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Loaves And Fishes Buffalo Proposal11 3

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1 Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) EDC604 Project Proposal Project Title: Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) Proposed by: Leah Sciabarrasi, Gabriele Boutin, Dana Lembke, Michelle McAndrew, Thomas Amantia Jr. and Michael Bliss Proposal To: Dr. Stephen Gareau and Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) Date Submitted: November 4, 2008
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Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo)EDC604 Project Proposal

Project Title: Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo)

Proposed by: Leah Sciabarrasi, Gabriele Boutin, Dana Lembke, Michelle McAndrew, Thomas Amantia Jr. and Michael Bliss

Proposal To: Dr. Stephen Gareau and Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo)

Date Submitted: November 4, 2008

Subject Area: Community Service Web site

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Project Title: Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo)

Proposed by: Leah Sciabarrasi, Gabriele Boutin, Dana Lembke, Michelle McAndrew, Thomas Amantia Jr. and Michael Bliss

Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo)

Overview:Future Mission Statement/PurposeThe Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) Web site will represent the community service organization. The main purpose is to help gain awareness of the organization. The Web site will provide information about the purpose, history and statistics of the organization.

Rationale for Web siteLoaves and Fishes (Buffalo) is in need of a Web site to help them bring awareness in the community about their organization and will help recruit volunteers. A Web site would also help their need of monetary and food pantry donations.

Target Audience and Their CharacteristicsThe target audience of the proposed Web site is ‘Buffalonians’. This includes:

College Students: that are able to help.

The Press: that are able to advertise.

Local Companies: that are able to donate.

Regional Families: that are able to support.

Product DescriptionThe Loaves and Fishes Web site will be a community service Web site. It will contain the purpose, history, sources of food, statistics, donation opportunities and much more.

In terms of content, we are proposing the following items be included:

A home page to welcome viewers

31 content pages, with text and graphics on every page

Digital, high resolution photographs in the location gallery and on pages

A Java-script-based quiz with 10 unique questions about the audience

A Newsletter blog where users can leave comments

A 2-3 minute podcast that describes how people can help/volunteer

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A references page with citations to text and images used

Use of tables to organize content

Use of hyperlinks to link users to supplemental content

Project ScopeThe Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) Web site Project Scope includes:

1. Strategy: Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) is in need of a Web site to help them bring awareness in the community about their organization and will help recruit volunteers. A Web site would also help their need of monetary and food pantry donations.

2. Product of the project: The Loaves and Fishes Web site will be a community service Web site. It will contain the purpose, history, sources of food, statistics, donation opportunities and much more. (see Product Description)

3. Project Objectives: The group planning objectives including analyzing the project scope, designing the Web site base (including pictures, content and design), developing the Web site, implementing the Web site on the World Wide Web and then Evaluating the final product with the client and instructor for EDC604, Dr. Steven Gareau.

4. Supporting detail: Our time constraints and contact availability is something that we will consider and will heavily regard during the development process.

4. Scope Management Plan: The elected group leader will oversee all the objectives, activity and project deliverables. The group will vote on any development or changes that are made to the original plan.

Project Timeline10.8.08 Group begins to analyze the project.10.14.08 Group begins to design the Web site.10.21.08 Ann Harrington meets with the group to discuss Loaves and Fishes.11.4.08 The Project Proposal is due.11.5.08 The Web site development begins.11.18.08 The Web site will be turned in as a preview.11.25.08 The Web site will be turned in as a final.

Prerequisite KnowledgeThe group has worked hard at developing the site in a way that users will only need basic

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computer skills to access the information, beyond the general basics of the English Language. Directions will be given for any interactive content present on the Web site.

Resources RequiredThe resources required include a computer with an internet connection. In order to access the interactive content, the user will also need updated Windows, browser software and Adobe software.

Number of Web PagesThe Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) Web site will have a total of 31 pages. There will be 7 main topics, or buttons, with 31 subcategories, or drop down menus. The main topics and subcategories include and will be sequenced in the following order:

Loaves & Fishes

I. Donations

A. Thank You’s

B. Monetary Funding

C. Pantry


1. Most


a. Daily Needs

(1) Yearly Needs

D. Sources of Food

II. Contact Us

A. Contact Information

1. By Phone

2. Click HERE to email Anne Harrington

3. By Mail

B. Directions

C. Staff/BOD

III. Get Involved

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A. How to Volunteer

1. What to Expect

B. Volunteers

1. What do Volunteers do

C. Maintenance

In and out

D. How to Receive Services

E. Calendar

1. Events / Sponsor an Event

F. Podcast

IV. About Us


B. Purpose

C. Mission Statement

1. Philosophy

D. News

E. Location

1. Photos

F. Newsletter

Blog / Sign up

G. Services

H. Publications

Press Release


I. Hours of Operation

J. Audience

Quiz about the audience

V. History

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A. Hunger Statistics

1. Local


2. National


B. What is L&F's?

C. L&F

(Buffalo) Statistics

1. Service


D. Meals


VI. Programs

A. Lending Library

B. Food Bank of WNY

C. Outreach Services

1. Child Health Plus

D. Preparing Food for large audiences

1. Recipes and Tips

VII. Home

Design:Color SchemeThe color scheme selected by the Graphic Designer on behalf of the group includes teal (#018f7f) and purple (#432481). These colors will represent the hierarchy in the Web site, identity pieces and this proposal.

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Logo Creation Logo has been supplied by the client.

Design Principles:The Loaves and Fishes Web site will be developed with the following Design Principles in mind:

1. Space: balance between positive and negative

2. Contrast: in the color scheme

3. Repetition: in the elements

Design ElementsFor added repetition, we have decided to continually represent lines of all shapes and sizes. These lines will help divide and define content, add dimension to the pages and will also be present on the buttons.

The logo will also be utilized on all pages in some way shape or form. This will help to fully brand the entire site and its corresponding identity pieces as well as add to our chosen Design Principle, repetition.

The following elements have also been used in the creation of this document and the Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) Web site.

1. Concept Map- Used for brainstorming original ideas before presenting the proposal to the intended audience. (Appendix A)

2. Content Outline- Used for organizing and delegating the main topics and subtopics of the Web site. (Appendix B)

3. Design Sheet- Contains the design color scheme, fonts and logo information. (Appendix C)

4. Web Page Templates- Used for designing the layout of the general Web pages of the Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) Web site. The layouts contain title bars and navigation. (Appendix D)

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5. Storyboard- Used for mapping out the layout of each page in the proposed Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) Web site. They include the text, graphics, images, color schemes, navigation, and logo to be used in the final product. (Appendix E)

General Design ConsiderationsSimplified Content: In order to simplify our content and make it more appealing, we decided to use drop-down menus and keep each page to a maximum of 3 paragraphs. The navigation will be legible and positioned in a standard position on every page (Appendix E). An external style sheet will help to maintain consistency on every Web page.

Inviting Feeling: Our color scheme was carefully chosen to fully represent the organization. We also decided to use a graphic on each page to also invoke repetition and to make the pages more inviting.

Maintenance: The Web site will be developed so that it is easy to maintain and update in the future.

Development: The Web pages will be developed using a table based template (Appendix D) and will be fixed at 800 pixels wide X 600 pixels high. We will be using the following software to develop the site: Kompozer Web editing software, Xara Menu Maker and Adobe Photoshop.

Hierarchy: We have decided on the following fonts, colors and sizes to organize the text: content: 1. Headings: Calibri, bold, size 28 point, teal (#018f7f)2. Sub-headings: Calibri, bold, size 16 point, purple (#412182)3. Paragraph text: Calibri, size 12 point, black (#000000) 4. Key Terms: Calibri, bold, size 12 point, teal (#018f7f)

Layout: We have decided on the following colors to organize the content: 1. Background: light teal (#71bcb5)2. Title Bar/Masthead Colors: teal (#018f7f) and purple (#412182)3. Navigation: purple (#412182)

Limiting Factors:Time ConstraintsThe group is on a course time constraint of 7 weeks. This time constraint will cause us to push

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this project along at a rapid rate. For that reason, constant communication must be open between the group’s PR representative and Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo).

Delegating TasksIn order to increase productivity, we have elected a Team Leader that will be delegating the tasks to each team member. Loaves and Fishes (Buffalo) will be in sole communication with the PR representative will report back to the Team Leader.

Media Materials:PodcastThe group’s Research representative will develop a podcast concept on how people can volunteer. If used, it will be properly credited.

PhotographsThe group’s PR representative and Team Leader will take a series of original, high-res photos that will be used on the Web site. If used, they will be properly credited.

GraphicsAppropriate graphics may be used to further enhance the Web site’s appeal. If used, they will be properly credited.

Conclusion:In conclusion, we feel that this Web site will not only enhance the marketability of Loaves and Fishes Buffalo, but will also help to attract donations and potential volunteers. The support of Loaves and Fishes will greatly impact the needs of hungry people in the City of Buffalo. In addition, the site will provide information on hunger statistics and thus educate the Buffalo community on the issue of hunger. By providing information to the community via the Internet, the organization can better position itself to receive help through monetary donations as well as through service learning and volunteerism. Finally, the Loaves and Fishes Web site will provide a direct link to the immediate community and will also promote collaboration and communication among the organization’s supporters.

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A: Concept Map




Contact Us

Get Involved

About Us


Most Needed

Daily Needs

Thank Yous

Monetary Funding

Kitchen Equipment


Hours of Operation Location


How to Volunteer

What do Volunteers


Hunger Statistics

Local Statistics



What to Expect

MaintanceIn and out

Yearly Needs

Pantry Needs


Child Health Plus

Lending Library

Food BankOf WNY

Outreach Services

Preparing Food for

large audiences

Recipes and


What is L&F's?

Service Statistics

L&F Buffalo




AudienceQuiz about

the audience




NewsletterBlog / Sign


PublicationsPress ReleaseWrite-Ups


Podcast Hwo to Receive Services


Events / Sponsor an


Contact Information

Click HERE to email Anne


By Phone

By Mail



Meals Served


Sources of Food

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B: Content Outline

Loaves & Fishes

I. Donations

A. Thank You’s

B. Monetary Funding

C. Pantry


1. Most


a. Daily Needs

(1) Yearly Needs

D. Sources of Food

II. Contact Us

A. Contact Information

1. By Phone

2. Click HERE to email Anne Harrington

3. By Mail

B. Directions

C. Staff/BOD

III. Get Involved

A. How to Volunteer

1. What to Expect

B. Volunteers

1. What do Volunteers do

C. Maintenance

In and out

D. How to Receive Services

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E. Calendar

1. Events / Sponsor an Event

F. Podcast

IV. About Us


B. Purpose

C. Mission Statement

1. Philosophy

D. News

E. Location

1. Photos

F. Newsletter

Blog / Sign up

G. Services

H. Publications

Press Release


I. Hours of Operation

J. Audience

Quiz about the audience

V. History

A. Hunger Statistics

1. Local


2. National


B. What is L&F's?

C. L&F

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(Buffalo) Statistics

1. Service Statistics

D. Meals Served

VI. Programs

A. Lending Library

B. Food Bank of WNY

C. Outreach Services

1. Child Health Plus

D. Preparing Food for large audiences

1. Recipes and Tips

VII. Home

C: Design Sheet

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D: Web Page TemplatesConsidered ideas: Top and Side navigation

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E: Storyboard

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