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Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833...

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M ij -- EX. VOLUME XXXI LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, MONDAY, JULY 8, 1861. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL KSIXtBll Ann PTBJ.19UBD BT PBSTICE, HENDERSON, & OSBORNE, HSNAL ElilLDl.'G, GSSS1 SISKSI, betwtx a third and roBiira. BrmiHiTTiom-nM- Ir. !Mivp4 Lathe city. V no La.ly, by P'H, in advance vJooi.tn y duly ft pi T rt - W ee it I y .'.'.". V. '..'.'"".".' f Oit Weekly, In rdvanc, single copy'..'..'. !'"!"'"."! In r.n.tx of five or over 1 bo UenuUii-yj- fcy mail ia reg'-ife- d Uitm at oar ng r: tms r.ruiSYTLLE JULAil ADVEKl U.ERS. B" sqnare, cMnr.;iMe unnnia ft (0 OU Q1 oo 3;in 0 IK HO (IO ii II. .ra .1 do I'M IKJ " a'jovn price. A.ivmjc.?iTi(iTi!n ii'iniieh-i.-- nt. i ill ci va'e sf; 1 tor first In anion mirent' "nr r ,;'i;".;'i nt one Ar.uo,u:cii p.,r w;- - V for name. it'!v6rtl.ira n.i i:r t, , ., A esat and srTtlrernenV "nri pat-- . f it ii trd .1 j;;,,-- .; itfh-- by the Ailvlflt.T ft- for !! r:: ii n '.- - T'.:w. tire Cupipi- - Eiin.e, ftDd otuCT vull, u c ja ch like, K1;toriHl nt and fnni:iTicRt ions, inertM in ed- - iortal co.tnnns and io i r.')nii:t private intcr-- r c?'ir pfzr tb-- e OJl; inserted &t the diecra-o- n t.h edion. N IM he anleM accem- - i fl by tiit iPii) r.r" of tho nuthor. MA!uuoar. advrvtuK-nrf.ft- W r :it? for the first Infer-lo- and ceute t.r cutiuuarjco; oacfc tljance eomidfT.'d ii now adv,,rti.'Tap;it. WU1 e cuirt;.o tin; !r,:vc fr in lj.ly COllt'IllHMi, ft'fr jVrrt iii zLq Evuu- - ri:ili.--m- , iticatwr trii-cf- A.lTn t,t o. tb ii.aiue m tbe Jonrnul are Aovr.srisi.-T- Hatf Tn WerVv Journal. Kar.h Finarp 1 iint- or Ipsj), tirvt i;t-;.:o- 10 Bth ''on'mi.H.'ue f,0 Written notic" iiinf ho irivn to tnio out nnd ;top o' v advertta-- brtore tlia rtift:' wo charw Uil dore. Nf (cvttr!cit of yearly v"f fi'l bo vitli.nt notice to u, nor will pny cuare tor iti- tii.in one rear at tVj vt arly rntc. MEDICAL. 2Fa MANHOOD. sr. Sow Losi, How Slestored, Jist PuhHthca, in a fralej Envelop, r'r:',AV,N;VrUR TKr.AT'-JW.S- , AND RADICAL otn.iai it. niiify, md liivolunrarv r.uiid-km- i, ii.dauii6- - Ij.Kteury ud MvuUl and fhyticfal Et rob. ,i. crLvirnwLU m. d. Anr..or of tl, "Njreu U ok." Ac Ibe Butuor, ia tan adrniraMe realty vrovue fro-- his own CTrinfo tlit Ibvtawtnl con ieqnf ;rc? of may be removed Hi.liout c:edici'ie wii hour daiH'yroiu o,i:it;0llBi Inst runout , rint,8, or cordi.il-- , poiiitiriK out a co.)e cf eure at one crt iiu and by which ev.ry auT!n:r, no mlcr what hi- - condi-liu- n Mny t,, ni.-.- y cum iihn It' cbeai'iv-- , pncatHv, and wv-ti-L-j- . Tine Locture will prove a Iwou w caonsauds aao tfioinRnd.-- . finiwuWr ir.al to anyaJdrp?, rcpaon there. cr p. ol t poerfltui(, bv nd lr. i;il. .). C. . D., lj;jjo,.-L'iy- Vo. k, Vost Box incincti Venereal Hospital, Kf;tal:'cJ ia the year mjO, FOlt Tit 4 (JLKK OV PRIVAT2 Dl&KA&SS. IM nauor tut cor.t'- -l r " tn-- the iuoit eminout i'i the wcnl. PON A P."-- Li i;, irom LoiiJoa and Paris Tloafl-- ' Kii, nnd f.n- tiifl twst ton of the Olncifinati YHi'Oves! 1"t17:i.I, And IV. v.. R Rnu-ldd- , late of New k'Tlc. Ta-- is .hp on!v oiik-- j In tHt) city whre a cur! of p.'irsto diepasji cji tw otialned nitiiont b o.' fcoiL-iir- o- ?$ of di.-- t. Gononli ea riired p S ti i ;ivt J in 3 to I Sn icnr in- d - ti S N, etnrped to It-- d .j"e. Sc.i.-.- d tl.ii' curi'il in 2 to S w;'k. ?; J i'i!'".P in it-- - pr.bi iry Kt.Jje nred itl 3 dir?. S' COixd-- ! f u- - in 1 to ii weeti". -ti tun J in i to s ve.'k. I'n T),or 1 Uj 4 AJi JijcH.'H a treated witii iL or frynaK i r. vrk privot di?":vi, the pilrr.r- - fnVi to , I, to all, nftl'j aiid tun ld s;;d yoiiun whouid TimJ thia mn'm. It t, ill !it by mull. Or. Pven1fe tav j hac nor irvtjr wi!) (nil mari ied too I'l'l-lt- t t h;'.r .'T'-r- '' it theb-isir- f !r. bo Ili "ii bivt-nt- i n. Piif r' tf - ti Ft. Fr Pit!iit !:.', S''. It tcr-et-- aitf ; ind n -r til to five tifn. It ! thn "lv ipJe Rfid F'Ufl ,?; .i;-- trrrnp.-- v and l".ti?-- . TH ihf- - French PAT-- uf Mai-- ' SV' Ij f t;- tict'M or;?--, Liul t;;oEii, jw--r dcca. 6e:it ;v n:!t;l. l.07.!Ria re!ia! Monthly P''l- - are a :;fo vid roli'i?lri iriiiv tor and sll tyrj:ln Ladifs (;io.:M n it the::i prvuatity, u thv wiil piod . rirv $1 per box xt a iiTit-- to ;xv ddw-ir- br nu.ih ts. 11. i R. arc Lie rn": r. , tiioy are avlf noi'. d to b" Rud and king f Te'i"r".l dipe-r- , aa i "ii" o.i'- - Oxtora who ro ive 'onchly It ( tr1,; rc:u 'tie old foi'.j: t !irth I'f'iM An fHv Oi vomi 'i to witov tl'e wn'rji vt'b t nift'jk;vJ, ri.1 to watch the jr?cr.?,t!u'ot,i:h a rarp.'T of rcieptdoDal st:tdy, in cf lb";. fi i.m t'..- - uun.fi'n &rird of poverty ' the maniionn of tl'fi weflriiv, cud having awvrtaiued beyond a doubt titc vt dnfferintj of hnmauity. thy milled t.o itlct the fjmitirr.ti p".jrm ste their ?ti,rly, s'Ld to uewtte Unir whole aU"nt!iu to the lTiatio.-- of flind;?oaerj tif th -- '!; i.Tiwrtint functio if. e Inttfre whl uniHja Uiwy coutfdn a reimt tar! or a utanjp. OaJl, or faij !bk. IJOAPAr.Ta ft o. 12 Svciucieti-e- i'lithad c'tb, ert sfde, Ciicinoali, O. 03ce hours, fl A. M. to ? H. M. f5 I 9 !:''. H O ; H ArD. D. XITJFIL, Ko. 'jJT Fourth t., nnst door to Mozart Mall, MAM'PACTrFf Kit ANS I1iPOUTF.lt OW cf ev;ry KPAU- - SWOK..S, b.:!!W. BL1S, RANNHR TAdKhS, STA VK OLA 111 and U. ft BUTTONS, 4.. All tidur prouiptiv liiltdaaJ at short notice, apa-- i d:f Chaje cf 1 inn. ry SUANI'y & CO. hiv e.C'.iated W. A. OA 7V HK.M iU their ti- - in. and p nchfLrP.1 the "tnd 3f SMilil OMfit, on ao;:h eirio of !ark.-- rtrert, b low Flojd, wh.ire t'y wi.j rond'ict the Wli( LK. PALIS and HTAIL i iU.H.iil Jf and PltonLCE biibi. O'v!. l';'!iri-rt-"d with tlu-i- boii?e tlmy have a good WAGON-- AltO, with ample accommodations for homes. wRKO'itt. nd other v .'"icl'-n- nd wouid be glad io ioe their old fiicnde. T. SHANKS, H. T. HOIU), July 13, dtf V. A. O A M.HRA ITTI. ANTLKi ATT) SA! do M 'id d..: 2 HJ d'i to:!. inoi, bar f CO (Jo; W do To;i-:- ("x do Cflii Mo; for ftU by ri35 (JASTLKMAN, ML Itlti'.i ,L, 4 CO. LNPKIK; r n ti !ia ciie, Cin. K im. Ac: cnf3 txn e.- K i 4 yki-- ai'd whol Oiive Oil, Macai'oui Vrrict iii, due : lu store atid fr u ANTHONY ZANONii gny Fi!!i it., below Main. CLAKliT W1NK3 flt. .h'heri; do Floi i.v; In no St. K,iphPT Jiirt rectiv'ti aud I'oi sale by ml .T. P. THOMPSON. UAHVI5SI1 KKGS-- 1. d. ae.i ork Hai K 1 ;i:o a rill a.;iT tutnit of Lieinijoluia, all tiztt; just rew.iVi'd a.jJ lor 1"? OUR! N RAWPON, n 3 st.. n Thirl nnd K.mrth. What i'ans 4 LARf.R td' of wi:i:' FA3 in L'toro R)ld for a. sale cut-i- r. II L it hki;n r a co , t.. :: " n M.vn and K'ver. () Vhmnd NLW YORK KAP:ilS'n store and for sa-.- by h N P i.'O-- j Setovd . Miin and R.vr. 1 LNTL't LAUD 30 kt pni.M' fn.ily Lard for 1 b' 'HHHl'IT ti SON 1 AT 4U vketa yr'.i'i" "'ofTcp by rr"l IHUHITT A-- t'N. It 25 J litiJ Rir o yri; g kkv I'i ftor? and fox s';: le AM.' W F.I ;HANN i CO. AFKS LiM:r'a cb:Ihil iron Fire and Utirplar Proof S:it , with li Ccb'.iVt-- tn;l)liin!l() 1 tck ui tliem. Id stoiw and lor tfaJe at f.Ue rii:i:ii!tuctiiivr'a nyiera by W. H. CO. rim KFSHK ' ne a ?cond-hin- d Tbrh- r for il A ch at j C. oKtlli "a. WJOWINtt MAnifNK iUNHSTONEa - Patent foi' sri:ii hmd f- ilohi- - f Chairs. aiflortmcut ft HAIU( In ntr"nd foi VLAROK fL'.II P.JUJNT si CO., id t. cn Mnin and Kiir. FS- - bM3 do birup; In rtort lid for tzlr by j 7 MARSHALL HALI'FP.T & CO. Fresh EKie Iick Water N store ana tor by J HUfiH P.RNT ft C(t., fcJIlKLLi:U Oii'N - Iih;:i UiU; aud lulled to a A d Coru :a etoi-- ana 'or esie ny AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.. Comvr of Second and stp. Jail HV.rron, Mackerel, Herring, and Bardlnee Id i rack-itfe- s aud oo retail by ni j TH p PTTT A RON. ? 1 9 for cam by J. T. J A CO., Tmrter- - t v.. Third A bLUAM b) b'ds Loverinr's Cru-hr- REFIM5P and Powdmti bufir lu ituro aud for !e by ALLLN, UOOP.R, 4 KADL!N. casl.e rice rew 1 1 anrt :2V bv mi ion. fo. iti hio CrtleO !orcA' by V jl OAttrN1'R CO lo bdgi pnme lvio Coffee U etore and for tOFirLr-- MARSHALL FAT RCRT A CO. iIDl-K Vine, ii lor eaie by J. SMITH SPL'ED, Main rt. LI!S WIKL, No?- - 6 to I?5, best quality JU Or tale b LLACt, LITH GO W. A Trdoe's Tactics. PPLY in a- e.y or tw- - , UeJ. Aiw1 L, A. 1VI woof). SUGAR- S- . 1..FlNf:( ; Biiitiuiore B Soft Crushed; K do do Povdorvd; L,rp-i- from mailboat d';-.f- , A C0. c itiV. "for tie by AND LAKH-6.W- KJ 1U BBi fT rbs, 4 SON. prime MEDICAL. West Baden Springs, Ind. rr M 1 3 cvtahUihmont hA? very roucb Improved I aniwill bo opt'n to vl?itors on th lith oi .Inne: and 1 proniiflu my old fricntla that I will do all that I cn to make them cimfoitabl. The wntrrs have prowd ttiPinelve beiifticial to a rreat ninny of the RfHir'ffd, and tiiocie ttint try them will rarly be disap- pointed in receiving Take your ticketa at Hit l,., N. A., 4 O. It. It. oiTlcfi forOrlcftns. and the buw will rail for you In th niorulnjt and tnfc" yoo to the cars, then to Orleans, then by hack to the bpriog tor Tea. Faro throu) h& 5u. TERMS OF BOAROi Per day 91 00 Per wepk 6 on Four wt'pk le WJ rtiiMi'tn bd ! LaII pneo. Uor""'3 par we'x 3 'K) fUTor tnnli-- r pa ticulars, nxjuire of .1. I. Lemon, (Times Kudd, J. II. Shro-dHr- , and iieo. WVlby. Direct til c'lrinnucicttioue to Weil liadeo Spriiiw. le'u djni Pit. ,1 A LANK. ThoEarly Physical Degeneracy or ALIERICAN PEOPLE. JU3T PUBLISHED BT DR. STONE, rhyilcin lo lt Trop Lvnf mmd nyfitnic A Treatise on tho Causea of Early Physical De- cline of American People; the Cause of Nerv- ous Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus. f3fThia worn Is nf a high moral tons, written In chaste yet thrilling laagnaK, and appl" directly to the moral conrtcio:i-np- 3 of Ai.- i- Parknts and Gt'AR-ihan- s epociiliy, scientific and reliable aids aud for cure. It wil! be sent by mall On receipt of nri'ARrM and GnARDiANSl fail not to tend and obtain thia book. riTYncNfl Mis! fail not to send and pet this book. JWLabiks! yon, too, should at once secure a copy of tnu be ok. A Word of Slomn Oonciontiou Advice to thot who will Hefloct A class of maladies prevail to a fearful pt"nt in dooming at loaet lw.nit youth of both toan arly grav. Thope dipaea are vry uudor-too- Their etrn:Ll Dianib-ntatio- or syniproma aro D hility. Relaxation, and Muracnm-o- r wasftinc and connuniption of the tis?uca of the wholn body; ehortiHv of brnatbing or hur-ri- ;i breatbinp ou iist riidinK a bill or a llieht of stairs, palpitation of the Heart; Asthma, Ilronchitia, and ore Throat; shaking of the llandt; and Lirube; aversion to and to tmyinee or study; dimnect" of i: losf ot" Memory; dizzine?e of rlie Head: Neuralgic Pain? in variojp parte of the bod ; Pam in the Hack or Ltiulw; Lumbago. lypinprfi:, or Indirection: irreculari-t- y of the Towels: deranped sections of the Kidneys and other pland of the body, as Lencourhira or Fleur Albus, A.; likewise Kpilepay, Uyettiia, and Nervous Now, in ninety-nin- caes out of every one Vundred all th- ahove-naiiif-d and a bOct of otbnrs not niimed, ae Coni'iniij'iioii of the Lnne, and thp most and wily firm of munition nf the Si final Ne.rtwi, known a Tabus Dorsals, aud Tahp.H micenteri-c- a, liHve their mni and orioin in tlireapfi8 of Pelvic Visce- ra. Ht nee thi; wmit of euccf?B on the part ot old school practice in treating symptoms only. i)r. Andrew stone. Physician to the Tror Lung and Ilvjnenic Institution, is now engaged in treating this cla-- 3 oi modern maladies wih the mo-- t fitoniehintt The treAtiu'-u- adopted by the Institution if new; It ia hacd upon wintinc principles, wi(h new discov- ered remedies, without miueral? or poioue. The taclli-tiw- s of cure are such that patient can be cured nt their hom'-a- . in any part of the country, from accurate de- scription of tiieir case, by letter, and have the medicines sent them by mail or eipi ew. Printed interrogatories will hrt foiwardfd on aojiliration. tS7"Con-uruptii- tlatarrh, and di?eaeee of the Throat cuivd a well Jit the fcmi'j's of patient ft as at the Institu- tion hi tlie Cold Medicr.ffd Itthalinff BclwiKtc Valors with inhaler, and aui pit direction tor thir aae, and hret comxpt nurn"-- ffP"PaM?nt3 arp'ying for interrant(riB or advice "iicloe rrturu stump' tow! attention. yfhe attending ph. pician will be lonnd at the In-- s itution for coMsultittion, from i A. M. to a P. M. of each dty. Sundays in the forenoon. Adrcos DR. ANDREW STONK, to te Troy Lnng and liygienic Invitation and Physirin for dieep.i-e- of the Heart, Throat, and Lnugi, 16 FnUi street, Tixy, N. Y. TO rEroALHa. BUiS. DOCTKESS STONE, Tiir. Matron of Tni iNfiTiTUTTOH. Who la throughly rend and poet'-- d in the rathology of the many atiiktive and prodtiating maKdine cf more m.'d.'rn , will devote exclusive attention to this cl's of discs?"? pt'cnlWr to hfir aex. IK"The Awen.Iing Mdicat"d Douche, a nio.it Impor- tant jwveiu ici kfmalfb. Sent by expreu-- for 5. F:maiee can consult Mr?. DnrtresB iitone confidently by Utter or pexDOimlly.' Atidref Mlirf. N. O. STONK. M. D., Matron to the oc.7dcod:y Tbot, N. Y. ? 1 5 S (E I LA IN E O I J S 3HS. F03 GOOD MATTK2SSES, UPU0L3TEP.Y WORK, WLNDOW-SUADE- OF SUPERIOR STYLE, GO TO MARCELLL'S A LENTSCH'3, JEFTFHIOM 8TREST, HOSTS eiBI, Between Third and Fourth. J PAWNING GOODS of every style and quality Ifif AWNIMiS made and put up to order. Vtr DonVt for net No. 30S.iU ETC GEORGE T. SHAW. DICK PORTER. "ROUND THE CORNER" SALOON MB IIESTMMNT, Comer Sixth Street and Court Place, OPPOSITE THE CITY COURT ROOMS, IjOviisville, Ky. ESAW Cl POH72H, Pxopriotora. MSAIS it sll hours of the day and night. Onr aupli d ftith Pith, Mtat, Poultry, and OysttTf, the be.'t in he market. Iu our Si loon are to be found iui)orted Winee, Liquors, and Cigars of the (.Tl 'iceM B' and. Solo in Kentucky for .1. J. Sandp' celebrated Cbn iirov-n- Milwankie X, XX, and XXX P.ile Cream and stock Alp; whoiwUd, in barrels and haU barrels, or hv ti:. hot tip. ( "HOFND TTIP, CORNVR." nlH hA1tf Brandies & Crawford? GRAIN" :DAZjr-Xl2- , KAVK removed to tbe new Warehouse on the cornei o idaia and First street. We will pay th highest market price for all kinds of Grain, delivered at our store or at any good chipping point on the O o river. i2S dtf RRANPFTS 4 fRAAVTORD. POWDER OF ALL qnalliea constantly on hand and fm sale oy DAVIS A 3iJi!XD, Aleuts for the Manufacturer!. IiOUiftriLL.t Sep. 3, 159. MresBS. Davis A Sptxh, AgeDts of Oriental Powder Co., Lo;ii?viile: (Astv' V'e have been nsing your El&stlng Powder and we taks pieajure in stating that we fiud it equal 1 not superior to any Powder that we hnve ever used. ARTHL'K CAMPBELL, Superintendent tor Smith A Smyser. I oordially concir in the above and chee.rfullv recom- mend it to tho public J. I). SMITH. I consider the above Powder superior to s.ny we have ever been able to obtain. H. FOSKIT. We take pleasure in recommending your Indian Orien- tal Rifle Powder a (ual if nit superior to any we have ever used, it being very cleanly aud strong. This we assei-- alter a thorough. trUL Ke?pectfi:ily youris GEORGE W. WGMACK, J. FRY LAWRENCE, 8. P. nitOWDKIt, U A. KNKASTEK, ZACHAKV 1. TAYLOR. Tdtf A Bl KNS. TOR SALS CHEAP: ONE SECONi) IIANU MUNN & CO. THRESHER, ONE &ECOND-HAN- FAN MILL: " HORSE KAKE; All in cooil order, aud will be sold low if called for d ;aU;ly at C. OKaIoUV'S, jl5 Main st. iotton Yarn and' Batting. BATS Hone Mill Cotton Yarn, Nos. 40), 500, I'W hxie No. 1 Battinv; Received and tor sale tor caph bv JAMES LOW A CO., ni25 8o and 2ln mt side Sixth st. WIRUP St. Louie and Loverlng's extra Golden Sirup J iu ku&& aud 0 retail oy niRBITT ft SON. HKKSK-E- O boxes W. R. Cheese just received per rail aud for sale by GARDNER ft CO. Wl'GAK-4- 4 hhfis prime landing Irom steamer for sale by a!7 RAWSON. TODD, ft CO. CRAR CIDER---7 bble pure Crab Cider just received for sale by JNO. F. HOWARD ft CO., n2i Main, betwetu Third and Fourth st. 1. lu ra,k? dfyv luu boxe- - Herring: In rtore and for sale by OaRnxKR CO Uutter Bucket, fitc. Z( DOZEN Butter Backets, 3 sixeii JJ uiu do P,ti do: th do bia-- ' bound Paile: 4"i do do do coverod Cnna; 3' do iron do do do; Tirrth-- with a ood of Wood and Willoi Ware, Cordage, 13 i 00 tan, iic; in tore and for mil by OlOON RAWSON, j'3 Main st. be!:weon Third aud Fourth. f"OFFt-'- 1J7 baga prime Rio reaeived by mailhoat and tor by sUl H. w. coon. NEW FISH Nos. 1, a, and a Msckrl in whole and hi If and kit: No. 1 Saln.m in bids and kit?; No 1 White. 1 i?h in half hbls: a superior article Codnh in drums- and No. 1 scaled Hcrrmg; in store and for eale by niK W. ft U. BCRKHARDT, 417 Market st. pi;i: - JLi. 4 Hercee Rice pi M do do Frerh beat; received direct from Savannah via railroad and for Rait by yi't GARDNER ft CO. 'PEA- - M. iii) rictaec; Gnnpwder and Imperial Tea; 26 b.ill chest; lea. In store aud for tale bv f.7 MARSHALL 1TATRFRT CO. TV! AILS AND HPlKECi il 5l;" keea Nails- (u do 6pikf: In ?tor ai-- d or sale by jl7 MAK3H,LL FIALPEKT ft CO. "OIO COFFEE L"? bics rr'oie Rio Coffee landtDg IV fro eteamer0 F:tnny Bullitt and E. il. Faircbiid t bv rjMl OOOD A MOODV. II GLASSES luo bbls prime N.O. Plantation fc -- tors i'i and for fml-3- WM. GAY. CPLOL- R- A loo bbls Fine Flwr 900 bbls No. 1 Extja Floor; In store and tor sale by AND'W BCCBANAN ft CO., 97 Ponir Seronrt and Wdshineton rr. JAVA COFFEE 160 mats choice oid Jav In storsj Jm?d b7 RAWSON. TODD ft CO. PRINTS 4 Turkey red Prlns: jig do Richmond utw style Prints; Received and tor sale JAMFS LOW A CO., m?9 and i.lf wfft iidfl Slirtb L. 1 and half bbU and kegs, received r mailboat and Arsalflbv ANDREW BUCHANAN OO. Comer Second and TP. TJICK-- W t'erocs prime Landing from mailboat and for tale by miJJ wuu a moodi LOUISVILLE MEDICAL. X . XX Ij Ijonisvillo MEDICAL INFIRMARY, CONDUCTED ON THE PLAN OF TITR HOSPITAL DBS VENER1KN8, PAKIS, WIIKRR those affilrtM with any form oi Trivate Disease can receive N prompt trftsitment wit hout or exposure, vijs: Syphilia Gonorrhea, Olewt, Bfricturea, LIcers, 1 mors. Cancers, Secondary, and Constitu- tional Ayphlj') l'laj-e- of the Kid- neys, etc. By this system it is roved that thevenerial complaint E as entirely undT th control of medicine a i a common cold or simple lever: and, while insufficient persons are daili sending away their patient In hopolepneKa, and giving them up only from their own incompetency, complete and per anent cured are toustantly being effected at this luiirmaiv. YOL'NO MKN, TAKP: PARTICULAR NOTICE.-- Dr. H. devotee much of his time to the trcitmeut of thoee caes CAU?ed by a secret habit which ruins b"th body and mind, unfitting thn uu fortunate individual for either business or societv. The sad effect of theso early hnbite, or fheoxcep?of ri pur years, are to weaken and debilitate the constitution, destroy the phyeicaf aud mental powers, diminish and enfeeble tho natural and exhaust tho vital energies of matihood; tlie of lib are marred, the object of marriage flea-'ure- nnd existence, itself rendered a term of unceas- ing misery and regret. Such persons, epuclally thoe contemplating marriage, should lote no time iu making immediate application, a Dr. H., by lii new treatment, ia enabled to iritmre a speedy and permanent cure. DK. HALL'S AMERICAN PKlilOIUCAL PILLS. No article of medicine intended for the exclusive use of females has ever j et been introduced that has civen such nniverwil satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills. They can le relied on in all caaee of Otwtrnc-tiou- Irrt tnUritiee, Ac., aa a sure and safe remedy. Price, r mail, .$i aud one postage stamp. Patients living at a disxance can be cured at bom by sending description of their disease and inclosing a stamp Medicine sent to any address. I WOrtice No. llti Jeffereon street, between First and Second. Othce open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. dJ4dtf L. nLU M. D. GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, Chartered by the legislature of Ey. For the ( are of all Trirato diseases. Containing TEZIRl'Y fine Plate and h'nvravinvi 0 the AnatcrAV and Physiology rf the BcsnuU in a &'xUe 0 Eealih and Disease. PRICE ONLY TEN CBNTS. V3ent free of postage to all parts of the Dnlon.jsj ON A NKW METHOD of twit-In- g tirphjli. Gonorrhea, Stric- tures. Clnet, Sexual Debility, Female Diseases, and all Hlecions of the reproductive If of both aexes, Ihe lofirtnittes of youth aud maturity arising ijN.ui.' :jt '. a.;; irfra tn secret tciu.-- 01 both jvi)h i.il1. . xeK, a full ou A t AND SEMINAL . k$ W HARNESS, its deplorablo con- - ,? n y' ? wiueuce nynn ine mmi ana V'i'V ' pointinK Out tht suthor's - jiIa'j of treatment, the ODty ra- tional and succrissnil mode of cure, as shown by the re- port of rases treatrd. A tnithf.il adviser to the marriM and those contemplative marriage who enteitain doubts of their physical condition. Sunt to an v address n a scaled wrapper ou the receipt of TEN CENTS or FIF- TEEN COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR. Thoee afflicted with any of the above diseases before placing themselves under the treament of any on. hmld first read th's invaluable book. RThe Consulting burgeon may be consulted daily from A. M. toy P. M., on all diabases of which Hie aljove work treat-- fi:id patient at a di.jtHUce, hi sending a statemeul of their ivmptom cm have nifdiciu'i' rnl tn miv lvtt't of he country tr-- f 0111 damage or detec tion. For particular! send for our Elank Chart, eou taining a of iiici'tiouis our term-- , itc. All letters promi'tl" :iu.iweitd, aud commuuicitions coujidered cvhJj :ic)t'U. DR.DliWEES'FEMALE MONTHLY P.EOCLATOP, a sale aud certain remedy for Obstructions, Irregular! ties, Ac, aud i the ouly reliable llprevwitive oi preg nancv." Caution. Th so pills should not be tnken during Prfhsancv, a" they are sure to produce Mibu.iEitiAU&. Pi ire si pT box. and mav hr fii th mi t. HEAD DISPENSARY is tbe oulr in stitution of i tr kind in the L'nited Stat'-- lint ban been recognized by judicial authority. I liartir othce 14 tilth struet, between Maitut auu Jutlerson west aide. All letters for Books or M Irinea should bi directed to DK, tlALEN 3 DISi'ENtiAKk, r.avM dlvAwoow lffp Loninvitlw. Kv ville tor the lat 15 wars, and hav. mnt of the follow inc Scrofula, dancer, Piie- - Sore Eyes, S .philia, pistuia, aud to remove the horrible con'p!eucee of Onanism, or baa t'lvn hfm proof to sustain J"'y state-me- t of t 'e highest character such roea as Dr. W. L liieckiuridr. Judges j. R. Underwood, Loving, John- - sou, Capt. W. S. D. Mcawan. OTTT.l I bad Fistula and wan cured by Dr. Price, without the Suite or iifcsture, in seventeen days. JOSEPH YOUCR. rHMinm 00., kv.1 I had a negro man with Fistula, and hn was cared by Dr. Price in three weeks. WM. BAKD rJOfAXHTA, rLL-- I had FDtul- - for 6fteen yeare, with six openings, and was cure a by Dr. Price in three wceKs KILbY WILLIAMS I am e healthy and happy man, having been cured uoiu tne noiriu enects 01 Ouamsm. A. LJ 1 it,L. Office on Market, between Sixth and Seventh sts. Ad.ire??, eucloniag a postage stamp. Louisville, Ky. fehli d.t-- sn. LA caoixs PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON TILE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. 250 Pages and 10 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs. ONLY TWENTY-FIV- CENTS.J IViJent free of poetage to all parts of the L'nion.AJ ON the infirmities of youth and maturity, disclosing th se- cret ioili-- of Ixith nexes of all ' ue.'-- , dttiri-faio- of ? pints, palni- - i'fc tation of the he.art, suicidal im--? J. agination?, involuntary b!uth- - -- 1. ,'.Lt. - - i;.ukb, ueieci:ve memory, liiuigr's- - aud ic, J'1JI lK" An illitrated v' 1 '''.''''i, , itl upwA'dof ouehuudied and . It i. a Aj.';! adviser to thfl msn-h-- and " s5 fcv ' "ii'M ho marriage, who entei tain secret doubts of their phy'il condition, and who are coivriens of having hazardt'd the health, hiippiness, and pii.ihxes to wiiith every limnan b;nug is entitled. With of a Poardinc School Miss, a College Student, aud a Young Married Lady, foil of romance and thrilling interest. Young men who are troubled with weaneaa, gnneral-l- y caused by a bad habit inyoutlL, the eflects of which are d:zzinerv, pina, for?etrulne, sometiun-- a ringing iu the ear-- weak eyes, weknes of the back and lower extremities, coufuciou of ida., low of memory, wih nav be cured bv the author's NEW PARIS AND LONDON TREATMENT. We h ive for th trivib-rpar- t of the pa-- t rear, devoted our tim.j in VlSlTINd THE EUROPEAN HOSPI- TALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and re- searches ot the most skilled Physit-ian- and Surgeons in Europe and on the Continentsuch me.11 a C1VIALE, LENOIRE, RIOORD, BKECHETEAU, ACTON, and CLRLIN03, of the French and EiiKlib Our tour extended through France. Italy, Germany, Hol- land, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, visiting in our route the principal hospitals in Poris, Louden, Rome, Venice, Vienna, Dre-de- Berlin, Ac, c. We have been amply repaid bvthe additional knowledge we have acquired in the treatment of various direaj to which we have directed our attention. Those who plaee themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the mauy NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest assured of the ssme zeal, astaduity, SECRECY, and attention being pid to their cases, which ha? so succexsfuMy diatiDLiiinhed us heretofore as a Physician in our PECULIAR department of profes- sional practice. Mddicinee with fill directions sprit to any part of the United States or Canada?, by patients communicating their Byrntoms hy letter. Busmen correi,ocdnce strictly coufidential. tWDr. L.V Ollice Is still located as under thenanieof DK. LA CKOIi. 10 insure safety to all letters simply nddr -- I HE LA CROIX MEDICAL INSTITUTE," 4 d.vwtf No. ol Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. DRY GOODS. 413 ISiain St.. 413 Have now In store a full and complete stock of STAPLE AXD DOMESTIC GOODS, Of the best fabrics, such as TAPER LINEN3- - BED IINENS; SHIRTING LINENS TOWELINGS; FRUIT CLOTHS; FINE DIMITIES' MARSEILLES SPP.EADS: SHIRTING CTT0N8: OSNABURGS, COLORED AND WHITE; FULL STOCK OF WHITE GOODS; MOURNING GOOD- - OF ALL KINDS. Thoofl Goods were all bought for cash at the lowest fbh ot the market, and are now offered at such prices ai muse please all parties. Call aud examine stock aud prices at MARK A DOWNS, 413 Main st. CARD. MARK AOWNS. TH! extreme tronblep of tbe times coTrpel ns to to onr triendt and customers that we uui-- t change our system of bufitieaa to a GaSH STANDAP.O, and will ofler all our Fancy Dress Goods, of liich w have good stock at GREATLY RE- - DUCED PUICEi. MARTX & tOWNS, 4 C$ Mfin street. NAVV HQ VO LVBw. ONE EXTRA NAVV bIZE REVOLVER for sale at C. OKMdOY'S, :t.iaMlnat. CAVALR7 GAUNTLETSI CAVAI.IIY GATJNTLBXR! WE b:iv now on hand a larce a??ortmrnt, 01 Gaunt- let suitable for Oavalry and other Military pur- poses, and for sal 'w t SPROULR A MANDEVTLLE'S, Comer Fourth and M:in -- t., PD t Tid.-- Nulmn-- I H"te1 . CEEAP! CHIIA?! CHEAT! CEEAF! F O CASH J. 11. AR3ITHOMJ, On Main "troet, opposite the National, Is now offering his elegant etock of teKN'SA BOYS' CLOTHING, Exclusively for cash. At greatly redur cd prices. MEN'S SUITS; BOYS' SUITS; CHILDREN'S SUIT 3. SBiarRISD REHWALD, No. 31 1 Fourth nt., bet, iHarket Bind Jeffrnoa, MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER OF EVERY Fine Diamond Mount- ings and all the new styles of Fine Halrwork Ornaments executed in tbe most superior style, of the beat material. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Old gold taken In exchange. iuneS d'.y DRUGS, GKEPIXOAX.B, &c O 1 am now receiving NEW GOoDS, Just par chased, aiid wowld mot respectfully k a call TTA from all those wishing to purchase fresh Drugs, Cbemicals, s, and Spices. I have also In tore a vary large and coiupIetB etock of Virginia. Missouri, and Firiucky Mauuiacmrea Tobacco, aiid will cfler itiducemente t tbcee wishing to puicbate for cash or prompt duller" ou tin(e. ,4 EDWARD WILDER. M4 Main rt. SUGARS Crushed, Powdered, Granulated, I.INE Preserving Sugars, aUo fine Brown Sugar, in store and loi sale by 19- HIRPTTT A SON. HU(iAR &00 lbs pure Maple Sugar Just MAPLE and for sale hy mJ5 W, A IL BURKHARDT, 417 Market it. W. H. STOKES, mUCCFSSOR TOB.AW. B. ST0KE6, IMPORTER JNT DEALER 1 1ST COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, Saddlery WareJionse, No. 435 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth, liouisvillo, WMnrchan1t anfl Manufacturers would find It to their Interest to examine my stock before tPakin thdronr ehasea, and orders from a distance will be attended to aa if made m pry.n. b3 a(1Wlfew0O MKSCELLA1NEOUS. CASH! CASH! Great Sacrifice of LACE3, F.MBROIDLRIK8, FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, HOSIIiRY, WHITE GOODS. LINEN SWISS EDGINGS and INSERT-INGS- , JACONET, SWISS, and LACE FLOLNCINGS, and in rhort our entire stock:, comprising tlie most beau- tiful and styles. Will be Sacrificed for Cash. The ladies will do well to evil at once and secure tbe greatest and moet desirale UAKGAINS of the season. fc CANNON, ru7 315 Fourth at., oppoalto Mozart Hall. When you go to NEW YORK, drive direct to the SMITHSONIAN HOUSE, BROADWAY, CORNER OF HOUSTON STREET. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Oood prompt attendance., and moderate charge". Siugle rooms 6u cents, 75 cents, aud $1 per day. Double rooms and parlors $1 fjii to $K. Meals as ordered This Hotel h 'is all the appointments of the beet H"tel, a nioft central location, and is heated throughout by steam, ml dSm SAMUEL E. MEAD, Proprietor. OLBISTEAD & OTGX0R (Saccsssors to J03. Robb), HATERS IN PIXTSBTTHO AND And Sole Agents fot the Pomoroy OoaI. ORDERS for any of the above Coala respectfully soli promptly filled at the lowest market prices. Constantly on hand a large snpplvof tbe "PEYTONA CAN N EL" and "PEACOCK" POMEROY COALS, which for kitchen, parlor, or chamber use have no siu perior. Offices No. 304 Third street, hntween Market and Jef- ferson, at Robb's old stand; and at No. southwest corner Brook and Market streets. je2H dtf HINZEN.ROSEN.&COm P UfD-MB- TS lISMUIIPTIi MU RliiStlUUlUiiLii iSXarket Street, North side, between Sixth and Seventh, LOUISVILLE, IvY. WAIways on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS at reasonable prices. sep38 dly 2?2ilLT ill-I- D HOPS F'or Sale. Cash paid for Barley AT 1UB n 1 u 1 11 1 in. SOITU fIDK PIAHKET STREET, Between Sixth and Seveth. ian19dtf JOHN ENGELN A CO. 3NT3Z37V G OODS BLACK AND FANCY LU0ADCL0T1IS, FANCY AND SILK MIXED CA3SIMERE3, 81IJC AND MARSEILLES VESTiNGS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, And a most romp!er assortment of every article apper- taining to Men's Wear, to winch we call the attention of caeli and prompt buyers. J. VON BO RIMES & VO irjSO Cloth House, No. 434 Main st. f OFKKE--Si;- ft bags prime Rio received hy Juo. Raine s id Woodioid and for sale by II. W. OOOD. APPLES 76 bbls Apples inst received and for sale by JD'W HCCHANAN A IO COFF "EE- 3gu bug; Rio Coftee just received per eteam- - Magonta and for sale by m3x WM OAV COTTON 30 bags Tennesoeo Yarns, as' numbers, for sale by OARDNFR 4 TO. -- fODFISU lo whole and half drums large Codfish v ui store aud lor sale hy AN.VW BITCH NAN A CO. IrLOl'K AND MEAL SIEVES 60 dozn con mou Wire Sieves just received and for tale by ORPIN RAWSON, S.23 Main st., between Third arid . rGK-8rihh- ds prima anding from steamersWood-i- d aud John Kaina fr by RAWSON. TOOD. ft CO 1 ACKEREL wu bids Nob. 1, H, aud 8 Mackerel iu IT UiH AND'W HIKJHANAN A CO. Cash for Wool. WE Hl pay eadh for wool. ' j& THOS. H. HUNT A CO. rlCK 6 tierces prime ice on consigumont and for sale by D4 AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO. 6 tierces prime Rice in etore and for sale by ANII'W HUIMIanaN A CO. RSMOVAL. TIUniT BRENT a. CO. nave removed to west de ol hetwet'n W,in and the River. COFFEE bat3 prime Rio Coffee just received per John Katuo and for ealo by 1 ACKEKEl 2ny who? and half hijls Noe. 1. a, and 8 I'I Mackerel in tcre and for sale by n7 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. WUAK tu hhde fair to prime 3uar roceived per v7 Peytona and John Ralue and for file by ni OOOD A MOODV. SEAMLElJS BAGS 2b bales in store and for sale by TNO. V. HOWARD A CO LMNE TOBACCO Browa'i and UollandV of an ex- - A tra uuality. for sale by HinniTT PON. ICE 15 cofka Bice received per mailboat aud for A sale by i2 RAWSON. TODD. A CO. WINES AND SPIRITS A supply on handof pure aud Spirits for sale che.-i- fcr ca-- by 1 J. T. LANHAM & CO. Troporter? of T. Ac Third wf. JAVA FEE 25 pockets superior oid Java Coffie aud lor sale bv AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. TV AILS ;t,Jo k"g Nails, aborted, juut received per 1 1 sUmoi er Retinue ana lor a:e nr OAI'.DNPR A CO. OLAS?ES Ltl lb) bdlit prime Plantation Molasoes: 150 Jdo do do do: for sale bv AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. WELL BUCKETS- -o dozen Oak Well OAK various kinda. mat received and for eale low bv ORKIN RAWSON, ?(l (OR Main st.. hetween I'uird and Fourth. 1)KlNtt Hamilton pnrple Print; 6 do do fancy do; 25 do new style Spragne's do: ' 25 do do do Veri imack Print 5 do do do Spring Dress Goods; Jost received and for sale ky JAMES LOW CO., rrt SfS and yiil wnd side Sixth st. 50 bbls for sale bv TIME iIN'E BRANDY, WUISKY, Ac I'i dozf-- iiale C'ogn ic Brandy; lu do old Poui'Djii ccuoty Whisky, ti do old Apple titaudy; 6 do Whitney's Club House Gin; 6 do old Jamaica Rum- - at w7 J. P. THOMPSON'S, 76 Fourth rt. PICKLES AND CATCHUPS UnglisB CHOICE Picklea, Catchups, Sauces, Preeurves, Oils, fielatine, tihocolato. Cocoa, &c.. ju-- t received and ale hv H HJHtlll 1 A SOW. LOVER-SEE- T5 ba prime Clover-See- just re-- ceivexl and for sale bv JNO. F. FOWART) A CO.. mSO Main, between Third and Fom-t- st. IsIO COFFEE 4! bays good to strictly prime Rio in stoie and fnr sale by AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.. a1 (tinier 8- - cond aud Wo.rthinton fts. 4 FAMILY and several single Kentlemen can be ae-- co...modated with hue ooms and good board by appbinf-a- t MRS. E. W. GARY'S, tiix'b st., immediately opposite St. Paul s Church. - rn:4 hA 1 MOLASSES lb 'lOO do- - 5o bnis e Molaster I 40 bbla Slrnr-- l In rtora and for Sd.1 bv R'fi M AHtHAI.T, KAI.PITWT CO CL tt EPS KNGL1SI BANCA BLOCK TIN t,J JJ best uualitv. for sale by WALLACE. LITHGOW. ft CO. If LOUR - I 7uo bhls A No. 1 Extra Flonr; 6u bbls fine do; In store and roceiving dally and for pale bv AND W BUCHANAN ft CO.. Cornor Serond and Wnhinet-- s hv CIGARS! CIGARS! OF DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA, cooipnelug a lot of the very best brands, such as: BREVAS INTIMIDAD; LONDRE3 INTIMIDAD; CONCHAS WASHINGTON, CONCHAS LUCERO; REGALIA WASHINGTON; LICEHO; REGALIA LOS ANDES; LONDRES DISTRACTION, A. Always on hand and for sale at wholesale and retail by HZ3WD. PSTNADO, m4 No. 810 Main st., under the Louisville Hotel. LOVKRING'S REFINED SUGARS inn aud Granulated received and for sale by aiM RAWSON. TODD. A CO WUGAR-Cl'RE- HAMS in store acd for sale by O niti W. A H. BURKHAP.DT. 417 Market?!;. TIAM Ail. eaovaped Hams; 3iAi country bagged Hams, In store and tor sale by n GXTtDVFR A CO. t "OKN Whi sacks mixed aud White Corn in store and vy fors sale low by AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. MISCELLANEOUS ?IV7;AJ;IUNKkKY JKWELRY a;n third eNewhera. Call on or ILUX 3 GOULXSUXLS, L. S. B. de CRETY....fE. RA BY,-- gent), 3iS KrrcB strreu adjulnlnfr the Journal OSlo jrHM 'n store and for snle in qusiitllie- - E"",' Purchaser? a fine a.ortraeut of r jWINES and LIO.UORS, each as B4rUKAE7' BOITUiONE. COf3Nf'S Bord-aiL- t; Poniard; Bordeaux ' De Medoc: l;rc.ntignan; Lunel St. Estepba. A Vokiey. Bau-d- e vie-de Mobile Vin de Tokay, Armagnac, aud CorS.ed' mar4 dly BOOTS jfiND SHOE AT W REDUCED PRICES! THE subscriber baring a large stock of Lsdies' and Winter Pools. Shoe, and G niter on hand, all of his own manufacture, offers at greatly reduced pi ice for caeh. Gent'? in want of fine Calf Winter Boots can be ac- commodated at the very low price of 7 per pair, for caWi only. Also, a lot of Men's and Boys Kip and tbi-- k Roota at cost for cash. D. MARSHAL drt dtf Main, below Thiid Hireet. ELIAS HOW, jr., and S.lfenorER'S THE MOST RECENT IMPROVED Shuttle SewingMachine FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRICE $75. Warranted the TJost in the Market; line Implied, strong and durable: wtie.jl teed of greal power: exceedingly simple in ceuntruction: not a wire about it; all its part are nio?t admit-abl- and ingenious ly arranged: cannot possibly get out of order, because everything is permanently adjured: none so y un deratood and operated, and sews the most beautiful stitch ever beheld, precisely alike ou tioth sides. TiU lorj and all who have seen it pronounce it the best Ma- chine over sent to this vicinity. AH sre cordially in- - viiea to examine it. 1. JOIIIN& HUN, Aent, nS dlv al2 Fourth str-v- t To fillers, Prodnco !?Icrciauts, aad Grain Dealers. TOR mbscriber offers his services to the Produce in Louieviile for purchasing all kinds of Grain and Country Produce. Having hud long experience at rne mwinees,he teels assured that ho can give satisfaction to all who may employ him. Ho will act a agent for the purpose of buying Orain and Produce in the counties of Franklin, Woodford, Scott, Fayette, and adjoining counties. rs. Refers to (iov. C. 8. Morehead and Colonel A. O. Hodga, Frankfort; Drs. W. S. Gno ar.d D. R. Camp- bell, Georgetown. Address WILLIS HODGES, Jv)dtf Kv. J. O. JACK, E W. JACK, Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, La. JACK & BROTHER, Wliolesalo Grocers, FCOriSION & C0M1SSI0X KERilfiAMS, No. 618 north side Main st0 between Third and Fourth. I.OrWVTf.L-K- . KY. Sua ATI, COl FEE, AND MOLASSES bhds prime N. O. Sugar; llM) bugs prime Ki-- Coff :e; Mi) bi'L Cnir'hed. Powdered and Granulated Sugar; loo do Plantation Molswaci; 135 H'bbls do Hbblrt Oolden Rirnp; 30 kegs Oolden Sirup; In store aud for sa'o by JACK A BROTHER, 518 Main st, TANTJTACTl'RED TORACCO-- 11 boxea Kins Missouri Tobacco; ami do O. Ellu do do: 50 do Sinn-- do do; loO do Va. and Ky. do, various brands; In store and for sale by JACK A BROTHER, 618 Main st. JEANS AND MNSKYS KK) hales Nnpro Jeans and (best brand-- ) in store and for snle by JACK b BROTHER, 61S Main st. KANAWHA SALT 3.1 W bbls Kanawha Salt, best store and for a1e hy JACK & BROTHER, 518 Main st CUNDRIES O 4h half chests Ounpowder Tea; 111 do do H ark do; 60 doten Shaker Broom ; 76 do fancy wire tied do; lO;i do Paiutcd buckets; nests do Tubs 76 dozen Zinc 60 coils Cottou Rope, all sizes 2'l d Hemp do, do: I'W boxes rftar Candles; 45 do StiivL; 76 do Rcciu Soap; itti do Palm d; 60 do German Soap: 5o bags Cotton Yarn, all numbers; do Cant Chain; lifO bales batting: 80 do Candle-Wic- 2") do Wrappius Twin; 15 bars Rpice: 15 do Perr-er- loo mats Cinnamon; 3 s Madra? aud Manilla Indigo; 3 CMsss Madder; 10 bois Alum; 5 do Stiipi.ur; 60 eaki Nectle Sda; 1 cae Nutmetc: 300,001 O. D. and S. B. Caps; 75 urOM Mati.hei; I7r( 00 Canon's larre and rinall Blacklnn; yo boxe? (Jandy; 4o bbla Older Vines.ir; find ke!9 Nails, aborted nnmberr; On hand and for ealo by m dtc JACK ft BROTHER, P1R Main sL SPROILE & JUXDEVILLE, Wholesale and Ketail Dealers inFino CLOTHING Furnishing Goods FOR CASH ONLY, Southeast corner IiZain and Fourth sts., Jl LOUISVILLE, KY. GOODS. WE have on hund a good stock of DRY GOODS, to we invite the attention of tbe tratie. Ttrras OA8H o.n nxuvxiiT. JAMES LOW A CO., ri7 and " wwt Kixrh st. MAPLE MOLASSES Just received 3 bbls prim LI I Molasses n btore aud for sale bv ninmTT i son. IV AILS 800 ketts B'lmont tor Bale by tJ CASTLKM AN. MCHRELL. COEFE 150 bags prime Coffoe iut recvive,d and for t fVJ GARDNER & CO. TesSi ISoll Butter received from the North and for sale 10 bbls JLTST Roll Butter lor table use. atn 31 Third st.. between Mam nd Ma' ket. J A LA D OIL Pure Olive Oil for Bale b the bottle J or basket by J. T. LANHAM A CO., mH TnTtorter? "f Teas. fir.. Third t. F ANCY SOAP ISO boxes Fnocy Soap of various kinds just roceived aud for sale low bv OKRIN RAWSON JO SSSMain st.. hotween Ttiird aDd Fourth. IAMD.Y HAMS--1,50- 0 superior family Hams, lor use. lot sale by m4 J. SMTTn SPPFD, Main --t.. 14'KKSU PECANS in bushels fresh Pecans just re and for sale by m23 W. A H. BURKHARDT. 417 Market rt. 5i .fi:ST KKCHViOl A HNKr.v.; . .: S fA iassoitDeiit of nvr and eletantt- - ,1l'?J 5. XJ Soues, bythebettt author-- , em- V i.Lr-, bta. inp Sacred and Secular, S"rioio and atn- - Opinitic and Oratorical. EthioMsn and Ec- centric, Pat lit ic and Pathe'.ic, to sirt ail tactef; a!to Bnniey Richa-- 'a Trauccnptioiia and Compo- sitions, also the K6T yoALTv of V and Druuis. Givemeacall. WM. McCARKELI , 810 Jeffersou treet west, 018 Louisville, Ky. tRESH FRUITS, Ac Peaches, Gren Oajtes, Cher Apriqj't?, Ton in toes. Green Corn, Green Peas, also Preservos, Jellies, Ac. for sale by J. T. LANHAM A Co., ml4 Importers of T. . Ac, Third t. -- 100 kita No. I Markere! for rale low MACKEREL by faSMl WM. GAY. fANVASED HAMS AND SIOES Vy 6n0 Stave. Micklin. and Oregon Hams: 2,ooo choice country Sides; For eale lor ch by IK TfinTTTT r SON. - BALES blue, rrsr, and red FUuuel, suitable J for uniforms, 'o which we invite tlie arteii i in of Union Companies fcrming in the fctatc, just received and for sale by ,1MES LOW A CO , a and '21 r vej't sidfl Sixth L J RANDY 'is piprt" A. SelTiette RronCy; Bo .',ipip!S Copuac do; 80 iipipts Rochellfl do; in y pipes Otard, Dupuy, A Co. Brandy; 26 bids N. Y. o"-- . B bbD flue old Peach 60; R brtls old Apple do; lDrn1r MRRHALLHM BIfRTCO. 1 GLASSES 7 ij hbli prime, in Kood cooperage; 4 do o 00 o: Kewlved by the Doulsville and John Rniu and for sale fr.tfil conn A MOODY. "OFFEB W bags prime Rio receive per mailboat and for sale by coon Miionv. LINEN GOUS J Table Oamafk-1- cases InsVi Liueu. assorted; 5 do SraivJh Linen; 5 do B'.ouee d OO1' pair brown Linen Tab1vCl?tai; 3 caces brown Linen Drillings; 8 do bleached do; 9 do fiuo do; Received and for sals by JAMES LOW & CO., 311? and 31u wet eid Sixth st. l RET i casks superior in store and for sale by WM. OAY. TOLAS8E3 100 bbls Plantation lauding from itl steamer Woodford and for tal by RAWSON. TODD, A CO. PIPES Sii5 cross faneyCIay Pipea and Hea FANCY in store aud ?or sale g -- RAWg0 Main st., between Third and Fourth. OIO COFFEE 211 bags good fair to prime arriving 11 and for sale by RAW SON, TODD, A CO. MOLASSES 100 bbls received per steamboat Louis lk ville and for sale by ni6 ALLEN, MOORB. A HADKN. FISH in half bbls for sale by WHITE lUBBiTT A BON. DAILY LOUISVILLE JOURNAL iC"The National Intelligencer says that Gen. John C. Fremont baa boen assigned to a com- mand io the fTest, to which he 13 to repair with- out dela'. THE VICTORY OF THE INDIANA TROOPS. IlCADoC ARTKKS, DkI'T Vi .SNS YT.VASI A, LlAOKittrowN, June JO, Itilil. f General Orders, No. '29. The Commanding General has the satisfaction to announce to the troops a second vic'ory over tho insurgents hy a email party of Indiana volunteer, under Colonel Wallace, on the- - 2t.h inst. Thirteen mounted men attached to the roimont attacked forty-on- e insurgents, killing eiht and cha?in the re&t two miles. Oa their return, with seventeen captured horses, they were attacked by seventy-riv- e of the nemy, end fell back to a strong position, which hev held till dark, when the returned to tho camp, witii the logs of one man killtd and ono womnieu. lu 1113 last fkirnnsh a captain, two lieutenants, and a larre number were wunded. Tho Commanding General de.ir;s In bring to the attention of (he Miners and men of his com- mit nd the courage and conduct wiih which this gallant li 1 lo band of comparatively raw troops niet t he emergency, by turning on an enemy so largely tuperior iu numbers, chastising him ar.d gaihe uig in retreat the fruus of vic- tory, liy order of MAJOU-GENERA- PATTERSON. J. F. Pouteh, Adjutant-Genera- l. TlIK CoNFKDKK ATI; I'ltliSIDENTS MANSION. The Iiicfatiiond Whig h quite hppv in its descrip- tion 01 tbe mam ion recently purchased and now in preparation, in that city, ferine reception of President Davis. We give it as follows: The fine mansion at thi corner of CI ay and Twelfth street, purchased fur tho use of Presi- dent Da via, U repairs, and will le ready for occupancy iu thd cure of a few day?. The building b p'easantly Piluaf'I n he brow of the hill, overlooking Adama's Vall-y- , and from its eastern windows an extended acd diversified landscape view is afforded. Tho frcntire is on ciavHOeet, which terminates al this point. A night of marblo .'tflps leads to a narrow platform ot iJieeame matortjl, at the front entrance. The doors opsn int ) a circular vestibule, or hail, on the right of which is the main stairway hading to the second story, and furrier on a email bnt well lighted apartment, which mav be ued as an ( Mice. ()n tlie left a v ami itun itsauing 10 ice oaseinenr, ana a private stairwav to the second story. On e ther ?ide of the hall is a niche containing a full tizo feminine ligure in ororze, ueanng a shaded m one hand between the two Btatuei is the doorway lead ing to the lanxo and beautilul centre 'narlor This room is eiuhteon foet wide and twenty-thre- e foet deep, with the on the left of the entrance. U i either snU of iho chnnny-hreas- t is a uoor opening into l he "eait room, the dinien sions of which are twenty! hree f?et by thirty teet. At the opposite end of the Luil hng is an othor parlor, Feprated from the central rwm bv a p irlition and folding d "ir. 1 tie pai lor i twenty three feet fouaro, and communicates with the ofiice mentioned. The is directly oppo- site tlie one in the central parlor, and both are faced wi'h white uiarhU manllrs handsomely decorated with alto relievo designs. Iheceil ingsRre ornamented wiih rich cornicen in keeping wnn the general arcmieetuml arrangements. All (lie windows in this story, except those in front, extend to the Uoor, and those 111 the rear open to a purlico extending the whole viidihof the buii'liiig, and measuring about fifteen feet in width. The ioof of tha portico is purported by mas-iv- e cjIuuhip, about thirty-fiy- e f.et in length. On each of the two chamber fi.X'rs are four large-s- i Z'a and airv apartmonts, wiih alcovo3 in some of them. On tho second tloor ia a well-u- r rarged bath room, with all the modern conve niencev. On each floor lucre aie several clothes-roo- and pre??ps. Gas has been ictroduced into every denar'mcut, 'I ho dining-ro- is in tho w&jt end of the bastm;nt. The servants' quar- ters are in ihe de ached building eaat of the man sion. The grounds enclosed aro tastefully laid off at.il lilleil with bhrubberv. The Comet. A well informed contemporary h?.8 the following in reference to the comet, now visible, which appeared on Sunday eveniug last The comet which appeared on Sunday evening is supposed to bo "he one lont; es?cieJ, whoe appearance in 1500 is to have driven Cuailes V to a monastery. 'Ihe stirring events of the hif-- fow months appoi.r to have diverted tho altonimn of tho publp; bom scientific Bubjectfi, and hfneo littlo attention has been paid to the ap- proach of the strange visitor, wbicD was announc ed a fuw days since by the director of the obser vatory at aldington. Comets have ever boen regarded by the ant us harbingers of war, pestilence, and devas taliD, aou formerly they created universal ter- ror. As lata as loll, the brilliant one which made i;s appearance ihat year was believed hy many to havu been a forerunner of tte hostilities which broke out the ensuing ytar. Si.ce that period the spread of general intelligence has been so pieat that the paonie of the fcorth, at leat will rot connect that which is an integral part of tbe solar system with tho polil.cil events now impending. In the South, where the masses aro unable to read, and where ghost stories are yet iirplicillv bolieved, we have 110 d:ubt thousands wili be either terrified or euconred by the phe nomenon. Ihe first certain record of tha psssage by the present comet of its perihelion was in l .bl and the af'cond in 16o(J, two years before tho death of Charles V. Its return was confidently predicted again in lbiH, but as it did not mako its appear- ance, mathematicians instituted investigations, which showed that on acoinnt of planetary influ ences it might not reach its perihelion Uli 3 ab out the pen-.- could not bo delayed longer than thit year. From a description given bv some of the wruers of thn Augustan :tiro, it is beiievtd that tho coinot which was seen jast before the uV;rh'f Juliui Ca-ir- , and which was currently be!i vtd to be a harbLiger of tliat. event, is idn- - t:cal with thn present but of this nothing has beon dutinitelv liscertained. 'ihe tail of the comet in about GO5 in length, xtvnding from at'Oiit the horlzJD, at 0 o'clock, to thezjnitb; and for more than half the length, it is remarkably brilliant. I he solid, or perhaps mora properly the nnhulu point, re- semble a etar of tho first magnitude in size, but less brilliant. At present it is moving toward its perihelion, and will he a for several nights, when it will again bs lost in the distance, not again to be visible for three centuries. One remarkable feature is, that it has already appearu curing too soaaon ot great revolutions. In rJOT the Turks were threatening Constantino ple, and in loofi all Europe was shaken with po- litical and religious convulsions. 1 ho different manner in which it has been viewed at the differ- ent periods, however, is an excellent illustration of the progress of intelligence. Ia 12G1 prayers were instituted in the churchof; and in 15at all classes were frightened at the supposed monster. But in 18b'l it is ao object of scientific curiosity, divooted of all terror. Iitisti Emigration to America. The Kev. Dr. Cahill, in view of Ihe ci il war dow progress- ing in this country, urged his countrymen and women not to come here until our political troub- les are fiaally composed. In a letter to the Dub- lin Catholic Telegraph, dated Staten Inland, May 10, he says: Although I cannot hope you will now take my advice, which I have so often given in vain, still I shall repeat what I have already begged for your own sake, namely: to remain at home under any ditliculiy till the present war in America Bhall have been setilnd one way or the other. There is no commerce, no busim-M- r.o trade; ser- vants are and are ab.tnt idle and pnnilef S. There are other matters anticipated in this unhappy crisis, which I forbear publishing; but will vou udorstftod me, and rend no more yourd Irish girls here until our disputes are Both side3 are moving tens of thousands of armed men to the probable rieid of strife, but 1 In nn there will be no light, w hen t lie tcord of final buttle is about to be given. 'Ihegrxd serine, the patriotism, the of both bidds will, it is hoped, prevail ocer heated counsels, ar.d that national pence, moro firm thau evr, will follow this political ferment. The MMls at tuu South, Our Southern exchanges are vehement in their complaints as to the bungling manner in which the postal af- fairs of tho Con f dt racy aro conducted. The Montgomery Confederation of tbe 30th of Jute p savp: The Mait.s What Can t.k the Mattek? This is a question which is upru the tongue of every one, and e?pcially among tho.e connected with the different newspapers in the South. Oar Richmond newspapers ore mail-- to us regularly every night at Richmond, arid sometimes they get heTo in five or six days after sometimes thny never cpt here. The malt agents between this city and Ric'iuiocd ought to kr.ow Hometbing about it. 'Ihe papors are maiUd regiUarly at that point to us. yet many we never get. If stealing is Iheerderof ih day, we would like to know. If inattention ami inefficiency are the only reccmmendatbns which some gentlemen have, the sooner Postmaster General Reagan knows it the better it wiil be for the. people and the country. 1C the pipers are mailed in Rich- mond, what becomes of them after they leave there? 'I his is a question that should be an- swered. Saling a Dewpjper iu the highest crime at this time. WITH A.N ORGAN AND A MoNkbV. The way in which Henry M. Herma of Albany, rendertd valuable services to the gov- ernment, for which he has been rewarded with a first lieutenancy in the army, is told as follows in the Albany Statesman: m Henrv M. Herman was a pige in the Assem- bly, and while there picked up a fund of political news, which he communicated to ihe New York Express, for which paper be acted as correspon- dent. The service rendertd to the government, p which procured for bim bi3 co.inui-sio- n as first lieutenant, is said to have been as follow?: Her- man presented himself to tlie Socreiary of War and laid before him his plan by which he could peDotrate the i tenor of Virginia and obtain im- portant information. His interview wif h the Sec- retary satisfied that orticer that be was a shrewd young man acd well fitted for the expedition he proposed to undertake, iiiog cf a dirk com- plexion, he made, when dresce-- for the character, an excellent Italian lad. He was furnit-be- with an orn and a monkey, and, thus accompanied, he visited the prominent points in Virginia, "taking notes," and in due time reported to the War Department. Tbe reward for his services was the lieutenant's commission. The eulogy upon tbe life and services of the late Senator DourIss, prjnounced last night in the Smithsonian Institution by John W. Forney, Esq., drew together a Urge audience. Prof. Henry, assisted by a large number of vice presi- dents from the several States of the Union, presi- ded ever the meeting, and introduced the orator of the evening ic a few appropriate remarks. In point of composition and delivery the discourse was highly creditable to the speaker, and hid tributes to the public and priate worth of the deceased statesman were both eloquent and im- pressive. The audience evinced their apprecia- tion by repeated and enthusiastic applause. Xutkmal Intelligencer, July 4. THE ARMY of iheUNITED STATES Radway's Ready Relief. INFORMATION FOR THE WAR DEPARTMENT Testimony of Field Otllcer, Crmpany OtllccrH, nnd en I Ire Krgi 111 earn In favor or the CHEAT PREVEXTiri AJiD EESI0HAT1VF. We propose to offer, iu a few brief paracraph, turn proofs of the efficacy cf RADWAV3 RKADY RLIL'F ai a preventive of au-- cure for the Cisen?ee to which bodies of unaccliinated men are peculiarly mb;et in warm latitudes aa cannot tail to command tho atten- tion of a Paternal Government anxious to protect tho health and Uvea of the ten? of thousands of brave and patriotic ritizana who have lelt and are daily leaving thtir home, theLr families, and their buaineas to fit;ht in it def. nc3. According to the teetlmony of eminent military mn. of army uurgeona of high ptandiug In tlie profeosion. and thcuande i private soldier. RAD WAY'S READY RLL1KF had already been of immense benefit to tha eick anions our gallant volunteer roldlery in CAMP, IN TKK BIVOl'AO, AND ON TDK MARCH. The subjoined summary of facta, which we repect- - fii ly invite the Government to rerify by application to lb pariirt named, Includes but. & rmall portion of Ihe voluminous testimony Ui the ?arae effect lectived by us wlthia a few weeks ffom various headquarters of and detnchruenbi in the service of the United Stat a: TESTIMONIAL NO. L From the Ninth Re;linnt N. Y. Volunteer (Zouave). Col. Bush Hawkins, of tMs regiment (no quartered at Newport New), writee us bnstowing the ctrongeet o u the Kelikp, aud reemmending it, ti nm tha experience of hiaae Uf aud oilicera, aa "a most valuable addition to the army medicluo ches." TESTIMONIAL NO. ?. Major Linelll, Garibaldi Guard, pronounces the an ''excellent medicine" for the army. TESTIMONIAL NO. 3 Col. Geirge LyouL of the Kighth Regiment N. Y. fl. M., all his clliceri", and cOJ private, endorse the Relltf in th mnt emphatic terms, aud nicest its immediate introduction iato tho medical stores of every branch of the service. TESTIMONIAL NO. 4. Surgeon E. EL Seaborn and Colonel Phe1 pa, of tbe Firat Regiment of Vermont Volunteers, warmly the Relief, and the regimei.t has taken wltb it to tli 3 field a sufficient supply for present use. TESTIMONIAL NO. 6. Captain Jha Whitlock, Co. I California Rcdment, stationed at Camp Yates, Staten Island, suys that, on the 5'h of Ju ie, lsL he adminDtered the Relief t for ty men f his company bo were laboring under severe attacks of diarrhea aud dysentery: that its remedial effects were immediate; and that a maj irlty ot the sick rkpoht:d roc lot! the ft a ME AlTr,B.cor. He there- fore recomruendrt iti addition to the medical ettr)i 01 the legimeut a a measure of thi "highest impcrtance." TESTIMONIAL NJ. 6. Tlie military editor of the New York Sunday Atlcs testifies, on behalf of members of the Seventy-fira- Filth, Sixth, Seventh, Twelfth, and Sixty-nint- h Rcgi. meat a, to the beneficial ( tLcts cf the Relief in ""dozens ef caeescf As a protective against and remedy for dteentery, diairbea, fever and ague, bilious, yellow, ccd other and cf the effects of ml a? 111a, nnliolcsoru3 wat r, and exces?De heat; as a general invito' ant aad r and also as an external application for reducing the iu Ha id in at ion of wounds, ihe Relief ie Infallible. When admluLtered Internally it instantly arret! U pain. TO THE PUBLIC AT HOME. The use of Radway's Read Relief is cf equal impor- tance in tbe domestic circle. Every family should aeep a supply of It In the bouse. It can be used for eo many complaints and ailments, and will In all cases give ease and conjf jrt to the sufferor. TAKEN INTERNALLY, jt will In a few minutes relieve the most severe pa' us occaeloned by DIARRHEA, CHOLERA MORBUS, COLIC, FE- VER AND AGUE, SICK HEADACHE, 1IEART-BLHN- CRAMPS. SPASMS, PAINS IN THE STOM-AC- AND BOWELS, PAIN IN THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, GIDDINESS, MELANCHOLY, HYSTERICS, BILIOUS COLIC, WEAKNESS, L'JW-NES- S OF SPIRITS, SICKNESS AT hTuMACH, and will, with a few times nring, cure the most obstinate cases. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, it Immediately relieves, aud will In a few flays cure RdKUMtTISM and all RHEUMATIC sffe:tioiif, GOUT, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, SUDDEN COLDS, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, DIPTIIE-RI- INFUENZA, SUN STROKE, IIEADACH15, CA- TARRH, PLEURISY, TIGHTNESS OF THE CHSbT, BITES AND STINGS OF MUSKETOS ard other PAINS IN THE JOINTS, HARD SWELL- INGS, LIMtfAGO, INFLAMMATION AND PAIN IN TUB KIDNEbf WOMB, SPINE, Ac, SPRAINS, STRAINS, WOUNDS, SCALDS, and BURNS. Let Radway's Ready Relief be applied or taken Internally ou the firnt warning glvwu of sicklies, and no matter wbat maybMhe character cf the threatened dldeasc, the Ready Relief will break up and ai rett the progress of tbe dieoaeo. A mass of evidence so direct aud conduMve a the above, emanatiD? from military men wt.o voii.uteor it o eamettly, and who testily from personal xperlence, can scarcely be disregarded at Waohiu(tou; aud we cannot doubt that the Goverum ut, ou look big intT tho facts, will deem it eipedii'ut to fiiiirb' tlie etatiouary military hospitals and all regimeut in the fk-l- with a protective and remedial preparation of such iuapp.ecia-bl- e value aud utility. HADWAY & CO., S3 JOHN STREET, New York. xi.. in.. X5. IMPORTANT TO THOSK AFFLICTED WITH CHRONIC SCROFULAS AND SYPHILITIC DISEASES. RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT IS TUB MOST PERFECT CURK FOR SORES, SKIN ERUPTIONS, ULCERS, FEVER SORES, SALTRHEIM, ERYSIPELAS (IN ALL ITS kOKMS), SORE HEAD, CANK- ER, AND ALL CHRONIC DIS- EASES KNOWN TO MEDI- CAL SCIENCE. IN A FEW WEEKS. Thote who take K?.d way's Renoviting Resolvent will have rich, pure, and HEALTHY BLOOD coursing through their ve;us. PURE SKIN CLEAR COMPLEXION The con tinued use of Ktdway's Renovating Resolvent for two or three week will change a rough, sallow, discolon d and unhealthy rkfu to a clear and healthy complexion. ! fsnt and children afflicted with Red Gum, Sore Heads, Eiup'lons, and Breakings Out, Cancera, c. will d nve lmniedii.te benefit by the use of tho Resolr- - ent. ' RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT 13 A GREAT LLNG AND STOMACH REMEDY. Bid Cough, Cough. Stitching or Wrench. Ing Pains in the Side, Sudd n Pins around the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Hard Breathing, Sharp Pins when taking a Long BreatK and all other painful s are quickly removed by the Renovating Resolvent. BRONCHITIS-SPITTI- NG OF BLOOD. In all raes of Bronchitis that we hv known tho Resolvent to be dsed for It has quickly cured th" pa tient it never fans. Likewise in Hemorrhage from tne Lunga or Throat It K. Resolvent is the mo?t safe and rcmpt st ptlc in use. Those sithcted with IJy?p-psi- of long standing are especially recommended to it as a never-railiD- g remedy. Price of R. R. Resolvent Is $1 pr bottle. Soli by druggists and dealers everywhere. RADWAY'S RE(iTLATIG PILLS. HOUSEHOLD BLESSING NO. 3. RADWAY'S REGULATING PILI S are th .nlf Veg etable suhttitutK for Calomel, Mercury, Antimony, Qui-- me, auo ther kiudred miuoral poisons in u'e. Radway's Keinil itine Pill are elegantly coated with leuicate.d Gum thirtv Pills lu each box done from one to six waiiHiited to operate in eii hours. RADWAVS REGULATING PILLS RE TDE MOST PEKFEC PILLS IN I'SK, and the oniv Pills bat pofeers any new medirmul prept ties or reul8tmg nvem that have been discovuiea auring me preaent cent ury THE WEAK GROW STRONG. Th first cf Radwwv's Pills tows the sed of alth in tbe sl:k aud diseased eyeterr, mid in nit--e- minutt-- alter a dufe is swaiiov-e- will c ieck the pro-- Tftte of di?ea-e- : iu dix hours fcn evaci a'lon irom the bowels will follow, when the uitient will giowb-tte- n every day the patient will giiu strentn. '1 he Mck be- - ome h althy and t he teehle ctronp; evrr o- g u ui t he jeaued body resuscitated with new lite ana r, d health aud regularity will regu throiutiout the hole fystm, I he Iiv0r will be regular u secietlng hilt, the akin regular in its ftiuctiou.-- and thn hea tretr- - iar lu it beatiu;., the pulse regular in it motioiic. ad the bowele regular, at a rettuUr hour, iu diocharelttg heir onteut'. L'-- all who have u to take tiyt-i- tnite a dofj of Radway t PiiU. Il our syttem out of order, two or hree el Radway s ri Is wiil ct.ib)ir"h regularity The 1 llowin ailments Rdwv Pills will quirklv re aud free the etm from all irritating humore and leave every orgau of the body in a natural aud healthy conditio': Constipation of ttie Bowels, ;TIv?teris, of The Bowels, vv hue. lulHUimation ol the Kidueys, Inrluouzi, Haadacue, Nrfrvuus, Its, tick, Klduey Comp'altn, iJladder Com plaints. Suiih-Po- 'Iudigeetio!!, Diopsy, Sear'et Fever, ostivenesr, i ypr-u- t ever. Biliounese, Pleurisy. Dvrpepsia, B lions Fever, Irregularity, Heart Diaeaee, Lore of Appetite, Lose of Memory, Loss of Energy, and Lose of Strength. LMPOETANT TO LADIES. Ladles suffering from Irregularities, Monthly Surrp reg ion e. Retentions. Ac, should take one or two of Rad way's Regulating Pills every night for one week before tbe expected period. They will remoTe all ditteascd ob- structions and in ure a healthy discbarge at the proper time. Price of Radway? Pills 25 cents per box (coated with gum); pleasant o take; 30 pills in each box. Sold by Dmgguta aud Merchants everywhere. EADWAY A CO., S3 JOHN STREET, New York. E. WTLDPR, Awni. lAHiiivtlla, Jan38 dlrtpeodiwlanily A IT" To Cash Imagers Great Inducements 1 VrE ARE OFFERINO I'R LARGE AND AT- - trrt"tiv to'-k of KANt'i PKKsS f;KjDSat t.KX ni.AVl KDiM CJ ION FOR CASH. Our nu-- M' 's I ' SluCK id cue ol tho Urgent in tbe city, con ei;tin? In i.(,rt el New York Min-an- Water-twt- 't Shbtlnps, Lo Hii.ile nnd Etinbuli Lnfloth Shiriiiigi llix- - aiii lilitekrton- - bhii lbu.v, WaTun t a.uu5 u,(,t r ftlem ?liiitin:s, liirli Li'ii'iiH an birt !oi;t. Id 1 L'tn-- nnd A'lii.iUle Sheet lugs, Li 4 Liaeu Siieetiugf, Tahl D:tnaka, Najiiurt and DotW, MarreiPes nni AllendUe Spreads; All C' lnr Fr wh. KlHtiti'.-!- , Wnile Coo - in v.n Glv(i arid H vinri', Paranoia ;u;d Fain, M' "t'1 Nttinef, Ao all of which we ark the attention of buyerir. rTAHTITJ & cnurfS3Auas, )1 ..V!. 'M4 Ko..,-- M , t i..fl. PJOn AT WAR PEalCES ! Carpets and Dry Goods! CX Rl'AINS AND CURTAIN' M TERIAL3; TABLE AND ALL OTHER GCAUFS LINENS; FLOOR all wil'h: EVERY DKSCUIPriOM OF C Ylt?ETIN 3; PL 4 IN BLA'JK GRKNAD1N1-S- : PLAIN BLACK STLKA, every grvl; LAWNS, BEREGI'S. WHITE GoOi3 tc. BLEACHED AND BROWN COTTONS. With a full ttck f.f DOMESTIC GOODS, CANTON MATTING, Ac., Ac; Which will ba rold Io by C. S777ALL fit CO-- , iM i&b SJ5 Main st., opposite Bank of Kentucky. NEW STYLE BTRvW HATS iu- revived fTff at PEAT11LR it SMITH'S, h Maiu at. w A lii'.r, r VA ( O ' I KillT AM) ? f I!ICK COLOItEJ S FT H vrs r.ivd Kvlf at PKATHKR A SMITH'S, SiLK ASO LASSiMr.RE LRE6S HA'IS, afest et; lea, at s4 PRATIIER 4 SMITtrS, 8THAW acOJ'3. We are jmjt in tvet ipt t a lri:e aud bwnMfui TT rto( k of Goods f.r SuiTitiier W :ir. rnnHif .n!F lu paitcf L- g iotu, straw, P tmma, Florence Braid, and EuKlieb Straw, all of tlie laN--- nt.vlfj and at iiuahtien. a. cttAKi j"' i:h (Vr.'.'r M'fn a d F- i. BOPT HATS A pitvei r- lon d Heaver Fel, th 6nest H"t in town, and the beautilul in shape, is e. only at - A CHAIG' K.ATB, III SUV Murk n,1 Purl ('u,.im r an V,l.,b fltyle.c. ruady for oursalu thij niorutitg. 3KS-- b A. CRAIG. TIIKK Cane a lor Udies rioitlnr the M. CVtJi Norh nr p.'r'li'Tor m.-i- conveuieut can be worn. To be h'tmd oi.ly at j8jab A. CKVIG'S. COAL! COAL! Of the bet qu ty apfl at tbe lowest prices, for sale b7 (rP.iTT' NPRN GANTT, Wiwt-sld- cf rh'r. ctret. GOLD F03 PAPE2. BEST AND CKEAPKST VOGT & K1L.INK, ESfaDiifactarcjK, - -- S3 & Third U R;pectfiil'.y ofTpr for lnjprf'on trS sale a large and bplondid &.sjrtineul of of sriri&rior workniMHtiip fpifhi'abl le- -, Dta mond, C iral, CarOuncle, articles rltj good, fine. Mid bcKutitul aud everiiipK be ioi luring u our line, o' L'.r.Jivan inij oi t. New Wns librics, au3 our own make. . Haviue lieeu in i1n toted by conticor? toCLOST OL1 and ecil at any rre rurh'ir ttiaii ret iru goods, and, to tbe-- bard rimes, lestrous to .KT NO CAoli I l'STOMI'. t Gf on th score of r.ric.-- we invito our fi ien.e ai4 tbs HihMc to call and esain::e our stoclc, and res tafnrei iiat their want and wiahet will and hnll Ik; Biaribed. at VOGT i KLfNK'S. ft Walker's Ifixchanfro THIRD ST., PET. MAIN & MAFvKJiT. dt PROG- - First of tho Season. JtST received a rue lot, of FP-O- LlVrg, KPRINO SNiPi?. rLov?-:ii- r;.i and MALLARD DLLKJ, fOTOilAC bilAD, S.VLMO.N. HASS. fie. Partte and familie-liu- e suixlied with everything In our at the fhoite-- t net .1. I!N CAWTIV ft CO.. aSJtli Tlunlft.. V am and Mirhet. N B.la rer ivrd a Dixp rj.j;...,. nr nf LONDON DOCK BRANDY. OLD liue iLADKjiAo ad BHERltli;n. IL W. HUIiRLAGK. J. KSCUiLANK GREVE, BUHRLAGE, & CO., V-'- ' ft WIIOriESALE paeloe jxrauTTimy Manufacturers Cabinet-STaker- s' LlateriaU, Green ctroet, between Clay aod Shoiby gtreci.. LOUSNVII.rE, KV. LADIES, ATTENTIOH ! NEW GOODS AT TklE Olioi Iifloe Store, 3(f. FOL'RTH STREET COLD NO. W). JUST HECVIVKri r-- EXPHE33 1NFANIS' LACE A PS: BLACK CREPE OLLAKS; LINEN SET 8 at W . tr: MAKSEILLBS SETS at 3d rv, DO CHJ,AItS at 10 cts; LINEN COLLARS at 10 etc; Ac. CHARLES F. RAL'CHFUSS, J7 jAb 3 H Fourth t. (rlA N". W. GREAT REDUCTION ' Engravings, Lithographs, Giit Frames, Lookinsr-Glasses,-Walki- ng Canes. A flno Aeecrttiient, and CHEPEK TllAN EVER. ti. .HftrUet stl.etw?fn Krrond nnt Thlrt' aud tV. r ,Hrhi nnd Preton At UUND A K NO F EL'S al h,tl Bonk-ror- Wow -- looks !Vew Boks, HrSTOKY OF l. THE UMTiiD NE'i HF.l'.LANDS, b) N''TKS ON SCRIPTUR, bv To"LIonf. 3 SO. THF HI0LE AND TtlE CLASSICS, by Bishop Mead . 3 5". ANNALS OF THW AMKRI-'A- METHODIST PUL PI T bv W. R Spiaoi", D. D. MACAULAY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Vol. 6. 4'c. WORKMEN AND TUJUR DIFFICULTIES, by Kr Itftiiy. tc. SOLDI EK AND SAILORS' TKXT BOOK, by Ret ,1. U. MacdurT. D. O e. GOOLY'S LADi'A BOOK for May. Jimt received by A. DAVIDSON, STATE Or IKK OUATRV. 'FHK DANVILLE QUARTERLY for 1 ure, cunta'nine . Dr Br. ckiu ridge's article oo the fctito ti the Country, just received by A. DAVIDSON, Ji jAh 3d3 Third . ar Market. M. C. RAjMSEY, Removed to o. 318 Fonrth stref t, oppose Tripp & trap's I?f usic Store, Y7HERE he - nra'n ready towait on his fiieuds with ' hid large fitock cf Watchef?. Clcck, JewnTry, Silverware. Table Cutlery, Tine Spectacles, &c, tMrTheniier ibnn ever offfrvd. jfi KEPAIKINO IN EVERY DKPAKTMEN1 I take this oecanioa to rtturn my thank to th"f who eo noblv awietd in savins-ir- coods (rem the fin that swept me Lorn ciy oM etiud u Mnu fti:. . m!3 j4' M. C. RAMSEY. CLAMS, SOFT SHELL CRABS, Malta's C. S. M. Core Cyders, WOODCO'K, I BOd LEr.p. CHICKFN9. cQUaBS. YOUNG SQUIRRELS and all other de.icac! of th B"e., uaji, Ly Express at the tel. CJL4KLI' S, J it th street. N B DAYTON ALB and PORTER for sale at tV Just Hcnoived, JJARFEB'B for fifa ui3a JAto 8US Third street, oear Varkeu AUCTION S t. a. DNXI S. O. Henry Ac Co, 4 UnONF.rRS AND COMMISSION MFIKT7AN rorner oi aaain ana wan er, e l, cai- .'vl ie, ivy, lycwh advnncnt niodi) on gv.s uourfi.if-- to us Ui any amount. Wo ar at all times rety ti at'e-r- o o Rrat , Marfhcl'a or ( 'oiitjtaife'B Sib-s- Houte,no( F urnirui-e- . Ac. on terms oati.tfact-or- to colters. iyJr USEFUL AS mi AS aUJtiSIil Cbrfstmas anJ Sew Yfsr-- Pr??Bt WLt. KENDPJCK', Third st., between M?in a..ii Wa;9i, f& My stock of WAT(7fH3, 1 JKWKLKY, SILVER anfl PLATl'D WAR? Was crvfrr nr-'- eomr'ot than at present, and ctf? on :fni as ctu b j'tViourel lth-eil- - Cti'l 1 O 111 CASH. MARSHALL k DIPKINSOX, . TaTo.217 Fourtlistroot, BETWEEN MAIN ANU MARKET STS., -- F. ARB NOW OFFERING GREAT INDUCE-- ments to buyers in CAKPFTS. CTKTITN. tl.OOi; Ul(N AFi M T . t XKTA'NS AND O '.VAKM. LACK Vi Jt i A t. 1,1 KN ' ODDS of every descrlpt'on for family os( at very low pricw for catli aud each onlv. MARSHALL ft DDTKIN-IOH- , ' :D7 Fourth t, Mfcin au.J M,irl-t,- . WALL PIPER WAR PRICES We have still on hand a good assortment of tlia above at VERY LOW PRICL3. Window Shades AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME3. Give us s call before purchasing elsewhere. 303 Fourth street. BETWEEN MARKET AND JEFFERSON STREETS, JS'ttxt door io Fonda" Grocery, J17 d!aH to UNDR'ES 3 bv hhls No. 1 Salt an bbls Tible H:lt in small bw, tO bhls Cider VipMsar 25 bht larne N .3 Mackfpil; SO .do lere No 3 ao; !W bble medium No. 2 d; &5 "do No. 2 do; &o kita No. a uj; li) boxes Herring; 7) cask rtoda; 35 boxes Soda In lib papers; 8'") do Stoue Pipes. O. D. CajM; IWytm S B. d: boxs Butler"- - Blacking; 25 do quart Flasks. do pint di; 10 do Spint Ari In store and for aie by MAit.inAIi HALI t'ET S C). Jyl U" l I ARO OIL 41 bbls received on conripcme:.t In ft ore JL 4 and lor sale by jyi ALLEN. MOORK. ft HD,N. O FUiJAK 3 0 bhd. irom lAir tu choice m etoie and tor sale by 1 ATLN. MDoRT". fr TMDfN. T)LANTATioN molasses bii) Lt'ls in ttJie and fur sale by ALLFV. MOOUT!. tt pv cnEAr: cheap: very cheap: Cloth Coats worth $16 for 5; Cloh Coats worth 810 for $7; Cloth Coats worth $'3 for 54; CasBimere Coats worth ft 12 for i3; Cft!eiroere Coats worth S7 for $2 5); Linen Coats worth from AO f0 to j at 41: Surarer Vests worlh from If2 to ) et 41. The above goods, a little out of style, b'.;t good, articles, for sale at J. M. ARMSTRONG'S, J29 On Man st opposite tbe NatiouaL CHAMPAGNE AND CAT V, HA WINK3-- Uti cass Widow licquut Chanipiguo; 2 oo De'monlco do, 'Jo baskets Verzuav do; yii do old & Co. do; Lucases Mo. Siurkling Catawba; 2u dt zeu Dry do: Iu "tore and for sale in quantities to suit purcbspert by ji5 .1. P. THOMPSON. FmHb si. AND GRAIN CRASH Gralu Scythes, luo Gra-- s IB Patent Snaths; tor sale bv 123 C. OTTMSBY. COFKKK .Tara Coffee: 34 Laenavra Coffeot Jnt received and for sale by LKKTiNGS 36 bales Pmn Mill td Aecior S1 ings receivLd per Ftembot Fiornr and for sale by JNO. F. HOWARD & CU , Aleuts Or Miun,'a,'tur l'B, $25,000 WOUTII F A 8I ONAB LE Clothing and Farnishiug Goods! At great sacrifice for cafh at J. M. ARMSTRONG'S, On Main, opposite the National Hotel, FINE DRESS SUITS-FIN- BU81NKSS SUITS; 8UMMF.R SUITS; BOYS SUITS: CHILDREN'S SUITS; Also a saperior assortment of SHIRTS; HOSIERY; GLOVES; UNDERWEAR, Ac, at 119 RMRTHOJ(VS. HI 13 BIT T& BON, lirnOLESALK AND KLTA1L GKoCfcRY, FLOUR, f ai.d TKA STORK. No. Market ttrL beiw.tn wnrt mn T.rH. K- UQ IpLOUR 31i bbls Arcade Mi" d niMe extra Hw, m. a very superior aniclA. in irore ni frr tale by AND'W BUCHANAN CO 190 fVirn-.- r t,A 'VOJl, t. OjWl CASKS FANCY PKIMS, Spiague'a, Ameri-Ov- ll can, Diinn-irt- , and Taeouy; HiO CASKS UNION FANCY PRINT?; Received and for sale for enh on' by JAMES LUW 4 CO a 3 I LACKKKRRY WINK A choice nrttcie ot pure I Hlackbony Wine in store and for saie oj the bar-- l by EFINEIi BLGAK Lh) bbls Baltimore B Sort 4. Crushed received and for le hy 4"t RAWIN Torn CO. " I U LASHES H7 bhis Plantation landing from et am J er Magenta and for sale hv mao KAWSON. TODD. A OO. MACKEREL AND SALMON In whole, half, and and on retail by mS HIRPTTT A SON. CLARET 4 casks superior Claret In store nnd for vl atti WM. GAY. CHOICE TEAS S6 paekac choice Own id and Black Teas, fresh arrival. In store and for ; JT' sale by HrPRITT A SON. ORIFO BEEF AND TONGUES-6- iK lbs Dried Boef dozen Tonnues lor sale by man HIRBITT A SON. bLons. Ac A fnh asHortnietit f bilk, l.tnen, nd Floss, and a full assortment of Hoop Sklrta f all eizua, just received aud for ale, by JAMES LOW A CO., mP init 21" we-- t aiftf Uivth t. JUGAR-6- U hhdfl illy titr to nme lanulug from nd for h nrn rjo I oLASSK, tuo bit is PtKiiiatuni recutvH.1 by t the Autocrat and Pevtoua and ior - il by H. w coor. TO BROOIVI-TrTAXirn- S. X( OOOD BROOM HANDLLS,weil seasoned JU,UUV tb-- hert quality Broo . Cord; t35 tbs best quality Twhlne; S ltB best yualitv colore.i Sewing Twine; S&t) lbs best quality plated Wire; 2nd bdls Cut Tack?, Broom Needles. Ae.; Tu?t received at tlie Wooden Ware and P.room 8toie, is Main street, between Third and Fourth, LouievulG, tnH for .!. hr p wldl nifWIM R " ' 11IO c It by t tie MiMfftiita aitd for mla bv i'Oort ft Moony JAVA COFFEE 50 poHcets prime old Java received by mailboat and for sale by R COODAMCODY JUGAR 36 hhds prime received per steamers Ma-- Reuta and Peytona and for eale by fll RAWSON. TODD. A CO. "iOFFEK luo batts prime Bio landing from Ben. J. Adams and for aale by COOD A MOODY. WUGAR 67 hhdp fully filr and prime landing from steamer Grev Lal and for eale by RAWSON. TODD, A CO. fOX'S STARCH-- r 160 boxes Rrlined Pearl in sto O and for sale by rawdon rnnn rn W SMITH'S K K.NNETT ALE. In tiMf and Vjbbl ; (i MARSHALL'S KENTUCKY REAM ClifcLo KM cf each just received u.1ryg. ro. 1 1 AY 3'iu biles prime Timothy and HungananGraia tl foraaie by pKNTOV ,M yy, best charcoal brand Ut f assorU :izes. tor sale low h WALLACE, L111H.QW. k "0 bMd IxivtrlcK'BCniphed aud Granulated SUGAR Jnrt received foria! ro l Al.dIron. Steel, lza, e"xk IUi Mi in store and Jjr sale Xt i" . . ,,u kkl. lAMrtns'l dtfrtd If . and frvr ai j a.! r in tor- ,V at7A " MOORE, A HADEN. Mill XX Family CLOUR 1 bbls Knicbt-tow- n for Railroad apd I Flour received per Jy, rTereonville aVTVW HANJl.'J A , ale n by Cornr Second and Wafhicgton sts. v FEB ltX, uHe Rio; Java: for l".by '.UM pockets M co. fjg tASlLXnAll, muiu'i"- -" OA7,IN;S CAMPHOR ICE, for chapped O Ac, or ale by CUJ l CiLOrR- -7 bbls Extra White Wheat FamPv Flonr fur sale by taJ
Page 1: Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jqr2g/data/0202.pdfVOLUME XXXI LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, MONDAY, JULY 8, 1861. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL ... J i'i!'".Pf

M ij--EX.




betwtx a third and roBiira.BrmiHiTTiom-nM- Ir. !Mivp4 Lathe city. V no

La.ly, by P'H, in advancevJooi.tn y duly ft piT rt - W ee it I y .'.'.". V. '..'.'"".".' f OitWeekly, In rdvanc, single copy'..'..'. !'"!"'"."!In r.n.tx of five or over 1 bo

UenuUii-yj- fcy mail ia reg'-ife- d Uitm at oar

ng r: tms r.ruiSYTLLEJULAil ADVEKl U.ERS.

B" sqnare, cMnr.;iMe unnnia ft (0 OUQ1 oo 3;in 0 IKHO (IO ii II. .ra .1 do I'M IKJ

" a'jovn price.A.ivmjc.?iTi(iTi!n ii'iniieh-i.-- nt. i ill ci va'e sf; 1 tor first Inanion mirent' "nr r ,;'i;".;'i nt oneAr.uo,u:cii p.,r w;- - V for name.

it'!v6rtl.ira n.i i:r t, , ., A

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it ii trd .1 j;;,,-- .; itfh-- by theAilvlflt.T ft- for !! r:: ii n '.- - T'.:w. tire Cupipi- -Eiin.e, ftDd otuCT vull, u c ja ch like,

K1;toriHl nt and fnni:iTicRt ions, inertM in ed- -

iortal co.tnnns and io i r.')nii:t private intcr-- r

c?'ir pfzr tb-- e OJl; inserted &t the diecra-o- nt.h edion.

N IM he anleM accem- -i fl by tiit iPii) r.r" of tho nuthor.

MA!uuoar. advrvtuK-nrf.ft- W r :it? for the first Infer-lo-

and ceute t.r cutiuuarjco; oacfc tljanceeomidfT.'d ii now adv,,rti.'Tap;it.

WU1 e cuirt;.o tin; !r,:vc fr in lj.lyCOllt'IllHMi, ft'fr jVrrt iii zLq Evuu- -

ri:ili.--m- ,

iticatwr trii-cf-

A.lTn t,t o. tb ii.aiue m tbe Jonrnul are

Aovr.srisi.-T- Hatf Tn WerVv Journal. Kar.h Finarp1 iint- or Ipsj), tirvt i;t-;.:o- 10

Bth ''on'mi.H.'ue f,0Written notic" iiinf ho irivn to tnio out nnd ;top

o' v advertta-- brtore tlia rtift:'wo charw Uil dore.

Nf (cvttr!cit of yearly v"f fi'l bovitli.nt notice to u, nor will pny cuare

tor iti- tii.in one rear at tVj vt arly rntc.


2Fa MANHOOD.sr. Sow Losi, How Slestored,Jist PuhHthca, in a fralej Envelop,


otn.iai it. niiify, md liivolunrarv r.uiid-km- i,

ii.dauii6-- Ij.Kteury ud MvuUl and fhyticfal

Et rob. ,i. crLvirnwLU m. d.Anr..or of tl, "Njreu U ok." AcIbe Butuor, ia tan adrniraMerealty vrovue fro-- his own CTrinfo tlitIbvtawtnl con ieqnf ;rc? of may beremoved Hi.liout c:edici'ie wii hour daiH'yroiu

o,i:it;0llBi Inst runout , rint,8, or cordi.il-- ,poiiitiriK out a co.)e cf eure at one crt iiu andby which ev.ry auT!n:r, no mlcr what hi- - condi-liu- n

Mny t,, ni.-.-y cum iihn It' cbeai'iv-- , pncatHv, andwv-ti-L-j- . Tine Locture will prove a Iwou w caonsaudsaao tfioinRnd.-- .

finiwuWr ir.al to anyaJdrp?, rcpaon there.cr p. ol t poerfltui(, bv nd lr. i;il. .). C.. D., lj;jjo,.-L'iy- Vo. k, Vost Box

incincti Venereal Hospital,Kf;tal:'cJ ia the year mjO,

FOlt Tit 4 (JLKK OV PRIVAT2 Dl&KA&SS.IM nauor tut cor.t'- -l r " tn-- the iuoit eminout

i'i the wcnl.PON A P."-- Li i;, irom LoiiJoa and Paris Tloafl-- '

Kii, nnd f.n- tiifl twst ton of the OlncifinatiYHi'Oves! 1"t17:i.I, And IV. v.. R Rnu-ldd- , late of Newk'Tlc. Ta-- is .hp on!v oiik-- j In tHt) city whre a

cur! of p.'irsto diepasji cji tw otialned nitiiontb o.' fcoiL-iir- o- ?$ of di.-- t. Gononli ea riiredp S ti i ;ivt J in 3 to I Sn icnrin- d - ti S N, etnrped to

It-- d .j"e. Sc.i.-.- d tl.ii' curi'il in 2 to S w;'k.?; J i'i!'".P in it-- - pr.bi iry Kt.Jje nred itl 3 dir?. S' COixd-- !

f u- - in 1 to ii weeti". -ti

tun J in i to s ve.'k. I'n T),or 1Uj 4 AJi JijcH.'H a treated witiiiL or frynaK

i r. vrk privot di?":vi, thepilrr.r- - fnVi to , I, to all, nftl'j aiid

tun ld s;;d yoiiun whouid TimJ thia mn'm. It t, ill

!it by mull.Or. Pven1fe tav j hac nor

irvtjr wi!) (nil mari ied too I'l'l-lt- t t h;'.r.'T'-r- '' it theb-isir- f !r. bo Ili

"ii bivt-nt- i n. Piif r' tf - tiFt. Fr Pit!iit !:.', S''. It tcr-et--

aitf ; ind n -r til to five tifn. It ! thn"lv ipJe Rfid F'Ufl ,?; .i;-- trrrnp.-- v and

l".ti?-- . TH ihf- - French PAT-- uf Mai-- ' SV' Ijf t;- tict'M or;?-- , Liul t;;oEii, jw--r dcca. 6e:it;v n:!t;l.

l.07.!Ria re!ia! Monthly P''l- - are a :;fovid roli'i?lri iriiiv tor and sll tyrj:ln

Ladifs (;io.:M n it the::i prvuatity,u thv wiil piod . rirv $1 per boxxt a iiTit-- to ;xv ddw-ir- br nu.ih

ts. 11. i R. arc Lie rn": r. , tiioy areavlf noi'. d to b" Rud and king

f Te'i"r".l dipe-r- , aa i "ii" o.i'- - Oxtora who ro ive'onchly It ( tr1,; rc:u 'tie old foi'.j: t !irth

I'f'iM An fHv Oi vomi 'i to witov tl'ewn'rji vt'b t nift'jk;vJ, ri.1 to watch the

jr?cr.?,t!u'ot,i:h a rarp.'T of rcieptdoDal st:tdy, incf lb";. fi i.m t'..- - uun.fi'n &rird of poverty

' the maniionn of tl'fi weflriiv, cud having awvrtaiuedbeyond a doubt titc vt dnfferintj of hnmauity. thy

milled t.o itlct the fjmitirr.ti p".jrm ste their?ti,rly, s'Ld to uewtte Unir whole aU"nt!iu to the

lTiatio.-- of flind;?oaerj tif th --'!; i.Tiwrtint functio if.e Inttfre whl uniHja Uiwy coutfdn a reimttar! or a utanjp.OaJl, or faij

!bk. IJOAPAr.Ta fto. 12 Svciucieti-e- i'lithad c'tb, ert sfde,

Ciicinoali, O.03ce hours, fl A. M. to ? H. M. f5

I9 !:''. H

O ; H

ArD. D. XITJFIL,Ko. 'jJT Fourth t., nnst door to Mozart Mall,

MAM'PACTrFf Kit ANS I1iPOUTF.lt OWcf ev;ry KPAU- -

SWOK..S, b.:!!W. BL1S, RANNHRTAdKhS, STA VK OLA 111 and U. ft BUTTONS,4.. All tidur prouiptiv liiltdaaJ at short notice,

apa-- i d:f

Chaje cf 1 inn.ry SUANI'y & CO. hiv e.C'.iated W. A. OA 7VHK.M i U their ti- - in. and p nchfLrP.1 the "tnd

3f SMilil OMfit, on ao;:h eirio of !ark.-- rtrert,b low Flojd, wh.ire t'y wi.j rond'ict the Wli( LK.PALIS and HTAIL i iU.H.iil Jf and PltonLCE biibi.O'v!. l';'!iri-rt-"d with tlu-i- boii?e tlmy have a goodWAGON-- AltO, with ample accommodations forhomes. wRKO'itt. nd other v .'"icl'-n- nd wouid be gladio ioe their old fiicnde. T. SHANKS,

H. T. HOIU),July 13, dtf V. A. O A M.HRA ITTI.

ANTLKi ATT) SA!do M 'id d..:

2 HJ d'i to:!. inoi, barf CO (Jo;W do To;i-:- ("x

do Cflii Mo; for ftU byri35 (JASTLKMAN, ML Itlti'.i ,L, 4 CO.

LNPKIK;r n ti !ia ciie, Cin. K im. Ac:

cnf3 txn e.-

K i 4 yki-- ai'd wholOiive Oil, Macai'oui Vrrict iii, due :

lu store atid fr u

ANTHONY ZANONii gnyFi!!i it., below Main.

CLAKliT W1NK3flt. .h'heri;

do Floi i.v;In no St. K,iphPT

Jiirt rectiv'ti aud I'oi sale byml .T. P. THOMPSON.

UAHVI5SI1 KKGS-- 1. d. ae.i ork Hai K 1

;i:o a rill a.;iT tutnit of Lieinijoluia,all tiztt; just rew.iVi'd a.jJ lor 1"?

OUR! N RAWPON,n 3 st.. n Thirl nnd K.mrth.

What i'ans4 LARf.R td' of wi:i:' FA3 in L'toro R)ld fora. sale cut-i- r. II L it hki;n r a co ,

t.. :: " n M.vn and K'ver.

() Vhmnd NLW YORK KAP:ilS'n store and forsa-.- by h N P i.'O--

j Setovd . Miin and R.vr.1 LNTL't LAUD 30 kt pni.M' fn.ily Lard for1 b' 'HHHl'IT ti SON

1 AT 4U vketa yr'.i'i" "'ofTcpby rr"l IHUHITT A-- t'N.It 25 J litiJ Rir o yri; g kkv I'i ftor? and foxs';: le AM.' W F.I ;HANN i CO.

AFKS LiM:r'a cb:Ihil iron Fire and Utirplar ProofS:it , with li Ccb'.iVt-- tn;l)liin!l() 1 tck ui tliem.

Id stoiw and lor tfaJe at f.Ue rii:i:ii!tuctiiivr'a nyiera byW. H. CO.

rim KFSHK ' ne a ?cond-hin- d Tbrh- r for ilA ch at j C. oKtlli "a.

WJOWINtt MAnifNK iUNHSTONEa - Patentfoi' sri:ii

hmd f- ilohi- - f

Chairs.aiflortmcut ft HAIU( In ntr"nd foiVLAROK fL'.II P.JUJNT si CO.,

id t. cn Mnin and Kiir.FS- -

bM3 do birup;In rtort lid for tzlr by


Fresh EKie Iick WaterN store ana tor byJ HUfiH P.RNT ft C(t.,

fcJIlKLLi:U Oii'N - Iih;:i UiU; aud lulledto a A d Coru :a etoi-- ana 'or esie ny

AND'W BUCHANAN A CO..Comvr of Second and stp.

Jail HV.rron, Mackerel, Herring, and Bardlnee Idi rack-itfe- s aud oo retail byni j TH p PTTT A RON.

? 1 9 for cam byJ. T. J A CO.,

Tmrter- - t v.. Third A

bLUAM b) b'ds Loverinr's Cru-hr-

REFIM5P and Powdmti bufir lu ituro aud for!e by


casl.e rice rew 1 1 anrt :2V bvmi ion. fo.iti hio CrtleO !orcA' by

V jl OAttrN1'R CO

lo bdgi pnme lvio Coffee U etore and fortOFirLr--


iIDl-KVine, ii lor eaie by

J. SMITH SPL'ED, Main rt.

LI!S WIKL, No?- - 6 to I?5, best qualityJU Or tale b


Trdoe's Tactics.PPLY in a- e.y or tw- -


UeJ.Aiw1 L, A. 1VI woof).

SUGAR- S- .1..FlNf:(; Biiitiuiore B Soft Crushed;K do do Povdorvd;

L,rp-i- from mailboat d';-.f-, A C0.

c itiV. "for tie byAND LAKH-6.W- KJ

1U BBi fTrbs,4 SON.



West Baden Springs, Ind.rr M 1 3 cvtahUihmont hA? very roucb ImprovedI aniwill bo opt'n to vl?itors on th lith oi .Inne:

and 1 proniiflu my old fricntla that I will do all that Icn to make them cimfoitabl. The wntrrs haveprowd ttiPinelve beiifticial to a rreat ninny of theRfHir'ffd, and tiiocie ttint try them will rarly be disap-pointed in receiving Take your ticketa at Hitl,., N. A., 4 O. It. It. oiTlcfi forOrlcftns. and the buw willrail for you In th niorulnjt and tnfc" yoo to the cars,then to Orleans, then by hack to the bpriog tor Tea.Faro throu) h& 5u.

TERMS OF BOAROiPer day 91 00Per wepk 6 onFour wt'pk le WJ

rtiiMi'tn bd ! LaII pneo.Uor""'3 par we'x 3 'K)

fUTor tnnli-- r pa ticulars, nxjuire of .1. I. Lemon,(Times Kudd, J. II. Shro-dHr- , and iieo. WVlby. Directtil c'lrinnucicttioue to Weil liadeo Spriiiw.

le'u djni Pit. ,1 A LANK.

ThoEarly Physical Degeneracyor



rhyilcin lo lt Trop Lvnf mmd nyfitnic

A Treatise on tho Causea of Early Physical De-

cline of American People; the Cause of Nerv-ous Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus.f3fThia worn Is nf a high moral tons, written In

chaste yet thrilling laagnaK, and appl" directly tothe moral conrtcio:i-np- 3 of Ai.- i- Parknts and Gt'AR-ihan- s

epociiliy, scientific and reliable aidsaud for cure.

It wil! be sent by mall On receipt of

nri'ARrM and GnARDiANSl fail not to tend andobtain thia book.

riTYncNfl Mis! fail not to send and pet this book.JWLabiks! yon, too, should at once secure a copy of

tnu be ok.

A Word of Slomn Oonciontiou Adviceto thot who will Hefloct

A class of maladies prevail to a fearful pt"nt indooming at loaet lw.nit youth of both

toan arly grav. Thope dipaea are vryuudor-too- Their etrn:Ll Dianib-ntatio- or

syniproma aro D hility. Relaxation, andMuracnm-o- r wasftinc and connuniption of the

tis?uca of the wholn body; ehortiHv of brnatbing or hur-ri- ;i

breatbinp ou iist riidinK a bill or a llieht of stairs,palpitation of the Heart; Asthma, Ilronchitia, and

ore Throat; shaking of the llandt; and Lirube; aversionto and to tmyinee or study; dimnect" of i:

losf ot" Memory; dizzine?e of rlie Head: NeuralgicPain? in variojp parte of the bod ; Pam in the Hack orLtiulw; Lumbago. lypinprfi:, or Indirection: irreculari-t- y

of the Towels: deranped sections of the Kidneysand other pland of the body, as Lencourhira or FleurAlbus, A.; likewise Kpilepay, Uyettiia, and Nervous

Now, in ninety-nin- caes out of every one Vundred allth- ahove-naiiif-d and a bOct of otbnrs notniimed, ae Coni'iniij'iioii of the Lnne, and thp most

and wily firm of munition nf the SifinalNe.rtwi, known a Tabus Dorsals, aud Tahp.H micenteri-c- a,

liHve their mni and orioin in tlireapfi8 of Pelvic Visce-

ra. Ht nee thi; wmit of euccf?B on the part ot old schoolpractice in treating symptoms only.

i)r. Andrew stone. Physician to the Tror Lung andIlvjnenic Institution, is now engaged in treating thiscla-- 3 oi modern maladies wih the mo-- t fitoniehintt

The treAtiu'-u- adopted by the Institution if new;It ia hacd upon wintinc principles, wi(h new discov-

ered remedies, without miueral? or poioue. The taclli-tiw- s

of cure are such that patient can be cured nt theirhom'-a- . in any part of the country, from accurate de-

scription of tiieir case, by letter, and have the medicinessent them by mail or eipi ew. Printed interrogatorieswill hrt foiwardfd on aojiliration.

tS7"Con-uruptii- tlatarrh, and di?eaeee of the Throatcuivd a well Jit the fcmi'j's of patient ft as at the Institu-tion hi tlie Cold Medicr.ffd Itthalinff BclwiKtcValors with inhaler, and aui pit direction tor thir aae,and hret comxpt nurn"--

ffP"PaM?nt3 arp'ying for interrant(riB or advice"iicloe rrturu stump' tow! attention.

yfhe attending ph. pician will be lonnd at the In-- s

itution for coMsultittion, from i A. M. to a P. M. of eachdty. Sundays in the forenoon.

Adrcos DR. ANDREW STONK,to te Troy Lnng and liygienic Invitation

and Physirin for dieep.i-e- of the Heart, Throat, andLnugi, 16 FnUi street, Tixy, N. Y.


Tiir. Matron of Tni iNfiTiTUTTOH.Who la throughly rend and poet'-- d in the rathology ofthe many atiiktive and prodtiating maKdine cf morem.'d.'rn , will devote exclusive attention to thiscl's of discs?"? pt'cnlWr to hfir aex.

IK"The Awen.Iing Mdicat"d Douche, a nio.it Impor-tant jwveiu ici kfmalfb. Sent by expreu-- for 5.

F:maiee can consult Mr?. DnrtresB iitone confidentlyby Utter or pexDOimlly.' Atidref

Mlirf. N. O. STONK. M. D.,Matron to the

oc.7dcod:y Tbot, N. Y.

? 1 5 S ( E I LA IN E O IJ S






Between Third and Fourth.

J PAWNING GOODS of every style and qualityIfif AWNIMiS made and put up to order.

Vtr DonVt for net No. 30S.iU




SALOON MB IIESTMMNT,Comer Sixth Street and Court Place,


IjOviisville, Ky.ESAW Cl POH72H, Pxopriotora.

MSAIS it sll hours of the day and night. Onraupli d ftith Pith, Mtat, Poultry,

and OysttTf, the be.'t in he market. Iu our Si loon areto be found iui)orted Winee, Liquors, and Cigars of the(.Tl 'iceM B' and.

Solo in Kentucky for .1. J. Sandp' celebratedCbn iirov-n- Milwankie X, XX, and XXX P.ile Creamand stock Alp; whoiwUd, in barrels and haU barrels,or hv ti:. hot tip.


Brandies & Crawford?GRAIN" :DAZjr-Xl2- ,

KAVK removed to tbe new Warehouse on thecornei o idaia and First street.

We will pay th highest market price for all kinds ofGrain, delivered at our store or at any good chippingpoint on the O o river.


POWDEROF ALL qnalliea constantly on hand and fm sale oy

DAVIS A 3iJi!XD, Aleuts for the Manufacturer!.

IiOUiftriLL.t Sep. 3, 159.MresBS. Davis A Sptxh, AgeDts of Oriental Powder

Co., Lo;ii?viile:(Astv' V'e have been nsing your El&stlng Powder and

we taks pieajure in stating that we fiud it equal 1 notsuperior to any Powder that we hnve ever used.

ARTHL'K CAMPBELL,Superintendent tor Smith A Smyser.

I oordially concir in the above and chee.rfullv recom-mend it to tho public J. I). SMITH.

I consider the above Powder superior to s.ny we haveever been able to obtain. H. FOSKIT.

We take pleasure in recommending your Indian Orien-tal Rifle Powder a (ual if nit superior to any we haveever used, it being very cleanly aud strong. This weassei-- alter a thorough. trUL Ke?pectfi:ily youris


Tdtf A Bl KNS.



All in cooil order, aud will be sold low if called for d;aU;ly at C. OKaIoUV'S,

jl5 Main st.

iotton Yarn and' Batting.BATS Hone Mill Cotton Yarn, Nos. 40), 500,

I'W hxie No. 1 Battinv;Received and tor sale tor caph bv

JAMES LOW A CO.,ni25 8o and 2ln mt side Sixth st.

WIRUP St. Louie and Loverlng's extra Golden SirupJ iu ku&& aud 0 retail oy


HKKSK-E- O boxes W. R. Cheese just received perrail aud for sale by


Wl'GAK-4- 4 hhfis prime landing Irom steamerfor sale by

a!7 RAWSON. TODD, ft CO.

CRAR CIDER---7 bble pure Crab Cider just receivedfor sale by

JNO. F. HOWARD ft CO.,n2i Main, betwetu Third and Fourth st.

1. lu ra,k? dfyvluu boxe- - Herring:

In rtore and for sale byOaRnxKR CO

Uutter Bucket, fitc.Z( DOZEN Butter Backets, 3 sixeiiJJ uiu do P,ti do:

th do bia-- ' bound Paile:4"i do do do coverod Cnna;3' do iron do do do;

Tirrth-- with a ood of Wood and WilloiWare, Cordage, 13 i 00 tan, iic; in tore and for mil by

OlOON RAWSON,j'3 Main st. be!:weon Third aud Fourth.

f"OFFt-'- 1J7 baga prime Rio reaeived by mailhoatand tor by sUl H. w. coon.

NEW FISH Nos. 1, a, and a Msckrl in whole andhi If and kit: No. 1 Saln.m in bids and kit?;

No 1 White. 1 i?h in half hbls: a superior article Codnhin drums- and No. 1 scaled Hcrrmg; in store and foreale by

niK W. ft U. BCRKHARDT, 417 Market st.

pi;i: -JLi. 4 Hercee Rice

pi M do doFrerh beat; received direct from Savannah via railroadand for Rait by yi't GARDNER ft CO.

'PEA- -M. iii) rictaec; Gnnpwder and Imperial Tea;

26 b.ill chest; lea.In store aud for tale bv


TV! AILS AND HPlKECiil 5l;" keea Nails-

(u do 6pikf:In ?tor ai-- d or sale by


"OIO COFFEE L"? bics rr'oie Rio Coffee landtDgIV fro eteamer0 F:tnny Bullitt and E. il. Faircbiid

t bv rjMl OOOD A MOODV.

II GLASSES luo bbls prime N.O. Plantation fc -- tors

i'i and for fml-3- WM. GAY.

CPLOL- R-A loo bbls Fine Flwr

900 bbls No. 1 Extja Floor;In store and tor sale by

AND'W BCCBANAN ft CO.,97 Ponir Seronrt and Wdshineton rr.

JAVA COFFEE 160 mats choice oid Jav In storsj

Jm?d b7RAWSON. TODD ft CO.

PRINTS 4 Turkey red Prlns:jig do Richmond utw style Prints;

Received and tor saleJAMFS LOW A CO.,

m?9 and i.lf wfft iidfl Slirtb

L. 1

and half bbU and kegs, received r mailboat andArsalflbv ANDREW BUCHANAN OO.

Comer Second and TP.

TJICK-- W t'erocs prime Landing from mailboat andfor tale by miJJ wuu a moodi


X . XX IjIjonisvillo



WIIKRR those affilrtM with anyform oi Trivate Disease can receive

N prompt trftsitment wit hout orexposure, vijs: Syphilia Gonorrhea,Olewt, Bfricturea, LIcers, 1 mors.Cancers, Secondary, and Constitu-tional Ayphlj') l'laj-e- of the Kid-neys, etc. By this system it isroved that thevenerial complaint

E as entirely undT th control ofmedicine a i a common cold orsimple lever: and, while insufficientpersons are daili sending away theirpatient In hopolepneKa, and giving

them up only from their own incompetency, completeand per anent cured are toustantly being effected atthis luiirmaiv.


H. devotee much of his time to the trcitmeut ofthoee caes CAU?ed by a secret habit which ruins b"thbody and mind, unfitting thn uu fortunate individual foreither business or societv. The sad effect of theso earlyhnbite, or fheoxcep?of ri pur years, are to weaken anddebilitate the constitution, destroy the phyeicaf audmental powers, diminish and enfeeble tho natural

and exhaust tho vital energies of matihood; tlieof lib are marred, the object of marriage

flea-'ure-nnd existence, itself rendered a term of unceas-

ing misery and regret. Such persons, epuclally thoecontemplating marriage, should lote no time iu makingimmediate application, a Dr. H., by lii new treatment,ia enabled to iritmre a speedy and permanent cure.

DK. HALL'S AMERICAN PKlilOIUCAL PILLS.No article of medicine intended for the exclusive use offemales has ever j et been introduced that has civen suchnniverwil satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills.They can le relied on in all caaee of Otwtrnc-tiou-

Irrt tnUritiee, Ac., aa a sure and safe remedy.Price, r mail, .$i aud one postage stamp.

Patients living at a disxance can be cured at bom bysending description of their disease and inclosing astamp

Medicine sent to any address.I WOrtice No. llti Jeffereon street, between First and

Second. Othce open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M.dJ4dtf L. nLU M. D.

GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY,Chartered by the legislature of Ey.

For the ( are of all Trirato diseases.

Containing TEZIRl'Y fine Plate and h'nvravinvi 0the AnatcrAV and Physiology rf the BcsnuU

in a &'xUe 0 Eealih and Disease.


V3ent free of postage to all parts of the Dnlon.jsjON A NKW METHOD of twit-In- g

tirphjli. Gonorrhea, Stric-tures. Clnet, Sexual Debility,

Female Diseases, and allHlecions of the reproductiveIf of both aexes, Ihe lofirtnittesof youth aud maturity arising

ijN.ui.' :jt '. a.;; irfra tn secret tciu.-- 01 bothjvi)h i.il1. . xeK, a full ou

A t AND SEMINAL. k$ W HARNESS, its deplorablo con- -

,? n y' ? wiueuce nynn ine mmi ana

V'i'V ' pointinK Out tht suthor's- jiIa'j of treatment, the ODty ra-

tional and succrissnil mode of cure, as shown by the re-port of rases treatrd. A tnithf.il adviser to the marriMand those contemplative marriage who enteitain doubtsof their physical condition. Sunt to an v address n ascaled wrapper ou the receipt of TEN CENTS or FIF-TEEN COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR.

Thoee afflicted with any of the above diseases beforeplacing themselves under the treament of any on.hmld first read th's invaluable book.

RThe Consulting burgeon may be consulted daily fromA. M. toy P. M., on all diabases of which Hie aljove

work treat-- fi:id patient at a di.jtHUce, hi sending astatemeul of their ivmptom cm have nifdiciu'i' rnltn miv lvtt't of he country tr-- f 0111 damage or detection. For particular! send for our Elank Chart, eoutaining a of iiici'tiouis our term-- , itc. All letterspromi'tl" :iu.iweitd, aud commuuicitions coujideredcvhJj :ic)t'U.

DR.DliWEES'FEMALE MONTHLY P.EOCLATOP,a sale aud certain remedy for Obstructions, Irregular!ties, Ac, aud i the ouly reliable llprevwitive oi pregnancv."

Caution. Th so pills should not be tnken duringPrfhsancv, a" they are sure to produce Mibu.iEitiAU&.Pi ire si pT box. and mav hr fii t h mi t.

HEAD DISPENSARY is tbe oulr institution of i tr kind in the L'nited Stat'-- lint ban beenrecognized by judicial authority. I liartir

othce 14 tilth struet, between Maitut auu Jutlersonwest aide.

All letters for Books or M Irinea should bi directedto DK, tlALEN 3 DISi'ENtiAKk,

r.avM dlvAwoow lffp Loninvitlw. Kv

ville tor the lat 15 wars, and hav.

mnt of the follow incScrofula, dancer, Piie- - Sore Eyes, S .philia, pistuia, audto remove the horrible con'p!eucee of Onanism, or

baa t'lvn hfm proof to sustain J"'y state-me-

t of t 'e highest character such roea as Dr. W. Lliieckiuridr. Judges j. R. Underwood, Loving, John- -sou, Capt. W. S. D. Mcawan.

OTTT.lI bad Fistula and wan cured by Dr. Price, without the

Suite or iifcsture, in seventeen days.JOSEPH YOUCR.

rHMinm 00., kv.1I had a negro man with Fistula, and hn was cared by

Dr. Price in three weeks. WM. BAKDrJOfAXHTA, rLL--

I had FDtul- - for 6fteen yeare, with six openings, andwas cure a by Dr. Price in three wceKs

KILbY WILLIAMSI am e healthy and happy man, having been cured

uoiu tne noiriu enects 01 Ouamsm. A. LJ 1 it,L.Office on Market, between Sixth and Seventh sts.Ad.ire??, eucloniag a postage stamp. Louisville, Ky.fehli d.t--


PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE.250 Pages and 10 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs.

ONLY TWENTY-FIV- CENTS.JIViJent free of poetage to all parts of the L'nion.AJ

ON the infirmities of youthand maturity, disclosing th se-cret ioili-- of Ixith nexes of all

'ue.'-- , dttiri-faio- of ? pints, palni- -

i'fc tation of the he.art, suicidal im--?J. agination?, involuntary b!uth- -

-- 1. ,'.Lt. - - i;.ukb, ueieci:ve memory, liiuigr's- -aud ic,

J'1JI lK" An illitratedv' 1 '''.''''i, , itl upwA'dof ouehuudied and. It i. a

Aj.';! adviser to thfl msn-h-- and" s5 fcv ' "ii'M ho marriage,

who entei tain secret doubts of their phy'il condition,and who are coivriens of having hazardt'd the health,hiippiness, and pii.ihxes to wiiith every limnan b;nugis entitled. With of a Poardinc School Miss,a College Student, aud a Young Married Lady, foil ofromance and thrilling interest.

Young men who are troubled with weaneaa, gnneral-l- y

caused by a bad habit inyoutlL, the eflects of whichare d:zzinerv, pina, for?etrulne, sometiun-- a ringingiu the ear-- weak eyes, weknes of the back and lowerextremities, coufuciou of ida., low of memory, wihnav be cured bv the author's NEW PARISAND LONDON TREATMENT.

We h ive for th trivib-rpar- t of the pa-- t rear, devotedour tim.j in VlSlTINd THE EUROPEAN HOSPI-TALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and re-searches ot the most skilled Physit-ian- and Surgeons inEurope and on the Continentsuch me.11 a C1VIALE,LENOIRE, RIOORD, BKECHETEAU, ACTON, andCLRLIN03, of the French and EiiKlib Ourtour extended through France. Italy, Germany, Hol-land, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, visitingin our route the principal hospitals in Poris, Louden,Rome, Venice, Vienna, Dre-de- Berlin, Ac, c. Wehave been amply repaid bvthe additional knowledge wehave acquired in the treatment of various direaj towhich we have directed our attention. Those who plaeethemselves under our care will now have the full benefitof the mauy NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIESwhich we are enabled to introduce into our practice, andthe public may rest assured of the ssme zeal, astaduity,SECRECY, and attention being pid to their cases,which ha? so succexsfuMy diatiDLiiinhed us heretofore asa Physician in our PECULIAR department of profes-sional practice.

Mddicinee with fill directions sprit to any part of theUnited States or Canada?, by patients communicatingtheir Byrntoms hy letter. Busmen correi,ocdncestrictly coufidential.

tWDr. L.V Ollice Is still located as underthenanieof DK. LA CKOIi.

10 insure safety to all letters simply nddr-- I HE LA CROIX MEDICAL INSTITUTE,"4 d.vwtf No. ol Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y.

DRY GOODS.413 ISiain St.. 413

Have now In store a full and complete stock of

STAPLE AXD DOMESTIC GOODS,Of the best fabrics, such as


Thoofl Goods were all bought for cash at the lowestfbh ot the market, and are now offered at such prices aimuse please all parties. Call aud examine stock audprices at

MARK A DOWNS, 413 Main st.

CARD.MARK AOWNS.TH! extreme tronblep of tbe times coTrpel ns to

to onr triendt and customers that weuui-- t change our system of bufitieaa to a GaSHSTANDAP.O, and will ofler all our

Fancy Dress Goods,of liich w have good stock at GREATLY RE- -DUCED PUICEi.

MARTX & tOWNS,4 C$ Mfin street.


C. OKMdOY'S, :t.iaMlnat.


WE b:iv now on hand a larce a??ortmrnt, 01 Gaunt-let suitable for Oavalry and other Military pur-

poses, and for sal 'w tSPROULR A MANDEVTLLE'S,

Comer Fourth and M:in --t.,PD t Tid.-- Nulmn-- I H"te1 .



J. 11. AR3ITHOMJ,On Main "troet, opposite the National,

Is now offering his elegant etock ofteKN'SA BOYS' CLOTHING,

Exclusively for cash.At greatly redur cd prices.



SBiarRISD REHWALD,No. 31 1 Fourth nt., bet, iHarket Bind Jeffrnoa,MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER OF EVERY

Fine Diamond Mount-ings and all the new styles of Fine Halrwork Ornamentsexecuted in tbe most superior style, of the beat material.All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Old gold takenIn exchange. iuneS d'.y

DRUGS, GKEPIXOAX.B, &cO 1 am now receiving NEW GOoDS, Just par

chased, aiid wowld mot respectfully k a callTTA from all those wishing to purchase fresh Drugs,

Cbemicals, s, and Spices. I have alsoIn tore a vary large and coiupIetB etock of Virginia.Missouri, and Firiucky Mauuiacmrea Tobacco, aiidwill cfler itiducemente t tbcee wishing to puicbate forcash or prompt duller" ou tin(e.

,4 EDWARD WILDER. M4 Main rt.

SUGARS Crushed, Powdered, Granulated,I.INE Preserving Sugars, aUo fine Brown Sugar,in store and loi sale by


HU(iAR &00 lbs pure Maple Sugar JustMAPLE and for sale hymJ5 W, A IL BURKHARDT, 417 Market it.




No. 435 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth,liouisvillo,WMnrchan1t anfl Manufacturers would find It to their Interest to examine my stock before tPakin thdronrehasea, and orders from a distance will be attended to aa if made m pry.n. b3 a(1Wlfew0O




JACONET, SWISS, and LACE FLOLNCINGS,and in rhort our entire stock:, comprising tlie most beau-

tiful and styles.

Will be Sacrificed for Cash.The ladies will do well to evil at once and secure tbe

greatest and moet desirale UAKGAINS of the season.fc CANNON,

ru7 315 Fourth at., oppoalto Mozart Hall.

When you go to NEW YORK, drive direct to the


CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Ooodprompt attendance., and moderate

charge". Siugle rooms 6u cents, 75 cents, aud $1 perday. Double rooms and parlors $1 fjii to $K. Meals asordered This Hotel h 'is all the appointments of thebeet H"tel, a nioft central location, and is heatedthroughout by steam,

ml dSm SAMUEL E. MEAD, Proprietor.

OLBISTEAD & OTGX0R(Saccsssors to J03. Robb),


And Sole Agents fot the

Pomoroy OoaI.ORDERS for any of the above Coala respectfully soli

promptly filled at the lowest marketprices.

Constantly on hand a large snpplvof tbe "PEYTONACAN N EL" and "PEACOCK" POMEROY COALS,which for kitchen, parlor, or chamber use have no siuperior.

Offices No. 304 Third street, hntween Market and Jef-ferson, at Robb's old stand; and at No. southwestcorner Brook and Market streets. je2H dtf



MU RliiStlUUlUiiLii

iSXarket Street,North side, between Sixth and Seventh,

LOUISVILLE, IvY.WAIways on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS

at reasonable prices. sep38 dly

2?2ilLT ill-I-D HOPSF'or Sale.

Cash paid for BarleyAT 1UB

n 1 u 1 11 1 in.SOITU fIDK PIAHKET STREET,

Between Sixth and Seveth.

ian19dtf JOHN ENGELN A CO.





And a most romp!er assortment of every article apper-taining to Men's Wear, to winch we call the attentionof caeli and prompt buyers.

J. VON BO RIMES & VOirjSO Cloth House, No. 434 Main st.

f OFKKE--Si;- ft bags prime Rio received hy Juo. Raines id Woodioid and for sale byII. W. OOOD.

APPLES 76 bbls Apples inst received and for sale byJD'W HCCHANAN A IO

COFF"EE- 3gu bug; Rio Coftee just received per eteam- -Magonta and for sale by

m3x WM OAV

COTTON 3 0 bags Tennesoeo Yarns, as'numbers, for sale by


--fODFISU lo whole and half drums large Codfishv ui store aud lor sale hyAN.VW BITCH NAN A CO.

IrLOl'K AND MEAL SIEVES 60 dozn con mouWire Sieves just received and for tale by

ORPIN RAWSON,S.23 Main st., between Third arid .

rGK-8rihh- ds prima anding from steamersWood-i- d

aud John Kaina fr byRAWSON. TOOD. ft CO

1 ACKEREL wu bids Nob. 1, H, aud 8 Mackerel iuIT


Cash for Wool.WE Hl pay eadh for wool.' j& THOS. H. HUNT A CO.

rlCK 6 tierces prime ice on consigumont and forsale by


6 tierces prime Rice in etore and for sale byANII'W HUIMIanaN A CO.

RSMOVAL.TIUniT BRENT a. CO. nave removed to west de ol

hetwet'n W,in and the River.

COFFEE bat3 prime Rio Coffee just received perJohn Katuo and for ealo by

1 ACKEKEl 2ny who? and half hijls Noe. 1. a, and 8I'I Mackerel in tcre and for sale byn7 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.

WUAK tu hhde fair to prime 3uar roceived perv7 Peytona and John Ralue and for file by


SEAMLElJS BAGS 2b bales in store and for sale byTNO. V. HOWARD A CO

LMNE TOBACCO Browa'i and UollandV of an ex- -A tra uuality. for sale by

HinniTT PON.

ICE 15 cofka Bice received per mailboat aud forA sale by


WINES AND SPIRITS A supply on handof pureaud Spirits for sale che.-i- fcr ca-- by 1

J. T. LANHAM & CO.Troporter? of T. Ac Third wf.

JAVA FEE 25 pockets superior oid Java Coffieaud lor sale bv


TV AILS ;t,Jo k"g Nails, aborted, juut received per1 1 sUmoi er Retinue ana lor a:e nr


OLAS?ESLtl lb) bdlit prime Plantation Molasoes:

150 Jdo do do do: for sale bvAND'W BUCHANAN A CO.

WELL BUCKETS- -o dozen Oak WellOAK various kinda. mat received and for eale low bvORKIN RAWSON,

?(l (OR Main st.. hetween I'uird and Fourth.

1)KlNtt Hamilton pnrple Print;6 do do fancy do;

25 do new style Spragne's do: '25 do do do Veri imack Print

5 do do do Spring Dress Goods;Jost received and for sale ky

JAMES LOW CO.,rrt SfS and yiil wnd side Sixth st.

50 bbls for sale bvTIME

iIN'E BRANDY, WUISKY, AcI'i dozf-- iiale C'ogn ic Brandy;lu do old Poui'Djii ccuoty Whisky,

ti do old Apple titaudy;6 do Whitney's Club House Gin;6 do old Jamaica Rum- - at

w7 J. P. THOMPSON'S, 76 Fourth rt.

PICKLES AND CATCHUPS UnglisBCHOICE Picklea, Catchups, Sauces, Preeurves,Oils, fielatine, tihocolato. Cocoa, &c.. ju-- t received and

ale hv H HJHtlll 1 A SOW.

LOVER-SEE- T5 ba prime Clover-See- just re--ceivexl and for sale bv

JNO. F. FOWART) A CO..mSO Main, between Third and Fom-t- st.

IsIO COFFEE 4! bays good to strictly prime Rioin stoie and fnr sale by

AND'W BUCHANAN A CO..a1 (tinier 8- - cond aud Wo.rthinton fts.

4 FAMILY and several single Kentlemen can be ae--

co...modated with hue ooms and good board byappbinf-a- t MRS. E. W. GARY'S,

tiix'b st., immediately opposite St. Paul s Church. -

rn:4 hA 1

MOLASSESlb 'lOO do- -

5o bnis e Molaster I40 bbla Slrnr-- lIn rtora and for Sd.1 bv


CL tt EPS KNGL1SI BANCA BLOCK TINt,J JJ best uualitv. for sale byWALLACE. LITHGOW. ft CO.

If LOUR -I 7uo bhls A No. 1 Extra Flonr;

6u bbls fine do;In store and roceiving dally and for pale bv

AND W BUCHANAN ft CO..Cornor Serond and Wnhinet-- s



cooipnelug a lot of the very best brands, such as:



Always on hand and for sale at wholesale and retail by

HZ3WD. PSTNADO,m4 No. 810 Main st., under the Louisville Hotel.

LOVKRING'S REFINED SUGARS innaud Granulated received and for sale by


WUGAR-Cl'RE- HAMS in store acd for sale byO niti W. A H. BURKHAP.DT. 417 Market?!;.

TIAMAil. eaovaped Hams;

3iAi country bagged Hams,In store and tor sale by


t "OKN Whi sacks mixed aud White Corn in store andvy fors sale low byAND'W BUCHANAN A CO.


?IV7;AJ;IUNKkKY JKWELRY a;nthird eNewhera. Call on or

ILUX 3 GOULXSUXLS,L. S. B. de CRETY....fE. RA BY,-- gent),

3iS KrrcB strreu adjulnlnfr the Journal OSlojrHM 'n store and for snle in qusiitllie- -E"",' Purchaser? a fine a.ortraeut of rjWINES and LIO.UORS, each as

B4rUKAE7' BOITUiONE. COf3Nf'SBord-aiL- t; Poniard; Bordeaux 'De Medoc: l;rc.ntignan; LunelSt. Estepba. A Vokiey. Bau-d- e vie-de

Mobile Vin de Tokay, Armagnac, aud CorS.ed'mar4 dly


REDUCED PRICES!THE subscriber baring a large stock of Lsdies' andWinter Pools. Shoe, and G niter on hand,all of his own manufacture, offers at greatly reducedpi ice for caeh.

Gent'? in want of fine Calf Winter Boots can be ac-commodated at the very low price of 7 per pair, forcaWi only.

Also, a lot of Men's and Boys Kip and tbi-- k Roota atcost for cash. D. MARSHAL

drt dtf Main, below Thiid Hireet.


Shuttle SewingMachineFOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRICE $75.

Warranted the TJost in the Market;line Implied, strong and durable: wtie.jl teed of grealpower: exceedingly simple in ceuntruction: not a wireabout it; all its part are nio?t admit-abl- and ingeniously arranged: cannot possibly get out of order, becauseeverything is permanently adjured: none so y underatood and operated, and sews the most beautifulstitch ever beheld, precisely alike ou tioth sides. TiUlorj and all who have seen it pronounce it the best Ma-chine over sent to this vicinity. AH sre cordially in- -viiea to examine it. 1. JOIIIN& HUN, Aent,

nS dlv al2 Fourth str-v- t

To fillers, Prodnco !?Icrciauts, aadGrain Dealers.

TOR mbscriber offers his services to the Producein Louieviile for purchasing all kinds of Grain

and Country Produce. Having hud long experience atrne mwinees,he teels assured that ho can give satisfactionto all who may employ him.

Ho will act a agent for the purpose of buying Orainand Produce in the counties of Franklin, Woodford,Scott, Fayette, and adjoining counties.

rs. Refers to (iov. C. 8. Morehead and Colonel A. O.Hodga, Frankfort; Drs. W. S. Gno ar.d D. R. Camp-bell, Georgetown. Address WILLIS HODGES,

Jv)dtf Kv.

J. O. JACK, E W. JACK,Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, La.


Wliolesalo Grocers,FCOriSION & C0M1SSI0X KERilfiAMS,

No. 618 north side Main st0 between Third and Fourth.

I.OrWVTf.L-K- . KY.

Sua ATI, COl FEE, AND MOLASSESbhds prime N. O. Sugar;

llM) bugs prime Ki-- Coff :e;Mi) bi'L Cnir'hed. Powdered and Granulated Sugar;loo do Plantation Molswaci;135 H'bbls do

Hbblrt Oolden Rirnp;30 kegs Oolden Sirup;

In store aud for sa'o byJACK A BROTHER, 518 Main st,

TANTJTACTl'RED TORACCO-- 11boxea Kins Missouri Tobacco;

ami do O. Ellu do do:50 do Sinn-- do do;

loO do Va. and Ky. do, various brands;In store and for sale by

JACK A BROTHER, 618 Main st.

JEANS AND MNSKYS KK) hales Nnpro Jeans and(best brand-- ) in store and for snle by

JACK b BROTHER, 61S Main st.

KANAWHA SALT 3.1 W bbls Kanawha Salt, beststore and for a1e hy

JACK & BROTHER, 518 Main stCUNDRIESO 4h half chests Ounpowder Tea;

111 do do H ark do;60 doten Shaker Broom ;76 do fancy wire tied do;

lO;i do Paiutcd buckets;nests do Tubs

76 dozen Zinc60 coils Cottou Rope, all sizes2'l d Hemp do, do:

I'W boxes rftar Candles;45 do StiivL;76 do Rcciu Soap;itti do Palm d;60 do German Soap:5o bags Cotton Yarn, all numbers;

do Cant Chain;lifO bales batting:

80 do Candle-Wic-

2") do Wrappius Twin;15 bars Rpice:15 do Perr-er-

loo mats Cinnamon;3 s Madra? aud Manilla Indigo;3 CMsss Madder;

10 bois Alum;5 do Stiipi.ur;

60 eaki Nectle Sda;1 cae Nutmetc:

300,001 O. D. and S. B. Caps;75 urOM Mati.hei;

I7r( 00 Canon's larre and rinall Blacklnn;yo boxe? (Jandy;4o bbla Older Vines.ir;

find ke!9 Nails, aborted nnmberr;On hand and for ealo by

m dtc JACK ft BROTHER, P1R Main sL

SPROILE & JUXDEVILLE,Wholesale and Ketail Dealers inFino

CLOTHINGFurnishing Goods

FOR CASH ONLY,Southeast corner IiZain and Fourth sts.,


GOODS.WE have on hund a good stock of DRY GOODS, to

we invite the attention of tbe tratie. TtrrasOA8H o.n nxuvxiiT.

JAMES LOW A CO.,ri7 and " wwt Kixrh st.

MAPLE MOLASSES Just received 3 bbls primLI I Molasses n btore aud for sale bv

ninmTT i son.IV AILS 800 ketts B'lmont tor Bale by


COEFE 150 bags prime Coffoe iut recvive,d and fort fVJ GARDNER & CO.

TesSi ISoll Butterreceived from the North and for sale 10 bblsJLTST Roll Butter lor table use.

atn 31 Third st.. between Mam nd Ma' ket.

J A LA D OIL Pure Olive Oil for Bale b the bottleJ or basket by

J. T. LANHAM A CO.,mH TnTtorter? "f Teas. fir.. Third t.

FANCY SOAP ISO boxes Fnocy Soap of variouskinds just roceived aud for sale low bv

OKRIN RAWSONJO SSSMain st.. hotween Ttiird aDd Fourth.

IAMD.Y HAMS--1,50- 0 superior family Hams, loruse. lot sale by

m4 J. SMTTn SPPFD, Main --t..

14'KKSU PECANS in bushels fresh Pecans just reand for sale by

m23 W. A H. BURKHARDT. 417 Market rt.

5i .fi:ST KKCHViOl A HNKr.v.; . .: S

fA iassoitDeiit of nvr and eletantt- - ,1l'?J

5. XJ Soues, bythebettt author-- , em- V i.Lr-,

bta. inp Sacred and Secular, S"rioio and atn- -Opinitic and Oratorical. EthioMsn and Ec-

centric, Pat lit ic and Pathe'.ic, to sirt ail tactef; a!toBnniey Richa-- 'a Trauccnptioiia and Compo-sitions, also the K6T yoALTv of V and Druuis.Givemeacall. WM. McCARKELI ,

810 Jeffersou treet west,018 Louisville, Ky.

tRESH FRUITS, Ac Peaches, Gren Oajtes, CherApriqj't?, Ton in toes. Green Corn,

Green Peas, also Preservos, Jellies, Ac. for sale byJ. T. LANHAM A Co.,

ml4 Importers of T. . Ac, Third t.

-- 100 kita No. I Markere! for rale lowMACKEREL by faSMl WM. GAY.

fANVASED HAMS AND SIOESVy 6n0 Stave. Micklin. and Oregon Hams:

2,ooo choice country Sides;For eale lor ch by


- BALES blue, rrsr, and red FUuuel, suitableJ for uniforms, 'o which we invite tlie arteii i in of

Union Companies fcrming in the fctatc, just receivedand for sale by ,1MES LOW A CO ,

a and '21 r vej't sidfl Sixth L

J RANDY'is piprt" A. SelTiette RronCy;Bo .',ipip!S Copuac do;80 iipipts Rochellfl do;in y pipes Otard, Dupuy, A Co. Brandy;26 bids N. Y. o"-- .

B bbD flue old Peach 60;R brtls old Apple do;


7 ij hbli prime, in Kood cooperage;4 do o 00 o:

Kewlved by the Doulsville and John Rniu and for salefr.tfil conn A MOODY.

"OFFEB W bags prime Rio receive per mailboatand for sale by coon Miionv.

LINEN GOUSJ Table Oamafk-1-

cases InsVi Liueu. assorted;5 do SraivJh Linen;5 do B'.ouee d

OO1' pair brown Linen Tab1vCl?tai;3 caces brown Linen Drillings;8 do bleached do;9 do fiuo do;

Received and for sals byJAMES LOW & CO.,

311? and 31u wet eid Sixth st.

l RET i casks superior in store and for sale byWM. OAY.

TOLAS8E3 100 bbls Plantation lauding fromitl steamer Woodford and for tal by


PIPES Sii5 cross faneyCIay Pipea and HeaFANCY in store aud ?or sale g --

RAWg0Main st., between Third and Fourth.

OIO COFFEE 211 bags good fair to prime arriving11 and for sale by


MOLASSES 100 bbls received per steamboat Louis

lk ville and for sale byni6 ALLEN, MOORB. A HADKN.

FISH in half bbls for sale byWHITE lUBBiTT A BON.


iC"The National Intelligencer says that Gen.John C. Fremont baa boen assigned to a com-

mand io the fTest, to which he 13 to repair with-out dela'.


LlAOKittrowN, June JO, Itilil. fGeneral Orders, No. '29. The Commanding

General has the satisfaction to announce to thetroops a second vic'ory over tho insurgents hy aemail party of Indiana volunteer, under ColonelWallace, on the-- 2t.h inst. Thirteen mountedmen attached to the roimont attacked forty-on- e

insurgents, killing eiht and cha?in the re&t twomiles. Oa their return, with seventeen capturedhorses, they were attacked by seventy-riv- e of thenemy, end fell back to a strong position, whichhev held till dark, when the returned to tho

camp, witii the logs of one man killtd and onowomnieu. lu 1113 last fkirnnsh a captain, twolieutenants, and a larre number were wunded.

Tho Commanding General de.ir;s In bring tothe attention of (he Miners and men of his com-

mit nd the courage and conduct wiih which thisgallant li 1 lo band of comparatively raw troopsniet t he emergency, by turning on an enemy solargely tuperior iu numbers, chastising him

ar.d gaihe uig in retreat the fruus of vic-

tory, liy order ofMAJOU-GENERA- PATTERSON.

J. F. Pouteh, Adjutant-Genera- l.


The Iiicfatiiond Whig h quite hppv in its descrip-

tion 01 tbe mam ion recently purchased and nowin preparation, in that city, ferine reception ofPresident Davis. We give it as follows:

The fine mansion at thi corner of CI ay andTwelfth street, purchased fur tho use of Presi-dent Da via, U repairs, and will leready for occupancy iu thd cure of a few day?.The building b p'easantly Piluaf'I n he brow ofthe hill, overlooking Adama's Vall-y- , and fromits eastern windows an extended acd diversifiedlandscape view is afforded. Tho frcntire is onciavHOeet, which terminates al this point. Anight of marblo .'tflps leads to a narrow platformot iJieeame matortjl, at the front entrance. Thedoors opsn int ) a circular vestibule, or hail, onthe right of which is the main stairway hadingto the second story, and furrier on a email bntwell lighted apartment, which mav be ued as an( Mice. ()n tlie left a v ami itunitsauing 10 ice oaseinenr, ana a private stairwavto the second story. On e ther ?ide of the hall isa niche containing a full tizo feminine ligure inororze, ueanng a shaded m one handbetween the two Btatuei is the doorway leading to the lanxo and beautilul centre 'narlorThis room is eiuhteon foet wide and twenty-thre- efoet deep, with the on the left of theentrance. U i either snU of iho chnnny-hreas- tis a uoor opening into l he "eait room, the diniensions of which are twenty! hree f?et by thirtyteet. At the opposite end of the Luil hng is anothor parlor, Feprated from the central rwm bv ap irlition and folding d "ir. 1 tie pai lor i twentythree feet fouaro, and communicates with theofiice mentioned. The is directly oppo-site tlie one in the central parlor, and both arefaced wi'h white uiarhU manllrs handsomelydecorated with alto relievo designs. IheceilingsRre ornamented wiih rich cornicen in keepingwnn the general arcmieetuml arrangements.

All (lie windows in this story, except those infront, extend to the Uoor, and those 111 the rearopen to a purlico extending the whole viidihofthe buii'liiig, and measuring about fifteen feet inwidth. The ioof of tha portico is purported bymas-iv- e cjIuuhip, about thirty-fiy- e f.et in length.

On each of the two chamber fi.X'rs are fourlarge-s- i Z'a and airv apartmonts, wiih alcovo3 insome of them. On tho second tloor ia a well-u- r

rarged bath room, with all the modern conveniencev. On each floor lucre aie several clothes-roo-

and pre??ps. Gas has been ictroduced intoevery denar'mcut, 'I ho dining-ro- is in thow&jt end of the bastm;nt. The servants' quar-ters are in ihe de ached building eaat of the mansion. The grounds enclosed aro tastefully laid offat.il lilleil with bhrubberv.

The Comet. A well informed contemporaryh?.8 the following in reference to the comet, now

visible, which appeared on Sunday eveniug lastThe comet which appeared on Sunday evening

is supposed to bo "he one lont; es?cieJ, whoeappearance in 1500 is to have drivenCuailes V to a monastery. 'Ihe stirring eventsof the hif-- fow months appoi.r to have divertedtho altonimn of tho publp; bom scientific Bubjectfi,and hfneo littlo attention has been paid to the ap-proach of the strange visitor, wbicD was announced a fuw days since by the director of the observatory at aldington.

Comets have ever boen regarded by theant us harbingers of war, pestilence, and devastaliD, aou formerly they created universal ter-ror. As lata as loll, the brilliant one whichmade i;s appearance ihat year was believed hymany to havu been a forerunner of tte hostilitieswhich broke out the ensuing ytar. Si.ce thatperiod the spread of general intelligence has beenso pieat that the paonie of the fcorth, at leatwill rot connect that which is an integral part oftbe solar system with tho polil.cil events nowimpending. In the South, where the masses arounable to read, and where ghost stories are yetiirplicillv bolieved, we have 110 d:ubt thousandswili be either terrified or euconred by the phenomenon.

Ihe first certain record of tha psssage by thepresent comet of its perihelion was in l .bl andthe af'cond in 16o(J, two years before tho death ofCharles V. Its return was confidently predictedagain in lbiH, but as it did not mako its appear-ance, mathematicians instituted investigations,which showed that on acoinnt of planetary influences it might not reach its perihelion Uli 3 about the pen-.- could not bo delayed longer thanthit year. From a description given bv some ofthe wruers of thn Augustan :tiro, it is beiievtdthat tho coinot which was seen jast before theuV;rh'f Juliui Ca-ir- , and which was currentlybe!i vtd to be a harbLiger of tliat. event, is idn- -t:cal with thn present but of this nothing hasbeon dutinitelv liscertained.

'ihe tail of the comet in about GO5 in length,xtvnding from at'Oiit the horlzJD, at

0 o'clock, to thezjnitb; and for more than halfthe length, it is remarkably brilliant. I he solid,or perhaps mora properly the nnhulu point, re-

semble a etar of tho first magnitude in size, butless brilliant. At present it is moving toward

its perihelion, and will he a for severalnights, when it will again bs lost in the distance,not again to be visible for three centuries.

One remarkable feature is, that it has alreadyappearu curing too soaaon ot great revolutions.In rJOT the Turks were threatening Constantinople, and in loofi all Europe was shaken with po-litical and religious convulsions. 1 ho differentmanner in which it has been viewed at the differ-ent periods, however, is an excellent illustrationof the progress of intelligence. Ia 12G1 prayerswere instituted in the churchof; and in 15at allclasses were frightened at the supposed monster.But in 18b'l it is ao object of scientific curiosity,divooted of all terror.

Iitisti Emigration to America. The Kev.Dr. Cahill, in view of Ihe ci il war dow progress-

ing in this country, urged his countrymen andwomen not to come here until our political troub-

les are fiaally composed. In a letter to the Dub-

lin Catholic Telegraph, dated Staten Inland, May10, he says:

Although I cannot hope you will now take myadvice, which I have so often given in vain, stillI shall repeat what I have already begged foryour own sake, namely: to remain at home underany ditliculiy till the present war in AmericaBhall have been setilnd one way or the other.There is no commerce, no busim-M- r.o trade; ser-

vants are and are ab.tnt idle andpnnilef S. There are other matters anticipated inthis unhappy crisis, which I forbear publishing;but will vou udorstftod me, and rend no moreyourd Irish girls here until our disputes are

Both side3 are moving tens of thousandsof armed men to the probable rieid of strife, but1 In nn there will be no light, w hen t lie tcord offinal buttle is about to be given. 'Ihegrxd serine,the patriotism, the of both bidds will,it is hoped, prevail ocer heated counsels, ar.d thatnational pence, moro firm thau evr, will followthis political ferment.

The MMls at tuu South, Our Southernexchanges are vehement in their complaints asto the bungling manner in which the postal af-

fairs of tho Con f dt racy aro conducted. TheMontgomery Confederation of tbe 30th of Jute p


The Mait.s What Can t.k the Mattek?This is a question which is upru the tongue ofevery one, and e?pcially among tho.e connectedwith the different newspapers in the South. OarRichmond newspapers ore mail-- to us regularlyevery night at Richmond, arid sometimes theyget heTo in five or six days after sometimesthny never cpt here. The malt agents betweenthis city and Ric'iuiocd ought to kr.ow Hometbingabout it. 'Ihe papors are maiUd regiUarly atthat point to us. yet many we never get. Ifstealing is Iheerderof ih day, we would liketo know. If inattention ami inefficiency are theonly reccmmendatbns which some gentlemenhave, the sooner Postmaster General Reaganknows it the better it wiil be for the. people andthe country. 1C the pipers are mailed in Rich-mond, what becomes of them after they leavethere? 'I his is a question that should be an-

swered. Saling a Dewpjper iu the highestcrime at this time.


MoNkbV. The way in which Henry M. Hermaof Albany, rendertd valuable services to the gov-

ernment, for which he has been rewarded with afirst lieutenancy in the army, is told as follows inthe Albany Statesman:


Henrv M. Herman was a pige in the Assem-bly, and while there picked up a fund of politicalnews, which he communicated to ihe New YorkExpress, for which paper be acted as correspon-dent. The service rendertd to the government, p

which procured for bim bi3 co.inui-sio- n as firstlieutenant, is said to have been as follow?: Her-man presented himself to tlie Socreiary of Warand laid before him his plan by which he couldpeDotrate the i tenor of Virginia and obtain im-

portant information. His interview wif h the Sec-

retary satisfied that orticer that be was a shrewdyoung man acd well fitted for the expedition heproposed to undertake, iiiog cf a dirk com-plexion, he made, when dresce-- for the character,an excellent Italian lad. He was furnit-be- withan orn and a monkey, and, thus accompanied,he visited the prominent points in Virginia,"taking notes," and in due time reported to theWar Department. Tbe reward for his serviceswas the lieutenant's commission.

The eulogy upon tbe life and services of thelate Senator DourIss, prjnounced last night inthe Smithsonian Institution by John W. Forney,Esq., drew together a Urge audience. Prof.Henry, assisted by a large number of vice presi-dents from the several States of the Union, presi-ded ever the meeting, and introduced the oratorof the evening ic a few appropriate remarks. Inpoint of composition and delivery the discoursewas highly creditable to the speaker, and hidtributes to the public and priate worth of thedeceased statesman were both eloquent and im-pressive. The audience evinced their apprecia-tion by repeated and enthusiastic applause.

Xutkmal Intelligencer, July 4.


Radway's Ready Relief.


Testimony of Field Otllcer, Crmpany OtllccrH,nnd en I Ire Krgi 111 earn In favor or the


We propose to offer, iu a few brief paracraph, turnproofs of the efficacy cf RADWAV3 RKADY RLIL'Fai a preventive of au-- cure for the Cisen?ee to whichbodies of unaccliinated men are peculiarly mb;et inwarm latitudes aa cannot tail to command tho atten-tion of a Paternal Government anxious to protect thohealth and Uvea of the ten? of thousands of brave andpatriotic ritizana who have lelt and are daily leavingthtir home, theLr families, and their buaineas to fit;htin it def. nc3.

According to the teetlmony of eminent military mn.of army uurgeona of high ptandiug In tlie profeosion.and thcuande i private soldier. RAD WAY'S READYRLL1KF had already been of immense benefit to thaeick anions our gallant volunteer roldlery in CAMP,IN TKK BIVOl'AO, AND ON TDK MARCH.

The subjoined summary of facta, which we repect- -

fii ly invite the Government to rerify by application tolb pariirt named, Includes but. & rmall portion of Ihevoluminous testimony Ui the ?arae effect lectived by uswlthia a few weeks ffom various headquarters of

and detnchruenbi in the service of the UnitedStat a:


From the Ninth Re;linnt N. Y. Volunteer (Zouave).

Col. Bush Hawkins, of tMs regiment (no quartered

at Newport New), writee us bnstowing the ctrongeeto u the Kelikp, aud reemmending it, ti nm tha

experience of hiaae Uf aud oilicera, aa "a most valuable

addition to the army medicluo ches."


Major Linelll, Garibaldi Guard, pronounces thean ''excellent medicine" for the army.


Col. Geirge LyouL of the Kighth Regiment N. Y. fl.

M., all his clliceri", and cOJ private, endorse the Relltfin th mnt emphatic terms, aud nicest its immediateintroduction iato tho medical stores of every branch of

the service.TESTIMONIAL NO. 4.

Surgeon E. EL Seaborn and Colonel Phe1 pa, of tbeFirat Regiment of Vermont Volunteers, warmly

the Relief, and the regimei.t has taken wltb it totli 3 field a sufficient supply for present use.


Captain Jha Whitlock, Co. I California Rcdment,stationed at Camp Yates, Staten Island, suys that, onthe 5'h of Ju ie, lsL he adminDtered the Relief t forty men f his company bo were laboring under severeattacks of diarrhea aud dysentery: that its remedialeffects were immediate; and that a maj irlty ot the sickrkpoht:d roc lot! the ft a ME AlTr,B.cor. He there-fore recomruendrt iti addition to the medical ettr)i 01

the legimeut a a measure of thi "highest impcrtance."


Tlie military editor of the New York Sunday Atlcstestifies, on behalf of members of the Seventy-fira-

Filth, Sixth, Seventh, Twelfth, and Sixty-nint- h Rcgi.meata, to the beneficial ( tLcts cf the Relief in ""dozensef caeescf

As a protective against and remedy for dteentery,diairbea, fever and ague, bilious, yellow, ccd other

and cf the effects of ml a? 111a, nnliolcsoru3 wat r,and exces?De heat; as a general invito' ant aad r

and also as an external application for reducing

the iu Ha id in at ion of wounds, ihe Relief ie Infallible.When admluLtered Internally it instantly arret! U pain.


The use of Radway's Read Relief is cf equal impor-

tance in tbe domestic circle. Every family should aeepa supply of It In the bouse. It can be used for eo manycomplaints and ailments, and will In all cases give easeand conjf jrt to the sufferor.


jt will In a few minutes relieve the most severe pa' usoccaeloned by





OF SPIRITS, SICKNESS AT hTuMACH, andwill, with a few times nring, cure the most obstinatecases.


it Immediately relieves, aud will In a few flays cureRdKUMtTISM and all RHEUMATIC sffe:tioiif,GOUT, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, SUDDENCOLDS, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, DIPTIIE-RI-



PAINS IN THE JOINTS, HARD SWELL-INGS, LIMtfAGO, INFLAMMATION AND PAIN INTUB KIDNEbf WOMB, SPINE, Ac, SPRAINS,STRAINS, WOUNDS, SCALDS, and BURNS. LetRadway's Ready Relief be applied or taken Internallyou the firnt warning glvwu of sicklies, and no matterwbat maybMhe character cf the threatened dldeasc,the Ready Relief will break up and ai rett the progressof tbe dieoaeo.

A mass of evidence so direct aud conduMve a theabove, emanatiD? from military men wt.o voii.uteor ito eamettly, and who testily from personal xperlence,

can scarcely be disregarded at Waohiu(tou; aud wecannot doubt that the Goverum ut, ou look big intT thofacts, will deem it eipedii'ut to fiiiirb' tlie etatiouarymilitary hospitals and all regimeut in the fk-l- with aprotective and remedial preparation of such iuapp.ecia-bl- e

value aud utility.HADWAY & CO.,










Thote who take K?.d way's Renoviting Resolvent willhave rich, pure, and

HEALTHY BLOODcoursing through their ve;us.

PURE SKIN CLEAR COMPLEXION The continued use of Ktdway's Renovating Resolvent for twoor three week will change a rough, sallow, discolon dand unhealthy rkfu to a clear and healthy complexion.

! fsnt and children afflicted with Red Gum, SoreHeads, Eiup'lons, and Breakings Out, Cancera, c.will d nve lmniedii.te benefit by the use of tho Resolr- -

ent. '


Bid Cough, Cough. Stitching or Wrench.Ing Pains in the Side, Sudd n Pins around the Heart,Shortness of Breath, Hard Breathing, Sharp Pinswhen taking a Long BreatK and all other painful s

are quickly removed by the Renovating Resolvent.


In all raes of Bronchitis that we hv known tho

Resolvent to be dsed for It has quickly cured th" pa

tient it never fans. Likewise in Hemorrhage from tneLunga or Throat It K. Resolvent is the mo?t safe and

rcmpt st ptlc in use. Those sithcted with IJy?p-psi-

of long standing are especially recommended to it as anever-railiD-g remedy.

Price of R. R. Resolvent Is $1 pr bottle. Soli bydruggists and dealers everywhere.


RADWAY'S REGULATING PILI S are th .nlf Vegetable suhttitutK for Calomel, Mercury, Antimony, Qui--

me, auo ther kiudred miuoral poisons in u'e.Radway's Keinil itine Pill are elegantly coated with

leuicate.d Gum thirtv Pills lu each box done fromone to six waiiHiited to operate in eii hours.

RADWAVS REGULATING PILLS RE TDEMOST PEKFEC PILLS IN I'SK, and the oniv Pillsbat pofeers any new medirmul prept ties or reul8tmgnvem that have been discovuiea auring me preaent


Th first cf Radwwv's Pills tows the sed ofalth in tbe sl:k aud diseased eyeterr, mid in nit--e-

minutt-- alter a dufe is swaiiov-e- will c ieck the pro--Tftte of di?ea-e- : iu dix hours fcn evaci a'lon irom the

bowels will follow, when the uitient will giowb-tte- n

every day the patient will giiu strentn. '1 he Mck be- -

ome h althy and t he teehle ctronp; evrr o- g u ui t hejeaued body resuscitated with new lite ana r,

d health aud regularity will regu throiutiout thehole fystm, I he Iiv0r will be regular u secietlng

hilt, the akin regular in its ftiuctiou.-- and thn hea tretr- -iar lu it beatiu;., the pulse regular in it motioiic.ad the bowele regular, at a rettuUr hour, iu diocharelttgheir onteut'. L'-- all who have u to taketiyt-i- tnite a dofj of Radway t PiiU. Il our syttemout of order, two or hree el Radway s ri Is wiil

ct.ib)ir"h regularityThe 1 llowin ailments Rdwv Pills will quirklvre aud free the etm from all irritating humore and

leave every orgau of the body in a natural aud healthyconditio':Constipation of ttie Bowels, ;TIv?teris,

of The Bowels, vv hue.lulHUimation ol the Kidueys, Inrluouzi,

Haadacue, Nrfrvuus, Its,tick, Klduey Comp'altn,

iJladder Com plaints.Suiih-Po- 'Iudigeetio!!,Diopsy, Sear'et Fever,

ostivenesr, i ypr-u- t ever.Biliounese, Pleurisy.Dvrpepsia, B lions Fever,Irregularity, Heart Diaeaee,

Lore of Appetite, Lose of Memory, Loss of Energy, andLose of Strength.


Ladles suffering from Irregularities, Monthly Surrp region e. Retentions. Ac, should take one or two of Rad

way's Regulating Pills every night for one week beforetbe expected period. They will remoTe all ditteascd ob-

structions and in ure a healthy discbarge at the propertime.

Price of Radway? Pills 25 cents per box (coated withgum); pleasant o take; 30 pills in each box. Sold byDmgguta aud Merchants everywhere.


E. WTLDPR, Awni. lAHiiivtlla,Jan38 dlrtpeodiwlanily


To Cash ImagersGreat Inducements 1


trrt"tiv to'-k of KANt'i PKKsS f;KjDSatt.KX ni.AVl KDiM CJ ION FOR CASH. Our nu--

M ' 's I ' SluCK id cue ol tho Urgent in tbe city, conei;tin? In i.(,rt elNew York Min-an- Water-twt- 't Shbtlnps,

Lo Hii.ile nnd Etinbuli Lnfloth Shiriiiigillix- - aiii lilitekrton- - bhii lbu.v,

WaTun t a.uu5 u,(,t r ftlem ?liiitin:s,liirli Li'ii'iiH an birt !oi;t.

Id 1 L'tn-- nnd A'lii.iUle Sheet lugs,Li 4 Liaeu Siieetiugf,

Tahl D:tnaka,Najiiurt and DotW,

MarreiPes nni AllendUe Spreads;All C' lnr Fr wh. KlHtiti'.-!- ,

Wnile Coo - in v.nGlv(i arid H vinri',

Paranoia ;u;d Fain,M' "t'1 Nttinef,

Ao all of which we ark the attention of buyerir.rTAHTITJ & cnurfS3Auas,)1 ..V!. 'M4 Ko..,-- M , t i..fl. PJOn


Carpets and Dry Goods!


With a full ttck f.fDOMESTIC GOODS, CANTON MATTING, Ac., Ac;

Which will ba rold Io by

C. S777ALL fit CO-- ,

iM i&b SJ5 Main st., opposite Bank of Kentucky.

NEW STYLE BTRvW HATS iu- revivedfTff at PEAT11LR it SMITH'S,

h Maiu at.

w A lii'.r, r VA ( O ' I KillT AM)? f I!ICK COLOItEJ S FT H vrs r.ivdKvlf at PKATHKR A SMITH'S,

SiLK ASO LASSiMr.RE LRE6S HA'IS,afest et; lea, at


8THAW acOJ'3.We are jmjt in tvet ipt t a lri:e aud bwnMfui

TT rto( k of Goods f.r SuiTitiier W :ir. rnnHif .n!F lupaitcf L- g iotu, straw, P tmma, Florence Braid,and EuKlieb Straw, all of tlie laN--- nt.vlfj

and at iiuahtien. a. cttAKij"' i:h (Vr.'.'r M'fn a d F- i.

BOPT HATSA pitvei r- lon d Heaver Fel, th 6nest

H"t in town, and the beautilul in shape, ise. only at


K.ATB,III SUV Murk n,1 Purl ('u,.im r an V,l.,b

fltyle.c. ruady for oursalu thij niorutitg.3KS-- b A. CRAIG.

TIIKK Cane a lor Udies rioitlnr theM. CVtJi Norh nr p.'r'li'Tor m.-i- conveuieut can

be worn. To be h'tmd oi.ly atj8jab A. CKVIG'S.


COAL!Of the bet qu ty apfl at tbe lowest prices, for sale b7

(rP.iTT' NPRN GANTT,Wiwt-sld- cf rh'r. ctret.


VOGT & K1L.INK,ESfaDiifactarcjK, - - - S3 & Third U

R;pectfiil'.y ofTpr for lnjprf'on trS sale a largeand bplondid &.sjrtineul of

of sriri&rior workniMHtiip fpifhi'abl le- -, Dtamond, C iral, CarOuncle, articles rltjgood, fine. Mid bcKutitul aud everiiipK be ioi luring uour line, o' L'.r.Jivan inij oi t. New Wns librics, au3our own make. .

Haviue lieeu in i1n toted by conticor? toCLOST OL1and ecil at any rre rurh'ir ttiaii ret iru goods, and,

to tbe-- bard rimes, lestrous to.KT NO CAoli I l'STOMI'. t Gf

on th score of r.ric.-- we invito our fi ien.e ai4 tbsHihMc to call and esain::e our stoclc, and res tafnreiiiat their want and wiahet will and hnll Ik; Biaribed.

at VOGT i KLfNK'S.ft

Walker's IfixchanfroTHIRD ST., PET. MAIN & MAFvKJiT.

dtPROG- -

First of tho Season.JtST received a rue lot, of FP-O- LlVrg, KPRINO

SNiPi?. rLov?-:ii- r;.i andMALLARD DLLKJ, fOTOilAC bilAD, S.VLMO.N.HASS. fie.

Partte and familie-liu- e suixlied with everything In ourat the fhoite-- t net

.1. I!N CAWTIV ft CO..aSJtli Tlunlft.. V am and Mirhet.N B.la rer ivrd a Dixp rj.j;...,. nr nf LONDON

DOCK BRANDY. OLD liue iLADKjiAo adBHERltli;n.



V-'- ' ftWIIOriESALE

paeloe jxrauTTimyManufacturers

Cabinet-STaker- s' LlateriaU,Green ctroet, between Clay aod Shoiby gtreci..




Olioi Iifloe Store,3(f. FOL'RTH STREET COLD NO. W).


DO CHJ,AItS at 10 cts;LINEN COLLARS at 10 etc; Ac.

CHARLES F. RAL'CHFUSS,J7 jAb 3 H Fourth t. (rlA N". W.



Giit Frames,Lookinsr-Glasses,-Walki- ng


A flno Aeecrttiient, and CHEPEK TllAN EVER.

ti. .HftrUet stl.etw?fn Krrond nnt Thlrt'aud tV. r ,Hrhi nnd Preton

At UUND A K NO F EL'Sal h,tl Bonk-ror-

Wow --looks !Vew Boks,HrSTOKY OF

l.THE UMTiiD NE'i HF.l'.LANDS, b)

N''TKS ON SCRIPTUR, bv To"LIonf. 3 SO.

THF HI0LE AND TtlE CLASSICS, by Bishop Mead .





,1. U. MacdurT. D. O e.

GOOLY'S LADi'A BOOK for May.Jimt received by A. DAVIDSON,

STATE Or IKK OUATRV.'FHK DANVILLE QUARTERLY for1 ure, cunta'nine . Dr Br. ckiu ridge's article

oo the fctito ti the Country, just received byA. DAVIDSON,

Ji jAh 3d3 Third . ar Market.


Removed to o. 318 Fonrth stref t,oppose Tripp & trap's

I?f usic Store,Y7HERE he - nra'n ready towait on his fiieuds with' hid large fitock cf

Watchef?. Clcck, JewnTry, Silverware.Table Cutlery, Tine Spectacles, &c,

tMrTheniier ibnn ever offfrvd. jfiKEPAIKINO IN EVERY DKPAKTMEN1

I take this oecanioa to rtturn my thank to th"fwho eo noblv awietd in savins-ir- coods (rem the finthat swept me Lorn ciy oM etiud u Mnu fti:. .

m!3 j4' M. C. RAMSEY.


Malta's C. S. M. Core Cyders,WOODCO'K,



and all other de.icac! of th B"e., uaji,Ly Express at the tel. CJL4KLI' S, J it th street.

N B DAYTON ALB and PORTER for sale at tV

Just Hcnoived,JJARFEB'B for fifa

ui3a JAto 8US Third street, oear Varkeu


t. a. DNXIS. O. Henry Ac Co,

4 UnONF.rRS AND COMMISSION MFIKT7ANrorner oi aaain ana wan er, e l, cai- .'vl ie, ivy,lycwh advnncnt niodi) on gv.s uourfi.if-- to us Ui

any amount.Wo ar at all times rety ti at'e-r- o o

Rrat , Marfhcl'a or ( 'oiitjtaife'B Sib-s- Houte,no(F urnirui-e- . Ac. on terms oati.tfact-or- to colters. iyJr

USEFUL AS mi AS aUJtiSIilCbrfstmas anJ Sew Yfsr-- Pr??Bt

WLt. KENDPJCK',Third st., between M?in a..ii Wa;9i,

f& My stock ofWAT(7fH3,


PLATl'D WAR?Was crvfrr nr-'- eomr'ot than at present, and ctf?on :fni as ctu b j'tViourel lth-eil- - Cti'l


TaTo.217 Fourtlistroot,BETWEEN MAIN ANU MARKET STS.,

--F. ARB NOW OFFERING GREAT INDUCE--ments to buyers in



LACK Vi Jt i A t.

1,1 KN ' ODDSof every descrlpt'on for family os( at very low pricwfor catli aud each onlv.

MARSHALL ft DDTKIN-IOH- ,' :D7 Fourth t, Mfcin au.J M,irl-t,- .


WAR PRICESWe have still on hand a good assortment of tlia

above at VERY LOW PRICL3.


Give us s call before purchasing elsewhere.


JS'ttxt door io Fonda" Grocery,J17 d!aH to

UNDR'ES3 bv hhls No. 1 Saltan bbls Tible H:lt in small bw,tO bhls Cider VipMsar25 bht larne N . 3 Mackfpil;SO .do lere No 3 ao;!W bble medium No. 2 d;&5 "do No. 2 do;&o kita No. a uj;li) boxes Herring;7) cask rtoda;35 boxes Soda In lib papers;

8'") do Stoue Pipes.O. D. CajM;

IWytm S B. d:boxs Butler"- - Blacking;

25 do quart Flasks.do pint di;

10 do Spint AriIn store and for aie by

MAit.inAIi HALI t'ET S C).Jyl U" l

I ARO OIL 41 bbls received on conripcme:.t In ftoreJL 4 and lor sale by

jyi ALLEN. MOORK. ft HD,N.O FUiJAK 3 0 bhd. irom lAir tu choice m etoieand tor sale by

1 ATLN. MDoRT". fr TMDfN.

T)LANTATioN molasses bii) Lt'ls in ttJie andfur sale by

ALLFV. MOOUT!. tt pv


very cheap:Cloth Coats worth $16 for 5;

Cloh Coats worth 810 for $7;Cloth Coats worth $'3 for 54;

CasBimere Coats worth ft 12 for i3;Cft!eiroere Coats worth S7 for $2 5);Linen Coats worth from AO f0 to j at 41:

Surarer Vests worlh from If2 to ) et 41.

The above goods, a little out of style, b'.;t good,

articles, for sale atJ. M. ARMSTRONG'S,

J29 On Man st opposite tbe NatiouaL


cass Widow licquut Chanipiguo;2 oo De'monlco do,'Jo baskets Verzuav do;yii do old & Co. do;Lucases Mo. Siurkling Catawba;2u dt zeu Dry do:

Iu "tore and for sale in quantities to suit purcbspert byji5 .1. P. THOMPSON. FmHb si.

AND GRAINCRASH Gralu Scythes,luo Gra-- s

IB Patent Snaths; tor sale bv123 C. OTTMSBY.

COFKKK .Tara Coffee:34 Laenavra Coffeot

Jnt received and for sale by

LKKTiNGS 36 bales Pmn Mill td AeciorS1 ings receivLd per Ftembot Fiornr and for saleby JNO. F. HOWARD & CU ,

Aleuts Or Miun,'a,'tur l'B,

$25,000 WOUTIIF A 8 I O N A B L E

Clothing and Farnishiug Goods!At great sacrifice for cafh at

J. M. ARMSTRONG'S,On Main, opposite the National Hotel,



Also a saperior assortment ofSHIRTS;HOSIERY;GLOVES;UNDERWEAR, Ac, at



f ai.d TKA STORK. No. Market ttrL beiw.tnwnrt mn T.rH. K- UQ

IpLOUR 31i bbls Arcade Mi" d niMe extra Hw,m. a very superior aniclA. in irore ni frr tale by

AND'W BUCHANAN CO190 fVirn-.- r t,A 'VOJl, t.

OjWl CASKS FANCY PKIMS, Spiague'a, Ameri-Ov- ll

can, Diinn-irt- , and Taeouy;HiO CASKS UNION FANCY PRINT?;

Received and for sale for enh on' byJAMES LUW 4 CO


I LACKKKRRY WINK A choice nrttcie ot pureI Hlackbony Wine in store and for saie oj the bar-- l


EFINEIi BLGAK Lh) bbls Baltimore B Sort4. Crushed received and for le hy4"t RAWIN Torn CO.

" I U LASHES H7 bhis Plantation landing from et amJ er Magenta and for sale hv


MACKEREL AND SALMON In whole, half, andand on retail by


CLARET 4 casks superior Claret In store nnd for vl

atti WM. GAY.

CHOICE TEAS S6 paekac choice Ownid and Black Teas, fresh arrival. In store and for

; JT' sale byHrPRITT A SON.

ORIFO BEEF AND TONGUES-6- iK lbs Dried Boefdozen Tonnues lor sale by


bLons. Ac A fnh asHortnietit f bilk, l.tnen, ndFloss, and a full assortment of Hoop Sklrta

f all eizua, just received aud for ale, byJAMES LOW A CO.,

mP init 21" we-- t aiftf Uivth t.JUGAR-6- U hhdfl illy titr to nme lanulug from

nd for h nrn rjo

I oLASSK, tuo bit is PtKiiiatuni recutvH.1 byt the Autocrat and Pevtoua and ior - il by

H. w coor.


X( OOOD BROOM HANDLLS,weil seasonedJU,UUV tb-- hert quality Broo . Cord;

t35 tbs best quality Twhlne;S ltB best yualitv colore.i Sewing Twine;S&t) lbs best quality plated Wire;2nd bdls Cut Tack?, Broom Needles. Ae.;

Tu?t received at tlie Wooden Ware and P.room 8toie,is Main street, between Third and Fourth, LouievulG,tnH for .!. hr p wldl nifWIM R " '

11IO cIt by t tie MiMfftiita aitd for mla bvi'Oort ft Moony

JAVA COFFEE 50 poHcets prime old Java receivedby mailboat and for sale by


JUGAR 36 hhds prime received per steamers Ma--

Reuta and Peytona and for eale byfll RAWSON. TODD. A CO.

"iOFFEK luo batts prime Bio landing from Ben. J.Adams and for aale by


WUGAR 67 hhdp fully filr and prime landing fromsteamer Grev Lal and for eale by


fOX'S STARCH-- r 160 boxes Rrlined Pearl in sto O

and for sale byrawdon rnnn rn

W SMITH'S K K.NNETT ALE. In tiMf and Vjbbl ;(i MARSHALL'S KENTUCKY REAM ClifcLoKM cf each just received u.1ryg. ro.

1 1 AY 3'iu biles prime Timothy and HungananGraia

tl foraaie bypKNTOV ,M yy,

best charcoal brandUt f assorU :izes. tor sale low h


"0 bMd IxivtrlcK'BCniphed aud GranulatedSUGAR Jnrt received foria! ro

l Al.dIron. Steel, lza, e"xk IUi

Mi in store and Jjr sale Xt i" .

. ,,u kkl. lAMrtns'l dtfrtdIf . and frvr aij a.! r in tor-,V at7A " MOORE, A HADEN.

Mill XX FamilyCLOUR 1 bbls Knicbt-tow- n

forRailroad apdI Flour received per Jy, rTereonvilleaVTVW HANJl.'J A ,


byCornr Second and Wafhicgton sts.

v FEBltX, uHe Rio;

Java: for l".by'.UM pockets M co.fjg tASlLXnAll, muiu'i"- -"

OA7,IN;S CAMPHOR ICE, for chappedO Ac, or ale by CUJ l

CiLOrR- -7 bbls Extra White Wheat FamPv Flonr

fur sale by taJ
