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LMS meets Web 2.0: mid-2008

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Slides for a talk on the intersections between Web 2.0, LMSes, and Web 3.0.
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Web 2.0, the LMS, and Web 3.0 for teaching and learning A survey for summer 2008
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Web 2.0, the LMS, and Web 3.0 for

teaching and learningA survey for summer 2008

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Plan of the talk

1. Pieces of Web 2.0

2. More LMS connections

3. Web 1 and 3

(Vermont trees, fall 2007)

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One problem: How does academia tend to apprehend emerging technologies?

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•Panic/siege mode•Vendors•Futurism methods•Networks, online

and off-•Informal curricula

How does academia tend to apprehend emerging technologies?


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Five responses

•Take advantage of preexisting projects and services

•DIY•Literacy: new

media•See influence•Curriculum

(entirely gratuitous Battlestar reference)

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I. Where is Web 2.0 in 2008?

(Web 2.0 Bullshit Generator, http://emptybottle.org/bullshit/)

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“Technorati is now tracking over 70 million weblogs, and we're seeing about 120,000 new weblogs being created worldwide each day. That's about 1.4 blogs created every second of every day.”

(David Sifry,April 2007)

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(Flickr blog, March 2008)

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Tens of millions of shareable, tagged, searchable, commentable images in Flickr

(under Creative Commons licenses selected by uploaders)


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Will YouTube kill the podcasting star?

(eMarketer, February 2008; Via Podcasting News)

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(Le Monde, January 14 2008)

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(March 2008http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Press_releases/10M_articles)

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Social objects of all sorts

(Kenyan crisis-Google Maps mashup, Ushahidi http://www.ushahidi.com/ 2008)

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• A new economic system?• Yale University Press, 2006

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(“Online Communities”, XKCD, April 2007 )…

For academia, this can seem a bit overwhelming

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(“Online Communities”, XKCD, April 2007 )

Already out of date

But stop worrying about the creepy treehouse

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Extrapolating principles: Ton Zylstra on the social object:

“In general you could say that both Flickr and del.icio.us work in a triangle: person, picture/ bookmark, and tag(s). Or more abstract a person, an object of sociality, and some descriptor...”

(Zylstra in Second Life, 2007)

-http://www.zylstra.org, 2006(emphases added)

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Web 2.0 pedagogies

Continued Web 1.0, internet pedagogies

• Hypertext• Web audience• Discussion fora • Collaborative

document authoring

• Groupware

Earlier, pre-internet pedagogies

• Journaling• Media literacy

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Wiki pedagogies• Collective

research• Group writing• Document

editing• Information


(MicrobeWiki, Kenyon College;Romantic Audiences,

Bowdoin College)

• Discussion• Knowledge


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New forms of scholarly communication

CommentPress implementation, Institute for the Future of the BooksMcKenzie Wark, Eugene Lang College

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Still more bookblogging

Siva Vaidhyanathan, University of Virginia

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RSS pedagogies• Shaping Web reading• Web 2.0 wrangling


• Pushing student-created content (mother blog, Feed to Javascript)

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Podcasts and teaching: profcasting

• Bryn Mawr College: Michelle Francl, chemistry

• Duke: “Classroom recording”

• Learning objects: Gardner Campbell, University of Richmond

• Duke: “Course content dissemination”

• Information literacy

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Podcasts and research• Public intellectual

– Out of the Past– Engines of Our

Ingenuity – In Our Time– University

Channel– The Missing Link

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Student program podcasting on campus

• War News Radio (Swarthmore College)

•PEPI courses (University of British Columbia, department of Land and Food Resources)

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Academic open archives for social media

Freesound archive

•DIY copyright•Social networking values•University of Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)


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Teaching with Web 2.0: principles


Distributed conversation

Collaborative writing

Object-oriented discussion

Connectivism (G. Siemens, 2004)

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Remix pedagogy

Or social media into narratives

Example: "Farm to Food", Eli the Bearded (2008)

• Library of Congress collections

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Social photo stories

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Social photo stories

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Social photo stories

Flickr, Tell A Story in Five Frames group (http://www.flickr.com/groups/visualstory/)

Example: "Food to Farm", Eli the Bearded (2008)

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Social photo stories

Example: "Food to Farm", Eli the Bearded (2008)

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Social photo stories

Pedagogies:• Remix• Archive work• Social

presentation• Visual


(http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/ )

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Social organization of information, pedagogies of folksonomy

• Search• Retrieval• Self-awareness• Community surfacing• Ontology creation• Collaborative



for DoctorNemo

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Using Web 2.0 to connect with the “net.gen”:

“Fully half of all teens and 57 percent of teens who use the Internet could be considered Content Creators, according to a survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.”


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“[S]tudents… write words on paper, yes— but… also compose words and images and create audio files on Web logs (blogs), in word processors, with video editors and Web editors and in e-mail and on presentation software and in instant messaging and on listservs and on bulletin boards—and no doubt in whatever genre will emerge in the next ten minutes.

Note that no one is making anyone do any of this writing.”

Kathleen Blake Yancey, "Made Not Only in Words: Composition in a New Key." CCC 56.2 (2004):297-328.Emphasis added.

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II. Back to Web 2.0:enter the LMS

A different universe

• Class, not world

• Web 1.0 tools

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III. Back to Web 2.0:enter the LMS

Yet parallels• Microconte

nt• Social, in

microcosm• Web 2.0 is

often closed off

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LMSes adopt the styles: wiki modules

(Moodle, BB)

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Social bookmarking: Scholar.com(Blackboard Beyond)

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And the next Blackboard?“Michael L Chasen, Blackboard’s CEO, described

the three principles of Project NG (Next Generation) which is bringing WebCT and Blackboard together into one platform: Student achievement, Openness and Web 2.0. So what does that actually mean?

There is an excellent instructor dashboard, something Moodle is crying out for… It informs tutors about what’s new, what needs attention, which students have handed in work late, which haven’t logged in for a week etc…”

Virtual Learning blog, http://sclater.com/blog/?p=95

reporting on BBWorldEurope 2008

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“The authoring facilities are also getting increasingly sophisticated. A course management block allows you to drag and drop blocks of content around the page, building new items and adding assessments, communication tools etc from drop-down menus. One of these menus is for mashups allowing you to integrate Google Earth maps, Flickr, YouTube and other resources easily into courses....

The AJAX interface appears to flow through the whole suite of applications from students customising their home pages by dragging blocks around – to instructors reordering questions in a test just by dragging them (moving away from the increasingly outdated HTML forms interface).”

Virtual Learning blog, http://sclater.com/blog/?p=95

reporting on BBWorldEurope 2008

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• RSS from Moodle

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• Mashup: LMS and Face book

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Web 2.0 as LMSLightweight

Web clients/ portals (NetVibes)

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Alternative: faculty migrate to Web 2.0• Michael Wesch, Kansas State: “Get out of

my way.”

NITLE Summit, April 2008

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Alternative: faculty migrate to Web 2.0

• Kathleen Fitzpatrick, “Going rogue”

• Working with campus IT

• Mix of teaching with and teaching about Web 2.0

LMS event

NITLE LMS eventReed College, 2006

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III. Webs 1.0 and 3.0

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III. Web 1.0Google


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Google Knol

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II. Web 3.0?• The Semantic Web• Sir Tim Berners-Lee's project before Congress• The Reuters case

“Ultimately, Reuters' news is the raw material for analysis and application by investors and downstream news organizations. Adding metadata to make that job of analysis easier for those building additional value on top of your product is a really interesting way to view the publishing opportunity…”

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II. Web 3.0?

“… If you don't think of what you produce as the "final product" but rather as a step in an information pipeline, what do you do differently to add value for downstream consumers? In Reuters' case, [CEO] Devin thinks you add hooks to make your information more programmable.”

Tim O’Reilly, February 2008http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2008/02/reuters-ceo-sees-semantic-web.html

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Semantic tool in play: ClearForest Gnosis, FF plugin

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http://sws.clearforest.com/ examples from Wikipedia VLE, SakaiProject pages

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II. Web 3.0?

• Web 3D, virtual world as browser

(Second Life scene;Sony, Home, from Wired)

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II. Web 3.0?

Missie Wadlandis game, http://www.wadlandis.nl/

Google Earth-Keyhole DB-2d: KML-3d: Sketchup-reach-Geotagging

photos, videos

• Web 3D, Google world as browser

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Web 3D pedagogies• Virtual worlds• Teambuilding

…but not much Web content, yet

Arts Metaverse;Second Life,

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Android: CrunchnetiPhone: swruler9284

• Web 3D: the mobile Web

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II. Web 3.0?The Social Graph, as Sir Tim sees it

“I called this graph the Semantic Web, but maybe it should have been Giant Global Graph! Any worse than WWWW? ;-)...

So, if only we could express these relationships, such as my social graph, in a way that is above the level of documents, then we would get re-use. That's just what the graph does for us. We have the technology -- it is Semantic Web technology, starting with RDF OWL and SPARQL…”

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II. Web 3.0?The Social Graph, as Sir Tim sees it

“… Not magic bullets, but the tools which allow us to break free of the document layer. If a social network site uses a common format for expressing that I know Dan Brickley, then any other site or program (when access is allowed) can use that information to give me a better service. Un-manacled to specific documents.”

-CSAIL post, November 2007http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/215

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II. Web 3.0?

• Synthesis: Google's CEO's vision[Eric Schmidt]: Web 3.0 would ultimately be seen as applications that are pieced together [and that share] a number of characteristics: the applications are relatively small; the data is in the cloud; the applications can run on any device - PC or mobile phone; the applications are very fast and they're very customizable; and furthermore the applications are distributed essentially virally, literally by social networks, by email. You won't go to the store and purchase them. ... That's a very different application model than we've ever seen in computing...

Transcribed by Nicholas Carr, August 2007http://www.roughtype.com/archives/2007/08/what_is_web_30.php

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CriticismWhat do you mean, 3.0?

Reactions to question, “What do you think of the term, ‘Web 3.0’?”, from NITLE events in 2008:

•Faculty member: “AIEEE! no más!”•Instructional technologist: “My brain is exploding!”

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CriticismDeal with 2.0, already

“Gartner analysts are avoiding the temptation to give a new label to the latest technologies such as virtual worlds and the semantic Web, saying they’re not providing the same kind of fundamental change as blogs, wikis and social networking tools...”

November 2007, http://www.networkworld.com/news/2007/092107-gartner-web-20.html

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CriticismDeal with 2.0, already

“…It’s not going to be another era like Web 2.0,” Phifer said. “However, there will be some very interesting innovative things coming out. If you’re in love with numbering schemes, maybe it’s Web 2.1.””

November 2007, http://www.networkworld.com/news/2007/092107-gartner-web-20.html

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National Institute for Technology and Liberal

Education(NITLE) http://nitle.org

Liberal Education Today blog http://b2e.nitle.org
