the name Live Oak does not limit the church to one town (like Leander, or Cedar Park). Instead, it is aname that communicates value to anyone in this part of metro-Austin.

    a Positive Impression - A large part of our mission is to people who are not familiar with "church" as well aspeople who left the church because of a negative or irrelevant experience. Because of this, we needed tochoose a name that everyone would be able to identify with. While I like the name 3rd EbeneezerPresbyterian Church, it might not have such a positive impression for everyone.


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    Appendix 1 - Demographic Snapshot


    3 mile radius 5 mile radius 10 mile radius TX state average


    1990 6,503 10,554 58,379

    2000 13,208 (103% growth) 25,723 (144% growth) 116,177 (99% growth)

    2009 estimated 31,238 (136% growth) 57,571 (124% growth) 200,733 (73% growth) (14% in z ips 78746 & 7875

    2014 projected (5 year) 40,722 (30% growth) 74,436 (29% growth) 247,395 (23% growth)


    average age 31.97 31.73 33.28 33.2 (US = 36.7)

    % under 5 9.2 9.76 8.74 8.3 (US = 6.9)

    % 5-14 17.25 17.3 16.57 14.9

    % 25-44 32.46 33.36 30.52 29

    % 65 and older 5.93 5.94 6.67 10.1


    2009 estimated 10,095 18,551 66,995

    2014 projected 13,066 23,811 81,835

    "Family Households" 81.38% 82.15% 80.43% 70%

    average household size 3.09 3.09 2.99 2.82

    currently married (15 yrs old +)67.06% 68.38% 68.15% 51.35%

    married with kids 42.11% 43.35% 41% 24.6%

    household with kids 51.93% 52.41% 48.5% 35.4%

    Economic Indicators

    average household income $70,655 $74,083 $89,130 $49,078

    median home value $138,478 $145,492 $181,855 $120,500

    Education & Occupation

    associates degree or higher 31.89% 34.91% 47.16% 31.4%

    occupation "blue collar" 22.12% 19.98% 15.53% 24.2%

    occupation "white collar" 66.52% 69.76% 75.8% 58.6%

    occupation "service and farm"11.36% 10.26% 8.67% 17.2%

    average household income $70,655 $74,083 $89,130 $47,548

    ave. commute to work 37.59min 37.07min 33.06min 24.9min

    Race Classification

    White 79.83% 79.64% 80.86% 71.4%

    Hispanic 23.53% 22.75% 16.23% 35.9%

    African American 5.14% 5.82% 4.8% 11.5%

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    Appendix 2 - Marketing & Branding Examples

    Our website: www.liveoak-church.org

    Recent newspaper ad in a new residents guide:


