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Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of...

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062017 Day of Pentecost / General Assembly Sunday The Presbyterian Church in Canada presbyterian.ca/worship Living Faith God the Holy Spirit 4.3.1 By the Spirit, Christ calls the church into being and unites us to himself and to each other. The Holy Spirit is in all who know Christ. 4.3.1 Par son Esprit, Dieu appelle l’Eglise à l’existence. Il nous unit à lui et aux autres. Le Saint-Esprit habite en tous ceux qui connaissent Jésus-Christ. 4.3.1 성령을 통해, 그리스도는 교회가 존재하도록 부르시고, 우리를 주님과 또한 서로 하나가 되게 하십니다. 성령은 그리스도를 아는 모든 이들 안에 계십니다. Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada
Page 1: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate

062017 Day of Pentecost / General Assembly Sunday

The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith God the Holy Spirit


By the Spirit, Christ calls the church into being

and unites us to himself and to each other.

The Holy Spirit is in all who know Christ.


Par son Esprit, Dieu appelle l’Eglise à l’existence.

Il nous unit à lui et aux autres.

Le Saint-Esprit habite en tous ceux qui

connaissent Jésus-Christ.


성령을 통해, 그리스도는 교회가 존재하도록 부르시고,

우리를 주님과 또한 서로 하나가 되게 하십니다.

성령은 그리스도를 아는 모든 이들 안에 계십니다.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Page 2: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate


The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith God, Creator and Ruler


We serve and love God

by the service and love of creation

especially the care of the needy.

Every kind of work

that is honest and serves others

is a vocation from the Lord.


Nous aimons et servons Dieu

en servant et en aimant sa création

surtout les plus démunis.

Tout travail honnête et au service du prochain

est une vocation reçue de Dieu.


우리는 창조세계를 섬기고 사랑함으로,

특별히 어려움에 처한 자를 돌봄으로,

하나님을 섬기며 사랑합니다.

정직하며 다른 이들을 섬기는 모든 종류의 일들은

주님께서 주신 사명입니다.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Photo courtesy of St. Andrew’s Church, Thompson, Manitoba

Page 3: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate


The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith Our Hope in God

10.1 God has prepared for us

things beyond our imagining.

Our hope is for a renewed world

and for fullness of life in the age to come.

As Jesus taught us, we pray:

“Thy kingdom come.”

10.1 Dieu a préparé pour nous

des choses dépassent notre imagination.

Nous espérons un monde renouvelé

et la plénitude de la vie dans l’âge à venir.

Comme Jésus nous l’a enseigne, nous prions:

“Que ton règne vienne.”

10.1 하나님께서는 우리가 감히 상상할 수 없는 것들을

우리를 위하여 예비하셨습니다.

우리의 소망은 다시 새롭게 된 세상과

앞으로 올 세대의 충만한 삶에 있습니다.

예수께서 가르쳐 주신 것 같이

당신(하나님)의 나라가 임하게

하옵소서 하고 우리는 기도합니다.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Photo: Canada Youth

Page 4: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate


The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith Our Life in Christ


Love means seeking the best for others

and is the mark of a Christian.

Love for God leads to love for others.

We cannot claim to love God,

whom we do not see,

if we hate those about us,

whom we do see.

Love of God and of neighbour

fulfills the law of God.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Page 5: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate


The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith Our Life in Christ


Love is the greatest gift in the world

because it will last beyond this world

and is supremely pleasing to our Lord.

Love foreshadows life in heaven.


L’amour est le plus grand don au monde

car il durera au-delà de ce monde

et il est extrêmement agréable à notre Seigneur.

L’amour présage la vie au ciel.


사랑은 이 세상에서 가장 큰 선물입니다.

왜냐하면 사랑은 이 세상 이후에도 계속 있을 것이고

우리 주님을 가장 기쁘시게 하는 것이기 때문입니다.

사랑은 천국에서의 삶을 예시합니다.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Page 6: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate


The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith God, Creator and Ruler


We confess that we are sinners.

We do not care for the world

as we should.

We do not fulfill our calling

to serve God.

Our lives do not reflect

the Creator’s love.

Our failure is sin,

a rebellion against God,

an insistence that we

be god in our own lives.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Page 7: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate

240917 Presbyterians Sharing Sunday

The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith God, Creator and Ruler


Our stewardship calls us

to explore ways of love and justice

in respecting God’s creation

and in seeking its responsible use

for the common good.


Dieu nous a chargés d’explorer des chemins

d’amour et de justice

en respectant sa création

et en cherchant à en faire un usage responsable

pour le bien de tous.


우리의 청지기직은

하나님의 창조세계를 존중하고,

그것을 공동의 선을 위해 책임있게

사용하기를 추구함에 있어서

사랑과 공의의 방법을 모색하도록

우리를 부르십니다.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Page 8: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate

011017 World Communion Sunday

The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith God’s Church


The Eucharist is thanksgiving to God.

We pray for the world

and with gratitude offer our lives to God.

We celebrate his victory over death

and anticipate the joyous feast we shall have

in his coming kingdom.

We pledge allegiance to Christ as Lord,

are fed as one church,

receive these signs of his love,

and are marked as his.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Photo by Ian Ross-McDonald

Page 9: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate

081017 Harvest Sunday

The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith God, Creator and Ruler

2.1.1 The living God is Lord,

Creator of all, Sustainer and Ruler of the universe.

In the seasons and the harvests,

in the rise and fall of nations,

God’s goodness and judgment are present.

All events in this world

are under the sovereign care of the eternal God.

2.1.1 Dieu vivant est Seigneur,

Créateur de tout, Soutien et Maître de l’univers.

Dans le retour des saisons et les récoltes,

dans les succès et les défaites des nations,

la bonté et le jugement de Dieu se manifestant.

Tous les événements de ce monde

sont dans la main souveraine du Dieu éternel.

2.1.1 살아계신 하나님은 주님이시고,

만물의 창조주이시며, 우주의 보존자와 통치자이십니다.

하나님의 선하심과 판단하심이

사시사철과 수확, 나라의 흥망가운데 나타나있습니다.

이 세상의 모든 일은

영원하신 하나님의 주권적인 보호 아래 있습니다.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Page 10: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate

151017 Students and Colleges Sunday

The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith God’s Church


Through the church God orders this ministry

by calling some to special tasks

in the equipping of the saints

for the work of ministry,

for building up the body of Christ.


Par l’intermédiaire de l’Eglise,

Dieu organise ce ministère

en appelant certains à des tâches spéciales

pour préparer les saints

à accomplir les travaux de leur ministère,

et pour édifier le corps du Christ.



그리스도의 몸을 세우고,

목회사역을 감당할 수 있도록

성도들을 훈련시키는 특별한 사명을 위하여

어떤 이들을 부르심으로

교회가 목회하도록 정하셨습니다.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Photo: Convocation at The Presbyterian College, Montreal

Page 11: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate


The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith Faith


Faith is a gift of God

constantly renewed in Word and Sacrament

and in the shared life of God’s people.

It is trust in God,

involves personal repentance of sin,

acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour,

and commitment to him as Lord.

It includes assent

to the truth of the Gospel.

By faith we receive the very life of God

into our lives

and joyfully discover

that God knows, loves, and pardons us.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Page 12: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate

291017 Reformation Sunday

The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith God’s Church


The church is in constant need of reform

because of the failure and sin

which mark its life in every age.

The church is present

when the Word is truly preached,

the sacraments rightly administered,

and as it orders its life

according to the word of God.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Page 13: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate

051117 Remembrance Sunday

The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith Our Life in Christ


We know that nations have fought in self-defense

and that war, at times, may be unavoidable.

But the tragic evil that comes with war,

the slaughter of men, women, and children

must rouse us to work for peace.


Nous savons que des nations se sont battues

pour se protéger

et que parfois la guerre ne peut être évitée.

Mais le mal tragique qui vient avec la guerre,

le massacre d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants

doit nous pousser à travailler pour le paix.


우리는 정당방위를 위해 국가들이 싸웠고,

때로는 전쟁이 불가피한 것을 알고 있습니다.

그러나 전쟁으로 인하여 발생하는 비극적인 죄악인,

남녀와 어린이의 학살은

우리로 하여금 평화를 위하여 일하도록 촉구합니다.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Photo by Ian Ross-McDonald

Page 14: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate

121117 All Saints Day

The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith Our Hope in God

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada


The Lord continues his ministry

in and through the church.

All Christians are called

to participate in the ministry of Christ.

As his body on earth

we all have gifts to use

in the church and in the world

to the glory of Christ,

our King and Head.

Page 15: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate

191117 Planned Giving

The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith Our Life in Christ


Disciples of Christ are called to obedience.

Jesus said: “If you love me, keep my commandments.”

Obedience involves us totally.

Yet as we give ourselves to him we discover

that his service alone brings true freedom.


Les disciples du Christ sont appelés à l’obéissance.

Jésus à dit: “Si vous m’aimez,

gardez mes commandements.”

L’obéissance nous engage totalement.

Mais en nous donnant à lui, nous découvrons

que seul son service apporte la vraie liberté.


그리스도의 제자들은 순종의 삶으로 부름 받았습니다.

예수께서는“너희가 나를 사랑하면 나의 계명을 지키라.”

고 말씀하셨습니다.

순종은 우리의 모든 것을 요구합니다.

그러나 우리는 우리 자신을 그 분께 드릴 때에

오직 그의 섬기심만이 참된 자유를 가져다줌을

발견하게 됩니다.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Page 16: Living Faith - Presbyterian Church in Canada · 2018-03-27 · Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate

261117 Reign of Christ

The Presbyterian Church in Canada


Living Faith God’s Church


There is one true God

whom to know is life eternal,

whom to serve is joy and peace.

God has created all that is.

The whole universe testifies

to the majesty and power of its Maker.


Il y a un seul vrai Dieu.

Le connaître est vie éternelle.

Le servir est joie et paix.

Tout a été fait par Dieu.

L’univers entier témoigne

de la majesté et de la puissance de son Créateur.


참되신 한 분 하나님,

그분을 아는 것은 영원한 생명이요,

그분을 섬김은 우리에게 기쁨과 평화가 됩니다.

하나님께서 만물을 지으셨고,

그 온 우주 만물은 그 하나님의 위엄과 능력을 드러냅니다.

Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief expresses words of our faith for our time and context and is a subordinate standard of The Presbyterian Church in Canada
