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I1i1- IyT il i1l- WW 1 it1f t iV w < > l- ffIr i r 1 p THE EVENING WORLD SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14 1908 u 7 n j I LATEST TIMELY REPORTS COMMENT AND 1 NEWS OF ALL BRANCHES OF SPORT ROBERT EpGRENll J LONG HAiRED MEN OF THE GRIDIRON I b NOWOf DEAD PAST + r t Players of the Present Day Visit the Barber Before the Game and Result- Is Shown in Improved Piay lon hahc1 glnillator of tc THE h an olipolie opr I n It took tin wlieijp atlilcli1 fifteen or twenty JIPIIH to ilml out w1 t the prize lighter Knew at tlie jimp The I closer the hall Is uropiicil tin hotter tlr held can wollt Tills is rsperljllv true If Ihe t ork Is haul anl fjotlu can Trell bs claFflfleil ns hard lulioi- He all thai at It mar tIm fllol player of today ROCI to the l 111 hop a few day t hofotc tin MIJ saniesI- rtMead of the liaIrIrisr All o- tan us temember when a blK iork nf hair was tho ciruuiMK Klory nf t o hero of the Krliliron Th lonsrer t hair the nOr Impujlni the m n 2n the time of tlie Toes the Ii wltts tin Porabacks an 1 the 1etitons It wa < ms tomary fpr the footha hero at tle- ftnlfh Of bUj tames to cut ofT wtp of their ftonjnB l r iml prerent tlem to their girl ricnlf espelaih if the hair Curled up at the enilf It iiful to bp a common occurrence for a pluer to tom lo th1 training taMe with hlF hair plaited up like that of n R rl to gut f laugh t Today the collese athlete whn RPIR- Iftto his football togs and hits the me does it with a head as olrsrly croppert- as that ef a pimlll lIe has fruml that hIP hud l> much harrtu without the hair and that no tackier rm iafh him by hl8 free nl ilrac hUn through the line Savannah Auto Course Has Its Death Curves Too o mate on the auto cnpl TESTS e at Sav nnh Indicate thit I may rile RltMi some nf the dsrdtIi drivers tvio start ThanksI Ivlnt day with the expectation f i b atlnc the wOrld record spil of 74 i4 mil j per hour made by Nozziio in the Tar Floilo ran In Italy about A month ago Even under s icli condi1- tjont honeer th Amcncini will ryj for a flew mark Thft Bnvinnah rnirit 13 nn Ideal one anj enpabln of verv high pe eI but there art numtrom turns vhlch cannot with Mfety be taken st ani thins like I full spfed The irturei is of jJ S mles and there are sixteen ip of 1l x11ts- p r sap With the iierp siry Mowupsi for the turn It will lie InpifiMo 01 maintain the lilsli speil nf hI inlen r mol per hour ivlilcli tlie hlh piwetod tlrp can rssl > li inl this wi tic a q 0 Nelson Tells Why He 14 Stops at Swell Hotels I It wts like this sad tiLe Hattler- ai he HmpH into Tic Kxcnln V rid omce yctterday ftuinoun They wouldnt havv mo over tluie In Phila- deCphla I gOt slurB aan after I KJt In the big town I goes up to the hottl office of a tine JoInt over Here arid asks the price of u rnoii Tile rrUtJehlnd the counter Miyx JJ I pulled out the three buli and tapped my nime In too he 11- 1thlt on the level on the ifKspr The trk took cue look m me aiil- theft say J Ualt n nilnut I waltpl anti Jif Kays The hcaprst you cin Hn room Is JJ r > that oV 1 replied kinder SMP like for a stall Tei that U 5I he cain right INDOOR SEASON WilL I OPEN HERE TONIGHT a I q rile boar floor champions will he In their element tonlBht for Its tin open Injr of the Indoor reason Till inmes of the Knlfhti of Columbus Atlilnllc Asoo- fUtlon itort this hull piolliur n1 tIn Hlxtyninth Reslnnm Aiiiiii i ml H wilt be splendid dart ur J II tht etir Sletrou iinn l iutiu hive snfrnl The N Yorl A C npil ti hub 4 American A f vii lunn Unlv full i ttsmi a ml niiiiiy nf tic inr- acrMhat wll liod fottli nt I Vltlr Iirl this aftfrnooil will tin n iloulilo turn I- iI lag tnIei In the snwrs tonsii I METROPOLITAN GOLFERS f t NAME NEW OFFICERS l Th Nonlnallng IoniinlUie of ilio lIetrppo 111141 Oclf Auvoclatlon III mnJo- Mtpy chinsen In the Hit of rlllferH ooinmtiidfJ for the cnmltiir year W f dcnt ninl lcluli ten Uinf sccretfiry declined tu yiruin tloMter- he Uu t as ptlfcteil liy the Nomtn- tipsj Cnnimltteo 1 dent Adrian II Uarlsiit Shlmio C rut III J VlcolrcslJmt I eler tiluli ieiutiir- v D nderpool Morris Cuuiily ulf Club Tre iuriT Kriink l liiniliiK- nN4ntu Country Club ICxemtlvo Com wltu iJohn Wifl Wrutbroiik bit Club Georae P Klitldun KiilrlUld I lIlIlt John Hiid Ji at- J Jolt GluL > men I Taylor y 14 Jeao1Qw Jolt ClUb U V< hecp wr- fi c Olt ClUb t I Ij f li II 110 The original Idea of long hair In foot linll ns hOt It Fcrvnl as H cushion nnd protictril tin1 calp from bumps nnd bruise It nlO male the player louk hUi Sampson Later years level ood tlf fict however that Jim leltvler was u bigger man thou Sampson as wns John I SnllKnii nnd by decrees the lorKs lK Kan to disappear Tht head rear is a grrnter protection and does not ftnnlsli such nn excellent thing to I Rrali ns a hlK shock nf hair Upsides headRear annot he worn with long Imlr The headgpnr then reigned supreme for n rouplt of yarn tir mote ond It Is stpn ivpy usel now hut even that 15 icing dropped The Tale players do not ue headgeni of any kind In tact I they use vprr little palling Princeton still hAnKs to the headcear but It is not geiforal Princeton Is long on pads In the rome with Dartmouth Tibbotts cane on the hell looking like- an upholftered cflalr Tile football coaches have about de duel that a player can be more af- fective ¬ with as little clothlnsr as pos- sible ¬ nnd that he mff rs no more In lurics than If he were upholstered throughout A alnnre at the photograph of the football players on this page Is con I ruing proof that the barbers are now I crttmg sonic share of the annual prof- Its of the steal college same I con eiv3tie spncd or about 20 12 m- mits pwr lap or arout 65 miles per hour nn tills hTsl the race will be run In- ehniit t hours for tn iicn car race on he diy tniiowiiijt JliankFtrivIn tha dsluice 1- ll i mites arid tia raoars wjl make twenty turns over tile course of p < nubs LIp consprvntlve estimate of pfeii in tns n It about 13j min ¬ lies per Hp or about to miles per hour mixing tnc time fir tne race bout 4 Ir Miis anil 1 mnutPK- liou s tnev cftlmates were shown to lieorno Itntiertfton winner of the Van lerbllt flip race in a I romoblle and win wUl iirlve a Creitolre In the fia- vannah light cir event while he admit ¬ tel Ihi I icy wir fair he thought Hint to prl roeoriK would te estab isnpij inj laCe nf drivers In th > rae jnil isoiersni is lur above the over HK ant noif is wilns to take the list ot inter I1 will be a peed con in crvr Mn e of thp word und every cir Mil lie pjMieil to its limt n baL and I Clipped him the extra WD lie thuuKht lie would get rid of me that way hut I caled the bluff and he hid to tniiku good I hal a m od nUlitti sleep anyway but It ust 0 tents an hour I alwayshtjp ut the swellest hotel In the town confided Hat and I hUo Kot my leaioiis You know Im Iflu dub If I can cet In the Waldorf for J i n day I will civc cnotiBh tot nij- roni iciit by gffnf rid of the hums and 11Ik toucher You know those uis never hunp arounl the swell idunps Nun who ivil siv that Ilattllng- NclniTi I hasnt fario Ideas of finance Tlus this answer for that 2M00t In tin Hficnulri honk n WITH SCHOOlBOY I fOOTBAll TEAMS Th OllntpniOTiniorce fnolltll e me New Ynrlls tlucM iriinal wnii of the tar will be ia > nl I Anicrlrwi Uniue Park on Ilia iimrnnins of Tlinnksslvlnx 1at Efforts hiv lten male In stcnr hip pco ilroun- ivncr I ih limnp met i1t rear fr li- KiiiH lit n > ilu nurszeiicrtt wire UI IIVIT < MI rue rvwnnrii N both ItalIC I OJr1 Oil the piniw lunnvt N rlail In 11 nfl > ni9n 10 that n ntr rroul roill t see II but wlli n RAKo irtnifllrl for the afirriuui at Anifiin lttiJf Park lie1 11 ii itIii VII TUHI Hilt Uilll- HP Iotcj Oriuili linnofnue lu iinjure there U no then fir 1 Li t uzi to Tt the rra I which ruiWel nir than ten tftou nn1 Uit > irC- uicH fiaili lips dtrupi R noji rr4 In llmuibrlnl isliu Is 011111 ilKt IliJ lit fur the 11111roo tfiiu Or ivui Cornell ivhu luoUcJ uer Hi ton ThunJiy udctiiun llkti Hifilss work ant lielped tht titus Lurk Qal 4 r l trick Dlavi I rile Townitnl HarrIs If Imvi oulhorlllu tour I II tnpn triWe In irJ a teeth to tornllIIltolluhf1o 11 Hit gi Inc scarrna of Hu 11 nn l xllvw here to play wllli X n VurU MUlttnr AcaJ lily hn cunrellM Tho IVri ni eleven Ii imln jrftA- a a lir off Tlio UVLII wlilij at liluloj to lila > here uJa y tcilliort Ihe InvlUilM unl Iho Kprdhmn iiianircnient tilnl lu arMRm a game II Ilh ti > jor > of tht irjnlaj > tilp Ilinroill fh rffoit asu- fIIej J JM 1 Pl llront tiji i Mill tut LuCy i until nvst hiturJjy when ltnuelj Iuh te trill bt 4tttrUIiitut at rfflOhmm Tfc- X > uTv rl nCSrd ulll te OMT Bl Oulo n ll- thj uftimoon tQ uatal tht IIOjtman t- It PX a1i311 Ie York I t4e t o IIKr w ai tCJil j STAR PLAYERS IN YALE AND PRINCETON GAME 11 i I OOEBEL PILLAR OF- YALELIN < ANDRUS 4 YALE GUARD I UEMENTOGET- INTOPLAYOON i FOR NEW TROPHY Players Getting Into Hard Practice for Coming- Championships I since Wlllc Iloppe won the EEP halKllne worlds clmmpionshlp returned the einlilcm tn te donors with tie ilcclarfitlon that th onenight gnmj called ton imdrr the deed of gift when challi nged wus not us good n test of aying kill as In a- match ot three ur tho night the tar players have been iiRitntliig tIn matter of n g n tournament for a IKW rliimplonslilp This deslie will bu grunted when n uiuibl linil can be I net in iil In this tlty All the i rack plan irs In Amflea ull then he called together nx iiintnl and the riKh lor lounminMit play will be t agreed upon There will be a new cm tile rules for touinnnuiit play wilt ln upon to ilv lbs view mi the rubs to Kovein and the rondlttuiiR of play Mllc ltpie will m a now ptunt In blllar at the nuu Pulton e- tItoklnn rtM a crIb lute be ull c a 15nilnuti ixlilbltlcn on tbs naai ebioa lag with tho nit uf nurture ne an I fancy ihoti- Uredj Ic GraIqprflctisbfli at Tim ri nnn 10111 fM his cumin nah cane fit tie world a eel pniniilinnliiii nlihi- HH lht i1ucutii to Tie played in i LUUIJ rhatlt Wfstnr tho osbov chinin on ol iiIr nlll nlsv nil coiners in a tour nliritr eritafrivpnt ret so k it H > r n3nl Ore IlnnilriMl and rilMitmh EreCt all Lenox av1111- etaIvi IJccinr iit chamnlin snn Itir- MIUrrtiyt lia > ltirnl n pro a t111 11- Iill gIve prfiter lnieri t to the Nulnl tournpv tnlp wlrrt feu nniaiftns liaint- ml II cliani1 aeirs Denuresl Ja pf nrllr from ltnhCr thit- u hi hrhh has Intro it u n- tin r oin rfdUnso rr ti lb blfin lulkiln C I fmfeltel in Sutton I 1LGAST FAILSTO- STOPRoBMso Special to The iinlnj WcrM- LOR I ANfjUUiS fill No 1111 Wojal nf MHwjiiUce failed lo flop llubbl h lloblnson of loa AnHfilcs In their I at multi nodnlrilon fight befor- eJliCnrfyn club Inrt nihi Wnieakt Ita ned out troni tlm Ii rat sini in 1111 endeavor to UncK1 thr c i 1 ii Ioy in- Itoilsrn boi iiuly d 1111 ci to iiiy th limit Only mien OtA lloiliuDn In illtdc That vtis in lhi ncciind muin t in- UohMiM ilioppol htm ulth a han right to tie of I lie stomuch and tlt h1 rived Ill I lIb linn haitI III thi ti- liviiiIt umidn ftiuT LIt toolv a t uild if IlUllflllplflU ALLCOLLEGE TEAM TO- t PLAY TRINITY CLUB Jor hamllnl rsltrd fotball tame Vlllanova will lit be LIP only Tiiini vIglic Pay ullage contort in treIt- W > York An Rlfolleg 101111 posed of even f lat year Si- niore team nnd four trivrritv of- E Petit > Uanla star who lire pot cigtIo f I the varsity lies teen farmed to ivprf tent JhtUdflplila n a Rimo at Vn Iiiton Pari T i tib giving iIiOtltIZ tiiInit l lull uitn the un tfea e4 rlmiiiilonii nf ltrouil Tiir ItU zaiue the Trlnltv Iluli wT Ui reinforced TonI the for i mr rrIt tuckle at lalnmblii who will hu rIIAPC of the trkiui cj ehlns fur fMa Fm- C C to WALLER PRINCfTON2 STAR GOAL t KICKED > li M iI I V V A C li rrr rent A P < < Hockev ondice pnrts will be the populai fad this wInter the first win- try ¬ blast having rhown an increase of 1kl PHI enl In point ot ntfndnce at tin ice tkattns links over thin corre- frpoiidlng period of inst rcar Nov hockey clubs are Icing formed In the- IImalelll lou nnd Intercollegiate IcnKiies nnd even solo of the women hkatets aio teilourly dlscupslnc the matter of organizing tennis for morn- ing ¬ simca- A feature of special Interest amon the skaters is the enthusiasm that Is being rhown by society people In skating The eening attendance nt the rinks which H largely composed ol those who ore employed during time dcy- li linger this year limit time record for matinee attendance is larger titan for niflliy seams This may be title to tome extent M the natmil lIRlm to rush to exti elites the long warm sum- mer ¬ tiling to IncjeaFo the declro fOIl n chancre too leltor skating facilities nnd Ho excitfng ficsh lnt ioi t or time ilesire lor soire new tad hut nt any ruto the linen III ice stiltS Is laigcr PMMI nov nnd I lie scauon ruin iss to be n tecord btoaker The schedule follows sJlll l N Y A C Ft Nicholas S rrfrint A C v Vainler U Hociic- iIluli I SI NlrlmlM IS W mlilnxlmi N- V A I III V Hi rkev Club 2- 4Slhila p H VanJinr W heRe > etui e Vafl1metti 211 S V A I r ITfUell- IVb 2 x Y A if t uli 4 Si i oei1 NjcholJ s N- V I1Oifl v F ti St A r I r Siilrerh cc I resimm HI H- Nldlinlai vs lloie flub Iii X V A r I ie Vanil ifi WinOernii v 5 pt NMetin- la Ill Hockey tat M inttn Irth 2 Wnndeier tip lliikoy i but rsnfltVI t = ATf UiIitA T nN V HMUIKU Nlgtit 1io n jueia fat 1 Nirht n4U CII CbOC MUtusi LILLFV- YALESNEW FIND fi JOHK6ON 4 J tU- QUAE p1i- f Hockey Players Will Have Busy Season This Winter Nlehula 12 X Y A C Tums rerr entt4 la the Amiteiir Itov- t110 mot at the Nichols lift eenlns an t nuidcl tout < tiijuit tor inc it M nji vll nr- n tar more fnltlns thli 5P3Lfl becausi- ft the change of nlavtm nlll the clubs anil ttt trlnrinc utofftesh material A of jiUvrri In the Intrrcoll cldt Lau nut te tieli In New York lnni iiin niiiAN r 15s t tirti M nn aoplliition far membership and tilt ait1 nit J Trln v Ion UJi jtn will injKa a iiiili aix learn nrcanlzatlon- Phjilff former iantaln if the ntrrnr ir rent teen his lined the Ati- l llr rrib a niatlcr which will ciuoi a it- r hntllne ainone the hilfmion mm I i WC- tlit a teim to ltat Um Mcrcurv rout or- en nltlfo FhouM riniell enter the IntercolUtrlate tea rt thit imnl will Mrt I rz for mnnutt In ulivl In New York w hrre lime quite a tare a pcrcent se it the alumnI of anv ohcr cttcT unless It to C >0 la- The nf Ki Ortn In Inrnroie- eni m rarilulnrly In lining nlnp mllrs of- ad nw pip for the Ire urtarr iicn 11 = Ihria kattt faster II tie ire haM thIn Pt tefure tpeii I onj hrlllle the Iropnl cut face flat tetnir cUt Ill liu tuhIn Ths inpUlt- Vtil prnl1hh he orn In the ehaut1ttfliiIl- ecenla hell her cturtniithe tufter The New Trtrk A r wIll n tact iiti Veer P il rlrman mime of la dr otoln aol 1 I- jPnel1 as IIrce ent 1I1t al Frel nhl the ti Cr Iil ooflt rrr I itrtdfrot cater t rlhI wIn 1rI tctIati left be- FnI1t IhIH end Thenttit pre ° for Oltilionli thaI te IaI r nr plsstii leant tiIi trlr1J rou the In the ruh f M The csnnin f the f nell teiu to Criht priptlep- i Is trvnc re uVIbl rll Itie nilinsr I t i f ir eirlv work New C teen will live lit I tonlclit at the Ct qI t lurk I = MUSICAL = I = MUSICAL A Success Unimlit Anicrlctin born lit AlflFrU SI1 VIPINO li IS v nmje his first apneanmct hlonqo UK Hun CarncRlf Hall niMlcme ut before an American and legitimate unit scorMj an Iminnifu afurnxin lay In ISOtM joining lhi inilr aiiilunio n siKcesii liu icali ant fill nhhh UiUeJ PI lauie was times o tnfoie lie hid i vii inlcd AI least IMI nt Ihe II11hn y Con alt ill cc nuiii are ciluc4tril In America and been orl Six u tiC has Iluitntn of Juan uch masters as 1uniip tIEr Chill of KluiHiuc lakln 1iuf nit > Vurk the violin at UoluKna- nt of Ills illiilunit as professor unler alii finisliliiK years of fourteen the nut UailliiK violin nuiUr it lie Peru r Irof insen Idert ii jry tin Has placet In all the lertdlns II cities somt of the niviurn atMM vilh whom if iuri e ton the lilt three ears he tus JiUiM lay nf him I The Masters Say- arc The New York Crilics SMNTSAENS tad U p311 mr t onenIn oer- fenliy 05 per cent ml no I hits mu It unterprelei I HANS RCllltR playnl of favoiHbtc LeiCiIti after me eu th jalnlUI IJrchr as teossu- and > U rcmurltatile showing the be r1l1IIIO lflLJC LIII in tieS It 0 tIa hails lIra a I ColIrlu urUst tot an American Manchester JOACHIM vra- Mnlau OLICCI rPlt talent hA pert ei tm1I Ci C nJ- PUGNQ a f II Ill ittli f ln Illrset Evening World 1 flni Ill nV tiitnl iiLI WITh the- e N WI iiirt ooviii Cl m su- nKerlty d h Cut IhH calls tI Lie mOlt BMUltil sound M3Z uIn 4 fjui es- i vC trta Uttplitifltt IHr it aliv linltY- SAVE Irpisr wllUll jrtKf dvl iliucnrj S you fisvr I supirb chriuc lIr l much uf Iru f ft inifiprtit mirth I atil inoirtr jOfn rue flniurs tic sano a < that trcai nuns It Acd li ubitu or re > t Auiric tenducor I Liirao il 4i t iUd in iHiiiiiuiif iii I a ktfeplntf biradti- i WALTER DAHROSCll HJH Ilk 11 lila ii ijinn an l u i nitili IciItlet i i urn 111 t lust taUd hifli slInllitl rot I Hal rn Idi < f lip rttlii of ht teehntqu the C Iraq lit Ills tsumers- rank r = millvT thmliptfi 0 rii s music 4nICIstaniinic limes io Ktw Yffk Eli stunt cDiemcDt Liioj- Kltint itcOliti to II appear la7 Spadn Nt I11M ollcrlo popular SunJjir tan cflat the fIr lomorrow E JOHNSTON Manager cew Guinea Thrtrc S91b t CodMadlIemi I I I 51 fl AMtI AN LIIII 1IUI- iiI1r l b v- I I HU1I 1 IS DureCIu- rIit lIIIU 1 iiul Ia WhlIt M8 OK n tul a Trtranlnl- T MirrjV I fgntU rojlar Cam Con in We 111 ir wiri- I Tie olvlllT- tliaulnl rml lrlr html Iln IlueunuI grant lncliaH SAT of and UiiCht UAT EVE Toils ikitit Mary VJTli nnlisitlxln cane en fur Slut > YALES itackeyCiub s ft nink flxv- fixth street n rftinar aji- litlon o1um fciiil New York thrre iranea PS lumt hIpntftme hurl have Vita tIth hrll1ntr- OIcr no twb ura Pr il- lpeitt II p LI panic ne S tia- hante The York A- nme nrmilt This what hare WiLl vnI Ikii ifintl- AI s tireeter StUlR7 I I IMM popsI SPALDING lriU Mnjeud rU- fIUIAS THKA Kraiklln MIIS n < > Ir at3 aria I nrh1lhlrt Jon lufn 11111 Tinirs N it lie at n- IICItJI Srl MEYN aonIEINRICI V IIIS- n ro a METROPOLITAN iilliMSi tuG rita 54 olglxa alfl NOV III ifW isfu IIkIL VUULD WANTS VOHIC WONUUHS ppl1CFrON- CNTZ 1Thf6 PRINCETON TAEL 3 j 1f TACKLE S BUYS IN fiNAL GAMES fOR SOCCER HONORS Final games In the Public Prliool soccer championship will be plnveil to lay titter very Intel oxtlng omitestR he lug sclurltilil as flu ins iubllc School- No C2 Manlinttnii 1iiMlc School Nn 2 Hr iix HI iutl Athlotii Kiki siiitfn island Ini nclorl Iltlilk Stittnt No 3- liinoltlyn VH IMiMtr Fdlll Nn 21 Ial hnttnn nt lro i l am HiooM y 2 oclock itml Ilililn Siluml No iX Min luittnn vs Iulilli Sihdol Nn 10 HroiiK IMI at Macomlif Dam Inrh nt 13- 0oolork While III llnnl result licfvoen Pulill- Pfhool 21 unl Iliblic iirliool No C may lio clnii it Is i iivctiil tInt tie funnel wlilrh ins the nimniup yell wt will tin fliiimpliuiHlilp Till sclinol Inentcil nt otic Ilitiulicil mill I wen tyei ii it ttift ntiil Miidifon avi 11110 Thf RtitulliiK of the tinmi to rtatn r01l06- Won Itet 1111 iibtI Shoot o I I itrtra N I Ill I iohnl I I I Public Si 11 I 0 0- IlIhlr itcititl N I ii it 2 hl1 n 2 I I Stars to Compete in K of C Gamcs tI II II JJI J II3niai I Jim iulltun tie atlat Snlrll5 In I Is a ie or Ih lull t Iu iliiit ti mule lalln MP t 111 I IIJ1 it Almi r IIn to I dais Ii tet- in lnrIia ithiiiIiiI ha- Ill rteh In lii chit 111 it 11 la 11 11- Adm 158 lfl un ln t rut < 101 e it ill ii dire ifl Ih lil ut ho a- bo III tar I run AMUSEMENTS EMPIRE SJ iVIO I av WoJ h JOHN DREW indAN STRAW HUDSON 4lth s Kt > iviw I Mol W t x rt ljl ETtWLBARRYiORE- jjp I LH1IJ1 I olh- I WM GlLLhTTE in Samson LYuEUM 4itI U j hI- h r Ma I 2 u l BILLIE BUHIE KNICKERBOCKErt Y tOI H rI siu Tha Girls 01 Gotebag titi > Kv h Mai GACK S- CIMM I Iiit- hIiaLU wks ilhu li vluj- AIIXAMIICA 4 i UJI iIl ts- lit 11I1VIN In MP ivrklnms Cuniun- oCAVr V ilihhi II Kgs at niu I Mail Thurii anj that S U II IS flY l nII1 i il iti 1lmrrn Till V mw IIDITKV I 17 NEW AMtTIIO MjIll 1 wy Si- SSuVji Letiiitih s 111 KBT a Little NemofiA- IFTY TIIKV j iIi v i i > ev s is Mv Wfl K l 51 The Traveling Salesman New i I Iii Tltl i V t ttr 2 m itt YorJ THE AMERICAM IDEA I rRHlTV tt i s I nr II WH FV 5 11 MH wvii hit- I JIllll n i s nsiilnnal Drama J VIA WIRELESSbR- OAOWAY i iii I tiuh IN Ii liMits t et itt 13 GHACE VAN STUDDIFORDI- n Till COMMA III llClil IV- riV1 I t 5II VICIORHERBEHI ri nils It v Iaa I a a Kiins- 1ARLISS I III DEVIL ill HIL i l u lUte i li S III 1T f I iPt- IBLM1CliI3VcES re fnu SIHr5i uj I IMJ iimti1 Ili at UIANrVb i it I S 4i tia r > U vi if Jut I uii- LINuULn SI nninuatis im oiiu- Ury tilth DI MAllsrrjiAli v riiiiu lilllll AMEIUCANNtN IlOVl AUIT4- r si Wi It a rinn Tree lro 1ler luC s Hit v DIY inrrr Iinler Spats R lni So- ra SSfeWRS 1 Mai 1IXUtU- u nitflit SO vinr in I runrN nino n t Cctmehia JcKTH- E A DOVD EN r rGERAIN AV Brooklyn Club to Release Five Men Before Spring 0 There will lio a big shnkenp In tIme lliooklyn S a t tonal Lea gui lull ftn- easnn U Is learned from IL source whlrli Is nutlipiitlc that tlvi > player pho wftf with the team tiring HIP sea- son Just emitted tire to be let go nnd will either flKiito In I trade for como good player or players or will ho soil TOM JENKINS READY- TO WRESTLE MAHMOUT The referee IH to he chosen tilts after- noon ¬ for the Torn JcnklnsYusslff Mah- moiit match which Is hlulpl to take place at Maillson Jnnltti- ratiliFKivliiz light Nov 20 oerll names lime teen proposed LI tiiaiinKera of the lespectlvo giants nmoll them being Charley White rim Jyin JIiKlty Johnny Uhltp nnd John J Olrlel Tlm Turk Is attinct mug n of ailPiitlun IIIIIUIIK fol 11111 of the 1111 who hne lHited lilx t to 1IIIrer at llruwus- gyniiiiifliim TUTHILL HAS NEW JOB Harry Ttithlll trainer of the Detroit club champions of tile AmelcQI League thin season has lioni phy l cal Instructor of tile Nutloruil Athletic Club of this clly Johnny White man- ager ¬ of tho club hat been luoltlng for a good man for thhi job fur some time mil an ILl t imIl I was highly recommended to hull by miiiy ull klOl1 bportlng lien White maui an offer last night which hn ijulclly ucwptnl rut ¬ hlll ulll uHiinif chaign of tile clubs hut on Monday AMUSEMENTS- blOUIIM I 111 pp O DRO ME Daily R alita2 r t 1 aul- Ir VI Illlril lliillrl iUVIll11 DAVs flrrii III I HI- MAJESTIC 1WnJi Iy latil s- 1DALYS rflromIcBLUE GRASS- WM a T Inl Dor FAVERSHAMl bVrII 5 LU Ills SVIfp LYRIC u or iuvuvivci3t3 MatInee Torla IMS LULU GLASER I lijf Uvmy A smiTst lvo IMO111U Mmlnee ToJoy LOUISE GUNNING M r- uw t IILD 1 J 8 HERAD SQ 0 IUJI 11 Today2Ia If S Ilmodlu- Wesl TMh JToffcth v Kvs M i End nmlI no- ssctoiiw MaxinBtinoii IIHTTINV Ia- N j t VeekJua Wrbern Trmcslr t LlIriuI UuvaytULttCL OhnoUT- a I u I l 3 Mat Woj Hal iJ PAID JN FULL ASTOK 1 fH Win Hod- jeftlWh IHE MAN FROM HOME ilrotdaae at i EIJOU VtV5- A ttnlu SScj a hill BENTLEMyi FROM MISSISSIPPI CIRCLE I MR luuis MUM in Illi MtN Him IHIU viilII- JIS 5 t l j M i 2- umiIay III Nuht c nren llvflm I < WALLACKS ii 4f htFOnrN t P MARIE CAHILL n VVi r KEITH PROCTORS ll < lMHVIOl H MIOW l til SlIM 5th AvegtiSSS 1 52 U nay 1 isui H rl tl imi CAn > iij 15 DIY Mol SVMI SIlt 11101111 I S IIUI Tho No 12STI llfllo John f 17 0 fm Spun 1 3AtrauLs 5ilhi 1 oh IIM- fin iiui I hI I it aaiCI tl ij lOfllAl IUSIt > Th ipt1 illmarln Ill I > u I Sat DurHe rax Oii > r IIflhIfl 11 Ii 11111 ire isWiTl- HI nonuin nmtn i llllIIUllll Vex i Co harry T lsi- Hilulij < r nnte < i t I 11 Grand A Knight for Day JOIIV SLAVIV M VY VOKKi VMI Verk Ilinrir Mllltr T 1 it Pin HILI TllfcA illK iMAT MURRAY si ST 4 fKX VIPAIIT I anwIIIII14uCASINQ GIRLS CO nl The plavriB who are i their walking papern failed tu pla5 Ihelri1 best ball this year and futllfTrnor 1 I made no attempt to get Into condition UI It is sad that three infielders a oJ pitcher itol TI tiiiflf1r will bo turned loose Irmjdent IJboets Icnows who the t men are lilt h vlll not make known i thflr names ust ut present for fear It g might upset itt plans RECORD PACE FOLLOWER COMING TO RACE HERE 11- p Tls naest raiinncailo follower oS motor pace in tile world has been en r ztigtil to conic to tins country to ride uuinif tIle International sixclay bicy- cle ¬ moot at ailis m Square Garden De comber bin to Ulll Atthnr E Wills of 1uUiey bngland has claim to tame roinmuil iipiui IL cycle record whtcn he recently lull up In Geimany rding- bl miles j yards in 0 minutes Tilts X tin nrs time tint a mile a minttto lids ever ton ridden lor a full Irour EISELE WILL RUN IN 22D REGIMENT GAMES 1I John Elfeie of tho New York Athlo j Club who un the tennilltf national iViam- plnnhl Ililit uscik will he in sinner In the I 7i i Incur rice it the Oljtnpic thletlo fleet of lip Tnentvteei I lUliient int- llnffr at tie armur Nov 21 ii fi ban established htmnelf n > ou of tlu tat untie distance lunnrs of he hiailn and hi work In thi l n till ui Tluinkytrlvfni Ku Is PY- iKiMul ti rtie niiirli Intrrittt HI a III IM- npioflil lit Win lljiv tic cluliii u ilfurKH V Uuill IK Irlahowrkn Atltlillr Cljh 4 A lio finished find nn l HOTna lesitfetlvrly In the tfninlln ilia nilon hiv M J Drlmoll- Mercury AHiletli1 Iluh llarvoy rihn Irish American Athitlo Club and Mdle Cary Xnler Atlilnlr VsJLxlatlon ana a scorn ei others AMUSEMENTS NATIONAL HORSE SHOW Twentyfourth Annual Exhibition MADISON SQUARE GARDEN NOV U 10 11 li IB ii Go to the Horse Show- Go to the Horse Show QIKNH DAirY AT II OCLOC- KroNiiaiTs nv iANniit lire sects mine Tin Usira cottties MS in IMAD- MISSION1 i tl 4 Hubers I sl h Museum Nrv UelIrtuShnrt twanon kfi3 ELITE BURLESQUE and lOMEUt CO firt ki Vlimu Tioupe Monke P > nlei- Uu C I > h JlnnJcuff King other Ed u PI rnnri Hunrtiv DIX E YJLaS ± 1TtSIEI IOIIT GARDEN IIIIT 1Ion DEVIL ACUTHV III IILIIIlHIII ht Ii JrMiii pi Clllllii DUlINtJHAil orcsents Montgomery 5 Stone WR RED MILL Irlcen SJ to J 5 a Mats WM ftlVvjiu ilv < H Ar MERS E HS I I i i cii c i lie fiic re t1 Kara H trnilillMairula ilneJohn C Itlru 1 Hilly i1ipn Iaf Hi one tt fnrlon Hem hers OLYUPIC J HIli sI Jiiore jlL Hluy j J halo nf HighClass llurlssqu JI PoUr I HICK < Dip I 4 hinkiita r riMiToxrt lhiU Urllll I OJ I inoinAv I tan ar WTROPOllTrNI 3 Sessions Dally bIn Incl Skalu S0 IUVD rONlKUTS- iiru IiUIflltl IflItfisli bi Lexngto- aiinnnnLtaaLtnIer od av- h Lu 15 ia3ial li 13 ADOLF IOD tIll his ftirunAintrlcin Oo IIhILI I II UFH CORSKII rntocnn ICE SKA TING aa tiiI II ST NICHOLAS RINK 11lh 1 IInr- tCIU av il- TLANTIC OAJtuBN H mry or wnl A lIsery 550104 7W Sal Hundiy Matlii Z SO Hrm4 f inctrt KM III fine I VniJevltl Sow Mnvlnc Ilcturfs r- IDROOKLYN AMUSEMENT- 8EPI m 1I11 wy aVb va 11 V- 11 4 M Ti atl hi ti Tao Ureal Kw P HIIOW piwsntlni lltxjllli tM d I illlllTi tho Urutt UUh n A Sur R Vie Olio cal SO r otU llnir ShoW I II rJ 71 rflit wk fur n rTtrlnIII- I Mutlneo D imAYTONS to2030Q 1 11e Robert I3mmet- f Wu 1Unu el WUlliiu iDa t t I


IyT il i1l-WW1 it1f t


< > l-

ffIr i r1p



j I









t Players of the Present Day Visit theBarber Before the Game and Result-

Is Shown in Improved Piay

lon hahc1 glnillator of tcTHE h an olipolie opr I

n It took tin wlieijp atlilcli1fifteen or twenty JIPIIH to ilml out w1 t

the prize lighter Knew at tlie jimp The I

closer the hall Is uropiicil tin hotter tlrheld can wollt Tills is rsperljllv trueIf Ihe t ork Is haul anl fjotlu canTrell bs claFflfleil ns hard lulioi-

He all thai at It mar tIm fllolplayer of today ROCI to the l 111

hop a few day t hofotc tin MIJ saniesI-rtMead of the liaIrIrisr All o-


temember when a blK iork nfhair was tho ciruuiMK Klory nf t o

hero of the Krliliron Th lonsrer t

hair the nOr Impujlni the m n 2n

the time of tlie Toes the Ii wltts tinPorabacks an 1 the 1etitons It wa < mstomary fpr the footha hero at tle-ftnlfh Of bUj tames to cut ofT wtp oftheir ftonjnB l r iml prerent tlem totheir girl ricnlf espelaih if the hairCurled up at the enilf It iiful to bp acommon occurrence for a pluer totom lo th1 training taMe with hlFhair plaited up like that of n R rl togut f laugh

t Today the collese athlete whn RPIR-Iftto his football togs and hits the medoes it with a head as olrsrly croppert-as that ef a pimlll lIe has fruml thathIP hud l > much harrtu without thehair and that no tackier rm iafh himby hl8 free nl ilrac hUn through theline

Savannah Auto CourseHas Its Death Curves Too

omate on the auto cnpl

TESTS e at Sav nnh Indicate thit I

may rile RltMi some nf thedsrdtIi drivers tvio start ThanksIIvlnt day with the expectation f i

b atlnc the wOrld record spil of74 i4 mil j per hour made by Nozziioin the Tar Floilo ran In Italy aboutA month ago Even under s icli condi1-tjont honeer th Amcncini will ryjfor a flew mark

Thft Bnvinnah rnirit 13 nn Ideal oneanj enpabln of verv high pe eI butthere art numtrom turns vhlch cannotwith Mfety be taken st ani thins like


full spfed The irturei is of jJ S mlesand there are sixteen ip of 1l x11ts-p r sap With the iierp siry Mowupsifor the turn It will lie InpifiMo 01maintain the lilsli speil nf hI inlen rmol per hour ivlilcli tlie hlh piwetodtlrp can rssl > li inl this wi tic a

q 0

Nelson Tells Why He14 Stops at Swell Hotels I

It wts like this sad tiLe Hattler-ai he HmpH into Tic Kxcnln V ridomce yctterday ftuinoun Theywouldnt havv mo over tluie In Phila-deCphla I gOt slurB aan after I KJtIn the big town I goes up to thehottl office of a tine JoInt over Herearid asks the price of u rnoii TilerrUtJehlnd the counter Miyx JJ I

pulled out the three buli andtapped my nime In too he 11-

1thlt on the level on the ifKsprThe trk took cue look m me aiil-theft say J Ualt n nilnut I waltplanti Jif Kays The hcaprst you cin

Hn room Is JJr > that oV 1 replied kinder SMP

like for a stallTei that U 5I he cain right





rile boar floor champions will he In

their element tonlBht for Its tin openInjr of the Indoor reason Till inmes ofthe Knlfhti of Columbus Atlilnllc Asoo-

fUtlon itort this hull piolliur n1 tInHlxtyninth Reslnnm Aiiiiii i ml Hwilt be splendid dart ur J IItht etir Sletrou iinn l iutiuhive snfrnl

The N Yorl A C npil ti hub4 American A f vii lunn Unlv fulli ttsmi a ml niiiiiy nf tic inr-

acrMhat wll liod fottli nt I Vltlr Iirlthis aftfrnooil will tin n iloulilo turn I-

iI lag tnIei In the snwrs tonsiiI METROPOLITAN GOLFERS


l Th Nonlnallng IoniinlUie of iliolIetrppo 111141 Oclf Auvoclatlon III mnJo-Mtpy chinsen In the Hit of rlllferHooinmtiidfJ for the cnmltiir year W

f dcnt ninl lcluliten Uinf sccretfiry declined tu yiruintloMter-he Uu t as ptlfcteil liy the Nomtn-

tipsj Cnnimltteo1 dent Adrian II Uarlsiit Shlmio

C rut III J VlcolrcslJmt I

eler tiluli ieiutiir-v D nderpool Morris Cuuiily ulfClub Tre iuriT Kriink l liiniliiK-nN4ntu Country Club ICxemtlvo Comwltu iJohn Wifl Wrutbroiik bitClub Georae P Klitldun KiilrlUldI lIlIlt John Hiid Ji at-

JJolt GluL > men I Taylory 14 Jeao1Qw Jolt ClUb U V < hecp


c Olt ClUb

t I

Ijfli II


The original Idea of long hair In footlinll ns hOt It Fcrvnl as H cushionnnd protictril tin1 calp from bumpsnnd bruise It nlO male the playerlouk hUi Sampson Later years levelood tlf fict however that Jim leltvlerwas u bigger man thou Sampson aswns John I SnllKnii nnd by decreesthe lorKs lK Kan to disappear Tht headrear is a grrnter protection and doesnot ftnnlsli such nn excellent thing to I

Rrali ns a hlK shock nf hair UpsidesheadRear annot he worn with longImlr

The headgpnr then reigned supremefor n rouplt of yarn tir mote ond It Isstpn ivpy usel now hut even that

15 icing dropped The Tale players donot ue headgeni of any kind In tact

I they use vprr little palling Princetonstill hAnKs to the headcear but Itis not geiforal Princeton Is long onpads In the rome with DartmouthTibbotts cane on the hell looking like-

an upholftered cflalrTile football coaches have about de

duel that a player can be more af-


with as little clothlnsr as pos-


nnd that he mff rs no more Inlurics than If he were upholsteredthroughout

A alnnre at the photograph of thefootball players on this page Is con

I ruing proof that the barbers are nowI crttmg sonic share of the annual prof-

Its of the steal college same

Icon eiv3tie spncd or about 20 12 m-

mits pwr lap or arout 65 miles per hournn tills hTsl the race will be run In-ehniit t hours

for tn iicn car race on he diytniiowiiijt JliankFtrivIn tha dsluice 1-

ll i mites arid tia raoars wjl maketwenty turns over tile course of p <

nubs LIp consprvntlve estimate ofpfeii in tns n It about 13j min ¬

lies per Hp or about to miles per hourmixing tnc time fir tne race bout 4Ir Miis anil 1 mnutPK-

lious tnev cftlmates were shown tolieorno Itntiertfton winner of the Vanlerbllt flip race in a I romoblle andwin wUl iirlve a Creitolre In the fia-vannah light cir event while he admit ¬

tel Ihi I icy wir fair he thoughtHint to prl roeoriK would t e estabisnpijinj laCe nf drivers In th > raejnil isoiersni is lur above the over

HK ant noif is wilns to take thelist ot inter I1 will be a peed conin crvr Mn e of thp word und

every cir Mil lie pjMieil to its limtn

baL and I Clipped him the extraWD lie thuuKht lie would get rid of

me that way hut I caled the bluffand he hid to tniiku good I hal am od nUlitti sleep anyway but Itust 0 tents an hour

I alwayshtjp ut the swellest hotelIn the town confided Hat and I

hUo Kot my leaioiis You know ImIflu dub If I can cet In the Waldorf

for J i n day I will civc cnotiBh tot nij-

roni iciit by gffnf rid of the humsand 11Ik toucher You know those

uis never hunp arounl the swellidunps

Nun who ivil siv that Ilattllng-NclniTiI hasnt fario Ideas of financeTlus this answer for that 2M00t Intin Hficnulri honk




Th OllntpniOTiniorce fnolltll e me NewYnrlls tlucM iriinal wnii of the tar willbe ia > nl I Anicrlrwi Uniue Park onIlia iimrnnins of Tlinnksslvlnx 1at Effortshiv lten male In stcnr hip pco ilroun-ivncr


ih limnp met i1t rear fr li-KiiiH lit n > ilu nurszeiicrtt wireUI IIVIT < MI rue rvwnnrii N both ItalICI OJr1 Oil the piniw lunnvt N rlail In11 nfl > ni9n 10 that n ntr rroul roill tsee II but wlli n RAKo irtnifllrl for theafirriuui at Anifiin lttiJf Park lie111 ii itIii VII TUHI Hilt Uilll-HP Iotcj Oriuili linnofnue lu iinjure thereU no then fir 1 Li t uzi to Tt therra I which ruiWel nir than ten tftounn1 Uit > irC-

uicH fiaili lips dtrupi R noji rr4 Inllmuibrlnl isliu Is 011111 ilKt IliJlit fur the 11111roo tfiiu Or ivuiCornell ivhu luoUcJ uer Hi tonThunJiy udctiiun llkti Hifilss workant lielped tht titus Lurk Qal 4 r l trickDlavi

I rile Townitnl HarrIs IfImvi

oulhorlllutour I II tnpn triWe In irJ a teethto tornllIIltolluhf1o 11 Hit gi Inc

scarrna of Hu 11 nn l xllvwhere to play wllli X n VurU MUlttnr AcaJlily hn cunrellM

Tho IVri ni eleven Ii imln jrftA-a a lir off Tlio UVLII wlilij atliluloj to lila > here uJa y tcilliort IheInvlUilM unl Iho Kprdhmn iiianircnienttilnl lu arMRm a game II Ilh ti > jor > oftht irjnlaj > tilp Ilinroill fh rffoit asu-fIIejJ JM 1 Pl llront tiji i Mill tut LuCy

i until nvst hiturJjy when ltnuelj Iuhte trill bt 4tttrUIiitut at rfflOhmm Tfc-

X > uTv rl nCSrd ulll te OMT Bl Oulo n ll-thj uftimoon tQ uatal tht IIOjtman t-

It PX a1i311 Ie York

I t4e t o

IIKr wai tCJil j










Players Getting Into HardPractice for Coming-


since Wlllc Iloppe won theEEP halKllne worlds clmmpionshlp

returned the einlilcm tn tedonors with tie ilcclarfitlon that thonenight gnmj called ton imdrr thedeed of gift when challi nged wus notus good n test of aying kill as In a-

match ot three ur tho night the tarplayers have been iiRitntliig tIn matterof n g n tournament for a IKWrliimplonslilp This deslie will bugrunted when n uiuibl linil can be

I net in iil In this tltyAll the i rack plan irs In Amflea ull

then he called together nx iiintnl andthe riKh lor lounminMit play will be t

agreed upon There will be a new cmtile rules for touinnnuiit play wilt lnupon to ilv lbs view mi the rubs toKovein and the rondlttuiiR of play

Mllc ltpie will m a now ptunt Inblllar at the nuu Pulton e-

tItoklnn rtM a crIb lute be ull ca 15nilnuti ixlilbltlcn on tbs naai ebioalag with tho nit uf nurture ne an I

fancy ihoti-Uredj Ic GraIqprflctisbfli at Tim

ri nnn 10111 fM his cumin nah canefit tie world a eel pniniilinnliiii nlihi-

HHlht i1ucutii to Tie played in i LUUIJ

rhatlt Wfstnr tho osbov chinin onol iiIr nlll nlsv nil coiners in a

tour nliritr eritafrivpnt ret so k it H > rn3nl Ore IlnnilriMl and rilMitmh EreCt allLenox av1111-

etaIvi IJccinr iit chamnlin snn Itir-MIUrrtiyt lia > ltirnl n pro a t111 11-Iill gIve prfiter lnieri t to the Nulnl

tournpv tnlp wlrrt feu nniaiftns liaint-ml II cliani1 aeirs Denuresl

Ja pf nrllr from ltnhCr thit-uhi hrhh has Intro it u n-

tinr oin rfdUnso rr ti lbblfin

lulkilnC I fmfeltel in Sutton




Special to The iinlnj WcrM-


ANfjUUiS fill No 1111Wojal nf MHwjiiUce failed lo flop

llubbl h lloblnson of loa AnHfilcs In

their I at multi nodnlrilon fight befor-eJliCnrfyn club Inrt nihi WnieaktIta ned out troni tlm Ii rat sini in 1111

endeavor to UncK1 thr c i 1 ii Ioy in-Itoilsrn boi iiuly d 1111 cito iiiy th limit

Only mien OtA lloiliuDn In illtdcThat vtis in lhi ncciind muin t in-UohMiM ilioppol htm ulth a han rightto tie of I lie stomuch and tlt h1rived Ill I lIb linn haitI III thi ti-

liviiiIt umidn ftiuT LIt toolv a t uildif IlUllflllplflU



Jor hamllnl rsltrd fotball tameVlllanova will lit be LIP only TiiinivIglic Pay ullage contort in treIt-

W> York An Rlfolleg 101111

posed of even f lat year Si-

niore team nnd four trivrritv of-


Petit> Uanla star who lire pot cigtIo f I

the varsity lies teen farmed to ivprftent JhtUdflplila n a Rimo at VnIiiton Pari T i tib giving iIiOtltIZ

tiiInit l lull uitn the untfea e4 rlmiiiilonii nf ltrouil

Tiir ItU zaiue the Trlnltv Iluli wT Ui

reinforced TonI the fori mr rrIt tuckle at lalnmblii who willhu rIIAPC of the trkiui cj ehlns furfMa Fm-





M iI

I V V A C li rrr rent A P < <

Hockev ondice pnrts will be thepopulai fad this wInter the first win-


blast having rhown an increase of1kl PHI enl In point ot ntfndnce attin ice tkattns links over thin corre-frpoiidlng period of inst rcar Novhockey clubs are Icing formed In the-

IImalellllou nnd IntercollegiateIcnKiies nnd even solo of the womenhkatets aio teilourly dlscupslnc thematter of organizing tennis for morn-ing


simca-A feature of special Interest amon

the skaters is the enthusiasm that Is

being rhown by society people In

skating The eening attendance nt therinks which H largely composed olthose who ore employed during time dcy-

li linger this year limit time record formatinee attendance is larger titan forniflliy seams This may be title totome extent M the natmil lIRlm torush to exti elites the long warm sum-mer


tiling to IncjeaFo the declro fOIln chancre too leltor skating facilitiesnnd Ho excitfng ficsh lnt ioi t or time

ilesire lor soire new tad hut nt anyruto the linen III ice stiltS Is laigcrPMMI nov nnd I lie scauon ruin iss tobe n tecord btoaker

The schedule followssJlll l N Y A C Ft Nicholas S

rrfrint A C v Vainler U Hociic-iIluli I SI NlrlmlM IS W mlilnxlmi N-

V A I III V Hi rkev Club 2-4Slhilap H VanJinr W heRe > etui

e Vafl1metti 211 S V A I r ITfUell-IVb 2 x Y A if t uli 4 Si ioei1 NjcholJ s N-

VI1Oifl v F ti St

A r I r Siilrerh cc I resimm HI H-

Nldlinlai vs lloie flub Iii X V A r I

ie Vanil ifi WinOernii v 5 pt NMetin-

la Ill Hockey tat M inttn Irth 2

Wnndeier tip lliikoy i but rsnfltVI

t =




n jueia fat1

Nirhtn4U CII CbOC MUtusi




tU-QUAE p1i-


Hockey Players Will HaveBusy Season This Winter

Nlehula 12 X Y A C

Tums rerr entt4 la the Amiteiir Itov-t110 mot at the Nichols

lift eenlns an t nuidcl tout <

tiijuit tor inc it M nji vll nr-n tar more fnltlns thli 5P3Lfl becausi-

ft the change of nlavtm nlll the clubsanil ttt trlnrinc utofftesh material

A of jiUvrri In the Intrrcoll cldtLau nut te tieli In New York lnniiiin niiiAN r 15s t tirti M

nn aoplliition far membership and tiltait1 nit J Trln v

Ion UJi jtn will injKa a iiiili aixlearn nrcanlzatlon-

Phjilff former iantaln if the ntrrnr irrent teen his lined the Ati-l llr rrib a niatlcr which will ciuoi a it-r hntllne ainone the hilfmion mm I i WC-

tlit a teim to ltat Um Mcrcurv rout or-

en nltlfoFhouM riniell enter the IntercolUtrlate

tea rt thit imnl will Mrt I rz for mnnuttIn ulivl In New York w hrrelime quite a tare a pcrcent se it the alumnI

of anv ohcr cttcT unless It to C > 0


The nf Ki Ortn In Inrnroie-enim rarilulnrly In lining nlnp mllrs of-

adnw pip for the Ire urtarriicn 11 = Ihria kattt faster II

tie ire haMthIn Pt tefuretpeii I onj hrlllle the Iropnl cutface flat tetnir cUt Ill liu tuhIn Ths inpUlt-

Vtil prnl1hh he orn In the ehaut1ttfliiIl-ecenla hell her cturtniithe tufter

The New Trtrk A r wIll n tact iitiVeer P il rlrman mime

of la dr otoln aol 1 I-

jPnel1 as IIrce ent 1I1tal Frel

nhlthe ti Cr Iil

ooflt rrr I itrtdfrot cater t

rlhI wIn 1rI tctIati left be-FnI1t IhIH end Thenttit pre °

for Oltilionli thaI te IaI r nr plsstiileant tiIi trlr1J rou the In the ruh

f M The csnnin f the f nell teiuto Criht priptlep-


Is trvncre uVIbl rll Itie nilinsr I t i

f ir eirlv work

New C teen will live litI tonlclit at the CtqI t


A SuccessUnimlit Anicrlctin born lit

AlflFrU SI1 VIPINOli IS v nmje his first apneanmcthlonqo UK HunCarncRlf HallniMlcme utbefore an American and legitimateunit scorMj an Iminnifuafurnxinlay InISOtM joininglhi inilr aiiilunio nsiKcesii liu icali ant fillnhhh UiUeJPI lauie wastimes o tnfoielie hid i vii inlcd AI least IMI

nt Ihe II11hn y Conalt ill cc nuiii are

ciluc4tril In America andbeenorl Six u tiC has Iluitntn ofJuanuch masters as1uniip tIEr Chill of KluiHiuc lakln1iufnit> Vurk the violin at UoluKna-

ntofIlls illiilunit as professor unleralii finisliliiKyearsof fourteenthe nut UailliiK violin nuiUr it lie Peru


Idertii jry

tinHas placet In all the lertdlns


somt of the niviurnatMM vilh whom

if iuri e ton the lilt three earshe tus JiUiM lay nf him I

The Masters Say-arcThe New York Crilics

SMNTSAENS tad U p311 mr t onenIn oer-

fenliy05 per cent ml no I hits mu It unterprelei I

HANS RCllltR playnl offavoiHbtc LeiCiIti after me euth jalnlUI IJrchr as teossu-and


U rcmurltatile showing thebe r1l1IIIO lflLJC LIII in tieS It

0 tIa hails lIra a IColIrluurUsttot an American ManchesterJOACHIM vra-

MnlauOLICCI rPlt talent hA pert ei

tm1I Ci C nJ-PUGNQ

a f II Ill ittli f lnIllrset Evening World 1 flni Ill nV tiitnl iiLI WITh the-


N WI iiirt ooviii Cl m su-nKerlty


h Cut IhH calls tI Lie mOlt BMUltil sound M3Z uIn 4 fjui es-i

vC trtaUttplitiflttIHr it aliv linltY-SAVEIrpisr wllUll

jrtKf dvliliucnrj

S you fisvr I supirb chriuc lIrl much uf Iru f ft inifiprtitmirth I atil inoirtr jOfn rue flniurstic sano a < that trcai nuns

It Acd li ubitu or re > t Auiric tenducor ILiirao il 4i t

iUdin iHiiiiiuiifiii I

aktfeplntf biradti-


Ilk 11 lila ii ijinn an l u i nitili IciItlet ii urn111t lust taUd hifli slInllitl rot I Hal rn Idi < f lip rttlii

of ht teehntqu the C Iraq lit Ills tsumers-rank r = millvT thmliptfi 0 rii s music 4nICIstaniinic

limes io Ktw Yffk Eli stunt cDiemcDt Liioj-

KltintitcOliti toII appear la7SpadnNt I11M ollcrlo popular SunJjir tan cflat the

fIr lomorrow E JOHNSTON Managercew Guinea Thrtrc S91b t CodMadlIemi



I 51fl


iiI1r l b v-

I I HU1I 1 ISDureCIu-

rIit lIIIU1 iiul Ia WhlIt M8 OK

n tul a Trtranlnl-T MirrjV IfgntU rojlar Cam

Con in We111 ir wiri-I Tie olvlllT-

tliaulnl rmllrlr htmlIln IlueunuI grant

lncliaH SATofand UiiCht UAT EVE Toils ikititMary VJTli nnlisitlxln cane en

fur Slut



itackeyCiub s

ft nink flxv-fixth street



litlon o1umfciiil

New York




haveVita tIth hrll1ntr-OIcr no

twbura Pr il-

lpeitt IIp

LIpanic ne

S tia-

hanteThe York A-



This what





ifintl-AI s



I IMM popsI SPALDINGlriU Mnjeud rU-

fIUIAS THKA Kraiklln MIIS n< > Ir at3 aria I nrh1lhlrt Jon

lufn 11111 Tinirs N it lie at n-


n ro a


rita 54

olglxa alfl NOV IIIifW isfu IIkIL




TAEL3 j 1f




Final games In the Public Prlioolsoccer championship will be plnveil tolay titter very Intel oxtlng omitestR helug sclurltilil as flu ins iubllc School-No C2 Manlinttnii 1iiMlc School Nn2 Hr iix HI iutl Athlotii Kiki siiitfnisland Ini nclorl Iltlilk Stittnt No 3-

liinoltlyn VH IMiMtr Fdlll Nn 21 Ialhnttnn nt lro i l am HiooM y2 oclock itml Ilililn Siluml No iX Minluittnn vs Iulilli Sihdol Nn 10 HroiiKIMI at Macomlif Dam Inrh nt 13-0oolork

While III llnnl result licfvoen Pulill-Pfhool 21 unl Iliblic iirliool No Cmay lio clnii it Is i iivctiil tInt tiefunnel wlilrh ins the nimniupyell wt will tin fliiimpliuiHlilp Tillsclinol Inentcil nt otic Ilitiulicil millI wen tyei ii it ttift ntiil Miidifon avi11110

Thf RtitulliiK of the tinmi to rtatnr01l06-

Won Itet 1111iibtI Shoot o I I

itrtra N IIll I iohnl I I IPublic Si 11 I 0 0-

IlIhlr itcititl N I ii it 2

hl1 n 2 I I

Stars to Compete in K of C GamcstI II II JJI J II3niai I Jim

iulltun tie atlat Snlrll5 InI Is a ie or Ih lull t Iu iliiit timule lalln MP t 111 I

IIJ1 it Almi r

IIn to I dais Ii tet-in lnrIia ithiiiIiiI ha-Ill rteh In lii chit 111 it 11 la 11

11-Adm 158 lfl un ln t rut<101 e it ill ii dire ifl Ih lil ut ho a-


tar I run




HUDSON 4lth s Kt > iviw I

Mol W t x rt ljlETtWLBARRYiORE-jjp I LH1IJ1 I olh-


WM GlLLhTTE in SamsonLYuEUM 4itI U j hI-


tOI H rI siu

Tha Girls 01 Gotebag titi> Kv h




ilhu livluj-


lit 11I1VIN In MP ivrklnms Cuniun-oCAVr V ilihhi II Kgs at niu

I Mail Thurii anj that S UII IS flY l nII1 i il iti 1lmrrn


I 17NEW AMtTIIO MjIll 1 wy


SSuVjiLetiiitih s 111

KBT a Little NemofiA-

IFTY TIIKV j iIi v i i > ev s isMv Wfl K l 51

The Traveling Salesman

New i I

IiiTltl i V t ttr





I rRHlTV tt i s I nr II WHFV 5 11 MH wvii hit-

I JIllll n i s nsiilnnal Drama


OAOWAY i iii I tiuh IN IiliMits t et itt 13



ri nils It vIaa I a a



ill HIL i l u lUte i li S III

1T f I iPt-IBLM1CliI3VcES

re fnuSIHr5i uj I IMJ iimti1

Ili at

UIANrVb i itI S 4i tia r > U viif Jut I uii-LINuULn SI nninuatis im oiiu-Ury tilth DI MAllsrrjiAli v

riiiiu lilllllAMEIUCANNtN IlOVl AUIT4-

r si Wi It arinn

Treelro1ler luCsHitv DIY inrrr Iinler Spats R lni So-


Mai 1IXUtU-u nitflit SO

vinr inI runrN nino n t Cctmehia




Brooklyn Club to ReleaseFive Men Before Spring

0There will lio a big shnkenp In tIme

lliooklyn S a t tonal Lea gui lull ftn-

easnn U Is learned from IL sourcewhlrli Is nutlipiitlc that tlvi> playerpho wftf with the team tiring HIP sea-

son Just emitted tire to be let go nnd willeither flKiito In I trade for como goodplayer or players or will ho soil



The referee IH to he chosen tilts after-noon


for the Torn JcnklnsYusslff Mah-

moiit match which Is hlulpl to takeplace at Maillson Jnnltti-

ratiliFKivliiz light Nov 20 oerllnames lime teen proposed LI

tiiaiinKera of the lespectlvo giantsnmoll them being Charley White rim

Jyin JIiKlty Johnny Uhltp nndJohn J Olrlel Tlm Turk Is attinctmug n of ailPiitlun IIIIIUIIK fol

11111 of the 1111 who hne lHitedlilx t to 1IIIrer at llruwus-



Harry Ttithlll trainer of the Detroitclub champions of tile AmelcQI Leaguethin season has lioni phy l

cal Instructor of tile Nutloruil AthleticClub of this clly Johnny White man-ager


of tho club hat been luoltlng fora good man for thhi job fur some timemil an ILl t imIl I was highly recommendedto hull by miiiy ull klOl1 bportlnglien White maui an offer lastnight which hn ijulclly ucwptnl rut¬

hlll ulll uHiinif chaign of tile clubshut on Monday




111 pp O D R O M EDaily


alita2rt 1

aul-Ir VI

Illlril lliillrl iUVIll11DAVs flrrii III I HI-

MAJESTIC 1WnJi Iylatil



WM a T InlDor


LYRIC u or iuvuvivci3t3MatInee Torla IMS


lijfUvmy A smiTst lvoIMO111U Mmlnee ToJoyLOUISE GUNNING M r-


IILD 1 J 8


11 Today2IaIf S Ilmodlu-

Wesl TMh JToffcth v Kvs M iEnd nmlI no-ssctoiiw MaxinBtinoii IIHTTINV Ia-N

jt VeekJua Wrbern Trmcslr t

LlIriuI UuvaytULttCL OhnoUT-a I u I l 3 Mat Woj HaliJ PAID JN FULL


ilrotdaae at iEIJOU VtV5-


ttnlu SScj a hill


CIRCLE I MR luuis MUMin Illi MtN Him IHIU viilII-

JIS5 t lj M i 2-


Nuht c nren llvflm I <WALLACKS ii 4f htFOnrN t PMARIE CAHILL n VVi r


5th AvegtiSSS 1 52U nay 1 isui H rl tl imi CAn > iij 15DIY Mol SVMI SIlt 11101111 I

S IIUI Tho No12STI llfllo John f 17 0fm Spun 13AtrauLs 5ilhi 1 oh IIM-

fin iiui I hI I it aaiCI

tl ij lOfllAl IUSIt > Thipt1 illmarln

Ill I > u I Sat DurHe rax Oii > r

IIflhIfl 11 Ii 11111 ire isWiTl-HI nonuin nmtn illllIIUllll Vex i Co harry T lsi-Hilulij < r nnte < i t

I 11Grand A Knight for Day

JOIIV SLAVIV M VY VOKKiVMI Verk Ilinrir Mllltr T 1 it Pin



The plavriB who are i

their walking papern failed tu pla5 Ihelri1best ball this year and futllfTrnor 1 I

made no attempt to get Into condition UI

It is sad that three infielders a oJpitcher itol TI tiiiflf1r will bo turnedloose Irmjdent IJboets Icnows who the t

men are lilt h vlll not make known ithflr names ust ut present for fear It gmight upset itt plans




Tls naest raiinncailo follower oS

motor pace in tile world has been enr

ztigtil to conic to tins country to rideuuinif tIle International sixclay bicy-



moot at ailis m Square Garden Decomber bin to Ulll Atthnr E Wills of1uUiey bngland has claim to tameroinmuil iipiui IL cycle record whtcn herecently lull up In Geimany rding-bl miles j yards in 0 minutes TiltsX tin nrs time tint a mile a mintttolids ever ton ridden lor a full Irour



John Elfeie of tho New York Athloj Club who un the tennilltf national iViam-

plnnhl Ililit uscik will he in sinner In theI 7i i Incur rice it the Oljtnpic thletlofleet of lip Tnentvteei I lUliient int-llnffr at tie armur Nov 21 ii fi banestablished htmnelf n > ou of tlu tat untiedistance lunnrs of he hiailn and hi workIn thi l n till ui Tluinkytrlvfni Ku Is PY-

iKiMul ti rtie niiirli Intrrittt HI a III IM-npioflil lit Win lljiv tic cluliii u ilfurKHV Uuill IK Irlahowrkn Atltlillr Cljh 4A lio finished find nn l HOTna lesitfetlvrlyIn the tfninlln ilia nilon hiv M J Drlmoll-Mercury AHiletli1 Iluh llarvoy rihn IrishAmerican Athitlo Club and Mdle CaryXnler Atlilnlr VsJLxlatlon ana a scorn e iothers


NATIONAL HORSE SHOWTwentyfourth Annual Exhibition


Go to the Horse Show-Go to the Horse Show

QIKNH DAirY AT II OCLOC-KroNiiaiTs nv iANniit

lire sects mine Tin Usira cottties MS in IMAD-




4 Hubers Isl

h MuseumNrv UelIrtuShnrt twanon


ki Vlimu Tioupe Monke P > nlei-UuC I > h JlnnJcuff King other Ed

u PI rnnri Hunrtiv



Clllllii DUlINtJHAil orcsentsMontgomery 5 Stone WR RED MILLIrlcen SJ to J 5 a Mats WM ftlVvjiu ilv < H

Ar MERS E HS I I i i cii c ilie fiic re t1 KaraH trnilillMairula ilneJohn C Itlru 1 Hillyi1ipn Iaf Hi one tt fnrlon Hem hers

OLYUPIC J HIli sI Jiiore jlL Hluy j Jhalo nf HighClass llurlssquJI PoUr I HICK < Dip I 4

hinkiita r riMiToxrt lhiU Urllll I OJ

I inoinAv I tan arWTROPOllTrNI 3 Sessions Dally

bIn Incl Skalu S0IUVD rONlKUTS-

iiruIiUIflltl IflItfisli bi Lexngto-aiinnnnLtaaLtnIer

od av-hLu 15 ia3ial li 13

ADOLF IOD tIll his ftirunAintrlcin OoIIhILI I II UFH CORSKII rntocnn



tCIU avil-

TLANTIC OAJtuBN H mry or wnlA lIsery 550104 7W SalHundiy Matlii Z SO Hrm4 f inctrt KM IIIfine I VniJevltl Sow Mnvlnc Ilcturfs r-



1I11 wy aVb va 11 V-


M Ti atl hi ti Tao Ureal KwP HIIOW piwsntlni lltxjllli tM d

I illlllTi tho Urutt UUh n A SurR Vie Olio cal SO r otU llnir ShoW

III rJ 71 rflit wk fur n rTtrlnIII-


Mutlneo DimAYTONS to2030Q 1

11e Robert I3mmet-f Wu 1Unu el WUlliiu iDa

t t

