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Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (San...

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Society PART ft To Entertain Phi Delta Omega Sorority Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davies of Whlt- tier. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 190>. To Entertain Club Members Mrs. Frank A. Bowles of 1542 West Tenth street will entertain the mem- bers of the Westlake Five Hundred club Tuesday afternoon. Enjoy Annual Picnic Tho members of the Ohio society en- Joyed their annual picnic yesterday at Eastlake park. Buckeyes from all the surrounding towns were present, and a program of music and speeches was given. Games were played and a big banquet was served. Is Elected Vice President of Lyric Club THE Ebell club women proved to be delightful hostesses yesterday noon at their annual luncheon given at the club house. Eighteenth and Fig- ueroa streets. Mrs. P. G. Hubert pre- sided and Mrs. Edgar Lacy Swaine was toastmaster. Many clever responses were made, among those speaking be- ing Mrs. Oliver C. Bryant, "Club Links"; Mrs. Fred Hooker Jones, "Other People's Children"; Mrs. Mat- thew S. Robertson, "A Dream of Fair Women;" Mrs. William J. Chlchester, "Our Charter Members;" Miss Estelle M. Williams, "Our Rosebuds;" Mrs. Louis Agassiz Gould, "Our Rank and File," and Mrs. Sidney J. Parsons, "Our Presidents." Assisting Mrs. Hubert as hostesses were Mesdames Burt Estes Howard, E. C. Dexter, William C. Reed, Lewis Clark Carlisle, John Kahn, B. R. Baumgardt, W. W. Orcutt, Augustus Hines, Wil- liam L. Jones, S. S. W. Wilder, J. B. Millard, WillP. Baker, J. T. Fitzgerald, J. A. Clark, T. T. Knight, C. A. Burch- am, J. C. McCoy, W. F. Pleas, Kath- erine Kimball Forest. Miss Winifred Walte, Miss Hamilton and Miss Helen Louise Kimball. Mrs. Hubert's table was handsomely decorated with matll- IJa poppies, in the club colors, white and gold, and the other tables were decorated in various color schemes. The reception hall was banked with white lilies and ferns. Mrs. Id.i Wllliamß and Mrs. A. M. Fuller, vocalists; Arthur Kent, ban- joist; Mrs. George Adams, Mrs. Fred Martin, Miss Mary Whiting and Fred Seavers, readers, gave a delightful pro- gram at the meeting of the New Hamp- shire society Tuesday evening in Bur- bank hall, South Main street. The reception hall and parlor were at- tractively decorated in white carna- tions and in thu dining room red carna- tions were arrnnged with ferns. The bridesmaid was given a handsome dia- mond pin and the best man a stick pin set with pearl:-. When Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan return from their wedding trip, about July 15, Mrs. Miles Galliher will entertain with a reception for them. Baby Terwiliicer, wearing a blue silk dress, carried the ring in a calla lily, and tho flower girls. Misses Gladys Schmidt and Mary Penrose were gowned in white. Prof. A. B. Clayton of Long Beach was best man. The bride was daintily gowned in white crepe do chine, trimmed with baby Irish lace, and she carried bride roses. The bride's sister, Miss Leitha Galliher, who attended as maid of honor, wore a pretty gown of bluo silk mull and point lace and carried white carnations. Miss Elsie Gallihor becamo the bride of Charles C. Buchanan of Topeka, Kas., yesterday at high noon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Har- old Green at tno home of the bride'H mother, Mrs. Miles Galllher, 4249 South Flower street. Miss Hazel McCartney rendered the wpddlnginarches and dur- ing the ceremony the couple stood un- der a large white wedding bell. Weds Kansas Man Mrs. Homer Laughlin of 666 West Adams street gave the first large gar- den party of the season Tuesday after- noon. Receiving with her were her daughter, Miss Gwendolyn Laughlin and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Homer Laughlin, jr., and a long list of prom- inent society women assisted. Gives Large Garden Party Will Be Married Wednesday Miss Carrie Bogart and Rowe San- derson will be married Wednesday at the home of the br'-ip's parents, Mr. and Mrs. (.'. 8. Bogart of iazu Westlake avenue. Both bride and bridegroom are prominent in Los Angeles society circles. MISS MAY ARMSTRONG Entertains Seniors The members of the senior class of Occidental college were the guests Tues- day evening of Miss Bessie Louise Field and Miss Mamie Katherine Daniel at a charming social affair given at the home of Mlsa Field, 5311 Monte Vista street. Honors Mother-in.Law Mrs. P. S. Brown of 1026 Lake street entertained with an informal card party Wednesday afternoon In honor of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Andrew Brown, who has come to Los Angeles to make her home. James Slauson of South Figueroa street entertained with a delightful dinner dance last evening in honor of his niece. Miss Marian Macneil of 2408 South Figueroa street, at thp Bolsa Chlca Gun club. The rooms were beautifully decorated and the guests included Mrs. H. L. Macneil, Count and Mrs. Jaro yon Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Miner. Misses Sarah Utley, Marjorle Welsh, Helen Chaffee, Joseph- ine Macmillan, Nina Jones, Edith Her- ron, Annis Van Nuys. Kate Van Nuys, Laura Solano, Lois Allen. Adlea Mac- neil. Rlossom. Hazeltine Sherman. Mary Clark, Katherlne Clark, and Sayre Macneil, Keith Vosburg, Murray Vosburg. RouUen Vosburg, Stewart O'Melveny. James Page, James Utley, Maynard MacFie. Louis Tolhurst. Dr. Bernard Smith, Frank Brown, Benton Van Nuys. William Walders, Gurney Newlin, Eversole, Horace Boynton, Chester Silent. John Cassell. William Garland, Leo Brown. Paul Hammond, Russell Taylor and Houghteling. Miss Macneil will soon leave with her mother, Mrs. H. L. Macneil, for a six months' tour of Europe. Delightful Dinner Dance Present Three Comedies Threo comedies, "An Amateur Re- hearsal," "All-of-a-Flurry Peggy" and "Mammy Betty Meets Mr. Jupiter," were presented Wednesday evening at Dobinson auditorium, 1044 South Hope street. Palmer.Hubbard Nuptials Miss Helen A. Hubbard and Irving Lee Palmer were married Tuesday even- ing at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Charles F. Hubbard, 1376 Man- zanita street. To Be Hostesses Mesdames Hatch, Dixon and King willbe hostesses at the meeting of the Acacia Card club at Masonic temple. Hill street. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. AllO. E. S. members and their friends are invited. MRS. G. J. VIEIRA * ** » *•..*\u25a0\u25a0\u2666\u25a0.•\u25a0.».\u25a0\u2666.\u25a0\u2666.\u25a0\u2666\u25a0\u25a0\u2666\u25a0 j Have Social Meeting The regular social meeting of Auxil- iary No. 55 was held at the home of Mrs. Jos. Rustensey, 2211 Wall street, The members and their guests passed a pleasant afternoon. Thursday the women of the auxiliary willgive a pic- nic in Long Beach in honor of their first anniversary. Entertains in Delightful Manner John Gormby of Lafayette, Ind., prominently connected with the Mason- ic order, and who has been visiting in San Francisco and Oakland for a month, is now the guest of George Meherry of Pasadena. Visits Pasadena Man Miss Mary Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Armstrong of 604 Center street, Pomona, willbecome the bride of John Condit Bloeser of Los Angeles Tuesday evening in the First Presbyterian church of Pomona, and Miss Jeannette Armstrong, sister of the bride, will attend as maid of honor. Misses Helen Martin, Svener, Martha Armstrong and Hawley will serve as bridesmaids, and Ned Currier willstand with the bridegroom. David White, George Graham, Louis Hauser and Her- man Hauser will escort the guests to their seats, and after the service a re- ception will be held at the home of the bride's parents. Weds Pomona Girl The new officers of the club for the coming years are: President, Mrs. G. J. Vielra; vice president, Mrs. L. M. Har- mon; secretary, Miss Jessica Lawrence; financial secretary, Miss Mary E. Comins; treasurer, Mrs. E. F. Marsh; librarian, Mrs. W. H. Prefect; assistant librarian, Mrs. David Perry; directors, Mrs. O. A. Maversy, Mrs. L. S. Chrintlne, Mrs. H. W. Shafer and Mrs. G. A. Evandall. Poulin, George Rogers, Olney Dobbins, violinist, and Fred Freeman of River- side. Mr. Freeman has recently re- turned from a two years' study with Godowosky in Berlin. THE members of the Lyric club will entertain the new board of direc- tors with a reception at Symphony hall Tuesday. A fine musical program will be given by Mrs. K. J. Selby, who will sing Fielitz" cycle, "Elaine," and Mmes. W. M. Williams, Frank C. Wells, Balrd Perry, E. F. Hammell, Ignatius Brown, Marie Sweet Baker and Misses Kle Julie Christine, Wille Smyser, Ruth Eeddings, Grace Deentng, Edna Wen- ger, Grace Elliott, Ethel Schrader, Emma Gurthans, Marie Thomas and Hattye Mueller. Guests who will assist are Miss Mary L. O'Donoughue, J. B. Entertain Parties Many prominent society women en- tertained at the matinee performance of Tanls, the Sang Digger," given Tues- day at the Belasco by Hilda Gilbert and Hobart Bosworth. were Mesdames Grace Fisher, Florence Willis, E. D. Cowan, Ralph Day, G. A. Hutchinson, G. B. Galbraith, W. Wood- cock, C. B. Porter, Lura Bacon, Misses Grace Deering, Octava Cobb, Lela Mor- rison, Iris Newman, Edna Waterman, Edith Pierman, Helen Day, J. Hutch- inson, Susie Greenberg, Lela Emery and Julia Porter. Hold Graduation Exercises The Burford Conservatory of Music held their graduation exercises Thurs- day evening at Burford hall, 2191 West Sixteenth street. Mrs. Jennie A. Harrison of 1620 Red- wood street entertained the members of the Embroidery club in a delightful manner Tuesday afternoon at Mam- moth hall, 517 South Broadway. Whist was played and beautiful hand embroidered prizes were awarded to the winning contestants. A musical program was presented, and among those present were Mesdames F. M. Thornton, N. Crawford, A. Kelser, W. S. Waymire, J. W. Hanrihan, H. Wat- son, F. Reese, R. Hollenbeck, W. Royal, E. Chase, A. Thomas, N. Hyatt, W. C. Henderson, J. Betsworth, M. Stell- macher, N. C. Johnson, H. J. H. Neal, F. E. Dennison, L. Whipple, M. E. Kough. A. L. Dolan. F. C. Marsh, W. Swanson, M. F. Mack, K. Fisher, H. Schmyer, J. O. Peebles, Benedict, W L. Mclntosh, W. Hicks, Hull, Craig- melle, Johnson. Walkinshaw, Van Vran- ken, Kirkby, Kretzen, Moore, Palma- teer, G. Martin, S. O. Wilson, R. Nes- bitt, Bryant, T. Hampton, .>,aters, R. C. Lockwood and Misses Lenore Tru- mann and Olive Dolan. Those present were: Rev. Wm. Da- vis, T. H. Barton, Clyde Cooper, Rob. T. Bedford Albert Carter, Rob Barton, W. R. Carson, H. K. Carter, Frank V,*oods, De Forest P. Cronch, Perry Dodge, C. B. Orndorff, H. Schindel- decker, L. G. Dodge, W. J. Schimdth, R. N. Bennett, M. C! Dodge, R. B. Smith. A. Jeffery. Mesdames Alice Rog- ers, T. H. Barton, Davis, Ceorge Carr, W. A. Bennett, Ray Smith, A. Jeffery. L. G. Dodge, Robert Bennett. Misses Marguerite E. Barton, Nellie Barton, Winnie Unterlciter. Daisy Danvers, Caddis Dodge, Mac Dodge, Lorena Helsley, Ethel Dodge, Sadie M, Kent and Kathleen Dodge. After the supper, whien was served in the dining room artistically decorat- ed with ferns, carnations and pink sweet peai, Mr. and Mrs. Barton de- parted i n a wedding trip to San Diego amid a shower of rice and good wishes. After July 10 they will be at home to their friends at 1349 East Washington street. They received many handsome present?. TV".-'.TV".-' . '? '" *'I 1I 1 'VV * Vl' '*' '«' *'> ' \u25a0*\u25a0 *T VV U- *t" of Kingsley Barton. The parlor was beautifully decorated with asparagus ferns, white carnations and pink hy- drangeas. Just as the clock chimed 8 the bridal party, preceded by little Kathleen Dodge, who r altered rose petals in their path, entered the parlor to the strain of Mendelssohn's "Wed- ding March," played by Mrs. Orndorff, who, during the ceremony, softly played "The P.;wer ong." They took their places in the bay window behind a chancel rail of white carnations and ferns, standing upon a mat of the same white flowers, and were married by Rev. Wm. Davis, D. D. Miss Cooper wore a handsome gown of white silk poplin and real lace, and carried a shower bouquet of white car- nations and maidenhai; ferns. Her go- ingaway dress was of steel blue serge. The bridesmaid, Miss Winnie Unter- leiter, wore white organdie over white taffeta. Rob T. Bedford was best man. cent church, corner Washington street and Grand avenue. The bride-to-be Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rod- man Richards of 221 North Avenue Sixty-six, and after the ceremony a wedding breakfast will be served at the home of the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. W. M. Sabichi, 2437 South Figueroa street. Miss Agatha Sabichi will bo maid of honor and Misses Innocent Marie Wolfskill, Isabel Wolfskill, Beat- rice Sabichl and Rose Sabichl will at- tend as maids of honor. Dr. Joseph Rodney Sabichi will stand with the bridegroom and Dr. Harry Putman, John Colliver, Walter Koebig and Jerry Muna will be ushers. Ball and Whist Party Abror Vltae Rebekah lodge No. 83 gave a ball and whist party Tuesday night at the I.O. O. F. hall, 220y 2 South Spring street. Miss May Myers, a popular bride-to- be, was the honored guest at a daintily- appointed luncheon given Thursday afternoon by Mrs. William Whitehead Hurlburt, Miss Innocent Mario Wolf- skill and Miss Agatha Sabichl at Mrs. Hurlburt's home, 4180 Woodlawn ave- nue. The plr.ee cards were hand- painted with sketches of brides and heart-shaped boxes, hand-painted with sketches of sweet peas and filled with bonbons, were given as favors. The De Nubila orchestra furnished music during the afternoon and in a contest ta see who could form the most words from the letters of Miss Myer's name, Miss Rose Sab.chi won the first prize, a silver loving cup, and Miss Mary Hunsaker received the second, a colonial picture of the bride and bride- groom. Among the guests were Mesdames Joseph W. Wolfskill, Emile Strauss of San Francisco, Charles L. Whlpple, M. W. Sabichi, D. G. Wolfskill, Robert W. Cooper, W. S. Hurlburt, Misses Marie Mullen, Angela Troconiz, Cecilia Troco- nlz, Vincentia Hall, Shirley Thomas, Helen GannHt, Amy Leonardt, Kath- erine Kurtz, Alary Hunsaker, Dolly Shilling, Molly Dillon, Sawtelle; Ida Smytho, Beatrice Sabichi, Isabel Wolf- skill and Rose Sabichi. Honors Popular Bride.to.Be Married Last Wednesday The wedding of Miss Pansy Miner and Earle Slaughter took place Wednes- day evening at the home of Jlr. and Mrs. W. A. Miner, 168 West Thirty- fifth street. Plan Social Affairs Many so"ial affairs are being planned for Mrs. D. P. Sullivan of Goldfield, Nevada, who is visiting on T.'est Adams street. The pupils promoted from the inter- mediate course of the Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and Arts gave a certificate concert yesterday after- noon in Metropolitan hall, 327% South Spring street. Thursday evening the pupils promoted from the academic course will give a concert in Burbank hall and Friday evening in Blanchard hall the pupils of the silver and gold medal and diploma classes will give their commencement concert. Give Certificate Concert Apron and Necktie Social Azalea council No. 12, Universal Or- der of Foresters, will give an apron and necktie social Tuesday evening in Paulk's hall, corner of Hoover and Washington streets. Cards and danc- ing will be enjoyed. "A Midsummer Eve," adapted and arranged by Mrs. Dobinson and Miss Mathew.s from the poets, will be pre- sented at the graduating exercises of the class of '07, Dobinson School of Expression, which will take place T'endesday evening. The selections in- corporated are from Shakespeare, Sophocles, Lowell, Wadsworth and Shelley. Mrs. Harry Cardell has charge of the music, and a reception will be given after the play. Mr. and Mrs. Dobinson will be assisted In receiving by Mrs. J. Lindley Corella-Phipps, Mrs. L. E. Shepherd, Miss Amanda Mathews and graduates of '04, '03 and '06. Graduates to Present Play Lodge Gives Ball Hermosa lodge gave a ball In Fra- ternal Brotherhood building, Lincoln and Figueroa streets, Monday even- ing. Theodore Summerland. formerly pres- ident of the Los Angeles city council, and Mrs. Estelle Unger of 952 Georgia street will be married Saturday. Theo Summerland to Marry Give Benefit Program Miss Louise Williams, assisted by the Polytechnic Glee club, gave a program of negro songs and stories Thursday night at the Hotel Ingraham. The affair was under the auspices of Robert E. Lee chapter, U. D. C, and was for the benefit of the philanthropic fund of the organization. Patriotic Musicale A delightful patriotic musicale in honor of Bunker Hill day was given at the Ebell club house Monday afternoon by the officers and board of directors of the Eschscholtzia chapter, D. A. R. To Be Marrted Wednesday Miss Allibell Hutchinson and Frank Alton will be married Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hutchinson of 3617 South Flower street. Miss Lilian Adams, who left for Eu- rope Wednesday, gave a piano recital Monday afternoon in Chickerlng hall. She was assisted in presenting the pro- gram by Miss Rey del Valle, lyric so- prano, and Edward S. Fuller, pianist. Give Farewell Recital Maccabees to Give Dance Tent No. 12 and hive No. 1 of the Maccabees will give a dance and whist party Wednesday evening at Eagle hall, 116% South Spring street. All Maccabees ana their friends are in- vited. Club Members Are Guests The members of the Esperanza Card club were the guests of Miss Ella M. Howell of Casa de Pico, 4313 Vermont avenue, Monday night. Informal Whist Party Miss Ruth Sterry of 2632 Ellendala place gave an informal bridge whist party Thursday afternoon as a com- pliment to Miss Florence Hopper, whose engagement to Kelly Rees has been announced. Are Married at Bride's Home Miss Jeanette Hayward and W. Gil- more Beymer of New York were mar- ried Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the homo of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hayward, 2421 Bud- long avenue. The wedding will occur next Wednes- day night at 9 o'clock at the home of the bride's brother, Fred Peschke, 306 West Fortieth street. Following are the guests: Mmes. Helen Peschke, Taylor and Hircsh, Misses Julia Peschke, Rose Markewol- der, Bessie Schroder, Georgia Lam- bourne, Olive Burkhart, Barbara Folke, Rose Huebsh, Catherine and Hilda Sorenson and Lottie Hillion. During the afternoon "In Love's Gar- den" was played. The first prize, awarded to Miss Georgia Lambourne, was a picture of a Cupid asleep, and the consolation, awarded to Miss Olive Burkhart, was a water color of a Dutch scene, done by Miss Winter while abroad. The house was elaborately decorated for the event, the dining room being in red and green. The lights were shaded in red, and red ribbons, with hearts at- tached, were fastened to the four cor- ners of the table. The centerpiece was a huge bowl of red sweet peas and asparagus ferns. The place cards were hand painted wedding bells, the handi- work of the young hostess. In honor of the approaching marriage of Miss Julia Peschke to William Lam- bourne, Miss Flora M. Winter gave a picture shower in honor of the bride-to- be last Wednesday afternoon at her home on South Soto street. Miss Win- ter is to be bridesmaid and entertained the wedding party as well as girlfriends of the bride. Gives Picture Shower Henderson.Cox Wedding Miss Alberta Cox, . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox of 148 West Fifty-ninth str'-et, and W. F. Hender- son were married Wednesday afternoon In the Church of the Angels, Qar- vanza. Honors Visiting Girls The Misses Hazeltinu and Lucy Sher- man, who are visiting in Los Angeles, were the complimented guests at a luncheon nnd bridge whist party given Monday afternoon by Mis-. Pearl Seeley and Miss Elizabeth Drake. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gentry of 817 East Twenty-fourth street entertained last Sunday in honor of their fourteenth wedding anniversary. Many handsome pieces of cut glass and silverware were received by the couple, and those pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crimp, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gentry, Misses Kate Holl- lng, Anna Ott, Louise Ottinger and Otto Slotowsky, Henry Mailman and Fred Winslow. Entertain for Anniversary San Francisco Man Weds Miss Louise Hartzell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hartzell of 4027 Wood- lawn avenue, and James W. Flannery of San Francisco were married Wednesday evening at the bride's home. To Be at Home Mrs. Samuel B. McLenegan and Mrs. S. S. Cutler of 2619 Raymond avenue will give an "at home" next Wednes- day afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. ti. Hopper, 341 W. Thirty-third street, the wedding of Miss Florence Hopper and Kelley Roes will take place Wednesday. Mrs. William Gentry Morrison and Mrs. Edward Dean Lyman will attend as \u25a0matrons of honor and Misses Lucille Walton, Ruth Sterry, Lena Winn of San Diego and Nan Barrett of Palo Alto will be bridesmaids. Charles Hopper will be best man. To Have Big Wedding Luncheon and Theater Party Mrs. W. C. Tonkin of the Hershey Arms hotel gave a delightful luncheon at Hotel Van Nuys, followed by a mat- inee party at the Belasco, Tuesday. Miss Katherino Day daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Day of Chester place, and Richard D. Bronson were quietly married Wednesday morning at the home of the bride's parents and left Immediately after the ceremony for New York city. They will be at home after September 1 at Hotel Lanker- shim. Leave for New York City Box Party and Supper Mr,. Sara Oman was .the ' »°"°™ a guest at a box party at the prpheum Allowed by a supper at Hotel Angelus Thursday afternoon, given by Miss Viola White of ICO2 South Bonnie Brae street. Scarlet carnations made the table attractive and P}* I**1 ** w " e *' for Mesdames Pi^re Mason, O«unan. Charles Hughes, gj o'^,,0 '^\u0084^ 011 jShn George Beamun, John ura Smaller. S lne> w7 ffp F Arihur Ballard and Harry White. Artnur p lnkhanl( Misses Ada Letts, /-"'" rn i ev Cora and Edna Brown. A dinner of fourteen covers was given Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Chalfln and their daughter, Miss Mabel Chalfln, of 317 West Thirty-first street. Favors of small books with verses writ- ten about an ocean voyage which was taken recently by the guests and the hostesses, prepared by Miss Chalfln, were given. Pink roses and ferns deco- rated the table. Dinner of Fourteen Covers The parlors were decorated with yel- low roses and In the music room pink roses were combined with ferns in forming an attractive decorative scheme. In the dining room yellow sunflowers were arranged with white lilies. A color scheme of red was car- ried out with roses in the den. Miss Feriba McLeod served punch on tie porcli and Misses Mabel Grundy and Bessie Wilson served as ushers. One hundred guests were present. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Spencer Brown of 360 Bixel street will entertain with a whist party for the Sunshine society. Mrs. William \u25a0Wallace McLeod of 640 West Eighteenth street entertained with a benefit musicale Friday after- noon In honor of the members of the Sunshine society. An interesting pro- gram was presented by Mrs. Bernardino Smith Noble of Indianapolis; Miss Be- atrice Hubbell-Plummer, soprano; Miss Elsie Anderson, soprano; Mrs. L. H. Duppon, mezzo-soprano; Mrs. S. Shel- don Borden. contralto, and Mrs. W. W. ivi.cL.eod, pianist. Mrs. McLeod Is Hostess Will Have Quiet Wedding The wedding of Miss Luella Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B Cook of 954 West Twenty-third street, to Roger Hath of Tonopah will take place quietly at the family home, and the couple will leave immediately after the ceremony for Tonopah, New, where they will make their home. Miss Margaret Woollacott of 1115 South Alvarado street entertained with a daintily appointed luncheon Wednes- day afternoon as a compliment to Miss Mary Young, whose engagement to James Moore has been announced. Compliments Bride. to-Be To Meet for the Last Time The members of the S. M. club will meet for the last time, this season Sat- urday at the home of Miss Frances Maxson, 332 Ingraham street. To Give Barn Dance Miss Katherine Banning will be the Misname rl tat bar n dance hr* evening by Capt B£^^^ ssr of The guests included Misses Gertrude Williams, Bernadine Williams, Annette Hunley, Edna Clayton, Nora Bauer, Maud Warmington, May Armstrong, Roe Armstrong. Carrie Campfleld, Car- rie Cook, Nina Cook, Ruth Snow, Ruth Rivers. Ruth Reed, Mabel Smith, Marian McClure, Agnes Hole, Gladys Cole, Hazel Ryland, Katherlne andVera Spring, Louise Ford, Wanda Hays, Beula Wilson, Emily Staly, Bessie Cool, Katherlne EMson, Sadie George, Ruth Wheat, and limes. Ralph Brown and Lauren James, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Frederic Wingfleld Armstrong and Mrs. Otmer Braver ;issisting in entertaining. The score cards for the games were hand painted and in the shape of the sorority pins. Miss Ruth Westworth Snow, a talented young girl, who prom- ises to become one of the world's greatest musicians, played Lizst's "Tannhauper" and recited "The Soul of the Violin." Miss Armstrong, who will leave for Europe in the fall to continue her study of music, also sang. A long roll of paper was placed on the table, and on this each guest wrote a steamer letter to their guests of honor. A profusion of sweet peas decorated the parlors, and in the living room carna- tions and ferns were artistically ar- ranged. The affair was also in honor of the members of the Phi Delta Omega soror- ity. Miss Annette Hunley, Miss Nora Nauor and Miss Armstrong arranged the decorations, which were in black and baby blue, the sorority colors. The dining room was lighted by a big moon suspended in one corner, ami chains of ribbons formed a canopy over the table. ONE of the most charming affairs of the week was the musicale and card party given Tuesday afternoon by Miss May Armstrong of 2640 Romeo place in honor of the Misses Gertrude and Bernadine Williams, who left yesterday with their parents for Europe, where they will remain one year. MIS 3 GERTRUDE WILLIAMS, Is Guest of Honor Miss Genevleve Faulkner of West Thirtieth street was the guest of honor Friday evening at a card party given by her aunt, Mrs. Robert Dollard, at their pretty new home in Santa Monica. Are Married at Club House At the Woman's club house, 940 South Flgueroa street, Miss Hanna Paulk, daughter of Mrs. Mary L. Paulk of 1747 Magnolia avenue, and Glen Carr Seeley of Pasadena were married Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Houlshy left immediate- ly for San Diego and they will be at home to their friends after July 5 in Loa Angeles. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mrs. F. Hively, 2025 New Jersey street. A color scheme of pink' and green was employed in the dining room and in the parlor pink and white were the prevailing color tones. The church was decorated with groat quantities of pink and white sweet peas and suspended over the couple was a white wedding bell. Cupid drove a pair of doves, which held the ribbons to which the ring was attached. Albert Schiuler and Hugh Wallace served as ushers. At the Boyle Heights Methodist Episcopal church, Tuesday evening, Miss hMna Lee and James Houlsby were married by Rev. Alfred Inwood. Miss Adams played the popular wed- ding marches and Emma Spauldlng served aa (lower girl, The. bride was becomingly gowned in a white' silk, made princess, and her veil was fas- tened with orange blossoms. She car- ried white carnations. Hiss Bessie Hively and Miss Mamie I-laines at- tended as bridesmaids. Miss Hively was gowned in white lace and Miss Haines wore a gown of white mull made, prin- cess. Both young women carried pink carnations. Victor lirown and Robert Kettle stood witli the bridegroom, and Mrs. Kate Stephens and Miss Lena Meares preceded the bridal party to the altar, unrolling the ribbons which formed the aisle as they walked. Mrs. Stevens wore a pretty gown of pink and white organdie and Miss Neares was gowned in champagne colored silk. Have Pretty Wedding Miss Irene Buell, whose wedding to Percy R. Merlthew willtake place this week, was the guest of honor at a mis- cellaneous shower given yesterday aft- ernoon by Miss Helen Bushnell of 1633 West Twenty-fourth street. Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. William T. Lewis and Miss Lewis of Racine, Wls., were the cotn- pllmented gueßts at a charming recep- tion given Friday afternoon by Mrs. E A. Wallls and her daughter, Mrs. L A. Gould of 2367 Scarff street. Mrs. Charles N. Flint, Mrs. Frank Wilson King, Mrs. Sumner P. Hunt and Mrs. T T Knight assisted with the hostess nd Mrs J. B. Millard and Miss Agnes Knight assisted in the library, Mrs. Lewis Clark Carlisle and Mrs. W. S. Cross were In the dining room and Misses Edith Low and Margaret Gould presided at the punch bowl. One hun- dred and fifty guests were present. Charming Reception Supper and Boating Party The summer class, 1902, of the Los Angeles high school entertained with a supper and boating party Thursday evening at Eastlake park. Mrs. Lcßoy Clifton Ackley enter- tained with a box party at the Or- pheum Wednesday in honor of Miss Irene Buell, who willbecome the bride of Percy R. Metithcw this week. After the performance a dainty luncheon was served at Christopher's for the gueßts, who Included Alesdames Will A. Har- ris, J. A. OEgood, Walter Blewer, E. Coppock, Abnei L. Ross and Miss Allen. Gives Box Party Surprise Dancing Party The department managers of the Broadway department store and their wives and Mrs. Arthur Letts gave a surprise dancing party upon Arthur Letts, proprietor of the store, Monday evening. Solemnize Quiet' Wedding i«f wpddinß was solemnized ' when Miss Alice Louise Boycc, d»uXer of Mr and Mrs. J. A. Boyce, and Henry Bernard Wibblea were mar- ried in"he presence of a few relatives «nd Mends Pink and green was the 1 color scheme employed In the decora- tions; in the parlors pink carnations and asparagus plumosus prevailed, the "alter forming I a delicate tracery over Jtl ».,rtninu and entwining, the chande- Gives Towel Shower Miss Elfoleda Blanrhard of 2616 West Third \u25a0street gave a towel showor yes- terday afternoon as a compliment to Miss Allibell Hutchinson, a charming bride-to-be. A delightful afternoon was passed and among those present New Hampshire Society Meets I Prof. Deminpc of Pasadena, pianist: The pupils of J. B. Poulin will give a muftlcal recital tomorrow evening in the Woman's club house and the pro- gram will be presented by Miss Kie Julio Christian, Frank C. Collier, Mrs. W. S. Withers. Miss Myrtle Godfrey, George B. Rogers, Miss Edna Wenger and Mrs. Frank Bryson. Musical Recital Solemnize Pretty Ceremony A pretty wedding was wolemnizpd Friday evening. Juno 21, at the home of Mrs. Alice Rogers, 1349 East Washing- ton street, when her daughter, Miss Florence May Cooper, became the bride Will Be Interesting Wedding One of the moat Interesting weddings of the coming week willbe that of Miss May Myers and Dr. George Cnarlea Sabichl, which will take place Wednes- day mornlnsr at 9 o'clock In St. Vlu- To Wed Society Girl Miss Myrtle Oilman will become the bride of Edward C. Butterfleld Thurs- day at the horn. of her aunt and uncle, M 2 curtains aim cin»...... 8 .^v ..... .' (Continued on Pace Five.) Who leaves for a year's tour of Europe and who is guest of honor at de- lightful musicale and card party. —Photo by Dincman. •The genuine have /DBf >jJ^^J>fliJls|*B \m the name in the hem" BK At \liswi**^V^| / W wk The "Tips" V in the "Kayser" gloves have the wearing quality \u25a0 equal to three pairs of the ordinary kind, and cost no M more. That is why there are more "Kayser" gloves sold jj l than all other kinds added together. The "Tips" outwear the glove. A guarantee ticket in every pair.



To Entertain Phi Delta Omega SororityMr. and Mrs. J. W. Davies of Whlt-tier.


To Entertain Club MembersMrs. Frank A. Bowles of 1542 West

Tenth street willentertain the mem-bers of the Westlake Five Hundred clubTuesday afternoon.

Enjoy Annual PicnicTho members of the Ohio society en-

Joyed their annual picnic yesterday atEastlake park. Buckeyes from all thesurrounding towns were present, and aprogram of music and speeches wasgiven. Games were played and a bigbanquet was served.

Is Elected Vice President of Lyric Club

THE Ebell club women proved to bedelightfulhostesses yesterday noonat their annual luncheon given at

the club house. Eighteenth and Fig-ueroa streets. Mrs. P. G. Hubert pre-sided and Mrs. Edgar Lacy Swaine wastoastmaster. Many clever responses

were made, among those speaking be-ing Mrs. Oliver C. Bryant, "ClubLinks"; Mrs. Fred Hooker Jones,

"Other People's Children"; Mrs. Mat-

thew S. Robertson, "A Dream of FairWomen;" Mrs. William J. Chlchester,

"Our Charter Members;" Miss Estelle

M. Williams, "Our Rosebuds;" Mrs.Louis Agassiz Gould, "Our Rank andFile,"and Mrs. Sidney J. Parsons, "OurPresidents."

Assisting Mrs. Hubert as hostesses

were Mesdames Burt Estes Howard, E.C. Dexter, William C. Reed, Lewis ClarkCarlisle, John Kahn, B. R. Baumgardt,W. W. Orcutt, Augustus Hines, Wil-liam L. Jones, S. S. W. Wilder, J. B.Millard, WillP. Baker, J. T. Fitzgerald,J. A.Clark, T. T. Knight, C. A. Burch-am, J. C. McCoy, W. F. Pleas, Kath-erine Kimball Forest. Miss WinifredWalte, Miss Hamilton and Miss HelenLouise Kimball. Mrs. Hubert's tablewas handsomely decorated with matll-IJa poppies, in the club colors, whiteand gold, and the other tables weredecorated in various color schemes.The reception hall was banked withwhite lilies and ferns.

Mrs. Id.i Wllliamß and Mrs. A. M.Fuller, vocalists; Arthur Kent, ban-joist; Mrs. George Adams, Mrs. FredMartin, Miss Mary Whiting and FredSeavers, readers, gave a delightful pro-gram at the meeting of the New Hamp-shire society Tuesday evening in Bur-bank hall, South Main street.

The reception hall and parlor were at-tractively decorated in white carna-tions and in thu dining room red carna-tions were arrnnged with ferns. Thebridesmaid was given a handsome dia-mond pin and the best man a stick pinset with pearl:-. When Mr. and Mrs.Buchanan return from their weddingtrip, about July 15, Mrs. Miles Galliherwill entertain with a reception forthem.

Baby Terwiliicer, wearing a blue silkdress, carried the ring in a calla lily,and tho flower girls. Misses GladysSchmidt and Mary Penrose weregowned in white. Prof. A. B. Claytonof Long Beach was best man.

The bride was daintily gowned inwhite crepe do chine, trimmed withbaby Irish lace, and she carried brideroses. The bride's sister, Miss LeithaGalliher, who attended as maid ofhonor, wore a pretty gown of bluo silkmull and point lace and carried whitecarnations.

Miss Elsie Gallihor becamo the brideof Charles C. Buchanan of Topeka,Kas., yesterday at high noon. Theceremony was performed by Rev. Har-old Green at tno home of the bride'Hmother, Mrs. Miles Galllher, 4249 SouthFlower street. Miss Hazel McCartneyrendered the wpddlnginarches and dur-ing the ceremony the couple stood un-der a large white wedding bell.

Weds Kansas Man

Mrs. Homer Laughlin of 666 WestAdams street gave the first large gar-den party of the season Tuesday after-noon. Receiving with her were herdaughter, Miss Gwendolyn Laughlinand her daughter-in-law, Mrs. HomerLaughlin, jr., and a long list of prom-inent society women assisted.

Gives Large Garden Party

Will Be Married WednesdayMiss Carrie Bogart and Rowe San-

derson willbe married Wednesday atthe home of the br'-ip's parents, Mr.and Mrs. (.'. 8. Bogart of iazu Westlakeavenue. Both bride and bridegroomare prominent in Los Angeles societycircles.


Entertains SeniorsThe members of the senior class of

Occidental college were the guests Tues-day evening of Miss Bessie Louise Fieldand Miss Mamie Katherine Daniel at acharming social affair given at thehome of Mlsa Field, 5311 Monte Vistastreet.

Honors Mother-in.LawMrs. P. S. Brown of 1026 Lake street

entertained with an informal card partyWednesday afternoon In honor of hermother-in-law, Mrs. Andrew Brown,who has come to Los Angeles to makeher home.

James Slauson of South Figueroastreet entertained with a delightful

dinner dance last evening in honor ofhis niece. Miss Marian Macneil of 2408South Figueroa street, at thp BolsaChlca Gun club. The rooms werebeautifully decorated and the guestsincluded Mrs. H. L. Macneil, Count andMrs. Jaro yon Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs.Randolph Miner. Misses Sarah Utley,Marjorle Welsh, Helen Chaffee, Joseph-ine Macmillan, Nina Jones, Edith Her-ron, Annis Van Nuys. Kate Van Nuys,Laura Solano, Lois Allen. Adlea Mac-neil. Rlossom. Hazeltine Sherman.Mary Clark, Katherlne Clark, andSayre Macneil, Keith Vosburg, MurrayVosburg. RouUen Vosburg, StewartO'Melveny. James Page, James Utley,Maynard MacFie. Louis Tolhurst. Dr.Bernard Smith, Frank Brown, BentonVan Nuys. William Walders, GurneyNewlin, Eversole, Horace Boynton,Chester Silent. John Cassell. WilliamGarland, Leo Brown. Paul Hammond,Russell Taylor and Houghteling.

Miss Macneil willsoon leave with hermother, Mrs. H. L. Macneil, for a sixmonths' tour of Europe.

Delightful Dinner Dance

Present Three ComediesThreo comedies, "An Amateur Re-

hearsal," "All-of-a-Flurry Peggy" and"Mammy Betty Meets Mr. Jupiter,"were presented Wednesday evening atDobinson auditorium, 1044 South Hopestreet.

Palmer.Hubbard NuptialsMiss Helen A. Hubbard and Irving

Lee Palmer were married Tuesday even-ing at the home of the bride's mother,Mrs. Charles F. Hubbard, 1376 Man-zanita street.

To Be HostessesMesdames Hatch, Dixon and King

willbe hostesses at the meeting of theAcacia Card club at Masonic temple.Hill street. Thursday afternoon at 2o'clock. AllO. E. S. members and theirfriends are invited.

MRS. G. J. VIEIRA* * * » *•..*\u25a0\u25a0\u2666\u25a0.•\u25a0.».\u25a0\u2666.\u25a0\u2666.\u25a0\u2666\u25a0\u25a0\u2666\u25a0 j

Have Social Meeting

The regular social meeting of Auxil-iary No. 55 was held at the home ofMrs. Jos. Rustensey, 2211 Wall street,

The members and their guests passeda pleasant afternoon. Thursday thewomen of the auxiliary willgive a pic-nic in Long Beach in honor of theirfirst anniversary.

Entertains in Delightful Manner John Gormby of Lafayette, Ind.,prominently connected with the Mason-ic order, and who has been visiting inSan Francisco and Oakland for amonth, is now the guest of GeorgeMeherry of Pasadena.

Visits Pasadena Man

Miss Mary Armstrong, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. H. Armstrong of 604Center street, Pomona, willbecome thebride of John Condit Bloeser of LosAngeles Tuesday evening in the FirstPresbyterian church of Pomona, andMiss Jeannette Armstrong, sister of thebride, will attend as maid of honor.Misses Helen Martin, Svener, MarthaArmstrong and Hawley willserve asbridesmaids, and Ned Currier willstandwith the bridegroom. David White,George Graham, Louis Hauser and Her-man Hauser willescort the guests totheir seats, and after the service a re-ception will be held at the home of thebride's parents.

Weds Pomona Girl

The new officers of the club for thecoming years are: President, Mrs. G. J.Vielra; vice president, Mrs. L. M. Har-mon; secretary, Miss Jessica Lawrence;financial secretary, Miss Mary E.Comins; treasurer, Mrs. E. F. Marsh;librarian, Mrs. W. H. Prefect; assistantlibrarian, Mrs. David Perry; directors,Mrs. O. A. Maversy, Mrs. L.S. Chrintlne,Mrs. H. W. Shafer and Mrs. G. A.Evandall.

Poulin, George Rogers, Olney Dobbins,violinist, and Fred Freeman of River-side. Mr. Freeman has recently re-turned from a two years' study withGodowosky inBerlin.

THE members of the Lyric club will

entertain the new board of direc-

tors with a reception at Symphonyhall Tuesday. A fine musical program

will be given by Mrs. K. J. Selby, whowill sing Fielitz" cycle, "Elaine," andMmes. W. M. Williams, Frank C. Wells,Balrd Perry, E. F. Hammell, IgnatiusBrown, Marie Sweet Baker and MissesKle Julie Christine, Wille Smyser, RuthEeddings, Grace Deentng, Edna Wen-ger, Grace Elliott, Ethel Schrader,

Emma Gurthans, Marie Thomas andHattye Mueller. Guests who will assistare Miss Mary L. O'Donoughue, J. B.

Entertain PartiesMany prominent society women en-

tertained at the matinee performance ofTanls, the Sang Digger," given Tues-day at the Belasco by Hilda Gilbert andHobart Bosworth.

were Mesdames Grace Fisher, FlorenceWillis, E. D. Cowan, Ralph Day, G. A.Hutchinson, G. B. Galbraith, W. Wood-cock, C. B. Porter, Lura Bacon, MissesGrace Deering, Octava Cobb, Lela Mor-rison, Iris Newman, Edna Waterman,Edith Pierman, Helen Day, J. Hutch-inson, Susie Greenberg, Lela Emery andJulia Porter.

Hold Graduation ExercisesThe Burford Conservatory of Music

held their graduation exercises Thurs-day evening at Burford hall, 2191 WestSixteenth street.

Mrs. Jennie A. Harrison of 1620 Red-wood street entertained the members ofthe Embroidery club in a delightfulmanner Tuesday afternoon at Mam-moth hall, 517 South Broadway.

Whist was played and beautiful handembroidered prizes were awarded tothe winning contestants. A musicalprogram was presented, and amongthose present were Mesdames F. M.Thornton, N. Crawford, A. Kelser, W.S. Waymire, J. W. Hanrihan, H. Wat-son, F. Reese, R. Hollenbeck, W. Royal,E. Chase, A. Thomas, N. Hyatt,W. C.Henderson, J. Betsworth, M. Stell-macher, N. C. Johnson, H. J. H. Neal,F. E. Dennison, L. Whipple, M. E.Kough. A. L. Dolan. F. C. Marsh, W.Swanson, M. F. Mack, K. Fisher, H.Schmyer, J. O. Peebles, Benedict, WL. Mclntosh, W. Hicks, Hull, Craig-melle, Johnson. Walkinshaw, Van Vran-ken, Kirkby, Kretzen, Moore, Palma-teer, G. Martin, S. O. Wilson, R. Nes-bitt, Bryant, T. Hampton, .>,aters, R.C. Lockwood and Misses Lenore Tru-mann and Olive Dolan.

Those present were: Rev. Wm. Da-vis, T. H. Barton, Clyde Cooper, Rob.T. Bedford Albert Carter, Rob Barton,W. R. Carson, H. K. Carter, FrankV,*oods, De Forest P. Cronch, PerryDodge, C. B. Orndorff, H. Schindel-decker, L. G. Dodge, W. J. Schimdth,R. N. Bennett, M. C! Dodge, R. B.Smith. A. Jeffery. Mesdames Alice Rog-ers, T. H. Barton, Davis, Ceorge Carr,W. A. Bennett, Ray Smith, A. Jeffery.L. G. Dodge, Robert Bennett. MissesMarguerite E. Barton, Nellie Barton,Winnie Unterlciter. Daisy Danvers,Caddis Dodge, Mac Dodge, LorenaHelsley, Ethel Dodge, Sadie M, Kentand Kathleen Dodge.

After the supper, whien was servedin the dining room artistically decorat-ed with ferns, carnations and pinksweet peai, Mr. and Mrs. Barton de-parted in a wedding trip to San Diegoamid a shower of rice and good wishes.After July 10 they will be at home totheir friends at 1349 East Washingtonstreet. They received many handsomepresent?.



Vl''*''«' *'>'\u25a0*\u25a0 *TV V U-*t"

of Kingsley Barton. The parlor wasbeautifully decorated with asparagusferns, white carnations and pink hy-drangeas. Just as the clock chimed8 the bridal party, preceded by littleKathleen Dodge, who r altered rosepetals in their path, entered the parlorto the strain of Mendelssohn's "Wed-ding March," played by Mrs. Orndorff,who, during the ceremony, softly played"The P.;wer ong." They took theirplaces in the bay window behind achancel rail of white carnations andferns, standing upon a mat of the samewhite flowers, and were married byRev. Wm. Davis, D. D.

Miss Cooper wore a handsome gownof white silk poplin and real lace, andcarried a shower bouquet of white car-nations and maidenhai; ferns. Her go-ingaway dress was of steel blue serge.The bridesmaid, Miss Winnie Unter-leiter, wore white organdie over whitetaffeta. Rob T. Bedford was best man.

cent church, corner Washington streetand Grand avenue. The bride-to-be Is

a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rod-man Richards of 221 North AvenueSixty-six, and after the ceremony awedding breakfast willbe served at thehome of the bridegroom's mother, Mrs.

W. M. Sabichi, 2437 South Figueroa

street. Miss Agatha Sabichi will bo

maid of honor and Misses InnocentMarie Wolfskill, Isabel Wolfskill, Beat-rice Sabichl and Rose Sabichl will at-tend as maids of honor. Dr. JosephRodney Sabichi will stand with thebridegroom and Dr. Harry Putman,John Colliver, Walter Koebigand JerryMuna willbe ushers.

Ball and Whist PartyAbror Vltae Rebekah lodge No. 83

gave a ball and whist party Tuesdaynight at the I.O. O. F. hall, 220y2 SouthSpring street.

Miss May Myers, a popular bride-to-be, was the honored guest at a daintily-appointed luncheon given Thursdayafternoon by Mrs. William WhiteheadHurlburt, Miss Innocent Mario Wolf-skill and Miss Agatha Sabichl at Mrs.Hurlburt's home, 4180 Woodlawn ave-nue. The plr.ee cards were hand-painted with sketches of brides andheart-shaped boxes, hand-painted with

sketches of sweet peas and filled withbonbons, were given as favors. TheDe Nubila orchestra furnished musicduring the afternoon and ina contest tasee who could form the most wordsfrom the letters of Miss Myer's name,

Miss Rose Sab.chi won the first prize,a silver loving cup, and Miss MaryHunsaker received the second, acolonial picture of the bride and bride-groom.

Among the guests were MesdamesJoseph W. Wolfskill, Emile Strauss of

San Francisco, Charles L. Whlpple, M.W. Sabichi, D. G. Wolfskill, Robert W.Cooper, W. S. Hurlburt, Misses MarieMullen, Angela Troconiz, Cecilia Troco-nlz, Vincentia Hall, Shirley Thomas,Helen GannHt, Amy Leonardt, Kath-erine Kurtz, Alary Hunsaker, DollyShilling, Molly Dillon, Sawtelle; Ida

Smytho, Beatrice Sabichi, Isabel Wolf-skill and Rose Sabichi.

Honors Popular Bride.to.Be

Married Last WednesdayThe wedding of Miss Pansy Miner

and Earle Slaughter took place Wednes-day evening at the home of Jlr. andMrs. W. A. Miner, 168 West Thirty-fifth street.

Plan Social AffairsMany so"ial affairs are being planned

for Mrs. D. P. Sullivan of Goldfield,Nevada, who is visiting on T.'est Adamsstreet. The pupils promoted from the inter-

mediate course of the Los AngelesConservatory of Music and Arts gavea certificate concert yesterday after-noon in Metropolitan hall, 327% SouthSpring street. Thursday evening thepupils promoted from the academiccourse will give a concert in Burbankhall and Friday evening in Blanchardhall the pupils of the silver and goldmedal and diploma classes will givetheir commencement concert.

Give Certificate Concert

Apron and Necktie SocialAzalea council No. 12, Universal Or-

der of Foresters, will give an apronand necktie social Tuesday evening inPaulk's hall, corner of Hoover andWashington streets. Cards and danc-ing will be enjoyed.

"A Midsummer Eve," adapted andarranged by Mrs. Dobinson and MissMathew.s from the poets, will be pre-sented at the graduating exercises ofthe class of '07, Dobinson School ofExpression, which will take placeT'endesday evening. The selections in-corporated are from Shakespeare,Sophocles, Lowell, Wadsworth andShelley. Mrs. Harry Cardell has chargeof the music, and a reception will begiven after the play. Mr. and Mrs.Dobinson willbe assisted In receivingby Mrs. J. Lindley Corella-Phipps, Mrs.L.E. Shepherd, Miss Amanda Mathewsand graduates of '04, '03 and '06.

Graduates to Present Play

Lodge Gives BallHermosa lodge gave a ball In Fra-

ternal Brotherhood building, Lincolnand Figueroa streets, Monday even-ing.Theodore Summerland. formerly pres-

ident of the Los Angeles city council,and Mrs. Estelle Unger of 952 Georgiastreet will be married Saturday.

Theo Summerland to Marry

Give Benefit ProgramMiss Louise Williams, assisted by the

Polytechnic Glee club, gave a program

of negro songs and stories Thursdaynight at the Hotel Ingraham. Theaffair was under the auspices of RobertE. Lee chapter, U. D.C, and was for

the benefit of the philanthropic fund of

the organization. Patriotic MusicaleA delightful patriotic musicale in

honor of Bunker Hillday was given atthe Ebell club house Monday afternoonby the officers and board of directorsof the Eschscholtzia chapter, D. A. R.

To Be Marrted WednesdayMiss Allibell Hutchinson and Frank

Alton willbe married Wednesday at

the home of the bride's parents, Mr.and Mrs. F. A. Hutchinson of 3617South Flower street.

Miss Lilian Adams, who left for Eu-rope Wednesday, gave a piano recitalMonday afternoon in Chickerlng hall.She was assisted in presenting the pro-gram by Miss Rey del Valle, lyric so-prano, and Edward S. Fuller, pianist.

Give Farewell Recital

Maccabees to Give DanceTent No. 12 and hive No. 1 of the

Maccabees will give a dance and whistparty Wednesday evening at Eaglehall, 116% South Spring street. AllMaccabees ana their friends are in-vited.

Club Members Are GuestsThe members of the Esperanza Card

club were the guests of Miss Ella M.

Howell of Casa de Pico, 4313 Vermontavenue, Monday night.

Informal Whist PartyMiss Ruth Sterry of 2632 Ellendala

place gave an informal bridge whistparty Thursday afternoon as a com-pliment to Miss Florence Hopper, whoseengagement to Kelly Rees has been


Are Married at Bride's HomeMiss Jeanette Hayward and W. Gil-

more Beymer of New York were mar-ried Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock atthe homo of the bride's parents. Mr.and Mrs. E. W. Hayward, 2421 Bud-long avenue.

The wedding will occur next Wednes-day night at 9 o'clock at the home ofthe bride's brother, Fred Peschke, 306West Fortieth street.

Following are the guests: Mmes.Helen Peschke, Taylor and Hircsh,Misses Julia Peschke, Rose Markewol-der, Bessie Schroder, Georgia Lam-bourne, Olive Burkhart, Barbara Folke,Rose Huebsh, Catherine and HildaSorenson and Lottie Hillion.

During the afternoon "In Love's Gar-den" was played. The first prize,awarded to Miss Georgia Lambourne,was a picture of a Cupid asleep, and theconsolation, awarded to Miss OliveBurkhart, was a water color of a Dutchscene, done by Miss Winter whileabroad.

The house was elaborately decoratedfor the event, the dining room being inred and green. The lights were shadedin red, and red ribbons, with hearts at-tached, were fastened to the four cor-ners of the table. The centerpiece wasa huge bowl of red sweet peas andasparagus ferns. The place cards werehand painted wedding bells, the handi-work of the young hostess.

In honor of the approaching marriageof Miss Julia Peschke to William Lam-bourne, Miss Flora M. Winter gave apicture shower in honor of the bride-to-be last Wednesday afternoon at herhome on South Soto street. Miss Win-ter is to be bridesmaid and entertainedthe wedding party as well as girlfriendsof the bride.

Gives Picture Shower

Henderson.Cox Wedding

Miss Alberta Cox, .daughter of Mr.and •Mrs. Charles Cox of 148 WestFifty-ninth str'-et, and W. F. Hender-son were married Wednesday afternoonIn the Church of the Angels, Qar-


Honors VisitingGirlsThe Misses Hazeltinu and Lucy Sher-

man, who are visiting in Los Angeles,were the complimented guests at a

luncheon nnd bridge whist party given

Monday afternoon by Mis-. Pearl Seeleyand Miss Elizabeth Drake.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Gentry of 817 EastTwenty-fourth street entertained lastSunday in honor of their fourteenthwedding anniversary. Many handsomepieces of cut glass and silverware werereceived by the couple, and those pres-ent were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crimp,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laughlin, Mr. andMrs. Ernest Gentry, Misses Kate Holl-

lng, Anna Ott, Louise Ottinger andOtto Slotowsky, Henry Mailman andFred Winslow.

Entertain for Anniversary

San Francisco Man WedsMiss Louise Hartzell, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Sam Hartzell of 4027 Wood-lawn avenue, and James W. Flanneryof San Francisco were marriedWednesday evening at the bride'shome.

To Be at HomeMrs. Samuel B. McLenegan and Mrs.

S. S. Cutler of 2619 Raymond avenuewillgive an "at home" next Wednes-day afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock.

At the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. ti.Hopper, 341 W. Thirty-third street, thewedding of Miss Florence Hopper andKelley Roes willtake place Wednesday.Mrs. William Gentry Morrison and Mrs.Edward Dean Lyman will attend as

\u25a0matrons of honor and Misses LucilleWalton, Ruth Sterry, Lena Winn ofSan Diego and Nan Barrett of Palo Altowill be bridesmaids. Charles Hopperwillbe best man.

To Have Big Wedding

Luncheon and Theater PartyMrs. W. C. Tonkin of the Hershey

Arms hotel gave a delightful luncheonat Hotel Van Nuys, followed by a mat-inee party at the Belasco, Tuesday.

Miss Katherino Day daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Richard V. Day of Chesterplace, and Richard D. Bronson werequietly married Wednesday morning atthe home of the bride's parents and leftImmediately after the ceremony for

New York city. They willbe at homeafter September 1 at Hotel Lanker-shim.

Leave for New York City

Box Party and SupperMr,. Sara Oman was.the


guest at a box party at the prpheumAllowed by a supper at Hotel Angelus

Thursday afternoon, given by Miss

Viola White of ICO2 South Bonnie Braestreet. Scarlet carnations made the

table attractive and P}*I**1** w"e *'

for Mesdames Pi^re Mason, O«unan.

Charles Hughes, gjo'^,,0'^\u0084^ 011 jShnGeorge Beamun, John ura

Smaller.Slne> w7ffp F Arihur Ballard andHarry White. Artnur p lnkhanl(Misses Ada Letts, /-"'"„ rniev Cora

and Edna Brown.

A dinner of fourteen covers was givenFriday evening by Mr. and Mrs. S. A.Chalfln and their daughter, Miss MabelChalfln, of 317 West Thirty-first street.Favors of small books withverses writ-ten about an ocean voyage which wastaken recently by the guests and thehostesses, prepared by Miss Chalfln,

were given. Pink roses and ferns deco-rated the table.

Dinner of Fourteen Covers

The parlors were decorated with yel-low roses and In the music room pinkroses were combined with ferns informing an attractive decorativescheme. In the dining room yellowsunflowers were arranged with whitelilies. A color scheme of red was car-ried out with roses in the den. MissFeriba McLeod served punch on tieporcli and Misses Mabel Grundy andBessie Wilson served as ushers. Onehundred guests were present.

Tuesday afternoon Mrs. SpencerBrown of 360 Bixel street will entertainwith a whist party for the Sunshinesociety.

Mrs. William \u25a0Wallace McLeod of 640West Eighteenth street entertainedwith a benefit musicale Friday after-noon In honor of the members of theSunshine society. An interesting pro-gram was presented by Mrs. BernardinoSmith Noble of Indianapolis; Miss Be-atrice Hubbell-Plummer, soprano; MissElsie Anderson, soprano; Mrs. L. H.Duppon, mezzo-soprano; Mrs. S. Shel-don Borden. contralto, and Mrs. W. W.ivi.cL.eod, pianist.

Mrs. McLeod Is Hostess

Will Have Quiet WeddingThe wedding of Miss Luella Cook,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B Cookof 954 West Twenty-third street, toRoger Hath of Tonopah will take placequietly at the family home, and thecouple will leave immediately after theceremony for Tonopah, New, wherethey will make their home.

Miss Margaret Woollacott of 1115South Alvarado street entertained witha daintily appointed luncheon Wednes-day afternoon as a compliment to MissMary Young, whose engagement toJames Moore has been announced.

Compliments Bride.to-Be

To Meet for the Last TimeThe members of the S. M. club will

meet for the last time, this season Sat-urday at the home of Miss FrancesMaxson, 332 Ingraham street.

To Give Barn Dance

Miss Katherine Banning willbe theMisname rl

"°tat barn dance

hr*evening by Capt

B£^^ ssr of

The guests included Misses GertrudeWilliams, Bernadine Williams, AnnetteHunley, Edna Clayton, Nora Bauer,Maud Warmington, May Armstrong,Roe Armstrong. Carrie Campfleld, Car-rie Cook, Nina Cook, Ruth Snow, RuthRivers. Ruth Reed, Mabel Smith,Marian McClure, Agnes Hole, GladysCole, Hazel Ryland, Katherlne andVeraSpring, Louise Ford, Wanda Hays,Beula Wilson, Emily Staly, Bessie Cool,Katherlne EMson, Sadie George, RuthWheat, and limes. Ralph Brown andLauren James, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs.Frederic Wingfleld Armstrong and Mrs.Otmer Braver ;issisting in entertaining.

The score cards for the games werehand painted and in the shape of thesorority pins. Miss Ruth WestworthSnow, a talented young girl, who prom-ises to become one of the world'sgreatest musicians, played Lizst's"Tannhauper" and recited "The Soul ofthe Violin." Miss Armstrong, who willleave for Europe in the fall to continueher study of music, also sang.

A long roll of paper was placed onthe table, and on this each guest wrotea steamer letter to their guests of honor.A profusion of sweet peas decorated theparlors, and in the living room carna-tions and ferns were artistically ar-ranged.

The affair was also in honor of themembers of the Phi Delta Omega soror-ity. Miss Annette Hunley, Miss NoraNauor and Miss Armstrong arrangedthe decorations, which were in blackand baby blue, the sorority colors. Thedining room was lighted by a big moonsuspended in one corner, ami chains ofribbons formed a canopy over the table.

ONEof the most charming affairs

of the week was the musicaleand card party given Tuesday

afternoon by Miss May Armstrong of

2640 Romeo place in honor of the Misses

Gertrude and Bernadine Williams, wholeft yesterday with their parents forEurope, where they will remain oneyear.


Is Guest of HonorMiss Genevleve Faulkner of WestThirtieth street was the guest of honor

Friday evening at a card party givenby her aunt, Mrs. Robert Dollard, attheir pretty new home in Santa Monica.

Are Married at Club HouseAt the Woman's club house, 940

South Flgueroa street, Miss HannaPaulk, daughter of Mrs. Mary L.Paulkof 1747 Magnolia avenue, and Glen CarrSeeley of Pasadena were marriedWednesday afternoon.

Mr.and Mrs. Houlshy left immediate-ly for San Diego and they will be athome to their friends after July 5 inLoa Angeles.

After the ceremony a reception washeld at the home of Mrs. F. Hively,2025 New Jersey street. A color schemeof pink' and green was employed in thedining room and in the parlor pink andwhite were the prevailing color tones.

The church was decorated with groatquantities of pink and white sweetpeas and suspended over the couplewas a white wedding bell. Cupid drovea pair of doves, which held the ribbonsto which the ring was attached.

Albert Schiuler and Hugh Wallaceserved as ushers.

At the Boyle Heights MethodistEpiscopal church, Tuesday evening,Miss hMna Lee and James Houlsbywere married by Rev. Alfred Inwood.Miss Adams played the popular wed-ding marches and Emma Spauldlngserved aa (lower girl, The. bride wasbecomingly gowned in a white' silk,made princess, and her veil was fas-tened with orange blossoms. She car-ried white carnations. Hiss BessieHively and Miss Mamie I-laines at-tended as bridesmaids. Miss Hively wasgowned in white lace and Miss Haineswore a gown of white mull made, prin-cess. Both young women carried pinkcarnations. Victor lirown and RobertKettle stood witli the bridegroom, andMrs. Kate Stephens and Miss LenaMeares preceded the bridal party tothe altar, unrolling the ribbons whichformed the aisle as they walked. Mrs.Stevens wore a pretty gown of pink andwhite organdie and Miss Neares wasgowned in champagne colored silk.

Have Pretty Wedding

Miss Irene Buell, whose wedding toPercy R. Merlthew willtake place thisweek, was the guest of honor at a mis-cellaneous shower given yesterday aft-ernoon by Miss Helen Bushnell of 1633West Twenty-fourth street.

Miscellaneous Shower

Mrs. William T. Lewis and Miss

Lewis of Racine, Wls., were the cotn-pllmented gueßts at a charming recep-

tion given Friday afternoon by Mrs.E A. Wallls and her daughter, Mrs.L A. Gould of 2367 Scarff street. Mrs.Charles N. Flint, Mrs. Frank WilsonKing, Mrs. Sumner P. Hunt and Mrs.T T Knight assisted with the hostessnd Mrs J. B. Millardand Miss Agnes

Knight assisted in the library, Mrs.Lewis Clark Carlisle and Mrs. W. S.

Cross were In the dining room andMisses Edith Low and Margaret Gouldpresided at the punch bowl. One hun-dred and fifty guests were present.

Charming Reception

Supper and Boating PartyThe summer class, 1902, of the Los

Angeles high school entertained withasupper and boating party Thursdayevening at Eastlake park.

Mrs. Lcßoy Clifton Ackley enter-tained with a box party at the Or-pheum Wednesday in honor of MissIrene Buell, who willbecome the brideof Percy R. Metithcw this week. Afterthe performance a dainty luncheon wasserved at Christopher's for the gueßts,who Included Alesdames Will A. Har-ris, J. A. OEgood, Walter Blewer, E.Coppock, Abnei L.Ross and Miss Allen.

Gives Box Party

Surprise Dancing PartyThe department managers of the

Broadway department store and theirwives and Mrs. Arthur Letts gave asurprise dancing party upon ArthurLetts, proprietor of the store, Mondayevening.

Solemnize Quiet' Wedding

i«f wpddinß was solemnized

'when Miss Alice Louise Boycc,

d»uXer of Mr and Mrs. J. A. Boyce,

and Henry Bernard Wibblea were mar-ried in"he presence of a few relatives«nd Mends Pink and green was the 1color scheme employed In the decora-tions; in the parlors pink carnationsand asparagus plumosus prevailed, the"alter formingIa delicate tracery overJtl».,rtninu and entwining, the chande- •

Gives Towel ShowerMiss Elfoleda Blanrhard of 2616 West

Third \u25a0street gave a towel showor yes-

terday afternoon as a compliment to

Miss Allibell Hutchinson, a charming

bride-to-be. A delightful afternoonwas passed and among those present

New Hampshire Society MeetsI Prof. Deminpc of Pasadena, pianist:

The pupils of J. B. Poulin will givea muftlcal recital tomorrow evening inthe Woman's club house and the pro-gram will be presented by Miss KieJulio Christian, Frank C. Collier, Mrs.W. S. Withers. Miss Myrtle Godfrey,George B. Rogers, Miss Edna Wengerand Mrs. Frank Bryson.

Musical Recital

Solemnize Pretty CeremonyA pretty wedding was wolemnizpd

Friday evening. Juno 21, at the home ofMrs. Alice Rogers, 1349 East Washing-ton street, when her daughter, MissFlorence MayCooper, became the bride

Will Be Interesting WeddingOne of the moat Interesting weddings

of the coming week willbe that of MissMay Myers and Dr. George CnarleaSabichl, which willtake place Wednes-day mornlnsr at 9 o'clock In St. Vlu-

To Wed Society GirlMiss Myrtle Oilman will become the

bride of Edward C. Butterfleld Thurs-day at the horn. of her aunt and uncle,



curtains aim cin»...... 8.^v.....

.' (Continued on Pace Five.)

Who leaves for a year's tour of Europe

and who is guest of honor at de-lightful musicale and card party.

—Photo by Dincman.

•The genuine have /DBf >jJ^^J>fliJls|*B \mthe name in the hem" BK At \liswi**^V^|/ W

wk The "Tips" Vin the "Kayser" gloves have the wearing quality \u25a0

equal to three pairs of the ordinary kind, and cost no Mmore. That is why there are more "Kayser" gloves sold jjlthan allother kinds added together.

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