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Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Awards
Page 1: Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Awards · 2 Combined Cadet Force (CCF), and Civil and Crown Servants involved in the administration of the Reserve Forces and Cadet

Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s


Page 2: Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Awards · 2 Combined Cadet Force (CCF), and Civil and Crown Servants involved in the administration of the Reserve Forces and Cadet


Combined Cadet Force (CCF), and Civil and Crown Servants involved in the administration of the Reserve Forces and Cadet Organisations. The Certificate is an award given in recognition of exceptional service.

The Certificate for Meritorious Volunteer Service is in the form of a mounted, illuminated scroll signed by the Lord-Lieutenant of the County or the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man, and the President of NW RFCA. The certificates are traditionally presented at an annual ceremony in the County.

2.2 The Lord-Lieutenants’ andLieutenant Governor’s CertificateforMeritoriousCadetService

The Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Certificate for Meritorious Cadet Service is awarded to cadets serving in the SCC, ACF, ATC and CCF in recognition of exceptional service.

The Certificate for Meritorious Cadet Service is in the form of a mounted, illuminated scroll signed by the Lord-Lieutenant of the County or the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man and the President of NW RFCA. The certificates are traditionally presented at an annual ceremony, which also features the appointment of the Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet.

2.3 TheLord-Lieutenants’andLieutenantGovernor’sCommendation

The Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Commendation recognises an outstanding act or achievement by an individual or

The annual Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for Reservists, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAVs), cadets and employees of the Reserve Forces and Cadet Organisations of the Armed Forces are recognised as laudatory honours throughout the Ministry of Defence. These awards are intended to supplement Honours bestowed by HM The Queen in the New Year and Birthday Honours Lists, and, in precedence, rank after such awards.

Each year, the presentation of the Lord-Lieutenants’ Awards for Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside, and the Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for the Isle of Man, are facilitated by the North West of England and the Isle of Man Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association (NW RFCA).

2. Introduction to the Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Awards2.1 The Lord Lieutenants’ andLieutenant Governor’s CertificateforMeritoriousVolunteerService

NW RFCA is pleased to facilitate the award of the Lord-Lieutenant’s and Lieutenant Governor’s Certificate for Meritorious Volunteer Service to Reservists serving with the Royal Naval Reserve (RNR), Royal Marines Reserve (RMR), Army Reserve and Royal Auxiliary Air Force (RAuxAF), as well as CFAVs serving with the Sea Cadet Corps (SCC), Army Cadet Force (ACF), Air Training Corps (ATC) and

1. Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenants and Lieutenant Governor

Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenants are the representatives of the Crown for each county in the United Kingdom. Men or women of all backgrounds, they are appointed directly by Her Majesty The Queen, on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man is Her Majesty The Queen’s Personal Representative, and is appointed by Warrant of HM The Queen, on the advice of the Secretary of State for Justice.

Contents: Page

1. Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenants and Lieutenant Governor


2. Introduction to the Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Awards


3. Eligibility 4

4. Nominations, Timings of Submissions and Selection Procedure


5. Presentation 7

6. Publicity 8

7. The Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Cadet


8. Summary 11

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inscription ‘The Cadet Forces Medal’ and a representation of a torch. The medal is suspended from a green ribbon with yellow edges, and narrow stripes of dark blue, red and light blue superimposed (representing each branch of HM Armed Forces).

The annual presentation of certificates and awards provides an opportunity for the wider community to recognise and celebrate the dedication and professionalism of the individuals who contribute so much to our Reserve Forces and Cadet Organisations.

Army and Air Force respectively) separated by a thin strip of yellow from dark green bands (representing the Reserves) on either side.

The CFM is awarded after 12 years of service as a CFAV, with additional clasps awarded for each 6 years’ subsequent service. Such long and faithful service can be recognised with the presentation of the medal by the Lord-Lieutenant or Lieutenant Governor. The CFM is a cupronickel circle, with the obverse showing a crowned effigy of Queen Elizabeth II, and the reverse bearing the

individuals serving with or employed by the Reserve Forces, Cadet Organisations or NW RFCA.

The Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Commendation is in the form of a mounted, illuminated scroll signed by both the Lord-Lieutenant of the County or the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man, and the President of NW RFCA.

2.4 OtherHonours

In recognition of the ongoing contribution and commitment made by individuals across the region, the Lord-Lieutenants of Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside, and the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man, wish to invite to their annual Awards Ceremonies recipients of the Volunteer Reserves Service Medal (VRSM), Cadet Forces Medal (CFM) and other appropriate awards (e.g. BEM, Operational Medals, Cadet Certificates of Good Service, BTEC Diplomas, Master Cadet awards – subject to capacity).

The VRSM is awarded after 10 years of service in the Reserves. Such long and faithful service can be recognised with the presentation of the medal by the Lord-Lieutenant or Lieutenant Governor. The VRSM is a silver oval with an image of the monarch on the obverse, and the words ‘For Service in the Volunteer Reserves’ on the reverse, above a sprig of oak leaves and acorns. The medal is suspended from a ribbon that represents each of the services (narrow strips of navy blue, red and sky blue, for the Navy,

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3. Eligibility3.1 EligibilityfortheLord-Lieutenants’andLieutenantGovernor’sCertificateforMeritoriousVolunteerService

The Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Certificates for Meritorious Volunteer Service may be awarded to any serving Reservist in the RNR, RMR, Army Reserve or RAuxAF, and CFAVs in the SCC, ACF, ATC and CCF. Civilians (e.g. Civil & Crown Servants) who are employed in direct support of the Reserve Forces and Cadet Organisations are also eligible for this award. As a guide, an individual should normally have a minimum of six years’ service before being recommended for an award, but citations for individuals with fewer than six years’ service will be considered on their merits.

To qualify, an individual must be serving with, or employed by, the Reserve Forces on 1st January of the year in which he/she is recommended. The award is not intended as a routine recognition of long and faithful service; the criterion of exceptional service must be the principal factor. The award is not given in recognition of outstanding service on operations, which, rightly, should be recommended through the Chain of Command. However, such service can form part of the evidence of exceptional service.

The Certificate may only be awarded once to the same individual. It may not be recommended posthumously.

Individuals who are recommended for an award will normally be eligible within the county of their parent unit or sub-unit, not in the county where they live, if this is different. Exceptionally, for individuals still serving in the National

Army Reserve, awards will be made in the county where the individual lives.

3.2 EligibilityfortheLord-Lieutenants’andLieutenantGovernor’sCertificatesforMeritoriousCadetService

The Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Certificates for Meritorious Cadet Service may be awarded to any cadet of the SCC, ACF, ATC or CCF for exceptional service. Recipients should typically have a minimum of four years’ service before being recommended for an award, and hold the rank of Cadet Sergeant. Citations recommending outstanding individuals below the rank of Cadet Sergeant or of fewer than four years’ service will be considered on their merits.

To qualify, an individual must be serving as a Cadet on 1st January of the year in which he/she is recommended. The Certificate may only be awarded once to the same individual.

3.3 EligibilityfortheLord-Lieutenants’andLieutenantGovernor’sCommendation

The Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Commendations may be awarded to any serving Reservist in the RNR, RMR, Army Reserve or RAuxAF, or CFAV or Cadet of the SCC, ACF, ATC or CCF, of whatever rank. Civilians (e.g. Civil & Crown Servants) who are employed in direct support of the Reserve Forces and Cadet Organisations are also eligible for this award.

To qualify, an individual must be serving as a Reservist, CFAV, cadet or in employ on 1st January of the year in which he/she is recommended. The award is intended to recognise an exceptional and outstanding act or achievement, either

in the line of the individual’s operational or domestic duties as a Reservist when not on deployment, or during service as CFAV, cadet or supporting staff. Such acts or achievements might include quick thinking in a crisis, resulting in a positive resolution, or a selfless act for the benefit of others.

Individuals who are recommended for an award will normally be eligible within the county of their parent unit or sub-unit, not in the county where they live if this is different. Exceptionally, for individuals still serving in the National Army Reserve, awards may be made in the county where the individual lives.

3.4 EligibilityfortheVolunteerReservesService&CadetForcesMedals

A recipient of the Volunteer Reserves Service and Cadet Forces Medals may have their medal presented by the respective Lord-Lieutenant, or, for the Isle of Man, Lieutenant Governor, within the county of their parent unit or sub-unit. Exceptionally, for individuals still serving in the National Army Reserve, presentations may be made in the county where the individual lives.

To qualify, the recipient must have been awarded the medal within twelve months prior to the recommendation for presentation by the Lord-Lieutenants and Lieutenant Governor.

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Nominations for the Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Certificate for Meritorious Cadet Service, should be submitted by the Commanding Officer (or equivalent) in original only, using the proforma at Annex B.

Nominations for the Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Commendation should be submitted by the Commanding Officer (or equivalent) in original only, using the proforma at Annex C.

Nominations for the presentation of the Volunteer Reserves Service and Cadet Forces Medals and other

4. Nominations, Timings of Submissions and Selection Procedure4.1 Nominations for recipientsthrough Chain of Commandto NW RFCA (Deadline: Friday 27 February 2015)

Nominations for the Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Certificate for Meritorious Volunteer Service, should be submitted by the Commanding Officer (or equivalent) in original only, using the proforma at Annex A.

awards should be submitted by the Commanding Officer in original only, using the proforma at Annex D.

A recommendation for a Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Certificate for Meritorious Service or Commendation should not normally be submitted to run concurrently with one for an award in the New Year’s or Birthday Honours List, unless in exceptional circumstances, which should be highlighted in a covering letter. An unsuccessful recommendation does not debar the submission of a further recommendation in a later list.

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4.2 SelectionProcedure

Recommendations for Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Certificates for Meritorious Service, Commendations and notifications of recipients of the VRSM & CFM and other awards, will be considered, and their eligibility/governance confirmed, by a Board staffed by NW RFCA.

Those recommendations who meet the criteria will be submitted by the Board to the Lord-Lieutenant or Lieutenant Governor, who may select all, some or none for presentation.

4.3 Promulgation

When the Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s approval has been obtained, the notification of those selected for the presentation of awards/medals will be promulgated. The procedure for promulgation is as follows:

A list of those selected for the awards will be sent by the Association to:

• Commanding Officers of major units, Officers Commanding minor units, NW SCC Area Officer, ACF County Commandants, Officers Commanding ATC Wings, CCF Contingent Commanders

• Honorary Colonels (or equivalents);

• Association Chairman and Vice-Chairmen;

• Regional Employer Support Group and County Employer Support Group Chairmen; and,

• HQ 42nd Inf Bde & HQ NW.

The list will be in the form of an Order of the Day, which will be signed by the Chairman of the Association. Sufficient copies will be issued for Notice Board display in Unit Headquarters, Sub-Units and Messes.

Recommendations for the Lord-Lieutenants’ and LieutenantGovernor’sCertificatesforMeritoriousServiceandCommendationsshouldbe accompanied by a detailed,consideredcitation,baseduponthetemplateprovided.Writteninthethirdperson,andsuitable tobe readoutduring the presentation ceremony,citationsshouldbeconcise,engagingand informative. Care should begiventoelucidateallaspectsof theindividual’sservice,particularlythoseunderpinning the recommendations.Service to the wider Armed Forcesand local communities should alsobehighlighted.

Citations should be typewritten using the form provided, and signed by the Commanding Officer (or equivalent) of the unit/organisation.

Recommendations for the Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Certificates for Meritorious Service, and Commendations, and notifications of recipients of the Volunteer Reserves Service and Cadet Forces Medals and other awards, are to be submitted to the Chief Executive, NW RFCA.

Please note that nil returnsfrom units, sub-units and CadetForce HQs must be submitted tothe respective Lord-Lieutenant/Lieutenant Governor, copied tothe Chief Executive, NW RFCA.

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5. PresentationPrior to the ceremony, NW RFCA will obtain the signatures of the Lord-Lieutenant of the County or Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man and the President of the Association on each Certificate for Meritorious Service and Commendation, and arrange for them to be suitably framed.

NW RFCA will coordinate details of the venue and timings of the presentation and reception to be held afterwards, and forward these details to the recipients’ units and sub-units. An annual ceremony will be organised for each Lieutenancy and the Isle of Man, and will take place according to a prescribed format, and in a suitably impressive location.

On behalf of the Lord-Lieutenants and Lieutenant Governor, NW RFCA will coordinate invitations to the presentation ceremony. The invitation list will include:

• Accompanying the recipients: Commanding Officer (or equivalent), Honorary Colonel (or equivalent), Media Officer (or equivalent) Employer, 3-5 family and friends, members of unit.

• Stakeholders: Single Service Chains of Command, Mayor(s), MP(s), Armed Forces Champions, non-recipient unit Commanding Officers, Headteachers, NW RFCA Members.

Certificates will be presented by the Lord-Lieutenant of the County or the

Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man.

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of his or her official duties in the County.

The Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet is a high profile appointment, and, as such, it is expected that the candidate should be of the highest standard, with excellent bearing, good interpersonal skills and the ability to interact with others. Nominations should normally hold the rank of at least Cadet Sergeant, or equivalent. He/she should be under 18 years of age (excluding ATC) on commencement of their tour of duty as Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet. Single Services are encouraged to undertake internal selection procedures before making nominations to NW RFCA.

Nominations for the appointment of Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet will be requested formally by the Lord-Lieutenant each year. Each Single Service is requested to submit nominations using Annex E, as detailed below.

7.3 DistributionofNominations

SeaCadetCorps: NW SCC Area Officer is permitted to submit up to 3 nominations per Lieutenancy (up to 18) annually.

Army Cadet Force: County Commandants are permitted to submit up to 3 nominations per Lieutenancy (up to 18) annually.

Air Training Corps: OCs ATC Wings are permitted to submit up to 3 nominations per Lieutenancy (up to 24) annually.

7. The Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Cadet7.1 Introduction to the Lord-Lieutenant’s and LieutenantGovernor’sCadet

Each year, the Lord-Lieutenants and Lieutenant Governor appoint young people to serve as the Lord- Lieutenants’ or Lieutenant Governor’s Cadets. They are drawn from the SCC, ACF, ATC and CCF. The appointment is recognised as one of the highest honours a cadet can achieve.

When on duty, the Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s Cadets wear a distinctive badge of their appointment to denote their role. They assist the Lord-Lieutenant or Lieutenant Governor as required, often on parade for Royal visits, and act as ambassadors for their organisations and the young people of the region.

NB: The term Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet, used hereafter, covers both the appointment of Lieutenant Governor’s Cadet, as well as the new roles of Vice Lord-Lieutenant’s and Deputy Lieutenants’ Cadets, existent in those Counties as agreed by the Lord-Lieutenant.

7.2 Nominations

Nominations are invited annually for outstanding cadets serving in their Counties for selection as a Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet. Their formal duties will be to attend upon the Lord-Lieutenant as and when appropriate, in the course

6. PublicityFull details of the awards will be released to the press by the NW RFCA Head of Communications in pre-event and post-event press releases.

Units and sub-units involved will be invited to coordinate with the NW RFCA Head of Communications to provide publicity of the recipients of the awards.

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ACF, Squadrons in Cumbria & Lancashire Wing ATC in Lancashire, Arnold School, Kirkham Grammar School, Lancaster Royal Grammar School, Rossall School, Stonyhurst College;

• Merseyside: NW Area SCC/RMC Units in Merseyside, Detachments in Merseyside ACF, Squadrons in Greater Manchester, Merseyside Wings ATC in Merseyside, Birkenhead School, Calday Grange Grammar School, Liverpool College, Merchant Taylor’s School, St. Mary’s College.

Lord-Lieutenants’ Cadets will hold their appointments for the remainder of their cadet service or for one year from 1st September until 31st August, whichever is the shorter. After one year, if still serving, they will not be eligible for re-appointment.

Lord-Lieutenants’ Cadets will serve the Lieutenancy in which their unit resides.

Lord-Lieutenants’ Cadets may wear the special Badge of the Lord-Lieutenants’ Cipher on their right forearm, four inches from the cuff of their No.1 (RN/RM/RAF) or No.2 (Army) Dress. The Badge will remain the property of the Cadet. It is the responsibility of the Area (SCC/RMC), County (ACF), Wing (ATC), School (CCF) Headquarters to ensure the Lord-Lieutenants’ Cadets have the correct uniform when attending Lieutenancy functions.

• Greater Manchester: NW Area SCC/RMC Units in Greater Manchester, Detachments in Greater Manchester ACF, Squadrons in Greater Manchester Wing ATC in Greater Manchester, Audenshaw School, Bury Grammar School, Oldham Hulme Grammar School & William Hulme Grammar School;

• Isle of Man: NW Area SCC/RMC Units on the Isle of Man, Detachments in Isle of Man ACF, Squadrons in Merseyside Wing ATC on the Isle of Man, King William’s College;

• Lancashire: NW Area SCC/RMC Units in Lancashire, Detachments in Lancashire

CombinedCadetForce: Contingent Commanders are permitted to submit up to 1 nomination per school (up to 19) annually.


• Cheshire: NW Area SCC/RMC Units in Cheshire, Detachments in Cheshire ACF, Squadrons in Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Staffordshire & West Mercian Wings ATC in Cheshire, Kings’ School Chester & Sandbach School;

• Cumbria: NW Area SCC/RMC Units in Cumbria, Detachments in Cumbria ACF, Squadrons in Cumbria & Lancashire Wing ATC in Cumbria, Sedbergh School & St Bees’ School;

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7.4 RecommendationsandSelectionProcess

Phase 1 – Nomination of Cadets through Chain of Command to NW RFCA (Deadline: Friday 27 February 2015)

1. Commanding Officers are being requested to submit nominations using the Recommendations proforma.

2. All details are to be completed fully and accurately by Commanding Officers.

3. Applications are to be endorsed by the Area Officer (SCC), County Commandant (ACF), OC Wing (ATC), or the CCF Contingent Commander.

4. Citations are to be based on the template provided. Commanding

way of a partial contribution toward travel expenses, which may be claimed upon presentation of receipts. Full induction, training and briefings to parents/guardians and schools/employers will be provided for incoming Lord-Lieutenants’ Cadets.

Upon completion of their appointment, subject to satisfactory service, Lord-Lieutenants’ Cadets will receive a Lord-Lieutenant’s Certificate of Merit, which will be presented upon handover at the Lord-Lieutenant’s Ceremony following the end of their service.

The letter of appointment issued by NW RFCA is to be used as proof of entitlement for additional uniform items.

Lord-Lieutenants’ Cadets will be required to attend both the Presentations of Awards and Cadet Briefing Days at the beginning and end of their periods in office.

The selection of duties for Lord-Lieutenants’ Cadets will be made by the Lord-Lieutenant’s Office. NW RFCA will provide an emolument of up to £1,000 per Lieutenancy, by

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Officers are encouraged to ensure that citations are written in prose, as these will form the basis of the verbal citations presented to the Lord-Lieutenant.

5. Nominations are to be sent to the Chief Executive, NW RFCA.

Phase 2 – Sifting of nominations by NW RFCA

1. Board, staffed by NW RFCA, will meet in early March to consider all applications received.

2. The Board will nominate up to four cadets, comprising not less than one cadet from each Cadet Force, for interview by the Lord-Lieutenant/Lieutenant Governor.

Phase 3 – Interviews & Selections by Lord-Lieutenant/Lieutenant Governor

1. NW RFCA will liaise with nominees and Lord-Lieutenants’ Offices to arrange interviews in March for the final selection.

2. The Lord-Lieutenant will select his/her Cadet based on the short-listed nominations and performance at interview.

3. Up to three of the remaining cadets may be appointed Vice Lord-Lieutenant’s and/or Deputy Lieutenants’ Cadets, to carry out duties in support of the Vice Lord-Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants, deputising for the Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet, where needed. These additional nominations/selections will be subject to the Lord-Lieutenant’s wishes and may not be universal across all Lieutenancies.

8. SummaryThe Lord-Lieutenants’ and Lieutenant Governor’s awards recognise the outstanding work of the members of our Reserve Forces and Cadet Organisations, and are ideal opportunities for Commanding Officers to seek to laud publicly those individuals especially worthy of recognition. Following extensive engagement with the Lieutenancies and the Lieutenant Governor’s Office, NW RFCA has sought to increase the profile and accessibility of these awards, and the full co-operation of those involved in making nominations is required, to make the very most of opportunities afforded by these awards.

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