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Lost in tumultuous despair ch. 1.8

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Page 1: Lost in tumultuous despair   ch. 1.8
Page 2: Lost in tumultuous despair   ch. 1.8

Welcome, folks, to Lost in Tumultuous Despair! I’m finally done with this chapter! Whoopee! As you shall see, this part, along with all eighth and final parts of each chapter, is narrated by Gvaudoin Tricou as she recounts her side of the challenge.

I hope you’ll enjoy!

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I have been long dead for decades, so my understanding of the current trends is meager at best. However, now that I am alive and well, I have resolved to make a name from my own, away from my family whom I felt horribly out of place with. These attire, while indecent, should make do for now. Unfortunately, this blasted journey had gone awry! How on earth could the guide have forsaken each and every one of us!

The best thing I could do at first glance was to explain my grievances to a certain young lady right in front of me.

“Greetings, Madam,” I said, “I want to know you a bit better. I am Gvaudoin Tricou from SimCity, but I have been long dead for decades. Only recently are we finally alive and well. However, much had happened when we were still dead, and we do not know the customs of the city at its current state. Wearing this dress, for example, has made me even more out of place. Even worse, my own family never understood who I really am, so I decided to get into this road trip, only to be forsaken and ejected like refuse by that accursed driver.”

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Now that I am done recounting my tale, I shall get to know this lovely young lady better.

“There,” I said. “Now that I have recounted my tale up to this road trip, may I ask about your origins?”

“Well,” she spoke up, “My name is Darleen Dre-I mean, Matlapin. I come from Pleasantview, where I was also dead for years like you, but for a shorter amount of time. When I was finally resurrected, I realized that my husband had remarried and moved to his new wife’s house, where our son also resided as well. After seeing all this, I decided to move on as well and take this road trip.”

Apparently, she was once dead just like me, albeit for years instead of decades. That should help us bond together for now.

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“Well, my dear,” I spoke up with a delightful smile on my face, “I presume we were in the same situation before, so perhaps I can empathize with you. You see, I missed the days when SimCity was filled with elegant edifices where we could see magnificent works of art. Nowadays, however, SimCity is now full of debauchery, and the night scene is too obscene to my tastes. Please tell me what you missed back in Pleasantview.”

“Honestly, there was little change in Pleasantview during the time when I was dead, other than the fact that my husband remarried to someone much richer than me. Oh, and my son is a teenager at the time of my resurrection. You know, adolescent.”

“Ah, I see. What age was your son when you died?”

“He was eight. But now he’s sixteen years old, I guess. Anyway, do we have anything else to talk about other than our deaths and such? I’m getting bored of the subject already.”

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“Of course we do. But now that we have conversed on the subject of my choosing, what subject would you like to elaborate, then?”

“Well, I want to know about what you like in general. You see, I like childcare, supernatural elements, and adventures, which explains why I took this road trip. What about yours?”

“Oh, I also adore the supernatural! They are quite intriguing, are they not? And I also love art and music because of the sophisticated colors and tunes, which I highly adore.”

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“By the way, what’s your favorite food? Mine’s fried eggs coated with soy sauce. They’re delicious and worth the try, in my opinion.”

“My favorite food is roasted goose. They were a meal fit for a king when I was growing up.”

“Mmmm… Roasted goose. Thinking of them just made me hungry. By the way, did you have a job when you were alive? I didn’t have any because I was a housewife while my ex-husband worked as a professional painter.”

“No. I was an adolescent at the time of my death and resurrection. My grandfather owned several factories in SimCity, which…”

“Ahem!” a nearby masculine voice was heard all of a sudden, “Mind if I join you ladies for a moment?”

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Suddenly, a man in glasses approached me and started talking to me. That cad!

“You know,” he said as he held his nose, “Do you happen to get used to all that pollution when you were growing up? I certainly can’t imagine that, in my opinion.”

“You cad! How could you rudely interrupt my conversation with Miss Matlapin like that?”

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I immediately turned my back away from that man. He may dress like a gentleman, but he certainly does not behave like one. I think I should enter the house we stumbled upon to see what is inside.

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Unfortunately, the sound of the piano I heard as I stepped inside the house was most unharmonious to my ears. How dreadful it was being trapped in such a situation! If I could just hone my latent piano skills, that would be most delightful.

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As I turned around, I could not believe my eyes that there was a gyroscope inside this estate. How on earth can such a mechanism be found in this place? And what kind of people would dare use such a device inside their own home?

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I immediately turned around again and walked towards the group of people around the sofa. Apparently, the lady in blue had also found herself trapped in the same situation I was before. However, the lady in orange was smiling as if she liked the music.

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That blasted cad had finally stopped playing the piano! This is an opportunity worth taking into my own hands! Now, I shall show the other people here genuine music by playing the piano.

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As I played the piano, however, I eventually heard someone demanding me to stop playing because it was horrid to him. How dare he! Oh, well. Perhaps I shall increase the volume of my music to show that man how fabulous my piano skills are.


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My fingers were finally exhausted from all that playing. Well, then. I think I should just rest them for a while and get back to playing the piano once I finally found another opportunity. But for now, I think I should take my time.

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Once I stopped playing the piano, the first I did was to confront that cad in the white suit. After all, I need to convince him that the piano holds the essence of true and melodic music.

“Well, sir,” I exclaimed, “Do you not appreciate the melodic tunes of the piano? I highly consider thinking about it for a moment, and tell me your thoughts about it.”

“Honestly,” he replied, “I would love the sound of the piano if it were played by a professional pianist with great experience and talent, not an amateur like you. I think you shouldn’t played that piano in the first place, if you get what I say.”

What? I am an amateur? How absurd! I shall tell him that I am no amateur. “Well, we shall see.”

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Before I could speak more, I was suddenly and inconsiderately interrupted by someone playing a horrid tune on the piano. Now that was what I would consider to be an amateur.

“Aargh!” I shouted. “Stop that music this instance!” Unfortunately, that man continued. Perhaps I shall find somewhere more silent in order to hide from that disruptive dirge.

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As I was in the lavatory, my mood turned sour at the words that cad had spoken right in front of my very own face. How dare that insolent fool not acknowledge the beauty found in my musical talent! Someday, he shall pay for this.

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I attempted to ease my mind from such degrading humiliation by taking a soothing bath, but I suddenly felt hungry afterwards. Well, then. A tasty meal shall suffice to satiate my appetite.

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Alas, it was not to be because all the prepared food I could saw in the kitchen were only sandwiches. Somebody among us seemed to have an appetite for such mundane food. Oh, well. Time to find a place to sit down so that I do not have to stand up on my two delicate legs as I eat.

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Fortunately for me, I had found a nice place to set my food on as well as an empty seat so that I do not have to stand up while eating. However, the lady siting across me seemed unable to stand the sound of the piano at all, as she kept covering her ears. No matter how hard I tried talking to her, I could not pull her out of that horrible lull. I should blame the one playing the piano. What kind of person had the audacity to do such thing?

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As nighttime set upon us, a dark-skinned stranger approached me as she tried to engage me into a conversation.

“Well, hello there, miss,” she said. “I figured that we should talk together because we haven’t really talked. How does that sound to you.”

A conversation, eh? I had no time for such frivolities at all, especially since I felt famished and weary. “My apologies, but I have no time for such nonsense. Perhaps some other time should do.”

“Okay, then. See you later.”

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I may not consider myself to be a very talented cook, but I do have some experience cooking. However, I had to make do with mundane meals, like this macaroni and cheese. I just needed the confidence to such meals.

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It turned out well. That was a miracle indeed! Now all I had to do was to set it down on a counter and taste it to see if I cooked it well.

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Unfortunately, I had to stand up as I ate my dinner. As I ate, I heard the sound of munching. It appeared that a young girl was eating it in the most barbaric way I could ever imagine. How inconsiderate of her!

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Aggravating the situation further was the horrendous stench of something unknown around here. What could it be, then?

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I finally discovered that those bowls were emitting that putrid stench in the kitchen. Perhaps this meant that I should wash them clean.

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Washing those bowls was quite an ordeal to me. All that scrubbing took too long for me, and I had to let my delicate hands get dirty for that. No matter. At least I had done my part of the toiling. I shall had to retire to the sleeping quarters for the sake of my body.


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My, what a slumber I had! I felt undeniably rejuvenated by now! Now, what shall this day have for me?

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As I rose from my bed, I noticed that the red-haired lady had fallen asleep on the other bed. Perhaps the blonde lady had woken up.

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After taking my chances on using the lavatory, I went out to the parlor to see what was going on. However, there was a man clad in undergarments blocking my way.

“What is it that you want, miss?” he asked.

I had gotten tired of this frivolity. Time to teach him some manners. “Well, first of all, it is not appropriate to talk to a woman like that. Second of all, my name is Gvaudoin Tricou. Third of all, what I wanted is none of your business for the time being.”

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After taking a soothing bath afterwards, I stepped into the kitchen, where a pleasing aroma took hold of me. There had better be exquisite pastries I often ate when I was alive.

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I was right about those pastries. How delightful it was to see them on the floor. I shall have to take one up and eat it to my heart’s delight.

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This tasted really exquisite, just as I had expected. I wished I could express my gratitude to the one who cooked these pastries. I felt indebted to him or her.

As I ate, I came to the realization that I had not acted courteous to the gentleman in blue. What happened to my manners? What had I done for all this time? I should go to that man just now and apologize.

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Sadly, my breakfast ended with me struggling to not hear the dreaded piano music. Will these incompetent nincompoops ever stop and think for a moment in regards to the piano?

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As I was on the way to the lavatory, that cad who insulted me yesterday came by and stood right in front of me without saying a word the moment I turned my back to see what was amiss. I retaliated without saying any word as well. Was it because he came to apologize me for insulting me? This silence was testing my patience every minute. Either one of us had to break this.

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All of a sudden, that man began to speak up. “Look, I’m sorry for making fun of you yesterday about the piano thing. To be honest, you played as best as you could, and that’s more important. Just don’t let anyone’s complaints let you down, even if it’s from me. So do your best at it, okay?”

Was he sincerely apologizing to me? Or was he trying to deceive me? I could not stand the deluge of emotions welling up inside me. Hearing those words gave me a sense of comfort that I had never known could exist. But finally, I spoke up as I combated the tears that were starting to flow out of my eyes. “Thank you for your kind words, sir. I am grateful that you said it. However, you should also make sure that you respect me.”

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But then again, I should get to know this fellow better, now that I stopped viewing him with contempt. It would be much merrier if we could introduce ourselves to each other.

“On another note,” I immediately exclaimed after my tears stopped flowing. “I had not properly introduce myself to you. My appellation is Gvaudoin Tricou and I hail from SimCity. What is yours and where do you hail from?”

“Well, my name’s Hal Capp and I live in Veronaville. To be honest, I’m having a hard time pronouncing your name. How do you do that?”

“It is pronounced as ‘VOW-duan’. Do you get it not? And please call me Miss Tricou. It was improper to call me by my appellation.” Heh, silly man. He better learn how to pronounce it properly. However, Miss Tricou should suffice because it would be most inconsiderate if he ever calls me by my appellation.

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After that conversation, another toaster pastry should sate my appetite. I was really delighted to see such food right in front of me as I ate it.

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No sooner was I joined by another person as he came to sit across me with a plate of toaster pastry on his hand as well. After setting it down on the table, he pulled his seat and began sitting on it. At least I had company at last.

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I certainly should break the silence as it had grown quite uncomfortable for me to stand.

“My apologies for my behavior earlier this morning,” I said. “I thought you were blocking my way when I was trying to look around the living room.”

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He took a moment to ponder over what I had said, or so I assumed as I saw him. But he eventually replied in a manner most courteous. “It’s OK. Just next time, don’t scare me like that.”

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That was highly fortunate of me because I was actually expecting him to hold a strong grudge against me for my lack of manners earlier this morning before dawn. However, I smelled something awfully horrendous. I looked down on my pastry and discovered that it had become unsuitable for me to eat. Too many flied had perhaps descended as I was having a chat with the man.

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Littering around this house made me rather fussy, as I was highly accustomed to cleanliness that not even a speck of dust shall be allowed to tarnish the house itself. This strange cup I was holding to the lavatory, for instance, had to be washed clean right this instant. I cannot tolerate such insolent objects ruin the image of this house, no matter how small and how badly furnished it is.

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Once I finished washing that strange cup on the sink, I heard the telephone ringing. What a strange-looking thing that one is. It did not look like the ones I used to have when I was young.

Upon picking up the phone, I heard a woman’s voice on the other line. “Hello. This is Sandy Bruty. Is the black-haired guy wearing glasses around? If so, can I talk to him?”

Huh? Who was this person she was talking about? I certainly wondered who this fellow might be. Perhaps he was one of us, but I suppose I had no choice but to answer no. “No. I do not know who you are talking about. Perhaps you have dialed the wrong number.”

“Oh, alright then. I’ll try calling another time because I knew this is the right place.” After saying those words, the woman hung up her telephone. How could she call to this place? This was a situation most peculiar even to me.

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This was a very tense situation for me. Here I am in a small hovel with very few things to do. The original inhabitants, if there were any in the past, were not as wealthy as I was after all. Perhaps I should continue playing the piano to ease my mind.

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There was absolutely nothing for me to do in the house other than play the piano. No matter. At least it was quite useful for my leisure time. Oh, how I wish other people would come to admire its melodic sound whenever I play.


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Playing the piano was quite entertaining and pleasing to my tastes, but I was sincerely weary of the events that had occurred today. I shall have to rest until tomorrow.

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Even if Mr. Capp was sleeping on that bed, I hoped he would not mind if I sleep next to him. He could still find another bed to retire when he was still weary should he awaken.


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I suddenly arose from my bed as I heard an outlandish snore beside me. Who could be so rude as to wake me up at this time of the night.

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Once I had stood up, I saw that blonde cad sleeping on the bed. How rude and outlandish of him to do that to me! Why did he not notice me in the first place?

All of a sudden, I heard some footsteps in the room.

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I turned around and was surprised to see Mr. Capp looking all well-dressed while I was still clad in my undergarments. As inappropriate as it was, it was still a pleasant surprise to see him again.

“Mr. Capp!” I exclaimed as silently as I could without losing my enthusiasm. “What do you want from me?”

“Umm…” he muttered. What was he trying to say? A few seconds later, he finally spoke up. “Do you know the redhead lady?”

“That red-haired lady?” Why did he talk about her? “Well, why did you mention her?”

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“I spoke to her just now, and she called herself old despite her fair appearance. I was wondering whether or not we should discover why she became young like that.”

I was suddenly delighted and attracted to that idea. The only thing I did not know was much about the red-haired lady. I had seen her around the house, but I never interacted with her at all.

“I do not know who that red-haired maiden is, but I shall have to collaborate with you.”

“That’s great. Her name’s Coral Oldie, just so you know.”

“That is much appreciated. However, I shall have to find something to satisfy my hunger.”

“Alright, then. I’ll see you later.”

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As I walked into the kitchen, I found a few vials. I wondered what they were. Perhaps I shall have to take one and drink it myself to see what it was. As I tasted it, I felt a sting in my mouth and a rather sweet taste as well. As I swallowed it, I felt my stomach oddly satisfied. What kind of water was this?

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Once I disposed of the vial, I walked back into the kitchen and discovered that there was cereal on the counter. How fortunate! I shall have to take a bowl and eat it to my satisfaction.

All of a sudden, however, I thought I heard someone talking to me. “Look, can you please be quiet next time when you’re eating? I need some privacy, you know,” the voice said.

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I lifted my head to find that man in the blue suit. It was another shocking surprise.

“Mr… umm…” I really did not know the name of that man, but I knew him just by looking at him..

“Monty,” he finished my sentence. “Name’s Benedick. We forgot to introduce ourselves yesterday, which explains the confusion. I just want to tell you that I just want to eat in peace. Understand?”

“I understand completely,” Of course I understand completely. I was actually worried that there was someone else in the bathroom. “I shall have to be careful whenever there are other people eating in the same room with me.”

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After I finished with my cereal, there was a stench so putrid and so malevolent that I yearned to go elsewhere every time the stench entered my very nose. There must be something to do that I could get out of the kitchen.

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The bowl and dish shall have to be washed thoroughly. That way, they could be used next time. I must do anything within my strength to escape the stench in this kitchen.

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The gyroscope in the parlor looked quite intriguing. I shall have to try it this time. After all, I had never ridden one, so this should be my chance to discover its function.

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This blasted gyroscope had proven to be extremely fast-moving. In fact, it move so rapidly that I found myself losing my own consciousness at every passing second.

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I shall have to wash my very own body due to how inappropriate it is for a fair lady like me to wear nothing but undergarments in the house. Unfortunately, the bathtub was being used by Mr. Monty. Perhaps I shall have to speak to him.

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As he stood up and turned around, his face had a shocked expression.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

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“I was just her for a nice, soothing bath,” I answered. “Would you be so generous as to give me the opportunity to cleanse my body from the putrid stench within?”

“Sure. I’ll get out as soon as possible.”

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Despite my high hopes for a rejuvenating bath, it was sadly not meant to be immediately. I was forced out of my way and into the sleeping quarters shortly after my conversation. The same thing also befell Mr. Monty, but he did not take it as gravely as I did.

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As I stepped into the sleeping quarters, I could not help but find myself engulfed by the foul stench emitting from my body. How embarrassing! Once I got the chance to bathe, I shall feel very rejuvenated and refreshed.

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I walked out of the sleeping quarters, then into the master bedroom, and finally back to the bathroom. I beamed with glee to see that I could finally bathe.

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The bath was rejuvenating to my skin. Unfortunately, it did not cleanse me from my worries in regards to this place. We had been here for three days, yet no rescue had reached us. Have we been forsaken? This should not have happened to us all.

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To exacerbate my situation even further, I felt the desperate need to go to the lavatory. If only there was nobody in there, I shall have to use it before it was too late.

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Unfortunately, I was too late. As soon as I had arrived, I noticed the blonde lady in the lavatory smiling as she was in the lavatory. Was she conspiring against me? How inconsiderate of her!

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Perhaps eating a pastry shall alleviate my suffering for the time being. After all, I was in desperate need of something to eat as a means of waiting for the lavatory to be vacant once more.

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The meal was delicious, and I managed to gain access to the lavatory. However, that awful piano dirge overtook me as I walked out of the lavatory. Perhaps I should play the piano to give them a taste of beautiful music.

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I finally managed to play the piano despite my struggle to get there until the music ceased. This shall be my opportunity to try my hand at creating some beautiful music.


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Playing the piano was satisfying to my soul because it always relieves me from my burdens for a moment. I would always adore playing it for the sake of its melodic tunes.

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My happiness was tragically dashed by my worries about any hope to escape this hovel. Living here had gone beyond my initial acceptance of this place. How and when will we ever escape from here?

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After I stopped submerging myself in my deepest worries, someone else started playing the piano in a usually horrible fashion. This was part of the reason I had to worry just now. I must escape from this awful dirge as soon as I could.

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Perhaps retiring to bed was a sound way to escape such awful music from others. I had to rest from an exhausting day as well. Perhaps tomorrow will provide us with a gleaming ray of hope.


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Good heavens! That was quite a slumber I had! However, I felt famished, so I promptly took a bowl of cereal from the kitchen and ate it to my heart’s delight. However, as I ate my meal, I heard the sound of someone clearing one’s throat in a presumed attempt to ask for my attention. As much as I wanted to finish this meal, I cannot ignore that person. I shall have to cease eating for this particular moment, then.

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“What is the matter?” I lifted up my hand to whoever that person was.

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The red-haired lady was sitting in front of me with her eyes closed and her mouth shut. She must be this red-haired maiden Mr. Capp was talking about yesterday. Perhaps she was feeling so drowsy that she had to retire to bed. What was the matter with her?

“What is the matter?” I asked, hoping to get an answer.

“We haven’t known each other properly,” she answered. “So maybe this is the time to do it, don’t you think?”

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“Indubitably. I am Gvaudoin Tricou and I hail from SimCity. However, you shall call me Miss Tricou. What say you?”

“My name’s…Coral Oldie,” she talked extremely slowly, as if she was feeling drowsy. Perhaps I must inform her of her speech pattern. “And I…come from…Pleasantview,… where I…live with…my husband.”

“Ah, I see. From what I have observed from your speech pattern, it appears that you actually yearn to retire to bed. Am I not correct?”

“Of course. If you don’t mind, I should head to bed right now.”

“I shall not prevent you from retiring.”

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Sunrise befell after the conversation with Mrs. Oldie, so I took a bath. Afterwards, I felt myself famished. But there was not any food available, so I had to prepare my own. These pastries were quite exquisite to my tastes. Also, the others should also be able to indulge in such fine food.

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I was blessed by even more luck when I discovered that the piano was not being used at the moment. I shall take my chances to play such melodious music with my fingers. All who hear must learn to appreciate its graceful tunes.


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Playing the piano meant that my fingers had to go weary. Nevertheless, it was a moment of joy and peace to my soul. Sadly, all good thing must come to a seemingly abrupt end. Fortunately, eating a sandwich seemed to sate my appetite and make up what I had lost a short moment ago.

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After my lunch, I felt the desire to converse with someone in regards to this hover. Perhaps Mrs. Oldie shall be a good target. After all, I wanted to know more about how she regained her youth.

“Mrs. Oldie,” I said, “May I ask more of you? We had been in this hovel for a significant amount of time, so we should be more aware of its surroundings, do we not?”

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“I’m definitely ready to talk with you,” she replied. How fantastic! “So, what’s up?”

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Upon hearing those words, I immediately spoke out. “Have you encountered any peculiarities in this hovel? I saw many of these people behaving rather oddly these days. What say you?”

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“I would say some of us do act peculiar,” she crossed her arms with a stern expression on her face. “Just look at Ji-I mean, Miss Smith, the blonde lady in blue. She first said she was worried about the piano, but she ended up playing it like crazy. By the way, why are you asking me this?”

She was talking about the blonde lady whom I had seen playing the piano? That made sense, then. However, her demand that I tell her about my investigation was a matter of concern. Should I tell the truth or not? I cannot bear to let her turn against me in that matter. Perhaps I shall cover it up. “Yes, I noticed that as well. I was really curious on whether other people around here are keenly aware of their surroundings. It would be a grave shame if one takes no notice of the events around them. However, I had to go the lavatory this instance, if you do not mind.”

“Suit yourself, then.”

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Oh, my! The lavatory was literally drenched with water everywhere on the floor! I shall have to mop this entire.

As I mopped the puddles, I began to ponder on what Mrs. Oldie said a while ago in regards to this house. Was it really true that no matter how hard everyone plays the piano, everyone would cover their ears thinking that it is a horrible dirge? I certainly hoped that such would not be the case if one plays for a prolonged time. I certainly would love to try it afterwards. I was also relieved that the trick against Mrs. Oldie worked after all.

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This shall be my opportunity to try it out once more. Oh, how I wished it were much easier.


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I thought I played well, and I was sincerely certain of it. But as I ate my dinner, a thought struck me: How did anyone else noticed this? And what would their reactions be? This should probably stay a baffling mystery for now.

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After washing the bowl, I walked into the sleeping quarters. By the time I reached inside, however, I faced the sad fact that all of them were being slept on at the moment.

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It cannot be! Where else could I retire to if the beds were already occupied? Why is fate being cruel to us all? Will there be any hope for rescue from this hovel?

All I could do at the moment was to sob to near-despair. The thought of all this had proven to be too much for my weary soul.

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Regardless of the situation, I must persevere and not succumb to complete despair. A warm bath should allow my worries wash away, hopefully to oblivion.

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The bath felt quite comforting, but it did nothing to alleviate my energy. I must retire when given the opportunity to do so lest I faint abruptly.

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Apparently, the option of retiring was unavailable at the moment, so I had to eat a bowl of macaroni and cheese for supper instead. Such a meal did me well, though.

As I was eating in peace, I thought I heard someone calling me.

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I lifted my head up to see Mr. Capp right in front of my presence. What business did he wanted to attend to?

“What have you been up to these days?” he stated. “Come on; don’t be shy. I won’t hurt you at all, I promise.”

I took a deep sigh of relief to see how much of a gentleman he was. I reckoned he had learned his lesson a few days ago. “Do you notice any oddities around this hovel we have been staying for a few days? I have seen such things in the form of the insolence of certain people among us.”

“Any odd things? I got a phone call from someone claiming to be the actual bus driver whose bus got stolen. He even said that the driver who left us here is actually an impostor. Sorry that I forgot to mention it earlier. Oh, and by the way, do you still remember what I told you about Mrs. Oldie?”

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That part about Mrs. Oldie? I had forgotten about it! I must exercise caution around her no matter the situation as well as collaborate with Mr. Capp in regards to her. Who knows if she harbors ill intentions?

“I had forgotten most of that, but I am very delighted that you have reminded me. The information is very much appreciated. Now, what can we do to investigate the people around us further? And how did you acquire the knowledge about the valet and the supposed charlatan?”

“The real driver called me the first day we came here. He said he might try getting us out of here in no time. Things sure are getting creepier than I first thought.”

“Say, have you ever harbored any doubts in regards to our eventual rescue? There are times that I despaired.”

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“Doubts? I don’t think so. I still believe that there will be rescue will eventually come, so I’m not keeping my hopes down. Why do you doubt, by the way? I don’t think there’s a reason to doubt.”


“Er, hello?”

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*gasp* “Where am I?”

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It appeared that I had fainted on my very own food. What a humiliating experience! I shall have to finish my meal in haste. On the other hand, I heard the piano being played. It was rather strange that it sounded melodic this time. Perhaps whoever was playing it had practiced well and thoroughly. I must say that I should feel impressed, but given my urgent need to retire, I desired peace and quiet for the time being.

As I was eating, I thought I heard someone calling me.

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As I lifted my head, I saw Miss Matlapin sitting right in front of me. What did she wanted from me this time?

“You seem unusually calm and confident as you eat your meal, and that made me wonder what’s going on with you lately. Also, can you keep a secret for both of us? I don’t want to be rude; in fact, I just want to help you out. After all, that’s what friends are for, right?”

“Indeed, Miss Matlapin,” I replied. “I am currently feeling drowsy, but it shall not be a more problematic burden. Rest assured that I can stand this. And what secret do you speak of?”

“The secret I’m telling you is about our former deaths. I mean, people would think we’re freaks or something if they know we used to be dead. Also, you look and sound like you really need help. Can I help with you on anything?”

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I closed my eyes for a moment on what had been pestering me for now. All I could think of was my desperate need to retire as hastily as possible and how the blasted music and the absence vacant beds eliminated my opportunities. However, I found myself unable to speak them out as clearly as I desired to. I shall have to do my very best, then. On the other hand, her insistence on concealing our former deaths from the rest sounded ideal to my current state of being.

“My current concerns for the moment could be taken care of in earnest, so preoccupy not about my current situation. In addition to that, safeguarding our secrets regarding our deaths is a brilliant idea.”

“Well, are you sure about that?”

“I… I…”

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“I am actually not well in the slightest bit!” I sobbed loudly as I could no longer contain my sorrows, let alone safeguard secrets from exposure. I had no choice but to show her how much of a wreck I was. “I would appreciate a silent, solitary place to retire, but the music of the piano kept preventing me from finding a suitable place. Even worse still, all the beds in the sleeping quarters were occupied. I apologize for concealing the truth about me because I felt I could take care of myself, but I faced the horrible reality that everything is beyond my control.”

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After I stopped sobbing, I looked up and saw Miss Matlapin carrying our empty bowls. How generous of her! Oh, how could I ever repay her generosity.

“Don’t worry,” she said as she carried the bowls off to be washed. “I’ll take care of this once I’m done cleaning up these bowls, so try relieving yourself by drinking a few cups of coffee. Oh, and remember our secrets.”

“Thank… you for… your help,” I spoke up as best as I could. “You are a trustworthy friend, and I admire your generosity. In return, I shall do my best to safeguard our secrets.”

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Ah, this coffee tasted quite lovely, even if it was very much unlike the Turkish coffee I often had back in SimCity. The aroma was still pleasing, and the taste was exotic. Oh, how I missed savoring the rich aroma of Turkish coffee!

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Unfortunately, the coffee did nothing to alleviate my state of mind. I shall have to enter the sleeping quarters in the hopes of finding a vacant bed to retire.

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I was very fortunate to discover that the sleeping quarters had one vacant bed I could retire by the time I finished drinking coffee. Apparently, several people were still asleep, and I shall not disturb them lest they frown on my disruptive behavior.


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Being abed had been one of the most pleasant moments in this hovel, for it gave me much needed time to relieve myself from the hustle and bustle of this hovel. However, it was perhaps plausible for me to walk out of this hovel and appreciate the outdoors. After all, I felt myself in desperate need of clean, fresh air.

As I stepped outside into the wild, I discovered a newspaper lying on the ground. I wondered how it could possibly appear here. Perhaps this was a sign that someone must be around here somewhere. I shall have to read it inside.

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As I read through the newspaper, I felt that there was not a single thing noteworthy for me to delve into. Its entire contents were nothing worthy of my attention. I had wasted so much precious time reading such rubbish that I had to dispose of this blasted newspaper.

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A mundane yet satisfying meal of sandwiches shall let me overcome the current state of my mind. I was in need of peace and quiet, and eating something must help me with it.

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Upon finishing my meal, I rode on the gyroscope yet again. As I was done, however, I found my bowels aching to the point that I knelt down in front of the gyroscope and hurled all of its contents to the floor. I must learn how to be prudent whenever I use something I had never use before.

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My body was in a state of mess afterwards, but a lovely bathed soothed me. However, the tub appeared so horrendous that I had to give it a good scrubbing in order to clear it from all that grime.

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I was in desperate need of clean, fresh air, as the air in the hovel had gone too foul for my liking. As soon as I stepped outside, I felt a soothing breeze overtaking me.

Once I stepped outside, I was immediately approached by the blonde lady. “Miss… ummm…” she attempted to ask me. What was her main intention to approach me in a manner most shocking to me?

“Tricou,” I interjected.

“Well, what brings you here?”

“I came here because the air inside that hovel was odious beyond my imagination.”

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“Hi,” she spoke all of a sudden. “My name’s Jill Smith, but judging from the way you speak, you can just call me Miss Smith. I’m so glad that you agree with me about that awful house.”

“Indubitably,” I was delighted to find discover someone who concurred with me on the hovel itself. “My, that hovel has quite a foul stench, does it not?”

“Of course. You know, do you happen to find anything unusual about the house?”

“The only thing amiss about this house was the insolence of certain people in here.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about. What I’m talking about was anything peculiar, as if it was there already.”

I immediately froze upon hearing those words. It echoed what Mr. Capp had cautioned me. I must heed my surroundings inside this hovel, then.

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As I was eating a sandwich an hour after my conversation with Miss Smith, a stream of thoughts started to race around my head. What if she and Mr. Capp were right after all? What if the piano was part of it as well? Perhaps I should have investigated about it upon my arrival here.

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I shall commence my investigation tomorrow. I felt too weary to do anything else of great value today.


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Before I could retire properly, I felt myself in desperate need of supper. I must find something to eat before I retire in style.

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What was this peculiar red… thing in the kitchen? It shook constantly, but never stumbled. Perhaps it has an innate flexibility I may never know. I took a small plate and tasted it as well. How peculiar. I never tasted such a treat before. I shall have to try this again, perhaps tomorrow or several days later.

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My, what a tiring day I had! That supper was very peculiar to my tastes, but satiating as well. I shall have to retire in an instant, then.


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Author’s Note: Well, this marks the end of Chapter 1. It was quite tough writing out all this stuff, but fun and rewarding as well. In fact, the reason I write it like this is because I want to think of a whole new different way to document an asylum. I know this sounds weird, but I hope this all goes well.

One thing about Gvaudoin’s speech was that I originally intended to make her talk like someone from the 19th Century, but I had no clue on how to write like that, so I ended up writing her as if she talks like some sophisticated upper-class socialite or Patrick gone smart in a SpongeBob SquarePants episode.

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So far, my score by the end of Day 5 would be calculated below. I know it’s too early, but I want to keep it as a reference.

Starting points: +100

Haven’t used influence: +20

Household friends: +1

Days passed: -5

Total so far: 116

Not bad, I guess, but I definitely can’t wait until I’m done so that I can find the exact amount of scores by the end.

Anyway, Happy Simming!
