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Long Term Adequacy Recommendation

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Long Term Adequacy Recommendation. March 5, 2007 Colleen Fairhead Gordon Nadeau. Background. What is LTA Initiative?. On June 6, 2005 the Alberta Department of Energy (DOE) released a Wholesale Market Policy AESO began discussion with stakeholders on LTA in November 2005 open invitation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Long Term Adequacy Recommendation March 5, 2007 Colleen Fairhead Gordon Nadeau
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Long Term AdequacyRecommendationMarch 5, 2007

Colleen Fairhead

Gordon Nadeau

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What is LTA Initiative?

• On June 6, 2005 the Alberta Department of Energy (DOE) released a Wholesale Market Policy

• AESO began discussion with stakeholders on LTA in November 2005

• open invitation

• meeting information posted to website

• active participation by DOE

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Requirements of Policy Paper

• Metrics: The entire suite of LTA related information items, including historical data, forecasts and leading and lagging indicators that the AESO will regularly capture, calculate and report upon

• Thresholds: Specific points/quantum with respect to one or more metrics when if breached or forecast to be breached, the AESO may choose to implement one or more Threshold Actions

• Threshold Actions: The “out of market” measures the AESO may choose to implement to remedy an actual or impending LTA shortfall

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• The combination of Metrics, Thresholds, Threshold Actions and Enhancements will:

• work together harmoniously

• create awareness of long term adequacy in Alberta

• maintain the integrity of Alberta’s energy-only market

• The combination of Metrics, Enhancements, Thresholds, and Threshold Actions will not:

• be a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, the generation developer community will not wait until the LTA Solution is executed before building generation

• create perverse incentives such that there are windfalls or substantial capital leaves Alberta or plant retirements are unduly advanced.

• be a price management tool.

• Stakeholders will not be “surprised” when and if any portions of the Action Plan are executed. Stakeholders will not be “surprised” at how the Action Plan is executed.

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What is LTA in an Energy Only Market?

• EUA states that “the need for and investment in generation of electricity are guided by competitive market forces”

• In energy only market, the market determines the right level of reserves

• Traditionally regulated markets set reserve margin targets

• Some markets implement capacity markets to encourage investment, due to significant bid mitigation and transmission constraints

• What happens if that level is not enough?

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Bridge A Temporary Adequacy Gap

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Locational Resource Adequacy

• LTA does not address threshold or threshold actions if adequacy is an issue on a regional basis

• Regional issue suggests the problem is transmission adequacy, not generation adequacy

• Regional issues are currently dealt with through Operating Policies and Procedures

• LTA recommendations do not directly apply, however similar tools may be considered

• Transmission status will continue to be reported, and likely be referenced in adequacy reports

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Market Modifications

• Early in process, stakeholders expressed a desire to address “market modifications”

• Market Modifications: Any changes to the market that the AESO can implement on a permanent basis to improve LTA and decrease the probability of a Threshold being breached

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Rationale for Metrics

• Suite of metrics chosen because:

• They cover the key elements which directly or indirectly measure adequacy

• Are relatively simple to understand and will promote understanding of the market

• To the extent possible, are based on publicly available and verifiable information

• Provides an outlook on adequacy

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Metrics Reporting

• AESO would publish a quarterly report providing a snapshot of all metrics

• Some metrics may be published separately and updated on an ongoing basis

• Publication timing would be developed through the ISO rule process

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• New Generation Status and Retirements

• Reserve Margin

• Supply Cushion

• Two Year Probability of Supply Adequacy Shortfall

• Loss of Load Probability (LOLP) and Expected Unserved Energy (EUE)

• Generation Investment Signposts

• Contribution to Fixed Costs of Notional Gas Fired Peaking Unit

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New Generation Status and Retirements

• Near term outlook for generation capacity in Alberta

• Information drawn from wide variety of publicly available sources; AESO confidential information would not be disclosed

• Information provided on four general categories:

• Active Construction: generation projects under construction or otherwise committed to completion

• Approved: projects that have secured regulatory or other approvals and permits required to proceed

• Announced: projects in the early study stage or have a limited level of investment

• Retirements: units being demolished or otherwise committed to retirement; potential retirements associated with expiring PPA contracts

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Reserve Margin

• Historical and forecast outlook for AIL and AIES reserve margins

• Defined as: (Installed Generation Capacity – Peak Demand) x 100 Peak Demand

• Data Sources:

• Peak demand from AESO published load forecasts

• Existing generation from CSD report

• New capacity from Active Construction projects in New Generation metric

• Other scenarios, as development progresses

• Installed capacity will also address:

• Wind and hydro derates

• Cogeneration available capacity to meet peak

• Intertie capacity

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Supply Cushion

• Two year forecast of AIES available daily generation capacity and peak demand

• Defined as: (Total Daily Supply – Estimated forced outages) – Daily peak demand

where Total Daily Supply incorporates available energy excluding wind; available energy incorporates reported planned outages and estimated forced outages; forced outages are based on generator history

• Data Sources:

• Daily peak demand from AESO published load forecasts

• Existing generation from CSD report

• New capacity from active construction projects in New Generation metric

• Two years of reported planned outages (a new AESO market requirement)

• Total Daily Supply addresses:

• Hydro derates on monthly / seasonal average basis

• Cogeneration available capacity to meet daily peak

• Available wind and import ATC would also be provided for context

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2 Year Probability of Supply Adequacy Shortfall

• Two year probabilistic assessment of an AIES supply shortfall

• Supply shortfall expressed in terms of:

• Expected number of hours of involuntary curtailments,

• Expected total MWh’s not served, and/or

• Expected number of events of involuntary curtailment

• Data Sources:

• Hourly demand from AESO published load forecasts

• Existing generation from CSD report

• New capacity from committed projects in New Generation metric

• Two years of reported planned outages (a new AESO market requirement)

• The probabilistic model will have a distribution of outcomes addressing:

• Intermittent or energy limited production (wind and hydro)

• Generation outages and derates

• Available import ATC would be estimated within the model

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Loss of Load Probability (LOLP) and Expected Unserved Energy (EUE)

• Long term probabilistic assessment of an AIES supply shortfall

• Supply shortfall expressed in terms of:

• Probability of involuntary curtailments expressed in total hours,

• Expected total amount of unserved load in MWh’s

• Data Sources:

• Hourly demand from AESO published load forecasts

• Existing generation from CSD report

• New capacity from New Generation metric plus estimated cost of new generation

• Two years of reported planned outages (a new AESO market requirement)

• Estimated price responsive load (AESO estimate)

• Forward fuel prices (published source to be determined)

• The probabilistic model will require:

• The calculation of hourly pool prices (not expected to be published)

• An assessment of the cost of entry for all potential types of new generation

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Generation Signposts

• Short term forecast which compares several generation investment indicators specifically:

• Reserve margin

• Forward electricity and natural gas prices

• Levelized cost in $/MWh of new generation (coal-fired, gas-fired, wind)

• Data Sources:

• Reserve margin metric

• Energy prices from publicly available sources (brokers, NGX)

• Levelized cost components reported and easily calculated; data sources to be determined but non-confidential information used

• The metric will seek to identify general inconsistencies between the need for new generation, forward prices and the cost to build new generation

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Contribution to Fixed Costs of Notional Gas Fired Peaking Unit

• Historical investment indicator which shows the contribution to fixed capital a new gas-fired peaker could have received over the previous three years.

• Data Sources:

• Hourly electricity prices (AESO)

• Daily natural gas prices (NGX)

• The metric is not a forecast, only a rough investment indicator which provides an opportunity to compare the capital cost of a new unit to fixed cost contribution that might have been received.

• It does not attempt to access the impact that adding a new unit might have had on pool price.

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• 2 year Probability of Supply Adequacy Shortfall (2yrPSAS)

• Value has to be determined after metric is developed and historical information is evaluated

• Will be used to determine when Threshold Action should – and should not – be implemented

• Expect threshold level to proceed through normal rule consultation processes

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Threshold Actions

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• Effective – must directly address an impending adequacy issue

• Market stability and certainty – assess the impact, however understanding that it will be hard to predict

• Cost – all actions will have a cost. Actual cost will be difficult to predict.

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Threshold Actions

• Load Shed Service

• Offer to curtail load

• Back-up Generation

• Existing generators, not built with intention of offering into the market

• Excess to onsite needs

• Emergency Portable Generation

• Temporary addition offered by stakeholder

• Considered complementary services that would compete on similar terms

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Threshold Action Options

• Other options considered (in report appendix)

• Some expected to have a significant financial cost that outweighs the perceived contribution to the LTA bridging solution

• Others require significant structural market changes

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Terms of Threshold Actions

• Terms of contract to be determined

• Only contracted when necessary

• Only called upon when in supply shortfall procedures

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Main Contract Features

• MW Amount

• Minimum Length of curtailment period/minimum run time

• Notice period prior to dispatch

• Compensation

• Penalties

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Rationale for Threshold Actions

• Expected can provide significant capacity at the time it is required, and relatively quickly

• Minimal impact on the market when they are procured and when they are dispatched

• Costs could be significant when procured (unsure of what offers will be), however overall cost should be much lower than most other options

• Timeliness of procurement – purchased only when necessary

• No long term capacity payments

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Who Pays?

• Load would pay for threshold actions

• Rationale: Alternative is that load would be curtailed (and pay through curtailment) or pay for load shed service to avoid curtailment

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Will it work?

• Precedent that reasonable capacity was offered through a similar program in 1998 – 2000

• About 600 MW of interest, although each month there was 112 to 190 MW offered

• DOE study referenced in 2005 market policy indicated that there could be about 600 MW of curtailable load available.

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Market Modifications

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Outage Reporting

• Report outages and expected retirements 24 months in advance

• Submitted on monthly basis

• Used as input into adequacy reports

• Continues to be confidential

• Increase accuracy of metrics

• Improve AESO planning ability

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Outage Reports

• AESO to report historical actual outage information

• Information generally available today, although not in a convenient format and may not be fully inclusive

• May provide historical information on outage forecast schedules

• Metrics can be replicated, albeit at a later date

• Enables evaluation of accuracy of forecasts

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Scope of Market Modifications

• Some interest to expand scope of project to include more modifications

• Price cap/floor

• Interties

• Demand Response

• Concerned that such discussions will extend outside scope of LTA

• Market Power

• Transmission Planning

• Interjurisdictional issues

• Mixed stakeholder views

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Additional Items Considered

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Threshold Actions Not Recommended Under LTA

• Adequacy Contracts

• Acquire Intertie Right of Way/Add Intertie Capacity

• Lowering Interval Meter Threshold

• Temporary Price Cap Increase

• Constrained on Payments to Generators

• Acquire Site for Portable Generation

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Market Modification Items Not Recommended Under LTA

• Permanent Increase to Price Cap

• Formal Outage Coordination

• Ancillary Service Expansion

• Education for Demand Side Response

• Force Wait Period for a Generating Unit to Return from Retirement

• Discipline for Price Offer Pairs

• Improvements to Distribution Rate Structure

• Load Purchases Long Term Capacity Options

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Next Steps

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Next Steps

• Submission Feedback – Thursday, March 8

• Progressing development of metrics

• Will initiate discussions with stakeholders within next month

• Rules process

• Will be initiated after recommendation is finalized

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Metrics Timeline

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Group I Metrics

Group II Metrics

Group III Metrics

Group I Metrics New Generation Status/Retirements

Reserve Margin Supply Cushion

2 Yr. PSAS

Group II Metrics Generation Signposts

Contribution to fixed costs of Notional Peaking Unit

Group III Metrics LOLP EUE

First Issue* Second Issue**

First Issue* Second Issue**

First Issue* Second Issue**

* Draft for public comment ** Final version with documentation

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Contact Information

Colleen Fairhead

[email protected]

(403) 539-2462

Gordon Nadeau

[email protected]

(403) 539-2568

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