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Lourens Badenhorst - Personal Magnetics [Sample]

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PERSONAL MAGNETICS LOURENS BADENHORST A Practical Guide To Attracting Wealth, Fame, Power & Happiness
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A Practical Guide To Attracting Wealth, Fame, Power & Happiness

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For Yuka, my Mother & Father, and everyone else who was affected by my prior ignorance of the Law.

A very special thank you goes out to Dr. Rick Collingwood who saw potential in my work and ideas and in-spired me beyond measure to keep searching.

Kobus, Monni, Alyse... I wouldn’t have come this far without you.



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2014 © This Edition : Lourens Badenhorst

Any reproduction or adaptation is strictly prohibited without written consent of the creator.



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Introduction v

Chapter 1: The Force 9

Chapter 2: The Magnetic Individual 11

Chapter 3: The Nonmagnetic Individual 17

Chapter 4: Instructions 21

Chapter 5: The Tremendous Force Of The Desire For Approbation 28

Chapter 6: Transmuting Undesirable Situations 31

Chapter 7: Charging Your Battery 33

Chapter 8: How Long Before I See Results? 35

Chapter 9: The Study Of It’s Effect 39

Chapter 10: Practical Application 41

Chapter 11: Direct Radiation Of Magnetic Influence 48

Chapter 12: Faith, Optional 52

Chapter 13: Book Title 54

Chapter 14: Methods Of Active Projection 56

Chapter 15: Conclusion 60



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A Practical Guide To Attracting Wealth, Fame, Power & Happiness


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“Attractiveness and magnetism of man's personality is the result of his inner radiance.”

-Yajurveda Scriptures

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Personal Magnetism is that quality in an individual which attracts to them interest, confidence, admiration, friendship and the love of all humanity.

It’s almost as if they can adapt themselves to any situation, any person so that it seems that they match whatever they interact with to assist their development from where they stand.

This course has been designed to teach you a working model of Personal Magnetism, and to impart the secrets of understanding to you, the reader, in the simplest manner possible.

Whether you are in a position of influence, seeking to influence others, these techniques are incredibly powerful for cultivating charisma, confidence and self-control.

This is not a discourse proving the existence of Personal Magnetism since everyone already is very familiar with the idea. The shift happens when we reconnect to this ancient practice and use it to our immediate personal advantage.

Instead, practical instruction will trump over theory since the best proof is that of tested personal experience, is it not?

In practice you will learn what makes an average person attain godlike abilities.

Note that just like the many narrow minded individuals who have come to me in hopes of learning how to use this force to subdue others for shallow gain, I will say to you the same as I do to them.

This power is by no means the special and peculiar possession of some divinely gifted individuals. 

Everyone can cultivate it.



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It’s inside of you and it only needs vigorous stirring up to awaken it. There are some, who due to circumstance, are born great, others become so by certain unforeseen circumstances, and then there is the group who through conscious and intelligent effort make this power their own.

It’s quite known that the most common wish for men & women is the wish to attract others, because for them this means power, wealth, success, social prestige, popularity, satisfaction & love.

This is a good and noble wish. Let’s just make that clear!

It is not debasing or sinister in any way to aspire to influence. It is not an evil ambition to desire wealth because wealth itself is only but a means of increasing one’s usefulness in the world.

Think about it, you can do a lot more for the world when you are doing well!

Think back to when you were young, and the people you were taught to look up to. Were they very Magnetic Individuals? Were you encouraged to follow their example? They were fascinating to those older than you.

They spoke of them with respect, and wished that you follow in their footsteps and reach the heights and goals they have achieved.

Were they wrong to exalt their characters?

Certainly not.

The great minds of our time must forever be seen as beacons in our journey through life, and a brief analysis of the great individuals both living and long gone will reveal the secret of their success.


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If my simple language offend the ultra-scientific, I would kindly ask that they temporarily suspend judgment until after they have integrated the instruction aspect of this work and noted the effect of applying these teachings in their everyday lives.

I speak in common terms that are easy to assimilate to the average person who are interested in bettering themselves and their condition; irrespective of their status, education or creed.

The Battery

Perhaps you may have never thought of yourself as a sort of electrical storage battery, constantly either collecting or discharging force; constantly sending out currents of repulsion and attraction.

Sometimes you do this consciously, like when you are trying to impress your friends.

Sometimes you do this unconsciously, as when you make either an agreeable or disagreeable impression upon someone you have not even noticed, save maybe for a look.




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You are constantly and continually acting and being acted upon by others, whether you like it or not.

We are swimming in a sea of each other’s energies.

This is your first fact.

The Presence Of Mental Currents

Now, we are starting to paint a picture of where there is a Force evidently at work.

Is it the Force of Thought?

No. Because it manifests itself without Thought on your part. It may be, and is, added to Thought. To a large degree the power stems from the vast supply located in the subconscious mind.

Is it Electricity? Electricity is only a name for an unknown Force.

What is it?

It is called Magnetism, because we do not know what else to call it.

It may well be called a mental current, very much like an electric current in many ways. It is a Force which we can learn to employ, learn to govern, as we have learned to govern Electricity without understanding what it’s made of.

It is a mystery in its source; let us simply accept it as we do the mystery of Life itself, and pass on to the use of the Force.


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First, lets look critically at the operation of Personal Magnetism through the people around us, noting essential differences between them and the effects of certain attributes of their personality.

10 Characteristics Of The Magnetic Individual

We all know this type of person, whether they are woman or man. Both have an equal potential to be magnetic and influential, and for the sake of argument I will refer to both as a ‘Magnetic Individual’.




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Now, let’s have a look at some of the typical traits of the Magnetic Individual:

1. They Have A Deep Sense Of Rest

When you are in the presence of the consciously Magnetic Individual, the first effect they have on you is one of rest.

They are not nervous nor are they fidgety.

Following this observation, you will recognize a reserve strength within them, you cannot place it nor can you localize it.

It’s not exactly in the way they look at you, their manner, their speech or in their actions.

However, you know its there and that it is a part of them. It is undeniable.

And here’s the interesting part, part of that strength that you possessed in recognizing theirs, went to them because of the strength of attraction they displayed. More on this in later chap-ters.

2. A Peculiar Way Of Looking At You

Let’s look more closely at the Magnetic Individual so that we may obtain the secret to the fasci-nation they exercise upon you.

First, watch their look. Their eyes hold you, but they are not staring at you.

They are not looking at one or the other of your eyes, but looking right between them at the root of your nose. Their glance seems to go through intentionally with a penetrating gaze, but there is nothing offensive or intrusive about it.

You have a strong sense that they are not, nor want to be impertinent or forceful.

Pay careful attention to the fact that they do not look at you so that when you are speaking, they wait (as if receiving your message) and then takes their turn to send theirs to you.

When they speak they look at you in an intentional, masterful, self disciplined yet kindly way.


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Being powerful in their manner, they are not self-assertive or argumentative, for that matter.

3. They Are Always Polite.

They listen to you politely yet you get the impression that there is an inflexible will beneath that calm exterior; you sense the power in them.

They are the kind of person who is to be obeyed, not because of fear, but because of a deep respect for their self-discipline, compassion and detachment from trivial matters.

It is almost as if you are somehow inspired to attain that same state of clarity & self-control.

The impression they leave on you is that there is no hurry, because they are confident that they will get whatever they put their mind on attaining.

This accounts for their calmness, their security.

Knowledge truly is power, and they know that they rest their case on the Law Of Cause & Effect.

4. The Weak Grow Weaker And The Strong Grow Stronger.

Indeed it is Law that the Positive must and shall be acted upon by the Negative; so that the Negative shall feel and admit the power of Conscious Strength.

They shall always surrender something of their own magnetism to the stronger force. This is simple physics. The stronger signal always entrains the weaker.

The old saying “And from him that hath not, shall be taken away even that which he hath!” bears much fruit.

5. The Magnetic Individual Preserves Their Knowledge.

Let’s dissect this statement.


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Do they give away all their information to you?

Do they impart their secrets freely?

If they do, they ensure that it is just enough to create an interest, as well as to be careful to not divulge information unsuitable for the unripe mind. This is done without making looking them vain or self assertive in any way.

Their level of self-restraint is truly remarkable.

6. They Are Not Eager

The keyword here is that they are not eager. They make you feel that if they chose to do so, they can indeed say much. This definitely tickles your curiosity a little.

However, they do not impress you as trying to purposely mystify you.

Not at all!

They’re eye is too frank for that.

If you only get to know them, you will find they will never bother laying some kind of conversational trap for you to extort your admiration, for they have better things to spend their energy on.

When they were in their early days, as you are now, in mastering their Personal Magnetism, they would have enjoyed the increase in admiration among their associates but quickly out-grow this feeble form of flattery.

They understand that the work is never done, that self-mastery is an ongoing process; their egos are kept in check with this knowledge.

7. They Work According To Fixed Laws.

When they attracted to themselves popularity, influence, wealth or success, they accepted these and took them as their right.


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This was done as a pure echo of the Law of Cause & Effect, and did so foreknowing their right to do so.

They bring wealth to them the same way as they did popularity, by being in control of them-selves. They govern themselves by Magnetism, they attracted people, wealth and success because they wanted to.

8. You Like Them.

We are going too fast here already, but it is worth mentioning at this time that it is because of the impression left upon you that you found such a liking to them.

It’s because you wish to see more of them because you feel they are in sympathetic touch win you in some mysterious way which you cannot define. It just felt so good to be in communion with such a pleasant yet powerful aura.

In a way you have “taken” to them, in much the same way nurses say of their babies, and the influence remains even after you have departed.

It’s also important to note the meaning of the word ‘inspired’. The Latin etymology states that it means ‘to breathe life into’ another, functioning like a ‘jump-start’ to your battery of Magnetic Force.

Note all of this is an unconscious process, a matter of which we shall elaborate in greater detail of it’s physiology and structure in later chapters.

9. They Repurpose Your Unused Force

There is no malicious intent with this, save for the notion that one man’s waste is another man’s treasure.

Think back to times when you were in the presence of a Magnetic Individual, was it not you who sought to please, tell them what you know or were you not the one who gave?


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You got it! You were the one who gave, and they received. Not because of their intent of acquiring through violation of free will, but because you felt impelled to do so out of sincere respect for their self-mastery.

If they willed it otherwise, them in their strength of conscious knowledge, and you in your weakness and unpreparedness, you’d have been compelled to receive from them whatever they chose to give of impulse, instruction or opinion.

If they had wished to do so, they could have swayed you like the wind sways the wheat in the field.

Why you may ask? Because it is the Law.

And they live and breathe by the Law while you do not.

Note that they did not wish it at the time because they merely permitted themselves to make a pleasant impression on you, and they did.

They know their power and, taking little Magnetism from you, they left, like a bee takes honey from the flower and goes about their way.

Can you see now how important it is to start cultivating this Force within yourself ?

10. Personal Power Instead Of Power Over Others

They are in deep communion with the ethics of these Laws and their application, they never use them for selfish ends nor to violate the free will of another. Such would cause an equal force of the Law so that like begets like. And as you reap, so you shall sow.

They understand full well that having potent Personal Magnetism does not mean you are superior to others. They are kind and compassionate in their efforts to assist others in attaining that state but are weary of those who strain their Vital Force.

They know that true knowledge is neutral, and it is the level of integrity of the student dictates the application of the Law.


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Do you know someone who is nonmagnetic?

It might be a good exercise to lay them in contrast next to the strong personality we just spoke of before.

4 Characteristics Of The Nonmagnetic Individual

They irritate you, especially if you are already peevish; in which case they intensify the irrita-tion.

The same goes for when you are feeling down, they deepen your gloom. If you are feeling happy, they come across as something of a drag.




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Is it becoming clear to you now how they are a weight, drawn to you to lift them?

They are asking for sympathy, they go on about being misunderstood, taken advantage of with many grievances against fate or some person.

There’s always something or someone to blame for these kinds of people.

You might even have been this person at one time or another, keep in mind that while it is all right and natural to experience these states, they are to be avoided and worked out as soon as possible to ensure your own sense of self-control remains.

Here are some common traits of the nonmagnetic Individual:

1. They Are Faultfinders

They are discontent and complain frequently while enjoying telling you their secrets sharing their troubles with you.

Being creatures of impulse, without reserve & calmness, judgement, poise and even lacking attractiveness.

It’s very easy to connect to them based on their obsessive love of self, easy to pamper but still, it’s vital you disconnect from these people and to clear them from your mind.

2. They Depress

You are glad when they are gone.

They were drawn to you like a moth to a lightbulb because you were ignorant in the manner of safeguarding yourself against their influence.

If you just knew, you could not only have saved yourself losing vital personal magnetism, but you might have drawn something from their weakness instead.


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3. They Admit Failure All Too Frequently

Look at the other side of the coin.

Here is your nonmagnetic Individual a failure, by their own confession, though they do not know it perhaps.

They come across as weak, always complaining, inviting failure by their attitude of mind. They squander their thought power on shallow and superficial ends, wasting energy. Such an individual is doomed to failure by the Law of Cause & Effect.

"Don't air your grievances. Seek not sympathy or flattery. Recognize the force in every desire and make that force your own"

4. Life’s Victim Instead Of Life’s Champion

Being ignorant of the Law Of Cause & Effect, they regularly state that life seems to ‘happen’ to them.

No matter what the reported issue, they are forever fixed on the problem instead of the solution, giving credence to the fact that the strong become stronger, and the weak just keep getting weaker.

Until they make the intentional quest to discover the hidden causes behind their calamity, they will forever be a ship lost at sea.

So, what is the reason of their lack of attractiveness?

It is as simple as A, B, C.

They are dependent, negative and have grievances about nearly everything!


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Can you fancy the Magnetic Individual of whom we have just spoken as an individual with a grievance?

Can you picture it?

No! It is absurd!

The Magnetic Individual is a self-contained & self-directed power because they have subdued their circumstances, because they have held an attitude of mind which governs circumstances, which controls their environment.

Can you imagine the Magnetic Individual we just discussed in the chapter before as one with a grievance?

If they ever do, certainly not for long.

And certainly not noticeable.


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