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w /s;s>LpD f»;r, TW iI* K' ---------- ' . - -VOL. I H O . lie . V wr HSU |i -CiPELLQlJD < mm German Positions Along Vesle ^ Rapidly Becoming .Untena- ' ble as French Continue to Make Steady Progress , p ' •________ 01 NEXT StAND WILL BE ' ALONG OISE RIVER l< American Patrola in Oloae Oon* £ toot With Enemy in Expeo* tation of Early Signs of Ex* tended Botiremont B j rBHD a PBBOUBON (U al|^ ProM Staff Comipoodent) WITH THE AitERICAN ARMIES . IN’ FRANCE, Aufpjut 21.-yThB Frcnch advMcc bolwocn tbe OUe nad the AUno is readoring tbe Qerman llae on tbe more difficult. 'As tbe boohe Une ' t* awuBc btek o u t ond noutb of N070D ' tho oDoaj poiUbni bait of Soiooni ' .vlU'bM otnsjo piDcbed Uut tben la tvtrj powibUitf^of tbem b ^ g foretd. ' to-retire before the Am erlttni-^m tbo VmJo to the Aiwo. . . . . j .Aperleu 'potroli aro ia eloss'e^* ' tnct with the boche», to detect th# fint of a wlth'dmwal. • fl Potmd BixocliM II The Amerieao artillery beavily pound- IJ ed Bawchei, throe mlloi irciit of R i- mei, yoaterday. nigh oxploalvei and "’V ^ a a ahella woro u«ed by the Oermanj in \ great quantltiea. Thero {■ a poeullar atate of warfare | along tbe Vesle, haviaft the artillery ' ‘ cbanict«riitici of troneb sectors, but - is Mtnl-opon as ngards iafnotry opera- tions. Both aides bare oxtoniirely dug in- their froat lines. Thoro aro no real trenehe«, or cotamunleatlon _ trenshea, howoTor, the fran'^Ulntebeltig merely •> a. eericA of shallow M 3U-' . _Twnporarjr 3 ^ Tbo Qermans oa well as* the Amorl* caos realito tbis will cot bo tho fight* . ing lino very long. Tbo alliei aio ex* ]>cct«d to nuh the bochea back. The twehes, anticipating auch aetioi^ an ready to move back to the Aitno. iillllP i MPTilD iD :i IISiBfHiSf ----------- aft steam Trawler Triumph, Vic- rn ,’, . of German Submarine, Is Now Employed Against fS; American Shipping ______: ara A CANADIAN PORT, Augnst 21.— Tho stoam trawler Trinmph, roported y solted by o Gonnan submarlDo yeeter- day, has boos' armed witb guni 'and manned by a Qorman crow of 10 and i* pro raiding fishing Texxcls on tbe North {r., T Atlantic fisblsg bank^ nctording to ^ ■urrivot* reaching horo today. tail Three schooners are already aaid to the bave boen doatroyed by tho new raid* by «r. to Crows of tbo dontroyed achoonera, Mj wbleh were atiak with bombs, have Crc reached ahoro. ( By oalng the Triumph, tbe Oemana iti] woro able to approach uoioipeeting fea vcuels,' without aronslDg'-anipieloa. ma ' Iq an interriow today tbo eaptaia n s of tho captured Triamph stated that wU the eomaasder of the U-boat wbleh baj 'ia d captared hla Khooner bad .told Ba! him there were alx U*|>oata now. op<^ cai atiag off the Atlantie eoaat aod that me: (Ooatlaaed on Pago Sirs) NOTES TO O i^ thin : ENEMY POUR* TROQPS^( Carlepont, Cuts, Pontois liri, Bteancpurt, St. I Courtril All TaP , SIX-MHEGAlNREPRi ' posmomNOf I PARIS, Autiust 21.—Geaem vancc hotwccQ the Oise and Aian portant {inins at somo points. S< occtipicd, incltiding Carlcpoot itn ' Ho !h ;;ratiually extending bii now it reiiclifH from the OIbo aim 1 Inr line nearly 25 miles long. French troops also advanced French Reach Point 2 Miles from Noyoti. i! . ll By JOHN DeOANDT «' United Prm Staff Oorretposdtnt PABIS, Augutt 21 (9:1S p. m.). —Frencb troopa ontfluklag 0&r>- campt tortA hare roacbed a polst ^ Dsar Font<ilBe,. slIghtljr mon titan 1 two mllea southeut of Hoyon.' Pream e U being, methodleaUy ei«t<d tow«i4 Laariipoy and Hoy*'*'., 0, on. Tha Utter (a-&^ nore ttmat>. q ened fren'tba m titsaat t ^ frosf the aontbwtat' . -b' OaaeUn, serea miles soutlieast ot IforvB, u d Bluancon^t, a otUo tl aoBtiuM t.cf .{SamellxV'..biro b e ta . ' puaed, npraentlng: a total ad* . ruM )of ,r1x .mllti by Hangl&’a -aunjr. IH B UPROeilM; IDfPiTHT.- ------------ a Unwillingness of .Some' Con-1, gressmen to Draft Men Un- bi . der Twenty Years Hay 10 Prove Stumbling Block n> ____ ___ V, to WASniNQTON, August il.-UnwUI- so iugnesa of some members of congreu to draft men under twenty threatened today io block temporarily the am y program of, gotting eighty divisions of American troops in Prance by noxt June., This is tho program Chief of Staff “f March haa declared will beat Qermany during IDID. The man power bill, as ~ it will bo roported to tho house today by the military affaira committee, ear- - riea on amendment placing boya of H 18 and 10 in special elassea to be callo.1 after all older monJn class 1 are sum* tnoned. Tho amendment threatens to impede tho army program in two waya. B' First to doloy'its paaeage through tbo house and senate and in all probability forco_ prolonged conforonces between the two houses; Second, to force Qen- cral Crowdor to do over again accb of tho work already completed in prep- aration for tho now draft. , • is Predtlent Maj^ Take ^and eti As a result^ rrosidout 'WiUoa, If nee- cswry; will appeal^ personally to eon* “»■ gress to strike out the objoetlooable F provision. Unleu tho man power bill is.oaacted within tho noxt montb, tho war department will bo.foreed to cor* *•' tail troop ahipments to Franco or tako the chanco of an icdastrlal nphearal by invading deferred classes, aecording to Booretary of War Baker, Qeneral March asd Provost Marshal Qenoral *** Crowdor. •, / Opponents of tho measaro, howortrr, ^ still held out hope tbat It ean bo do* featcd 00 the floor. Every committee m^D- who voted against the measnn I*'' r«8ervod tho' right to fight It. They will point oot tbat the eoantty already baa the promise of Secretary of War Baker that boys of IS will bo the laat called u d that tbe calliog of these ^ men ean not bo deferred in aay ovent (Continued on page flre) aa ) Y O U a GOVERNM l L L S TWIN F A U 4 IDAHO, WEB TWOP IS IN FR ESH ro SA V E D A Y )ise, La Pomerele7Came- 3t. Aubin, Laval and- aken in Advance RESETEDBY 7W BELD BY FRENCB iTtd Mun{;in is continuing bis ad- iano and Las miidc additional im* Several more Tillages bare been 1 ■find Cutfl. ' ' J bis fighting front ensh^'ord until Imoflt to Soissons over nn irrcgu- }d west of Lassigny. *. T.tnM AdTasced Genoral 'Mangin h»s flung, nls left wing forward an additional three miles . k is the Olso valley, penetrating to with- 1 In-loM than two milea of Noyon, ac* ( eordlsg to dispaUhoa received ben tbla afternoon. Itis right wing, near Sola- S ’sons, made a slight adranee today. -f At 2 p. m .'lt w u learned the Franoh line botewoen the Oise and the Aiane C tan u followa; T ' -From Sempifgny, held by tho Qer* * /nans (on tho soutb bank of the Oise, a 1 mile and n balf dlreetly aouth-of Noy* x . 00), through Pontolae, U Pomerelo, ^ Camelin and Bloraneourt, all held by j' the Fnneh; through St.'Anbln, hgld ^ -by tbo Gennans, and thnngh La Tour ^ farm, Laval aad OoBrtrl], ^ held by f the I^nelu - q . &ah Bp MOW trtopi ; ^ Tbe Oexmani are raahlng op ro- iBforcamenta la taotot-incks and, are concentnting tbeir reaUtacca . In.Oarlepont aad'Oozscampa for- eato, bordering the e u t bank of tbe Oise fnm Ballly aorthward to Bra* plgny. The Frcnch, however, are making goo^progrcss just east of tboso wooded aroila beyond Naupiel, whcro Iho most furious fighting 1* going on. Cccnplea Strong P odtlou' , 1, Mangin ia now' in possession of a score of vlllagos and maay scores of atrong points. Ho is bolding tho ontlro Carlopont-Cuta road (Cuta ia four and nti a balf miles southeut of Noyon), tho th Bois'da Lamontague, UHIb 130 and 141, bo Bolle-Fontaine and Caisnes. Eo ia also iq, believed to havo taken Hill ISO and }i,j reached tho' table land nortb of Vu* qq secs, occupying Voaretis (two and a 1^5 half miles northweit of Soltsons), Epag- q, ny (six miles'northwest of Soissou), Volpriez farm and all lines soothward lo Pommieres, two miles west of Sols- sons. Ludendorff WaaU 1020 Boys Tbo nnmber of prisoners which was Qt reported, more than 2000 yesterday. Is th steadily Increulng. do • Ludondorff Is reported to havo wired pa urgent orders lo Berlin for training tho mi elass of 1620. Tbo preparation of theso to (Continued oa Page Hve) gj Resists Arrest and Makes Good Escape o. Bnbl Uan Being Seorcbod for by Posso Under MarBbol BaymiUer --------- CO A POBSO under the leadenhip of Dep- ed uty' Sheriff J. F. Boymiller at Bohl, ih is in search, of Thomu J. Winn', 20, an Jqi emplojro at tho E. T. Sandmeyer farm co o u t of Bohl, who this moreing resisted po arreit at tbe haada of Baysiiller, got |ai pnueMion of tbo officer's gun and do holding him and his employer at a- «ci distance with the weapon, mado hla ]oi cjcnpo. th Winn waa arretted aome time ago and.baled boforo Probato Judge 0. P. au, Duvall oa a charge of vagraacy. Jndgo bo Duvall ordered him to contributo tlO de to tho Bed Cross ahd to mako regnlar pc inveatments in War. Savings Stamps, t-j Winn fallod to comply with tbe order at) and Boymiller w u instipeted to liring l.a him beforo tbe court'to explain hla fall* >it It w u 00 this mission thal BaymiUer ^ accosted Winn at the Sandneyar raneb tbis morning. Winn declared that he would not bo anested.- He grappled cii with the officer, and in tho atmggle wc Baymiller'a gan fell to the floor, ■fflo rai thea freed himaelf, pieked op tho gim tn and made hla getaway. ad MENT—FULFIL FU D A II 7EDNBSDAY. AUQUST 21, lOlQ^ rifil ^ 1101 ' P i i I- , , ^ [. — :-------- ° L a u n c h Thrusts I- O n B apaum e I and N oyon ' 1 ; A double allied drive { “ is under way in Piear- j; dy. The Britiah opened > ' > a new attack on a wide I ^ front north of the An- ' . ere river today. The b ^ French are still smash- 1 ; • ing forward between * ' I the Oise and the Aisne, y increasing the menace t , to the German armies ;; r from' the Noyon and I 9 . 0 i^ 8 regions. . . reattrsta Bnaay xkw y, A t tba samo time etbai m b e b 7 forces are ■attacking ft«n tbo c; cue nortbwird.to'Boye, pzoailng npou tbat dty aad Latatgay. o< Tbe B r i ^ troops eoatlaue to .hi pngresa la Flanden, ■perfontlpg tu the eiiemy Unet aeemlagly at win I and adrandng at otbar polnto u ^ tba Boebes retln Tolontaiuy. . tc Ilalg'a men also aro showing nnnaoal '1* activity In tho A rru aeetor, on both IJ sidca of the Scaipe river. I Bapanmo Probable Objecttre f ' Tha extent of tho new Britiah drivo ki ’ was not announced in Halg'a comma- w> 1 ntque today. It la poaalble, however, 01 ) that it may extend fron tbo neighbor* th p hood of Albert northward to tho aetire cl ’ sector'soQth of tho Searpe, thus form* >- I ing a fighting fron) of abont SO miles. • Such an attaek evideptly woald hare ‘ as a geographical objeetiro tho-elty of ’ Dopaume, 11 mllea northeast of Albert • and 18 miles aouth and e u t of Arras. Tb reach' thia elty would require an ‘ advance of between fivo and six milea. E ttp n a U PilaoBSTB a t 60,000 Tho great boni of priaonera taken by I General Mangin between tho Olao and > tho Aisne, together'witb thoao in Flan* dors and elsewhere on tho front, a ^ . l pareatly. b u brought tbo total of Qer- " > mans’ taken In tho Picardy offensive I to about 50,000. SAYS SUGAR MAY BE TAKEN FROM TABLES ! Oounty Food Admlnlatrator 0. B. Una- P‘ son Dlacnaaea Sltaatlon B»* . coming Serlona ' tp, Tho sugar situation in _Twln Falls ^ county promises to become a, serious ono if the prediction of 0. il. Mtmaon, *■ couaty food, administrator, la fulfill* ‘ ed. Ur. Munaon stated ToofJny, in ^ I diflCUMlng* tho ahortagai "Thcro are - I Just ii’.S'W ponnda of ra[fnr left in tho I coanty, ' averaging loss - tK ^ two _ I pounds |,er capita. Thia avpply must „ : last.Uitii September 1, and i? tho bcr* .' I dor t(<nui 01 other states con-!'<Qc (i> „ 1 ' tend to /<iaho for their tu'jnlr tho ol* .. I lotmoil will bo erhoastwl lonj; before that. I "Twrntycight million pound* of ' sugar havo been sunk by Qerman T7* I boats in the' lu t sixty 'layn, and in o^ * ' der to make np for this !o« tho nmonat ’ per ropUa h u been eut from eni- half . t-j -in'Mhlrd onneo per porajo per meal ®' • and beforo tho end of Kt) mooth mjy P' : l.a ellmlwlcd fnm tho oi:i of fare'en ' , . LOWBBIKa EZOHAKGB BATE > W0SBIE3 OBBUAN BAKSBBS ^ I WASmCNGTON, A_uguat 20.—Pinan* ^ : ciol intereata io Qermany aro plainly ^ I worried at. tho coatinned faU in the ^ t rat« of AnstrD'Qerman-«xehange in nao- ^ , tral eonntriea,' atcerdiDg to diplomatic _ adrieea todv- ^ULLY YOUR OBLIC LY n : M F 1 OF N( im m m iiii British Take Advantage Ahead Between Albei Without Artillei BEAVCOVRT-SVR-Am ANDCOVRCELLESn <3 ------------ O . Br LOWELL (United Preaa Stafi WITH TIIE BRITISH AB 21.Generttl B^vng’s arm j struck ti lictween ArrnK luul All)crt during . At 1:15 p. m. tlie Briti«h in t , tl) have progj-e.sKod tbree miloK 11 ® Lc-Grand, tbree miles nortlnve.st At other polnt>< in tho lino I d jiiiicH. Information is indefinii g Achiet-Lo-Potit, Moyeimcville lit huve been occupied., 't- Thn uttnck ia reported to liave e bcon n complete HiirprlKc und to 1 - hnve been made without any ar- Q tillery'prepiiration. J Advance Bapld '* Il bcROii ahortly bffor'c''5 a’, mr" At 1 6 fi:20 tbo big guna which had heea.con- g eeat|>|l iu rcadiseas for severaVday't let - ? loose ’in ft great salvo, and the.>troopa □ awung into actioa. ' By OtlO ports of tbo old Uae were > paaaed,..jMoyonnevUk, where resistance . wu weak, w u * captured 'a t . diOS. Priaonera taken there uid thoy had 1 ezpeeted tbo Britiah for the paat week. Two hundred prisoncm w'oro report- ed taken nt 7:0S. Some machine gnna had been captured. Only a fow eaaa- ualtiea were snffered by tho British. At 7:03 Oonreelles w u captured. By 0:00 o'elock the BritlA bad cap- tured Uoyennoriller, C<(ucellea, Bue- ■- J quoy, Ablalnsrillo, Aehlet-Le-Petit and 1, Bcaucourt-Sur-Anere. (j Tanka In Tblck of Tlgbt . Tho attacka wbleb tho Oermana are 0 known to hovo been expecting laat I- week, burst upon them though a cam* _ r, odflago of miat whieh lay thlokly orer . r* tho ragged and wom battlefield, and ° 0 clinging to tho ground, whllo tanka, ^ ‘ (Continued on pago five) & riiEiiimL; \nmmi 1 ' S ' i! Attorneys' Move Indicates De- termination to Push Is- eues to Decision 3 IndicatUvo of tho nnawerving pnr* f, J-. poBo of certain'Indlviduala to socnro j,. from the npreme conrt a decision as u' to tho validity of tbe proceedings of o meetings of the stockholders of tbe Twin Falla Canal compiny In 1017 at g, which omendmenta to tho Conal eom- pony's articles of incorporation wore .^1 ,' adopted ia tho filing In diatrict eonrt here Monday by Attorneya E. U. Wolfo „ , nnd J. P. Martin, of notices of appeal from tho jadgmcnt of tho dlatriet court ,1 ,° entered Jude 12 in tho eaw of T. F. . Wraner and others against tho Twin Falls Canal eompany and John Frahm, intervenor, and of J. A. Orem, B. B. tt Hobbs, A. D. Hooghtelin and D. B. ^ Moorman against tho Twin Falli Canal tl eompany and. John Frahm, intervenor. F f Bonds in tbo aum of 13000 on nnder* 11 taking'on appeal in oa«b cue.were tr algnod by Prank DeEIota and J. 0. ot J Noggle, of Filer. . B f The questions involved wero preri* tr J onsly before the supremo court on ap- el y peal from a temponry restraining o^ al I der issued by the disMct eoort ai Qnasttau Inrolrad ^ Tho amendments 'tb'th'o-'Odnal com* * pany'a artlclaa of ineorporatlon at stake upon tbia decision w en adopted *' under prorlalona ot state . statute ’ known u senate bill nnmber 64, wbleb ^ w u drafted by a eommittee named by ol >' the stockboldera at thelr annual meet* oi (Contlnned on Page Five) IGATION—W. S. S. lE W S PBIOB FIVE 0BNT8 OYON B 3 -n iLE IpiLEli: ■ge of Fog to Drive Lines bert and Attack Made leiy Preparation; . i NCRE, MOYENVILLE IN BANDS OF ALLIES LLKBLLBIT Itaff Oomspondent) AEMIES IN FRANCE, August k the Germans on a ten-mllo front ing a beavy fog this morning, in their new advance are roported * (K in the center, rQacbing Acbict- e.st of JBnpaunte. 0 Byug’s men have gone ulii)ad two 'inite, bnt Beaucourt-Sur-Ancre, Itnd Courcelles are reported to srTiLor jm iip s : ISKFIIE « 5 . ' ^ , f Thirty-two Completely Organ- J; Ized American Divisions, Nearly a Mliiion and a Half Men, Now on French Soil >• . 1- •- d WASHTNGTON, Aoguat 21.—Tbl^ ty-two comploteiy organlied American dlriaiona (around 1,400,000 men) a n ^ now In France. Chief of Staff Mareh . announced thom aa foUowas Ono, Two, Three, Ponr, Plve, Six, ' Twonty-slx, Twonty-aeren, 'Twenty*' J eight. Twenty-nine, Thirty, Thirty-two, , Thirty-three, Thirty-flvo, Thlrtyal^ ’ Thlrty-aovca, Forty^ne, Forty-two, Seventy-six, SOTenty-aeren, Sennty- eight,-SeTenty-nine, E3ghty, Eighty- one, EIghty*two,-Eighty*thne, Eighty- five, Elghty-nlno, Ninety,' Nlnety*one, Ninety-two and'Ninety-three. , March pointed ont tbat to acenm- 1 pllsh thIa nmarkable task it bad been nocosjary to >coar the world for ablps, I while to maintain tbo present pngnas I nnd nchlove tbe projected fonr million plan would require' gathering atlll moro ahipping. Fleet Board Oatcblsg U]) Tho om'argeney fleet corporation b doing "splendidly" to eateb np, Uareb said, but hiring and chartering of other ahlpa' will be neceasary to meet the in- ' creased effort. Tbo chief pointed to tbo algniflcant fact that the' goaoral effect of tbe ° blows recently dealt tho Oennana b u * been to ahorten tho lino frem tho north ^ Sea to Bheima, ao that today It.standa * at lesa thon 200 mlle»-a reduction of ^ SO miles through the past week's opo^ otlons. Ho identified aa tho fifth di* " vision tbo American unit whieh up* ^ tured Frapello In the St. Del region, ‘ smootblng out a aallent, leaving tbe Americana .there only fonr milea fnm , the German frontier. Q . .. Explains Dlrlslonal Plaa I, In abawer to questions he nportod t. thoa on several dirlsiona: I. Tho Soveaty-seveqtb last reported In ’ II tbe Vosges; Tblrty-slxth reached r. Franco beotw^en July SO and Anguat > 13 and Is being trained; Ninetieth la 0 training eomewbere in France; Elghtl* I. oth went into tho fn n t lino-iritb tbe Britls bin Flandera as part Its I* training and at the cloae tben of.all h elomenta were withdrawn; Barenty- .. > alxtb, a depot division ia the rear area; Twenty-sixth w u ia tbe Chateau* Thierry fighting; took part la tbe eap- tnro of Torey and Belleau and ad* raneed to Bonreacbea and w u rellered ^ on tbo Uame'Uboot Jnly '23. « -*SlicaM M Bblp BsOdlai h Diaenuiag tbe ablp sltoatloa, ibe r chief of staff abowed tbat tbe saeeea :* of tbe proeent plaas 'depsndi npoa (Coatinned on pa«e ^ h t)
Page 1: lL L S D A I ILY lE W S

w / s ; s > L p D f » ; r ,

T W i I *K ' ---------- ' .

- -VOL. I H O . lie .

V w rH S U |i -CiPELLQlJD <m m

German Positions Along Vesle ^

■ Rapidly Becoming .Untena- ' ble as French Continue to

■ Make Steady Progress , p' •________ ■ 01



American Patrola in Oloae Oon* £ toot With Enemy in Expeo* tation of Early Signs of Ex* tended Botiremont

B j rB H D a PBBOUBON ( U a l |^ ProM S taff C om ipoodent) WITH THE AitERICA N ARMIES

. IN’ FRANCE, Aufpjut 21.-yThB Frcnch advM cc bolwocn tbe OUe nad the AUno is readoring tbe Qerman llae on tbe

■ more difficult. 'A s tbe boohe Une ' t* awuBc b te k o u t ond noutb of N070D ' tho oD oaj p o iU bn i ba it of Soiooni '

.v lU 'b M o tn s jo piDcbed U u t tb e n la • tv tr j powibU itf^of tbem b ^ g foretd. ' to - re tire before the A m e r l t tn i - ^ m tbo VmJo to the Aiwo. . . . . j .A p e r le u 'potroli aro ia e lo s s 'e ^ * '

tnct with the boche», to detect th# f in t o f a wlth'dmwal. • ‘ f l

Potmd BixocliM IIThe Amerieao artillery beavily pound- IJ

ed Bawchei, throe mlloi irciit o f R i - mei, yoaterday. n ig h oxploalvei and

"’V ^ a a ahella woro u«ed by the Oermanj in \ g reat quantltiea.

Thero {■ a poeullar atate o f w arfare | along tbe Vesle, haviaft the artillery ' ‘ cbanict«riitici of troneb sectors, bu t - is Mtnl-opon as ng a rd s iafnotry opera­tions. Both aides ba re oxtoniirely dug in- their fro a t lines. Thoro aro no real trenehe«, or cotamunleatlon _ trenshea, howoTor, the fran'^U lntebeltig merely •> a . eericA of shallow M 3 U - '

. _ Twnporarjr 3 ^

Tbo Qermans oa well as* the Amorl* caos realito tbis will co t bo tho fight* . ing lino very long. Tbo a lliei a io ex* ]>cct«d to n u h the bochea back. The twehes, anticipating auch aetioi^ a n ready to move back to the Aitno.

i i l l l l P i MPTilD iD :i IISiBfHiSf

■ ----------- a ft

■ steam Trawler Triumph, Vic- rn,’, . of German Submarine,

Is Now Employed Against fS; American Shipping

______: ara

A CANADIAN PORT, Augnst 21.—Tho stoam trawler Trinmph, roported y solted by o Gonnan submarlDo yeeter- day, has boos' armed witb guni 'a nd manned by a Qorman crow of 10 and i* pro raiding fishing Texxcls on tbe North {r.,

TAtlantic fisb lsg bank^ nctording to ^ ■urrivot* reaching horo today. tail

Three schooners are already aaid to the bave boen doatroyed by tho new raid* by «r. to

Crows of tbo dontroyed achoonera, Mj wbleh were atiak w ith bombs, have Crc reached ahoro. ■ (

By oalng the Triumph, tbe Oem ana iti] woro able to approach uoioipeeting fea vcuels,' without aronslDg'-anipieloa. ma

' Iq an interriow today tbo eaptaia n s o f tho captured Triamph sta ted th a t wU the eom aasder of the U-boat wbleh baj

' i a d captared hla Khooner bad .told Ba! him there were alx U*|>oata now. op<^ cai a tiag off the A tlantie eoaat aod th a t me:

(Ooatlaaed on Pago S irs )


O i ^thin:ENEMY POUR*

T R O Q PS ^(Carlepont, Cuts, Pontois

• liri, Bteancpurt, St. I Courtril All TaP

, SIX-MHEGAlNREPRi ' p o s m o m N O f

I PA RIS, Autiust 21.—Geaem vancc hotwccQ the Oise and Aian portant {inins a t somo points. S< occtipicd, incltiding Carlcpoot itn

' Ho !h ;;ratiually extending bii now it reiiclifH from the OIbo aim

1 Inr line nearly 25 miles long. French troops also advanced

French Reach Point2 Miles from Noyoti. i!

. ■ ll

By JOHN DeOANDT ’ «' United P r m S taff O orretposdtnt

PABIS, A ugutt 21 (9:1S p. m.). —Frencb troopa o n tf lu k la g 0&r>- campt tortA h a re roacbed a po lst ^ Dsar Font<ilBe,. slIghtljr m on titan 1 two mllea sou theu t o f H oyon.' „

P re a m e U being, methodleaUy „ e i« t< d tow «i4 Laariipoy and Hoy*'*'., 0, on. Tha U tte r (a -& ^ no re ttmat>. q ened f re n 'tb a m ti ts a a t t ^ frosf the a o n tb w ta t' . ■ -b'

OaaeUn, se rea miles soutlieast ot IforvB, u d Bluancon^t, a otUo tl a oB tiuM t.cf .{SamellxV'..biro b e ta .

' puaed, n p ra e n tln g : a to ta l ad*. r u M ) o f ,r1x .m llti by Hangl&’a - aunjr. •


------------ a

Unwillingness of .Some' Con-1, gressmen to Draft Men Un- bi

. der Twenty Years Hay 10

Prove Stumbling Block n>____ ___ V,

toWASniNQTON, August il.-U nw U I- so

iugnesa of some members of congreu to d raft men under twenty threatened today io block temporarily the a m y program of, gotting eighty divisions of American troops in Prance by noxt June.,

This is tho program Chief of S ta f f “ f March haa declared will beat Qermany during IDID. The man power bill, as ~ i t will bo roported to tho house today by the m ilitary affaira committee, ear- - riea on amendment placing boya of H 18 and 10 in special elassea to be callo.1 a fte r all older m onJn class 1 are sum* tnoned. Tho amendment threatens to impede tho army program in two waya. B ' F irst to doloy 'its paaeage through tbo house and senate and in a ll probability forco_ prolonged conforonces between the two houses; Second, to force Qen- cral Crowdor to do over again accb of tho work already completed in prep­aration for tho now d raft. , •

isPredtlent Maj^ Take ^ a n d eti

As a result^ rrosidout 'WiUoa, If nee- cswry; will appeal^ personally to eon* “»■ gress to strike out the objoetlooable F provision. U nleu tho man power bill is .oaacted w ithin tho noxt montb, tho war department will bo.foreed to cor* *•' ta il troop ahipments to Franco or tako the chanco of an icdastrlal nphearal by invading deferred classes, aecording to Booretary of W ar Baker, Qeneral March asd Provost Marshal Qenoral *** Crowdor. •, /

Opponents of tho measaro, howortrr, ^ still held out hope tba t I t ean bo do* featcd 00 the floor. Every committee m^D- who voted against the m easnn I*'' r«8ervod tho' right to figh t I t. They will point oot tb a t the eoantty already baa the promise of Secretary of W ar Baker th a t boys of IS will bo the laat called u d th a t tbe calliog of these ^ men ean no t bo deferred in aay ovent

(Continued on page f lre ) aa




ro S A V E D A Y

)ise, La Pomerele7Came- 3t. Aubin, Laval and- aken in Advance


iTtd Mun{;in is continuing bis ad- iano and Las miidc additional im* Several more Tillages b are been 1

■find Cutfl. ' ' Jbis fighting front ensh^'ord until Imoflt to Soissons over nn irrcgu-

}d west of Lassigny.*. T.tnM AdTasced

Genoral 'Mangin h»s flung, n ls le ft w ing forward an additional three miles .

k i s the Olso valley, penetrating to with- 1 In-loM than two milea of Noyon, ac* ( eordlsg to dispaUhoa received b e n tbla afternoon. Itis right wing, near Sola- S ’sons, made a slight adranee today. -f

A t 2 p. m .'lt w u learned the Franoh line botewoen the Oise and the Aiane C ta n u followa; T' -From Sempifgny, held by tho Qer* * /nans (on tho soutb bank of the Oise, a 1 mile and n balf dlreetly aouth-of Noy* x

. 00), through Pontolae, U Pomerelo, ^ Camelin and Bloraneourt, a ll held by j ' the F n n e h ; through S t.'A nb ln , hgld ^ -by tbo Gennans, and th n n g h L a Tour ^ farm , Laval aad OoBrtrl], ^ held by f the I ^ n e lu - q

. & a h Bp MOW tr to p i ; ^ Tbe Oexmani are raahlng op ro-

iBforcamenta la ta o to t- in c k s a n d , are concentnting tbe ir reaUtacca

. In .O arlepont aad'O ozscampa for- eato, bordering the e u t bank of tbe Oise fn m Ballly aorthw ard to Bra* plgny.The Frcnch, however, a re making

goo^progrcss ju st east of tboso wooded aroila beyond N aupiel, whcro Iho most furious fighting 1* going on.

Cccnplea Strong P o d t lo u ' , 1,

Mangin ia now ' in possession of a score of vlllagos and maay scores of atrong points. Ho is bolding tho ontlro Carlopont-Cuta road (Cuta ia four and nti a ba lf miles sou theu t of Noyon), tho th Bois'da Lamontague, UHIb 130 and 141, bo Bolle-Fontaine and Caisnes. Eo ia also iq, believed to havo taken Hill ISO and }i,j reached tho' table land nortb of V u* qq secs, occupying V oaretis (two and a 1 5 half miles northweit of Soltsons), Epag- q , ny (six m iles'northwest of Soissou), Volpriez farm and a ll lines soothward lo Pommieres, two miles west of Sols- sons.

Ludendorff W aaU 1020 Boys Tbo nnmber of prisoners which was Qt

reported, more than 2000 yesterday. Is th steadily Increulng. do• Ludondorff Is reported to havo wired pa urgent orders lo Berlin for training tho mi elass o f 1620. Tbo preparation of theso to

(Continued oa Page H v e) g j

Resists Arrest and Makes Good Escape o.

Bnbl U an Being Seorcbod for by Posso Under MarBbol

BaymiUer--------- CO

A POBSO under the leadenhip of Dep- edu ty ' Sheriff J . F . Boymiller a t Bohl, ihis in search, o f T hom u J . Winn', 20, an Jqiemplojro a t tho E . T . Sandmeyer farm coo u t of Bohl, who this moreing resisted poa rre it a t tbe haada of Baysiiller, got |aipnueMion of tbo officer's gun and do holding him and his employer a t a- «cidistance with the weapon, mado hla ]oicjcnpo. th

W inn waa arretted aome time agoand.baled boforo Probato Judge 0 . P . au,Duvall oa a charge of vagraacy. Jndgo boDuvall ordered him to contributo tlO deto tho Bed Cross ahd to mako regnlar pcinveatments in War. Savings Stamps, t-jW inn fallod to comply with tbe order at)and Boymiller w u instipeted to liring l.ahim beforo tbe court'to explain hla fall* >it

I t w u 00 this mission th a l BaymiUer ^ accosted Winn a t the Sandneyar raneb tbis morning. W inn declared th a t he would not bo anested.- He grappled cii w ith the officer, and in tho atmggle wc Baymiller'a gan fell to the floor, ■ fflo rai thea freed himaelf, pieked op tho gim tn and made hla getaway. ad



r i f i l 1 1 0 1

' P i iI- , , [. — :--------

° L a u n c h T h r u s t s

I- ■ O n B a p a u m e Ia n d N o y o n '

1; A double allied drive { “ is under way in Piear- j; dy. The Britiah opened >'> a new attack on a wide I front north of the An- '

. ere river today. The b French are still smash-1;

• ing forward between *' I the Oise and the Aisne,y increasing the menace t , to the German armies ;; r from' the Noyon and I ’

9 .0 i^ 8 regions. . .■ re a t tr s ta B n a ay x k w y, A t tba samo time e tbai m b e b 7

forces are ■ attacking f t« n tbo c; c u e nortbw ird .to 'B oye, pzoailng npou tb a t d ty aad Latatgay. o<

Tbe B r i ^ troops eoatlaue to .hi pngresa la F landen, ■ pe rfon tlpg tu the eiiemy Unet aeemlagly a t w in

I and a d randng a t otbar polnto u tba Boebes r e t l n Tolontaiuy. . tc

Ilalg 'a men also aro showing nnnaoal '1* activity In tho A r r u aeetor, on both IJ sidca of the Scaipe river.

I Bapanmo Probable O bjecttre f ' Tha extent of tho new Britiah drivo ki ’ was not announced in H alg 'a comma- w> 1 ntque today. I t la poaalble, however, 01 ) th a t i t may extend f ro n tbo neighbor* th p hood of A lbert northward to tho aetire cl ’ sector'soQth of tho Searpe, thus form* >- I ing a fighting fron) o f abont SO miles.• Such an a ttaek evideptly woald hare ‘ as a geographical objeetiro tho-elty of ’ Dopaume, 11 mllea northeast o f A lbert• and 18 miles aouth and e u t o f Arras.• Tb reach' thia e lty would require an ‘ advance of between fivo and six milea.

E ttpnaU PilaoBSTB a t 60,000 Tho great boni of priaonera taken by

I General Mangin between tho Olao and> tho Aisne, together'w itb thoao in Flan*

dors and elsewhere on tho fron t, a ^ .l pareatly. b u brought tbo to ta l of Qer- "> mans’ taken In tho Picardy offensive I to about 50,000.


! Oounty Food Admlnlatrator 0 . B. U na- P‘ son Dlacnaaea Sltaatlon B»* .

coming Serlona „' tp,

Tho sugar situation in _Twln Falls ^ county promises to become a, serious ono if the prediction of 0 . il. Mtmaon, *■ couaty food, administrator, la fulfill*

‘ ed. U r. Munaon stated ToofJny, in ^ I diflCUMlng* tho ahortagai "T hcro are - I Just i i ’.S'W ponnda of ra[fnr left in tho I coanty, ' averaging loss - tK ^ two _ I pounds |,er capita. Thia avpply must „: last.U itii September 1, and i? tho bcr* . ' I dor t(<nui 01 other sta tes con-!'<Qc (i> „ 1' tend to /<iaho for their tu 'jn lr tho ol* . . I lo tm oil will bo erhoastwl lonj; before

that.I "T w rn ty c ig h t million pound* of ' sugar havo been sunk by Qerman T7*I boats in the' l u t sixty 'layn, and in o ^ * ' der to make np for th is !o « tho nmonat ’ per ropUa h u been eu t from eni- half . t-j -in'Mhlrd onneo per porajo per meal ®'• and beforo tho end of Kt) mooth m jy P' : l.a ellm lw lcd f n m tho oi:i of fare'en

' ,. LOW BBIKa EZOHAKGB BATE> W 0SB IE 3 OBBUAN BAKSBBS ^I WASmCNGTON, A_uguat 20.—Pinan* ^: ciol intereata io Qermany aro plainly ^I worried a t . tho coatinned faU in the ^ t rat« o f AnstrD'Qerman-«xehange in nao- ^, tra l eonntriea,' atcerdiDg to diplomatic _

adrieea to d v -


LY n :M F1 OF N(i m m m

i i i iBritish Take Advantage

Ahead Between Albei Without Artillei


<3 ------------O . B r LOWELL(United Preaa Stafi

W IT H T IIE B RITISH AB 21.Generttl B^vng’s a rm j struck ti lictween ArrnK luul All)crt during

. A t 1:15 p. m. tlie Briti«h in t , tl) have progj-e.sKod tbree miloK 11 ® Lc-Grand, tbree miles nortlnve.st

A t other polnt>< in tho lino I d jiiiicH. Information is indefinii g Achiet-Lo-Potit, Moyeimcville lit

huve been occupied., ' t -Thn uttnck ia reported to liave

e bcon n complete HiirprlKc und to 1- hnve been made without any ar- Q tillery'prepiiration.J Advance Bapld'* I l bcROii ahortly bffor'c''5 a’, m r" A t 1 6 fi:20 tbo big guna which had heea.con- g eeat|>|l iu rcadiseas for severaVday't let - ? loose ’in ft great salvo, and the.>troopa □ awung into actioa. '

By OtlO ports of tbo old Uae were > paaaed,..jMoyonnevUk, where resistance . w u weak, w u * captured ' a t . diOS. Priaonera taken there u id thoy had 1 ezpeeted tbo Britiah for the paat week.

Two hundred prisoncm w'oro report­ed taken n t 7:0S. Some machine gnna had been captured. Only a fow eaaa- ualtiea were snffered by tho British.

A t 7:03 Oonreelles w u captured.By 0:00 o'elock the B ritlA bad cap­

tured Uoyennoriller, C<(ucellea, Bue- ■- J quoy, Ablalnsrillo, Aehlet-Le-Petit and 1, Bcaucourt-Sur-Anere. (j

Tanka In Tblck of T lgbt .Tho attacka wbleb tho Oermana are

0 known to hovo been expecting laat I- week, burst upon them th o u g h a cam* _ r, odflago of miat whieh lay thlokly orer . r* tho ragged and wom battlefield, and °0 clinging to tho ground, whllo tanka, ^

‘ (Continued on pago five) &

riiEiiimL;\nmmi1 — ' S' i! Attorneys' Move Indicates De-

’ termination to Push Is-eues to Decision ”

3 —IndicatUvo of tho nnawerving pnr* f,

J-. poBo of certain'Indlviduala to socnro j,. from the nprem e conrt a decision as u' to tho validity of tbe proceedings of o meetings o f the stockholders of tbe Twin Falla Canal compiny In 1017 a t g, which omendmenta to tho Conal eom- pony 's articles of incorporation wore . 1

, ' adopted ia tho filing In diatrict eonrt ■ here Monday by Attorneya E . U . Wolfo „

, nnd J . P . Martin, o f notices of appeal ■ from tho jadgmcnt of tho dlatriet court ,1

,° entered Jude 12 in tho eaw of T. F .. W raner and others against tho Twin

Falls Canal eompany and John Frahm, intervenor, and of J . A. Orem, B. B. t t Hobbs, A. D. Hooghtelin and D. B.

Moorman against tho Twin Falli Canal t l eompany and. John Frahm, intervenor. F

f Bonds in tbo aum of 13000 on nnder* 11 ta k in g 'o n appeal in oa«b c u e .w e re tr algnod by P rank DeEIota and J . 0 . ot

J Noggle, of Filer. . Bf The questions involved wero preri* tr J onsly before the supremo court on ap- el y peal from a tem ponry restraining o ^ al I der issued by the disM ct eoo rt ai

Q nasttau In ro lrad ^Tho amendments 'tb'th'o-'Odnal com* *

pany 'a artlclaa of ineorporatlon a t stake upon tbia decision w e n adopted

*' under prorlalona o t state . statute ’ known u senate bill nnmber 64, wbleb ^ w u drafted by a eommittee named by ol >' the stockboldera a t thelr annual meet* oi

(Contlnned on Page Five)



OYONB 3-niLEIpiLEli:■ge of Fog to Drive Lines bert and Attack Made leiy Preparation; . i


L L K B L L B IT Itaff O omspondent)A EM IES IN FRANCE, August k the Germans on a ten-mllo front ing a beavy fog this morning, in their new advance are roported *(K in the center, rQacbing Acbict- e.st of JBnpaunte.0 B yug’s men have gone ulii)ad two 'inite, bn t Beaucourt-Sur-Ancre,

Itnd Courcelles are reported to

srTiLorjm iip s: IS K F IIE« ’5. ' — ^ ,f Thirty-two Completely Organ- J; Ized American Divisions,

Nearly a Mliiion and a Half

Men, Now on French Soil ■>• .1- •-d WASHTNGTON, Aoguat 21.—T bl^

ty-two comploteiy organlied American dlriaiona (around 1,400,000 men) a n

^ now In France. Chief of S taff Mareh . announced thom aa foUowas

Ono, Two, Three, Ponr, Plve, Six,' Twonty-slx, Twonty-aeren, 'Twenty*'J eight. Twenty-nine, Thirty, Thirty-two,, Thirty-three, Thirty-flvo, T h lr ty a l^’ Thlrty-aovca, Forty^ne, Forty-two,

Seventy-six, SOTenty-aeren, S enn ty - eight,-SeTenty-nine, E3ghty, Eighty- one, EIghty*two,-Eighty*thne, Eighty- five, Elghty-nlno, Ninety,' Nlnety*one, N inety-two and 'N inety-three. ,

March pointed ont tb a t to acenm-1 pllsh thIa nm arkable task i t bad been

nocosjary to >coar the world fo r ablps,I while to maintain tbo present p n g n a sI nnd nchlove tbe projected fonr million

plan would require ' gathering atlll moro ahipping.

F lee t Board Oatcblsg U])

Tho om'argeney flee t corporation b doing " sp le n d id ly " to eateb np, U areb said, bu t hiring and chartering of other ahlpa' will be neceasary to meet the in- ' creased effort.

Tbo chief pointed to tbo algniflcant fac t th a t th e ' goaoral effect of tbe

° blows recently dealt tho Oennana b u* been to ahorten tho lino frem tho north ^ Sea to Bheima, ao th a t today It.standa* a t lesa thon 200 m lle» -a reduction of ^ SO miles through the past w eek's opo^

otlons. Ho identified aa tho fif th di*" vision tbo American unit whieh up*^ tured Frapello In the St. Del region,‘ smootblng out a aallent, leaving tbe

Americana .there only fonr milea fn m , the German frontier.

Q . .. E xplains Dlrlslonal P laa I, In abawer to questions he nportod t. thoa on several dirlsiona:I. Tho Soveaty-seveqtb la st reported In ’II tbe Vosges; Tblrty-slxth reached r. Franco beotw^en Ju ly SO and Anguat> 13 and Is being trained; Ninetieth la 0 train ing eomewbere in France; Elghtl*I. oth w ent into tho f n n t lino-iritb tbe

Britls b in Flandera as pa rt I ts I* train ing and a t the cloae tb e n o f .a ll ■ h elomenta were withdrawn; Barenty- . .> alxtb, a depot division ia the rear

a rea; Twenty-sixth w u ia tbe Chateau* Thierry figh ting ; took p a rt la tbe eap­tnro of Torey and Belleau and ad* raneed to Bonreacbea and w u rellered

^ on tbo U am e'U boot Jn ly '23.

« - * S l i c a M M Bblp BsO dlai h D iaenuiag tbe ablp sltoatloa, ibe r chief o f s ta f f abowed tb a t tbe saeeea :* o f tbe proeent p laas 'depsndi npoa

(Coatinned on pa«e ^ h t )

Page 2: lL L S D A I ILY lE W S


Enemy Claims to Be Dropp Back to Stronger Positii

. ■ , . and' Shortening Lines, I Facts Do Not Bear it .Ou



Boch Roffinrtnt Eofuflos Oonntor- • Attack — M o Fighting Spirit BoUoved

- ------------- I3 y 7 -0 W E L L ~ H E m iiT “(Unitod PrcM Staff Corre»pontlont

•- W IT If.T JIK nHlTIPH • m N C R , A«K''»t 2 0 .(N l^ it).-W ln

r r it-is-hrrniisp the nicn’ii ficlitinc *; ■ its firn’KOtiP, or becmti'f' th r hljjliPr n

tiinnd Im itrlibprntply fnllcjwlni; n j ' 1,'rnm itivnlrinc rtllrrm cat »vliorfl

tlin- nrp rii-hi-<l, tho HritlMi nre fi Inc Winf. nn vnriom purtK of tl: lino Ihn Opriimii* give,wny vviUi an ('X[iprl(>.l rrn'lInoM tliftt in littc nhnd

. .fiKhlitic ftt liniM.I All TvitluUn'viiln flO fftr hnvs in

’I”* nrrnm iii n* n tlci tf> »hnrtpii th r ir lini'. Inniiniiich as t liflH lircn lh'< arliinl ( 'thd . In no liintnncp, tli(»ii;li, i l hns loft thft 0 Minn9 in Ic*' Kntl^fn^tary ponitii Ihiill fhom fthntiilntioii.

V on'B ornardl'd Amy^BeUrofl, An intorCHdnc fcal'uro in tho nilvai

I tjdny 'iti .Iho Morvillo rcRion, whi Ihe Ocnnnn flffirpM uccin iiiiluicd w; tho iilca of n«lllni; tUolr f w c s i>af< <int »f ih r |ifilh of Ihn nriliah, In tl; tlir?p Ixirhcs nro jmrt of tho nrmy Ortiural Vnn Ileriianll, whn, nn a wr r r , wni* n |iro|ionriit of llio IcIpa .l)i tho only wny tn fight.in to nilvatice.

Defy Oonmiander • - 8<iino I’lRlit on Iho liochfii’ spirit

liidt ’of il, wns RAlni'il iiit;Iil before It when n cortain flcrinnti rPKlment, ho ini’ retiri'il ton fnr wru ortlerrj to i tn rk PulMicux, north nf Alhort. T n-(;lni(>nt rcfii^eil. prcpariiiR a w ritt jirn tc il anil toniJiiiK it lo Uit rojnait lire. Tlie la tte r liafk, •penling hiii orilor. The reginrenl i ta rk o j half-Jicnrledly flnil lost lienvi: Some twcnty-flvR mon of thin rc|

. iiirnt an- all lh a t romnln.

' AdTAnca in Flanden Thi- advance in Flnnilrm noa ftlo:

a front of more (hnn S mlloa exter in;; norlh anil umilh o f 'th e Lyn. T lirilinh (ireiipied I j ’KplBOtto, Vicrhoq nnil Ia Coiironno nnil proi'rr'ined m <if Merviilo.

.. In tho Arrnn rcRion thi’te wns lot jrishlinK on liolh jidc* of tho Bcnr Hic. U rltitli pasUinc f o ^ a td 'tC. ilintani'e n u t nf Fnmpoux.

C l l i l l DREPOBTtDOIIBDeath Would Result in Reput

lie for Bulgaria Says IVIa-

drid Newspaper

MADRID, Auguat 21.—Tho nowap: por L ilx'ral declared it hear* from oi thorltaUvo Bonrccs tlm t Cxar Fcrdli and 'Of B u lgaria is o t Fraokfort de po ro tcl/ lU and believed to bo dylu| n i s fam ily is *aid to be with him. Th nowspapor said th a t tho death of -tl c m r would create diatUrhances In 8i f ia th a t would oad la tbo doelaratlo bi n TOpabUe i s Bulgaria witbln a fn' dny*.

Thrlvo by tlitlXt—buy W. a . 8 .

A fEW GOOD BUYSOood 40, a ll fonceil,'30'acr«9 io

A lfalfa. $100 per acre, »15flO caib will haadle.

80 acrca, 2 mile* from R. R. twitch,' CO ftcre* .In Alfnlfa, ]Iou»e, Darn, Collar and all fonccd. |125 por

fiO ncrca, SO in alfalfa, fenced, wnall ahock. 1115. p o n t r e . JIIOOO eaali to handle.

80 ncrca, A l land, oil in crop and fonccd. Good' Hob>c,-bnrn and ci»- tern. flltO per acre. $.1500 rsali lo handle. <

TIis Traiil-BisDzeliack ntally'Co.Jeri7;ns, Idabo

Tclcpbono to No. JJ5, jerorae,. write u» for informatlonr or come

oyer aod W9 will *how you the prop- orty.

. ' ■! • JFAOB TWO

' ■ ■

f " " t o d a y 's



e WASHIN’aTON', Aujrust 21.- followinj; fimunlllf" n rr reporleil

Iho Commanillnjj Oenrral oK'lie A rnn KxpHilionnry Fnrceii:Kllli’il in artlon ....... ......................Misainjj in nction ............... ....;......

>ppiH8 ' ',u ;f .,.n U > ird of Accident and otlier rnnft " ‘ '^ "* ;\V ounaod , dcecee imdotcrmlnc.l ...

But I '*'**'* ........ .............

Out I ..............................I llrferenfft to name of T rlvale '

. Ifil Knnfaki shotild ho ctoMifIrd t J 'tied of nreififmt, and other mine L sti'rtil n f died of disenao. n r D P I’rivn tf .Imeph Unffo shonid be U ^ n b Ririod under hilled in action Inater

liiiaxlnj; in arllon.

jjg I S n i E D IN ACTION tlontcnonta

® ^ ® .Tobn Andrew Poliorly, Do.iton, > e d t o - T., BeloH. ^V5

' •'■'SbrgeiDta-- , - nil5 .\m nld, niRbland P n rkrlf>

_______ . Clnroncfl Tl. Prrkin*. NnttU J? Mirh.lont) Hothsrv E. Willlnms, Doan M VS Inin.-Tetin.Whclh- Oorpoials'C *Plf' Chnrlrs Alljr»<-.bV, S t Lniiis. Wo. i*r rnm- 7»iiis A. ^^nn(!oId,•MiIwalll^('e, V? " I’f"- Clwloii ,T. 6kn\«»kl. QtvoWa. 'Wl*. ''<’•’'"■‘’'’1 Cook'M nrtin A. .Tarobsnn, Uteh^ '• N'. Dnk.

’'■''■f PrivatesOtio A .'nnnrl. Mllwniiksie, Wis. Omnr D. Reek, Dullerville, Ind .'

, H icsler L. Hennrtl, Ilflddenf

n l7 l ,u ' .T. Castnfne, Tied Ixxlpe, M.Tiilinn CispV, Jlinnenpnlis, Minn.

' Nielc Cusa. Chlrncn, III.WiHinm TRir, miS^n.lr, N rk TIenry Freannke. PcBf. Minn. Ony 8 . ‘OeotRo, Shnwnno, Wi*.

Ofl .Ton Qorre, Shawnno, Wla.Ivance Charlea .T. Oro**, .Jr., Olenn. On. whero 11’l.ebpn C. Ilnll, Ilnndolph, Tet.I with ■'’crnnn .Tohnann, Olllr.'ple, 111. m fely Dnrnet .Tones, New Ynrk. s tha t I^<lwhrd KreRel, Wnnumi, Wia. my of Onrdnn M. MndKren, Coopfl^to

writ-, lh a t Wllllnm 0 . T^pin, ly lp rrs Tork, 1 ifj. Jnlm Maleuaj:yk, Chlenfjo.

■ Andrew 01«nn, naattnRs, N. D. Arno Pe<Ierson. 6lilllln({, Minn,

rit or lllrhnrd 0 . RndemakO| Ghlea(;o. ro Inst ■ Alpxander ' VlllenDa^ive, Jfarlnc, hav- w fa. - ....... - - -ta a l- . .E a rn e a l - R. Wilrox, UnlonvlUa,

Tte Dnro iTOM wovmsM iM^ " T'aurenco 0. Shull, Sioux City, '.k. re PrlTota*nl nt- -Inek J . Cntron, Saltvlllc, Vn. ?nvily. Jam es C. Prim , Handolph, Aln.

ropl- I/ouis C. Fredorlckann, Ilnrlem.'Io •Tobn Price, Mllwaokce, Wla.

DIED OF DIBBAdB (vlong N hmo Irene Merfcdca Flynn, Plo

xtend- vllle, Conn.Tho W T»t«8

hoaek Arvin H. Jaekaon, I.ynnn, Ky.1 oa it Rdwin ,A. Cribb, Hhoms, S. C.

.Tobn J . Henrj', Dolmlt, Mich.I local Fred Hepphim, lAmolto, lowo. -


* W agoner Frederli-k Anderaon, Wi

D lncton, D. C. .P riva le Clark SL n a rris , Wint


aBVBRBI.Y WOUNDBDi mM Roy A. Anne, Ulco Loke, Wia.I I j John FIt7:cihlinn«, W aterbury, Co

Paul Winge Lcianer, Evnnaton,• A lbert J . Slnnford, Brooklyn, N. 1

n r ih . Sorgeoota[JUD* Thomas J . Ayer, Jr., Zachary, La., KuRono Kaiaer, SdiiHl Meriden, Co "■ - W aller A. Hoyntop, Kaat Ban;

Me. •• ^ Corporals •

A rthur Albrecht, Milwaukee, Wia. wana '"’■lUftm A. Chambera, Iron Cifv, T n no-■rdlo- Moyer, W alefbury, Conn.

des- Unrftbon, Wla.

:ylug. MocJuujlcs ^• Tho w m ia •McCrnv, Reedabnrf, WU. t tho R„y W. Miller, Oihkoab, Wis.

ItfoD PriT » t« OcBiamin KIicrIvotr, D ilro il, Mltl

Cloyton M. Froderlekn, ’Watcrbn; Conn.

Carl II. ■ Ualloy, JIontlcello. ATk. Charlea B. Joliaaon, Bridgeport, Cot

------ Frank Ii. Kearnoy, Boalon, Mats.■“ 'I W oltor P. Kcefo, Ilartford, Coan.

S Edward Kieree, Woterbnry, Cobs..Tnhn Lctki, Milwaukee, Wia. ■

io FrnncIi X. Lynch^ Woterybury, Coa Olh norm an Moycra. Florence, Wis.

Freddie B .'M otcc u, Cootoril J ob ;eh,- tien, MftM..',;•rn, ' John .T. Molten, Boston, Masa. per Joicph C. Orient, Leo, M as^

Wllllnm .1. O’Rourke, Nowbtirg ed, N .T . • ,JOO John F . Poakarz, Chicago, ’HI.

F rank B, Benaa, DoKalb, HI. md Olla Boie, Violo, Mo.;1». ' H nrry Shepherd, Worcojtcr, Mo»». lo Cheater Sm llh. Dnnbury, Coan.

Frederick D. Jones, Ekfotd, Mltb. J a y T. K ale, College Park, Oft.

tOi Tony Kopot, Dotroil, Mich.A rthur Laaone, Fall River, Maaa. F.dward P . LBrkin, Penboiy, Mnas. ITarry Jam os McKoniio, Plttabnrj

)p. Pa. :' IInr\-or J . Moillio, LoweU, Mas*.

Ernest: Bernard M alhevt, Oraad Ra; — iai,-M ich.

■ T v n H F A :

SI s e nu!>e?.... 2

....._170le Tbeo-'d under 'lines iu-

atend of ifi

n,_5I«... a ’

- I t ; - ? " ~ f - : v / - - : m a fII_a « i . .-___ . J -


■ W\ / U i P ™i r th e i

[fhville, •

L S C H O1 School shoes at

■ c to sell sehool sht it. We actually sa shoe department: t the place to buy si

"7" Corsets forthProbably the. mo

life for proper o time.Wehavespec and misses—just i

• can consult our ps setierre regSrdmi troubles-7 no char our store service.



w«i. S o m e/inooa,

And it will pay sample line of chil

.Con., are going to give o '■ run from 4 years t

you to get one nowConn.

'aagor, _



k. John F .'M uraiky , Bridgeport,'Con Conn. Oeorgo Bowo, Joma'ica, N. Y. u, Pewey 0. Sclander.g. Boliek Tanaki*, New Britain, Con la. Elm er.0 . Thomaa, Bhineloader, Wl

Valentine Zanbreakl, New Britoi Coan. Coan.


. Sgl. Thomos BlorJn, New York- PriTat«*

urgb, H crn iu Neuman, Chicago.Karl V. Oiborne, Harrab, Wit.

- Sam Bancatore, Son Franclaco, Cal. rroderlck B. K lag, Springfield, Mas;

MISfiINO IN ACUONCopt. Jamea Burko Conaort, Phllade

h.^ . leloalODlDtS

William Bslemon, Wayne, Pa. Willlnm R. D yer,'C arney ’s Poini

as. N. J.bar(r, i-Mward Ilitz'eroth, Philadelphia.

Herman Sloan, Mcrchonllvillo, N. J 'W , Ii. Sworta, Scraatnn, Po.

Rap- Corp. .Tames D ’Heorn, Boaebont K. V.

P A U S n m y H B W S

MOOL... . '. ,

H e r e ’sIn e x p e i

You know ginghams anc :r investigate these dresse laferials alone as well as t

These dresses come all t' p in very pretty, styles an fice, ranging at 75c, ?1.00, le supply is not too largk

5 0 L S H (are some, item in the expe

shoes at the prices we-do save you from 50c to ?1.5C t the past season than evei shoes. Have you learned

the School Miss imost essential time of ,

corseting is school / JBcial corsets for girls. t it the thing—and you M .expert graduate cor- ing all your corset arge—that’s parf ofe -

) 0 L C O ^

e O n e = F qly you to buy them early, lildren’s coats at 25 per ce 3 our customers the benefi s to M and 16'and one of i ow.

th Mer“Another Packa

Conn. Bugler Clark U. Emcrlek, Bcllwot Pa.

WsKoner Roymoad S. Potora, Phil Conn. delphlo.

, WIfc Cook Charlea W. T nttle, Philadclphi rila is, P rlra tos

Frank W. A lltii, Ardmore, Pa.TOJ, John J . Cannon, Carbondale, Po.

Vlneenio Coluccio, PlUsbuTjt, P a . ' William W. Kvons, Providence, B. Edward J . Flyna, Providence, R. Vincenro Oraditato, Italy.Uymoa Orcenb«r(’, Brooklyn, N. ’ Elwooii E. Ilammell, Espy, Po.

. Anotoaio Jacowlcr, Johnstown, P James ^ayno, Olyphant, P t*Joe Kubocky, Johnatown, pa.

Pa»<iuole Livrone, Leechburg, Pa. ladel- Antono .Mocbado, Portugal.

- Roymond Baffran, Ualtlwoto, MiV n h a rrey Steif, Ford City,'Pa." " Feodor Soako, Busjlo.

'o int, Anlonio Tureo, Italy.Vfarrin W ard, Salnda, a C. ' Oscar W. Fant, Oakilale, Masa.

N. J . Aatonlo'KasMwaki; Philodelphla. Pi Oiil W. U m bcrt, Iroquoi*; HI.' '

bonk, }'>ig«ne Lantschoot, Moline, III., Oeorgfl B. Bw re, Philadelphia.' ‘


i S o m e 1 m s iv e D iind percales are very high 3ses and see if you can’t si s t ime and so niuch worry

1 the way from 2 years to l and pattern of cloth and ; 10,11.25, ?1.50, to $2.50 and I :e. ■ ,

O E S F O ]tpen'se account and you wi 0 when you compare with ..50 per pair. More people ver before. They are lear ed the lesson yet?

% if We Sell'MOur big hos:

/ >'. of the very busA ,lji| Thesetimeswl

1/ UM hose people n£J ,j j n they know th«

f r . ting the best hnJ / ' reasonable pri

/ • it’s, children’s// . things are har

. erally be founc

m ARIo u r t h L er. We again succeeded in ( cent-off the regular pric(

efit of our'purchase! The )f a kind, and it will certa

rca n tiii&ge From Boot!

llwood, - Scoll Morria, Ctiandli-rvill.-, Ill, Williani .Motile, Ornenirood, W est' Frank Muccitelli, Italy. •

elphia Routaeii, liarKc. I’o. .John I^ Shaw, Hollysprint;*, Miss Ni'lson Siegel, Phllndrlphlo. Oeorgo Smith, Philadcl|ihln.

• Albert Geornu am ilh, Uaiiovcr, 1 ' a . I. Williani K. Stauffer, Willow Oro

R. I.K nnilanlz tizainkitl, Iluisia.

N. Y. Joaeph Tartogllre, Philadelphio. a. ' Robert Henry Wood, R«ynolda, Ini B, Pa. Leroy W cbb,-Brooklyn, .V. V.

Stanley Wernieki, PUtiUiug, I'a. I'Mward N .U hilehenii, Allentown,!

Pa. Unlph Wilhey, Blpomaburg, Pn. John JJoleskl, -Mocanaqua, Pa. !.«»»* Thola* Olnjiinaki, Trcnlt

Fi'lix Frank Outowskv, Kineilt Pa.

•lame* J . Ilarly , nnbbnrd. Neb. Fred Ilodgtoti',- Scranton, Po.

■a. Po. Oeorflo H. .H offman, Philadclphi I.- Pa. , ■ '., , Charles Al Howard, McLauBlIl . ‘ 8. D. “



TH ESP r e t t yfre s s e sgh in price and you’d bet- ; save money- over cost 8 f ry and trouble._________ _

0 14 and 16. They are made .d are-surprisingly low in id up. Better not delay, as

IR L E S Swill be surprised th a t we ith other lines, but we do pie have patronized our larning that right here is

More School Hoseosiery department is one 3usy places in Twin Palls, when it’s hard to get good naturally turn to us, for

;hey can depend on get- t hosiery and a t the most jrices; no matter whether I’s or ladies’. If certain lard to get they can gen- ind here.

f HEREess ■

n getting a ■■ice and we W Chese coats rtainlypay ^

ie Co,)th’s ”

III' Antoo I. KMlftnlynnTclcz, T realot i-st Va. N. J.

Joo lycemolois, SBgamore, Po. aabettino L iu l , Philadelphia.Polo .Lueok, p iam onJ, Ind.

' B ^ c C a a k e y , Poughkeepsie

,, y j PnnV MarasaJk, M edina, N. T .

Orovci AJoxoBuer Moyers, Green Lane, Po. John MohavakI, Jeraey City, N. J

nowRft\ John Muller, WHllamsporJ

, Ind. Geofgo M yera,-W eatport, Coan.Gip Pilond, Unionlown, Pa.

■ Ciertax Priygvckl, Braddock, Pa. ’ " ri ll- .Myer Radero, Chester, Pn.«• Joseph Bcorlata. Piltaburg, Pa.

David Schwarl;;, Cincinnati, OMo rcnton, e . Shceri:r,-TCiinmcr*,-Pa, '

•Delbert Stephenson, Bedford, lad, ’p lo n , Emidio Tenaglio, Biidmont, P a . "

8am, Th&ma*, PblladelpVia, Pa.I’- Robert E. Trniuor, Allentowa, P*.

Miles E . Vonalcklo, Berwick, Pa. elphio, . H arry T. Wnde, Durmid, Va. - t

Yiace Wilson, Vintondoio, Pa.

(CoQtinned -on page _tit;^

Page 3: lL L S D A I ILY lE W S


eEilTfllGISm m m i

< Tl i g S i lHill Barriers Projecting Hind-

enburg’s-Soulliem Picardv Front Make Good Observa­

tion Stations for Foeh’s Men

'’"Lassigny plateau is


Element of Scoreoy of Huq OoQcoatiation Soloro Hoyon Komovod by Bcoont Advaneo of^Mlod Troops "

B j J . W. T. UAflON ---------------- -<U nJt«tl-I>TM i"W M -Exportr'

NHW YORK, Aogoit £1.—U an lia l Fock 'a itoaJy cneroaebment upon tbo Ilill barrier* protocfJajf Von Siadaa- b B rf 'i loulhom P lcn ril/ fron t has rcockad tbo point .wbero tlio oUica aro ttb b to obsorvo practleolJj s it tbe Oor-

_ mon movctnoala /a r lock of tho linos tow ard No/on, tho noxt Q ennan con* ccatraU on marked fer capture.

Tliia Important advontaRo haa boen ' sceurcd bjr tho Boitiire o'f tbo L asslgn j

p k te a u and tbe. virlual occupation o t tho town Itactf. Tho difficulty of fu l­ly observing tho activity of tho O er tnaha north of tbo .liassigny region boa hampered Marshal Foeh 's diBpoaltion of 1 ^ ow a'troeji!. Now th a t o il eQ- rrocy of concontratlon boforo Noyon

- hos been removed, Von d lndon lu rg m in t eonauct.M s defooso of tbla orea w tu BOW difflcultlos.

U oro B e^pres KeedodA fu rther call cpon tho Oormon ro-

servos to protect tho Noyon lino w ill bo necoBsary I t Von H indenburg resolvoi u pon 'tho doubtful courso of try ing to postpono his Inovitoblo rotrcot a l i t ­tle longer. Marshal Foch i i now In a position to hammer away a t tbe ap- pw aehes to Noyo'a f io o tbtoo dUoc- tions—west, southwest and oontboost. Von Hindenburg con find men to hold theso gateways • only by fa rth e r do-

. ^(letiDg h ij reserve*. •Tbe triple advaneo toward Noyon is

now only a toeticol move, In tho do- volopmont of Marshal Foch'a local of- tc n rtT c .. I U rtn iteg lo .pa rpow Ib to compol Von Ulodenhur^ to nso up an m anf of bU 'troops ns possiblo in tho f i n l lino figbtlBg over tho widest poi-

• siblo f ro n t . . Ia this manner Von Hin- (lonburg'fl plans aro seriously d isar­ranged, fo r ho cannot count on main- ta ia lsg bohind the llneo.o atobilixod re* BOCTO force. TonltOTlal gtda la not Marshal. Foeb’s aolo objective a t pres­ent. Even moro Important than tho

^ im m e d ia te recovery of Frencb t o r r ^ N is tho confusion and nncortalnty

whieh snrrounds Von. .H indenbug 'a grea test problem—tho building op of a now reserve army to oppose the Qveatutl offeaslvo of America’s mill- iona.

CASUALTIES OF^ftNADlANSSoTortl A m u lc ic j M eatlonad Itt 0»-

uidion Beport

OTTAWA, Oat., August. 21.—Among Amoricans mentioned In today’s Cano- diaa eassa lty lis t aro:

Wonnded - . J . etanloy, Elil'er, Mont.

K . Q . BeWoo, Tacoma, 'Wwh.,IL Ashworth, Chicago.H . n . 'Walker, Holt, Wyoming.A . '0 . Peterson, Chicago.D, McDonald, Nyssa, Oro.A. Jobnaoo, San Francisco.J . A . Koenkina, Dorkcloy, Col.a W. Villeneuve, Sedro Wooloy,

Wttsh.B. S. Smith, Bpokane, Wnsh.


O orem or K d th lfd T iu e OntdlstAnces B n v s fo r Senocratle Komlna^

tion for Ooremor

UN CO LN, Nob., Augnst 2 1 .-B e- t u r u In yeaterday's atote-wldo p r i­maries from obont one-fonrtb o t tho profiae ts show John J . Morehend, for* mor governor, loading Bieh'ard J. Meto- calf b y ’twice tho nombortot votes for the Domocratie nomlnalion. f o r ' t f . 0. M oatot. ' Senator aoorga 'W. N orris Is

- in th e lead in tbo m e .-fo r nomlnotion on tJie E epnblican'ticket, boing d o « ly loUowod Congressman-. Charles L . f lo o a and Boss L. Hommond. Govor* n V ;K o ith Novillo bas a long leod on Charles W . Bryan for tho Bemocrotjo

' nomination for governor. I a tho Bs- pnbUcMi race for governor thste waa

' no contest, Samnel B. McSolvie ge t­ting tho nomination.

T lllln0 ,the ^11.No m eo cjin- prosiwr till It Jcorrui

tlm t tbcrc Is fla mnch dlcnlty in, UlllnK . a Odd nB In wrltinR n poem. I t Is n t

th e Uatlora of Ufo wc must bcRla. and n p t o t the top. Nor ahould wo perm it ou^srToTOQCcs to overshadow our op- iw rtnnlty .—lw«Ucr T w«iRUln5toa.

1 , 1 ^ 8 .


• mid- ■;dV

len '


:un I \'o n


dial ^

Ion* I

S i-

oen /

ful- -

I l i l l S I i '= p u i i i iIIIIIIETIIESTUt- .. _______

»p“ Sergeant Arthur E. Wenzel

Z. Tells ot Part Taken by Idaho "a',''. Artillerymen in .Mlied Of‘

, 1. tensive in Francedo- .... ................


.h" FALL INTO THEIR HANDS?oa- _____Iin*lar- O c c u p y T o w n T h o y S h e lle d

T h r o e D a y s B o fo ro — ^Aro

no t B i l le te d i n Q u a r t e t s f ro m

the W h ic h (^o u n t F l e d in H a s to■tin ,_____

' Tho cjpcrlpt.rc* and imprcusions nf n '« J Twin FalU-mon in artiuu ou a l»altl«'

® front in Praiirt' ore rffeftivcly glvoa in from SerRc'onl Arthur E,

W cniel of Twin FfiHs, a member ol tho hoadqusrlers eoni|>any of tho Une Ilundroil Forty-sixth field artillery reg-

NS im cnt, to hin liro thci^ ico lsfi Wenzel, who Ipff'hcro loat wecit to toport foi

Oa- netlvc lervicc aa au cleeirlcian la the IJnitoil States navy. .Sertfeant Wen- r-cl’fl letter follows:

on - BomcwbPTo in Frann ', ..5uly SS, ISHSPear N i c k - ______ _____

.lust A few liiii'H tn lei 3*011 know that I am still 0.1C. and evcrything'i* fine.

Follow Amorican Shells Wp liavo been movlnc p fo lty la s l ir

tho last few ds}'s, pushing the bochct into Jh e noiTor, nnd hnvo nnt stopped yet. Lant 'ninht we pulled into thii town, nml it is the altmo one thnt w( »hpll,cil threo days agol Wc. can MC thp offeet of our ‘Miabics” on tho inaj- nil nround u». Whero wo aro billeted n OcnnTiR count stnrcil up to a fou hours bcfori' we Amex boya got intc this town, nnd I nnw n few German iicwspnj'crs here.

In Iho paper dated .luly .1, lOlB \R -_____________________ ______


SMBUmBe-pri- -----------------a n d -----------------tho

5 lESTHItll.> isIon

- — - — ■ —


TUIng ■ W o w n n t a l i s t i n g o n

( !v c rv f a r m t h n t Is f o r s a lo “ “I \ \ i l b i n t b o n e x t 6 0 d a y s , jp . G iv o tis a c b a n c e .


s , .

53 c o i m o BACK [P .

L J AI ^ ^ P A R l S y .

T NI u l J

I ^ th e Great Ulc«s

I * Liquor Dealers Are I Granted a Reprievef W/S81I1NOTON. Aucint 21.—A throo

iiionllis ri-prii’vit for th f ilrink fnmlly li.i« lii'c’u (,’olnoit H'pinltiMH of w hat ac- Hon Ihli nonnto tnkvM. on Ihp “ bone

• • clrv” nmoiidmi’ut.. (^mlor Ihc’ oMcitiiil ijini-iiiirnenl tho 1 ’nil’, of (lU Unuivr wnuld Have rtaw d I .Innuiiry 1. Tlio new jilan postpoues

tho liny until .Vpril 1, with n slmlior il'i’l'onsntiou fnr llio mnnufacturo of

2g | b'l'or find wine, ivliich wns to^easo No­vember '1.

ll^Q .Vll aetlon enn bc takeii until tho j-i'nnto roeonvenc"- Thero Is likely to

} { i lie considerable diKUR&lOH a\\d i t mny lip tvclV in Scplomlier before final ao- tion is taken. Hut dry Icmlera havo nurocil th u t tbo old dstes sliould l)i> miivoil nlioad thrvo months, {giving tho hnmo time of j;rnec ns wan orlKlnally jilaUned.

n o Heyond Ihnt them in littio hopo for Iho thim ty, unless th« war should end iieftiru thfl f irst »f Iho year.

. , Whon tho test voto wos tnken shortly brfore tb r reeMi on sustnlniuK 'n rut-

^ •0 iyc (if Ibe chnir *>n Iho nmendraent, the d r/s hnil n mnjorlly of three votes.

o m

Ihcy say thnt tho United Stntos has nbout I.IpOOO. men over here, ond that

if n thi'V nrp not «qui|ipod yctl Well, If .tie- VI ran ndvnnta from two. to four kii- voa ometiirn eneh day wllh that, i t 's pretty

E. Rooil. I guvM thoy forgot to odd two of e'lphcriv tr) Ihe number. . .

Uno xoke O e m in QuosTiicin is plbuty of'Oorman junk here.

Tho boys koi-p things ptotly busy fir- . inj: tho different arms they pick up.

Ono of our battorica has six Oormos mnehiuo gims, all In fino shape and oodloK of ammunition.' I waa out this

' morning firing a carbine. I t auro ii n pippin, r wish I eould sond soino ol

I*”” Ibi* s tu ff iiome, ■ -Tho regiment billeted hero must have

been ono of tho Prussian Guard, ai t in tho doors bnvo chalk marks on them :hcs of tho “ 3rd Garde Hegt. Zu Fuss."

Setae# a t Front

we I.’vo taken a look o t tho firat. line (WO ttciichcs, aisd i t Is not n very tilte

tnop sinht. A fow Germans’aro 's till lying gtod around in Iho barbed wire entnnglo' fow mnnts- rotting nwny—and of a ll the into stu ff lying nround.1 nnn iiuju, Lojiag uerve

They lo ft In such harry aronad “ ®' here th o t our Iroops captnrod a

whole bottery c f hawlttera bofore' ' ' f they could hook up and akin ont.

We go t ton^ o f aminunltioa for f heavy gnns,- besides oil the other

Junk.I guess they oro losing thoif nerve

protty fast- Lots of pVisonera comt > over, nnd the woods around hero arc

still full of .them hidlpg out. The} pin (heir faith on tho fnmous Illn- denberg Uno, ^ u t t th iak wo wlU swal’ low th a t lino, hook, sinker nnil all in

I abort order.French Oons In Action '

Snw a p retty sight tho olher day. A tcRimcnC of Frcnch Ifi'a w tnrd trec t' ly behind us, hub to bub, and wore

[ fir ing battery salvo from loft to righL I I t jounded like nmchine gun fir* .-J~ .

• I t keeps us on the jump, keopiog up I witb tbe .war. Every tlmo wo move up I to tho zono of aetlon, our boys go

over tho top, and wo aro as for back• M wo w«T(5 bofoic- ' H all tbfi lime we

can hear nothing of tho firing except our own big " b a b ie s ." .

1 Cliance fo rB M t) Well, I have to can tbe chatter asd

take »om6 m ote ' ‘busk ^ali8^^■' I t looks-liko I am going to loaf through tho war tho samo as tho tm b<

a s D A n - Y N E w a

I mm\milFHORE

l l i T C i, Direct Appeal to Governmenl

. Grain am) Hallway Corpora­

tions—Uninlerruptcd Movo'

ment Key to Situation ■


Kimborly Elevator Boceivos ii Six Bays Timo Ono;-Tbb:d ol Laat Year’s Whole Voiame of Business ' V

— —T he »ii]ipK“ nf frolKhtVflrt>,'wIiifh lo cal grnin ilinlors OKree. is tho esaentln fac tor in m.irkotinc Twin J a i l s eiiun

. ty 'a -1,0011,000 trhrnt rrojM lhla /a »has boon sufficient tn Uaudlo the ftrs: few days’ ihipping, but demand upoi

3 the govcrnmeni grain ami rnilwoy eor • . poratlon offieinis for more car* woj

decjned neV-csjirr.V Tne'sday.

DiU? W w ipte 'ioo Loid*

I t is eetimatcd tha t obout 2U0 ear ^ loods, or about .100,000 buslicls'of tbli

season's nheat crop have bcon shippei _ from thia county sini'c lhrc!<hing bsgnn

DutUiK tlio pR»l 10 davn tliP rfeoipti a t t io Ttviu Pnlls .Milling & Hlerntoi

U P eompnny iiftvc nvprn;;i-d If O lomls (Inlly. Prnetifiilly-nll of the whent tlm t hsi beou shi[i]H'd out from this.county so

hreo fnr this neuvin han bocii consignoil from mlly points near T>vii, Ki.il,..' Chicngi. is the . nc- terniinat li> .whirh thii- whoal is bo- )ono lilt;

■ ' R. 11. Di'titon, ilifltriel mannger fot tho tho Farinori' Mill i Klovalnr, here

a n d Tucsdny xnlil tbui tho olevntor nt Klm- oues berly diiriiig six doys nt Ihe beginnin;j ilior of this ncAsuii hnd . ri!coivcd S5 enr- I of loflda^of wlicnt, all of which bns lieeii Ko- shipped out. Thin tjunntity. of wheat,

Mr. Denton said, is ot^ual to neatly one- tho th ird of tho nmount handled by hts

r to eompnny nt Ki|iii>crly duriug tho entire mny year of U>i'. Onrs, ns tboy nro being

ao- loaded this year, 'pursuant to rogula- lave tiona of Iht* grain rorporatiun, eo»toi|i

1)6 an avornge of 100,000 pounds of whent tho

lallv .

V H H H I IH H H H H ithat1, If ' kii-

e lty

; H (-moaandth it


A ^ying I IIngle- --------------------


From 5 to 1,050 to l;3i

” Now is tiie m and mares

Must be s takes hors

ml liorses nor .......... there.’.= b r


i OGDEN HI goback ' .

.. I

» Twin Fall3Ugb <>enb\

[ j B l I, C i ' Wc Are Ihc S(

C0LE8 n e n t OVERL


' We are’ espeaall Uke care of all justments on ali = = ’we want j

ELS t r y u s

B in L _ ___________________d of ------------------------------------------

r o y a l WOHKER IN • m u n i t i o n RA N Eg

-ll Iq.<ntlol



rn tor AtnorliMn women and (jlrla who Inlly. «n) now going to work In tho

I , . . B unU ion tftclotlos In tho \!a»ted Btates may know tha t tboir allied

' a rray Includoa royalty In lla ranlia.u l» U d y Moya MolUcendo Canijc.

" *'“> bell. doURhtor of tlio Marquis ot ' bo- SIIro, who lost her tiusband, Lieu-

tonfis\t A. W. Qcorfio Cauipbell li»- fo r 10H 'nn<l "inco hos Riven nil her

llinii and labor l n . i muultlou fac-

K ta . , ,ining --------------------------------------- ---------------cnr* Eilwnrd Coo^ior, wnnaRcr <if tho Twii been FflHn Milling & Kluvntor company

paid Tuesday tha t his comiiany hai one- putebnseij nVreaily this season botwoei

’ l»!> HS'aml 00.cnrlonils'of whcnt. The ap ntiro proximate totol purrhnso of wheat her ieing last year wna 830 carloods.

Individual flhlppen Few '

heat. Individual shipmenln by farmers o

O R Sl A R IN D M U Ito 10 years old, we ;300 pounds, IS to 16 he tim e to sell your es. Will take gray;

sound and in go rses to win the wa one too good for th( bring your very bej

HORSE ANDAt Farmers’ Corr

ills, Safurda)

P A 0B 7E B S B

18MC0.ISorvlcc Slallon for

8 ^ VELIE IAND AND OSCARSdally well prepared lo all repair work and ad- all makes of tars and

lit your business =

PHONE, 555

SPAIN SENDS ULTIMATUM^ . •Jnfonns QennKiy F nrtbsr flabmartoo n Sinkings' WIU ^ o l t in .Beinro

of Germaa Tonnage

•MADRID, A ugual)•21.-Tbo.. miaia- try o f tho Interior issued a statement to tlvo ncwspapoTs today aasouneisg th a t ^paln had aont a note to Oormasjr i i- clorlng if thoro aro any further sob*. marine alnkloga of Spanish vessols, Spoiri will temporarily replace them fro n Q enson tonnage interned ’ in

I Bjianiah horbiJrs.[ T hat such a noto had been sent was I repotted tovctal d a y a ' ago bu t tho { Spanish authorities denied it.


5d ______

P orts o f U nit to le a v e a t Ones for 'j^ Otaduj'SloTak F n& to t • ---------u- LONDON, August. 21.-A m crluui lo Red Cross un its ftTrlvoi a t Vladlvoitok •-■f from Tokio, bringing 70,000 ponnds of

hos|)ital supplies ond provisions, a dls- pntch fronv thn t elty roported today.

Ports of tho units will go to tbo T « iu <'»'i'hu’tiiovnk front immodlately.pany, ------------ — .. ............................... - '•

hnd grnlii lo the Chicago term inal ore not ween a# yet n largo factor in tbe roovBtncnt o' op-Iof this y e a r’s w heat erop In tbja coon- hero ty- I t is reported thnt two carloads

havo boen shipped from Cedar,/<ho spur Imilt lnst year In tho vicinity o f Bubl, nnd thn l another carload was shipped

rs of tbis week from Knull.


i E S

L E Sweighing from 6-hands tiijfh- ur little horses lys and roans.§;ood flesh. It ^ar. The best he boys “over test for them.

) MULE CO.rrah=

ly, Aug. 24

Page 4: lL L S D A I ILY lE W S

PA O B 'jrO I^

PoUlalied bjr Tb« Twia r«U i t f m Pi m s m 00^ m e , a t Twin

... ...........................• TtBM, I d i b

Aa lndep«Bd«ot a fta rsM i hw*p»I loQSd er«r7 txup t

SanOa^ .

a A. ^SBAD_______________ PoblUb. - • JOHN d HAEVBT______ Newi E&H

a ; H., a iu s :— ---------J ia a * «. Tel«pb0D« SJ ■ -~

T O D A Y ’S N E W S T O D A Y

8V S80B X ?n0H ZAT2S Mall ' OaiTlM .M _______ 08# y e a r -------------#8.1#5.50_______ 8 o o n th i ------------- »i.t

_______ 3 BO Bthi_________ ILII £ 0 ----------- 1 m ontli----------- t

AdvertliloK BatM apoo ippll;atlo

E oJe tftjlJ tM eeM iiliw W»tl«r Api a t d’# VaKottleii a^T irin 1^1

M iid i-aB iw tli«-A 'et'rt I f i rfh 8. 187

— ■

i______________ ------------------------ ----n r TO n o H T

Somewiert, travelling about tl fiounlry on itim lin lo n of cilocaOo

' • • , • • tliBrB-'U a lfllm , «ie titlo of whJcb • “ Fif to ^^gh t." ' It* eililbitlBn : nutborized and eniloraed by tbe Unite Blatm (1ov«roni<'nt aad its mission

. to trn rb proplo that a riean and hoa *tby body is (t wholoaone and a Cbrl tian thlnff. I t lm boon aboirn In Por land ABd a fon .n ieb ts a(p waa oxhil

• i tc d 'ln 'S a l t .U V c Olty.- Tho subjei . master deala w itt certain facta ot

features of llfo an(l lij-gieao. I ta ol jec t is to brinj^'ont Into tho oloor IIrI n f (lay a knowloflae of tbo. w e : o f tl body and a moro flrcurate.aitidonta.m inf: of tlie penalty for failure fo e; erelso this e a^ .

Thero la all too Kreat a tendeney t . ri'Koril as dligrareful, anil therefor

unmrntionabie, 'certain diseases whlc u ft rtsoU of an iRMfancfi ftmouotlfi nlinont to ' anperatition, have |^ B e frightful headway in Amcrifa durin. (be paat decade or two. Youag me: iioat’iato the world without tbe slight eat Irtca o f thfl anarea oad p ltf tlls o

■ life aa I t la, have fallen vlctlma 1>; hundreda and thoniandi. .The publi attltndo towarda Che entiro subjeet ba operated to eloio tbe paths of a returi

' t o normal b u l tb and tho hcrlditor^ .traM mlaBloa.of tbe dlaeaao. throuRl ;;oncral!onfl foIIpwiDff baa created < condition which Is horrible aad iadeei dlagraeoful.

I’oailbly the pabllo viewpoint bai been atreajftheneJ by tho fae t tha:

■ younf; men and women have beoi taught fo r years by well Inteiitioaci bu t ahortalghted teachers in ovory wall of life to be aahamed of tbeir bodies ThlB^may not have been tbo prlmarj purpose of_lhcJcf^!N5nji.J)j_LH, waa thi reault arrWed a t. Modeaty in apecel nnd action baa boen carried to 'a poial of extravagaQco which could have ii< other resu lt Every laatinct of natural

.oxpresalon faaa been curbed. Secrecy and mystery have beea fotlered and '^ff

. e w tag td . IgB w w te h u V w i ia»a« to ' take thO'place of nataral modesty, asd

A free, forceful and coafldeatlal exposl- tIoD of the ^ a t laaer facta of life fo r the benefit of the young maa or won* an entering open ll f e 'i ' esUte, la a l­most nnkfiows.

“ P it to n g h t ” would teach‘whole- •ale the thinga which should be .taugbt

• jndW dBaHy la tbe privacy . of ' the home, yet thia method copatltate* tbe only way. In the yeara to come I t b a y pot alway* be aeceuaiy-for the GoT; eram ent to step la to perforn for the

' people the thlag t whieh tbey ^ o n ld do fo r tiemaelvea, but years of fala# reasontag Ikave bronght aboot a coa* dillon which cannot be undone in • day.

There moat be more ligh t aad a Bet­ter uaderttasding of m aa’a life aod n a a 'a miadon os earth. A trac r ksowl* edgo of aes bygteoe and a perfect will- Ittgneu to, uodet proper eoadUbn*, im­p a rt th st knowledge to other*. Aad tbero aboald be oo such thing aa • diagraceful d lieue. Tho diigraceful fcaturo of tho curM of aoy JUease llei in the uawilllngneM of the people to draj; tho facta o t ita exiatenco and pro-

' p a g a tlo a io to tbs' Iight of day and ot- tenainate both cauie and ..effect nt one a n d 'tb e a'ame time. - • •

' TH^-pOTLOOK There ia no queition bntT^|ie^..^^j|

d o rif itf 'tie paat few weeks haa bad a ehoeribg ,e f f « t .ppoa buaineaa of all

. kiada in the larger noaey and iBdua-

' THE, TWIN H ils DAILV HEV tria l ceatorg of the Eaat. A -aim! effect haa resulted from tbe decrc

* P n ^ ef American abip slnkiags by aobnil&ea. In coBBection with Ibla last, '

, ligotea fo r Jnne were the lowest any month ninco la it Beptember, aim a' year ago, whilo fo r the quarter e Ing Juno no' tbey were tbo ligbt 'dinrc the third quarter of IDlfJ.

_____ Theso points help in tbo mattermalnUlalng the monOe of tho Natl

. T h e y teach ibo fact that tblogs i going easier in a wnr aonsc, ami moc

____ lieiag natutally scnaltlve,. q u lrk ly :

)lUber aponda.S a ito r ' Snys the Wells Fargo Nevada^ > kBiger tioaal Bank io its curre&t weekly

view of ^----- - T he^ ^fl^ ra l Oovemment Is* iakl

out of. the banks eaeb . month fn_____ 11,000,000,000 to •1,600,000,000 tbrou

the sale o f Trcasniy Certifiratea of ] jr t lw debtedncs*. Apporilonraeat of tht g -W receipte la baaed jougbly on an ^mou

|L 50 *1““ P®' moathly of ti .40 groaa ro;onrcea of each bank aad t n

ation. compaay untU 10,000,000,000 haa be------- provided. A «erla[^^ p a rt o f theaeApril luc i in being taken by the piibl

the advaatage of t rerilficatcs ea a glll-edge short tii investment. A <2,000,000.000 issue thoso aecurltiea, available for payi

— RovM B mtnl:.tai»-dao-tiext-3ijBei-w bo offered la ter on. Abont 1110,000,0

the of abort term railroad notes wjJl a itlon, ture during the n « t fivo inoaths. ch is tb e ' samo month* of laat year abo in In >{|3,000,0D0 of similar mnturitic* b: alted to be provided for. on I» Advice* from tho great wheat pi heal- ducing statea. x -* the tb!

!H)rla- largeat winter wheat crop nn reco Port- will be produced thi* year. A bump ixhlb; production of cora, Imrley, ricfc,-r ib je tt and aweflt potatoes i* oppnirentlj i

and aured. Ia addition 'large crops'o f I t oil- baeco, hay ,' whilo potatnea, oata ai ligh t cotton are-alao indl^jitoil.“ ‘The, whe f tbo erop 'ahows _a prol^i^ld gain, of 24i tn.nd- 000,000 Imahefr^o^'or la st yeat and 'tl s ox- eatiiHinoil-jieH* of all th(> rerrnl cro

. show the second largeat produelion i :y to roenrd. J f this i* «o, nnother twel' efore m onth* 'of unusual proaperity, for tl rhlch ogricultumi atates la aaanred. itlfiR ' " . 'ilnsd • P i mf f p l T OBUM iring (NOTE: The pm pw e of tbla depai

ment Is to render greater serTife ' i h t- « means’ i^ * dlacuaalon ond excfaango of Ideaa <

la ot mniters of general Interest. Tho aan I l>y rrqulremenla, however, will lie Inaiati ublic “P®" ‘bat govern the new* policy of tl

I,M P®P''r. The Importoncn of tlie siibjem atter mu»t be rommonaurato with tl length o f ' th e , eommunieatlon. wW(

itory muat bo of general Intereat nnd fn 9Bgh from peraonolltiea.) d a COUNTY DIV7BI0N ~deed Huhl, Augnst 17.

Kdilor Tho Newet faaa account of the "m aj

m eeting" to oppoao.county division, Ith a t ,„y pgpy pf JJip ^been of Interest.oaed I t warms tbe cocklea nf onr col iTiilk be.irls to know Ihnl Twin In nnxloi dies. lh * ' ' ‘Blg Brotl

e r ,” to 'V eep-na from ’plunging heai "Wy long in to 'd e b t nnd consequflnt ml

the nnd despair. D nt do /o il know, w eceh c an ’t help bn t wondcr'wKyf 'Why, ( lolal ^ohl always got more than wi

really coming to her. Wo nlwaya g(* moro than our aharo of road t a n ur»l before wo formed onr highway dli recy tric t. Wily, T tbink thal wo only ha 'f k r our farm aix-yoare before a alnglo cea

, waa spent within two rallea (of t i T hen.our banks always had more iba their aharo of the county.depoalta <Uie

K)»l- were not really entitled to anything fo r they got th a t for quite a wblli om- willing to d h

. ide up the eouoty offices. 8o maa' • ■ were elected from this end tb a t I t real

ly drained tho population^ There wer ole- well, we cannot remember how maBy

bu t thero .mnat have been icad i o , them. Then occaalonally we have hai

" .It leaat ose repreaenUtlvo io the leg ‘ B® IMature, mirely enough for our aoedi aay So a ll in all, we surely have ao eaan loTf fo'f-com plalB t''

'T hen tbe entea le 'cord la l.is ao mark ed th a t It- would be • shame to 'M vr ao d o te tie*. I t ta so apparent tHa'

ua* It ia e ren reflected In the ehn4r*t on* W hen the Bubl children attended elnl , , day, they bad a lovely time. Thej

ahould not have mioded tb s n e c n aa^ pligh ta ''they eacounlered. I t dida 'l m atter when they went to the theatn

w d aad found tba t eoatrary to tbo requeat wl- th a t ' tbey let tho vlaltora .have i t foi ,jlj. fo r tho firat show; there were a larg«

buBch of Tw ialtea there, who politely ,®' requesteJ t i e Buhl o u tfit to not alt

near them. Trivial tblngi tb a t don'l I • eountl

Wo aro rather aorry that our patriot'

' " ' ' "**—

t S H E E lBOO ClioiM Fnre Bred.Himpahire

I te re d ., For fall Infom atlon a a » -

. D . ' W . J Ia Boom 7 B

ill I Office Pbons 083

!»• I

, 1


ilm llarj n i ' “ " ' ' -“»,eu. Camming Tlrjbmar-

est ia Iw o R B lb n

r end- [ifgbtcst I - 3 / j M j ;

ter of S Jration. - rs are -

money s <11^1 IN a .ir «- . :

1 Na-

; ; t a utocHtheae " -?b —

1aount - Iif thetraa t — -------- - ■ —tjggn ism I* aauilcil. Ri> fa r we have' ku

aa la- '• C. A.-and Liberty luaoa, Bothet thi

tha t wo will c o n tinuo 'ttnd -that wh ‘be i , ,pont to obtain .llvialoa -will

time iftfinltcamnl. Wc have made some m ug of nur Indepdendent road <1

J trict, Indejiondent aehool diatrict a: m M tivltlea, are oven wn«

lug 'over our linen now, why *hoiildi 00,000 wc-manage a , now county, w ith a liti 1 ma- ruacJilng/ JVacllcaJIy a il the attic

]q aro aclf-aupportlng, nnd we probab . . wiil worry along in cheap quartora u

‘ til nrter the war.' '** I’erhnp* we had be tter work

change fhe cfinatlfufion. You see if ; pro- wn*n't for thnt, wo would n o t lie third pcralalcnf. But It provides tha t wh

•ecord ‘‘C’taln area hna so murh popnlntii nnd n certain amount nf w ealth, wl

Jmper ,i,py cn tltled-to a i.oparnte t, - ^ e gniiiintion. Fonlish Idea, ian’t if, b y^* ._ it don’t oven provide th a t the otb )f to- almll have anything to aay,.

, tbey hnvo enough w'enlth nnd popul ' “ tlon.* Then there ia -thnt other alat wheat thal,mnybo ought tOibn-.rJinnge 240,- I t nay* tliot all men ai;c’ born frco ai

d 'th e i-'iual and bavc rerta ln •inb'erent righl jjppg nmong lhcm life, liberty and, pur*ti -- of.Ji4lij>inMa. Tf wo seo happlncas'ai " libertv in n new county, wby cbci

wflvo , „ i T„ 'iin „ ,re wo are « mighty b r tbo nnd verj- nice county now, and Tw

nnturally shudders a t tbo proapoct i lin'rtjtcrntron lhat will remove tbn be port o f hor anatomy, bu t Its jua t 111

’ appendicitis. Tho wound will heal, at i f timo don 't euro the heartaehe at

■®, ** longing for a big county, why Tw ’* enn undoubtedly get back Into Caaal ' and bo bigger and ho tter than ever.

rc iId « u t,o f-T ^ f Falls .omo fpw wooks ago, ho 're^arko W ert •’"* ""'J ' b la m f tf yc

the division- _8lhas alway* hogged evorything, nnd a

free ^bero la abs<lutoly no unity of aplrit, they m a / t well let you go.”

oppoiod tho going of the chi ilren of Inrael. In tlmo tho plaguca-fe upon Ihem and they roponted. Rio fJrorge hntcd lo loao the American nnd it took A few tea pnrtlea to coi vince him of tho error of his wnya. A the raeelbg h u e , ft very prominei

'Old member of..tho N on-F ar |isnn 'leag i *lona ..y o u know I am n member c roth- the orgnniialion. I believe in it , ari

will .In nil I can for It. But if it ovf cornea to tho point tba t I muat give u

. wo (he icogue or founty divFaion, why r . of am going tn give wjvthe kngue.” Th

feeling llke-M to thla has b e c t f ^ t ^ l l J got growing. The aainino efforts o f aoni i«*o* wnuld-bo mouldera of public opinion, t

31a- try and moke the farmers believo tba had county division is an effort to divid

coat tiio league, wben couaty dlviaioo w« ®»- liottt four y e a n before the league » a i

w m ia helping the canae nlong. The sap tiiey ara tiea will be much loss painfnl |a g ) than Inter. Why not now while the go bile. i,ig ia good! And please, wbat ere d ir- you do don’t ever again spring thi “ ny threadbare gag (hat ''a : fe w lot owaer

in Btthl w ant i t .” You might u wel try w arlag tho bloody ahlrt a t th.

«ny, south. In fact, practically oU ihi > of speculatlrely held lota are owned li b*<l Twia Falls aad very fow are held b) lait Buhl people tha t a re.not occupied. B« '«3a. spcetfully, ' W. a H Y D Eaaie _ _


Zx HIS BRIDE AT EDENW t. --------- . . ^elnb Tbo marriage of Mias Sollita Pearl ■hey Morrill to Corporal Leroy Edward Day and of Twin Falla, will tako place thia of i a ' t teraooB « t tbe homo of the bride*» p a r a tre eats a t Edea, Idaho. Corporal Day, who Beat h u beea granted leave o f absoace no' fo r ti l tbe first of next year ob acconat of

irge injariea suitalnod in a training camp, tely h u been employed hero fo r aeveral

l i t w eeki M a machinist a t tho U ad Anto )o ’t compaay.

The young couplo will retu ra to Twin •jot- Falla to make thoir home bore,


re Brea,* both B«glit«red and TTn»{ls-

F E N K I N S7 Ba&gh Bldg.

BetideBce' Phooa 66S-J



Tifnc-Over There

w A urncfi KULTUR d U I C E p M r * ^ f l


; think 4* ’ "BU H L . whal •>'ill bo« ’'“C- F . Coleman aad aon Marion retou

ed laat wook from Santa Barbara, t It and ifornla, wbero thoy havo 'been vislil ?rBsh: Colemaa'a brotlwste, F.mm

midn t Coleman nad Ned Coleman. Tliey w. I little overland la tbe ir car and nnjnred a f f t o ,,l™ „n l Irip.obably jjobert Edgorkin, who haa tn lig lt irs ua- , | , j Willowdale achool fo r th j ]j

thrco years, retum cil, F riday ' ?rca. 0 rk lo gon, wbero he epont' liU vacation t e if i t yenr In the harvest f loM .' .Mr. Edg lie so ton will teach again this year a t t when Willuwdalo school,

ilntinn Tom Qinton, Bob flle'e, Dill CnrnI. why lus. Hob Crawl and Cloo Q intqn r »te o t' tored to Ilalley .on a camping tr ip j it, but one wook.

other Mri. H .' Harkelroad of- Twi'n Ft ■ay,, if vialted frienda in Bnbi laat weok. f lopuln. l l D former resident of Bahl. Sho li alafo- the la tte r.p n rt of tho weok for Tn

nngcd. Falla, where aho will meet hor dau| !o and tor, Olara Hargea, wbo Ja_Jiomo ou rigbta. vacation from the aursoa’ - traln i lurnilt school n t Denver,, Colorado. M iu E M"nriil gca graSuatcd from the Huhl hi cheek school two y e a n ngo.

iy big Mra. P . C. Meredith of Dea Molo Twin luwa, haa ben v ititing fo r tbo paat t

3ct of weeka with relatives'ithd- frien d i' 0 beat Buhl. Sho formeriy redded here. 6 It liko ~returncd~to her home la st Monday.II, and 0 . C. Anderaon is tho now manaj0 and a t the Idaho Power eonlpany since t Twin reaiganlloa of E , C . Ollphoot^

Jaaalo, Dr. nnd Mra. Freemanj who recent vor..., leaided la Bubl, but now llvjng. • T ^ Hbliie,' arrived in Bulil ifo n S iy for arkod, ahort visit with the ir aon G aylord.' If yon M. C. Oreer of Bnhl, tlio painter w

6ha recently left fo r Seattle to work la t iid'el- abipyarda, returned to Buhl'W edne abso- day on bualacas.. a / as Mra< A lbert Shoemaker of Tw

Falls, who underwent nn operatic ) chll- weeks ago for poritonltia, l i d '8-fell '"Ifj j j j j . Mrs. C. P . Harrison I* amoag tl leans QubI genernl hospital lb, week.

- Dr. J . M. Rogers and Rcv.,i£r. Crai1 4 ford motored to Box Canyon Suadt caimo ^iahlBg..„ p j M n . W. F . Proctor has been visitli ftt Ooodlng nad Halloy for ten day

'ove r rotumed 'Tb bor homo in Bu up Tucadaj.

,j,_ J I. C. Thompson nnd fnmily wero tl I gucati of Miss Bortha Noel Sunday i

her homo la Shoshom- Basin, a'om'o “ Camp Kea

(0 aoy, la vlaiting her sister, Mra. 0 . ] Van Ostrom. Sbo may remain hero i

ivido huabnad ia In tbe army.Mra. Oeo. McClellan aad children ai

.f... vislling with frioad i and relatives i Ooodlng this woek.

E. H. Oliphant has accepted n pot g „ tlon aa bookkeeper fo r' the Bohl Eli

company., t i , j F . M. Kellogg le ft Saturday for Twi

rao n *■* ****„ „ on budam

J I AT TO T H O IE L fl'- i

MondijfP E B B IN E -T . W n o lm ei,,..8 a l

- Lake; Aan Oeenty, U lllan Qeentyj Bai ley; L. B Arnold, .S a lt'-K k o ; ,W."J

I c n B a o t e e , ^ IVaacfaeo; G /r£ . T rere^ S ^ t Ii^ |» :''«^ i[U /re4-Johanien , Sa]

>e„l Lake; A. T. LePraace,“S alt Lake; I D tf B. Eow elli a n j family, O akley; W . L I a f. Dann, Oakley; Jam es T . WoQcer; Jaj p a ^ n . Hally, Bo,lae; 'J . W. D o u e , Sai irho Franclaco; J . J . Boculer, Ogdon; C. A , nn. Terbnne, Barley.,t of BOOERSON—EIsIb B arre tt, Wen unp, E. Leea, Poentello; 0 . L . Olagetl rerai Burley; 6 . 0 . Bixler, Heybnra'; Harr^ \o to Jew ett, Tbreo Creek

‘.■‘ t t i a a d V > 1 b ROQERSON—B. p . Higgins, Bo

pert; Knod Serenien, PoeatoUo; 0 . J ^ Bueker, Salt L a k e ;- 'I . B. Blee, Sal: = n U k o ; P. Eoonc, PorUaad; B . T. 'Wood

flan FranelK o; E . H . Stea ton , P o t t tello; Loo. H. M artla, Boise; W lllls H Taplia, Boise; John Fliaaery, Port

Perrloe—llariey J . Hooker, Boiae; 0 J . Kelly and wife, Eden; H. E . Uoro' houao, nolllater; M yrtle Stew art, Woi' Mt} Q. a Mathews and w ife, FUet; H . E Vogel, Poeatello; B. W . Bomea and wife, B atte ; lone Calloway, Dea- T ir, Colo.; M. N . LIbos, Canon City, Colo.; W. S . Casey and w ife, D enrer.

T hrira by th rift—boy W. a a

' ■ I

T ' u ■ :


1 ■ ■ , G R ]

i l W B E R E Y O U O B I V

. ^ P O L I T I C A L 4

I * I 'A I N iN O lJ r ig P E N T !

......'IW d 'A d rM tia iB g )

FOB o b u O T T OOMHIBarONBI , TO 1115 PEO PLB 0 ? TW IN ?A3 a OOUNW :

I ^ d e d n to asaooDci a y easdld for eounty eOBmia*lon«.frtiff'lbo tl

ir :— dUtrict; n b J « t 'M ;.tt»..Vlil..oftk#, , , CIS j n the ' Democrftle primaries, 8

“ * * ^ X 8 H- J**- I ---------— B « k OTMk, I i

H - H * J WISH TO ANNCONCE MY 0 , didacy'for, .rfrfllectloB for. Connty

_ perinl'enaoat o f I^b lio Tnstractioa, i ject to: tho RepubllcaB_PHmarlas,,J

Fmm,K S«P»- 3rW 18.5V w eat BRITTOMART WOLTl[ored a ------------

To the V oten of Twin Falls Coantj >'glt a t I horeby announce myaelf os a eai J T.a,t date fo r tho S ta te Lo^alature, snb. .Q Orf. to tbe Repoblicaa primaries, S ^ tem on thU 3. lOlB. - .Edaer- faithfully ,a t tho CABBIE HARPEB W HI


rip for P " ^ ^as yonr assessor, -doriag which tlm

Falla fulfill tbe dutiea o r5k. SheIhfl le ft i a te w t h u 'b e e a directed sol f io the a f fa ln of the offlee aad I b daugh- times to b u e my

0 cu a equitably onraining property,u Hnr- Annonnce myself a eandidale

h!<rh r*-«leetioo'to 'tho offleo of-Coonly^ sessor, subjeet to tbe will of the

1/ . . - - . publican r o te n a t Ibe primaries £

u t few


ay. ___ _lanager W THB V OTBBS OP TW D f PA I ICO the OOUNTT:

For the past te n s I 'bare aerred T< seently Falls eounty u eonnty eommiulo ng. in from tbe third .district. I have ends

fo r a ored a t all tim es to tko best o t a y al >rd.' ' i t£ to look a fte r the interesH i er who weltare of . the eoonty^ la 'tbo I hereby, aonoance myself t s a e.

Redact- dldate fo r the odmiaatlon for're-«l tloa to the offlee o f eoonty comc

Twia *ioner third distric t, in b J« 1 " to ‘ t iratloa Democratle primaries September l l do- 1018. Y oun respoetfu lly .,


I hereby aanouaco my candidacy j Crnw- the .Bomlnatioa to saeeeed mysolf

luadny Probato Judgo o( Twia Falla coonaubjcct .to Republican primariea Sept.

laiting ' O.-^.-DUVALLdnyi- ' ________

I ANKOUNCB M YSELF A S,A CA ro the • County Troi

lay nt . ■ - . . '

f : : ^ a n ' n e d G o (

2 A t Low1 11^ I H i

w - f I J ■ i s ® l i S■ I '

- . 3 ' - ■ ' S vV ^

• i BestFIavoSan N e v e r S p o i l a n c

a A. a d d i n g ;o n t a f c r i o r

Wco. B u y i n g p o o r 'g nige tt, - b e i n g e c o n o m ic a l .

I I i n o r d e r t o g e l t h e

l l I f y o u w a n t a n

Bo- II f l a v o r s — a n exi 0 . J , I a n d s a f e , t h e n le t

Balt i j l A l l f l a v o r s a t rea s<7ood, W^ 0 ^ i 5 M » m n i M T n i i i " i iIs n . \ j | | | M | l i u j J IPort-

0. |™IIUilU.|| | ,u™: I We Help You Low

= I A M E . R I b A ^CItJ, ■ S T A P L E A N D F /av«t. ■ B . T . L E W ia . IV > p r.


SERVICE STATIONi.S, OILS— A N D - ^ - --------


] orer, subject to the Demoeratie Pi mary. i , ^

^ P . H . OBOW.

IT S : ■iVPOUNIX.APniTOB---------- ' I , iu a in s ta ‘^ ; s a n 'd i a i ^

flee if 'O rtfk ‘'o f ’t£ ^ C o o rt tn d ex-ofl___d o Becorder and- Andltor. D e n o e n t

. primaries September 8. y S a a J- “ • “ ABKEL. K k r , Id iho .

Bdldaey . I HEBBBY ANNOUNOB MYBEL ho tU rd & eandidate for_ S ta ts Banattir ' fro thti ro t- Twin Pails cponty inb ject to the will i «, S e p t (be Bepublieao Primaries. tSEN, JOSEPH H. SEAVEB., Idaio ; ------------

To the People of T v la Palla Ooonty:{ CAN- ^ MBounce my candldaey f J r tl m tr So- to aoeeeed m yie lf u Proeioa: lob- “ *‘“8 Attorney.of-Twilj P U li Connt,

primaria»'S#plombe>''8;'.' ")LFE. • r g ^ N K Ix- gTBPHAN.

I b e n b y annoimce n ^ 'n u d i i a ^ t unty: y u gf O onn^ OomaiaaloBei

'1 0 <snbject th j BepabUtaj, p rio a ile t.

W. W . PA B I0H .

ffHITE. S. McOBAW FOB BHBBIFI boreby annoonee a y eaniidoey tt

PATTJi o f-T w in P a lrA iiK u (Jounty subject to tbo will of the Ben , ocratlc ro te n a t the Prim ary to I ' “ 7 5 belli oa S e p t. '3, 1018.

o r ih o I ple^j" my beat efforta fo r an economical u

1 niinlatrntlon' and the im partial and rll V f . « i'l o»^orcomeat of the law.


®“ I WISH TO a n n o t o c b -m y s b l :ale for “* caadjdjilfl fo r the 'nom laatlon o n l r ^ s * ' Cfl“ “e t '« ^ ’r w la - i’*IIs“ Coftaty,^Idai( Ihe Be- to tbo action of the Bepobl:es Seiv I’fl'noflea, Sept. 8.

. P. B. D BA SE, M e r , Id i:

COX. PH H itrppI horeby aaaonnee m yielf a 'ea n d l

f A U S the nomination of Shsriff oTwin Falls couaty, anbject to tho wll

Jl 'TwJd Hepnhlleaa primariea.

syabU- . SH E B IP rM and I hereby announce myaelf a candl .. . , date for ^ e nomination of Sheriff o a eaa ' J"*!** aubjoct ,t« the wil

re-«]K. of tho Demoeralle primaries, ommls- J . B. FTTZSIMMONB.to tl* • " - --------------- '^ 8, I horeby announee m yielf a eandl

date for lU to reproientatire, subjee TEB. to tb ; Ropubllcan priipaties.


, I HEREBY ANNOtlNOB my candiroU as ^“*7 the .non inatioa fo r Coroaeiiounty, Bop»l>Ue4n ticket, anbioot t<Jen t 8 primary election o f Bepl«abflr 8UUL ’ P . J . OBOS8UAN.

POB B X C H A N O ^ o b printing fw

oodsOfAIIKinds^^ west Pnces~^M (S I Q I 2 I M

wingExtiacte,in o t h e r w i s e g o o d c a k e b y j o r q u a l I t y . .o f . f l a v o r in g . ■

g r a d e e x t r a c t s i s f a r f r o m • i l . Y o u h a v e t o j u s e m o r e | | | t h e d e s i r e d r e s u l k . ; H | |

a n o c t r a c t t h a t g i v e s t h e Hij e x t r a c t t h a t i s p u r e , s t r o a g . . y | [

l e t u s s u p p l y y o u r n e e d s . - . . | | l | » s o n a b l e 'p r i c ^ . . ■' Q | | |

I I I M l II I I I I I

ywer the Cost of. Living |

lN g r o c e r y Ii F A N C Y G R 0 C B R I £ 8 I

P H O N B 3 3 0 ■

Page 5: lL L S D A I ILY lE W S



Freight Receipts Increase with Smaller Business While Pas-

. senger Business Ocofas ’

Although tbo total a o n b er of earj o f fre igh t h u d le d tbroogb tho Orogon Short LIao freight dopct At Twin Falls

. were 877 u d agaiast 0{I8 dnriag tho correspoadlag a io n th J u t ju i r , .U xf.t^ ta l_reeelpts for .frclght b tu b c u dor* in g Jo ly this year ahow aa inereaao of »11,W0 over tho roceipU of Jo ly , 1017.

Paasengor offiee reeeipts dnriag tbe ■ n o a ti) , of jo ly this year ahow ft 'de<

ereaso of 11,408^6 from the paasonger . ■ . . receipta of .tim.co.{TC8pondiss ;nonth

. Jast yeai^• T hfl.total reeelpta from b o th .f jr ig h t

and paasengor o(flce_ at' Twin tor tbo ' nont}i''o 'f 'Jbly aggregate

BIO 6 0 ^ 8 1 ^ 2 1 ! ' " ■8PE0TA0LB OBBAT

■—‘ ‘ro ily of tl)0 CiicuK," aV ihe O rpht iim today, atarrlnjf Jlfno jA ni^-.{ li'o /a- mous lit tle hcfbine of "T h e I lir th ’of n S a tioD " and "In telc rancc i” with which tho Goldwya Pieturc* Corpora­tion inakcs Its fonnal.bofr to tho publif. sr ts a aow hich water mark for clab- nrato aad spcctoenlar prodortlnn. I t in tbe blcficit drama of itH hin<l.that hoa ever been attcmplciV in motion picturf*. __

The pi/lu riiatien of Margnrol lfa-_ yo ’a famom play, wblfh-wa» such a big Htago nueePKH in both Atncriea nnd E ur­ope, and whifh l i bcinif abown todny a t tlio Orphoum Thfafre, in t!io flnnl ae-. I'ompliiihmont.of a otupcnrjouB under' taking which requiroit not only n a taff (if spccialiiti and artistn, hut nlfo tho population of nn nvcragc Americnn town and ibo erjuipnixiit (if a curnplntv

— - rlrcua to produi^,All t b l ^ l i ll'\ru ii« 111? rfflnnntie

sto ry -o f tho iittfiVoriihan circus b‘ '- I t in full of Ki'cffoeular ifcaturc!i, the

• • rocc track, wilb Polly riding the .w in ­ner; tho cirru i pnmdc, with Its band), woffdna, hor»o« onil aniinalH, tlic a rriv ­al nnd tearlti|> down of the obuw, tbo

‘ |iorformnnce umlcr Ibo bif; top; tho_____ nllie, eboiv; thu vU1b(J('. built I'speclally

V ’ for tbo picturc; Ihn bl^ climax, wilh r ' the cscapc of the wild animals ami Its

pnnic ulrlckcn »portatoni.’ ------



' Tho OUulc of the Big Top* a n d 'u a b o a b b :

“Polly of tlIs ono et the Scrooa'i Uo:

An 8 -P m ProdticUon w ith 1

- ^ OoialOK T httndi^. BESSIE BABBISOAl y ' FOLDED, ” and 2 Bl

;i, 1916. . ________ . '

BTKO-d A B K 7 M A S M

(Coatiaued'from page ono)

’ cavalry and in faa l/y pushed their waj ' P over aad around ths treaches and new W wire entaaglementa. i J Tho BrllUh bad mado good progres:

■ before the sun anddenly broke throogl tbe mist o t 0 o'elock, revealing the

I th Boehes had b(^ea eleared oot of motl points on this aide of tho blgb em-

k ' banknent o f tbo Arroa-Albert r a i l n y » A Bingle crash, of artillery prec'eded

the 'advaace.

^ Gen. Byng in Charge of British Advance


.» • - n i s 7 i 0 N r i i g t i r a i . - T k « n tU M1“ ’* advance north of Anero thi#'morning ' ®‘ waa made by tho third anny ondei “ '• Qenoral Byng, accordiag to dlspatchei » /“ rccehred.here.“ ®‘ Oeaeral Byng.'s third nrmy held the

lino botwcen Arras and a point near St., Qucatia the opedng of tbe Q«t* ;majL;oIfaBiiTpLWwel>.-SlA'..rHe-.wlth-

§?* fltood; tbe enemy ‘uiiaulS 'iiBbeeiifolly uotll .Qaugb’a fif th arm y on tho right suddenly gave' wny, when be was com-

. pclled to retire In 'o rd e r ito 'm a ln ta ln ^ tbe alignment.$ Byng, In liU a ttack a t C aab ta i last

year, was ths first general ever to om- j p b y tanks ttieeeasfully. He is recog-

nlted as one of tbe greatest field eom- m a ^ r s developed in th o war.

Activity Reported 'tl on Several Frontst n - .....■Itii ... TENDON, August- 2 1 .-T lie ' BrlUsh ira- atJaeVed on a wide fron t north .of tfco Ilf, Anero this momlng, Field K arabal S a lg ab- reported today. Batlsfaetory pro^fress 3t ia belnj; made.

hat The atlock wos made a t 4:45 o'clock ion thia morning. Further progreu ' was

made last night and this momlng, on Ta-_ widely separated sectors o f th o Flan-1)1r Tier's f ro n t . ......... - — --ur- . "W o attacked a t 4:4S this momiag a t on A irtde 'froa t nortb of tho Anere,”

nc; tbo statcm cnt-«id. -M Satisfactory pro- e r greM w as'nttde.i f f V T j^ c d a y aftemoqn strorig'bost^ile Iho nttncka~ doeom paaled 'bf heavy-bom i :nn bardmcnts w er; made ngoinet our now ™ti‘ posltloM souih—nnd n6 rth . of tho

Sc«rpB,'-.^_ey 'wore- complelely r t; tic pnlacdriri. “ Wu Improved'our poaltlous sllghliy :be ia tbo neighborhood of Fnmpoux, tak- lu- Jng a few prlsonera. d l, ” We advnnccd our line laet night iv- botween Festubert and tbe Lawo river ;bo nnd nre in posiession of Lo Tourc't.;ho " t i i r ly thia momlng tho English Ily carried out a suecosaful local o(H>ration lib in tho Loero sector on a fron t of over its n mile: Ail objcetlves wore taken and

& number of prisoners captured."

iJ M M R Eiy H > N B DA y DMLT ■ . ■ ‘ '

l « W ^ l l | V 0 L L V Q p . S K j j g a O l TH E C IR C U 6*A % v

<<OLDWYN^ ^ S ^ j ^ P I C T U R E S •

md Oircns Life from (he Book by RBTMAYO

the Circus”Most. ExeeUent Foto FUjni

h U AE U A BSn a t her Best

3A1B. in the B-Part Feature, ■■BLIND- B lf Vaoderllje AiA*

I .T W IN g A IJ.S .


(Continued from . Page One) •

way they intended” wipinR oul tbo fiahlnj new fleet along tho coast.

Relief iShip Sunk and Crew Murdered

aost • ' , - • em- OHBIflTIAlrtA, A ngurt 2 1 .^ u y . Tbo plainly mazksd BelgliA relief ided- ' staamahip Qascoljier o f D utch reg-

IfltiTi waa . f i ^ by a anbmarino yes­terday o ff Haugesnnd. Tbo ihlp v u bonnd from Brooklyn w ith a

. cargo of grain. ’ ce A fU r forcing the c m r Into tho

boats th e n bm arino 'a gnns wora ta m ed o a these llt t la ’ c r a f f a n d -

ijog -^ooe boat v a s dettroyad, alx of Ita- •'occopanta perishing In th# water.

;hei T w ea^-on# aorrlTOta h a re b « n landed, se rsra l of them vounded.

tho They declared tho snbmarlBe <U*- lear >PP«u«d a fte r Its ahota without ]e;. m aking any atU m pt a t a rw css.llh- • ' ■■ ------------ ■““ y Heavy Cannonading' om. . Reported OftCoasi;aln ------------

AN ATIiANTIC PORT, Aoguat Sl. last --R eporla of heavy firing 85 miles of< om- the A tlantic ronat wbleh may Indicate ;og. a batllo between a steam er and a rub om- marino wero brought here by captain:

of several flahinK vcsaeli. . J " wCoptaln OcprKi' F .'. rWfy* of tK

ncbooncr Ooodspeed, reported seeing n larcc ateoiaer firing a t an objcct In fbe •r.'jtcr cariy yctterJay morcJn^. The steamer wa* ruonlnfj a t good speed aud tho flash of bcr guna was plainly

thn Cnptaln Perry. ..? O ther’captain" nlro reported tbo fir-

■esa Captain Pcrrj- dcflftt(jd ho heard one nhol whleb wnn followetl a few seconds Inter by four more shot*. Lntcr a na- vnl vessel wns seen making full steam In the direcliaii from wbleh the firing

Iji The captnin of tho aehooner Hortcnso J , , .repotted 0. B«»pwloH» tram p steamer, ' which nfi|iarciilly enrried no flags,

cruising nbout the locality where other ^ captains reported tb fy heard tb ii 'f lr -

imr ■^ '‘-'Tlmt tho firio(j'w aa naval gun prac- ,, (ico wns not considered llkelv by the

fWiiuH’cnptwUiu'- . .

.B E V iV E i APPEAL ' ' ’Uy ------------ak- .. (Continued fnini pngo one) '

log In January, 1016. The amendments i-or provide for rcduotioD in tb# number

of dhectora from five to tbrooj dlvla- jgl, Ion of tho territo ry 'tm dor tbe eanal [on syslcm’ Into threo d istricts, each to bo .gf represented .by . a member c f tbo board

,g j o f directors,' oao' d lrector to be elected annnnlly. ' .

Tho Canal eompany directors a t the present timo nre proceeding under tho provlslona of tbo prior statutes. .

E m iM Y POUBfl m F B E S n TBOOPS

(Continued from jmge one)

youlbs'of 1ft ui«M Iw flttlsbed in tea^ 'r twelve weeks. Siirli an or(ler meaiiB

, one of two things: Kither Iho flerrann^r 5 hr« slill piminln'g for n (remendoiis,• denpernte drive, (his nulnmn, nr the man pniver rrisiii in even more lierintiii

I tlmu n]>|H'nrnnee.i indicate.; ■ ■ OffeuilT# or OoUapso ';• Military writera nro inclined toword5 the fornu-r belief. Thoy e ipeet thei (lormniiK to ndem pt a big drive tbis fall unlcKs Foeii meanwhile keeps them

3 tiiii busy. The netion of tbe.Oorman^5 in the Inat few weeks sihf'c the fnilure> of-tjie Mnrno operation show* they de-* siro t(i iheir muii puwer even qt ; the expense of losing ferrltory. Also ‘ they nre pulling up a s ti ff figh t at ! vital points, bu t ou tho whnlo Ibey are I surrendering territory moro freely tban : hnroiofore. Likewise they are rodue- I Ing nallcnts and shortening thoir froats I wbouuver it i i -possible.- Thore aro 1 othor indlealiuuN th a t 't h e enemy, in- \ tends to nurse along ns many of tboir | . reserves an possible and theh will barl ! In every ounco of hi« powor In a gl- j gnntic gamble.


I Ll*t«d as Non-B«5«ntlil Except W hsre Intended for W ar Fniposes

' . W ASUINaTON, Angust 2 0 .- 8 a a i . aud gravel today were placed^ oa tbo

railroads lis t as non'csscntials exeept where improvements wero for w ar In­dustries purposes. T he'ears will not be available fo r tho transporlatlon of encb commodities, I t waa learned .

Coal requirements of war lodostrles, army, navy and merchant marine are such as to forestall tho uso of tho open cars fo r other than commereial traffic.

! By employing coal cars to tho max- ' iiiium n t tbls tim e, tbe fu llest ptodtie- ! lion of tbo mines can be handled sue*

cessfully during iho wlnler, It was e*. ■ plained. i

\S’bile tbere Is uo evldenco of a eoal : ear idiortnge, now, tho opea car cnr- ' tnilment orders will remove It 'farther into the future, officials said, '


LONDON, - August 31.—OeJiefal i O laal, cotmaaadet o f tho allied forcea ' In Siberia, arrived a t Vladivostok Pua- ' day, according to a dispatch rocoivod i from th a t c ity today. British artillery

. i r reported to have been ftctlvo In that J, reglua fe r aeveral days, reducing tho

suiiertutitv of the enem y's artllleiy .

[■S. P A l t Y N E W a - .

® fT '

■ed '

' " I

J*- ^lUt I 1

' ' tst

> off C ------- ^leatefob- ^

talas I

iJn^. y m jl I



i n E B A V E a f i nring priced for go

want you to convii »«t, here for the childr

requirements.th e following <

interested in;the . • •

' . . ' J

S erg e P la id s— - N'liveUv niTge ]ilnid", suitable

..-liuol nr general wear. These p , , r('iiri'’‘i'nl sperjal purehnses ’ nndsaai 'herefore nn cxreptlnnnl vnlue for j

t vOranite ClothA fine ivcnrln;; m atorial in

th# Ufiiwii, green,'lilnek nnd bluo with the white stripe clfecta. k spiea-

...:....... $1.25>PS

French S e r g e ^__All wool Frencb Serges ofI «r '•»iilomUd. fiunllly and finish, a t—

5 $1.45 $2.2S $£50"the

TheO reater"Idahc

thebiscm . ' ■ms U 'lire ---■ ...............................

Iso 'I ' ^n i + T O D A Y ’S M A E K E T S ^

t i - I - I I I 1 11 1 I I 1 1 M I i T“f- . ' OHIOAQO L I7B ST 00K

OniCAGO, Augu.l 20,—no g # -R e - i:eipt^,*i.'),000. M arket stcndy to atrong.

' f . CatUo-Reeelpls, 12,000. ' Sbeop—Ro. celpts, 15,000.

POBTLAKD LIVESTOOK•POBTLAND, August 2 0 .- C a t t le -

Rocelpts,' RS7; tone of m arket, S5 cenls up; prime steers, $12.!iO to 13.50; good

[R to ebolco steers, $11.00 t o ' 12.00; me­dium to good stoors, 10.72 to 11.00; fa ir

^ to medium sleers, $8.75 to 0.79; com­mon to fair steers, *5.76, to 8,76; ebolco cows and heifers, |fi.E5 to S.75; me(ii-

, um to good cows and be lfon , 10-25 to $7.7S; fa ir to medium cows aad belfers, <5.25 to 6.25;- caoaers, $3.25 to 6.25; bulls, »5.£5 lo 7.75; calves,_»8.75 to,

, 11.75; stockors aad feeder#,"iQ.M to

iJb ®-“ -Hoga—Becelpts, 4 7 0 ;' tono of mar-

ket, ateady, nnchaaged.' Bheep—Becelpts, 213; tone of market,

steady, unchanged.

'ie. . --------- ■■ ■ •NEW YOEK BTOOKfl

ae- NEW YOBK, Aogttrt 2 b -P fU o s ae* were fractionally higher wben tbe ex. stock market opened to d a y .' TI. a

SUel waa up M a t 111 8-4. U arlae 3al preferred waa np 7-S a t 103 1-2 and nr- Canadian Pacific opened a t J2L ler Buying started ir ith a n tb ,^ Steel

dropping 11 -2 in tbo f irs t ton n^nntot of trading. Equipments, Steels aad Shlpplag shares were most In demand. Liberty 3 l-2s opened a t 1011-8, up .00,

IK <U)d a aow high record.Shipping slocka lost gronnd about

rai noon, Marino stocks gowlag lower, Gea- lea cm l Uotora sold up 2 8-8 to IQ2 7-6, la- while Hide aad Leather preferred I cd gained 5-8’to 58 1-2. .\iy ■ ■, t t . P0B1I.A N D LIVBSTOOK ho Portland, A ngust'2],

CATTLi>-Reeelpls, 224; tone of

Autumn and II in fall Dre:

Air the’new up-to-tl ings are "repres'ented distinctive and novell showing in our llpe ol

^ W hether you vsuit, coat or

fine new assortment of I gour exceptional advanta wince yourself what sple Idren’s school dresses^as v

g are just d few of- the m

Js .1 9 Stoirmnblo for l - v ' X')l wool slorniso plaids ■ ~ n ' ’cry scrvleenblnnd are - J L nil tbe usunl po;for « l.in . . ynr.l, J1.25. .

I r 4 . - ' IC o a tin g slOa-^ N o v e l ty a n d p l a i n CJeat-

inj.'K in a Inrni* v j i r i e ty o f p u tte rn H ," E .v c e l lp n t ( iim l-

S i t i o s f o r (Ik '.so j i b u o r m a l * 3 ? " “ ' t i i iu 's . 54-’ ip o Iie« ~ w id e ,

10 D e p a rtm e n tT w in F a lls , Id ah o

market ateady, unchanged.4* n 0 0 9 —Becelpts, 231;-tone of mar

kot stro4r, u a eban^d .•J* SHEEP—Becelpts, 1,145; tono ol

^ 4* market strong, unehanged.


M anufactunrs Would A dopt "Liber, ty ” Shoe—Propoaa Stamping

PriM on ,E ach P a ir

rood "■'A8IIINOTON, August 20.-^hoc manufacturers meeting today with the

fa ir Industries board, diseusscd th< practicability of pstnbllsbing “ ilber

olco he tnade la newslandard style#. Oae plan onder con

J ^ siderntlon rails fo r stamping tbe prlei of tbo shoo fixed by tbe shoe indo*

; 2Q.' tries board on eseb pair.[■ jg Hides and solo leather are now sole I ot fixed prices.' Tbls, i t is pointed out

will enable a fa ir prleo fo r shoes tc ba determined along a m arsin fo r man ufacture and salo and a t tbo same time prevent profiteering.


Uos —---------tbe ROUE, Augnst 21,—Tbe Amerlean

. a congressional n a v a l. missioa loft last rine night for tho froat. They woro g u ^ j and of tbo king before leaving. Cusgrost-

man Padgett expressed t h e commls- tool aloa'a appreelatioa of I ta ly 's wnr ef- at'os fnrts before departing, nad ........ - -

.CO, '1

2 6 1 - 2 A c r e s T w olea- All deep rich sell, f m frcm rock 7-8, I vegeUblo cellar, ou tb n ll^n g t, etc.

I’ltlC E *225.e

IR R IG A T E D L /J. F lrr t N atl. Bank Bid*,

of I L —

P A o a jm m

Military Hues ess Goods- t h e - m i n u t e f a l l c o l o r :

d i n t h e w e a l t h o f

e l t y e f f e c t s w e a r e

o f

t o D r e s s G o o d s

w ant fabrics for a new Dr stylish dress, you will aterials you w ant in such

popular s h a d e s as I — -iAaki, olive d rab , ma-

H rine blue, navy blue S .and golden browns! -

g Begin early to make ^ your fall garm ents.

..* v

' Wool Dress Goods, itage right'now . We ilendid materials are - twell^as for yout-own^

many items gou’ll be

■ _____________ - J .

in S e rg e $ - j.2 Sorni strgo of g o ^ q u a ll ty , I enblo eloth thn t'rom ej In ■

popular eolors. I’rle« n

S t o r m S e r g eAll wool storm serge of good

weSgbl nnd qnnHty, Vory pop'a- t - Inr for fall skirta and tf 4 r Ao f ■ (Uc'Hcs. A. vard .....


c. S t o r m i S e r g e I

O Kxtra (lunlity nil wool atorm M-rge. Umisually good f f ' j 'J i»

- J - Vnlue a t ........................

t S tore


of ____MU* E«t» Uooro and Mlsa LueUa

ome s t u t W ork a t MtniitftVt Pcfwerhonso

IES -----(Special to Th# Nows)

Iber- BUBLBY,—A n InaoTatlon has been, latrodnced by th # reelaau tlon #erHee, wU«h is BOW nting g lila fo r operaton ' a t tho power-honse a t the

th lU ln Loella Wlxom, s ta rted work u

Iber- oiler# ia tbe power house on Aufust new 12, aad from all reports are making

good In the ir new work. Th# aerTieo pneo is « ]h planning,to t ry » pa rty o f ^ 1 *

oa surrey work on the North -Side ‘ , , pn»ping nnit. I f these plans go

throngh U opeas a biff opportunity to grlla to do aetivo w ar worl^ i^lierlng

* men for aU ltary #erriee. D onbtlea anothter year there will be e ren mere openings for women th a a thar* are tbla e ^ n . A t the p reaeat time the civil eerric# board of th e reelamation eerriee' a t Burloy is recoiying appUea*

IN T ^ considerable nnmbera. The girls who are fortnaat# onongh to £«l

. into thia w ork early wiU b« In line for rapid advancement as th e men of the

, eommualty-eontinne to be drafU d lato

r S > ° ^ ^ • ................

FOB BXCDANOB-^Iob printing for ' Boaey. Oor work Is like your moaey— ih a b e e t Twin P a lls News.

VO M iles F r o m H a n s e nroek and easily irrigated. 4-room home, etc., a ll fenced anil in enlU'TaUon. ' jj

325.00 PER AOBE . I


Page 6: lL L S D A I ILY lE W S

p A d B s n c '

i i i i i i ' ' F R I M

Work or Figtif Clause in K . ' ' Powpr Bill Draws Do'

Wratti of Federation's Si



No Objection to Mon Going ic Arm7 Tightr But No 0 casion to Oivo Say-So Their Bosaes

, WASJlINfJTOX, ■ Aiigiidt 21.—1 nr figUl amcadm?iil

tlm man power bill' is ni'i Im ult to iVnnk Morrinon, BecrrUr/ o f I

Ampri(!an Frdorittion of L tbor ebari; hctara fftn hoii!H) mJWjiifT nffiiJr* co mitlcp.

“ Vi'o iW nnl ncnlrs l mon jlag loto tho arm)” to fjRht, liot w»

' iirotciit af'aJnxt putting tliif wt'npon (Iio hnmls of iiRfnlr oiriployon to bra thft workers nn nlflckcrs,” Morris >aiil. *

__ Morrison licrlnrcs ttip ampmlmrnt anotliirifj less Ihnn Inlior roiisprlptl nntl thnt It woiiM i)c mniiilator}' on t Tlip prcsiilpnt'to onforri' i t to pfcve

— "frikps, citing tho opinion of »pvointlornpy* who illffcrorJ wilh Scrrctn .if Wnr lliikcr on this scorn.'• "SpiiBlor Thotniw. tho imthor of tl iitiipndinont, admits il is aimed Blrikors,” Morri»on leiid. “ Tlie r( I'rnment Is not exorclscd over tbo :

■"lu«trlal Ritufttlotv bu t iinmo nns ll & lift is bidden in fho ik rk ,” Morris

, Tonlinunil.' Wlii)'.I« c f I t? ,

■ the Colorndo riio l comp.m)-#"tcel IruJt-lobind thls-lefpulntib

The mon who urge this nmendme: urcn it br n pimlihmeot, liut Iho m

■knorr thoy wotilil 1>8 bolter off In t troiifhe* than if thoy are over work nud under psid in n steel m ill

"O reaRlw d labor hfti kept f ilth a ' lines not w ant tlio, odium of slackefii

.■nut upon i t Drafj out Iho influeni behind tnbnr eonneription and you find tho most prolifin p rod tcen in t nntlon.”

Motrl»on »knied SoiialoT Tliomi fharf^o tha t wnr work bad been h( u|i by ntrikVs nod thn stnlowc'nt tb m iiem wore JU.Vlng' o ff two and thr daya n week, Introdueinf'. nlatemeii from iho fuel mlminlstration shorrli Ihni fewer miners had prodiieed mo .■nnl this year lhan last.

......... . Enployors A cm edMorrison cmpbanizoJ throuRlinul I

stnlenont tbn eliargo tha t employe Und ft*kcd d c term l tlMsWiefttion t I'lnployoy nnd were now tryinff to ho military sorvii-o over thorn to prove .njlltation for belter wbrcs,

Dr. C. R. Mnnn, chairman of t educational mlvliory board of tho w >\epnrtmon\ tn\i» tbe fommUleo tb dfiiftinu men below 21 would not wi nut education in tho country* beeauo is jtlannnd to pul tbese youn;; ni throuRb an intensive couno of inslri tlnn boforo nnd nflor they oro in t nrmy.

Hnvoral members of the committ I«lnted out tlint itinco boya of 18 wou bo the lm>t to bo draflod th a t tb would In all probablllly mnko *p t 18 divisions whiili a ro .to lie In ll: oounlry on Juno 3 ^ noxt year.


£iirlo Oanuo Id tr i ls i D aasht«r i W all StMflV Liw yer

NEW YOilK, August 21.—EarJc C rcso, world-fncaouj tenor, today waa bridegrootn. Hls bride was M iu Dor thy P a rk Boojamla, S5. Bhe la daughter o f Pa rk Benjanfn, a Wc otreot lawyer. Carnia mado the nei of the marriago pnblle through b{> so ralnry, bu t kopt to the BoelB»Jon of b ftpartnont w ltli bla brldo, declining t see nowjpapor a o a . He doelnrod I waa too e x d t o d t r t n u t bis scant Enj liah to latonrlowor*.

PfiP!6 6

We'n Call fo r Your




■ I

3 . W a r M a k e s C o

IS ^

i i U

f i n to —

lo t o ' . ' , ■ ' ■

Collar and cufflag Is fast coming a war*tlmo a rt. Prom woallby v a r worker to ovory

.—The buslDMJ g irl— woman bas foi ciil ihnftlm m aculato and cotrccL ri<to Id. ' " 'e a r Is refreshing to ' tlio oxtri

/iT- '3 really helping lo llghlon ” IrkBomo toll. Although tho mbarged woallby can create and afford I eom< nioro olaboraio, sots, tho busir

r j r l—o r the regu la r In tho ra on go- . can achlore the aamo olloci we do leh loss cost. Tbe Iwo to ll li [ion in — - — ■ —biflnd TODAYS'OABUALTIEB ‘irrison

nt wns ' ( ‘ onlitwed from v''R« two)

■'I'";" AFTEBNOON EEPOETon tho in „c{,„fcvent p jp j of disease ........... :....................evernl bounded ncvorolv. ____ __________rctnry wwvmled iltR tto 'nm lolerm inta

Died of woiiuda ___ ...__________

ed^^nt — .........

’ RO'- Tolal ____ ______________ ___

l . ^ J d . ' m j i i D IN, AO nOM irrison Major Jnmea A. McKenna, 1

Vork.-N; Y. liioutenant Hav C. Dlekop, V

, Bend, Win., ‘florgaanta V

Iment BoylJ!,- S legionvllle, 0 .0 men I^'^rry N. Kendall, Shenandoah, In tho " ’“Rontr Edward M anley/' We rorkcd I’ort, N. ¥ .• -

Corporal John 3. Kano, Jersey. C

:h „ d - V - ..

uencca W alter E. Akeloy, Port Aog( you’ll Wash.In tbo Tlocl^nantkowakl, Cliieago, Dl.

H arvey Andrew nulUckaon, No«i lomaa’ Wi*., held K. D. Hilt, Lafayette, Ind, - t th a t 'Anton F. CoraliGr, Forcatvllle, throo - Howard L. Nidle, Oreat Falls, M

meats Charles Hodel, New York, N . Y. owing Denln Strong, Tuakhanaock, Pn.

more F rank A. Blnek, Milwaukee, -Wis, Clarencc U Carter, Boehcator, N,

I • Joseph Cloutior, SehonDCtatdy, N. I Harold Davis, Wntaoa, W. Va.

'L T . L'>»rbnco H. Gold, Huntavillo, Ala.George B. Norrla, Indlanapolla, I t

, Cnr l l s J . Wilaon, H awley,.Pn.. Benjamin Cnrdosi, Galloway, 0 .

A lbert B. Orant, Butlor, Pa.J Olen L. Howard, St. Paul,0 ^ n r from Woonds

tb a l Sorgoant P a trick Bell., wipo Corporal Sidney Kelly, Okoto, B “UO it P r lT a t«■ Claud T. Annls, Adrian, Mieh.'* 'lf ‘ Henry J . Boeckaer, Plyniouth, Ni " I.uko B a t, Hftion, Atk.

E arnest Devine, Waddy, Ky.. F rank Korojcek, Chicago, IU.

7 “ " ‘ . F inn L. Nolion, Brlatow, Nob.Philip M.__Paulaon, Beach, N. D.

f Illl! “ '“I « »**«*“Corporal Lloyd £ . Brown, Lynn, ] P rlvntn Potriek Daniel L itton,

j i c n 'o*'-• i t U Wotjndod a«verel7

Lieniennnt - Jo h n ' Donald Spon OsiikosU, Wis.

Sergeaats Leo J . Brown, Farmington, Me.

c Ca- iUidv Frisko, Babla, Auatrla. was a A til M. Lee, Cooeord, Mnsa.^oro- Corporals

Wall ''^‘'llnraion,'newa

■ «iM«' Chlcoaky, Forest City, Pa. , f h i . •fo*'" Httvcrblll, Maas.

, Bobort L. Boberts, KDObBoaler, 1 id Iio ConslSne, Keene, N . 11P H erbert C. Coulman, Lynn, Mnas

Edwnrd Ifin tr, Now Britain, Conn Burton W. Walker, .Blebmond, A

------- Bugler Arthur L, Qanlin, WorthosIMoss.

Mttsielan Charles Bonde, U voruc " Cal.— P riw te s

Frank T.' Conn'BUy, Lynn, U ass. M A rthur Janallo, Lyttn, Mass.

. Irtw is Payne, Chotlcrton, 0 .Cboitor A. Biehardsoa, Haverh

Mass.Jam es B. Blehardsoo, Chesanli

Mieh.Philip Rose, DlovolHna, Italy .

■ Jeslio W. Blallings, Oilkey) N . 0 . , * Peter Valerio (no emergency nai p or addreaa).

Corrado Oorradlno, Portlaa_d, Me. . Jam es 'D . Domisgwaro, ' S m t i

Y Joactlon, Vennoat.John P . Ennis, Noxlhimpton, Maj John Fosco, New York, N . Y.

) John IL Gallagher, Stoaeham, Uiu G arfield L. Ji>slyn, B lalss, Me.

J f ire re tt H . K e y ^ Wor«e*t«r, ICw

I •

'. t w i n m

l o U a r a n d C u f f P o p u l a i

— i f:,l ba- « ■m tho orydayfound showA.tho .rango.o( .m nterial a r

1. neck- (lealgna. I'O;!'* .the l«fi_Ja ahowxtrcmo" 's lU ch ln g - ia i o ' tlh lab— w hichn any < oloboratod unlll It Is a lm ost -1 moro trimm ing.' Poplin lends Itse lf t ird tbo tho atitchlng design. Oo iho rlgl islneso Is abown an ospoclnlly da in ty at

ranks In organdie, both collar and cutiqci at being scalloped. T hey a re nttnchcLa hero lo a noi gulmpo.

Michael Lajeuncaie, Cahoca, N. fioorge Irferight, Burloy, Idaho.

) ■ llobM t W. M arlin, Pottsviljo , P a-= ----- Joseph'Scannell, H amilton, Mnss,I T Williaoi Anderson, New B rit ----- 24 Conn.----- 2 Andrew A nigonl, Now Y ork, N..~.A7 Joss Avery, Duke, N. 0 .___ 15 Alex Balougli, WalUngford,_Coni.....- 0 Frank Berry, Johnson O lty, Hi.rt.-;.._04 Tiiro Blare, Scranton; Pa.

— Lowis P . Carlisle, Lotnota, Texas...... 101 Frederitk > D ranifelt, Elmwc

Conn.A rthur Elklas, D lion, M o.’

' Stnnley J.* Frodcma, Chicopoe, Um . . . .P a t Qravotto, Newport, A rk.

William Grill, Ilhihnelaader, Wia Mnrtin Johnson, Sane, Wis.

^ , Bobort a Joae*, SchoylervUlo, N,


» f 'l t r O oiponls .^ Leslie A. Batdorf, Shamokla, Pa.

■"Will BoogMi’Pw vlacetow n, M ass John W. 6hltty , Brawley, Cal. .

M T . t »Bert Abblaa, Staffordshire, Engli

;oennb Oarmeau, Ohilllcothe, 0 .. , ' Jam es Llcata. Italy.

Dennis Boe, 'W eat Brighton, S.5 Wla

Moat. Sbecots, Oblong, DL' Y. ' '

2 “The Human Flg" ao f l

Ala.I, Ind.

0. - ^ , I I

- .* 3 ' M

1, Kan. ' ' ! | ^ ^

' Nob.'

in, Po. ^ l a i i i j x


- t

[e. ; - I '

on, W. R m

- ‘ j' 1r . Mo. . BEKO I. 11.

'Z ^I A rk. . ’ .hosier, B S l ^

.. ,rao re , r .- . .- - - . B 8 g g

j, j ^ K

•'W ». f e w - ; ' - /


0 . ,name : , ‘

i e . .......................... ' . ■ ■anton

U m jftck 'WUUimi, who .tcalad Ui» Wo< BoUtUng, X tkss «"<* who cosu

Um l conx^booM «iHa.

F A L L S D A I L T i q ^ S

.ar " ii lF U '.IlSCALtCOyil

I K l ly / ' Jack Williamson to Give E

^ bitlon in Twin Falls in

^ , terests of iWarine Corps

crU tiii^Has Great Rei

V U'ilhKUt tho M iiilanec of any a;\ ntux whalnvcrl Jack Williams, o

wlsu “ the liunian fly ,” wboRe i>«J iiiirrH ia scaling iho W alker bank I.

i iiiK nt Salt Lnko nnd other ta ll Iintjs in Idnbo Fnlls, Pocatello, and I 'ra l.U tah cities, in the inlerest Marino Coqis rcernlting, hnvu n ttn «i(lo ntleiilion, will bo In Tw in .

t» Tliur^iny nml bos rompicled nrn iiientu through hia ndvnnco agent, I i Ciillowuy, to climb Ibo eounty i

t •" ‘®1’ I’o'h o w a _ ' i» Iho ovonlng.I c h l i ' 'I s 'F o r a a r “ Deviidog;^;

*Tf A form er uicmbir la b l 11c was fo r a

vnu<I«viIfo performing an norial CUffa *he difforoat rccruiachoS “Wirfs t'f iho marino corji* unlll

tember, when, bo W ll ngain enter ^iTvii'o nud ah'ouldcr a gim. 'Ho M-aleii tbo Woolwortli building ia

N . Y. y„fjj „n,j [jjg W ashington moaun ''O- Beforo beginning bU perfom' l iw , Mr. Wllllijms will mnko a t

inik oii ilte marino-corps in an el B ritain, ii,tf,c5ting young mon in onlii

in that braaeli of tho .aervice. P N- Y.^ orH.^i^,.^tH®_^.iyaablugtqn“ pr6tilll{'

. taking of a n y me n 'fo r itixttoiliiup. vir,., ficrgcaiit W. -iJ. JlcCraekon

•u*- .'liNrKo • o f .|•rll^tillg BtBllou,- ba« ..Jliisfru'ctidn)

=“ *• jilnen the naniea of nil applleanta mwood, onllstment «n n waiting lis t fo r oi

. meut n.s noon as lUc tcsttietlon ii moved.

>, Mass- Mr. Williams w ill,tako np A collc(from thoso witnessing lil« pcrformi

W it . -.'j'cT ccnt of which will be turned ' • In Iho chairman of tho county coi», N . Y. „{ to 1)0 donate*! to a w ar <B T E I^" il.v.

H arry VanderdrinJt, Prairie Cbien, Wis.

P». Jack V iUlc, New York, N. T . loss. Nolasftd 0 . Wooden, Bognri, H< ll. . Michael Zowlakey, A rthbald, Pa

Ignae Bla, Westwarren, Uass. Ingland. ^ Conghlin, Worco

Q_ Maaa.Vemon Mnrtin, Carroll, Ky. ^

, 8. L, M ISaiNO IN ACTION -Listitonaata

Fred W. Norton, Colnmbus, 0 .

’ and One .f His Stunts for tlie Marin

I '


K s f i i -

W oolvortli Bnlld tng. Kew T o A ; W alker B t »m H to Twia FaUs Tluiadajr to cUmb t

HJ Wlial

( U S t a i

e Exhi- 11in In- I I . / /

rps Re-


ntlt vLllmler' the .

: ia Now ^

ronnnnco T e l e p h o n e O r d e r sI a ahort

IS C ity .M a. While , . »i i i i i ' Iho P i n > h 'f e - - : i 3 0WUf-.sor.. - ' '

• A. M. Boberts, Birmingham,.AI

t S u)'

b” ' ' S - ‘" ^ “sier J im 'c i J . Henoy, PhiBn 5, ,0 . '

.vWngonor Edmund 0 . Meyer, - );oteU oD ■‘''I ’' ' '" '’ormanee, P rivatea•ned'over Ouy Crawford, Colson, Ky.' council Domenico DI Cocco, Philade r a r char- Pa.

Ambrose N. D ufner, Philade

* H .rry D m k .l, K nox, p . . - Edward H. Flory, York, Pa.

^ • W alter n . Qabol, Philadelphia, I* Raymond II. Gibbons, Dunmorc'« William F. 'Bohn, Scraaton, P#^ . Max Borland, Philndelphin, Pi orcoster, B o l tn n , Philadelphia, P

Watson Anallno Bradley, M( —=■ town, N . J .J • Joacph Brisk, Minors' UUls, Pa.

W alter B. Brink, WiUIamaport. 0 . ' Ohorlle l \ Carstons, Ashton, Nc

_______ H arry Cohen, Elixabeth, N. J .Micbaol P . Dlcoeco, Scbenee

N . Y. . .• H arry P. Droyer, Philadelphia,'!

r i n e e oio Egge, Nunda, B. D.-C a rl.a -£ n d « rU n , Pittsburg, P a

j M Mi ^ Iv a te re Fazio, J'os.sale, N. i '.Edward ;A :. Zctltlierstone, Wi

nwrwrf--..William F. E as teraaker, Bowc town, Pa.

Oulsoppi FUlppene, Ardmero, Pi . Irfallo Fischer, EvansrlUe, Wis.

Joi{<ch Freda, U lneo BeiUa, I ta t Leslie Haywood H ale, Eclcctie, George Hanlsh, Old Forge, Pa. Aloyaiua Hickey, Kenneth Bq

• Pa. • •Sloven Koweszn, Jersey City, 1 Joseph M. lA vln , Olyphant, Pa . A rthur Libcratoro, Philadelphia, Oiistav A. Longerman, Pittsbi

Pa. .Alex Melnick, Ozelnorrico, £

2ivotoro, Kiev, Bnssia.■William n . Moore, Philadol]

P (« .' ••Frnnk NeianoTlc, Baltimore, He Coaaimero N iritn , Johnstown, Pn Bert E. O ’Connell, PhUadelpMa,

\ Julius Onefresky, Mahoney City, 'zt, Charies Opanovite, Dickson City

John Pavel, Ottovillo, 0 .K . Arthur Porrr», Philadelphia, P a

y ; Wlllio Portlor,' Bm nswiek, Oa. ® William B. Benner, Danville, Pa

P c io , Rodovnnitch, Dnlcino, Me 5 ? negro.W H arry E. Bothormal, Allentown,"j Nicholas Busain, B utler, Pa.,-J Edwnrd F. Byngwalski, BufjI N-Y-£ . Leo H. BcMmIot, PhllndtlpM a, P3 Bennie Schitrer, N ewark, N. J,j Edward S. Schowaker, PhUadelf« Pa.^ Charies H . Simmons, Philadelpi P ‘1-

Clark H . S n ider, Bloonubilrg, P, ^ • Hhnor. B.-f8nydcr,''flldomsfcurg, P 3 . Joseph W. 6t?ele, Woodland, Calk K ailm icn Stomka, Loeehburg, 1, y William F. Thompson, Boani' ■ ■ Mont. !

Joseph Wakessowskl, Phlladclpl Pa.

, ; ■ Beajao in W olfsoj, Woodbine, N

MABJNB OOBPS OABUALXlEfiKHled in nctlon __________

- Died of wounds received.in action. Woonded la action (»eTertly)«»_ Wonnded (degree nadeterm laed)—

T o t a l ____________________ _wTT.T.’im U J A o n o i r

• • Scrffeant John IL-Ooboldlek, Port irB tn k Okla.>b tlis OoRioral E arl P . O an e r, Oarthi



at SlaalM I f o r P i n n e r ?

H ow m any time;! h a v e y o u a s k e d y o u r -

0 s c i t t h i s q u e s t i o n ? D a y

a ( ic r d a y » W c c k a { tc r w e e k ,

tt is a problem ihat is con- naniJy confronting you.

I f y o u - w e r e t a s t D c l

y o u r s h e l v e s w i t h a g o o d

a s s o r t m e n t o f c a n n c d g o o d s ,

you would always hivc w m c- thing o il hand that fou r

(o ik s w o u lT lik e .

C a n n e d m e a t s — c a n r i e i

, v c E C t a b l e s — c a n n e d f r u i t s

“ W c h a v e t h e m a l l i n t h e

1 best know n bcancU and u p tic c t * that will plea»6 y o u .' Place

your order a t oncc ..

i r s G i v e n P j T o m p f A t t e n t i c

a r k e t i n g C o .135 M ain A ve. Eai

I,. A la .' • PrlTOtesladclphla, John i l . Corbet, Chicago, 111. •

Carl J . Dlttm an; Woodstock, HI. Philadol- A rthur 0 . StUl, Tacoma, Wash.

DIED or WOUNDS BBOHrVBD jr,- Phila- A O nO K

. Corporal Joseph E. Bush, Fairpl_Mo. 'BEVBBELY WOUNDED IN ACTI(

I.d .Ip U .,

Iftdelnbln nar\-oy Blxlcr, New Orleans, La.‘ ' Tony Borrolll, Ohicago, EL

Boy A. Cash, Pino Bluff, Ark. WOUNDED IN A bn O N (DBOBH

hla, P a . U N D B T EE taihkumore. Pa. Corporal Edward D. Quinn, Phllad , PjL phla, Pa., Pa. PrlT»te«»» W. E. Nicrslhclmer, Newport, Ky,

Moores- a J . Sonlat, Now .Otleans, La..Prank-B . Stahl, BaracsvUle, W on.

Pa . Everett L. Thomas, New M idison,P " ‘' PEETIOUfiLT-EHEOBTBD MTRim ' j;® • , Samuel 0 . Mullin, Pittaburgh,»Pa.

onectady, ■Peru 's Q re it Muscurtt

lla ,'P a. Peru’s cnpltnl l.s tho homo of n n Uonnl museum, ono of tho wold's mo Interesting Inslltutlonn of this nnlui

I I t shnrca with thnt of Cairo In dlRpIo■ Ins .0 modnm peoples vnrlous In(

fientfl of llfo nnd activity of bygoi iflwmani ” ” *• (” ' ” f'ry 0^ palntlDi

flf Peruvian history Is pnrilculnr p • noteworthy. Tlio romalns of llie fir

’ • nlrplano lo cross Iho Alps la which U n .1 ' Peruvian nlrmnn, Don Jorgo Chare

Ala. interesting c

Square, _ ^ X—

r , N. J . • J LBtt- K xphla, Pa. , I r a ^tUbnrgh,

. K atro


, H d.. K s f y, P a . i f n R[’M a ,P a . P:ity , Pa. RS City, Pa.


, Pa. uoato-

■ni, Pa.


i m j i i T !4 ^ I V I Ir. J .idelphla, B H n i m


i, P a . - • ‘Y o u ’t l S h a k e

I w i t l i L a u g h t e r ” I

L a i ,

w phin , ‘ •o il f t ; ii„

!, N . J . 'W-i« r n io “i-'r n'" ''"" ''- Ti«i Mf-

♦TPB “"J ‘

^ j A u g . 26-27-2S___I M o a d a y , T u e a d a y ,W e d n e a d a y

Z . IDAHO„ t h e a t r e

Page 7: lL L S D A I ILY lE W S

W l'< ^


Ono iM ertlon, por ll£8 - . . ._ _______ UV-On# WMk, p#r l i a o ______________ 2fle "Onfl month, per l in e ______________ 78c

PHONE 32 • •

" " c a b in e t m S e e ^^ MOON AHOP, phons 21. =


W, Phono 210W.

DEITGGIST 'O n rV n A E M A O Y -T h ^ ^ w

W #/lo dovolopinR ttn j printiDR. Mail OrtUr* »o«c5;6d.

-------------- UimtffiTAKEE 'O E O S S M A jT T D E W IT T ^^ P uJe rS ^ - A'

J f tto is an\l HccMtJ embalmcm All call* roMooJed to proaptly <!«/• a r -

' night. Ladj aMltUnt. lArgo,. mod* _om chopcl. Privnto ainbulanco. Dri- ~ ■uo BaRdlo);, 120-130 Ijeeon.] B t E.Pbonw: OMico 110-W; lies,, 110-J. _Tw in FoUi, ia«lio. 01

JiMDING M—JflOPtN6.w^BIJlH. Olis

Marmon Franklin Paii' G, H. i Trucks


a P r ia n ry Election will bo hold on a , T uesdiri Boptonbor 3(1, 1018, - s t the

' regular polllng-jihcDj in each prodnct . * 5n T M a Falls County. Tho poUa will .~bo cpon from 10 o ’clock In tho mom- W.

ing no tll 8 'o ’clock-In tho ovoning of CIt taid Uay,

Tbe following Is a list of the candi' _ dates cntlttfld to b« yot<si for a t salil ' Prim ary Election; Jol

W TP B D STATES .B ^ A T O B ^ For tho Term Ending Unrcli 4, 1025. ”

B«ptibllcan: n*W illiim E . Borah-------- DoIbc,’ Idaho „Dem ocntlciF tank L . Mooro— ____ Moscow, Idaho

tm iT B D STATES SENATOE B. y - For tho Term Ending M atch 4, 1021 ' EepuhUcan: ®

Jam es P . Ai!glilo..Coour d ’Alone, IdahoFrank B. Ooodlng-------Gooding, IdahoDemocratic: Etli

- Jamos I I . i lM k y _______ ^Bolsc, IdahoJohn F . Nogent----- --------- Boise, Idaho

• EBPEESENTATIVSB IN ' OOHaEEaBFrom tbo Boeond Congroesionn! _

District ,• E o p u tU an : • • .

Addlio* T . 8mlth.._.Twln Falls, IdahoDem ocratic:' “ . ------ . .

_ ^ t b n r ' W.. noJden-Jdaho FaJls, Idaho0 . B. Joppesen-------------- Moore, Idaho K otJam oi A. liangton-------- Bholloy, Idaho

— OOVEBNOE.. n jg KcpahUcta:Samnol P . Atborton..Twla Falls, Idaho »D. W. Davis------ imorlcan Falls, Idaho f j ' ”Ilobert M. McCracken----- Boise, IdahoJtoOOTUC! ■F ra n k -M a rtin _____ __ ._B dso , Idaho

• H . F . Samuel*-------------Bamaols, IdahoEdward A. Van 6 !ekUA.Wo!wr, Idaho B«p'

U BtJTEN A N T OOVEENOE E. ] Bepubllcan: Jose0. 0 . Mooro.._L.._._8 l. Anthony, Idaho D enB artlett Gindair----------Kellogg, Idaho Elm'I tem acn tte : LnwJohn M. Clark— .... -.Dietrich, IdahoT. 0 . W ilson.:___________Eden, Idaho _

. Oscar 0 . Zuek.-----------Klmberiy, Idaho " P 'ffiOEETABY OF STATE

B opn iucia : c“‘ lW. W. Von Canon___ Bandpoint, Waho E m tDemocratic: j . I W. T. Ainghorty-------HIthfleld, Idabo Carr

DOINGS OF THE VAN LOl; _____________ _________ /o l i

B e a n e s 7*60- K^KE ME.WEAH#') W

r ~ MATTcn WMIlC

I . / I



W2! OOLLEOT UOKEY you any­where. Wc llo oot cbnrgo'oilvanco fees. Oivo U9 your hanlMt onet tlrs t

' ancl lot in prtfVD to you tba t we nro < livo oDcs. Thfl Comwi'rriul bcrvleo

Iluri-Bu. 0. 7. 8 Power bulldlnir.

f — ----- --------- ------------------------ --------■ J

• PtlBLIO AOCOUNTANTS. J . 0 . 0aa06D ~ U ff[co i^urDe’i e o ^ i T t *

Co-. Pboae C03.

r E L E O ISIO A L V m iB B ’

f TW IN FALLS ELECTBIO SUPPLY £ 0 0 .-L a lle y Light office, 218 Boeond

’ nvenuo N. Phono 320W.

. ---------------------------- - i

WINDOW GLASS ^ J• WINDOW OLASS—Also ecrecn work.I Moon Shop, Phono 21., ' ' ■' ' ' ■ — i

GENERAL BLACKSMITH. AUTO AND TBUOK S P B IN aB -T ruek A I IwUo*., Q. U. 8«1{, 240 U B. Phone -

. C24.,


' ' ' ” ' ' ' J r


'aige Chevrolet Gars "te s s o iie s

^ ' ■ E

W . A. F ife --------------- Pocatcllo, Idaho -STATE AUDITOB ,

Bepubllcan:Edwnrd 0 . Oallett.— Poeatello, Idaho' Domocratlo'.W. P . Bico— --- ------- Jerome, Idaho _Clarence Van Douson__ —Deiso, Idaho —

/.STA TE TBBASTIBBB BepuhUcatt: - AJohn W. kaglcson______ -Boise, IdahoDomocratlc: —Ernest L. Porkor_Cottonwood, Idaho >

ATTOBNBY GBNEBAL — E«pnbUcaa-. "Roy L. Black ....Coeur d'A lene, Idaho Democratle: XjIB. .A.-Onmminga-:.-:=s.a>oeatello,-Idaho N.T. A. Walter#-------------Caldwell, Idaho i*a


Bopubllcan: ~Etliol E . Redficld..__Lowistoa, Idaho' an

INSPEOTOB OF UINBS Bopnbllcan:. —Bobert N. B d l....------------.Boise, Idoha. £ fiDemocraUc: I'>'E dward 8 cUwe»d._J!_____ Boiee, Idnho !''■William J . J . 8 mith...._Wa]lacr, Idaho


N o n -p a rtim :A lfred Budge----------- Pocatello, Idaho ^ '


Mon-pottJaan:’ q

Wm. A- Babcock____Twin Palls, Idahollenry F . E n s ig n ______ Hailey, IdnhoW .'T . a tafford_______ Gooding, Idaho

STATE SBNATOB ftopubycao:E. B. a iio ran j..............._ _ D .U , IdnhoToseph II. Senver.......CasUeford, Idaho 0-Democratic:Elmer Aman-------------------Filer, Iiiftl.oLawtenee ilan'scn— ___ Hanson, Idaho

STATE BEPBBSENTATIVE W. lepubllcan:rolm A. B ro w n_________.Buhl, Idaho W.loseph D. Conovor_Twin Falls, Idaho W-3arl J . M illo r-------- Castleford, Idaho 0L3Sm est Molnnder_________ Buhl, Idahor. Hugh Sherfey________ Bnhl, Idaho'a rrlo Harper W hltc.Twin Falls, Idaho Bej

.C O N S ;

Ol* KW «!1LM»1«0.•(W A»Q SO DMU.t I ,« OON'T SCB hWi A ' —— — »

I t ^ ^


0 F IN D -



" JOHN V I8BEB—Idnbo I'ower ‘ Bldg. < Tel. aCtJ: - <

. _ , ___ ' __ ___- (

■ ATTOENEYS ‘ ,’ B T ^ '^ L A E S b N - G e n c r o l '' Vractlco. P

Rooms 0 and 7 Idaho Power Bldg.

r SWEBLCT & SW E B L E Y -A ttorD ojf ' d a t Law. Practice iu All Courts

Twia Falls, Iilubo.

: N O B-ra t BTEPHAN, D. 4 ,T . 'W g .~

J. H . W ISE—Lawyer. Fully orjinnltcd Colleclloii DepArtna'tit. ' Offices, Rooms « and 7 Ovor Twit, FallK Bauk ii T rust Co., Twin Fall™, Maho.

: E. M.” w O LrE -Law ji£x . KomniL.fi and 0, oVcr Mnbo Dyparlmctit Store, Twio Falls, Jdiiho.---------------------------- - -

( A SSilB B. V ^ S O N —Lawyer.

~ E N O m S R ''■ j . 'o.’T oeY e ' ^ i e i j ) - cI vm, 'h

nnd Mining Engineer. Twin Falls,• Idaho. Phono 154-J.

= '~PM 0^IN6TETT0TX0NZEUiJA LABM OBE-Cotillion En- _

tmuce. Phono 3WW. ’


Model Shoo Btoro. Phono 730W. ai

O H ^ E A ^ O R S— >.— __________________-— I

D. B. JOHNBON.J?. 0 .; S. H ELEN 0Johnson, Di C. PaJmtr Bthool gradn- lo ates. 921 Shoshone N. Pbooe 477B. w

I N m U M E N T A L I N ^ E U O " - • TION' V

WM. A. BPAULDtNO—Formerly Mu- fr aicnl Director Colo. Cbaatanqua, M Boulder Philharmonle Bocioty,’ Toaeh- wi or of Violin, MandoJin and a a r in e t P< Apt. C3, Roi^Arms Apts. Qrchostra RS musle furnlahed for alt oeeasiona. K.

AUTO REPAIRA U x6 ''B E P A IB S ^ A ti to s ''rc p ijr^ _

W errer'a N ovelty Shop.

■ I o t o t i o m e ^ s ~AUOTIONEBB— Z, 8. B tanw a, aoe- — tionccr. Stock or ranch sales a spo- -' d a lty . 25 years experience selling a t Lincoln, Nobroskd. Now a t offlee 137 Cl' N. Bbo^ono. Phono 710 or 881. Twin Falls, Idaho. —

IdON EY TO LOANMONEY TO L ^ —I have a small Hi.

amount of money to loan on sliort _ loans. Address S., caro o t Nows.-

~***' *' T«

L =Pred W. Berger------------Berger, Idaho C.E. R. Doolojr.-----------Twin Foils, Idaho j j .M g a r A . L ittl6r._ .:.J_____Buhl, Idaho

•Frank A.JK oodruff—Twln Palls, Idaho' '

OOUNTY OOMMIB8IONEE • F irs t D istrict

BepnbUean: ..T . E . Moore---------------— Flier, IdahoDemocratlo:Frank DoKlot*----- ----------- Filer, Idaho , 'C. II. Taylor...,__..... ............Bohl, Idabo


BepubUcan: ' Doj

W. W. Farish-....-.....Twin Falls, Idabo P-Democratle:0 . M. E tter------------- Twin Falls, Idaho Bo]

OOUNTY OOUhOSSIONEB Q. Third D istrict (,(

Bep^bUoa*.W. F . Brcckon---------- Kimborly, IdahoE m o a « U c :W. F . Brower_________ Hansen, IdahoII. P . Larson_____ Rock Croek, IdahoOLEBK OF THB DISTBIOT OOUBT


BepobUean: Jan

“ ■ ' t o

- W H A T J

’ [cu ssm E F lf- ADVERTISEMENTS-r'_ • CLASSIFIED BATES ,Ig. Ong Jn.iertIon, per word ..................Ic c

Ono •«ctU, p*r word ...........i______ be« Ono mo::th (20 iiuertloiu),'..............15c

illaininm charge for any dasslflcd ° ad. 16 ccuts. Ads must run for a stated ,

" period of time, ;


" Our Special for ii 10 Days Only |i:

I'ji' H i; A<-ir, of Fino • l.nud l-i; i 'Mill' from I,o!ii|iiij; Sintion nud '«Sh.iol, SII .vrr* in Airalfn. 7 - ' (

|d ...lunm ilmi«.', Stoblf. (la'r.igo and'-‘f JN:i.O.HMiilh, rJjji]'nJtJi_.Itiij>jJja5C-. .L

ttiriii, WntiT ]>i|ii'.r In llouai', !I'l'iir-M.l M'iili ivovcii wiro. IIO roflc. ;>•

r liiihl. lav.- till' lii-Ht, « :0(i 'C|l '

If y<iii nri' Innliing for a Ko, 1 •■{ lan.I vciii ^hollld'^co tbls

’’ , lit

D. W. UnUNK REALTV GO. ! '------ _1I3 East Main ']

- ----------------------------------------------------------- Cl '■ —_ ■. ---- jp'

F O R S A L E . il!, ■ ----------------------------------------- -------------- [n, FOIf Iirri’i, tH-;i miloxi*ir south, mil' iicjt, Filrr, W l-i: of NK 1-11

and KK 11 of NK l-l, L'.VIO l.'j, ‘Jol*' , ocrcj. ailjoiuiiig r ilv Tivin R-illi., 8

of iNH 1-1 of H\V 1-i 1--..I0.17. 10 n frr« ,;" , near .-iiy Twin Fnll.., lnt» ,m,t !J Grnci'liitiil »u!lliivi^illIl. Ry. • irncknKi', p 1- lot ", Wk. UO. For priccs and lcrmn’„ L write T. I. lidl.iuhnn, oivnor, '101 Kasl,li,.- 'JOtli H lnrl iii.rtli, I-iirtliiiul, Orcnon,!----------------------------------------------- --------- _ |

PARM BARGAIN IN THB BOIBE in , VALLCT — 80 ncres, twelve miles U 1- from*>Jloijfl am] five miles from 0 I, Meridian; 40 acrea a lfalfa, 30 aeres - . wh'cat,. 10 acres not in cultivation.. Paid up New York water. A real bar- <>' I gain.. $li'i,QO nn a m . Tonns. H anv -

K. Frilchmnn,'Boise, Idaho.. . _____________________

FOR BA LE-Oasolino stove. W. T. Moore, 300 Main sonth.

t ___________:________________________ {FOR 8A L E -1014 Bulek car la

. good condition. »200. Call on or writo Fraak B. Barnhill, box S20, Kimberly,

. Idaho.

. FOR SAL!':—fitudclialier six Road- ; "Icr, last year niodiil, practically aew.’ CJn'n|) for cash. Apply Aulo Repair ■“ ; chiip...Shoahone nnd Third street.

FOR BALE—Rcgistcre'd Berkshire BOH'. Cnn furnish jiapcrs. One-half — mile west on state highway. Ray Hughes. ^

FOR HALK-C.irm'l, pliuuo JIC-W, « Twill Falla. ,,o

C. C. Biggins..-..'.------ Twin Falls, IdahoDem.ocratic: • • B<J . M. Markoi___ ________ Filer, Idnho P-

___ ' pRTTRBTtT*

Bepubliean;Adclbott N . Bptttguo..Twlu Falls, Idaho D om oaatic: 'J . R. Pltislmmons.___ Kimborly, IdaboG. 8. McQraw______ Twin Falls, Idaho

. OOUNTY TBBASUBBB BepobUcw: .. ^EmraftL. W arron___ Twin Falls, IdahoDomocratlc:P. H. 'Orow ____ ___Twin Falls, Idaho

PpOBATB JTJDQB coB e p u b l i c a a : . , t i f0 . 1*. Duvall_______ Twin Falls, Idaho coi


BepnbUcan: , catB rittom art Wolfe— .Twin Falls. Idaho om

OOTOTT ABBESaim f ° 'BepobUean: terGcorgo W. Wilcox..... Twin Falls, Idaho g tt3>emocntle: am James L Barnes____ Murtaugh, Idaho ear

~ ~ 7 p F E ^ ^ ^ 7 ~R B P R (iS H W S .n -rs

PUL tatriottcS U R P R Is i '^ /M f f m

I O .LU. TMIS a I >WKOOVGR POOD- •SoN SeR vA T ioro / J s J j

v _ , - -

I Ay

i l l l i a i i n i i H l ^ ^ - ' ( / _______



rO R BALE—Fonr shacks, furniture nn.l chii-kens. Write box IBO or ^ a t

-'•arnliliig giuiind. . ..

“ FOK HAI.K-n-room .house witb »lc-c'iiiii;: )iorcb. Qood terma. C. P.

Ic caro of News. - 'be :------- ^ -----------------------------;6c FOR SAIjE—Three-room bouse, now,

nnirw cll. built; front and back poreh Kroi-ned; good location. Apply to Jons

” Jeiiacn nt Sinclair’s. 1

FOR S A L F ^Ivcrs & Pond piano, ' - - good condition. A. J . Gunn, Route 1, | _ i-T w in Fnlls.

j '~ F bR ~ 8 .\L F /-10 head of BhropBhTTe ; ihuclts, or will exchange for young il e w s . . L. A. Warner, Twin Falls, Ida- ' ;lio, phono 032.- .■ _________ ___ _________________ I! .GOOD-COOKING APPLE0 for aalo -,$1.50 j>cr box, nt tho Anchor Uny, '

' Grain & Feed .Co.j C-t0-2il Sixth are- :• ,niic W. TulepliflTio .

r l’OR--W*Ln-^ri,<-i:o;.n -V c « ^ '“ ma- J■rhinc, nni' fniiiliiry c<Miclt. five rv»rrH of . 'ciirHl.^iCcls; i,r IriiOo fiirF 'iril rnr. VTm.I I'.itric-k.* C-vll 727 ticvnnil nvoiiin* Biiiith. I

i I'OR SAI-K-'Moili'rn aix-room house, j •"■10. Ti'iith nvi'Hun rn-it. Phono D. . ■Urown, .Ml J 2.

I T H E h c ^ b iiy on Twin Fnlls tract. " I 3-4 mile*fft)ni town, 80 aeres, all In

|Cultivntion, J.100 per arre. Pnir lm- __,provemciit". Wnter mcssured' a t cor- ’ " " j ie r of plai-e, Nn wnsto Innd. Right

I man onn buy on good'terms. D. W. H., " _ [News,

FOR 8A L i:-1918 Maxwell, good ■' Icwidition; t iU a Uto; bargab . 0 . P .,, ^ aro of News.

--I . _____ __________1 _ .'“'I F0H "'8A L B M 1-fi acres land near ’’’ Kimberly with three-room house.

Prico $1200, easy terms. Call on ot ' 1 writo Frank B. Barnhill, box 322, Kim-

i‘,|b c rly , Idaho. >

_ I FOR SALE—Onlt Victn? wngon scale E in first-rlaas comiitinn. Just tho thing DS for Iho fnrm. Call nl the Anchor. Uay, ' m Griiiu i Fci'd On., 2i[>.231 Sixth avo, W. ,

” W AIlHiroUSl!. IX)T 01 l i i tk IO I ® f. dopiit for sate by owner, Br. 3*7.

HRIUK BtllLDlNG on Main Avo. for anto a t sacrifice. Pays good reatal. -

P Owner, Box .1-I7, Twio Falls.'• _____________________________ ■ b

BECOND HAND CAES FOE 8AI.B 'n 1 Dodgo Toiiring. ^;o 1 Chevrolet Touring.

1 Beo Touring.I Studcb^ikcr Roadster.

_ I Ruick Roadster,I; A ll ' overhauled in f in t dass eon- .. ditlon. W. A. PATRICK, tl

' FOR SALE—U s t ye.wa Jonnihan ^ pies, 80a (without box); small jjut wnrod, n t Sjinllimnn's rancli. p

{ -------------------- ------------------- r r OJ WANTED ^ .=

W ANTED—An pxiieticnced girl for general houawvork. l!lfl Sixth avenue ' norih. ei

) OOBONBB CfB«pal)llcaa: n<

5 P. E. D rake— .... ........ ....... Filer, Idaho itP . J . Grossman......... Twin Falls, IdahoD em ocratic:' **'

, II W Bawyer.--------Twin Falls, Idaho- . .SyUVBYOB ^

Democratic:I Jnmcs A. Bybco.......Twin Palls, Idabo


, Frank L. 8 lephan.....TwIn Palls, Idaho STATE OF IDAnO,

I Coimty of Twin P a l ls .-^ .I , F>. J . Finch, Auditor of Twia Falls

County, Btato o f Idaho, do hereby eer- tify th a t tho above Is a full, true asd

I complete lis t o f tho namea of all per­sons, together w ith their post offieo tvddrcss ivsvd party designation ot each (except tho party designation of candidates for judicial posltlona Is

I om itted), who are ontitlod to bo voted for n t tbe Prim nry Election to bo bold ill Twin Falla Couaty on Tuesday, Sep- — tember 3d, 1016, for Coogresslonal,

' Btate, Judic ia l and County officers, and tlio office for which each is a candidate, ns appears from tho Certifi* ag

o h w e l l , w o ' m u s t a l

* / W


ire WANTKD—Three thousand peojde . a t auk for tbo premium Ust of the

Twin Falls County Fnir. J."if.-M ark-'- el, Secretary, Filer, ld:i.

p_ WANTED—Oood reliable boy with wheel. Apply Western Dnioo.

” W A N T E D -A ll-kinds d n v e r a ee d - red nUiko, white, awect. Tlio Allnjrt J . Uirkinson Co., Chicafio.' 'L ocal office a l Twin Falls Feed & Ico Co. building,

_ Twin Falls, Ida. Phono 003,

*0i WASTED—An pxjierienccd dolivery man. Sliojhono Grocery.

- WANTED—Second-hand bath (ub. re Must bn in good condition. Hlato fff price. Box 17C,'Buhl, Idaho.

~*MONBy WANTED^Wfl have loans- for private mnney os follows; I 2.W0 on10 -10 acrna, $1250 on 20 acre*, .*■, years nl ty. “ per cent, f lis t mtutptiRe; nlao <300 on ■e- 2 corner lols snd building nt 30 per

r rn t , vnluntinn 40 to 50 per c ^ l . Cnll____-■ iir“ wriri'‘ Rijdey“ 4 “Trtnm7 the Kenlcs-

' latprs, Filor, Idaho, of ■m- NYANTED—Always io tho markot h. for bated alfalfa hay. Anchor Hay,- d rain 4 ,Feed Co.‘Phono 23. Wo hRTr

tho balers if you wont thom.


in TO L K T-Th.' mnmiuvmont of iho 'n. Fair (3rnun-l, (,’af<> a t Filer, Ida., for7. llu- jierifid /if (he Fnir, O.-tober 1 tu 4-i t •). M. Market. Seaelnry, Filer, Ida. •L, L___________



"" BUILPINQ LOANH, A .T ~ a w I n .~

" PIANo" t UNING.........

n. PIANO T U NIN O -Phone 1 0 8 ? L ^ o ?rusie Oo.

1 1 LOST ’■LOST—Goodyear tire, . '»x4 ii witb

'* rim and lieenso number 3284 between Shoahono Falls and Bboshono. Find*

*' or noMfy Nows offlee.


bor near Rock Creek bridge. Owner J can bavo by paying for tbia od. . In-

qolre a t Nows,

TO t r a d e "

• WOULP LIK E TO TBADE & good fi.room residence w ith two lots fo r cat­tle or ahecp. Writo for partleolars.

~ Box 7, Filer, Idaho.

t TACO.MA property to trade fo r Twin Palls property.. P. 0 . Box 812. Phone

: 08. ■ .


e ■ PO B e?qiorienced praetieal nurso eall 124 J .

calo of tho Secretary of Btato and tbe nominations and aceoptuees on file

0 in my offlee.0 III witness whereof, I havo here­

unto set tny hand and affixed n y of- f id a l seal this 10th doy of Augnst,

® A. D. 1D18. ■ ’(Beal) E J . FINCH, Auditor.

By 0 . L Bowen, Deputy



W E NEVER t DISAPPOINTr THB NBWSs Job Printing D eputm eat -

J 4 ------------------ ------------ ♦

’ Throw Out Your C hest1 I t gives you sclf-rcspcct and cooiv • ng«.

; all suffer for .the caUfie^

L j J N W y


P i h 1 ^ . " '■


Page 8: lL L S D A I ILY lE W S

'pAaa moat ’ ■

N Whra a man j for real totia< he is on the : straight to tl Chewing Pli^

l i l B iiPBEfflmlllFILLSPi

Representative Addison T

Smitif Introduces Marian

Revenue MeasureTii Housi

After Joint (^nference

Tlint tbere In 'ever/ llkllbood of thi uiloptloD of A part a t lo u t of Iho p in tiiT raiiloK w ar revonuei throagh thi r>alo uf war purehaio atampa propow liy C. A. Marlanl o f Twin Falli, wh< Ima Ijeen te n t by local .bBalneu inet to W aahln^on, D. C., in 'ih e intereaU of -Ihis tneaaQre, <a tho aUtem est oi K rprueataU vo Addiaoa T. Bmlth' Id i trleRram aont Monday loLToba M. Max' writ, raahler of the Flrat National hmA. PoWowlDR ia the tex t of tbe telpfrraro:

I ha re Introdaccd a revcnuo meaauro .•mlK>drit)R tho views of Mr. U ariani which waa drawn bjr HopruenUtlT< Hortoa E . French aft«r n jo in t coofor- cnrn w ltli Senator Borah and BoproMO- tntive Olande KitchrD,.£halrm&!i of lb? foDimittM on ways and ra«ana.;i- I t will

' lie conaidered by tho houao eommUtoe tninorrow. Sooator Dorab will iDtronca tho b ill wiiBD the aenato eonveaei on Thuradaj fo r th » coniideratloa of th* flnanco comnUtce. Mr. M ariaal had a eoniorencB today w ith the eommia* (■loner of Internal roteaue ami Oeorgo <:rcc]7chainnaa of tho publicity bureau. I feel very hopeful tha t U r. U arlanl'a

• ' plan will bo adopted lo part a t le aa t


O om m m lutlon W itb U em b m la B«i- Tloo I I n n t W ork of Kew

A isocU ttw .,..^ -

- Preliminary • organiiaUon of the MoaU .Aaaoeiation of the F irt^ Pre«- liytcrian ehoreb w ti i^ffeeted a t a n e o t ' inj;'Tuoaday evening ^ f abont SO s e n In the chorcb bawnsont. The naaea of CO momber# of tho church who are

' in the m ilitary or naval lerriee were illatributod among tho membera of the naaociation, w itb iDatnietlODi tha t one le tte r to cach man ahenld be written liy the peraon receiving hia name a t

, ' leaet ow e & w » k . P a tlhe r pUna lo r tlio Activitioa o f the auoclation are to be laid beforo tho memberahip a t a meeting on Ttfoaday evening noxt In the churcb for tbo purpuae of complet­ing tho orgnnleatlon.

Tbo officers of the auoclation, who conatituto Ihe executive cottimiltee, as elpctcd Tucsdajr evening are the fol* lowing! Prfaidcnt, Jaraf/i UeMillanj vice pretiilenf, M. 0, Mitchell; lecre- tary, .lohn 0, Ilan-oy; treaiurer, Q . 8 . Cewilng. This eommittee will meet oo Friday evening a t the home of Bev. A. IT. Qrand, to d ra ft a conatltutlon and liy'Inwa for tbe asaoclation.

OOMPLAIKB OP OBX mO Tm D x m o B P B T m o N

Onielty, failore to provide, u d de* eertlon' da ting from Oeteber, 1917, are

• the groosla aet fo rth in t petltloa for divorce from ber hnaband, F rank 0. W iU luu , filed in dlatriet o6nit bero Tneaday by Mra. M ary U . WUUama. They .w ere m arried In Twin Falla In Norember, 101ft. There are no ehli- dron.'




r ^ a h a n k e i^ 1acco satisfaction, n3 road that leads |the Real Gravely H« . • I

Peyton Broad flReal Gravely |

Chewing Plug IlO c B p o u c h —ont/u7or<A If. □

P . B. G m d y TebM c« Coospaaj □ ' DuffOU, V b fteU B


JU ioannenta fo t Tw in P a ■‘obm ty’ as B nboitted by

Oeo. W. WUeo*

m Tlin atate board of ta x oqnallutli I r a a t Boiae Moaday, w itb regard to t I I I Twin' FalU -county current ta x aasei • • ■ monl roll, duplicated lU finding enti

bd two yeara ago /o r the f irs t tlmo the history of the eonnty, when I t a

T. proved ihe obttract without a lteratlc This ia the report brought baek 1

lani (Oonnty Aaseaaor Oeorgo W. Wilec who returned Tuesday evening wl

lUSe 3(rs. Wiieox from Boiao, whero ho ( tended tho aeuiona of tho board equalliatlon w ith the ossesaora o f 't : suvernl Idabo counties., Caaaia cou ty ’s obatm ct 'was le ft without chan(

’ the Mr. W ilcoi atatea, while the ' abstra plan ^or Miniduka connty was raised 10 p

cent, and th a t of J/incoin county w raised SO per ccnt.

'<»« Jjfr. nod Mra. Wilcox mado the t r wbo overland, and spent the woek In Boil men They rejiort a heavy froat Mondi ■eata vicinity of Mountninhom

i M l f lE HUDSCOnifor* -son-It. President Townley, Governo

will — 'it» Frazier and Candidate Sam-ince • • -on 'Uels to Speak In Counly'

had ---------8i>cakfrs iuoJie inleroalu oi tho Noi

Tge Partisan league monopollre the can palfpi oratory in Twin Falla •count

n l'a thia woek. Tho apenker* to be hoar 'Ml* here thia w » k are the leadora nnd noi

notable membera of the organliatioi including A. C. Townloy, p rcjident an founder o f the movement, and Oore

n b nor Lynn L. Fm sier, Bepubllcnn, eloc od governor of North DaVoU by th

Set* Kon-Parti»an votora of th a t.a ta te , an IT. F , 8aouela of Samuela, Tdaho, Noi Partlaaa 'eandldato for the Bsmoer&ti

~ nomination for governor o f Tdaho./ Oovernor F razier nnd Mr. Samnel

are lo apeak In the fa ir gronndr a ' F iler n t 2 o ’clock .Thpraday aftemooi

A. C. Townley I i to apeak on 8al ® urday evening in the Twin Palls d t

park and on Monday afternoon n t Boh ^ A largo attendando a t oacb appeal

ance of theae apcakers la expected.


(Continued from page one)

to ihipa.i a America bad none wben the aeeelei In 'nted troop morement program itarteil

n&nce It,w aa necessary to oae the Ger man interned vessels, to reqnlsltloi

rho Dutch ahlpa and to charter And hire al oa th a t eould bo obtained from otber oa

roi* tiona. T hat haa taken a large portioi o f money, for, w ith one dngle excep Hon—* Draalilan abip given free fo:

S- two trip»—these reaacla hnve provei 00 expensive.

■ Ohaage Meana W orkOi'ncrnl Crowdcr’a statement thn

such ft plan wnuld force nmcndment o: regulation* nnd re printing of queatlon iialrea reanlting in long delay nnd con fusion, will nlao be nsed to hnltle tbi amendment*

- Adminialfation proaiure may b< p called into the fight, i f it becomes nee

areAnother amendment opposed by Ba

^ kor, which will likely go into the biU provided for the d rafting of tbo eo- tailed tnarrlago tlatVei*. Bnker bai aakrii th a t this be left to regulations becauae thoy are not so r ig id .a s ivrit ten atatutoa.

Omit AmendQent The Thomaa work or .fight agiond'

tnent ia almost auro to lio le ft out~6l tho bill when i t goes to tho hoase-^

Although tho man power bill will bo reported todaj', Choiruaa Dent, of tbo m ilitary committee does not ex­pect to call I t up until Thnraday. He beliovoa i t will go through io one day.

P O a EXOHANOBW ob priaUng fo* money. O ar work ia like yonr oonsir— tb« b e s t Twia ,P r .« Newa.

T W IH F A t

p iis irC ilW E T IF i n n

M Awards of About $160 in WiR Savings Stamps to Be Mai

H to Prize Winners AmoiI ■ Vocational Woricers



B Display^to Inolnde Frodnots i * Farm, Garden and M lohi

— B id .broai A rlid es to I Shown .at E arlie r Date

OLL . . ___________ ___Approximately lIGO in W ar Savin

Certificates and T h rift Btampa h • been contribnted by Twin PflDs“ bni

neaa men as awarda to preminm wi iicra among tbe exhibitors a t tbe Tw:

a tlon Fa'l* vocational f a ir fo r boys', at 0 the agricultural ond home clubs Mflg*. bo h e ll on Tuesday, September 10, . antcr- the Twin Falls high scbool buildisg.Tl 5,6 In building is to IfoHiJpon all day.**.w» [t an* in the evening on tbia occaaio aUon. State Club Leader W. T. McCall ^ b j expucted to be preaent and tho pabl Ueox, •" invited to attend,

w ith • ' oenaral flnpport O lrea .I® About 800 boya nnd girls enrollt

in Ihn Twin Palla vocational cluba th .vpnr nnrl fully 80 per coat o f tho

Inffo" complote thelr woj, * arfiirding to Iho atoto and nation0 t r r ’" ”- The «hool board, aaperinte , dent and tenehera, nml -^he Paren

Tenehera'. isiaoeintion havo ^ v en hearl , I Bii|iporl to tho work which in this di

3o i» in d u c te d diroctly ui, ■ <ler tlie"Buporvialon of George E . Dei

tome achool loacher 1ngrirulturo who ia here on furloug from Camp Funalon, ICnnaaa, nnd ( Mlaa Luoilft Croiwlnud.

Tbo girla ' clubs are doing Bed Croi work, drying and canning fru lls aa vfgotabloa, and learning to make wi

[I ) breada as woll aa doing othor kinds t y cooking. Tho boya arc rnlaing Ihe var H 1- ous kindn of crops and lircitoek. Qoi

boya and girla n re 'ra la ing poultr}* pn making-gardens.

I t la tho product of. tb ia work tha 'n o r is to ho ozhlbited for premium award

nl Iho vocational fa ir . Everything ej in - eept the Bed Croaa work will bo ej

blbitcd n t the fa ir . Becauao of tb1 immeillsto need of the Bed Cross fo

Iho work (lon^by tbo club girla, I t wi) 'bo turned in prior to tho dale o O h

Non* fair, Imt will be eih ih iled for'jireml cam* nm nirorda on Fridny nnd Saturday 1 unty tbe wlmlowa of tho Skecla-Wilry dni; loard atoro a t tho corner of Sboahono atrte moat aad Main avenue nortb.

^Ind «md. E e i u l ^ •BTor* Beapofting tho organlration and'irorl jloct* membera, Mr. Den

tlig man haa iiaaed the following atale aad ment:

Non-’ » B y an agreenienrhetw een the leea r&tla school dtatrlet And tho citeaalon dW

a lo n 'o f the U nlveralty of Idaho, th' inela club work or junior extension work fo r a t the achool dlatriet ia being coadnete( lOon. in ’ eoopernlion w ith and according’ ti Sat* Ihe plan of tho United S tales depart c ity hient of agriculture. Tbo boys and g lii

JohL thripughput the United SUtea are or >ear* ganired into ono g reat food prodneln; I. nnd food u v in g team. They are direct

ed and inatmeted In th e ir -e ffo r ts^ ] a corpa of trained adnlt leaders in over} im portant agricnltural section of t)>< country. Food production nnd food eoa Ror\’ation haa been tbe alogan of thi elub leaders since tbo beginning of Ihi

eler* war. Our local boys nnd girls are a Hed. part o f Ihis grea t'team and are addla| Oer* the ir organized efforts to tboae of th( Uon boya and - girls th ronghont' the \u i ) a ll to help w in the war.

B n l* and Eegnlatloni cop* Any or'g ir l may exhibit prod-

ucla raised by themaelvea but only club members who complete the qtilrcd work wUl bo awarded priiea.

2. Each clnb member in order to com­plete hia work, should fill ont and aond

thn t to the locnl or atate clnb leader one t of membcrahip card and one or raora

monthly report cards; exhibit h ii prod- con* nets a t the local, coonly or atate fa ln i tbe and aend a final ropoH and story to

the local o r counly clob leader before bo October 15.

nee* x Each club mombor shonld make his exhibit conform w ith the standards

Da* as given In tho exhibit and prite l is t bill, 4. All sheep, p igi, calvw , poultry, and ■0* petaVhonld be taken to the high school

h as building on Tueaday morning—tho ons. morning of the fa ir . All oth,>f exhibits frit* ahonid be taken to tbe higb school

building ea Monday.0. Pigs, peullry, and pets ahould be

crated in substantial crates of the site - J commonly nsed for exhibition pnrposes. . ^ Kvcrj- clob momber shonld mnko an

e ffo rt lo haro his exhlb(t in the beat jKisalblo shape' for exhibition.

C. Sheep, pigs, calves, poultry, ta d _ p e u ahould be taken home on the even* l,_ log of the fair. All other prodneU

■'* shoQia be Teaored t i e day a fte r the . fair.

j ” 7. The fa ir management will not be ^ responsible In Vase ta g ; o f exhiblta

& L L S D A l i . 7 H ^ S


Library, B edpaaed-Tho Twin F public librar}' wblrh hna been do for levoral days \Thllc, being repoi and eniarged, wna rooiwneil today.

I S To J o in ' flerrice—FatI J .'S b c n e l u U bergcr hi Twin Falls leaves tonight

Gulfport, Miss., where lie will bcj training w ith tho aviation branch the nnvy. / ' .

s a . J a Callod into B errtce-U ny E. B inciatiT,, who enlialcd thia aummer

m n n n reaorvo corpa, has rcceli.iriicra to report fo r activo duty ai yeoman In tho Unitod Statea navy Ilremi-rlun navy yard, Waahington.

Se tn m to W ar gtcdlee Edwnrd « . Audrey Ilenderson bnvo Setum ed

It tho m ilitary train ing school a t Po Iloll tcllo a fto r n furlough hero w ith th

pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. 6 . N. Hendors beforo being, sent to eastern camps

its ol ' -------- .D aughU r la Of{Ice-XI

Krcd Kanisey returned Tueidny fr0 B e Sheridnn, Wyoming, whoro ahe 1

apent several days wilh her daughi Miaa i ^ i th Rajnsoy, who hos been i

avlng* Sheridan county. •• - s ha t •" I ‘-bnsi- Aceused of Selling Booxe—A co1 win* i'laint charging illegnl aale of one quj

of whiakey has been filed in probi I court by Proaccuting Attorney P. lbs to Stephan against .Bert Kelso, colon 10 in ^ho was taken in custody hero Tu,B.W« "Isfct.s-wsU -»« -— ■— ■■•uloa, Pinlah T raining a t Moicow—Wc ij]l If haa been receivod bore tha t more publle tho Idaho boys in training a t Mosci

aro being scat to training camps in f Enat nnd th a t L eri Smith, wbo enti cd tm ioing as a carpenter, has gone

trolled Georgia.IS th ii -them Bean crop StUl T7atouched-^I>on work temperatures during the jiast f<

itional iiiglita havo cauaed anxiety among lo( inten- iicau grower* over the safety of thi arent- cropa. Freezing lompcraturo has t icarty yel been registered in Twin Falls tl Is dli* month, and il prominent bean gftm y un* this morning .declared th a t the cro , Den- in Ihla vicinity hod not been touch ler in Uy front.rlough ---------sd of New Director N am ed-M ra. Pan Bi<

cr o f Filer, haa been nnmcd a direct Cm * of the Twliv Fnlla county farin buroi I and to succced Mra. Carrie lU riier NVhil 9 war "'ho rcaigned recently lo become n ea ids'Of ‘ildnle subject to Ihe jirimariea, on t I vari* Kepublii-an ticket for reprcaentati Qolh from tbla coiinty. .Mra. Sierer hn* be'

)* pnd nameil ns tho fnrm bureau director, charge of home demonatratioii wnrk.

tha t ...ivards Leave fe r B rem eitoo-A .J. Myei ,g « . senior member of the law Jlrm <0 ex* XTyors' & Kinney, recently dissolri t th e when both membera enlisted in tl t fo r naval, reserve i-orpa, nnd Z. II. Nort t wiU ^or soveral years tho repreMnUti' O h o 0* an Inauranco' company, le rremi- Tueaday evening for Bremerton na< ay in Washington, in response to c dnig ealling them into nrllve aervlee i

i ^ e t "«oni|*elaaa seamen.

On W aterw orki A c c o ta t-T h e cii council a t . its mooting M onday tig l

work nuthoriiod the c ity clerk to draw wa Den* m a ts in the snm of 114,098.45 In po;

itale* ment oa accounts of eontraetorfl e: gaged in the work ofiastalllD g 'the it

leeal provements aod extension of the mi d lr l ' a ltlp a l w&terwoiks system. On est , the mate number .three, approved a t tb k for tim e, nouacr*Pae'kard company 'recoi' leted ed •10.0713S, aad WiUlam llark li ig to wa* paid *3,720.60.part* ---------glri* Passes Sidewalk O x tU n an c o -^ o g or* dinanee establishing local aldewalk In lelag provement d is tric t nnmber 8S, fo r tl Irect* purposo of aidewalking ceriala stroet s ^ y avonnes and pnblle thoroughfares I irery Twin Falls, wag passed a t the meetln

the Monday n igh t o f tho e lty council. Th eoa* conncil street* committee w ith Engli

' the eer £ . V. Berg is preparing an a u e t r the ment roll defining the properties I re a be sidewalked and tho additional ta Idlag to bo paid by each property owaer f< ! the ench improvementIind ---------

Family U eeta on O ntlng-D r.- aa Mrs. D.'-B. Johnson and fam ily hav returned a fte r an eight days entin on Wood river. The a ffa ir was in Ih

““'J ' nature of a fam ily rsnnion, .a t whi.- ' tm in ty relatives were p resen t -Mi “ • Johnson'* parents, >L-. and Jlra. Joi

eph T . Johnson, o f Ogdon, hla- id brdtbcr* aad th e ir wives, F . D. Johr son of Twin Palls, II. U. Johnson o Twin FaU*, Oeo. H . of Twin Falla, I 0 . and a B. o f Ogden, a B . Johnso: o f Salt Lake, bi* aisters, Mrs. Ilowel

J" “ Slater of Ogden and Mrs. P . 0 . Taylo 'fo” ana Mis* Josephine Johnson, wero hi

gnest* motoring to Twia Falla fror Salt Lake to Jola tho pnrty bere. '

11*1* aro changed bu t 'overj- e'frort will h and made to prevent encb change, heel fl. Competent judges will be choioi ~tha by tho directors of tho fair. The dec! IbiU ,ion of the judges will be final In al hool c u es. '

0. All final reporta and stories mus1 be bo in the hands of the local or count; a lu club leader by October 10. P riies wll °*B** be awarded aad paid soon a fte r th-

an above date. . .best ,

a fa m r ra n B UOEHBBB u d U arriage license* were iatued ii ran* ^>iria Pall* Trie*d«y to the followiag aet* Leroy E dw ard Day, Twia P a ll^ aac tho BeUata P e a il U enU I, Eden, Idaho.

A rthor 0 . U lU sr, Albion, Idaho, aai t be I>orothy T osagqulst, Brigham Olt; ibita Utah.

n Falla gclosed ■ . ^

■epaired B / \ A \day. • • I I

icnebcr- / Vght for ' I 'I begininch of ■

Bur- ^imcr In ccelved ;y aa ainvy nl B lIon. / OT

ird nnd ned to

' 1 \ T

i r : • N e w e s t :impa.

, We can sh >• creations inlie has . ,ughtcr, t h a t - y o u v


I torn. They'include'cv( » . (ace or embroider ' k plain white coilai

any price you v. and see them.

-W ord * . ,lore of C o m tC A y I

and Qualiin Ibe »■ ^ ■ enter*

P L A I N P R-I,ower — ' ' I ' . t few +g locnl Af the ir 4 . PB B80N A L8as not •{•Ils tbia ■J-T-I-:grower M. W. O ark of Long Beach, Oall: ■ crops nia, an uncle o f Mia* M. Ncwlon, oucbed a gueat o f Mr. nnd Mra. Conrnd Un.

J . D. McLain and Chariea Bulles apending n ahort vacation ou 8mi

n Bior* river.Iroctor ■ U r. nnd Mra. C. J . Kolley of E<1 buroau apent Tuesday here.While. 1^ Morehouse of no iilstc r i n a can-' aotod bualneaa boro Tuesday, on tho Uiaa Myrtle Steward of Welaer ita tivn viaiting frionda hero thia weok.Jl been ’ Mr. and Mra. 0 . O. Mathows of F itor. in motored to T w ia Falla Tneaday. . irk. Bobert Lutzo, proprietor o f the II

erson Department, store, transac Myers, busincaa hero Tueaday. rm of B* !’• Higgans of Bupert apent Tt isolred <Iay hero on bnsiness. n the £- H* Btonton of Pocatello is iro N orth, acting bnainesa bero Ihis week, ita tire F*. 0 . Boone and Leslie l^ w is mol r, le ft ed to llaasoo Toesday.

navy U r. and Mrs. Max llry o a t of Jero to or* f}>ent Tuesday here..'lea ns U rs. W, Loucko and daughter o f I

_ ' pulpa, Oklahoma, are guest* a t 1 ' bome of Eer brother, W. E . Nixon, 1 I c ity family.Light U r. ond Mra. J . F . M artin retnri

f war* Tuesday from Boiso, where U r. U ar 3 pay- speot ten day* on legal buaiaess.I cn* 0. E. Munsoa returaed M oaday f r be im* a few day s ' busiaou triji to- Sa lt La! 0 mu* B: Q. Denton of 'S im berly , distr , esU* a a n a g tr fo t the ' P i m t n JlU l fc I t tb is vator company, was a busioeas .v l^ recolT* here Tuesday.-arklns P . U . Kellogg and fam ily of Bi

a re spending tho week hero w hile 1 . - Kellogg attends to b u ^ a s s affairs.

J) or* P rank Chandler o f Bahl, who t Ik Im* been a pa tien t la the Twin Pall* Ot j r tbo cral H w ^ ta l fo r aeveral week*, 1 troets, retnm ed home.-OS in ’ Uiaa d a n H aiges, from the nnrat setlng training achodl a t D earer, Colorado, I. The here vM tiag her mother, U ra. H. Ei 3ngln* kifl.taaess* Mrs. Joseph Aiker* Is viaiting M lea to Bernard Striekera o'f Bock Creek tl a ta x week.er for • •' - _


have ____^

" 'I b f A nU orttywbi.-b O rganlie Twin P a ll* ' ITatloaal

J lr . W ith Oapital o f 1160,000

J ^ Rumort of tho cslaUi'shjscnl' of John* ^°“rib bank in Twin Falla are curre on of »t” ots. On Auguat 3, appiicIs, D. to 'tb e deportmenthnson Waahington for authority to Organi [owell Palls-Nation'aJ bank, with',g y j„ eapilal of ♦160,000,00 ........................Ig JjIj a number ef sheep mon of Tw from “ "I Bhoahone nro understood

he the prime movers in tho enterprii I t mundcrstood tha t tho movement h;

iU bo not advanced beyond tho prolimina) stage nltbongh the work of premoti<

boson •» 80'ng steadily forward, doei- ^ = = - _

In f -----------------

S M O K E MI:Ti" « ' f . ,

. = ' (iriag: r, and Uncqueaied QualK^ a n d l M A C A U L E Y B R OOlty, I T W I N F i


l l : M e c k w e a rshow you tli6 same in ladies' neckwear , w ould iind in the

i t o r e s . . - ___________ _ ____

everything from-the finest' Jered effects right down to' liars—something stylish at wish to pay. Come in

y h Oar Watchword \ality Our Standard


H M ^ ^

i m iim sS lifd r- To Mr. nml Mra. Boaa T . Douglaa rion, it Baturday', Augnat 17, a daiigbicr. Magel. To Mr. and Mra. Monte Atkin, on

lies nre Tuesday, August IS, a daughter.Smoky

M n. Marie Horabeck ~ )l«cr ia •Enroute from her home a t King Hill,

Ttlaho, to Twin Palla for a visit with >f Filer her paronta, Mr. and Mrs. P . C, Lan- V dia, Mrs. Mario Hornbcck. bride of 10 Hog* Henry F . Holnbeck. died a t 4 o'clock nsaeted Monday afternoon a t'U in idokk , after

a brief illncaa. The remalna were t Tuea- brought here to Iho Oroaaman * De-

W itt undertaking catabllahment, where I irana* funeral aorvicea, under .the auspices of

tbo Cbriatian Science church, will take motor* placo nt ^-o'clock today. T ie bereav*

ed hnaband, who waa with his wife Jerome when tho end cnme. arrived here Tues­

day noon.of Sa* Bolh Mr. Hornbeck and bis bride

.t tho formerly resided in Twin Polls. They in, and were married here last fall aod went

immediatelj' lo mako .the ir 'hom e at iturned King Ilill.U artia Mrs. Uornbeck leaves besides her

husband and parents, ono brother, T from Qnlck U ndia, and- ono aiater, Mrs. ; Lake. Cleata Bostick, both of Twin FaHa. U jtrle t Frnnk Hornbeck of K in g '^ m , • a 4 ^ btoihor ol the bereaved huaband, will -vllitpr bp bcre to attend the funeral services.

Oyms Staple* t Bahl At bia home 'In Eden,, Idaho, where lie U r. be bad bceo working for some time lira. witb hia brother, Jack Staples, a t the >0 ba* carpenter's trade, Cytji* Slaples, aged * Oen- ahout 65, a well known farmer ef the :*, has E den , diatrict, died . a t 11:30 'o 'clock

Tuesday night from rheumatism with in rses' compilcaHona. The remains Jia re beea ado, is brought to Iho.Orosamaa ft DeW ltt un* L Ear* dertaklng catnbllahmont in Twin / i l l s ,

and will bo takea Thartd&y moTolag, J M ra by Donald Blaples, 12 years old son of ik th is tbe deceased, to Almira, Washiogtoa,

where a daughter o f the deceued re* aidea

~TOO L A T ^ TO O M S S IF Y 'POR SALK~Pore*bred Ll^^Sa

^ rama P. ,S BeU,;Boon fi. F irs t Na* ^ . tional bank bnlldlig.

Twin ra lla 'E a flla to r W orki

IIL D c i g a r s ]

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