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  • 7/27/2019 LOGO_CLIN HANDBOOK L4_2010.doc


    Athens Metropolitan CollegeAMC

    Department of Speech Therapy

    in collaboration with

    Queen Margaret UniversityEdinburgh

    B.Sc. (Hons.) in Logopaedics

    Clinical Handbook 4

    Level 4


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    Athens Metropolitan College Clinical Handbook Level 4Department of Speech Therapy



    1. Making Contact.......................................................................................................................2

    2. Health and Safety in Clinical Settings .................................................................................3

    2.1 Introductory points............................................................................................................32.2 Oral examination and intra-oral exercises........................................................................3

    2.3 Dysphagia Swallowing Disorders..................................................................................3

    3. Professional Issues..................................................................................................................3

    3.1 Confidentiality ................................................................................................................3

    3.2 Client Files ....................................................................................................................3

    3.3 Attendance and Punctuality ...........................................................................................4

    4. The role of the Clinical Tutor (CT).........................................................................................4

    4.1 Orienting and Supporting the student in the Clinical Context ......................................4

    4.2 Supporting the students acquisition of clinical skills......................................................4

    5. Session Plans ..........................................................................................................................5

    6. Clinical Portfolio.....................................................................................................................56.1 Portfolio activities............................................................................................................5

    6.2 Portfolio task 1 (Level 4, Semester 1)...............................................................................6

    6.3 Portfolio task 2 (Level 4, Semester 2)...............................................................................6

    7. Assessment..............................................................................................................................7

    7.1 Practical Assessment in Level 4 .......................................................................................7

    7.2 Clinical portfolio assessment............................................................................................7

    7.3 Failing practical and clinical evaluation assessment.........................................................7

    7.4 Awarding a placement grade.............................................................................................8

    8. Filling in the Clinical Report Form (Clinicians Grading).....................................................8

    9. Awarding a grade....................................................................................................................9

    9.1 Criteria..............................................................................................................................9

    9.2 Marking the CRF............................................................................................................10


    Appendix I Clinicians Grading Form......................................................................................12

    Appendix II Clinicians Half-way Comments..........................................................................22

    Appendix III CTP IV Assessment Protocol .............................................................................23

    Document preparation: Ms Anthi ChaidaContributors: Dr Maria Mastropavlou, Ms Maria Boyiatzi, Ms Niki Valsami

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    Athens Metropolitan College Clinical Handbook Level 4Department of Speech Therapy


    This handbook was designed to complement the B.Sc. (Hons.) in Logopaedics StudentHandbook by providing specific information on students Clinical Practice. This Handbookshould be used in conjunction with the Clinical Handbooks designed for each Level of the

    course both by students and clinical supervisors. All Clinical Handbooks were based on theHandbooks designed for the B.Sc. (Hons.) in Speech and Language Therapy, delivered atQueen Margaret University (QMU). The QMU Handbooks were adapted to the needs of theB.Sc. (Hons.) in Logopaedics programme, the structure of its clinical practice and theneeds of its students.

    1. Making Contact

    All placements undertaken by Speech and Language Therapy students at Metropolitan College areorganized by the Placement Team:

    Clinical Practice Coordinator Level 3 TutorMrs Anthi Chaida Mrs Terry DontisTel: 210-6199891 Tel: 210-6199891Fax : 210-6199320 Fax: 210-6199320

    E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Metropolitan CollegeDepartment of Speech Therapy74 Sorou St.151 25 Maroussi Athens

    Placements are ALWAYS organized through the placement team.

    For general information appropriate to clinical placements throughout the course, students areobliged to consult the general guidelines for Student Placements.

    Semester Placements are currently organised according to the following:

    The placement team ensures that each has an appropriate balance of experience.

    The placement team ensures a variety of placements, both with children and adults and with

    different client groups. At the end of Level 4, students must have at least 700 hours of clinical practice both with

    children and adults.

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    Athens Metropolitan College Clinical Handbook Level 4Department of Speech Therapy

    2. Health and Safety in Clinical Settings

    2.1 Introductory points

    Many health and safety issues can arise within the clinical setting. Most of them arise with certainclient groups, for example children with special needs, a physical disability or patients with specific

    or patients with specific medical conditions. Students must be aware that they may be faced withsituations that require careful consideration.

    All Tutors and Clinical Tutors (CTs) have the responsibility to ensure that students on placement areappropriately aware of the health and safety regulations of each setting that they attend.

    In the fourth year of their studies students will deal with a variety of client groups, both withchildren and adults. Therefore, a very good theoretical background is required for the students inorder to be able to work in the different placements.

    2.2 Oral examination and intra-oral exercises

    Surgical gloves should be worn for any oral examination or intra-oral exercise programme. Non-disposable (e.g. feeding utensils, PNF brushes, tympanometry seals) should be appropriately

    disinfected and cleaned immediately after the session finishes. Disposable equipment (e.g. gloves, spatulas, tissues) must be appropriately disposed of

    immediately after the examination/therapy session is completed.

    2.3 Dysphagia Swallowing Disorders

    Assessment and management of Swallowing Disorders are part of a Speech and Language therapist'srole with certain client groups.

    As part of undergraduate training, students are expected to participate in helping with eating or

    drinking under supervision. Teeth-cleaning is many times regarded as an extension of mealtime oral training e.g. for

    cerebral palsy children. Students may be requested to assist with this as part of a therapistlead programme.

    3. Professional Issues

    3.1 Confidentiality

    Students must respect the confidentiality of information relating to Speech and Language TherapyClients. Names should never be mentioned when discussing clients with other students, carers,clinicians or tutors where the conversation may be overheard by parents, relatives or people notassociated with the clinic.

    3.2Client Files

    Client flies should NEVER be removed from the clinic room without permission from the CE,information copied from clinic files for case studies, session plans, case presentations etc. isconfidential and must be appropriately anonymised.Responsibility for client management and general standards of care with a particular client groups. To introduce professional colleagues, drawing attention to instances of inter and multi

    disciplinary client management. To attend or participate in many aspects of the work of their C.E. (staff meetings, case

    conferences, training days, work hops).

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    To spend some time observing and/or talking to other professionals that work closely with the

    C.E. to discover how roles differ, overlap and complement each other. To supervise, as appropriate, students direct assessment and intervention with clients.

    To facilitate the student in making a video recording of a session with a known client for


    3.3 Attendance and Punctuality

    Students should keep a record of each clinic visit, noting the initials and diagnosis of each patient

    seen, with a brief outline of treatment carried out, together with any personal observations. Thisnotebook is brought to the clinical supervisor.

    If you are unable to attend clinic for any reason, you must notify the clinician as early as

    possible. For this reason you should keep a note of telephone numbers and telephone the clinicor the clinical supervisor. Absences from clinic should also be reported to the department.

    You are accountable for all absences and must present the appropriate documentation when

    absent, to both your clinical supervisor and AMC clinical director. You are allowed only 3excused absences per semester. If your absences are unexcused, it is up to the discretion ofboth the clinical supervisor and the AMC clinical director whether you can continue with yourclinical placement. Furthermore, your clincians grade will fall to 40%.

    Please arrive promptly at the agreed time. Punctuality is a courtesy to clinicians and essential for

    well-planned treatment sessions. Please ensure that your clinical supervisor has a contact phone number where you may be

    contacted or a message left for you in the event of last minute cancellation of a clinic. The Level 4 placements are the ultimate placements that honour students experience before

    completing their degree and being awarded a license to practice. For all students this is anopportunity for them to consolidate all clinical skills acquired in previous levels of the course.

    4. The role of the Clinical Tutor (CT)

    4.1 Orienting and Supporting the student in the Clinical Context

    To discover the overall aims, objectives and services rendered in the placement in which they

    are placed. To study any relevant documents referring to this particular placement and more general

    standards of care with particular client groups. To introduce professional colleagues, drawing attention to instances of inter and multi

    disciplinary client management. To attend or participate in many aspects of the work of their C.E. (staff meetings, case

    conferences, training days, workshops). To spend some time observing and/or talking to other professionals that work closely with the

    C.E. to discover how roles differ, overlap and complement each other. To supervise, as appropriate, students direct assessment and intervention with clients.

    To facilitate the student in making a video recording of a session with a known client for

    presentation, as part of the final examination THE VIDEO CASE PRESENTATION: Therapeuticintervention which takes place at AMC at the end of Semester 2.

    4.2 Supporting the students acquisition of clinical skills

    To give opportunities for discussion of specific issues in client management, case

    prioritisation, clinical effectiveness, professionalism and professional policy.

    To support students in the development of a professional relationship with the various

    members of the interdisciplinary team.

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    Athens Metropolitan College Clinical Handbook Level 4Department of Speech Therapy

    To introduce students to the administrative procedures of the setting e.g. for referrals,

    reports and letter writing, ordering equipment etc.

    5. Session Plans

    Students are expected to prepare written plans for sessions that they are asked to be involved withand to discuss these with their CT.When planning therapy sessions the students should:

    Ensure that planned activities are well linked to aims.

    Choose procedures and material that will interest and motivate the client.

    Decide how to increase or decrease the level of difficulty of the activities.

    Use clear and appropriate communication skills.

    6. Clinical Portfolio

    The clinical portfolio is a cumulative piece of work in which students maintain a record of all theirplacement and clinical experiences and related course work activities throughout all years of thecourse.

    The portfolio can be discussed during tutorials with the students academic tutor. It is theresponsibility of each student to present the portfolio to the CTP IV module tutor at the end of eachsemester, with the activities that are due for each semester. The Clinical Portfolio is graded on aPass/Fail basis. Please note that if the portfolio is missing an activity that you are required toinclude, it is considered an automatic Fail.

    The Clinical Portfolio for Level IV should include the following items listed below.1. A contents page summarizing the information contained in each section. Each section is

    organized chronologically, starting from the most recent experience.2. A summary of clinical placements. This section should include the placement names,

    population and range of ages seen, as well as duties performed there.3. A copy of the students evaluation of each placement. This is an evaluation form filled out by

    the student and should reflect on his/her experiences at each placement, supervisionreceived, and learning goals that were achieved.

    4. A copy of the Clinicians grading form. This is a form that the supervisors of each placementare obliged to complete. This is essentially a feedback sheet providing information about thestudents abilities in conducting assessments, therapy, professionalism, working with otherprofessionals, motivation and willingness to learn, timeliness and overall performance at the

    placement.5. Portfolio activities. There is one compulsory portfolio activity for semester 1 and one elective

    activity for semester 2. Details and information regarding these activities is provided in thePortfolio Activities Section.

    6.1 Portfolio activities

    Students are required to complete one portfolio activity for each semester. During semester one,there is a specific activity which is compulsory, and during semester two, there is a choice amongst 5activities.

    Compulsory Portfolio Activity: An initial client contact.

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    Students are required to prepare for and carry out an initial assessment with an adult or childclient either in the AMC lab or their clinical placement.

    A report of no more than 1500 words, must be written, outlining the outcome of the evaluation(clinical findings, diagnostic statement) and a plan of action (goals, session aims, strategy forthe session, evaluation of the session, references)

    The student can fulfil this requirement at any point (time) and at any placement during thesemester.

    The student must have this report completed by the end of the first semester so as to show themodule coordinator during their end-of-semester meeting.

    Elective Portfolio activity suggestions:

    The student is free to choose which activity will complete based on individual interests or thenature of their placement. All portfolio activities will be presented in class. The activity should becompleted within 500-1000 words.

    1. Carry out a literature search which will support the management of a case selected by your

    clinician. Provide a brief bibliography of no more than 7 references and summarise the pointswhich could contribute to the future management of the case.

    2. Prepare a 10-15 slide power point presentation which targets a specific speech and languagedisorder and prepare to present a therapy approach which successfully addresses this disorder.

    3. Write a draft report on a case you have seen following their initial assessment. Bear in mind thatthe report will be sent to the referring agency and other relevant parties, includingcarers/parents. They will require an overview of your findings to date, a clear statement aboutfuture management intentions and, where appropriate, the aims of any further intervention.

    4. Write a draft report on a client who has completed a course of treatment. Include a summary ofresponse to therapy se far and a clear statement about future management. Where appropriateinclude an advice sheet which can act as a reminder for the carers about the suggestions andactivities which you have already discussed to promote continuing progress.

    5. You will be involved in the construction of an informal language test for use in the AMC lab or atyour clinical placement. Your responsibilities will include compiling a list of speech and languagedevelopmental skills from ages 0-5, a clinicians marking sheet and various materials that youmay need to carry out the assessment (for each age group).

    6.2 Portfolio task 1 (Level 4, Semester 1)

    Students are required to complete one portfolio activity for each semester. During semester one,there is a specific activity which is compulsory.

    Compulsory Portfolio Activity: An initial contact

    Students are required to prepare for and carry out an initial assessment with an adult of child clienteither in the AMC lab or their clinical placement. A report no more than 1500 words- must bewritten, outlining an outcome of the evaluation (clinical findings, diagnostic statement) and a plan ofaction (goals, session aims, strategy for the session, evaluation of the session, references). Thestudent can fulfil this requirement at any point (time) and at any placement during the semester.The student must have this report completed by the end of the first semester so as to show themodule coordinator during their end of semester meeting.

    6.3 Portfolio task 2 (Level 4, Semester 2)

    During semester two students are required to complete one elective activity. The student is free tochoose, which activity will complete based on individual interests or the nature of their placement.

    All portfolio activities will be presented in class. The activity should be completed within 500-1000words. The clinical tutor provides the students with a list with different activities.

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    7. Assessment

    7.1 Practical Assessment in Level 4

    Semester 1The practical assessment of the semester has 2 components:1. A placement grade awarded by the clinical supervisor (10 %).2. A formative portfolio activity.3. A formative clinic visit by the module tutor (takes place throughout the year).

    Semester 2The practical assessment of the semester has 4 components:

    1. A placement grade awarded by the clinical supervisor (10 %).2. Clinical Evaluation Exam (80 %).3. Formative portfolio activity.4. Clinical portfolio (pass or fail).

    The Clinical Evaluation Exam consists of: a written case report (10 %), an oral presentation of case(20 %), a video exam (35 %) and a viva exam (35 %).Each element of assessment must be passed separately with a mark of40% or above.Additionally, the Clinical Portfolio must be passed independently.The placement grade will be the average of all placements, including AMC lab, a student may attendduring each semester.The final grade received for the Clinical Evaluation Exam will be the outcome of all individual

    components. In case of failure (the average of all the components is below a 40%), the wholeprocedure must be repeated with a different client.(For more details see the Clinical Theory and Practice IV Assessment Protocol in Appendix III).

    7.2 Clinical portfolio assessment

    The Clinical Portfolio must be passed independently, in order to pass the CTP IV module.The Clinical Portfolio is marked on a pass-fail basis by the Module Tutor. The Module Tutor goesthrough a checklist and checks if all portfolio tasks and activities are completed and included in thePortfolio. If one or more portfolio tasks are missing, the student fails.If the student has failed the Clinical Portfolio, he/she can be reassessed after completing a minimumof 10 days additional clinical work during the summer period or September and submitting again the

    Clinical Portfolio with all tasks completed.Failure in the Clinical Portfolio assessment costs students 4 credits, which renders passing thisassessment a mandatory requirement for passing the CTP IV module.7.3 Failing practical and clinical evaluation assessment

    A student failing the placement grade can only be reassessed after completing a minimum of 10 daysadditional clinical work during the summer period or September. This placement may take the formof a block placement or weekly sessions and must normally be completed before the October Boardof Examiners and the beginning of the new academic year. This additional experience will bearranged only by the Clinical Coordinator of AMC.Note that all placement evaluations (including the AMC lab) a student attends during each semester

    have to be passed independently (grade over 40%).

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    The final grade received for the clinical Evaluation Assignment will be the outcome of all individualcomponents. In case of failure (the outcome of all the components is below 40%) the wholeprocedure must be repeated, at a later date, with a different client.

    7.4 Awarding a placement grade

    The Clinical Report Form is designed to allow clinical tutors to describe a students performance inthe following key areas and to award a grade for overall performance on the clinical placement.

    KEY AREASI. Professionalism.II. Evaluation of the Patients needs and abilities.III. Ability to set theoretical goods.IV. Ability to integrate theoretical Knowledge to clinical Practice.V. Ability to identify aims of therapy.VI. Ability to prepare and organize the therapy session.VII. Ability to achieve therapy goods during sessions.VIII.Ability to evaluate own performance and development needs.

    The clinical report form is intended to provide a guide to expectations, capacities, self evaluationof performance and competences of each student at the end of the semester.

    8. Filling in the Clinical Report Form (Clinicians Grading)

    The Clinical Report Form (CRF) was adopted from the QMUC clinical assessment scheme and providesa separate table for each key area, which is broken down into a series of clinical abilities. The

    example below shows 5 abilities from the key area Professionalism. The abilities are ordered toreflect a students progression towards clinical qualification at specific levels of the course. Theseare given in the Level column. The example here represents Level 4 and indicates that theseabilities should be present by the end of the third year. The following columns allow the clinician toindicate whether, at the time of discussion, a particular ability is judged to be Enhanced, Present,Emerging, or Absent. If an attribute may not be applied to a particular placement NotApplicable is indicated.

    Depending on the Level of studies of the student, rows of the table that correspond to higher levelsare shaded as not applicable. The example illustrates a Level 4 form.







    1. Interest in all aspects of clinical practice 1

    2. Ability to cooperate and deal with all requirements 1

    3. Adequate preparation for and organisation of the sessions 2

    4.Effective communication with both patients and carersbefore, during and after the sessions (e.g. in the waitingroom)


    5. Anticipation of appropriate roles without prompting 3

    6.Ability to discuss clinical issues and participation in clientmanagement in near-equal partnership with clinician


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    Enhanced this indicates that the student has demonstrated a high level of achievement in theattribute specified.

    Present this indicates that the student is able to demonstrate the attribute consistently.Emerging this indicates that the student demonstrates the attribute, but still requires

    considerable support and guidance.Absent this indicates that the student has never demonstrated the attribute in question.Not applicable this indicates that the attribute may not be applied to the particular placement.

    The clinician should consider and tick a column for all attributes up to and including the level in thecourse that the student is about to complete, i.e. for a student just finishing Level 3, the clinicianshould check all attributes up to that point, as indicated in the Level column. Finally, for a student

    who has done exceptionally well, the clinician may wish to comment on his/her performance inabilities appropriate to higher levels in the course. In the example shown above, of a studentcompleting Level 3, the clinician has noted that the student has shown some ability to discussclinical issues and participation in client management in near-equal partnership with clinician,normally expected to emerge at Level 4.

    9. Awarding a grade

    In awarding a placement grade, the clinician should make the decision on the basis of the criteriaspecified below. It is perhaps helpful to first think about what is required for the student to achieve

    an Average Performance as the bench mark and then see if the student is exceeding or not quiteachieving this level of performance.


    Grade C (50-59%), reflecting Average Performance is appropriate if, by the end of theplacement, the student has shown that all the abilities expected by their level in the course areobserved to be at least present. Importantly only abilities that the student has had theopportunity to demonstrate can be taken into account. A grade C implies that the student hasattained the expected standard for the level. Grade C can also be appropriate for those studentswho deviate slightly from the bench mark standard insofar as the majority of expected attributesarepresent and a small minority of attributes, shown as emerging, are balanced with some that

    are enhanced. If the student is additionally demonstrating enhancedperformance in some attributes specified

    for their level, then a Grade B (60-69%), reflecting Very Good Performance, is appropriate. If the student is additionally demonstrating enhancedperformance in the majority of attributes

    specified for their level, then a Grade A (70-79%), reflecting Outstanding Performance, isappropriate.

    Grade D (40-49%), reflecting Adequate/Marginal Performance is appropriate for those studentswho are demonstrating that a majority of attributes expected at their level and previous levelsarepresent but with some attributes still emerging.

    Grade E(0-39%) signifies a Fail. This is appropriate if any attributes expected at the studentslevel or previous levels are absent or where the majority of attributes expected at the studentslevel are still emerging. In the case of a fail, the student will be required to carry out additional

    assessed clinical practice, as elements of the clinical education modules must be passedindependently.

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    Note: It must be emphasised that these judgements must be made in the context of (a) the extentto which the placement has given a student the opportunity to demonstrate the attribute beingconsidered, and (b) the standard that is appropriate for the level of the course.

    9.2 Marking the CRF

    An example marking scale is shown below (see also the Clinicians Grading Report Form in theAppendix I). As you can see, each grading band translates into a range of percentage marks. TheClinical Tutor is therefore able to make some further judgement as to whether the student haspresented sufficient evidence to be graded near the top, in the middle or at the low end of eachgrading band. After making this judgement, the clinician then places a bar on the scale within theband chosen, to indicate the judgement. The clinician can translate the bar into a percentagepoint if they wish, or this can be done by AMC. The figure derived is credit rated towards thestudents final year mark. In the example below, the clinician has judged that the student isperforming just above middle of Very Good (B) and this would be translated to a mark of 68%.

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    Appendix I Clinicians Grading Form



    Please tick the appropriate box for each aspect, taking into consideration the levelat which each attribute is expected with respect to the students level of studies.

    Name of student ________________________ Duration: _________________________Placement _____________________________________________________________________













    1. Interest in all aspects of clinical practice1

    2.Ability to cooperate and deal with all requirements such as timelypreparation and completion of session plans, session analysis,observation forms or other class assignments


    3. Punctuality 1

    4. Promptness to communicate with the clinic whenever necessary 1

    5.Compliance with the clinics formal requirements (e.g. code ofattire)


    6. Confidentiality 17. Effective communication with the multi-disciplinary team 1

    8. Adequate preparation for and organisation of the sessions 2

    9.Effective communication with both patients and carers before,during and after the sessions (e.g. in the waiting room)


    10.Eagerness to ask questions about the organisations of the clinic andits therapy policies


    11.Demonstration of respect of moral issues, such as the patientsrights


    12. Anticipation of appropriate roles without prompting3

    13. Ability to discuss clinical issues and participation in clientmanagement in near-equal partnership with clinician


    14. Ability to discuss client management issues with other professionals4

    ADDITIONAL COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    1 This form is completed by the clinical tutors at the end of each term, in order to provide a type of assessmentfor each student.

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    1.Relevant and objective comment-making, systematicallyreported, both verbally in class/lab and in writing


    2.Quickness to realise the importance of receiving advice fromthe patient as well as from the supervisor.


    3.Correct use of the information contained in the patientshistory.


    4. Effective choice of the appropriate assessment procedure.2

    5. Successful fulfilment of the assessment procedure.


    6. Precise pointing out and analysis of the assessment results.3

    7. Sufficient analysis of the speech and language data.3

    8.Sufficient interpretation of the assessment procedure resultsand the data analysis.


    9.Comprehensive report on data feedback to the clinicalsupervisor.



    Collection of information from all sources available in order

    to achieve the best possible results of the patient.


    11.Use of correct terminology when discussing with the multidisciplinary team.


    ADDITIONAL COMMENTS__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    1. Sets accessible goals for every single case. 2

    2.Successfully discriminates between short-term and long-termgoals.


    3. Prioritises goals according to the patients needs. 3

    4.Acts in full awareness of the principles that govern effectivesupply of a service, e.g. group/person or direct/indirect

    therapy, contacts with the patients.


    5.Ability to define appropriate goals for the next session out ofpersonal assessment and evaluation after the present session.


    6.Redefines the initial goals according to the patients needsand new data.


    7. Gives the reasons for the redefinition of the goals. 4



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    1.Awareness of the relevance of theoretical knowledge toclinical work.


    2.Consideration of the recommendations for the study ofrelated bibliography.


    3.Effective bibliographical research and discussion with theclinician about the therapy outcomes.


    4.Critically evaluate assessment management andintervention procedures in the light of theoreticalknowledge.



    Ability to invent methods for the assessment of the

    effectiveness and the outcomes of the patients therapy.


    6.Draws on reported efficacy studies in relation to currentclient group.


    ADDITIONAL COMMENTS__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    1. Clear aims of therapy.2

    2. Ability to identify short-term aims / long-term aims.2

    3.Ability to contribute to discussion about aim for the nextsession.


    4.Ability to discuss and justify management and treatmentapproaches.


    5.Appreciation of the value of a team approach when

    deciding on aims of management.


    6.Identifies appropriate long-term aims of management onthe basis of own evaluation of client.


    ADDITIONAL COMMENTS__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    1. Deep interest in the planning and setting of goals.1

    2.Selection of materials which contribute to the achievementof the goals set and suit the patients abilities and interests.


    3.Correct and systematic presentation of reports on eachsession.


    4.Ability to support sufficiently the selection of therapeuticgoals for each session.


    5. Ability to select activities and materials for each session.3

    6. Successful application of the theoretical knowledge in theorganisation of the therapeutic session.


    ADDITIONAL COMMENTS__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    1. Effective and methodical implementation of the therapy.2

    2.Encouragement of the patients motivation, participation andcooperation.


    3.Clear explanation / presentation of a new activity to thepatient.


    4. Ability to encourage / elicit a positive response.2

    5. Effective response to psychosomatic needs of the patient.2

    6. Ability to decide correctly on the frequency of the sessions.2

    7.Smooth transition from one activity to another during thesession.


    8.Ability to begin and end a session using the patients needs asa yardstick.


    9.Ability to take on various roles in group sessions (e.g. leader,coordinator, observer).


    10.Ability to respond to the needs of individual patients in groupsessions.


    11. Easy modification of the session according to the patientsdisposition and willingness to cooperate.


    12.Ability to act with ever increasing independence from theclinician during the session.


    13.Demonstrates ability to manage a range of clients includingmembers of client groups not previously encountered.


    ADDITIONAL COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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    1. Is responsive to constructive feedback on performance3

    2.Uses audio/video recording to assist in evaluating ownperformance


    3.Shows awareness of the effects of own behaviour on clientsresponses


    4.Makes a realistic evaluation of own performance andidentifies own development needs



    Identifies how own development needs can be met and takes

    responsibility for own learning


    ADDITIONAL COMMENTS__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    General comments______________________________________________________________________________________











    Learning goals for next placement______________________________________________________________________________________








    Please use the marking sheet and give the student a final grading, based on your aboveremarks.

    Clinicians grading_________________________

    Clinicians full name_________________________

    Clinicians signature Trainees signature_________________________ _______________________


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    CLINICIANS GRADING REPORT FORM - Marking sheet and criteria for allocating grades

    Information for supervisors: Select the appropriate grading (based on the criteria provided below) and then put a bar at the point that best reflects thestudents performance.Note: When making these judgements, it is important to bear in mind the extent to which the placement has given a student the opportunity todemonstrate the attribute being considered and on what can be expected from the student at that level.For a more detailed description, see Paragraph 9 Awarding a Grade.

    100% 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 100%

    Excellent (A+) Outstanding (A) Very Good (B) Average (C) Marginal (D) Fail

    All or almost allattributes expected at

    the students course leveland previous levels are at

    least enhanced.

    All attributes expected atthe students level andprevious levels are atleast present and themajority are at least


    All attributesexpected at the

    students level andprevious levels areat least present andsome are at least


    All attributesexpected at the

    students level andprevious levels areat least present

    ORthe majority of

    these are at leastpresent with the

    small minority thatare emerging

    balanced by somethat are present.

    The majority ofattributes expected

    at the studentscourse level and

    previous levels areat least presentwith some still


    This grade should be given where ANY attribute expected at thestudents course level and previous levels is absent


    Where the majority of attributes expected at the studentscourse level and previous levels are still emerging

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    Appendix II Clinicians Half-way Comments



    Name of student: ______________________________________________________

    Week of attendance: ______________________________________________________

    Placement: ______________________________________________________

    Name of Clinical Tutor: ______________________________________________________

    Signature: ______________________________________________________

    General Comments








    Please, document specific areas that need improvement.









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    Appendix III CTP IV Assessment Protocol

    Clinical Theory and Practice IV Assessment Protocol Revised November 2009

    Learning outcomes1. demonstrate a sound theoretical base for clinical intervention2. evaluate and choose different assessment and therapy techniques3. critically evaluate the efficacy of a variety of therapeutic procedures4. critically evaluate research results on the efficacy of treatment5. demonstrate a problem-solving approach to patient and service management6. exhibit an ability to proceed to therapeutic intervention at different contexts

    (clinic, home, group therapy, etc)7. reflect on personal clinical performance and progress in clinical knowledge and

    skills for the clinical portfolio and associated assignment8. demonstrate a sense of responsibility towards oneself, clients, colleagues and

    community9. discuss the importance of confidentiality, autonomy, beneficence, justice, truth

    10. discuss the influence of educational, health and social policy upon professionalwork

    Assessment Pattern

    Semester 1Clinicians grade 10% L2, L3, L5, L6, L8Clinic visit by module tutor* formativePortofolio activity formative

    Semester 2Clinicians grade 10% L2, L3, L5, L6, L8Clinic visit by module tutor* formativeClinical Evaluation Exam 80%

    Case written report 10% L1, L3, L4, L7Oral presentation of case 20% L2, L5, L6Video exam 35% L1,L2, L5, L6,L8Viva exam 35% L1, L3, L4, L5, L7

    Portfolio activity formativeClinical portfolio Pass/Fail L7, L8, L10

    IMPORTANT NOTE: The Clinical Portfolio must be passed independently, in order to passthe CTP III module.

    * The clinic visit by module tutor takes place throughout the whole year.

    Clinical Evaluation Exam (80%)

    The assessment comprises of 4 parts- shown below, together with the timetable andproportion of marks available for each part:

    1 Written information on the client Hand in- at least > 1 week beforeexam

    10 %

    2 Oral Presentation 10 minutes 20 %

    3 Video 20 minutes 35%

    5 MINUTE INTERVAL4 Viva 15 minutes 35%


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    Students are required to produce a Clinical Evaluation Assignment at the end of Level 4. Thisassignment includes one 20 minute video-taped, unedited therapy session of an adult or child clientwhich can be videotaped during the first or second semester of studies. Additionally, a 10 minuteoral Power Point presentation of the case will be presented to the examiners, a written case reportof the client (submitted one week prior to the exam) and a 15 minute oral discussion with twoexaminers (viva exam) based on the students performance in the video-taped session will berequired.

    Written Case Report 10%

    Students produce a case report assignment based on the video tape assessment

    session, which are responsible to produce throught semester 1 and/or semester 2. Thewritten information should not exceed 5 sides of A4 paper. (Students are remindedthat confidentiality must be maintained in all supporting information by removing all

    information that could identify the client or other professionals or people mentionedin the written documentation and oral presentation. Pseudonyms of pseudo-initialsshould be used and clearly noted as such. Breach of these conditions will result in thematerial being returned to the student for appropriate modification before sitting theexamination. In these circumstances the student can only receive a maximum of 40%for the examination, although feedback will be given as to the actual mark which theexamination performance would have attracted).

    The originals signed consent forms for all the people identifiable in the videotape must

    be handed in to the Clinical Coordinator in a sealed envelop, marked confidential, assoon as possible after handing in the videos. Clinical evaluation exam will not takeplace in the absence of this documentation.

    Three hard copies of written case report should be handed to the Clinical Coordinator

    at least one week before the case assessment presentation is due to take place. This isto allow the examiners to have an opportunity to read this information before thePresentation.

    Students must produce a written case report of the client, including a session plan of the wholetherapy session, not just the 20 minute video taped segment. You must also indicate in your sessionplan where the video taped segment begins and ends. The length of the report must be 5 sides of anA4 page and references should be included in the end. The case report must include, but not limitedto, the following information:

    Case history

    - Age- Relevant background information (medical history, developmental milestones,cognitive functioning etc.)

    - Disorder / diagnosis- Therapy history: previous speech therapy, occupational therapy or any relevant

    therapies- Information from previous psychological assessments (if available)

    Aims and Rationale of session- What were the specific aims you set for this session? Provide long and short term

    goals, but specify which ones you will be conducting during your particular session- Why did you set these aims? Support your statements based on literature facts

    Methodology used

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    - What theoretical approach did you use in forming your therapy / assessment plan?Justify. Support your statements based on literature facts.

    Materials used- What materials did you choose?- Why? How did you think the materials you chose would lead to the achievement of

    your session aims?

    Self-assessment- Were all your aims achieved? Which of your aims were not achieved? Why?- Areas of weakness (things you did wrong or not as planned in the session)- Strengths (things you did well throughout the session)- Areas you feel you could have done differently and why

    Future managementSuggest future treatment

    Oral Presentation - 20%

    Students must prepare and present a 10 minute PowerPoint presentation to two examiners.The presentation must be 15-20 slides and must include all the areas outlined in the CaseReport section mentioned above.

    The student introduces the case to the examiners by providing: A brief, clear and orderly summary of the clients communicative profile,

    highlighting the contribution made by the session to be seen. Some insight into how the assessment will contribute to future client management.

    An evaluation of the students own performance during the video

    An insight into the contribution that preparation for this exam has made to the

    students professional development.The student uses an oral presentation to explain the purpose and outcome of the whole therapysession. This is an opportunity for the students to demonstrate that they can:

    Report findings systematically and succinctly.

    Integrate the information from all sources to make a holistic and accurate evaluation of

    the client. Report on the implications of the therapy effectively.

    Fairly and accurately evaluate their own performance during a session.

    Reflect on the process of identifying and meeting learning goals.

    Video 35%

    Students are required to video tape one 40 minute therapy session, of which a 20-minute uneditedsegment of therapy delivered to an adult or child client will be shown during the examination. Thesevideos can be recorded during the first and/or second semester of studies, and it is up to thestudents discretion to choose the client he/she would like to video tape. The videos can beproduced in the AMC lab or at an outside clinical placement, including a home-based setting.Appropriate consent forms are required, as well as all the necessary arrangements with the clinic orplacement supervisor made. Please notify your CTP IV module coordinator when you will be tapingyour session. It is important to note that no twostudents can produce videos of the same client(s).It is highly recommended that twodifferent clients are videotaped, in case of failure during the firstexamination, and two copies made of each video.

    During your scheduled examination date, you will view your 20 minute video with the twoexaminers. During this time, there will be no talking or discussion of the case since this

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    has already taken place during your 10 minute PowerPoint presentation. The examinersmay only pose clarification questions of session if necessary. Once the video finishes, thestudent must return it to the departmental secretary for archiving.


    During the video, students are required to exhibit, and will be graded on, the followingskills:


    o Appropriate dress and appearance

    o Clear preparation and organisation of session

    o Punctuality

    o Behaviour of professional standards

    Session management

    o Ability to give instructions based on client needs (age, cognitive ability,

    disorder)o Selection of material appropriate to specific case

    o Time management

    o Goal setting

    o Flexibility and ability to adjust to client needs and responsiveness to


    Viva examination 35%

    Students are able to bring a copy of the written component of this exam to the Viva andrefer to it during questioning. They are not able to refer to any other documentation.

    Once the examiners have decided which questions the student will be examined on, thestudent is called back into the examination room and the Viva begins. This procedure willlast 15 minutes and the students are asked to orally defend their performance on thevideo-taped session. Please note that at this time the examiners are not permitted todiscuss the grade received, pass or fail. You will be notified at a later time.The students are assessed on the following:

    ability to justify and theoretically support decisions made during sessions

    ability to support decisions based on research findings

    ability to apply theoretical knowledge in clinical practice

    ability to justify aims

    ability to justify selection of materials ability to relate activities to achievement of aims

    ability to evaluate achievement of goals during session

    ability to identify strengths and weaknesses

    use of appropriate terminology

    ability to suggest ways of personal improvement

    Following the viva, the student will leave the room to allow the examiners to confer tocomplete the feedback sheet and award the marks for the examination. The examiners willtell the student whether the student has passed of failed the exam at the end of theimmediate exam session of during the following scheduled break. The examiners will give

    the copy of the completed feedback form to the Clinic Administrator. The student willnormally get a copy of this form once all the examinations for the cohort have been

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    completed. Students must bear in mind that they pass their clinical evaluation if theoutcome of all four components of the evaluation is 40. If not, they will be reassessedusing another videotape assessment session.

    Formative Clinic Visit Assessment Sheet

    This sheet is completed by the Clinical Tutor. Three sets of assessment areas are identified, withspace for comments provided for each of them. Please use these spaces to provide detailed andsupportive feedback to the student. Specifically:

    Professionalism and Integrative skills- Punctuality and dress: Is the student punctual and properly dressed for the situation?- Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team: Does the student exhibit ability to collaborate with

    experts from other fields and disciplines? Is he/she able to make best use of informationprovided by experts such as neurologists, psychologists, physicians etc.?

    - Evidence of ability to integrate theoretical knowledge into clinical practice: Does the studentseem to be able to use knowledge acquired in theoretical modules in clinical practice? Doeshe/she seem to base decisions on theoretical knowledge?

    - Preparation and organisation: Is the student always organised? For example, does he/she keeprecords of his/her sessions, activities and assumptions on each client?

    Session management- Evidence of ability to assess patients needs and capacities: Does the student seem able to

    assess patients abilities? Is he/she able to select appropriate assessment materials, use them,record and analyse patients performance sufficiently?

    - Ability to identify aims of therapy: Does the student seem to identify the appropriate andrealistic aims and justify them accordingly?

    - Ability to prepare and organise therapy session: Does the student present a therapy plan withclear aims and methodology to achieve them? Does he/she always have all necessary materialsavailable and ready for use in the appropriate order?

    - Ability to achieve therapy goals during session: Does the student always achieve session aims? Ishe/she able to identify reasons for not achieving aims?

    - Problem-solving skills: Is the student able to handle problematic situations? Is he/she able tohandle unexpected events and keep control of the session?

    Reflective skills- Ability to identify areas that need improvement: Is the student able to identify problematic

    aspects of his/her work?- Ability to suggest ways of improvement: Does the student seem able to overcome own problems

    in clinical practice?- Ability to identify own strengths: Does the student seem to identify strong areas in his/her work


    Viva Examination Assessment Sheet Marking guidelines

    This sheet is completed by the internal markers of the Viva Exam. Markers should address treatmentsession in their questions. Please use the spaces below to provide detailed and supportive feedbackto the student. Use the marking scale indicated in the form to assess the students skills based on thecriteria given. Specifically, you are required to rate the students ability to:

    Theoretically support decisions made during sessions: Was the student able to justify

    his/her session decisions based on theory? Did he/she seem to possess the theoreticalknowledge relevant to the cases handled in the two sessions?

    Support decisions based on research findings: Was the student able to use research

    findings in supporting the decisions he/she made for the specific sessions?

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    Apply theoretical knowledge in practice: How able was the student to apply

    theoretical knowledge relevant to the cases seen and to the materials used inpractice? How evident was this ability in the students responses?

    Justify aims: Was the student able to justify session aims adequately? Was he/she able

    to give reasons for addressing any specific skills during the two sessions? Was he/she

    able to explain how session aims would lead to the achievement of short-term andlong-term objectives?

    Justify selection of materials: Was the student able to justify the selection of the

    materials used to address session aims?

    Relate activities carried out during session to achievement of aims: Was the student able to

    map each activity to a session aim and explain how it could lead to achievemnt?

    Evaluate achievement of goals during sessions: Was the student able to accurately

    identify the extent to which session aims were achieved?

    Identify strengths and weaknesses: Did the student seem able to accurately identify

    own strengths?

    Use appropriate terminology: Did the student use terminology appropriate both scientifically

    and professionally? Ability to suggest ways of personal improvement: How able was the student to identify

    ways to address own weaknesses?

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    Practical Exam Assessment Sheet Marking guidelines

    This sheet is completed by the internal markers of the Practical Exam. Please use the spaces given toprovide detailed and supportive feedback to the student. Use the marking scale indicated in theform to assess the students skills based on the criteria given. Specifically, you are required to ratethe students ability in two levels: professionalism and session management. The criteria are

    specified as follows:

    Professionalism- Dress: Was the student appropriately dressed for the occasion?- Preparation for session: Was the student adequately prepared for the session? Did

    he/she present the pre-selected materials along with a session plan?- Punctuality: Was the student punctual? Did he/she arrive well before the time of

    the session in order to prepare?- Behaviour / conduct: Was the general behaviour of the student professional

    towards client / parents / colleagues before, during and after the session?Session management

    - Ability to give instructions: How appropriate were the instructions given by the

    student? Were they clear to the client?- Ability to select and use appropriate equipment and material during session: Were

    the materials used appropriate for the specific client and the achievement of thesession aims?

    - Time management: Was the student able to complete his/her session plan withinthe time given? Was he/she able to manage time in an effective way?

    - Goal setting: Were the goals set appropriate for the specific case?- Flexibility and ability to adjust to client needs, disposition and willingness to

    participate: Did the student exhibit flexibility in handling client behaviour andadjust activities to client needs and responsiveness?

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    Consent Form

    Consent form to allow 4rth year Speech and Language Therapy students from Athens MetropolitanCollege to make and retain a video for use in a case study presentation which contributes towardstheir BSc Honours degree.

    Please cross out alternatives as appropriate

    I (Service User/Carer/Participant): ________________________________________ (Name) givepermission for _______________________________________ (Students name) to make a videorecording of myself/the person for whom I am responsible:

    _________________________________________________ (Name of person being video taped)to be used as part of the students case study presentation to be given at Athens Metropolitan College

    as part of their degree assessment.

    Please tick in the box indicating your wish

    I would like the video recording to be erased after it has been used for this purpose.

    I am also willing to allow the student to use the video in workshops they areorganising for other students.

    I would be happy for the video recording to be kept in the archive in the Speech andLanguage Department at Athens Metropolitan College for use in teaching. If youchoose this option you can ask for the recording to be erased at any time in thefuture by contacting:

    Date: ______________ __________________________________ Signature of Service User/Carer/Participant

    Date: ______________ __________________________________ Signature of Student

    Date: ______________ __________________________________ Signature of Supervising Clinician

    c.c. Service User/Carer, Cares file.

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    Formative Clinic Visit Assessment Sheet Level 4

    Assessment date: ___________________________

    Name of Student: ___________________________

    Name of Examiner: ___________________________

    Comments: [Please use the Guidelines for Clinic Visit Assessmentwhen filling in this form]

    i. Professionalism and Integrative skills: Please rate the students:

    - Punctuality and dressAbsent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___

    - Ability to work in a multidisciplinary teamAbsent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___

    - Evidence of ability to integrate theoretical knowledge into clinical practice

    Absent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___- Preparation and organisation

    Absent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___




    ii. Session management: Please rate the students:

    - Evidence of ability to assess patients needs and capacitiesAbsent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___

    - Ability to identify aims of therapyAbsent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___

    - Ability to prepare and organise therapy sessionAbsent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___

    - Ability to achieve therapy goals during sessionAbsent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___

    - Problem-solving skillsAbsent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___




    iii. Reflective skills: Please rate the students:

    - Ability to identify areas that need improvementAbsent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___

    - Ability to suggest ways of improvementAbsent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___

    - Ability to identify own strengthsAbsent ___ Emerging ___ Present ___ Enhanced ___ Not Applicable ___




    Signature: __________________

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    Student Name: ________________________________

    Student Matriculation Number: ________________________________








    Report findings systematically and succinctly.

    Integrate the information from all sources tomake a holistic and accurate evaluation of theclient.

    Report on the implications of the therapy

    effectively.Fairly and accurately evaluate his/her ownperformance during a session.

    Reflect on the process of identifying and meetinglearning goals.


    First Examiner's Mark Signature of Markers

    Second Examiner's Mark

    Final Mark Date:

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    Clinical Exam (Video)Treatment Feedback Form (Child-Adult)2

    [Please use the Guidelines for Practical Exam Assessmentwhen filling in this form]

    Student Name: _____________________________________Student Matriculation No: _____________________________________

    Rate the following attributes by circling the suitable mark. You can provide further comments in the available area.I - PROFESSIONALISM [30%]Was clinician professionally dressed? [5%] 1 2 3 4 5 N/A______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Was clinician adequately prepared for the session?[10%]

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A


    Was clinician punctual? [5%] 1 2 3 4 5 N/A


    __Was clinicians behaviour consideredprofessional/appropriate? [10%]

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A


    2This form is completed by the examiners at the Level 4 Practical Exam.


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    II - SESSION MANAGEMENT [70%]Ability to give proper instructions to the client.

    [10%]1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A


    Ability to select and use appropriate equipmentand material during session. [20%]

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910













    Flexible in his/her use of time; was time usedproperly and effectively based on the clientslevel of functioning? [10%]

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A


    Ability to set appropriate goals according to theclient functioning level and needs. [10%]

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A

    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ability to modify session according to clientneeds, disposition and willingness to cooperate.[20%]

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910















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    Viva Examination Assessment Sheet Level 4Exam date: _______________________

    Name of Student: _______________________Names of Examiners: _____________________ ____________________

    Comments: [Please use the Guidelines for Viva Examination Assessmentwhenfilling in this form]

    Please rate the students ability to:

    1. theoretically support decisions made during sessions

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    2. support decisions based on research findings1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    3. apply theoretical knowledge in practice

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    4. justify aims

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    5. justify selection of materials

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    6. relate activities carried out during sessions to achievement of aims

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 107. evaluate achievement of goals during sessions

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    8. identify strengths and weaknesses

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    9. use appropriate terminology

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    10.ability to suggest ways of personal improvement

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Questions Asked_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    First examiners mark: ____________ Signatures: ______________________

    Second examiners mark: __________________________________

    Agreed mark: ___________


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    LEVEL 4

    NAME OF STUDENT: _____________________DATE OF EXAMINATION: _______

    Written Information-Case Report (10 marks)

    Oral Presentation- PowerPoint Presentation (20 marks)

    Students performance in the session presented on videotape (35 marks)

    Discussion with Examiners- Viva (35 marks)


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    Written Information - Case Report /10 marksOral Presentation - PowerPoint Presentation /20 marksStudents performance in the session presented on videotape /35 marksDiscussion with examiners -Viva /35 marks

    Agreed total mark __________/100

    Examiners names ____________________ _______________________

    Examiners signatures ___________________ _______________________
