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Log Analysis with - Nathan Hunstad

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Log Analysis Log Analysis with with Presenter: Nathan Hunstad May 2015
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Log AnalysisLog Analysiswithwith

Presenter: Nathan HunstadMay 2015

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Obligatory Disclaimer

● This talk represents my own work: I am not representing any employer, organization, or affiliated group, past, present, or future

● This talk is based on my experiences in my home lab network and not in an enterprise setting

● This is an overview only and is provided without warranty: do not rely on what you learn here for compliance or legal obligations!

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What is Log Analysis?

Not this:

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What is Log Analysis?

Or this:

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What is Log Analysis, really?

● Forensics: Reconstructing events that have already happened

● Incident Response: Acting on logs in real-time to identify, contain, and remediate security incidents

● Troubleshooting: Evaluating systems for faults or unintended behavior and fixing as necessary

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Handling Logs

● Help!

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● Splunk captures all kinds of machine data – app log files, syslog, text files, configuration files...basically any text data can be ingested

● Splunk provides a powerful search engine based on MapReduce for fast searching1

● Splunk has add-ins that allow for quickly setting up dashboards and reports for common log sources

● No, I do not work for Splunk

1 https://www.splunk.com/content/dam/splunk2/pdfs/technical-briefs/splunk-and-mapreduce.pdf

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Splunk Licensing

● Splunk Enterprise: based on log volume

● Splunk Free: fewer features, 500MB/day

– Go over? You will lose search access!– But good enough for home use

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Splunk Licensing

● Average Logging Volume

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Adding Data to Splunk

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Getting Data Into Splunk

● Splunk Forwarder

– Install on any system to read log files locally and forward to Splunk Indexer

– Versions available for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, and FreeBSD

– Configure using GUI or edit .conf files

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Getting Data Into Splunk

● Listen on port

– Splunk daemon binds to a port to listen for traffic (TCP or UDP)

– Typically used with syslog data

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Getting Data Into Splunk

● Monitor Files/Directories

– Splunk daemon monitors individual files or an entire directory for new files/changes to files

– Computes CRC and bytes read on files to detect changes

– Can automatically decompress common formats like zip files

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Getting Data Into Splunk

● Remote Hosts

– What if you can't install a forwarder on a remote host (for example, your shared web host?)

– My Solution: cron job + monitoring files

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Splunk Basics

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● Indexes are the logical buckets into which data is stored● By default, all data gets stored in the main index, but

other indexes can be defined● A number of internal indexes exist for tracking Splunk

functionality and start with _, such as _internal and _audit

● Data retention and access control* is done on a per-index basis

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● Buckets are collections of index data and metadata

● Buckets age through several stages: Hot, Warm, Cold, and Frozen

● Not terribly important for home use, but managing retention becomes important for large data sets

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My Environment

● Splunk server: located on server running CentOS

● Feeds from VMs, Windows desktops, EdgeOS router, managed switch, application logs, external website

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My Environment

● Data is split up into multiple indexes for logical grouping

● Indexes for firewall, switch, Linux, Windows, website, and BOINC events, plus a throwaway index for testing

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Windows Events

● Events from Security, Application, and System logs

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Windows Events

● PerfMon performance monitoring events

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Linux Events

● Syslog events

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Website Logs

● Multiple access logs

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Website Logs

● Apache access_combined

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Firewall Logs

● Dropped and specific accepted connections

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Switch Logs

● Connected devices

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Application Logs

● BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) events

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Basic Search Syntax

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Search Syntax

● Basic search: just type in what you want to see

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Search Syntax

● Limiting by fields

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Search Syntax

● Counting events: stats count

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Search Syntax

● Top events: top

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Search Syntax

● Bucketing events and charting: timechart

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Security Events

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Brute Force Windows

● Using ncrack against RDP

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Brute Force Windows

● Success!

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Brute Force Linux

● Using Metasploitable ssh_login module and default root_userpass.txt

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Port Scanning (External)

● Port Scanning: Same source IP, multiple destination ports

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Port Scanning (Internal)

● Port Scanning: Same source IP, multiple destination ports

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SQL Injection

● sqlmap against DVWA

● Apache logs sent to Splunk

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Blind SQL Injection

● sqlmap/DVWA

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● Persistent XSS on DVWA

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● Running mimikatz to dump hashes

● Nothing happens

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● Transactions: group events together that match a pattern

● Successful login following failed logins

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● Show attackers in a table

● index=linux | transaction host,rhost startswith="eventtype=sshd-login-failure" endswith="eventtype=ssh_open" | bucket _time span=30m | table _time, rhost

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More Splunking

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Field Extraction

● Splunk can handle some log types automatically pretty well, but adding rules for field extraction can help with searching and indexing

● A number of extractions come with Splunk ready for use, or you can add your own

● Uses regex for extraction

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● Uploading CSV files for extracting or expanding on data in logs

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● Previous timechart, now with names

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Data Models

● Data Models are a powerful way of structuring data to generate specialized searches and visualizations

● Can be used to generate pivot tables and other complex objects

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Pivot Tables

● Based on defined data models

● Display data in tabular format

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● Bringing all your data to one spot, with user-selectable attributes

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● Looking closer at the “Website Attacks” dashboard:

– Logarithmic Y-axis

– Daily Buckets

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● Grouping Events

– Attacks: index=website joomlafailure sourcetype="php_error" | transaction IP maxpause=1h maxevents=5000| where eventcount>1 | table _time, IP, eventcount

– Port Scanning: index=firewall RuleName=WAN-*default-D | bucket _time span=30 | eventstats dc(DPT) AS PortsScanned by SRC, _time | where PortsScanned > 5 | dedup SRC, PortsScanned | table SRC, PortsScanned, _time

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● Firewall Drops

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● Splunk can Geolocate IP addresses

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● Search: index=website joomlafailure sourcetype="php_error" | transaction IP maxpause=1h maxevents=5000 | where eventcount>1 | iplocation IP | geostats latfield=lat longfield=lon sum(eventcount)

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Splunk TAs

● Splunk comes with TAs (Technology add-on) with pre-defined field extractions, transformations, and dashboards

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Happy Logging!
