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LOVE - TRUTH IN ACTION … and His love is brought to full expression in us.” 1 John 4:12
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”… and His love is brought to full expression in us.” 1 John 4:12

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Week 1 - Love: By This We Know

Week 2 - Love: Serving, Courage and Submission

Week 3 - Love: Proof Of Life

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Week 3 - Love: Proof of LifeWhatobstaclesmaybepreventingmefrombeingafullydevoted


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John’s Key Takeaway Points • Walking in the light purifies (1 John 1:7)

• What is my clean-up routine?

• Obedience aligns (1 John 2:3-6)• Am I doing what God asks me to do?

• Love provides evidence (1 John 3:16-18)• Is love evident in my life?

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Love: Proof of LifeObstacles-• Listeningtothewrongvoices• FollowingbadleadersRootCause:Lackofspiritualmaturity

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1 John 4:1-5

Dearfriends,donotbelieveeveryonewhoclaimstospeakbytheSpirit.YoumusttestthemtoseeifthespirittheyhavecomesfromGod.Fortherearemanyfalseprophetsintheworld. 2 ThisishowweknowiftheyhavetheSpiritofGod:Ifapersonclaimingtobeaprophet acknowledgesthatJesusChristcameinarealbody,thatpersonhastheSpiritofGod.

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1 John 4:1-53 ButifsomeoneclaimstobeaprophetanddoesnotacknowledgethetruthaboutJesus,thatpersonisnotfromGod.SuchapersonhasthespiritoftheAntichrist,whichyouheardiscomingintotheworldandindeedisalreadyhere.4ButyoubelongtoGod,mydearchildren.

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1 John 4:1-5

Youhavealreadywonavictoryoverthosepeople,becausetheSpiritwholivesinyouisgreaterthanthespiritwholivesintheworld. 5 Thosepeoplebelongtothisworld,sotheyspeakfromtheworld’sviewpoint,andtheworldlistenstothem.

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Love: Proof of LifeAbsorbingbaddoctrinewillrobusoftheabilitytoloveothersandbecometruedisciplesofJesusChrist

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Isaythisbecausemanydeceivershavegoneoutintotheworld.TheydenythatJesusChristcameinarealbody.Suchapersonisadeceiver. IfanyonecomestoyourmeetinganddoesnotteachthetruthaboutChrist,don’tinvitethatpersonintoyourhomeorgiveanykindofencouragement. Anyonewhoencouragessuchpeoplebecomesapartnerintheirevilwork.

2 John 7,10,11 (Bad Doctrine)

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How can I recognize bad doctrine?1. Know truth. Test what you hear (1 Thess. 5:21)

2. Pay attention to the little signals that suggest the potential of false teaching • Excessive persuasion (Gal. 5:8)• Confusion (Gal. 5:10-11)• Emphasis on quasi-spiritual rituals –

“experiential Biblicism” (Gal. 5:12)

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Love: Proof of LifeFollowingbadleaderswillrobusoftheabilitytoloveothersandbecometruedisciplesofJesusChrist

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Diotrephes,wholovestobetheleader,refusestohaveanythingtodowithus. WhenIcome,Iwillreportsomeofthethingsheisdoingandtheevilaccusationsheismakingagainstus.Notonlydoesherefusetowelcomethetravelingteachers,healsotellsothersnottohelpthem.Andwhentheydohelp,heputsthemoutofthechurch.Dear friend,don’tletthisbadexampleinfluenceyou.

3 John 9-11 (Bad Leader)

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How can I recognize bad leadership?1. Power – not vulnerability

• “loves to be the leader” 2. Entitlement – not service

• “refuses to welcome” 3. Directives – not questions

• “tells others”• “puts them out of the church”

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- TheMessage(1John5:20-21)
