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LOUISVILLE .DAILY' JOURNAL.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ksn010h67/data/0672.pdf · Such was 'he conversation...

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s 6. A 1!), Ii 61 21 JU- CKAl mm BUILBISfi, tt&I 8' EKTWFJIJJ T',TKD ato; sovttra. wwwrrrr'icrIly, delivered in tha tlty.. Mj. by run!'. La advaae 8 HJ 3untry oV.ly i CO I CO W"My, iu adanc. ski&ie copy t (10 in Mut m live or ove. . . 1 ( ttuoiiU-e- , udJ ia r6U;-i- Letters al our lit. T3 OP ADVeHTTSIrK JN TOW LO UI H V IT &2 JOURNAL. IOK REGULAR ADvFbTiatKS. 1 square, cbaceaMo wkly, per ann'im $W 00 flo i Burno emetik, per aiiuuiu.. P0 IK do do 8 Lims do do 1W WJ Kvh ninait, f the bov iirlee. Advertitrrjt- - pubhcbod at iiiwrvf.ts -- $1 lor rt Id- - tion aod rto cent? for each BiibctHjuoot one. Aanooncii'.g candidate, 1 per v'l for each nfcme. YaarW C enif?r tuartorif, ftli otuef in ad- it ia or. ""fl rteamboftt aivertl somen t, sheriffs' ad oocitr.lH tenors sale, patem mdieiue. theatrical, lire 1, or UH'iar s. crtiirm. net puhliehod bp tho year. Advert Iwrnnr or co iriUb'-.'.- ' iiMtituticna, fire eonpa-fviie- ward, anfi otfest public raeetirfiu, and iur.ii like, b!f price. ElitorKI active? ind eocim:m '.cartons, luoctea It oo'nmaj intended to promote private inter- acts, lf ouU p- - tine- - the only lnzerted al tae discr- ete of tbsdJU)B. No eimfGi4ulcnioo will nwr?fl uulew aeeom- - d by the rnl iiftro.e of V- - author. Itoernboat a4vHri.t:n.'ftta S& c':ta forth? f!rt Inaer-- I t and iS i cuts faOi each change M .llfrd a uew advert irjupnt. HI be etnr"d h if;n nbovepnco; if in?rUrJ in ! ) trial f:'l oo'tina-- l, ?i:ut Cit inrrlon, iu ttie Bea- - 0 HiillLin, i i). the r.ve ki t.n liie ijii-l- of the J x.:nsi ft? b r(fnl rtt!r! ?ric. JioYntTwino Kvv- - fnWcellg JtAirtuiL Catb "qraw 1 t linie or le, tiret iiiaertioii 1 M frh riontiiinMire M vVritU-- r.otict' ma?t bo to hio fut aad stop of yoa'iv before tiie yenrex-ylf- t, othrwif. f'mil car; till do:ie. nat1 wl'h 'nt provno;;? notion to r', uor itl ir nliwe wn-l- ror lor at. rtip rtia. Items of SocruEBS Ke'.vs We liuJ in tba Evanaviile Journal Bome Veaii of rebel nswa from the Nashvill j papers of the 10:b : "We learn from a comramicatfori diUd tlich-mon- d, Uocambcr 3d, tliiC on tin Sanday previous, Lienry A. Wiso, jr., preichd a formon ficxn the text "(jive ua tins diy our djily bread.'1 A mure appropriite eu ' ji; could out have been feUctfd by liaiiry. JI contended tbat a special prtivKienco had been manifost from the ihe Star of ihe West turned her prow out of Chirle&ton habor until now, and pre- dicted an ultimate ar.d glonuus triumph for the rebsl ciue. The same corresr.ocdont Bjye cousiderable snow fall the night before, and tlon was orioat as to la efF.ct on armv move- ments. He thinks ( f the lot: di!ay of the mails likely to follow. Speaking of itentuckv, he ex- presses the wish tbj.t ehe bad bean more largely represented in her sovwrtinty convention, but concludes that "half a loaf n better thin no bread." and "txpecU large additions to the pres- ent tlice whon the ndaa cf Tennessrayia begin to ring in the great day at Columbus." The same correspondent from an au- thentic sonrce 'ihar President David had under consideration a mattor which would, in all prob- ability, re-u- ia tha resignation of Gen. Wise and all the clHcard in hU legion ; in which event, Obadiih Jennings Wise, his son, woud resume bii post as editor of the Enquirer, and oppose the adminisiratioa with all hi i power, which U not a little. This wou!d be a most uaturtuaite circumstance, at this juncture, when a tiiogle turn of the wheel miy bria ed.es dioaster to the South." FIVE MINUTES" WORK. "Here, Lizzie, 1 wish yoa would put a few Btitchcs into iny coat it's a getting too eiiabby." 'It is so, Frank, but, really, 1 think jcu had best take it to the tail-r.'- ' ufake it to '.fee tailor! By George, bnt tbat'a a huge idea. Why, there'. not tive minu ea' woik to ba d'.ne, and the tailor would charge a dollar." "1 suppose he would; but I don't se how I cjn do it y. Walt or is fre'fal, ;dyou know he kopt me awake nearly all ni ht." "Little imp! it duei seem to me there never was so cross a yrundr ore." "Oh, no, Frank, he's uot dro:s, but he's teeth- ing." "Always some excuse. Well, yen must mend my coat, anyhow." ' I'll try mid rind time." " Ht ! Ju3t let him 'twill do him good Btrengihen h lungs." " l'hn, you know, it's ironing day." "Well, how many more exjuaec? I'll put it on rips a&d ail, if you are gnng to make such a fuss.'' "Oh, no, Frank; I did n t meantn maki a fuss; but it's a long j )b. or.d one 1 am not much u?ed to; and wi'h mv dinner to ei baby, and ironing, I do t see, yet, how I caa do it. Hut IU d i my br-.'- Such was 'he conversation thst paaaed between a young huabaiid and wifa cf 6ilif.een ciouthj' Btinding. Frank Barton was whit ths wo lJ culls a real driver. He anything tba went through his hands icur-- tj tiis itenelit. Kwryhody liktd fcim btciuie ha was frank, and with .1 st hone t and upright in alt hi; dwhrirs with bin custom- ers. Ke well Ojacaud f r a basinps niar( lived in sccisty, hd miue up bis mind that ho could st pxrt a wit ar.d, acco'ding to hi reck- oning, caUJ have something to boot. Vs, to ture he could, 'libera waa fix dulbra a week lor boatd, one dollar a dozen for washing, and then quarters and dimes for Ukiog his lady ac- quaintances to ride, to tte theatre, to labors, balls, operas, etc. 'iiy Georgt?" he exclairrel, a le cist up his vearly acc'-uot- 'thars hugo. I:'a enough to break a fellow. A tlnusund a ye.tr. It wou't d. I'll mirry arid soitU d wa." So he applied to Lizzie Forpylh, the best and kindost girl among hU acquaint :in:e', to help liim ul a : in bis good and was boij in p of tba'- - adipirabl-- burden, "to be support ed:' a wiTe. Lizz:e was a good, sensible girl, and was scon tired of boardirjg A snug h mse was rented, ard the work of supporting a wife b?gan in earnest. 1 he tive rootm cost two hundred a year, and pret-1il- y furnished. Lizzie preferred to do her own woik and wasMng, and, being expert with her needle, now ar d tbon found time to rmk a d exLra. Then, as it was a little lonesome for Frank, ho brought hrme several clerks as div boarder?, at ft ur do'l irs a week. Still, with all this, he wocld tell hi acqmintarces luw much less it cost him to live. How he supported a wife be never seemed for a moment to realize that f he it was why saved all Ibes expenses, and that if he hid not earned a dollar, her bu-- handj wculd have paid the rent and kept Lim from So the matter stood when Le asked her to mend his coat. Lizzie drew a d:ep eigh after he was gooo, ar.d burrud her dune as fast as pjssi')le. The coat was of broadcloth, and was his wed- ding garment; bu', ii was wtll nigh wearing out, broken under the arms, the coid snd lioiiuts in rags, the sleeve Jininga bmkmi lise, buttons worn off in tioe, there was nwrly, if not qui'e, a day's work, bte sat down to "the coat with hearty go. d will, determined to da h?r best. Her needio tlaw, bat every moment it had to be laid down to see to dinner, or hush the baby. "1 he hours wore away, and, thouch she did all she possibly could, the job was still unfinished at sun- down. Wal er cried hcwantly. lie looked pale, and his eyes were dim. She remembered Frank's word-- , let him f quail." and did let him crv a lulf hour or more. O, bow it worried her to hear her drlinz cry. The toir swam in hir eyes as she thought of her hard day's work, and of the want of appreciation of htr labor. She knew that shi wa making the "aukl ciat look am list as well as new." Bat he wo. II never tbiDkof the to'.l she had put upon it. "Ar.d what if ha don't," the menHlIv r j icolated; "1 eball in my own know til I have don-- , and tbat is enou h " Si;l she was longing with dickering heait, to have her !alrr recrvni.ied, to hear him now a'id tben fpaak as if her work was cf no avail. "There is not mrra thn tive min- utes' work, and the tailir would charge me a do- llar," kept riaging in her eir. But Lizzie was strong bearte I, as well as lov- ing and dutiful. she ehook off her discontent, put on a imiling face, to. k up the baby ard sung ner prettiest lullaby, cirried bim around, with bis little head on her shoulder while she tilled the tea- - kettle and set ths table, now and then sitting him in his cradle, and chirping to him, as eh did these things that both of her hands. Thu? she worried through euf par getting, ard with much managing had all things ready by the time Frank came in with hU companions. "My coat done. Lizzie?" "No, not quite." "That's a woman f r y, boys. One half of th".ni w iuld let a husband go out at tho olbows a week before thay would turn asiie from any Dlan of tbeirs. All the ironing ii completed, I'll bo bound. Ain't it to, Lizzi?" Lizzie was taking her biscuit out of the oven, and the young men did not sea the daep Hush ot piio that passed over her weary features. "Wdl yoa bring in a pitcher of water, please." ehe said pleasantly, not seeming to have hoard the quasi ion. "mere it is again; waen I was a bachelor, I haa nothing to do but hand my oat e ver to a tailor, pay him a dollar, and it was done in a jirt. and no grumbiin;;. No water to fetch when a fellow's tired, either." Lizzie was tired, and, and nervous; want of Sleep, and the exhaustion incident to nursing hr beautiful boy now bo near sick the hurrying to get time for the mending, rot to spek ct tin uiMppciuiHioni inpmung aside all hrown plans iuus miuwMig oer uaxto- ana ironing into one nay, for both must be done, on the morrow, or the cioinea would mildaw and the board ere go with oui oread and t:na was too much. Liz.id nm'H not endure his badmago, though half piavful, for he knew, and e wali, th.it if sme nich ennugnu waie not ia his nund thev would have tour.o: ineir way cot to his lips. yhe hastily t,at her biscuit upon the table, and Mymg. Bimply, "Supper is ready," stepped in'o me neii room und hurst into teard. miht as well ask the withered not to fall, when me autumn nale aweeoi throur-- h tlmm- - w.n the ll .wers not to suffer the mornipg dews to xhale its Bunsbina, as to ask a tender, loving, sensitive wife, to withhold her tears when she knows she is wronged. She may forgive, may lt.uk cheerful au hour af?e. bright cs the Bkv when the cloud has paased bat she muat feef; t '"i. uerir from him slight or exaction uiiu unmoved indifference. L:zzie"s tears did not tl )w long; her heart gaintd i'9 natural relief, and after pretending she was gottiog Walter to sleep (which she actuwlly did), she baih&d her eves aud came cc, washed her acd sat d ws again to the coit. Frank sat watching her dying ringers f r an hour or two, as he Unshed and talked with bis friend, thinking to him?elf that every turn would bs the list. At nine o'clcck she Bet the last stitch. New facings hid boen- put Id, and new pockets, the holes under the arms neatly patched and darned, new cuffs, new buttons, end new linings al! round. As she finished she looked up with still a shade of sadness upon her brow. "Ihore, Frark, I hive mended your coat thor- oughly. Iguessitvi'l last you another year, " now "Quite a jb, wasn't ii? took longer thin I thought," said he d "How much clear cash have yoa madi Frank?" aekei Lizzie in an earnest tone. "What do yoa want to know for?'' was his answer. "For my own satisfaction. Certainly I should feel an interest in all of your affairs." "We'l, I tti k the 6hop has cleared twenty dollars." "How much do you count your eervicts worth"''' "Not le?B than five dallars a dav." "How many hours do you labor?"' "Tenislngal time s. I don't gene- rally work tbat many. But what's all these questions for?" "Because, Frink, we are husband and wife. We expect to live the rest of our lives together, and if there is harmony in our marriage relations there must be justice and rigbt. You call me daily to appreciate your labors and me of the comfort and support you are giving me, and 1 fel that I can appreciate anything you do. You have earn&d live In day, and the bIk p his cleared t wenty. Yet to save you one dollar I huve wcrked ten hours on your coat and six in getting your breakfast, dinner, and supper, a: d making your home pleasant and comfortable. To save you that dollar I have had to hurry all day, to put all mv work out of line, and to really neglect cur darliog boy, who ghoul-- be onr tarst cire, aud the last thing thit ehould, under any circumstances, be set aside " "Why, I had no idea of this before" "I know jou had not, Frank; so I shall freely f jrgive you, but must insist that hereafir I must ba my own jadge of work I bad bet to do, and shall not expect to be threatened, nor hear myself accused of not being willing to do my dufv." Frank felt the force cf thtwe words, and eat si- lent. "One thing more, Frank, I want to sav, while I am about it. I don't want you to talk about supporting your wife. I will not be Bupportd while I aru able to support myself. I And, t on locking over my books, that the profits of my labors amount to live dollars a week, and the board of yourself, myself, and the baby besides. Then I do all your extra work and my own. All this saving his gone into your capital to be in- vested, and to help you make your twentv dol- lars a day. Out of this comes the rive dollars you call the worth of your day's work, while 1 must labor with really weary limb, and acbi g head and eyes, to save a dollar in the mending of an old coat, which, when done, would not sa!l for the amount of your ten hours' work." "You are making out a pretty strong caso againtt me, Lizzie." "No, Frank, not a case against you I could not do that; but I am etating facts. One thing mora. I have boen to work three hours sirca eupper, while you have boen entirely idle, not even rocking the cradle, which I have been 0 diged to do half a dozen times." 4 L:zzie, don't sav another word, end I'll never do so again," critd Frank, springing from his chair to j g the cradle where the sweet boy was nestling. "Yon eball never mend another coat." "Yts, but I will," answered Liz.io, advancing to the cradle, "only don't tell me tbat ten hours' work can be done in tive minu ten, nor atk me to 'let the baby pqualT again." She liftod Walter from the cradle. They stooped to kiss his fair rosy cheek, but made a mistake and kissed each other, while Frank whim- pered "God bless von, Lizzie; I never thought of all this before. I won t do it again." Six years have gone by, and Frauk has kept bis word. A member of the Academy of Science stated at ore of the sessions last week, that he had dis- covered a simple and uoexpeusive process for rendering muslins, laces, and all sorts of light stuffs incombustible. It eimplv consists of add- ing to the starch used in stiffening them, one half of its weight, of the carbonat of lime, usu- ally kr.own as "Spanish White " Ladies who wear hue crinoline?, ard aro in danger of being destroyed by tire, should "make a note" of this. It is a noticeable change in phraseology that Su'hern prass now habitually call the Fede- ral soldiers "ferocious Lleseians.' Not long ago if. w.;8 "cowardly hirelings." This ghowa an im- proved perception, based on experience. KENTUCKY LEGISLATURE. Frankfort, Dec. 17. SENATE. EVENING The Senate met at 3 o'clock. No quonni being prosen. Mr. Kead moved that the Senate adjourn. Ca.riel. And then the Senate adjourned. HOCSE. EVENING SESSION.. Tha Home resumed the con Mention of the report of the Committee oa Federal Relations, together with the several amendments "proposed thereto- - Mr. Burns advocated the adoption of the reso-lu- ti ni presented by bim at siina length. Mr. Sparks replied to Mr. Burn, and advocated the adoption of the resolutims presented by Mr. Wolfe. And thon the House took a recess until seven o'clock. NIOI1T (SESSION. Tha House roumtd tb consideration of the resolutions offered by Mr. Wolfo, from the Com- mittee on Federal Relations, together wiili the saveral amendments offered thoreto by Me3rs. Huston, Heady, and Burns. A Jenelbv debate ensued, in which Messrs. Ed munds, Underwood, Finnell, and Jacob took part, acd before Air. Jacob hud concluded his remarks, the House adj mrned. He wbo knows the world will not be tco bash ful; and he who knows himself will never be im- pudent. A good man regrets more keenly an injustice he has indicted on others than aoy that cm be put upon him. Art is ihe revelation cf man; aril cot mereiy that, but likewise the revelation cf Nature speak- ing through man. A pretty gnl complained of a cold and chaps cn her lips "lhee should not allow them there," said Broadbrim. Chiliren would"t cross their parents so often when they are grown up, if they were to cross their parent d knees a liltle oftener when they were liUle. There are times when our souls are restless, and a voice sound j within us like the trump of the arch-ange- and thoughts, long buried, come out of their graves. There is an affected humanity more aneuffera-bl- e than downright pride, as hypocrisy is more abominable than libertinism. Take care tha your virtues be genuine and unsophisticated. Report of the Solicitor op the Treasury. The Report of the Solicitor of the Treasury, Edward Jordan, Eeq , showB that the whole num- ber of suits brought hy United States Attorneys, and conducted by the solicitor, was for the vear, 5"J9. They were brought to recover 14 16 Of this number of suits, have been tried and diepieed of during the year; 112 in favor of the United States, 23 againat the United States, and 07 setllod and discontinued without trials. Ia additi n, I'll old ciaee on the dockets of the t ftice have been disposed of. The amount col- lected on tlieso suits during the present year is 5o43,340 'lti. COTTON YARNS aaort'i nambsra Cotton Yarua: h baiea t'ott-- Twine; 60 do Ci'lte-Wic- 0 do batiliipr; fjr by fllB i;.S 1'LKVt AN. MI RRRT.L. CO. A!SD fiOAP CANUI.eS SUr Candled; M) 00 Mold d"; 100 d o- niimn ri'tp; ii do Armia do; 6J do TjUct d; for sat bv dI8 CASTLKJlAN, Ml tt RE LL, A CO. CRACKERS -- If 0 boTea for cal hy 1URE CASTLE WAN, Ml. uKLXL, 4 CO. CIOAKS-li- O German, various iualiHer; 6l),tm) Uilf Spauleb; tor sale bv d!8 CADTLKM'VN, Ml RKEM A CO. DOT GKKA8W 1(0 dozen KkCHljlor Root Grcarif, arte tice, lor army u te. In dtorw and for tale by Bl KKH A:tlT. 417 Markt n. I Vt MJW1 CIGARS )iwt arrived, 01 the moat Uct braud, ucli ae Fgaro, Flor da Rivae, Fartaea, Cervnti, iutrlnidud, Wahia?ton, Faurli, La Chay. Kl S I. Oc.n Btrd, IA Lnoero. Vgut Flor de Havana. &c Price rugl(r fiom to vb per thUBnd. For eale wboieaalt r t'l lf I!fiW9 ETNAOOf d!7 313 Ma'.o ft., Baernent LoiUfrille llteL WL'NPRrF- S- O rtmokmg Twbiccoi do. Mer haum PdHi; Koiwood ao; Hriarwo-i- do: Aid Eaiicy Goods; tor sale by di7 EIWD PEYNANO. Q KEG 9 PUKE MALAGA WINF, for madiciual pur- - potea, for al by Frw'r pwvnato. i Ot'EK V 11:10 base Rood and rhilce Rie; 1W lavn (id pockets); 5J do Laguayra; tor eal bv i u a wson. tv mn. no fck AKUXNli 5Ucase hixt 8irdlntf9 for Bale low by d!3 ruth itreet, be'.ow M:n. LOUISVILLE .DAILY' JOURNAL. BiMIIIWHMgll jiimimwjWJK VOLUME LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER LOUISVILLE HAVANA CIGARS. liiUj,ijjil3iiiyj.ijjijll!iJllUlilli.lj NUMBER Differs. 11 be rtciived at the giueer unui rnu,tv, iutom- - ber 20'h, IStil. at VI oc!ock M., to dig and wall a cis?ern at the intersection of Third and Breck- inridge streets. Usual security reqnired.- - J. M. DELPH, Mavor. Mayor's Ornci!, Dec 1G, 1861. dli dl Notice to Sidewalk Fawers. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the undersigned, till 12 o'clock Friday, Decembtr 20, I80I, to execute the following work, viz.: To recurb and repive the unfinished portion of the sidewalk on the south Fide of Green stsoet, from the east line of W. Y. Hahn's lot to the weal of Floyd street. To grade and pve the sidewalks on both Fides of Broadway, from Campbell street to the bridge. To recurb, repave, and widen a portion of the sidewalk on the west 6ide of Secocd street, from Main to Market. To recurb and repave the fcnfinished portion of thesiJewalk on the north aide of Mum street, from Cable to Webster. To recurb and repave the sidewalk on the west side of Jackson street, from Market toward Main 204 ftxst to an alloy. Usual security n quired. J. M. DELPH, Mayor. Mayor's Oftce, Dec. 16, 1&61. d!7 dt20 Notico to Owner of Property. GRADING AND PAVING OF The owners of lots and parts of lots designated below aro hereby informed that ordinances have been parsed by the General Council, approved and published, rrquiring the grading and paving of the sidavalks iu front of their respective tp, and if thny fail to have the same properly done within thirtys day from the date hereof, the work will be d.'Ce nndor a contract at the expense of lot owners, as provided for in the b eection of the 7th article of tha City Chariar, all drains from io u or huuoc to la conveyed undar the lidewalks in iron pipes, in accordance with the ordiuan'-e- regulating the same-- said work, when executed, to be recf-in- by the City Engineer, end if not done iu every ropoc in accordance with spentf-cation- s rogulaling si iewalk paving, to be repaired at the expense of the property owners. . To grade and pave sidewalk on the north side of Madiion street, betwwn Preston and Jackson street". Michael Schneider 150 feet. George Shceiuaker .'10 " Jas. Gray '25 " Mary Brown 30 " John Henceb3rger 30 " L. Huworth 3j " B. B. Hinkle ' u R. I. B. Powell 3 " B.idget Butler -- 0 " Wm. Preston 20 " Mrs. H. A. Hunter 20 " T. C. Tucker KJ " D. J. B.'wlsi 60 " J. M. DELPH, Mavor. Mayor's Office, Dec. lti, 1861. dl7 dlO Notice to Owners of Property. GRADING AND PAVING OF SIDEWALKS. The owners of lots and parte of lots designated below are hereby informed that ordinances have been paaaed by the General Council, approved and published, requiring the grading and paving of the sidewalks in front of their respective lota, and if thoy fail to have the samo properl' done within thirty days from the date hereof, the work will be done under a contract at the expense of lot owners, as provided for in tho 3d section of the 7th article of the City Charter, all drains from lots or houses to be conveyed und r the sidewalks in iron pipes in accordance hh the ordinances regulating the same; said work, when executed, to be received by the City Engineer, and if not done in every respect in accordance with specifi- cations regulating sidewalk paving, to be repaired at the expense of the property owners. To grade and pave the sidewalks on both sides of Broadway, from Campbell street to the bridge. NORTH SIDE. Juhn Mc Reynold's estate. ....174 feet. Thomas Y. Brent 231 Gnflith & Schon ....120 bOClH SIDE. Wm. F. Schwing IN) " Georee II. Carv luO " Wellifch, Lucking, & Co 118 " Joel Uer-r- "Jo " T. Y. Brent 12H C 12 " J. F. Bullitt 64 6 12 u J. M. DELPH, Mayor. Mayor's Office, Dec. 12. 1861. deUdlO UODA, Bl Carb Soda, just received and for pale by dlB GARDNER & CO- lou dzen country Wool Pocfcfi for ial by GAKI1NER A CO. APPLltH -- 60 ble choice Jenaettuge just recoiled Balfl by (114 C f: S. MATTHEWS. rJ4 Fourth sr.. H ol choir Timothy Tor sale by 114 I. L. H. MA'PTHRWH. 124 ourth at. f"MUL T 40 bblt prime In etor aud tor sale to cloee coDBUaiaeit hy COKS. AT3. A1"!) SOFT FEED conataotly cn aud for sale bv L. a. MATTHEWS. 124 Fourth st. kT.liV A tot of rrirue Wheat la Btore and lor iale d 14 C. L. 8 MATTnFW. 1" Fourth ft. WTRI:aK9 OF LIGHT, a ae book bv thna-i- .or ot O Pay."'. L. A. CiVlLL. IIKLD SKKVlvJB OF V. 8. CAVALRY, bv tuily illustrated. L. A. C1V1LL. JOTICE TO QUIT uew noveL L A. C1VILL. nrSTOIBK MKOICOfJlIIKURGICALKd1 la Guerre Armaad. L. A. C1VILL. AV ALKY BWOKD KXKRCISL. A. CIVILL. NEW MAP, unlike any heretofore reccivp. LA. CIVILL A ' .E33 TH AN UALF PKIOB- - Toyn and Iyokliigr .11 1 I.. A I v fr l I KI8H WHISKY- - 1 puncheons Itibq Whisky, very JL tine, for ale by ANTHONY ZANONE A SON. dl3 Vith nt., hnlnw Main. TBPPKR-8- 0 sifUjd Black Pepper just received JL and for tale by dia OARDNKR A CO. IMUKLFrt, CATCHUPS, Ac. calino Hck'ei: 3 bbU Tomato Ctcbur; 1f box Vaiiiila. Lemon, and aortd Pxtre; Jnt received on couigunr nt and fsr bI ) erv tow by d'J TEKRY A CO., Mam ct. Horse Pails, fiic r( DOZEV heavy, hoo-b.il- flmh bottom J" lioif Pailf, tha be?, art'.cle in market; lil pnuited Pails, all cjlors, a I rto do do, d IS do do h do. do- - lf'0 di do Toy pAi'a, all color; Toiler with TiVn, ClotliPs' Pjug, Ac: JunI received and lor eale by ORBIN RAWSON, d!4 E3P Main at. between Third and Foorth. U 4 04 a 'ad it bjt.lte, juut rwiv.d and fr sale by ORKIN RAWSON, d14 Motn t.. lw'MTMr.l nA Konrt.h. I JCOKiCC 40 caaea Gomes bauchod aud .Z. braode tor sale by t'R rawsom. Tonn. a 00.3 WCOA- R- k5 Linirj bh'a YpPow; 40 bbifl White: for Bale by dlS RAWSQN. TODD. A OO. BKANDY AND FRENCH BRANDY APPLE Api'le Brandy, 3 yerB old; pVn auimrior Fieuch Brandy; In store and tor eale by ANTHONY Z ANONB A SON, d!3 Vtfth at., holv U(n MOLASRKS llA) kdo dJ; for Kale hy RAWSON. TODD. A OO. W'OODKN W A H V, 1 1' 0 doten Painted Bnketa; i) do di Lib?; 6" n8t do do; fcj dozi-- Zinc 0 do Half Roihl Vtpaaurfa: for tale by d4 CASTLKMAN. Ml'KRKLU A CO. CIGARS ,oj Cirari: 10,0)4) d"; io.O.O Punch do: for al by d9 TFBRV ft . MC Mln racsa arrivals. rweivJ and for eale low JTJST lot No- - l. 'A, and 3 Mackerel (io kite. VinMi. M' d bbl)r IlHninu fin klla andMhbli); P't'.iuir Stud do; Whit Fuh (In VhhleV Penbufot Salmou (in kit) iodli.'h (iu caukj and boxv ;j. di'J TfKKY ft CO., fi Mlot. DO.KN 8UAKER BROOMS; ay boxes do Preserve; for taJe by d3 GAKDNKH A BACCN-J- O rlciar Sides; R do Should era; 20 box ni Breakfast Kacon lu tlarce Bupar-cim- d Hams: For Bale low to cloee cofnignm-ii- bv d7 'PA IT RON. CO.. 834 Main n. WOODEN WAKB, An. apaorled Huckete: a" doz iuc Waahboarde; ludoznu Nj?, 1, and y Tuhp; t e N'aiif; al a ?iuall lot extra Dried Peach-e- rt'ceived tliia d&y aud for cheap by d5 TKRRY iU)., Main pt. AND SOAP CANDLES Star Candies; M do dot loO do common bar Soap; H do Gerroao do: to do Staich: for Bale by dJ AflTI.KM AN. MXTRRfT.Ij. A OO VUNDRIKS O fci bbU Cider Vinegar; btl dowu Ohio Brooms: 75 do hhie and rel Hocketa; 60 do Wah-Board- ht riPita Titw; M den Split Scrob Brooui; fct do Bd- - order luo do T'lne; " 1H) do Brooru dj; I'll " "ih do :)ttou 61.i;iag; b( do Table Salt; 3D casoa Gale1 Matches; linj boTea Oruber'B lo; fco Kro6 Oenuai d:; 8mt boee Ston Piii: Ho do I'Viaife Coffee; In store and for iate by a4AR8HALL HAXiBCtT A CO d Mnln at fRAMJEKRIES 26 bbls choice jurt received and fcr V tale by TA1T, 80', CO.,' 3a Kaju et. A FREE GUT. TO THE AMERICAN I'EUFLE. WHAT THE FEDEKAL TTIOOFS AKE FIGHTING TO SUSTAIN. HOW OUH ROLDTEUS SUOULD BE PREPARED TO FIGHT. It is a slogular fact lhat a large majority of the people of the United States are unaeitiainted with the irreat importance ol the eaune for which the eoMiera of the Union are fighting. Let avery man and woman through- out the United States carefully read and etudy the of the United Stated, they will d ot the holiness of our cause aod of the wicked-iie- se of thoee who are striving to overthrow thi grand palladium of freedom. We truly believe, that, hud the reading of the Consti- tution been adopted a" a dally levoo in every school throughout the United States, the doctriaeB of eeceepion and States rights would never hive attained the position of a political question; nor would the country have been called upon to mourn for the unfortunate wrangling and miacooit ructions that have arisen, aud which eo many of our statesman have loet their time In attempting it interviet.ition. Millions of our citizens have never thoroughly itodlod the Constitution, and, even at the preeent time, when it b the duty of every citizen of tliifl eountry to bitorm himself of the rights and privi!ei:B secured to him, un der ite protwting arm. It i not in cue household in nve hundred. Iu view, therefore, of correcting this rat overeight, and to furnish every man, woman, and child throughout the Uuited States with the means of study- ing this great palladium of liberty, and to protect us against future falee doctiines and political disasters. DKS. KADWAY A CO. prewnt to the American public, free of charge, the Con- stitution of the Uuited States of America, neatly bound, together with ru improved Almauac for the year Ih1 called "Dr. Radway's CouftitutionaJ Almanac." As aooi a pract icsble. Dr. Rad way's agents in every village and town tit ron fhont tho Union, will be furnished with a supply for tr'-- ciiculation. A copy of tho same will be seat to all who will iiiciosa a irt'imp for the payment of postage. DRUGGISTS, BOOKSLLLKRS, NEWSDEALERS THROUGHOUT THIS COUNTRY. DESIROUS OF AIDING US IN DISTRIBUTING To THK PEOPLE THIS CONSTI PUTIONAL ALMANAC, AHK INVITED TO SEND IS TUKIRORDPRS. HO CHARGE WILL BE MADE FOR THE SAMP. We also invite H a people of the Canada, Briti. h Province, and, in fact, all who can read the Eaglljh lan guage throughout the world, to accept ae gitta from i our Constitutional Almauac. WE WILL riEND TO ANY ONE WHO IS WILL ING TO PAY THE POSTAGE ON IT A COPY; OR, IF TUB CITIZENS OF ANY TOWN OR VILLAOE WILL ACCEPT FROM 10.1 TO VX) CuriES, WE WILL FURNISH THEM FREE OF CHARGE, BEING CON- VINCED THAT IF OUR FOREIGN FRIENDS WILL CAREFULLY READ THE CONSTITUTION, THEY WILL BECOME SATISFIED THAT OUR PEOPLE, IN SUPPORTING OUR GOVERNMENT IN WIPING OUT THIS FOUL BLOT OF SECESSION FROM OUR ESCUTCHEON, ARE NOT ONLY RIGHT, EUT ARE ESTABLISHING ON A SOUND BASIS THE FREE DOM OF THE PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. RAD WAY A CO., 83 JOHN STBBET ,New York. HOW OUR SOLDIERS SHOULD BE PREPARED TO FIGHT. HEALTH AND DISCIPLINE. Health and discipline are tho moet important ele ments Id an arruy to insure micne?s. Discipline without health will provo as ineffectual as shot without rwder. Health is the propelling forte of tho army, and U the Brmhol of victory. It la, therefore,.of the greatest importance that the iyetem of medication best adapted for the protectiou of Boldlera against sic knees, as we It ae that known to be the raoet cpecdy aud effectual in reetoriug the eick to health, without regard to professional prejudice, be adopted. This is no time for medical ruartiuete to quibble about professional digoity. All the dignity the profession can bring to bear will neither prevent sickness am?ng the troope uor cure those att.ictfd. Our armies, to be suc- - cesrf.ll, mj;t be kept in a healthy condition; and the most sure meana of securUig decider a turn is through the remedial powers of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, which haa already provel itself in over fitty regimenta, now at the eeat of war near Washington, to be a posi- tive preventive sgaluft ickues In t tie form of CHILLS AND FEVER, FEVER AND AOUtt, BILIOIS FEVER, TYPHOID FEVER. DIAUKIKK.V, DYSENTERY, SMALL POX, MEASLES, and other malarious aud infectious dieap. Hear io mind, wo say, that RADWAY'S READY RE LIES will protect the troopd exposed to thee dlifcauee againat attacks Now, It U conceded by all the medical men In our arruy tha they have uo reliable means to prevent attacks ot th"se disease); neither have they any positive assurance of cunug the sick; but, on the contrary, the majority of the sick, seized with fever a Dd ague, t phoid, bilious, and other fever.-- either die or linger along, until they are reduced to mere wrecks and walking keU'tons. Espericoc" has etablishtd the fact that the treatment of calomel, utiiuiue, aud mercury In canes ol tever aud ague, typhoid fever, and other fevers ot this clas. Is more injurious in cauii).-- than iu private practice. When wc take into consideration that canvas walls and expoairo to heavy dew 8 aud the malar i troin pools of water aud damp ground?, prove but a por shol-t-;- r for the eick, wo may realily conjecture that (lie peualtlea of mercurial aud quuiino treatment wjll, in the majority of caes, t exhibited In thy term of rueu- - m.tidm, neuralcio, pains aud BtitTneps in the Joints, eu- - gorgenieotof the liver. Jaundice, yellow jiiundice, d.va- - ppsia, pleurisy, coughs, oold, Ac, which will cling to the unfortunate patient for year. IN DR. RADWAY'S REMEDIES the eoMier has a positive preventive against attacks, of (iiHse disea.-es- Let every soldier carry a bottle of RAD WAYS READY RELIEF IN HIS KNAPSACK. And when eipo-o- d to , damp aud chilly weather, or encamp.-n- In malarloue dUtiict;, talio a teapoonful, In half a cup of water, as adriuk, early In the morning before eating, and three or four times durlug the day; and If on picket or guard duty Occasionally during the night, he will escape all sickness, and continue to enjoy good health. WHEN EICK lot Radway's Ro idy P.olief and P.adwav's Regulating Pilin boused according to direction., and the patient will soon recover. Dr. Radway's Remedies tuake a perfect cure In caws of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO. SCIATICA, HOARSENESS, DIPHTHERIA, INILUENZA, C'.'Ll.HS. TOOTHACHE I1FADACH7, tJOHE THROAT. DIr FICt LT FHOI ED FEET RKKATHINf!, SWKLLINCT( OF CHILBLAINS, TUB JOINTS. PAINS IN J HE LEGS, Ac, ic. CROUP, MEA3LE3, BURNS, SCALDS, STRAINS, SPRAINS. WOUNDS. WBAItNIISS IN TUB SPINE, and in all cases where there is pain, Rad way's Riady Relief will afford immediate ea aud quickly cur tho patient. DUTY OF CIVILIANS. Ctvillaus having friend or relatives Io the amy should aond them a few bottles of Rad .ray's Ready Re- lief and a box of Rad way's Pilla. The (Joveruneut makes no provision lor these valuable remedies in the medical stores-- . The soldier depends upon his fritude for a supply of theeo Invaluable medicines. A bottle or two of the Ready Relief may save the life of your sollier friend. ARMY INDORSEMENT. We have received a large number of letters from army stirgeoua, officers, and privates who have derived bene- fits from the U3e of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Among the great omuher we have 00 iile we refer to he following: W. H. Tinley, M. D., Surgeon and Medic:U Director of the Excelsior Brig'de. Geo. I). Simpson, M. D. Surgeon AuderBon Zouave Regiment. Col. Rush C. HaTkinn, Ninth Reclment N. Y. V. Col. Lyoni. Eighth Regiment, N. Y. 8. M. CoL Georgd Hall, Socoud Rjgimeut Kxuelalor Brig- ade. Col. Walker, Thirty-thir- Regiment N. Y. V. Col. Tiuuellt, McCleflan Kitlea. Col. WTm. Oates, United tat1? Armv. Major O. V. Dnyton. Maj r .Tanie M. Turner, Kind Regiment V. Y. Y. Col. Wm. WiNon, and his otorers through T. W. Meighan, ., Wilsou's ouavfid, Poit flcke.ua. NOT ONE IN THE HOSPITAL. We have the of oiT.cen of over fiOv nci- - ment of the volunteer forces that there not been a slncle man in t leir reimeute wlu ha uf-- Rowav'b Ki r.iFF t t hns ben pent to th h viiitaL nor bat there., out of the great nunib-- 01 pick wua nae used thu Invaluable medicine, a death occurred. IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES. Kvery faml y should keep a bottle of Rahwit's Rhaiv Rlifj in the hou?e. It l a positive preventive aniuit eicKue."5; 11 win 111 a lew miuur relive th? initie irom pain, and will speedily one, the attUctedof the dis eases and coiuplaiuts it u presciibcd for. DR. RADWAY3 PILLS. RADWAYS REGULATING PILLS are the beet pilte In tine. They are the only perfect veg etnble purgative suhftituti tor caloml known. One to three, of Radway'a Pills will operate quicker thnn rive to urn 01 tui common d atmc pills. No BickueB at ttom ach, no griping pauia follow their ub: thy leave the bowf regular and liealthv. Let those w ho have been lu the habit ef utdng other pill make a trial ot a few dosewof Kadway's PilU (coated with guru) Public attention a directed to s RADWAYS RENOVATING RESOLVT5NT. IT CURES, WITH ASTONISHING RAPIDITY, Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores. Ulcww. Salt Rheum. Kick- - t sciid Head, Sore L Caokera, (ilandnlar HweMlnits, white Swelliugp, NoJe. Pore Kara, Sore Eves, Strumous D schawl Irom the EaB. Opth.almia, llch, CooOTntiuiml Debilitv, Wa.tiaK and Decay ot the ll ly. Skin Eruptions, Pimples aud iliotch-e- s, Tuiuoro, Cancerous AfT efioni", DiMteiia. Water Brash, Neuralgia, Chrouic Rheum tism, aud (rout. HUMORS AND SORES OF ALL KINDS, and all diseases entailed from Small-Pox- , Meaeles Fever and Ague, Pyphiiit, and other Fevers, euch as Dropdy, Deafneea, Fits, Loda of Memo ry. When Infants and young children are sflictewUh Soresoftlie Gains, Cankerx (lie Mouth, Sore Hea-Jn- Kami, and Eyes, either livin Worms, Teething, or any oiuer causes, RADWAYS RENOVATING RESOLVENT wilt speedily eradtefite every particle of disease, and re invest the child itu neaith. LADIES a Wet-- ! with Falling oft he Womb, Ulcer cf the Womb, troui the Chloronis, and all wak log dL-- haiKes, may OepiMid upon a ppeedy cure by the U'ie 01 nftuwaymeonvHuiid In cae-- of Chro.iic Klimmatii'm. Nuralt-'ia- . (lout, the Hepnlvfiit, taken in eouurlitm with RidwayV Pills and Ready Relief, will be found a quick and thorough cine. NOTICE. Dr. Rad way's Remedies are unld h7 dmgr1ftit In every village, town, and elly In the United Htata, Canada, and britlfeh ecoviJc: td, 50 and jil. No. .John street, New York. F. W1LPRR. Agent, LoiOaviUe, Ky. Jani3 dlBtpeudAwlacuiy AlEDICAL. I No More Private Diseases! ALL THOSE AFl'EC'VFD WITT! PP.IVATR or F"lferiu 'roia thevr n1 iu-- FEMALE DlSEAeKd of ttver." desfni'io, wtl find a rations) mti cure bv aivlnux to DR. JOS. HABKKM-,111.- Tn.y will alfotin.; a sure PUEVFN-TiV- E agciutt infection by the Sj f luiiiic viiua. Nwuralria, Rinuintle'D, Gout, Giavol, Brrifula, Dfojy. Iyipi'eiH, 'i'Tjiid LivtT, Hrohf filil", of t'ne Sk.u,eic.( will bo treated with tha groatet suc- cess. Saucers and ether Mallgriiinl Tumors will bd mrod without knife or caustic by comtltutloDal treanwnt. "Office stuthwest comer of Market and Fourtwwitli 'tro--tP-. acplit diy C03IilIESSE0 BILLETS. United States Minie Musket acd Rifle Balls, Also ovrry of ROUND AND CONICAL BULLETS, SIANrFACTt'HEO TO OFUFlt. LARGE STO Ki CONSTANTLY ON II AM). Criers filled at Bight by TSOItA3 OTIS L5110T & CO., Patent Shot nnd Ind WorMs, 21 and iH-- Water street, NPW YriP.K. For Sale. The st?h?tribtr htw for el 3(1 T nfl ft. MI, t.S handrt-'- v - h'gb, stinie of thom broke, alo fy Jt?Z LUielW HOGS that will averse pou mis. JJ i. MlhL.i... Swcrds, Sabres, Sashes, Belts, &c. CEOBY&CO., MANUFACTURERS OF NouX'ommLssion, Line, Field, & General Olfct'rs Medical Staff, Pay Depart- ment, Navy, Chaplain, and Cavalry Officers' U. S. REGULATION SWORDS, BELTS, SASHES, &c, A.IJJO CAVALRY & ARTILLERY SABRES. IL0DGET, BR0 WW, & CO., Solo Affpnts, Ki HepkinoD street. New York. CLOTHING AT WAR RATES. FASHION FOR THE POOKESr. BRUSLE & BILIjIMAN (Succctfsnre to Wm. A-- Mead & Co.), tfos. S) 5, and 7 Bowery, corner of Division Bt. Hfva now TfXy for aile a aelcct tuck I ALL &M 'IKTPJK CLOTUINti inParis stylea, which they offer for cah at prices to ault tit AlAo an elccaut. arsortment of Goods In the Custom nkich wi;l be made to order at the same rst. N- P. ParHenlar attention paid to MILITARY and PJI.ltJK UNiFORHS. nil dHin BFU5LR A SILUMAN. rarmi in Illinois- - Farms for $1,000. THE Hliooix Central Railroal Company offers rici Prairie LandM artjacont to its Railroad at 41J pir acre. A tract ot etehty acres " ill make a gooJ, confortabi hom'-sttd- . The purcha-e- r npy buy 00 'Oog credit, pnytiig ii)tTi st at six pr amuially, ar.d if he ha. one tliou&aod dollars in money bp can, this yar. at the low p ices of lumber, contract for a convenient bov-- fencing, and famiing tools. The Company ha solrt over one thousand of such tracts ot laud this It U well known that OhicAKO ?ena mors grain to market than all the We?tern lake ports included. TliU lstve bost proof of the richness and great valua of the illinoip lHiidi. The DliuoU Ceutial Railroad w :u fiuUh-?- d in lfcdri. built through a !parcly settled country. It taken to market thi vear u;1" rA of thirU-t-- million of 'Kihi ipol grain, besides cattle, hogs, and many othar rodnrtf . For further Information apply b7 letter or In porpon to "Land Cmmituiouer, Illinois t;ential Railroad Co., Uiesuiutioa. THB copartnership homtofory oxipttn( bo t ween tha nerd p;ned, under the tjrm of .JACK A BROTH-iC- is this day dissolved. J- O. Jack having purcbaed ;ho entiie Interest in the stock and assets, i authoiiced petllothe partnoit-iil- btuduee and Ut uee the tiaiuu f the Brin for the purpose, J. O. .TACK, KDWU W- JACH- - LonlsvtUe, Ky . Ang. VM. undersigned will contium the WHOLFGAI P itjJR and COMMISSION uuLnsris at EheoM thud. Ho. Uaiu street, between Thin? snti UcnirtiL J. G. JACK IoisrlUe, A.(S. 17, 1 L dtf OhsnffO of ririn. ANT( 8 & CJ. have associated W A OAII rBH with theii fina, aud piuchar if SMITU & OMEK, oa soqUi side of Market flow Floyd, where th. y vit! conduct tbe WllOLE-tAL- and RETAIL OROCEiiY and PKCDUCP. . Conncfod with their bou?e Lhey have a good rTAOON-YAl'.- with ample aocot..uodar'on "for Kr?t, wagoi'j, nud OLher veniclc', and wouid be flail dies Uieii old triecds. X. SHANKS, 11. T. no:vD, Jnt? tS, IWt'i. dtf W. A. GAILFUATTH. u. s. ornoisns and suTt.-En3- . ASswKTMLN T 0- -' CHuL E OKU VMOMtflTuLR ive Biacfc au1 Ore- - n TVan, Jav a:id Rio Coffee, Ctcola'cs. t ocn, K" mi, Krown und buyars Spices, W rcet'Urehlu-- .me, Bull aud ottifr Sane s. Mushroom, Wiluut, and i'.ii'to Catchu,, KdKii h Pic'-- l (aT'ed), Amerind, and Frm.h M.ctard", Ancliovi.', Sardine, Sp'Cid :lllllon In cans. Fresh (..oveOysterA, iro..h Jjobft- - r- - ftiid Salmon, tioiiked IHlibut a' d ShIujou, riniok- d Herr'ng Sa'uiou and McKervl io fir? aod Im.t kit. Freh i Corn. Fre-l- i Pcacliasaud other Fruits iu cans, P' , Jolliee, KaiaUis, Currants, Ac.,, tor sale on moderate t ruie. J. T. LANHAM St JU., tl Tmnorteea nf Tm. Thlril t r. FISlVDtNGr & CO.. General Produce and Commission Merchants, and Dealers iu Hay, uats, ireod, &c, of all knds. Liln'ral advances made on eon.dfoinontu of produce toud. MJPol KI'H STREET. Main and tii river. Hav in anv quantiHes wanted, and the hifhet mar ket price paid on delivery at our 1JJ Wall street. d.S F. ITEL!UNG rt: 1.0. LATEST JM3a-W?3- - Important irom Camp ! THE NEWS FROM CAMP at tH time - ptced m. ly stirring and Imp rtant, Amoag tho Inipt" tant Item?, however, th-- foiiowtug may be rete.idid as the most ijitertftnig: Cimi- - NrviM, Dr. l;tl. J. M. Apmsthono, Lsij., Clothier, Luijville, Ky. Dn Sib: Th mil. tar suits, both for f at pie acd drern wear, ttfr lit.-- with the ever cor t, made by ym for the olticrj in oitr ' element, are rgrd.-- bv all lu caTip as ibe ru wt eh dra acd ihat have baen eeri'- troin yo ;r itr Yo-- wi.t iiavi t vnt camp aatn a: d tnko orders tor the I a'anc of our olu cerB clothing, ai thyy have d termiucd to order 1'roo.i uo on" else. Yours, very rerwxtfully, W. B. IJ. U T. N. U. The large orders that I am ? recdv mg will not int"tlere wlih mv regular bade, as my skkK ot MEN'S and BOVS' CLOTHING is lare and romplcle J. M. ARMSTRONG, d 3 Corner Fourth and .Vuin st. WOODEN WARE 1 v 4(f do.'iu Buckets! &l do o do No. 1 Tubs: Jnst receivod and for saIo by d4 GARDNER (?0. AXli, POK, AND BROWMNO. New editiou-- . O Bine and uolrl. NATIONAL HYMNS. Grant White's rich book np- - on and selections Irom tha iiymne offun-- to the N- - rinu1 '"oniniittee. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES'S NEW BOO- K- Songs in Many Keya. . a WODA O iw cvks Lee's NewcA-tl- S bb'B Jrea'Ti Tartar: tor safe bv ai CAST.EfN. MUKRKLL A CO. UPPER 40 bngs for le by OARDNVR A CO. 1EANS- - Ha) sacks prime Michigan tor sae ny 17 TAIT. HON. A CO . ftU Main EA9 AO half cheats O. P. Tei; T 6( do !Iong lea: li) di l'ouchong do, Just received and tor sale by de3 n GARDNER A CO. HEESE j ) box i choice Western Reserve; do do llamnurg: lor paie vy TAIT. iN. CO ittJ M'n Pt. KPPER- -. 3" bags Pepper; 30 do Sv'oe: liK) mat Cmofctuoa 2 cases Nutmes- fr sale by d4 CASTLKMAN. MI7RRF.LL iUEBSE- - boxes Wrptero Reserve C'hees; 1U0 do Hamburg do; b do Kogllh Dairy d'j; In storo and for sale by JNO. F. HOWARD 4 CO., dtf Main, between Tlitrl and Fourth r BBLS SOFT 8HKLL ALMONDS; i) lu box e) Preserves; 4 cares hoted Sard' nee: 4 di do do. Received this day and for sale by TEKRY ft CO.. fits Main st. - HKL3 EPSOM SALTS: J) In) dozvn asso.ted Bucket-- ; Mil do b acs aud ironbiund Cedar Buckets; J boxes Virginia Tobacco: f.r sale by d" TKRRY A CO . H'S Uln pt. TV AILS too kegs Bolmout, assorted piles, for ?ale by 11 dl CAs i LEMAN, NUKhELL. JO, UCK FLoUR-2- '0 bags freeb Ptnnsyli 1 ) nla huiied ia store aud for eal-- j rv dl Main, between Third aud Fomth t. Bargains for Butlers and Soldiers, TOCKETIuk, f, Combs, Brushes, Union X Paper and Ufivtlop, Military books, 4c, at lihingly low rates, d L. A. CIVILL. AND LEAD SHOT Shot; G'JO iufl Par Lead; Juet rc-lvr- and tor mlebi di TERRY tt CO.. 1. Main st.. riMIE COTTON K1MGDOM, Olms'.ed s new book f 1 th t'uies. ilHPLLlUN RBCCRD. Mn umnhers row remly oil L. A. CIVILL, raF.DlCAL. rofcHror f Clio' ut ?c i't"-lo- in lnpi-- ri.i.lot-.- r cf ;iO ) cut ft, NNotTVCRS 'IO IliS HiiMM AM) THrt UTt- - i. 1C TLrtt tie. tO Vita hi iiUC tj 3 Clu'- - iu rf fl; to' d - , i' Cou-- C '1, A. iuo I a.f. Dr"rrj ' Li vi t Cj;mj .aii-'t- , Pdi;, t ., ?" Mi'df.iii, "h;V Sweili!i.f. Nr7i,i,s Leer aud Bi !iii ' Conn Ao. Dr. ierclic fc v; m t rr'tb rfeat f iicc bv h:., pe- - culla? UlO-'- 01 trciitru't iin-' ;e' 'vti.r" s'c u ie'; rh' dieio.nc !? ii'..i i r :'!! a cu e. i o all 'cri hie eosiiJe.'i'-- m iv k .11 -- n ' u.'i' iv w'it nad"i-t-ii;- Xlie cure oi tvii pii'-nt.- ii hi: fhirj'efx-cepfm- tli co't ct' mo-ii- iiit, rciriug no luo Ul :.l tu- tu thi) ivtt ration th'-n- i). il'h. pecujiar rl:ani'jr it" coaraotivs to re- - raovo I'iuiesiUr iu a i:w rtv!i wiih ui i' nivr "i iu- rifts ue.lf me. 'i wrrautj tu all, no tnf.i.ror how vprt. i' lone Jtand'.ov the dir"x e, au t;tV'clAiai t vre, or he do pay. males i i:li ir'eetOi.-t- - m;rvc;iu-d'dbt'"- , Ac, cu p rioitn ali.' lieved by IT. V. Iuv.ui't In any rtinli t the oim try. by m leiiei to hi-- Cn'i't-- i Ji, and a !, cu have ad vit, d liitfjici w:ll Oe pron.ptlr 'en? toon. - It riid uoa j ff from lb " oener of Ceen ai'd Floyd Loutet i I", Uy. Cilice hojii troui to a A. M. and fiooi i to 7 P. Ot . A. J. VM"Ti'.a,i.'. k nj f.rod 'ce r.vfr ii! h;inurwd ud e. i.TTio-- j 1H '' d;v D IL. n I4 " s MEDICAL INFIIIjIMIY, CONllUCrSD UN TT!S FLAN Ot Tll OOrI?Ti'AL r. P'l. V) l't"vf.C t0 riVJ' prci.;. .t iTi-'vt nr e ""U', S ,mjU7, i.H'O'irrbP. (..ivioi, ci" lu.j ;'). C'i , TiJ:i C:oi'-.- ::'.1 Cor:- l.io Km-- y , el?. :"v tb:t ? i"1 it - vr.'v. tl tti.it t'ovueri.ti Cnir'ai'.' i. Citiie'V ti: C.::t:. l i'. Am inviii'-- o an ie a con-o- f'"d t f' - ':j5 tiie d:il vm niJiiis '1 thr-1- Ui b i.cpo-'- n:"i hra uo r.Ti'? froDl tisfir or?;i u- rvinpi s, nd pt rrifini nt cyi't tue at th'' I'lrr-nar- hope rases ca. d by a fecrtjt. Iiab' t wl'if ruK:t r.r.;b body and mlud. n;- nr. to' !..ni ,yi lor tier b'.iti:'3B or si-i'.- y. I IK! si);i ti"; 01 lU'-- . ram MHtfi, or tbenw- -' np;r ytf.re, to 'fiion aim bilitati the conrtit.Mton. toe ptLy?:cul and Cir;rm powers, di&inuh un-.- p;tt" o t!T nanirfti iO'e , aud GhHMPt th vt'.-.- l yirj 01 Tr?C Ua:iM ot li'e are w?r.t"l, Jf of si;w!ag"i fro rated, and eib't.-oc- it.ji .1 mistrr and refrret. bnrh (vrsou-t- Lhow uiraedlaLe aro'tcf tion, as )r. If., by !:L tr a'riitw.t. b f nfM to l'ur a Fpfdy an i "'r:",ii0'.1 cure. DR. HALL'S AWF.RICAN PKltl--- H A L tilM.- - No article of rcMi. tno tnt- - o.!M r thi f icIupivc r?e or l imftln Has over yt teoii introiknc-- - i n,u b.v iven sum ml versa! saticfctiu'i ae t'.ie Am?,nn Pe, I . ;'u I'iicy cf.n be rt'it oq in a;l cvts ot rtr.i'.l ubsrro- - tloiim, Irrtcnlfir:tiei, ftc., as a sure ..:ui iu.lo . Prico, per malt, rfi and v.e, poctacp P'ieDtslivloc a, h 'Lo. n f otj'M ending i tifscriidiOU o( tlitir 61tiae a'l Lwtinji a r.m- - fcodlcin root to p.oy a r.N fVute No. .jfife-eo- n it. ltwra Fint auC St.rond. CtCce orev from A. M. U i W. fliCtf Tj. Ai.L, M. V. fVfyUl'ON TiVA PKINCC'LK OP NO Ai;.' CL Kii Hv PAY. Jncv.ry lnfta-ac- the money v:ul U the cure ii not Go;uplitod, Kitty dollars (A.S'O b. tip : l rora tvo to eight wo- - le at long a a tt:e doc tor requires to portonu a cure. lcroula. nsenndary i?7;c..ila. Pilot1, and all Cnrooit Diwap5s ti'eated by r. Priif. No charce for io.rJioio.oe or attwutioo U fcloced unflar bia chagt) uole.-- s a cure ta perrrsicd. We, the nndorpign-d- , from perymai are. able co -- tjito tha, Dr. Pii h c.o rvtainly :i.;d Bur-.'- r.'--- ivo too bornd e9i,cts i Oic.u-- or aiid pnrtorru a px-d- cui; Vi at: ht d'i" i?;v fuiuae-ri.to- d above. Wo h've f:.o c:i"ti;iLv fnm respoctj- - t p:r.-oc- ctrfif ing to J'C duos oivn;rT.fod per-- fonTind by Dr. Price. Wo no doubt of hi abiiit to do all ha piopoae. t WILLIAM !). Mt.'l.iWAN, Late thrift of J;'J-"- n Ky. L'.tVL IT, K'li?KAi;, ntt ""w ft ' V.T.,r-,r-i- - V -- u PR! VAT K. MEDICAL TRiijVTI3K CN THE Pni'SlOLOGICAL VIEW Oi' MAUHFAGE. Page acd Mm VLue Plain aud Colored Lithcirraiha, rvPKICli ONLY" TWiJOT CKNTS.Utl fcaflaiit froo ef pctao to all f-r- of the jrl ON tlio ULnr,!!. of yoath SLi.d ui'itmtty, di l'j!.?g tho a ct'A iViiK's ot boti e.'X'. of ail agts, aiuijig nf.rvotip-r.'.w- , dvpne-Jr- of pli'itp, of I1m heart., tu ?!:oHi-- blupri- - ndi? (iB-- Joii, a: id Ac, co m rrs- - -- VV.:i';5v-': h uMP!M(!.-".- ouchnnrtred and "S Ni'birty eur;vvJu,"P. It is a tmtli- - 'CS'X rv:';1- Jdvi:r t" the ci'irn-- and who e?rt t .io;.V.3 or tai-'.- physi'l conditiou, and who Qro ' b.Avic bf.adfd tite he.i;h, tuppinpjt, aii-- pijviiey t to wliith cwry Imuan bciog It hu titled. Wi-- ''.'. of a yie, a Col lego . aud 1 Ywjt; y.v.f L.td, full of ror.tnnc; and ihriihii" inttrcxt. Young uin who arc rroui-I-- v ith sfn;iil- - lycau.vd hy a .d hahH in yo, itii, tho i li .ccb of watcb re piiiiiM, pucinttmo nurlng l the wtjik fro, :1 ILk a.ii low extrc:ijitinp, coufu-i"- of -, lo 0 m- wih iu'ia:u'Uv.ly. iaiV, !mcit,:.1 hv the lli.W PAiiltl V,,I, HjN'DON TKirAi MlNJ'. Vo hav" rtvf;i'-'- J.'i.i'-.- nmrb of oor time In VlslTfa Tit P. fcLPOPLAW M"l'i TALS, ivailiLi raitivep .( tho k It oa;. and i'?oiix:i-'- ot the t ekHlfd i'i, i 5U iKf.p and t'lir.-.'M- iu Pur,,',f' nnx on t t;ut:i.! ri'h ni' 3 :i t IVIALK LL'-OI- illCOUD. tiii.'.CH:.'!-!-'...!- ACi'N. ac4 CLltLiNCS. 01 the Ki irh :iuJ Y.uA4i hcpital-- . Our tcur tlu.-i- I raiifd. iti;', . Ireland, t !9"d. :yd Wftl.., vibu.g lu our routu iu rturi;il horpif .Is lu i'ane, Loc ' u. Itome. Venice-- , V'i) i.j, Drt'j. o, H rhu. &c, & Wh have been uiuply by tbe pdiJi'ioi;:,l kjiowl-dg- e we b.ive tu ila treatmHit- oi vf.rlotia dwaecs to which wo hare dht-rt- ! our atcutico. fbotS! ho plic-- riiril . to under our rors w ill. t hit her ual or- - IVniii- tu-- .v hir.i- - tlio foil brt'-ii- of the many NHW AND i;r PU It'NT HVtl'D)KS which wn are to bitr-- . .it into our pvictcf, and t.iib st ';'t.-- .,t (l,r pnno u I ty, St'.Oltl-'AA'- and artntmn bl.o; p1d t Vv ;r raef. whi,-- h iitiB o Purw.vtiuHv dlstiii ii'lnid hpn-'ni.- a i'b?rii:n In o.j- fkOLLlAit d".i liu;'it ofri'ofe ifioo.it p ctice Metiicnce with fu'l dtr,ti.'ui ppnt to any part of thi Uui'od atairp or tiAuftiia", by jiatieubi 4Wjiuiijiuiic8'.!nf hoir Pyrutoi:ij by loct;r. r;vjuoc cotoctioi:'I-U- ' strictly coaridoutia!. L.'i otRce Is .till lorrtiafl as raider DR. LA CROI3L. 0To li;mrj eafoiy tf all l ttir fJiut'h ridr a "TtlK LA CKL'IX MKDICAL INSTi'l UTP. " dwf No. v. Mp.:.i.'ii L.v.w, , N, V. '"PUR COPAlt is'rM 'HIP hett:" re fitWtlitg uuder 1 the Gnu .f s. J. UAili A '..'. - tioe d.y a ;lvrd bv mutual conpout, aud 8 .). Uaru U cli:irgi'd tho eettl.-iai'u- of th& bueiuei. ft. .f. !iAK'5, C. t;. il SK, LouhvUIe, Oct. 13, 1 t. U MiLi-a- . S J. UAP.H will tioje the buelnreB a tb old ii ot. irf H. .1 H tiK. Split -- bottom Ckvdj 9 T?, ARK A1P.NNS F"R THT SA! K OF KKN- - luck; Ptmitfi'thiry , d &ud hava lu store for .".') a 'erKi i "t "i eLpt A. L. bUO'i WL.LL h SON, EIAVAiW CIGARS. ( AAA IMoftTKtt C10AK3 of tbe moat J loct brands, stu b aa ' Ui dot, Ilovlioiuito Cvi!gu5,: VTaobintoi, i.tt'hay, C01 vaitea, iiu;ora, t Intuuidid, Ac. Alo Chewing and Smobin? Tobacco For iale wholetale and mtill by KDW'D PR m ADO, 0J9 TaPfrvrnt Tiiivilltf lliilol. Q KKOa PUKK MAUiVGA WlNL,:or uedl cirial pur- - KJ poBea, for iale by KDWT) PICVNADO, '3 pq.pnipnt !..l;--i:i- . f! -- ( WAKOINK3 AND H tCKb IN' O 4 fvs and yt fox tirdlnes; j3 boxe-- !o. 1 i.li rruig. In atore fuid for Bale by Di HITiTTTT SON. S UOT Job b'g? ratent: do Kuck: for fft!"" bv ( !. STLKM AN. VI KltlM.I. U December IVii3ii?ir Ifter.vivcil. (.flm'i'ficflmtnt of VoiumwXXlV. Harper's cw iIoiuhly Magazine. uJ L A. tMVIIL. Sl'NDKIC-- . fc!Ht U .mlnv. Famll-.- ' Klour, Paeon, fhie.'?, l)n l Wim. (inmuAiv-plee- . Malt. 0f, and all kind of Pro 'ur l:i flora aud recrtiuii ditily ana or a n lowrst at (u MOl stl'X- -j hbiP M. Jaj.Htf SU.iAK-llOU-i- : Mclastie iu rt and f r a!e by AND'W RLCHANaN & CO., nl Prtmor R..fAr..1 -- t. OFFiCERS' SADDLES, PKAroL'AKTKKS 1M LOU- - U,t Oi;i S'iUIm aud o.her i jipuiHuts ia at MlHt-ir- and B.iJdUry Wan-.- o Mf-- 7'1'oi.dft., it'Tvttn NKin au.l MnrK.. d 14 Sitcu'it the OoLifii Sa'l Mf Timothy Titcomb Ag-ain- . IES?ONsJ IN Lli'ii. acoujpa-- Q.) veoi no to"Lt.tp pf.ipi'V' 'it.'.id i'n'l." ' MLifl Gilbert ard '"BitUr iJwet't," by Tiiu .thy Trtcomb LTNAM'3 KLBrtLLIOW KLCUliD lor ia at . nl I ViLf.'B. WOOLLEN GI.OVE8forSiJTLEUfl. OHO P7'KI WOO!.Lt:N CLOVES suitable J v eutltri joit teeyiveJ and fr ts!n tv ,tA:.tP3 LL'W A CO., 116 trt Jin we-- pi.lf HiT'h t. UTliKK'a HLACKINC-- i) groa Mut;erV 1 iit reeolved and fnr p1 hT the bM, lioaa, or d'-- at Lxse thao nitniuiacttirer'e pric" bv OHHIN RAWSOS, Main t.. bttj. 1 bird an-- IV.nr. 150 ba?a for bv COPK 'ATi.KAM MTHRI't t. W iRANHl'.KItlKS -- J'i bhla choice jurt r. ceived aad V tonal, by 1UOKWH15A'r 7o bass Pucfc'Thoat In store an3 for A'l'S l.'H it b'lliel YriTw Whife for pih by () h L. a. i(A rnii.WS, H...J4K''i!rth(t. IT STAiT3 rpo INVP.ST TWKN ' '!T3 tN Ol- - I Oi ire tiTiil ! ivl, : 1!. Lii'-"- Euv: '. I'?i:ci', P- -i ir ! and, a th , ai ri'i.- .J J.- - ,. t y 1 h 1j, A. Ci ILL. W. J- -t. STOKES, BUCCXSSOR TO B. W. H. 6TOKr3, LW.POF.TBKAND D1SA.LKK IN" COACU AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, Saddlery Wareioass, No 435 Main St., between Iiflh and Sixth, Xaoxi.i3xrillo, TSL-zr- . 'f4frtdi.-jt- s ano" Maonfactureit wonld f3ad it to their interest to cTamine my sWetbr? traal-i- thelrpaci iiVa. Mid orders from a will bo atterOcd to ai if rmrjc-- . 0iA:typowtf MISCELLANEOUS. ATTRACTIVE GOODS J.t Low Prices. ITrE dofire to rcdnce our present ptock to the loweet posaible limit before the 1st of January, to pre- pare t an entire new aBsortinect next Spring, and tu ord ir to eff ct thai we ehall cfler special Inducements to our citttouiiri Com now until that date. We aak bu yen to oxamiao the quality aud rtvlied price of our Ciiba Dinner i.nd Tea gels, &tassware Silver and Flatcd M are, Asd oilier Coasckcepinj Goods, 'And especially xir magulriceDt assort me 11 1 of Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures. We promise 6attLrtion In a!l cases. E. V. n AUGK W0UT & CO., Hot. 4SS, 430, and 49i Broadway, corner of Broome itrret, NBW VOJtK. tt'artlfi throorbout the country lending order by nttU vi'l itcclve prvcisoly tho eame advantag-ei- , aud tU'iir onl vh ha ae promptly at,ctidd to, as if peraoual-l- y tc mi'.kc the purcbaa8?. 038 dtjaul R0(.!K7ELL' S COMBINATION mm GAM? CHEST (Patent Applied For). and 532 Dioadway, N. SOLI! ACKNTfl, luvltp. the atttiMoo of Army and Navy offlcert' meaaea ro tSiij Litr aud impro7ed Union Camp Gliost, Wl;l'.i within tho dimensions of 81 lnfhet 1 lnchf" breadth, aud H Inch'1 dnpth, a porta-M- e mi.tbil iiv all ton w.lloarv and rif'ehftnical aflr for fmn or six rrsoTie; a Diutug Table of Hi' al 1'H'ia.is duraoke cuowii tor ihe rought lv'ar. and a.stvtv, from iti strenir h ajid convenlont stmpilcity, cspdallF i"iUl tot camp cooking. Thlf cowbtua:lon of FA1TSF. STCVE, AI TABLE, thfl retult of a careful rtudv of the neseitlef aoi iucideuta cf caiopaiguing and uf the articlei In uac by the fri Off jFramctj jVnjftantfj and Pruning cornrc-en- ltwlf to the American soldier alike by It nv:;ii-iic- . d, li ability, aod c. ipactty. Tii-- have had in thoir eetablisbroent every cnuip ch ct of note io use at home and abroaa, and do t )i"jtt.-- t to prouounci) this one, in their Jndcineut, Ipfl'iI'Hy ait'N'iior to any known; for the Justice ol which they court a general exainiuation and comparison. 'f hi UToXT?, as wH as the TABLF, Is o constructed ' - be sold hy itself, and can be used with any army ell11? or tru.".lt in voue, liip of Luiou Cr.mp Chert 38 and $4St; cf Table S; o' Kt.tve Hi. Oil dTf CLASS'S EESTAURANT. h(') cM jfe FIRST OK THK 3KA90N. Qaail, Qroase, Voniron, Shell Oysters, Aod ail other del'.caciea of tbe sea-o- W. A. CI4ARK, Proprietor. tVTahle D'TIMe from 1 to 4 o'clock. o d4m AT WHOLESALE $200,000 Worth of DESIRABLE CLOTHING L5 per Cont. XjOss 27 SHI JS. 1ST OOOT, ITor Casli, by DEVLIN, HUDSON, & CO,. BISOADWAT, COR NTH WARREN STREET, JSTgw "Vorlx.. tlfl d;m 3 C0UL2UR3, U 8 H. dc OKTY....(B RABY, Aeeut), :t'S tr u tercet, Rdjnlrtlrjn tLe Jaurnn) Offlo lies in rf.re and for rale lu au;ntitip f :',it' p;:it pitrrbawni a fine argument of V.'INKd and LlyLOHiJ, euch ae g Pom ard; Bord-aua- De M'.d'c; Front iguaa l.nnel: Ui. t"t;'Le. Volney. Pau-d- e vle-0 Languedoo. Voeollo, V'.n do Tokay, Armagnac, and Cordoali. t Camp Equipage. 1AM prtiiirrj fumh Resimeutf or (ropanle h (.Janip rf'ovea, CftTnp Ktt.ea, Plat, Anuj (upe Kii'vf: and hoi rip, Spooop, Canteens, Mc-- Paita, Cote, Camp 3foc-le- Ac., on short notice. t Uf lOWTfCl 013 Foui-t- ef... near Natloual UoleL OfScers' Camp Chest. 'ipDK rjo-- t complete article of the Kind ever Invented. 1 Call and ee It. P. M. JONKH, ni l Fonrth pt.. near NsHonal TTntel. j'rexcrre lite Hair; STRATTAS' SKATHAIRON. Tor Proaorvirif , Hwtorlisy, and Boan-tifyi- the Hair. CPXKPRATPD ARTICLF. T8 MA AJT9TLY In t.p City or Lonvn.t.r, at the Cnpitel Dn; fovi:, ard tho proprietor ciaimp that it In enperior lr .iauv r'jpveU to any pripa ration of toe kind now in OP kjd vr.i rautf that ft will give corop'.t-t- aatlpfactton. It? 'rims have been fu'ly tppted, and nuinberleat c in be produced ae to ita etficaey. Or.yrn from the country eoliclted. W hoifpala pi ice i?l 6') Tar dozen. Rotalle at 2 eent Pr bortiM. o. U. Si1 RA IVAN, JuiiM itf Opposite the Parftnnery, Soapa, Xoilet Good, Ate JUST RKCKIV1:D AND OPEKKD A LARGE IHAVH of Kxtracta, Toilet tioap, HmjiNn-- , and Kr.acy tood, which I am Bflllto at low rato. I Intend to cater to the want ot my lrlv.iitB ao.i parronj In every particular, and traat tliey will couthiao .'ormer favor. O. iC BTRATTArl, Apothecary, Inroad If Opponite h O XX ! CASH! rcat Sacrifice on LACE3, KMRR01DERIK3, FANCY GOODS, HOOP 3KIRT8, UOSIBRV, WHITE OOODB, LINEN CAM-Bltl- JACONLTaad SWISS EDGINGS and INSERT IWS, JACONKT, SWISS, aud LACK FLOUNC1NGS, aud iu rhort oar entire stock, ccmprlfiug the moat beao-tift- il aod itylea, Will" be Sacrificed for Cash. The ladiet wtll do well to call at once and fecure the rreateat and mod dsirale BARGAINS of the season. (JKIUJAItT Oc CANNON, r7 Ponrtti t., oppo-i- te Motart Hall. 33randies & Crawford, ren.ovd to the new Waretaonae on tlie nkVTi comer si Main and Flnrt street. WerfMnay th bhek1: rcarket prlae for all kinds of "rttit at cur .tore or at any good ihl;plnf iiotnt on the O 0 rlvar. . -- .j df PTtArrpI3 CRAWTORD. Mutual Life Insurance, npiiR NHW ITNflJl.ANO MFTrAfj 1. 1KB IN- - 1 si'UAN:H COMPANY, No. af State street, Boe-to- iufores H on tbe nn.tual prlnctpte. Nrtt AccuninlatiOD I ,50,t00, and in- creasing, for tha benefit of luenibers, present and fu- ture tite whole sAfely aud advantageously lnvepted. The biwlneB conducted eEclusiveiy for the benefit ot tho ptreon in.iun-- The great.-r- rt riik taHen on a life i 1 5,000. Surplus dlitrlbuted among the members every fifth year, from December 1, lH4.a settled In cah or by addi- tion to policy. FrwmiDtos may bo patd qoarterly or where and amount not too small. Fonuf of application and pamphlet of the Company and it. reports tc bo bad of its agtmtt or at the orP.ce of the Company, or forwarded by mail, if wrtttcu for po.t-p- mRE0T0P9l M&r-ha- ll P. Wilder, Tftppao. Cbarlep P. Curt!-- , Williani H. Reynolds, luotiias A.DextfT, Gorpe 1L Flger, Charles Hubbard, A. W, Thaxtr, Francis C. LowelL Jimee Stiurgip. Wll.LARD PHILLIPS, Preeldeot picnjAMif F. Stcvitm, Secretary. VV. W. MtitUAND, M. D., Coneultlng Physician. ;:c1H dlv POWDER OF ALL qnalltlee eomtantly on hand an4 for Be le bp DAVIS a dPD, Agentafor the Manufacturer!. LomrvTLLi. Sept. L HP Kwsia. Dt ft Bfrd, Agent of Oriental Powder Co.. Lo."viiHr (jit Wo have bowi olng your Hlapti"g Powdnr and we taie pleasuro In stating that we find It equal If not superior to any Powder that wf have ever npM. ARTHCR CAMPHPLU BaperiutendfaDt for Smith A Huij ser. I eor5ia"lr eoneur In the above and oheerfnlly reeoto-m)D- d tt to ihe public. J. D. 8A1ITIL I couplder the above Powder superior to any we have ever bttn iM to obtaiu, U. F09KIT. We take pleasure io reeonrnepding your Indan Orien- tal KitlH Puwrior hs egoal if not puperior to any ire have evsr ni, it being vory leanlv and ntrcug. This we MBit ft tor a Vhorouth blftt. Kep:ictfu!ll vonrs. GRtWri W. WOMACK, J. I'&Y IaAWH .NCM, . P. UROWnE.i, H 4. KNPAS f till, SAcnAJt y uiaTlos. AUCTION SALES, c a. ma7 . . n,7 0. tl. SlfOr? (k CO, W?TfONFFS3 AMOC'MMin"ION f RRCHANT1 iwnwf of rer.ic sj1 Wal tf.if 1 i'iv Hie, Ky. tV Cah tdvji!:cw aiafls cn cioi C3nrgui to ua t any nnio-int- W aTi at ni ! rMr to r.ttanA1 i e R al Fstat aitsl.s.i' or ('oriiablr,"i Hrnwkol FuniitiiTO. ae. cz Term !Mtfvr'orv v"1 MISCELLANEOUS. MCLITau AM) CIVILIAN'S CAP, for fSRTieuV b ; arid cn''1 vi'a waar, for Bate at fev- - very v pricm i&r r "h at. PK.V1UKR & SMITH'S, dls jab as Mtl'i . rrR9: rtrnsu puks::: f1y-iliiu'- By 6 i'.Iv C;spw Viciorinei; Oo i'0 do; d d j do; dj d 1 do: Co Co d ); d d ; IO d- e lartln dt Mink do Fitch ;dai acd tight co!oreo Hmo Sable Conv Mutfj and Cuffp of evpry wuh E 1sk Fur tjOMare. gwt-Q- f D.iwn, and t"ir 'irliuujl.ie ; ail cf woico. we are oderiLg wry inw o 'h. PRATI1KR SMITH, d1 lS-- 4? Mr.in et . Foorth and Fifth ITAX'3' HAT3!! Cent's FU Ht-- ; 0f rd t.uew 6ik) 'Jo: btiif dj; I)r-;- r Mftskia u ; ;ai'iaio'e d" Days' list of evPiy drlption: All for sale very cheap fT c:'. h n, ihA'i HI R A e'!TTrr, MARTKCIllIBIUl!!!, 804 JPoX3?tl t.y Have in ftoro one of t!n fart of Staple and Domestic Goods To be la the city, oouipriciiig la part Kyxw YARDS RLEACUKD CO'lTOKJl: 10,iO0 YARDS NI4W &CVLE PR KTS; 3,'JUfl YARD3 BROWN CANTON FLAWNELS; 2,A1 YARD3 m.KAOHKD DO DO UtHW YARDS REAL M ANCHKgTEH GINGHAMS: ALEXANDER'S AND BAJOU'rt KtD6: BALL ARD VALE ANJ? bUAKFR FIANNKLS: LAD IKS' AND GENTS' LT N L' S.UWKA R : MOURNING GOOr; CLOAKS AND SHAWLS: BED AND CKADM5 liLAiNKKTSr ME HI NOES AND DB LAINE3; HOSIERY In all vrictlts. FOR CAHU ONLY. flirt h mtm ef he em. Courts'-tL- tept ou baud sX moderate pclca', a; tide--, Swords mid Sabres, FOR ALL GRADES, AM Oflicers'Pistols, Belt?, Sashes, Passants, Shouldev-Strap- a, AC., LLC. Naowf t),fien and Kniiaauti or any iuscription dertiil et- bed n Swori-b!ao- No Sword n IU sold wiOiout Uaviu; pisaed a savers trial. ALSO An entirely new and mt'u! article of OFFICERS' A'yiriON BOX, Slncvnlcd rjui U i '' I'wre a Paicnt bv J. J. lilPoCilLlUL. CooKalnlng ap'rito ani nfa parti 'ion for Pwder-f- l ie', had. Cat-f- Cat tridgc-d- , 01 ouudrioe, &i;rcw driver. rul wr' C'i. Tni? artic'.r, a" it f very ro'at anl can be vnm on the ooinnnin 'etiirauoo feit or snu .uei-i:- wiu desirab.t ohjeet lor th cfuriin. At J. J. ELI30aETJZII-'- 3 jiAVi-LK- rlK.t B, No U'V.l va It Bide Malu at , cue dor above Third, dm I - b NJ2W GOODS! AT TUP Clieap Laco Store. VALriNG LACE ; REL Co do o aiul Fleevi;-- , Do do do ili II i.dkorc!ueff ; Iw Itruas?!." L.ce i,Mars aod Cuff-- Hlievtif a Ia osrtir-'l- Ulack t'oIHn luu' pa Liitfii CftDiS" ir M iiru!oi llandki-itbiefa- . A'a j a iu.U lot 01 Pluai F utiu Iroue ( io mar ket duist rettivc-- 3 aud fr a!e -- .t my octal prices lor ClJAUl.L-- t t H,Ui IIFL'Sr, d i ( N11. s s Finrlh (Md S". VH). Walker's Exchange, THIRD ST., UKTWfcKN MAIS AND SlJiKET. Jk AND FRINCS'B BAY EHLti OVSTES Recoivod every morning. OUnTJSE DCOlT. QL'AIL. WOODC'JCK, QCIKRKL. FlSH. and ai' o'lmr ;.ixuriB0t the n teccivf lde.l'v and perv-- in ntyl.- - to f.ult ad. () ir Har t" t upp'Ud with tlie vr" choicetjt brand" of Wbieti, Ligu-ra- Cigars, E ig lnh aud American Alee and Forterj. JOHN CAWEIM A ril , rtlu1h P"on-i- -t or. NSW DAYTON ALE AT TUR Fifth ftrect, tetwetn Man aid Mrtet, RKCF.IVF.D A LOT OF WINTER ALE. JUST celebrated ruanu 'acUucr, J. W. UAP.RIS, Di.?' ton. V)hio. I have been appointed aent for L'Hii?vi'.le 3 th hove Ale, and I will kv a lar' t .. !aie cob Btartiyou hand, lu haiTolp, hai ibr.ts, k(;s, and bottles. Call and try the Dayton Ae t fbn 3T .haKLJSS o;'i-:- ". KI'fTK.h .VrnK tfor. A.T CRAIG'S: Army Hats; Army Caps OFFICBRS' DKK3d HATS: OFFICKRS' FATIGUE CAPS; HATS AND CAPS FOR INFANTRY, C AND ARTILLRRY. GOOD AND SUBSTANTIAL HAT a!" FOB PRIVATES. All the above, aud tvarythlng t a at and line, on baud and made to orler OHAIf, sfAb 4'orftfT Poiinh nnd ffn-l- am. S4 Tr ft Tit? 7 BEST AND OHKAPKST VOGT & KLINK, ja&cafactarors, --- 2 4 Tbixd Respectfully offer for tnpoctiof a id sale a I art aad spitudi'3 sui ttueut of 5" 33 Ur X3 jLm XL "E', jf superior wcrkmajifbtn and f&iblO!iabl) tj'lea, Dta uiond, Coral, (.isrb.trete, arl, Ar. art I rie "eallj good, 8ne end and everytl Ir.g heionriiig to onr line, of iarport, New York tabria atl our own mke. Having boen instrneVfl by conflgnon toCLOiW OUT and sell at any rate rarner than rtiturn aid, ow ing to the hard timer, deBtroti to LKV NO CASH OLKTOMV.R r.() On tbe score of prices, we invito o.tr t lands Aifi 4b to call arid exatniite our Btock, aud rei iauiwj fabric www aud wiahes will aud shall at VOGT A KLINK'S, A9 A 1j4 i'hirfl lrPt, COAL! COALI PUACH CaaHARP, EAR1TOEO CITS' COAL! COAX Of tbe best quality aod at the lowest prices, for CRITTKNDBN - OAVTP, Wei tide of Third street, tnar4)t Ivf-i- Mtn anil BOOKS. fAA DOZEN GOOD COOMRY KNIT SOCKB for tUV sale cheap forcah hy llL'OH A PARK HILL, l 'or if S't'h XllOllIn K ItINB- - casks Madeira Wtne; 25 do Port do; t6 bblp Malaga do; In store aud (or sale by M A rtfTTT .a.T.T fTAT.P.WRT CO. IJ RANDY- - pipes Cognac Brand: 4 do A- - iUniette 1(1 y. p'pea Otard. Dupuy, A Co. Brandy; 2 bbli Ntfw York do; In store and for sale by :3HT,L TMCRKRT rr. CRAB ( lDKR-Sdbb- Ui Crab Cid r reciivd thU day for a.ie bv nH W. A FT RTiRKtt fim' 41? M- -t A NO SIRUP BCHKWHKAT Ptnnp van! .. Biifkv.'hf'ftt Tlour; Also a ?u- ply of ttfewartV New Yvi'k Smip; On haul and for iale by n il TVlPttTTT qriN. AN!LK- -) brtxes SI .cCaiidlen tn torei and for C sale by GAULVJctt & CO,
Page 1: LOUISVILLE .DAILY' JOURNAL.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ksn010h67/data/0672.pdf · Such was 'he conversation thst paaaed between a young huabaiid and wifa cf 6ilif.een ciouthj' Btinding. Frank


6.A 1!), Ii 61 21


CKAl mm BUILBISfi, tt&I 8'

EKTWFJIJJ T',TKD ato; sovttra.wwwrrrr'icrIly, delivered in tha tlty..Mj. by run!'. La advaae 8 HJ

3untry oV.ly i CO


W"My, iu adanc. ski&ie copy t (10

in Mut m live or ove. . . 1 (

ttuoiiU-e- , udJ ia r6U;-i- Letters al ourlit.


1 square, cbaceaMo wkly, per ann'im $W 00flo i Burno emetik, per aiiuuiu.. P0 IK

do do 8 Lims do do 1W WJ

Kvh ninait, f the bov iirlee.Advertitrrjt- - pubhcbod at iiiwrvf.ts -- $1 lor rt Id- -

tion aod rto cent? for each BiibctHjuoot one.Aanooncii'.g candidate, 1 per v'l for each nfcme.YaarW C enif?r tuartorif, ftli otuef in ad-

it ia or. ""fl rteamboftt aivertl somen t, sheriffs'ad oocitr.lH tenors sale, patem mdieiue. theatrical,

lire 1, or UH'iar s. crtiirm. net puhliehod bp tho year.Advert Iwrnnr or co iriUb'-.'.- ' iiMtituticna, fire eonpa-fviie-

ward, anfi otfest public raeetirfiu, and iur.ii like,b!f price.

ElitorKI active? ind eocim:m '.cartons, luoctea Itoo'nmaj intended to promote private inter-

acts, lf ouU p- - tine- - the only lnzerted al tae discr-ete of tbsdJU)B.No eimfGi4ulcnioo will nwr?fl uulew aeeom- -

d by the rnl iiftro.e of V- - author.Itoernboat a4vHri.t:n.'ftta S& c':ta forth? f!rt Inaer-- I

t and i S i cuts faOi each changeM .llfrd a uew advert irjupnt.

HI be etnr"d h if;n nbovepnco; if in?rUrJ in !

) trial f:'l oo'tina-- l, ?i:ut Cit inrrlon, iu ttie Bea--

0 HiillLin, i i). the r.veki t.n liie ijii-l- of the J x.:nsi ft?

b r(fnl rtt!r! ?ric.JioYntTwino Kvv- - fnWcellg JtAirtuiL Catb "qraw

1 t linie or le, tiret iiiaertioii 1 M

frh riontiiinMire MvVritU-- r.otict' ma?t bo to hio fut aad stop

of yoa'iv before tiie yenrex-ylf- t,

othrwif. f'mil car; till do:ie.

nat1 wl'h 'nt provno;;? notion to r', uor itl ir nliwewn-l- ror lor at. rtip rtia.

Items of SocruEBS Ke'.vs We liuJ in tbaEvanaviile Journal Bome Veaii of rebel nswafrom the Nashvill j papers of the 10:b :

"We learn from a comramicatfori diUd tlich-mon- d,

Uocambcr 3d, tliiC on tin Sandayprevious, Lienry A. Wiso, jr., preichd a

formon ficxn the text "(jive ua tins diy our djilybread.'1 A mure appropriite eu ' ji; could outhave been feUctfd by liaiiry. JI contendedtbat a special prtivKienco had been manifost fromthe ihe Star of ihe West turned herprow out of Chirle&ton habor until now, and pre-dicted an ultimate ar.d glonuus triumph for therebsl ciue.

The same corresr.ocdont Bjye cousiderable snowfall the night before, andtlon was orioat as to la efF.ct on armv move-ments. He thinks ( f the lot: di!ay of the mailslikely to follow. Speaking of itentuckv, he ex-presses the wish tbj.t ehe bad bean more largelyrepresented in her sovwrtinty convention, butconcludes that "half a loaf n better thin nobread." and "txpecU large additions to the pres-

ent tlice whon the ndaa cf Tennessrayia beginto ring in the great day at Columbus."

The same correspondent from an au-thentic sonrce 'ihar President David had underconsideration a mattor which would, in all prob-ability, re-u- ia tha resignation of Gen. Wiseand all the clHcard in hU legion ; in which event,Obadiih Jennings Wise, his son, woud resumebii post as editor of the Enquirer, and opposethe adminisiratioa with all hi i power, which U

not a little. This wou!d be a most uaturtuaitecircumstance, at this juncture, when a tiiogleturn of the wheel miy bria ed.es dioaster tothe South."


"Here, Lizzie, 1 wish yoa would put a fewBtitchcs into iny coat it's a getting too eiiabby."

'It is so, Frank, but, really, 1 think jcu hadbest take it to the tail-r.'- '

ufake it to '.fee tailor! By George, bnt tbat'aa huge idea. Why, there'. not tive minu ea'woik to ba d'.ne, and the tailor would charge adollar."

"1 suppose he would; but I don't se how I cjndo it y. Walt or is fre'fal, ;dyou know hekopt me awake nearly all ni ht."

"Little imp! it duei seem to me there neverwas so cross a yrundr ore."

"Oh, no, Frank, he's uot dro:s, but he's teeth-ing."

"Always some excuse. Well, yen must mendmy coat, anyhow."

' I'll try mid rind time."" Ht ! Ju3t let him 'twill do him good

Btrengihen h lungs."" l'hn, you know, it's ironing day.""Well, how many more exjuaec? I'll put it

on rips a&d ail, if you are gnng to make such afuss.''

"Oh, no, Frank; I did n t meantn maki a fuss;but it's a long j )b. or.d one 1 am not much u?edto; and wi'h mv dinner to ei baby, andironing, I do t see, yet, how I caa do it. HutIU d i my br-.'-

Such was 'he conversation thst paaaed betweena young huabaiid and wifa cf 6ilif.een ciouthj'Btinding.

Frank Barton was whit ths wo lJ culls a realdriver. He anything tba went throughhis hands icur-- tj tiis itenelit. Kwryhody liktdfcim btciuie ha was frank, and with .1 st hone tand upright in alt hi; dwhrirs with bin custom-ers. Ke well Ojacaud f r a basinps niar(lived in sccisty, hd miue up bis mind that hocould st pxrt a wit ar.d, acco'ding to hi reck-oning, caUJ have something to boot. Vs, to

ture he could, 'libera waa fix dulbra a weeklor boatd, one dollar a dozen for washing, andthen quarters and dimes for Ukiog his lady ac-quaintances to ride, to tte theatre, tolabors, balls, operas, etc.

'iiy Georgt?" he exclairrel, a le cist up hisvearly acc'-uot- 'thars hugo. I:'a enough tobreak a fellow. A tlnusund a ye.tr. It wou't d.I'll mirry arid soitU d wa."

So he applied to Lizzie Forpylh, the best andkindost girl among hU acquaint :in:e', to help liimul a : in bis good and was boij in p

of tba'- - adipirabl-- burden, "to be supported:' a wiTe.

Lizz:e was a good, sensible girl, and was scontired of boardirjg A snug h mse was rented, ardthe work of supporting a wife b?gan in earnest.1 he tive rootm cost two hundred a year, and pret-1il- y

furnished. Lizzie preferred to do her ownwoik and wasMng, and, being expert with herneedle, now ar d tbon found time to rmk a d

exLra. Then, as it was a little lonesome forFrank, ho brought hrme several clerks as divboarder?, at ft ur do'l irs a week. Still, with allthis, he wocld tell hi acqmintarces luw muchless it cost him to live. How he supported awife be never seemed for a moment to realizethat f he it was why saved all Ibes expenses, andthat if he hid not earned a dollar, her bu--

handj wculd have paid the rent and kept Limfrom

So the matter stood when Le asked her to mendhis coat. Lizzie drew a d:ep eigh after he wasgooo, ar.d burrud her dune as fast as pjssi')le.

The coat was of broadcloth, and was his wed-ding garment; bu', ii was wtll nigh wearing out,broken under the arms, the coid snd lioiiuts inrags, the sleeve Jininga bmkmi lise, buttonsworn off in tioe, there was nwrly, if not qui'e,a day's work, bte sat down to "the coat withhearty go. d will, determined to da h?r best. Herneedio tlaw, bat every moment it had to be laiddown to see to dinner, or hush the baby. "1 hehours wore away, and, thouch she did all shepossibly could, the job was still unfinished at sun-down.

Wal er cried hcwantly. lie looked pale, andhis eyes were dim. She remembered Frank'sword-- , let him f quail." and did let him crv alulf hour or more. O, bow it worried her tohear her drlinz cry. The toir swam in hireyes as she thought of her hard day's work, andof the want of appreciation of htr labor. Sheknew that shi wa making the "aukl ciat lookam list as well as new." Bat he wo. II nevertbiDkof the to'.l she had put upon it. "Ar.dwhat if ha don't," the menHlIv r j icolated; "1eball in my own know til I have don-- , andtbat is enou h " Si;l she was longing withdickering heait, to have her !alrr recrvni.ied, tohear him now a'id tben fpaak as if her work wascf no avail. "There is not mrra thn tive min-utes' work, and the tailir would charge me a do-llar," kept riaging in her eir.

But Lizzie was strong bearte I, as well as lov-ing and dutiful. she ehook off her discontent,put on a imiling face, to. k up the baby ard sungner prettiest lullaby, cirried bim around, with bislittle head on her shoulder while she tilled thetea- - kettle and set ths table, now and then sittinghim in his cradle, and chirping to him, as eh didthese things that both of her hands.Thu? she worried through euf par getting, ardwith much managing had all things ready by thetime Frank came in with hU companions.

"My coat done. Lizzie?""No, not quite.""That's a woman f r y, boys. One half of

th".ni w iuld let a husband go out at tho olbows aweek before thay would turn asiie from any Dlanof tbeirs. All the ironing ii completed, I'll bobound. Ain't it to, Lizzi?"

Lizzie was taking her biscuit out of the oven,and the young men did not sea the daep Hush otpiio that passed over her weary features.

"Wdl yoa bring in a pitcher of water, please."ehe said pleasantly, not seeming to have hoardthe quasi ion.

"mere it is again; waen I was a bachelor, Ihaa nothing to do but hand my oat e ver to atailor, pay him a dollar, and it was done in ajirt. and no grumbiin;;. No water to fetch whena fellow's tired, either."

Lizzie was tired, and, and nervous; want ofSleep, and the exhaustion incident to nursing hrbeautiful boy now bo near sick the hurryingto get time for the mending, rot to spek ct tinuiMppciuiHioni inpmung aside all hrown plansiuus miuwMig oer uaxto- ana ironing into onenay, for both must be done, on the morrow, or thecioinea would mildaw and the board ere go withoui oread and t:na was too much. Liz.id nm'Hnot endure his badmago, though half piavful, for

he knew, and e wali, th.it if sme nichennugnu waie not ia his nund thev would havetour.o: ineir way cot to his lips.

yhe hastily t,at her biscuit upon the table, andMymg. Bimply, "Supper is ready," stepped in'ome neii room und hurst into teard. mihtas well ask the withered not to fall, whenme autumn nale aweeoi throur-- h tlmm- - w.n

the ll .wers not to suffer the mornipg dews toxhale its Bunsbina, as to ask a tender, loving,

sensitive wife, to withhold her tears when sheknows she is wronged. She may forgive, maylt.uk cheerful au hour af?e. bright cs the Bkvwhen the cloud has paased bat she muat feef;

t '"i. uerir from him slightor exaction uiiu unmoved indifference.

L:zzie"s tears did not tl )w long; her heart gaintdi'9 natural relief, and after pretending she wasgottiog Walter to sleep (which she actuwlly did),she baih&d her eves aud came cc, washed her

acd sat d ws again to the coit.Frank sat watching her dying ringers f r an

hour or two, as he Unshed and talked with bisfriend, thinking to him?elf that every turn wouldbs the list. At nine o'clcck she Bet the laststitch. New facings hid boen- put Id, and newpockets, the holes under the arms neatly patchedand darned, new cuffs, new buttons, end newlinings al! round. As she finished she looked upwith still a shade of sadness upon her brow.

"Ihore, Frark, I hive mended your coat thor-oughly. Iguessitvi'l last you another year,

"now"Quite a jb, wasn't ii? took longer thin I

thought," said he d"How much clear cash have yoa madi

Frank?" aekei Lizzie in an earnest tone."What do yoa want to know for?'' was his

answer."For my own satisfaction. Certainly I should

feel an interest in all of your affairs.""We'l, I tti k the 6hop has cleared twenty

dollars.""How much do you count your eervicts

worth"'''"Not le?B than five dallars a dav.""How many hours do you labor?"'"Tenislngal time s. I don't gene-

rally work tbat many. But what's all thesequestions for?"

"Because, Frink, we are husband and wife.We expect to live the rest of our lives together,and if there is harmony in our marriage relationsthere must be justice and rigbt. You call medaily to appreciate your labors and me ofthe comfort and support you are giving me, and1 fel that I can appreciate anything you do.You have earn&d live In day, and thebIk p his cleared t wenty. Yet to save you onedollar I huve wcrked ten hours on your coat andsix in getting your breakfast, dinner, and supper,a: d making your home pleasant and comfortable.To save you that dollar I have had to hurry allday, to put all mv work out of line, and to reallyneglect cur darliog boy, who ghoul-- be onr tarst

cire, aud the last thing thit ehould, under anycircumstances, be set aside "

"Why, I had no idea of this before""I know jou had not, Frank; so I shall freely

f jrgive you, but must insist that hereafir I mustba my own jadge of work I bad bet to do, andshall not expect to be threatened, nor hear myselfaccused of not being willing to do my dufv."

Frank felt the force cf thtwe words, and eat si-

lent."One thing more, Frank, I want to sav, while

I am about it. I don't want you to talk aboutsupporting your wife. I will not be Bupportdwhile I aru able to support myself. I And, t

onlocking over my books, that the profits of mylabors amount to live dollars a week, and theboard of yourself, myself, and the baby besides.Then I do all your extra work and my own. Allthis saving his gone into your capital to be in-

vested, and to help you make your twentv dol-

lars a day. Out of this comes the rive dollarsyou call the worth of your day's work, while 1

must labor with really weary limb, and acbi ghead and eyes, to save a dollar in the mending ofan old coat, which, when done, would not sa!l forthe amount of your ten hours' work."

"You are making out a pretty strong casoagaintt me, Lizzie."

"No, Frank, not a case against you I couldnot do that; but I am etating facts. One thingmora. I have boen to work three hours sircaeupper, while you have boen entirely idle, noteven rocking the cradle, which I have been0 diged to do half a dozen times."

4 L:zzie, don't sav another word, end I'll neverdo so again," critd Frank, springing from hischair to j g the cradle where the sweet boy wasnestling. "Yon eball never mend another coat."

"Yts, but I will," answered Liz.io, advancingto the cradle, "only don't tell me tbat ten hours'work can be done in tive minu ten, nor atk me to'let the baby pqualT again."

She liftod Walter from the cradle. Theystooped to kiss his fair rosy cheek, but made amistake and kissed each other, while Frank whim-

pered"God bless von, Lizzie; I never thought of all

this before. I won t do it again."Six years have gone by, and Frauk has kept bis


A member of the Academy of Science statedat ore of the sessions last week, that he had dis-

covered a simple and uoexpeusive process forrendering muslins, laces, and all sorts of lightstuffs incombustible. It eimplv consists of add-

ing to the starch used in stiffening them, onehalf of its weight, of the carbonat of lime, usu-

ally kr.own as "Spanish White " Ladies whowear hue crinoline?, ard aro in danger of beingdestroyed by tire, should "make a note" of this.

It is a noticeable change in phraseology thatSu'hern prass now habitually call the Fede-

ral soldiers "ferocious Lleseians.' Not long agoif. w.;8 "cowardly hirelings." This ghowa an im-

proved perception, based on experience.



The Senate met at 3 o'clock.No quonni being prosen. Mr. Kead moved

that the Senate adjourn. Ca.riel.And then the Senate adjourned.


Tha Home resumed the con Mention of thereport of the Committee oa Federal Relations,together with the several amendments "proposedthereto- -

Mr. Burns advocated the adoption of the reso-lu- ti

ni presented by bim at siina length.Mr. Sparks replied to Mr. Burn, and advocated

the adoption of the resolutims presented by Mr.Wolfe.

And thon the House took a recess until seveno'clock.


Tha House roumtd tb consideration of theresolutions offered by Mr. Wolfo, from the Com-

mittee on Federal Relations, together wiili thesaveral amendments offered thoreto by Me3rs.Huston, Heady, and Burns.

A Jenelbv debate ensued, in which Messrs. Edmunds, Underwood, Finnell, and Jacob took part,acd before Air. Jacob hud concluded his remarks,the House adj mrned.

He wbo knows the world will not be tco bashful; and he who knows himself will never be im-

pudent.A good man regrets more keenly an injustice

he has indicted on others than aoy that cmbe put upon him.

Art is ihe revelation cf man; aril cot mereiythat, but likewise the revelation cf Nature speak-ing through man.

A pretty gnl complained of a cold and chaps cnher lips "lhee should not allow them there,"said Broadbrim.

Chiliren would"t cross their parents so oftenwhen they are grown up, if they were to crosstheir parent d knees a liltle oftener when theywere liUle.

There are times when our souls are restless,and a voice sound j within us like the trump ofthe arch-ange- and thoughts, long buried, comeout of their graves.

There is an affected humanity more aneuffera-bl- e

than downright pride, as hypocrisy is moreabominable than libertinism. Take care thayour virtues be genuine and unsophisticated.

Report of the Solicitor op the Treasury.The Report of the Solicitor of the Treasury,Edward Jordan, Eeq , showB that the whole num-ber of suits brought hy United States Attorneys,and conducted by the solicitor, was for the vear,5"J9. They were brought to recover 14 16Of this number of suits, have been tried anddiepieed of during the year; 112 in favor of theUnited States, 23 againat the United States, and07 setllod and discontinued without trials. Iaadditi n, I'll old ciaee on the dockets of thet ftice have been disposed of. The amount col-

lected on tlieso suits during the present year is5o43,340 'lti.

COTTON YARNSaaort'i nambsra Cotton Yarua:

h baiea t'ott-- Twine;60 do Ci'lte-Wic-

0 do batiliipr; fjr byfllB i;.S 1'LKVt AN. MI RRRT.L. CO.

A!SD fiOAPCANUI.eS SUr Candled;M) 00 Mold d";

100 d o- niimn ri'tp;ii do Armia do;6J do TjUct d; for sat bv


CRACKERS -- If 0 boTea for cal hy1URE CASTLE WAN, Ml. uKLXL, 4 CO.

CIOAKS-li- OGerman, various iualiHer;

6l),tm) Uilf Spauleb; tor sale bvd!8 CADTLKM'VN, Ml RKEM A CO.

DOT GKKA8W 1(0 dozen KkCHljlor Root Grcarif,arte tice, lor army u te. In dtorw and for tale by

Bl KKH A:tlT. 417 Markt n.

I Vt MJW1 CIGARS )iwt arrived, 01 the moatUct braud, ucli ae

Fgaro, Flor da Rivae,Fartaea, Cervnti,

iutrlnidud, Wahia?ton,Faurli, La Chay.

Kl S I. Oc.n Btrd,IA Lnoero. Vgut

Flor de Havana. &cPrice rugl(r fiom to vb per thUBnd.For eale wboieaalt r t'l lf

I!fiW9 ETNAOOfd!7 313 Ma'.o ft., Baernent LoiUfrille llteL

WL'NPRrF- S-O rtmokmg Twbiccoi

do.Mer haum PdHi;Koiwood ao;Hriarwo-i- do:

Aid Eaiicy Goods; tor sale bydi7 EIWD PEYNANO.

Q KEG 9 PUKE MALAGA WINF, for madiciual pur- -

potea, for al by Frw'r pwvnato.

i Ot'EKV 11:10 base Rood and rhilce Rie;

1W lavn (id pockets);5J do Laguayra; tor eal bv

i u a wson. tvmn. nofck AKUXNli 5Ucase hixt 8irdlntf9 for Bale low by

d!3 ruth itreet, be'.ow M:n.







Differs.11 be rtciived at the

giueer unui rnu,tv, iutom- -

ber 20'h, IStil. at VI oc!ock M., to dig and walla cis?ern at the intersection of Third and Breck-inridge streets. Usual security reqnired.- -

J. M. DELPH, Mavor.Mayor's Ornci!, Dec 1G, 1861. dli dl

Notice to Sidewalk Fawers.SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the

office of the undersigned, till 12 o'clock Friday,Decembtr 20, I80I, to execute the followingwork, viz.:

To recurb and repive the unfinished portion ofthe sidewalk on the south Fide of Green stsoet,from the east line of W. Y. Hahn's lot to the wealof Floyd street.

To grade and pve the sidewalks on both Fidesof Broadway, from Campbell street to the bridge.

To recurb, repave, and widen a portion of thesidewalk on the west 6ide of Secocd street, fromMain to Market.

To recurb and repave the fcnfinished portion ofthesiJewalk on the north aide of Mum street,from Cable to Webster.

To recurb and repave the sidewalk on the westside of Jackson street, from Market toward Main204 ftxst to an alloy.

Usual security n quired.J. M. DELPH, Mayor.

Mayor's Oftce, Dec. 16, 1&61. d!7 dt20

Notico to Owner of Property.GRADING AND PAVING OFThe owners of lots and parts of lots designated

below aro hereby informed that ordinances havebeen parsed by the General Council, approvedand published, rrquiring the grading and pavingof the sidavalks iu front of their respective tp,and if thny fail to have the same properly donewithin thirtys day from the date hereof, the workwill be d.'Ce nndor a contract at the expense oflot owners, as provided for in the b eection of the7th article of tha City Chariar, all drains fromio u or huuoc to la conveyed undar the lidewalksin iron pipes, in accordance with the ordiuan'-e-

regulating the same-- said work, when executed,to be recf-in- by the City Engineer, end if notdone iu every ropoc in accordance with spentf-cation- s

rogulaling si iewalk paving, to be repairedat the expense of the property owners. .

To grade and pave sidewalk on the north side ofMadiion street, betwwn Preston and Jacksonstreet".

Michael Schneider 150 feet.George Shceiuaker .'10 "Jas. Gray '25 "Mary Brown 30 "John Henceb3rger 30 "L. Huworth 3j "B. B. Hinkle ' uR. I. B. Powell 3 "B.idget Butler -- 0 "Wm. Preston 20 "Mrs. H. A. Hunter 20 "T. C. Tucker KJ "D. J. B.'wlsi 60 "

J. M. DELPH, Mavor.Mayor's Office, Dec. lti, 1861. dl7 dlO

Notice to Owners of Property.GRADING AND PAVING OF SIDEWALKS.

The owners of lots and parte of lots designatedbelow are hereby informed that ordinances havebeen paaaed by the General Council, approvedand published, requiring the grading and pavingof the sidewalks in front of their respective lota,and if thoy fail to have the samo properl' donewithin thirty days from the date hereof, the workwill be done under a contract at the expense oflot owners, as provided for in tho 3d section of the7th article of the City Charter, all drains fromlots or houses to be conveyed und r the sidewalksin iron pipes in accordance hh the ordinancesregulating the same; said work, when executed,to be received by the City Engineer, and if notdone in every respect in accordance with specifi-cations regulating sidewalk paving, to be repairedat the expense of the property owners.To grade and pave the sidewalks on both sides of

Broadway, from Campbell street to the bridge.NORTH SIDE.

Juhn Mc Reynold's estate. ....174 feet.Thomas Y. Brent 231Gnflith & Schon ....120


Wm. F. Schwing IN) "Georee II. Carv luO "Wellifch, Lucking, & Co 118 "Joel Uer-r- "Jo "T. Y. Brent 12H C 12 "J. F. Bullitt 64 6 12 u

J. M. DELPH, Mayor.Mayor's Office, Dec. 12. 1861. deUdlO

UODA, Bl Carb Soda, just received and forpale by


lou dzen country Wool Pocfcfi for ial byGAKI1NER A CO.

APPLltH -- 60 ble choice Jenaettuge just recoiledBalfl by

(114 C f: S. MATTHEWS. rJ4 Fourth sr..

H ol choir Timothy Tor sale by114 I. L. H. MA'PTHRWH. 124 ourth at.

f"MULT 40 bblt prime In etor aud tor sale to cloeecoDBUaiaeit hy

COKS. AT3. A1"!) SOFT FEED conataotly cnaud for sale bv

L. a. MATTHEWS. 124 Fourth st.

kT.liV A tot of rrirue Wheat la Btore and lor ialed 14 C. L. 8 MATTnFW. 1" Fourth ft.

WTRI:aK9 OF LIGHT, a ae book bv thna-i- .or otO Pay."'. L. A. CiVlLL.

IIKLD SKKVlvJB OF V. 8. CAVALRY, bvtuily illustrated. L. A. C1V1LL.




NEW MAP, unlike any heretofore reccivp.LA. CIVILL

A ' .E33 TH AN UALF PKIOB- - Toyn and Iyokliigr.11 1 I.. A I v f r l

I KI8H WHISKY- - 1 puncheons Itibq Whisky, veryJL tine, for ale by

ANTHONY ZANONE A SON.dl3 Vith nt., hnlnw Main.

TBPPKR-8- 0 sifUjd Black Pepper just receivedJL and for tale by


IMUKLFrt, CATCHUPS, Ac.calino Hck'ei:

3 bbU Tomato Ctcbur;1f box Vaiiiila. Lemon, and aortd Pxtre;

Jnt received on couigunr nt and fsr bI ) erv tow byd'J TEKRY A CO., Mam ct.

Horse Pails, fiicr( DOZEV heavy, hoo-b.il- flmh bottomJ" lioif Pailf, tha be?, art'.cle in market;lil pnuited Pails, all cjlors,

a I rto do do, dIS do do h do. do- -

lf'0 di do Toy pAi'a, all color;Toiler with TiVn, ClotliPs' Pjug, Ac:

JunI received and lor eale byORBIN RAWSON,

d!4 E3P Main at. between Third and Foorth.

U 4 04 a 'ad it bjt.lte, juut rwiv.d and fr sale byORKIN RAWSON,

d14 Motn t.. lw'MTMr.l nA Konrt.h.

I JCOKiCC 40 caaea Gomes bauchod aud .Z. braodetor sale by

t'R rawsom. Tonn. a 00.3WCOA- R-k5 Linirj bh'a YpPow;

40 bbifl White: for Bale bydlS RAWSQN. TODD. A OO.

BKANDY AND FRENCH BRANDYAPPLE Api'le Brandy, 3 yerB old;pVn auimrior Fieuch Brandy;

In store and tor eale byANTHONY Z ANONB A SON,

d!3 Vtfth at., holv U(n

MOLASRKSllA) kdo dJ; for Kale hy



1 1' 0 doten Painted Bnketa;i) do di Lib?;

6" n8t do do;fcj dozi-- Zinc

0 do Half Roihl Vtpaaurfa: for tale byd4 CASTLKMAN. Ml'KRKLU A CO.

CIGARS,oj Cirari:

10,0)4) d";io.O.O Punch do: for al by

d9 TFBRV ft . MC Mln

racsa arrivals.rweivJ and for eale lowJTJST lot No- - l. 'A, and 3 Mackerel (io kite. VinMi.M' d bbl)rIlHninu fin klla andMhbli);

P't'.iuir Stud do;Whit Fuh (In VhhleVPenbufot Salmou (in kit)

iodli.'h (iu caukj and boxv ;j.di'J TfKKY ft CO., fi Mlot.

DO.KN 8UAKER BROOMS;ay boxes do Preserve; for taJe by


BACCN-J- Orlciar Sides;

R do Should era;20 box ni Breakfast Kaconlu tlarce Bupar-cim- d Hams:

For Bale low to cloee cofnignm-ii- bvd7 'PA IT RON. CO.. 834 Main n.

WOODEN WAKB, An.apaorled Huckete:

a" doz iuc Waahboarde;ludoznu Nj?, 1, and y Tuhp;

t e N'aiif; al a ?iuall lot extra Dried Peach-e-

rt'ceived tliia d&y aud for cheap byd5 TKRRY iU)., Main pt.

AND SOAPCANDLES Star Candies;M do dot

loO do common bar Soap;H do Gerroao do:to do Staich: for Bale by


VUNDRIKSO fci bbU Cider Vinegar;btl dowu Ohio Brooms:

75 do hhie and rel Hocketa;60 do Wah-Board-

ht riPita Titw;M den Split Scrob Brooui;fct do Bd- - order

luo do T'lne;" 1H) do Brooru dj;I'll "

"ih do :)ttou 61.i;iag;b( do Table Salt;3D casoa Gale1 Matches;

linj boTea Oruber'B lo;fco Kro6 Oenuai d:;

8mt boee Ston Piii:Ho do I'Viaife Coffee;

In store and for iate bya4AR8HALL HAXiBCtT A CO

d Mnln at

fRAMJEKRIES 26 bbls choice jurt received and fcrV tale by

TA1T, 80', CO.,' 3a Kaju et.




It is a slogular fact lhat a large majority of the peopleof the United States are unaeitiainted with the irreatimportance ol the eaune for which the eoMiera of theUnion are fighting. Let avery man and woman through-out the United States carefully read and etudy the

of the United Stated, they will d

ot the holiness of our cause aod of the wicked-iie- se

of thoee who are striving to overthrow thi grandpalladium of freedom.

We truly believe, that, hud the reading of the Consti-

tution been adopted a" a dally levoo in every schoolthroughout the United States, the doctriaeB of eeceepion

and States rights would never hive attained the positionof a political question; nor would the country have beencalled upon to mourn for the unfortunate wrangling andmiacooit ructions that have arisen, aud which eo manyof our statesman have loet their time In attempting itinterviet.ition.

Millions of our citizens have never thoroughly itodlodthe Constitution, and, even at the preeent time, when itb the duty of every citizen of tliifl eountry to bitormhimself of the rights and privi!ei:B secured to him, under ite protwting arm. It i not in cue household in nvehundred. Iu view, therefore, of correcting this ratovereight, and to furnish every man, woman, and childthroughout the Uuited States with the means of study-

ing this great palladium of liberty, and to protect usagainst future falee doctiines and political disasters.

DKS. KADWAY A CO.prewnt to the American public, free of charge, the Con-

stitution of the Uuited States of America, neatly bound,together with ru improved Almauac for the year Ih1

called "Dr. Radway's CouftitutionaJ Almanac." As aooia pract icsble. Dr. Rad way's agents in every village andtown tit ron fhont tho Union, will be furnished with asupply for tr'-- ciiculation. A copy of tho same will be

seat to all who will iiiciosa a irt'imp for the payment ofpostage.


We also invite H a people of the Canada, Briti. hProvince, and, in fact, all who can read the Eaglljh language throughout the world, to accept ae gitta from iour Constitutional Almauac.





HEALTH AND DISCIPLINE.Health and discipline are tho moet important ele

ments Id an arruy to insure micne?s. Discipline withouthealth will provo as ineffectual as shot without rwder.Health is the propelling forte of tho army, and U theBrmhol of victory.

It la, therefore,.of the greatest importance that theiyetem of medication best adapted for the protectiou ofBoldlera against sic knees, as we It ae that known to bethe raoet cpecdy aud effectual in reetoriug the eick tohealth, without regard to professional prejudice, beadopted.

This is no time for medical ruartiuete to quibble aboutprofessional digoity. All the dignity the profession canbring to bear will neither prevent sickness am?ng thetroope uor cure those att.ictfd. Our armies, to be suc- -

cesrf.ll, mj;t be kept in a healthy condition; and themost sure meana of securUig decider a turn is throughthe remedial powers of

RADWAY'S READY RELIEF,which haa already provel itself in over fitty regimenta,now at the eeat of war near Washington, to be a posi-


and other malarious aud infectious dieap.Hear io mind, wo say, that RADWAY'S READY RE

LIES will protect the troopd exposed to thee dlifcauee

againat attacks Now, It U conceded by all the medicalmen In our arruy tha they have uo reliable means toprevent attacks ot th"se disease); neither have theyany positive assurance of cunug the sick; but, on thecontrary, the majority of the sick, seized with fever a Ddague, t phoid, bilious, and other fever.-- either die orlinger along, until they are reduced to mere wrecks andwalking keU'tons. Espericoc" has etablishtd the factthat the treatment of calomel, utiiuiue, aud mercury Incanes ol tever aud ague, typhoid fever, and other feversot this clas. Is more injurious in cauii).-- than iu privatepractice. When wc take into consideration that canvaswalls and expoairo to heavy dew 8 aud the malar i troinpools of water aud damp ground?, prove but a por shol-t-;- r

for the eick, wo may realily conjecture that (lie

peualtlea of mercurial aud quuiino treatment wjll, inthe majority of caes, t exhibited In thy term of rueu- -

m.tidm, neuralcio, pains aud BtitTneps in the Joints, eu- -

gorgenieotof the liver. Jaundice, yellow jiiundice, d.va- -

ppsia, pleurisy, coughs, oold, Ac, which will cling tothe unfortunate patient for year.

IN DR. RADWAY'S REMEDIESthe eoMier has a positive preventive against attacks, of(iiHse disea.-es-

Let every soldier carry a bottle ofRAD WAYS READY RELIEF

IN HIS KNAPSACK.And when eipo-o- d to , damp aud chilly weather, orencamp.-n- In malarloue dUtiict;, talio a teapoonful, Inhalf a cup of water, as adriuk, early In the morningbefore eating, and three or four times durlug the day;and If on picket or guard duty Occasionally during thenight, he will escape all sickness, and continue to enjoygood health.

WHEN EICKlot Radway's Ro idy P.olief and P.adwav's RegulatingPilin boused according to direction., and the patientwill soon recover. Dr. Radway's Remedies tuake aperfect cure





and in all cases where there is pain, Rad way's RiadyRelief will afford immediate ea aud quickly cur thopatient.

DUTY OF CIVILIANS.Ctvillaus having friend or relatives Io the amy

should aond them a few bottles of Rad .ray's Ready Re-

lief and a box of Rad way's Pilla. The (Joveruneutmakes no provision lor these valuable remedies in themedical stores-- . The soldier depends upon his fritudefor a supply of theeo Invaluable medicines. A bottle ortwo of the Ready Relief may save the life of your sollierfriend.

ARMY INDORSEMENT.We have received a large number of letters from army

stirgeoua, officers, and privates who have derived bene-

fits from the U3e of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF.Among the great omuher we have 00 iile we refer tohe following:W. H. Tinley, M. D., Surgeon and Medic:U Director

of the Excelsior Brig'de.Geo. I). Simpson, M. D. Surgeon AuderBon Zouave

Regiment.Col. Rush C. HaTkinn, Ninth Reclment N. Y. V.Col. Lyoni. Eighth Regiment, N. Y. 8. M.CoL Georgd Hall, Socoud Rjgimeut Kxuelalor Brig-

ade.Col. Walker, Thirty-thir- Regiment N. Y. V.Col. Tiuuellt, McCleflan Kitlea.Col. WTm. Oates, United tat1? Armv.Major O. V. Dnyton.Maj r .Tanie M. Turner, Kind Regiment V. Y. Y.Col. Wm. WiNon, and his otorers through T. W.

Meighan, ., Wilsou's ouavfid, Poit flcke.ua.NOT ONE IN THE HOSPITAL.

We have the of oiT.cen of over fiOv nci- -

ment of the volunteer forces that there not been aslncle man in t leir reimeute wlu ha uf-- Rowav'b

Ki r.iFF t t hns ben pent to th h viiitaL norbat there., out of the great nunib-- 01 pick wua nae usedthu Invaluable medicine, a death occurred.

IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES.Kvery faml y should keep a bottle of Rahwit's RhaivRlifj in the hou?e. It l a positive preventive aniuit

eicKue."5; 11 win 111 a lew miuur relive th? initieirom pain, and will speedily one, the attUctedof the diseases and coiuplaiuts it u presciibcd for.


are the beet pilte In tine. They are the only perfect vegetnble purgative suhftituti tor caloml known. One tothree, of Radway'a Pills will operate quicker thnn rive tourn 01 tui common d atmc pills. No BickueB at ttomach, no griping pauia follow their ub: thy leave thebowf regular and liealthv. Let those w ho have beenlu the habit ef utdng other pill make a trial ot a fewdosewof Kadway's PilU (coated with guru)

Public attention a directed to sRADWAYS RENOVATING RESOLVT5NT.

IT CURES, WITH ASTONISHING RAPIDITY,Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores. Ulcww. Salt Rheum.

Kick- - t sciid Head, Sore L Caokera,(ilandnlar HweMlnits, white Swelliugp, NoJe. PoreKara, Sore Eves, Strumous D schawl Irom the EaB.Opth.almia, llch, CooOTntiuiml Debilitv, Wa.tiaK andDecay ot the ll ly. Skin Eruptions, Pimples aud iliotch-e- s,

Tuiuoro, Cancerous AfT efioni", DiMteiia. WaterBrash, Neuralgia, Chrouic Rheum tism, aud (rout.

HUMORS AND SORES OF ALL KINDS,and all diseases entailed from Small-Pox- , Meaeles

Fever and Ague, Pyphiiit, and otherFevers, euch as Dropdy, Deafneea, Fits, Loda of Memory.

When Infants and young children are sflictewUhSoresoftlie Gains, Cankerx (lie Mouth, Sore Hea-Jn-

Kami, and Eyes, either livin Worms, Teething, or anyoiuer causes,

RADWAYS RENOVATING RESOLVENTwilt speedily eradtefite every particle of disease, and reinvest the child itu neaith.

LADIESa Wet-- ! with Falling oft he Womb, Ulcer cf the Womb,

troui the Chloronis, and all waklog dL-- haiKes, may OepiMid upon a ppeedy cure by theU'ie 01 nftuwaymeonvHuiid

In cae-- of Chro.iic Klimmatii'm. Nuralt-'ia- . (lout, theHepnlvfiit, taken in eouurlitm with RidwayV Pills andReady Relief, will be found a quick and thorough cine.

NOTICE.Dr. Rad way's Remedies are unld h7 dmgr1ftit In every

village, town, and elly In the United Htata, Canada,and britlfeh ecoviJc: td, 50 and jil.

No. .John street, New York.F. W1LPRR. Agent, LoiOaviUe, Ky.Jani3 dlBtpeudAwlacuiy


No More Private Diseases!ALL THOSE AFl'EC'VFD WITT! PP.IVATR

or F"lferiu 'roia thevr n1 iu--FEMALE DlSEAeKd of ttver." desfni'io, wtl find arations) mti cure bv aivlnux to DR. JOS.HABKKM-,111.- Tn.y will alfotin.; a sure PUEVFN-TiV- E

agciutt infection by the Sj f luiiiic viiua.Nwuralria, Rinuintle'D, Gout, Giavol, Brrifula,

Dfojy. Iyipi'eiH, 'i'Tjiid LivtT, Hrohf filil",of t'ne Sk.u,eic.( will bo treated with tha groatet suc-cess.

Saucers and ether Mallgriiinl Tumorswill bd mrod without knife or caustic by comtltutloDaltreanwnt.

"Office stuthwest comer of Market and Fourtwwitli'tro--tP-. acplit diy


United States Minie Musketacd Rifle Balls,

Also ovrry of


LARGE STO Ki CONSTANTLY ON II AM).Criers filled at Bight by

TSOItA3 OTIS L5110T & CO.,Patent Shot nnd Ind WorMs,

21 and iH-- Water street,NPW YriP.K.

For Sale.The st?h?tribtr htw for el 3(1 T

nfl ft. MI, t.S handrt-'- v-

h'gb, stinie of thom broke, alo fy Jt?ZLUielW HOGS that will averse

pou mis. JJ i. MlhL.i...

Swcrds, Sabres, Sashes,Belts, &c.


NouX'ommLssion, Line, Field, & GeneralOlfct'rs Medical Staff, Pay Depart-

ment, Navy, Chaplain, andCavalry Officers'




IL0DGET, BR0 WW, & CO., Solo Affpnts,Ki HepkinoD street. New York.


BRUSLE & BILIjIMAN(Succctfsnre to Wm. A- - Mead & Co.),

tfos. S) 5, and 7 Bowery, corner of Division Bt.

Hfva now TfXy for aile a aelcct tuck

I ALL & M 'IKTPJK CLOTUINtiinParis stylea, which they offer for cah at prices to aulttit

AlAo an elccaut. arsortment of Goods In the Customnkich wi;l be made to order at the same

rst.N- P. ParHenlar attention paid to MILITARY and


rarmi in Illinois- - Farms for $1,000.THE Hliooix Central Railroal Company offers riciPrairie LandM artjacont to its Railroad at 41J piracre. A tract ot etehty acres " ill make a gooJ,confortabi hom'-sttd- . The purcha-e- r npy buy 00

'Oog credit, pnytiig ii)tTi st at six pr amuially, ar.dif he ha. one tliou&aod dollars in money bp can, this yar.at the low p ices of lumber, contract for a convenientbov-- fencing, and famiing tools. The Company hasolrt over one thousand of such tracts ot laud this

It U well known that OhicAKO ?ena mors grain tomarket than all the We?tern lake ports included. TliUlstve bost proof of the richness and great valua of theillinoip lHiidi. The DliuoU Ceutial Railroad w :u fiuUh-?- d

in lfcdri. built through a !parcly settled country. Ittaken to market thi vear u;1" rA of thirU-t-- million of'Kihi ipol grain, besides cattle, hogs, and many otharrodnrtf .For further Information apply b7 letter or In porpon

to "Land Cmmituiouer, Illinois t;ential Railroad Co.,

Uiesuiutioa.THB copartnership homtofory oxipttn( bo t ween tha

nerd p;ned, under the tjrm of .JACK A BROTH-iC-

is this day dissolved. J- O. Jack having purcbaed;ho entiie Interest in the stock and assets, i authoiiced

petllothe partnoit-iil- btuduee and Ut uee the tiaiuuf the Brin for the purpose, J. O. .TACK,

KDWU W- JACH- -LonlsvtUe, Ky . Ang. VM.

undersigned will contium the WHOLFGAI PitjJR and COMMISSION uuLnsris at EheoMthud. Ho. Uaiu street, between Thin? snti UcnirtiL

J. G. JACKIoisrlUe, A.(S. 17, 1 L dtf

OhsnffO of ririn.ANT( 8 & CJ. have associated W A OAIIrBH with theii fina, aud piuchar

if SMITU & OMEK, oa soqUi side of Marketflow Floyd, where th. y vit! conduct tbe WllOLE-tAL-


Conncfod with their bou?e Lhey have a goodrTAOON-YAl'.- with ample aocot..uodar'on "forKr?t, wagoi'j, nud OLher veniclc', and wouid be flaildies Uieii old triecds. X. SHANKS,

11. T. no:vD,Jnt? tS, IWt'i. dtf W. A. GAILFUATTH.

u. s. ornoisns and suTt.-En3- .

ASswKTMLN T 0- -' CHuL E OKUVMOMtflTuLR ive Biacfc au1 Ore- - n TVan, Jav a:idRio Coffee, Ctcola'cs. t ocn, K" mi, Krown und

buyars Spices, W rcet'Urehlu-- .me, Bullaud ottifr Sane s. Mushroom, Wiluut, and i'.ii'toCatchu,, KdKii h Pic'-- l (aT'ed), Amerind,

and Frm.h M.ctard", Ancliovi.', Sardine, Sp'Cid:lllllon In cans. Fresh (..oveOysterA, iro..h Jjobft- - r- - ftiid

Salmon, tioiiked IHlibut a' d ShIujou, riniok- d Herr'ngSa'uiou and McKervl io fir? aod Im.t kit. Freh

i Corn. Fre-l- i Pcacliasaud other Fruits iucans, P' , Jolliee, KaiaUis, Currants, Ac.,, tor saleon moderate t ruie.

J. T. LANHAM St JU.,tl Tmnorteea nf Tm. Thlril t

r. FISlVDtNGr & CO..General Produce and Commission Merchants,

and Dealers iu Hay, uats, ireod, &c,of all knds.

Liln'ral advances made on eon.dfoinontu of producetoud. MJPol KI'H STREET.

Main and tii river.Hav in anv quantiHes wanted, and the hifhet mar

ket price paid on delivery at our 1JJ Wall street.d.S F. ITEL!UNG rt: 1.0.


Important irom Camp !

THE NEWS FROM CAMP at tH time - ptcedm. ly stirring and Imp rtant, Amoag tho Inipt" tant

Item?, however, th-- foiiowtug may be rete.idid as themost ijitertftnig:

Cimi- - NrviM, Dr. l;tl.J. M. Apmsthono, Lsij., Clothier, Luijville, Ky.

Dn Sib: Th mil. tar suits, both for fat pie acddrern wear, ttfr lit.-- with the ever cor t, made by ymfor the olticrj in oitr ' element, are rgrd.-- bv all lucaTip as ibe ru wt eh dra acd ihathave baen eeri'- troin yo ;r itr Yo-- wi.t iiavi t vntcamp aatn a: d tnko orders tor the I a'anc of our olucerB clothing, ai thyy have d termiucd to order 1'roo.i uoon" else.

Yours, very rerwxtfully, W. B.IJ. U T.

N. U. The large orders that I am ? recdv mgwill not int"tlere wlih mv regular bade, as my skkK otMEN'S and BOVS' CLOTHING is lare and romplcle

J. M. ARMSTRONG,d 3 Corner Fourth and .Vuin st.

WOODEN WARE1 v 4(f do.'iu Buckets!

&l doo do No. 1 Tubs:

Jnst receivod and for saIo byd4 GARDNER (?0.

AXli, POK, AND BROWMNO. New editiou-- .O Bine and uolrl.

NATIONAL HYMNS. Grant White's rich book np- -

on and selections Irom tha iiymne offun-- to the N- -

rinu1 '"oniniittee.OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES'S NEW BOO- K-

Songs in Many Keya. . a

WODAO iw cvks Lee's NewcA-tl-

S bb'B Jrea'Ti Tartar: tor safe bvai CAST.EfN. MUKRKLL A CO.

UPPER 40 bngs for le byOARDNVR A CO.

1EANS- - Ha) sacks prime Michigan tor sae ny17 TAIT. HON. A CO . ftU Main

EA9 AO half cheats O. P. Tei;T 6( do !Iong lea:li) di l'ouchong do,

Just received and tor sale byde3 n GARDNER A CO.

HEESEj ) box i choice Western Reserve;

do do llamnurg: lor paie vyTAIT. iN. CO ittJ M'n Pt.

KPPER- -.3" bags Pepper;30 do Sv'oe:

liK) mat Cmofctuoa2 cases Nutmes- fr sale by


iUEBSE- -boxes Wrptero Reserve C'hees;

1U0 do Hamburg do;b do Kogllh Dairy d'j;

In storo and for sale byJNO. F. HOWARD 4 CO.,

dtf Main, between Tlitrl and Fourth

r BBLS SOFT 8HKLL ALMONDS;i) lu box e) Preserves;

4 cares hoted Sard' nee:4 di do do.

Received this day and for sale byTEKRY ft CO.. fits Main st.

- HKL3 EPSOM SALTS:J) In) dozvn asso.ted Bucket-- ;

Mil do b acs aud ironbiund Cedar Buckets;J boxes Virginia Tobacco: f.r sale by

d" TKRRY A CO . H'S Uln pt.

TV AILS too kegs Bolmout, assorted piles, for ?ale by11 dl CAs i LEMAN, NUKhELL. JO,

UCK FLoUR-2- '0 bags freeb Ptnnsyli1 ) nla huiied ia store aud for eal-- j rv

dl Main, between Third aud Fomth t.Bargains for Butlers and Soldiers,

TOCKETIuk, f, Combs, Brushes, UnionX Paper and Ufivtlop, Military books, 4c, atlihingly low rates,


AND LEADSHOT Shot;G'JO iufl Par Lead; Juet rc-lvr- and tor mlebi

di TERRY tt CO.. 1. Main st..

riMIE COTTON K1MGDOM, Olms'.ed s new book f1 th t'uies.ilHPLLlUN RBCCRD. Mn umnhers row remlyoil L. A. CIVILL,


rofcHror f Clio' ut ?c i't"-lo-in lnpi-- ri.i.lot-.- r cf ;iO

) cut ft,NNotTVCRS 'IO IliS HiiMM AM) THrt UTt- -

i. 1C TLrtt tie. tO Vita hi iiUC tj 3 Clu'- -iu rf fl; to' d - , i'

Cou-- C '1, A. iuo I a.f. Dr"rrj ' Li vi tCj;mj .aii-'t- , Pdi;, t ., ?" Mi'df.iii,

"h;V Sweili!i.f. Nr7i,i,s Leer audBi !iii ' Conn Ao.

Dr. ierclic fc v; m t rr'tb rfeat f iicc bv h:., pe- -

culla? UlO-'- 01 trciitru't iin-' ;e' 'vti.r" s'c uie'; rh' dieio.nc !? ii'..i i r :'!! a cu e. i o

all 'cri hie eosiiJe.'i'-- m iv k .11 -- n ' u.'i' iv w'itnad"i-t-ii;- Xlie cure oi tvii pii'-nt.- ii hi: fhirj'efx-cepfm-

tli co't ct' mo-ii- iiit, rciriug no luo Ul :.l tu-

tu thi) ivtt ration th'-n- i). il'h.pecujiar rl:ani'jr it" coaraotivs to re--

raovo I'iuiesiUr iu a i:w rtv!i wiih ui i' nivr "i iu-

rifts ue.lf me. 'i wrrautj tu all, no tnf.i.ror howvprt. i' lone Jtand'.ov the dir"x e, au t;tV'clAiai t vre, or

he do pay. males i i:li ir'eetOi.-t- -

m;rvc;iu-d'dbt'"- , Ac, cu p rioitn ali.'lieved by IT. V. Iuv.ui't In any rtinli t the oimtry. by m leiiei to hi-- Cn'i't-- i Ji, and

a !, cu have ad vit, d liitfjici w:ll Oe

pron.ptlr 'en? toon.- It riid uoa j ff from lb " oener of Ceen ai'd

Floyd Loutet i I", Uy. Cilice hojii troui to aA. M. and fiooi i to 7 P.

Ot . A. J. VM"Ti'.a,i.'. k n j f.rod 'ce r.vfr ii! h;inurwd

ud e. i.TTio-- j 1H '' d;v


r. P'l. V) l't"vf.C t0 riVJ'prci.;. .t iTi-'vt nre ""U', S ,mjU7, i.H'O'irrbP.(..ivioi, ci" lu.j ;'). C'i , TiJ:iC:oi'-.- ::'.1 Cor:-

l.io Km--

y , el?. :"v tb:t ? i"1 it -

vr.'v. tl tti.it t'ovueri.ti Cnir'ai'.'i. Citiie'V ti: C.::t:. l i'.Am inviii'-- o an ie a con-o- f'"d

t f' - ':j5 tiie d:il v m niJiiis '1 thr-1-

Ui b i.cpo-'- n:"ihra uo r.Ti'? froDl tisfir or?;i u- rvinpi s,

nd pt rrifini nt cyi't tue atth'' I'lrr-nar-

hope rases ca. d by a fecrtjt. Iiab' t wl'if ruK:t r.r.;bbody and mlud. n;- nr. to' !..ni ,yi lor

tier b'.iti:'3B or si-i'.- y. I IK! si);i ti"; 01 lU'-- . ramMHtfi, or tbenw- -' np;r ytf.re, to 'fiion aim

bilitati the conrtit.Mton. toe ptLy?:cul andCir;rm powers, di&inuh un-.- p;tt" o t!T nanirfti iO'e

, aud GhHMPt th vt'.-.-l yirj 01 Tr?C

Ua:iM ot li'e are w?r.t"l, Jf of si;w!ag"i frorated, and eib't.-oc- it.ji .1

mistrr and refrret. bnrh (vrsou-t- Lhow

uiraedlaLe aro'tcf tion, as )r. If., by !:L tr a'riitw.t.b f nfM to l'ur a Fpfdy an i "'r:",ii0'.1 cure.DR. HALL'S AWF.RICAN PKltl--- H A L tilM.- -

No article of rcMi. tno tnt- - o.!M r thi f icIupivc r?e orl imftln Has over yt teoii introiknc-- - i n,u b.v iven summl versa! saticfctiu'i ae t'.ie Am?,nn Pe, I . ;'uI'iicy cf.n be rt'it oq in a;l cvts ot rtr.i'.l ubsrro- -

tloiim, Irrtcnlfir:tiei, ftc., as a sure ..:ui iu.lo .Prico, per malt, rfi and v.e, poctacp

P'ieDtslivloc a, h 'Lo. n f otj'Mending i tifscriidiOU o( tlitir 61tiae a'l Lwtinji a

r.m- -

fcodlcin root to p.oy a r.NfVute No. .jfife-eo- n it. ltwra Fint auC

St.rond. CtCce orev from A. M. U i W.fliCtf Tj. Ai.L, M. V.

fVfyUl'ON TiVA PKINCC'LK OP NOAi;.' CL Kii Hv PAY. Jncv.ry lnfta-ac-

the money v:ul U thecure ii not Go;uplitod, Kitty dollars (A.S'O b. tip :

l rora tvo to eight wo- - le at long a a tt:e doctor requires to portonu a cure.

lcroula. nsenndary i?7;c..ila. Pilot1, and all CnrooitDiwap5s ti'eated by r. Priif.

No charce for io.rJioio.oe or attwutioo U fcloced unflarbia chagt) uole.-- s a cure ta perrrsicd.

We, the nndorpign-d- , from perymai are.able co -- tjito tha, Dr. Pii h c.o rvtainly :i.;d Bur-.'- r.'---

ivo too bornd e9i,cts i Oic.u-- oraiid pnrtorru a px-d- cui; Vi at: ht d'i" i?;v fuiuae-ri.to- d

above. Wo h've f:.o c:i"ti;iLv fnm respoctj- -

t p:r.-oc- ctrfif ing to J'C duos oivn;rT.fod per- -

fonTind by Dr. Price. Wo no doubt of hi abiiitto do all ha piopoae.

t WILLIAM !). Mt.'l.iWAN,Late thrift of J;'J-"- n Ky.

L'.tVL IT, K'li?KAi;,ntt ""w ft ' V.T.,r-,r-i- - V -- u


Page acd Mm VLue Plain aud Colored Lithcirraiha,

rvPKICli ONLY" TWiJOT CKNTS.Utlfcaflaiit froo ef pctao to all f-r- of the jrl

ON tlio ULnr,!!. of yoathSLi.d ui'itmtty, di l'j!.?g tho act'A iViiK's ot boti e.'X'. of ailagts, aiuijig nf.rvotip-r.'.w- ,

dvpne-Jr- of pli'itp,of I1m heart.,

tu ?!:oHi-- blupri- -ndi? (iB--

Joii, a: id Ac, co m rrs- --- VV.:i';5v-':

h uMP!M(!.-".- ouchnnrtred and"S Ni'birty eur;vvJu,"P. It is a tmtli- -

'CS'X rv:';1- Jdvi:r t" the ci'irn-- and

who e?rt t .io;.V.3 or tai-'.- physi'l conditiou,and who Qro ' b.Avic bf.adfd tite he.i;h,tuppinpjt, aii-- pijviiey t to wliith cwry Imuan bciogIt hu titled. Wi-- ''.'. of a yie,a Col lego . aud 1 Ywjt; y.v.f L.td, full ofror.tnnc; and ihriihii" inttrcxt.

Young uin who arc rroui-I-- v ith sfn;iil- -

lycau.vd hy a .d hahH in yo, itii, tho i li .ccb of watcbre piiiiiM, pucinttmo nurlngl the wtjik fro, :1 ILk a.ii low

extrc:ijitinp, coufu-i"- of -, lo 0 m- wihiu'ia:u'Uv.ly. iaiV, !mcit,:.1 hv the lli.W PAiiltlV,,I, HjN'DON TKirAi MlNJ'.

Vo hav" rtvf;i'-'- J.'i.i'-.- nmrb of oor timeIn VlslTfa Tit P. fcLPOPLAW M"l'i TALS,ivailiLi raitivep .( tho k It oa;. and i'?oiix:i-'-ot the t ekHlfd i'i, i 5U iKf.p and t'lir.-.'M- iuPur,,',f' nnx on t t;ut:i.! ri'h ni' 3 :i t IVIALKLL'-OI- illCOUD. tiii.'.CH:.'!-!-'...!- ACi'N. ac4CLltLiNCS. 01 the Ki irh :iuJ Y.uA4i hcpital-- . Ourtcur tlu.-i- I raiifd. iti;', .

Ireland, t !9"d. :yd Wftl.., vibu.glu our routu iu rturi;il horpif .Is lu i'ane, Loc ' u.Itome. Venice-- , V'i) i.j, Drt'j. o, H rhu. &c, & Whhave been uiuply by tbe pdiJi'ioi;:,l kjiowl-dg- e

we b.ive tu ila treatmHit- oi vf.rlotiadwaecs to which wo hare dht-rt- ! our atcutico.fbotS! ho plic-- riiril .to under our rors w ill.t hit her ual or- - IVniii- tu-- .v hir.i- - tlio foil brt'-ii-

of the many NHW AND i;r PU It'NT HVtl'D)KSwhich wn are to bitr-- . .it into our pvictcf, and

t.iib st ';'t.-- .,t (l,r pnno u I ty,St'.Oltl-'AA'- and artntmn bl.o; p1d t Vv ;r raef.whi,-- h iitiB o Purw.vtiuHv dlstiii ii'lnid hpn-'ni.- a

i'b?rii:n In o.j- fkOLLlAit d".i liu;'it ofri'ofeifioo.it p ctice

Metiicnce with fu'l dtr,ti.'ui ppnt to any part of thiUui'od atairp or tiAuftiia", by jiatieubi 4Wjiuiijiuiic8'.!nfhoir Pyrutoi:ij by loct;r. r;vjuoc cotoctioi:'I-U- '

strictly coaridoutia!.L.'i otRce Is .till lorrtiafl as raider

DR. LA CROI3L.0To li;mrj eafoiy tf all l ttir fJiut'h ridr a


dwf No. v. Mp.:.i.'ii L.v.w, , N, V.

'"PUR COPAlt is'rM 'HIP hett:" re fitWtlitg uuder1 the Gnu .f s. J. UAili A '..'. - tioe d.y a ;lvrd

bv mutual conpout, aud 8 .). Uaru U cli:irgi'd thoeettl.-iai'u- of th& bueiuei. ft. .f. !iAK'5,

C. t;. il SK,LouhvUIe, Oct. 13, 1 t. U MiLi-a- .

S J. UAP.H will tioje the buelnreB a tb oldii ot. irf H. .1 H tiK.

Split -- bottom Ckvdj 9


luck; Ptmitfi'thiry , d &udhava lu store for .".') a 'erKi i "t "i eLpt

A. L. bUO'i WL.LL h SON,

EIAVAiW CIGARS.( AAA IMoftTKtt C10AK3 of tbe moatJ loct brands, stu b aa

'Ui dot, Ilovlioiuito Cvi!gu5,:VTaobintoi, i.tt'hay,

C01 vaitea, iiu;ora,t Intuuidid, Ac.

Alo Chewing and Smobin? TobaccoFor iale wholetale and mtill by

KDW'D PR m ADO,0J9 TaPfrvrnt Tiiivilltf lliilol.

Q KKOa PUKK MAUiVGA WlNL,:or uedl cirial pur- -

KJ poBea, for iale byKDWT) PICVNADO,

'3 pq.pnipnt !..l;--i:i- . f! -- (

WAKOINK3 AND H tCKb IN'O 4 fvs and yt fox tirdlnes;

j3 boxe-- !o. 1 i.li rruig.In atore fuid for Bale by


S UOTJob b'g? ratent:

do Kuck: for fft!"" bv( !. STLKM AN. VI KltlM.I. U

December IVii3ii?ir Ifter.vivcil.(.flm'i'ficflmtnt of VoiumwXXlV.

Harper's cw iIoiuhly Magazine.uJ L A. tMVIIL.

Sl'NDKIC-- . fc!Ht U .mlnv. Famll-.- ' Klour, Paeon,fhie.'?, l)n l Wim. (inmuAiv-plee- .

Malt. 0f, and all kind of Pro 'ur l:i flora audrecrtiuii ditily ana or a n lowrst at (u

MOl stl'X- -j hbiP M. Jaj.HtfSU.iAK-llOU-i- :Mclastie iu rt and f r a!e by

AND'W RLCHANaN & CO.,nl Prtmor R..fAr..1 --t.


U,t Oi;i S'iUIm audo.her i jipuiHuts ia at

MlHt-ir- and B.iJdUry Wan-.- o Mf--

7'1'oi.dft., it'Tvttn NKin au.l MnrK..d 14 Sitcu'it the OoLifii Sa'l Mf

Timothy Titcomb Ag-ain-.

IES?ONsJ IN Lli'ii. acoujpa-- Q.) veoi no to"Lt.tppf.ipi'V' 'it.'.id i'n'l." ' MLifl Gilbert

ard '"BitUr iJwet't," by Tiiu .thy Trtcomb

LTNAM'3 KLBrtLLIOW KLCUliD lor ia at. nl I ViLf.'B.


J v eutltri joit teeyiveJ and fr ts!n tv,tA:.tP3 LL'W A CO.,

116 trt Jin we-- pi.lf HiT'h t.

UTliKK'a HLACKINC-- i) groa Mut;erV1 iit reeolved and fnr p1 hT the bM, lioaa, or d'--

at Lxse thao nitniuiacttirer'e pric" bvOHHIN RAWSOS,

Main t.. bttj. 1 bird an-- IV.nr.150 ba?a for bvCOPK 'ATi.KAM MTHRI't t. W

iRANHl'.KItlKS -- J'i bhla choice jurt r. ceived aadV tonal, by

1UOKWH15A'r 7o bass Pucfc'Thoat In store an3 for

A'l'S l.'H it b'lliel YriTw Whife for pih by() h L. a. i(A rnii.WS, H...J4K''i!rth(t.

IT STAiT3rpo INVP.ST TWKN ' '!T3 tN Ol--

I Oi ire tiTiil ! ivl, : 1!. Lii'-"-

Euv: '. I'?i:ci', P- -i ir !

and, a th , ai ri'i.- .J J.-- ,. t y 1 h1j, A. Ci ILL.



Saddlery Wareioass,No 435 Main St., between Iiflh and Sixth,

Xaoxi.i3xrillo, TSL-zr-.

'f4frtdi.-jt- s ano" Maonfactureit wonld f3ad it to their interest to cTamine my sWetbr? traal-i- thelrpaciiiVa. Mid orders from a will bo atterOcd to ai if rmrjc-- . 0iA:typowtf



J.t Low Prices.ITrE dofire to rcdnce our present ptock to the loweet

posaible limit before the 1st of January, to pre-

pare t an entire new aBsortinect next Spring, and tuord ir to eff ct thai we ehall cfler special Inducementsto our citttouiiri Com now until that date. We aakbu yen to oxamiao the quality aud rtvlied price of our

Ciiba Dinner i.nd Tea gels,&tassware Silver and Flatcd M are,Asd oilier Coasckcepinj Goods,

'And especially xir magulriceDt assort me 11 1 of

Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures.We promise 6attLrtion In a!l cases.

E. V. nAUGK W0UT & CO.,Hot. 4SS, 430, and 49i Broadway,

corner of Broome itrret,NBW VOJtK.

tt'artlfi throorbout the country lending order bynttU vi'l itcclve prvcisoly tho eame advantag-ei- , audtU'iir onl vh ha ae promptly at,ctidd to, as if peraoual-l- y

tc mi'.kc the purcbaa8?. 038 dtjaul


mm GAM? CHEST(Patent Applied For).

and 532 Dioadway, N.SOLI! ACKNTfl,

luvltp. the atttiMoo of Army and Navy offlcert' meaaearo tSiij Litr aud impro7ed

Union Camp Gliost,Wl;l'.i within tho dimensions of 81 lnfhet

1 lnchf" breadth, aud H Inch'1 dnpth, a porta-M- e

mi.tbil iiv all ton w.lloarv and rif'ehftnicalaflr for fmn or six rrsoTie; a Diutug Table of Hi'

al 1'H'ia.is duraoke cuowii tor ihe roughtlv'ar. and a.stvtv, from iti strenir h ajid convenlontstmpilcity, cspdallF i"iUl tot camp cooking. Thlfcowbtua:lon of

FA1TSF. STCVE, AI TABLE,thfl retult of a careful rtudv of the neseitlefaoi iucideuta cf caiopaiguing and uf the articlei In uacby thefri Off jFramctj jVnjftantfj and Pruning

cornrc-en- ltwlf to the American soldier alike by Itnv:;ii-iic- . d, li ability, aod c. ipactty.Tii-- have had in thoir eetablisbroent every

cnuip ch ct of note io use at home and abroaa, and dot )i"jtt.-- t to prouounci) this one, in their Jndcineut,

Ipfl'iI'Hy ait'N'iior to any known; for the Justice olwhich they court a general exainiuation andcomparison.

'f h i UToXT?, as wH as the TABLF, Is o constructed' - be sold hy itself, and can be used with any army

ell11? or tru.".lt in voue,liip of Luiou Cr.mp Chert 38 and $4St; cf Table

S; o' Kt.tve Hi. Oil dTf



Qaail, Qroase, Voniron, Shell Oysters,Aod ail other del'.caciea of tbe sea-o-

W. A. CI4ARK, Proprietor.

tVTahle D'TIMe from 1 to 4 o'clock. o d4m

AT WHOLESALE$200,000 Worth of


L5 per Cont. XjOss

27 SHI JS. 1ST OOOT,ITor Casli,




JSTgw "Vorlx..tlfl d;m

3 C0UL2UR3,U 8 H. dc OKTY....(B RABY, Aeeut),

:t'S tr u tercet, Rdjnlrtlrjn tLe Jaurnn) Offlolies in rf.re and for rale lu au;ntitip f:',it' p;:it pitrrbawni a fine argument ofV.'INKd and LlyLOHiJ, euch ae g

Pom ard; Bord-aua-

De M'.d'c; Front iguaa l.nnel:Ui. t"t;'Le. Volney. Pau-d- e vle-0

Languedoo.Voeollo, V'.n do Tokay, Armagnac, and Cordoali.


Camp Equipage.1AM prtiiirrj fumh Resimeutf or (ropanle

h (.Janip rf'ovea, CftTnp Ktt.ea, Plat, Anuj (upeKii'vf: and hoi rip, Spooop, Canteens, Mc-- Paita, Cote,Camp 3foc-le- Ac., on short notice.

t Uf lOWTfCl013 Foui-t- ef... near Natloual UoleL

OfScers' Camp Chest.'ipDK rjo-- t complete article of the Kind ever Invented.1 Call and ee It. P. M. JONKH,

ni l Fonrth pt.. near NsHonal TTntel.

j'rexcrre lite Hair;STRATTAS' SKATHAIRON.

Tor Proaorvirif , Hwtorlisy, and Boan-tifyi-

the Hair.CPXKPRATPD ARTICLF. T8 MAAJT9TLYIn t.p City or Lonvn.t.r, at the Cnpitel

Dn; fovi:, ard tho proprietor ciaimp that it In enperiorlr .iauv r'jpveU to any pripa ration of toe kind now inOP kjd vr.i rautf that ft will give corop'.t-t- aatlpfactton.It? 'rims have been fu'ly tppted, and nuinberleat

c in be produced ae to ita etficaey.Or.yrn from the country eoliclted.W hoifpala pi ice i?l 6') Tar dozen. Rotalle at 2 eent

Pr bortiM. o. U. Si1 RA IVAN,JuiiM itf Opposite the

Parftnnery, Soapa, Xoilet Good, AteJUST RKCKIV1:D AND OPEKKD A LARGEIHAVH of Kxtracta, Toilet tioap,

HmjiNn-- , and Kr.acy tood, which I am Bflllto atlow rato. I Intend to cater to the want ot

my lrlv.iitB ao.i parronj In every particular, and traattliey will couthiao .'ormer favor.

O. iC BTRATTArl, Apothecary,Inroad If Opponite h

O XX ! CASH!rcat Sacrifice on





aud iu rhort oar entire stock, ccmprlfiug the moat beao-tift- il

aod itylea,

Will" be Sacrificed for Cash.The ladiet wtll do well to call at once and fecure the

rreateat and mod dsirale BARGAINS of the season.(JKIUJAItT Oc CANNON,

r7 Ponrtti t., oppo-i- te Motart Hall.

33randies & Crawford,ren.ovd to the new Waretaonae on tlienkVTi comer si Main and Flnrt street.

WerfMnay th bhek1: rcarket prlae for all kinds of

"rttit at cur .tore or at any good ihl;plnfiiotnt on the O 0 rlvar. .

--.j df PTtArrpI3 CRAWTORD.

Mutual Life Insurance,npiiR NHW ITNflJl.ANO MFTrAfj 1. 1KB IN- -1 si'UAN:H COMPANY, No. af State street, Boe-to-

iufores H on tbe nn.tual prlnctpte.Nrtt AccuninlatiOD I ,50,t00, and in-

creasing, for tha benefit of luenibers, present and fu-

ture tite whole sAfely aud advantageously lnvepted.The biwlneB conducted eEclusiveiy for the benefit ot

tho ptreon in.iun--The great.-r- rt riik taHen on a life i 1 5,000.Surplus dlitrlbuted among the members every fifth

year, from December 1, lH4.a settled In cah or by addi-tion to policy.

FrwmiDtos may bo patd qoarterly orwhere and amount not too small.

Fonuf of application and pamphlet of the Companyand it. reports tc bo bad of its agtmtt or at the orP.ce ofthe Company, or forwarded by mail, if wrtttcu forpo.t-p-

mRE0T0P9lM&r-ha- ll P. Wilder, Tftppao.Cbarlep P. Curt!-- , Williani H. Reynolds,luotiias A.DextfT, Gorpe 1L Flger,Charles Hubbard, A. W, Thaxtr,Francis C. LowelL Jimee Stiurgip.

Wll.LARD PHILLIPS, PreeldeotpicnjAMif F. Stcvitm, Secretary.VV. W. MtitUAND, M. D., Coneultlng Physician.

;:c1H dlv

POWDEROF ALL qnalltlee eomtantly on hand an4 for Be le bp

DAVIS a dPD, Agentafor the Manufacturer!.

LomrvTLLi. Sept. L HPKwsia. Dt ft Bfrd, Agent of Oriental Powder

Co.. Lo."viiHr(jit Wo have bowi olng your Hlapti"g Powdnr andwe taie pleasuro In stating that we find It equal If notsuperior to any Powder that wf have ever npM.

ARTHCR CAMPHPLUBaperiutendfaDt for Smith A Huij ser.

I eor5ia"lr eoneur In the above and oheerfnlly reeoto-m)D- d

tt to ihe public. J. D. 8A1ITILI couplder the above Powder superior to any we have

ever bttn iM to obtaiu, U. F09KIT.We take pleasure io reeonrnepding your Indan Orien-

tal KitlH Puwrior hs egoal if not puperior to any ire haveevsr ni, it being vory leanlv and ntrcug. This we

MBit ft tor a Vhorouth blftt. Kep:ictfu!ll vonrs.GRtWri W. WOMACK,J. I'&Y IaAWH .NCM,

. P. UROWnE.i,H 4. KNPAS f till,SAcnAJt y uiaTlos.

AUCTION SALES,c a. ma7 . . n,7

0. tl. SlfOr? (k CO,W?TfONFFS3 AMOC'MMin"ION f RRCHANT1iwnwf of rer.ic sj1 Wal tf.if 1 i'iv Hie, Ky.

tV Cah tdvji!:cw aiafls cn cioi C3nrgui to ua tany nnio-int-

W aTi at ni ! rMr to r.ttanA1 i eR al Fstat aitsl.s.i' or ('oriiablr,"i HrnwkolFuniitiiTO. ae. cz Term !Mtfvr'orv v"1


MCLITau AM) CIVILIAN'S CAP, forfSRTieuV b ; arid cn''1 vi'a waar, for Bate atfev- - very v pricm i&r r "h at.

PK.V1UKR & SMITH'S,dls jab as Mtl'i .

rrR9: rtrnsu puks:::f1y-iliiu'- By 6 i'.Iv C;spw Viciorinei;

Oo i'0 do;d d j do;dj d 1 do:Co Co d );d d ;

IO d-

e lartln dtMink do

Fitch ;dai acd tight co!oreoHmo SableConvMutfj and Cuffp of evpry wuh E 1sk FurtjOMare. gwt-Q- f D.iwn, and t"ir 'irliuujl.ie ; ail cfwoico. we are oderiLg wry inw o 'h.

PRATI1KR SMITH,d1 lS-- 4? Mr.in et . Foorth and Fifth

ITAX'3' HAT3!!Cent's FU Ht-- ;0f rd t.uew 6ik) 'Jo:btiif dj;I)r-;- r Mftskia u ;

;ai'iaio'e d"Days' list of evPiy drlption:

All for sale very cheap fT c:'. h n,ihA'i HI R A e'!TTrr,

MARTKCIllIBIUl!!!,804 JPoX3?tl t.y

Have in ftoro one of t!n fart of

Staple and Domestic GoodsTo be la the city, oouipriciiig la part






mtm ef he em.Courts'-tL- tept ou baud sX moderate pclca',

a; tide--,

Swords mid Sabres,FOR ALL GRADES,


Oflicers'Pistols, Belt?, Sashes,Passants, Shouldev-Strap- a,


Naowf t),fien and Kniiaauti or any iuscriptiondertiil et- bed n Swori-b!ao-

No Sword n IU sold wiOiout Uaviu; pisaed a saverstrial.

ALSOAn entirely new and mt'u! article of

OFFICERS' A'yiriON BOX,Slncvnlcd rjui U i '' I'wre a Paicnt bv

J. J. lilPoCilLlUL.CooKalnlng ap'rito ani nfa parti 'ion for Pwder-f- l

ie', had. Cat-f- Cat tridgc-d- , 01 ouudrioe, &i;rcw driver.rul wr' C'i.Tni? artic'.r, a" it f very ro'at anl can be vnm on the

ooinnnin 'etiirauoo feit or snu .uei-i:- wiudesirab.t ohjeet lor th cfuriin.

At J. J. ELI30aETJZII-'- 3jiAVi-LK- rlK.t B,

No U'V.l va It Bide Malu at , cue dor above Third,dm I - b



Clieap Laco Store.VALriNG LACE ;REL Co do o aiul Fleevi;-- ,

Do do do ili II i.dkorc!ueff ;

Iw Itruas?!." L.ce i,Mars aod Cuff--

Hlievtif a Ia osrtir-'l-

Ulack t'oIHn luu' paLiitfii CftDiS" ir M iiru!oi llandki-itbiefa- .

A'a j a iu.U lot 01 Pluai F utiu Iroue ( io market

duist rettivc-- 3 aud fr a!e --.t my octal prices lorClJAUl.L-- t t H,Ui IIFL'Sr,

d i ( N11. s s Finrlh (Md S". VH).

Walker's Exchange,THIRD ST., UKTWfcKN MAIS AND SlJiKET.


BAY EHLti OVSTESRecoivod every morning.

OUnTJSE DCOlT. QL'AIL. WOODC'JCK,QCIKRKL. FlSH. and ai' o'lmr ;.ixuriB0t the n

teccivf lde.l'v and perv-- in ntyl.- - to f.ult ad.( ) ir Har t" t upp'Ud with tlie vr" choicetjt brand" of

Wbieti, Ligu-ra- Cigars, E ig lnh aud American Aleeand Forterj.


rtlu1h P"on-i- -t or.


Fifth ftrect, tetwetn Man aid Mrtet,

RKCF.IVF.D A LOT OF WINTER ALE.JUST celebrated ruanu 'acUucr, J. W. UAP.RIS, Di.?'ton. V)hio.

I have been appointed aent for L'Hii?vi'.le 3 thhove Ale, and I will kv a lar' t .. !aie cob

Btartiyou hand, lu haiTolp, hai ibr.ts, k(;s, andbottles.

Call and try the Dayton Ae t fbn 3T .haKLJSSo;'i-:- ". KI'fTK.h .VrnK tfor.



FOB PRIVATES.All the above, aud tvarythlng t a at and

line, on baud and made to orlerOHAIf,

sfAb 4'orftfT Poiinh nnd ffn-l- am.


Tr ft Tit? 7


VOGT & KLINK,ja&cafactarors, - - - 2 4 Tbixd

Respectfully offer for tnpoctiof a id sale a Iartaad spitudi'3 sui ttueut of

5" 33 Ur X3 jLm XL "E',jf superior wcrkmajifbtn and f&iblO!iabl) tj'lea, Dtauiond, Coral, (.isrb.trete, arl, Ar. art I rie "ealljgood, 8ne end and everytl Ir.g heionriiig toonr line, of iarport, New York tabria atlour own mke.

Having boen instrneVfl by conflgnon toCLOiW OUTand sell at any rate rarner than rtiturn aid, owing to the hard timer, deBtroti to

LKV NO CASH OLKTOMV.R r.()On tbe score of prices, we invito o.tr t lands Aifi 4b

to call arid exatniite our Btock, aud rei iauiwjfabric www aud wiahes will aud shallat VOGT A KLINK'S,

A9 A 1j4 i'hirfl lrPt,


COAL! COAXOf tbe best quality aod at the lowest prices, for

CRITTKNDBN - OAVTP,Wei tide of Third street,

tnar4)t Ivf-i- Mtn anil

BOOKS.fAA DOZEN GOOD COOMRY KNIT SOCKB fortUV sale cheap forcah hy

llL'OH A PARK HILL,l 'or if S't'h XllOllIn K

ItINB- -casks Madeira Wtne;

25 do Port do;t6 bblp Malaga do;

In store aud (or sale byM A rtfTTT .a.T.T fTAT.P.WRT CO.


pipes Cognac Brand:4 do A- - iUniette

1(1 y. p'pea Otard. Dupuy, A Co. Brandy;2 bbli Ntfw York do;

In store and for sale by:3HT,L TMCRKRT rr.

CRAB ( lDKR-Sdbb- Ui Crab Cid r reciivd thU dayfor a.ie bv

nH W. A FT RTiRKtt fim' 41? M- -t

A NO SIRUPBCHKWHKAT Ptnnp van! .. Biifkv.'hf'ftt Tlour;Also a ?u- ply of ttfewartV New Yvi'k Smip;

On haul and for iale byn il TVlPttTTT qriN.

AN!LK- -) brtxes SI .cCaiidlen tn torei and forC sale by GAULVJctt & CO,
