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Liver-MRI With Primovist - Tips and Tricks - Handsout Christian Lienerth

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  • 8/20/2019 Liver-MRI With Primovist - Tips and Tricks - Handsout Christian Lienerth


    Christian Lienerth, Ph.D.

    Bayer Vital GmbH / Germany

    Head of CT-/MR-Application Service

    Business Unit Radiology & Interventional

    2BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012


  • 8/20/2019 Liver-MRI With Primovist - Tips and Tricks - Handsout Christian Lienerth


    3BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Desirable: 4 criterions

    • strong T1w

    • high spacial resolution

    • fast scanning (< 20s)

    • whole coverage of the liver 

    further wishes:

    • good fat-saturation

    • 3D-scan for MPR / MIP


    4BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    1. Alpha Phase = vascular Phase, t1/2  = 2 - 3 min.

    2. Beta Phase = vaskular and interstitial distribution: t1/2  ~ 60 - 90 min.


    PharmacokineticECM (Extracellular Contrast Media)

    For good tumor enhancement you have to scan in the -Phase.

    Waiting period of 2-3 min. after CM-injection are recommended.

  • 8/20/2019 Liver-MRI With Primovist - Tips and Tricks - Handsout Christian Lienerth


    5BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    PharmacokineticECM (Extracellular Conrast Media)

    Gadovist® - 1 min vs. 3 min after CM

    GV® - 1 min. after CM GV® - 6 min. after CM

    6BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    1. Localizer  

    2. T1w_tra_(T)SE_nativ

    3. T2w_sag_FLAIR

    4. ___ CM-Injection ___ 

    5. T2w_tra_(T)SE

    6. T1w_tra_(T)SE_CM_1

    7. T1w_cor_(T)SE_CM_2

    8. …..

    ~ 2 min.

    1. Localizer  

    2. T1w_tra_(T)SE_nativ

    3. ___ CM-Injection ___ 

    4. T2w_sag_FLAIR

    5. T2w_tra_(T)SE

    6. DWI

    7. T1w_tra_(T)SE_CM_1

    8. T1w_cor_(T)SE_CM_2

    ~ 5 min.

    Workflow RecommendationsSequences and Waiting Period

    Tip: Arrange your sequences in a clever order It´s a pharmacokinetic property.

    For excellent enhancement in -phase you have to wait !

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    7BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Pharmacokineticof Primovist® - Liver Specific

    Modified Gd-Complex

    lipophilic side-chain(Ethoxybenzylgruppe)

    • Dosage: 0.025 mmol/kg 0,1ml/kg BW

    intravenous Bolus–Injection

    Protein-Binding: ~ 10 %

    Relaxivity 6,9 l/mmol/ s(in Blood-Plasma, bei 37°C, und 1,5T)*

    Uptake into Hepatocytes

    T1w Images

    [*Rohrer et al., Investigative Radiology 2005, 40 (11): 715-724]

    8BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Pharmacokineticof Primovist® - Liver Specific

    excretion via Gallbladder: ~ 50%

    excretion via kidney: ~ 50%

    excretion via kidney or biliarycould be supplemented in both ways

    plasma t1/2: ~ 60 min.

    complete elimination: 24 h

    [Hamm et al., Radiology 1995, 195:785-792]

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    9BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012


    intelligent MR sequencen ordering

    Stand 07/2010

    Tip: For a “ time optimized workflow” it is important, that Primovist®

    will be given very early in the liver examination procedure.

    Product Information

    10BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Optimized Workflow

    Example for a Primovist® Procedure

    Pre Contrast Post Contrast

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    11BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012


    Closer Look to the Details


    12BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012


    fast coronal scout, to estimate the size of the liver (HASTE / SSH / SS-FSE or TruFisp / b-FFE / FIESTA)

    Expansion of the Liver 

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    13BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012



    different precession frequencies of „H“ in the CHx in the H2O molecule(3,5 ppm shifted,   @ 1,5 T  217 Hz)

    possibility of fat-quantification

    Primovist® will influence the T1-relaxation t ime,  „ In-Opp-Seq“ must be run before CM

    all other sequences could be run after CM

    Scan before Contrast Media

    14BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012


    Tip:  A separated pre T1w sequence (3) could be skipped, as

    • the In-Out Phase (4) contains the pre T1w information and

    • the dynamic series (5,6,7,8) includes a pre T1w scan as well



    T1w before Contrast Media

    Different scans with the same radiological information.


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    15BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    MRCP: T2w

    • MRCP is an alternative to ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)

    • Primovist® will be excreted via the biliray system

    • the beginning of Primovist®

    excretion will be accelerate the T2* dephasing• T2w-MRCP must be run before Primovist®,

    to avoid signal dropout in the biliary system

       E  c   h  o   A  m  p   l   i   t  u   d  e   (   S   I   )

    TE (ms)T2w-MRCP before Primovist® T2*-dephasing

    16BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    MRCP: T2w

    Opinion of the Literature ?

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    17BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Primovist® Injection

    • T1w-dynamic with fat-saturation (3D: VIBE / THRIVE / LAVA)

    • Dosage:

    0,1ml / kg BW 1 ml / 10 kg KG

    • Injection:

    Flow rate: ~ 1 – 2 ml/s

    followed by 30 – 40 ml NaCl

    Tip: Injection of Primovist®

    • slow flow rate of 1 ml/s

    • inject sufficient NaCl

    be aware of dead volume in the transfer-line

    18BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Injection and Scan-Delay

    Tip: Each patient has different circulation time

    individual timing is necessary

    goal: arterial phase of the “liver lesion”

    Test-Bolus oder Fluroscopic Method

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    19BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Injection and Scan-Delay

    Tip: Each patient has a different circulation time

    individual timing is necessary

    goal: arterial phase of the „ liver-lesion”

    MIP MIP with wrong liver-timing

     Arterial or Venous Phase ?

    20BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    0,1 ml /kg BW


    (Gadovist® 1.0)

    0,2 ml/kg BW

    Gd-DTPA (Magnevist®)

    Gd-BOPTA (MultiHance®)

    Gadodiamide (Omniscan®)

    Gadoteridol (ProHance®)

    Gadoterate meglumine (Dotarem®)

    Injection StrategiesSmall Volume

    0,1 ml/kg BW


    (Primovist® )

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    21BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Tip: Be aware of anatomy and physiology the small amount of CM should be transferred to the heart,

    by an appropriate amount of saline-chaser (NaCl)

    better better  

    Injection of Small Volume

    22BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Injection ProtocolSaline Chaser 

    The transfer line can hold alone a volume of 7 ml.

    Sometimes additional extensions are used.

  • 8/20/2019 Liver-MRI With Primovist - Tips and Tricks - Handsout Christian Lienerth


    23BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Dynamic Phases

    the arterial Phase should be measuredwith fluroscopic control

    the portal-venous Phase should be measured 15-20 sec.

    after the end of the arterial phase

    the dynamic late Phase should be measured 2-3 min.

    after the injection of Primovist®

    [Ringe, et al . AJR 195:13-28 (2010)]

    Dynamic Liver Imaging

    24BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Individual Timing is


    different lesions shows

    different enhancement


    important information for

    tdetection and


    Dynamic Liver Imaging

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    25BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012


     Autor: Dr Akihi ro Tanimoto (Diagnostic Radiology, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan

    Typical signal-variation of liver lesion with Primovist®

    26BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012


     Autor: Dr Akihi ro Tanimoto (Diagnostic Radiology, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan

    Typical signal-variation of liver lesion with Primovist®

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    27BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Diffusion (DWI)

    * 2 Talks ECR 2009, Choi 2009

    28BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    DWI: ADC and Primovist®

    Comparison of ADC-Werte

    BEFORE and AFTER Primovist®

    Choei e.a.: „ Diffu sion-weighted MR imaging of liver on 3.0-Tesla system:effect of intr avenous administration of gadoxetic acid disodium“ , Eur Radiol 2009

  • 8/20/2019 Liver-MRI With Primovist - Tips and Tricks - Handsout Christian Lienerth


    29BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Reasonable Worklist

    • uptake of Primovist® in the hepatocytes needs 10 – 20 minutes

    • to avoid, that the patient has to be a second time on the table, T2w

    and possible DWI scans should be performed after theadministration of Primovist®

    30BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    T2w after Primovist®

    • in general: Gadolinium will influence T1- as well T2-time

    • higher concentration of CM will be more seen on the images

    • the influence of PV onto T2w is not disturbing,it will sometimes increase the tissue-lesion contrast

       E  c   h  o   A  m  p   l   i   t  u   d  e   (   S   I   )



       E  c   h  o   A  m  p   l   i   t  u   d  e   (   S   I   )



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    31BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    T2w after Primovist®

    Example: T2w - HASTE / SSH / SS-FSE

    pre CM ~3 min after Primovist®

    32BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    T2w after Primovist®

    Basically you have different sequences for T2w



    T2w- triggered TSE

    free breathing/ navigator / respiratory triggered

    T2w-motion correction


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    33BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    „Breath hold“ respiratory triggering

    T2w after Primovist®

    Breath hold vs. Respiratory triggering

    34BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Increase of image quality with

    Gating- or Triggering

    breath hold T2w fs gating

    T2w after Primovist®

    Breath hold vs. Respiratory triggering

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    35BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Improvement of liver vessels and reduction of pulsation artifacts

    Tip: use the waiting period in an reasonable manner 

    • run T2w respiratory triggered scans or motion corrected scans

    after Primovist® this is convenient for the patient

    T2w after Primovist®

    Respiratory Triggering vs. Motion-Correction

    36BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    T2w & DWI after Primovist®

    Voice of the Literatur?

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    37BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Late ImagesHepatobiliary Phase

    Tipp: In the late phase it should be

    • no or less CM visual in the vessels

    • the hepatobiliary excretion should be visible


    38BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Hepatobiliary Phase10 min. vs 20 min.

    Uptake in the hepatocytes reaches a plateau after 20 min. which holds about 120 min.

     At the time of approval: late phases after 20 min.was investigated and approved

    Recent studies has shown that: After 10-15 min. no significant less lesions are

    visible and the signal enhancement will not change

    Tip: the late phase could be started after 10 – 15 min.

    exception: Liver Cirrhosis here wait 20 min.

    Hepatobiliäre Phase 10 min p.i.

    Hepatobiliary Phase 20 min p.i.

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    39BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Hepatobiliary Phase10 min. vs 20 min.

    Tip: the late phase could be started 10 – 15 min.

    exception: Liver Cirrhosis here wait 20 min.

    [Suh Y, et al. AJR 2011;197:W44-W52]

    Hyperintense HCCs

    40BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Late ImagesHepatobiliary Phase



    time: 1 x bh ca. 20 s

    MPR possible

    but: limited resolution

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    41BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Late ImagesHepatobiliary Phase

     Alternativ #1

    2D Scan in „ multi breath hold“ Technique

    higher spacial resolution (in-plane) possible

    42BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Some General Remarks

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    43BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    General Remarks

    Patient Prepatarion

    • good instruction about the procedure

    • comfortable position• train the breathhold commands

    Breathhold Capacity

    • determine the time interval of breath hold capacitybefore start the examination

    • adapt the scan duration to this capacity

    Control• respiratory belt for visual control of the movement

    44BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Breathhold Capaity

     Avoid „ Movement“ -Artifacts

     Adapt the scan duration to the breath hold capacity of the patient

    too long, movement artefacts adopted scan duration

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    45BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Oxygen & Breathhold Capacity


    offering Oxygen (if possible)

    • prolongation of the breath hold capacity

    46BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Breath hold Position


    • position is more defined and robust

    • liver is more stretched  maybe more slices, scan longer 


    • perception is more convenient

    • position sometimes deep, sometimes notso deep

    • compressed liver 

      less sl ices, shorter scan

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    47BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Breath hold Position


    • heart close to the liver

    • sometimes artefacts in the leftliver lobe


    • heart more away from the liver 

    • less artefacts

    48BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012

    Breath hold PositionInspiration

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    49BHC Radiology ■ Dr. Chris tian Lienerth ■ Bangkok October 2012


    Tip:  Avoid Artefacts

    be sure that the coils are well positioned on the patient

    explain and train the breath hold commands before the procedure determine the individual breath hold capacity before start

    adapt the scan duration to the patient

    don’t hurry, give breath hold command in a calm manner

    respiratory belt for visual control

    better and reproducible results in expiration

    short delay between breath hold command and start of the sequence patient must really finished the breathing

    if necessary, give antispasmodic drugs (Buscopan©, Glukagon©)to calm down the bowel activity

    S i F A B tt Lif
