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London Icons Final

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  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final



    Fore"ord #########################$$%

    &o"erBridge ########################$4

    &'e (ondon )*e #######################+

    Covent Garden #######################$$

    Big Ben ##########################$11

    -iccadill* Circus ######################$$$1.

    /estminster A00e*######################1%

    -arliament o t'e United 2ingdom o Great Britain and Ireland####$$14

    Bi0liograp'* ####$####################$1+


  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    London Icons Foreword

    From Big Ben to t'e red telep'one 0o!, ind out "'ic' (ondon icons real (ondoners preer and


    (ondon is 'ome to some o t'e most amous and iconic attractions in t'e "orld 3 rom Big Ben

    and t'e red telep'one 0o!, to 0lac ca0s and &ate 5odern$ /it' so man* sig'ts to c'oose rom,

    "e ased real (ondoners to name t'eir avourite (ondon landmars, and tell us "'* t'e* t'in

    t'e*6re so special#


  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    until 1884 t'at a design su0mitted 0* Sir orace @ones,t'e Cit* Arc'itect 7"'o "as also one o


  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    August .14, t'e)DF )nerg*(ondon )*e and is no" called t'e (ondon )*e$ From late @anuar*

    .1, t'e (ondon )*e "ill 0e sponsored 0* Coca>Cola$%

    &'e entire structure is 1% metres 744% t9 tall and t'e "'eel 'as a diameter o 1. metres

    7%4 t9$ /'en erected in 1 it "as t'e"orld6s tallest Ferris "'eel$ Its 'eig't "as surpassed 0*

    t'e 1+ m 7. t9Star o Hanc'angin .+, t'e 1+ m 741 t9Singapore Fl*erin .8, and t'e

    1+:$+ m 7 t9 ig' Roller7(as egas9 in .14$ Supported 0* an A>rameon one side onl*,

    unlie t'e taller Hanc'ang and Singapore "'eels, t'e )*e is descri0ed 0* its operators as t'e

    "orld6s tallestcantileveredo0servation "'eel$

    It is currentl* )urope6s tallest Ferris "'eel, and oered t'e 'ig'est pu0lic vie"ing point in

    (ondon until it "as superseded 0* t'e .4>metre 784 t9 o0servation decon t'e :.nd loor

    o &'e S'ard, "'ic' opened to t'e pu0lic on 1 Fe0ruar* .1%$ It is t'e most popular paidtourist

    attraction in t'e United 2ingdom"it' over %$ million visitors annuall*, and 'as made

    man* appearances in popular culture$

    &'e (ondon )*e ad

  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    Hat'aniel (ic'ield and -artnersassisted &'e &ussauds Groupin o0taining planning and listed

    0uilding consent to alter t'e "all on t'eSout' Bano t'e &'ames$ &'e* also e!amined and

    reported on t'e implications o aSection 1+ agreementattac'ed to t'e original contract$ (ater,

    t'e* also prepared planning and listed 0uilding consent applications or t'e permanent retention

    o t'e attraction, "'ic' involved t'e co>ordination o an )nvironmental Statement and t'e

    production o a planning supporting statement detailing t'e reasons or its retention$

    &'e rim o t'e )*e is supported 0* tensioned steel ca0les and resem0les a 'uge spoed 0ic*cle

    "'eel$ &'e lig'ting "as redone "it'()D lig'ting romColor 2ineticsin Decem0er .+ to

    allo" digital control o t'e lig'ts as opposed to t'e manual replacement o gels over luorescent


    &'e "'eel "as constructed in sections "'ic' "ere loated up t'e &'ames on 0arges and

    assem0led l*ing lat on piled platorms in t'e river$ =nce t'e "'eel "as complete it "as lited

    into an uprig't position 0* a strand conditionedovoidalpassenger capsules, designed and supplied

    0* -oma, are attac'ed to t'e e!ternal circumerence o t'e "'eel and rotated 0* electric motors$

    )ac' o t'e 1>tonne 711>s'ort>ton9 capsules represents one o t'e (ondon Boroug's, and 'olds

    up to . people, "'o are ree to "al around inside t'e capsule, t'oug' seating is provided$ &'e

    "'eel rotates at .+ cm 71 in9 per second 7a0out $ mJ' or $+ mp'9 so t'at one revolution

    taes a0out % minutes$ It does not usuall* stop to tae on passengersK t'e rotation rate is slo"

    enoug' to allo" passengers to "al on and o t'e moving capsules at ground level$ It is,

    'o"ever, stopped to allo" disa0led or elderl* passengers time to em0ar and disem0ar sael*$


  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final



  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    Covent Garden

    Covent Garden is a district in (ondon on t'e eastern ringes o t'e /est )nd, 0et"een St$

    5artin6s (aneand Drur* (ane$ It is associated "it' t'e ormer ruit and vegeta0le maret in t'e

    central s?uare, no" a popular s'opping and tourist site, and t'e Ro*al =pera ouse, "'ic' is

    also no"n as Covent Garden$ &'e district is divided 0* t'e main t'oroug'are o(ong Acre,

    nort' o "'ic' is given over to independent s'ops centred onHeal6s Lardand Seven Dials, "'ile

    t'e sout' contains t'e central s?uare "it' its street perormers and most o t'e elegant 0uildings,

    t'eatres and entertainment acilities, including t'e&'eatre Ro*al, Drur* (ane,and t'e (ondon

    &ransport 5useum$

    &'oug' mainl* ields until t'e 1+t' centur*, t'e area "as 0riel* settled "'en it 0ecame t'e 'eart

    o t'e Anglo>Sa!on trading to"n o (unden"ic Ater t'e to"n "as a0andoned, part o t'e area

    "as "alled o 0* 1. or use as ara0le landand orc'ards 0* /estminster A00e*, and "as

    reerred to as t'e garden o t'e A00e* and Convent$ &'e land, no" called t'e Covent


  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    Garden, "as seized 0* enr* III, and granted to t'e )arls o Bedordin 1.$ &'e4t'

    )arlcommissioned Inigo @onesto 0uild some ine 'ouses to attract "ealt'* tenants$ @ones

    designed t'e Italianatearcaded s?uare along "it' t'e c'urc' o St -aul6s$ &'e design o t'e

    s?uare "as ne" to (ondon, and 'ad a signiicant inluence on modern to"n planning, acting as

    t'e protot*pe or t'e la*ing>out o ne" estates as (ondon gre"$ 4A small open>air ruit and

    vegeta0le maret 'ad developed on t'e sout' side o t'e as'iona0le s?uare 0* 1+4$

    Graduall*, 0ot' t'e maret and t'e surrounding area ell into disrepute, as taverns, t'eatres,

    coee>'ouses and 0rot'els opened upK t'e gentr* moved a"a*, and raes, "its and pla*"rig'ts

    moved in$ B* t'e 18t' centur* it 'ad 0ecome a "ell>no"nred>lig't district,attracting nota0le

    prostitutes$ An Act o -arliament "as dra"n up to control t'e area, andC'arles Fo"ler6s neo>

    classical 0uilding "as erected in 18% to cover and 'elp organise t'e maret$ &'e area declined

    as apleasure>groundas t'e maret gre" and urt'er 0uildings "ere added t'e Floral all,C'arter 5aret, and in 14 t'e @u0ilee 5aret$ B* t'e end o t'e 1+s traic congestion "as

    causing pro0lems, and in 1:4 t'e maret relocated to t'eHe" Covent Garden 5areta0out

    t'ree miles 7 m9 sout'>"est atHine )lms$ &'e central 0uilding re>opened as a s'opping centre

    in 18, and is no" a tourist location containing caes, pu0s, small s'ops, and a crat maret

    called t'e Apple 5aret, along "it' anot'er maret 'eld in t'e @u0ilee all$

    Covent Garden, "it' t'e postcode/C., alls "it'in t'e (ondon 0oroug's

    o /estminsterand Camden, and t'e parliamentar* constituencies o Cities o (ondon and

    /estminsterand ol0orn and St -ancras$ &'e area 'as 0een served 0* t'e -iccadill*

    lineat Covent Garden tu0e stationsince 1:K t'e

  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    Big Benis t'e nicname or t'e Great Bello t'e clocat t'e nort' end o t'e -alace o

    /estminsterin (ondon, and oten e!tended to reer to t'e cloc and t'e cloc to"er$ &'e

    to"er is oiciall* no"n as t'e Elizabeth Tower, renamed as suc' to cele0rate t'eDiamond

    @u0ilee o )liza0et' II7prior to 0eing renamed in .1. it "as no"n as simpl* Cloc Tower9$

    &'e to"er 'olds t'e largest our>acedc'imingcloc in t'e "orld and is t'e t'ird>tallestree>

    standingcloc to"er$ &'e to"er "as completed in 188 and 'ad its 1t' anniversar* on %1 5a*

    ., during "'ic' cele0rator* events too place &'e to"er 'as 0ecome one o t'e most

    prominent s*m0ols o t'e United 2ingdom and is oten in t'e esta0lis'ing s'oto ilms set in


    5 Fowler, 5. 6.%740/. The Concise Oxford dictionary of current English. Fir$t edited y 5. 6.

    Fowler and F. +. Fowler #ixth edition ed./.)larendon Pre$$. p. 7.


  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    !iccadilly Circus

    !iccadilly Circusis a road

  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    &'e a00e* is aRo*al -eculiarand 0et"een 14 and 1+ 'ad t'e status o a cat'edralK t'e

    0uilding is no longer an a00e*nor cat'edral 'o"ever, 'aving instead t'e status since 1+ o a

    Ro*al -eculiar 3 a c'urc' responsi0le directl* to t'e Sovereign$

    According to a tradition irst reported 0* Sulcardin a0out 18, a c'urc' "as ounded at t'e site

    7t'en no"n as &'orn )* 7&'orn Island99 in t'e :t' centur*, at t'e time o 5ellitus7d$ +.49, a

    Bis'op o (ondon$ Construction o t'e present c'urc' 0egan in 1.4, on t'e orders o enr* III$+

    Since 1++, "'enarold God"insonand /illiam t'e Con?ueror"ere cro"ned, t'e coronations

    o )nglis' and Britis' monarc's 'ave 0een 'eld 'ere$ Since 11, t'ere 'ave 0een at least 1+

    ro*al "eddings at t'e a00e*$ &"o "ere o reigning monarc's 7enr* IandRic'ard II9, alt'oug'

    0eore 11 t'ere 'ad 0een none or some *ears$

    !arliament o# the $nited %ingdom o# Great Britain and Ireland

    6 5i$tory 8 6e$tmin$ter Aey. Retrie*ed (7 April (&%%


  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    &'e United 2ingdom o Great Britain and Ireland"as created in 181 0* t'e merger o t'e

    2ingdoms o Great Britainand Irelandunder t'eActs o Union$&'e principle o ministerial responsi0ilit* to t'e lo"er ouse did not develop until t'e 1t'

    centur*Mt'e ouse o (ords "as superior to t'e ouse o Commons 0ot' in t'eor* and in

    practice$ 5em0ers o t'e ouse o Commons "ere elected in an anti?uatedelectoral s*stem,

    under "'ic' constituencieso vastl* dierent sizes e!isted$ &'us, t'e 0oroug' o=ld Sarum,

    "it' seven voters, could elect t"o mem0ers, as could t'e 0oroug' o Dun"ic',"'ic' 'ad almost

    completel* disappeared into t'e sea due to land erosion$

    In man* cases, mem0ers o t'e Upper ouse also controlled tin* constituencies, no"n as

    pocet or rotten 0oroug's,and could ensure t'e election o t'eir relatives or supporters$ 5an*

    seats in t'e ouse o Commons "ere o"ned 0* t'e (ords$ Ater t'e reorms o t'e 1t'

    centur*, 0eginning "it' t'e Reorm Act 18%., t'e electoral s*stem in t'e lo"er ouse "as muc'

    more regularised$ Ho longer dependent on t'e upper ouse or t'eir seats, mem0ers o t'e ouse

    o Commons 0egan to gro" more assertive$&'e supremac* o t'e Britis' ouse o Commons "as esta0lis'ed in t'e earl* .t' centur*$ In

    1, t'e Commons passed t'e so>called -eople6s Budget, "'ic' made numerous c'anges to

    t'e ta!ation s*stem in a manner detrimental to "ealt'* lando"ners$ &'e ouse o (ords, "'ic'

    consisted mostl* o po"erul lando"ners, re

  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final


    retained t'e unrestricted po"er to 0e a0le to 0loc and veto an* 0ill outrig't "'ic' attempts to

    e!tend t'e lie o a parliament$In conclusion come and visit (ondon or t'e 0est e!perience o *our lie$



  • 8/10/2019 London Icons Final

