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Love is Blind: The Therapist Said So

Date post: 05-Dec-2014
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Welcome back to my Knight in Shining Armour Challenge! Last time, a wedding took place. But it wasn't the wedding of our damsel in distress, Annabelle, it was her step-brother Arnold's wedding to his sweetheart, Charlie. But Annabelle did meet a potential knight, in the form of Kennedy Grove, a fitness hobby instructor, who had shown up to welcome Charlie to his secret gym and stayed for the wedding party. Anyway. On with the show.
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Welcome back to my Knight in Shining Armour Challenge!

Last time, a wedding took place. But it wasn't the wedding of our damsel in distress, Annabelle, it was her step-brother Arnold's wedding to his sweetheart, Charlie. But Annabelle did meet a potential knight, in the form of Kennedy Grove, a fitness hobby instructor, who had shown up to welcome Charlie to his secret gym and stayed for the wedding party.

Anyway. On with the show.

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Charlotte charming, was in a bad mood. Her son was married, and thus she no longer had him to herself.

So Charlotte took her rage out on the nearest person. Arnold's new spouse, Charlie Tang-Charming.

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“Oh, I'm sorry? Did I insult your death-nose?”

“I happen to like my death nose, Charlotte!!”

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“Of course you pretend to. It makes you feel better.”

Charlie glared at Charlotte, grumpily. “You're lucky you're Arnold's mother, or I would get the run with scissors playset in an instant.”

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Of course, as dawn arrived, another big day was about to begin.

“Charlie! Our baby will be dropped off in a few hours! Aren't you excited?” Arnold grinned.

“I know I'm not,” Charlotte interrupted, “I'm way too evil to be a grandmother.”

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But regardless of whether Charlotte was happy about it or not, the baby was going to arrive.

Hmm. I should really move those flowers out of the road.

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“Hooray! I have two daddies, an evil grandmother and a prisoner in my tower!”

Meet Esther Charming. She actually looks a little bit like Arnold.

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“Woohoo! Smustle time!”

I like this kid. She's going to fit right in.

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“Ahoy there! Welcome aboard!”

But this challenge isn't all about the adorable couple living downstairs. Time to check in on Annabelle.

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“Can I hear children laughing?” Annabelle asked, “Great llama gods, they've adopted! But I'm the family sim!”

Yeah. She still spends her days in her pyjamas, studying cooking.

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Eventually though, something interesting did happen. Kennedy Grove, who is somehow mysteriously friends with Arnold, got invited over for the “New Child Party!”.

Of course, Annabelle wasn't invited to the party.

“You always wear pyjamas.” Kennedy noted.

“Dude, I live alone in a tower, why would I bother wearing fancy clothes?” Annabelle grinned, “How did you get in here, anyway?”

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“Um, for some reason, your door has been unlocked since last night. Quite possibly a mistake. I wandered in to talk to you, and it suddenly locked. Weird right?”

I really did manage to unlock Annabelle's door without realising it. But it's locked now, with her maybe-knight inside.

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“You mean I could have got out of the tower this whole time?”

“Um...yeah. Not anymore. We're locked in.”

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And then...well. Banned4lyfe.

“Convinced I'm a girl yet?”

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Well, regardless of whether or not they were locked in, Annabelle and Kennedy began showing signs that they were getting along really, really well.

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“One day, you'll rescue me from this tower, right? I mean, I could rescue myself, but eh. I'm feeling lazy.”

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“After the wedding,” Kennedy said, before considering, “and our first child.”

“Okay, but one of us has to give up our baseball cap. There is no room for two hats in this relationship.”

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And so the flirting continued.

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Meanwhile, downstairs, Charlotte's rage continued.

“I can't believe you made me become an evil grandma!”

“You chose to be evil!”

“But you chose the grandmother part!”

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“Arnold! You're a bloody pleasure sim! You're supposed to be having fun, not making me feel old!”

“It doesn't matter to you, it's what I want!”

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While Arnold and Charlotte continued to argue, Charlie watched his daughter smustle.

Until she heard the argument, of course.

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After that, Esther ran outside and started sobbing.

Things are beginning to fall apart downstairs.

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Arnold then decided to have the first breakdown of the challenge.

“Hahaha, mother doesn't love me!”

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Hmm. Who knew arguing with your evil mother meant you would have a breakdown?

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But it's okay. Arnold is in safe hands.

Safe hands owned by a therapist with a large nose and peculiar moustache.

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Upstairs, Annabelle and Kennedy decide to ignore the angry yells and therapeutic sounds by serenading instead.

“Isn't the man suppose to sing to the woman?” Kennedy asked, confused.

“I am the man in this relationship, right?” Annabelle laughed.

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“Will you move in with me?” Annabelle asked, standing up. “The tower is big enough for us both.”

“Of course!”

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After that, Kennedy removed his hat, to reveal long golden locks. He's' the damsel, and she is the knight, clearly.

“We will get out of here, I promise.”

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Downstairs, it turns out Charlie works in a restaurant.

The hot dog look suits him

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“If you can cook, why are we eating TV dinners?”

“I'm tired and you're insane, the therapist said so.”

“Not insane enough to notice we only ever seem to eat TV dinners.”

It is true, actually. TV dinners for all.

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And here is where I leave you! With the therapist!

Join me next time for secret weddings, secret babies, and secret skilling for cooking points!

Thanks for reading!
