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Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

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Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker
Page 1: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Logic Programming

Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog.

James Brucker

Page 2: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Introduction to Logic Programming

Declarative programming describes what is desired from the program, not how it should be done

Declarative language: statements of facts and propositions that must be satisfied by a solution to the program

real(x). proposition: x is a real number.

x > 0. proposition: x is greater than 0.

Page 3: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Declarative Languages

what is a "declarative language"?

give another example (not Prolog) of a declarative language.


Page 4: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Facts, Rules, ...

What is a proposition?

What are facts?

What are rules?

What is a predicate?

What is a compound term?

Page 5: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.



likes(cat, tuna).


fish, likes

Compound terms:

likes(cat, X), fish(X)


cat, salmon, tuna


eats(cat,X) likes(cat,X), fish(X).

Page 6: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

A Really Simple Directed Graph


b c


(1) edge(a, b).

(2) edge(a, c).

(3) edge(c, d).

(4) path(X, X).

(5) path(X, Y)

edge(X, N), path(N, Y).

Question: What are the...




Page 7: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Clausal Form Problem: There are too many ways to express propositions.

difficult for a machine to parse or understand

Clausal form: standard form for expressing propositions

nm AAABBB 2121


path(X, Y) edge(X, N) path(N, Y).


Page 8: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Clausal Form Example


if there is an edge from X to N and there a path from N to Y, then there is a path from X to Y.

The above is also called a "headed Horn clause".

In Prolog this is written as a proposition or rule:

path(X, Y) edge(X, N) path(N, Y).

path(X, Y) :- edge(X, N) , path(N, Y).

Page 9: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.


A query or goal is an input proposition that we want Prolog to "prove" or disprove.

A query may or may not require that Prolog give us a value that satisfies the query (instantiation).

1 ?- edge(a,b).Yes2 ?- path(c,b).No3 ?- path(c,X).X = c ;X = d ;No

Page 10: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Logical Operations on Propositions

What are the two operations that a logic programming language performs on propositions to establish a query?

That is, how does it satisfy a query, such as:

Page 11: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.


Unification is a process of finding values of variables (instantiation) to match terms. Uses facts.

(1-3) edge(a,b). edge(a,c). edge(c,d). (Facts)

(4) path(X,X). (Rule)

(5) path(X,Y) := edge(X,N), path(N,Y). (Rule)

?- path(a,d). This is the query (goal).

Instantiate { X=a, Y=d }, and unify path(a,d) with Rule 5.

After doing this, Prolog must satisfy:

edge(a,N). This is a subgoal.

path(N,d). This is a subgoal.

Page 12: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Unification in plain English

Compare two atoms and see if there is a substitution which will make them the same.

How can we unify 6 with 5?

Let X := a

Let Y := Z

1. edge(a, b). (Fact)

5. path(X, Y) :- edge(X, N) , path(N, Y).

6. path(a, Z). (Query)

Page 13: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.


Resolution is an inference rule that allows propositions to be combined.

Idea: match the consequent (LHS) of one proposition with the antecedent (RHS term) of another.

).()( then)()( If









Examples are in the textbook and tutorials.

Page 14: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Resolution Example

How can we unify 6 with 5?

Let X := a

Let Y := Z


1. edge(a, b). (Fact)

5. path(X, Y) :- edge(X, N) , path(N, Y).

6. path(a, Z). (Query)

Page 15: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.


Resolution is an inference rule that allows propositions to be combined.

Idea: match the consequent (LHS) of one proposition with the antecedent (RHS term) of another.

).()( then)()( If









Examples are in the textbook and tutorials.

Page 16: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

How to handle failures

Prolog can work backwards towards the facts using resolution, instantiation, and unification.

As it works, Prolog must try each of several choices.

These choices can be stored as a tree.

?- path(a,d). The goal.

Unify: unify path(a,d)with Rule 5 by instantiate { X=a,Y=d }

Subgoal: edge(a,N).

Instantiate: N=b which is true by Fact 1.

Subgoal: path(b,d).

Unify: path(b,d)with Rule 5: path(b,d) :- edge(b,N),path(N,d)

Failure: can't instantiate edge(b,N) using any propositions.

Page 17: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

How to handle failures (2) When a solution process fails, Prolog must undo some of the

decisions it has made.

This is called backtracking.

same as backtracking you use in recursion.

Marks a branch of the tree as failed.

Page 18: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

How it Works (1)

There are 2 search/execution strategies that can be used by declarative languages based on a database of facts.

1. Forward Chaining

2. Backward Chaining

what are the meanings of these terms?

Page 19: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

How it Works (2)

1. Forward Chaining

2. Backward Chaining

Which strategy does Prolog use?

Under what circumstances is one strategy more effective than the other?

Consider two cases:

large number of rules, small number of facts

small number of rules, large number of facts

Page 20: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

PROLOG: PROgramming in LOGic

The only "logic" programming language in common use.

Page 21: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

3 Parts of a Prolog Program

1. A database contains two kinds of information.

What information is in a database?

2. A command to read or load the database.

in Scheme you can use load("filename")

in Prolog use consult('filename')

3. A query or goal to solve.

Page 22: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.


ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y).

ancestor(X,Y) :- ancestor(X,Z), ancestor(Z,Y).

parent(X,Y) :- mother(X,Y).

parent(X,Y) :- father(X,Y).

father(bill, jill).

mother(jill, sam).

mother(jill, sally).

File: ancestors.pl

Page 23: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Query the Ancestors

?- consult('/pathname/ancestors.pl').

ancestor(bill,sam).Yes?- ancestor(bill,X).X = jill ;X = sam ;ERROR: Out of local stack?- ancestor(X,bob).ERROR: Out of local stack

Page 24: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Understanding the Problem

You need to understand how Prolog finds a solution.

ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y).

ancestor(X,Y) :- ancestor(X,Z), ancestor(Z,Y).

parent(X,Y) :- mother(X,Y).

parent(X,Y) :- father(X,Y).




Depth-first search causes immediate recursion

Page 25: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.



factorial(N,N*M) :- factorial(N-1,M). The factorial of 0 is 1.

The factorial of N is N*M if the the factorial of N-1 is M

File: factorial1.pl

?- consult('/path/factorial1.pl'). ?- factorial(0,X).X = 1Yes?- factorial(1,Y).ERROR: Out of global stack

Page 26: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Query Factorial

?- consult('/path/factorial1.pl'). ?- factorial(2,2).No?- factorial(1,X).ERROR: Out of global stack

?- 2*3 = 6.No?- 2*3 = 2*3.Yes

Problem: Arithmetic is not performed automatically.

?- 6 is 2*3.Yes?- 2*3 is 6.No


l-value = r-value ?

Page 27: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Arithmetic via Instantiation: is

"=" simply means comparison for identity.

factorial(N, 1) :- N=0.

"is" performs instantiation if the left side doesn't have a value yet.

product(X,Y,Z) :- Z is X*Y.

this rule can answer the query:


Answer: N = 12. but it can't answer:


Page 28: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

is does not mean assignment!

This always fails: N is N - 1.

% sumto(N, Total): compute Total = 1 + 2 + ... + N.

sumto(N, 0) :- N =< 0.

sumto(N, Total) :=

Total is Subtotal + N,

N is N-1, always fails

sumto(N, Subtotal).

?- sumto(0, Sum).

Sum = 0.


?- sumto(1, Sum).


Page 29: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

is : how to fix?

How would you fix this problem?

% sumto(N, Total): compute Total = 1 + 2 + ... + N.

sumto(N, 0) :- N =< 0.

sumto(N, Total) :=

N1 is N-1, always fails

sumto(N1, Subtotal),

Total is Subtotal + N.

?= sumto(5, X).

Page 30: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Factorial revised


factorial(N,P) :- N1 is N-1,

factorial(N1,M), P is M*N.


The factorial of 0 is 1.

factorial of N is P

if N1 = N-1

and factorial of N1 is M

and P is M*N.

File: factorial2.pl

Page 31: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Query Revised Factorial

?- consult('/path/factorial2.pl'). ?- factorial(2,2).Yes?- factorial(5,X).X = 120Yes

?- factorial(5,X).X = 120 ;ERROR: Out of local stack?- factorial(X,120).

but still has some problems...

request another solution

Page 32: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Factorial revised again


factorial(N,P) :- not(N=0), N1 is N-1,

factorial(N1,M), P is M*N.

File: factorial3.pl

?- factorial(5,X).X = 120 ;No?-

Makes the rules mutually exclusive.

Page 33: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Readability: one clause per line


factorial(N,P) :- not(N=0), N1 is N-1,

factorial(N1,M), P is M*N.


factorial(N,P) :-


N1 is N-1,


P is M*N.


Page 34: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Finding a Path through a Graph

edge(a, b).edge(b, c). edge(b, d).edge(d, e). edge(d, f).path(X, X).path(X, Y) :- edge(X, Z), path(Z, Y).



c d

e f?- edge(a, b).Yes?- path(a, a).Yes?- path(a, e).Yes?- path(e, a).No

Page 35: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

How To Define an Undirected Graph?

edge(a, b).edge(b, c). edge(b, d).edge(d, e). edge(d, f).edge(X, Y) := not(X=Y), edge(Y, X).path(X, X).path(X, Y) :- edge(X, Z), path(Z, Y).



c d

e f

?- edge(b, a).Yes?- path(a, b).Yes?- path(b, e).No

Page 36: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Queries and Answers

When you issue a query in Prolog, what are the possible responses from Prolog?

% Suppose "likes" is already in the database

:- likes(jomzaap, 219212). % Programming Languages.


:- likes(papon, 403111). % Chemistry.


:- likes(Who, 204219). % Theory of Computing?

Who = pattarin

Does this mean Papon doesn't like Chemistry?

Page 37: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Closed World Assumption

What is the Closed World Assumption?

How does this affect the interpretation of results from Prolog?

Page 38: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

List Processing

[Head | Tail] works like "car" and "cdr" in Scheme. Example:

?- [H | T ] = [a,b,c,d,e].


H = a

T = [b,c,d,e]

This can be used to build lists and decompose lists. Can use [H|T] on the left side to de/construct a list:

path(X, Y, [X|P]) :-

edge(X, Node),

path(Node, Y, P).

Page 39: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

member Predicate

Test whether something is a member of a list

?- member(a, [b,c,d]).


can be used to have Prolog try all values of a list as values of a variable.

?- member(X, [a1,b2,c3,d4] ).

X = a1

X = b2

X = c3

Page 40: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

member Predicate example Use member to try all values of a list. Useful for problems like

Queen safety enumerating possible rows and columns in a game.

% dumb function to find square root of 9

squareroot9(N) :-


9 is N*N.

Page 41: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

appending Lists

?- append([a,b],[c,d,e],L).

L = [a,b,c,d,e]

append can resolve other parameters, too:

?- append(X, [b,c,d], [a,b,c,d] ).

X = a

?- append([],[a,b,c],L).

L = [a,b,c]

Page 42: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Defining your own 'append'

append([], List, List).

append([Head|Tail], X, [Head|NewTail]) :-

append(Tail, X, NewTail).

Page 43: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Type Determination

Prolog is a weakly typed language. It provides propositions for testing the type of a variable


var(X) X is a variable

nonvar(X) X is not a variable

atom(A) A is an atom

integer(K) K is an integer

real(R) R is a floating point number

number(N) N is an integer or real

atomic(A) A is an atom or a number or a string

functor(T,F,A) T is a term with functor F, arity A

T =..L T is a term, L is a list.

clause(H,T) H :- T is a rule in the program

Page 44: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Tracing the Solution

?- trace.

[trace] ?- path(a,d).

Call: (8) path(a, d) ? creep

Call: (9) edge(a, _L169) ? creep

Exit: (9) edge(a, b) ? creep

Call: (9) path(b, d) ? creep

Call: (10) edge(b, _L204) ? creep

Exit: (10) edge(b, c) ? creep

Call: (10) path(c, d) ? creep

Call: (11) edge(c, _L239) ? creep

^ Call: (12) not(c=_G471) ? creep

^ Fail: (12) not(c=_G471) ? creep

Fail: (11) edge(c, _L239) ? creep

Fail: (10) path(c, d) ? creep

Redo: (10) edge(b, _L204) ? creep

Page 45: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Solution Process

Stack Substitution (Instantiation)

[path(a,c), path(X,X)]

[path(a,c), path(a,a)] X = a


[path(a,c), path(X,X)]

[path(a,c), path(c,c)] X = c


(1) path(X,X).

(2) path(X,Y) := edge(X,Z), path(Z,Y).

?- path(a,c).

Page 46: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Solution Process (2)

Stack Substitution (Instantiation)

[path(a,c), path(X,Y)] (Rule 2)

[path(a,c), path(a,Y)] X = a

X = a, Y = c

edge(a,Z), path(Z,c) new subgoals

edge(a,b), path(b,c) X = a, Y = c, Z = b

path(b,c) edge(a,b) is a fact - pop it.

(1) path(X,X).

(2) path(X,Y) := edge(X,Z), path(Z,Y).

?- path(a,c).

Page 47: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

What does this do?

% what does this do?

sub([], List).

sub([H|T], List) :-

member(H, List),

sub(T, List).

Page 48: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

What does this do?

% what does this do?

foo([], _, []).

foo([H|T], List, [H|P]) :-

member(H, List),

foo(T, List, P).

foo([H|T], List, P) :-

not( member(H, List) ),

foo(T, List, P).

Underscore (_) means "don't care".

It accepts any value.

Page 49: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Max Function

Write a Prolog program to find the max of a list of numbers: max( List, X). max( [3, 5, 8, -4, 6], X).

X = 8. Strategy:

use recursion divide the list into a Head and Tail. compare X to Head and Tail. Two cases:

Head = max( Tail ). in this case answer is X is Head. X = max( Tail ) and Head < X.

what is the base case?

Page 50: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Max Function

% max(List, X) : X is max of List members

max([X], X). base case

max([H|Tail], H) :- 1st element is max

max(Tail, X),

H >= X.

max([H|Tail], X) :- 1st element not max

complete this


Page 51: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Towers of Hanoi

% Move one diskmove(1,From,To,_) :- write('Move top disk from '), write(From), write(' to '), write(To), nl.

% Move more than one disk.move(N,From,To,Other) :- N>1, M is N-1, move(M,From,Other,To), move(1,From,To,_), move(M,Other,To,From).

See tutorials at:

www.csupomona.edu and


Page 52: Logic Programming Some "declarative" slides on logic programming and Prolog. James Brucker.

Learning Prolog

The Textbook - good explanation of concepts

Tutorials: http://www.thefreecountry.com/documentation/

onlineprolog.shtml has annotated links to tutorials.

http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/classes/cmps112/Spring03/languages/prolog/PrologIntro.pdf last section explains how Prolog resolves queries using a stack and list of substitutions.

http://cs.wwc.edu/~cs_dept/KU/PR/Prolog.html explains Prolog syntax and semantics.

http://www.csupomona.edu/~jrfisher/www/prolog_tutorial/contents.html has many examples
