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Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

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Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860 Religion and Reform
Page 1: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions


Religion and Reform

Page 2: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

To what extent did societal changes between 1820 and 1860 increase the practice of liberty?Essential Question

Page 3: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

For each topic we will develop a topic sentence related to our focus question.

After we discuss evidence, we will decide which evidence fits depending upon our argument.

[class divided into three groups: great increase, only moderate increase and decline in practice]

Looking at evidence to develop an argument

Page 4: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

How did American manufacturers compete w/ Britain?

How did industry compete with artisan republicanism?

What was the role of state and national gov’t in transportation?

What were the different types of cities?What were the defining characteristics of new

social classes?

Review of Economic Revolutions

Page 5: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

Regional divideDemocratic participationPolitical partiesRepublicanism v. DemocracyRole of Central Gov’t

What were the principal political changes between 1820 and 1840?

Page 6: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

Individualism How did

transcendentalists promote ideas of “radical freedom”?Puritan and

Protestant idealsNature and

IndividualismRejection of


The “first” American Literary traditionThoreauFullerWhitmanHawthorneMelville

Page 7: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

Rural CommunalismShakersFourierismOneida CommunityMormonism

Oneida Mansion 1828

Page 8: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

Urban CultureContrasting with


Results of economic evolution?

Results of immigrant/migrant infusion?

Sex and Prostitution

Popular EntertainmentLive action, fightsTheatreMinstrel shows

NativismEscape from racism

Page 9: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.


How were these

cultures different

from the



described in Ch.

8 & 9?

Rural & Urban divide?


Pittsburgh 1830

Page 10: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

AbolitionismSlavery contrary to

republicanismImmoral (2nd Great


UpliftEducationTemperanceHard work

Northern ReactionsProtestsRiotsInherent racism

David Walker (MA)Nat Turner (VA)Northern Evangelicals


Page 11: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

Evidence of Popularity of AbolitionismRural/Urban SupportAnti-Slavery SocietyCommunicationUnderground Railroad

**10% avid abolitionists in North…

Don’t forget that northerners did NOT necess. See blacks as equals…

Page 12: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

Anti-abolitionismAttack on slavery =

attack on all property“Societal institutions

would be overthrown”Racial fears led to mob

violenceSouth banned

abolitionistsGov’t enforce anti-


Clergy opposed women’s involvementGarrison-exception

American & Foreign Anti-slavery Society

Opposition to Abolitionism

Divisions within Mvt

Page 13: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

Religious Revivals & New Econ Independ.Gender rolesWorkers’ rightsAbolitionEquality for womenPrison reformSuffrage

Women as Reformers

Economic Influence

Page 14: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

More libertyWomen’s

independenceUrban collectivism




Examining the evidence

Limits on liberty

Page 15: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

What were the societal changes that caused the limits or expansions of liberty?Add notations to your chart from the previous slide.

Page 16: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

To what extent did societal changes between 1820 and 1860 increase the practice of liberty?Essential Question

Page 17: Looking at social movements against the backdrop of economic and political revolutions 1820-1860.

Individualism and Transcendentalism expanded the liberty of thought with writing…

Topic Sentences should connect the focus to the topic of the paragraph
