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LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Board op Education.— The city Board of Education held a special meeting last evening, to fill vacancies existing in the roll of teachers. Mr. McClatchy offered the following: "That we deem it to be in the best interests of the public schools to fill any vacancy that may cccur among teachers by a regular system of promotion." Mr. Tracy offered an amend- ment, that the appointments be made from the grade below and substitutes. The amend- ment was accepted, and the resolution, after debate, adopted. Miss Sophia Kropff was promoted to fill the vacancy in the fifthgrade caused by the resignation of Miss Lou. Hagan. Misses Way, Bernard, Buckley, Palmer, and Mrs. X. J. Toll were placed in nomination to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Miss Kropff. Sixty-eight ballots were taken when further balloting for that position was postponed. On motion, it was ordered that the night school open on the first Mon- day in October. The High School building was selected as the place for it to be held. Miss Ina M. " Giliis was elected to the eighth grade to fill the va- cancy caused by the resignation of Miss Felter. The salary of the Principal of the night school was fixed at $50 per month, and that of the Assistant at §25 per month. J. W. Hyde was elected Principal of the night school. Mrs. Mci rill was elected Assistant in the night school, to be employed whenever the Principal and Superintendent deemed i*. necessary. Miss Joseph was elected substi- tute teacher in the Grammar schools. The Board then adjourned. Merchandise Report. —The following freight for Sacramento passed Ogden on the 17th and 18th : For John Brenner, 1 case furniture ; C. 11. Gilman, 1 case dry goods, 7 cases hats ; M. Litzburg, 2 cases boots and shoes ; C. J. Noack, 1case optical goods ;R. H. Pettit, '20 pails tobacco ; S. B. Paige, 1 vault do rr ; Weinstock k Lubin, 3 cases shirts; W.-i.imin & Hromada, 1 case paper boxes; Su- fi-.d & Tevis, 53 barrels spirits ; Bachel r. Van Guelder &. Co., 4,098 barrow teeth, 1case keys ; Central Pacifi Railroad, 1 box lamps; .lames Parsons, \u25a0"» boxes shoes, 1 box show-cards ; S. J. Nathan, 2 boxes shirts ; Billingsley .t Co., 1 case and 5 d ;. >n brooms ; S. Lipmsn k Co., 1 Ik>x woolen goods : Standard Oil Company, 5-10 cases oil ; Huntington, Hopkins & Co.. 600 keg nails, l! cases and 1 box hardware, 176 iron channels, 5 boxes bay-knives, 5 boxes axes, 11 boxes hatchets, 3pii:ksges adzes; Willi no Land, 1 barrel whi.ky; it. St lie .t Co., 3 boxes | leather ; W. A. &C. P. Houghton, 1i«. en- velopes ; Ilolman. Stanton ft Co., 135 seed- ' sowers, 50 sets double plow trees, 12 Bet" triple plow-trees, ii seed sower dischargers, 37 feet .in, 4 cider mills, 5 pets spellers, 1 casting ; S. Cupples et Co., 6 dozen buckets, 1 box lemon quet rs, 10 nests wooden bowls, 3 dozen wooden trays ; Geo. T. Bttah, 1 box j gas fixtures. Police Court.— the Police Court yes- j terday W. K. Brown, charged with violation of sidewalk ordinance, was discharged on payment (rf cost*, he having made the neces- sary repairs ; Thomas Brock, battery, case dismissed for want of prosecution ; Charles Ward, stealing ride on cars, pleaded guilty, ami to receive judgment to-day ; Raphael VasMjue*. common drunk, sentenced to 60 days in County Jail j Jake Weaver, drunk, found guilty and fined §7 -50: Henry I'er.:; son, drunk, case dismissed ; Robert Purcell, common drunk, sent up for .S3 days in Couuty Jail, which he had left only list Friday from previous sentence ; Lillie Williams, disturb- ing the peace, fined $.'!<> and costs. The cases rf Al. Parsons and Harry Keeper, for dis- i turbing tire peace, were dismissed. The cases i of battery against Mike Thomas weie con- tinued till to-day; also,' that of Mollie Robert-, for being drunk, and examination of Frank Quinn, upon charge of attempting to commit grand larceny, continued till to- morrow. Siiootinc Tournament. willbe a meeting of thoi-e who have entered to shoot at the Forester Gun Club Tournament at the Park to-day at 10 A. M., to arrange all the details and appoint judges for the match. The shoot »iii commence immediately after I the meetioc soon alter 10 o'clock. There are over 2,000 > elect, strong birds on hand, leaving an abnnd t supply for pool shooting after the close of the tournament, Repre- sentatives from leading clubs all over the j State have already arrived. Strict rules and arrangements have been made governing the shooting, to prevent liability to accident. Canvass shade accommodations for specta- tors ...v.. I ee:i provided, unlit will without doubt be the in at succesifui and enjoyable shooting tournament ever held on the coast. No pains will be spared bythe Foresters to make it entirely acceptable in every respect. Freight Movements.'— The following oar-loads of freight were received in this city ' y»nterd-y : Two of ice. 21 of cord, 1 of iron ' poles, 1 of live st x:k, . of wheat, 7 of horses, | 2 of fair goods. 5 of wood, 5 of cattle, 1 of , slabs, 1 ifwheel., 1rf wine, 2 of shingles, 1 . f barley. Also, through car loads East were forwarded : Six of canned goods. 2 of s.lmon, i 2 of honey, 4 of green fruit, 14 of birley, 8 of wool, 3 of merchandise, 2 of sugar, 4 of canned fruit. PuLtCK Arrests —Arrests were made in the city yesterday of Thomas McGuire, drunk, by local officer Churchman ; I). O'Connor, drunk, by officer Frazee; George Smith, u|kiii two charges of disturbing the i" cc, by uthcers Kraz-e and Fredericks ; \u25a0 Victor Bluru an.i Mrs. Thomas, defaulting witnesses, by officer L»e; Robert' Hall, di*. turbing the peace, by officer Ferr*l : Kobert Big ,s, petty larceny, by special officer Ban The River— Yesterday the steamer Ceres j came down with the barge Rosalind loaded | with grain. The steamer mure <'itv...-i came down with grain and the birge City ..f Stockton. The Pioneer pas-el up with the barge Orient, light. Governor Dana went up with the barge Jacinto, baled with lumber and meridian lis". The Dover came down \ with theb.»rge Garfirld, loaded with grain. Board or Police Commissioners.— At a meeting of the Board of Police Commission- j ers held last evening, at which the full Board j was present, ti|ion motion of Chief Karcher, \u25a0 James Scott, sjiecial poll*man, . was by unanimnns vote dismissed from service for i conduct unbecoming an officer. The Board \u25a0 transacted no other business. iX y-- Parsed THROncn.— Samuel Sutton, ar- j restee! fir horse stealing, passed through, en , route for Placerville. under charge of Consta- j ble Scott of Roseville. "'*.'- As Immense Crowd assembled in front of Mechanics' Store last evening, viewing " the beautiful,'' ss exhibited by the Stereopticon. Another line of views to-night. Free to all.* The RotTF. < r the Procession will be up J street to the Red use, where ample time will be given to secure the unprecedented bargains e_tl.:red in every department. * [ ' The best va'.us in the city in gents* fancy worsted diagonal frock suits are now in stock, at Clothing Department, Mechanics' Store.* THE PRESIDENTIAL RECEPTION. The special Reception Committee held an- other meeting yesterday, General John F. Sheehaa and Colonel Creed Haymoad, from the Committee ou Parade, being present. Messrs. Sheehan and Haymond were appoint- ed to confer « ith Colonel H. Dickin- ! son of the First Infantry, at Camp Barnes, ! and request tho services of the First In- i fantry as a military escort on the occasion of the reception today. . General Sheehan, on behalf of the committee, reported that Colonel Llickinsou had generously consented to act as requested. The Committee on Parade reported the following programme of. i parade : . Tuesday. Leave the depot at 5 p. m., march to J street, up J to Tenth, down Tenth to N, through _ N to residence of Gov- I ernor Stanford. Escort First Infantry (Colonel Dickinson), Sumner Fast, G. A.li. Wednesday. At 10 A. M." on Wtdnes day the military and civic line will be com- posed of First Infantry (Colonel Dickinson), First Artillery (Colonel Creed Haymond), Sumner Fust, G. A. It.(Commander Kent). Veterans of the Mexican war, Sac- ramento Hussars (Captain lluhstaller). Gov- ernor's Guard and Pioneers. The route.of march will be : Form at 10 A. M. on iN, near Eighth, Eighth to Seventh, Seventh t.i M, up M to main entrance of Capitol Park. The President will hold formal public recep- tion till 12 M. At close of reception the line will re-form at M and Tenth, Tenth to Ninth, j on Ninth to X, X to Seventh, through Sev- j enth to J, J to Ninth. Ninth to H, H to j Seventeenth, Seventeenth to G, G to Park- countermarching on quarter-stretch in front of grand stand, the military drawn up inline on the east side of the space in front of the stand, when the State Hoard of Agriculture willfotmally receive the President and con- duct him to the special grand stand. _ The announcements of yesterday remain without change. METROPOLITAN Theatj-k.— The Baldwin Theater Company, from San Francisco, opened at the Metropolitan last night for a season of one week. The company is one of strength and capacity, equal to almost any ' of the acting dramas of the day. In Mr. O'Neill aud Mr. De Belleville and Miss Wal- ters it is especially strong. Ot Miss Stan- hope, the leading lady of the company, and . who appeared in Sacramento for the firet : time last night, especial notice is requisite. i li ) lady did not appear in a part which en- abled hei to present her best efforts ; but suf- ficient of her method was seen, and -sufficient ' of her power manifest, to enable a 1 general judgment to be formed. . , The lady is of prepossessing appearance, good stage presence, a mobile countenance, an expressive eye, and a rather unfemiuiue voice, but one full of vigor. She is easy in her movements which are graceful. Her enunciation is noticeably distinct and clear. She reads without any hesitation and withan appreciation of the spirit of the text. The lady made an exceedingly favorable impres- sion. Iv a part which shall give her wider scope for the manifestation of her abilities she will undoubtedly realize the expectations she aroused last evening. Misses Adams and j Thome and Messrs. Thayer and Boss afforded : efficient support. The local orchestra last \ evening, by its spirit, pleased, though its selections were supei ficial in the main. The play presented, "An Orphan of the State," is a trilling affair. , It is exceed- ingly Fienchy, frequently vulgar, very fr.c upon topics that are, to say the least, unpleasant, and not at all clear as to purpose or plot: It afforded Mr. O'Neill, however, opportunity to appear in a low comedy part, in whi :h he proved how versatile are bis tal- ents. To-night, the very sensational play, " Forget Me Not," one heretofore reviewed iv these columns, and in which there is a field ! for the broadest discussion .of what is and i what is not right. It will give Miss Stan- hop* ample opportunity to present herself in a strong light. This play ought to draw a full house, and probably will. City Board' ok Trustees.— The City IBoard of Trustees held their regular meeting, all the members present. The usual report of Chief Engineer Cunningham of the water works was filed, showing that during the past week the works had been running 103 hoira, I the total number of gallons pumped was IS,- --316,950, and the amount of fuel consumed was 2,172 cubic feet of gas coke. An estimate was filed by City Surveyor L. F. Bassett as to the c st of constructing the sewer below described, and the following order in relation thereto was passed : That the City Assessor be and he is hereby instructed to make an assessment ou the lands in the block bounded by X and J.. Ninth and Tenth street--, on the basis of the estimate submitted to the Board by the City Surveyor, for the purpose of put- ting in au ironstone orc'uient pipe sewer. The bill of 821, for fixing the bulkhead at | Seventh an.l ) streets, pr-ser.t»d by G. H. I Swinerton, was rejected. The following bills \u25a0 wire examined and allowed, after which the Boar adjourned : Win. Farns worth, $52 37 Samuel Harper, ?21 ; R. Johnson, 816; An- tone Brewer, J8; Thomas Cotter, $12; M. Daley, £15 ; George Schroth, 8126 75 ;S. Butler, 51 ; 11. A. Weaver, 80 ; Whittier, | Fuller &, Co., $02 40; Friend & Terry, $50 57; I*. Harnett, 87 ; Samuel Kingsbury, 81 ; Call & Kirk. $15 75 ;M. Castro. $10; Joseph ft dibble, $100; .1. I). Lord, 87 01 ; W. M. Sbearin, 822; E l. Van Alsteiti, $3 50 ;C. F. ' tamers, $57 85 ; J. I>. Lord, $150 72 ; Scott ft Muir, §35 OS. First Infantry Encampment. The en- campment at Richmond Grove of the First Infantry wis quite a center of attraction last evening at time of drees parade and after- wards. The i ffi ers and men of the regi- ment express the utmost satisfaction at their visit and encampment here at the present ! time and the arrangements made and atten- \ tions received. The Officer of the Uiy for to- I day will be Captain G. M. Gaylorl and Of- j ficer of the Guard Lieutenant J. C. B. Ileb- I bard. Lieutenant-Colonel Turnbull has been ; detailed to meet General Barnes and Staff, | who come up on t!n evening's train from San iFrancisco. They will anive at 8:30, and be ' escorted by Colonel Turnbull to the camp. : Lest evening the regimental band gave a con- cert on the ground, and dancing was enjoyed , tilltattoo. Board op Supervisors.— Board of | S lpervis. rs met in regular session yesterday fore-no m. Present— Bauer, Blair, Butler, ; Beck'.ey and Wilson. The resignation of i John Bandeen, Constable for Dry Creek > Township, was received and accepted. A ! petition was received from Theresa Hail to have the taxes of 1873, on the south half of east |iiu:-r of lot 6. between L and M streets, and Fifth and Sixth streets, canceled, : which was upon motion referred to tin' Dis- trict Attorney for his consideration. Under suspension <l the rub*, the claims of 1). Foley for SIM and C. N. Carrington for Siiti .SO re,.;,, allowed and ordered paid. The Board then adj timed till10 a. H. to-day. - I'.Kitii.KY Cast.— The case of Benson D. Beckley, for shooting Dr. Summer-., came up before the Superior Court yesterday on mo- tion of defendant's counsel for his discharge, on the ground that no information or indict- ment bad been filed within thirty days from the time ha was held to answer. The case w»« ar-ti-l by 0. T. Jones and District Attorney Buckley and submitted. Grand Jury to be Impaneled.— Su- perior Court yesterday ordered the impanel- ing of a Grand Jury, to meet on the sth day of 0 ttobcr. The question of whether the new law in relation to informations in place of indictments is not defective and may not stand the te»t of the Supreme Court, is prob- ably the reason for calling a jury at this time. Don't Forget that we can be found at our new quarters, the Sacramento Gallery, where we are prepared to do the finest photographic work and at lower prices than ever offered in this city. We would call siiecU 1 attention to our enameled picture*. All our friends and patrons are cordially invited to visit us at ran pleasant and attractive place of business, 421 J street. Leftwicb & Hsrknesi. * Evert Gentleman should while visiting the ci 'V call on Anderson & Johnson, mer- chant tailors. Seventh street, between J and X, and .xiinir.e the splendid stock of new and stylish cloths, and the latest pttterns for i the fall season, and a's i samples of the woikj of this fi'm, who lead in Sacramento in g>od! and tasty tailoiing.'%l'SßJSlsß3ggySS| 7 s ;•>.* •\u25a0!\u25a0 Youcan buy. for cash, at the Ca«b Grccery jof 11. 11. Paulk, No. 814 X street :Choice I pickled nil butter, i-r roll, 60 cents ; 8 pound- ;granulated su.'sr, SI ; 12 pounds rice for SI ; choice 1 'al f ,-i.i isugar-cured hams, per pound, jl3 cents ; 1 gall in new mixed pickles, 40 | cents; 5-pound box " M. M. & Co." tea, $2.* Black Cashmere, 36 inch, at 35 cents; black cashmere, 40-inch, at 50 cents ; hl_u.V cashmere, 45-inch, every thread wool, at 05 cent" ; black cashmere, extra heavy, 45-inch, at 00 cents (worth $1 25), at L.Bien's, Eighth and J etreet. - . . r7__.7-.-7 * An Immenbe Crowd assembled in front of Mechanics' Store la«t evening, viewing " the beautiful." as exhibited by the Stereopticon. Another line of views to-night. Free to all* We are Wrapping Up more goods for SI than any bousn on the coast. To see their bargains is to buy them, at the Red House. * COAST DISPATCHES. SPECIAL TO THE RECORD-UNION, PASSENGEES PASSING OAHLIH. Appointments Made by tha California §, 7.7;... .M.B. '. Conference. MISCEIXANEOCS SBEGO.V NEW* ITEMS. Enthusiastic Gathering of Republicans at Nevada City. 7 ....-..-. ~ -~ ' CALIFORNIA. The Presidential Party-Tliey Attend the Opening Xisht of the Authors' Carni- val. Sax Francisco, September 20th.— The President a-d party this evening attended the opening of the Authors' Carnival at ilc Mechanics' Pavilion. Long before 8 o'clock the floor nnd galleries were crowded with spectators. Tho arrangement of booths and the Carnival gallery, under the superinteudency of Manager Locke, of the Bush-street Theater, was ex- cellent, and notwithstanding the haste of prepara- tion everything seemed in order for the occasion, and the building presented a very -appearance. Shortly after 8 o'clock the Preside., tial party entered by the Eighth-street door, passing under the arch on which -was ascribed, " Welcome t _ Our Guest." The Carnival Guard, composed of young ladies in unifoim, formed in line from the entrance to the Directors' stand, to which the party wis at once conducted amid the cheers of the crowd. The Grand March then commenced, being so arranged that all the characters passed under the review of the Presi- dent. At the termination of the march a scries of tableaux was presented on the stage, alter which the usual performances in the booths were commenced. Democratic Congressional Convention— Difiicnllv in Choosing a Candidate. Sax Francisco, September 20th.— The Democratic Congressional Convention met to night. General ltosecraus, Judge Robert Ferral, State Senator Enos and Charles A. Sumner were candidates lor the Congressional nomination. S x ecu hall were had without a choice, the last ballot being Kose- era.'is 24, Ferral 24, Enos 19. Davltt ut n Fair. Sax Francisco, September 20th. Michael Davitt visited M. Brendan's Fair at St. Ignatius' Hall to- night. A gnat crowd was present, and the agitator was enthusiastically received, In reply, he made a humorous speech, in which lie proved conclusively that all the prominent characters of history from Adam down were human. % From China and Jup.in. : San Fran-Cisco, September 20th.— steamship ; i Belgic arrived to-day from China and Japan, bring- ; log Hongkong dates to August 21th, and Yokohama dates to September ith. Kou-ljg Republican Rally. Nevada, September 20th.—Tbe Republican meet- ing to-night is In far the largest of the campaign, ; I and equr.l to the largest meetings of four j ears ago. ' I 1 hirteen car loads of people are in attendance from . | Grass Valley, besides large del gations from adja- jcent tow. s" Alarge torchlight procession formed st the depot on the arrival of the Grass Valley train, < : and marched through the principal streets. The I Garfield and Arthur Guards, in lull campaign uni- form, to the number of several hundred, were in the I procession, making a very" fine appearance. The '• ! streets are densely crowded, and an immense audi- | e'neo is attentively listening to boo. 11. F. Page at ! the corner of Broad and Pine street, who will be fol- j lowed by General John F. Miller. The 31. 11. Animal Conference. rKTiMiMA, September 20th.—The Conference wn opened by Vi. T.Mayne Alter the reading of the minutes, the certificates of ordination were pre- sented and filed. Tbe transfer of Key. Worth and O. M. Pierce was announced. The report on the California Christian Advocate snd Book Depository was completed. . Reverends lt.C. Jones, fraternal delegate of tbe Coogreka ioiial The Conference wai led by Vi. T. .Mayne Alter the rea-ing of the utes, the certificates of ordination were pre- ed and filed. The transfer of Key. Worth and I. Pierce was announced. The report on the /ornia Christian Advocate and Book Depository completed. Reverends It. C, Jones, fraternal gate of the Cougreta tonal Church, .-.nd K. A. Allen, D. D., fraternal delegate of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, were received and de- livered appropriate addresses. Rev. F. Dimmick, fraternal delegate of the Presbyterian Synod, sent a written communication, lie being detained by ness Com . being present. Rev. S. Allen of the \u25a0copal Ciiurch, Drabms of the Congrer/atlonsl Church, and Necdliam of the Rockeyver Confer- ence, were introduced. . The auditing and church- extension committees reported, and the reports were adopted. The report on < fiinese work was adopt* ,'. fullyindorsing Dr. Gibson of the Chinese Mission, The Stewards made a report, which was adopted. The Bishop announced that tnis Conference is to raise SSI3 for Episcopal support, and *1,C30 for frcedmen's aid. ihe Conference then adjourned, to meet at 2 c. M. w th Dr. 8.-i^-s in the chair. APPOINTMENTS. Pktaixma, Septemlicr 20th.— Following are the appointments of the Conference :.""*. _•'' San Francisco dutric:.—ll. B. Heacock, P. E.— Powell street, Vi. K. Gobcr ; Howard streeti. Jl; fi- Briggs : Central, <'. N. Anthony : Grace, lobeYap- plie.l ; Bush street, R. L. Harford ; Kentucky street, to be indorsing Twenty-eighth stree', to be supplied Stewards made a report, which wm adopted. Bishop announced that tnis Canferenoe is tr. ; (813 for Episcopal support, aid 11,0.'') f'-r imeu's aid. ibc Conference then ari'ouri.ed, leet nt _ c. M. iv t!i Dr. Briggs in the chair. APPOINTMENTS. '.tali-ma, September 20th.—Following are the riiituienis ol ibe Conference : n Francisco district H. li. Heacock, P. E.- ei! street, IT. K. Cot-cr ; Howard street. M. C, gs ; Central, <*. N. Anthony : Grace, t-r In- rap . ; i'rrr-rr street, R. L.Harford ; Kentucky street, » supplied ; Twenty-eighth stree', to be supplied by V. M. Johns , Scaauinaviap mission, E. Ssho- gren ami C. •' Larson ; Chinese mission, O. Gibson and A. J. Hanson ; Ma) field and Redwood, (I. H. racken ; Santa Clara, W. Dennett ; San Jose, F. F. Jewell ; Sin Jose circuit, S. T. Sl. c mil; Sew Alniaden, li. W. Batty; Los Gatoe, Jesse Sach ; Ha:f:ii'»rn Bay, E. A. Weble ; Pescadeio, J. F. Holme' ; Gilroy, J. W. Bryant ; Santa Cruz. J L. Trtfreu ; wataonville, J. E. fflcke*; Hollister, Seneca Jones; Salinas, A. S. Gibbons and B. F. Craey ; editor California ..tiun Advccate (member of Howard-street Ciuarterlv Conference). C. C. Stratum ; President J N. Martin and T. C. George, Professors of the Uni- versity of the Pac.fic (members ol the I-an M Quarterly Conference); 11. Cox, Agent of Voting Men's Christian Association (member of Howard- street Quarterly Conference) ; G. M. Paaree, mis- sionary to Utah. Stockton District- T. 11. Sinex, P. E.— Stockton, John Coyle; Oakland, First Church, E. S. Toid ; east and Sm I_eandro. Vi. Augwin; Centennial, George Newton ; Berkeley and Temeseal, to be sup- plied ; Alameda, T. S. Dunn; Hay wards, W. O. Curry ; Walnut Creek, W. S Crmy ; San Ramon and Pleasanton.W. D. Crabb ; Point of Timlicr and Ant i- liry to Utah. Oak Grove, J 11. Bluett; Linden, E. ickton District -T. 11. Sinex, P. K. -Stockton, iCoyle; Oakland, First Church, E. S. To d ; and Sin Leandro, W. Augwin ; C-ntcnnial, ge Newton ; Berkeley and Teuieac I. tn be sup- l; A'anicda, T. S. Dunn; HaiwanK W. C. > ; Walnut CrSek.W. S I'rtnr ; Sin Uriiini and 7.r:-rrrr,'A . D. Crabb; ; Point ot rimber and Antl- \v. t. .im y ; Onk iir-.ie,.! 11. Bluett; Linden, E. A.' Winning; Lodi, 0, 8. Has veil: Lockfonl, E. Smith ; lone. P. G. Buchanan ; Plymouth, supplied by S. Belknap; Amador City, W. It. Pri. ld} ; Suiter Creek, E. E. Dodge; Jac»son, J. 11. Wyl c, Jr. ; Uukelutnne and Calaveras, Jesse Green ; Minora, .1. J. Cleveland ; Modesto. C. E. Rich ;Ceres, T. If. Palmer; J. B. Hill,, agent of Book Depository, (member of Alameda Quarterly Conference) ; John Thompson. District superintendent A. B. Society, (member. .l Quarterly Conference of Seventh Church, Oakland); J. 11. Wythe, Professor of Histology, in City University, San Francisco, (member of the Fint Church, Oakland Quarterly Conference. Sacramento District— Geo. Clifford, P. E.—Sacra- mento, sixth Btreet, 11 Beutley ; King-ley, Dr. Deal ; City Mission, S. C. Elliott ; Marysville, S. 11. Todd ; Grass Valley, Ceorge O. Ash ;Nevada City, J. L. Munn ; Nortli Saa Juan and Bloouifield, E. II King; Dutch Flat, J. District - Geo. Clifford, E Hill, Vt. ;o. Sixth street, R. Bentley ; Kißgslry, Dr. De.ii ; Mission, S. C. El.iott : Marysville, ». H. Todd ; s Valley, George O. Ash ;Nevada City, J. L. n ; NortliSa:i Juan and Bloouifield, E. H King; •h Fla', J. J. Harris; Colfax and lowa Hill, W. Peck; Auburn and Ophir, to be supplied by H. I- Itch; Georgetown and Column, W. S. Corwin ; Yal a city, G. G. Walter ; Roseville an I Newcastle, to be supplied by J. l-reeorv; Indian Spring-, G K. Stanly ; Elk Grove, A. K. Crawford ; Kichlaud, J A. Briiner ;scott Valley and Sawyer's Bar, S. A. Bed- ding; Re J Bluff, M. Woodward ;Little Shasta and Yreka, to be supplied ; Redding and Mill ville, T. B. Bartly ; Orland an-l Newville, A R. Sheriff ; Will- iams, to be *vi plied ; Butte circuit, W. A.Mayne ; Btg_;S, J. 11. Jones ;Chico, A. Holbrook ;Oroville, J Appleton ;Bro-vnsvillo and Labile, S. Kmsy ; DownleviUe, E. F. Rhoads ; Placerville, B. F. Tay. lor. - -'- Petalumadistrict— ll.C.Benson, P. E.—Petaluma, E. R. Dill-; Nana city, A. J. Wells; Napa Circuit, to bs supplied ; Vallejo, Vi. A. J. Nelson ; Sonoma, C. P. Jones ; Mo<» nSeld. C. G. Milncs ; Green Val- Ita, to be supplied ; Redding and Santa Rosa, E. ly; Orland an I Ncwville, A R. Sher.fT ; Wiil. , to be*ui plied ; Butte circuit, W. A. Mayne ; s, J. H. Jones ; Chico, A. llolhrook ;Oroville, ri'llttrrn; Brownsville and La,Ki--tc, S. Kmsy; uieville, B. F. Rhoads ; Placerville, B. F. Tay- tatumadistrlct—H. C.Benson, P. E.—Petaluma, Dill ; Napa t ity, A. J. Weil- ; Napa circuit, : supplied ; Vallej •, W. A. J. Nelson ; Sonoma, .1 nea ; Bloa nn« Id, C Q. Ililni s . Green Val- od Occidental, O 8. Burchanl ; Santa Rosa, E. J. Jones; Healdsburg, E Jacia; St. Helena and Calistoga, M. D Buch ; Clear Lake, A. C. Bastard ; it-rrivn. It. W. Williamson; Potter and Long Valley, to be supplied ; L'kiuh, 11. O. lu.lmati ; Pont Arena, Geo. Adams ; Stewart's Point, tone suppfed by S. W. Simmons; Fairfield add Snisun, RE. W,-i.k ; Rio Vista, to bi supplied ; Dixon and Moo, S. H. Rboad; Wcpellai.d. K. M.Stuart; ,-vit|.r, F. A.Hoyer; Madison, C. J. Nugent ; San Rafael; Win. woodward; Bolina->, to be sup- plied ; Eureka, S. L. Hancock ; Areata, W. B. Circs- holm; Orescent i it. and Smith River, J. W. Key Kendall ; len.d.ilc, T. 11. Woodward; Rhoncrvillc and HyJesville, D. Vi. Chilson ; Round Valiev missiii and Covelo, J. S. Fisher; Slattole and Blocksbiinr, to Le supplied ; H. B. Sheldon, agent Round Valley mission ;W. Ij. Damon, j.ro- tersor In Nape Coliegiate Insti'ute (member ol Napa Quarterly Conference). German district— C. 11. Afferbach, P. E— Sin Frsncisco, H. Pauls and C. H. Afferbach ; Folsom street. 11. Brueck; Sau Jose, T. Werth ; stockt n, A. Konzeln.ao ; i aklaud, R. Stcinbacb ; North Ger- man misdo.i, to be supplied. "- '.<T:\u25a0' Harder In the, fecoid. Degree. _ ',222 Irvillr- and tesville, D. W. Cbils esse of. the Ullssl-J-I snd C 've'o. J. S. Fisher; Mattole I'.cksbunr, t<> Le auppliwl ; 11. Il Sheldon, Round V.11.y mi-si m ; W. V Drtnou, pro- It, Kapa C.-begiate Insti'ute (member uf Napa rly Conferenci:. ,an district— C. H. AlTerbaih, P. E -Sin sco, H. Pauls and C. H. Aflerlach ; I'ul-r m II Bmi'ik; Mniossr, T. W.rth; st-ckt li, aels an ; I akland, R Stcinbarb ; North Ger- i- i o ,to be supplied. Murder In Ihf Degree. _E*m, September COth. In the case of. tbe People vs. Furtado, on trial for the murder (J O. A. P.. vnc in June last, the Jury brought in a verdict ofituibyof murder in tbj second decree, after being out three hours. - '.. . ,2. •' A Woman Banes Uerself-Fatal Quarrel '7 '"7[. Over Land. Nsrt, September 20tl.. Mrs. Ullrich, wife of Ja- cob Clinch, of St. Helens, on Sunday morning c \u25a0mmiit.-l su -trie by banging. No cause is as- signed for the act. John Adams, of Monticcllo, last night killed Isaac Wil*in, Justice of the Peace of Knox township. Tin cause o< the difficulty was a dispute over a cer- tain tract of land claimed by both parties. Hrrlons Accident. Calistooa, \u25a0 BewSSßsbsr 20ih_— William Hanson, while engaged this morning in oiling soma ma- cliiinri iii Ibe flour mill at tnis place, got caught, and had a number of bis ribs l-r.k.n, besides sus- taining other injuries. /. ; ; i Ran .!.r.i.|ui.i Supervisor*. Stocktox. September 2Cth.—The Board of Super- visors met to-day, arranged for the eons' ruction of a bridge across Paradise creek, on the Mass lalu and Baiitas row], and ordered the establishment of a now school district, to be known as tlio Pleasant Valley School District, for the sections of "Aaahing- lon Hudson, Dry Creek and Ju-tiee District". 11m contract for printing the Great Register was let at six cents per name. _.' .. ,'v Democratic Meeting. Gaosorfows, September 20th. - A Democratic meeting was held here to-night, addressed by J. li. Gla__co«k and 0. J. Carpenter. The Saa Bernar«nnti County Fair. : Sas Baixaaoiso. September 20th.— San Ber- nardino County Fair, which commenced Thursday and closed Saturday, was an eminently successful affair, the display of fruits being specially note- worthy. The attendance was altogether salisfac- i factory. P.-issenaters I'nsslns Mojave. " Mojvvs, September 20th.— The follow Southern overland p^-rM-i-v* ik ins-eel Mojsve September 2 >th, . to arrive in Sin Francisco Sept, mber 21st : J. Taite, 1 IxiwAnirele-; E. H. Kb.-a.lc., 0, W. Hall, Oakland ; I R. J. Bald in. Anions; D. l_.vi.pr.--.il,8. Barn- r stein, J. P. Murray 8. Strouiron, Kan Francisco; O. 8. Benson, Los Angeles ; J. it. Roy, San Francisoo ; - ...-.-... - ! A. Denker, Mrs. Kennedy and family, Los Angeles ; j Mrs Edmonds, Oak and; J H. Comstocs and wife, Washington, D. C; 11. Welch, Arizona; J.Harris, T. C. Diigan. G. R. Butler, C. 1 yons, Los Angles ; S. S. Bell and wife, Oakland ; Mrs. Cashel, H. Good- man, San Francisco; W. H. Price and wife, i \u25a0_- . ;n. ! ARIZONA. Illness of Thomas twins— Republican Nominations. Tucson, September 20th.—General Thomas Ewing of Ohio, who has been visiting the inning district of | southern Arizona for the past three weeks, was \u25a0 taken suddenly ill at Charleston on last Thursday with intermittent fever. He was brought to 'Tucson j esterday, and Is stiil confined to bis bed. - He will go to ria .ta Monica, Col., as soon as it is sale to travel and from there he will go to Indiana to take pan in the campaign. '1he Republican County Convention of Pima met to-day and nominated the followingticket : Legisla- tive Council— J. M. Kiikpatrick of Oro Blanco, 11. G.Rollins of Tombstone, D. Gillette, Jr., of Har. Shaw, hichard Gird tf Millulle, F. H. Good- win of Tucson. House of Representatives- Webster Street, of Tombstone; J. M. McArthur, j of Pajarito ; Thomas Hughes, of Crittenden ; Alex- ander Blair, iif Charleston ;\u25a0 A. E. Jacobs, i f Pueblo Viejo ; E. C. Burton, ot Camp Huaehua ; J. C. Handy, of Tucson ; John Hayi.es, of Tucson ; H. Buchman, of Tucson ; Leopoldo Carribo, of Tucson; C. S. Leon, of. Tucson, sheiiff,, R. H. Paul, of Tucson; Recorder, C. K. I 'rake, of Tucson ; Treasurer, C. T. Etchells, of Tucson Probate Judge, T. L. Stiles, of Tucson; District Attorney, Littleton Price, lof Tucson ;Supervisors, I Joseph Tasker, of Tombstone ; C. E. Harlow, of Hai._rh.iw. Tiie entire ticket is looked ujkiii as strong, and while the Democrats have a majority in the county it is believed the contest will be close. The Repub- licans are holding a grand ratification meeting to- night. •;-.-.\u25a0,., .- _ - ... ' m r -.7 NKVAOA. Passcußers I'asslug Carlin for California. C__.RLi.-t, September 20th.—The following passen- gers passed carlin to-day, to arrive in Sacramento to-morrow: Mrs. il. J. Tajlor, New York ; E. Kicbards, J. E. Richards, Benicia; Mrs. E. A.Kecd, Miss F. M. Heed, Oakland ; E. Lord, Maine ; -Miss K. Levinson, San Francisco ; Mrs-. C. latter, Marysville; Mrs. E. B. Sleeth, Colorado ; R. L. K. Covin, Cincinnati ; Levy Taj lor, San Francisco; S. Owens, Wm. S. Steven*, Jr., England ; Rev. W. U. -Martin and family, Woodland : H. W. Norwood, New York ; H. T. Craves and wife, San Francisco; J. 12. Shuton, 0. Vi. Brcintyer, J. 0. Congdon, New York ; Peter Lean, Geo A. Fisher, San Francisco ; Geo Atkin; E. Duicher and family, Canada ; W. 0. Lefland and wife, Mrs. Clark, St. Louis; Vi. A. Itetiig, Dcs Moines, la. ; E. M. Black and famiiv, Kansas ; Miss L. Short, New Jersey ;J. Blyth, San Frar.chco ; Her. M. Millou, Marysville ; R. A. Park- inson and wife, San Jose ; Mir-s Bel Reamer, I ut- falo ; Mrs. S. C. Duncan, Indiana; l). Loyd, Chi- caso ;Alonzo 11. Hatch, New York ; 35 em grants, _._\u25a0:_.,.; 44 males, to arrive in Saciamento Seiitem- bcr 22d. Victory for Ihe Mi.uoi.ltes at llie Virginia Primaries. .«;.-•''< Vikoism, September —The Sharon have cleaned the opposition out at the primaries to-day, and tecured the Convention, winch is to assemble Thursday. [ oiii.<;o.\. Items from l'orlI:m<I. Portland, September —James Elliott, the young man who was run over by a construction train at Lebanon, Linn county, last Friday, died at Albany last night. The weather is cool, cloudy an 1 smoky. The barn of William Laird, at Pleas.n't Hill, Lane- county, was burned Sunday while the family were at church. The barn contained about 1.000 bushels of grain, twenty tons of hay and some farm imple- ments, lhe cause of tho fire is a mystery. Loss. $900. .- The body of the little daughter of J. H. Gilbert, who was drowned some ti.ue ago in McKenzie Fork, Lane county, was recovered yesterday. ' The wheat market is very quiet, quotations being nominal at .-'1 3-1 The Earl of Airlie, President of the Oregonian Railway Company, who is a passenger on the State of California, has been met at Anuria by Donald Maclcay, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the company, who mil accompany the distinguished Scotchman to this city. The Karl comes to look after his Urge railroad interests here. He will re- main several weeks, during which time he proposes to visit various portions ol the state-. j,,. »•--. .«. ' \u0084'2-Z:'z.«. \u25a0 1., 17 -n'ASJII.NUTO.N TEItCITOU7. Verdict or Acquittal. Port Towmskd, September 19th. The trial of Lofgrcn, flret male of the l.ark -David Hoadh-v, charged with manslaughter, was concluded yester- day, and tlic jury, after an absence of twenty hours, returned into Court with a verdict of acquittal. BRIEF NOTES. R. T. Cottingham, Noble Grand Arch, and Henry A. Chase, Grand Secretary, Utited Ancient Order of Druids, were in town last, evening, and left; this morning for Wacerville, visiting the Groves there this evening. The special train from Gait, to run during the present week, arrivid here at 10:30 p. M , the first train reaching here last night. The special train leaves over same road at 6 o'clock every morning. . .s- » i The railroad company now hay» a large number of teams hauling Band and filling the ba-in between the passenger depot -ani the repair shops by the Pioneer mill. --. There are messages at *\\t> Western Union Telegraph Office for .1. F. Russell, K. Suth- erland, Miss >.'»-ilie Booth, Judge Terry, Mrs. G. Keeman, Wm. Netiwal.l. ' The Crocker art gallery will jbe open to- day from 10 till 4, for the benefit of the Howard Benevolent Society. Professor Daily is giving instructions in swimming at the Sacramento Natatorium from 7 a. M. to 9 p. si. Sixty-four immigrant* will arrive from the East to-day, including 'JS males. The Superior Court has adjourned until next Monday. The banks of the city willbe closed tc- morrow. HOTEL ARRIVALS. . ARCADE HOTEL. Smr.imksto, September -20, 1830. J T Mcintosh, Chico E Tauzky, Sin Francisco A I. Thii-I, do E.I Baldwin 4:lm, do FE D-vit>, do M B Smith, do N B Scott, do Geo I) Shearer, do IA D Ron k wt, do J S Armcr, do ,0 Vi Darn, do T Price k dautr, do P Itobson, Nairn B Williams & wf, do !F I, Cixunb', do C ras Bmer, - do * L L Co _mbs, do - It Pope Cooke, do Win Har^rave, Nipa L R Martin, do liF Landlord, S Joaqnin Jas Mcc, do .1 T Farley k tin, Jackson Chas Jacobs, do Miss Lena Covey, do Jas I' Kerr, - do Miss Kettle Covey, do Phil N'eis, do ;.-. II Clay, Ventura" 11 B Falk, do R I! IlawK.yeiwf.NevCity A Green, do Geo StiH.i.ins, OaklinJ Mrs W'oodburn, do Chas McClevtrty, do E F Parker, do | M T Tarpey, Alameda John Poglasc, do , J W Knox, San Jose F G Lancaster &w,do As* immense invoice of knit jackets, either \u25a0 with or without sleeves, for ladies', misses j and children just received at fancy goods de- \u25a0 partment, Mechanic-*' Store. These Roods I are direct from the Eist, and comprise all ! grades from the ordinary to the finest and ! most desirable quality. «•£, For Dyspepsia, indigestion and loss of ap- petite the IXL Bitters will give unfailing re- lief. None genuine without Dr. Henley's signature across the cork. Read the physi- i cians' certificates on the back of each bottle." Without a doubt the best value in the city at prices fixed are the lines of Rent's fancy worsted diagonal frock suits now in stock at Mechanics' Store. The material, cut, makeup md styles are all of the very Latest, and moat desirable. * Jobs -from Auction. Ladies' felt blurts, SO cents; French brocaded dress goods, 18 cents per yard (worth 30 cents); la lies' cloaks at haif price. Bargains in every department at the lied Hou«*. :'-* y Beautifully-Enameled Cabinet Photo- graphs only $3 50 per dozen at the Sacra- mento Gallery, 421 .1 street. ~ 77:'7 i *: ' An Immense Crowd assembled in front of Mechanics' Store last evening, viewing*" the beautiful," as exhibited by the Stereopticon; Another line of views to-night. ' Free to all.* rF. . . Cutter's Old Bourbon.— This cele- brated Whisky is for sale by all firet-cla-s ilnisgists and grocers. Trade mark Star within a Shield. '-" * LADIES, your attention is called to the di. ;ilay of tine millinery made by Mechanics' Store. The latei-t fashiors in bonnets, hats and trimmings can be seen at any time. * At Merrill's tailoiinif establishment, 516 .1 street, may be seen the best selection of goods iv this city. ; " 7r '* c * Br.All Means see the Stereopticon Exl"- bitton to-Light at Mechanic!.' Store. Fiee to everybody. , .-.*'\u25a0' " ' - Naqlee Brandy. Purest and best in tie world. S. U. Midulelon, agent, No. 4iy i'iue street, San Francisco. 7;. * J Nkw Stiles ok Ucttoss, i f every descri; - tion, at L. liieu'e, Eigh li and J streets. * \u25a0 Camel's Hair Cloth, 15 cents a yard, at L. Bieii's, Eighth and .1 streets. * ' * . By AllMeans see the Stereopticon Exhi- bition to-night at Mechanics' Store. Free to everybody. -* Boots and Suots for everybody at tie Bed House. ! p * The Red Home is no-el for laving the bait boots and shoes iv ths city. * Mr.MULi.'s . tailoring eslabliilment turns out the best work in the r.'v. 7; 51t> J street. * Tbt the great Ew-tern re uidy. Rock and Rye. George W. t'Wey. sole agent. -. * llAVats's Cascasa Saoraoa Biriufor habitual eoustlp-uioa. I Have Tried Hammers Cascara Satjrada Bitters, an.l liad they an all they are recom- minded to be. O. N. Cbonkite. "-Sacramento. .- —^^— «_ \u2666 I Consider Hammer's j Cascara Sagrada Bitters a superior medicine. .'-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0 * John Cleave. Sacramento. Hammer's Glycerols or Tar, for coughs and colds, contains no ojiates or astringents, .'lhe best preparation out for children. \u25a0 Eeoti tub Liver with Haunter's Cascara Sagrada Bitters, and health is the result. THE DAILY RECORD UNION. TIKSDAT \u25a0'\u25a0SErTEMCr.R 21. ISSO. Signal Corps Keporl-t*rplrmbrr '.'O, 1880. TIKS. ) sas ma HIM WU.O |'sa*MVßat__i t_o.lA.lt 23.05 57 75 'rTeTJ ~ Fair" 7A. M 20.99 r 67 \u25a0 75 8. E. 0 ....Fair 8:02 a. _ 30.00 |61 71 I 8. 6 .... .Lear *'\u25a0« ». 87 :79j405. W. 7 I ....Clear 8-0-2P.M 29.06 '65[ 58 j S. 4 | ... . Clear Mas. tier., 80 degrees. Hin. ther., 63 degrees. Weather Probabilities. WASHIHBTOK, September 20th.— For Pacific coast regions : Gear or lair weather in California, and local rains with partly cloudy weather m Oregon and Washington Territory. ADVERTISEMENT MENTION. Metropolitan ITieater— " Forget Me Not" Company B, First Artillery, meet to-morrow at 8:30 A. il. Company G, First Artillery, meet to-morrow at 9 A. M. Ostreet cars run to Agricultural Park. Chas. Linke, adieu— Off to Germany to-day. Notice to creditors— Estate if John W. Sharp, deceased. Attention, Veterans of the Mexican War—Meet- ing. Fourth Brigade, N. G. Special OrJer No. 16. Personal— Mark Edwards, Emanuel FdwarJs. One hundred teams wanted— C. A. Stratton &Co. Wanted— Cash hoys at the Mechanics' Store. Company A, First Artillery— this evening. Grand Army, Attention— afternoon, meeting. Suie Fair programme. \u2666 Business Advertisements. James I. Fetter &Co., importers of liquors, etc. Bristol's Saraaparilla and Pills. Sacramento Natatorium's swimming-school. The city banks will ho closed to-morrow. year's rubber boots and coats. Harry Bernard -Nevada's gold medal carriages. S. Upturn k Co.— Fall and winter fashions. C. 11. Stevens & Co. Fall importations-. Carl Strobel Family carriage for sale. % S._E_,-^ 214 i fif J STREET, BETWEEN: SECOND AND THIRD. HAVIN'O ENLARGED AKD THOROUGHLY REFUTED MY STORE, I Ail KOW PREPARED TO wait on mv oiii customers and any others that m-y f.rvor nre with a call. I never itisreiireear.t my RuoU-i, nor dc in any imitation go da. 1 would call paiticul-ir uttention to my stock of ' Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces and Elastic Stcckiiigs, mat BRIGS AXU ciicjima's. am> HIKE liqioks FOB iii'.ihciml ISE. S. B. RID&WAY, APOTHECARY- AND PHARMACIST. S \u25a0tea*-*-**-*»^^-*r \u25a0-*•-«*•••>\u25a0--^••^•••••••••••••••••-••'•••••\u25a0•••••••^^ fBOSTON DRUG STORE. '" A COMPLETE STOCK 'OF DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. TRY mY FEVER AND AGUE CURE, 2';~22\- '— £OLD ONLY BY \u25a0 - _.•\u25a0 •\u25a0 ti-^V 777,, V^-2^- ., 2 ..' s -. ADOLPH WALTHER, Northeast cor. Third and J streets. g CALIFORNIA DRUG STORE, g[ Southeast corner X and . Sixth streets. A Full Assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Wines, ISBAXBT, TOILET ABTICIE9, ETC. . VV, 2- ''tS Prescriptions Carefully Prepared at any hour, day or night. [s9-Splm] A. B. TRAFTON. Mammoth §§§ Importations! j-cst w^c "cr»n»___a__.C3-^"Ex> By the Leading Clothiers, S.J.NATHAN&OO, Nos. 301, 303 aud 305 X St., Northeast cor. Third. LATEST NEW YORK STYLE 3 IN : UN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING! 411 intiilc expressly Tor n< In our manufactory, Ho. I.s Eearte street, »w Yorlr, under ibr personal superintendence of anr MR. jAt'U NATUA.M, Mini lihi kail .-.-. year*' I experience -In . the Retail < lotbtnx Trude lv this city. "We have uit enumerated our Slock, but in* lie li.-neuini. \u00842 - \u0084.- \u0084 > vi . FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, ETC., ALLSELECTED WITH CAKE, AND PURCHASED FROM FIRST HANDS, ALL OF WHICH -- - ... ARE OFFERED AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES BY ' THE 7 OLD Ri^XnlA-BliS aOTTSS —OF— S. j. IS^^TH^N>^JeG. 9 : : Nos. 301, 303 and 305 E street, -Northeast Corner^Third. V: ' New York I'acury : Ko. 78 Reade street. San Franciaoo Wliolesale House : Ko. 29 Battery it. > tS' DOST FAIL TO SEE 018 EXHIBIT AT THE fcTATE TAlllI T2l «17 »pU ISSI. ISSO. ,;7v: vi— OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE OF JAMES I. FELTER & CO., '' M - lOIG and 1018 Sci-ond hirer I. bet. J aud li, Sacramento (Oilcans Dull._ll._i:.), IMPORTERS. r...n^.^ c 8h^ lbo P le"»J t" have all purchasers ami customer* Irom the interior, »ho visit teSTATE FAIR thu week, to CiLL ASD EXAMI.NE OUK STOCK cl | KENTUCKY WHISKIES, 801880.l AXD BYE-OLD BTOCB-(O W n Own ! Imporlai ion. Via Cap* Horn.. COGNACS AND HOLLAND GINS, IX 116 and i CASKS. Also, a Full Line of Port, Sherry and Clarets, in Cases and Casts, CHAMPAGKES : RODERER. Ml-MM. PIlEH AND CHAS. lIEIDEECK, OREBH SEAL, and the CM,U«lwl MMKhLIM. MOSELLE, admired by all Wine Conuoisstura lor ita Purity, Delicate Beaqort ...,/: and Flaror. For Sale in Cases, 1-ints and (Jnart». Mineral "Writers : APOLLIN'ARH AXD ROYAL SPRING WATER OF GERMANY, BARTLETT OF CALIFORNIA. AND -77V; BETHESDA OF WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN Si-blitz, Milwaukee and Aulieuser's St. Louis. . tSTTHE FINEST BEERS BREWED. *-£» tS Vie Deliver Goods to any pari of the rilr. " Xo Drayagra I hurled. X"A igFFQR MEmSpTrHiRPSsES 1 \u25a0VV22'r"V,r.2-rV. BOFU A BYE <CnF.*lEV*3 GEM „.,.... ClirSl FYS It. vlIS AXD lIO.XEV t'UESI EY-M PI BK OLD ttl'K WHISKY.... « HI.SI.IVs FIBE OLD -lllltl:i»> WHISKY FIIIMFI'H IKI'UII KBtXliY tlll.HLKl S KE'CiiHEBBY Ittt * X CIIF.M.E 4 MB»; A.XO «LI» HOB!' YYIXE ItIt.SLLVS tS The Medical Faculty are dally prescribing- 1.-r the above goods fr. m my nell M-keleJ stock, "frl CHr-J ORG- E! "\^7". CSCJE3SX_OQ'S*j —.1Front .Ircel. Sacrameuto IH. WACHHORSfr^ Gold and Silver Watclies, Diamonds and Jewelry. tS TUE LEADIXG JEWELER Of M< RAHI'VI'D. "M LARGEST STOCK/ GREATEST VARIETYI FINEST GOODS/ LOWEST TRICES IS Indaily receipt of New Good*, direct fr -m the factories, hence all icy cuatomers receive th« benefit of baying from first ii.in.iM. —— - Sign of the Town Clock, g> &t_2& KO. 315 J STBEET. BET. THIRD AXD FOI BTII, SACBAMEXTO. &L& ' 098 Hl-tl -__ C^STAfEfAiRJBBO, THE I XIT STORE! 2 'HE I XL" STORE! Ast Eeceived ! Just Eeceived ! Latest Styles ! Latest Stjles ! WEN'S km BOYS' CLOTHING, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Fine furnishing Goods ! Trunks, Talises and Satchels ! Prices Defy Competition! All Goods Marked in Plain Figures! - :- .--=-*- ' : j** -L.\. -.\u25a0 - 03803 PX&XGIEI TO lEaKs ! SAMUEL NATHAN & ?0., I \ L STORK. Xftß. SI!) AND .lISJ J STKEET. BETWEEN FIFTH AXD SIXTH. SACBAMEX'TO j gggl|i^plgj 11l™ i W AGOI! , ' .v/ I^//^^^^^^^j^^^i^^ 7 '- A Ear-:c A>iortm«iit ol IBW, I Ifcll V " ?l ~ 22^-^^^SS. : an SFKIXti WAG OX'S ctnUniitlj on liau«* STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., SACKAMEXTO BKAXCH, 2IT anil 21» J STREET. Jus-lms-vlmS jp§§||jf ) jr. IS-. E_t-_fiL^T3:S, 7 -fpil|} CARPET AND FURNITURE HOUSE No. 411 E Street, between Fourth and Fifth. tS FIXE ITBX'ITI'BF, Tf 1111 A FILE LIXF. «F CABPtTF, ETC. anlB VENABLE'S " CHIEF" R. .'.' It. BARS, IS oz. (new) LIGGETT ft MYERS CO.'i TOBACCOS (.11 styles', "DURHAM" ani "OLD HOME" SMOKING 'T08ACC0............... { 11 sizes) STANDARD REFINERY SYRL'P (car-load) SCHUMACHER'S OAT MEAL ..(car-load) RKECB RUN BOURBON WHISKY. if.'*. P. COS CLAMS ....: (is) FAIRBANK'3 & LIBEi, M;NEI__.L & LIBBi'S CORNE&BEEF. "ROYAL" HAMS... ....''.......".(car-load) ONE CASE (l!>/riX>) KEY v. : ST. CIGARS— (Fred. K. de Bary &Co , New York —Extra FineV 800 Pkgs JAPAN TEA, Onr own brim If, ex fc!«ip "Cynne." Adams, McM & Co., :\22-v- -\u0084. \u25a0- - '-•- \u25a0 ' ; - : .*":?=&\u25a0 H J- I . WailLE-ALE ÜBi.ifilh | \u25a0*• : - - - '.- s -. '- ' .- + X. 91, 93 and 95 Front afreet, Parrnmcnto. WIITTEE,MLISSGQ„ Ilannracturera and ''•\u25a0.;»\u25a0_•> In Paints, Hcldings, Oils, Mirrors, Glass, Pictures, Windows, Frames, Doors, . Cornices, ; ; Blinds, ".-'.-: Brackets, Wall Paper, Etc., Etc. ALSO, A Full Supply 7of ARTISTS* MATERIALS. OKLE.iXS BUILDING, Sot. 1029 and l.'t'l Second at. Sacrament <• S. GOLDMAN, -..,,; ' I. i '- •«-:- - i * ;L' , - WHOLES LB AXD RETAIL -- . ?3- 2& O CS Z& 3 XortUwckl cor. Secoiid and J streets. I OHDI X TO FACILITA* E TRADE, I Villi - send, on appli. ation, ; . '"-2' pxi-HTED PEICE lists, Subject to the tally Changes ln the Price V.;&li> \u25a0... , :_\u25a0; of Goods. THE BEST OF NEW JAPAN ? AND CHINA TEAS. i^The Finest Selection ot Co-la Ble.i and j„ ;! •oiric. and all other Goods belonging to a Fir.t-cla.-s Grocery House. '7i_SiS|§ S. GOLDMAN. Corner Second and J streets, Sacramento. - \u25ba15-Ji'tni * \u25a0-- ' \u25a0VXn&XFXZID ~ IRON-STONE SEWER PIPE ; ; J Terra Colta Cblmncy Pipe, Tops, ' /^(AP.'!. VASE-1, FLOWER TOTS, FIRE BRICK, lj Fire -Cay, etc.; UUINEaN'-J PATENT SPRING FILTER,' Bundock's Butter Cooler. «*• STON EW A R E*«» ! Or ALL DBBCKUTIOK*. "•* aoBB-r~A SMITH, Ho. SIT J street,:......... Saeramento, Cal. ;.,--tf-Splm.._,:,.r; r ,*ENABLE'S "AKMIDA-" I.ED TAG, Ita., 12 inch TWIST. 7 ? 2 \u25a0HUNTINGTON, 1 . \u25a0V:2..:./ 7 -2 '\u25a0'\u25a0' \u25a0 'iSmm ' HOPKINS 00., t IMPORTERS OF i , Hardware, ; lron, j Steel , and . Coal, sacbahe.vto a\» SAX cisco, call the ATrENTION OF SPORTSMEN TO THMIt Large and Complete Stock English and i American BREECH-LOADINC OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfI 000000 ii SHOTGUNS, ii o ' o 000000000000000000000000 WINCHESTER RIFLES, REVOLVERS, Hazard and Oriental Powder, . !>::<'!• it:> exoLEBO shot, Wads, Caps, Pin an I Ccalral Eire CartrUsta, POWDER-FLASKS, EHOT POUCHES AND BELTS, GAME BAGS, ETC. . «nrr_-WTr-_-*T _».M«___MM«r.M. -r_m«u____Rrr__r-«M_____l T 3E3MCgC>gfc!g?jE33BC^3_! T JUST ARRIVED : : VENABLE'S " DE SOTO" C. C (3 ami 4 oz.) | VENABLE'S " l-oMuN.v" Bit. J. C-tnch TWIST. VENABLE'S "POMONA" Bs J. 7-oz, 12 inch I TWIST. ." Granite Building Stone . .- k Cnt. Dressed and Polished to order. sU-lpßir mmm & .m Vo. 830 J 5tree1... '.'..7..... Sacramento. wAPr.Roovs: . \u0084.,., So. 23 Dupont street - - Ban Francisco. L. K. HAMMER, 'OLE AGENT '\u25a0\u25a0 FOR TIIE PACIFIC COAST Pianos sold on Installments, If desired, and foi rent. Old instruments taken in exchange for new. Orders for timingcarefully attended to. au'li'i-lldlt " FOR SALE OR LEASE, v.'"'. ' '\ : , . - '\u25a0 ''V-' .'\u25a0'\u25a0_- \u25a0 7 -..;..-- .-. t , ...,.'\u25a0. \u25a0 Grand Hotel Property J SITUATED ON THE UORNER OF FRON-: and X streets, Sacramento city, directly op posite the steamboat dine, and uear the railroac depot. The best location in the city for a hotel and business property. Will be sold low; with favor able terms as to payments, or leased for a term ol years at a low rental. Inquire of CADWALADER A PARSONS, No. 81 J street, Sacramento ; or 8. P DKWEY. SOS Pine street. Sar 1-V.nriseo. \u25a0 aa«-_Wf Sacramento Planing Mill, SASH AND BLIND, FACTORY, CORNEB OF Front and Q stre . Sacramento. \u25a07 \u25a07' Boars.' Windows. Blind*. -<>-'\u25a0* -•-• '*_ Finish ot all kinds, Window Frames, Holdings o every description, and Turnine *j*.'"' __ * '_* " ___'\u25a0 - - HARTWELL, HOTCH Xl 38 A STALKER. \u25a0r. •--: 7 ---*™" m '\u25a0r.."- ; ' ' \u25a0- -'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 , The Pioneer Box Factory Still Ahead of all Competitor C 3 ?> OSBE "B-V.Jta 'SO aw.::.. OOBJISS Of ; Front and B streets IMIUKItI !-..--.. lyi-tpU :- m .r i .AG. GRIFFITH'S s?~ \ r " ' " * rE.fRT.-l W;MAMITE WORKS '^^^MX. PE.NUYX mm rE.\BY.\ CAL. P-^tU^rj r-nilE BEST VARIETY AND J ** ; Tfc?i^g J^ Laiyeet Quarries on thi Pacific Coast. Polished Granite Monuments, Tomb- •tones and Tablets made to order. r I HI I I ' '"-\u25a0\u25a0' AUCTIONS. PLAZA AUCTION HOUSE, aaro.. 008 J STREET, BET. MSTII AX» TENTH. REGULAR SALES HATS, TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, at 10:30 o'clock _.. M. sharp. IS Furniture, Ho_res, Buggies, Harness. Watches, Pistols and Household Goods Bought and Sold, t BELL & CO., Auctioneers. el- 1 m SHERBURN & SMITH, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. So. 383 X st., bet. Third and Fourth. Also, Dealers ln all kinds of Second-hand Carpets, Stoves, Etc WE HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE ¥ ¥ largest assortment of Parlor and Bedroom Furniture of any Auction House in Northern California. We also deal largely in New Crocketv, Glassware, Tlated ware and Tinware. Table Cutlery-, etc Our Crockery is all bought at auction inSan I r r ncirseo, on its a rival on grain ships from England, and our GlaiMv.ire is bought of the manufacturers in Pittsburg, Pa., at the very lowest price. We are thus prepared to sell our line of go-xis as low a* they can possibly bo sold. Ihe fact of our being Auet oncers cv's no figure with our retail trade We sell at private fale all the time. Hotels, Restau-ante and Barkeepers will look to their own interest In examining our stock. .. au.lo if ' WATCHES, CLOCKS, jewelry J. B. KLI\E, . Late with Wachhorst, and successor to Floberg,) %XJ ATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ,_ '": J V No. in J street, between Second and fcvfi lliird. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Silver- {£-[%> rare, Jewelry, etc. Repairing in all its *&\u25a0>\u25a0';«* tranches a specialty, under MR. FLOBEItG . fsS-lplml \u25a0 WILLI 111 B. MILLER .. (Lata with Floberg), NO. ISO J STREET, NEAR SEVENTH, _,'- -i"l Watchmaker and Jeweler. Imjiorter '.'.Js »nd Dealer in Watches, Silverware, Jewelry, fi-* A ite. Repairing a specialty, under Robert it* (£3 Harsh. Allcountry orders promptly attended to. UyflUptfl _-------------.-------— _—__\u25a0 DENTISTRY. ~ DR. W. II HARE, DENTIST.— 005 J STREET,*SSG» \_W between sixth and Seventh, over Kat-Q^ffi ir.-mte.iu & Bradley's Millinery Store sl7-lptf 11. 11. PIERSO.\, DENTIST, 415 J STREET, BETWEEN fULfc Fourth and Fifth, txicramentr.. Arti- flSJ^© icial Teeth inserted on Gold, Vulcanite and al. bases. Citrous Oxide or Laughing Gas administered for the rainless extraction of Twth. nl-l-lm IV. WOOD, DENTIST— No. 317 J street, betwcen^Mh if Third and Fourth. Artfflcial T. it:isß_B nserted on all bases. Improved Liquid Nitrous Jxide Gas, for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Uy-24-tfl »«». BREWER A SOI THWORTH, DENTISTS, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF (BB Seventh and J streets, in Bryte's new Sfiiro mil.ling, up stairs. Teeth extracted without pair, -y the use of Improved .Liquid Nitrous Oxide Gas [anlO-lplml CHALLENGE. Gumean's Spring Water Filter! SIOO Reward! : -. **.' IWILL PAY ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS TO anyone producing a FILTER that will filter water as pure as C'JINEAVS SFRIKC WAT R FILTER. . - I claim that none of the animalcu'ee in living j water, and which are required, are not destroyed by my FILTER ; that it will filter forty times as fist as I any other, and hat the v ater filtered is as natural as spring water. I will pay .Slil) to anyone pro- ducing a FILTER at the Stile Fair that willfilter in the Same manner (by natural pre sure of weight of I water), and compete with GUIMEAN'S SPRING | WATER FILTER. I will hue THREE FILTERS ON- EXHIBITION' at the Pavilion- offlce, family \u25a0ad hotel size— and will furnish every one that de- sires with filtered water to drink. T.GUINEAN, Arcade Hotel, Sacramento. Guinem's Universal Refrigerator I j til' I herewith off-, $100 to anyone that will pro- j do c a 'e.'rrg r.-.i-r that wi'lkeep anything as long inanntural condition, free from all moisture, as I GUI 'KAN'S UNIVERSAL RIGKRaTOR, as I claim it has the only ice pan in th' world that you can put ice in without causing the pan to sweat. Also, that it oses one half less ice than any other; that it will keep provisions of all kinds, meat?, game, butter, fruits, etc., fora longer time and in better condition than any othtr 1 will pay one hundred dollars to anyone that will | pulueea Ke fri_r. rator 'hit will compete with GUINEAN'S PATENT UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATOR in these points at the Sate Fair at Sacramento. | I will make any arrangements desirable with parties wishing to compete. One of my Restaurant sizeof Refrigerator will be on exhibition at the Pavilion. ' y.- | T. GUINEAN, Arcade Hotel tS 'th Rtfrigerator and Filter willbe exhibited by HOBBY k SMITH, No. 117 J street, who are agents fur same. . - sIS-lw \ best C-Ilole Range ~^-.gf?i~-^ - !m y is IBS WORLD IS "^» .v. V-2jVV2^V9 THE GARLAND! LlyX^M FOR sals IT J--t^?VV:-223^y*>. l. l. lewis «* CO., r Sg^S"? v 133 A I'MJ Ktreet. d \u25a0-4^.'- ,3iS*- au?l-itotf \u25a0 _^^ SWEETSER & ALSIP, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ACENTS fofary Pobllennd Commissioner of Deeds. Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. tUTlio,:...rente* -end rents collected." - Agents for the following Insurance Ccmp^nles : IMPERIAL..... ....ol Londoi LONDON , ....of Lonaoi H'.THERN o Londor jUhfcN ...ol Liverpool NORTH BRITISH aicdMEF.CANTILS { .ETNA .' of Hertford, Conn Aggregate Capital, *S*.NC,SS3. IS No. 47 Fourth street, betweon J and X, Sac- rim-n*o comer ol thpa'h.e au ,J trr.-' STAR Ml'-LS AND MALT HOUSE. VEU'OII-I" A LAKES, NOS. 80, 52 AND MFIFTH ST., SACRAMENTO i]\ " dealers in Produce and Brewers' Supplies I Manufacturers of Malt and all kinds of Meal?, etc. Oatmeal, C irnmeal. Cracked Wheal,. Graham Floui Buckwheat Flour, etc. NY* Grain Hag* lor sale. - - ;--»• - sl7-iiitf f:-
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014381/1880-09... · LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Board op Education.— The city Boardof Education held a special meeting last

LOCAL INTELLIGENCE.Board op Education.— The city Board of

Education held a special meeting last evening,to fillvacancies existing inthe rollof teachers.Mr.McClatchy offered the following: "Thatwe deem it to be inthe best interests of thepublic schools to fill any vacancy that maycccur among teachers by a regular system ofpromotion." Mr.Tracy offered an amend-ment, that the appointments be made fromthe grade below and substitutes. The amend-ment was accepted, and the resolution, afterdebate, adopted. Miss Sophia Kropff waspromoted to fillthe vacancy in the fifthgradecaused bythe resignation of Miss Lou. Hagan.Misses Way, Bernard, Buckley, Palmer, andMrs. X. J. Toll were placed innomination tofillthe vacancy caused by the promotion ofMiss Kropff. Sixty-eight ballots were takenwhen further balloting for that position waspostponed. On motion, itwas ordered thatthe night school open on the first Mon-day in October. The High Schoolbuilding was selected as the placefor it to be held. Miss Ina M.


was elected to the eighth grade to fill the va-cancy caused by the resignation of MissFelter. The salary of the Principal of thenight school was fixed at $50 per month, andthat of the Assistant at §25 per month. J. W.Hyde was elected Principal of the nightschool. Mrs. Mcirill was elected Assistant inthe night school, to be employed wheneverthe Principal and Superintendent deemed i*.necessary. Miss Joseph was elected substi-tute teacher in the Grammar schools. TheBoard then adjourned.

Merchandise Report. —The followingfreight for Sacramento passed Ogden on the17th and 18th:For John Brenner, 1 casefurniture ;C. 11. Gilman, 1case dry goods, 7cases hats ; M.Litzburg, 2 cases boots andshoes ;C. J. Noack, 1case optical goods ;R.H.Pettit, '20 pails tobacco ; S. B. Paige, 1vault do rr ; Weinstock k Lubin, 3 casesshirts; W.-i.imin & Hromada, 1 case paperboxes; Su- fi-.d & Tevis, 53 barrels spirits ;Bachel r. Van Guelder &. Co., 4,098 barrowteeth, 1case keys ;Central Pacifi • Railroad,1 box lamps; .lames Parsons, \u25a0"» boxes shoes,1 box show-cards ; S. J. Nathan, 2 boxesshirts ;Billingsley .t Co., 1case and 5 d ;. >nbrooms ;S. Lipmsn k Co., 1 Ik>x woolengoods :Standard OilCompany, 5-10 cases oil;Huntington, Hopkins &Co.. 600 keg nails, l!cases and 1box hardware, 176 iron channels,5 boxes bay-knives, 5 boxes axes, 11 boxeshatchets, 3pii:ksges adzes; Willino Land, 1barrel whi.ky; it. St lie .t Co., 3 boxes |

leather ;W. A. &C.P. Houghton, 1i«. en-velopes ;Ilolman. Stanton ft Co., 135 seed-

'sowers, 50 sets double plow trees, 12 Bet"triple plow-trees, iiseed sower dischargers, 37feet .in, 4 cider mills, 5 pets spellers, 1casting ;S. Cupples et Co., 6 dozen buckets,1box lemon quet rs, 10 nests wooden bowls,3 dozen wooden trays ;Geo. T. Bttah, 1box jgas fixtures.

Police Court.— the Police Court yes- jterday W. K. Brown, charged with violationof sidewalk ordinance, was discharged onpayment (rf cost*, he having made the neces-sary repairs ;Thomas Brock, battery, casedismissed for want of prosecution ;CharlesWard, stealing ride on cars, pleaded guilty,ami to receive judgment to-day ; RaphaelVasMjue*. common drunk, sentenced to 60days inCounty Jail j Jake Weaver, drunk,found guilty and fined §7 -50: Henry I'er.:;son, drunk, case dismissed ;Robert Purcell,common drunk, sent up for .S3 days in CouutyJail, which he had left only list Friday fromprevious sentence ; Lillie Williams, disturb-ing the peace, fined $.'!<> and costs. The casesrf Al.Parsons and Harry Keeper, for dis-iturbing tire peace, were dismissed. The cases i

of battery against Mike Thomas weie con-tinued till to-day; also,' that of MollieRobert-, for being drunk, and examinationof Frank Quinn, upon charge of attemptingto commit grand larceny, continued till to-morrow.

Siiootinc Tournament.—

willbe a

meeting of thoi-e who have entered to shootat the Forester Gun Club Tournament at thePark to-day at 10 A. M., to arrange all thedetails and appoint judges for the match.The shoot »iii commence immediately after Ithe meetioc

—soon alter 10 o'clock. There

are over 2,000 > elect, strong birds on hand,leaving an abnnd t supply for pool shootingafter the close of the tournament, Repre-sentatives from leading clubs all over the jState have already arrived. Strictrules andarrangements have been made governing theshooting, to prevent liability to accident.Canvass shade accommodations for specta-tors ...v.. Iee:i provided, unlit will withoutdoubt be the inat succesifui and enjoyableshooting tournament ever held on the coast.No pains will be spared bythe Foresters tomake itentirely acceptable in every respect.

Freight Movements.'— The followingoar-loads of freight were received in this city

'y»nterd-y :Two of ice. 21 of cord, 1 of iron


poles, 1of live st x:k,. of wheat, 7 of horses, |2 of fair goods. 5 of wood, 5 of cattle, 1 of ,slabs, 1ifwheel., 1rf wine, 2 of shingles, 1. f barley. Also, through car loads East wereforwarded :Six of canned goods. 2 of s.lmon, i2 of honey, 4 of green fruit, 14 of birley, 8 ofwool,3 of merchandise, 2 of sugar, 4 of cannedfruit.

PuLtCK Arrests —Arrests were made inthe city yesterday of Thomas McGuire,drunk, by local officer Churchman ; I).O'Connor, drunk, by officer Frazee; GeorgeSmith, u|kiii two charges of disturbing thei" cc, by uthcers Kraz-e and Fredericks ;\u25a0

Victor Bluru an.i Mrs. Thomas, defaultingwitnesses, by officer L»e; Robert' Hall, di*.turbing the peace, by officer Ferr*l :KobertBig ,s, petty larceny, by special officer Ban

The River—Yesterday the steamer Ceres jcame down with the barge Rosalind loaded |with grain. The steamer mure <'itv...-icame down with grain and the birge City ..fStockton. The Pioneer pas-el up with thebarge Orient, light. Governor Dana went upwith the barge Jacinto, baled withlumberand meridian lis". The Dover came down \with theb.»rge Garfirld, loaded withgrain.

Board or Police Commissioners.— At a

meeting of the Board of Police Commission- j

ers held last evening, at which the fullBoard jwas present, ti|ion motion of Chief Karcher, \u25a0

James Scott, sjiecial poll*man,.was byunanimnns vote dismissed from service foriconduct unbecoming an officer. The Board \u25a0

transacted noother business. iXy--

Parsed THROncn.—Samuel Sutton, ar- jrestee! fir horse stealing, passed through, en,

route for Placerville. under charge of Consta- jble Scott of Roseville. "'*.'-

As Immense Crowd assembled in front ofMechanics' Store last evening, viewing


beautiful,'' ss exhibited by the Stereopticon.Another line of views to-night. Free to all.*

The RotTF. < r the Procession willbe upJ street to the Red use, where ample timewill be given to secure the unprecedentedbargains e_tl.:red inevery department. *[

'The best va'.us inthe city in gents* fancy

worsted diagonal frock suits are now instock,at Clothing Department, Mechanics' Store.*

THE PRESIDENTIAL RECEPTION.The special Reception Committee held an-

other meeting yesterday, General John F.

Sheehaa and Colonel Creed Haymoad, fromthe Committee ou Parade, being present.

Messrs. Sheehan and Haymond were appoint-

ed to confer «ith Colonel H.Dickin-!son of the First Infantry, at Camp Barnes,

!and request tho services of the First In-

i fantry as a military escort on the occasionof the reception today.. General Sheehan,on behalf of the committee, reported thatColonel Llickinsou had generously consentedto act as requested. The Committee onParade reported the following programme of.iparade :.

Tuesday.—Leave the depot at 5 p. m.,

march to J street, up J to Tenth, downTenth to N, through _N to residence of Gov- Iernor Stanford. Escort

—First Infantry

(Colonel Dickinson), Sumner Fast, G. A.li.Wednesday. —

At 10 A. M." on Wtdnesday the military and civicline willbe com-posed of First Infantry (Colonel Dickinson),First Artillery (Colonel Creed Haymond),Sumner Fust, G. A.It.(Commander Kent).Veterans of the Mexican war, Sac-ramento Hussars (Captain lluhstaller). Gov-ernor's Guard and Pioneers. The route.ofmarch willbe : Form at 10 A. M. on iN, nearEighth, Eighth to Seventh, Seventh t.i M,up M to main entrance of Capitol Park.The President willhold formal public recep-tion till12 M. At close of reception the linewillre-form at M and Tenth, Tenth toNinth, jonNinth to X, X to Seventh, through Sev- jenth to J, J to Ninth. Ninth to H, H to jSeventeenth, Seventeenth to G, G to Park-countermarching on quarter-stretch in frontof grand stand, the military drawn up inlineon the east side of the space in front of thestand, when the State Hoard of Agriculturewillfotmally receive the President and con-duct him to the special grand stand. _ Theannouncements of yesterday remain withoutchange.

METROPOLITAN Theatj-k.—The BaldwinTheater Company, from San Francisco,opened at the Metropolitan last night for aseason of one week. The company is one ofstrength and capacity, equal to almost any

'of the acting dramas of the day. In Mr.O'Neillaud Mr.De Bellevilleand Miss Wal-ters it is especially strong. Ot Miss Stan-hope, the leading lady of the company, and. who appeared in Sacramento for the firet

: time last night, especial notice is requisite.ili) lady did not appear in a part which en-abled hei to present her best efforts ;but suf-ficient of her method was seen, and -sufficient'of her power manifest, to enable a

1 general judgment to be formed. . ,Thelady is of prepossessing appearance,good stage presence, amobile countenance, anexpressive eye, and a rather unfemiuiuevoice, but one full of vigor. She is easy inher movements which are graceful. Herenunciation is noticeably distinct and clear.She reads without any hesitation and withanappreciation of the spirit of the text. Thelady made an exceedingly favorable impres-sion. Iva part which shall give her widerscope for the manifestation of her abilitiesshe willundoubtedly realize the expectationsshe aroused last evening. Misses Adams and jThome and Messrs. Thayer and Boss afforded :efficient support. The local orchestra last \evening, by its spirit, pleased, though itsselections were supei ficial in the main.The play presented, "An Orphan of theState," is a trilling affair., It is exceed-ingly Fienchy, frequently vulgar, veryfr.c upon topics that are, to say the least,unpleasant, and not at all clear as to purposeor plot: It afforded Mr. O'Neill, however,opportunity to appear ina low comedy part,in whi:hhe proved how versatile are bis tal-ents. To-night, the very sensational play,"

Forget MeNot," one heretofore reviewed ivthese columns, and in which there is a field

! for the broadest discussion .of what is andi what is not right. It willgive Miss Stan-

hop* ample opportunity to present herself ina strong light. This play ought to draw afull house, and probably will.

City Board' ok Trustees.— The CityIBoard of Trustees held their regular meeting,all the members present. The usual report

of Chief Engineer Cunningham of the waterworks was filed, showing that during the past

week the works had been running 103 hoira,I the totalnumber of gallons pumped was IS,-

--316,950, and the amount of fuel consumedwas 2,172 cubic feet of gas coke. Anestimatewas filed by City Surveyor L. F. Bassett asto the c st of constructing the sewer belowdescribed, and the following order inrelationthereto was passed : That the City Assessorbe and he is hereby instructed to make anassessment ou the lands in the block boundedby Xand J.. Ninth and Tenth street--, on thebasis of the estimate submitted to the Boardby the City Surveyor, for thepurpose of put-ting in au ironstone orc'uient pipe sewer.The billof 821, for fixingthe bulkhead at

| Seventh an.l ) streets, pr-ser.t»d by G. H.ISwinerton, was rejected. The followingbills

\u25a0 wire examined and allowed, after which theBoar adjourned :Win. Farns worth,$52 37Samuel Harper, ?21 ;R. Johnson, 816; An-tone Brewer, J8; Thomas Cotter, $12; M.Daley, £15 ; George Schroth, 8126 75 ;S.Butler, 51; 11. A. Weaver, 80 ;Whittier,

|Fuller &, Co., $02 40; Friend & Terry,$50 57; I*.Harnett, 87 ;Samuel Kingsbury,81;Call • & Kirk.$15 75 ;M. Castro. $10;Joseph ft dibble, $100; .1. I).Lord, 87 01;W. M. Sbearin, 822; El. Van Alsteiti,$3 50 ;C. F.

'tamers, $57 85 ;J. I>.Lord,

$150 72 ;Scott ftMuir, §35 OS.

First Infantry Encampment.—

The en-campment at Richmond Grove of the FirstInfantry wis quite a center of attraction lastevening at time of drees parade and after-wards. The iffi ers and men of the regi-ment express the utmost satisfaction at theirvisit and encampment here at the present

!time and the arrangements made and atten-\ tions received. The Officer ofthe Uiy for to-Iday willbe Captain G. M. Gaylorl and Of-j ficerof the Guard Lieutenant J. C. B. Ileb-Ibard. Lieutenant-Colonel Turnbull has been; detailed to meet General Barnes and Staff,| who come up on t!n evening's train from SaniFrancisco. They will anive at 8:30, and be'

escorted by Colonel Turnbull to the camp.:Lest evening the regimental band gave a con-

cert on the ground, and dancing was enjoyed, tilltattoo.

Board op Supervisors.— Board of|S lpervis. rs met in regular session yesterday

fore-no m. Present— Bauer, Blair, Butler,;Beck'.ey and Wilson. The resignation ofi John Bandeen, Constable for Dry Creek> Township, was received and accepted. A!petition was received from Theresa Hailto

have the taxes of 1873, on the south half ofeast |iiu:-r of lot 6. between L and Mstreets, and Fifthand Sixth streets, canceled,

:which was upon motion referred to tin' Dis-trict Attorney for his consideration. Undersuspension <l the rub*, the claims of 1).Foley for SIM and C. N. Carrington forSiiti .SO re,.;,, allowed and ordered paid. TheBoard then adj timed till10 a. H. to-day.-

I'.Kitii.KY Cast.— The case of Benson D.Beckley, for shooting Dr. Summer-., came upbefore the Superior Court yesterday on mo-

tion of defendant's counsel for his discharge,on the ground that no information or indict-ment bad been filed within thirty days fromthe time ha was held to answer. The casew»« ar-ti-l by 0. T. Jones and DistrictAttorney Buckley and submitted.

Grand Jury to be Impaneled.— Su-perior Court yesterday ordered the impanel-ing of a Grand Jury, to meet on the sth dayof 0 ttobcr. The question of whether thenew law inrelation to informations in placeof indictments is not defective and may notstand the te»t of the Supreme Court, is prob-ably the reason for calling a jury at this time.

Don't Forget that wecan be found at our

new quarters, the Sacramento Gallery, wherewe are prepared to do the finest photographicwork and at lower prices than ever offered inthis city. We wouldcall siiecU1attention toour enameled picture*. All our friends andpatrons are cordially invited to visit us atran pleasant and attractive place of business,421 J street. Leftwicb &Hsrknesi.


Evert Gentleman should while visitingthe ci'V call on Anderson & Johnson, mer-chant tailors. Seventh street, between J andX,and .xiinir.e the splendid stock of newand stylish cloths, and the latest pttterns for

ithe fall season, and a's isamples of the woikjof this fi'm, who lead inSacramento ing>od!and tasty tailoiing.'%l'SßJSlsß3ggySS| 7 s;•>.* •\u25a0!\u25a0

Youcan buy. for cash, at the Ca«b Grcceryjof 11. 11. Paulk, No. 814 X street :ChoiceIpickled nilbutter, i-rroll,60 cents ;8 pound-;granulated su.'sr, SI ;12 pounds rice for SI ;

choice 1 'al f ,-i.iisugar-cured hams, per pound,jl3 cents ; 1 gall in new mixed pickles, 40| cents; 5-pound box

"M. M.& Co." tea, $2.*

Black Cashmere, 36 inch, at 35 cents;

black cashmere, 40-inch, at 50 cents ;hl_u.Vcashmere, 45-inch, every thread wool, at 05cent" ;black cashmere, extra heavy, 45-inch,at 00 cents (worth $1 25), at L.Bien's, Eighthand J etreet.

- .. r7__.7-.-7 *

An Immenbe Crowd assembled in frontofMechanics' Store la«t evening, viewing


beautiful." as exhibited by the Stereopticon.Another line of views to-night. Free to all*

We are Wrapping Up more goods for SIthan any bousn on the coast. To see theirbargains is to buy them, at the Red House.




Appointments Made by tha California§, 7.7;... .M.B.'.Conference.


Enthusiastic Gathering of Republicans atNevada City.

7 ....-..-.~ -~'


The Presidential Party-Tliey Attend theOpening Xisht of the Authors' Carni-

val.Sax Francisco, September 20th.— The President

a-d party this evening attended the opening of theAuthors' Carnival at ilcMechanics' Pavilion. Long

before 8o'clock the floor nnd galleries were crowdedwith spectators. Tho arrangement of booths andthe Carnival gallery, under the superinteudency ofManager Locke, of the Bush-street Theater, was ex-cellent, and notwithstanding the haste of prepara-tion everything seemed in order for the occasion, andthe buildingpresented a very -appearance.Shortly after 8 o'clock the Preside., tial party enteredby the Eighth-street door, passing under the archon which -was ascribed, "

Welcome t_ Our Guest."

The Carnival Guard, composed of young ladiesinunifoim, formed inline from the entrance to theDirectors' stand, to which the party wis at onceconducted amid the cheers of the crowd. The GrandMarch then commenced, being so arranged that allthe characters passed under the review of the Presi-dent. At the termination of the march a scries oftableaux waspresented on the stage, alter which theusual performances in the booths were commenced.

Democratic Congressional Convention—Difiicnllvin Choosing a Candidate.

Sax Francisco, September 20th.— The DemocraticCongressional Convention met to night. Generalltosecraus, Judge Robert Ferral, State SenatorEnos and Charles A. Sumner were candidates lorthe Congressional nomination. S x ecu hall werehad without a choice, the last ballot being Kose-era.'is 24, Ferral 24, Enos 19.

Davltt ut n Fair.Sax Francisco, September 20th.

—Michael Davitt

visited M. Brendan's Fair at St. Ignatius' Hall to-night. A gnat crowd was present, and the agitatorwas enthusiastically received, In reply, he made ahumorous speech, in which lie proved conclusivelythat all the prominent characters of history fromAdam down werehuman. %

From China and Jup.in.:San Fran-Cisco, September 20th.— steamship ;

iBelgic arrived to-day from China and Japan, bring-; log Hongkong dates to August 21th, and Yokohama

dates to September ith.Kou-ljgRepublican Rally.

Nevada, September 20th.—Tbe Republican meet-ing to-night is In far the largest of the campaign, ;

Iand equr.l to the largest meetings offour jears ago.'

I1hirteen car loads of people are in attendance from .| Grass Valley, besides large del gations from adja-jcent tow. s" Alarge torchlight procession formed•st the depot on the arrivalof the Grass Valley train, <

: and marched through the principal streets. TheI Garfield and Arthur Guards, inlull campaign uni-

form, to the number of several hundred, were in theIprocession, making a very" fine appearance. The '•

! streets are densely crowded, and an immense audi-| e'neo is attentively listening to boo. 11. F. Page at

! the corner of Broad and Pine street, who willbe fol-j lowed by General John F. Miller.

The 31. 11. Animal Conference.rKTiMiMA,September 20th.— The Conference wn

opened by Vi. T.Mayne Alter the reading of theminutes, the certificates of ordination were pre-sented and filed. Tbe transfer of Key. Worth andO.M. Pierce was announced. The report on theCalifornia Christian Advocate snd Book Depositorywas completed. .Reverends lt.C. Jones, fraternaldelegate of tbe Coogreka ioiial

The Conference wai

led by Vi. T. .Mayne Alter the rea-ing of theutes, the certificates of ordination were pre-ed and filed. The transfer of Key. Worth andI. Pierce was announced. The report on the/ornia Christian Advocate and Book Depositorycompleted. Reverends It.C, Jones, fraternalgate of the Cougreta tonal Church, .-.nd K. A.

Allen, D. D., fraternal delegate of the MethodistEpiscopal Church South, were received and de-livered appropriate addresses. Rev. F. Dimmick,fraternal delegate of the Presbyterian Synod, sent

a written communication, lie being detained byness Com .being present. Rev. S. Allenof the\u25a0copal Ciiurch, Drabms of the Congrer/atlonsl

Church, and Necdliam of the Rockeyver Confer-ence, were introduced. .The auditing and church-extension committees reported, and the reports wereadopted. The report on < fiinese work was adopt* ,'.

fullyindorsing Dr.Gibson of the Chinese Mission,

The Stewards made a report, which was adopted.The Bishop announced that tnis Conference is toraise SSI3 for Episcopal support, and *1,C30 forfrcedmen's aid. ihe Conference then adjourned,to meet at 2 c. M. w th Dr. 8.-i^-s in the chair.

APPOINTMENTS.Pktaixma, Septemlicr 20th.— Following are the

appointments of the Conference :.""*. _•''

San Francisco dutric:.—ll. B. Heacock, P. E.—Powell street, Vi. K. Gobcr ;Howard streeti. Jl;fi-Briggs :Central, <'. N. Anthony :Grace, lobeYap-plie.l ;Bush street, R.L.Harford ;Kentucky street,to be


Twenty-eighth stree', tobe supplied

Stewards made a report, which wm adopted.Bishop announced that tnis Canferenoe is tr.;(813 for Episcopal support, aid 11,0.'') f'-rimeu's aid. ibc Conference then ari'ouri.ed,leet nt _ c. M. iv t!i Dr.Briggs in the chair.

APPOINTMENTS.'.tali-ma, September 20th.—Following are theriiituienisol ibe Conference :n Francisco district

—H. li.Heacock, P. E.-

ei! street, IT. K. Cot-cr ;Howard street. M. C,gs ;Central, <*. N. Anthony :Grace, t-r In-rap. ; i'rrr-rr street, R. L.Harford ;Kentucky street,» supplied ;Twenty-eighth stree', tobe supplied

by V. M. Johns , Scaauinaviap mission, E. Ssho-gren ami C. •' Larson ;Chinese mission, O. Gibsonand A.J. Hanson ;Ma) field and Redwood, (I. H.

racken ;Santa Clara, W. Dennett ;San Jose,F. F. Jewell ;Sin Jose circuit, S. T. Sl.c mil;SewAlniaden, li. W. Batty; Los Gatoe, JesseSach ; Ha:f:ii'»rn Bay, E. A. Weble ;Pescadeio, J. F. Holme' ; Gilroy, J. W.Bryant ;Santa Cruz. J L. Trtfreu ;wataonville,J. E. fflcke*; Hollister, Seneca Jones; Salinas, A.S. Gibbons and B. F. Craey ; editor California

..tiun Advccate (member of Howard-streetCiuarterlv Conference). C. C. Stratum ;President JN.Martin and T. C. George, Professors of the Uni-versity of the Pac.fic (members ol the I-an MQuarterly Conference); 11. Cox, Agent of VotingMen's Christian Association (member of Howard-street Quarterly Conference) ;G. M. Paaree, mis-sionary to Utah.

Stockton District- T.11. Sinex, P. E.—Stockton,John Coyle; Oakland, First Church, E. S. Toid;east and Sm I_eandro. Vi. Augwin;Centennial,George Newton ;Berkeley and Temeseal, to be sup-plied ;Alameda, T. S. Dunn; Hay wards, W. O.Curry ;Walnut Creek, W. S Crmy ;San Ramon andPleasanton.W. D.Crabb •;Point of Timlicrand Anti-liry

to Utah.

Oak Grove, J 11. Bluett; Linden, E.

ickton District -T. 11. Sinex, P. K. -Stockton,iCoyle; Oakland, First Church, E. S. To d;and Sin Leandro, W. Augwin ; C-ntcnnial,

ge Newton ;Berkeley and Teuieac I.tn be sup-l; A'anicda, T. S. Dunn; HaiwanK W. C.> ;Walnut CrSek.W. S I'rtnr ;Sin Uriiiniand7.r:-rrrr,'A .D.Crabb; ;Point ot rimber and Antl-\v. t. .imy;Onk iir-.ie,.! 11. Bluett; Linden, E.

A.' Winning; Lodi, 0, 8. Has veil: Lockfonl, E.Smith ;lone. P. G. Buchanan ;Plymouth, suppliedby S. Belknap; Amador City, W. It.Pri.ld} ; SuiterCreek, E. E. Dodge; Jac»son, J. 11. Wyl c, Jr. ;Uukelutnne and Calaveras, Jesse Green ;Minora, .1.J. Cleveland ;Modesto. C. E. Rich ;Ceres, T. If.Palmer; J. B. Hill,,agent of Book Depository,(member of Alameda Quarterly Conference) ;JohnThompson. District superintendent A. B. Society,(member. .lQuarterly Conference of Seventh Church,Oakland); J. 11. Wythe, Professor of Histology, inCity University, San Francisco, (member of theFint Church, Oakland Quarterly Conference.

Sacramento District— Geo. Clifford, P. E.—Sacra-mento, sixth Btreet, 11Beutley ;King-ley,Dr. Deal ;City Mission, S. C. Elliott;Marysville, S. 11. Todd ;Grass Valley, Ceorge O. Ash ;Nevada City, J. L.Munn ;NortliSaa Juan and Bloouifield, E.IIKing;Dutch Flat, J.

District-Geo. Clifford, E

Hill, Vt.

;o. Sixth street, R. Bentley ;Kißgslry, Dr. De.ii ;Mission, S. C. El.iott :Marysville, ». H. Todd ;s Valley, George O. Ash ;Nevada City, J. L.n ;NortliSa:i Juan and Bloouifield, E. H King;•h Fla', J. J. Harris; Colfax and lowa Hill,W.

Peck; Auburn and Ophir, to be supplied by H.I-Itch; Georgetown and Column, W. S. Corwin ;Yala city,G. G. Walter ;Roseville an INewcastle,

tobe supplied by J. l-reeorv; Indian Spring-, G K.Stanly;Elk Grove, A.K.Crawford ;Kichlaud, J A.Briiner ;scott Valley and Sawyer's Bar, S. A. Bed-ding; ReJ Bluff, M.Woodward ;Little Shasta andYreka, to be supplied ;Redding and Millville, T. B.Bartly ;Orland an-l Newville,A R. Sheriff ;Will-iams, to be *viplied ; Butte circuit, W. A.Mayne ;Btg_;S, J. 11. Jones ;Chico, A. Holbrook ;Oroville,J Appleton ;Bro-vnsvillo and Labile, S. Kmsy;DownleviUe, E.F. Rhoads ; Placerville, B. F. Tay.lor.

- -'-Petalumadistrict— ll.C.Benson, P. E.—Petaluma,

E. R. Dill-;Nana city, A. J. Wells; Napa Circuit,to bs supplied ;Vallejo, Vi. A.J. Nelson ;Sonoma,C. P. Jones ;Mo<»nSeld. C. G. Milncs ;Green Val-Ita,

to be supplied ;Redding and

Santa Rosa, E.

ly;Orland anINcwville,A R. Sher.fT ;Wiil.,to be*ui plied ;Butte circuit, W. A. Mayne ;

s, J. H. Jones ; Chico, A. llolhrook ;Oroville,ri'llttrrn; Brownsville and La,Ki--tc, S. Kmsy;uieville, B. F. Rhoads ;Placerville, B. F. Tay-

tatumadistrlct—H. C.Benson, P.E.—Petaluma,Dill ;Napa t ity, A. J. Weil- ;Napa circuit,

:supplied ;Vallej•, W. A. J. Nelson ; Sonoma,.1 nea ; Bloa nn«Id,C Q. Ililnis . Green Val-od Occidental, O 8. Burchanl ;Santa Rosa, E.

J. Jones; Healdsburg, E Jacia; St. Helena andCalistoga, M. D Buch;Clear Lake, A. C. Bastard ;

it-rrivn. It. W. Williamson; Potter and LongValley, to be supplied ; L'kiuh, 11. O. lu.lmati ;

Pont Arena, Geo. Adams ;Stewart's Point, tonesuppfed by S. W. Simmons; Fairfield add Snisun,RE. W,-i.k ;Rio Vista, to bisupplied ;Dixonand

Moo, S. H. Rboad; Wcpellai.d. K. M.Stuart;,-vit|.r, F. A.Hoyer; Madison, C. J. Nugent ;

San Rafael; Win. woodward; Bolina->, to be sup-plied ;Eureka, S. L. Hancock ;Areata, W. B. Circs-holm; Orescent iit. and Smith River, J. W.Key Kendall ; len.d.ilc, T. 11. Woodward;

Rhoncrvillc and HyJesville, D. Vi. Chilson ;RoundValiev missiii and Covelo, J. S. Fisher; Slattoleand Blocksbiinr, to Le supplied ;H. B. Sheldon,agent Round Valley mission ;W. Ij.Damon, j.ro-tersor In Nape Coliegiate Insti'ute (member olNapaQuarterly Conference).

German district— C. 11. Afferbach, P. E—SinFrsncisco, H. Pauls and C. H.Afferbach ;Folsomstreet. 11. Brueck; Sau Jose, T. Werth ;stockt n,A. Konzeln.ao ;iaklaud, R. Stcinbacb ;North Ger-man misdo.i, to be supplied. "-'.<T:\u25a0'

Harder In the, fecoid. Degree. _ ',222Irvillr-and tesville, D. W. Cbils

esse of.the

Ullssl-J-I snd C 've'o. J. S. Fisher; MattoleI'.cksbunr, t<> Le auppliwl;11. Il Sheldon,Round V.11.y mi-si m ;W. V Drtnou, pro-It, Kapa C.-begiate Insti'ute (member uf Naparly Conferenci:.,an district— C. H. AlTerbaih, P. E -Sinsco, H. Pauls and C. H. Aflerlach;I'ul-r mII Bmi'ik;Mniossr, T. W.rth; st-ckt li,

aels an ;Iakland, R Stcinbarb ;North Ger-i- io ,to be supplied.

Murder In Ihf Degree._E*m, September COth. In the case of. tbe

People vs. Furtado, on trial for the murder (J O. A.P.. vncin June last, the Jury brought in a verdictofituibyof murder in tbj second decree, after beingout three hours. - '.. .,2. •'

A Woman Banes Uerself-Fatal Quarrel'7 '"7[. Over Land.

Nsrt, September 20tl..—

Mrs. Ullrich, wifeof Ja-cob Clinch, of St. Helens, on Sunday morning

c \u25a0mmiit.-l su -trie by banging. No cause is as-signed for the act.

John Adams, ofMonticcllo, last night killed IsaacWil*in, Justice of the Peace of Knox township.Tin cause o< the difficulty was a dispute over a cer-tain tract of land claimed by both parties.

Hrrlons Accident.Calistooa, \u25a0 BewSSßsbsr 20ih_— William Hanson,

while engaged this morning in oiling soma ma-cliiinri iiiIbe flourmill at tnis place, got caught,and had a number of bis ribs l-r.k.n, besides sus-taining other injuries. /. ;

;i Ran .!.r.i.|ui.i Supervisor*.

Stocktox. September 2Cth.— The Board of Super-visors met to-day, arranged for the eons' ructionof abridge across Paradise creek, on the Mass lalu andBaiitas row], and ordered the establishment of anow school district, to be known as tlio PleasantValley School District, for the sections of "Aaahing-

lon Hudson, Dry Creek and Ju-tiee District".11m contract for printing the Great Register was

let at six cents per name. _.' .. ,'v

Democratic Meeting.

Gaosorfows, September 20th.- A Democratic

meeting was held here to-night, addressed by J. li.Gla__co«k and 0. J. Carpenter.

The Saa Bernar«nnti County Fair. :

Sas Baixaaoiso. September 20th.— San Ber-nardino County Fair, which commenced Thursdayand closed Saturday, was an eminently successfulaffair, the display of fruits being specially note-worthy. The attendance was altogether salisfac-


P.-issenaters I'nsslns Mojave." •

Mojvvs, September 20th.— The follow Southernoverland p^-rM-i-v*ikins-eel Mojsve September 2 >th,. to arrive in Sin Francisco Sept, mber 21st :J. Taite,

1 IxiwAnirele-; E. H. Kb.-a.lc., 0, W. Hall, Oakland ;IR. J. Bald in. Anions; D. l_.vi.pr.--.il,8. Barn-r stein, J. P. Murray 8. Strouiron, Kan Francisco; O.8. Benson, Los Angeles ;J. it.Roy, San Francisoo ;-


!A. Denker, Mrs. Kennedy and family,Los Angeles ;j Mrs Edmonds, Oak and; J H. Comstocs and wife,

Washington, D. C; 11. Welch, Arizona; J.Harris,T. C. Diigan. G. R. Butler, C. 1yons, Los Angles ;S. S. Bell and wife,Oakland ;Mrs. Cashel, H. Good-man, San Francisco; W. H. Price and wife, i\u25a0_- .;n.•


Illness of Thomas twins—Republican

Nominations.Tucson, September 20th.— General Thomas Ewing

of Ohio, who has been visiting the inningdistrict of|southern Arizona for the past three weeks, was

\u25a0 taken suddenly ill at Charleston on last Thursdaywith intermittent fever. He was brought to 'Tucsonjesterday, and Is stiil confined to bis bed.

-He will

go to ria .ta Monica, Col., as soon as it is sale totravel and from there he will go to Indiana to takepan in the campaign.

'1he Republican County Convention of Pima metto-day and nominated the followingticket :Legisla-tive Council— J. M. Kiikpatrick of Oro Blanco, 11.G.Rollins of Tombstone, D. Gillette, Jr., of Har.Shaw, hichard Gird tf Millulle, F. H. Good-win of Tucson. House of Representatives-Webster Street, of Tombstone; J. M. McArthur,

jof Pajarito ;Thomas Hughes, of Crittenden ;Alex-ander Blair, iif Charleston ;\u25a0 A. E. Jacobs, ifPueblo Viejo;E. C. Burton, ot Camp Huaehua ;J. C. Handy, of Tucson ;John Hayi.es, of Tucson ;H. Buchman, of Tucson ; Leopoldo Carribo, ofTucson; C. S. Leon, of.Tucson, sheiiff,, R. H.Paul, of Tucson; Recorder, C. K.I'rake, of Tucson ;Treasurer, C. T. Etchells, of Tucson ProbateJudge, T. L. Stiles, of Tucson; District Attorney,Littleton Price, lof Tucson ;Supervisors, IJosephTasker, of Tombstone ;C. E. Harlow, of Hai._rh.iw.Tiie entire ticket is looked ujkiiias strong, andwhile the Democrats have a majority in the countyitis believed the contest willbe close. The Repub-licans are holding a grand ratification meeting to-night. •;-.-.\u25a0,., .- _ - ...

' m

r -.7 NKVAOA.

Passcußers I'asslug Carlin for California.C__.RLi.-t, September 20th.—The following passen-

gers passed carlin to-day, to arrive in Sacramentoto-morrow: Mrs. il. J. Tajlor, New York ;E.Kicbards, J. E. Richards, Benicia; Mrs. E. A.Kecd,Miss F.M. Heed, Oakland ;E. Lord, Maine ;-MissK. Levinson, San Francisco ;Mrs-. C. latter,Marysville; Mrs. E. B. Sleeth, Colorado ;R. L. K.Covin, Cincinnati ;Levy Tajlor, San Francisco; S.Owens, Wm. S. Steven*, Jr., England ;Rev. W. U.-Martin and family, Woodland :H. W. Norwood,New York;H. T. Craves and wife, San Francisco;J. 12. Shuton, 0. Vi. Brcintyer, J. 0. Congdon, NewYork;Peter Lean, Geo A. Fisher, San Francisco ;Geo Atkin; E. Duicher and family,Canada ; W. 0.Lefland and wife, Mrs. Clark, St. Louis; Vi. A.Itetiig,Dcs Moines, la. ;E. M. Black and famiiv,Kansas ;Miss L.Short, New Jersey ;J. Blyth, SanFrar.chco ;Her. M.Millou,Marysville ;R. A.Park-inson and wife,San Jose ;Mir-s Bel Reamer, Iut-falo ;Mrs. S. C. Duncan, Indiana; l).Loyd, Chi-caso ;Alonzo 11. Hatch, New York;35 em grants,

_._\u25a0:_.,.; 44 males, to arrive in Saciamento Seiitem-bcr 22d.Victory for Ihe Mi.uoi.ltes at llie Virginia

Primaries. .«;.-•''<Vikoism, September —The Sharon have

cleaned the opposition out at the primaries to-day,and tecured the Convention, winch is to assembleThursday.

[ oiii.<;o.\.

Items from l'orlI:m<I.Portland, September —James Elliott, the

young man who was run over by a constructiontrain at Lebanon, Linn county, last Friday, died atAlbany last night.

The weather is cool, cloudy an1smoky.The barn of William Laird, at Pleas.n't Hill,Lane-

county, was burned Sunday while the family wereat church. The barn contained about 1.000 bushelsof grain, twenty tons of hay and some farm imple-ments, lhe cause of tho fire is a mystery. Loss.$900. .-

The body of the little daughter of J. H.Gilbert,who was drowned some ti.ue ago in McKenzie Fork,Lane county, was recovered yesterday. '

The wheat market is veryquiet, quotations beingnominal at .-'1 3-1

The Earl of Airlie, President of the OregonianRailway Company, who is a passenger on the Stateof California, has been met at Anuria by DonaldMaclcay, on behalf of the Board of Directors of thecompany, who mil accompany the distinguishedScotchman to this city. The Karl comes to lookafter his Urge railroad interests here. He will re-main several weeks, during which time he proposesto visit various portions ol the state-. j,,. »•--.

.«. ' \u0084'2-Z:'z.«. \u25a01.,17


Verdict or Acquittal.Port Towmskd, September 19th.

—The trial of

Lofgrcn, flret male of the l.ark -David Hoadh-v,charged withmanslaughter, was concluded yester-day, and tlic jury,after an absence of twenty hours,returned into Court with a verdict of acquittal.


R. T. Cottingham, Noble Grand Arch,and Henry A. Chase, Grand Secretary,Utited Ancient Order of Druids, were in

town last, evening, and left; this morning forWacerville, visiting the Groves there thisevening.

The special train from Gait, to run duringthe present week, arrivid here at 10:30 p. M,the first train reaching here last night. Thespecial train leaves over same road at6 o'clockevery morning. . .s- » i

The railroad company now hay» a largenumber of teams hauling Band and filling theba-in between the passenger depot -ani therepair shops by the Pioneer mill.--.

There are messages at *\\t>Western UnionTelegraph Office for .1. F. Russell, K. Suth-erland, Miss >.'»-ilie Booth, Judge Terry, Mrs.G. Keeman, Wm. Netiwal.l.


The Crocker art gallery willjbe open to-day from 10 till 4, for the benefit of theHoward Benevolent Society.

Professor Daily is giving instructions inswimming at the Sacramento Natatoriumfrom 7 a. M. to 9 p. si.

Sixty-four immigrant* willarrive from theEast to-day, including 'JS males.

The Superior Court has adjourned untilnext Monday.

The banks of the city willbe closed tc-morrow.


Smr.imksto, September -20, 1830.J T Mcintosh, Chico E Tauzky, Sin FranciscoA I.Thii-I, do E.I Baldwin 4:lm, doFE D-vit>, do M B Smith, doN B Scott, do Geo I)Shearer, do

IA D Ronk wt, do J S Armcr, do,0 Vi Darn, do T Price k dautr, do

P Itobson, Nairn B Williams & wf, do!FI,Cixunb', do Cras Bmer, - do

*L LCo _mbs, do

-ItPope Cooke, do

Win Har^rave, Nipa L R Martin, doliF Landlord, S Joaqnin Jas Mcc, do.1 TFarley k tin, Jackson Chas Jacobs, doMiss Lena Covey, do Jas I'Kerr, - doMiss Kettle Covey, do Phil N'eis, do ;.-.IIClay, Ventura" 11 B Falk, doR I!IlawK.yeiwf.NevCity A Green, doGeo StiH.i.ins, OaklinJ Mrs W'oodburn, doChas McClevtrty, do E F Parker, do

|M T Tarpey, Alameda John Poglasc, do, J W Knox, San Jose F G Lancaster &w,do

As* immense invoice of knitjackets, either\u25a0 with or without sleeves, for ladies', missesj and children just received at fancy goods de-

\u25a0 partment, Mechanic-*' Store. These RoodsIare direct from the Eist, and comprise all!grades from the ordinary to the finest and!most desirable quality. «•£,

For Dyspepsia, indigestion and loss of ap-petite the IXLBitters willgive unfailing re-

lief. None genuine without Dr. Henley'ssignature across the cork. Read the physi-icians' certificates on the back of each bottle."

Without a doubt the best value in thecity at prices fixed are the lines of Rent'sfancy worsted diagonal frock suits now instock at Mechanics' Store. The material,cut, makeup md styles are all of the veryLatest, and moat desirable.


Jobs -from Auction. Ladies' felt blurts,SO cents; French brocaded dress goods, 18cents per yard (worth 30 cents); lalies' cloaksat haif price. Bargains in every departmentat the lied Hou«*. :'-*y

Beautifully-Enameled Cabinet Photo-graphs only $3 50 per dozen at the Sacra-mento Gallery, 421 .1street. ~ 77:'7 i*:


An Immense Crowd assembled in front ofMechanics' Store last evening, viewing*"thebeautiful," as exhibited by the Stereopticon;Another line of views to-night. 'Free to all.*

rF. .. Cutter's Old Bourbon.— This cele-brated Whisky is for sale by all firet-cla-silnisgists and grocers. Trade mark —

Starwithin a Shield. '-" *

LADIES, your attention is called to the di. •;ilay of tine millinery made by Mechanics'Store. The latei-t fashiors in bonnets, hatsand trimmings can be seen at any time.


At Merrill's tailoiinif establishment, 516.1 street, may be seen the best selection ofgoods ivthis city. ; "



Br.AllMeans see the Stereopticon Exl"-bitton to-Light at Mechanic!.' Store. Fiee toeverybody. • ,

.-.*'\u25a0'" '- •

Naqlee Brandy. —Purest and best in tie

world. S. U. Midulelon, agent, No. 4iy

i'iue street, San Francisco. 7;.*


Nkw Stiles ok Ucttoss, if every descri; -tion, at L.liieu'e, Eigh liand J streets.


Camel's Hair Cloth, 15 cents a yard, atL.Bieii's, Eighth and .1 streets.

* ' *.

ByAllMeans see the Stereopticon Exhi-bition to-night at Mechanics' Store. Free toeverybody. • -*

Boots and Suots for everybody at tieBed House. !p


The Red Home is no-el for laving thebait boots and shoes iv ths city.


Mr.MULi.'s. tailoring „ eslabliilment turnsout the best work in the r.'v.7; 51t> J street.


Tbt the great Ew-tern re uidy. Rock andRye. George W. t'Wey. sole agent. -. *

llAVats's Cascasa Saoraoa Biriufor habitualeoustlp-uioa.

IHave Tried Hammers Cascara SatjradaBitters, an.l liad they an all they are recom-minded to be. O.N.Cbonkite. "-Sacramento.



«_ \u2666

IConsider Hammer's j Cascara SagradaBitters a superior medicine. .'-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0* John Cleave. Sacramento.

Hammer's Glycerols or Tar, for coughs andcolds, contains no ojiates or astringents, .'lhe bestpreparation out for children.

\u25a0 Eeoti tub Liver with Haunter's CascaraSagrada Bitters, and health is the result.


Signal Corps Keporl-t*rplrmbrr '.'O, 1880.TIKS. ) sas ma HIM WU.O |'sa*MVßat__i

t_o.lA.lt 23.05 57 75 'rTeTJ~

Fair"7A. M 20.99 r 67 \u25a0 75 8. E. 0 ....Fair8:02 a. _ 30.00 |61 71 I 8. 6 .... .Lear*'\u25a0« ».87 :79j405. W. 7 I....Clear8-0-2P.M 29.06 '65[ 58 j S. 4 |.. ..Clear

Mas. tier., 80 degrees. Hin. ther., 63 degrees.

Weather Probabilities.WASHIHBTOK, September 20th.—For Pacific coast

regions : Gear or lair weather in California, andlocal rains withpartly cloudy weather mOregon and

Washington Territory.


"Forget Me Not"Company B, First Artillery, meet to-morrow at

8:30 A. il.

Company G, First Artillery,meet to-morrow at 9A. M.

Ostreet cars run to Agricultural Park.Chas. Linke, adieu— Off to Germany to-day.

Notice to creditors— Estate if John W. Sharp,deceased.

Attention, Veterans of the Mexican War—Meet-ing.

Fourth Brigade, N.G. Special OrJer No. 16.Personal— Mark Edwards, Emanuel FdwarJs.One hundred teams wanted— C. A. Stratton &Co.Wanted— Cash hoys at the Mechanics' Store.Company A,First Artillery— this evening.Grand Army,Attention— afternoon, meeting.Suie Fair programme.


Business Advertisements.James I.Fetter &Co., importers of liquors, etc.Bristol's Saraaparilla and Pills.Sacramento Natatorium's swimming-school.The city banks willho closed to-morrow.

year's rubber boots and coats.Harry Bernard -Nevada's gold medal carriages.S. Upturn k Co.— Fall and winter fashions.C. 11. Stevens &Co. Fall importations-.Carl Strobel

—Family carriage for sale.


HAVIN'O ENLARGED AKD THOROUGHLY REFUTED MY STORE, IAil KOW PREPARED TOwait on mv oiii customers and any others that m-y f.rvor nre with a call. Inever itisreiireear.t my

RuoU-i, nor dc in any imitation go da. 1 would call paiticul-ir uttention to my stock of'

Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces and Elastic Stcckiiigs,mat BRIGS AXU ciicjima's. am> HIKE liqioks FOB iii'.ihciml ISE.

S. B. RID&WAY, APOTHECARY- AND PHARMACIST.S \u25a0tea*-*-**-*»^^-*r\u25a0-*•-«*•••>\u25a0--^••^•••••••••••••••••-••'•••••\u25a0•••••••^^



-_.•\u25a0 •\u25a0 ti-^V777,, V^-2^-., 2 ..'s -.

ADOLPH WALTHER, Northeast cor. Third and J streets.

g CALIFORNIA DRUG STORE, g[Southeast corner X and . Sixth streets.

A Full Assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Wines,ISBAXBT, TOILET ABTICIE9, ETC. . VV,2-

''tS Prescriptions Carefully Prepared at any hour, day ornight. [s9-Splm] A. B.TRAFTON.

Mammoth §§§ Importations!j-cst w^c "cr»n»___a__.C3-^"Ex>

By the Leading Clothiers,

S.J.NATHAN&OO,Nos. 301, 303 aud 305 XSt., Northeast cor. Third.


UN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING!411 intiilc expressly Tor n< In our manufactory, Ho. I.s Eearte street, »w Yorlr,

under ibr personal superintendence of anr MR. jAt'UNATUA.M, Mini lihi kail .-.-.year*' Iexperience -In. the Retail < lotbtnx Trude lv this city. "We have uitenumerated our Slock, but in*lie li.-neuini. \u00842

-\u0084.- \u0084

> vi.•



'THE 7


S. j.IS^^TH^N>^JeG. 9 : :Nos. 301, 303 and 305 E street, -Northeast Corner^Third.V:'New York I'acury:Ko. 78 Reade street. San Franciaoo Wliolesale House :Ko. 29 Battery it. >




lOIG and 1018 Sci-ond hirer I.bet. J aud li,Sacramento (Oilcans Dull._ll._i:.),


r...n^.^c 8h^lboPle"»J t"have all purchasers ami customer* Irom the interior, »ho visit teSTATEFAIR thu week, to CiLL ASD EXAMI.NE OUK STOCK cl

| KENTUCKY WHISKIES,801880.l AXD BYE-OLD BTOCB-(OW n Own !Imporlaiion. Via Cap* Horn..


Also, a Full Line of Port, Sherry and Clarets, in Cases and Casts,


MMKhLIM.MOSELLE, admired by all Wine Conuoisstura lor itaPurity, Delicate Beaqort...,/: and Flaror. For Sale in Cases, 1-ints and (Jnart».



Si-blitz, Milwaukee and Aulieuser's St. Louis.. tSTTHE FINEST BEERS BREWED. *-£»

tS Vie Deliver Goods to any pari of the rilr."

Xo Drayagra Ihurled. X"A

igFFQR MEmSpTrHiRPSsES 1\u25a0VV22'r"V,r.2-rV.


tS The Medical Faculty are dally prescribing- 1.-r the above goods fr.m my nell M-keleJ stock, "frl

CHr-J ORG- E! "\^7". CSCJE3SX_OQ'S*j —.1Front .Ircel. Sacrameuto

IH. WACHHORSfr^Gold and Silver Watclies, Diamonds and Jewelry.



ISIndaily receipt of New Good*, direct fr-m the factories, hence all icy cuatomers receive th«benefit of baying from first ii.in.iM.

——————-Sign of the Town Clock, g>



Ast Eeceived ! Just Eeceived ! Latest Styles ! Latest Stjles !

WEN'S km BOYS' CLOTHING,Hats, Boots and Shoes,

Fine furnishing Goods !Trunks, Talises and Satchels !

Prices Defy Competition! All Goods Marked in Plain Figures!-:- .--=-*-

' :j** -L.\. -.\u25a0-

03803 PX&XGIEI TO lEaKs !



'.v/I^//^^^^^^^j^^^i^^7'- A Ear-:c A>iortm«iit ol IBW, IIfcllV"?l ~ 22^-^^^SS. : an SFKIXtiWAGOX'S ctnUniitljon liau«*


jp§§||jf ) jr. IS-. E_t-_fiL^T3:S, 7 -fpil|}CARPET ANDFURNITURE HOUSE

No. 411 E Street, between Fourth and Fifth.tS FIXE ITBX'ITI'BF, Tf1111 A FILE LIXF. «F CABPtTF, ETC.*« anlB


CHIEF" R. .'.' It.BARS, IS oz.(new)LIGGETT ftMYERS CO.'i TOBACCOS (.11 styles',"DURHAM" ani "OLD HOME" SMOKING

'T08ACC0............... { 11 sizes)




CORNE&BEEF."ROYAL"HAMS... ....''.......".(car-load)ONE CASE (l!>/riX>) KEY v.:ST. CIGARS—

(Fred. K.de Bary &Co ,New York—ExtraFineV

800 Pkgs JAPAN TEA,Onr own brimIf, ex fc!«ip "Cynne."

Adams, McM & Co.,:\22-v- -\u0084. \u25a0-

- '-•-\u25a0

';- : .*":?=&\u25a0

H J-I . WailLE-ALE ÜBi.ifilh |

\u25a0*• :—-—- - '.-

—s -.


91, 93 and 95 Front afreet, Parrnmcnto.

WIITTEE,MLISSGQ„Ilannracturera and ''•\u25a0.;»\u25a0_•> In

Paints, Hcldings,Oils, Mirrors,Glass, Pictures,Windows, Frames,

Doors, . Cornices,

;;Blinds, ".-'.-: Brackets,

Wall Paper, Etc., Etc.


A Full Supply 7of


OKLE.iXS BUILDING,Sot. 1029 and l.'t'l Second at. Sacrament <•

S. GOLDMAN,-..,,;

'I.i '- •«-:-

-i* ;L' ,-


?3- 2& O CS Z&3

XortUwckl cor. Secoiid and J streets.

IOHDI X TO FACILITA*E TRADE, IVilli-send, on appli.ation, ;.'"-2' pxi-HTED PEICE lists,

Subject to the tally Changes ln the PriceV.;&li> \u25a0... , :_\u25a0; of Goods.—



i^The Finest Selection ot Co-la Ble.i andj„;! •oiric. and all other Goods belonging toa Fir.t-cla.-s Grocery House. '7i_SiS|§

S. GOLDMAN.Corner Second and J streets, Sacramento.• -





IRON-STONE SEWER PIPE;;J Terra Colta Cblmncy Pipe, Tops,


/^(AP.'!. VASE-1, FLOWER TOTS, FIRE BRICK,ljFire -Cay, etc.; UUINEaN'-J PATENTSPRING FILTER,' Bundock's Butter Cooler.



aoBB-r~A SMITH,Ho.SIT J street,:......... Saeramento, Cal.

;.,--tf-Splm.._,:,.r; r

,*ENABLE'S "AKMIDA-"I.ED TAG, Ita., 12 inchTWIST. 7 ? 2

\u25a0HUNTINGTON,1 . \u25a0V:2..:./ 7-2 '\u25a0'\u25a0' \u25a0 'iSmm'




, Hardware, ;lron, jSteel ,and .Coal,

sacbahe.vto a\» SAX cisco,

call the ATrENTION OF


Large and Complete Stock

English andiAmerican


ii SHOTGUNS, iio





Hazard and Oriental Powder,

. !>::<'!• it:> exoLEBO shot,

Wads, Caps, Pin an ICcalral EireCartrUsta,


«nrr_-WTr-_-*T _».M«___MM«r.M.-r_m«u____Rrr__r-«M_____l

T 3E3MCgC>gfc!g?jE33BC^3_! T


"DE SOTO" C. C (3 ami 4 oz.) |


l-oMuN.v" Bit. J. C-tnch TWIST.VENABLE'S "POMONA" Bs J. 7-oz, 12 inch I


." Granite BuildingStone . .- kCnt. Dressed and Polished to order. sU-lpßir

mmm &.mVo. 830 J 5tree1... '.'..7..... Sacramento.

wAPr.Roovs: . \u0084.,.,

So. 23 Dupont street- -

Ban Francisco.


Pianos sold on Installments, Ifdesired, and foirent. Old instruments taken in exchange for new.Orders for timingcarefully attended to. au'li'i-lldlt"

FOR SALE OR LEASE,v.'"'. ' '\:, .-

'\u25a0 ''V-' .'\u25a0'\u25a0_- \u25a0 7 -..;..-- .-.t,...,.'\u25a0. \u25a0

Grand Hotel Property J

SITUATED ON THE UORNER OF FRON-:and X streets, Sacramento city, directly op

posite the steamboat dine, and uear the railroacdepot. The best location in the city for a hoteland business property. Willbe sold low;with favorable terms as to payments, or leased fora term olyears at a lowrental. Inquire of CADWALADER APARSONS, No. 81 J street, Sacramento ;or 8. PDKWEY. SOS Pine street. Sar 1-V.nriseo. \u25a0 aa«-_Wf

Sacramento Planing Mill,

SASH AND BLIND,FACTORY, CORNEB OFFront and Qstre . Sacramento.

\u25a07 \u25a07' Boars.' Windows. Blind*.-<>-'\u25a0* -•-•'*_

Finish ot all kinds, Window Frames, Holdings oevery description, and Turnine *j*.'"'

__* '_*"


HARTWELL,HOTCH Xl38 A STALKER.\u25a0r. •--: 7---*™"m '\u25a0r.."- ;

''\u25a0- -'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ,

The Pioneer Box Factory

Still Ahead of allCompetitor

C3?> OSBE "B-V.Jta 'SO aw.::..OOBJISS Of

;Front and Bstreets IMIUKItI!-..--.. lyi-tpU :-m.r i

.AG. GRIFFITH'Ss?~ \ r" '" *rE.fRT.-l


mmrE.\BY.\ CAL.

P-^tU^rj r-nilE BEST VARIETY ANDJ**;Tfc?i^g J^ Laiyeet Quarries on thi

Pacific Coast. Polished Granite Monuments, Tomb-•tones and Tablets made toorder.

r I HI I I''"-\u25a0\u25a0' AUCTIONS.




ISFurniture, Ho_res, Buggies, Harness. Watches,Pistols and Household Goods Bought and Sold, t

BELL & CO., Auctioneers.el-1m


So. 383 X st., bet. Third and Fourth.Also, Dealers ln all kinds of Second-hand

Carpets, Stoves, Etc

WE HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE¥ ¥ largest assortment of Parlor and BedroomFurniture of any Auction House in NorthernCalifornia. We also deal largely inNew Crocketv,Glassware, Tlated ware and Tinware. Table Cutlery-,etc Our Crockery is all bought at auction inSanIrrncirseo, on its a rival ongrain ships from England,and our GlaiMv.ire is bought of the manufacturers inPittsburg, Pa., at the very lowest price. We arethus prepared to sell our line of go-xis as low a*they can possibly bo sold. Ihe fact of our beingAuet oncers cv's no figure with our retail trade Wesell at private fale all the time. Hotels, Restau-anteand Barkeepers will look to their own interest Inexamining our stock. . . au.lo if



Late with Wachhorst, and successor to Floberg,)%XJATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ,_ '":J V No. inJ street, between Second and fcvfi

lliird. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Silver- {£-[%>rare, Jewelry, etc. Repairing in all its *&\u25a0>\u25a0';«*tranches a specialty, under MR. FLOBEItG. fsS-lplml \u25a0

WILLI111 B. MILLER. . (Lata withFloberg),

NO. ISO J STREET, NEAR SEVENTH, _,'--i"l Watchmaker and Jeweler. Imjiorter '.'.Js»nd Dealer in Watches, Silverware, Jewelry, fi-* Aite. Repairing a specialty, under Robertit*(£3Harsh. Allcountry orders promptly attended to.

UyflUptfl _-------------.-------—_—__\u25a0



DENTIST.— 005 J STREET,*SSG»\_W between sixth and Seventh, over Kat-Q^ffi

ir.-mte.iu & Bradley's Millinery Store sl7-lptf

11. 11. PIERSO.\,

DENTIST, 415 J STREET, BETWEEN fULfcFourth and Fifth, txicramentr.. Arti-flSJ^©icial Teeth inserted on Gold, Vulcanite and al.bases.Citrous Oxide orLaughing Gas administered for therainless extraction of Twth. nl-l-lm


DENTIST— No. 317 J street, betwcen^Mhif Third and Fourth. Artfflcial T.it:isß_Bnserted on all bases. Improved Liquid NitrousJxide Gas, for the Painless Extraction of Teeth.



DENTISTS, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF (BBSeventh and J streets, in Bryte's new Sfiiro

mil.ling, up stairs. Teeth extracted without pair,-y the use of Improved .Liquid Nitrous Oxide Gas



Gumean's Spring Water Filter!SIOO Reward! :-.**.'

IWILLPAY ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS TOanyone producing a FILTER that will filter

water as pure as


Iclaim that none of the animalcu'ee in living jwater, and which are required, are not destroyed bymyFILTER;that it willfilter forty times as fist as Iany other, and hat the v ater filtered is as naturalas spring water. Iwill pay .Slil)to anyone pro-ducinga FILTER at the Stile Fair that willfilterinthe Same manner (by natural pre sure of weight of Iwater), and compete with GUIMEAN'S SPRING |WATER FILTER. Iwillhue THREE FILTERSON- EXHIBITION' at the Pavilion- offlce, family\u25a0ad hotel size— and will furnish every one that de-sires with filtered water to drink.

T.GUINEAN, Arcade Hotel, Sacramento.

Guinem's Universal Refrigerator I jtil'Iherewith off-, $100 to anyone that willpro- j

do c a 'e.'rrg r.-.i-r that wi'lkeep anything as longinanntural condition, free from all moisture, as IGUI 'KAN'S UNIVERSAL RIGKRaTOR, as Iclaim ithas the only ice pan in th' worldthat youcan put ice in without causing the pan to sweat.Also, that itoses one half less ice than any other;that it will keep provisions of all kinds, meat?,game, butter, fruits, etc., fora longer time and inbetter condition than any othtr 1 willpay onehundred dollars to anyone that will |pulueea Kefri_r. rator 'hit will compete with GUINEAN'SPATENT UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATOR in thesepoints at the Sate Fair at Sacramento. |Iwillmakeany arrangements desirable with parties wishing tocompete. One of myRestaurant sizeof Refrigeratorwillbe on exhibition at the Pavilion.'y.- | T. GUINEAN, Arcade Hotel

tS 'th Rtfrigerator and Filter willbe exhibitedby HOBBY k SMITH, No. 117 J street, who areagents fur same. . -

sIS-lw \best C-Ilole Range ~^-.gf?i~-^ -

!myis IBS WORLD IS "^» .v. V-2jVV2^V9

THE GARLAND! LlyX^MFOR sals IT J--t^?VV:-223^y*>.

l. l. lewis «* CO., r Sg^S"? v133 A I'MJ Ktreet. d\u25a0-4^.'- ,3iS*-

au?l-itotf \u25a0



fofary Pobllennd Commissioner ofDeeds.

Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission.tUTlio,:...rente* -end rents collected."

-Agents for the followingInsurance Ccmp^nles :

IMPERIAL..... ....ol LondoiLONDON , ....of Lonaoi

H'.THERN o LondorjUhfcN ...ol Liverpool

NORTH BRITISH aicdMEF.CANTILS {.ETNA .' of Hertford, Conn

Aggregate Capital, *S*.NC,SS3.ISNo.47 Fourth street, betweon J and X, Sac-

rim-n*o comer ol thpa'h.e au,J trr.-'



NOS. 80, 52 AND MFIFTH ST., SACRAMENTOi]\ "dealers in Produce and Brewers' Supplies IManufacturers of Malt and all kinds of Meal?, etc.Oatmeal, C irnmeal. Cracked Wheal,. Graham FlouiBuckwheat Flour, etc. NY*Grain Hag* lor sale.- -;--»• -

