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Longitudinal genetic study of verbal and nonverbal IQ from early ...

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1 LONGITUDINAL GENETIC STUDY OF VERBAL AND NONVERBAL IQ FROM EARLY CHILDHOOD TO YOUNG ADULTHOOD Rosa A. Hoekstra * , Meike Bartels, Dorret I. Boomsma Department of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Van der Boechorststraat 1, 1081 BT Amsterdam, the Netherlands. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: +31 20 5988363; Fax: +31 20 5988832; E-mail: [email protected] . Acknowledgements: Financial support was given by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO 575-25-006) & (NWO/SPI 56-464-14192). Dr Bartels is financially supported by NWO (VENI 451-04-034). We are indebted to all the participating twin families. Furthermore we would like to thank Hanneke Hulst for her assistance in the data collection and data management. Published as: Hoekstra, R.A., Bartels, M., Boomsma, D.I., 2007. Longitudinal genetic study of verbal and nonverbal IQ from early childhood to young adulthood. Learning and Individual Differences, 17, pp 97-114.
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Rosa A. Hoekstra*, Meike Bartels, Dorret I. Boomsma

Department of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Van der Boechorststraat 1,

1081 BT Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Phone: +31 20 5988363; Fax: +31 20 5988832; E-mail: [email protected].


Financial support was given by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research

(NWO 575-25-006) & (NWO/SPI 56-464-14192). Dr Bartels is financially supported by

NWO (VENI 451-04-034). We are indebted to all the participating twin families.

Furthermore we would like to thank Hanneke Hulst for her assistance in the data

collection and data management.

Published as:

Hoekstra, R.A., Bartels, M., Boomsma, D.I., 2007. Longitudinal genetic study of verbal

and nonverbal IQ from early childhood to young adulthood. Learning and Individual

Differences, 17, pp 97-114.

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In a longitudinal genetic study we explored which factors underlie stability in verbal and

nonverbal abilities, and the extent to which the association between these abilities

becomes stronger as children grow older. Measures of verbal and nonverbal IQ were

collected in Dutch twin pairs at ages 5, 7, 10, 12 and 18 years. The stability of both verbal

and nonverbal abilities was high, with correlations over time varying from .47 for the 13-

year time interval up to .80 for shorter time intervals. Structural equation modeling

showed increasing heritability with age, from 48% (verbal) and 64% (nonverbal) at age 5

to 84% and 74% at age 18. Genetic influences seemed to be the driving force behind

stability. Stability in nonverbal ability was entirely explained by genes. Continuity in

verbal abilities was explained by genetic and shared environmental effects. The overlap

between verbal and nonverbal abilities was fully accounted for by genes influencing both

abilities. The genetic correlation between verbal and nonverbal IQ increased from .62 in

early childhood to .73 in young adulthood.

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General cognitive ability, or intelligence, is one of the best studied areas in

behavior genetics (see for reviews Bouchard, Jr. & McGue, 2003; Deary, Spinath, &

Bates, 2006; Plomin & Spinath, 2004). Twin family and adoption studies have examined

genetic and environmental influences on cognition at several time points across the life

span. It is well established that genetic factors increase in importance over the life time,

whilst shared environmental influences diminish. The heritability of general cognitive

ability in infancy is estimated at about 20% (Fulker, DeFries, & Plomin, 1988; Wilson,

1983; Bishop et al., 2003; Petrill et al., 2004; Spinath, Ronald, Harlaar, Price, & Plomin,

2003), increases to about 40% in middle childhood (e.g. Bartels, Rietveld, Van Baal, &

Boomsma, 2002) and may be as high as 80% in adulthood (e.g. Posthuma, De Geus, &

Boomsma, 2001; Rijsdijk, Vernon, & Boomsma, 2002). In parallel, shared environmental

influences explain about half of the variance in intelligence in young children (Bartels et

al., 2002; Spinath et al., 2003), decrease in importance at later ages in childhood (Bartels

et al., 2002), and become non significant by adolescence (e.g. Posthuma et al., 2001;

Rijsdijk et al., 2002; Scarr & Weinberg, 1983).

Stability of general cognitive ability

Longitudinal studies show that general cognitive ability is a highly stable trait. A

68-year follow-up of almost 500 people showed a stability coefficient of .66 between IQ

scores on a test taken at age 11 years and 79 years (Deary, Whiteman, Starr, Whalley, &

Fox, 2004). Cognitive ability in childhood (age 5 – 12) shows similar stability (Bartels et

al., 2002), but tests conducted at very young ages may be less predictive of cognitive

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abilities in later life (Bishop et al., 2003; Petrill et al., 2004), although these results have

been challenged. The lack of prediction may stem from the fact that traditional measures

of infant IQ, such as the Bayley Mental Development Index, are poor predictors of later

IQ scores (Boomsma, 1993). Measures of infant cognitive function, such as habituation

and novelty preference seem more predictive of later IQ (Bornstein & Sigman, 1986).

DiLalla et al. (1990) measured novelty preference in twins 7, 8 and 9 months. Mid-twin

scores were regressed on mid-parent WAIS-IQ and showed significant heritability at 9

months. Spinath et al. (2003) assessed verbal and nonverbal abilities in a longitudinal

twin study at age 2, 3, and 4 years and reported 2-year stability coefficients ranging from

.36 to .49. The authors of this study also performed a principal component analysis to

derive a general intelligence (or “g”) factor. The 2-year stability of g was found to be .60,

suggesting that general cognitive ability can also be measured reliably in early life.

Developmental mechanisms underlying stability of general cognitive ability

Longitudinal twin and family studies enable disentangling genetic and

environmental influences on the stability of cognitive abilities over time. The genetic and

environmental influences may exert their effect on stability following different

developmental mechanisms. Firstly, the same genetic or environmental influences may

affect IQ throughout development, although their relative importance can change over

time. This structure suggests an underlying factor (genetic or environmental) that

influences cognitive ability at each time point and accounts for stability of intelligence

over time. This type of developmental structure in genetic modeling is modeled as a

common factor (Martin & Eaves, 1977; see Bartels et al., 2002 for a recent application).

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Secondly, genetic or environmental influences may exert their effects by carrying over

part of prior experiences to subsequent ages, together with new influences, or

innovations, at each occasion. In this pattern, the influences on intelligence at successive

ages are causally linked, so that each new event builds upon earlier experiences. Stability

of intelligence over time is explained by the part of earlier influences that is transmitted

to subsequent ages. Innovations, e.g. new genes that are expressed, can enter at each age.

This developmental pattern is referred to as a transmission structure, or simplex model

(Boomsma & Molenaar, 1987; see Bartels et al., 2002 for a recent application). This

model is suggested when the phenotypic correlations decrease with longer time intervals

(Jöreskog, 1970). Lastly, genetic and environmental influences may be specific to a

certain time point only and not exert effects on the continuity of cognitive ability. These

effects are referred to as age specific affects.

Different research groups have conducted twin and adoption studies of cognitive

development. We focus here on the most recent findings of twin and adoption studies

spanning a long time of development. The Louisville Twin Study (LTS), initiated nearly

50 years ago, includes almost 500 twin pairs and their siblings who have participated in a

longitudinal study of cognitive development from age 3 months through 15 years

(Wilson, 1983). Data from this study suggest that the continuity of cognitive ability is

largely explained by genetic and shared environmental effects (Eaves, Long, & Heath,

1986), whilst non-shared environmental effects are occasion specific. The Colorado

Adoption Project (CAP) has collected data on adopted children and their adoptive and

biological parents and on non-adoptive (control) families. Reports up to now include data

on cognitive development spanning age 1 to 16 years (Petrill et al., 2004). In this

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longitudinal data set, stability in general cognitive ability was mainly accounted for by

genetic effects. The genetic stability was accounted for by a common facture structure.

Shared environmental effects were not significant, whereas non-shared environmental

influences were mainly age specific. Bishop et al. (2003) studied cognitive development

from age 1 to 12 years in a combined sample of the above mentioned CAP study and a

longitudinal twin sample. They reported a transmission structure for genetic influences in

early ages of development, changing into a common factor structure in later childhood.

These genetic effects accounted for most of the stability in cognitive ability. Furthermore,

a small shared environmental effect was found, that contributed to stability mainly from

infancy through early childhood via a common factor pattern. Non-shared environmental

influences were mainly age specific but also accounted for some stability in middle

childhood. Bartels et al. (2002) studied cognitive development from age 5 to 12 years in a

longitudinal twin sample from the Netherlands, overlapping with the sample used in the

current paper. They reported a common factor structure for genetic influences,

accounting for stability in total IQ at all ages. Shared environmental effects influenced

stability as well as change via a common factor structure and age specific influences,

whilst non-shared environmental influences were only age specific. The overall picture

that can be drawn from these studies is that stability in cognitive ability is mainly

accounted for by genetic effects. The non-shared environment is only of importance for

effects specific to each time point and does not contribute to stability of cognitive


Specific cognitive abilities

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Although genetic and environmental effects on the development of general

intelligence are well documented, less is known about the development of specific

cognitive abilities. A hierarchical organization of cognitive abilities is now widely

recognized. A general cognitive factor accounts for about 50% of the variance in a broad

variety of cognitive tests (Deary, 2001; Carroll, 1993). When this variance is taken into

account, the remaining variance tends to cluster together into separable group factors of

intelligence. Often, cognitive abilities are separated into verbal and nonverbal abilities

(e.g. Wechsler intelligence scales verbal IQ (VIQ) and performance IQ (PIQ), Wechsler,

1997), or into more specific factors encompassing verbal comprehension, perceptual

organization, working memory, and processing speed (Wechsler, 1997).

In adults, verbal abilities appear to be somewhat more heritable than nonverbal

abilities. In two twin studies in young adults (Rijsdijk et al., 2002) and a sample of young

and middle aged adults (Posthuma et al., 2001) heritability estimates for VIQ and PIQ

were 84% and 85% for VIQ, and 68% - 69% for PIQ. In the latter twin sample (Posthuma

et al., 2003), verbal comprehension was found to be somewhat more heritable (84%) than

perceptual organization (68%), working memory (65%) and processing speed (63%). The

Hawaii Family Study of Cognition, including data from 1816 families from

American/European or Japanese ancestry, is one of the largest samples in which familial

transmission of special cognitive abilities has been studied (DeFries et al., 1979). The

midparent-offspring resemblance in both samples was higher for verbal (.48 - .54) and

spatial (.60 - .42) abilities than for perceptual speed (.41 - .34) and memory (.31 - .18)

factors (cited from Alarcón, Plomin, Corley, & DeFries, 2003). Two twins-reared-apart

studies (McGue & Bouchard, Jr., 1989; Pedersen, Plomin, Nesselroade, & McClearn,

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1992) reported heritabilities of 57 - 58%% (verbal abilities), 71 - .46% (spatial abilities),

53 -.58% (perceptual speed) and 42 - .38% (memory). Similar to general cognitive

abilities, the heritability of specific cognitive abilities seems to increase with age. Whilst

the heritability of verbal and nonverbal abilities is about 25% in infants (Price et al.,

2000) the heritability increases to about 40% in middle childhood (Rietveld, Dolan, Van

Baal, & Boomsma, 2003). Results from the LTS sample (Wilson, 1986) showed

increasing monozygotic twin correlations for VIQ scores from age 5 to 15 years, whilst

the dizygotic twin correlations remained stable. This pattern suggests increasing

heritability over time. The heritability also increased with age for PIQ, but the twin

correlations were somewhat lower than for VIQ, suggesting a larger influence of the non-

shared environment. The CAP project reported a heritability of verbal, spatial, memory

and perceptual speed abilities varying from 6 to 31% in 4-year-olds (Rice, Carey, Fulker,

& DeFries, 1989). These estimates increased to 19 – 35% in 7-year-olds (Alarcón et al.,

2003), to 26 – 53% in 12-year-olds (Alarcón, Plomin, Fulker, Corley, & DeFries, 1998;

Alarcón et al., 2003), and to 32-64% when the offspring was 16 years old (Alarcón,

Plomin, Fulker, Corley, & DeFries, 1999). Longitudinal model fitting of the CAP data in

3 to 9 year old children (Cardon, 1994) suggested that genetic effects are of main

importance for the stability in specific cognitive abilities, exerting their effects via a

transmission structure.

With multivariate genetic analyses, the extent to which genetic or environmental

influences account for overlap between specific cognitive abilities can be examined. Such

studies have found that genetic correlations (rg , the extent to which genetic effects on one

trait correlate with genetic effects on another trait) among specific cognitive abilities are

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substantial in adulthood (rg ranging from .35 to .87, depending on the tests used,

Posthuma et al., 2001; Rijsdijk et al., 2002; Posthuma et al., 2003) and in middle to late

childhood (rg varying from .27 to .79, Casto, DeFries, & Fulker, 1995; Alarcón et al.,

1998; 1999). In contrast, a study in infancy found a genetic correlation between verbal

and nonverbal abilities of around .30 (Price et al., 2000). These findings suggest that

genetic effects on specific cognitive abilities are largely independent in infancy, and

become increasingly more correlated in later stages of cognitive development (Price et

al., 2000; Petrill, 1997; Petrill, Saudino, Wilkerson, & Plomin, 2001; Plomin & Spinath,

2002). However, these results are based on cross-sectional comparisons.

Aims of the present study

The current paper reports on a longitudinal twin study of cognitive development

spanning early childhood to young adulthood. Factor analyses of the data assessed at the

first measurement occasion (when the twins were 5 years old), revealed a verbal and a

nonverbal factor (Rietveld, Van Baal, Dolan, & Boomsma, 2000). A longitudinal analysis

of the first three assessments when the twins were respectively 5, 7, and 10 years old

(Rietveld et al., 2003) showed that stability in verbal and nonverbal ability was mainly

due to genetic effects. The non-shared environment contributed to age specific variance

only. The genetic correlation between verbal and nonverbal factors increased slightly

over the years, but was still low at age 10 (r = .25 at age 5, to r = .30 at age 10), and of

similar magnitude as the genetic correlation reported by Price et al. (2000). The current

report is a follow-up of this study and includes assessment of verbal and nonverbal

abilities at age 12 and 18 years in the same sample. This study aims to 1) examine genetic

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and environmental influences on verbal and nonverbal abilities at 5 time points spanning

development from age 5 to 18 years; 2) Explore the developmental structure underlying

stability in verbal and nonverbal abilities; 3) Examine to which extent genetic effects

influence the overlap between verbal and nonverbal abilities and to test if there is an

increase in this correlation over development, as suggested by previous cross-sectional




This project is part of an ongoing longitudinal study into the development of

intelligence and problem behavior. The study was initiated in 1992 with the recruitment

of 209 5-year-old twin pairs from the Netherlands Twin register (NTR), kept by the

Department of Biological Psychology at the VU University in Amsterdam (Boomsma,

Orlebeke, & Van Baal, 1992; Boomsma et al., 2002). The twin families were selected on

the basis of age, zygosity of the twins, and their place of residence. Mean age at the first

measurement occasion was 5.3 years (sd = 0.2). At the second measurement occasion

(mean age 6.8 years, sd = 0.2) 192 pairs of the initial sample completed the test protocol.

Around the tenth birthday of the twins (mean age 10.0 years, sd = 0.1) 197 twin pairs

participated in the third data collection. The fourth assessment (mean age 12.0 years, sd =

0.1) was completed by 192 twin pairs. Six years later, 122 twin pairs of the initial sample

participated in the fifth measurement occasion (mean age 18.1 years, sd = 0.2). To

increase the sample size on the fifth assessment, 64 additional twin pairs (mean age 18.3

years, sd = 0.1) were recruited via the NTR. Complete data on all 5 measurement

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occasions were available for 115 twin pairs. No significant differences in verbal and

nonverbal IQ at age 5 were found for subjects who did not wish to participate in one of

the assessments at age 7, 10 or 12 years (F(3, 203) = .663, p = .576 for verbal IQ; F(3,

205) = 1.660, p = .177 for nonverbal IQ). However, subjects who continued to participate

at age 18 had higher mean verbal (F(1, 205) = 7.834, p= .006, d = .40) and nonverbal

(F(1, 207) = 4.471, p =.036, d = .30) IQ scores at age 5 as compared to subjects who did

no longer take part when they were 18 years old. The vast majority of the twins still lived

with one or both of their parents at age 18 years.

Of all twin pairs from the longitudinal sample, 42 were monozygotic males

(MZM), 44 were dizygotic males (DZM), 47 monozygotic females (MZF), 37 dizygotic

females (DZF), and 39 dizygotic twin pairs of opposite sex (DOS). For the same-sex twin

pairs, zygosity was based on blood group polymorphisms (63 pairs) or DNA analyses

(100 pairs). For the remaining twins, zygosity was determined by physical resemblance

assessed by an experienced test administrator (4 pairs) or by discriminant analyses of

longitudinally collected questionnaire items (3 pairs). Of all newly recruited families that

only participated at age 18, there were 13 MZM twin pairs, 12 DZM pairs, 16 MZF pairs,

9 DZF pairs and 14 DOS twin pairs. Zygosity determination in the same sex twins of this

group was based on DNA analysis (37 pairs), blood group polymorphisms (7 pairs) or

questionnaire items (7 pairs).

Procedures and intelligence tests

At ages 5 and 7, the twins participated in a study on the development of cognitive

abilities and brain activity (Van Baal, Boomsma, & De Geus, 2001; Boomsma & Van

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Baal, 1998). At both measurement occasions, the twins visited the university laboratory.

While one of the twins participated in the electrophysiological experiment, the co-twin

completed the intelligence test. At ages 10 and 12, the intelligence tests were conducted

either at the twins’ home or at the university, depending on the preference of the twin

family. Most of the families preferred testing at home (around 70% at both ages). There

were no significant differences in intelligence between the twins tested at home and the

twins tested at the university (Bartels et al., 2002). At age 18 the children visited the

university to complete the intelligence test as part of an extensive test protocol, including

assessment of physical development and neuropsychological tasks. At all ages, the

intelligence test was administered by experienced test administrators. At ages 5, 7, and

10, the test took approximately 1 hour to complete, and, at ages 12 and 18 the test took

1.5 hours to complete. At the end of each test protocol the twins received a present.

At age 5, 7, and 10 years, the children completed the Revised Amsterdamse

Kinder Intelligentie Test (RAKIT, Bleichrodt, Drenth, Zaal, & Resing, 1984). The

RAKIT is a Dutch psychometric intelligence test for children, with subtests covering a

broad spectrum of intellectual abilities. The test is designed for children in the age of 4 to

11 years. The short version of the RAKIT was used, which has six subtests with age-

appropriate items, measuring verbal and nonverbal abilities. Both the verbal and

nonverbal IQ scores were based on the sum of three subtests scores, which were

transformed into standardized scores. The standardization was based on a population

sample of Dutch 6- to 11-year-old children; the norms for standardization were the same

for boys and girls. For further details on this intelligence test, see Rietveld et al. (2003).

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At age 12 the Dutch version of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–

Revised (WISC-R, Van Haassen et al., 2006) was used. The complete test was conducted,

encompassing 6 verbal and 6 nonverbal subtests. The WISC-R is an internationally used

psychometric intelligence test and can be used from age 6 to age 16 years. Standardized

verbal and nonverbal IQ scores were based on results of same-aged children in the

Netherlands. The transformation from raw scores into standardized scores was based on

the same norms for boys and girls.

At age 18 the Dutch version of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-third edition

(WAIS-III, Wechsler, 1997) was administered. The twins completed 11 subtests,

including 6 verbal and 5 nonverbal tests. The subtests were standardized for the

appropriate age group, based on a population sample of same-aged subjects in the

Netherlands. Standardization norms were the same across the sexes. Verbal and

nonverbal ability scores were calculated as the mean subtest score on the 6 verbal,

respectively the 5 nonverbal subtests. The concurrent validity of the RAKIT and the

WISC-R is .86 (Pijl et al., 1984). The correlations between VIQ and PIQ scores measured

with the WISC-R and the WAIS-R are high (.89 for VIQ, .76 for PIQ, Wechsler, 1981).

Statistical analyses

All analyses were carried out with structural equation modeling as implemented

in the software package Mx (Neale, Boker, Xie, & Maes, 2006). To assess stability of

verbal and nonverbal IQ over time, and the association between verbal and nonverbal

abilities at all ages, phenotypic correlations were estimated in a saturated model. All data,

regardless of the pattern of missingness, were analyzed using the raw data option in Mx.

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By analyzing all data, any bias that may have been introduced by non-random drop out is

corrected for (Little & Rubin, 2002). Twin correlations at each age and cross-twin/cross-

age correlations were also estimated in the saturated model. These correlations give a first

impression of the contribution of genetic and environmental effects on the variance of

verbal and nonverbal abilities at each age, and on the etiology of stability of these traits

over time. The cross-twin/cross-trait correlation (i.e. the correlation between verbal IQ in

the one twin with nonverbal IQ in the co-twin) was also estimated at each age. These

correlations give a first indication of the relative importance of genes and environment on

the overlap between verbal and nonverbal abilities. Furthermore, it was tested whether

the correlation patterns for verbal and nonverbal abilities were different across the sexes.

Genetic modeling

Monozygotic (MZ) twins are genetically identical at the DNA sequence level (but

may show differences in gene expression due to e.g. differences in DNA methylation

patterns (Jirtle and Skinner, 2007)). Dizygotic (DZ) twins share on average 50% of their

segregating genes. This experiment of nature allows statistical modeling of twin data with

the goal to attribute the observed variance into genetic and environmental contributions.

Additive genetic variance (A) is the variance that results from the additive effects of

alleles at each contributing genetic locus. Dominant genetic variance (D) is the variance

that results from within locus interaction of the alleles at all contributing loci. Shared

environmental variance (C) is the variance resulting from environmental effects common

to both members of a twin pair. Non-shared environmental variance (E) is the variance

caused by environmental influences that are not shared by members of a twin pair.

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Estimates of the unique environmental influences also include measurement error. To

take this source of variance into account, E is always specified in the model. Using twin

data, the influence of C and D cannot be estimated simultaneously. However, comparing

the twin correlations of MZ and DZ twins can give a first indication of what influences

are important. If MZ and DZ twin correlations are similar, shared environmental

influences are likely to be important. Conversely, a DZ twin correlation that is less than

half the MZ twin correlation indicates dominance effects. Likewise, if MZ and DZ cross-

twin/cross-age correlations are similar, shared environmental influences are expected to

play a role in the stability over time. If MZ cross correlations are more than twice as large

as DZ correlations, dominance effects may play a role in the continuity of cognitive

ability. In this study, a model including influences of A, C, and E was tested, based on the

twin correlations and cross correlations (see results-section).

Genetic modeling was performed using Mx (Neale et al., 2006), following several

steps. The developmental pattern of verbal and nonverbal abilities from age 5 to 18 years

was first examined in a Cholesky decomposition model. This approach decomposes the

phenotypic relations into genetic, shared environmental and non-shared environmental

contributions to the variance / covariance structure. All possible contributions are

parameterized in the Cholesky decomposition; therefore it yields the best possible fit to

the data. The model is descriptive rather than driven by any specific developmental

hypothesis. However, it is useful to gain a first insight in what factors are important for

the stability of verbal and nonverbal abilities. Furthermore it serves as a reference model

to evaluate the fit of more parsimonious submodels. Based on the parameter estimates

from the Cholesky decomposition, and on the findings from previous studies, several

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submodels were tested including two developmental mechanisms: the common factor

model and the transmission model. In the common factor model (Figure 1a), one

underlying verbal factor and one underlying nonverbal factor are specified. These factors

imply a continuous influence over time from the time of onset. The common verbal and

nonverbal factors are allowed to correlate with each other. The transmission model

(Figure 1b) represents a first-order autoregressive process. The covariances among the

five measurement occasions are specified by the transmission of these effects to

subsequent ages. Apart from the influences from prior time points, an innovation term

unique to each measurement occasion can affect the variance. The total variance at each

time point is the sum of the innovation effect and the age-to-age carry-over effect.

Transmission and innovation factors are specified separately for verbal and nonverbal

abilities. The genetic effects at age 5 and the innovation effects at subsequent time points

on both abilities are allowed to correlate with each other at each time point.

Insert Figure 1a and 1b about here

The fit of the different developmental models and more parsimonious submodels

was evaluated against the Cholesky model using χ2 tests. The likelihood ratio test, which

is the difference between minus twice the log likelihoods (-2 LL) of the two nested

models under investigation, is distributed as a χ2. The degrees of freedom (df) are given

by the difference in the number of parameters estimated in the two models. A high

increase in χ2 against a low gain of degrees of freedom denotes a worse fit of the

submodel compared to the full model. The most parsimonious model, with still a limited

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χ2, is chosen as the best fitting model. As the transmission model and the common factor

model are not nested, it is impossible to use the χ2 test to evaluate which model fits better.

To select the best model, Akaike’s information criterion (AIC = χ2 – 2df) was computed.

The model with the lowest AIC reflects the best balance between goodness of fit and

parsimony. The best fitting parsimonious model was used to derive estimates of genetic,

shared environmental and non-shared environmental effects on the variances and

covariances of verbal and nonverbal abilities.


The descriptives of verbal and nonverbal abilities at all five time points are given

in Table 1. All variables were approximately normal distributed at all ages. Mean

differences due to birth order or zygosity of the twins were absent. Mean verbal IQ scores

were higher in boys than in girls (χ2(5) = 14.919, p = .011). The direction of the sex

difference in mean nonverbal IQ (χ2(5) = 13.836, p = .016) varied per age group. In the

genetic model fitting the means were specified separately for boys and girls, to account

for the sex differences in the mean.

Insert Table 1 about here

Table 2 summarizes the phenotypic correlations for verbal (above diagonal) and

nonverbal (below diagonal) abilities across time. Both verbal and nonverbal abilities

show substantial stability over time; the phenotypic correlation over a 13-year time

interval is .51 for verbal abilities and .47 for nonverbal abilities. However, the phenotypic

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correlations decrease as the time intervals get larger. The last column in Table 2 gives the

correlations between verbal and nonverbal abilities. As can be seen, these correlations

increase with age. In early childhood verbal and non-verbal cognitive abilities are still

largely independent (r = .33 - .35 at age 5, 7, and 10 years), and become increasingly

more correlated in later stages of development (r = .58 at age 12, and .57 at age 18).

Insert Table 2 and 3 about here

Table 3 shows the twin correlations for the five zygosity groups estimated

separately at each age. At all ages, and for both verbal and nonverbal abilities, the MZ

correlations are higher than the DZ correlations, indicating genetic influences. The only

exception to this pattern is verbal IQ at age 7, when MZ correlations are of the same

magnitude as the DZ correlations. Apart from age 18, MZ correlations are not twice as

high as DZ correlations, suggesting that shared environmental influences also play a role

in familial resemblances. For both verbal and nonverbal abilities, the difference between

MZ and DZ correlations tends to increase with age, suggesting that genetic influences

become increasingly important with age. These patterns of correlations also suggest

decreasing effects of the shared environment over time. Twin correlations in twins of

opposite sex are similar to dizygotic same sex twins, yielding no indication that sex

specific genes are of importance. The significance of sex differences in twin correlations

was tested for both verbal and nonverbal IQ. Constraining MZ and DZ correlations to be

the same across the sexes did not significantly worsen the model fit, neither for verbal

abilities (χ2(120) = 130.637, p = .239) nor for nonverbal abilities (χ

2(120) = 139.144, p =

Page 19: Longitudinal genetic study of verbal and nonverbal IQ from early ...


.112). Therefore in subsequent modeling, data from male, female and opposite sex twins

were pooled into 2 groups (MZ and DZ twins).

Insert Table 4 about here

Table 4 gives the MZ and DZ cross-twin/cross-age correlations for verbal and

nonverbal abilities. MZ correlations are higher than DZ correlations, especially for

nonverbal abilities, indicating genetic influence on stability. For verbal abilities, the MZ

cross correlations are not twice as high as the DZ cross correlations, suggesting that for

the stability of these cognitive abilities, shared environmental influences may also be of

importance. Table 4 also shows the cross-twin/cross-trait correlation between verbal and

nonverbal abilities at each time point. Apart from the first measurement occasion, MZ

cross correlations are higher than DZ cross correlations, suggesting genetic effects on the

overlap between verbal and nonverbal IQ.

Insert Table 5 and 6 about here

A series of developmental models was fitted to the data on verbal and nonverbal

IQ (verbal abilities at age 5, 7, 10, 12, and 18 years of age, and nonverbal abilities at the

same 5 time points). Table 5 gives the model fitting statistics for the Cholesky

decomposition and the more parsimonious submodels. The parameter estimates from the

Cholesky decomposition were inspected to get a first impression of the importance of the

influence of A, C, and E to the variances and covariances between measures and between

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twins. The Cholesky decomposition was used as the reference model to evaluate the fit of

developmental models, incorporating different mechanisms for A, C, and E.

The parameter estimates based on the Cholesky decomposition are given in Table

6. These estimates, together with results from previous studies (Bartels et al., 2002;

Petrill et al., 2004; Rietveld et al., 2003) both suggested that non-shared environmental

influences are only of importance for explaining age specific variance in cognitive

abilities, and do not have a significant role in explaining stability. Therefore, a model

with solely age specific effects of the non-shared environment was applied. The

parameters describing the shared environmental influences in the Cholesky

decomposition showed the highest loadings on the first factor, and relatively low loadings

on the other factors. Furthermore, the loadings were higher for verbal than for non-verbal

abilities. This pattern suggests a common factor structure, with highest loadings on verbal

IQ. Prior studies (Bartels et al., 2002; Rietveld et al., 2003; Bishop et al., 2003) also

indicated that, if of importance, shared environmental influences would exert their effects

via a common factor structure. Since one previous study (Bartels et al., 2002) in the same

sample as the current study also found significant age specific effects of the shared

environment, these effects were specified as well. The previous literature on the

developmental mechanism underlying genetic influences is less clear-cut. Some studies

report a transmission pattern (Cardon, Fulker, DeFries, & Plomin, 1992; Rietveld et al.,

2003; Cardon, 1994), others found a common factor model (Bartels et al., 2002; Petrill et

al., 2004), or a combination of these models (Bishop et al., 2003). In our data the

Cholesky decomposition did not give a clear indication for a transmission structure (i.e.

decreasing factor loadings with increasing time intervals) or a common factor

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developmental pattern (i.e. high loadings on one factor). Therefore, both a transmission

model and a common factor model including age specific effects were fitted to the data.

To summarize, two models were evaluated. The first model included a common

factor structure together with age specific influences for A and C, combined with only

age specific influences for E (model 2 in Table 5). In the second model, genetic effects

were modeled in a transmission structure, shared environmental effects in a common

factor structure including age specific effects, while non-shared environmental influences

were again specified to only have age specific effects (model 3 in Table 5). Application

of these submodels did not result in a significant deterioration of the fit compared to the

Cholesky decomposition (model 2: χ2(113) = 133.173, p = .095; model 3: χ

2(111) =

122.085, p = .222). To evaluate whether model 2 or model 3 showed a better fit to the

data, AIC’s were compared. Since the AIC was lowest for the model including a

transmission structure for additive genetic influences (model 3), this model was chosen as

the best model.

We next tested the significance of the loadings on the shared environmental factor

separately for verbal abilities and nonverbal abilities. Constraining the factor loadings on

the nonverbal common factor to be zero (model 4) did not lead to a significant drop in

model fit (χ2(6) = 9.773, p = .135). Age specific shared environmental influences on

nonverbal abilities were not significant either (model 5, χ2(5) = 3.283, p = .656). These

results indicate that all shared environmental influences on nonverbal abilities could be

omitted. Subsequently, the significance of the shared environmental common factor on

verbal abilities was tested. Since previous studies reported diminishing influences of C

with age, the significance of the loadings on the common factor at later time points was

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tested first. The role of common factorial C on verbal abilities appeared to be non-

significant at age 18 (model 6, χ2(1) = 1.486, p = .223), and at age 12 (model 7, χ

2(1) =

1.945, p = .163). The influence of the common factor on age 10 however was of

significant importance. Constraining this factor loading to be zero resulted in a significant

deterioration of the model fit (model 8, χ2(1) = 18.665, p = <.001). Additionally, the

significance of the shared environmental influences specific to each time point were

tested. The age specific influences of C were not of significant importance at age 18

(model 9, χ2(1) = 0.00, p = 1.00), but were significant at age 12 (model 10, χ

2(1) = 4.761,

p = .029). Taken together, the most parsimonious model with still acceptable fit (model 9

in Table 5; illustrated in Figure 2) was a model with i) a transmission structure for

additive genetic influences; ii) a shared environmental common factor structure at age 5,

7, and 10 and time specific shared environmental influences at age 5, 7, 10 and 12 years

for verbal abilities only; iii) non-shared environmental influences that only exert age

specific effects. The covariance between verbal and nonverbal abilities is entirely

accounted for by genetic effects, which were allowed to correlate at each time point.

Insert Figure 2 and Table 7 and 8 about here

Based on the best fitting model, the contributions of A, C, and E on the variance

and covariance of verbal and nonverbal abilities were calculated. The contribution of

genetic influences is given by the matrix formula: A = (I-B)-1



where matrix B (dimension 10x10, for the 10 variables in the study) contains the genetic

transmission parameters on its subdiagonal. The genetic innovation parameters are

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modeled in matrix X (a diagonal 10x10 matrix). Matrix R is a 10x10 correlation matrix,

in which the 5 within-age correlations between the genetic innovations of verbal and

nonverbal abilities are estimated. Matrix I (10x10) is an identity matrix. Likewise, the

contribution of the shared environmental influences is obtained by the matrix formula:

C = Y*Y' + W*W'

where matrix Y (10x10) contains the loadings on the common factor (constrained to be

zero for the nonverbal abilities, and for verbal abilities at age 12 and 18 years), and

matrix W (10x10) contains the age specific C influences on the diagonal (constrained to

be zero for the nonverbal abilities, and for verbal abilities at age 18). The contribution of

the non-shared environmental influences is given by the matrix formula: E = Z*Z'

where Z is a 10x10 diagonal matrix including the age specific influences of the non-

shared environment.

The relative contribution of A, C, and E to the variance of verbal and nonverbal

IQ are presented in Table 7. As indicated by the MZ and DZ twin correlations, additive

genetic effects become increasingly important with age, especially for verbal abilities.

The heritability of verbal abilities increases from 46% at age 5 to 84% at age 18. Shared

environmental influences also play a role in variance in childhood verbal IQ, but become

insignificant in adolescence. Non-shared environmental influences seem to become

slightly less important over time, but the confidence intervals for these effects at the

different ages overlap. Shared environmental effects do not play a role in explaining

variance in nonverbal abilities. The additive genetic effects become somewhat more

important in explaining variance in nonverbal IQ at later stages of development, the

heritability rises from 64% at age 5 to 74% at age 18. Table 8 shows the relative

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contribution of A, C, and E on the between-age covariance of verbal and nonverbal

abilities. In early and middle childhood, the stability of verbal abilities is explained by

both genetic and shared environmental influences. Between ages 5 and 10, shared

environmental influences account for 22 – 37% of the covariance in verbal abilities. The

remaining proportion of the covariance is explained by genetic effects that are transmitted

to subsequent time points. At later stages of development (>10 years), shared

environmental influences are no longer important, and the stability of verbal abilities is

entirely accounted for by genetic effects. The non-shared environmental effects on verbal

abilities only exert age specific influences and do not contribute to the stability of verbal

IQ. The stability of nonverbal abilities is entirely explained by genetic effects. The non-

shared environmental effects are only age specific. Lastly, the genetic correlations

between verbal and nonverbal abilities are given in Table 9. The overlap between verbal

and nonverbal abilities is entirely explained by genetic effects. Similar to the phenotypic

correlations between verbal and nonverbal abilities (see Table 2), the genetic correlation

increases slightly with age, from .62 at age 5 to .73 at age 18.

Insert Table 9 about here


This study examined the genetic and environmental influences on verbal and

nonverbal abilities between ages 5 and 18 years, investigated the developmental pattern

underlying stability, and assessed the genetic correlation between verbal and nonverbal

abilities at different ages. A sample of Dutch twin pairs was followed over a 13-year

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period, and cognitive tests were conducted when the twins were 5, 7, 10, 12, and 18 years

old. These data showed that genetic effects on verbal IQ become increasingly important

with age, whilst shared environmental influences decrease. For nonverbal IQ, genetic

effects show a modest increase with age, and shared environmental influences could not

be detected. The stability of verbal and nonverbal abilities is mainly accounted for by

genetic effects that exert their influence via a transmission structure. A shared

environmental common factor structure is of moderate importance in explaining

continuity in verbal abilities from age 5 to 10 years, but shared environmental influences

are not important for stability in nonverbal abilities. Non-shared environmental

influences exerted time specific influences only, and did not influence the stability of

cognitive abilities. The overlap between verbal and nonverbal abilities is entirely

accounted for by genetic effects, and this overlap increases slightly with age.

Genetic and environmental influences at different time points

The increase of genetic effects on verbal and nonverbal abilities with age is in

accordance with findings from previous cross sectional and longitudinal studies into

cognitive development (Deary et al., 2006; Petrill et al., 2004; Bartels et al., 2002; Bishop

et al., 2003; Plomin & Spinath, 2004; Wilson, 1983). However, the current study is the

first to cover cognitive development from childhood into young adulthood, and separates

cognitive development into verbal and nonverbal abilities. We found the heritability of

verbal IQ to increase from 46% at age 5 to 84% at age 18 years. For nonverbal IQ,

genetic effects explained 64% of the variance at age 5. This proportion increased to 74%

in young adulthood, but the confidence intervals of the heritability estimates at the

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different ages overlap, and are therefore not significantly different from each other. The

heritability estimates found at age 18 years are similar to the estimates reported in

previous studies in young and middle-aged adults (Rijsdijk et al., 2002; Posthuma et al.,

2001) that found a heritability of 84-85% for VIQ and of 68-69% for PIQ.

Shared environmental influences were found to only be of importance for

individual differences in verbal abilities in childhood. The shared environment was not of

importance for explaining variance in nonverbal IQ. In studies into the development of

general cognitive abilities, some reported significant influences of shared environmental

effects (Rietveld et al., 2003; Bartels et al., 2002; Bishop et al., 2003) whilst others failed

to find significant effects of the shared environment (Petrill et al., 2004). The results of

our study suggests that shared environmental influences are mainly important for verbal

IQ, and less so for nonverbal aspects of cognitive performance. In accordance with

previous studies (Bishop et al., 2003; Bartels et al., 2002), we found the shared

environmental effects to decrease with age. Whilst shared environmental influences

accounted for 28% of the variance at age 5 and age 7, these influences decreased to 6% at

age 12 and became insignificant at age 18.

Longitudinal analyses: genetic and environmental effects on stability

Verbal and nonverbal abilities were found to be highly stable over time. Over a

13-year time interval the phenotypic correlations were around .50. The stability of

nonverbal IQ was entirely accounted for by genetic effects. Stability of verbal IQ showed

a moderate influence of shared environmental factors in early and middle childhood, but

was entirely explained by genes in later phases of development. The major genetic effects

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on stability of cognitive performance are in agreement with findings from prior

longitudinal studies (Rietveld et al., 2003; Bartels et al., 2002; Petrill et al., 2004).

Previous studies were inconclusive about the developmental mechanism underlying

stability of cognitive development. Some studies found that a common factor structure

gave a better description of the stability (Bartels et al., 2002; Petrill et al., 2004), whilst

others reported a transmission structure (Cardon et al., 1992; Rietveld et al., 2003;

Cardon, 1994) or a combination of both models (Bishop et al., 2003). Apart from

Rietveld et al. (2003) and Cardon (1994), these previous studies examined general

cognitive ability, and did not make a distinction into more specialized cognitive abilities.

Similar to the latter two studies, in our project (which is a follow- up of the study of

Rietveld et al., 2003) the underlying structure of genetic effects on stability was best

described by a transmission model. This structure implies that, apart from substantial

genetic effects that are carried over to continue to exert their influence on later time

points, new genetic effects coming into play at subsequent time points are also of


Shared environmental effects were found to have moderate effects on the stability

of verbal abilities in early to middle childhood. These influences exerted their effects via

a common factor structure loading at age 5, 7, and 10 years. In contrast, no shared

environmental influences were found for nonverbal abilities. These findings indicate that

children’s development of verbal abilities is more prone to differences in the family

environment than the development of nonverbal abilities. Factors such as socioeconomic

status (SES) and parental education are highly stable and may underlie individual

differences in verbal abilities in young children. Previous studies have shown that living

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in a high-SES neighborhood is positively associated with IQ, verbal ability and reading

ability in childhood and early adolescence, even when family characteristics associated

with neighborhood characteristics are taken into account (Leventhal & Brooks-Gunn,

2000). Various researchers have attempted to specify the characteristics of the home

environment that may be related to cognitive abilities. The HOME (Caldwell & Bradley,

2003) is one of the most widely used measures of the family environment. A recent

review of studies using the HOME throughout the world (Bradley & Corwyn, 2005)

suggested that the positive influence of learning stimulation provided by the parents on

the development of cognitive abilities are strongest in early childhood. This is in line with

our finding of decreasing shared environmental effects in later phases of childhood.

Unfortunately, most studies exploring the association between environmental influences

and cognition do not control for genetic influences on this association. One exception to

this is a study by Petrill, Pike, Price & Plomin (2004), who did a twin study in early

childhood and examined whether SES and chaos in the home mediate the shared

environmental variance associated with cognitive abilities. They found that both

measures mediated a significant but modest proportion of the shared environment.

However, these effects were found to be similar for verbal and nonverbal abilities, whilst

we only found significant shared environmental influences for verbal abilities. Several

behavior genetics research groups have now started to include more precise measures of

the shared environment in their data collection. Only be collecting such indices, will it be

possible to gain more insight into shared environmental influences.

In agreement with previous studies, non-shared environmental influences were

found to only be of importance for effects specific to each time point and did not

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contribute to the continuity of cognitive abilities. Non-shared environmental influences

are important in explaining why twins, and other children from the same family, are

different from each other. Factors that may induce differences between twins and siblings

could include traumatic experiences unshared with the co-twin, or consequences of an

accident or illness. Also, if the children are in separate classes (as is the case for 37% of

the twins, according to a large survey in 12-year-old twin pairs registered at the NTR),

influences of the teacher will be non-shared. Within the Dutch primary school system,

children normally change teacher each school year. The possible effects of a school

teacher are thus likely to be age specific. Future studies should also include specific

measures of non-shared environmental influences, in order to be able to examine the

precise role of these effects on individual differences in cognitive abilities.

Genetic correlation between verbal and nonverbal abilities

Previous studies into the development of special cognitive abilities suggested that

verbal and nonverbal abilities are largely genetically independent in early childhood, but

become increasingly dependent in later phases of development (Petrill, 1997; Petrill et

al., 2001; Price et al., 2000; Rijsdijk et al., 2002). The phenotypic association between

verbal and nonverbal IQ in our study showed a slight increase over time, from .33 at age

5 to .57 at age 18. The overlap between verbal and nonverbal IQ was entirely accounted

for by genetic effects. Following the increase in phenotypic correlation, the genetic

correlation between verbal and nonverbal abilities also increased over time, from .62 at

age 5 to .76 at age 12 and .73 at age 18. The genetic correlations found in the current

study are larger than the correlations reported by Rietveld et al (2003), who used the

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same study sample when the twins were 5, 7, and 10 years old. In Rietveld’s study,

genetic modeling was done on the six subtest scores of the RAKIT. In the current study

we used composite verbal and nonverbal IQ scores instead of subtest scores.

Additionally, Rietveld et al. examined the significance of shared environmental

influences on all subtests together and did not test whether the influences may only be

significant for verbal subtests. Therefore, in their model, part of the overlap between

verbal and nonverbal abilities was accounted for by shared environmental effects. As the

influence of shared environmental effects was found to be non-significant for nonverbal

abilities in the current study, the covariance between verbal and nonverbal IQ was

entirely explained by genetic effects (i.e. the bivariate heritability between verbal and

nonverbal ability was 100%). Therefore, the genetic correlation (which is the

standardized bivariate heritability) is higher in the current study than in the study by

Rietveld et al.

The genetic correlation found in our study at age 18 was similar to the correlation

reported by Posthuma et al. (2001) in young and middle-aged adults. They found a

genetic correlation of .65 between VIQ and PIQ. Studying several specific cognitive

abilities in the CAP project, Alarcón et al. found an average genetic correlation of .48 in

12-year olds (Alarcón et al., 1998) and of .52 in 16-year olds (Alarcón et al., 1999). In 2-

year-old twins, Price et al (2000) reported a genetic correlation of .30. These results,

together with the findings from our study, suggest that the genetic correlation between

specific cognitive abilities increases with age. A strong genetic correlation is often

conceived as evidence for a biological basis of g and for the existence of generalist genes

(Plomin & Spinath, 2002; Kovas & Plomin, 2006; Petrill, 1997). Our findings support

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this hypothesis. However, the genetic correlations are significantly different from one at

all ages, indicating that there is also substantial genetic variance in verbal abilities that is

unshared with nonverbal abilities, and vice versa.

Further considerations

To our knowledge, this is the first twin study reporting on the development of

verbal and nonverbal abilities spanning childhood to young adulthood. Studying

cognitive development over a broad time span necessitates different measurements per

age group, simply because the development of cognition over such a long time cannot be

captured by one test. One of the difficulties that come along with this is that no

distinction can be made between true changes in development and changes due to

different measurement instruments. In our study, we used the same test at the first three

measurement occasions, namely the RAKIT. On the fourth and the fifth measurement

occasion the WISC-R and the WAIS-III was used. The concurrent validity of the RAKIT

and the WISC-R is .86 (Pijl et al., 1984). The correlation between VIQ and PIQ scores as

measured with the WISC compared to the WAIS are respectively .89 and .76 (Wechsler,

1981). Based on this, we feel that it is likely that the patterns reported here reflect true


One of the challenges of longitudinal studies is drop out bias. Because of its

longitudinal nature, this study had to deal with drop-outs over the years. Up to the fourth

measurement occasion, more than 90% of the original sample still participated. As the

twins had reached adulthood by the fifth measurement occasion, by then the choice of

participation was no longer made by the parents. Also, at this age many twins had full

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time jobs or were enrolled in a study program. For many families, lack of time or

difficulties to take leave was the prime reason to no longer take part. At age 18 the

participation rate decreased to 58% and new families were recruited in order to obtain a

sufficient sample size. Comparison of the subjects who continued participation and the

families who dropped out revealed higher cognitive ability scores at age 5 in the subjects

who continued participation. To correct for any bias this may cause on parameter

estimates, the data analyses were performed on the raw data, so that longitudinally

incomplete data could also be included (Little & Rubin, 2002).

We did not find sex differences in MZ and DZ twin resemblance for verbal and

nonverbal IQ. This is in accordance with nearly all genetic studies of cognition. For

example, two twin family studies that included larger sample sizes in adults (Posthuma et

al., 2001) and young children (Spinath et al., 2003) did not find substantial sex

differences in MZ and DZ twin correlations for verbal and nonverbal IQ either.

Twin correlations and heritability estimates may be affected by possible effects of

gene environment correlation or gene environment interaction (Posthuma & De Geus,

2006; Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, & McGuffin, 2001; Van Leeuwen, Van den Berg, &

Boomsma, in revision). Parents with above average cognitive abilities are likely to have

children who show above average cognitive performance, based on genetic transmission.

But these parents may also be more likely to provide cognitively stimulating materials

and interactions with their children, and thus provide an advantageous environment

(cultural transmission). If both phenomena are of importance these two forms of

transmission induce a correlation between genes and environment. However, the recent

study of Van Leeuwen et al. did not obtain evidence for cultural transmission in an

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independent sample of 9-year-old twins and their sibs. On the other hand, a certain

genetic make-up could show differential expressions in different environments (gene

environment interaction). For instance, a child with a genetic predisposition for above

average cognitive performance may benefit more from an advantageous environment

than a child with genetic vulnerability for low cognitive abilities. One approach to test for

gene environment interaction is to examine the association between sum and difference

scores in MZ twins (Jinks & Fulker, 1970). Sum scores of MZ twin pairs reflect familial

effects (either genetic or shared environmental), while absolute differences within these

pairs can only be caused by non-shared environmental effects. An association between

these scores would suggest that (provided that shared environmental effects are absent),

people with a certain genotype may be more vulnerable to non-shared environmental

effects than people carrying other genetic variants (see also Van Leeuwen et al., in

revision, for an application of this method). We explored this association for both verbal

and nonverbal IQ at all 5 ages, resulting in 10 correlations. None of these were found to

be significant, apart from the correlation for VIQ at age 7 (r = .256, p = .024) which is not

significant after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing (Stevens, 1996). These results

yield no indication for strong gene environment interaction on verbal and nonverbal IQ.

Our longitudinal data provide support for strong genetic effects on the continuity

of verbal and nonverbal abilities from early childhood to young adulthood. Shared

environmental effects are only of importance for verbal abilities, and these effects are

limited to young and middle childhood. Non-shared environmental effects are of

moderate importance in explaining individual differences in both verbal and nonverbal

IQ, these effects are only age specific. These results add to the growing body of literature

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on the development of cognitive abilities that report that genetic effects are the driving

force behind stability of cognitive abilities. Previous studies also agreed that

environmental effects are mainly important in explaining why twins differ from each

other, and are predominantly time specific. This latter finding is important, because it

implies that, although environmental influences are of significant importance in

explaining individual differences in cognitive abilities, these effects are mainly transient

in nature. In our study, shared environmental effects were found to contribute

significantly to the stability in cognitive abilities in early and middle childhood. This

finding suggests that, even in a relatively egalitarian society like the Netherlands,

variance in the family environment is of significant importance. However, the precise

nature of the shared en non-shared environmental effects is still largely unknown.

Fortunately, several research groups have now begun to a) measure specific genes by

candidate gene studies, and b) include specific measures of the environment. These

studies will greatly increase our knowledge about the precise role of genes and

environment on the development of cognitive abilities.

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Table 1. Descriptives of the verbal and nonverbal IQ scores for all subjects at all time

points (age 5, 7, 10, 12, and 18 years)

All twins N Mean SD

Verbal IQ age 5 415 103.79 13.47

Nonverbal IQ age 5 418 101.17 13.75

Verbal IQ age 7 382 97.68 14.22

Nonverbal IQ age 7 384 107.25 16.10

Verbal IQ age 10 392 103.09 14.90

Nonverbal IQ age 10 394 108.68 16.33

Verbal IQ age 12 381 97.33 12.96

Nonverbal IQ age 12 383 103.10 14.05

Verbal IQ age 18 365 101.02 19.36

Nonverbal IQ age 18 364 107.12 17.01

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Table 2. Longitudinal phenotypic correlations for verbal abilities (above diagonal) and

nonverbal abilities (below diagonal) and the cross-sectional correlations between verbal

and nonverbal abilities at age 5, 7, 10, 12 and 18 years age 5 7 10 12 18 Rv-nv

5 - .64 .61 .55 .51 .33

7 .58 - .61 .56 .55 .35

10 .57 .71 - .68 .67 .35

12 .54 .62 .66 - .80 .58

18 .47 .57 .63 .61 - .57

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Table 3. Twin correlations for verbal and nonverbal abilities in all zygosity groups

Verbal abilities Nonverbal abilities

age 5 7 10 12 18 5 7 10 12 18

MZM .75 .56 .84 .86 .88 .71 .60 .73 .85 .76

DZM .62 .57 .51 .65 .42 .46 .38 .58 .48 .31

MZF .81 .70 .80 .87 .81 .56 .71 .70 .77 .74

DZF .65 .73 .33 .59 .52 .43 .30 .40 .57 .44

DOS .63 .55 .50 .56 .38 .65 .53 .42 .49 .57


MZ .77 .61 .82 .86 .83 .61 .68 .71 .81 .73


DZ .59 .58 .42 .59 .41 .49 .42 .45 .45 .39

Note: MZM = monozygotic male twin pairs; DZM = dizygotic male twin pairs; MZF =

monozygotic female twin pairs; DZF = dizygotic female twin pairs; DOS = dizygotic

opposite sex twin pairs; All MZ = all monozygotic twin pairs; All DZ = all dizygotic twin


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Table 4. Cross-twin/cross-age correlations over time for verbal and nonverbal abilities in

monozygotic (MZ, above diagonal) and dizygotic (DZ, below diagonal) twins, and the

cross-twin/cross-trait correlations between verbal and nonverbal abilities in MZ (first

number) and DZ (second number) twins at age 5, 7, 10, 12 and 18 years.

Verbal abilities Nonverbal abilities Cross Rv-nv

age 5 7 10 12 18 age 5 7 10 12 18 MZ/DZ

5 - .59 .58 .55 .42 5 - .54 .57 .56 .58 .32/.32

7 .48 - .61 .55 .50 7 .37 - .66 .60 .62 .28/.21

10 .40 .40 - .65 .65 10 .33 .35 - .63 .65 .32/.27

12 .41 .37 .41 - .79 12 .37 .36 .38 - .65 .53/.37

18 .36 .33 .35 .43 - 18 .23 .25 .34 .37 - .53/.28

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Table 5. Model fitting results for multivariate longitudinal analyses of verbal and

nonverbal abilities

model -2LL df Cpm χ2 p AIC

1. ACE Cholesky 29270.163 3693

2. ACE

A common + age specific

C common + age specific

E age specific only

29403.336 3806 1 133.173 .095 -92.827

3. ACE

A transmission

C common + age specific

E age specific only

29392.248 3804 1 122.085 .222 -99.915

4. ACE

A transmission

C common verbal only

C age specific verbal + nonverbal

E age specific only

29402.021 3810 3 9.773 .135

5. ACE

A transmission

C common verbal only

C age specific verbal only

E age specific only

29405.304 3815 4 3.283 .656

6. ACE

A transmission

C common verbal only, no age 18

C age specific verbal only

E age specific only

29406.790 3816 5 1.486 .223

7. ACE

A transmission

C common verbal only, no age 18, 12

C age specific verbal only

E age specific only

29408.735 3817 6 1.945 .163

8. ACE

A transmission

C common verbal only, no age 18, 12, 10

C age specific verbal only

E age specific only

29427.400 3818 7 18.665 <.001

9. ACE

A transmission

C common verbal only, no age 18, 12

C age specific verbal only, no age 18

E age specific only

29408.735 3818 7 0 1.00

10. ACE

A transmission

C common verbal only, no age 18, 12

C age specific verbal only, no age 18, 12

E age specific only

29413.496 3819 9 4.761 .029

Note: -2LL = -2 log likelihood; df = degrees of freedom; cpm = compared to model

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Table 6. Parameter estimates for additive genetic, shared environmental, and non-shared

environmental influences as derived from the Cholesky decomposition. Verbal abilities Nonverbal abilities

age 5 7 10 12 18 5 7 10 12 18

Cholesky parameter estimates additive genetic effects

5 8.05

7 6.21 4.37

10 8.17 7.62 3.62

12 6.20 5.77 -1.50 4.10




18 7.22 12.18 -1.77 8.01 2.02

5 1.74 4.55 -4.43 .02 2.50 2.77

7 3.76 5.05 -5.83 1.60 5.80 5.81 .01

10 3.39 5.29 -6.40 2.89 5.52 5.27 .01 .00

12 4.18 5.49 -4.36 .04 .71 7.94 .03 .00 .01





18 2.80 8.31 -7.77 .01 4.39 5.95 .01 .00 .00 .00

Cholesky parameter estimates shared environmental effects

5 8.62

7 7.53 4.92

10 5.52 .34 2.72

12 5.19 -.20 3.43 4.05




18 6.56 -.67 1.68 1.53 1.13

5 5.46 -3.12 1.60 -1.99 -4.00 .04

7 3.14 .12 3.11 .76 -3.94 .05 .00

10 3.73 -2.24 4.95 -1.07 .13 .00 .00 .00

12 4.10 -2.77 2.34 1.07 -.73 .02 .00 .00 .00





18 4.13 -1.85 1.09 .74 2.52 -.02 .00 .00 .00 .00

Cholesky parameter estimates non-shared environmental effects

5 6.40

7 1.28 8.09

10 .97 -.03 6.44

12 .02 .29 .56 4.80




18 2.59 .88 .59 1.55 6.99

5 -.03 -.13 -.44 -.15 -.29 8.21

7 -.39 1.34 1.04 -.16 2.87 .95 8.37

10 -.89 .87 .90 .37 .79 .73 1.43 8.41

12 -.45 .57 .34 1.44 .30 -.44 -.02 .40 6.30





18 -1.19 1.07 .81 .89 2.52 -.45 -.59 -.47 -2.37 7.94

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Table 7. Contributions of additive genetic (A), shared (C) and non-shared (E)

environmental influences to the variance in verbal and nonverbal abilities at age 5, 7, 10,

12 and 18 years, based on the best fitting model (95% confidence intervals in

parentheses) Verbal abilities Nonverbal abilities

Variance A











age specific




age specific

5 .46 (.33-.59) .28 (.16-.40) .20 .08 .26 (.20-.34) .64 (.54-.72) .36 (.28-.46)

7 39 (.29-.49) .28 (.18-.38) .26 .02 .33 (.26-.42) .68 (.61-.75) .32 (.25-.39)

10 .56 (.48-.65) .16 (.09-.24) .08 .08 .28 (.21-.35) .69 (.62-.76) .31 .24-.38)

12 .80 (.73-.86) .06 (.01-.12) - .06 .14 (.11-.19) .74 (.65-81) .26 (.19-.35)

18 .84 (.78-.88) - - - .16 (.12-.22) .74 (.65-.80) .26 (.20-.35)

Page 51: Longitudinal genetic study of verbal and nonverbal IQ from early ...


Table 8. Contributions of additive genetic (A), shared (C), and nonshared (E)

environmental influences to the covariance in verbal and nonverbal abilities over time

based on the best fitting model (95% confidence intervals in parentheses*) Verbal abilities Nonverbal abilities

Covariance A


C common



age specific




age specific

5-7 .63 (.50-.77) .37 (.23-.50) - 1 -

5-10 .78 (.66-.89) .22 (.11-.34) - 1 -

5-12 1 - - 1 -

5-18 1 - - 1 -

7-10 .76 (.65-.86) .24 (.14-.35) - 1 -

7-12 1 - - 1 -

7-18 1 - - 1 -

10-12 1 - - 1 -

10-18 1 - - 1 -

12-18 1 - - 1 -

* In the cases in which there is only one component specified to account for the

covariance over time, this influence is per definition 100%. Therefore, the confidence

intervals cannot be estimated in these cases.

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Table 9. Genetic correlation (95% confidence intervals in parentheses) between verbal

and nonverbal abilities at age 5, 7, 10, 12 and 18 years age Rg

5 .62 (.54- .74)

7 .67 (.59- .79)

10 .57 (.52- .63)

12 .76 (.71- .81)

18 .73 (.69- .78)

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Figure captions.

Figure 1a.

Common factor model with age specific influences. Note, V5/NV5 = Verbal /Nonverbal

abilities at age 5; Av/Anv = Common genetic factor exerting its influence on verbal

/nonverbal abilities; As = age specific genetic influences. Path diagram is shown for

additive genetic effects. The same model was also tested for shared environmental


Figure 1b.

Transmission model. Note, V5/NV5 = Verbal /Nonverbal abilities at age 5; Av/Anv =

Genetic influences on verbal /nonverbal abilities; ξA = genetic innovation; β = genetic

transmission to subsequent time point

Figure 2.

Path diagram of the best fitting model. Note, V5/NV5 = Verbal /Nonverbal abilities at

age 5; Av/Anv = Genetic influences on verbal /nonverbal abilities; ξA = genetic

innovation; β = genetic transmission to subsequent time point; Cv = shared environmental

common factor influencing verbal abilities; Cs = age specific shared environmental

influences; Es = age specific non-shared environmental influences.

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