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Los Osos sewer project survey

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  • 8/14/2019 Los Osos sewer project survey


    STRUCTIONS:Use dark BLUE or BLACK penMark checkboxes clearly, likethis: |

    OPINIONs. T u i i s

    0 1 5 5 9 4

    SECTI ON 1

    his sect ion concerns yo u, yourLos Osos proper ty andour informat ion sources aboutthe Wastewater Project


    S . P R I VAT E R E S I D E N C E O W N E R SAN DR E N T E R S : Please indicate your households

    annual income. Less than $25,000 $50,000 - $74

    $25,000 - $49,999 $75,000 and o

    l~l Decline to state

    G. PRIVATE RESIDENCE OWNERS ONLYDo you plan to apply for financial assistance if afinancialaid program can be developed to assistor fixed income households with costs associawith the construction of the .Wastewa ter Project

    Yes, definitely No ; definitelyn

    Yes, probably D No, probablyn

    n Decline to state

    Please tell us about your Los Osos property. Is

    private residence or commercial property? Doown or rent the property? If you are associatedmore than one property, please indicate that

    check all that apply.Private residence:

    Renter .

    i Owner: propertyis my' primary residenceI Owner: propertyis not

    Commercial property:


    C ] Owner: existing building

    l~l Owner: vacant lot' my primary residence

    ~ | Owner: vacantlot

    of properties: Q One Two or more

    How long have you owned or rented property inOsos?

    Q Less than 2 years

    2 to less than 5 years , .

    H ] 5 years to less than 10 years

    10 years to less than 15 years~l 15 years to less than 20 years

    U 20 years or more~l Decline to state

    Was this questionnaire completedby one person ore than one person?

    One person

    More than one person

    l Decline to state '

    T. What are your sources of information abouttheProject? Please check all the sources you used overlast few years to help you understand the Countys plafor the Project. Then check the one or two sources yofound m ost helpful.

    Sources Most HelpfulUsed (check 1 or 2)

    Board of Supervisors Meetings

    LOCSD Board Meetings

    Technical Advisory Committee Meejn person or viewed on Channel 20

    County Brochuresand Direct Mailing

    NewspaperNeighbors, friends, family mem bers

    " Projects WE BSITE :www.slocounty.ca.gov/PW/LOWWP

    Draft EIR Report, dated November 2

    Enclosed Project Status Report

    Other (specify):


    Decline to state

    How old is the person/are the people who completed

    uestionnaire? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

    Under 24

    25 to 34

    35 to 44

    45 to 54

    55 to 64

    65 to 74

    CH 75 and over

    |~~| Decline to state

  • 8/14/2019 Los Osos sewer project survey


    8 . How informed do you feel about the issues related to the construction of a Wastewater Project fLos Osos?

    n Very informed Somewhat informed Decline tlittle informed Not at all informed

    9. How would you describe your opinions about the Los Osos Wastewater Project?

    T"l Verystrong Somewhat strong A little strong \3 Not at all strong [D Decline


    I/we do not have opinions about the Wastew ater Project or do not I/we do have opinions abo ut the' . ' Q feel informed enough to answer these questions. Please record L"D Wastewater Project. Please record

    my/our responses as 'n o opinion for the remaining que stio ns . , our specific responses as indicated

    SECTI ON 2

    This section c oncerns your opinions about the Wastew ater Project in general.

    ZLX. Using a scale of" 1 ' to "5 ', using checkboxes, please indicate how important each of these issare when yo u think about the Project:



    No Opinion

    Not at allimportant

    1believe that the selected project should ...

    ;Sli | I |r l!^

    ...Be en ergy efficient " - ' d

    n n n nn n n.

    n n n

    ...Cause minimal disruption to your property during construction Q

    ...Have minimal impact on the environment Q

    ...Have relatively low initial out of pocket costs for owners

    ...Have relatively low on-going costs for owners Q

    ...Require minimal on-going maintenance by owner/renter Q

    ... Reuse treated wastewater to benefit comm unitys water supply Q

    ...Situate facility and other compon ents away from residential areas . . . - * '

    1 2 . Thinking aga in about issues in Question 11 above , please indicate the three (3) issues that arethe MO ST important to you, in order of their importance. Please, write 1 , 2, and 3 in a box adjacenthe issue you wo uld like to rate. For exam ple, if "Be energy efficient' is most important to you, then m

    . Similarly, mark your second choice as j r d

    Ss following:

    *1 and 3 choice as


    X 3 . What-other issues, if any, do you want decision makers to think about when making finaldecisions regarding the Project?

    None, no other issues

  • 8/14/2019 Los Osos sewer project survey


    SECTI ON 3

    This section concerns your opinions about specific components in the Wastewater Project. Foore information, see the TAC Pro/Con Summary on pages 14 and 15 in the Project Status Report.

    4 . A lot of decisions have to be made about the Projects components before the Project can bestructed. Some people have strong feelings about where the facility should be located while others are concerned about what collection system should be used. And still others have no opinion or donte about which options decision makers select in the end. Please tell us how concerned you are about

    h of these components.n n i UD/^MCMTC Notatall Somewhat Very No Dont ,

    . C O M P O N E N T S concerned concerned Concerned Opinion know

    E Lffluent Reuse/Disposal LJ

    Solids Treatment/Disposal Q


    i-i- tesT".."


    Which one component are you most concerned about? (SELECT ONLY ONE)

    The next few questions concern options for different locations and types oftechnology which have been determined to be viable for the Wastewater Project

    . Three different locations for the treatment facility have been considered. Which location do you prefer?ase indicate your first and second choices. Please refer to map on page 11 of Project Status Report.

    FIRST CHOICE SECOND CHOICEPROPOSED SITES (check one only) (check one only)

    Mid-Town: a.k.a. Tri-W site |~| PI

    Ddge of town: G iacomazzi, Branin, cemetery properties


    No opinion D

    . Two different collection systems are being considered: a "hybrid' gravity system anda STEP/STEG systee Project team has found both options to be technically viablefor Los Osos. A Project peer review by the Natiater Research Institute also found that the two systems are "functionally equivalent.' H owever,the Draft EIRhatermined that a gravity system has slightly less environmental impacts than STEP/STEG. A gravity system wilo be less disruptive to individual properties and have less initialout of pocket costs for property owners, becau

    does not requirethe installation of new septic tanks in. front yards, nor upgrading of your electrical panels. AEP/STEG system might result in a lower overall project costfor property o wners and residents but that iscertain, especially co nsidering the time requiredto design a new collection system and that further delays coulpardize grant funding. Which system do you prefer?

    d Definitely Gravity

    |~ | Probably Gravity

    Definitely STEP/STEG

    Probably STEP/STEGNeutral, no opinion: SKIP TO Question19

    Dont know: SKIP TO Question19

    8 . W h a t is your m ain reason for choos ing the collection system you did?

    l~1 Easier on-site maintenance D Least initial cost Q Least monthly cost

    O Minimal environmental impact More reliable system l~l Dont know

    Minimal constructiondisturbanceOther:

  • 8/14/2019 Los Osos sewer project survey


    . Three different treatment technologies which will meet water quality requirements have been evaluatedDraft EIR. The technologies vary in a number of important ways . W hat would you prefer to see co nstruct like before, write and to indicate you first and second choices.1

    A facility that has a lower cost overallfacility that has a smaller footprint

    No opinionfacility that is more energy efficient

    A facility that minimizes visual impact Dont know

    O Another important compone nt of the system is the treatment and disposal of solids, also calleddge. One option is to haul sludge to a location outside of the comm unity where it will be treated ad by a third party as compost or otherwise disposed of. A sec ond option is to produce com post ats Osos facility for use in the comm unity as compost. Com posting at the facility will be more expen hauling it away! Wh ich do you prefer?

    O Haulingomposting No opinion Dont know

    SECTI ON 4

    This section concerns various cost issues not explored elsewhere in survey

    . Thinking about the two collection systems described in Question 17, how much savings over aavity System w ould a STE P/STEG System have to provide to make it worthwhile?

    A STEP /STEG System wou ld have to save me aleast $10 a m onth to make it worthwhile

    I prefer a.GravitySystem, I am not interested ima STEP /STEG system at any cost savings.

    A STEP/STEG System would have to save meat least $50 a month to make it worthwhile

    A STEP/STE G System would have to save me .at least $30 a mo nth to make it worthwhile

    1 prefer- a S TEP /STEG ^System eve n if it do esntsave me any money

    No opinion Dont know

    Generally speaking, how much m ore/fany fft/na are vou willing to pay on a monthly basis for ject that'....:' Don



    than $5

    More than$10othing

    $ 5 - $ 1 0

    .. Com posts and recycles biosolids for use as" mujch andjfertjljzer? ._-i!'...Is more environmentally friend ly/ incorporates"green1 or "sustainable' technologies ?

    ...Provides mo reflexib ilityforfufure upgrades?


    ... Returns reclaimed treated water to

    groundwater for use for irrigation?


    What other issues are you concerned about?

    3 . Please tell us anything else you Would like decision makers to know regarding the Wastewateroject. Use a separate piece of paper if you need more space. ;

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR COMPLETING THIS IMPORTANT SURVEY.lease mail your completed form in the postage paid envelope provided byFebruary 2 7.

    Mail to: Opinion Studies, P.O. Box 5210, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-99 21
