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Love+on+Purpose+Revolution Jeneth+Blackert

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p.1 Property of Moving Light Media, Inc. © Moving Light Media, Inc. 2011 Love On Purpose Revolution: Jeneth Blackert [Intro Music] Orna: Hi, I'm Orna Walters. Matthew: And I'm Matthew Walters. Orna: We are your hosts for the Love on Purpose Revolution. Matthew: And our goal is to bust the myth that love is supposed to happen by accident. Orna: We have brought together top experts to guide you to the process of creating love on purpose. Matthew: And tonight we are so thrilled to have Jeneth Blackert with us. Jeneth Blackert is the author of several books and programs including Seven Dragons: A Guide to a Limitless Mind, Simple Marketing and her upcoming transformational chick-lit novel. She has also co-authored three books including “How to Fierce Handle Fear,” with Donald Trump, “Align Expand Succeed,” with 20 woman authors and “Business Bushido,” with Steven Covey. Orna: Blackert is a founder of Jeneth LLC, a lifestyle training and coaching firm that supports client to live their best lives. With a background in corporate marketing blended with her intuition, Jeneth LLC has created several cutting edge systems that deepen their client's vision using innovative approaches and open communication. Matthew: Jeneth is also been on many well known television and radio shows worldwide including Martha Stewart Radio, NPR and Fox News and tonight she joins us on the Love on Purpose Revolution. Welcome Jeneth. Jeneth Blackert: Thanks so much for having me, it's an honor. Orna: We are just honored to have you and so delighted to have you share so many of these interesting tools and techniques that you really only share with your private clients. Could you let us know a little bit about your background, and why you decided to focus your attention on clarity? Jeneth: Yeah, well I was struck by God in 2005 and it was literally a life transforming moment, just one moment and yes I was leading in to that rock bottom, oh my God, I'm going head a fall here. But I didn't realize that I will be profoundly broken through. Basically, what happened was I was really on track for a really normal life, have two kids, middle class home, have a job, work your way up corporate America. I was at a computer hardware company making six figures, really rocking it and I had a really nice team underneath me. It's really a dream job for many others but it wasn't my purpose. It wasn't my path, and definitely wasn't my destiny and what was going on was I really
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Love On Purpose Revolution: Jeneth Blackert

[Intro Music]

Orna: Hi, I'm Orna Walters.

Matthew: And I'm Matthew Walters.

Orna: We are your hosts for the Love on Purpose Revolution.

Matthew: And our goal is to bust the myth that love is supposed to happen by accident.

Orna: We have brought together top experts to guide you to the process of creating love on purpose.

Matthew: And tonight we are so thrilled to have Jeneth Blackert with us. Jeneth Blackert is the author of several books and programs including Seven Dragons: A Guide to a Limitless Mind, Simple Marketing and her upcoming transformational chick-lit novel. She has also co-authored three books including “How to Fierce Handle Fear,” with Donald Trump, “Align Expand Succeed,” with 20 woman authors and “Business Bushido,” with Steven Covey.

Orna: Blackert is a founder of Jeneth LLC, a lifestyle training and coaching firm that supports client to live their best lives. With a background in corporate marketing blended with her intuition, Jeneth LLC has created several cutting edge systems that deepen their client's vision using innovative approaches and open communication.

Matthew: Jeneth is also been on many well known television and radio shows worldwide including Martha Stewart Radio, NPR and Fox News and tonight she joins us on the Love on Purpose Revolution. Welcome Jeneth.

Jeneth Blackert: Thanks so much for having me, it's an honor.

Orna: We are just honored to have you and so delighted to have you share so many of these interesting tools and techniques that you really only share with your private clients. Could you let us know a little bit about your background, and why you decided to focus your attention on clarity?

Jeneth: Yeah, well I was struck by God in 2005 and it was literally a life transforming moment, just one moment and yes I was leading in to that rock bottom, oh my God, I'm going head a fall here. But I didn't realize that I will be profoundly broken through. Basically, what happened was I was really on track for a really normal life, have two kids, middle class home, have a job, work your way up corporate America. I was at a computer hardware company making six figures, really rocking it and I had a really nice team underneath me. It's really a dream job for many others but it wasn't my purpose. It wasn't my path, and definitely wasn't my destiny and what was going on was I really

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started to hurt emotionally in my heart. I felt small. I felt boxed in and I just felt like I wasn't really being whole, especially I wasn't expressing myself. I wasn't allowing me, the true me in all my elite potential to really step to the forefront of my life and the forefront of who I should really be.

I didn't really know what to with it so I stayed working in this job and I stayed making decent money. It was all good until one moment, like a lightning bolt literally, I was hit by God. What happened was, it was a Wednesday afternoon, at about four or five o'clock in the evening and I had to pee so bad that literally, I thought, you know when you had this moments in a car ride or something and you had to pee so bad that you almost feel like you're going to explode ...


You're going to pee in your pants right there and then...

Orna: Yeah.

Jeneth: That was kind of the situation. That's the situation I was in. The reason that I was in my desk and hadn't peed just because I kept getting hit over the head with questions and people needing things, and trying to reach deadlines, and trying to get out of the decent hour by seven or eight that night. I was putting off peeing all dang day, ,and finally, I was like "I just got to go". I started walking and while I was walking, a colleague was following me and he asked me this really insignificant question and I wish I would have remembered the question, might or might not have made for a good story, but I don't remember the question, and right there and there, it was like I snapped. I snapped in or out of a hypnotic trance. I think that I snapped out of it.

I just started to be in my body and everything got a little more stronger and a little more sensitive. I finished doing my duty in the potty and I just start to walk out. I walked past that girl, she come to trail past me and waiting for an answer, and I felt like the fluorescent lights are draining me in. I walked down the flight of stairs and out to my brand new car and I dropped my head on the steering wheel.

You could feel these aromas mixing of new car smell with sweat and tears, and I just was crying there for a moment and I hear this words "Walk away." Like it was simple for me, like it would be simple for me to just walk away from this job and right then, I kind of disputed God [laughs] and said "What the...? [laughs] You know, I can't walk away. My God, how can I possibly walk away?”

You know you can't just walk away from a six-figure job. And then God kind of deliberately kicked me out. I tried to go back, [laughter] and then I had a computer crash and yada, yada, yada. Then I wrote a book, "Seven Dragons, a Guide to a Limitless Mind." It's sold on Amazon and it talks about a story, I had a TMer contact me at that time. And all these attractions started happening and I saw the synchronicity and I stopped questioning. "Maybe this is just a coincidence" and I really started living on purpose and really was ready to unleash myself and go out and create the life of my dreams.

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And that was basically where it all started. From that one "Oh my God this isn't working" and "Who am I?" And really this journey into Kensho technique and clarity and the Ayurveda and the Iching and even the studies of marketing and sales all of that has really been a journey into clarity and being real and honest and true with myself and really confronting myself and all of my dragons, and how to play with my dragons and how to heal my emotional dragons and let go of things and yada, yada, yada...

Matthew: It's such a great story and how often we don't pay attention to those messages and we end up staying stuck, and we end up getting ill or whatever it is. The price we pay when we don't pay attention and I was thinking it's so powerful to hear when somebody does pay attention.

Jeneth: Yeah

Matthew: You mention several times in the story about your dragons. Playing with your dragons, dealing with them.

Jeneth: Yeah, yeah.

Matthew: So tell us more about what you mean by "dragons", and how you work with them.

Jeneth: The dragons came in when I left corporate. I didn't know what I was, who I was going to be, what I wanted to do. But I did have this degree in nutrition from Virginia Tech and I had also studied Ayurveda and Iching, Ayurvedic medicine and healing, and with that I started to recruit some nutrition clients. I got to the point where I really marketed myself like crazy. I went to every single marketing meeting until I had 31 weekly clients which was crazy and insane at the same time. Although I loved talking about nutrition, I didn't love talking about it that much.

So one day, I guess I had about four or five calls early in the day, plus an early morning seven morning networking group and I was just exhausted. I had a break between calls, I guess maybe an hour or so. I might have had two. I thought, "What am I going to do with this time? I'm going to go take a bath." I dropped down in the tub and when I did, I saw this really clear image of one of my clients. It was almost like she was talking about a dragon, like a red demon dragon sitting on her shoulder and I started to kind of ask, "Well. What are these? What's a dragon?"

I started to download that we have these... I kind of have it in two places in my work these days, that there's the little dragon, which I actually make cute little cartoons, they're actually friendly dragons that we can retrain. They're not so much this evil go out and slay the dragon. It really is - the way that it was downloaded - that these are creatures... it's kind of a tangible way to put to our emotions. Right?

OK. We have this emotion. We have this emotion of distrust so how do I create, what would that look like? What would that dragon look like, so that it would be a separate entity that I could communicate with? In my nutrition practice I started to communicate to these dragons and through my clients I said, "OK. If this was a dragon, what would it

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look like? How would it act? What would it be doing? How would it be holding you? Touching you? How would you be seeing it? How would you be interacting with it?"

All these questions for this energy, so to speak. Instead of just talking about it as, "Well, you have this feeling of shame. How would you approach shame?" I started to give it characteristics. By giving it a visual characteristic I was finding that my clients were having really simple ways of transforming these dragons and they were transforming their emotional eating habits really easily.

Since then, which gosh, it's been six years now, I have been doing it for business clients and for clients that just come to me for Kensho and really awakening to oneness, and how can we use these dragons and transform these dragons so that you can really be the real you? Although some of them may still be there, you can manage your energy and your dragon's energy, so to speak.

Orna: I so love this idea of there's some dragons that you need to slay and move on, and then there's some you get to retrain, like in that really sweet movie "How to Train Your Dragon," right?

Jeneth: Yeah.

Orna: They evolve, too, the dragons in the movie, too. I love this idea, and making our emotions tangible. Because this is the Love on Purpose Revolution, can you share with us what is the common relationship dragons that you've seen that show up? How, and if you can help some of our listeners really maybe give a few tips on how to transform those relationship dragons?

Jeneth: Yeah, well I have this process that's called the Dream Matrix and it starts with really knowing your desires first, and making the decision, so "D" stands for your desire and decisions that you make. The first thing I would invite you to do is, whatever is going on in your life right now, really look at what is your desire on how you want to change that. Then, the "R" of course is our relationship connection and what I like to call real love. When I think of real love, I think of real truth and truth telling. One of the things that I like for my classes to start with when they're looking at deeper connection whether it's with themselves or with someone else, is to really look at well what if the truth and what's not the truth.

I have those little process like take everyone through so, it's made the "D" decision to choose the dragon that they want to train. Some of my clients come with "I'm not confident", that would be the dragon so, I've haven't given their name, kind of envision what the dragon would look like. Other people have "I'm withdrawing, I'm shy dragon".

Whatever the dragon is I have you first look at that and name that dragon, create that dragon. What would he look like or she? Where is she in your body? And really molding that dragon first, and then we have to accept that we created that dragon because we weren't necessarily born with shyness, but we created shyness.

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We have to completely and truly accept the dragon and accept it that it is in our lives and that we created it. This is a process of the Kensho dragon. The questions on truth that I invite everyone to ask, there's a set of six questions, some of them are a little elaborate, you can write it down. This is actually a part of the Kensho Technique, so to speak, it's a small part of it.

Some of the questions to look at when you're talking with a dragon, and I'll say them slowly so you can write it down. "Is this belief what I want to create?" Usually the answer is no. Not really. Do I want to perpetuate this? Right?

The second question is, "Is this aligned with my future path so if I continue this dragon of lack of confidence, do I want that in my future?" OK? Then, of course, "Is it for the greater good?" These are pretty simple but I think it's really important in each process for people to look at what really is the truth about this dragon?

Then there's a second set of questions that are a little different. So I ask, "Well, is this dragon true for all mankind?" That's when we started to look at what is the truth. In other words, if you're shy, does everyone have a shy dragon? Everyone for all mankind? The answer is usually, "No." What happens is perception starts to change just slightly. "So why would God make me have a shy dragon?" Then you realize that it really is something that you created and when that perception shifts then there is like this light that's opening.

Then I invite my participant to ask, "Well where do I feel this dragon existing in my body? Where is this dragon energy in my body?" and "Who are you without it? If we would just imagine for a moment that you were never shy, had no sense of shyness or lack of confidence or whatever the dragon is, what if you just drop it?"

These shifts and these questions provide an opening. From that opening, then, I really take them into Kensho which is based on the science of Ayurveda. In Ayurveda, it's kind of like there's this, I guess it's kind of like Meridian work for the acupuncturist. The points that I use aren't all Meridian points, but say it's in their solar plexus. Then we start to massage this point that's in the solar plexus that's a marma point.

Why I chose to do marmas is because of these five koshas. I go through the koshas, when we talk about, you know, in the Kensho technique, there's five sheaths. Basically, you know, we're not just a physical body, we know that we're also mind, body, spirit, heart, right? But what those sheaths are, that are defined in this language of Ayurveda is physical sheath, the breath sheath, the emotional sheath, the wisdom sheath, and then the bliss sheath. This marma work hits all of the sheaths, not just physical, not just emotional, but it hits that prana sheath, the wisdom sheath, and the bliss.

Often times when people are working with energy, releasing energy, you know, tapping on the meridians like EFT. I feel that often times that that doesn't cover all these different layers of our complex energy. I mean, we have this aura layer and we have all these different layers to who we are. That's why when I started using the marma work, which it's been about three and a half, four years now, you know, it's kind of come in my practices subtly.

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When I started doing that, I realized, "Oh my gosh. This is really working right away." It doesn't get everything, always, every single time, but it really, really works. I mean you can release anything in your fabric with this type of process, which this type of questioning. If you really want to open your perception then this is the work I found that works.

As you guys know I talked with what? Over 150 experts in personal development. You guys on the line are actually, I have a bonus that I'm sharing with my program called New Wealth and you're going to get access to a lot of that.

Matthew: Yeah. We'll talk more about that when we get into that part of the call. There's something I want to touch on which is what's really powerful about this idea of taking these emotions and giving them names and images like dragons and everything, because, you know in the work that Orna and I do, we work with the subconscious as well. We always say that the subconscious communicates through symbol, image, story, and metaphor. These dragons are such perfect symbols and images to represent the emotion for us. Also, these images exist within the body so it's fascinating to hear how we've come to sort of the same place in completely different directions.

Jeneth: I know. As you know I'm familiar with your work as well and I think that it's pretty interesting how it doesn't matter what method, so to speak, that you choose as long as the method works for you. This is the method that I found that I love. There's certain methods that I've never really aligned with but this is truly the one that I love. I guess that for me, I really also want to grow spiritually and not just... I don't care of it's just in my body, this was a way for me to feel as if I was growing more spiritually so that I would collective find that consciousness with the Universal mind, not just my own mind. That make sense?

Orna: Absolutely.

Jeneth: That crazy?

Orna: No. No. It's right on. It's actually completely not crazy. I was wondering if you would maybe, just for a little bit, we don't have to go through the whole process, but I think the reality is that so many of us are in pain and we're in pain because of our past experience. A lot of that past experience around relationship is filled with heartache and heartbreak. If I were to pinpoint what was my biggest dragon that I had to slay was this belief that I was unlovable. I actually wrote some posts, some blog posts around that I called Confessions of a Former Unlovable. Right. I was wondering if you would start so people know where to being. If I was your client and I was still stuck in this belief of feeling unlovable, can you walk me through those first couple questions again? Just to open that space?

Jeneth: Course. Yeah, absolutely. First I would want you to identify him, right? How would he look? How would he act toward you? Would he be vicious or would he just be present? How would that dragon respond to you on a regular basis, just doing your everyday thing. Would it just be a presence or...?

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Orna: I think for me I would really experience that dragon as quite vicious, really demeaning is the word that's coming to mind for me.

Jeneth: Right. It'd be attacking you or dueling you or doing anything that would cause you some kind of suffering.

Orna: For a long time I had this mocking inner voice. It would mock me. It didn't matter how I decided to behave, this voice inside mocked me.

Jeneth: OK. In that specific case, I would probably try to find some of the terminologies that you would have and change some of those. Maybe you would have a "you're not good enough" dragon, or "don't even think about it, you're not lovable" or whatever your word is. Do you know what your word is? What would be the word that it would mock you with?

Orna: It would mock my behavior. So, you know...

Jeneth: Can you give me an example?

Orna: Like I would tend to rerun conversations through my head and it didn't matter what, how I behave in that moment. It wasn't OK, so another word If it was my birthday party, I'm eleven years old and I'm opening my gifts then it's like "Oh, this so great, thank you." Then the voice inside say "Ah, this so great, thank you."

Jeneth: Fun, literally a mocking dragon.

Orna: Yeah, literally. I'm like a mean parrot.

Jeneth: Or a mean bigger brother or something like that.

Orna: Yeah.

Jeneth: OK. You might want to call yours like a dragon or whatever comes up.

Jeneth: So, yeah. How I like to look at it. For me, I use to have a, "Oh my God, I'm sad", you know. Like I wasn't sad at all but I would like I could pinch an inch kind of stuff. I would have, I would literally grab my tummy and be like "I'm sad", and I change that language and I change it with this process. That dragon became a saddy dragon and I literally follow that dragon like those big old fat dragon. Like you know it waddled, so with your mocking dragon... [laughter]

Jeneth: ...literally. So yeah, I think make it as crazy as you can make it. With your mocking dragon, maybe it's doing like a little thing like sticking its thumb in its ears and nanny nanny bobo. You can't touch me, you can't destroy me. You can't slay me, or whatever its thing right? OK. So you got a good image in your head.

Orna: Yeah, I actually have it like it's missing one of its front teeth so that's funny thing you know, right?

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Jeneth: Step one, just it's a nine step process. Before we even do the actual 10 show technique with the release, so I don't want to take too long on the call here, so what we've done is we've define her dragon. We've dissected the pattern. We know when it comes up so it's mocking like... And so, now I invite you Orna to say dragon, I truly accept you.

Orna: OK, dragon, I accept you.

Jeneth: OK, and I have created you.

Orna: Oh, and I have created you.

Jeneth: All right. Is this dragon what you want to continue creating in your life?

Orna: I don't know.

Jeneth: All right. Would you say is it aligned with your future path?

Orna: No.

Jeneth: All right. Is having your dragon a part of any reason it would be for the greater good of mankind and for yourself?

Orna: I can't see how that would sit.

Jeneth: All right. Does all mankind have a dragon?

Orna: I don't know. No, not everybody is going to have that, no.

Orna: Some people are. I think some people have a ...

Jeneth: You really thought that one through.

Orna: Yeah. I'm thinking all the questions really through, because you know I mean, in the sense I slayed the dragon a long time ago, so I'm mentally putting myself back in the place tonight.

Jeneth: Back there, I know.

Orna: You know, really as an example for people I wanted for them to have a feeling, I didn't want to spend a lot of time with it but how it implements the tool that you just gave them.

Jeneth: Yeah, that's great. So then, I would invite you, do you remember where in your body you felt that?

Orna: I want to say in my chest.

Jeneth: Yeah, how far are we thinking it would be, like a heaviness.

Orna: Yeah.

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Jeneth: Then who are you without that thought? Who are you without that heaviness?

Orna: Oh, I'm able to step into the light of who I am.

Jeneth: Right. So, can you imagine yourself in the light?

Orna: Yeah.

Jeneth: On a scale of 1 to 10, what would you say or just make it up the pain of this dragon is now, after we've gone through these questions.

Orna: I'm not sure I follow, so where am I now with it?

Jeneth: We rate your dragon as it grows and changes through this process. Is it as evil as when we started?

Jeneth: Or has it shifted?

Orna: No, it's interesting like even walking through and I feel better like those things we can't change our events of the past. Out past is our past so we can't change how we feel about it.

Jeneth: Right, OK.

Orna: So, I think I've even let go of even more which wasn't in there anymore.

Jeneth: So, the point of this part of the process is just to gain a shift in perception, a shift in space. This isn't yet released the guy yet, OK. I then invite you to start creating a vision of what you've wanted to be. While we do that then we use what I call the bio-linguistics which is going through the Kensho process. With the heart, the marma points for the heart are like bright, you know where the, that V where your ribs come together.

Orna: At the top?

Jeneth: No, at the very bottom where your ribs touch and there's this little tiny space.

Orna: Like up in your solar plexus?

Jeneth: Yes.

Orna: OK.

Jeneth: You want to draw a line about an inch and a half up, and then out about half an inch. Right there in your chest.

Orna: OK.

Jeneth: Kind of a line with your nipples kind of area and you'll know it when you find it. How I invite people to start with the marma point is by rotating one finger in a circle and then another and then we go through what I can really call the process, the process of

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Kensho. That goes through method and there's holding of breast and breathing of breast on you know. I don't feel like we should really take you through the whole process now, it takes a little bit of time but it does a lot with prana and shifting the breath. They've done studies and they found that if you hold the breast, it relaxes the sympathetic nervous system. I realized that that's not all that's going on when we deal with breast work.

So, anyway it's a process we do, the touch massage. We do some prana, we do some praying. There's a little prayer in it. Then there's some tapping and shifting release work so, that's kind of how the technique actually works.

Orna: Oh, I'm so grateful that you took us with that piece because I think when sometimes when we hear about processes, they're sort of in our conscious brain but we don't know how that to implement it. So thank you for taking the time to walk me through -- really as an example for those who are listening, and how they can begin to apply. We know that these shifts are a process. Sometimes just opening the space for somebody to step into the process is what is needed to get things rolling.

Jeneth: I know that we had the initial gift that you put out at the beginning. If you guys got that, you do have my "Seven Dragons" book in the digital form. This process is written out on page 147, just so you know.

Matthew: Great.

Jeneth: Just so it's in the recording. This has been in my work for ages, this part of it.

Orna: I want people to know exactly where to find that. We had some bonuses before we started. If you registered for the Love on Purpose Revolution earlier, you were able to get our faculty bonuses. That's exactly what Jeneth is referring to. There's actually opportunities for you get those faculty bonuses. If you're curious about that just send us an email. I don't want to take up our time with that now.

Matthew: Let's talk a little bit more about this system and everything. We know from talking to you that's it based on the five elements of nature. Tell us more about that, and how that plays into all of this.

Jeneth: So, yeah. This whole process, this whole technique has just literally been a divine download. Of course it's changed. I would practice it on people, get some results, and then I practice it again. I've been finding that the whole practice gives real, true clarity. Clarity on who a person is, and clarity on their feelings. I'll share some of the results. I have a few testimonials that I thought I would share with you guys that are kind of interesting. I started looking at manifestation. Real true manifestation on how we get engaged and really congruent on all levels of our energy so we can create with less fear and more focus, and clarity, and vision.

I'm starting to call it the "Eye Doctor Process". I came across a yoga instructor that said, "You know, that's really interesting that you say that. 'Cause I look at these questions of clarity and they're all based on the five elements. So I kind of felt like I put a piece together."

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The elements are, if you don't know them, the one's that I use are: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. In my process, each of those words go with a question, and I'll show you how that works. For example, and you can write this down, I have what you call a dream matrix, D-R-E-A-M matrix.

We start with wood, and the corresponding question that goes with that is, "What?" So in other words, "What do you want to create? What do you desire? What do you dream of, and what do you decide to do?" So, the what? When you think of wood, like wood like an oak tree drops a seed and the seed has to make a decision to plant itself in the ground and grow. I mean it doesn't like really make a decision but you know, it seeds itself and then it grows and that's kind of the evolution of wood in our nature and our universal order in the universal laws.

That's how the question of what comes out of it, so I'll go a little quicker. Then fire, like your heart's fire really finding that true relationship. The word that comes to him and he shared it with me is who. So, who in the interest web which is like a word for connection. Who in the interest web are we really connecting with? Like we don't create without a who, without a relationship, without a real connection.

The next word the Earth is when. If you think of Earth, you think of OK, well I'm here planted on earth, so where and when are things happening, right? You had to choose to be on this call at this time and this date. Then the next element is metal, and you think of alchemy and changes. The word that comes up is how. How when you come to metal, you know you cut with a knife, how to cut?

Then of course, the water element which is the currency, the currency of why? That's the whole flow to it all. The water element like the fifth element, it flows in and out and through all these different elements. It's about meaning and of course I relate it to message and bliss. Really feeling our bliss is you know why we're doing what we're doing. Why I am talking to you, sharing this? These are the reasons why and this is what kind of flows and connects us all.

Those are really where the five elements came from and then how I have it kind of this dream matrix of really creation and what I call awakening to oneness. It's kind of starts on this, like physical level but to create love on purpose, let's create abundance and wealth and levels like layers and sheets. It's also here so that we can interact better with others, really love ourselves fully, love others fully and on and on and on. That's a long answer for a short question.

Matthew: Yeah. No, no, no. It's really great because it gives, really, stuff for people to play with. I mean, if we're looking at manifesting relationship, right, creating true connection in our lives, then this process of walking through each of these elements, I think it's a great way of getting clarity like you're talking about all along.

Jeneth: Right.

Matthew: Getting clarity about what you really want.

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Jeneth: Right. So everything, I take a little bit - it's simple - but I take it all a little bit deeper and then all of this is related to law of the universe, laws of attraction, laws of polarity, laws of transmutation and things like that. If you like stuff like that then this is kind of the process for it because I actually got really interested and really intrigued about this idea of, "This universe seems to work in a really orderly way." Nothing really happens accidentally or by chance or by coincidence, and if it did there wouldn't be words that described those kind of things, accident or coincidence. Once I got to looking at that, I felt that, yes, as humans we really fit into nature and we need all five elements of nature to create. Then it just kind of led down, "Well, how can I create a marketing process that has all five elements?"

This has been truly the foundation to everything that I do. In fact, and it's even the foundation of my coaching. I'll ask them what, who, when, how, why questions and those kind of open up other conversations. I'll also say, "Well tell me about this." Those are in my coaching process. I want all the elements of true, of the complete person. I think when we're looking at love we attract. If we become one, we become whole, then we'll resonate with another whole being.

The problem of why relationships don't work in a lot of cases is, it's like a lock and key. "I'm missing this component. Oh, you have this component, I'm attracted to you." On the simplest level you think of a person, a woman looking to marry someone for money. "I don't have money. I'm looking to marry money." That's like one of the frivolous egoic reasons why a marriage wouldn't work.

Sometimes I think that there are all elements of attraction. Yeah, you're attracted for money, and yeah, you're attracted because someone acts a certain way, or they're good looking, or they're, “My current spouse is fat so I'm going to go to the thin one,” and physical reasons like that. It's like a locked key kind of thing. When we become whole in all essence of our being, we become one and then we resonate with another that is one.

I really lucked out with the man that I chose. I joke about that but I really did choose him, and I really did create that love. I went out of my way to get myself in his line of fire. I can't say that I was 100 percent complete when I was 21 and we got married, but my gosh, together we've grown into these really amazing beings. I don't think that happens by chance. I think that happens with conscious communication, conscious presence, and conscious interaction.

Matthew: Yeah.

Jeneth: Souping it up, too. Absolutely.

Matthew: It's really nice how you put that. Become one whole in yourself. You can resonate with another person that is whole in of themselves. Orna and I always talk about that faulty Hollywood math. One plus one, equals one. The whole "you complete me" model. You use a great image of that, of the key going into the lock. That's not what we're looking for. We're looking for two separate entities to come together and create this bigger vision.

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Jeneth: Yeah.

Matthew: I think you and Joe certainly exemplify that.

Jeneth: We do, today. Right?

Matthew: Yeah, but you made a conscious choice all along to grow into that space.

Jeneth: We both did.

Matthew: It's not like it just happened, right?

Jeneth: Yes. I see reasons why a person would outgrow another. If you got into a relationship where one wasn't whole... It would be really hard to be whole and complete and resonate with someone who wasn't. What can happen is you got married, when you were that lock or the keyhole, and then one person grows up and changes and works on themselves and become whole. I think that there are seasons of divorce when those kind of things happen. One person evolves and just can't get the other one to shift. I've seen that. I've actually seen that in a lot of clients. One of the stories of where I really supported someone in relationship. Is it OK if I share a cool little story?

Matthew: Yes, please. We love cool little stories.

Jeneth: Her name is Catherine and she is 50. She is married 25 years. She believes in marriage and she also believes that if she would work on herself, like they say in "The Secret," he would come along, literally, that she could re-attract him so that he would change. She worked on it for many, many years and we talked about that. The way she said it to me, she was trying, pushing, forcing, "Watch this, read this," and we came to terms with it and I started to talk with her "Why is it so important? What is the mindset, exactly, that you feel that he has and you have, but he doesn't know that you have changed?" We really worked on these areas.

I believe what you focus on expands, right? Like all of those basic law of attractions sayings. I start asking her, "Instead of stating those kind of things, are you doing that? Are you continuing to focus on your love, and your conscious communication with him instead of getting him to believe the terminology of 'what you focus on expands'?" I didn't say it to her that way. She is like "Oh, I see." So she started to shift her behavior, instead of trying to shove a belief system down his throat. Now they are happily married again.

I have them on weekly dates. I think it is really important to surprise one another, to find something that might be a surprise for the other person. It doesn't have to be expensive or costly, but surprise. We are really working on them connecting with expression. One of the testimonials that she gives me, she says "I now feel lighter. I feel that I just have to have a 'just ask' feeling." She just feels a lot freer.

She doesn't feel like she has to box herself in to, "It's this way, and we have to focus on being happy all the time," and that she can just live. It's been really fun, married 25 years,

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she got married when she was 25, and they are on the verge of divorce and now they can truly come back and meet and consciously connect. That's a really, really cool story.

I have another gal, her name is Doris and she moved to Paris. I don't know why she thought I was the right coach. She had read my book or something... I don't coach with her anymore or even heard from her since she got married. But, she was trying and trying to find the love of her life. I'm inviting her to do things like dress up nicer, feel really good about herself. Just those simple things that everyone should do. And then, one... I guess I coached her…

I think she... Oh, she... I'm trying to remember exactly what happened. She is like, “I don't know, my landlord is kind of cute.” I can't remember exactly when they like intersected, like he was just the man collecting the money but she hadn't really actually met him. She lived in this building in Paris for quite some time. She met him. They fell in love. They were married in six months and she kind of abandoned me when I... After she met him.

She kind of... That we had one more session and then I got an invitation to her wedding, it was a few years back. I was just kind of hunting down some of my coaching of people that have a cool relationship stories. Just two really fun relationship stories that worked on dragons.

Orna: Yeah. What you are saying too is part of the theme of our whole summit which is love is a choice. That we make a choice, and I love this process because this process, this Kensho process that you shared with us, is really the process of making that choice and making it tangible. That it isn't just a decision of our conscious brain but it's about getting all of the parts on board to make this shift so we are able to create what we desire.

Jeneth: Right. It's exactly that. It's so that you're not trapped and so that you can get a little bit of distance from the dragon. You can get awareness about the dragon and instead of having the dragon rule your life. Because really what we are talking about is the dragon is your subconscious mind. Experience happen once and you fell into fear, or you fell into a certain belief system. Really, what this process does is it creates space for your subconscious to open and then once you integrate with your body, then there's a way to release. It may take more than one time, but it opens enough space so it releases. It's kind of like, I think, I like to think of it as like a tool in your back pocket so that when you start to maybe, start to maybe get really shy every time that you go in to a public setting. You start to hunch over, it's a way to kind of pull your power back and really come back into your body and really be present and clear, and be able to create because you're so clear. I'm often been envious of very clear people until I figure out a way to be clear myself, right?

Orna: We always teach what we had to learn that's such a wonderful key and I love how you took us to the journey. It's really your journey and they're not taking other people to that same journey so, it's so delicious really because what you're sharing is really this the core to change one's life.

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Jeneth: Right, right so yeah. And you know, another big tool that I discovered along the way was journaling. My book is designed to kind of coach yourself to success book where you go through a process of journaling about your dragon and some cases, some about what you want about in your boundaries and other things like that.

I don't know why that felt I should share that, but the awareness of the dragon, what I took you through and what this dragon look like? That's the biggest part of the battle is hunting down the dragon and then working with him so that he will leave, or vanish, or blow himself up or whatever, right?

Yeah. Like talk about the love polarity often, because I think that each of these dragons, "I hate you dragon,” right? Really what you have is an "I love you dragon". It's the divine dragon that's showing you the bipolar of it, if that makes sense right?

Matthew: Yeah.

Orna: Yeah, I love that.

Jeneth: Yeah, isn't that cool? When I learned about the law of polarity, I really started looking at it as every question has an answer, every up has a down, every left has a right. So every evil dragon has a positive dragon so how can each of these evil dragon turn into positive?

Orna: I love that. What a great way to transform from.

Jeneth: Isn't that cool?

Orna: Wow! I'm looking at the clock and our hours flown by. I think we could speak another several hours on this tonight. Really want people to get an opportunity to know how they can get more, and we had shared your site at the beginning so I just want to share where to find you, jeneth.com, so that's J-E-N-E-T-H. jeneth.com is where you can connect directly with Jeneth.

Jeneth of course put together a really special offer for just The Love on Purpose Revolution participants, it's available for you at loveonpurposerevolution.com/jeneth. We'll tell you, it's this lovely Kensho Technique. You get the whole thing. It's really the practice of removing your mental subconscious energy dragons and you remove them instantly, like sort of the process she was walking me through as an example.

You get to heal those energy blocks, those dragons that are blocking your energy and your challenges. You get to release all of those dragons that are blocking you from receiving the love that you desire, right? It's that marma point release method that she talked about briefly. You get to clear your mind and get rid of all of that negative love chatter that's keeping you...

All that stuff you said to yourself when he didn't call or you didn't get asked out, or you didn't get what you wanted. All of that negative chatter that shows up, this will clear that right out of your mind so you can have clarity about what you really want. You can really release anything that holds you back from real connection and resonance with another

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person. It allows you to accept the love that's in your life unconditionally, and, of course, that starts with yourself.

This is coming with an extra special bonus. You get the Kensho Technique and then you're also getting...

Matthew: This really great bonus. This is what makes this really exciting to us, as such a special offer from you, Jeneth. Jeneth is sharing with everybody who signs up for the Kensho Technique, you get the entire 78 audio series on MP3 of The New Wealth Experience 2012. Jeneth mentioned this earlier, of all of these different experts that she's interviewed over the years, John Assaraf, Janet Atwood, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, Marci Shimoff, Mariel Hemingway, Lisa Nichols, Janet Atwood, I mean there's so many amazing people in there. This is such a gift Jeneth. We're really excited about this offer. Tell us a little bit more about what people are getting.

Jeneth: Yeah. Well what we missed in here about Kensho is that Kensho is really an online experience and it also has what I call a dragon energy clearing or a dragon energy transmission. It has a place to also kind of journal so that you can keep track of your process. I call it a dragon diary entry journal. Then, of course, there's a six class series of the Kensho Technique. And, I'm not only offering the entire Kensho Technique in the online format and 78 MP3s from all the interviews that I'm doing now until the end of the year - I haven't even done all the calls yet - the entire New Wealth series which I already currently sell for $97, but I'm also going to do two sessions where I actually walk you through your dragon. It's of course, a group session and the dates are next week so you have to sign up right away. I believe it's like a Monday and Wednesday next week. Yeah. we figured out it's like 95% off. Right? It's just crazy.

Matthew: Right. It's such a huge discount. It's crazy, worth over $2,000 you said.

Jeneth: I wouldn’t not do this. The Kensho technique alone with the online experience and you continue every single time that another group comes together, I do another Kensho exercise. I did a Kensho diet, and now we're doing a Kensho love. It's like you are always a part of my world if you want to be. I sell it for $997, almost $1000 by itself and the New Wealth.

It's kind of crazy so I invite you to be a part of my world. We didn't really share but Orna is a dear, dear friend of mine and I've never offered something like this before and I won't ever again. I mean I'm really doing it to support Orna and Matthew. I knew Orna before she was married.

Orna: Yep and I'm so grateful Jeneth, really. I know that you wouldn't put this together for anybody else, so truly, if you want a lot from Jeneth, she has so much to give to really transform your life from the inside out and really create love on purpose. Again, you can go to loveonpurposerevolution.com/jeneth J-E-N-E-T-H and get everything we talked about. The Kensho Technique, the 78 audio series to put in your personal library from all of these amazing experts, and two group sessions with Jeneth to really slay your own dragons. This is a value. Retail value of way over $2,000 that you're getting for only $97. For only $97 you're getting a steal of a deal. Again, I thank you from the bottom of my

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heart for putting together such an amazing bonus package just for us. Just for the people here on The Love on Purpose Revolution. If you can hear my voice, you are able to get this amazing offer at loveonpurposerevolution.com/jeneth, J-E-N-E-T-H.

Matthew: Thank you so much Jeneth. We really enjoyed spending this hour with you and especially really enjoyed watching you lead Orna through that process so that everybody else can really get a sense of how this works and how powerful this is.

Jeneth: Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. It's just an honor. It's an honor to be in your presence, so thank you.

Orna: Well we feel the same about you. This technique is amazing. It really transforms lives. We just thank you again for sharing so much heart on this call and really establishing true connections. Thank you Jeneth, and thank you all for joining us on The Love on Purpose Revolution.

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