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Living the Dreams

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  • 8/14/2019 Living the Dreams


    byMalini Foobalan

    November 26th, 2009

    SLaM the SLuMsUnderstanding architecture through the poor

  • 8/14/2019 Living the Dreams



    more than 3.4 million


    about 20 million



    more than 12 millipeo

    42.6 million


    10 million inhabitantsand is still rising..


    Two out three Lagos reside


    more than half ofCairos population


  • 8/14/2019 Living the Dreams


    Over one billion people live in slums acro

    That is about one sixth of the worlds population and

    the American population. According to the United Nations

    could double by the year 2030 if the situation is not


    According to Dr. Tibaijuka of United Nations Centre

    Settlements (UNCHS), slum-dwellers not only live in mise

    plight often goes unnoticed as the traditional focu

    to be on the rural poor

    The definition of slums differs distinctly from country to country,

    however they all have one thing in common, which ispoverty.

    Slums are considered to be a residential

    settlement in an urban geographic area that is inhabited by

    the extremely poor who have no tenured land of their own.

    These people end up squatting on vacant land, which is either private

    or public land.

    The shanty homes in Dharavi slums, Mumbai

    Kids playing in garbage which also counts as their backy

  • 8/14/2019 Living the Dreams


    These slum dwellers live in shanty homes, with n

    water, no proper sewage and low quality ho

    most of them having no access to education, the s

    are the most one could expect out of them. It is

    important for these slum dwellers to find a way to

    their own competitive world before they fall beh

    of the most demeaning social lifOne of the first problems that must be faced i

    tion of proper physical infrastruct

    little money, education, and few marketable skilloption available to many urban migrants is to ille

    shelters on a vacant piece of land.

    This leads to a bad system of urban plann

    shaky housing structures, undroad systems, and poor amm

    (water and electricity). These p

    eventually causes designers and planners to be blam

    bad planning and inadequate understanding of th

    Kibera Slums in Nairobi

    Poor infrastucture - Kibera Slums

    Dilapidated wood shacks

    Manilai slums, Philipines

    Flood in Dharavi slum, India

    Daily lives around the slums of Mumbai

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  • 8/14/2019 Living the Dreams


    According to Lebbeus Wood in a blog entry titled Slums: the problem, there

    problems that seems impossible to solve. The writer claims that this is because the causes of the

    either not known, or not well understood, that they cannot be effectively identified and res

    problem of slums is one of these seemingly insoluble problems. They are a global problem and a grow

    exponential population expansion in many countries forces a disproportionate number of p

    increasingly untenable living conditions says Wood in his blog.

    Based on this current situation, how would one signify involvement of todays designers in slum develoas an effective effort?According to a statement adapted from a seminar titled Are aplanners obstacles to enabling housing strategies in low-income countries? by ARC.PEACE, efforts to address the slum

    yielded very limited results. One reason why efforts have been unsuccessful is that decision-makers continue to apply out

    to address the growing slum problem. The speakers explained that conventional approaches to the slum problem often in

    for space standards, procedures for land regulation and building permits that are impossible for the poor to meet.

    architects and planners in many cases have exacerbated the problem instead of playing a creative role to meet the needs

    However, this statement is not proven to be a hundred percent tr

    architects have been continuously trying creative methods to solve the global slu


  • 8/14/2019 Living the Dreams



    Having established the

    connection between slums, the

    best infrastructure paths of

    the city and its environment

    spine, the slums can

    actually improve whole

    cities rather than be

    parasitic on the

    parent infrastructure.

    So people who live outside

    the slums also benefit.

    Instead of seeing squatters and their communities as anuisance the inevitablof malignant urban growth Parikh looks for and reinforces resources within th

    He had observed that slums develop in neglected land areas along rivers and canal

    natural drainage paths of a city. So his approach develops a topographically sens

    that links several slums of a city to optimize shared infrastructure.








  • 8/14/2019 Living the Dreams


    SStrip away a


    design theory

    the hot maga

    all w

    provide shelte

    do that, yo

    yourself a

    Over the past decade, Architecture for

    Humanity has helped design and build mobile HIV/AIDS clinics in sub-

    Saharan Africa and joined in earthquake recovery efforts in

    Turkey and Iran, They design with us. They construct the buildings.

    We pay them to construct the buildings. But in the process of doing

    this, we were able to introduce rainwater catchment systems, natural

    ventilation, solar, and almost 95 percent of our structures

    internationally are off the grid, so the community can

    maintain them in the long run. says Cameron Sinclair, founder of

    Architecture for Humanity over a phone interview with a New Jersey news

    room. Sinclair claims that by keeping the maintenance bills low, the

    families could afford home insurance. He says thats

    equity. With that, if there is another disaster, these dwellers dont

    lose everything. Instead they would have the funding to rebuild.



    Ambedkar Naga

    Tamil Nadu, Ind

  • 8/14/2019 Living the Dreams


    With slums continuing to grow and efforts being increasingly thrown in to provide better

    conditionds for the poor, I believe every individual must take it as their right to propose a solut

    resolve this issue. I also believe that as architects and designers we can make better contributions

    the global slum pandemic.Even simple solutions as outlined below could potentially have a huge im

    development of slums.

    Materi95% of slum dwellers l

    garbage. A lot

    garbage is w

    reusable materreconstructing homes for

    This effort could poten

    reduction in garbage ar

    area as well as a good

    design in community d

    LaborDespite the lack of education, slum

    dwellers successfully build their own

    homes; hence, with some

    proper guidelines in construction,

    they should be able to assist

    designers in the renewal of

    their home. This would be a huge

    contributor to the

    reduction of labor cost in

    urban development.

    CommunicationIn order for a problem to be addressed,

    designers and dwellers will need to

    communicate. Nothing can progress if there is

    refusal in communicating, as designers

    would not be able to know what

    the dwellers want neither would

    dwellers be able to understand the designers

    ideas and solutions.

  • 8/14/2019 Living the Dreams


    Humane architecture rests completely upon a

    designers willingness to be involved .As much as we dream

    of fancy designs for the rich who make us famous, I believe

    we should also be looking at the poor who are

    beginning to make up most of the global population


    Villagers signing off on the adjacencyplan for the new community center in

    Ambedkar Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India.

    Villagers helping to build theArchitecture for Humanitys primary

    school in Kutamba

    Walls constructed with lshredded, corrugated cardthe living/study complex o

  • 8/14/2019 Living the Dreams



    With over one billion poor people

    living without adequate shelter and

    basic services in slums and squatter

    settlements, the challenge of the urbanmillennium is to improve the living

    environment of the poor we must

    all dedicate ourselves to the task of

    ensuring that, one day, we will live

    in a world of cities without slums, -

    Executive Director of UNCHS(United Nations Center for

    Human Settlements Habitat).

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