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Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2

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  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2



    Tes t /YourBusinessEnglishHOTEL AND CATERING

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2



  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2



    : i ~ ~ I ! l 1 I ) 1 44 1 Lost propertyl.C;"1 u.en 44.1I . 449 These items hSKlion"l t

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    , ~ J . ' m /: . rom .m2 Guest relationsa)


    . . , - - - - - - - - ~ - -71i 11 us.. We look forward to welcllQliog

    'J ask I mt o

    ir, I'll call yc II when it ( ; o m e ~ "

    h) 'Oue mOl1lent. p r e ' l ~ e madam, and ['1/ work out the ti) 'Can I ' uggesl you try our evening entertainment. It's a.lways very popular.'

    gJ 'Owl I tf) 'I'm tmibly sorry lhal you're not happy with your room.'e). 'or cou

    cl 'I'm af Jd your room isn'l quite ready yet. Would you mind t a k . i n ~ a al. in . 5-'\"----::::::====::::;;;::=:-----,the loun . f or a few minutes?'


  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    3 Reception Sect iOil' 1.' Ttie /ron I ojjl..e4 ReservationsG U I : , ; t ~ eolermaI, ~ - : u l l e

    The liJUowiug o;.;\racls arc from lWO different lellers. a letter making a re-servationand a l c t t ~ r of confirmation. but they have got mixed up. Put them in the r ight orderto produl'c two correct letters.

    The rooms should be bookedin tIle names of john Brown,Mary Black, Bill Franks aodAnn Jon.es.

    Could' you pleaseinform me, ofyouI' Tittes and whelheT youffer dj,

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2




    - for nbc

    sett]'esigtl r'

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    ;1,ti0 [I'' r i o n ~

    jon of tbe room'e t n e . ~ t CO the ar r

    TariffsEntertalnmentShoe-cleaning serviceWake-up callsGaragingEarly morning teas



    ve differenf wishes, In which'loo:k? \ V r i t ~ \ (lbe nomber of each

    Hotel facilities

    Room serviceTelephoneMini-barTrali'lsportLaundryMedical help

    5 Bob IDL'i.vn i/li:.-eds clean CS for the morning.4 Chrlstinl) Moore is feeling unwell.

    6 Mrs Peterson has 10 be su re ,@ts up'early lomorrow roorning.7 Fiou:! prelimo wants Lo call friend in Bare lona.

    9 Tim Morrison would like tea in h.is room before going for breakfast.

    2 Mr Murphy wants to know abo.ut bUfies to tbe airport

    8 Tom Moshi would llik!: a softdrink iohis room.

    3 The McNdUs would like breakfast in tbeir room.

    I? Oa il.l Blande wants to know the prices for different rooms.11 Eric and .!Jack wonder what they can do trois eh;ning.10 Mary Redman wants to know wbeTe to l e a Y ( ~ 11cr ('

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    Sec/ion}: I II! n i . ;

    ~ I II-qI I

    d lunch OF dinner

    5 d ou bl e ell suite

    and breakJast

    . breakfast. lunch anddinner

    4 adjoining\windoubleingle

    Europr:ai1il Plan


  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    10 Out and about 11 Giving directionsof

    bcr1 Road..

    J .

    '{i .illI r


    G . , Blair I D l ~ ~ . .. , ~ ) ' \ I \ . I~ t ~ l ~ c . h ~ .


    TaL the:............... nil:

    ............. tbe

    O(J.I 1 ':! Un::s.o.!3Jh..



    JTih':IJ li , ".ttl" 'Jenk.


    : ill,irJ 'Im-tll.

    attractions destination festivals natureCOlwen ienees displayed galleries resorteoun \l'yside escoNed guides ruins1 ; . 9 u ~ t i ; S y events i l i n ~ r a r y S \ , : l ; : n ~ r yaU1Sl:: excursions Jocalily souvenirsdaily ft:ITies museums

    Visitors arriving at the hotel will be interested to know what is on afTer. Many hotelswill arrange (I ) IOtirS by coach, or on fOOl to visit local(2) , These may iudlide historic (3) , ,;m(4) .. " or (5) where objects from the paStcan he seen.


    Duri ngo the year there are many (12) .. , taking place in thelocal al'ea. Information about tbe time and place of these should be(13) in the hotel so Ulat guests are aware of what is goingon. The hotel can expect to be very busy when national or local(14) , are taking place. Some of these are famous all over theworld and attracl maDy visitors.

    Fill, in the missing words in tbe sentences below. Choose from the following. Usc 'eacbwurd oace only, although there are more words than you need. Read the whole textfirst before tTying LO fill the gaps.

    Many people prefer to spend tillie Qut of doors aud like to lravel inlo the(6) " where tbey can enjoy and photograph the(7) The hotel can arrange half-day or full-day(8) and a detailed (9) will inform the,guests of exact route wbich wul be takcn. Guests arenormally given some timc tovisit shops where they oft

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    12 ,Conferences 1 13 Conferences 2Fill illlhc f l1owing,crossword.

    ~ q U J F C IIHllR

    syndf e:lbeatre

    . _ provided. it . fi. ~ . ~ -iryle.

    9 Mcfeflcesw ill require d i t T ~ F ~ I l ' irTIl)ItI, layouts. A room for an participants with only chairs is l:aJleJ


    7 The \\\ is happen'

    8 Theexpected number of guests isknown as the .

    i l

    opening ceremoniesoverhead projcclorplenary

    p5 Tbe person [ivin' ala'lk .askcclto........ tbe eon

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    . livre] Si,?n'ices .... . q i ( ) / r ~ : HOld 'I ' j14 A leltter of complaint 1,5 The correct replyTh n tracts arc from two diffi rccrH letters, a letter making a complaint ;lndllel.lerQp iy , hut Ihey h a v ~ got I l ' I i : r . . ~ c t up .. Put t'hi1!ll in the Fight order to producetM i c t I ,tters.

    . probJ\::m s. Mqtd eJ ' I : l ~ u b l c m 1- 1)in the grid hdow,

    llh a sui U

    QILe Y0U read I 'll


    i) I'll have a stronger onelilted.

    1) I1 t iJ. L : b l ~

    j) I'll have one htoug!lt \0 your room.

    c) I'll g:t ~ ( l n w o n c to QI;>en it.

    e) ruI) If you t,D IIJ)C

    bm-e I d weJ1g)

    k) U'U bal'e II new one pUI up.

    a) I ' l l ge\ Ihe cbambermaid to clean it.

    d) I 'U leave i t brought down.

    h) I'll lwve it r ~ p l a c e d .

    b) f'll 'haw tbe heating turned up.

    00) ]'11 ca ll ."I ro

    :rm room.

    in my room.

    "f I

    5 The rOllullis d'll'ity.

    7 Themirrot i:.; (;1"i1I.:Ked.

    9 The

    6 Theile's it ItH of f l f ) i ~ c on the tele"phone line.

    14 ' f h e r e ' ~ no ashtray in my room.13 The roorn is cold.

    11 The12 This light bulb is too weak forread il ltL

    I 4 5 7 8 9 10 [ III 12 13 14I I

    'Dif Mr Sir-gng J

    I (1m afraid that we were experiencing staffing problems duringtJus, period ancl bad an inexperienced waiter working in the~ 6 t a l l r a n t . He bas since _fl ndwe arQ happy to say t h a ~ . . . . owh,we 0 n ~ } < fully qualified!

    ou r customers.

    ad invited four climb 10 Jme for lunch in yomwhelie II had c:>lpcelcd 10 ' l j ~the best service. UnfoflU teh.nave ;) number of comph'lints.

    very sorry to read ,problems ....:hich yDu cxpcr-icI ill'rre! tau ranI on your


    WI- I,11


    lr Sir/Madam IYours faithfully'lymond Strang,Ies Manager

    I a i l ) wJ1ting to complain about Iheservice I, recently received in you r

    mnt w He on a business trip.

    a 10 "n of our regret I euevoucher for an evening meal fortwo people and h(lpe to wekQmeu personally in the near futu

    When one of my guests ar d thewaiter sat ber at the wrong l a b l ~ .Later. the same waiter spill' ;Ii fewdrops of red wine on a n { l l b ~ rgu m trousers.. The fimal embarF

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2




    . ~

    lmirdhingl)tight switchpictuFc frameskirtingwardrobewindow-si.ll

    ba rblilH.l

    writc the l l u m b ~ r of ~ a c h drawing next to the t:Orr("(;t word or words.

    17 Furniture. and fittingsr

    , i l ' ltoilet paperwash basin


    pedal binplugshaver socketshowershower cUrta.insoap

    gla.hal [{lwclminor

    16 Tbe bathroom

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    (Ii luilityrest could require': they aye .

    b) :scl.r:.rmmed c) self-made dJ) scJ:f-con1lUlll:d

    ! _11 I bcdro{llllS when the bujld'ers f i n i ~ h ib) n t c) euJaIi"gtmcrtt2 There,willex,t n!

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    Section 3: HOllsekeeping20 CleaningMatch the definitions (l-l4) with the verbs (a-n):

    Use a brush with a long handle to remove dry dirt fromthe fluor.

    2 Make the furniture and floor shioe.3 Cleanthe floor with water and a small brush.4 Clean the fioor with waler and II cloth on a long handle.5 Remove the dust from the shelf wi th a wet c loth.6 Use water andsoap powder to clean the linen.7 Removethe soap witb waler.8 Leave linen to stand in waterfor a few h.ours.9 Clean the bed cover without water.)0 Cle an t be carpets, chairs and sofas with a machine.I I Ta kc all the used 1incn off t he bed.12 Pu t new soap and towels in 1he room.13 Take away the waste.14 Clean thecarpets lhoroughly.

    a) dry cleanb) stripc) sweepd) wet mope) replenishf) launderg) vacuumh) polishi) deep cleanj) rinsek) dispose ofI) soak

    m) damp wipen) scrub

    S'eCliuII J: H'OJt!rtKi!t!ping21 Mixed up lettersRearrange the letters ill brackets to form the correct words.I If silverisn't cleaned it will (rashitn) .2 Don't wuch the glass wjndow or y(m will leave (I1npitsgrern) .3 Be careful if there is water on the floor as it will be (erslyppi) .4 Children having a bath often (shlasp) .5 Nasty smells in a room are Icoown a- (rsooud) -_ - .6 Don't use these (rasabevi) cleaning agents because they will

    scratch the surface.7 Machines which make work; quicker and easier are known as (lOUbliT - avngsi)

    ................................................... devices.

    8 In some areas of the country the water is hard imd leaves (emil sleca).................................................. on baths.9 Sometimes while cotton becomes yellow or grey and you can use (blchae)

    .. to whiten it again.to I f red wine is spi lt on the carpet, it wilillcave a (nsita) .I I Some waste, e.g. paper and empty cans, can be sold and, therefore, bas a

    (salgeav) value..12 Old pieces of metal may leave brownish (stur) mark:> on fabrics.

    14 There will only bc tight (soageil) on carpets which ate !ddolnused.

    I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14i13 (cut

    IllWI) are used to removemarks which will nol come out

    15 A special leather. which is used for cleaningwindows, is called a (amehias)

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    Section -" HOl/sekeeping22 Hotel systems 1Fill in the missing words in lhe texts below. Choose from the following:

    Section 3: HOllsekeeping23 Hotel systems 2Fill in the missing words in the text below. Choose from the following:






    flexfusek i l o w a ~ t hours



    AirLnlarglol bt1ilding complexes, fl'lZsh air will be supplied to rooms through an air-condi-tioning systi,:lll. This provides (1) in each room so that guests canbreathe comfortably and also controls the (2) so that the airdoesn't contain too much moisture. (In each room the opening to the air-conditionings)stcm j, c J"wred fo.hh a (3) .In k i . l c h ~ n s . , team and smells afc sucked out by an (4) whichcontains (5) to remove any harmful gases.

    Central healingHeating may be undcrflo r r a (6) may be fitted to the wall ineach room. The tempera ture in the room can be controlled by IDeaos of a(7) which will maintain a constant temperature. An efficient sys-tem will be well (8) so that e n c t g ~ ' is not lost.

    WaleI'Water rcq,uirl'C1. 1'0:' a building may b: ~ t o r e d in a (9) Water issupplied to e,tch r00m lhrougIl (W) Waste water is removedthrough (11) which en ler a mel ill (12) outsidethe building.

    Under baths and basins a (13) stops smells entering the room..

    ElectricityA hairdrlcr or an electric shaver aro examples of eleotrical .They h

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    SECTION 4:. FOOD AND DRINK24 Fruit Sectio/l 4: Fool! unddrink25 VegetablesWrite thenumber of each picture next t.o the correct word or words. Write the number of each picture next to the correct word or words.

    110'''''''''-,. . , _cIOrnato


    aSpil'l'agusube,ginebeetrootbutter-beansarrotca uliflowercourgllttefrench beansleekle-uuceoknlonion


    oI),".-., .;- ; .. ; ! l ~ ~ .. I f. -. . . " -. ---CD


    applebananabLackcurrantscherriesgrapeskiwi fruitlemon,nelooorangepapawpassion fruit.peachraspberriesstar fruitstrawberries

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    Section 4: Food and drink26 ClassificationsWri Ie one name for each of the following grou ps. (See example):

    Senian 4: Rm>rf= ,(J, ;uk27 Taste!"ilI io tht.: missing words in tile sentences below. Choose from the following:

    1 milk, cream, butter, yoghurt2 almond, brazil; pistachio, cashew n.





    3 haricot beans, k!ltils, chick-peas. soy.4 sage. parsley, thyme, basil

    p - - - - h I The skin of an orange tasles quite .

    5 ginger. cinnamon, cloves, turmeric6 pork, lamb, beef ,mutton7 sultauas, currants, raisins, prunes8 chaux, flaky, puf( sbort9 royal , glace, satin, butter

    m _dpa

    f _

    2 Food cooked with chilli is .3 Food cookedwith a Jot of cream is very .4 Sugar and honey will make a dish .5 ludian food is .6 If you forget the salt and pepper the food will be .

    10 spaghetti, tagliatelle, ravioli.11 cod. perch, trout, salmon12 tea. coffee, orangejuice, cola13 claret, rioja, chianti. sekt14 pheasant. grouse, venison, rabbit15 consomme. cock-a-leekie, broth. ch()\\llcr16 gouda, stilton, camembert, parmesan17 mussels, oysters, scalJops, prawns18 gingerbread, galeau, sponge, Swiss roll19 hollandaise, becbamel, momay, [k;:J'ffiuise20 wheat, rye, oats, barley

    fb _w

    5 _c: _$ _

    cs _c _

    7 Lemon juice is .8 The main coursecooked with sal1 and spices is .9 Too much fat used in cooking canmake the dish .

    10 A dish withoul enough hquid is .1 I A dish cooked to perfection wiU be .12 Toast cooked 10 0 long tastes .

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    Section 4: Foodmitt rlril1f.;28 Cooking 29 Utensils Section 4: Food and drinkReplace the word's in boldl type in sentences 1-14 with a single word from the list a-noWrite the h : W ~ r s in tilt: grid below.

    Write 1Iu: Ilumb!;;!" of e a , : : I ~ _ ' ! : l ~ next to the word or words.

    9 Remove the outside skin ofthe potatoes, p!l':

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    Sedioll 4. Food anddrink,30 Phrasal verbsChoose one definition from tbe box for eacb of phrasal verbs i ll bo ld type in rhesentences below.

    S'Cli0/14: Food and drink31 HygieneA Complete the table. (See example):

    1 SLOp wasting time and get 00 with your work .2 I've just been down to the store and we are out of flour.

    3 Iflthis milk isn't put in the fridge it will go off .4 If you're no t sure of the quantities to use, look it up .5 When I've prepared tllC sauce, you can take o\'er and complete the dish.

    bceonicbecome popularbecome rottenbreak a promisecause (an object) to fall

    t o thc ground

    continuefind something in abook

    learnlook at again

    nOI have any leftrequirelake control

    IVerb Noun

    -c e " s ~ / v o n 5 ~to consumeI2 cleanliness/cleaner

    I 3 to poison4 infection5 to disinfect6 sanitatio. Drott . t7 I stl)rc/S'lorage

    8 Now use w o r d . ~ frorn l!he table to wlllplete the f o l l o ~ ing sentences.

    6 I 've expla ined this once already bu t let's go over it to make sure you understand.

    7 It looks very complicated bu t you'll soon pick it up " .8 This machine has broken down again. We could refllly do witha new one.9 If you continue to beat the cream, it will turn lnlo butter.

    Nowadays, it is necessary to knives, chopping boardsand other pieces of catering equipment.

    2 Kitchen stafT arc no t allowed 10 alcohol while tbey are atwork in tbe kitchen.

    :3 A can be added to water for cleaning the floor in order toremove germ..4 The kitchen porter is responsible for hygiene and in tbe


    ,6 A cool, dark, dry roOl)) is ideal to " many dry food stuffs.;; A CUI on the fir,\gcf must be Cho:11H::d very carefully to stop .0 Don' t put tbat bowl there. Someone will knock it over .

    11 You promised to cook tomorrow and youcan't back out ofit now .12 I don't think beer with raspberry will ever catch on! Do you? 7 llSl be defr sted completely bcfore c o o k i l ~ g to prevent food


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    0 00 SERVICE32 A menuWri le each of the fol10wi ng dishes in the appropriate section of th e menu.

    THE \A/OODl. l \N ;JI

    Bavarian Apple StrudelBraised Leg of LambBruccoli with l-loUandaise SauceCauliflower with Almonds

    C b ~ f ' s PahhChicken Vichyold Chof.: late SQuJTIe'reme Caramel

    Ent.recOte Sleakscalope of VealF h Onion Soup

    Herring and Apple SaladLayered Vegetable TerrineLeaf Spinachwith Diced BaconOkra and Courgettes in Lentil SaucePear HelenePolato CroquettesPrawn and Orange CocktailRoast Pheasant en CrouteRoast PotatoesSalad MarguerySweet Com Chowder

    A p p o . : r , i s ~ r s




    Vegetarian Dishes.

    Vegelables and Side Dishes


  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    S ..'clioll 5: Foods 'nice

    OownOne word for plate.c: bowls, cups, etc.

    2 One word. fOIl kni\es.. forks, spoons, etc.3 Anotl.: word for seasoning.7 Or in a bread .8 f1.irH! asparagus.9 II SLOps I t . I - l e a v ~ s going ioto the Clip, (o\, 8)10 [I holds neul'ssary items and provides a worksurface for theW'diters.15 One place for one persoo at the table.17 Sweels C-iin be wl1eeled to the table on lhis.18 Used to breuk the shells of nuts.21 Serve a boiled eggin this. (3,3)22 Place this 011 theplate under the biscuilS-

    in e di ' ?, oom.11 il l he 11 . g crossword. -'lGh ans\\ erAcrossU:;ed t o open the wine bottie.

    4 It bangs over ' the waiter's arm. (7, 5).5 Fit the five candles in this.6 Cheese is served on this. (6, 5)7 The team of people working in the restaurant.SCarry th pliltes on this.

    10 Carry e drinks 00 this.11 Whit, . s llould be placed in th is to reduce the temperature. (4,6)12 Put I r cpr I11i Ik in this.13 ,mokers will need this..14 Soup i d from this.15 The fold marks in the tablecloth.16 Salt and pepper set.19 Serve the toast in a toast . . . .. . . ..20 Used 10 open n bottle of beer. (6. 6)23 The guesls use this to clean their fingers. (6,4)24 The best qualitycloth for table linen.

    33 Service items

    Section 5: Food service Se"tfrm 5: Rood service

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    34 What type of service? 35 Giving serviceWritethe number of each description next 10 tile correct type of service. ,mplelC the dialogues below.Choose from the foUowing. Useeach line once only.

    L - ~ ~ - - - _ - - - - l

    All the food is served in s e r v i l ~ g dishes which 'Me placed on the table so t theguests can help themselves.

    5 The waiter serves the food from a serving -dish usinga [Nk and a s p ~ ) o n , whilestanding at a side table.

    2 The food is put on the individuaF plate, in ihe kitchen.3 The guests help themselves f r o n ~ scr.""irIg dishes which are held the iter.4 The waiter serves thefood at the table from a serving dish, usinga spoon and


    a) I and kmon with the gin, sir?b), And what would you l ike to drink?} II f you likefish, I can recommend the salmon steaks.. The salmon is fresh from

    Scotland.d) Dry or medium?c) I'm sorry, but we're out of pineapple juice. We have orange or apple.t) Areyou ready to order, madam?

    In the'testaurontWAlTER: (I) ..GUEST: I'm still looking.What can you recommend?WAITER: (2) .GUEST: I 'l l have thesalmon, then.

    Silverilatr:R u ~ ~ i a n



    6 The waiter carves, fillets or cooks food at a s ide tableand then plac.."S the food ona plate.

    7 The main food is put on a pla te in l ~ l G kitchen and the vegetables are put on thetable in serving dishes so tbat thegue"ts can help t-bern d

    Al the barWAITER:Yes, sir?GUEST: A gin and tonic and a campari orange, please.WAITER: (3) ', , " .G l-J I ~ S T : Yes. please. And a glass of white wine, please.

    W A ~ T f ~ R : (4) .G L f I ~ S T : Dry, please.In the snack barWA ItER: Hello. Axe you ready to order?GU ST: Yes, I think so. We'll have one cheeseburger and one hamburger.WAITER: (5) , .GUEST: I 'l l havea pineapplejuiceand a mineral water for my girlfriend.WAm",!t: (6) .G' ""f: O . r ! 1 ~ g e . please.

    Sl;cli'on 5: Food .\'el'l'h::

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    36 A breakfast tray 37 How to be politeLook at the picture below and write the numbers 1-12 next to l hc correct word orwords. Read the direQt I hrases, then write, th '1 m l ie, ,lite

    7 Confirm that lomorrow, please.

    8 Do you want a taxi?

    9 You've got the wrong date.

    10 Tr1 tbis organic wine.

    I j Do YOll want my hdp'?

    ............... ................ ............... ,please... wehaven't got any Icft... take a seat... f'm not the headwaiter............................................... some

    mo ing 10 anotlJ 1 -?...... r .

    confirm Ihal tomorrow, pI " -::................... ................. ,......... ,10 getyou a taxi?

    . , abollllhe date.

    .. thatyou ilr}' Ilbis orLallJi win.e?......................................... 10 lp:. u.

    SECTION 6: RESPONSIlHLITlES Set' I iUIl 6: Respo/LI i b J l i f , j e ~

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    38 Safety first 39 Fire proceduresWrite the number of eacb picture next to the correct WOI-d of words.. Fill in the missing words in the fire notice for hotel employees. Choose from the fol


    5 I f i t is an electrical f ire, do not use a water fire .

    8 I f thereis a lot of , cover your mouth and nosewith a handkerchief.

    6 If it is a large fire, the alarm immediately.7 Do not use the if there is a fire.

    2 There wil l be fire for everyone working in thehotel every six months.

    3 All fire must be kept dosed at all times as theywill stop the of a fire.

    4 I fyou see a small f ire, you should try to it.

    1 Ask guests to check where the nearest fire islocated as soon as they f ind the ir room.

    9 the building as quickly as possible.110 Do not allow anyone to the building.11 Check that everyone is .12 Phone for the fire .

    brigade evacuate lifts :mO'RC0 drill exit raise spreaddoors e:

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    40 Unwelcome guests 4,1 Word building 2Nlateb thecriminals (1-12) with thecrimes 1). Write the letters in the grid below.

    1 The management must do all it can to.............................. the hOlel guests. PROTECTION





    j V a J u a b l ~ items should be marked with... " codes which the t h . i ~ r cannot secbut whicb can be secn under UV light.

    6 It's always possible tballhemooeyhas been slolen bya member of staff.

    5 1 'h emanagement hope that computerized door lockswiT! thieves from getling inlOhotel rooms.

    3 Burglaralarms often work as a andSlOp burglars even tbinking about breaking in. DE T ER

    4 The receptionist ealled the police because there was a~ t r a l 1 g e woman behaving very .

    The word ill tap.it.als at the end of each sentence c an b e u ~ e d 10 f orm a word that fitssuitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way. (See example):

    The hotel ask.s guests no t to leave .... . v . ~ .....pieces of jewellery in the room. VA L1..: >1",l1i5 area of the botel is only for .personnel. A I TI-lORITY

    a) forger

    b) drug pusherc) burglard) drunk

    e) opportunistf) rapistg) muggerb) arsonisl

    i) thiefj) vandal

    k) armed robber

    I) rcaudsler

    2 He said his name was Lord Pral t but after a three-weekstay io the hotel he disappeared witllOut paying.

    5 He was holding a gun a s h e told the cashier to givehim all the money.

    7 He drank 100 much whisky and made a lot of noise.6 Shesold heroin to someone in the hotel.

    3 There was some money lying on the desk so she took it.

    1 He stole a baodbag io tbe foyer.

    4 He sexuallyattacked a woman.

    8 She made false copies of American dollars.9 He set fire to the hotel because lle was ~ n g r y with

    the manager.

    II He broke the toilet and bllsin and sprayed paint onthe wall.

    12 He broke a window at n ight and stoic valuable itemsand money.

    10 He attacked and robbed a lady in tl e I:orridor.


    1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 II 128 Eve ry l : U e m b e ~ of slaffshould be a le rt and i f they.............................. anything strange they shouldfep\ rt it immediately. 0 BSERVATI 0 N

    9 Never accept 1I cheque without . IDENTl FfCAnON1'0 Before you h ~ ! m : : the building you must make sure lhatalI thed re locked. SECURE

    II M e r f i b ~ . ~ of staffwho prove themselves to be.._ will bE: given more responsibility. T RUS T

    Section 6.' Re.\ponsibilifies Section 6: Responsihilities

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    42 Legal wordsUse the c lues on the lef t to fill in the missing letters in tbe legal words on the right.

    43 What do they mean?Choose the best meaningfor each of the following phrases.

    I The laws which businessesmust observe.2 To be responsible if someone is injured

    111 the restaurant.3 Torefuse t o Jet someonecome into the bar.4 Someone who buys something.5 Someone who sens something.6 An official agreement between two parties.7 The person who owns the hotel .8 You pay this if you are caught breaking the law.9 You mustn't sell alcohol to someone underthe age of 18 because it's .. .

    10 Official permission to sell alcohol.II The person who has permission

    to sell alcohol.12 Allow someone to enter a club.13 To enter the private areas of the hotel

    without pennission.14 The length oftime spent in prison.15 Leaving dangerous chemicals where

    children could find them.16 The police will do this to law breakers.17 You must report serious accidents. It 's.. .



    _IN _



    _RESPAS _



    to comply with the lawa) -to do things as the law statesb) to changepar ts of the lawc) to complain about the law

    2 unfit for human consumptiona) thefood should not be eatenb) the food is good for giving energyc) !he food is beingprepared

    3 Qlust be used solely for the purpose ofa) sb.ould not be used too oftenb) should only be used forc) must not be used

    4 intoxicating spirita) drinks whicb contain alcoholib) drinkswhich have over 20%a1cO'holc} drinks which have over 30%alcohol

    5 to be needlessly exposed to riska) somemachinescould be dangerousb) you mustn' t show problemsc) there are unnecessary dangerswhich could easily be removed

    6 to s l ~ s t a i n tlQfsonal injurya) to get an insurance policyb) to be hunc) to gel promOTion

    7 to make available for inspect1iona) .(0 find t ime to maintain themachinesb) to arrange to clean themacbinec) to Jet inspectors see what theywish

    8 in the even t of an accidenta) after an accidentb) if there is an accidente) avoid accidents

    9 persons frequenting the p r e m i s ~a) people cleaning the hotelb) people outsidec) people using lhehotel

    10 a breach of contracta) an act ion which brroks a contmetb) an action which cancels a contractc) an action which is includedin acontract

    11 to be legally obliged todo somethinga) you must do itb) it is allowed to do itc) you shouldn't do it

    Seclion6: Responsibilities

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    44 'Carriers of disease 45 Health and hygieneWrite the number of each picture next to the correct word or words. A Match the verbs in the left-hand column with a word or .plwa$c fmm nhc right

    band column. (Seeexample):

    7 In the fridge please raw meat and c h e < : ~ e .

    2 If you are stung by a wasp, put this cream on (0 (he .

    infectiondiseasesseparateinto contact withpamgermsof wastefoodaccidents


    Don't leave wet towels or cloths lying in a warm corner because thiS is how youwill .. h ~ p . ~ .. ~ ~ ....1 Don't spray fly killer in the kitchen or yOll could the .

    5 l'fyou animal droppings,plea,se wash your hands immediately.

    8 In tropical climates it is possible to some " drink.ingwater.

    6 To safely. place it in these plastic bags and Liethem securely.

    3 To happeningdoo't leave t b i n g ~ lying on the floor.4 [[ you are handling dirty linen, wash your hands regularly so that you don't

    B Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the combinationsinA.



    ENT Secr.ioll 7.' ft,flllag 1IIi!ll/

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    46 Employm,entFil!! in the crosswor.d. Each answer is to do with employment.

    ACJOSSI A person who is in employment.4 T h i ~ type ofjob is only for a few hours a week. (4, 4)7' Thcexrm money left by guests.S 1ryou wDtk eXIra hours you ge t paid this.

    'IH Peoplewbo art: happy at work have job . . .12 The mana.ger appointedhim to the . . . of head waiter.13 Tille morejobs you do and the longer you work, !he more of this you gel.15 The extra mouey that workers get from the llIunagclI1cnt as a special thank you.16 Tbc meeting when you discuss a possible new job.'18 If you deeide ta leave thejob, you have to . . .20 A bo,te,1 which is very busy in the summer will need .. . workers.21 To get the best results from workers, the personnel manager I1m::;t . . .

    tl1cm.23 BelOTe you go to discuss a new jo b youmake an . . .25 This mone) is paid to peopl ewho have reached the official age to stop working.2t;l Someone who written to ask for ajob.

    DownI The pef,son or company who employs you.2 To find sllit,jble people and employ them is to . . .3 This is a percentage of what you canearn which you pllY 10 the State. (6, 3)5 When people reach the official age to stop working they . . .6 Peoplehave I.hese if they have studied and passed professional exams.7 Another wuy of saying 'to employ'. (4, 2)9 When lhe manager has found a new chef, he wjll .. . him t o t he position.10 Tne housekeeper has to . . . the work of the cleaning staff.'11 People who are paid weekly are paid . . .14 Wheo you move up t o a more seoior position, you get . . .17 The time that you start work is the t imeyou c o r n ~ . . . p.. 4)19 A word for aU the people who work in the hotel 0 tn.uraol.22 Wrrt ea l ei te r and . .. for the job if you arc int d.24 W],en you work, yOU. . money.


    2 ,.,.==-'3- 0 --4 15 7 I- - -I- - I- I- - - rI- - " -- I- - - ......- I- - r-- I- - .C-- - -- f---- I-10 j I....-=-- i I- -'---

    -;-;- -2 I 113 14 I i- -- I- - '-- 15 II - I ffI'll! - - 1

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    \Vrite the number of each description nex I to thecorrect person. Find words or phrases in the advertisements below which meanthe following.

    ,Job advertisements48hose job is it?47ooly for important people

    advance reser....ationsclerkbanquetingmanager


    chefdispense banenderenquiry clerkhead wailerhousekeeperhouse porter

    pa!H1"y llJaidpastry cookpersonnel managerreceptionistwaitress

    2 :lJ'il appljcanl 's l i ~ t of qualifications and experience3 equipped4 minimum of5 looking for

    Someone has to make sure that everything in the guests' rooms is in order.2 Mr and Mrs Murphy would like to discuss arrangements for their daughter's

    wedding reception.

    3 The guests' bills need to be prepared.

    noi Dcwly slarted7 dll li IS extras 10 \ \ ' a g e s ' ~ a l a r l e s

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    49 Positive thinkingHere are thirty words or phrases which are used to describe hotels and their facilities.Writeeach word orphrasc. in the appropriClte column below. There are six words in each.

    50 MarketingChoose the word whicb best completes each sentence.

    appetizingbeacbsidebeautifully decoratedbrightcentralcheerfulconveniently situateddeliciouselegantnourishing

    grandgourmethighly recommendedhome cookedhospitableideally placedmajesticmoutb wateringpeacefulpicturesque selling

    popular familywmanticspacIouslastefulJy furnishedtraditionaltranquilwelcomingwell appointedwell1locatedwell nm

    One way ,to fil1d out about your

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    51 Computer systemsRearrange the letters in brackets to fonn the correct words.

    A computer is an ideal machine for (stngior) information aboutreservations.

    2 Once the information about reservations has been entered, other (licappionsat)............................... can be added.

    3 In both the back office and at reception the iofonnation cal) be viewed tbrough(DUVs) .

    4 The reservations clerk can type in information using a (yekdboar)5 The reservationsclerk can then see the i.nfonnation on a (eneser)

    6 In order to speed up the process and simp!ify thesystem, the hotel will use(cesdo) .

    7 The necessary infonnation for reservationswill be shown in a (mune)................... ............. display.

    8 It is only sometimes necessary to have written infonuation on paper in the fonnof a (proulint) .

    9 If information werelost i t would be catastrophic so allinformation should be(edbakc pu) at regular intervals and stored on (skid)................ or tape.

    10 Some hotel groups have designed theircomputer systems to (infactere)............................... with telex, airline networksand travel agents.

    11 When a guest registers at the hotel, the informationcan be entered straight awayand later (callreed) if requested.

    12 A (ordw-pressingoc) - facility on a computerallows office staffto quickly produce letters.

    13 Computers are a lso used in bars where exact amounts of spirits are dispensedby (opctis) .

    141 In lbe restaurant or baT, customers' billscan be calculated quicklyand accuratelyat C.be electronic (pinto (0 selasJ .

    15 rt is also possible for customers' orders to be keyed intothe comptJ{er at thetable through a hand-held (minalrte) .

    16 Linen control has been greatl)'improved \>,'ith aD identification system whichuses (bra desco) .

    17 Messages can be sent and received by hotel staffand guesLS by using (elonjetrecIDali) .

    18 Written mess'lges as well as drawings and diagrams can besent through thetelephone system using a (xfa) .

    19 Many botels are trying to iocreascsecurityby usinga (l)'c ardc temssy)............................... which records every t imea lock is opened and by whom.

    S E c - n O N 8: :FI N A N C I A L A F ~ A I R S SedWII 8: Financial uj]Qirs

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    Offi,ce items 53 At work in the officeWrite the number ofeach picture next to thecorrect word or words. FiU in the mrs"rug prepositions 'in the . , e n l ~ n "s. Choose. from following. 'Some ofill 'hons,arc used more than once..

    16 It's b i : ~ f 1 ! Qcold that I.I1-t"c\,tllOcn no demand ......._. soft drinks.

    withoutnf offromorbout

    2 Mrs Brown has complained the food the maoager.3 The number of staff depends the s eason.

    l) We ~ h o u l d provide our cleaners new uniforms.

    5 We still haven't heard those clientsabout what flowers they want.6 I caB't find tbe keys and I've looked .......... them everywhere.7 rm relying you to sort this problem peacefully.8 ru think how to promote your idea ofa Japanese night, and we'll discuss

    it j

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    54 Handling StockA Fill in the bin card headings. Choose from the following:

    55 Business documentationUse the clues on the left to fill in thc mis.sing leiters in the words 01\ the right.

    balallce item price ~ u p p rdate maximum quantity typeII I minimum refeJ'ence unit

    A member of staff Writes this when goodsare running short and are now required.

    2 Thi s information is then s.eot toan extemaJsupplier as an official . . .3 Whenlhegoods aredelivered, chis list of

    goods is often enclosed.

    REQU _

    OROE N

    ...............: Sherry

    ............... : A m o n ~ i l l n d o...............: 75 d bottle...............: 2.53 4 After delivery the supplier s.ends tbis listof goods giving qli!.aolity and price. IN _

    .................... stock: 48Re-order point: 24Re-otdt:r : 24

    .....,.. '",.",,'.' stock: 8

    ... , " : Classic Wine ImportersLid

    1st Oct2ndOct4th Oct6Hl Gct7tb Oct







    5 If you pay witbin seven days, you can often get C 6 If you buy regularly from the local baker he mayall'ow you a . . .

    7 At Iheend of tl1e month most suppliers send outthis list of everything bought and alI money paid.

    8 If goods have to be returned 10 the supplier he willsend Ihis to adjust the amount of money due.

    9 This. will be sent if a customer doesn't payhis/her account.

    DI _

    TR OJ _

    SJ _

    B Update the card with the followi.ng informatio n.On 8th October 8 bottles were issued by John Bridges.

    2 On 121h October 24 bottles were received from Ihe suppliers by John Bridges.3 Barbara Palm look 10 bottles on 13th OClober.

    SO ' tirm .'t: Fin/Tilt'jill afllirs Finrmcial a.L airs

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    56 Facts and figures 57 Accountancy termsWrite the number of each picture oext to the correct word or words. Fill in themj i nb the sel1ten..:. lx'1.Qw. loose' from lbe foUo,.. i!]\!:

    II fixed cmounl of

    potty cash bookpostedpurcbase !edgervisitors' paid-outs

    b If ofu guest arc (;

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    58 Final accountsMatch the words (] -I 3) on lhe Jef twi th the irden ni t iODS (a-m) on the right . Writetheletters in thegrid below.1 Profit and Loss Account a) Includes cash in t h t ~ s a f ~ and inthe bank.2 Trading Account b) Bills wllicn will never be paid.3 BalanceSheet c) When sales equal costs no profit ,01' loss.4 IFixed assets d) Includes rent, telephone. gas,

    advertising.5 Current assets e) Shows the gross profit at the end of the year.6 Long term liabilities I) Furniture, kitchen cquiplncnt.. crockery, etc.7 Current liabilities g) Food, liquor, and tobacco still in store.S Bad debts h) A statement at the end of the year showing

    how the company is financed.9 Depreciation i) Borrowed money which will be paid back

    OYer a long period of time.10 Budget j) Money which will be paid to

    suppliers soon.11 Overheads k) Reduction in value of machines and

    furniture over several yeurs.12 Stock \) Shows the net profit after c\ectricity, rent,

    stationery, etc. has been l;kducted.13 Break-even pOlot m) Planned financial figures for th e future.

    59 Nationalities and currrenciesA Complete the table .

    I COURtf)' People Langull C\o'rellcyCanada En . hlFrencbGermany German IItaly I Lire (ITL)

    rJapanese I JapaneseAust.ralians Dollar (AVO)


    I Russian IRouble (RUR)Switzerland German/Frenchl

    ItalianUtrited Kingdom British English Pound (GBP) - ...United States Americansof AmericaS\vedcli Swedes ' Krona (SEK)

    [cnch Franc (FRF)

    B Nov,o use the words from the table to complete the following sentences.What is the exchange rate for American dollars into French ?

    2 You'r e f rom Italy! I'm afraid I don't speak .3 The segues ts a re from Gennany and I can't speak .4 The g u e ~ l s in room 147

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    British English and American EnglIishBritisb English1 C' mmoualioDaherll uberginebal'nlanbill (for food)biscuit

    c h \ 1 q o ~'GolourOtlrgcUecupbo. rd, wardrobec l l r t a i h ~enquiry:fill infDrmfridge-ha,inlrierholidayinterconnectinglaoolll,j'lagerIiccn",,\,)liftluggagemain coursenott: (]laper money)IJag.;:. hoypustprovisionalpubpursereceplionreceptionistrubbishshop

    American Englisb



    c l ) ~ ~ kcookiecheckcolorzucchiniclose!drapesinquiryfill OUIblank/formiceboxhair dryervacationadjoininglaborbeerlicenseelevatorbaggage/luggageentreebillbell boy, bell hop, pagemailunconfirmedsaloon/barpocket bookfront desk/front officeclerk, desk clerkgarbage/trashstore



  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    III I.THe Ro. iT 0 .' e li

    TEST 7I cn: di t c:anI2 Col'Challge mlC foreign currency4 tles \'Ol!OherS t.nlYel agel)i's "oueber6

    r , should bookedin lhi: nlllTlCS of John Brown.Mary k. Bill Franks andAnn J < l n ~

    appetisershadesconference roomfaucetcabbathroom, restroom. washr omtravelers checkslocalewaiter/food serversink

    startersunglassessyndicate roomtaptaxitoilettraveller's c h e q u e ~venuewaiterwashbasin

    ,,X',,,r t l l l I ~ niii' hd it; ',t "II 11 ntlryn':STIO,0

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2






    T I Z9





  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    T ' 49




    ( i j)I COlll : iI i t r m l ~ ~ f O I l < : \'j 1 ' \ 1 i 1 ~ r!.lln

    H .. 41I .aUl.hu .fl, I

    J ddt 'm:nlf It

    l' 'I,7S

    IIIIII1"1III-, . : . J m p O ) ~ " r y


    HIT 1 I

    TI:!ST 35I r 2 ~ 3 a " d ~ b


    TEST 33

    'Vegecurill" d ~ , l , e sLa;vcrcd W 'mhle TmmOkraSauce


    ,>--3hith:crS!Or'i"Oo store



    ( J\'trbI to COil, ume

    T F ~ < ; T 31

    Seclio-n "FOOD RVICETEST 32


    pic charI 5purcha'\J a ccou.ot I

    'I"ESTS5I rcquisilioll


    IJ.~9 backed up. disk10 interfa""laSU:(UJl fumishedwe -nted

  • 7/27/2019 Longman Press Test Your Professional English - Hotel and Catering 2


    Item: Sherry Unit: 75- cI bOllleType: AmootilladQ P'rlce: 2.53Dale Refl'l'ence In OUI BalancelSI Oct JB 24 242ndOct BP 6 )84th Oct IB 3 156th Oct JB 24 397thOcl SP 10 298th Del JB 8 2112th OCI JB 24 45131b Oct BP 10 35Maximum SlOe\(: 48 Mlnhliulil slQck: 8Re-ordcr pomt: 24 Supplil'rs: Classic Wlne

    lonp(lrlcrs LtdRe-order quanticy

    Franc (CHO

    KrOM (SEK)Frome (FRF)

    table 15WIlli 12TfST57

    I double cntry2 debit . credil3 creditors4 deb to rs5 purd:asc ledger6 crcditl'iJstvlllcraccounls7 p " ~ l e d8 payroll9 petty cash book

    10 \ ' i ~ i t o r s ' p;lid outsII cashOoatTEST 58112c3h4 f5 : l 6 i 7 jS b9k 10m li d 12g I3 c


    lPound{G P)- : -=-- - - - - - t - - - - - - -+-- - : ; . ----+ DoUar I I

    TEST 56a,ll/itionav('ragehllllln
