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Liver Detoxing Guide

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Love Your Liver, Cure Your AcneA Detoxification Guide To Physically, Energetically & Emotionally Cleanse Your Liver For The Prevention Of Acne

by Frances Kerr

Version 1

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For Reasons of Legality

Information in this ebook is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of research and years of experience by the author, Frances Kerr. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information in this ebook for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this ebook. Information provided in this ebook and the use of any products or services purchased from the affiliated web site by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and the author. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Copyright 2013 by Frances Lilian Kerr - No part of this ebook may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

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.........................................................................................The Liver & Acne 1

.................................................................Physical Cleansing Of The Liver 3

...................................................................Gentle Physical Liver Cleanses 6

...............................................................Intensive Physical Liver Cleanses 8

.........................................................Good Choices To Support The Liver 12

........................................................Foods To Help Rejuvenate The Liver 13

.........................................................................Good Herbs For The Liver 15

........................................Emotional & Energetic Cleansing Of The Liver 16

.....................................................................Anger & Frustration Release 20

...........................................................If You Experience A Healing Crisis 24

..........................................................................................Getting Support 26

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The Liver & Acne

The health of your liver is most often related to the health of your skin. Not everyone gets acne so whether or not someone gets acne is not a good indication of the how healthy and strong their liver is. But a toxic, fatty or simply unloved liver will create problems somewhere in the body. Often this is acne, some other skin disorder, or other complications elsewhere in the body.

If your suffer from acne and your liver is unloved then you’ll likely have trouble keeping your acne away permanently. Sure you may be able to “cure” your skin for some weeks or even months at a time, but your acne is likely to eventually come back. You’ll also very likely need to rely on taking supplements or be on a strict diet indefinitely to correct imbalances that your unloved liver is contributing to. We therefore want to love and clean our liver to make it healthy and strong!

What is an unloved liver?

An unloved liver is a liver that’s not functioning at its best. This usually happens when a liver is a little too overloaded with either physical or emotional toxins, but usually both.

How does an unloved liver cause acne?

Our liver is an extremely important organ with a lot of extremely important jobs to do (which is why we need to learn to love it more than we do). Here is how our unloved liver can cause acne:

1. The purification of potential toxic substances

One of the jobs of the liver is to purify toxic substances that enter the body. The body is then able to either use or excrete them. These toxins can come from many different sources, such as the foods we eat, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, medications, cosmetics, or simply from the toxins in our homes and our surrounding environment.

An unloved liver may not be able to adequately purify all toxic substances that enter the body, so these excess toxins either end up stored in our fatty tissue or eliminated through one of the bodies seven elimination channels – one of these being the skin. When toxins come out via the skin they come out through our sweat and sebaceous glands as sebum. And while sebum production is a healthy way of the skin to moisturize and protect itself, when sebum is produced in excess then it



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can get clogged in the skin and cause whiteheads and blackheads – which is the beginning of acne inflammations.

Excess sebum production is also linked to a hormonal imbalance but without a loved up liver we’re unlikely to adequately balance our hormones long term. It is therefore important to do the liver work too.

If you have a lot of whiteheads and blackheads (comedonal acne) then you likely have an unloved liver that needs some love and attention.

2. The holding on of emotional toxins

Just like physical toxins, our liver can purify emotional toxins too. But if we suppress these emotions then our liver can become overloaded and stop being able to do such a good job at purifying them. This of course leads to an increase in stress levels and not enough room for our liver to be able to properly purify physical toxins too. Which as we’ve already discussed can very easily lead to acne.

Our liver can store any emotion but typically it stores anger, irritability, frustration, resentment, jealousy and envy. So if you are feeling these emotions more than usual or are having trouble processing them, then giving your liver more love and attention is a good thing to do for your skin (and for your wellbeing too!).

When you clean your liver both physically and emotionally then you’ll find that you’ll be able to much easier and faster be able to process your anger. And this means you’ll be more stress free, enjoy life a lot more and of course have clearer skin.

How To Love Your Liver

Since we can store both physical and emotional toxins in our liver, then it’s essential to detox on both physical and emotional levels.

How you detox your liver will depend largely on your constitution and how much you resonate with energetic work. While liver flushes are highly effective they’re not a good “fit” for everyone. Some will be able to handle a robust approach while others will need to be much more gentle. And the same goes for emotional cleansing of the liver – some approaches are certainly more intensive than others.

This guide will help you learn what method of liver detoxification is best for you and how to actually do it.



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Physical Cleansing Of The Liver

This guide is to be used as a beginners guide to liver support and cleansing. It’s

important to read all of the preliminary information before you begin a cleanse

in order to ensure that you do not suffer from unwanted side effects or a bad

healing crisis. The more intensive cleansing of the liver and gallbladder will be

highly effective in the cleansing and clearing of your skin, however it’s important to

treat it seriously and to do the preliminary work first. This will ensure that you

have a much smoother and easier cleanse.

The Importance of Colon and Kidney Cleansing Before a Flush

It is highly recommended that you do a colon and kidney cleanse before a liver

flush. This can be frustrating for a lot of people and there can be a tendency to rush

in to just doing the liver flush. However, without this preliminary work you will be

risking gallstones and other toxic residues getting stuck in the large intestine. And

cleansing the kidneys will ensure that the toxins coming out of the liver do not put

any extra heavy burden on the liver, gallbladder or kidneys.

If you have never suffered from a bladder or kidney infection, kidney stones or

kidney trouble, then you can skip the kidney cleansing part and go ahead with the

colon and liver cleansing. It is however recommended that you at some stage

cleanse the kidneys or at the very least drink a kidney cleansing tea for 2-3 days

following the liver flush (avoiding drinking the tea on the actual day of the liver

flush). You will be able to find kidney cleansing teas at most good health food stores.

The cleansing of the colon is the most important thing, and your colon will need

to be cleansed both before and after the liver flush. Cleansing the colon before the

flush will allow your body to more easily eliminate stones and residues, and

cleansing after will help remove any stones and residue that may have become

stuck. If stones and residue remain in the colon and are not cleaned out, then they

can cause headaches, abdominal discomfort and thyroid problems among other


The absolute best way to cleanse the colon is through colonic hydrotherapy, but if

that is not available to you then you can do a coffee enema followed by a water

enema, or series of three water enemas. While this is not as good as getting colonic

hydrotherapy, sometimes with our geographical location or budget we actually



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don’t have a choice. Enema kits can be found in most countries at pharmacies or

drug stores and are easy and safe to use.

How To Do A Kidney Cleanse

The best way to do a kidney cleanse is by drinking a kidney cleansing herbal tea for

20-30 consecutive days. Talk to your local health store provider and they’ll be able

to provide a tea for you. If you don’t have access to a health store then you will be

able to buy a tea online.

Make sure to also drink plenty of water during the period of the kidney cleanse to

help support the kidneys and to flush out toxins. Also if you can, try to avoid

consuming all animal products, caffeine, alcohol, intoxicants and processed foods

during the cleanse. Don’t worry, avoiding these foods is not forever! It’s just better if

you avoid them if you can whilst doing the cleanse.

A Note on Nausea

While it’s rare, some people experience nausea or even vomiting during a flush.

This may happen to you for the first flush and even the second, but many that

experience nausea find that it no longer becomes a problem the cleaner their liver

gets. So you may not experience nausea on your third flush for example.

First it’s important to know that while you may feel as though you’ve thrown up all

of what you consumed to do the flush, the medicine will more than likely have

already done its job, so there is a good chance that you will still have a successful


In my years of living in Peru I have changed my mindset on nausea and the purging

act of vomiting through the feeling of nausea. We are programmed as children that

the act of vomiting is a bad thing - our experiences are usually all negative, through

being sick or food poisoned. As adults we now have the opportunity through

cleansing to change that mindset around and begin to look at purging through

vomiting as not so much of a terrible thing.

Vomiting can be one of the ways, and actually it is the fastest and most intense way,

that our body releases both physical and emotional energy. When you’re going

through any type of cleanse and you feel nauseas, take note of what your thoughts

are at the time the feeling came on because often your body will be cleansing out a



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particular energetic emotion. Purging and cleansing through vomiting during a

cleanse or a ceremonial practice is actually a very powerful way of your body to

release. Do note however that not all of us purge in this way. Your way of release

may be to yawn a lot, your body may feel as though it wants to shake, you may feel

extremely hot or extremely cold for a moment, you may want to cry or scream, or

even laugh. There are so many ways for our body to release.

Nobody likes to feel nauseas. But if this does happen to you, try not to hold onto it

and suppress it. Acknowledge that your body is just letting go and allow your body

to just do that, let go. Like any emotion or physical sensation that we feel, if you

open your body up to it and allow it to flow through, then in most cases it will pass


But Are You Really Cleansing Out Stones With A Flush?

If you’ve read a lot of information on the Internet about the controversy as to

whether or not the stones that come out are really stones or just a mix of the

ingredients taken during the flush, then that’s a fair question that you’re asking.

I have personally done hours of research to try to get to the bottom of this argument

and this is what I have found:

- The most important thing to consider with this idea that we have stones our liver,

kidneys and gallbladder is what the stones are actually made up of. There is not

one type of stone, in fact we can have accumulations of sediment that resemble

stones, sand or even mud. So not everything you pass that looks like a stone is

necessarily a stone. Some could simply be coagulated bile mixed with other

substances such as cholesterol, calcium bilirubinate, calcium carbonate, palmitate

phosphate, bilirubin and other chemicals and bile pigments.

- There are many people who have done monthly liver and gallbladder flushes until

no more stones or residues that look like stones are flushed out. If the stones were

in fact just a mix of the ingredients consumed during the flush then this wouldn’t

happen - they would forever be passing these stones and substances. The fact that

there’s a point where it stops happening is enough validation.



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Gentle Physical Liver Cleanses

These gentle liver cleanses are a good build up to a liver flush to see how you go. If

you experience any worsening of acne or signs of a healing crisis, then view the

“what to do in a healing crisis” section later in this guide.

You don’t have to being with these gentle cleanses, if you feel that you are okay with

a more intensive flush then go for it. Just make sure you do kidney and colon work

first and discussed in the beginning of this guide.

Liver Detox Morning Drinks

You can drink these concoctions every morning. If you have a weak or sensitive

constitution then start with just once every three days or even just once a week and

see how you go. Sip them slowly on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

Variation 1

- 1 freshly squeezed lemon

- 200ml of fresh apple juice (or store bought natural and unsweetened)

- 200ml of good quality water

- 1-2 cloves of garlic, crushed

- 1-2 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil

- 2-3cm of fresh ginger, finely grated

- a dash of cayenne pepper

- 1 teaspoon of good quality probiotics powder (optional)

Simply blend all ingredients together. You can play around with these ingredients

to make it weaker or stronger. Begin with the lowest dose of everything, then if

you’re feeling strong you can amp it up. If you feel you can even use more lemon,

garlic, olive oil and ginger than what the maximum is in the recipe.

Variation 2

- 1 freshly squeezed lemon

- 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of msm powder (begin at the smallest dose then build up!)

- 1 teaspoon of honey

- 500ml of good quality water



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- 1/4 fresh aloe vera leaf, skin removed (optional)

Blend all ingredients together then sip slowly.

Variation 3

Source: Mahaya Forest Hill Integrative Health

- 1/2 small beet, juiced (or blended if your blender is powerful enough)

- 3-4 beet green leaves

- 3-4 dandelion leaves

- 1/4 to 1/2 lemon, juiced

- 2 apples

- 1 inch fresh ginger

- 1 cup water

Blend all ingredients together then sip slowly.



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Intensive Physical Liver Cleanses

The following flushes clean stones from the gall bladder and any residues of excess

from the liver. They are best done between a full moon and new moon cycle,

preferably with the flush on the new moon.

It is best to keep flushing the liver each month until no more stones or residues are

passed. After the first cleanse your skin may significantly improve, but then go back

to how it was a few days to a week later. This is because it will take a few days for

stones that are at the back to move to the front where the bile ducts are. For long

term and lasting effects, you will need to keep flushing until no more stones or

other residues are passed. We want to get to the point where your acne is no longer


Gall Bladder & Liver Flush 1

Source: Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford

What you need

- Organic apples (green are best)

- 2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

- 1/3 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice

How to do the flush

For one whole day fast on apples only - eat as many as you like but make sure you

consume at least four. It’s better to use organic green apples because of their low

A Note For Women: It is recommended to not do the gall bladder flush

during your menses as the liver is already working over time to remove

excess fluids. Also during our time of bleeding we are releasing so much

emotionally and physically so we can be a lot more sensitive. If you usually

begin bleeding on the new moon then make sure to do the cleanse before

then. If pregnant it is also advised not to do a flush until 6 weeks after the




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sugar content but any apples will do. You can also drink as much water, herbal tea

and non-sweetened and unprocessed apple juice as you like.

The apples will help to soften up any stones.

Before you go to bed warm up the olive oil to body temperature and mix it with the

lemon juice. Slowly sip the mixture and then go to bed. Make sure to lay on your

right hand side and preferably with your right leg drawn up.

In the morning all stones should pass through your bowel. You can then eat/drink

whatever you like (but best to stick to happy liver foods!!!).

Why no epsom salts?

The next flush listed in this guide does include epsom salts. I wanted to give you two

options because epsom salts can be quite harsh on the physical body.

The role of the epsom salts is to help to relax and open the bile ducts in the liver to

better allow the stones to pass through. Most people however will find no problem

with passing stones without taking in the epsom salts.

The reason why we want to fast for a day on apples and apple juice is because of the

high malic acid content in the apples. Malic acid softens up the stones.

It is completely up to you and how you feel with doing both flushes.

Gall Bladder & Liver Flush 2

Source: The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush by Andreas Moritz

The Amazing Liver And Gallbladder Flush is an excellent book

that I highly recommend purchasing. While the following is a

guide to the flush, the book provides extensive information on

all aspects of the liver, liver cleansing and FAQs for the actual

cleanse. If you are serious about doing this flush, then I

recommend you to seriously consider purchasing this book.



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What you need

- 6 liters of natural apple juice

- 4 Tablespoons of epsom salts mixed with 3 glasses of water

- 120ml of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

- 200ml of either fresh grapefruit juice (pink is best) or a mix of lemon and orange

How to prepare for the flush

Slowly drink 1 liter of apple juice throughout each day for six days. Avoid drinking

the juice during, just before, or in the first two hours following a meal, or in the


If you feel to drink more apple juice then do. If you are sensitive you may

experience bloating or diarrhea during this time. If this happens it’s okay, it’s likely

to be stagnant bile reduced by the liver and gallbladder. It may help to dilute the

apple juice.

During this period of six days try to avoid cold foods and drinks. Also eat as close to

a vegan diet as you can while also avoiding fried foods. Lastly, do not overeat.

On the sixth day drink all of the allocated liter of apple juice in the morning. Eat a

light breakfast, avoiding all sweeteners, spices, dairy products, oils, meat, eggs, nuts,

and bread products. Oatmeal is a good option. For lunch eat plain vegetables (raw

or cooked) with white rice. You can flavor it with sea salt.

The actual flush

6pm - Drink 3/4 glass of the epsom salt and water mix.

8pm - Drink another 3/4 glass of epsom salts and water mix.

Eating protein, dairy products or oil may make you feel nauseas during

the cleanse so it’s important to avoid them on this day! Do not eat or

drink anything except water after 1:30pm to prevent difficulty in

passing stones.



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9:30pm - If you had not had a bowel movement since 6pm, or had a colon irrigation

in the past 24 hours, then do a water enema.

9:45pm - Thoroughly mix 3/4 glass of either grapefruit or lemon/orange juice mix

with 1/2 glass of olive oil. You want it to reach a water consistency.

10pm - Stand next to your bed and drink the juice and oil mixture in one go. Try not

to take longer than five minutes to drink it.

Now lay day immediately!!

It is better to lay on your back, but you can lie on your right side with your legs

drawn up. Try to remain as still as you can for 20 minutes. During this time it’s best

to observe noble silence too. It may be easy if you have a movie ready that you can


If at any time during the night you need to have a bowel movement, then that’s

okay. Some people feel nausea during the night. If that’s the case with you then it

will pass.

6-6:30am - Drink another 3/4 glass mix of epsom salts and water. If you are thirsty

then it’s okay to drink a glass of warm water too before drinking the epsom salts.

From now it is best that you remain in an upright position (sitting or standing) until

the cleanse is complete. If you feel to do light exercise or yoga that’s okay too.

8-8:30am - Drink the final 3/4 glass of epsom salts and water.

10-10:30am - You can now drink fresh juice, followed by eating fruit half an hour

later. One hour after that you can eat regular but light food. It is better to eat light

meals for the next 2-3 days in order to properly nurture your liver.



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Good Choices To Support The Liver

These healthy liver choices are great to do while you’re working on cleaning your

liver. And while they are good life liver choices, please do not feel stressed about

this list or feel as though you need to do all of them for the rest of your life in order

to keep your skin clear. It’s all about understanding how our body works and

honoring moderation.

- Drink freshly squeezed lemon juice with warm water first thing in the morning

- Drink fresh beet juice or eat beets

- Add probiotics to your diet

- Reduce the stress in your life

- Avoid eating greasy and fried foods, processed foods and intoxicants - you may

love alcohol but your liver does not

- Reduce the amount of meat and animal products you consume

- Do not over eat

- Exercise regularly - fun and gentle exercise is best!

- Practice healthy anger release

- Drink enough water every day - aim for about two liters

- Reduce or eliminate caffeine and processed sugars in your diet

- Switch to healthier oils. Oils to not consume include corn, soybean, safflower,

vegetable, sunflower and canola. Instead use olive, coconut, sacha inchi, ghee and

rice bran oils.

- Try to eat as organically as you can



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Foods To Help Rejuvenate The Liver

Here is a general diet guide while you’re working on cleansing your liver.

Remember, please do not get stressed about this list!! These are just suggestions not

rules that you have to follow. And honor intuitive eating, allow your body to tell you

what you need to cut out or add in during the time of working with your liver. And

then honor what your body needs after the cleansing period is done.


- Foods high in saturated fats: meat (excluding fish), cream, cheese and eggs.

- Poor quality oils and fats: such as margarine and refined oils.

- Chemicals in foods

- All intoxicants

- Highly processed and refined foods


- Any excess of nuts and seeds. You don’t need to stop them, just don’t overdo it!


Basically add in as many whole foods as you like. Here are some of the better whole

foods for your liver:

blue/green algae chlorella parsley

kale watercress alfalfa

collard greens mustard greens turmeric

basil bay leaves cardamon

marjoram cumin fennel

dill ginger black pepper

horseradish rosemary mint

lemon balm angelica root whole grains

legumes lemon lime



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grapefruit rye lettuce

asparagus amaranth quinoa

alfalfa radish leaves mung beans & sprouts

celery sea weeds cucumber

millet mushrooms rhubarb

radish daikon radish beets

taro root strawberry peach

cherry chestnuts pine nuts

cabbage turnip root cauliflower

broccoli wheat-grass barley-grass

brussels sprouts

In general bitter foods are great for the liver. And it is said, the more one dislikes

the bitter taste then the more one needs it for the liver!



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Good Herbs For The Liver

There are many great herbs for the liver, here is a list of just some of them:

Dandelion Root Milk Thistle Licorice

Turmeric Borotutu Bark Chanca Piedra

Greater Celandine Chicory Root Peppermint

Yellow Dock Root Artichoke Leaves Boldo Leaf


Your local health store will be able to guide you in the right direction to good herbs

that support the liver. It’s good to know what herbs are beneficial, but it’s okay to

take a pre-made tea or herbal supplement that is already formulated for liver

support. It’s also not important to take liver support herbs. Whether you choose to

do a gentle cleanse, an intensive flush, or to take herbs (of even a combination of all

three!) is completely up to you.

If after taking liver herbs you experiencing a worsening of your acne (this can

happen if the liver begins to slowly release its toxins), then get a colonic or do an at

home enema. Also consider reducing the amount of liver herbs that you’re taking,

or take them once every few days instead of every day and slowly build up. And

remember to drink plenty of water!



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Emotional & Energetic Cleansing Of

The Liver

Emotional and energetic cleansing of the liver is just as important as physical

cleansing. Without the proper emotional release work we can render our physical

cleansing useless.

Our liver has the ability to “hold on” to many things, including emotions that we

have chosen to ignore or suppress. Typically the liver holds on to emotional feelings

of anger and frustration, but it has the ability to hold onto any emotion that we are

able to create. In fact, any unresolved emotional issue usually finds itself being

stored in the liver.

If you feel that you don’t typically feel emotions of anger or that you’re not holding

any of it in, just be wary that sometimes we store emotions that we can be unaware

of. It’s common for people to experience waves of anger and frustration when they

start to physically cleanse the liver, emotions they had no idea where even there. So

if this happens to you please don’t worry about it! It’s actually a really good thing

because it means those emotions are making their way out.

There are many techniques to cleanse the liver both emotionally and energetically,

and how you do this will come down to what resonates with you. But I will be

providing a few different techniques for you to try that are highly effective.

First let’s look at what our liver very typically holds onto.

Anger, Creativity & The Liver

We actually aren’t very good at suppressing the emotion of anger for a long period

of time because anger is such a strong and explosive emotion. Eventually it will

come out on its own.

What the liver is more likely to hold onto is the frustration of the suppression of our

creative energy. For our whole lives we are unconsciously and sometimes

consciously taught to suppress our innate creativity, often just by being told what to

do and how to do it. Creativity is at the very core of our being. It’s how we navigate



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through this world - everything that is in your direct environment is a result of your

own creation.

So the deep frustration of partially closing down this gift of creativity sits in our

liver, contributing to a liver that just does not function as well as it could.

Excessive Desire

Excessive ambition and desire can also damage the liver. Excessive desire (whether

for sex, fame, power, security, money, or foods) by any nature will result in

frustration, simply because most excessive desires in the world we currently live in

are not obtainable. This is one of the reasons why many of the great spiritual

teachers caution their students against harboring excessive desire and ambition.

The Liver is The Happy Organ

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it is said that happiness resides in and

emanates from the liver. A good, strong clean liver that is not holding onto negative

emotions of frustration and anger will create more happiness in your life. Now who

wouldn’t want that! How great when we’ve done this work we can experience both

healthy clear skin and more happiness in our being.

An important note on anger: Anger isn’t all bad! It’s actually an important

emotion that we need to feel from time to time. Anger is what can give us a

feeling of power, ambition and drive. I once read that no emotion is negative

or a bad thing until we choose to suppress it. I feel that there’s a lot of truth

in that. So in the future if you feel anger arising, don’t judge yourself for it.

Honor your anger and whatever it has arrived to teach you. Then make sure

to not suppress it, to release it in a healthy and safe way.



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Emotional & Energetic Liver Release Techniques

You can use the following meditations and activities to gently release any stored up

negative energies and emotions which will allow your liver more health to do its


Liver Cleanse Meditation 1

--> Audio Version

Sit or lie in a comfortable and quiet space free from distractions. If you have

difficulty staying awake while doing any kind of meditation then it will be best to

remain seated, and preferably with a straight spine.

Close your eyes and feel the energy of the Earth underneath your body. Now gently

imagine that the Earth is giving you beautiful, loving, warm energy that is filling

your body in waves. Sit with that feeling for as long as you feel to.

Now focus your attention onto the very top center of your head, and imagine a

white and golden light pouring into your body from up above. Feel this beautiful,

loving energy enter into your body filling you completely with its warmth. Now feel

the energy from above and the energy from the Earth meeting in the middle of your

body and forming a beautiful dance of love and light.

Sit with this feeling for as long as you like.

When you’re ready, focus your attention on your liver. It doesn’t matter if you

aren’t a very visual person and you can’t actually “see” it, as long as your attention

is there then it’s enough. Now take this beautiful energy that you’ve just created in

your body, and surround your liver with it. Consciously ask that your liver be

physically cleaned, and free of all stored up negative energy and emotions. Know

that this healing is taking place right now and not at some time in the future. Take

as long as you need for this process to occur.

Once you are done, thank your liver for the work that it has done to help provide

your body with good health. Tell it that you are now going to take better care of it

and that you will send it more love. Then thank yourself for taking the time to do

this important work. Now take a couple of deep breaths and open your eyes to

conclude the meditation.



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Liver Cleanse Meditation 2

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Make sure you’re in a space where you’ll

have enough peace and quiet for the duration of the meditation.

Take three deep breaths in and out, feeling your body and mind begin to slowly let

go and relax. Now focus your attention on your liver, while continuing to take long

and slow breaths.

Send your liver loving and beautiful thoughts. Focus on surrounding your liver with

a bubble of love. Take as long as you feel to do this. Say to your liver -

“Dear liver, thank you for the job that you have done to keep my body healthy. I’m

sorry that I haven’t given you much love and attention. I want to tell you that I love

you, and I appreciate the hard work that you do. To thank you I’m going to give you

a massage.”.

Now rub the palms of your hands quickly together to create energy and warmth in

your hands. Then in a circular motion, or any other motion that you feel, move one

of your hands over the area of your liver as if you’re massaging the energy that

surrounds your liver (about ten centimeters above your physical body). You can use

just one hand or alternative between both of them. Do this for as long as you feel.

Once you are done, thank your liver once again.



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Anger & Frustration Release

As we’ve already discussed, the liver can hold onto and store any emotion but it

typically holds onto feelings of anger and frustration. The following activities will

help you to release any stored up anger, frustration and its associated emotions that

you may have in your liver.

Anger & Frustration Release Activity 1

In the evening before you go to bed, spend some time writing. It doesn’t matter

what your write or whether or not it’s legible, just write. The idea here is to get out

whatever you’re holding onto and storing for the day, or even longer. You may be

surprised at what thoughts and feelings end up coming through. Take note of them

with the intention of release.

Write for as little or as long as you feel to.

Once you are done, burn the paper. If you can do this in a fireplace or outside in a

brazier, obviously this is ideal! But however you burn it please be careful.

You can repeat this process every day if you wish.

Anger & Frustration Release Activity 2

It’s important to do this activity in a safe space on your own - preferably while

you’re at home alone but in a room by yourself is okay too.

In this activity we want to move our body in a way to get the anger out intensively.

The best method is to use a mattress and a bat, but you can just use a stick, pillows

or even socks - whatever you have around.

An important note on anger release: While the release of stored up anger

and frustration is important, it’s even more important to release it in a safe

and positive way. Do not release your anger at another person or animal, or

harm another being.



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If you have a mattress and a bat (or a pillow and a stick), then stand in front of the

mattress with the bat in both hands. Then draw the stick right above your head and

pound the mattress repetitively with all of your might. Please feel free to scream

your lungs out or yell, in fact this makes the activity much more powerful. What’s

important to remember with this exercise is that the more you open up and allow

whatever needs to come through, then the more you will release and the lighter

you’ll feel.

If you feel okay with it, you can also use “expletive therapy” which is basically

yelling out a lot of swear words while you’re physically doing the motion. You don’t

have to be a person that normally uses swear words in your vocabulary, for this

activity it’s an exception, simply because of how powerful it is.

Once you feel that you are done then spend some time taking some long, deep

breaths and picture yourself being rooted to the Earth. You can do this buy

imagining golden threads or vines coming out of your feet and dropping all the way

into the center of the Earth.

If you don’t feel comfortable with the mattress and stick then you can throw pillows

and socks around the room with all of your might, that works well too.

But if I’m not feeling angry, how do I do this exercise?

I have done this exercise many times with a practitioner of mine in Australia. Each

and every time she suggested I do it I never actually felt angry so was hesitant to do

the exercise. But you will be surprised - once you do the action with the intention of

the release, it’s incredible what actually comes out. I’ve had some very unexpected

big bursts of anger come out!

Moving Your Body

Simply moving your body can be a great way to get out stored up energy including

anger and frustration. My personal preferred methods are dancing and hooping

because they both require movement of just about every single muscle in the body.

I like to dance and hoop to dubstep for release because for me this music is so

opening and releasing. Make sure you play music that will help you get right into

those emotions and pull them out.



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You could also climb a mountain, take a kickboxing or spin class, or simply run as

fast as you can. A great option is also to take some five rhythms or ecstatic dance

class. These classes work you hard with the intention to dance out stored up and

blocked emotions. After a class I always feel so much lighter.

How To Clear Space After A Release

It’s very important to cleanse the energy of a space after you’ve done any form of

release work, especially anger release. If you don’t do a cleanse, then you may find

that the room feels uncomfortable to be in. We want to keep your living

environment a happy and light space!

The White Fire Technique

This technique was taught to me by one of my teachers, Ewa Thomas, and I now use

it all the time. It is an extremely useful tool to use in any physical space that you

want cleansed.

Try and find the energetic center point of the room and place yourself there. If you

don’t know where it is that’s okay, just have a guess or place yourself in the physical

center of the room. Now imagine you have created a white transformative fire that

is burning in the room and transforming all negative energies into neutral and

positive. Imagine that the white fire is growing in size until it covers the entire

space that you wish to be cleansed. It doesn’t matter if you’re not a visual person

and you can’t actually imagine it visually, as long as you can set the intention then it

will be done. If you are a visual person then how your white fire looks will be

unique to you. Don’t judge yourself or question how your creation manifests, just

allow it to happen.

You can stay with the fire until you feel that it’s done, or you can request that the

fire remain burning for as long as it needs. Sometimes I set a fire to burn for 24

hours or even a week.

If you’re doing the anger release exercise then I recommend that you do this white

fire technique for the room that you were in during and after you’re done. And if

you’re doing the writing release activity then while you’re physically burning the

paper, burn it energetically with a white fire too.

Using Cleansing Tools



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You can also use tools to cleanse space. The most common found in most health and

alternative stores around the world is burning sage. Palo santo from Peru is also

becoming increasingly popular. To cleanse a space simply burn the sage or palo

santo (or any other cleansing herb that you choose) until it begins to smoke. Then

walk around the room with intention spreading the smoke into all parts of the room

including every single corner if you can.



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If You Experience A Healing Crisis

What is a healing crisis?

A healing crisis can occur when too many toxins are coming out of your body at

once. If those toxins are not quickly eliminated, then they can cause a range of

symptoms such as acne, rash, headache, flu like symptoms, etc.

It is also very common to experience some intensified emotions during a cleanse,

especially when you’re doing liver work. If this gets too much or too unbearable,

that’s when you can treat it in the same was as having a physical healing crisis.

Just remember - while it’s an awesome sign that lots of toxins are coming out of

your body, we don’t want to stress our physical or energetic body too much by these

toxins coming out too quickly. It is much better to be gentle with yourself.

What to do?

The best way to remedy a healing crisis it to clean out the colon to encourage the

toxins to be eliminated through the bowel. Colonic hydrotherapy is the best and

fastest way to do this, but if you are unable to get one done, then you can do an at

home enema. If you are still experiencing the symptoms after one enema, then try

doing a coffee enema following the water enema, or doing three water enemas.

Also make sure that you’re drinking plenty of good quality water, aim for about two

liters a day.

If neither of the above methods worked, then you can be more gentle with the

cleansing that you’re doing. So if you’re drinking a liver tonic drink every morning,

try instead to drink it only once every three days and/or make it with less of the

active ingredients.

In addition, make sure that you’re getting enough sleep and rest and consider

getting a massage or taking regular relaxing baths.

A note on saunas: Sauna treatments, especially far infrared saunas are also an

excellent way to encourage the elimination of toxins through sweating. It is



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important however to limit the time that you’re using sauna treatment, or even

discontinue them if you are experiencing a healing crisis.



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Getting Support

It will be helpful while doing your liver work to have plenty of support around you. This could be a friend or family member that can help to motivate and encourage you along the way. If at any time during cleansing you feel worried or concerned about your health, I encourage you to consult a natural practitioner or medical professional.

Optionally you can get liver testing done before and after liver cleansing to test how much your liver needs work and how effective the cleansing has been. However, keep in mind that liver testing is not always accurate so you may receive results that are not aligned with how things actually are. Personally I prefer to monitor my liver with how my physical body feels and how my skin looks. There is no better test than that!

Skype Appointments

If you would like a personal Skype appointment with me, the author Fran Kerr, to work with clearing your acne, then please visit the consultation page here:



