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Date post: 23-Mar-2020
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LOCAL MISCELLANY. SHOOTING AND SHOT BY A POLICEMAN. ROUNDSMAN DILANEY'S BLOODY FIGHT YtlTD " MILLY " M'QLORY'8 BARTKKDr'K. Ki'U'..ilsiiinn John Delaney, of tbo Elizabeth Street Polios, waa soot lu tho eva yesterday by Patrick Mi-iniv.Tiii, a Inn tender in M' I norv *. .iimce bill, at No. 108 lli-sti-i *i, 1 he o th tai shot McGowaa twice and he died iu a few moments ia the plica station. The tciory ui tito Mi.mini* aa told Ly James Nolan, au old larmer of Danbury, Conn., the most important wi tu cs.- examined bv the police, wan as follows: Hecauie to Ne tv-York last week to sell some hoops for pricking-boxes, amt he boarded itt tbe Vandyke Moase, No. 'Ai Bowery On Satnrdav evening ho went into the liqaM store ot Andrew Kelly, at No 144 Hester-st., to ter, some bier. He nave to the barkeeper a *r'JO hank note, who refused to give bim any cbaoue pauli note, who refused to g ll': after ward appealed to the police. Captain Pt-tt/ setit Detective En**lisb to tho liquor store with Nolan. Kelly sain tbat his barkeetmr bad run riv av with the money. He wonld not tell his Hame. Nolan proem ed a warrant for the bar¬ tender's arrest, and Roundsman Delaney went in ac arch of bim. Delaney was accompanied to Kelly's wrote hy Nolan aud by Albert Kesler, a clerk in the Vandyke House. When tbe three men entered tbo lhinor stvre, they futiiui several men and twt or three women drinking at tables. Delaney startod to go up stairs to -ee Kelly, who was sick In bed. Mcdowan had been drinking ut a tabla in company with Tillie Cavanagh, ol No. .'<) Suth ave., a dissipated young woman, who was intimate with bim. She inn! Mi'itmrii cab to take het borne, aud it was already wailing i i front of the liuuor store. Mc- llc.vv.in, who was friendly with Kelly, who he ap¬ pal-nt Iv thought was told arieated. Yan up stair* In advanre of Delaney. Nolan and Kartar. As they ivt-iH follow nit*, be tinned and struck Nolan mid healer on tue stairs. 1 bey retreated behiuu De¬ laney, nbo *h..iivd his shield and said that he wa* an otVuer. McGowan cutse-d the policeman, and drawlim a revolver from bis pucket, be struck De lilliev in ibu right eye with tbe butt of tbe weapon. Delaney w»s lit'ttily bliu'led hy ibo blow. Several refitBIM tum tho lunior stote pulled thc rounder.ian down tho 'stairs, vrh.lo Mt (jowan ran out to Ihe coach, in which tbo woman, Cavauagh, was wait- in ir (or bim. Deltiiev reached the street In time to eeo Mc¬ Gowan _et iuto tho coach and tell the di iver to "go it.*' Thu coach stuned toward Klt/.ai.elli-st. and Deiauey ran aller il. tie waa close to tue bind iv.ec!*, iv hen McGowan tired a shot through tbt) laipo re ir window of tbe vehicle. The nun cotild aee rarh otUt-i plainly. Dt laney had drawn his revolve! an I wu* raisins it when he wns shot. AittioiiKh (be sight of his right eve wa* destroyed, he discharged two abuts i|Bloklf ut Mcliowuii, who v.'.-is standing np in tho cab ni.d had cocked h.* weapon ai'.tin. MoGewoJa dropped heavily ouihe hf ut hashie Ins coin".anion and hesfan to "ROBB. The woman was frantic with lear ami ci en-d a door ami aprook out ot the earriafe. Bm wu lound after ward DJ the police, and detained as a witce-s. Cooney. K'-ilv's barkeeper, was arrested aa a par- t ici I ant ia thc- affray. The followiug persons were taken to the police station aloe Bad detaioed BB witBaaaaa: Thomas Cummiskv. John O'Brieu. John Herbert, .--olo'ttou Birminihass. IteUewoa Whs tl trty-sit yeera old and lived with bia Widowed mother io! Eightieth st., between First aud r-ecoud- avc*. CcironcrX^vv begati thc inrinest ut the r.li/abeih Fti.ct StaTu n at :'. p. tu. A pre h in ni ai y eniiiiniia- thu of the dcid man's body showell ibat both hillie.* bail euUTtd the chest and thal .itv wns buried lu the h.urt. Ona of the. wi*a-*oaoaea ama..-1 tsasTillie Cavaaaab. she exhibited treat emoiion at the sightef ber lover's bard**, Roonds- nii.n ela nay was appointed a polieetnan cn November 7, If*":!, and he was promoted in I*.'.' on account of meritorious conduct. He was taboo after tbe kbeotiof to tito &t. Vloeeat'o Hospital, Where it was -aid last evening that he would prob ably recover. I-TNERAL OF JOSEPH K. BbUDMORE. The funeral oi Jose;.b I"..- kid uk.re took plaea yea- __ terday aiternooii ut the Church ot* the t ovenaiit. which wa* nll.d with tbe friends of Mr. Skidtnore, Tho coffin was iollovvt-d from the la e home ot tlte deceased man to the church hy his relatives ami intimate friends in earrisgea Aa t wm boras late the church wiib- out pBll-oearera it v..is followed by Mr. Bk d nore'i widow. I. aili iig ou tba arra ol In* brother, William I.. .*-ki(liu>ro. and by other relatives ami friends, anion, whom were Mr*. W.I,, -kid miro and Mi*. Bki.linore. charles Scribner, Arthur (Scribner, D. E. Hawley. E. J. Hawley, H. E. Hawley and tua, Haw cr. Dr. J. W, McLane, Mrs. A. H. Baylis ami Mkat Baylia, M . Baker and Mrs. baker, .nd Mrs. Wright. The cotlii wi s cverxl iib hun so me cut flowers. Ihe choir wis tbe regular one Ot tbe e iiircli villi th" exception of Miss Beebe, who Bani* the opt aim part, I be .-el vue was conduced hy tbe Kev. Dr. Marvin Ii. Vinci nt. Chopin's faners] mareil wasp eyed bj tbe organist w.,ilo the funeral proeeaaioa was moving dovvu the als!". 1 he Iii- pu e o mu-'ir BBBC was the Ptah-, "The Lord lsMv he h id ' Dr. Vine nttbea i-c-ad u p-ssaite ot erip it**--, in i lbs mthem " Ba Still, My Soul,'' Was sung. A'l of the musical selections w rr. those th it Mr. sk it'.more bad liked shore all others. I Dr, Vinci-n!, in befit inbaj the foaeral sartaon, aaitt: "I do nut know thut my dear old Mead would wish m.-to say au, tuiug tu-lay aooiit bim, Babara ba h'.ugbt ibat be uiigUi fur.nab a leas >a to Boiue oin-; a .(I in thai belief, no less thor fr un the prompting ol' uiy alf-i-rioii for bim, 1 pr-'iitse to eiK-.k bricllv of bim a* I knew him.'' Dr. Viucent then spoke ot Mr. i*-kidmore'B m- rgrity and honesty in bostuess affaiia. oi his earnest (linsttui!'(-bari-v, of Ins genial hos¬ pitably and broad character, and of Ins ce um-lens aciiviy in the at nice of thc cb.iii h. Aili r ilioeer- ruou au opportunity was niven for all who desired to look foi tuc last time on tho laocj of their deni friend. Among those in the church wore tho Kev. Dr. John Hu)!. Professor Phillp Bobaff, Willina* IS. Dodie, h. M. Did-rc, Andrew IL Or-eii, CharitaBatter, W. H. Gunther, \V. H. Tillinglnist. ibo Kev. G. L. Preutis-i. Frederick Guo.indge, "-niith Clift, thc Kev. William .-levens, Kob-ri Moo, jr., Dr. Beary D. Noyes, John Sloane, (j -n.-rui Joaeph E. .hickson, thc Kev. II. H. Jes np, K. L. Cutting, Robert Gordon. William Wheelock, Charles I. White, O.-S Fleet, ex-U.iVcinor lloli'nati, Jehu K. Parsons, Benjamin Y. Kutlt-i, K. J. Btoora and D. H. MeAloin. Mr. Skidmorc's body retnal ed io tbe church through the night and will b.i taken to Greenwood tor burial thts morning. CHANGES IN BUUKEflfl I'U'M.-*. Several changes in hiisiriie* firms were rep*trt*vl yestertiav In audition to thuse ulteady mentioned in Tua Tiun nk. The timi ol Caldw.-U. W. s ou tSt Co., coa> merchantH, No. Ill Htoadway, was dis- ioived on M iiiiiay i.y lim' at'on. A ne iv Him was formed hy the partners ol the old om.JatBOa IV, Csldwell, Walter Weston and James K. Waito¬ witta Alfred J. VVcHtou as au addi.ional BOiabar, 'ibo new Urtu will bt> Known as Caldwell, Weston Brother* & Walt*. 1 he partnership of William AleianU'-r Mnitb it Co., bauK(-rc, No. 5(» Wall-st., cons.sung ot Mr. Smith, Charles K. Carry 1 aaa Itohert li d-art Smith, expired ty limitation, lb hufinoss ot the tum is to be coutinned by (he Messrs. Smith, while Mr. Cami will cunt.mk* to attend to ihe purchase ami bom of stocks at thc Block Ktchange. I lie taren Dretcl linns, Die_t-1 & Co., ol Puiludclpliia- Drexel, Morgan <J_ Co., of this city, and Drexel, Harjes t& Co., of 1'aris, have adm'tied ss paitneis ri-siaeut in I'niiucielpliia li.orge C. TbOuiaB,E iwuro I. Mot-ebury and Janies N\. Peal, jr. Charles ti. Godfrey, hi b.-rto liviug in Philadelphia, becomes a resident uiirtnrr in this dh... Tiie lirra ol James M. Faller dc Co., grain commission merchants. No. 12 biidae-st., liss Ix -u Uis-io.ved by mutual cuscui. 1 lcderick 1. Gola* snath reiLriug. Mr. Inlier will continue the niisi- ness auder tbe same bun name. K. C. Hn-nbo t and John J. C. liuint»-ii have iornn-d a partnerabip nuder the nun nauie ol E. C. Humbert & Sou. Tiny will do a goarra! bum. ma and brokerage, business ;it Noa 37 ami lil) Wall si. Alfred Diihlisailgei'. ol tbe Ami af tdward vY'arhuig Ai, Co.. impi'iiers, No. 47-x BruOBBB Ot., retuos, ann his place will be taken hy Hands Schlesinger. Ibo firm of Bebb*-, Ogden & Co., banker* and (uoker*. No. UV" Broadway, has expired by llmiut.oii. ibe liKiubers ol tbe nrui ware li- Bob.en, jr., J. W, 0«deii and Jool Porker, uj gea. ral partaora. ami D. C. Wiltox. rpecial partner, i Ju- me albon bad nol Snnonnceu any now airan**emeniyeatorday. ibo rm of Bouvier &, Wallace, broker*, Ho, 15 Kroud- »t., expired by liuuiatiou. No new arraiigemeut was an.ionnced. Vernon C. ttrowo bas uceii ad¬ mitted to Hst firm of Vernon H. Iii..wu & Co., steamship agents. C. T. Kaynol.Js tV Co.. paiius, No. 10ti i'uliun-st., admitled i.dwani ll. Kayuoids to partuersuip. Henry A. C 'lay mr, ol me mei can- tile brui of .Hoses Taylor tt co., .No. 83 Wail-el , retired. Tbe p.trtueisuip al lt. lt. cV. A. G. Brown, etauoners. .No. .°>0 ikekuian-st., expired by llmiiu- tlon. Adoljiu G. Brown will contmue tbe business Bl the same pi see. Wulter Delmar uud Charles K. Btikt r were uduutted to ibe baukiug uud niukerage firm of K. L. Opptiiln-nii Sc Co., Mo. 51 Now-oa. Wdliugton Clap,) and lt A. Kano have loitueda b.tu-iug aud hi fi; -na''' Ilim umlot tho lula of VVelliuglon i.lapp & Co., to do bust hobs ai No. '_8 Broad-st. W. A. lo.ver retires noni the Wall-bi. firm ol Ed xx ard Sweet tt Co., and A. C. lower aud I'reut-rick Vuu Leunep euler. Charles Jobnes be¬ come* a soecial |.aiiuer lu the btokeruge lum of Lawson, Dou_l_« He Co., Mx. Crane refiling. MAYOIt KDSON AT WOKK. Mayor Edson has fallc-n uatually into the routine duties ol his othes. He arrived at (he Citv Hall early ye«lerday, and at om e proceeded to examine tho various papers submnu-u to him for Ins signa¬ ture, lie received a largo nun ber al calh-ra, lucud- ing most ol the head* ot ueuartuienl*. Coiiun s- aiouet 1 bouipion wus engaged loi a long time with tbe Mayor, lt is uuder*tood thut Mi. Ti>ouiusuu Will Hoon huve in to lilted iulo the l.euislaiiiie bis hill for a new at-ueduct. All tbe surveys dave boen Es. and work i au ha l-egfiu soon after tiie bill mes a law. lt ba* ouco passed bo.h Houaeaof Legislature and waa reined by Governor i_or- Bcil. ilie M-tyoi in lil* ni'- -ugc spoke of Hie need Of au additional wa.er supply, and it ia understood that tina sobjeot lonaed tho staple of the cou versa- J Hon between the two offlciale. Controller Camp- bel 1,1 Park Commissioner Lane, Congressman 0. Ii. Potter. CJecrge Caulfield, Commissioner of Jurors; hvei.tt P. Wheeler, ex-Alderman Morns and As- se-sor Jacobus were some ol those who called on tho Mayor, Mr. Edaon hn- expressed a wish to cul¬ tivate a closer acquaiutsnce with the beads of the various departments. Ho bas not yet expressed his inteniion wiih reference to ihe nominations which ho will have to send in to tbe Aldermen. He will take time to consider the various names submitted hy the heads of the two Democratic I'artim°, Ihe nominations made by- Mayor Grace, and which were laid upon tho table by the old Board of Aldermen, of coiir**-, lapse -with the expiration of the term of office of the body to whom they were made. The n-piiointnienlH in tbs Mai or's UBB-eoiate pift will probably ho mad.. ftlowlv. There is ono clerkship, vacant."hat held bj Charles H. W'K.dmaii. Ile hus accepted a po*ition in the mercantile house of William H. Grace & Co. William M. Ivins, M:iy*»r Grace's secretary, has also been connected with that firm since January 1. It is understood that Henry Wattman, Registrar of Permits, bas been infcinne-d tbat he will not ho re¬ appointed. Among the candidates for the position is William Hoskin, a brother of John II. Hoskin. Mayor Edson iiiarri.il three couples yesterday. Tbe lirst pair were Germ-ins, who soon afterward wire succeeded by an Italian couple. The mi rd couple were Gcimans. MISS GIIIBONs'S SEVERE LOSS. Maa Sallie J. Gibbons, whose co lort mn of paint¬ ings at No. 1,100 Broadway was destroyed by fire ou Monday night, was confined to ber room ai lm- Leland Hotel yesterday from shock and nervous prostration. A doctor was summoned at 3. a. nt, and found her snfii-riug severely from her exicri- en em trying to save lier pictures. Miss Gibbons said yaaterday : " i Ito oetiir-ate of my losses in this morning's Tiidjl'nk was about righi, although the Collect-on mav have been worth mon.say -pt'iJ.OiH). My iiisuiance is from $15,000 to t?26,000. 1 ne list of paiiitiiii-H published in I'iikTimium: vvns correct. Nearly al the pictures wars my own; only a few having been loaned for the reception. All my lriemls have been very kind to me. 1 must have received nearly a hundred BMBBagM of sympathy, and even oflers of pecuniary aid which Ol eotir*e I esunoi Rcrept. I hr.ve been nine years making my collection, laid money c n never replace pic! mes. A lover ot art cannu: estimate lan loss iii thai way. What abell 1 do f 1 hive aol ilie least bias. 1 mu*t rest lu st. ami Irust that it will all come OBI right. 1 be loss is a bil ter one, however." Oi'ber attempts to save lier pieturea from the fliti.ies, Miss Gibbons said: '*! owe my lila IO Mar¬ ts*;:, the wailer, who has Belied me for tour vc'is. the time I have oecumed the gallery. Twice I rn. ml into the lire, nulli my face wns BOOI-hed, madly esdeevoting to save _*y treasures, wbreo Mnittn .*. i/i-ti me lutdilr.-i gui m.- book. I bare soil aJJ my wardrobe, ererytbiu** being boraod. 1 had been sleeping at No. 1,100 only .. -Dorl time.' ?- COLLECTIONS NOT ALL IN HST. Very few ol tbe churches and institution- that took up oollectious Ior the Hospital .-atanl-iy and Munday Association havo made lal urns to ttl" tn ami rer. Charla- Lamer, but the indication* ure tbat mote money bas baan ccutiibttted thia yeal than last. lhere is » disposition on the part ot those having the collection* in thatj-'e to defer making their reno; is uutil tho last moiueui bi order to tu ve ibo sum ns ..live as POflBabie, Ibe '' p. l'i e-l.y terian Church in r iflb-are, has contrib. d -yuin.tn aril twice an much Balaal tr.tr. Li 'aatoatold hi* t onitrcnatioti on Sunday tL.it lin should i.oi be .it - d tv it li less than $3,000 for this noblrx charity. This amount will piohahly be asara limn realiiied brl'jre the eml ol UM Week, Drexel, Min¬ gan tV Co. y.trniav sent to Mr, Lann-r a check for $1,000. tho American Eipress tompiny has oncicii to coiled tbe boxes in tbe elevatcil railroad .stations aad business t-OOBBa free ot c.pouso. Tbe work was begun rMterdaj uud will be completed today, ibo Aaa .liars Assswiattoas expect to contribute very largo sums el nooey. Toa Rev. Henry Raker luld a lunn M. report**] lat" evening that a special e'forl would soon bc made to uw.ikeii au mle; i *t BBOBBB wot Linen in til.- association. iii.- collections in the ho-esut the elevated railroad stations have been luucii la; uer than usual, lt is ci pc. tel that nil of the contributions will bo ro- poitod by -saturday. _ IS MRS. BICK INSANE I Mr*. Susan I'm k, tbe Eoylwhwi min who was arresto.' in November lor stealiog jewelry raloetl at $000 from Mrs Eluieuce E. Davis, ol .Nu. Li<> r'ifth- ave.. wa* arraigned ior mal yesterday iii ibe Coori of Gemini -sessions Site ix a* eiiKiiijetl aa Mr*. 1 >.ii is - wald on Nov e ml ter ci, calling beraell Mane Mi tit-let. On the day following ¦.,- disappeared, taking the jewelry. 'Hie del'eut e ls im-auitv. >inv. 1'in-k teatlfled tbat she hud beal in a lunatic Bayham in l.'i-'.aii.l aod oue day abe escaped through a door that li ad been lett BOOB by * careless attendant. Mie leann d that in-r buabatMt, a. a i'.nck, bad ions to die United state* taking willi lum their non, wno now ia eight rears of aue. She follovaotl I bc Ul to thiHcou'itry, Sbe met wit li coii-uieraiilo dittcalty ..ti aaraloa a livelihood and in timiing bet boy, rbeea troubles upset ber mind airniri She reinem- beredbeiogeagagtsd by Mrs. Lavis, bat ibe visit* of a atranue woman to me baaSB Beaked ln-r to lear that she would be taken bink ta the ns-lum In England. Aller that all became a blank until she found heraelfiu prison. Tin- ci se will uo on to-dav. Several other charge* are pi-tiding against the tu in- oner, iuclu.iing one that sin- rn,ide au attempt to ob- t.tiu money under lalse pretences lion, tho Lord Mayor of Lomiou. st ASSAILANTS OP POUsTS 0FFICEB& Phillp 1 armer, a machinist, of No. .".ll Wo*t Flffy- fif'li-st.. was arrested on Monday n i ir li i on u charge ol steaiin-* bu amorella worth (>o eeaia irom Michael Minni, ol No. Lil West 1 ilty-thirtl-sl., while the latter vi as tn Si-tteth-Bt., nrar Lentil ave. He was taken to tte poins station in foil) seventh m., where hf was Identified. A short time belore that, Patrolman Tracy, of tb.it precinct, hail been struck with a cart nmg by an uiikin.wn mun, and ho waa so severely injured thal bowan lukea to l:<>n .-veil Hospital. WheaFWrator aaetakoB to ibo station ha was ult untied as tbe mau who hud strm k Tracy. Vealer lay liewa* held tn await tbe reooil of tho policeman s injuries. The house surgeon at K.u.s-veii Hu.[ ttal said that I'racy had a si ali. wound, and that ho would in all probability re¬ cover. John II. Dickson, age twenty-eight, of No. 8,250 Se. ond ave., was charged befoie .Justice Towel \rs- terday at the Tomi s with assaulting (Wirer ll altey, of the Fourth i'recinct. on Monday Bight, iit NO. IIB I berry-.l., baoekiog him dovvu and kicking bim wLile down. He waa bein in delauli of ¦-, l,UOU bail. FIGHTING PRESIDENT GLEASON. Tbe Boaid ot Aldermen of Ltmg Island City Debi a meei in fl yesL-ruay to oigani/o. Ilie DeUeroioi element in Hie Leard tried to remove Alderman 1'. J. Gleason from tbo piesidency ot the body, linne were two candidates fur tbe posit iou, Meson, Glea*ou and liassiga. Alderman Glcaaon protested against Hie v l ion of the Aiilernien. elolmiog tbat tney had no right to vote tor his success ir, as under the charier ol tbe city bo sbonld retain bis office for tim full term for which bb was elected. Lis terni of lillico docs not ex.pile until next December There were four I.allots taken, tbe vole. atawdlBg three for Gleason and three for liaeaiga Om; of i'm Aldermen who was broaght to tin; meeting in a aoaeh, owiog io sickness, refaced to rote and tim* caused a tn1. Aldermau Gleason said Ibat tho Ol teiniit to remove him from tho chair was dne to ntiiciala of tbe city who desired lo | ut him out of tbe Water Board, BBd taBtap bia investigations to that department. He openly -"hamed W-t-r Com¬ missioners Hallett anti \\ igbt wiih beiug corrupt. ANNCAL MELTING OE AN LXCHANGE. The Mercantile Exchange held its anutial meet¬ ing yesterday; James H. Seymour, lbs retiring president, in tao ooaree of aa address relied atieo* iion lo the rapid growth of the EzeoBOgO, He Bato spoke of Hie increase in the price of msaiberehlpa from $'."00 to $500, which Immediately rooBltod in tii<- a [ditton ol 268 members to the Exchange and added to the nurp,u* fund over *f.">7,(i(M). I ba in. s- e-it membership is 801. Mr. Seymour also staled that tho :ots bought by the Exchange at Harrison and Hudsou-sts,. v. li,di cost $70,Ut)0, wein now worth *101>,<W0. Ireastiier W. H. H. lot en re¬ ported tb' receipts of thc year as (03,188 40, and the balance ob band vj-."»,!»7i> 70. Sccietuiy Dodd also made a report. 'The following person-, were elected officers for the ensuing year : ''resident, Washington Winsor; vice-presidents, .loi.u A. Willett, Carlos A. lintier, H. I). Marlin and L. H. Miller; treasurer. VV. H. B. Totten; executive Bouiaaittaa, VS. H. Luck worth, John J, Walton, Kui nam Conklin, VV. E. Worth, Rufus L. lob-, Jnim C. Hiisor, A. E. Edwards, E. C. WiUioaas and Charles l'icrco. Mr. Winsor, however, declined the eleetloo aa praaideat, and the Eae«*atiTe Ooaualt* teo wert- empowered to fill the vacancy, MOVING INTO THE NEW BARGE OFFICE. The Rovanoe. Marine Service flag floated ftom the tower of the new liarge Uffloa ut the llattery Ior the first limo yesterday it was lowered ut half-mast in memory ol Depity (/'ollie tor John A. llau»h, who died in the courso uf the day, -m evoi i.iali.tui, xx ho was recent ly sppointed tist'-diau ol tue Har-fe Ottice, aud Deputy Mirve>or Kibba officially took posti-saiou and Ibe iuruiture sud records at No. ii Stalest., which bas baen occupied an inn I '¦. rk . Gtllre for sevtiral yenrs, were removed to the new building. Three room* on tbe lower floor will lie used by the night iuspeetois. Three rooms ou tbe second floor, ou the west side of the huddlim, w ul be used tor the executive olliccrs. Ihe (hird Hour will be used for tbe storage ot | aper* uud records. Burt of tbe building ls not yet ready tot occupaliou. A BURGLAR JUMPS' THKOl.OH A WINDOW. Mrs. William B. Thorn, of Nu. 116 West Fifty- eitii.th *t., t( iiml a tirang!* mau in ber sitting- room on Monday night. He at once ran into tue parlor aud jumped through tbs front window. When be reached the strati be bred it shot. Later i'ali.ilmaii dillii'iiu lound a mau about twenty-tivo yearn old bleeding ami unconscious in front, of *..». 489 Wost Mxty-s-niini st. Thu man was taken to Roosevelt Hospital, where be was icentilied aa tba one who had emend Mra. Thorn's lintis*'., His wound in tbe neck, which was made by the glass, was not considered daogcroua. HOME NEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS. Of'/--;/ TTontc.Sen.. tor Benjamin Ilsrrifion, of Im luna; ea-Uovc-ruor C. tl. Itigcraoll. of Conneeilciir General Austin Lathrop, of Governoi Clevolanu's Sta Bud Lieut enan t ('(ih mel T. M. Amit raon, I'. S. A_ Fifth J trau* Thiel.Min. Jaine* 0. Illalue snd ila ugh ter; Oforge C. (iorlnini, of Waaliinjrton; ex-Governor R. II. Iiiill»4'k, of Georgia, and et-Oovenior Henry Howard, of Kl.ode Island.Viotti Shclburn.Governor J. I. Uara- tow, of Veruiont.Wino tor Hotel.L'oi.gi-essLuau I/co- l.nld Mt.rscx, ot Illiston, aud liuintioasiiii-.n elect J. W. .Stewart, of Venn .nt. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-OAT. Manhattan Ilstlway injunction casein Huiirenie Court. Meeting of ti. ni mortgage uoudbolu«rsoi Metropolltau Elevated Kn il way. Me'Ieo-Legal Society mee-tinc ar No. flt Vadiaon-ave. Meting of Association for Reform and ('odihValiouof Law at chapel of L'nlveralty ol City of "tcw-York. Tho public f""bools resumed their sessions yester¬ day. Salmi A. Morse bas not yet renewed his applira- tion fm-a tlieatrieitl license to enablo him to pro- I duce the Passion Play. Henry Moorehead. eighty-one years old, of No. M-O Little-Twelfth-st.. was lound dead ia bis house at 4 o'olock yesterday morn mg. Recorder Smyth yesterday sentenced Jaaaea Lane to ten years in the State 1'rison for robbing Joseph Savinarii at No. 48 l'axter-st. on October _9. Patrick Healey, aire sixty, of No.811 East Thirty- iiiuth-st., ft',1 from tbe liftii story of a now huilding Ht Porty-flret-aa. and Lcxiiigtou-avo. yesterduy, and was instantly kil.ed. T1IKNOR W. TAKK'R FV'NF.RAT. HMaffUJUB*. The lindy of Ihe late I'renor W. i'.nk did not nr- arnvo in this city yest rday, nfl tutti been ***_pected IIns liimril. wbieb bud beeo arranged to tate, puce at 2 p.m., was postponed. THE KEMPnysiniMTY OF (iltOCERS. Preatdeol ( bandier, of tbe Board of Health, yesterday told several retail gio BIB Hitit lln-y would be held responsible for sel.ing adulterated food,even if they pan baaed tbeart'Cleein good faith. They, however, could au.- the wholesale dealers. PlttsiDKN i riii'.Ncil BBBUBI 11 D Stephen li. French was reelect.-d i'reM.ient of tho Board ol Police Uon-tnieeio era reeterday br the vines of Me.**!*, Mason .ind atattbewe, Mr, Nichols, Hu- I r. iiHiirer of tho board, is still conlincd IO bia boOOS by lillies*. ¦Arura a pomiti.-ii mam ros pbat- nraxi At liie li it.i Ai" i:'ic (.'ti tb dial yest.-r.l.-iv in'.rn nu, a solemn pontifical.swaacelebrateoforthereDtvsa ol the son s of Hie Int.-.".nil .i*.io;i Hiigm-s auii the d eeaaedproloteaOl tbediooeae. Aretioiab< d' mn- faa, aaaiaied bj lita li'v. j. McQuirk, offlcbatod. i ii'.linal McCluskey was present outing tho scr- tii-i t, OKOANIZATI'iN ttl \ i:nil nowirro' BXIOIf. 1 In-n- x% ,-t«, a meeting loot ii ir li I .it Nu, IBU l.i i xve ri- lo orsaalae au "Auierican Protectionist Labor Unioii'' ol Hm Vnth i mian aloaal Diairiet. A I'ttuililith e of lillee, J. C. -..1 tllebl. J. I. .»i. I.lilli liini limci* Waters were eppotat-d to ooafet witb Bindiar oigaiiiz.itii.ii-i relative lo a proi'ei plan uf action. attack H) nv IWBB1!. vt'. ll John Loe. a Beere, ol No, 181 Wei rtieth-et., it«-. ii*.-il Ahxis Hourge.'i*, ol Ni _ Ll V. est J wea* Iv-eltlii-nt., IU lite .I' Iles in .\liirk- I HobOS ("lin ireei onlay tn atattbiai bin lotus left eldo with a aime on Minni.i. night, BoargeoieBeal thai bo .tiered the liquor atora at Na -7n N-Teeth-are. un.i waaattaoaed Ly aoout twenty Bigfoot Ho mi/,m a kane " ile,i ii himself, but dui out kn-.w Cit he bad cut an) one. il WOO held ni #1,000 |_ answer. si kick nv Tin: BBADWTTH t 90TTIM. While rtaikiagia Thud .ive., 11 H Porty-foorth* st., cm fonda-) Dight,Petei ( iioiiraa, "f .>o. 7y_ 1 Mn.-tv c., waa sin-1. o-i l.i.- ban vv li it buttle anti it ci to in- removed to St. Luke's tlo-ptial, Oilicer Nt gent, of tbe .Nn.ei.' :.tu In cn ci, un ated ¦io,ni Iii yl in "ii sii4,iici ti oi baring ooitiantied tba :. "ic*t. rd..y Ute bueattel authoritiesraj tbii. "(luau mid prooabiy r*-oeir-*_a traetureof the skull ..nd Boyioo vv;(s bold lo tbe YorkTilla ft.Lc Court lo a var the resuliof '.bo injin .c.*. Kt.vt Alli) fi ku.*;'-*- WILL. Edt ard "-iiui lu a vviii ". queuiblog to bia b Ifs nu annuity oi .-.i.,"|,' daring bel lite, providing tba! Bm lcin.iliisUiri.i:.ie d does ii"' | iil"-:i :.r. il tits- OOauilioO* Blt VI" al" il tl,0 J.I..Vlsi .li l.ili Vi.f ll. lo ,,1* si.ei, Ml*, l'.illlllla La-un-goit, "1 i.eitin, Prussia, is bequeathed :i ,i,i it ll. t x ol Ul,OOO. IT. (Inst ve Vi iii i rall ie I* _n ii BIO,'sm .in-. 'i Biy, and$2,000 gees lo a se: vant. Pl ai.y..a Poo aiuO. Alt toe rest ol Um e.:a;c is I" be iicid by ins t ae-caton ead tra-t tae childi-' li. MnNiill.Y Ml KUM. OB ¦OBOBtl The mouiuit inc tin-"i Boroeis wee held Bi Del- moinc..a yesieiday aitaruoon. lin- i uuuui ¦. OB lloi.so ..ni linnie |.i. t tbs IBsOU-il .ur UIO- ciissi.in: "Will burae-making c-i.! bocoaaa a boh noe, and h.'.v sliali we uioki tai dobbs ht-mrs*" .'i.t*. iBHTgrat Pales, Juc. _aruh_i a..a Mr*. Luna .-".it i..ti pap i-. alina t*» ibis -abject, and tue ul*. I. is,.iii v.iilelt followed xx il Jiiin.il I.-, M.s. xl. Louise 1 l.i'lii.i*. Ml-. Lim), Mis. Li millie btuitb, Mis. Nc I.:, iii, .Mis. ib I KU"'/, fttlav. 'lilcomb and .In i.ev. I'i.i.-'ii- Han.i "id. 10.ie vxeioa uuiUK-roJ (¦oiig* una recite iona. A* Al 1 tl !) nv 11 vi', mi I am> BOBBI J>. Arciiii.iil .-x.iinii. rd, a boral daolai livtugatNo. 117 Wet i ni;-j-li i si-st., vms a romp, amain in tue \"ikvnie Pottos Coon reaterdo) .igu.ii*t ll. mi lux, tweiit, -i.n.- t. ar* o.d, "( .Nu. i-.'.i W i lr orty set i.nd-st., iv noni In cBaxged wita baring, in mn- inclion wltb loni i.lhi'i ii.e.i, allic ked -ml lot., ed liiu Ol a diam.md BIB and a ili.i.n, valued at9)88. .-nu nord stated ilia. ce. a tn. nd .iv mit m the iii. ii*,- o. ni. nit I., i.n, ami "li leaVIBg tao ptaoe inn boob bodoaaaoltod Biaata toe bau, Ju Inc s nilli -:i in 11 ol 1 r<i!'ivi'<l a nt ,li vt "iiiiii in ii,. Min-, i ¦>*. .s.ti-. >b ii h. knee ootuiag -Loni tho lu.tiler, but wa- bed fur trial. BOBOI alts iv a UQOOB ITOBB. Tbe liqaoi atora oi Joan Horns A brother, at No. O'A .""nth Wash.liittoo .-"cjiiaie, Waa .'. r' .1 iv Lur- glors on Hoadajf ni^m auuetgoraoad Uqaors ralaed .a s'-v. r.n ii.in ira il .lara wars sttiiaa, ea wall aa mi i.io ca-h in the none] drawer, Mr. ll ms set tirdy lasteiii'd the sore at 11 o'c bu k on .Sew Vea(B ll.-ht, but Vtli"-li be le.ielietl || y.st.i,i,y momtoa ue toaod the dom (bMir opea. I ber* wera Doinarka on tbe door,ead II is ihoiiKht tint iu- borgiora umst bara boo skeleton lt*) t, i ne atwli sat .ind liquors wen- ca ii ic-d away. i.ji.. iixcj oaraoaivBuaw vi ak'- callbbb, Win,a.i. Dougherty, oi .> I lu aidgo-aL, uude a visit to tua bouea of Abrabeio i "in.., a grucer at -imi Btaatoa-eL) on Nsw*.-*a**a Day, io company vv.th box. ral omer BwBBfl nen. all under Ibo to. fiuauos of liqoor. An ol«-rcatioii t> arred i>< ixxe.-n L'oUKherty's Barty, and tlc b ..t, wno fotiml it ncnoasar] io eject ins obtroatre goeete, Tboj iw stated aud Mis. ( oben wool io t tie aa iiataai a of in-r bu .lund, in tue BCaiUe lt KOBI Barring ol the yalu.- ul ¦>') wii" tit tu. lien irom iii-r poraou, Doaguertr xx a* .tiri sled lor Hie l.tit.nv, atm y Bate rd, iv lu me Kassi M..itt, I ( "tnt Juatice i'utteraoii beni biin tm trial in .-"pei lal BOOatoaa, MLi.HMI OB TUB HTAIIONKI:"' lloAltli OB IllAliK. 1 ie-,limn,J nc c.lufe ol tin- rxia.ioueiri' lio.ir.i ol Trade vv..s in id ye* etday aiti raooa at their nit.ms, No.B7 Nasas a si Attooui lotty uniis won ropreseuiod. l in- picsii.eni, Umirga L. t*eaei. tue rioo-preatdeat, \nlli.ini T. i rait, mid tbe ire.suter, (.eor^e VV. Davitis, read their reports ior Inn lani year, ibo folio tv n_ liiisn-es vt i-i elected 1 An lauder Agar, L». Applet.m. A. M Collins. George W.David-, i b.ii.e.s i. liii lii^iiaui, 1'. Pearsby, Qaorge ll. .lon s. i.bail s ll. L uaporti Andrea Little, w idiom J. .Marlin, W. n. l'aison-, UaorgaL. feoae. Wtli.uu I*, i'iutt. Joot-pii UeoaeBilnrfer, chariea ll. rjouth- W..I ii li.i-.i'i rs uti ami William v's hinng. 0000AB BBOTBtBBB1 Ol'Kl.u POB BOOf-fl TM**ATiiK. .1". ii .-".I ..I... li Icssc.i "I ix..", li s 1 neall., saul yea 101*0Bl Ibu! be ii..tl heard nothing oi ii proposed .nie. ile. denied tuni lie, bud Ottered #..')(),()(Ml lol .mix buildii g. bal luuioaied Hut ge hud made a smaller bid. . oorbb UrotBera, furniture. Bealora ia tnt; i.owery, at kuowioUKi-tual tliey nave unnie au oner uf gO20,(X)0 .ck lin- n.iiliiiii_. Tim propertj i* ojleic. for sale ut *JS07."),0()(). lim Coogau* ti iii ea* liicuiselve* as bung coUliduUl of agreeing nj nu sin ub.e'leriiiS witb Iho e.i cuii.is o. lint Amos eslalo- in aaae tney succeed in yurt*baaing the property tney will sp. n.i a coi.Miner.due sum iu repBiriug ll and malting lt into astor, and WarehwBee. Aicpre- ft. iilittive ol .iiui y iV Co. salt! tliat they did uot intend to buy iho theatre. MfOOKLYN. Mayor Low's ollico hours will be from 0 a.m. to Vi. m. burrogate Bergen took poa-iession of his new oilice 1 >.-1 I'.'i>, reappointing Chief t lerk \O.n le es. (,eoige h. Baraard sus roappotatod Deputy County Clerk yesteiday by Couuiy Clerk Ihuisny. Lightern men wi rc- dmcbaiged yosierday Lom Hu- uupaiiuieul ut Varus und Locks iu tho Navy li ititi. Nobss than l),0l)8 cases were disposed of last yeal IB tho City Hall Police Court by Jindu e Walsh. Judge Brown, who succeeds Judge Gilbert as biipiciuo t.ouit Judge, was ni Ibo Court House yet¬ ti r..ay. A child two months old was found on tho piazza of tue house oi BX*_H_rrogate A. H. Dailey, No. 75_ Hiisliwick-ave., yesuiday moruiug. lt vx-a acut io ihe city Nurse. In tho City Court yesterday Judgo Clement tried bi* hist cuso. ihe lilt. S City Couit Jmlges-- Alt-i ui*. I'eynobtH and Clement.have chisc-n Judge Mci ue aa Chief Judge, to succeed e_-JuUao Neilson. . A suit for limited divorce ha- been brought in the BapreBM Couit tn Mrs. Oatta-tiae Kojraa auainsi Iniucis K'-yes, ci liol and liihuman tro-ttnoni baiag alleged, lin- (le.endaut, set* up that his UoatBMit of bis wife was always kind aud gentle, hui tn.it she bas oomluoled iit-.iscli lu a ooar.«, violent aud auusive manlier since, -he chiiio lum pOaeaastOO of properly worth $13,000 two years ago. Mayor Low, hu purviaor-ul- Large Frit/.. Mr. lt) di r, chan iiiiin pro tem. of tbe Eward ot bBBeV- Mb. rt, aud Hupeivisoi Atwater oouicrred in tbe Mayor's office yesterday In regard to tbe examina¬ tion of tbe Committee on the Accounts of the County Treasurer of tho Board of Supervisors. After soma* discussion it wns dot ermined to begin th'- exaniina'ion with 187(1, and to meet at ihe Treasurer*.-ollico on Friday. NKVV.JKRsF.Y. HoBntT"**..Charles IT. Kuenmond. a hntchcr, inturned to his Iiomo, at No. 130 Newaxk-ak, about IS ..'. birk on Monday night, mid while golna te his room fell ibiwri-ataiM ami broko his neck. His eldest "on wns accidentally killed about a year ago whilo gunning. Kuenmond leaves a widow. CiMuiv n.i.k, N. J..August and Frederick Kirch¬ ner are bioihers and live tn different house- at Cen- tr.'villo. K. J., OB the Newark branch af tao Erie Railroad, a lew miles Irom Paterson. On Sew Year's 1 "ay they made calls in tbat neighborhood. After drinking a good deal tLey quarrelled, and Fredi ii ix shoi bia brother in the left thigh. Tba weu..d is not consul icd dinigeroiiH. The wounded man pl used to mako any complaint against his brother, as each ii proceeding, he thinks, would bring disgrace upon tbe family. PaTeuson.John Malcom, an eccentric silk manu* fact ii-.r died aorae time ana and left a will which provided that his estate should be divided among " t ba DBM deserving poor" of Paterson. The Court of Errors and Appeals, to which the case was taken, has just reudereif a decision thar the will is void. STATEN ISLAND. Stapleton*..Ex-I)epufy Sheriff Thomas Brown. blot lui of Sheriff Brown, while returning from Kn hinonr! ivsienliy was thrown from his carriage, bis team taking llight and rum.lng away. Uowas nicked up uncouscioiis and conveyed to his homo. Ile received serious) internal injuries, and iain a critical condition. A lien I TU "fl MM I-\ XE IF- YUKS". "A markeri eliarneterisfie of the morn important boildingi ia New-York ol late year-," nid an arch- iteci to a Tbibobb ronner, ii their soidity. Look at Hu: Produce Exchange Building now iii coiiBtruciion ; what massiveness tli'-rt-is in it* ex- pieasion; in die Mdis buddinu, the Tribune Build mg anti oi hers st at,-red a.l over i ho citv al interv tis, you will find bow atrootBiwa bunt with aa atten¬ tion to .lei,.il, aud willi ibo it ur msw oi permanence. Tbe centre ur bust ess portion td tbe cry is becoav lag toora aboroogblj bb ahlished now each year. I bera xx ill be obangea, ami it will extend ns area, but it will bc maik d by a better clasa of buildings, J .ike snell HS 1 lin V'' incut KUI e. I, bete S no lei*'1.1 win they Bhonldnol las" lor eenuin.'*, limit of xv .til masai vc sloan ti leanings, they ure cal- (iiii'c., lostaod tbo climatic chsaaea: they are .t» nearly liri proof as li i* poa abb t.. ama building ; no min. ii ii is inure fireproof thoa brick, ead a tea* st' ry s.ructure built ni Hus niaiiin-r mav be ma prtlYOd lo atlit tile coliViMllcllett ililli ili.cltsts ol changing generations, bat they \xil aol be torn down j l.c.v bib too ooetly. Von oboenra ibo beal vx r'e. now is mainly ol bruk willi si..ne trimmings and tORS-OOttS .-rna ..ei.t." " ls there as much nun work no*- in now build¬ ing* f " i bare . conaldeTBble yd it nakes light, sight* ly boildlagB, but compared wit) those i im-e re- leir.d lot itv u i- *hoil lived. Inc tribune Build- las under the re. 1 nal omer of things vnii sm vive eeo Hies withoot showing i's age, bal an iron .tr.i. tun nu..et re, w.n begin, 1 thing, lo shntx the xx cglu ut yt-ala hy thc t lu.i ol n. u *,[ ceutury. The bou ago baa gone by in Rew-Tora. ci. x .lih UH" ll xv.is.iil Its 1, eight, .IS Willies tbs blocks of ii.ui OBI lui-ig* in ....rei and timms eta. ami botoW Canal-xt. lt wus all iron then. ll vt.nil.! .. au inti i ry to trace tbs Bari* ona periods of architecture In New-Yora from tho tim. <>t th, log auia baili by (heii,.*i Lmtcbe ttiera. rj ls bsiug repasted now | wa aie goiug b:iuk ,'iiiu t,il- s." ".vu to log iiui* f".i ked toe reBorter, "Sn, ut _.k;Ii ibat. 1 be in >t buildiaga of auv imp i,..tn that were cobb roi '..! "ti Manhattan xvc l mi. ., or ul'.it .niii Hun.ti,d fur the our- lou know what ibo) tua..e. Itv the oil V. a hu,g,on Hotel a il;bc nd Lui.b thanh, ao liii.iy c. tim tabed, when tln-v wi re vvcii into their sc cou.I tem mi. lu* kr k ni In. in waa like Hint. growing banter witb age. aad tbe Bortai wat es- ..ii-iiii ii tc ii. Nc i v .ill those ssrliei buildings i .ui ti ii.i.-.i in N W'iork,aad iode-sl, i tin uk. those built uniti nearly fitly or sixty fears 'go. wen "f bi,«k Look do wu tbe aide at reeta oil tho Battery. i "tue etty daring tbe kVruiutiou boo liter, anti the portia i nm nt aft**] the " gieal lire of III Oo up toWB B"W, thlougii ihe lilly yi rs, «i id oa ¦.¦ all ai a bi ti k plain aad ofiou cheepi,) haili, bul till saostsutisl, ami bold., g tin ll .-¦ * i. About Fl you ba-gin to strike brown itonei et intervals far- tberdowu, Earlier thao thia In pronuueui build* mils iiui I'iiiI marule, ai ia tea rt"s wb li. .Nu iiuiiii(i..vciiiinen -i-i thc eunice! BJUIiuplrxs in its pUblll 111 ll ixl lil _.M ol the city, ol i treugth and permanent*-, I bey nts largely in -t j ie, vt, pi un :....i sxpen res, bal vt ni |, loiu na iln city, I in v v.ic tut, pl .in ead ss pen- aire to sail lue tas*soi ibo period, snd don't »..( a to bare been ca-pie largely, though the Asttit li a 11 tl lion of neal I "i wem t -nv.- v. ur* and dur¬ ing tb* a t, ii,;, me Bini brae ns one h ul lull sway, alni nu V c le it Itt l.i. int li li lu ls. Ul ic .pi I-1 nie inc ,is mon li¬ llie I*, 'ii..i. ' ii .- t. .. per, i of iron Hit' xv .- imp ipeaki gsnoot, .-".'i towarda Its declloe a Dawrra hallowed by the introduction of granite, the bquiUble Building sud tue Post <>f hoe are rein of this, thal m i iii ail dsfrots of style uiK< -' against ihsui, are imposing ami ((pul io aay* t ,.'i,g l ii .1 pu c. tl ibi'iu, in hiv "I'liii'ii. I hey ate a ii nt 11 be pn si-Hi period, tba forerunners oi it. Ibis period bsa slres-iy in a abort Hum done more io ..c.nmfv New-York and i" kara la.stmg \,i taiorj "f ita orchil ctureto thu tuiur.- Utan aay equal number of year* in lbs ji.st. it is not ibu. ug.i v.t aad it will require tbe n.-xi twenty* lin- -.cns to show wba ii ii.is i Uti i.-I, lt may be -.ni tu ii.iv. Began witb ihe tribune Ituti.ln.g Bad the M r.t. rn lui.'ti, uiui now it would r;il« column* ni \our paper io dtStlibe tln-in all. I bey an-not all m.eil ls in style-.Bookin, I suppose, woiil.i sb..vx a gnni iiiifiv Bews and much b.ni i_*tc .but tin gun ul m'-iil ..ul Borer a good dual ul c ir.i " \s bal I* tbs prim Ipsl atsne being u.s.ci nowt" iiskci the npoi i.r. l'i." i. il. iii kindsi lime ¦tun.-, Band marule snd granite Brown etona bsa fallsu into iliarepnte somewhat, bet ans** it aealea *,,. bal 1 ibiiik ib il l* ii. tu e ll lins not been lani pi.ip. riv aa a rule, sad baa nut id a tail lest, lue nev \ 'binill billies j baie un.hi *t.uni have iii.kI- bss ot an Ici .na Inn. stans. Various saodalouea uara b n u-¦.!, bal tbe n eal popular nut now is a Scot* h *audsi. .! i .ri i.-.i ic ii i ai 11 sic, Mot bi ml. i.i .. in,i groin,doronot seale and i* aaa] ia v..uk. inti. iiuit,c ia ron -. vi re on min v stones. Vin I.iv. se. ii h.. iu,ck iii-ni iu tbs new Opera Hun*.- md bal III the Casino. There ls abo au imp'lieu brick being ii*, d in thc citv. bn ni tr b I rom Blighted, it ts a imif color, glased, iiml coats nb'ui 14 ceota per brick, It bi lo be naanlaotured bv a brm up (he lln.L.iii, I ll.i vu lie.nd, iii-.lt )cur, uii.l vi .Il louie cheaper." Sf.hH Ur A MAllOVAL JOVE KY ('Lin. " ({firing iii Ihe South ruiil Southwest," said colonel Uik. tbs preaidral ol ibo Louisvil .. Jorkej (-llllltlleotlicrdsy I" l Ililli SK repolin,"luis llfVt I lieeu tn b inure |iu,s| rruu* and litalthy coinlition ii .tn at |.raaf nt. lu ls?'J lt was Bt li* very loxvctt lim. Mses c.in "ms it bs* ridden on s r dlui lug at'-" 1 to .uecea*. until lt lm* BOhBSOSd many Hue a tbs value of the ki-at Industry ol tbo won Ut-rinl Ulue-frrass eouati v." .. Iii. tl" .|ua!;tj of tint dor*-* tucr*a*ed tn the tame proportion I " L'n.iueatisniihly. The great breeders have hern Imporiin the Best Stallions frntn Knglitnd mul France tor rear*. I lien til" marra buve naen trefnu- ami In lalli-t-titlx hud iiiull wax Iibv* b lase ol hones (hut. If limy tin nut .ui'tnia* ihe laigliah tiioriiuglihredt. c-riuliilv -elli tl tlinn. bt-saOOS our mare , I tnlnk, are brtter than the Kngllali marc*: ami thea wc havo tim adi-nata-o of tbs bine gr.i** stn! Haaeateos «.ttrr Tran ins imrae* vv Itle.i hain BOBO sent ovor to Bugla0*l and wiih li bava won, I think tliBt we huve piodiiceil anpc-rii.r liioroilgli- biriiant hg.ii walsbtaood lon. dial ti i. i,f course, ti..- i.n.ii-ti raoshorse . an- masaiBcaui -uuuai*, hut eora have toa greater staying powsrs." In, \ iii tim. lt tbat there. 1* a (1. -aire to BBgtBCt BrSStV lng for "rae ug I" .. (tu tin- eu drury I think there it a tendency on the part of uiH.iy m the atora iiroiulusnt gentteuMo to retire flinn rsetSS IO devoid llnlr entire ut.em inn to breeding. 1 HUI very anny IO BOO SOCS BBUiaa Se August Jlcliuuni, Bowen B Oo. aod Miltan Vnuiu. distapt-e-irti.a from tue turf, lie.'iu.*e He' ci. al lia ol K<-> nohla, Kieliar.la, *iIc(Jr.ilb aaa others m..'.'-u. ...y eeesoetra. 'Jin- result of tula will bc thai thuae wbu reinnin un lim turf will l.uvo to guard Its lOtStOSI uuicl. ino!a curelully. BO«l Ul 'bl* eort- nncilou lt I* proper lo urg* lim eatubli.btueiit of a .National jm ¦key chit). BOOM legislation nitiat be uieii. lol en ..limier Bt toter, and tim sooner nm bc-ner for tim protection of thc-turf, m order thut auy- tBIns sog-rsstira of fraud sen bu reaesedh" tbe ados lion of u set ot I'llll B which, lite Ibe (OliBtltlltl .n of tn, U altad Bute*, shall (m- u* "er all, proieeting hreeders, ovvimia, Homcli.t i. ma, I lie general public and Ml eiii|i!u>es assaaotad s'tb "acing, tba poor sim Ike Ignorant us wed bs tbe neb. 'I be naaoctsiioiishould adopt laws gov¬ erning betting xvliien will serve both tbs layer ami titter id miine; fur. If inc subject of U-tungi* .gnuicil. oue of tbe principal raaaeos way tosca -ihuuiii be n Nuiuiiial elev eiuii wiuilil be overlooked. Tbe aubjuui ut weights to bs earried thoald also iio dttcusssu; and. lt no riilca were set tinily adopted, BtBcltagrseuient could be inn.ie .lia! un BO ul Iel u coi lui ii dad toora ehoald BC s geic ral lacrosse witn a alluing .cain .'or aoofe momb, ibm weald lie -aiiaf-ctoiy lu tbe Boot. West aud Sautu, This 1 ciiiiaiiici idaiiiy Important, baeaase it xvoui.i t. ml tu lulim nie nielli;*; luteiest* ol toe B nt, Smith aiul Weet Into oiui'li eb.aer rebttlsiiNitlp. 1 ne sootier lids I* duue tue better lor (bu bleeding Int-reata of tbe l.'nlied i-t.itca. There arr in my other ciuestiotis of lint porillUce Winch xvuulil COlUe up, snell SS Ibo Bp] ullllllii'llf ul »iewii la !. (-..iialili-t OPPSOlS fn.lu the itet-inluii* o Judg.-s or Stewards of u-aoel.dinna tu prev.-ut a con biol of lulen-* . a* to dato* cUiuiud, the rlunt to chitin Bini register Sslsrs, to iun bur*'* un dar HatuitiiC'l SaBBSS, to name und cliiuittx tbs nsuieB of borss* during the progress of n meetlBg A""ve ail we ned tbe adoption ot suuie rules looking to tiie a|i(.rem e. allin, lualiuotiou uud grssrsl Biota loo of lim lal ge ti hui t>> I ot inlnoi * Ulai ll ia iiaccn.ii x lo lu ploy lu lu- lnteie.at cu lucius. 1 .urn ure *o mun r per sous aiul so many late st* i.. ne piottctcd thut I lu pe B ti.-. 11 tik muy be ari Bug " beforu tbe opening of the *«*- ¦on." .' WIit ar* yon i ,.... .lou* to have a IxfutloiiBl club be¬ fore m it aesaoul" "Tue renault I* that I think tbs racing tiitsr-at* nf nett yetar will be gieuur limn they over have been before. Tor thc Keiitueuy Herb", wbiou will bs run on Muy Ti, thert ors tasny fstt horses sntered. Among these are Lord Raglan f'ardltiei MoCloa.ey, Barnes, Bondholder, i tntarti and Pimater, beside* many* dark ones. The lst*B-SSt Ii this rsee ls blooming greater every yeal-. Breed era aro nor oontent unless their stables aro credited iv lu huvlug won one li, roy, wtnle tho publlo are *o lntcrc-nlci tbst people will wnlk ten mile* io ace the race." " What is thought of Illudoo'a having been sent to Uh stud." " There ls a.est deal of iBflsfaetlon eiprcused. and much is anticipated. Hindoo is considered one of thc grc-te-t bones that were ever bred. I anw DeaeSStei *n1lJ liladlateur win theKughsn Herby, and b-tii-ve tuat Hindoo could have given them weight and won." MA tUM *T Ly / ff LLJGMUOX. 1*111 A.TURf" *J."*.ANAC-T').OAY. BtiBrl***.7:'.'5;aet*.4i40iM<)ODrl*et D34! Mooa'aage, days, 24 am.i faros r i-.ui <f;*l-m*o<sT Hoot. '.:) 9Hov. latani*. 3 0"; Hell Ott-, 4;5. Kjf.-asnarutjoii. -_:4-j, Gov laitna, 3:-'''; Hall Oats, 617 FOREIGN STEAMERS DUE AT THIS POUT Tn.DAY. VttttL From IAn*. ('a!'1(*r» .1-srseillea.French '.Jd *.lilt.niltar.Anchor. 1 lie ytt'-an.London.National. UeimuuH.Bermuda.Quebec. san nia*-.. . . Aaplnwall.HactUo MaU. ''**»r*r-VV.( lyda.West f lillie*......^.Clydos. Notting HUI.Mverpool.Hui st. of lF-aulyivanla...,(i!aago*-' .stat-. ,"7'"nl-.nissKo-r .Anchor. V'1 '''* .Hamburg. H'b'g American. D. Htelnuiann. Antwerp .Whit-("rosa. l.rlti.h hinpire.Havana 4Mexico.. \levsudai's. Ferlerro .Ilavni. Preach Trans. THURSDAY, JAN'l'AKT 4. Horrters-t. .Bristol.Great Western. Lake Manitoba.Liverpool.Beaver. 1'ollut.Amsteni.-im.Boya! Net*-. Flit DAY. JANUARY 6. Jesse.Mart, port*.>fe-. A New-York. Bonan.ur.-men....'.N. c ;er. Lloyd, Adnatk.l.tv..< pool.whi o Htsr. AHaa.West Indie*.Atlas. J-atraday.tllitsgow.Anchor. l'-rla.Havre.- SH I PP ISO .Vis. IFS. PORTOF NEW YO MK.TUESDAY. JAN. 2, 1883 ABBJVBO Htc-merOalllatBi-. Hain*. Liverpool Dec* 23, Qneenstown 21, with nds« Bi.d pa-tcntc-. m lo Vsrnoa ii Brown «fc Co. Meaner vverlii (Bri. Hpcck, Newca»tle lu day*, with nulli to W il I li.iinp.4on A Co. HteamerHirtUxotT-iiia, Rl*k, Galveston M day*, with BBSS) Bli'! pa-SSSfSrStO C ll Mallory A Co. i letiiner Knickerbocker. Ki-mblo, -vJew-OrleauB 0 day*, willi iinlae and paa-ciii;'ra to (4 ll Heaman. s-t earner iironilelai. Hines, leniiuntina Dcxc! 21, and Port Hot al m. with uni** and passenger.* to c (I Mallory rt.- o steamer t battuhoorhaa. i'.igt.*ii. ¦savanu-.b, xxiu. mtlao and passengersto Beni Yen re, jr. ->i.-»tnar h4rleatc.it. i.o. kwood Charl'aton 3 day*, wita *-.. ince ¦ to J w cjiiintii.-it « Co. steamer lienriaetor. ItK.i.ii. Wilmington, with mdse and ¦ri tu a tn i' Clrds * to. steamer ItecuUtor, Diane, Wllmuigton, with mdao to Win f flyn.. .'. steamer (iiyamtutte. Kelly. Richmond. Norfolk and (Ity Poll cr 11 h taiiasaod paSBSWSn ta Old Dominion-a Cn. st...mer N'eteti*. be_i».<\ Hoaton. with unlae and passengers IO ll I llli'l'i, i Ship .intm .ere PrerichB. nrern'n 49 daya, wltb empty ban ela tn older, veasel io I deo Huger. a cns ar-Wind at sandy Book, light, NW; elnar. At City Island, theaain*. ci Fa H Er*. Steamer Catalonia | Br). Gill, Liverpool.Vernon H Brown A (o. -teamer Pu'lvla rtr>. Donaldson, 'liaxtrow. Herderson Bro* flor lr, .-eiv.iii, nayro Louisd* niluan. i»-e.ui.r Caracas, Hopkins. Lagua,i_.Moulton, lilisa .ft -icitnef Pautiago. Falrclotb, St Jago and Cicufuegos.Js*. E Wu il ,i .. Steamer Neptune, flrrrv, Huston-H F Diniock. (-(earner hm Dominion. Walker. Norfont. City Point and Bleb mood.Old Dominion H* Co. Meamer tticbaott-, v'.n. eui. West Point,Va.Old Dominion S N o. siMin.r Ylrgiul*. Crocker, Phlladclphla-Wm P Clyde A. Co -hip -ultan fir Mai ka. Ininti.in J F Whitney A Ca. -hip Ha elKou Fltb.Gardiner. Loudon Illowa- Do_l_iui'a Nephew A Co. fsAft.F.D. . Bfesmera Wyotnlnr, for l.iv»rpooi: O'd Dominion. Blcfi- iniunl BhlpS li.tnlei I ¦-,. ->_Sngh-li Hamilton Flub, Loudon, liar.* L'B-Uda. Loudon, Xenia -iiBnsrtal. l.ik. BOVSM-Ut I I ot* STBSMBBt roaaioB r lars Lassoo. Jan 'J.Arrived. tte*iiier* Co-entlns (Rrl. BU: finiii Nsw.Yora De. IS NortBCambria Hri.Evuu*, f. in i. li-*; 14: t.iiui»* UelltUio .Bri, Mulila w.n. Hom do Dec 17. l.ixirKH'i'i, J*n 8-Arrt.atl. *t*ame.(i ivt.rott.in Fir.. Klg- bv. flinn New. i ei « Deo 'JJ. I'.rlll-Ji ( ruwu Bi Ki i-f th from IMillBdelidiia Deo'Jl IIW, lan J Arriced. »te*mer» Sute nf Nebraaks (Hr), . '.lin New Yurt Dec'J! Iiet otila .(liri. YOOBC rrtOB New. lora Dec- 18. mid I ni ni»*l* Uri. **in»ll from .lo 1)-. '.'j. milli. ItBBBltr etaioof a ISIrSWB iBr-, vi >.ne. tor New. Tts. B UTI BAMPTOB, Jan 2.Amrert, ateamcr Pbe'n 'ler). Win. tai, ftnm BSW-Vork Der -J on her way Jo ll- Axiixu.it lil. Jan 1-Airlvea, .teamer Iinl.a Uer), Haber- laa I. f-oin sew V-irlt I- in 11.. Jan-J-Arnved, *tf-4tner camdon (Hr), I'zyne, from iimaaw Dee te. linn, Jan ^.Arnveti, atramer Crans (Un, Botilneon, from Ni-. Vj k Dat ll. Il xv*-!. Jan 2 Arrived, steamer City of Washington, Rey- di'.I*. from hSW.YS k on h'r way to Metlcau port*. ffOBBIO.-4 -tidi'i'l n i BOBIOB. JBS1 Arrlv.sl. a-ram-r. lowa'Hr). Watter*. Uv* ur ./. nunn'.mt Waight, ttavaaaas. i learrd, aleainer lieniian ibelg', E)Ier. Antwerp via New- Vet a amt -al ed) I'iiii tOBtanBA, Jan 2.Arrived, alesmsra City of Marou and Coast**. learad. (teamer* Lord Gnu ,-b. Liverpool'. Saxon, Boaton; 4»iiiw. New.V'urk. -n 4-.-( xii. Jin. '.'.Arrived *teamt>r» Deaning »ud City of Sagnsta, New Yura; .'ur t . l".!l iHprda. hal.ed. ateamcr Wm Lowrtaea, baltimore. Aunoiint'emeat". An ntfrnrtlvc, voothfal nppr.-irnnoe will he ..- inti', br ladle* ming Ps'aer a Hslt- Ballam. " Hiiclni-I'iiihii." Quick, coniplote ciirtj, all inn.tying Kidney and I'rlnary dlaoaaea. fl. ("km rriii*..("randill's hUmif Kxfeniion Sa**e- l ti rut'h. niitila lix- I'otucr.y i'r.ucc ioni.au/. No.7-JJ in. 4i!xx*y, corder ol loib-at. Crutobe- repeuae. Hr. B. H. nrittati *:ivs : "An ft rilli* phvsl- r »nx il-iU'.t. l.y their pi ul.-*.Ional uieilioda, bnl d np the fa¬ ne...- ronetltatlnn wnl'e ll saassta which III* lt*b * in mir vmlt.l" nn.ite ...ul limier sal Impse- lill tl* Hits'Iva Spacial ixsowdls* ara otl*m reqalnd to ra> Itara OtgantS bsrmOBI .'i"l *H' ..ttl hen Ibe en fee le eil puwer* if xxeiiiantco j ard tor tno-l of tba** irs am IndsBtSd lo lier.otia outalde of the madieal pr.ile.ann. Auimig ihe very ir.t,,' ihe.e reatwilaB I Bolga . r .m:neut p.ace to Mra. I.ydla E l'ltiklism'a Vtgetauie i ouipcuuil." (iliitc-n (-"itppotxiloripsi rtiic' i-oiiRtipalioii and [lita Pbylcan* prt"c.ii!iet!i.-n. BJ U.TSFOODCO.,74 lth-»T Rbbbt a. Dab-ua m. d.. 144 I^iln 'i ui-ave. I).-; .vena J Itb itiiJJ Ol .** Rears, 8 to I, S to 7 I apots-io*. ttsriittr, Ottattst et t*a . eulio'-rinary orgBuiaud iierrou* avat em. apecialllea. Li NDitnit','-* Kmvi-sii Cologne. Flagrant and rc'(:i<.-tlilug. VKi.vr.T Pmipet-..Onr apocialtj. 800 dir-* far. n! a-tt*rn». fioui JJ .;.'. |tei ystd. hiiarrasn Kittrr A cu.. suth av* and EBh-tt. STEAM. To Avoid Misapprohoiisioii, THE New-York Slcam Company ANNOUNCES 1. Timi lt I*** been *opr»lvln« .tc-nm regii!»rly le* elebt nton'ba. and I* ptepaie.l to furnlab steam in aux; iniaiitltv on Ihs line nf il* umina at au aveiage prcssnrs of is lioiiud*. liol li div ami night ¦JJ. 'Ililli Hie i.Iclenl*f*BtSSSI pipe*, and coti.ci|.ient. [xp.itiing anti reopening of the .1 reeta, partlculat ly In John an I Wilburn.*!",, ainiou ibe . aat aide of iiroudwsr. and ihe es- . * of .'e.itu from manholes oa the4e :in.-» and lu asvs bi .ttu-r inca lt le*, baa lint hln r to do with the wo t of Hil* Ooo*. i.liny «nch tioiiti ea collin: ncing ift.r tine Conintuy h.ut been Itt operation never*, mot.tint, and OS the ea*t aide of 'be elly. * Idle moat ot tiie lille* of ttil* Coin nany are on the weat Bide, 3. Hm iiianliule sad hiitidb-ile rover* of (bl* company bare N. Y. a* 4'4I cB.*t llieiaon In red letter*. I Thi* t'ompiiay doe* not corer lr* pipe* with l*mp- tilai'k or tanbark In bOSSB of i-reosiiied board*, but use* : tx tu, white inliiotal wool in x aubatantlal toudult, usually ot ulick .1 The pipes of Ibis Company rxfrnd In liroadway from Bowling ((reen to Warien airest, sud are tn the renten if ibe anent, or a little* to wind the weat ali's not Ibe eaat title i. tv lieu Ibo mm or la In tile cfiitie, Ihe BBC BS* ul sieam lioin tba newer manboii* not ivotnlut: from tbo pipe* of thia tiiiip.ii.y l'hta ctiiupauy a!»i baa pipe* tu Wail un et from iiioit.itvax to Paarl atraat, uastiy aear north cum. ami h.i* Buttling to ilo with tin- tiiiinb"!** «' eatiiluar li. the cent te anti m. ihe Billilli .bl" The 'lily other pipes or thia company un Hie ei»l aide ol the elly ate Iii Pine .ireet, south *1tle. and Pulton ntieet, oort elite, fioui Htoadwayto Naaaan ttnal aud 1.1 'i-i iv .ti eel, amt VI .mien Dane, south aide, from Jtroacl- wav to vv illino ri «t alan, a line via Ann atreet. Theale i ii x Beeasiaa Itrees uud i'_is now to N**h a crook's te* lam ant On ihe Weal side tho pipes are localed In Greenwich fium Liberty to Warren at* on ..Ibertv, cortland!. Fulio-i. \e..v, Uaiclnv. l'uik pla.o and Wm icu st*., h.tiwe.iu Ile :(d- wav and Hreeiivxleb nt tue \'e*ey-et. Pipe Hoi tiuutux a tl ut tiniPti-'e sud tbe BuclBj-it. pipe otteiidlug vxesl of Washington st Cb Mutual Union lele«r;iph Co., Chatiisiu National Bank, sud thirteen otliei* on Broadway| Hank at New Y r. ami tbreeotbeia on Wail-Hi., Aleiiinder Duncan and IWo otlurs on l".ne..t tbe Stone ll'illdli.ij uud four olli.-ra.iu I.i n- tx *i., Pal kc. Duri* et Co. sn.l «lx other* en Malden laue.: NewVora Cute cr. ul a.Ixoi t.,tii, U. s, 1 Uumlnallug .... sud seven otb r- on Ftilfoat.: Stockwell et Co., and four otbeiaon .m.,. ai >*ah 4 <r-ok In Park How S. V. lt. Cr,i»ter, Iii mt* Kui ey and tt.ii-a oilier* III HaielBv-al A. & K. I;m tn H'm a. .I lli.d. ;inil fii'.i-i.tii.'i* l.i Park place. Theo, -stewart, Well moth.-is. and .men others In W.t.nu *»t Miiitb .s Mi Ned's rsstaaraatt Hotim elver iii.ua. and ten odiat* In (>i'c*nxvl. b at Meiinuollian Joli lin tum hi. .tit- llsliineiit. und e<Ki:t iiiner* in Vtaet-it: and (J. ii Delaiuatur A Co., aud fourtnon ullier* lu Loitlau.lt at., a.so, Uueeoihuis li..I lui slisl mi tin. Hue of hui malua, to vt bom aetvlce piyo* have been ruu through luterveulng t.ulltln.n -. 7 The airmn now Dirulabed hr ihl* Company ia ¦sastslsrt at tu station " H ' ta (iiesuwich st., near Cu tlaudt, diixtiuKiiisl.ed by IIB laine homey rt. lie linii'i ra ol Ulla lompKnv are \V. V. Andrews, I'lealdeiit,, IV liilaiu P ailinn, I lee- li e.ljent J. A. licMtwiek, Tisssiiief | H- !'- Uncle xx-.1, .-ccieutiyi Charles J., lii-err, Ei.*li.eer anti HupertulomleUL All. omtuuul. atlou* should be addressed to THE NEW-YORK STEAM COMPANY, Vs. ii t'arilandt.st., >'*w.Yarla. f ^£&^a^ LYDIA E. PINKHAiyi*^ TOETABLE COMPOUND. A Rora Care for ail ICM ILK WEAK* N ESSES, Inclndtna I.eueen-ha-a, Ir* ! ree-lar and Fainfnl .MenstxtiatioB, Inf]i iiii.it.Hon and I Iccrotlon ot the Wo.i.b, I i....ding, I'KO- t I. Al'-i I -i LT I Ul, Axe. \ -W*Ple**anttotl.*t-Jt>. effleae-on* anil lmmtdhvirf In Ita effect. It ls a (reat help tn pi-ea-riancy, and rs. Uavea pain during labor and at regular period*, raisin-jw cu it and ruttc tis- rr ntxzit. rw*Toa au. W-*x-_mis of thefeneret're ergaag of eitlt.r sax, lt ls reco-d to n-> remedy that bsa aves been before the public; Bod for aU di* a»e* of tba EtDiriT* lt 1* th* Greatest Brawdy ta th* World. Ur k ib ni: v ro iihi.aints .i i uh.r Sea Find C'reat Relief la Ila Use. I~PTA P. PreTKBAM'S BI/MlB Prlf/PIPR will erad ate axery vcailre of Ui.un.i. f.om tli* B.. el,al llieaame tim. vriligivetoso andit.-.ngih to tbe system. A* _t_n«_ons I a results aa tbo (. "ii jkJ'JjuI, tWR. tb th* Compound ar.d Blocd Former *re pv*. pend at OD and 'Hu WoaXoru Avenue, Lyon, Maaa. Bric* of either, |1. Six bottle* fur .£. Tho CompcMul U Mut by mall In th* form of pill*, or of lozenges, oa reoelpt of price, fl per box for allier, -rt Pmkh-tB froely an-wtr* all letters of tnonlry. Enr|, so J cent SUtnp. Semi for pamphlet. Mention (Ats Poper. nrt-*T*l* ,{. Px-nnu-*. I rv.i Pms o-re C-rrtlp*. tlon, BillO'isi <i-« and T .rpldlty of Un.' Llvur. K cent*. gi Sold by all Oruif gUf*.-1»« co C'stC TO PFSn OCR JAVCAHY SALES UP BEYOND ANYTil: NO HERETOFORE KNOWN IN TUE KB. 1 AIL CL( iT II INO TRADE. WE PROPOSE TO MAKl" ¦om valuable presents at the ksd oB Tina month, these presents abe: TO BCYEB8 OF OCR MEN'S CLOTH1 NO, A MA, HOOANY CHAMBER SET, COST flbO. TO BUYERS OB OUR BOYS' CLOTHING. A WEBER ORAND PIANO, OOM $800. TO BUYERS OF OUR FURNISHING OOOD*", A, SILVER SERVICE. COST $311. HERE IS WnAT THE MANUFACTURERS SAY ABOUT TUE Ft" RN ITU RE | Noa. 41 and 43 Weat rourt**>ntli it, Nsw-Yous, Detemoer HO, 1&83. Messes. Route, Purr A, co i The nisliogsny chamber suit, mattrcsa, pillow*, Ac, yoa have pall nt $7i'.ofor, lass good furniture as can be tate's . nywh-reor by ony ons. un*, tba bett in quslliy and dealga tbat our atock affoids. We writ* Ibis merely to indorse wbst you may aay abouS tbete goods. Very reapoctfallor. Brcxih A Mooan THE PLAN IS TO HAVE EVERY CUSTOMER ES^ MATE THE WEI O HI OF THE ARTICLES, TiflXTHKa WITn WKIOUT OF CARDS ON WHICH ESTIMATES. ARE MADE. AND U'MOIIVER COME* NEAl'.KST TO THK ASC1R1A1NED WKIMIIT RECEIVES THE AR¬ TICLE ON FE DRU A RY 1. WHOEVKR HAS ANY WANTS IN THE LINE OF M-N'SOR BOYS' WEARINO APPAREL, WI_X| HARDLY FAIL TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PRK8» KNTATION SALE WHllN THE GOOD-) WE OFPHB) ARE SOLD WITH OUR USUAL OUARANTCD AA TO QUALITY AND PRICE WITH PRIVILEGE OB R2B. CHANGE OR BKTCRN. Rogers, Peet & Co. MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTER"*. .*.(.!. "I" *. BROADWAY, OPPOSITE MKTHOl'OLirAN HOTEL, DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM" The lmportsnco of the nervooa system, Its power over lift and tb." direct bearing wblcti it ha* on human happiness, il thoroiialily reoogiilaodi lt* ns»« and the dancer of »rertai< lng lt. vrbixther through Intense in en ul sppllt-ti... or by lbs excessive Indulgence of ibe spiietlfea and propellant©*, art proper subject* for SSaaASRSBSB When the uervous syitenjt lsderansud, it la absolutely nneex-niry tu proniplly *-ea ad, vice from au expert win., for * long series of years, lim dst \-oted lila whole time and alti-utlon to thia study, and wno, from hi* experience aud practice, ba* learned to iliac-over st once the cauae and sa promptly apply the remedy, thus avoid, lug the p tinfutlx ni..tv MBStaS tor the truth so couiinou te the inexperienced, and so nuoyhig lo the patteat. BIBS, **rf naturally, wiinta to kuow without delay what la the matteo tb., extent nf thederaugoineui, the prouaMittiet of rocapera. Hon, and the time required. If (beuraiu has become eihtustod br Intents mentsl appll. cation, depriving ll ol ibo po .vcr ot oonneot-4 thno'ilit, tt etti only recover it* strength by being properly fod *nd nourished by tbe uso of oorttln tystem nt.: methul*. It ls prei-lsoiy tbs »tme with tho nerves thai prosUs over organic lifo. Th| va'a.! of this branch of medical practice eau aciroe.ly bs overrated, tor lt reaoliei m:irtH-_-o, tho perpetuation of famtlf ustues, the securing ot tierodliary titles, aad th* retention ut estatea lo tbo tam.! family. l-'roni a long aud large experience in this dlrectl >u. I have been able to command by my sacco** the thankful appro. oiatlouof toma of tbe tlrst isr-ill-*" tn the oltr an I N.itlin, sud can coiniiiiinlcati- ni uti dat nerlai na to the orer-nter-lse ot every department ol the nervous system and tho mean* ol recovering il* po .vera, vx hellier of brain, appetite. i>eou*a*iif or uaealon. HENRY A. DANIELS, BL D, lMLe*on£ton-aTe., uetween 29tli & 30t_-st_. null's. 8 TO 1 ANO STOr.



Ki'U'..ilsiiinn John Delaney, of tbo Elizabeth StreetPolios, waa soot lu tho eva yesterday by PatrickMi-iniv.Tiii, a Inn tender in M' I norv *. .iimce bill,at No. 108 lli-sti-i *i, 1 he o th tai shot McGowaatwice and he died iu a few moments ia the plicastation. The tciory ui tito Mi.mini* aa told LyJames Nolan, au old larmer of Danbury, Conn.,the most important wi tu cs.- examined bv the police,wan as follows: Hecauie to Ne tv-York last weekto sell some hoops for pricking-boxes, amt heboarded itt tbe Vandyke Moase, No. 'Ai BoweryOn Satnrdav evening ho went into the liqaMstore ot Andrew Kelly, at No 144 Hester-st., toter, some bier. He nave to the barkeeper a *r'JOhank note, who refused to give bim any cbaouepauli note, who refused to gll': after ward appealed to the police. CaptainPt-tt/ setit Detective En**lisb to tho liquor storewith Nolan. Kelly sain tbat his barkeetmr badrun riv av with the money. He wonld not tell hisHame. Nolan proemed a warrant for the bar¬tender's arrest, and Roundsman Delaney went inac arch of bim. Delaney was accompanied toKelly's wrote hy Nolan aud by Albert Kesler, aclerk in the Vandyke House.When tbe three men entered tbo lhinor stvre,

they futiiui several men and twt or three women

drinking at tables. Delaney startod to go upstairs to -ee Kelly, who was sick In bed. Mcdowanhad been drinking ut a tabla in company withTillie Cavanagh, ol No. .'<) Suth ave., a dissipatedyoung woman, who was intimate with bim. Sheinn! Mi'itmrii cab to take het borne, aud it wasalready wailing i i front of the liuuor store. Mc-llc.vv.in, who was friendly with Kelly, who he ap¬

pal-nt Iv thought was told arieated. Yan up stair*In advanre of Delaney. Nolan and Kartar. As theyivt-iH follow nit*, be tinned and struck Nolan midhealer on tue stairs. 1 bey retreated behiuu De¬laney, nbo *h..iivd his shield and said that he wa*

an otVuer. McGowan cutse-d the policeman, anddrawlim a revolver from bis pucket, be struck Delilliev in ibu right eye with tbe butt of tbe weapon.Delaney w»s lit'ttily bliu'led hy ibo blow. SeveralrefitBIM tum tho lunior stote pulled thc rounder.iandown tho 'stairs, vrh.lo Mt (jowan ran out to Ihecoach, in which tbo woman, Cavauagh, was wait-in ir (or bim.Deltiiev reached the street In time to eeo Mc¬

Gowan _et iuto tho coach and tell the di iver to

"go it.*' Thu coach stuned toward Klt/.ai.elli-st.and Deiauey ran aller il. tie waa close to tuebind iv.ec!*, ivhen McGowan tired a shot throughtbt) laipo re ir window of tbe vehicle. The nun

cotild aee rarh otUt-i plainly. Dt laney had drawnhis revolve! an I wu* raisins it when he wns shot.AittioiiKh (be sight of his right eve wa* destroyed,he discharged two abuts i|Bloklf ut Mcliowuii, whov.'.-is standing np in tho cab ni.d had cocked h.*weapon ai'.tin. MoGewoJa dropped heavily ouihehf ut hashie Ins coin".anion and hesfan to "ROBB. Thewoman was frantic with lear ami ci en-d a doorami aprook out ot the earriafe. Bm wu loundafter ward DJ the police, and detained as a witce-s.Cooney. K'-ilv's barkeeper, was arrested aa a par-t ici I ant ia thc- affray. The followiug personswere taken to the police station aloe Bad detaioedBB witBaaaaa: Thomas Cummiskv. John O'Brieu.John Herbert, .--olo'ttou Birminihass. IteUewoaWhs tl trty-sit yeeraold and lived with bia Widowedmother io! Eightieth st., between First aud r-ecoud-avc*.CcironcrX^vv begati thc inrinest ut the r.li/abeih

Fti.ct StaTu n at :'. p. tu. A pre h in ni ai y eniiiiniia-

thu of the dcid man's body showell ibat bothhillie.* bail euUTtd the chest and thal .itv wns

buried lu the h.urt. Ona of the. wi*a-*oaoaeaama..-1 tsasTillie Cavaaaab. she exhibited treatemoiion at the sightef ber lover's bard**, Roonds-nii.n ela nay was appointed a polieetnan cn

November 7, If*":!, and he was promoted in I*.'.'on account of meritorious conduct. He was tabooafter tbe kbeotiof to tito &t. Vloeeat'o Hospital,Where it was -aid last evening that he would probably recover.

I-TNERAL OFJOSEPH K. BbUDMORE.The funeral oi Jose;.b I"..- kid uk.re took plaea yea-

__ terday aiternooii ut the Church ot* the t ovenaiit.which wa* nll.d with tbe friends of Mr. Skidtnore,Tho coffin was iollovvt-d from the la e homeot tlte deceased man to the churchhy his relatives ami intimate friendsin earrisgea Aa t wm boras late the church wiib-out pBll-oearera it v..is followed by Mr. Bk d nore'iwidow. I. aili iig ou tba arra ol In* brother, WilliamI.. .*-ki(liu>ro. and by other relatives ami friends,anion, whom were Mr*. W.I,, -kid miro and Mi*.Bki.linore. charles Scribner, Arthur (Scribner, D. E.Hawley. E. J. Hawley, H. E. Hawley and tua,Haw cr. Dr. J. W, McLane, Mrs. A. H. Baylis amiMkatBaylia, M . Baker and Mrs. baker, .nd Mrs.Wright. The cotlii wi s cverxl iib hun some cutflowers. Ihe choir wis tbe regular one

Ot tbe e iiircli villi th" exception of Miss Beebe, whoBani* the opt aim part, I be .-el vue was conducedhy tbe Kev. Dr. Marvin Ii. Vinci nt. Chopin'sfaners] mareil wasp eyed bj tbe organist w.,ilo thefuneral proeeaaioa was moving dovvu the als!". 1 heIii- pu e o mu-'ir BBBC was the Ptah-, "The LordlsMv he h id ' Dr. Vine nttbea i-c-ad u p-ssaiteot erip it**--, in i lbs mthem " Ba Still, My Soul,''Was sung. A'l of the musical selections w rr. thoseth it Mr. sk it'.more bad liked shore all others.I Dr, Vinci-n!, in befitinbaj the foaeral sartaon,aaitt: "I do nut know thut my dear old Meadwould wish m.-to say au, tuiug tu-lay aooiit bim,Babara ba h'.ugbt ibat be uiigUi fur.nab a leas >a toBoiue oin-; a .(I in thai belief, no less thor fr un theprompting ol' uiy alf-i-rioii for bim, 1 pr-'iitse toeiK-.k bricllv of bim a* I knew him.'' Dr. Viucentthen spoke ot Mr. i*-kidmore'B m-

rgrity and honesty in bostuess affaiia.oi his earnest (linsttui!'(-bari-v, of Ins genial hos¬pitably and broad character, and of Ins ceum-lensaciiviy in the at nice of thc cb.iii h. Aili r ilioeer-ruou au opportunity was niven for all who desiredto look foi tuc last time on tho laocj of their denifriend.Among those in the church wore tho Kev. Dr. John

Hu)!. Professor Phillp Bobaff, Willina* IS. Dodie, h.M. Did-rc, Andrew IL Or-eii, CharitaBatter, W.H. Gunther, \V. H. Tillinglnist. ibo Kev.G. L. Preutis-i. Frederick Guo.indge, "-niith Clift,thc Kev. William .-levens, Kob-ri Moo, jr., Dr.Beary D. Noyes, John Sloane, (j -n.-rui Joaeph E..hickson, thc Kev. II. H. Jes np, K. L. Cutting,Robert Gordon. William Wheelock, Charles I.White, O.-S Fleet, ex-U.iVcinor lloli'nati, Jehu K.Parsons, Benjamin Y. Kutlt-i, K. J. Btoora and D.H. MeAloin. Mr. Skidmorc's body retnal ed io tbechurch through the night and will b.i taken toGreenwood tor burial thts morning.

CHANGES IN BUUKEflfl I'U'M.-*.Several changes in hiisiriie* firms were rep*trt*vl

yestertiav In audition to thuse ulteady mentioned inTua Tiun nk. The timi ol Caldw.-U. W. s ou tStCo., coa> merchantH, No. Ill Htoadway, was dis-ioived on M iiiiiay i.y lim' at'on. A ne iv Him was

formed hy the partners ol the old om.JatBOa IV,Csldwell, Walter Weston and James K. Waito¬witta Alfred J. VVcHtou as au addi.ional BOiabar,'ibo new Urtu will bt> Known as Caldwell, WestonBrother* & Walt*. 1 he partnership of WilliamAleianU'-r Mnitb it Co., bauK(-rc, No. 5(» Wall-st.,cons.sung ot Mr. Smith, Charles K. Carry 1 aaaItohert li d-art Smith, expired ty limitation, lbhufinoss ot the tum is to be coutinned by (heMessrs. Smith, while Mr. Cami will cunt.mk* toattend to ihe purchase ami bom of stocks at thcBlock Ktchange. I lie taren Dretcl linns, Die_t-1& Co., ol Puiludclpliia- Drexel, Morgan <J_ Co., ofthis city, and Drexel, Harjes t& Co., of 1'aris, haveadm'tied ss paitneis ri-siaeut in I'niiucielpliiali.orge C. TbOuiaB,E iwuro I. Mot-ebury and JaniesN\. Peal, jr. Charles ti. Godfrey, hi b.-rto liviug in

Philadelphia, becomes a resident uiirtnrr in thisdh... Tiie lirra ol James M. Faller dc Co., graincommission merchants. No. 12 biidae-st., liss Ix -u

Uis-io.ved by mutual cuscui. 1 lcderick 1. Gola*snath reiLriug. Mr. Inlier will continue the niisi-ness auder tbe same bun name. K. C. Hn-nbo tand John J. C. liuint»-ii have iornn-d a partnerabipnuder the nun nauie ol E. C. Humbert & Sou.Tiny will do a goarra! bum. ma andbrokerage, business ;it Noa 37 ami lil) Wall si.

Alfred Diihlisailgei'. ol tbe Ami af tdward vY'arhuigAi, Co.. impi'iiers, No. 47-x BruOBBB Ot., retuos, ann

his place will be taken hy Hands Schlesinger. Ibofirm of Bebb*-, Ogden & Co., banker* and (uoker*.No. UV" Broadway, has expired by llmiut.oii. ibeliKiubers ol tbe nrui ware li- Bob.en, jr., J. W,0«deii and Jool Porker, uj gea. ral partaora. ami D.C. Wiltox. rpecial partner, i Ju- mealbon bad nol

Snnonnceu any now airan**emeniyeatorday. iborm of Bouvier &, Wallace, broker*, Ho, 15 Kroud-

»t., expired by liuuiatiou. No new arraiigemeutwas an.ionnced. Vernon C. ttrowo bas uceii ad¬mitted to Hst firm of Vernon H. Iii..wu & Co.,steamship agents. C. T. Kaynol.Js tV Co.. paiius,No. 10ti i'uliun-st., admitled i.dwani ll. Kayuoidsto partuersuip. Henry A. C 'laymr, ol me mei can-

tile brui of .Hoses Taylor tt co., .No. 83 Wail-el ,

retired. Tbe p.trtueisuip al lt. lt. cV. A. G. Brown,etauoners. .No. .°>0 ikekuian-st., expired by llmiiu-tlon. Adoljiu G. Brown will contmue tbe businessBl the same pi see. Wulter Delmar uud Charles K.Btikt r were uduutted to ibe baukiug uud niukeragefirm of K. L. Opptiiln-nii Sc Co., Mo. 51 Now-oa.Wdliugton Clap,) and lt A. Kano have loituedab.tu-iug aud hi fi; -na''' Ilim umlot tho lula ofVVelliuglon i.lapp & Co., to do bust hobs ai No. '_8Broad-st. W. A. lo.ver retires noni the Wall-bi.

firm ol Ed xx ard Sweet tt Co., and A. C. lower audI'reut-rick Vuu Leunep euler. Charles Jobnes be¬come* a soecial |.aiiuer lu the btokeruge lum ofLawson, Dou_l_« He Co., Mx. Crane refiling.

MAYOIt KDSON AT WOKK.Mayor Edson has fallc-n uatually into the routine

duties ol his othes. He arrived at (he Citv Hallearly ye«lerday, and at om e proceeded to examine

tho various papers submnu-u to him for Ins signa¬ture, lie received a largo nun ber al calh-ra, lucud-ing most ol the head* ot ueuartuienl*. Coiiun s-

aiouet 1 bouipion wus engaged loi a long time withtbe Mayor, lt is uuder*tood thut Mi. Ti>ouiusuuWill Hoon huve in to lilted iulo the l.euislaiiiie bishill for a new at-ueduct. All tbe surveys dave boenEs. and work i au ha l-egfiu soon after tiie bill

mes a law. lt ba* ouco passed bo.h HouaeaofLegislature and waa reined by Governor i_or-

Bcil. ilie M-tyoi in lil* ni'- -ugc spoke of Hie needOf au additional wa.er supply, and it ia understoodthat tina sobjeot lonaed tho staple of the cou versa- J

Hon between the two offlciale. Controller Camp-bel 1,1Park Commissioner Lane, Congressman 0. Ii.Potter. CJecrge Caulfield, Commissioner of Jurors;hvei.tt P. Wheeler, ex-Alderman Morns and As-se-sor Jacobus were some ol those who called on thoMayor,

Mr. Edaon hn- expressed a wish to cul¬tivate a closer acquaiutsnce with the

beads of the various departments. Hobas not yet expressed his inteniion wiih referenceto ihe nominations which ho will have to send in to

tbe Aldermen. He will take time to consider thevarious names submitted hy the heads of the twoDemocratic I'artim°, Ihe nominations made by-Mayor Grace, and which were laid upon tho table

by the old Board of Aldermen, of coiir**-, lapse -withthe expiration of the term of office of the body to

whom they were made. The n-piiointnienlH in tbsMai or's UBB-eoiate pift will probably ho mad..ftlowlv. There is ono clerkship, vacant."hat held bjCharles H. W'K.dmaii. Ile hus accepted a po*itionin the mercantile house of William H. Grace & Co.William M. Ivins, M:iy*»r Grace's secretary, has alsobeen connected with that firm since January 1. Itis understood that Henry Wattman, Registrar ofPermits, bas been infcinne-d tbat he will not ho re¬

appointed. Among the candidates for the positionis William Hoskin, a brother of John II. Hoskin.Mayor Edson iiiarri.il three couples yesterday.

Tbe lirst pair were Germ-ins, who soon afterwardwire succeeded by an Italian couple. The mirdcouple were Gcimans.

MISS GIIIBONs'S SEVERE LOSS.Maa Sallie J. Gibbons, whose co lort mn of paint¬

ings at No. 1,100 Broadway was destroyed by fireou Monday night, was confined to ber room ai lm-

Leland Hotel yesterday from shock and nervous

prostration. A doctor was summoned at 3. a. nt,and found her snfii-riug severely from her exicri-en em trying to save lier pictures. Miss Gibbonssaid yaaterday : " i Ito oetiir-ate of my losses in thismorning's Tiidjl'nk was about righi, although theCollect-on mav have been worth mon.say -pt'iJ.OiH).My iiisuiance is from $15,000 to t?26,000. 1 ne listof paiiitiiii-H published in I'iikTimium: vvns correct.Nearly al the pictures wars my own; only a fewhaving been loaned for the reception. All mylriemls have been very kind to me. 1 must havereceived nearly a hundred BMBBagM of sympathy,and even oflers of pecuniary aid which Ol eotir*e Iesunoi Rcrept. I hr.ve been nine years making mycollection, laid money c n never replace pic! mes.A lover ot art cannu: estimate lan loss iii thai way.What abell 1 do f 1 hive aol ilie least bias. 1mu*t rest lu st. ami Irust that it will all come OBIright. 1 be loss is a bil ter one, however."Oi'ber attempts to save lier pieturea from the

fliti.ies, Miss Gibbons said: '*! owe my lila IO Mar¬ts*;:, the wailer, who has Belied me for tour vc'is.

the time I have oecumed the gallery. Twice Irn. ml into the lire, nulli my face wns BOOI-hed,madly esdeevoting to save _*y treasures, wbreoMnittn .*. i/i-ti me lutdilr.-i gui m.- book. I bare soilaJJ my wardrobe, ererytbiu** being boraod. 1 hadbeen sleeping at No. 1,100 only .. -Dorl time.'


COLLECTIONS NOT ALL IN HST.Very few ol tbe churches and institution- that

took up oollectious Ior the Hospital .-atanl-iy andMunday Association havo made lal urns to ttl" tn ami

rer. Charla- Lamer, but the indication* ure tbat mote

money bas baan ccutiibttted thia yeal than last.lhere is » disposition on the part ot those havingthe collection* in thatj-'e to defer making theirreno; is uutil tho last moiueui bi order to tu ve ibosum ns ..live as POflBabie, Ibe '' p. l'i e-l.y terian

Church in r iflb-are, has contrib. d -yuin.tn ariltwice an much Balaal tr.tr. Li 'aatoatold hi*t onitrcnatioti on Sunday tL.it lin should i.oi be.it - d tv it li less than $3,000 for this noblrxcharity. This amount will piohahly be asara limn

realiiied brl'jre the eml ol UM Week, Drexel, Min¬

gan tV Co. y.trniav sent to Mr, Lann-r a check for$1,000. tho American Eipress tompiny has

oncicii to coiled tbe boxes in tbe elevatcil railroad.stations aad business t-OOBBa free ot c.pouso. Tbework was begun rMterdaj uud will be completedtoday, ibo Aaa .liars Assswiattoas expect tocontribute very largo sums el nooey. Toa Rev.Henry Raker luld a lunn M. report**] lat" eveningthat a special e'forl would soon bc made to uw.ikeiiau mle; i *t BBOBBB wot Linen in til.- association.iii.- collections in the ho-esut the elevated railroadstations have been luucii la; uer than usual, lt is

ci pc. tel that nil of the contributions will bo ro-

poitod by -saturday. _

IS MRS. BICK INSANE IMr*. Susan I'm k, tbe Eoylwhwi min who was

arresto.' in November lor stealiog jewelry raloetl at

$000 from Mrs Eluieuce E. Davis, ol .Nu. Li<> r'ifth-ave.. wa* arraigned ior mal yesterday iii ibe Cooriof Gemini -sessions Site ix a* eiiKiiijetl aa Mr*.1 >.ii is - wald on Nov eml ter ci, calling beraell ManeMi tit-let. On the day following *¦ ¦.,- disappeared,taking the jewelry. 'Hie del'eut e ls im-auitv. >inv.1'in-k teatlfled tbat she hud beal in a lunatic Bayhamin l.'i-'.aii.l aod oue day abe escaped through a doorthat li ad been lett BOOB by * careless attendant.Mie leann d that in-r buabatMt, a. a i'.nck, bad ionsto die United state* taking willi lum their non, wno

now ia eight rears of aue. She follovaotl I bc Ul to

thiHcou'itry, Sbe met wit li coii-uieraiilo dittcalty..ti aaraloa a livelihood and in timiing bet boy,rbeea troubles upset ber mind airniri She reinem-

beredbeiogeagagtsd by Mrs. Lavis, bat ibe visit*of a atranue woman to me baaSB Beaked ln-r to learthat she would be taken bink ta the ns-lum InEngland. Aller that all became a blank until shefound heraelfiu prison. Tin- cise will uo on to-dav.Several other charge* are pi-tiding against the tu in-

oner, iuclu.iing one that sin- rn,ide au attempt to ob-t.tiu money under lalse pretences lion, tho LordMayor of Lomiou.


Phillp 1 armer, a machinist, of No. .".ll Wo*t Flffy-fif'li-st.. was arrested on Monday n i ir li i on u chargeol steaiin-* bu amorella worth (>o eeaia irom MichaelMinni, ol No. Lil West 1 ilty-thirtl-sl., while thelatter vi as tn Si-tteth-Bt., nrar Lentil ave. He was

taken to tte poins station in foil) seventh m.,where hf was Identified. A short time belore that,Patrolman Tracy, of tb.it precinct, hail beenstruck with a cart nmg by an uiikin.wn mun, andho waa so severely injured thal bowan lukea to

l:<>n .-veil Hospital. WheaFWrator aaetakoB to ibostation ha was ult untied as tbe mau who hud strm kTracy. Vealer lay liewa* held tn await tbe reooilof tho policeman s injuries. The house surgeon atK.u.s-veii Hu.[ ttal said that I'racy had a si ali.wound, and that ho would in all probability re¬

cover.John II. Dickson, age twenty-eight, of No. 8,250

Se. ond ave., was charged befoie .Justice Towel \rs-

terday at the Tomi s with assaulting (Wirer ll altey,of the Fourth i'recinct. on Monday Bight, iit NO. IIBI berry-.l., baoekiog him dovvu and kicking bimwLile down. He waa bein in delauli of ¦-, l,UOU bail.

FIGHTING PRESIDENT GLEASON.Tbe Boaid ot Aldermen of Ltmg Island City Debi

a meei in fl yesL-ruay to oigani/o. Ilie DeUeroioielement in Hie Leard tried to remove Alderman 1'.J. Gleason from tbo piesidency ot the body, linnewere two candidates fur tbe posit iou, Meson,Glea*ou and liassiga. Alderman Glcaaon protestedagainst Hie v l ion of the Aiilernien. elolmiog tbattney had no right to vote tor his success ir, as underthe charier ol tbe city bo sbonld retain bis officefor tim full term for which bb was elected. Listerni of lillico docs not ex.pile until next DecemberThere were four I.allots taken, tbe vole. atawdlBgthree for Gleason and three for liaeaiga Om; of i'mAldermen who was broaght to tin; meeting in aaoaeh, owiog io sickness, refaced to rote and tim*caused a tn1. Aldermau Gleason said Ibat tho Olteiniit to remove him from tho chair was dne tontiiciala of tbe city who desired lo | ut him out oftbe Water Board, BBd taBtap bia investigations tothat department. He openly -"hamed W-t-r Com¬missioners Hallett anti \\ igbt wiih beiug corrupt.

ANNCAL MELTING OE AN LXCHANGE.The Mercantile Exchange held its anutial meet¬

ing yesterday; James H. Seymour, lbs retiringpresident, in tao ooaree of aa address relied atieo*iion lo the rapid growth of the EzeoBOgO, He Batospoke of Hie increase in the price of msaiberehlpafrom $'."00 to $500, which Immediately rooBltod in

tii<- a [ditton ol 268 members to the Exchange andadded to the nurp,u* fund over *f.">7,(i(M). I ba in. s-

e-it membership is 801. Mr. Seymour also staledthat tho :ots bought by the Exchange at Harrisonand Hudsou-sts,. v. li,di cost $70,Ut)0, wein nowworth *101>,<W0. Ireastiier W. H. H. lot en re¬

ported tb' receipts of thc year as (03,188 40, andthe balance ob band vj-."»,!»7i> 70. Sccietuiy Doddalso made a report. 'The following person-, were

elected officers for the ensuing year : ''resident,Washington Winsor; vice-presidents, .loi.u A.Willett, Carlos A. lintier, H. I). Marlin and L. H.Miller; treasurer. VV. H. B. Totten; executiveBouiaaittaa, VS. H. Luck worth, John J, Walton,Kuinam Conklin, VV. E. Worth, Rufus L. lob-, JnimC. Hiisor, A. E. Edwards, E. C. WiUioaas andCharles l'icrco. Mr. Winsor, however, declined theeleetloo aa praaideat, and the Eae«*atiTe Ooaualt*teo wert- empowered to fill the vacancy,

MOVING INTO THE NEW BARGE OFFICE.The Rovanoe. Marine Service flag floated ftom the

tower of the new liarge Uffloa ut the llattery Ior thefirst limo yesterday it was lowered ut half-mast in

memory ol Depity (/'ollie tor John A. llau»h, whodied in the courso uf the day, -m evoi i.iali.tui,xx ho was recent ly sppointed tist'-diau ol tue Har-feOttice, aud Deputy Mirve>or Kibba officially took

posti-saiou and Ibe iuruiture sud records at No. ii

Stalest., which bas baen occupied an inn I '¦. rk .

Gtllre for sevtiral yenrs, were removed to the newbuilding. Three room* on tbe lower floor will lieused by the night iuspeetois. Three rooms ou tbesecond floor, ou the west side of the huddlim, w ulbe used tor the executive olliccrs. Ihe (hird Hourwill be used for tbe storage ot | aper* uud records.Burt of tbe building ls not yet ready tot occupaliou.

A BURGLAR JUMPS' THKOl.OH A WINDOW.Mrs. William B. Thorn, of Nu. 116 West Fifty-

eitii.th *t., t( iiml a tirang!* mau in ber sitting-room on Monday night. He at once ran into tue

parlor aud jumped through tbs front window.When be reached the strati be bred it shot. Lateri'ali.ilmaii dillii'iiu lound a mau about twenty-tivoyearn old bleeding ami unconscious in front, of *..».

489 Wost Mxty-s-niini st. Thu man was taken to

Roosevelt Hospital, where be was icentilied aa tbaone who had emend Mra. Thorn's lintis*'., Hiswound in tbe neck, which was made by the glass,was not considered daogcroua.


PROMINENT ARRIVALS.Of'/--;/ TTontc.Sen.. tor Benjamin Ilsrrifion, of

Im luna; ea-Uovc-ruor C. tl. Itigcraoll. of ConneeilciirGeneral Austin Lathrop, of Governoi Clevolanu's StaBud Lieut enan t ('(ih mel T. M. Amit raon, I'. S. A_Fifth J trau* Thiel.Min. Jaine* 0. Illalue snd ila ugh ter;Oforge C. (iorlnini, of Waaliinjrton; ex-Governor R. II.Iiiill»4'k, of Georgia, and et-Oovenior Henry Howard, ofKl.ode Island.Viotti Shclburn.Governor J. I. Uara-tow, of Veruiont.Winotor Hotel.L'oi.gi-essLuau I/co-l.nld Mt.rscx, ot Illiston, aud liuintioasiiii-.n elect J. W..Stewart, of Venn .nt.

WHAT IS GOING ON TO-OAT.Manhattan Ilstlway injunction casein Huiirenie Court.Meeting of ti. ni mortgage uoudbolu«rsoi Metropolltau

Elevated Kn il way.Me'Ieo-Legal Society mee-tinc ar No. flt Vadiaon-ave.Meting of Association for Reform and ('odihValiouof

Law at chapel of L'nlveralty ol City of "tcw-York.

Tho public f""bools resumed their sessions yester¬day.Salmi A. Morse bas not yet renewed his applira-

tion fm-a tlieatrieitl license to enablo him to pro- Iduce the Passion Play.Henry Moorehead. eighty-one years old, of No. M-O

Little-Twelfth-st.. was lound dead ia bis house at

4 o'olock yesterday morn mg.Recorder Smyth yesterday sentenced Jaaaea Lane

to ten years in the State 1'rison for robbing JosephSavinarii at No. 48 l'axter-st. on October _9.Patrick Healey, aire sixty, of No.811 EastThirty-

iiiuth-st., ft',1 from tbe liftii story of a now huildingHt Porty-flret-aa. and Lcxiiigtou-avo. yesterduy, andwas instantly kil.ed.

T1IKNOR W. TAKK'R FV'NF.RAT. HMaffUJUB*.The lindy of Ihe late I'renor W. i'.nk did not nr-

arnvo in this city yest rday, nfl tutti been ***_pectedIIns liimril. wbieb bud beeo arranged to tate, puceat 2 p.m., was postponed.

THE KEMPnysiniMTY OF (iltOCERS.Preatdeol ( bandier, of tbe Board of Health,

yesterday told several retail gio BIB Hitit lln-ywould be held responsible for sel.ing adulteratedfood,even if they pan baaed tbeart'Cleein good faith.They, however, could au.- the wholesale dealers.

PlttsiDKN i riii'.Ncil BBBUBI 11 DStephen li. French was reelect.-d i'reM.ient of tho

Board ol Police Uon-tnieeio era reeterday br thevines of Me.**!*, Mason .ind atattbewe, Mr, Nichols,Hu- I r. iiHiirer of tho board, is still conlincd IO biaboOOS by lillies*.¦Arura a pomiti.-ii mam ros pbat- nraxiAt liie li it.i Ai" i:'ic (.'ti tb dial yest.-r.l.-iv in'.rn nu,

a solemn pontifical.swaacelebrateoforthereDtvsaol the son s of Hie Int.-.".nil .i*.io;i Hiigm-s auii thed eeaaedproloteaOl tbediooeae. Aretioiab< d' mn-

faa, aaaiaied bj lita li'v. j. McQuirk, offlcbatod.i ii'.linal McCluskey was present outing tho scr-

tii-i t,OKOANIZATI'iN ttl \ i:nil nowirro' BXIOIf.

1 In-n- x% ,-t«, a meeting loot ii ir li I .it Nu, IBU l.i i xve ri-

lo orsaalae au "Auierican Protectionist LaborUnioii'' ol Hm Vnth i mian aloaal Diairiet. AI'ttuililith e of lillee, J. C. -..1 tllebl. J. I. .»i. I.lilliliini limci* Waters were eppotat-d to ooafet witbBindiar oigaiiiz.itii.ii-i relative lo a proi'ei plan ufaction.

attack H) nv IWBB1!. vt'. llJohn Loe. a Beere, ol No, 181 Wei rtieth-et.,

it«-. ii*.-il Ahxis Hourge.'i*, ol Ni _ Ll V. est J wea*Iv-eltlii-nt., IU lite . I' Iles in .\liirk- I HobOS ("lin

ireeionlay tn atattbiai bin lotus left eldo with a

aime on Minni.i. night, BoargeoieBeal thai bo.tiered the liquor atora at Na -7n N-Teeth-are.un.i waaattaoaed Ly aoout twenty Bigfoot Homi/,m a kane " ile,i ii himself, but dui out kn-.wCit he bad cut an) one. il WOO held ni #1,000 |_answer.

si kick nv Tin: BBADWTTH t 90TTIM.While rtaikiagia Thud .ive., 11 H Porty-foorth*

st., cm fonda-) Dight,Petei ( iioiiraa, "f .>o. 7y_1 Mn.-tv c., waa sin-1. o-i l.i.- ban vv li it buttleanti it ci to in- removed to St. Luke's tlo-ptial,Oilicer Nt gent, of tbe .Nn.ei.' :.tu In cn ci, un ated¦io,ni Iii yl in "ii sii4,iici ti oi baring ooitiantied tba

:. "ic*t. rd..y Ute bueattel authoritiesrajtbii. "(luau mid prooabiy r*-oeir-*_a traetureofthe skull ..nd Boyioo vv;(s bold lo tbe YorkTillaft.Lc Court lo a var the resuliof '.bo injin .c.*.

Kt.vt Alli) fi ku.*;'-*- WILL.Edt ard "-iiui lu a vviii ". queuiblog to bia b Ifs

nu annuity oi .-.i.,"|,' daring bel lite, providingtba! Bm lcin.iliisUiri.i:.ie d does ii"' | iil"-:i

:.r. il tits- OOauilioO* Blt VI" al" il tl,0

J.I..Vlsi .li l.ili Vi.f ll. lo ,,1* si.ei, Ml*, l'.illllllaLa-un-goit, "1 i.eitin, Prussia, is bequeathed :i

,i,i it ll. t x ol Ul,OOO. IT. (Inst ve Vi iii i rall ie I* _n ii

BIO,'sm .in-. 'i Biy, and$2,000 gees lo a se: vant.Pl ai.y..a Poo aiuO. Alt toe rest ol Um e.:a;c is I"

be iicid by ins t ae-caton ead tra-t taechildi-' li.

MnNiill.Y Ml KUM. OB ¦OBOBtlThe mouiuit inc tin-"i Boroeis wee held Bi Del-

moinc..a yesieiday aitaruoon. lin- i uuuui ¦. OBlloi.so ..ni linnie |.i. t tbs IBsOU-il .ur UIO-ciissi.in: "Will burae-making c-i.! bocoaaa a

boh noe, and h.'.v sliali we uioki tai dobbs ht-mrs*".'i.t*. iBHTgrat Pales, Juc. _aruh_i a..a Mr*. Luna.-".it i..ti pap i-. alina t*» ibis -abject, and tueul*. I. is,.iii v.iilelt followed xx il Jiiin.il I.-, M.s. xl.

Louise 1 l.i'lii.i*. Ml-. Lim), Mis. Li millie btuitb,Mis. Nc I.:, iii, .Mis. ib I KU"'/, fttlav. 'lilcomb and .In

i.ev. I'i.i.-'ii- Han.i "id. 10.ie vxeioa uuiUK-roJ

(¦oiig* una recite iona.A* Al 1 tl !) nv 11 vi', mi I am> BOBBI J>.

Arciiii.iil .-x.iinii. rd, a boral daolai livtugatNo.117 Wet i ni;-j-li i si-st., vms a romp, amain in tue

\"ikvnie Pottos Coon reaterdo) .igu.ii*t ll. milux, tweiit, -i.n.- t. ar* o.d, "( .Nu. i-.'.i W <¦ i lr ortyset i.nd-st., iv noni In cBaxged wita baring, in mn-

inclion wltb loni i.lhi'i ii.e.i, allic ked -ml lot., edliiu Ol a diam.md BIB and a ili.i.n, valued at9)88..-nu nord stated ilia. ce. a tn. nd .iv

mit m the iii. ii*,- o. ni. nit I., i.n, ami "li leaVIBgtao ptaoe inn boob bodoaaaoltod Biaata toe bau,Ju Inc s nilli -:i in 11 ol 1 r<i!'ivi'<l a nt ,li vt "iiiiii in

ii,. Min-, i ¦>*. .s.ti-. >b ii h. knee ootuiag -Loni tholu.tiler, but wa- bed fur trial.

BOBOI alts iv a UQOOB ITOBB.Tbe liqaoi atora oi Joan Horns A brother, at No.

O'A .""nth Wash.liittoo .-"cjiiaie, Waa .'. r' .1 iv Lur-

glors on Hoadajf ni^m auuetgoraoad Uqaors ralaed.a s'-v. r.n ii.in ira il .lara wars sttiiaa, ea wall aami i.io ca-h in the none] drawer, Mr. ll msset tirdy lasteiii'd the sore at 11 o'c bu k on .SewVea(B ll.-ht, but Vtli"-li be le.ielietl || y.st.i,i,ymomtoa ue toaod the dom (bMir opea. I ber* weraDoinarka on tbe door,ead II is ihoiiKht tint iu-

borgiora umst bara boo skeleton lt*) t, i ne atwli sat.ind liquors wen- ca ii ic-d away.

i.ji.. iixcj oaraoaivBuaw vi ak'- callbbb,Win,a.i. Dougherty, oi .> I lu aidgo-aL, uude a

visit to tua bouea of Abrabeio i "in.., a grucer at

-imi Btaatoa-eL) on Nsw*.-*a**a Day, io companyvv.th box. ral omer BwBBfl nen. all under Ibo to.fiuauos of liqoor. An ol«-rcatioii t> arred i>< ixxe.-n

L'oUKherty's Barty, and tlc b ..t, wno fotiml it

ncnoasar] io eject ins obtroatre goeete, Tboj iwstated aud Mis. ( oben wool io t tie aa iiataai a of in-rbu .lund, in tue BCaiUe lt KOBI Barring ol the yalu.-ul ¦>') wii" tit tu. lien irom iii-r poraou, Doaguertrxx a* .tiri sled lor Hie l.tit.nv, atm y Bate rd, iv lu meKassi M..itt, I ( "tnt Juatice i'utteraoii beni biin tmtrial in .-"pei lal BOOatoaa,MLi.HMI OB TUB HTAIIONKI:"' lloAltli OB IllAliK.

1 ie-,limn,J nc c.lufe ol tin- rxia.ioueiri' lio.ir.i ol

Trade vv..s in id ye* etday aiti raooa at their nit.ms,No.B7 Nasasa si Attooui lotty uniis won ropreseuiod.l in- picsii.eni, Umirga L. t*eaei. tue rioo-preatdeat,\nlli.ini T. i rait, mid tbe ire.suter, (.eor^e VV.Davitis, read their reports ior Inn lani year, ibofolio tv n_ liiisn-es vt i-i .¦ elected 1 An lauder Agar,L». Applet.m. A. M Collins. George W.David-,i b.ii.e.s i. liii lii^iiaui, 1'. Pearsby, Qaorge ll..lon s. i.bail s ll. L uaporti Andrea Little, w idiomJ. .Marlin, W. n. l'aison-, UaorgaL. feoae. Wtli.uuI*, i'iutt. Joot-pii UeoaeBilnrfer, chariea ll. rjouth-W..I ii li.i-.i'i rs uti ami William v's hinng.0000AB BBOTBtBBB1 Ol'Kl.u POB BOOf-fl TM**ATiiK..1". ii .-".I ..I... li Icssc.i "I ix..", li s 1 neall., saul

yea101*0Bl Ibu! be ii..tl heard nothing oi ii proposed.nie. ile. denied tuni lie, bud Ottered #..')(),()(Ml lol

.mix buildii g. bal luuioaied Hut ge hud made a

smaller bid. . oorbb UrotBera, furniture. Bealora iatnt; i.owery, at kuowioUKi-tual tliey nave unnie au

oner uf gO20,(X)0 .ck lin- n.iiliiiii_. Tim propertj i*ojleic. for sale ut *JS07."),0()(). lim Coogau* ti iii ea*liicuiselve* as bung coUliduUl of agreeing nj nu sin

ub.e'leriiiS witb Iho e.i cuii.is o. lint Amos eslalo-in aaae tney succeed in yurt*baaing the propertytney will sp. n.i a coi.Miner.due sum iu repBiriug lland malting lt into astor, and WarehwBee. Aicpre-ft. iilittive ol .iiui y iV Co. salt! tliat they did uotintend to buy iho theatre.

MfOOKLYN.Mayor Low's ollico hours will be from 0 a.m.

to Vi. m.burrogate Bergen took poa-iession of his new oilice

1 >.-1 I'.'i>, reappointing Chief t lerk \O.n le es.

(,eoige h. Baraard sus roappotatod DeputyCounty Clerk yesteiday by Couuiy Clerk Ihuisny.Lightern men wi rc- dmcbaiged yosierday Lom

Hu- uupaiiuieul ut Varus und Locks iu tho Navyli ititi.Nobss than l),0l)8 cases were disposed of last

yeal IB tho City Hall Police Court by Jindu e

Walsh.Judge Brown, who succeeds Judge Gilbert as

biipiciuo t.ouit Judge, was ni Ibo Court House yet¬ti r..ay.A child two months old was found on tho piazza

of tue house oi BX*_H_rrogate A. H. Dailey, No. 75_Hiisliwick-ave., yesuiday moruiug. lt vx-a acut ioihe city Nurse.In tho City Court yesterday Judgo Clement tried

bi* hist cuso. ihe lilt. S City Couit Jmlges--Alt-i ui*. I'eynobtH and Clement.have chisc-n JudgeMci ue aa Chief Judge, to succeed e_-JuUaoNeilson. .

A suit for limited divorce ha- been brought in theBapreBM Couit tn Mrs. Oatta-tiae Kojraa auainsiIniucis K'-yes, ci liol and liihuman tro-ttnoni baiagalleged, lin- (le.endaut, set* up that his UoatBMitof bis wife was always kind aud gentle, hui tn.itshe bas oomluoled iit-.iscli lu a ooar.«, violent audauusive manlier since, -he chiiio lum pOaeaastOO ofproperly worth $13,000 two years ago.Mayor Low, hu purviaor-ul- Large Frit/.. Mr.

lt) di r, chan iiiiin pro tem. of tbe Eward ot bBBeV-Mb. rt, aud Hupeivisoi Atwater oouicrred in tbe

Mayor's office yesterday In regard to tbe examina¬tion of tbe Committee on the Accounts of theCounty Treasurer of tho Board of Supervisors.After soma* discussion it wns dot ermined to beginth'- exaniina'ion with 187(1, and to meet at iheTreasurer*.-ollico on Friday.

NKVV.JKRsF.Y.HoBntT"**..Charles IT. Kuenmond. a hntchcr,

inturned to his Iiomo, at No. 130 Newaxk-ak, aboutIS ..'. birk on Monday night, mid while golna te hisroom fell ibiwri-ataiM ami broko his neck. Hiseldest "on wns accidentally killed about a year agowhilo gunning. Kuenmond leaves a widow.CiMuiv n.i.k, N. J..August and Frederick Kirch¬

ner are bioihers and live tn different house- at Cen-tr.'villo. K. J., OB the Newark branch af tao ErieRailroad, a lew miles Irom Paterson. On SewYear's 1 "ay they made calls in tbat neighborhood.After drinking a good deal tLey quarrelled, andFredi ii ix shoi bia brother in the left thigh. Tbaweu..d is not consul icd dinigeroiiH. The woundedman pl used to mako any complaint against hisbrother, as each ii proceeding, he thinks, wouldbring disgrace upon tbe family.PaTeuson.John Malcom, an eccentric silk manu*

fact ii-.r died aorae time ana and left a will whichprovided that his estate should be divided among" t ba DBM deserving poor" of Paterson. The Courtof Errors and Appeals, to which the case was taken,has just reudereif a decision thar the will is void.

STATEN ISLAND.Stapleton*..Ex-I)epufy Sheriff Thomas Brown.

blot lui of Sheriff Brown, while returning fromKn hinonr! ivsienliy was thrown from his carriage,bis team taking llight and rum.lng away. Uowasnicked up uncouscioiis and conveyed to his homo.Ile received serious) internal injuries, and iain acritical condition.

A lien I TU "fl MM I-\ XE IF- YUKS".

"A markeri eliarneterisfie of the morn importantboildingi ia New-York ol late year-," nid an arch-iteci to a Tbibobb ronner, ii their soidity.Look at Hu: Produce Exchange Building now iiicoiiBtruciion ; what massiveness tli'-rt-is in it* ex-

pieasion; in die Mdis buddinu, the Tribune Buildmg anti oi hers st at,-red a.l over i ho citv al interv tis,you will find bow atrootBiwa bunt with aa atten¬tion to .lei,.il, aud willi ibo it ur msw oi permanence.Tbe centre ur bust ess portion td tbe cry is becoavlag toora aboroogblj bb ahlished now each year.I bera xx ill be obangea, ami it will extend ns area,but it will bc maik d by a better clasa of buildings,J .ike snell HS 1 lin V'' incut KUI e. I, bete S no lei*'1.1win they Bhonldnol las" lor eenuin.'*, limit of

xv .til masai vc sloan ti leanings, they ure cal-(iiii'c., lostaod tbo climatic chsaaea: they are .t»

nearly liri proof as li i* poa abb t.. ama building ;no min. ii ii is inure fireproof thoa brick, ead a tea*st' ry s.ructure built ni Hus niaiiin-r mav be ma

prtlYOd lo atlit tile coliViMllcllett ililli ili.cltsts ol

changing generations, bat they \xil aol be torndown j l.c.v bib too ooetly. Von oboenra ibo bealvx r'e. now is mainly ol bruk willi si..ne trimmingsand tORS-OOttS .-rna ..ei.t."

" ls there as much nun work no*- in now build¬ing* f "

i bare . conaldeTBble yd it nakes light, sight*ly boildlagB, but compared wit) those i im-e re-leir.d lot itv u i- *hoil lived. Inc tribune Build-las under the re. 1 nal omer of things vnii sm viveeeo Hies withoot showing i's age, bal an iron.tr.i. tun nu..et re, w.n begin, 1 thing,lo shntx the xx cglu ut yt-ala hy thc t lu.i ol n. u *,[ceutury. The bou ago baa gone by in Rew-Tora.

ci. x .lih UH" ll xv.is.iil Its 1,eight, .IS Willies tbsblocks of ii.ui OBI lui-ig* in ....rei and timms eta.ami botoW Canal-xt. lt wus all iron then. llvt.nil.! .. au inti i ry to trace tbs Bari*ona periods of architecture In New-Yora from thotim. <>t th, log auia baili by (heii,.*i Lmtcbe ttiera.

rj ls bsiug repasted now | wa aie goiug b:iuk,'iiiu t,il- s."

".vu to log iiui* f".i ked toe reBorter,"Sn, ut _.k;Ii ibat. 1 be in >t buildiaga of auv

imp i,..tn that were cobb roi '..! "ti Manhattanxvc l mi. ., or ul'.it .niii Hun.ti,d fur the our-

lou know what ibo) tua..e. Itv the oilV. a hu,g,on Hotel a il;bc nd Lui.b thanh, ao

liii.iy c. tim tabed, when tln-v wi re vvcii into theirsc cou.I tem mi. lu* kr k ni In. in waa like Hint.growing banter witb age. aad tbe Bortai wat es-..ii-iiii ii tc ii. Nc i v .ill those ssrliei buildingsi .ui ti ii.i.-.i in N W'iork,aad iode-sl, i tin uk. thosebuilt uniti nearly fitly or sixty fears 'go. wen "fbi,«k Look dowu tbe aide atreeta oil tho Battery.

i "tue etty daring tbe kVruiutiou booliter, anti the portia i nm nt aft**] the " gieal lireof III Oo up toWB B"W, thlougii ihe

lilly yi rs, «i id oa ¦.¦ all ai a bi ti k

plain aad ofiou cheepi,) haili, bul till saostsutisl,ami bold., g tin ll .-¦

* i. About Flyou ba-gin to strike brown itonei et intervals far-tberdowu, Earlier thao thia In pronuueui build*mils iiui I'iiiI marule, ai ia tea rt"s wb

li. .Nu iiuiiii(i..vciiiinen -i-i thc eunice!BJUIiuplrxs in its pUblll 111 ll ixl lil _.M ol the city, oli treugth and permanent*-, I bey nts largelyin -t j ie, vt, pi un :....i sxpen res, bal vt ni |,loiu na iln city, I in v v.ic tut, pl .in ead sspen-aire to sail lue tas*soi ibo period, snd don't »..( a tobare been ca-pie largely, though the Asttit lia 11 tl lion of neal I "i wem t -nv.- v. ur* and dur¬ing tb* a t, ii,;, me Bini brae ns one h ul lull sway,alni nu V c le it Itt l.i. int li li lu ls. Ul ic .pi I-1 nie inc ,is mon li¬llie I*, 'ii..i. ' ii .- t. .. per, i of iron Hit' xv .-

imp ipeaki gsnoot, .-".'i towarda Its declloe a

Dawrra hallowed by the introduction ofgranite, the bquiUble Building sud tue Post <>fhoe are rein of this, thal m i iii ail dsfrots of styleuiK< -' against ihsui, are imposing ami ((pul io aay*t ,.'i,g l ii .1 pu c. tl ibi'iu, in hiv "I'liii'ii. I heyate a ii nt 11 be pn si-Hi period, tba forerunners oiit. Ibis period bsa slres-iy in a abort Hum donemore io ..c.nmfv New-York and i" kara la.stmg\,i taiorj "f ita orchil ctureto thu tuiur.- Utanaay equal number of year* in lbs ji.st. it is notibu.ug.i v.t aad it will require tbe n.-xi twenty*lin- -.cns to show wba ii ii.is i Uti i.-I, lt may be-.ni tu ii.iv. Began witb ihe tribune Ituti.ln.gBad the M r.t. rn lui.'ti, uiui now it would r;il«column* ni \our paper io dtStlibe tln-in all. I beyan-not all m.eil ls in style-.Bookin, I suppose,woiil.i sb..vx a gnni iiiifiv Bews and much b.ni i_*tc.but tin gun ul m'-iil ..ul Borer a good dual ulc ir.i

" \s bal I* tbs prim Ipsl atsne being u.s.ci nowt"iiskci the npoi i.r.

l'i." i. il. iii kindsi lime ¦tun.-, Bandmarule snd granite Brown etona bsa fallsu intoiliarepnte somewhat, bet ans** it aealea *,,. bal 1ibiiik ib il l* ii. tu e ll lins not been lani pi.ip. rivaa a rule, sad baa nut id a tail lest, lue nev\ 'binill billies j baie un.hi *t.uni have iii.kI-bss ot an Ici .na Inn. stans. Various saodaloueauara b n u-¦.!, bal tbe n eal popular nut now isa Scot* h *audsi. .! i .ri i.-.i ic ii i ai 11 sic, Mot bi ml.

i.i .. in,i groin,doronot seale and i* aaa] iav..uk. inti. iiuit,c ia ron -. vi re on min v stones.Vin I.iv. se. ii h.. iu,ck iii-ni iu tbs new OperaHun*.- md bal III the Casino. There ls abo au

imp'lieu brick being ii*, d in thc citv. bn ni tr b I romBlighted, it ts a imif color, glased, iiml coatsnb'ui 14 ceota per brick, It bi lo be naanlaoturedbv a brm up (he lln.L.iii, I ll.i vu lie.nd, iii-.lt )cur,uii.l vi .Il louie cheaper."


" ({firing iii Ihe South ruiil Southwest," saidcolonel Uik. tbs preaidral ol ibo Louisvil .. Jorkej(-llllltlleotlicrdsy I" l Ililli SK repolin,"luis llfVt I lieeutn b inure |iu,s| rruu* and litalthy coinlition

ii .tn at |.raaf nt. lu ls?'J lt was Bt li* veryloxvctt lim. Mses c.in "ms it bs* riddenon s r dlui lug at'-" 1 to .uecea*. until lt lm* BOhBSOSdmany Hue a tbs value of the ki-at Industry ol tbo wonUt-rinl Ulue-frrass eouati v."

.. Iii. tl" .|ua!;tj of tint dor*-* tucr*a*ed tn the tameproportion I" L'n.iueatisniihly. The great breeders have hern

Imporiin the Best Stallions frntn Knglitnd mul Francetor rear*. I lien til" marra buve naen trefnu- ami Inlalli-t-titlx hud iiiull wax Iibv* b lase ol hones (hut. Iflimy tin nut .ui'tnia* ihe laigliah tiioriiuglihredt. c-riuliilv-elli tl tlinn. bt-saOOS our mare , I tnlnk, are brtter thanthe Kngllali marc*: ami thea wc havo tim adi-nata-o oftbs bine gr.i** stn! Haaeateos «.ttrr Tran ins imrae*vv Itle.i hain BOBO sent ovor to Bugla0*l and wiih li bavawon, I think tliBt we huve piodiiceil anpc-rii.r liioroilgli-biriiant hg.ii walsbtaood lon. dial ti i. i,f course,ti..- i.n.ii-ti raoshorse . an- masaiBcaui -uuuai*, hut eorahave toa greater staying powsrs."

In, \ iii tim. lt tbat there. 1* a (1. -aire to BBgtBCt BrSStVlng for "rae ug I"

.. (tu tin- eu drury I think there it a tendency on thepart of uiH.iy m the atora iiroiulusnt gentteuMo to retireflinn rsetSS IO devoid llnlr entire ut.em inn to breeding.1 HUI very anny IO BOO SOCS BBUiaa Se August Jlcliuuni,Bowen B Oo. aod Miltan Vnuiu. distapt-e-irti.a from tue

turf, lie.'iu.*e He' ci. al lia ol K<-> nohla, Kieliar.la, *iIc(Jr.ilbaaa others m..'.'-u. ...y eeesoetra. 'Jin- result of tulawill bc thai thuae wbu reinnin un lim turf will l.uvo to

guard Its lOtStOSI uuicl. ino!a curelully. BO«l Ul 'bl* eort-nncilou lt I* proper lo urg* lim eatubli.btueiitof a .National jm ¦key chit). BOOM legislationnitiat be uieii. lol en ..limier Bt toter, and tim sooner nmbc-ner for tim protection of thc-turf, m order thut auy-tBIns sog-rsstira of fraud sen bu reaesedh" tbe adoslion of u set ot I'llll B which, lite Ibe (OliBtltlltl .n of tn,

U altad Bute*, shall (m- u* "er all, proieeting hreeders,ovvimia, Homcli.t i. ma, I lie general public and Ml eiii|i!u>esassaaotad s'tb "acing, tba poor sim Ike Ignorant us

wed bs tbe neb. 'I be naaoctsiioiishould adopt laws gov¬erning betting xvliien will serve both tbs layer ami titterid miine; fur. If inc subject of U-tungi* .gnuicil. oue oftbe principal raaaeos way tosca -ihuuiii be n Nuiuiiialelev eiuii wiuilil be overlooked. Tbe aubjuui ut

weights to bs earried thoald also iio dttcusssu; and.lt no riilca were set tinily adopted, BtBcltagrseuient couldbe inn.ie .lia! un BO ul Iel u coi lui ii dad toora ehoald BCs geic ral lacrosse witn a alluing .cain .'or aoofe momb,ibm weald lie -aiiaf-ctoiy lu tbe Boot. West aud Sautu,This 1 ciiiiaiiici idaiiiy Important, baeaase it xvoui.i t. mltu lulim nie nielli;*; luteiest* ol toe B nt, Smith aiul WeetInto oiui'li eb.aer rebttlsiiNitlp. 1 ne sootier lids I* duuetue better lor (bu bleeding Int-reata of tbel.'nlied i-t.itca. There arr in my other ciuestiotis of lintporillUce Winch xvuulil COlUe up, snell SS Ibo Bp] ullllllii'llful »iewii la !. (-..iialili-t OPPSOlS fn.lu the itet-inluii* oJudg.-s or Stewards of u-aoel.dinna tu prev.-ut a con

biol of lulen-* . a* to dato* cUiuiud, the rluntto chitin Bini register Sslsrs, to iun bur*'* undar HatuitiiC'l SaBBSS, to name und cliiuittxtbs nsuieB of borss* during the progress of n meetlBgA""ve ail we ned tbe adoption ot suuie rules looking to

tiie a|i(.rem e. allin, lualiuotiou uud grssrsl Biota looof lim lal ge ti hui t>> I ot inlnoi * Ulai ll ia iiaccn.ii x lo lu

ploy lu lu- lnteie.at cu lucius. 1 .urn ure *o mun r persous aiul so many late st* i.. ne piottctcd thut I lu pe Bti.-. 11 tik muy be ari Bug " beforu tbe opening of the *«*-¦on."

.' WIit ar* yon i ,.... .lou* to have a IxfutloiiBl club be¬fore m it aesaoul""Tue renault I* that I think tbs racing tiitsr-at* nf nett

yetar will be gieuur limn they over have beenbefore. Tor thc Keiitueuy Herb", wbiouwill bs run on Muy Ti, thert ors tasny

fstt horses sntered. Among these are Lord Raglanf'ardltiei MoCloa.ey, Barnes, Bondholder, i tntartiand Pimater, beside* many* dark ones. The lst*B-SSt Iithis rsee ls blooming greater every yeal-. Breedera aro nor oontent unless their stables aro credited ivluhuvlug won one li, roy, wtnle tho publlo are *o lntcrc-nlcitbst people will wnlk ten mile* io ace the race."" What is thought of Illudoo'a having been sent to Uh

stud."" There ls a.est deal of iBflsfaetlon eiprcused. and

much is anticipated. Hindoo is considered one of thcgrc-te-t bones that were ever bred. I anw DeaeSStei*n1lJ liladlateur win theKughsn Herby, and b-tii-ve tuatHindoo could have given them weight and won."

MA tUM *T Ly / ffLLJGMUOX.1*111 A.TURf" *J."*.ANAC-T').OAY.

BtiBrl***.7:'.'5;aet*.4i40iM<)ODrl*et D34! Mooa'aage, days, 24am.i faros r i-.ui

<f;*l-m*o<sT Hoot. '.:) 9Hov. latani*. 3 0"; Hell Ott-, 4;5.Kjf.-asnarutjoii. -_:4-j, Gov laitna, 3:-'''; Hall Oats, 617


VttttL FromIAn*.('a!'1(*r» .1-srseillea.French

'.Jd *.lilt.niltar.Anchor.1 lie ytt'-an.London.National.UeimuuH.Bermuda.Quebec.san nia*-.. .. Aaplnwall.HactUo MaU.''**»r*r-VV.( lyda.West f lillie*......^.Clydos.Notting HUI.Mverpool.Huist. of lF-aulyivanla...,(i!aago*-' .stat-.,"7'"nl-.nissKo-r .Anchor.V'1'''* .Hamburg. H'b'g American.D. Htelnuiann. Antwerp .Whit-("rosa.l.rlti.h hinpire.Havana 4Mexico.. \levsudai's.Ferlerro .Ilavni. Preach Trans.

THURSDAY, JAN'l'AKT 4.Horrters-t. .Bristol.Great Western.Lake Manitoba.Liverpool.Beaver.1'ollut.Amsteni.-im.Boya! Net*-.


Jesse.Mart, port*.>fe-. A New-York.Bonan.ur.-men....'.N. c ;er. Lloyd,

Adnatk.l.tv..<pool.whi o Htsr.AHaa.West Indie*.Atlas.



ABBJVBOHtc-merOalllatBi-. Hain*. Liverpool Dec* 23, Qneenstown

21, with nds« Bi.d pa-tcntc-. m lo Vsrnoa ii Brown «fc Co.Meaner vverlii (Bri. Hpcck, Newca»tle lu day*, with nulli

to W il I li.iinp.4on A Co.HteamerHirtUxotT-iiia, Rl*k, Galveston M day*, with BBSS)

Bli'! pa-SSSfSrStO C ll Mallory A Co.i letiiner Knickerbocker. Ki-mblo, -vJew-OrleauB 0 day*,

willi iinlae and paa-ciii;'ra to (4 ll Heaman.s-t earner iironilelai. Hines, leniiuntina Dcxc! 21, and Port

Hot al m. with uni** and passenger.* to c (I Mallory rt.- osteamer t battuhoorhaa. i'.igt.*ii. ¦savanu-.b, xxiu. mtlao and

passengersto Beni Yen re, jr.->i.-»tnar h4rleatc.it. i.o. kwood Charl'aton 3 day*, wita

*-.. ince ¦ to J w cjiiintii.-it « Co.steamer lienriaetor. ItK.i.ii. Wilmington, with mdse and

¦ri tu a tn i' Clrds * to.steamer ItecuUtor, Diane, Wllmuigton, with mdao to

Win f flyn.. .'.steamer (iiyamtutte. Kelly. Richmond. Norfolk and (Ity

Poll cr 11 h taiiasaod paSBSWSn ta Old Dominion-a Cn.st...mer N'eteti*. be_i».<\ Hoaton. with unlae and passengers

IO ll I llli'l'i, i

Ship .intm .ere PrerichB. nrern'n 49 daya, wltb emptyban ela tn older, veasel io I deo Huger.acnsar-Wind at sandy Book, light, NW; elnar. At

City Island, theaain*.ci Fa H Er*.

Steamer Catalonia | Br). Gill, Liverpool.Vernon H BrownA (o.-teamer Pu'lvla rtr>. Donaldson, 'liaxtrow. Herderson Bro*

flor lr, .-eiv.iii, nayro Louisd* niluan.i»-e.ui.r Caracas, Hopkins. Lagua,i_.Moulton, lilisa .ft

-icitnef Pautiago. Falrclotb, St Jago and Cicufuegos.Js*. EWu il ,i ..Steamer Neptune, flrrrv, Huston-H F Diniock.(-(earner hm Dominion. Walker. Norfont. City Point and

Blebmood.Old Dominion H* Co.Meamer tticbaott-, v'.n. eui. West Point,Va.Old Dominion

S N o.siMin.r Ylrgiul*. Crocker, Phlladclphla-Wm P Clyde A.

Co-hip -ultan fir Mai ka. Ininti.in J F Whitney A Ca.-hip Ha elKou Fltb.Gardiner. Loudon Illowa- Do_l_iui'aNephew A Co.

fsAft.F.D. .

Bfesmera Wyotnlnr, for l.iv»rpooi: O'd Dominion. Blcfi-iniunl BhlpS li.tnlei I ¦-,. ->_Sngh-li Hamilton Flub,Loudon, liar.* L'B-Uda. Loudon, Xenia -iiBnsrtal.

l.ik. BOVSM-Ut I I ot* STBSMBBtroaaioB r lars

Lassoo. Jan 'J.Arrived. tte*iiier* Co-entlns (Rrl. BU:finiii Nsw.Yora De. IS NortBCambria Hri.Evuu*,

f. in i. li-*; 14: t.iiui»* UelltUio .Bri, Mulila w.n. Hom doDec 17.

l.ixirKH'i'i, J*n 8-Arrt.atl. *t*ame.(i ivt.rott.in Fir.. Klg-bv. flinn New. i ei « Deo 'JJ. I'.rlll-Ji ( ruwu Bi Ki i-fth fromIMillBdelidiia Deo'Jl

IIW, lan J Arriced. »te*mer» Sute nf Nebraaks (Hr),. '.lin New Yurt Dec'J! Iiet otila .(liri. YOOBC rrtOB

New. lora Dec- 18. mid I ni ni»*l* Uri. **in»ll from .lo 1)-. '.'j.milli. ItBBBltr etaioof a ISIrSWB iBr-, vi >.ne. tor New.

Tts.B UTI BAMPTOB, Jan 2.Amrert, ateamcr Pbe'n 'ler). Win.

tai, ftnm BSW-Vork Der -J on her way Jo ll-Axiixu.it lil. Jan 1-Airlvea, .teamer Iinl.a Uer), Haber-

laa I. f-oin sew V-irlt I-in 11.. Jan-J-Arnved, *tf-4tner camdon (Hr), I'zyne, from

iimaaw Dee te.linn, Jan ^.Arnveti, atramer Crans (Un, Botilneon, from

Ni-. Vj k Dat ll.

Il xv*-!. Jan 2 Arrived, steamer City of Washington, Rey-di'.I*. from hSW.YS k on h'r way to Metlcau port*.

ffOBBIO.-4 -tidi'i'l n i

BOBIOB. JBS1 Arrlv.sl. a-ram-r. lowa'Hr). Watter*. Uv*ur ./. nunn'.mt Waight, ttavaaaas.

i learrd, aleainer lieniian ibelg', E)Ier. Antwerp via New-Vet a amt -al ed)

I'iiii tOBtanBA, Jan 2.Arrived, alesmsra City of Marou andCoast**.

learad. (teamer* Lord Gnu ,-b. Liverpool'. Saxon, Boaton;4»iiiw. New.V'urk.-n 4-.-( xii. Jin. '.'.Arrived *teamt>r» Deaning »ud City of

Sagnsta, New Yura; .'ur t . l".!l iHprda.hal.ed. ateamcr Wm Lowrtaea, baltimore.


An ntfrnrtlvc, voothfal nppr.-irnnoe will he..- inti', br ladle* ming Ps'aer a Hslt- Ballam.

" Hiiclni-I'iiihii." Quick, coniplote ciirtj, allinn.tying Kidney and I'rlnary dlaoaaea. fl.

("km rriii*..("randill's hUmif Kxfeniion Sa**e-i» l ti rut'h. niitila lix- I'otucr.y i'r.ucc ioni.au/. No.7-JJin. 4i!xx*y, corder ol loib-at. Crutobe- repeuae.

Hr. B. H. nrittati *:ivs : "An ft rilli* phvsl-r »nx il-iU'.t. l.y their pi ul.-*.Ional uieilioda, bnl d np the fa¬ne...- ronetltatlnn wnl'e ll saasstawhich III* lt*b * in mir vmlt.l" nn.ite ...ul limier sal Impse-lill tl* Hits'Iva Spacial ixsowdls* ara otl*m reqalnd to ra>Itara OtgantS bsrmOBI .'i"l *H' ..ttl hen Ibe enfee le eil puwer*if xxeiiiantco j ard tor tno-l of tba** irs am IndsBtSd lolier.otia outalde of the madieal pr.ile.ann. Auimig ihe veryir.t,,' ihe.e reatwilaB I Bolga . r .m:neut p.ace to Mra.I.ydla E l'ltiklism'a Vtgetauie i ouipcuuil."

(iliitc-n (-"itppotxiloripsi rtiic' i-oiiRtipalioii and[lita Pbylcan* prt"c.ii!iet!i.-n. BJ U.TSFOODCO.,74 lth-»T

Rbbbt a. Dab-ua m. d..144 I^iln 'i ui-ave. I).-; .vena J Itb itiiJJ Ol .**

Rears, 8 to I, S to 7 I apots-io*. ttsriittr, Ottattst et t*a. eulio'-rinary orgBuiaud iierrou* avat em. apecialllea.

Li NDitnit','-* Kmvi-sii Cologne.Flagrant and rc'(:i<.-tlilug.

VKi.vr.T Pmipet-..Onr apocialtj. 800 dir-*far. n! a-tt*rn». fioui JJ .;.'. |tei ystd.hiiarrasn Kittrr A cu.. suth av* and EBh-tt.

STEAM.To Avoid Misapprohoiisioii,


New-York Slcam CompanyANNOUNCES

1. Timi lt I*** been *opr»lvln« .tc-nm regii!»rly le*elebt nton'ba. and I* ptepaie.l to furnlab steam in aux;

iniaiitltv on Ihs line nf il* umina at au aveiage prcssnrs of islioiiud*. liol li div ami night

¦JJ. 'Ililli Hie i.Iclenl*f*BtSSSI pipe*, and coti.ci|.ient.[xp.itiing anti reopening of the .1 reeta, partlculat ly In John an IWilburn.*!",, ainiou ibe . aat aide of iiroudwsr. and ihe es-

. * of .'e.itu from manholes oa the4e :in.-» and lu asvs bi.ttu-r inca lt le*, baa lint hln r to do with the wo t of Hil* Ooo*.i.liny «nch tioiiti ea collin: ncing ift.r tine Conintuy h.ut beenItt operation never*, mot.tint, and OS the ea*t aide of 'be elly.* Idle moat ot tiie lille* of ttil* Coin nany are on the weat Bide,

3. Hm iiianliule sad hiitidb-ile rover* of (bl* company bareN. Y. a* 4'4I cB.*t llieiaon In red letter*.

I Thi* t'ompiiay doe* not corer lr* pipe* with l*mp-tilai'k or tanbark In bOSSB of i-reosiiied board*, but use*: tx tu, white inliiotal wool in x aubatantlal toudult, usually otulick

.1 The pipes of Ibis Company rxfrnd In liroadwayfrom Bowling ((reen to Warien airest, sud are tn the rentenif ibe anent, or a little* towind the weat ali's not Ibe eaattitle i. tv lieu Ibo mm or la In tile cfiitie, Ihe BBC BS* ul sieam

lioin tba newer manboii* not ivotnlut: from tbo pipe* of thia

tiiiip.ii.y l'hta ctiiupauy a!»i baa pipe* tu Wail un et fromiiioit.itvax to Paarl atraat, uastiy aear north cum. ami h.i*Buttling to ilo with tin- tiiiinb"!** «' eatiiluar li. the cent te antim. ihe Billilli .bl" The 'lily other pipes or thia company un

Hie ei»l aide ol the elly ate Iii Pine .ireet, south *1tle. andPulton ntieet, oort elite, fioui Htoadwayto Naaaan ttnalaud 1.1 'i-i iv .ti eel, amt VI .mien Dane, south aide, from Jtroacl-wav to vv illino ri «t alan, a line via Ann atreet. Thealei ii x Beeasiaa Itrees uud i'_is now to N**h a crook's te*

lam antOn ihe Weal side tho pipes are localed In Greenwich

fium Liberty to Warren at* on ..Ibertv, cortland!. Fulio-i.\e..v, Uaiclnv. l'uik pla.o and Wm icu st*., h.tiwe.iu Ile :(d-wav and Hreeiivxleb nt tue \'e*ey-et. Pipe Hoi tiuutux a tlut tiniPti-'e sud tbe BuclBj-it. pipe otteiidlug vxesl ofWashington st

Cb Mutual Union lele«r;iph Co., Chatiisiu National Bank,sud thirteen otliei* on Broadway| Hank at New Y r. ami

tbreeotbeia on Wail-Hi., Aleiiinder Duncan and IWo otlurson l".ne..t tbe Stone ll'illdli.ij uud four olli.-ra.iu I.i n- tx *i.,

Pal kc. Duri* et Co. sn.l «lx other* en Malden laue.: NewVoraCute cr. ul a.Ixoi t.,tii, U. s, 1 Uumlnallug .... sud sevenotb r- on Ftilfoat.: Stockwell et Co., and four otbeiaon.m.,. ai >*ah 4 <r-ok In Park How S. V. lt. Cr,i»ter,Iii mt* Kui ey and tt.ii-a oilier* III HaielBv-al A. & K.I;m tn H'm a. .I lli.d. ;inil fii'.i-i.tii.'i* l.i Park place. Theo,-stewart, Well moth.-is. and .men others In W.t.nu *»t

Miiitb .s Mi Ned's rsstaaraatt Hotim elver iii.ua. and tenodiat* In (>i'c*nxvl. b at Meiinuollian Joli lin tum hi. .tit-llsliineiit. und e<Ki:t iiiner* in Vtaet-it: and (J. ii DelaiuaturA Co., aud fourtnon ullier* lu Loitlau.lt at., a.so, Uueeoihuisli..I lui slisl mi tin. Hue of hui malua, to vt bom aetvlce piyo*have been ruu through luterveulng t.ulltln.n -.

7 The airmn now Dirulabed hr ihl* Company ia¦sastslsrt at tu station " H ' ta (iiesuwich st., near Cu tlaudt,diixtiuKiiisl.ed by IIB laine homey

rt. lie linii'i ra ol Ulla lompKnv are \V. V. Andrews,I'lealdeiit,, IV liilaiu P ailinn, I lee- li e.ljent J. A. licMtwiek,Tisssiiief | H- !'- Uncle xx-.1, .-ccieutiyi Charles J., lii-err,Ei.*li.eer anti HupertulomleULAll. omtuuul. atlou* should be addressed to

THE NEW-YORK STEAM COMPANY,Vs. ii t'arilandt.st., >'*w.Yarla.

f ^£&^a^LYDIA E. PINKHAiyi*^

TOETABLE COMPOUND.A Rora Care for ail ICM ILK WEAK*N ESSES, Inclndtna I.eueen-ha-a, Ir* !ree-lar and Fainfnl .MenstxtiatioB,

Inf]i iiii.it.Hon and I Iccrotlon otthe Wo.i.b, I i....ding, I'KO- t

I. Al'-i I -i LT I Ul, Axe. \

-W*Ple**anttotl.*t-Jt>. effleae-on* anil lmmtdhvirfIn Ita effect. It ls a (reat help tn pi-ea-riancy, and rs.Uavea pain during labor and at regular period*,

raisin-jw cu it and ruttc tis- rr ntxzit.

rw*Toa au. W-*x-_mis of thefeneret're ergaagof eitlt.r sax, lt ls reco-d to n-> remedy that bsa avesbeen before the public; Bod for aU di* a»e* of tbaEtDiriT* lt 1* th* Greatest Brawdy ta th* World.

Urk ib ni: v ro iihi.aints .i i uh.r SeaFind C'reat Reliefla Ila Use.

I~PTA P. PreTKBAM'S BI/MlB Prlf/PIPRwill erad ate axery vcailre of Ui.un.i. f.om tli*B.. el,al llieaame tim. vriligivetoso andit.-.ngih totbe system. A*_t_n«_ons I a results aa tbo (. "ii jkJ'JjuI,tWR. tb th* Compound ar.d Blocd Former *re pv*.

pend at OD and 'Hu WoaXoru Avenue, Lyon, Maaa.Bric* of either, |1. Six bottle* fur .£. Tho CompcMulU Mut by mall In th* form of pill*, or of lozenges, oareoelpt of price, fl per box for allier, -rt Pmkh-tBfroely an-wtr* all letters of tnonlry. Enr|, so J centSUtnp. Semi for pamphlet. Mention (Ats Poper.nrt-*T*l* ,{. Px-nnu-*. I rv.i Pms o-re C-rrtlp*.

tlon, BillO'isi <i-« and T .rpldlty of Un.' Llvur. K cent*.

gi Sold by all OruifgUf*.-1»« co



1 AIL CL( iT II INO TRADE. WE PROPOSE TO MAKl"¦om valuable presents at the ksd oBTina month, these presents abe:






Noa. 41 and 43 Weat rourt**>ntli it,

Nsw-Yous, Detemoer HO, 1&83.Messes. Route, Purr A, co i

The nisliogsny chamber suit, mattrcsa, pillow*, Ac, yoa

have pall nt $7i'.ofor, lass good furniture as can be tate's.nywh-reor by ony ons. un*, tba bett in quslliy and dealgatbat our atock affoids.We writ* Ibis merely to indorse wbst you may aay abouS

tbete goods.Very reapoctfallor.

Brcxih A Mooan



Rogers, Peet & Co.MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTER"*.




NERVOUS SYSTEM"The lmportsnco of the nervooa system, Its power over lift

and tb." direct bearing wblcti it ha* on human happiness, ilthoroiialily reoogiilaodi lt* ns»« and the dancer of »rertai<lng lt. vrbixther through Intense inenul sppllt-ti... or by lbsexcessive Indulgence of ibe spiietlfea and propellant©*, artproper subject* for SSaaASRSBSB When the uervous syitenjtlsderansud, it la absolutely nneex-niry tu proniplly *-ea ad,vice from au expert win., for * long series of years, lim dst\-oted lila whole time and alti-utlon to thia study, and wno,from hi* experience aud practice, ba* learned to iliac-over stonce the cauae and sa promptly apply the remedy, thus avoid,lug the p tinfutlx ni..tv MBStaS tor the truth so couiinou tethe inexperienced, and so nuoyhig lo the patteat. BIBS, **rfnaturally, wiinta to kuow without delay what la the matteotb., extent nf thederaugoineui, the prouaMittiet of rocapera.Hon, and the time required.

If (beuraiu has become eihtustod br Intents mentsl appll.cation, depriving ll ol ibo po .vcr ot oonneot-4 thno'ilit, tt ettionly recover it* strength by being properly fod *nd nourishedby tbe uso of oorttln tystem nt.: methul*. It ls prei-lsoiy tbs»tme with tho nerves thai prosUs over organic lifo. Th|va'a.! of this branch of medical practice eau aciroe.ly bsoverrated, tor lt reaoliei m:irtH-_-o, tho perpetuation of famtlfustues, the securing ot tierodliary titles, aad th* retention utestatea lo tbo tam.! family.

l-'roni a long aud large experience in this dlrectl >u. I havebeen able to command by my sacco** the thankful appro.oiatlouof toma of tbe tlrst isr-ill-*" tn the oltr an I N.itlin,sud can coiniiiiinlcati- ni uti dat nerlai na to the orer-nter-lseot every department ol the nervous system and tho mean* olrecovering il* po .vera, vx hellier of brain, appetite. i>eou*a*iifor uaealon.

HENRY A. DANIELS, BL D,lMLe*on£ton-aTe., uetween 29tli& 30t_-st_.

null's. 8 TO 1 ANO STOr.
