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LLDA 2011 report

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  • 7/30/2019 LLDA 2011 report






  • 7/30/2019 LLDA 2011 report


    In its effort to move towards exercising its developmentalfunction in managing the largest lake in the Philippines, the LLDAaccomplished several milestones that benetted the Laguna deBay, its environs as well as the stakeholders.

    On January 28, 2011, the LLDA has secured Presidential approvalfor the US$10 million additional nancing from the World Bank toscale up the coverage and scope of the Laguna de Bay InstitutionalStrengthening and Community Participation (LISCOP) Projectbefore witnessing the closing of its original nancing on April 122011.

    Likewise, the Authority has started to update its 1995 Laguna deBay Basin Master Plan to prepare the Spatial Development MasterPlan of the Laguna de Bay Basin: Land Use, Lake Water Use and

    Physical Development Plan. The Plan will address the emergingchallenges brought about by Climate Change while adaptingthe recent development thrusts of the present administration onPublic, Private Partnership (PPP).


    Philippine Copyright 2011Laguna Lake Development Authority

  • 7/30/2019 LLDA 2011 report



    OfficeOfthe General ManaGer

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    ryAn M. AQuinO 2009 Annual Report

    2010 Annual Repo

  • 7/30/2019 LLDA 2011 report






    13 ENVIRONMENTAL USER FEE SYSTEM (Expansion of EUF)14 Industrial Pollution Control Permit System14 Adjudicatio n and Closure Order14 Php 10,000 Daily Penalties

    14 Enforcement of Pollution Laws16 SHORELAND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM16 Enforcement of Shoreland Rules and Regulations

    17 RIVER REHABILI TATION PROGRAM (RRP)17 River Clean-up17 Formulation of Integrated Watershed Management Resource Program18 ECO-Index18 Pilot implementation of the IWMP is the Sta. Rosa Sub-watershed19 Adopt-a-R iver Project19 Federation of River Basin Councils/ FARMCs and Fisherfolk Sector20 Water Hyacinth Clean-up

    21 IMPLEMENTATION OF REVISED LAGUNA LAKE ZONING AND MANAGEMENT PLAN (ZOMAP)21 Regulation of Aquastructuresa21 Allocation of Shares to Lakeshore Municipalities

    22 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM22 Laguna de Bay22 Tributary Rivers22 LLDA Decision Support System (DSS)22 Water and Sediment Quality Monitoring and Reporting


    24 Pollution Control Officer (PCO) Trainings

    24 GEF- Manila Third Sewerage Project (GEF-MT SP)25 On-Line Course on River Basin Management for Asian Region, a Centro de Educacin a Distancia para el Desarrollo Econmico yTecnolgico (CEDDET) Foundation e-Learning Program on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

    25 Legislators Workshop cum LGU Forum26 Janitor Fish Catching and Marketing

    INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT/ GOVERNANCE27 Transfer of Temporary Office27 LLDA Permanent Office27 Implementation of Rationalization Plan (RATPLAN)27 Provident Funds

    27 Magna Carta for Scientist s, Engineers, Researchers and other Science and Technology Personnel27 Corporate Planning/Corp orate Operating Budget

    table of contents

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    Manda t eThe Laguna Lake Development Authority was established in1966 as a quasi-government agency that leads, promotes,and accelerates sustainable development in the Laguna de BayRegion. Regulatory and law-enforcement functions are carriedout with provisions on environmental management, particularlyon water quality monitoring, conservation of natural resources,and community-based natural resource management.

    We are the most respected integrated lake basin administrator inthe ASEAN community that sets the standards in environmental,social, and sustainable utilization and development of theLaguna Lake;By year 2020, the lake basin serves the region for drinking

    water, food and sheries, renewable energy, transport, oodcontrol, and benecial land development, including tourismand housing projects, where man interact with responsibly useand nurture the lake and its watershed in the way that GODhas planned it.

    To catalyze Integrated Water Resource Management in the

    Laguna de Bay Region, showcasing the symbiosis of Man andNature for sustainability, with focus on preserving ecologicalintegrity and promoting economic growth with equitable accessto resources.

    V i s i o n

    M i s s i o n

    the new lOGO

    Center image is the simplimap of the Laguna de Bay

    The abbreviated name of agency is placed on top to mit more legible and recognizabeing the premier institut

    that manages the Laguna Bay region.

    While the green circular borsignies a holistic approachintegrated management of basin being undertaken by the agency and the multifaristakeholders in rehabilitatand giving back the life of

    lake and its watershed.

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    Prior to the closing of thesuccessful the LISCOP OriginalFinancing on April 12, 2011, theAuthority has already securedapproval for the US$10 millionAdditional Financing on January28, 2011.The Budget under the integrity

    of the Environment and Climate Change Mitigation andAdaptation fund has been allocated for the LISCOP Projects mentioned during the speech of President Benigno

    Aquino III in the 15th Congress of the Philippines on July26 2011, as stated:

    In addition, we will fund the Laguna de Bay

    Strengthening and Community Participation Project,

    with P485M allotted for the goal of improving the

    environmental quality and sustainable management

    resources covering 20 LGUs around Laguna de Bay.

    To put the sub-projects in place for implementation, theLLDA and the World Bank Team conducted consultationmeetings with the interested LGUs and stakeholders from

    August 1-31, 2011 gaining results for the conrmation

    of 37 proposed sub-projects pipelined within the 3-year


    Moreover, LISCOP Component I Team covered somarketing, appraisal of proposed sub-project sites, revand evaluation of feasibility studies, Sub-project MonitoTeam (SPMT) meetings and other necessary activrelative to the commencement of new sub-projects.

    Of the thirty-seven (37) targeted sub-projects for

    additional nancing, twenty-four (24) were alre

    identied and facilitated by the Component 1 based

    the LGUs receptiveness and compliance to necesdocumentary requirements. See table 1.

    Materials Recovery Facility with Composting(Including Enhancement of existing MRF)


    Eco-tourism/Eco-Enhancement 6

    Flood Control 2

    Sanitary Landll 3

    Waste Water Treatment Facility 2

    River Rehabilitation 1

    Agro-forestry 1

    Table 1 - Proposed sub-projects categorized accordinproject types

    Discussion with concerned Local Government Units (LGUs) on the Additional Financing for the LISCOP Projec

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    There were ten (10) sub-projects from six (6) LGUs considered in advance stages ranging from Feasibility Study

    DAED preparation to Sub-project Appraisal Report (SPAR) endorsement out of the 24 subprojects. See table 2.

    LGU PROJECT COMPONENT STATUS1. Paete Wastewater Treatment Facility SPAR for endorsement to MDFO

    Material Recovery Facility FS and DAED submitted; for review of the CTRG

    Sanitary Landll FS and DAED submitted; for review of the CTRG

    2. Victoria Green Tourism FS and Conceptual Design for review of the CTRG

    3. Rodriguez Eco-tourism For submission of the Revised FS; DAED in-process

    Wastewater Treatment Facility For submission of the Revised FS; DAED in-process

    Flood Control For submission of the Revised FS; DAED in-process

    4. Pangil Agro-forestry FS and Conceptual Design for review of the CTRG5. Liliw Eco-tourism For revision of FS (improvement)

    6. Bay Flood Control FS, DAED and Bidding documents complied; For execution of SMO


    Co-Managed InvestMentsIn

    Watershed developMent

    Under the Original Financing, there are a total of 33 sub-

    projects from 21 LGUs within the Laguna de Bay Region.Attached is the list of Completed Sub-projects)

    The Project Team is now focused on determining thempacts of the projects to the immediate communities andhe Lakes region as well.

    strengthenIng InstItutIons

    Component of the LISCOP Project is now mainstreamedn the different divisions and departments of LLDA. Allctivities are now indicated under the respective divisions/

    departments work program and budget.

    upgradIngof perMIttIng, MonItorIn

    and enforCeMent systeM (pMes)

    The upgrading of the PMES has contributed to the efc

    delivery of the basic service of LLDA. The system incluseveral modules that have been developed and arvarious stages of adoption/implementation, namely:line application for Discharged Permit; Evaluation of Monitoring and Inspection for DP; Processing of DP; band assessment for Discharge Permit (DP), applicafor LLDA Clearance/Exemption, Evaluation/AssessmMonitoring & Processing; Processing for generation

    permits (DP&LC). The subsystems include self monitoreports, Results of Laboratory Analysis and Legal Actio

    The modules for online application and evaluationDP are operational since 2008. Preparatory activitiesthe integration of other modules are now ongoing. Authority is now nalizing the Terms of Reference (T

    needed to engage the services of IT consultants whoupgrade the system in executable applications for

    promotion of a paperless transaction and transparency

    date, the PMES is included in the LLDA ISSP.

    Table 2 - 10 (Ten) sub-projects

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    The Laguna de Bay Community Carbon Finance Project is an initiative parallel to and complementary with the LISCproject. Funded under the Japan Trust Fund for Climate Change Initiatives, it aims to reduce carbon emissions.

    Although the Carbonshed Grant endedon July 28, 2008, LLDA continued itsommitment to implement projectshat will eventually contribute to theocal and global efforts to mitigateGlobal warming.

    uch projects include engagingommunities to implement solid waste

    management mechanisms, composting,eforestation projects and construction

    of infrastructure to support theseprojects including wastewaterreatment facilities. These projectsre envisioned to address the prioritynvironmental issues in water pollutionaused by mismanaged solid and liquid

    wastes and lake sedimentation causedby solid erosion due to natural andmanmade loss of forest cover.

    or 2011, the LLDA team undertakesontinuous monitoring of the sub-

    projects under Bundle 1. (table 3)

    Moreover, the letter of approval for

    Bundle 2 has been afrmed on March

    4, 2011. This includes sub-projects of

    Victoria, Antipolo, Angono and Lucban.

    Also, a training-workshop on operationsof MRF and monitoring of compostingctivities for carbon credits was held

    on March15-16, 2011 at Monte Vista

    Resort, Pansol, Calamba, Laguna.

    BUNDLE 1

    MICRO WATERSHED SUB-PROJECTSan Pedro-Bian GMA Cluster MRF and Composting

    Morong-Teresa Morong Integrated Solid Waste Managemen

    Teresa Integrated Solid Waste ManagementTanay Tanay Environmental Enhancement

    Pagsanjan-Lumban Kalayaan Integrated Solid Waste Managemen

    Sta. Cruz Liliw Community-based Materials RecoveryFacility with Composting

    Sta. Cruz Integrated Solid Waste Manageme

    BUNDLE 2

    MUNICIPALITY SUB-PROJECTAntipolo Materials Recovery Facility

    Angono Materials Recovery Facility

    Mabitac Materials Recovery Facility

    Siniloan Environmental Improvement

    MRF Enhancement

    Pangil Environmental ImprovementMaterials Recovery Facility

    Pakil Environmental ImprovementMaterials Recovery Facility

    Pila Materials Recovery FacilityVictoria Materials Recovery Facility

    Nagcarlan Materials Recovery Facility

    Sta. Rosa

    Lucban Materials Recovery Facility

    Table 3 - Sub-projects under Bundle 1 and Bundle 2

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    Laguna de Bay is a critical and stratnatural resource that provides varenvironmental goods and servto both upstream and downstr

    communities. Hence, the 1995 Lagde Bay Master Plan was conceand approved by then President V. Ramos to spell-out the stratethat will promote the sustainmanagement of the Laguna de Bay Re

    As a result, signicant environme

    and institutional milestones have bachieved over the past years.

    However, with the enactment Philippine Clean Water Act, SWaste Management Act, and oenvironmental laws, coupled existing resource use and alloca

    conicts, emerging natural resou

    management challenges and o

    issues, such as climate change adaptadisaster reduction, development nancing of environmental infrastruc

    projects, and the need to strenginstitutional mechanisms; hence, deemed necessary to formulateupdated and revised Laguna de Region Master Plan that will addthe above concerns.

    In this regard, the LLDA crafted

    updated Master Plan framework, wwas approved by the Board of Direcin its meeting held on February 25, 2



    Fig. 1 - Hydrological Jurisdiction of LLDA

    Likewise agreed in the said meeting was the engagement of consultants that will formulate a Spatial DevelopmMaster Plan for the region. To move this forward, on April 6, 2011, the LLDA engaged the services of UP-PlanningDevelopment Research Foundation, Incorporated (PLANADES) to craft the Spatial Development Master Plan forLaguna de Bay Basin thru a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed by then GM Rodrigo E. Cabrera for LLDA Dr. Candido A. Cabrido, Jr. for UP Planades.

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    pecically, anchoring on the benets brought about by the

    995 Laguna de Bay Master Plan, it pursued the following:

    (i) identify policies that will strengthen the Authoritysregulatory mechanism;

    (ii) develop strategies that will implement big-ticketprograms and projects for the Laguna de Bay Basin:Land and Lake Water Use and Physical Development


    (iii) develop policies that will address existing andemerging natural resource challenges and other issuessuch as climate change, disaster reduction, amongothers.

    On May 16, 2011, the Laguna de Bay Basin Master Plan

    ramework was presented to selected congressmenof the Committee on Ecology to solicit inputs from theawmakers, this was followed by the consultation meetings

    with the stakeholders, as follows:


    May 26, 2011 LLDA Calauan,Laguna Ofce

    Laguna and Lucban,

    Quezon LGUs

    May 27, 2011 Rizal ProvincialCapitol, Antipolo,Rizal

    Rizal LGUs and LupangArenda Association

    May 30, 2011 Legend Hotel,

    Mandaluyong City

    Metro-Manila, Batangas

    and Cavite LGUs

    June 9, 2011 LLDA Calauan,

    Laguna Ofce

    FARMCs, Mapagpala,

    Pamalakaya FisherfolksJune 21, 2011 Kuhala Bay Resort,

    Cardona, RizalUniversity of RizalSystem (URS) Academe

    The Spatial Development Masterplan was approved for

    ndorsement by the NEDA Sectoral Committees onnfrastructure and Economic Development (SCID andCED), respectively during its LLDA hosted meeting onuly 6, 2011.

    On its September 19, 2011 Board meeting, the said Plan

    was presented by UP Planades while subsequently, its FinalReport was submitted on October 28, 2011. Upon its

    pproval by the LLDA Board, the LLDA will be formulatingfull-blown Master plan. Again, this will be presented to

    Congress and Senate for endorsement. Lastly, issuanceof an Executive Order shall be secured from PresidentBenigno S. Aquino III to adopt the Laguna de Bay RegionMaster Plan for implementation.

    In December 2011, President Aquino through Dapproved the release of the PhP 270 million from

    National Government to the Laguna Lake DevelopmAuthority allotted for various development projectsthe Authority and within the region. Breakdown as foll

    1. LdB Quality Management Restoration Water Park/Eco-Park and Wetlands;

    2. Construction of Green, climate-sensitive and ener

    efcient LLDA Headquarters and Parallel Laborat3. Upgrading of LLDA Laboratory Equipment and

    Automated Telemetering System;4. Concreting of Road going to Teresa MRF;5. Procurement of motorboats for surveillance and

    monitoring activities; and6. Capacity Building for the LLDA Project Feasibility

    Development Team.




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    President Benigno S. Aquinled on May 24, 2011 the see

    of tilapia and big head ngerlings in the sh sanct

    situated in Malaking PBarangay Punta, Jalajala, Riza

    the waters of Laguna de

    With the theme, BrinBack the Lakes Boun

    Harvest, the Laguna Development Authority (LL

    aims to revitalize the lashery resources through

    lake seeding to augmentlivelihood of shermen arothe Laguna de Bay Re

    The Presidentaccompanied by high-rangovernment ofcials inclu

    Environment and NatResources Secretary Ra

    Paje, Agriculture SecreProceso Alcala, LLDA GM

    Cabrera, Governor ER Ejerof Laguna, Gov. Jun YnareRizal, Congressman Joel Duavit, Cong. Edgar San

    Mayor Elionor Pillas of JalRizal, congressmen, may

    barangay leaders and mem

    of FARMC and other sher


    Succeeding lake seeactivities were conductethe lake waters of San P

    City, Muntinlupa, CardonaBinangonan on May 30, June

    14 and 17, 2011, respecti

    A total of 600,000 nger

    were dispersed in 201

    revitalize shery resou

    and provide livelihood withngerlings committed for

    entire prog

    LAKE SEEDINGwiththe

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    OPLAN UNIVERSE is pursuant to LLDA mandate under R.A. 4850 that provides that all plans, programs and project

    public corporations, private persons or enterprises and local government ofces shall be in consonance with the Autho

    development goals for the entire Laguna de Bay Region. Therefore, the LLDA is authorized to pass upon and approvedisapprove such development programs and projects to efciently

    nd effectively manage the lake and its resource.

    OPLAN UNIVERSE is a special task force launched in April 2011

    whose main activity is to conduct census of all industries withinhe Laguna de Bay Region. There were 14 enumerators hired to

    onduct surveys in Quezon City, its piloted area. Specically, its

    oles are as follows:

    1. Determine the industry universe in the region for the purposeof reducing pollution;

    2. Assist in updating the Industry Database;3. Provide inputs on the streamlining of industry permitting

    business processes; and4. Recommend future steps on the continuance of the Program

    rom April to June 2011, the enumerators conducted the saidctivity in Quezon City for this purpose. It is aimed to identifystablishments that need to secure Discharge Permits and LLDA

    Clearance in order to establish an updated and reliable regulatorynd monitoring system.

    As part of the efforts to bring into the fold all industrial, commercialnd other establishments, LLDA received 587 applications for LLDA

    Clearance, 1,371 for Discharge Permits and 234 Notices of ViolationNOV).

    After several months in operations of the Oplan Universe, itas been observed that there is still low level of awareness ofstablishments in the region of the LLDAs mandate and jurisdiction.

    A new approach has been recommended by management, these arehe following:

    Make use of the Supreme Court Mandamus which requiresall LGUs covered to submit list of establishments within theirareas of jurisdictions;

    Assign the enumerators in the piloted LGUs and coordinate incross checking establishments with Business Permits vs. LLDA

    database focusing on establishments without LLDA Clearance/Permit rather than elding them out for saturation works;

    Tap available funds from the DBM approved Manila Bay AdvisoryCommittee (MBAC) budget for LGU led saturation activities;

    Fast track the encoding of OPLAN UNIVERSE informationinto the LLDA industry database; and

    Continue the program with modications as recommended. Enumerators for OPLAN UNIVERSE

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    A Resolution Requiring Local Government Uni

    the Laguna de Bay Region to Pass and Implem

    an Ordinance Banning the Use and Distributio

    Thin Film, Single Use, Carry Out, Non- Biodegrada

    Plastic Bags.

    This BR imposed a ban on the use of single plastic bAfter its publication in a newspaper of national circulatio

    copy was furnished to LGUs, ofcially informing them as we

    soliciting their full cooperation and support to ensure compliawith the same.

    n a study conducted by the Muntinlupa City Government after the destructive typhoon Ondoy, it was found out 90% of materials which obstructed waterways and clogged storm drains were plastic.

    n addition, a recent study by the Ocean Conservancy showed that the debris collected from Philippine Coastal Cleann 2008, which included sites in and around Laguna de Bay, consisted predominantly of plastic bags and plastic packamaterials.

    As co-stewards of the Laguna de Bay environment, local government units (LGUs) play a major role in ensuring

    mplementation of the LLDA Board Resolution No. 406 which bans the use of non-biodegradable plastic bags in all cnd municipalities in the Laguna de Bay Region.

    Approved on 24 March 2011, the resolution aims to concretely address the indiscriminate dumping of plastic bags

    other packaging materials into the environment causing ooding, clogging of waterways and shallowing of the rivers

    he lake.

    As an alternative, LLDA is advocating the use of biodegradable plastics which is made out of potatoes and corn. Aoday, there are many biodegradable plastic products available in the market such as sando bags, garbage bags, ute

    disposable plates, among others. This is being promoted on top the reuse, reduce and recycle campaign of the Autho

    To date, the Local Governments of Muntinlupa City in Metro Manila; the Municipalities of Los Baos, Calamba, Pnd Kalayaan in Laguna, Taytay in Rizal; Lucban in Quezon and Carmona in Cavite have already passed and implemenocal ordinances prohibiting or regulating the use of plastic bags in their localities. The other LGUs are expected tohe same.


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    Participants from LLDA and Manila Water Co. Inc., for thPlanting held in in Bgy. Binayoyo, Antipolo City, Riz


    The Laguna Lake Development Authority takes its sharen the implementation of the National Greening ProgramNGP) of President Benigno Aquino III with its signing ofMemorandum of Agreement last May 30, 2011 with theederation of River Basin Foundation, INC. (FRBFI), Rizal

    Provincial Government and University of Rizal SystemURS) Tanay for a province-wide tree-planting programn Rizal.

    The FRBFI is designated to identify areas for plantingbased on LLDAs Reforestation Plan for the Laguna deBay Region. In addition, the foundation together withURS shall undertake the actual nursery establishmentnd operation for seedling propagation.

    or its part, LLDA will provide the aforementioned

    nstitutions with ample technical and nancial assistance

    nd the necessary materials to successfully carry out the

    planting plan and the out-planting of the seedlings.

    or sustainability and better management, the participatinggencies are also creating capacity-building mechanismsor the communities within the tree-planting zones.

    Meanwhile, On October 7, 2011, Secretary Neric Acosta,

    Presidential Adviser for Environmental Protection andLaguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) GeneralManager, led hundreds of LLDA employees and membersof the local community in two separate tree-planting

    ctivities aimed to rehabilitate the watershed of theLaguna de Bay Region and in support of the Presidents

    National Greening Program. The rst tree-planting

    program was held at Tayak Hill, Brgy. Tala, Rizal, Laguna

    while the second one was held on October 12, 2011, inBrgy. Binayoyo, Antipolo City.

    n his speech, the Secretary reiterated the importance ofhe watershed, a natural water reservoir, in the protectionnd preservation of the Laguna Lake, preventing oods,

    nd securing food for future generations.

    P R O G R AM

    Tree Planting site in Bgy. Binayoyo, Antipolo City, Riz

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    A denuded watershed would mean siltation in the Laguna Lake, w

    could lead to algae bloom and sh kills. Siltation occurs when there

    high levels of silt or clay in a body of water due to surface run-of

    soil erosion and ooding because of the lack of trees to hold the

    water in the ground. The site where the second tree-planting activity held is part of the Marikina Watershed which was the major sourcoodwaters during typhoon Ondoy.

    The Secretary also stressed the importance of the watershed to fsecurity, saying, If the watershed becomes denuded, there will be

    water reservoir, and no water. And if theres no water, there will befood.

    Secretary Acosta stressed that it is therefore imperative that rejuvenate the watershed by increasing its water-holding capacity ifwant a cleaner lake, food security for our children, and to avoid anoOndoy.

    Planting trees is the least that we can do if we want to leave behilegacy. Trees will live far beyond our lifetime and will be there for the

    generations to come, Sec. Acosta added.

    LLDA partners with the local government of the Municipality of RLaguna headed by Mayor Antonino Aurelio for the planting and rearin

    rees at the Laguna site. For the Antipolo site, the activity was conducted in partnership with Manila Water Co. and Cube Phils. These tree-planting activities are part of the many programs of the LLDA as part of LLDAs 42nd anniver

    n October 2011.

    The LLDA through the Calauan Agro-Forestry Project was able to propagate a total 88,743 seedlings and were distribu

    o the different LGUs in support to their tree planting activities. A total of 20,063 pieces were dispersed to diffeLGUs in Rizal and Laguna, River Councils, other institutions and individuals and partner industries while 49,114 seed

    re available for planting and dispersal.

    Agro-forestry site in LLDA Complex, Calauan, Laguna

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    With the approval of Board Resolution No. 404, s. 2011, LLDA implemented stiffer penalties for violation

    environmental laws and LLDA regulations from Php 1,000 per day to a minimum of Php 10,000 per day to com

    establishments to set-up their own water treatment facilities to minimize the ow of heavy metals and opollutants to the lake.

    As of December 2011, a total of 772 environmental permits/clearances have been issued, see table 4.

    PERMIT/CLEARANCE TYPE AS OF DECEMBER 2011Discharge Permit (including Revalidation) 526

    LLDA Clearance 228

    Barging Clearance 18

    TOTAL 772

    Table 4 - Number of Permits/Clearances issued

    Discharge Permit (DP) applications for new and renewal including revalidation reached a total of 1,450 (130 n1,066 renewal and 254 revalidation). Issuance of DPs totalled to 526 (36 new and 315 renewal with 175 revalid

    permits), which is about 36% of the total applications. Thus, there are a total of 526 outstanding valid permits unthe EUF System.

    The Surveillance and Monitoring Division (SMD) of the Envirovnmental Regulations Department (ERD) condua total of 2,550 compliance monitoring, where a total of 4,920 industries were surveyed in the Region.

    LLDA have docketed a total of 421 cases, which are mostly water pollution. Moreover, 924 public hearings wconducted (including re-scheduled public hearings and/or non-appearance of concerned parties) for industries shoreland encroachments. A total of 45 Ex-Parte orders were issued to industries for refusal of entry, water pollu

    and operating without permit. On the other hand, 164 rms complied with all the requirements for pollu

    control; thus, they were issued order of dismissal for their cases.



    The Universal Robina Corporation (URC) - Corn Division versus LLDA with GR No. 191427 was decided

    nality by the 3rd Division of the Supreme Court on May 30, 2011 in favor of LLDA, ordering the URC-C

    Division to pay Php 1,247,000.000 to this Authority, further four (4) indusries namely: Top Ideas Food Corp., Ro

    Farm were issued Cease and Desist Order by LLDA due to continuous discharging of pollutive wastewater tolakes tributaries.





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    Fig. 2 - Administrative Jurisdiction of LLDA

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    The 14,000-hectare Laguna de Bay shoreland spans 192 barangays in 29 municipalities in Rizal and Laguna inclu

    Metro-Manila. LLDA BR. 23, series of 1996 embodies policy guidelines on the use and occupancy of the Lagde Bay shoreland areas. It also species the framework of the Shoreland Management Program that covers

    inventory of titleholders, occupants, owners, and claimants as well as delineation of allowable and prohibited us

    In 2011, the LLDA has issued ten renewals of Shoreland Occupancy Permits (SOPs). Likewise, 15 Citation Ticwere issued for prohibitive use of the shoreland areas, see table 5.


    Muntinlupa 2

    Province of Laguna Bay 2

    Los Baos 1

    Pangil 1

    TOTAL 15

    However, from those issued with citation tickets, there were 12 issued with Notices of Violations (NOVs) while

    ve Technical Conferences were conducted.

    Table 5



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    The Environmental Army (EA) orHukbong Pangkapaligiran is a

    roup of sherfolks and farmers

    organized by LLDA in 1997 tondertake the actual physicallean up of clogged water wayshat drains to Laguna de Bay.

    These more or less 300 men andwomen volunteers also contribute

    n raising awareness of residents ofommunities living near rivers andreeks on proper waste disposalnd environmental conservation.

    pearheaded by the EAs, and in ao-sharing scheme with the Local

    Government Units. In 2011, one

    1) river clean-up was carried outwith the Lake Management Ofce

    LMO) of City of Muntinlupa with the theme Linis Ilog, Linis Lawa: River Clean-up. It was conducted at Buli Cr

    n Muntinlupa City. This is in relation with the various complaints of the residents of Tahanan Village in Paranaque ntercity Homes in Muntinlupa regarding the disgusting odor coming from their river system to the Lake.

    Environmental Army (EA) Training and General Assembly - December 20-21held at the Learning Resource Centre (LRC), LLDA Complex, Calauan, Lag

    imultaneous to the move to update the LDB MasterPlan is to set policies in place for the proposal on the

    reation of the 24 sub-WQMAs in the Region in line withBoard Resolution No. 414, s. 2007, Designating the 24

    ub-watersheds of the Laguna de Bay Basin as Sub-

    Watershed Quality Management Areas (sub-WQMA)

    and approving the Implementation of an Integrated

    Watershed Management Program (IWMP) for the

    Laguna de Bay Basin.

    24 SUB-WATERSHED1. Angono

    2. Baras3. Bian

    4. Calauan5. Caliraya

    6. Jala-Jala7. Los Baos8. Manggahan9. Marikina10. Morong11. Muntinlupa12. Pagsanjan

    13. Pangil

    14. Pila15. Pililla16. Siniloan17. San Cristobal

    18. San Juan19. San Pedro20. Santa Rosa21. Santa Cruz22. Santa Maria23. Taguig

    24. Tanay



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    On June 05, 2011, the nal draft of the Sta. Rosa

    Environmental Code was completed after the conductof the public consultation. Covered in the said code arethe following:

    1. The role of LLDA;2. Assistance to the formulation of the Sta. Rosa Water

    Resource Management Plan (Article 5-Section 34);

    and3. Administrative arrangements of the LLDA regardingits deputation/delegation to the City of Sta. Rosa.(Section 38)

    In order to properly organize the implementation IWMP,

    a workshop was undertaken on September 7-9, 2011at Development Academy of the Phils. (DAP), TagaytayCity. Four (4) local governments of the said watershed

    participated, namely: Cities of Sta. Rosa and Binan, Townsof Cabuyao, Laguna and Silang, Cavite to collaborate of

    their efforts in local governance.Assistant General Manager Dolora N. Nepomuceno

    together with other LLDA top ofcials and technical

    ofcers graced the event to initiate discussions on the

    Integrated Watershed Management Program for theSanta Rosa sub-watershed and to look on the feasibilityof sustainable development in the area through inter-

    governmental efforts. Consequently, a short coursethe state and readiness of local institutions was held to assess their capacity to implement harmoniothe management and development plans for aforementioned watershed.

    On the second day, the workshop focused on technical aspect as spearheaded by experts from

    U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (UP-SUThe group discussed characteristics of the groundwapollution and ooding at the Santa Rosa Sub-waters

    as well as the process of urban planning, the valuatiothe impacts of disaster and the mitigation and adaptacapability of governments and their communities.

    Subsequently, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOAnow being nalized by the four LGUs for the Instituti

    Arrangement for the Santa Rosa Sub-watershedfacilitate the move towards an integrated local initia

    on protecting not only the Santa Rosa Sub-watershedeventually the Laguna Lake. As Assistant General ManDolora N. Nepomuceno puts it, Lets lead an examamongst our comrades in local governance that sustain

    development is best achieved through our integrated ef

    Let this cooperation serve as the pilot program for fu

    partnerships in the Region.

    In line with the Earth Day Celebration, resource recovery event was held on April 29, 2011 at LISP, Cabuyao, Lag

    The event was participated by 14 Environment Service Providers (ESP) sharing their management practices, serv

    and products. Hauling of recyclables was facilitated by the accredited ESPs identied prior during the event. Ac

    collection of recyclables and hauling was conducted from April 29 to May 10, 2011. Herewith is the breakdowcollection during the event:

    ITEM QTY. WEIGHT (kg.) LITERUsed Lead 261 1,050Electronic Waste 349 593

    Drums 159 1930.85

    Assorted recyclables 700

    Oil waste/oil contaminated material 40,584




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    The Authority has facilitated the Regional and Consultative Meeting of FARMC Cooperators in the Region on Apri2011 at the Learning Resource Center (LRC) in LLDA Compound, Calauan, Laguna. With the LLDA spearheading

    by former GM Rodrigo Cabrera, the LGU representatives, members of Inter-Agency Committee on FARMC and ARMC ofcials contributed to the success of the event. Together, they witnessed the presentation of the Laguna de

    Basin Master Plan Framework followed by MOA signing between LLDA and FARMC Inter-Agency Committee for j

    ctivity the eradication of janitor sh.

    ndustry giants have signed a Memorandum of Understandingwith the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) on

    project dubbed as Adopt-a-River, a priority venture

    nder the River Rehabilitation Program of LLDA. Theprogram is geared towards the rehabilitation, protectionnd conservation of the rivers within the Laguna de Bay


    Under the terms of agreement, the adoptive party, inoordination with the River Councils organized by LLDA,

    will take a lead role in River Conservation Advocacy andelp formulate a Development and Management Plan forhe river they have chosen to adopt with the end view ofenerating active participation from barangays, industries,ommercial establishments and local government units

    within the area.

    According to LLDA General Manager Rod Cabrera,Adopt-a-River involves primarily the development ofiver segmentation and site assessment, community

    proling, information drives and motivation campaigns,

    establishment of eco-parks and water purication facilities.

    n coordination with LLDA, the adopters will provide

    nancial and technical assistance to the LGUs and River

    Councils in realizing this project.

    Large companies such as Jeon & Hans International Tanduay Distillers Inc. have already signed memorandwith LLDA. J&H has embarked itself on the wpurication of Laguna Lake and the dredging of the mo

    of its tributaries with Chairman Il-Sung Jeon signingMOU last February 2011. While Tanduay has pledgedthe rehabilitation and conservation of Cabuyao River w

    Chairman Lucio Tan signing the MOA last November 2

    Seven corporations have adopted the Teresa River in RThe signing of the MOU was held on April 18, 2011 wthe following signatories: LLDA GM Rod Cabrera, TeMayor Rodel N. Dela Cruz, Ricardo Mendoza of RepuCement Corp., Annie Dee of Teresa Marble Corp., PGuong of Cosmos Farm, Geraldine Pasion of CDY F

    Nolie Semeniano of ABC Phil. Inc. and representatives f

    Robina Farm and Foremost Farm.

    The health of the Laguna Lake ultimately depends on

    health of each and every tributary, creek, rivulet and str

    that fows into the rivers which eventually reach the

    Through multi-stakeholder and multi-sector involvement

    as the case of Adopt-a-River, LLDAs capacity of ensuring

    protection, rehabilitation and development of the Laguna

    is greatly enhanced, GM Cabrera added.

    Singing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between LLDA and Tanduay Distiller Inc. (left),and Jeon & Hans International (right)



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    A Water Hyacinth Clean-Up Operatiwas conducted off the waters of Lagu

    Lake along the 14 lakeshore barang

    of Cardona, Rizal.

    For years, the Municipality of Cardo

    through the leadership of MayBernardo F. San Juan, Jr. has beasking the Laguna Lake DevelopmeAuthority (LLDA) to come up wa solution to the problem of t

    overgrowth of water hyacinths in thlakeshores.

    The accumulation of this aquaplant due to northeast winds (hangamihan) has greatly affected t

    livelihood of the sher folks result

    to difculty in navigation towards t

    open shing grounds not to menti

    the threat to the health and well beof the lakeshore residents.

    In order to address the said conceLLDA organized a clean-up operation

    January 27, 2011 with the engagemeof some 60 Environmental Arm

    and sher folks. The undertaking wsupported by Rizal Governor CasimA. Ynares III in Barangay Patunhay.

    To help facilitate the clean-up operation, a backhoe was contracted to barge heavily affected areas while manlabor was assigned to moderately affected areas. In addition, breakers made from bamboo were installed in the arto prevent the water hyacinth from blocking anew the motorways.

    In summary, from January 29 to March 11, 2011, a total of 5,100 tons of water hyacinth covering an area of

    hectares were hauled using the backhoe. While a total of 650 tons covering 12 hectares were removed manually

    To utilize the water hyacinth and prevent it from just becoming waste, a livelihood program was set up by LLDApartnership with the Ofce of Congressman Edgar San Luis of the 4th District of Laguna together with the ofci

    of the Kababaihang Angat Pila (KAP).

    Water hyacinths when dried can be weaved to form various handicrafts such as bags and slippers. As of today, 20,0

    tons of water hyacinth have been harvested by the sher folks and converted into handicrafts by the KAP.

    The clean-up operation is part of the new Laguna de Bay Master Plan which main aim is to develop and protect tLaguna Lake to provide sustainable livelihood and a better quality of life to its people.


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    The operation of shpen/shcage culture in Laguna de Bay

    ontinued despite the onslaught of typhoons and changed inpolitical administrations.

    ishpen registration for CY 2011 started in November untilDecember 29, 2011. There are 190 registered shpens mostly

    orporations covering an area of 5,988.26 has. Total collectionsrom shpen reached an amount of Php 39,073,282.09.

    As to payment of FP Fee for 2009-2010, there are 291 FP

    overing a total area of 8,736.71 exceeding 9% of the target.

    On the other hand, shcage registration was conducted in

    municipalities where they are situated from September 5 toOctober 18, 2011. A total of 1,775 registered shcages with

    ,237.19 has. The Authoritys collection from shcages reached

    total of Php 633,098.80, while payment of 2009-2010 reachedtotal of 18 operators with a total area of 28.3825 has.

    There were 316 Notices of Violation issued for thenforcement of ZOMAP regulations.

    Fig. 3 - 2003 ZOMAP

    On March 24, 2011, the LLDA Board of Directors appro

    Board Resolution No. 410, Approving Rational

    Guidelines for the Acess, Availment, Utilization

    Release of FP Share of Local Government Units in

    Ldb Region. The Fishpen fee Share of these lakeshmunicipalities amounted to Php 60, 917,0.17.34.

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    The BOD concentration of the Lake for all the monitoringtations passed the 10 mg/L BOD criterion set forClass C waters by the DENR. It has reached the lowestoncentration of 1.0 mg/L in Station IV in October 2011.

    Dissolved Oxygen (DO) still conformed to the settandard while T. Coli parameter, the monthly geomeansonsistently passed the criterion and ranged between 92-

    7703 MPN/100mL.


    Out of the 25 tributary river stations, 14 stations or 56%omplied with the criterion for BOD concentration for

    Class C waters. The lowest concentration is 1.0 mg/L forhis 2011.

    Continuous monitoring in tributary stations for differentparameters such as T. Coli and DO is being conducted byhe ELRD.


    This has transformed the LLDA DSS into an even mpowerful management tool to determine the tpollutant load of the Laguna de Bay, Pasig River and MaBay watershed, as well as the means and effect of achierequired reductions in priority pollutant loadingsthe water quality as well as ecological conditions ofwatershed.

    With the support and partnership with GEF, UNOand PEMSEA, it already expanded the geographical functional coverage of DSS.


    A total of 13 control charts has all been prepared completed by Resource Management and DevelopmDepartment (RMDD)-Environmental Laboratory Research Division (ELRD).

    The review of the draft Standard Operating Proced(SOP) will resume after full implementation of Rationalization Plan.


    PROGRAMder its water quality monitoring program, LLDA uses a number of parametersaccurately assess the impacts of development activities on the river systems andlake and their suitability for benecial uses. These include BOD, DO, phosphate,

    rate, chloride, transparency, net primary productivity, TCC, and heavy metals.

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    POLLUTION CONTROL OFFICER (PCO) TRAININGSThe Continuing EnvironmeEducation Program for PolluControl Ofcers (PCOs) of var

    industries and business establishmwas institutionalized in 2001 asoutcome of the tie-up with the P

    River Rehabilitation Commis(PRRC). A module on environmeregulations, waste minimization, cleaner production was formulto essentially curb water pollutiopoint sources. This was designedequip PCOs with knowledge on exisenvironmental laws and alternawastewater treatment technoloas well as the various environmepermits they have to secure.

    The training has strengthened partnership and deepened interaction between LLDA and industries. Given the limited resouof LLDA, these trained PCOs can ll the gap by facilitating complianc

    the establishments they represent wthe anti-pollution laws and regulatio

    n 2011, there are total of 3,600 PCOs who have attended the program. Moreover, a two-day seminar was condu

    or PCOs of Industrial Estates within the Region. The topics include LLDA BR No. 404, DAO 2010-06 and Geo-Hazan Region IV-A. It was attended by forty (40) Environmental Ofcers.

    PCO Training held at Camelot Hotel, Quezon City

    GEF- MANILA THIRD SEWERAGE PROJECT (GEF-MTSPThe GEF-MTSP supports the concerned agencies, includingLLDA, in the identication and removal of institutional,

    economic, nancial and technical barriers limiting investmentso reduce pollution that reaches the South China Sea throughhe Manila Bay. Its objective is to create enabling environmento scale up priority investments in sewerage and sanitation inhe Laguna Lake-Pasig River- Manila Bay Watershed through: a)pgrading of sector plans and policies based on environmentalnd economic principles; and b) piloting of innovative nancing

    mechanisms to facilitate private sector investment.

    LLDA is the implementing agency for Components 3 and the project. The consulting service was awarded to Internati

    Technical Assistance Consultants (ITAC) in partnership local consultants, namely, TechniPlan and IPA.

    Following are the accomplishments:

    A. Completed Tasks 1 and 2 Reports of Compone

    Use of Market Based Instruments- Task 2 Report focused on the progressive developm

    of LLDAs EUFs and assessment of its performabenchmarking of the LLDA scheme against sim

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    schemes in other countries, identied recommendations

    for short term and medium term enhancement of LLDAsystem including new parameters and applicable sectors,among others.

    B. LLDA-TWG is presently reviewing Tasks 3 and 5of Component 4 on the review of fees and policy and

    institutional implications, respectively. It is expected tonalize in the end of 1st quarter of 2012.

    The project is expected to be completed in February 2however, an extension until June 2012 has been approved.

    Consistently, LLDA has participated in the regular meecalled for by the DENR-PMO and Steering Committee.

    E-LEARNING PROGRAM ON INTEGRATED WATERRESOURCES MANAGEMENT (IWRM)CEDDET Foundation invited LLDA as a collaborativenstitution in an on-line course on River Basin managementn partnership with the Confederation Hidrogracadel Ebro (Ebros River Basin Authority) and the SpanishMinistry of Environment. The collaboration took shape inwo ways:

    A. LLDA as a partner institution of the course,hence, the diploma will be issued by LLDA,Spanish Ministry of Environment and the CeddetFoundation

    B. LLDA to share its experience in themanagement of Laguna de Bay by teachingModule 7 Learning from Experience of LLDAto be lead by AGM Nepomuceno. It will showcasehow the river basin management approach hasbeen applied to address lake management issues.

    The main objective of the course is the developmenskills by training public ofcials and technician of opera

    of water and sanitation on river basin management. Spanish Government through the Ministry of Environmwill nance the conduct of the on-line learning cou

    therefore, there is no co-nancing from the LLDA.

    The pilot run of the course commenced in 10 Octoand ended 3rd week of December 2011. A total oparticipants from all over Asia and Europe successpassed the online course. LLDA nominated thparticipants and completed the course with distinction

    The second run of the online course is now unpreparation by CEDDET.

    LEGISLATORS WORKSHOP CUM LGU FORUMAs follow-up for the consultation meeting in the previousear, a Legislators Workshop cum LGU Forum wasonducted The forum on June 29, 2011 at the LLDA

    Conference Room, Bangyas, Calauan, Laguna to disclosehe formally approved Board Resolutions and to informudience on the developments of the LISCOP Additionalinancing. Several Local Chief Executives, Members

    of Sangguniang Bayan/Panglungsod Committee onEnvironment and the MENROs/CENROs were present inhe forum.

    This program was facilitated by the CommuDevelopment Division (CDD). Hereunder is the ageof the forum:

    1. Recent Development on the Implementatiothe LISCOP Project.

    2. Pangils Experience on the lISCOP Sub-proImplementation and Management.

    3. LLDA BR No. 406, s. 2011 A ResoluRequiring the LGUs in the LdB Region to

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    and Implement Ordinance Banning the Use andDistribution of Thin Film, Single Use, Carry OutPlastic Bags.

    4. LLDA BR No. 410, s. 2011 Approving

    Rationalized Guidelines for the Access, Availment,Utilization and Release of 35% Fish Pen Fee Shareof Lakeshore LGUs in the LdB Region.

    5. An Ordinance Enacting the Environment Code ofthe City of Sta. Rosa.

    6. LLDA BR. No. 414, s. 2011 Designating theSub-watersheds of the LdB Basin as Sub-WQuality Management Areas (Sub-WQMA) Approving the Implementation of an IntegrManagement Program (IWMP) for LdB basins.

    ANITOR FISH CATCHING AND MARKETINGA meeting with Mr. Samuel Aguilar was held on Marc2011 towards MOA execution on the implementatioa large-scale collection and harvesting of Janitor FisLaguna de Bay.

    Janitor Fish

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    TRANSFER OF TEMPORARY OFFICEAfter termination of its leasing contract with the previousofce in Taytay, Rizal, The LLDA ofce transferred at the

    4th Floor, Annex Building, Sugar Center, North Avenue,

    Diliman, Quezon City. The transport commenced on 26October.

    The new location, as rationalize, can be of better accessnd service to the clienteles of the Authority.


    The permanent LLDA Head Quarter will be constructedt the Ecology Center, Diliman,Quezon City. A team toonceptualize the design of the building was created per

    Memorandum Order No. 2010-114.

    Conceptualization and design have been submitted to theOfce of the General Manager and Ofcer-in-Charge,

    Management Services Department. Said design is beingeviewed by the Management Team.


    LLDA is prepared for a more revitalized, relevant andesponsive operations by re-engineering its structure andtafng pattern under the approved RatPlan.

    The RatPlan is now on its nal stretch of implementation

    or a remaining 25% towards its full implementation. A

    otal of 186 positions have been lled-up out of the 220pproved positions.

    Publication and selection process for the remaining vacantpositions will be ready in 1st quarter of 2012.


    To provide supplementary benets to its employees, the

    BOD has approved Resolution No. 394, series of 2010,

    Approving the Establishment Administration of LLDA ProvidFund, Inc. It aims to supplem

    retirement and separation ben

    of LLDA employees and pro

    alternative loan nancing optfor its members. Administrative arrangements incl

    among others, employees and LLDA shall contricertain amount as part of the fund.

    A nal draft of the By Laws of the LLDA Provid

    Foundation Association Inc., was already forwarded tomembers of the Committee on June 06, 2011 for furreview/appraisal for its nalization.



    A letter of request has been received by the Departmof Health regarding the Magna Carta for S&T Personn

    Necessary coordination with the attached ofces of DE

    and DOST was done by the Committee, as created, Memorandum Order No. 2011-05.


    The LLDA Corporate Operating Budget for 2011

    approved by the Board of Directors on 24 March,

    Board Resolution No. 407, s. 2011-Approving the W

    Program and Corporate Operating Budget for CY 2and 2012 and Budget Estimates for CY 2013 to 2016.

    With regard to the preparation of 2012 Work Progand Budget, on December 12-14, 2011, LLDA condu

    corporate-wide planning workshop at Legend VMandaluyong City. Each department/division presen

    their proposed work program including their targpriorities for 2012.

    Prior to this, series of mini workshop was heldNovember 10, 2011 at PAWB focusing on 3Is (Inventotervention,Interest) of the Authority particularly regarIndustries, Shoreland and Aquastructures.


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    Department of Environment and Natural Resources

    Viasayas Ave., Diliman Quezon City

    HON. J.R. NEREUS O. ACOSTA, Ph. D.Vice-Chairman

    Secretary/Presidential Adviser for Environmental Protection

    General Manager

    Laguna Lake Development Authority


    Province of Rizal

    Rizal Provincial Capitol Bldg.

    Antipolo City


    Province of Laguna

    Laguna Provincial Capitol Bldg.

    Sta. Cruz, Laguna

    ATTY. TEOFILO S. PILANDO, JR.Deputy Executive Secretary

    Representing the Ofce of the PresidentMabini Hall, Malacaang Palace


    HON. AUGUSTO B. SANTOSDeputy Director-General

    National Economic and Development Authority(NEDA)

    Amber Ave., Pasig City

    ATTY. MARIA LUWALHATI C. DOROTANOfce of the Chairman

    Metropolitan Development Authority

    EDSA cor. Orense St.

    Makati City

    HON. ZENAIDA C. MAGLAYAUndersecretary

    Department of Trade and Industry

    Trade and Industry Bldg.

    357 Gil Puyat Ave.,

    Makati City

    HON. ELIONOR I. PILLASMayors League of Rizal President

    Municipality of Jala-Jala

    Province of Rizal

    HON. GERLIE MAITA J. EJERCITOLaguna Mayors League President

    Municipality of Pagsanjan

    Province of Laguna

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    HON. J.R. NEREUS O. ACOSTA, Ph. D.General Manager


    Assistant General Manager

    EDUARDO L. TORRESDivision Chief III

    Legal and Adjudication Division

    CESAR R. QUINTOSDivision Chief III

    Policy Planning and Information

    Management Division

    ADELINA C. SANTOS-BORJAOIC - Department Head

    Environmental Regulatory Department

    JOSE K. CARIO IIIOIC - Department Head

    Resource Management and

    Development Department


    Clearance & Permits Division


    Project Development Management and

    Evaluation Division

    JESSIE B. CHUAOfcer-In-Charge

    Surveillance and Monitoring Division

    REENA L. BUENAOfcer-In-Charge

    Community Development Division


    Enforcement Division

    JOCELYN G. STA. ANAOfcer-In-Charge

    Environmental Quality and Research Division

    ALICIA E. BONGCOOIC - Department Head

    Management Services Department

    ROQUE B. DELAS ALASDivision Chief III

    Administrative Division

    LEVY S. CHUADivision Chief IIIFinance Division

    ARISTOTLE R. CASTROInternal Auditor IV

    Internal Audit Division

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    Ofce of the General Manager (OGM) 376-5433

    Ofce of the Assistant General Manager 376-4067 482-2164OGM Staff 981-9939 379-2721

    Legal Adjudication Division 376-4049 379-1786

    Policy Planning and Information Mgt. Division 376-5430 376-5430

    Internal Audit Division / COA 384-3023

    Board of Directors

    Management Services Department (MSD)

    Administrative Division 379-7695

    Personnel Section 376-4061Finance Division 377-3665

    Budget Section 981-9937

    Accounting Section 376-1965

    Environmental Regulations Department (ERD) 981-9948

    Clearance & Permits Division 379-1869

    Enforcement Division 376-4044 377-8820

    Surveillance & Monitoring Division 376-4072 383-2694

    Environmental Education Ofce 981-9940

    Resource Management & Development Dept. (RMDD)

    Community Development Division (CDD) 376-4069 379-1768

    Project Development & Monitoring Evaluation Division (PDMED) 376-4075 377-8845

    Environmental Laboratory and Research Division (ELRD) 286-6143




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    L L D A

    O i t i l S t

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    OFFICE ADDRESS4th Fl A B ildi S R l t Ad i i t ti (SRA)
