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Looking At Data Consumption

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These are the slides from the keynote presentation I delivered at the OCLC Research Libraries' Group annual meeting in Washington, D.C. in June, 2011.You can see the program for the conference here: http://www.oclc.org/research/events/2011-06-08.htm
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Hello. Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Before I pulled up the slides, I played Stravinsky’s arrangement of the US National Anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner. There’s a choral version on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=yxBVLceBT6Q - Stravinsky; Russian, moved to LA, He performed his realization of the Star-Spangled Banner in Boston in 1944, to an apparently “startled” audience. The next day, authorities came to the venue, removed the scores othe music stands, and cited a Massachusetts law banning the performance of an “embellished” national anthem. "The authorities must have regarded Stravinsky's work as a setting of the familiar tune, but one that did not preserve the original content the way it should have. Therefore, they must have regarded the content as not just the melody but also the usual harmonies. Apparently Stravinsky did not share this view of what was essential." Musician as Interpreter, Paul Thom, 2007 page 50 I like this subtle, lovely shift away from the traditional a new arrangement. This might sound a bit weird, but I’ve played Stravinsky’s version of the anthem over and over, and sung along quite loudly, and I’m not even American. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m George Oates, Project Lead of the Open Library project, from the Internet Archive in San Francisco.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Before I pulled up the slides, I played Stravinsky’s arrangement of the US National Anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner. There’s a choral version on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxBVLceBT6Q

- Stravinsky; Russian, moved to LA, He performed his realization of the Star-Spangled Banner in Boston in 1944, to an apparently “startled” audience. The next day, authorities came to the venue, removed the scores off the music stands, and cited a Massachusetts law banning the performance of an “embellished” national anthem.

"The authorities must have regarded Stravinsky's work as a setting of the familiar tune, but one that did not preserve the original content the way it should have. Therefore, they must have regarded the content as not just the melody but also the usual harmonies. Apparently Stravinsky did not share this view of what was essential." Musician as Interpreter, Paul Thom, 2007 page 50

I like this subtle, lovely shift away from the traditional a new arrangement. This might sound a bit weird, but I’ve played Stravinsky’s version of the anthem over and over, and sung along quite loudly, and I’m not even American.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m George Oates, Project Lead of the Open Library project, from the Internet Archive in San Francisco.

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Some rights reserved by mattdork

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I work at the Internet Archive, leading The Open Library project. We recently moved in to this church in The Richmond in San Francisco. We’re turning it into a library.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We’re based in San Francisco, California, where I happen to have been living for about 5 years.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It’s a great town, and if you ever come, let me know and I’ll take you out for a drink!

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Universal Access toAll Knowledge

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Since 1996, the non-profit Internet Archive has been building a digital library of Internet sites and other things in digital form. archive.org has a ton of texts, video, software, live music... all sorts of things.

Our mission is Universal Access to all Knowledge. Not a bad reason to get out of bed each day...

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I was asked to talk to you today about “looking at data consumption.” That’s a very broad topic, and it’s blurry these days. We are all consumers on the web, but many of us are also producers and interpreters, sometimes implicitly.

This talk is designed to be somewhat ephemeral. And it’s great if you disagree with me, because that will make the discussion afterwards that much more interesting.

This is the first time I’ve played this song in front of an audience, so please, remember to clap at the end.

Some rights reserved by daveknapik

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let me introduce a couple of ideas I’d like to use as scaffolding for the presentation... the first is that the cycle of production to consumption is virtually immediate now, and often what we see on the Web is that consumption of an idea or object actually leads to a great deal of re-production, of re-presentation by the consumer, whether that consumer is a human or a computer.


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I’ve structured the presentation loosely around these themes, and I’m hoping to demonstrate the idea that each of these actions can often also be understood as the other. There’s also the question of agency. In each of these steps in the flow, the actor can either be a human, or a computer. There are more and more examples of projects that not longer use simulations to gain understanding, but real, flowing data. Some of the more interesting projects, in my mind at least, are those where this flow is a blend of human and computer actors. And that’s probably the main trend I’d like you to come away with today.

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"Once you have a collection of over say 2,000 items, a human being can no longer remember every item and needs a system to help find things."

Dr. Barbara B. TillettChange Cataloging, but Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It is this act of remembering, of creating a system - in the context of the web - that’s blurring the boundaries between production & consumption, through organization and interpretation as creative acts.

Everyone’s use of the web is different. Certainly there may be some flocks of use, each of our views on it is slightly different, and create virtually infinite ways to consume it. Our very use of some systems produces information about ourselves and our network that may be consumed by other people, the system itself, or the wider web.

Today, I’m going to show you some bits and pieces from my own organization system, my Memex, projects that I think demonstrate this blur between production, consumption, organization and interpretation. A report from the trenches, if you will.

Read Dr. Tillett’s paper: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/Mittler.pdf

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Some rights reserved by stumayhew

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What we’re dealing with is a deeply complex dynamic system. Distribution can be immediate.

Some rights reserved by centralasian

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011Some rights reserved by massdistraction

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Me, Right Now, administered by garrettmurray, active meme in 2009969 members | 1,821 photos1. Take a picture of yourself right now.2. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture.3. Post that picture with NO editing.4. Post these instructions with your picture.


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Expectation of availability, of digital plenty. Everything is instant. Why isn’t everything digitized already? Download anything.

Some rights reserved by vanderwal

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

An example of immediacy...4 minutes ago somebody said something about libraries.

A Justin Bieber fan account in Poland with 104,000 followers uses Google to do homework.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The Bieber Trench.

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What'shappening to precision?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


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Bicycle Built For 2,000by Aaron Koblin

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

http://vimeo.com/3571124 (2008)

“Bicycle Built For 2,000 is comprised of 2,088 voice recordings collected via Amazon's Mechanical Turk web service. Workers were prompted to listen to a short sound clip, then record themselves imitating what they heard.”


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The hum can be deafening if you try to listen to it.

Some rights reserved by Anirudh Koul

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Transition point. Now, we’re getting very good at moving data around. There are a bazillion datasets on the web. A bazillion everythings on the web. People expect data immediately, and consume it rapidly.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It’s not just from normal humans either... Data everywhere. Governments, particularly here in the US, and Australia and the UK are working hard to produce and publish large datasets.


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A group called the Open Knowledge Foundation looks after a site called CKAN, which has almost two thousand open datasets online, usefully declared as open by the way, so consumption and reuse opportunity is made clear.


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

There are also pretty quirky collections of data online, like Textfiles, which is lovingly collected and arranged by Jason Scott, a self-proclaimed technology history nut.

These 3 examples, from the official to the personal, are just a drop in the ocean of what’s out there. Even OCLC itself announced the other day that they’d be releasing 1 million bibliographic records into the wild...

http://textfiles.com; Jason Scott

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Black-Capped Pigeon.

This most elegant of species is painted the size of life. It was found on the ground in the isle of Java, having dropped down dead in one of those hot days that are known only in the torrid zone, when the fowls of the air often perish, unable to respire; when lions, leopards, and wolves immerge themselves up to their nostrils in the water, to preserve themselves from the scorching sun; and, when even men themselves have been forced to ascend the highest trees, in order to draw in a more temperate air. Such a day occasioned the discovery of this species. The fore part of the head, the cheeks, and beginning of the breast were white: the hind part of the head black: the chin yellow.

It’s overwhelming. Too much to consume.Delicious bookmarking service. Announced a few months ago that Yahoo! was selling it. Now sold, users are escaping to other services.www.archive.org/stream/indianzoology00penn#page/n71/mode/2up

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

http://pinboard.in - started in 2009Founder, Mache describes it as “your sink”, but what I enjoy about it is that the system is osmotic by nature. It’s designed to inhale bookmarks from other systems en masse, but also to “release” them right back out again in a bunch of different formats.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

there’s RSS, API, upload by email, bulk download, browser widgets, bookmarkers etc etc.

there’s life in the production, the system reinforces itself by activity. it also helps me and others begin to organize what’s important to me on the web. The same sort of “standardization” that Jim was talking about in his introduction is simply produced by people’s use of the site. No negotiation necessary.

This leads me to a project by Kevin Kelly called “the Internet Mapping Project”.

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“The internet is vast. Bigger than a city, bigger than a country, maybe as big as the universe. It's expanding by the second. No one has seen its borders.

And the internet is intangible, like spirits and angels. The web is an immense ghost land of disembodied places. Who knows if you are even there, there.

Yet everyday we navigate through this ethereal realm for hours on end and return alive. We must have some map in our head.”

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

“I've become very curious about the maps people have in their minds when they enter the internet. So I've been asking people to draw me a map of the internet as they see it. That's all. More than 50 people of all ages and levels of expertise have mapped their geography of online. “


June 2009

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


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Graph/report created by Mara Vanina Osés

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

“Much to my surprise two days later, a professor in Argentina wrote the first paper with a first attempt to classify this initial set of maps.”http://psiytecnologia.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/the-internet-mapping-project2.pdfhttp://kk.org/ct2/2009/06/taxonomy-of-internet-maps.php/

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Graph/report created by Mara Vanina Osés

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

“Much to my surprise two days later, a professor in Argentina wrote the first paper with a first attempt to classify this initial set of maps.”http://psiytecnologia.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/the-internet-mapping-project2.pdf

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We’re getting really good at aggregation. Not just big players, but everyone.

Some rights reserved by tomwestbrook

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Locals and Tourists by Eric FischerThis is Washington, DC.Blue points on the map are pictures taken by locals (people who have taken pictures in this city dated over a range of a month or more).

Red points are pictures taken by tourists (people who seem to be a local of a different city and who took pictures in this city for less than a month).”

“Some cities (for example Las Vegas and Venice) do seem to be photographed almost entirely by tourists. Others seem to have many pictures taken in places that tourists don't visit.


Some rights reserved by Eric Fischer

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pretty Maps“It is an interactive map composed of multiple freely available, community-generated data sources: Flickr Shapefiles, Natural Earth, and Open Street Maps”http://prettymaps.stamen.com/201008/about/



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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011Some rights reserved by straup

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Different sources consumed and re-interpreted, become products.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


“We asked readers the following questions: Was his death significant in our war against terror? And do you have a negative or positive view of this event? Readers — 13,864 of them — answered by plotting a response on the graph and adding a comment to explain the choice. Each light blue dot represents one comment. Darker shades represent multiple comments made on a single point.”

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

“Dating Research on OK Cupid”

“Beer Goggles” on OK Trends, blog for the dating site, OK Cupid. Anaylsis of thousands of users, with entertaining choices & writing. Original witty research.


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

You can’t make this stuff up. Or, well, you could, but...

“10 Charts about Sex”http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/10-charts-about-sex/

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kinect X-Box launched in the U.S. November 2010133,333 units per day with a total of 8 million units in its first 60 days.RGB camera, depth sensor, and multi-array microphone running software that which provide full-body 3D motion capture, facial recognition and voice recognition capabilities* Competition run by AdaFruit Industries to develop an open source driver for the box; awarded on November 10* A former Microsoft employee is alleged to have personally sponsored the competition, while working there.


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Body Dysmorphic Disorderby Robert Hodgin

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

http://vimeo.com/17073934 (2010)http://www.flight404.com/blog/?p=472

Robert is an artist living in San Francisco. Prominent in the Cinder community, for “creative coding in C++” - http://libcinder.org/ Of all the bazillions of things written for the Kinect, Robert’s work is my favourite.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

All rights reserved by flight404, used with permission, Made with Cinder and a Kinect sensor.

Withdrawl along surface normals

Runs in realtime. Experimenting with placing line segments along surface normals.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

All rights reserved by flight404, used with permission. December 2010

Invisibility Made with Cinder and a Kinect sensor. Runs in realtime.Video on Vimeo: vimeo.com/17836665

Inspired by the Optical Camouflage demo by Takayuki Fukatsu:www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qhXQ_1CQjg

Also, the Predator movies.


Consumption leads to interpretation, and (re)production.

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“Be Your Own Souvenir”

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


“Barcelona Street Installation Lets You Print A 3D Mini-Me” April 11http://www.thecreatorsproject.com/blog/barcelona-street-installation-lets-you-print-a-3d-mini-me

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Media Surfacesby Dentsu London & BERG

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

MEDIA SURFACES “Incidental Media” Dentsu London & Berg, 2011http://www.flickr.com/photos/dentsulondon/5141942043/http://bit.ly/mediasurfaces

Fascinating. Since the physical place can curate information. Gentle, delicate consumption. Ambient data.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I was driving along in my car the other day, listening to the radio, and I thought to myself, jeez it’s nice not to have to choose what to listen to. I didn’t even particularly care what they played... it was just nice to be played to.

Curation is such a relief. Here are a couple I like.

Some rights reserved by net_efekt

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JMW Turner St Benedetto, Looking towards Fusina

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


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Connectionsby The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Medieval art curator Melanie Holcomb talks about how maps help her make sense of the world.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Curated consumption, if I may. Very tightly controlled, personal inputs.

A little tool built by Russell Davies in the UK. “And here's my other Homesense project. Made which much assistance from Tom and Andy.It's very simple. If there are more than five bikes at one of these bike stations the relevant LED comes on. It's a glanceable guide to which way to walk when we head out. It's going on the wall by the door. No need to reach for a device, launch an app and navigate to our favourites.”

http://www.homesenseproject.com/ - “Homesense is a project that rethinks how we design smart homes and investigate how we interact with technologies at home.”

Some rights reserved by russelldavies

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Game For The MassesAmy Franceschini, 2002

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

So, to a note to end on...

-sculpture- placed in a gallery- distribute pucks evenly- get the pucks

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“Game for the Masses is research project made to observe social interactions around gaming. It revealed how people use games as an interface for conversation, interaction, play and openness. This game prompted creative thinking and problem solving. The game was positioned in a gallery with a small set of rules and instructions, but the game was left open for development.”

Game For The MassesAmy Franceschini, 2002

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

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“Game for the Masses is research project made to observe social interactions around gaming. It revealed how people use games as an interface for conversation, interaction, play and openness. This game prompted creative thinking and problem solving. The game was positioned in a gallery with a small set of rules and instructions, but the game was left open for development.”

Game For The MassesAmy Franceschini, 2002

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

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Game For The MassesAmy Franceschini, 2002

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It’s true. The Internet is one big mass of largely inconsequential mess made by other people that you will never find or care about. You help yourself make sense of it all by making trails through it, creating sets or indexes of things on it, collecting things about you, in Bush’s Memex. Now, there are 6 billion memexes that can be trawled for a new sort of information.

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“In writing variations my method is to remain

faithful to the theme. Never mind the rest!”

Igor Stravinsky

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


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Thanks!George Oates

[email protected]

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
