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LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo

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  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Contracting Authority: European Union Office to Kosovo1

    Instrument for Pre-Accession 2011

    rant App!ication "orm

    #u$get !ine: BGUE-B2012-22.020200-C1-ELARG DELKOS


    Deadline for su!ission of conce"# no#es and a""lica#ions:

    $ %une 2012& 1':00 (CE)*

    +or econo!ical and ecolo,ical reasons& e s#ron,l reco!!end #/a# ou su!i# our files on "a"er-

    ased !a#erials (no "las#ic folder or diider*. e also su,,es# ou use doule-sided "rin#-ou#s as !uc/ as


    )i#le of #/e ac#ion: Integrated support and care for elderly and PWDs in Kosovo:pilot action towards the transition to Community-based services

    u!er and #i#le of lo#Lot ! Provision of care services for elderly persons and in houseservice for adults with disabilities

    Loca#ion(s* of #/e



    "egions! #unicipalities:Pristina &Ferizaj

    a!e of #/e a""lican#$andiK%&- Association of Paraplegics and Paralyzed Children ofKosovo

    a#ionali# of #/e



    Dossier o

    (for official use onl*

    1USCR 12$$2+or or,anisa#ions& #/e s#a#u#es !us# !a3e i# "ossile #o ascer#ain #/a# #/e or,anisa#ion as se# u"

    an ac# ,oerned #/e na#ional la of #/e coun#r concerned. 4n #/is res"ec#& an le,al en#i#

    /ose s#a#u#es /ae een es#alis/ed in ano#/er coun#r canno# e considered an eli,ile localor,anisa#ion. 4n #/is res"ec#& see also foo#no#es of #/e Guidelines of #/e call.

    5a,e 1 of 67

    5a,e 1 of 67Anne8 A 9 Gran# A""lica#ion for!


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Euro"eAid 4D; EuropeAid!"#-$!"%AC'K

    On,oin, con#rac#Le,al En#i# +ile

    Lu!er (if aailale*$(A

    Le,al s#a#us< %ocal (on )overn*ental +rganization ,()+

    5ar#ner(s*' Fa*ily and Childcare Centre ,K.+P

    A""lican#>s con#ac# de#ails for #/e "ur"ose of #/is ac#ion

    Posta! a$$ress: /ardania 01 la*2/-#3 Prishtin4

    +e!ephone numer:(fi8ed and !oile* Coun#r

    code ? ci# code ? nu!er

    el5 6"7 $"7 807 "#1

    .ob5 6"11 00 !"1 $$#

    "a. numer:Coun#r code ? ci# code ? nu!er 6"7! "7 807 "#1

    Contact person for this action: Afri*.ali9i

    Contact person/s emai!:



    A$$ress: /ardania 01 la*2/-#3 Prishtin4

    esite of the Organisation: www2handi-;os2org

    Any change in the a$$resses phone numers fa. numers an$ in particu!ar e-mai! must e

    notifie$ in riting to the Contracting Authority3 +he Contracting Authority i!! not e he!$

    responsi!e in case it cannot contact an app!icant3

    ; )o e inser#ed if #/e or,anisa#ion is re,is#ered in 5ADOR. )/is nu!er is alloca#ed #o an

    or,anisa#ion /ic/ re,is#ers i#s da#a in 5ADOR. +or !ore infor!a#ion and #o re,is#er& "lease

    isi# /##":ec.euro"a.eueuro"eaidonlineserices"ador.$ 4f an a""lican# /as alread si,ned a con#rac# i#/ #/e Euro"ean Co!!ission andor /as

    een infor!ed of #/e Le,al En#i# +ile nu!er. 4f nei#/er of #/is a""l& indica#e @[email protected] e8"erience of si!ilar ac#ions ;2

    2 +he app!icant 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333''2.1. 4den#i#

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo




    itle of the action5Integrated support and care for elderly and PWDs in Kosovo: pilot actiontowards the transition to Community-based services

    %ot5 - Lot 0- Lot

    %ocation,s of theaction5

    Pristina3 Ferizaj - Kosovo

    otal duration of theaction ,months5

    #0 ,contribution

    EUR ~380.000 (Budget 400.000)

    +bjectives of the action %verall ob2ective: o support decentralization of social sector governance and topro*ote and facilitate the licensing of C

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    8)Establish referral syste* and support and strengthen the capacities3 coordination andcooperation a*ong the local *edical care personnel and other relevant services

    9) +rganize a study visit to )reece


    132313 9e!evance to the oectives%sectors%themes%specific priorities of the ca!! forproposa!s

    andiK+< and K.+P based on their etensive eperience and proven bac;ground in wor;ing withpersons with disabilities ,P?/s and elderly persons are proposing a project3 which will contribute tothe wellbeing3 e*power*ent and social integration of elderly persons and P?/s in Kosovo2 heproject3 when successful will also establish a *ore syste*atic cooperation between local authoritiesand civil society organizations ,C

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    *onitoring of these laws have turned out to be insufficient and inconsistent and not only are the lawsnot properly enforced3 but citizens in general have very li*ited ;nowledge of their rights and theservices they are entitled to and the procedures when applying for state benefits can be lengthy andoverwhel*ing for *any2 Further*ore in order to *a;e the eisting legal provisions *eaningful andsustainable3 it is i*perative to also begin discussing and drafting laws on personal assistants andproviding support for the e9uip*ent necessary for P?/s2 he eisting legal fra*ewor; protecting theelderly in Kosovo is e9ually li*ited and at the *o*ent persons who have never been e*ployedreceive a *onthly pension worth of 0$ Euros3 whereas people who have been in e*ploy*ent receive

    18-7$ Euros3 hardly enough3 in either case3 to cover the rising *edical and *aterial needs of theelderly

    ence this proposed action is designed to identify and assist the *ost vulnerable groups of elderlypersons and P?/s with co*prehensive support services3 addressing the different physical3 *entaland social barriers that prevent the* fro* being e9ual3 active and independent fa*ily and co**unity*e*bers2 o sustain the efforts and to enhance local ownership3 the action will be i*ple*ented inclose coordination with *unicipal authorities and local service providers3 whilst engaging with differentsta;eholders and C

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    local Pensioners< Clubsand with &yndicate of Pensioners3 with the on-going Independent LivingCentre=project *anaged by andiK+nited (ations /evelop*entProgra* on the upco*ing +mpowering Persons with Disabilities=initiative wor;ing with local policyi*ple*entation and job creation and finally co*ple*enting efforts achieved through projects such asKosovo &ocial &ervices Decentrali=ation Pro2ect3 *anaged and i*ple*ented by /F/2

    1323&3 8escrie an$ $efine the target groups an$ fina! eneficiaries their nee$s an$

    constraints an$ ho the action i!! a$$ress these nee$s

    The primary target groups and final beneficiaries of the proposed action are PWDs and elderlypersons and their families. he action will supportadults with disabilities and the elderly in leadinge9ual3 healthy and independent lives3 by addressing different for*s of deprivation3 which the currentlocal services are unable to capture and tac;le and by supporting fa*ily-*e*bers and caregivers intheir de*anding roles2

    P?/s in Kosovo are considered to be the *ost *arginalized and vulnerable group of people3 havingvery few persons with disabilities enrolled in education or included in the labour *ar;ets2 he lawsprotecting the rights and needs of P?/s are chronically falling short of i*ple*entation and currentlyadults with disabilities receive only around 08 Euros a *onth3 a pension that is however calculated tocover all different *aterial and *edical needs2 +ften unable to find suitable wor; and re9uiring closerelatives to assist financially and with daily activities3 other fa*ily *e*bers as well tend to suffer fro*different stress-related physical and e*otional illnesses and have little ti*e to wor; and support

    econo*ically the rest of the fa*ily2

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    *unicipalities to plan and allocate their resources *ore efficiently2

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo



    +o e sumitte$ y a!! app!icants

    +or econo!ical and ecolo,ical reasons& e s#ron,l reco!!end #/a# ou su!i# our files on "a"er-

    ased !a#erials (no "las#ic folder or diider*. e also su,,es# ou use doule-sided "rin#-ou#s as !uc/

    as "ossile


    9eference of the Ca!! for



    +it!e of the Ca!! for Proposa!s Provision of

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo




    7)/e ealua#ion co!!i##ee ill refer #o infor!a#ion alread "roided in #/e Conce"# o#e as

    re,ards oHec#ies and releance of #/e ac#ion.Anne8 A 9 Gran# A""lica#ion for!


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    >ustification of the udget for the 'ction 'llCosts Clarification of the budget items0

    0) $uman "esources

    !2! Project Personnel

    !2!2! Project .anager - andiK+< Project .anager will be responsible of theoverall i*ple*entation of the project3

    contractual obligations and reporting tothe E> +ffice

    !2!2#2Project Assistant for Pristina - andiK+< Project Assistant will assist the*anage*ent and be in charge of the fieldi*ple*entation and follow-up of projectactivities in Pristina

    !2!2"2Project Assistant for Ferizaj - andiK+< Project Assistant will assist the*anage*ent and be in charge of the fieldi*ple*entation and follow-up of projectactivities in Ferizaj

    !2!20 Ad*inistrative logistic support - andiK+< Ad*inistrativelogistic is needed fori*ple*enting and *onitoring thead*inlogistic aspects of the projectactivities

    !2!282Financial +fficer - andiK+< he Financial +fficer is needed for the*onitoring of the financial aspects of theproject activties

    !2!22Public nfor*ation +fficer 8$L - andiK+< he Public nfor*ation +fficer is neededfor *ediapublic relations duties3 issuingpress releases and web sitesocial *edia*aintenanceupdates2

    !2!2! Project .anager - K.+P he Project .anager will be providingoverall supervision for the properi*ple*entation of the activities K.+P ispri*arily in charge of

    !2!2#2Project Assistant - K.+P 8$L he Project Assistant will be responsibleof follow up of K.+P activities

    !2!2#2rainer - K.+P rainer is needed to deliver the plannedtraining to the project and local staff on

    the new elderly service *odules ,transferof epertise

    !2!2#2Iesearcher - K.+P Iesearcher is needed for reviewanalysisand develop*ent tas;s when designingthe elderly service *ethodologies

    !2# /ay Care Center Personnel B # Centres

    !2#2! Coordinator ,for elderly services&ho*e-based services B ! percentre

    he coordinators will be responsible ofoverall service delivery and coordinationwithin the centres

    Anne8 A 9 Gran# A""lica#ion for!


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo



  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    )reece - Kosovo - )reece ,rainer

    Please see the clarification on per die*s

    #2# %ocal transportation

    Subtotal Travel

    5) +Auipment and supplies8

    "28 +ther ,please specify

    Subtotal Equipment and supplies 'll

    6) Local office 02! Nehicle costs

    02!2! M Nehicle *aintenance and fuel B ! Nehicle he M re9uires a vehicle for *onitoringthe i*ple*entation of project activities

    02!2# Nehicle *aintenance and fuel B # Centre Nehicles he centres need the vehicles fori*ple*entation of project activities

    02" Consu*ables - office supplies

    02"2! ead9uarters +ffice supplies are needed to properly runthe M +ffice and to cover all theactivities related to the coordination3i*ple*entation3 *onitoring and reportingof the project activities

    02"2# /ay Care Centre B# centres +ffice supplies are needed to properly runthe centres and to cover all the activitiesrelated to the coordination3i*ple*entation3 and reporting to the M

    020 +ther services ,telfa3 electricityheating3 *aintenance

    0202! ead9uarters he utilities include all costs related totelfainternet3 electricityheating3*aintenance and security needed for theactivities concerning coordination3i*ple*entation3 *onitoring and reportingof the project activities2

    0202# /ay Care Centre B# centres he utilities include all costs related totelfainternet3 electricityheating3*aintenance and security needed for theactivities related to the coordination3

    i*ple*entation and reporting of theproject activities to M

    Subtotal ocal office

    ,) %ther costs; services9

    82! Publications

    82!2! Project brochuresleaflets Project brochuresleaflets are part of ?P dedicated to disse*ination3 awarenessraising and networ;ing

    Anne8 A 9 Gran# A""lica#ion for!


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo



  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    7) %ther

    2! Iecreational activities

    2!2! +utings BPristina & Ferisaj +utings are part of the recreationalactivities provided for the elderly andP?/s and are planned to be organizedtwice a year per *unicipality3 ta;ing thebeneficiaries for short day trips outsidethe *unicipalities

    2!2# n-centre Activities B# centres .aterial needed for the activitiesi*ple*ented in the /ay Care Centres

    2# .edical services

    2#2! .onthly /rop-in Centre B! doctor per *unicipality /octor will be holding a *onthly drop incentre ,h per day in both *unicipalities-elderly services

    2"2 o*e visits

    2"2! ransportation B# centres ransportation is needed to organizeho*e-visits


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo



    Anne8 A 9 Gran# A""lica#ion for!


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo



    8escription ;ma. 15 pagespon co*pletion the project will havealso supported local civil society actors3 service providers and authorities in *ultiplying3 *aintainingand finally incorporating si*ilar services into the regular service provision structures of *unicipalities2

    n order to reach the specific objective of the project3 ($+ .I"&( (W% "+&/L(&,- the establish*ent

    and operation of /ay Care Centreho*e-based services are developed to design and deliverservices that will i*prove the well-being and social integration of elderly persons3 P?/s and theirfa*ily *e*bers and caregivers ,coverage and qualt!"3 whereas ($+ ($I"D "+&/L(is developedspecifically to scale up the first two results of the action beyond the intervention3 to build localownership and to ensure the continuity of the services ,sustana#lt!" through engaging with andbuilding the capacities of services providers3 C

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    "IDI* ($+ 'P I* &%CI'L &+"IC+ P"%I&I%*

    he following wor; pac;ages will be addressing the gap in the local social service delivery3 designing3testing and finally introducing support and services that are currently not accessible or available for theelderly persons and P?/s living in Kosovo2

    n the fra*e of this wor; pac;age3 K.+P will firstly transfer its epertise with regards to the elderlyand andiK+ practices and standards in providing co**unity basedservices to elderly and P?/s conducted together with a situational analysisof available services forthese groups in Kosovo2 nfor*ation gathered at this initial stage will feed directly the design of o*eDased and /ay Care epertise fro* the side of K.+P2

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    successfully in their roles2 After analysing the feedbac; andiK+< and K.+P3 together with theproject tea*3 will identify the strengths3 gaps and shortco*ings of the pilot operations and thedesigned services will be thereafter adjusted to correspond to the feedbac;2

    ?or; under the second wor; pac;age brea;s down to the following activitiesand planned outputs5

    'ctivity )0: dentify and include five elderly persons and five P?/s per *unicipality into the pilotoperations 3month 54- i*ple*ented by andiK+< as per P?/s and K.+P as per elderly

    - %utput 0:%ist of end-users testing the services !$ elderly & !$ P?/s

    - %utput :en individual service plans for the elderly

    - %utput 5:en individual service plans for P?/s

    'ctivity )5 est the service pac;ages for elderly and P?/s 3month 64 - i*ple*ented by andiK+ partner will be responsible for the organisation of the study visit that will be carriedout in )reece2 ?hile K.+P has a wide networ; of collaborators both in )reece and across E> thatwill facilitate the choice of locations and institutions to which the study visits will be organised ,apartfro* K.+PJs own progra*s and facilities3 the specifics will be deter*ined during the preparatoryphase of the visit2 Participants will have the chance to visit not only K.+PJs facilities offeringco**unity-based services ,/ay Care Centre3 progra*s for elderly3 etc3 but also a range ofinstitutions and organisations showcasing epertise in the fields of interest2


    he study-tour is epected to be prepared and conducted during the first *onths of i*ple*entationafter the staff has been recruited and trained and before the pilot operation of the designed servicepac;ages ,*onth "

    P'"(ICIP'*(& '*D D/"'(I%*

    he study tour will attend up to participants ,# centre coordinators3 ! project staff fro* both servicesand # representatives of andiK+

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    - %utput 0: Project wor; plan and strategy regularly updated to ensure that it accuratelyreflects the local needs and is adapted to any new develop*ent2

    'ctivity 9):

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    solutions3 i*proving coordination and coherence with si*ilar activities3 services and projects through*unicipal coordination *eetings and by staying in close co**unication with .%

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    I*(+"*'(I%*'L D%*%"&

    nternational donors have a strong presence in Kosovo and ;ey role in supporting the efforts to scaleup social service delivery syste*s in the fra*ewor; of ongoing decentralisation process and theinstitutionalisation of licensing for social and co**unity-based service providers2 Doth partners havestrong lin;s with international sta;eholders ,e2g2 >(3 )3 >

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    /ay Care CentreCoordinator

    +ffice is ac;nowledged as the *ain donor in all reports3 publications ,e2g2 newsletters3 flyers3service *anuals3 internet publications and updates3 etc and with co**unication with the *edia2 as well as of andiK+< and K.+P2 E>Js role as a donorwill also be *ade visible in the /ay Care Centres3 de*onstrating to the end-users and the co**unityat large the involve*ent and support of E> to the project2 %astly3 throughout the i*ple*entation of?or; Pac;age whilst raising awareness and disse*inating infor*ation on the project and itsachieve*ents3 the vital role E> has played in identifying the need to introduce new services for theelderly persons will be ac;nowledged and pro*oted2

    Anne8 A 9 Gran# A""lica#ion for!


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    8uration an$ in$icative action p!an for imp!ementing the action ;ma. 5 pages< /ollars andiK+<

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4

    Kosovo !8 7 Euro andiK+<

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Pro2ect title: Physic andpsychotherapeutic rehabilitation ofchildren and youth with disabilities

    Dasic health careDasic health infrastructure

    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4

    Kosovo-/renas3.alisheva and

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    %b2ectives and results of the action%b2ectives:

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo



    $$ Euro andiK+<

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4


    #!# 7 Euro andiK+< E*bassy ofFinland inPrishtina

    #!# 7 Euro Oanuary =/ece*ber #$!$

    %b2ectives and results of the action%b2ectives:

    Active participation including the interests of P?/ during the process of creating new policies and

    strengthening self-representation

    Ensuring3 upgrading and sustaining service provision for P?/

    Econo*ical independence of P?/2

    "esults of the action:

    CDI- services provided in the CDI Centres

    )overn*ent support and recognition of CDI services for people with disabilities2

    he needs of children with disabilities related to the CDI services will be fulfilled and the situation of

    people with disabilities related to their hu*an rights will be i*proved2

    Pro2ect title:Free environ*ent - societyfor all

    u*an rightsinfrastructure

    Anne8 A 9 Gran# A""lica#ion for!


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4

    Kosovo #$# 1!218 Euro andiK+< EuropeanCo**ission

    #$# 1!218 Euro Oanuary #$!$ = Ouly #$!!

    %b2ectives and results of the action%b2ectives:

    .apping the barriers and obstacles and producing guideline for the reference on infrastructureaccessibility for each *unicipality2

    Pro*oting accessibility as hu*an rights issue for people with disabilities to the local and central

    govern*ent authorities@

    nfluencing and addressing needs to the local govern*ent for i*ple*entation of the law and by- law

    regulation on accessibility adopted by the Kosovo Parlia*ent2

    Pro*oting >( convention for rights of people with disabilities and increasing ;nowledge to the central

    and local govern*ent focusing especially in the rights for accessibility2

    Ensuring the sustainability of the project after its i*ple*entation phase2

    "esults of the action:

    ncreased awareness within the local and central govern*ent about the needs as the right for

    accessibility of the people with disabilities2

    Awareness and increasing ;nowledge of the /P+Js about the rights of people with disabilities2

    *prove*ent in the infrastructure in general and particularly in *a;ing accessible building = one for

    each *unicipality2

    ncreased awareness within local and central govern*ental level concerning the i*portance of the

    rights of people with disabilities on accessibility2

    Iising awareness within the entire society about the i*portance of accessibility for all2

    Anne8 A 9 Gran# A""lica#ion for!


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Pro2ect title:/isability as issue of hu*an rights

    u*an rightsealth Policy

    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4


    "$ 7!# >< /ollars andiK+<

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    %b2ectives and results of the action%b2ectives:

    G *pact on initiating the drafting of the law on personal assistance and care@G *pact on changing the eisting laws and issuing regulations for their i*ple*entation

    "esults:G .inistry of

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    %b2ectives and results of the action%b2ectives:

    %obbying and advocating foradvancing the rights of people with disabilities in *unicipality of


    nfluencing the i*ple*entation of the law on professional rehabilitation and e*ploy*ent of people with


    ncreasing of professional abilities of P?/2


    he needs of people with disabilities in *unicipality of Fush4Kosova will be fulfilled and the situation of

    people with disabilities related to their hu*an rights will be i*proved2

    Pro2ect title:

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Kosovo "1 !$ Euro andiK+< +(%>< I2Dazonitaly

    "1 !$ Euro August =

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Kosovo #$ 8"7 Euro andiK+<

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Pro2ect title: Physic andpsychotherapeutic rehabilitation ofchildren and youth with disabilities Dasic health careDasic health infrastructure

    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4

    Kosovo-/renas3.alisheva and

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    %b2ectives and results of the action%b2ectives:


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo



    !0$ $$$ Euro andiK+< E*bassy ofFinland inPrishtina

    !0$ $$$ Euro Oanuary =/ece*ber #$!!

    %b2ectives and results of the action%b2ectives:

    G Active participation including the interests of P?/ during the process of creating new policies andstrengthening self-representation

    Q Ensuring3 upgrading and sustaining service provision for P?/G Econo*ical independence of P?/2

    "esults of the action: CDI- services provided in the CDI Centres

    )overn*ent support and recognition of CDI services for people with disabilities2

    he needs of children with disabilities related to the CDI services will be fulfilled and the situation of

    people with disabilities related to their hu*an rights will be i*proved2

    Pro2ect title: Pro*oting inclusiveeducation for children with special needsin pre-school level EducationDasic health care

    Anne8 A 9 Gran# A""lica#ion for!


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4


    "! 1#28$ Euro andiK+<

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Pro2ect title: Physic andPsychotherapeutic Iehabilitation ofchildren and youth with disabilities

    Dasic health careDasic health infrastructure

    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4


    "$ !"7218 Euro andiK+<

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    %b2ectives and results of the action %b2ectives:


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Pro2ect title:

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Pro2ect title:+pportunities forpsycho-socialrehabilitation andphysiotherapy forchildren withdisabilities

    Dasic health care Dasic ealth nfrastructure

    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4

    Kosovo = stog*unicipality

    07"$ Euro A(/K+< stog .unicipality 07"$ Euro Euro +ctober #$!!- February #$!#

    %b2ectives andresults of theaction:

    %b2ectives:Q *proving health and wellbeing of children with disabilities ,age !-! with physical and psychosocial rehabilitation services3 recreational

    activities3 providing assistive devices3 teaching s;ills in daily living activities and preparing children to enter regular educationattachedclasses2

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Pro2ect title:+rthopaedic =Prosthetic devices

    Dasic ealth care

    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4

    Kosovo = Peja*unicipality

    1 78 Euro A(/K+<

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    Pro2ect title:Capacity building ofpersons withdisabilities in Englishlanguage


    Location of theaction

    Cost of theaction 3+/"4

    lead manager orpartner

    Donors to theaction 3name4

    'mountcontributed 3by


    Dates 3from dd!mm!yyyy to dd!mm!yyyy4

    Kosovo = Pristina*unicipality

    #$$ Euro A(/K+-!7$"10$

    .ull legal nameFa*ily and Childcare Centre ,K.+P

    ?here the European Co**ission is the Contracting Authority5 All Partners *ust encode thisinfor*ation under their PA/+I registration2 t is not necessary to co*plete this in the paper version2

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo


    particularly focusing on co**unity based services that pro*oteindependent living of elder populations2 K.+P designed andoperated the first Centres of +pen Care for the elderly in fourlocations of the Atti;i region ,)reece3 while in *ost recent years,#$!$ = #$!!3 K.+P provided ho*e based servicesto *ore than8$$ elderly ,*ainly deprived3 dependent and disabled seniorsthroughout )reece2 avingi*ple*ented several EC funded projects

    addressing eldercare issues3 K.+P has a good ;nowledge andunderstanding of E> standards in service delivery that will beincorporated in the proposed action2

    $istory of cooperation withthe applicant

    andiK+< and K.+P share co**on principles and ground ofactivity and have cooperated closely = on a day-to-day basis -during proposal preparation bringing the *ost of each otherJscapacities and resources

    "ole and involvement inpreparing the proposedaction

    andiK+< and K.+P cooperated closely during proposalpreparation2 K.+PJs involve*ent was pri*arily focused on thedesign of the /ay Care

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo



    A "ar#ners/i" is a rela#ions/i" of sus#ance e#een #o or !ore or,anisa#ions inolin, s/ared

    res"onsiili#ies in under#a3in, #/e ac#ion funded #/e Euro"ean Union (Con#rac#in, Au#/ori#*. )o

    ensure #/a# #/e ac#ion runs s!oo#/l& #/e Con#rac#in, Au#/ori# reuires all "ar#ners #o ac3noled,e

    #/is a,reein, #o #/e "rinci"les of ,ood "ar#ners/i" "rac#ice se# ou# elo.

    1. All "ar#ners !us# /ae read #/e a""lica#ion for! and unders#ood /a# #/eir role in #/eac#ion ill e efore #/e a""lica#ion is su!i##ed #o #/e Con#rac#in, Au#/ori#.

    2. All "ar#ners !us# /ae read #/e s#andard ,ran# con#rac# and unders#ood /a# #/eir

    res"ec#ie oli,a#ions under #/e con#rac# ill e if #/e ,ran# is aarded. )/e au#/orise

    #/e lead a""lican# #o si,n #/e con#rac# i#/ #/e Con#rac#in, Au#/ori# and re"resen# #/e!

    in all dealin,s i#/ #/e Con#rac#in, Au#/ori# in #/e con#e8# of #/e ac#ion>s


    ;. )/e a""lican# !us# consul# i#/ i#s "ar#ners re,ularl and 3ee" #/e! full infor!ed of #/e

    "ro,ress of #/e ac#ion.

    $. All "ar#ners !us# receie co"ies of #/e re"or#s - narra#ie and financial - !ade #o #/e

    Con#rac#in, Au#/ori#.

  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo



    )/is sec#ion !us# e co!"le#ed for eac/ associa#ed or,anisa#ion i#/in #/e !eanin, of Sec#ion 2.1.2

    of #/e Guidelines for A""lican#s. Jou !us# !a3e as !an co"ies of #/is #ale as necessar #o crea#e

    en#ries for !ore associa#es.

    Associa#e 1

    "u!! !ega! name

    EuropeAi$ I8 numer25

    Country of 9egistration

    *ega! status2'

    Officia! a$$ress

    Contact person

    +e!ephone numer:coun#r code ? ci# code ? nu!er

    "a. numer: coun#r code ? ci# code ? nu!er

    E-mai! a$$ress

    4umer of emp!oyees

    Other re!evant resources

    E.perience of simi!ar actions in re!ation to ro!e in

    the imp!ementation of the propose$ action

    Bistory of cooperation ith the app!icant

    9o!e an$ invo!vement in preparing the propose$


    9o!e an$ invo!vement in imp!ementing the propose$


    2$)/is nu!er is aailale #o an or,anisa#ion /ic/ re,is#ers i#s da#a in 5ADOR. +or !ore

    infor!a#ion and #o re,is#er& "lease isi#


  • 7/25/2019 LOT 2_Integrated Support Services for Elderly and PWDs in Kosovo



    A8=I4I>+9A+IE 8A+A

    4ame of the App!icant $andiK%&- Association of Paraplegics and Paralyzed Children of Kosovo

    EuropeAi$ I8 numer EuropeAid!"#-$!"%AC'K

    4ationa!ity2(Country26 an$ $ate of



    *ega! Entity "i!e numer2) "!

    *ega! status2 (on )overn*ental +rganization

    Partner 1 *ame!+urope'id ID number:)I-#$$7-D)>-!7$"10$

    *ationality!Country of registration:)ree;)reece

    Legal status:(on-profit *a;ing

    #E"O9E >E48I4 @OU9 P9OPO>A* P*EA>E CBECK +BA+ EACB O" +BE "O**OI4POI4+> I> CO=P*E+E A48 9E>PEC+> +BE "O**OI4 C9I+E9IA:

    +o e fi!!e$ in ythe app!icant

    +it!e of the Proposa!: Integrated support and care for elderly and PWDs in Kosovo: pilot action towardsthe transition to Community-based services

    @es 4o

    PA9+ 1 ;A8=I4I>+9A+IE
