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Living Wage Brand Book

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Living Wage Brand Book
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www.livingwage.org.uk LIVING WAGE BRAND BOOK
Page 1: Living Wage Brand Book

Living Wage Brand Book

www.l iv ingwage.org.uk



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Living Wage Brand Book





Page 3: Living Wage Brand Book

Living Wage Brand Book

HERE’S HOWABOUT LIVING WAGE - What is the Living Wage?

- What do we do?

- Living Wage employers

THE DESIGN - Logo Design

- Clear Space

- Versions of the Logo

- Colour Varients

- Typography


- Living Wage website

- Living Wage Employer Mark

Page 4: Living Wage Brand Book

Living Wage Brand Book

WHAT IS THE LIVING WAGE?A NUMBERAn hour ly rate set independent ly and updated annual ly. In London the rate is calculated

by the Greater London Author i ty, and outside London by the Centre for Research in Social

Pol icy. In London the current rate is £8.30 per hour. Outside of London the current rate is


GOOD FOR BUSINESSAn independent study of the business benef i ts of implementing a Liv ing Wage pol icy in

London found that more than 80% of employers bel ieve that the Liv ing Wage had enhanced

the qual i ty of the work of their staff , whi le absenteeism had fal len by approximately 25%.

Two thirds of employers reported a signi f icant impact on recrui tment and retent ion within

their organisat ion. 70% of employers fel t that the Liv ing Wage had increased consumer

awareness of their organisat ion’s commitment to be an ethical employer.

GOOD FOR THE INDIV IDUALA Liv ing wage affords people the dignity to provide for themselves and their fami l ies. 75% of

employees reported increases in work qual i ty as a result of receiv ing the Liv ing Wage. 50%

of employees fel t that the Liv ing Wage had made them more wi l l ing to implement changes

in their working pract ices; enabled them to require fewer concessions to effect change; and

made them more l ikely to adopt changes more quickly.

GOOD FOR THE SOCIETYThe Liv ing Wage campaign was launched in 2001 by parents in East London, who were

frustrated that working two minimum wage jobs left no t ime for fami ly l i fe. Over 10,000

London fami l ies have been l i f ted out of working poverty as a direct result of the Liv ing Wage.

What is the Living Wage?

Page 5: Living Wage Brand Book

Living Wage Brand Book

WHAT DO WE D0?The Liv ing Wage Foundat ion does three things:

ACCREDITATIONWe offer accreditat ion to employers that pay the l iv ing wage, or those committed to an

agreed t imetable of implementat ion. The ‘L iv ing Wage Employer ’ mark is a recognised sign

of good pract ice in employment.

INTELL IGENCEWe provide advice and support to employers implementing the Liv ing Wage including best

pract ice guides; case studies from leading employers; model procurement frameworks;

access to special ist legal and HR advice.

INFLUENCEWe provide a forum for leading employers to publ ic ly back the Liv ing Wage. We work with

the Pr incipal Partners who br ing f inancial and strategic support to the work.

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Living Wage Brand Book

LIVING WAGEEMPLOYERSA Liv ing Wage Employer ensures that al l employees are paid at least the Liv ing Wage. This

includes indiv iduals who work on a regular basis at your premises for a subcontractor, such

as cleaners or secur i ty staff . L ive Wage employers report improved morale, lower turn over

of staff , reduced absenteeism, increased product iv i ty and improved customer service

Between them, the employers in London who commit to paying a Liv ing Wage have l i f ted

more than 10,000 fami l ies out of working poverty. Over 140 employers from every sector are

now paying a l iv ing wage.

The Liv ing Wage Employer mark recognises and celebrates this leadership. The accreditat ion

process is simple and is open to employers already paying the l iv ing wage, or those

commited to an agreed t imetable implementat ion.

A c c r e d i t e d L i v i n g W a g e E m p l o y e r s a r e r e c o g n i s e d a t t h e a n n u a l L i v i n g W a g e A w a r d s , h o st e d i n 2 0 1 0 b y

K P M G a n d t h e M a y o r o f L o n d o n .

What is the Living Wage?

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Living Wage Brand Book


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Living Wage Brand Book

LOGO DESIGNThe logo is the symbol of Liv ing Wage that wi l l be used by employers and seen by potent ia l


The Liv ing Wage logo is simply a logo type as we dont want to take anything away from

the name of the foundat ion. The choice of typography is thick, bold and straight edge. This

is because we want this matter and foundat ion to be taken very ser iously. I t is also very

str ik ing.

LOGO S IZEThe Liv ing Wage logo has been designed to be reproduced at a minimum height of 12mm.

The is no l imit to the maximum size.


The Design



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Living Wage Brand Book

CLEAR SPACEThe diagram below shows the amount of clear space that should be left around the logo.

This method would simply be f l ipped i f posit ioning in and other corner of a page.

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Living Wage Brand Book

The Design




Living Wage Foundation



Demand the Living Wage




Support the Living Wage




We Support the Living




We Pay the Living Wage


Living Wage Standard

Page 11: Living Wage Brand Book

Living Wage Brand Book

COLOUR VARIENTSThe only colours used throughout the Liv ing Wage branding are Blue, Cream, Black and

white. Blue is the dominant colour and the colour that should be used when possible. The

colours Cream, Black and White may be used where necessary.

# 32c4f3 R50 G196 B243 C63 M1 Y0 K0

# fbf0dc R251 G240 B220 C1 M4 Y13 K0

# FFFFFF R255 G255 B255 C0 M0 Y0 K0

# 000000 R0 G0 B0 C75 M68 Y67 K90

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Living Wage Brand Book

When type is used i t should never appear below 6pt, but there is no maximum l imit.

Headl ines should always appear in League Gothic and always in uppercase.The tracking

should be set no lower than 25pt or any higher than 50pt. Leading for headl ines should be

worked out using the fol lowing: font s ize - 1 = leading

Body copy should always appear in Helvet ica Neue Light or Helvet ica Neue Light I ta l ic.

Tracking for body text should be set to 85pt and leading should be worked out using the

fol lowing: font s ize + 4 = leading


L e a g u e G o t h i c“ T H E Q U I C K B R O W N F O X J U M P S O V E R T H E L A Z Y D O G ”“ t h e q u i c k b r o w n f o x j u m p s o v e r t h e l a z y d o g ”


“the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”


“the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”

L iv ing Wage uses the League Gothic typeface for al l i t ’s brand ident i ty. This includes

headings and sub-headings. Al l running text that accompanies the headings should be

wri t ten in Helvet ica Neue Light, with quotes or l inks wri t ten in Helvet ica Neue Light I ta l ic.

The Design

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Living Wage Brand Book

LIVING WAGEFOUNDATIONLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

el i t . Sed euismod enim eget purus matt is auctor.

Praesent id lacus nec neque placerat bibendum.

Praesent consequat accumsan fel is at volutpat.

Nul la in nunc augue. Nul lam at justo nec lorem

sagitt is adipiscing eu non mauris. Nunc tempus

odio vel odio ultr ices semper. Mauris al iquet

viverra neque nec porta. Nunc eu enim sit amet

vel i t suscipit v iverra. Donec pharetra t incidunt nisl

v iverra fermentum. Maecenas ornare eros quis l ibero

sodales fermentum.

In ac nisl vulputate erat volutpat lobort is vitae non

lacus. Curabitur conval l is bibendum risus accumsan

ul lamcorper. Mauris mol l is varius l ibero, a malesuada

erat lacinia non. Donec sem leo, sodales vitae

ornare in, al iquet vel diam. Donec sit amet orci v itae

enim auctor consequat. Sed mauris odio, accumsan

eu varius pel lentesque, imperdiet at l ibero. Sed

pulvinar ultr icies el i t , vel rhoncus mauris laoreet eu.

Vivamus ac mi sit amet el i t egestas vestibulum nec

id dui. Cras consectetur nunc ac mauris semper

ultr icies. Al iquam al iquet gravida mauris quis

condimentum. Donec euismod r isus non orci iacul is

imperdiet. Nul la semper t incidunt vestibulum. Nul lam

nisl lacus, placerat ut suscipit v itae, commodo id

sem. Quisque eu magna ac arcu rutrum ultr icies.

Cum soci is natoque penatibus et magnis dis

partur ient montes, nascetur r idiculus mus. Nunc

et l ibero augue, vel rhoncus eros. Al iquam lobort is

conval l is erat, nec tempor turpis sceler isque sed.

Ut sol l ic itudin consequat dignissim. Proin erat diam,

tempor euismod faci l is is adipiscing, al iquam quis


“ 8 0 % O F E M P L O Y E R S B E L I E V E T H A T T H E L I V I N G W A G E H A D E N H A N C E D T H E Q U A L I T Y O F T H E W O R K O F T H E I R S T A F F ”

Pel lentesque in lorem nul la. Pel lentesque vitae

dolor l ibero, et gravida l igula. Cras vel tortor ante,

eu elementum nisl. Cras in erat eros, et luctus leo.

Phasel lus eget lectus lacus, sed dapibus massa.

Nul lam placerat, sem in viverra iacul is, lectus mi

viverra ipsum, t incidunt tempus tortor nul la eu vel i t .

Et iam sol l ic itudin rutrum purus in al iquam.

Vivamus al iquam, mauris tempor gravida lobort is,

dui vel i t mol l is r isus, cursus interdum nibh turpis

vitae augue. Vestibulum moll is vehicula massa, vel

commodo odio tempor id. Donec ac erat l igula,

vel faci l is is turpis. Ut non dictum arcu. Nam quis

tel lus ac nisl faci l is is faucibus ut non purus. Donec

bibendum eleifend lacus eu egestas. Phasel lus et

nisi leo, et t incidunt augue. Praesent et orci in l igula

accumsan sagitt is non at diam. Praesent posuere

vehicula nunc, consectetur euismod nibh commodo

accumsan. Aenean lacinia feugiat porta. Integer



Page 14: Living Wage Brand Book

Living Wage Brand Book

CASE STUDYThe Liv ing Wage case study is a document that wi l l be sent to potent ia l L iv ing Wage

supporters. The aim of the document is to make the employers see the benef ic ia l elements

of introducing the Liv ing Wage with the hope of them signing up to become a Liv ing

Wage employer. The document is a smal l A5 booklet that can easi ly be distr ibuted around

companies and is less l ikely to be thrown to the side l ike a simple A4 sheet of paper.

The Design

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Living Wage Brand Book

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Living Wage Brand Book

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Living Wage Brand Book


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Living Wage Brand Book

PRINT CAMPAIGNOne way we spread the word of Liv ing Wage wi l l be through pr inted design. A select ion of

A5 postcards explaining in short what Liv ing Wage is or how people / employers wi l l benef i t .

The designs wi l l be kept clean and simple and st icking to the Liv ing Wage colour scheme.

The front of the card wi l l change from being for an employer to an employee. One saying

“Support Liv ing Wage” and the other “Demand the Liv ing Wage”. The quote on the back wi l l

change with var ious informat ion about how people wi l l benef i t f rom the Liv ing Wage. At the

bottom of the postcard wi l l be a port of cal l te l l ing the reader where to go to f ind out more

or sign up to the Liv ing Wage.

How We Spread The Word

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Living Wage Brand Book

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Living Wage Brand Book

POSTER CAMPAIGNAnother way we spread the word is by gett ing workers, employers and supports of the Liv ing

Wage to help out. We have a double sided A3 poster for both employers and workers that

can be cut out and put in shop windows, house windows. Anywhere that wi l l be seen by


How We Spread The Word

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Living Wage Brand Book

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Living Wage Brand Book

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Living Wage Brand Book

LIVING WAGE EMPLOYER MARKThe Liv ing Wage employer mark is real ly what i t says on the t in. This mark wi l l then be

placed in the employers shop window so that when potent ia l employees come to apply for a

job they wi l l be able to see that the company is a supporter of and pays the Liv ing Wage.

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Living Wage Brand Book

LIVING WAGE WEBSITEThe internet is a key part of how we spread the word of the Liv ing Wage. The internet has

revolut ionised the way in which informat ion be found and now we f ind that most people

have access to a computer and the internet. Therefore this would be our biggest audience

and and the platform to get our informat ion out to mi l l ions of people. People can now also

access the internet on things such as mobi le phones and tablet devices. Informat ion on the

website should be kept simple and straight to the point. The design of the website should

not take to much away from the informat ion but should keep the viewers interested.

How We Spread The Word

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Living Wage Brand Book

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Living Wage Brand Book

How We Spread The Word

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Living Wage Brand Book


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Living Wage Brand Book
