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Love your ene- mies and pray for those who perse- cute...

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905 Village Drive South Charleston WV 25309 (304) 768-4141 [email protected] www.rlpc.org February 19, 2017 Love your ene- mies and pray for those who perse- cute you... Matthew 5:44


905 Village Drive South Charleston

WV 25309 (304) 768-4141

[email protected] www.rlpc.org

February 19, 2017

Love your ene-mies and pray for those who perse-

cute you...

Matthew 5:44


A Nursery for birth through 3 year olds is provided. Large Print bulletins are available in the narthex for anyone who may need one. To add a name to the prayer list below, please call the church office (768-4141). Please pray for the following this week:

At Home: Reva Asbury, Anne Copper, Francis Shriver, Susie Straight

On Active Duty: Brett Baker Jeff Barker Brent Bishop Evan Chaney

Families of those who are serving

Our troops facing terrorist attacks

All those who have lost someone in the combat

All those who have been injured

(If you know of someone who should be added to our list of ac-tive duty military personnel, please contact the church office. )

Presbytery: Lakeview Presbyterian Church, Lakebottom; Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro; Giaichamwenge Church, Giakanja Parish

In Nursing/Personal Care Homes: Hubert Callison, The Pocahontas Center, Marlinton WV; Bob Estep & Jim Stoneking, Genesis Healthcare; Patsy Hackworth, Eastbrook Nursing Home; Jeri Whittington, Cedar Ridge Nursing Home; Mazie Pratt & Cliff Asbury, Kanawha Place

Joys: The nursery being remodeled The mild winter weather so far The Sunday’s Souper Bowl of Caring Our new church officers

Our Friends and Neighbors: Ben Argento Doni Argento Reva Asbury Blake Aldrich Mary Binning Caleb Burdette Bobbie Casdorph Mike and Karen Cash Steve Cash Emily Casto Bonnie Cheely Sue Childers Anne Copper Heather Crist Dave Cunningham Helen and Lester Davis Jeff Dent Ivonne Fenten Dan Ford Soo Foster Tom Grishaber Kaitlyn Hannan Adilynn Hardin Carroll Hutton Catherine Gilbert Johnston Kai Judd Kaya Cavan Kelly

Betty Lacy Carmalee Litteral Janell Newsome, her brother, mother and son Betty Oake’s cousin, JoAnne Jackie Pauley Victoria “Tori” Perry Ron Pretorius Billy Pretorius Stephanie Ranson Donna and G. W. Reeves Shirley Scarberry Jean Smith Keith Somerville Susie Straight Linda & Tom Sweeney Pam Settle Vaske William Wagner & his family Monica Watkins Erin Wetherington & family Dave Williams

Those who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces

All those who struggle physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially or in their relationships

Freedom & peace everywhere

Those taking care of the ill or in-jured

Peace in the middle East and Arab world

All our newly elected leaders

The plight of the Syrian and Iraqi refugees

The victims of the flooding in WV and the workers helping with the long term recovery

All those whose lives have been touched by unjust voilence in our valley, state, nation and world

All first responders, particularly police

Kay Rotz’s family on the occasion of her uncle’s death and his wife’s (Kay’s aunt) heart attack

RLPC’s 2017 budget & finances

Our ministry of nutrition bags for Bridgeview Elementary students


THE SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY 7th Sunday after Epiphany

February 19, 2017

* = All who are able are invited to stand Bold type invites reading or singing by the congregation Italic type invites silent reading by the congregation



PRELUDE “I Will Praise Him” arr. Harriet Molden

The Life of the Church (Announcements)

Rite of Welcome

If you have already greeted the people around you, please move from your seat and share the peace with people in other parts of the Sanctuary.

OPENING HYMN #157 “I Danced in the Morning” Verses 1, 2 – All sing

Verse 3 – Women; all sing refrain Verse 4 – Men; all sing refrain

Verse 5 – All sing

CALL TO WORSHIP From: 1 Corinthians 3:16, 23 God’s Spirit dwells in us, for we are God’s temple. We belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God. Praise the Lord! *HYMN #628 “Praise, I Will Praise You, Lord” Verse 1


CALL TO CONFESSION From: Leviticus 19:2


PRAYER OF CONFESSION From: Leviticus 19:1–2, 9–18 Holy God, your law shows the way of righteousness, but we forsake your commandments. We have not adequately provided for the poor or aided the disabled. We have not been truthful in our daily business; we have been unjust in our judgment of others. We have sought vengeance against our enemies; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. Forgive us our sins and rouse us to sincere repentance. By the power of your Holy Spirit, free us to live as your holy people with Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Moment for Silent Confession


*Responding with Song #628 “Praise, I Will Praise You, Lord” Verse 2


PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION From: 1 Corinthians 3:11

EPISTLE 1 Corinthians 3:10–11, 16–23 Pew Bible Pgs. 167-168 NT†

According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building on it. Each builder must choose with care how to build on it. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid; that foundation is Jesus Christ... Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. Do not deceive yourselves. If you think that you are wise in this age, you should become fools so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, ‘He catches the wise in their craftiness’, and again, ‘The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.’ So let no one boast about human leaders. For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all belong to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God. [NRSV]

GOSPEL Matthew 5:38-48 Pew Bible Page 5 NT†

‘You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But


I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you. ‘You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax-collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. [NRSV]

The Word of The Lord! Thanks be to God.

THE MORNING MESSAGE “A Different Perspective”


*HYMN #307 “God of Grace and God of Glory” Verses 1 & 2 ORDINATION AND INSTALLATION OF ELDERS

*HYMN #69 “I, the Lord of Sea and Sky” Verses 1 & 3 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE When you hear: Loving God, Please respond: hear our prayer.




HYMN #628 “Praise, I Will Praise You, Lord” Verse 3


Go in the name of Jesus to love friend and enemy, neighbor and stranger, the righteous and the lost! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!




The Christian “is striving with his whole heart to fulfill the will of God and lay hands upon that which God created him to receive. And what is that? It is

nothing else but a participation in the life and wisdom, and joy and peace of God himself. This is greater than any other gift, higher than any other power. It is

supreme freedom, the most perfect fulfillment." Thomas Merton, Successful Businessman and Monk

Other scripture passages that were used in the service or the bulletin: Leviticus 19:1–2, 9–18


What sort of “perfection” does Jesus intend when he says, “Be perfect, therefore, as your

heavenly Father is perfect”* (Matt. 5:48)? Paul asks, “Do you not know that you are God’s

temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” (1 Cor. 3:16). How does my life reflect this?

* Hint: The New Testament Greek word (teleios) translated as “perfect” in this

passage may also be legitimately translated as “merciful” (Luke 6:36) or “mature.”


Lord, as I begin this new day, give me understanding, that I may observe your law of

love.Lead me in the path of righteousness and teach me to delight in your way. Turn my heart to your word and help me forsake selfish gain.

Confirm your promise in my heart and lead me to eternal lifewith Christ my Lord. Amen.


Lord, I am not perfect. By your grace, let me receive your perfecting love

and know your commandments,not as an impossible achievement,

but as a life-giving promise, the hope of life eternal. Amen.


CHURCH NOTES TODAY WE WILL ORDAIN AND INSTALL ELDERS onto RLPC’s governing body, the Ses-sion. Margie Gumowski will be ordained as a Ruling Elder. She will join John Haynes, previous-ly ordained an Elder, both being installed in the Session Class of 2019. FOR THOSE OF YOU WISHING TO SUPPORT RLPC FINANCIALLY offering plates are in the rear of the sanctuary, by the doors. Please place your gifts, tithes and offerings in one of the plates either before or after the service. A prayer of dedication will be in included in the Prayers of the People. IF YOU ARE A VISITOR and wish to bless our congregation’s ministry financial-ly, please place your gift in one of the offering plates. We are very thankful for your support of RLPC’s mission. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Lent, the 40 day season (excluding Sundays) of preparation for Easter, begins on Wednesday, March 1. On that day our ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP EXPE-RIENCE is available from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Since it is self-directed activity, stop by RLPC any time during that period to worship and, if you choose, receive ashes. Drop by on your way home or after dinner. Start when you want and leave when you are finished.

OUR ANNUAL SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER is scheduled for February 28 at 6:00 p.m. Shrove Tuesday is the last day of freedom and self indulgence before the spiritual prep-aration for Easter. You could say Shrove Tuesday is sort of a one day, low impact, mainline Christian substitute for the week long celebration of self-indulgence held in the week just before Lent each year in New Orleans, Carnival. BRIDGEVIEW ITEMS OF THE WEEK: Poptarts, Yoohoo Chocolate Milk (non refrigerated), fruit cups, or applesauce. Please leave items in the fellowship hall, kitchen or sanctuary. Thanks! FOUND: A set of keys was found in the parlor a week ago. If you think the keys may be yours please contact the church office. LITURGIST VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR NEXT SUNDAY: Please sign up to be a Sunday liturgist. You will be blessed and assist Pastor Rick at the same time. NURSERY HELPERS scheduled for next week are Susan Kuhn and Amy Shriver. Please con-tact Michelle Broyles or the church office if you will not be available as scheduled. Thanks. PLEASE BE SURE to fill in the date when completing the Enrollment and Welcome card at the end of your pew. Thank you. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: Rock Lake Presbyterian Church and Rock Lake Community Life Center. LAST WEEK AT A GLANCE: February 12, 2017 Worship attendance: 37 Offering received last week $2,295.01 “Raise the Steeple Fund” received to date: $7,370.00

(Weekly offering includes pledged, non-pledged, loose, Sunday school, Extra Mile, circle, customer cards, facility rental and miscellaneous receipts.)


Thank you for joining us today. A restroom is located in the parlor across from the Sanctuary. It is handicap accessible.

Additional restrooms are located downstairs and near the nursery. A water fountain is available downstairs or cups of water are available in the parlor.

There are coloring books, coloring sheets, and crayons available in the narthex for children during services.

If your child leaves the sanctuary to sit in the parlor during a service, please have an adult accompany the child. Thank you.

Ministries Nursery - Scott & Susan Hamilton

Elder Greeters - James Straight, John Haynes Liturgist - Kay Rotz

Ministers - Every Member of Our Congregation Pastor - Richard W. McGuire (Cell: 304-533-6008)

Organist - Pam Ferrell Music Director - Marilyn Padon

Administrative Secretary - Kim Hannan Missionaries - Dr. Leslie and Cynthia Morgan from Bangladesh and

Frank and Nancy Dimmock from Africa New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989,

Division of Christian Education of the National Council Of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.

Used by permission. All rights reserved. †OT - Old Testament, †NT - New Testament

Portions of this order of worship are reprinted by permission of Westminster John Knox Press from Feasting on the Word Worship Companion. Copyright 2013.


One blan- ket...It can be a tent, a suitcase, a sling or a much-needed source of warmth and comfort. With a CWS blanket, you will stand with neighbors in need as they face their darkest hours following a disaster or in the face of extreme pov-


On Sunday, March 5th a Blanket Offering will be received to support the Church World Service’s distribution of blankets.

$10 will buy one blanket. To donate, use a blue pew envelope and write in “Blankets.”

LENT 2017


Join us in making a commitment to-ward peace and balance this Easter Season! Sunday school programs for all ages with complimentary breakfast will be offered each Sunday morning of

the Lenten season prior to worship (March 5th through April 16th Easter Sunday).

We need your help to get the word out to our community!

The Easter Season is upon us! Please make a commitment to joining our church family as we experience the Lenten journey together and encourage

others to do the same. Who have you not seen in church lately? What friends, family or neighbors have been on your mind?

Invite them to take the walk of peace with you.



Sunday, February 19, 2017 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Monday 10:30 a.m. Searchers Parlor 1:30 p.m. AA Meeting Parlor 6:30 p.m. Session Meeting Parlor Tuesday 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Pastor in the office Wednesday 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Pastor in the office 1:00 p.m. CLC Committee Meeting CLC Thursday 10:00 a.m. Handwork for Mission Parlor Friday 6:00 p.m. NA Parlor Sunday, February 26, 2017 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Adrian Empire CLC 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Youth Group and Dinner at First Presbyterian Church


