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Lowestcostperpound h' of real roughage o

Date post: 23-Jan-2021
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srfr MH t r-v-.. * **»gf j> i THE GRENADA SENTINEL EIGHT . in. CASTOR IA a-HO] And right here let me aay that we have organized a Better Farming Club for this place. It is hoped that there will be some good come from this as well. We are striving to have better farming in our section, and to that end shall have several meet- ings in which there will be some il- lustrated lectures along lines of the farming industry. May we raise our standard of farming, and I am sure we shall be able to raise better crops and have better farms. Syrup making is the order of the day here, and the crop, is turning out right good. Crops are all doing well, we are glad to say. Hope the yield will turn out as well or better than it looks now that it will. Mr. C. C. Hamrick was not able to go to his work on the roads Monday morning. Hope he will soon be all right. Mr. C. E. Heath bought a register- ed Ayershire bull while at the A. & M. He is trying to grade up his cattle. Our people here are begin- ning to take some interest in the dairy business, until it looks like there will be something doing along this line before this time another year. Let the good work go on. H. C. Colvin and family motored down to Greenwood visiting Mr. Tom Flannigan St nday. Mr. Locke and wife visited Mrr. Lola Wood in Montgomery county last week. Myrtle Inman returned last week from a short stay with friends at Greenwood. Mr. C. E. Heath spent the week- end with friends in the Pisgah neighborhood. Mr. George Goza and family visit- ed near Winona Monday. Mr. Tom Boon is using a new cane mill outfit this week. He will soon be lickinlasses. W. B. Chambley was out looking after his interests here Sunday. UNCLE MOSE.h' l»] Lowest cost per pound of real roughage PRINT For Infants and Children | In Use For Over 30 Years j Always bears H the Signature of U.UME l LD style hulls cost more per yj pound of rough- 5a age than the 5j| price per ton 5p indicates. This f is because they §#& are one - fourth Vlint which has * no food value. To know how much each pound of roughage in this form is costing you, you must divide the price per ton by 1500not by 2000. o SS&St: <oP 217 :..3» ItHDQUfc her little sister and brother, Eury Horton and Jaunita, were visitors at Mrs. H. I. Stevens Thursday after- noon. Miss Grace Sanderson and her vis- itor, Mr. Ivy Crawford, of Oxford, motored over to Grenada Thursday night. Mr. MoCord had company at the old Hickory Mill one afternoon this week. Mrs. P. D. McCarley, a recent vis- itor of the Fork, returned to her home in Coldwater last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gillon spent a delightful afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. M. Williams Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gillon are good Christian people and we love to have them come. Mr. D. E. Horton called by to see Mr. S. J. Sullivan a while Friday eve- ning. Ent Hous m?»ny in*** , | Cr«w<* Fo* Stirring » IS. Mtw VMM MB ,atriot,c A ane I raADt MAM RUCKE1YF V HULLS N tMFFAUfcM.**. Grenada ;oiupany field ArtiU tutrust Jackson, « Every b closed an< pninity ithe b°ys | God-speed miss muc 31, Hows This? We offer One Hundred Dollar ward for any case of Catarrh " not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cl* Halls Catarrh Cure has been* by catarrh sufferers - ecn thlrty-flve years, and has i . known as the most reliable Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure '* the Blood on the Mucous- suite.,. » pelling the Poison from the ' healing the diseased portions M After you have taken Hall's c„ Cure for a short time y<,„ Wli, great Improvement in vour * health. Start taking Halls S1 Cure at once rnd get rid of ca,.V' Send for testimonials, tree l: F*. J. CHENEY fir CO.. Toledo os Sold by aU Druggists. 75c 0tlocal personal UNTUSS cost exactly what you pay for them. Every pound is all roughageno useless lint. To really know the difference in cost between old style hulls and Buckeye Hulls you must know the cost per pound of real roughage. Even though Buckeye Hulls do sell at a much lower price than old style hulls, you cant realize how much less they are costing you until you consider how much more real roughage a ton contains. anb Mr. R. M. Lawson has tendered his resignation as traveling salesman with the Simmons Hardware Com- pany of St. Louis and has bought out a hardware business at Shelby, where he will shortly move with his excel- lent family. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson have made a host of friends during their stay of three years in Grenada and while The Sentinel regrets that they are to move, wishes him well. * » * * This hot weather brings intense suffering with Itching and Sore Feet, Eczema, Poison Oak and other itch- ing skin diseases. The itching stops, pain is relieved and the worst skin sores healed when you apply Q. B. Eczema Treatment. Liquid and quick. Price 50c. Sold and guar- anteed by your Druggist. * * * Mr. J. H. Horn, of Grenada, Miss lima Shores, of Biggers, Ark., and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Sims, of Teasdale, were Charleston visitors Tuesday af- ternoon, and while here paid this of- fice a pleasant visit. Miss Shores is the guest of her uncle, Mr. J. Alfred Shores and family, and Mr. Horn, formerly of this county, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sims and attend- ing the big revival at Bethel.Charleston Herald. v.» for the Pin Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sanderson, Miss Grace Sanderson, Mr. Ivy Crawford and little Ruth Williams spent Friday in Grenada with Mr. Jack Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wyeneth, of Grenada, went to Memphis to do some shopping and while there sent Mrs. L. M. Williams, who is still in the hospital there, some beautiful flowers, which spoke words of cheer and encouragement to her. Mrs. Wil- liams went to Memphis for an opera- tion for either floating kidney or in- fected spleen, but took typhoid fever while there, which delayed the opera- tion. otic were Other Advantages >■ Sackedeasy to handle. They mix well with other forage. Take half as much space in the bam. Buckeye Hulls go farther. They allow better assimilation of other food. No trash or dust. in tions Thursc brated » jninstrel (leUgbtei Mr. Dan Wolf, HammondBldg. AMfg. Co., Hammond, La.,says: *7 am feeding Buckeye Hull* to milch cows and find them a satisfactory filler when mixed with cottonseed meal and other concentrates. At the feed stuff, Buckeye Hulls are the market.rate err conclusi L. Hod| which 1 fathers that th cal cai He sai came had h present price of the cheapest roughage on COUNTY AND CITY DIRECTORY Ta secure the best results end te develep the ensilage edor, wet the hulls It is ess; te de this by fer the next feeding. If et any time unites. If you prefer ta County Officials. thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. wetting them dawn night and naming this esnnet be dene, wet dewn at leeet thirty Sheriff------ ---------- ---------- _----- w }j n , Deputy Sheriff and Jailer........... S. E r.iivS Chancery Clerk-------------------------- m . jr PniTn Deputy Chancery Clerk________ v d v Circuit Clerk------------------------------W. 5 EUraa Tree tr................ ................... _W. R. a Superintendent of Education___ MMcKihhH Tax Assessor...................... .............. L. B YeiX Coroner anf Ranger__________ j. (- feed the hulls dry, use enly half es much by bulk as ef eld style bulla. Book of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat- tening. for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for using them properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill. Dept. K ' The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Dept. K Birmingha Charlotte Messrs. McCord and Sullivan were in Grenada Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. F. Smith is at home, after spending a very delightful week with her daughter, Mrs. O. P. Farrell. We are glad to know that Mrs. Smith is improving. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Stevens and lit- tle ones were Bryant visitors again Sunday. Mr. Counsel, of Eudora, is visiting at the home of Mrs. E. L. Sanderson for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Horton, with Messrs. R. V. and Grady Horton, call- ed to see Miss Carrie Williams and sisters Sunday afternoon. Mr. Quinn McCormick passed thru the upper part of the neighborhood Monday morning. Misses Grace Sanderson and Car- rie Williams and Messrs. Counsil and Sullivan were visitors at the Hickory Mill Monday morning. Mr. S. J. Sullivan was a guest of Mr. W. V. Horton Sunday night and was in town Monday. Mr. T. A. Horton and family, Mr. Duke, Mr. Jenkins, and Mr. Coleman Horton and sons spent a delightful day at the home of Mrs. Jas. Pritch- ard Sunday. Miss Katie Sherman, of Grenada, is spending a few days with Mrs. E. L. Sanderson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Van Hoozer re- turned home Monday afternoon from a few daysdelightful visit with Mrs. Van Hoozers father. otl no Board of Supervisor, ~W. V. Horton, I'residW| --------------------- J. E. Carpeeur -------------------- -V.. Y Horton ----------------------- D. R. Childen ------------------------ L. T. 413 owed all c are n Dist. One_____ Dist. Two........... Dist. Three____ Dist. Four____ Dist. Five.......... County Attorney WEIR SPRINGS ITEMS. Little Rock Macon Memphis Selma Greenwood Jack Atlanta Aagmet a 1 my H&ydca -W. M. MitcS Home Economic Afrt._Mis8 Annabel] Hughei Farm Demonstrator----------------- Harry c. Bel] Circuit Court meets fourth Monday* ,a January and July. Miss Jessie Berson, of Ponotoc, is the attractive guest of Miss Minnie Rose. Mrs. Jim Rose, Miss Evelyan An- gevin and Bays Rose spent Sunday at Duck Hill and Eskridge. Misses Ada and B. Johnson, of Water Valley, are spending a few days with Miss Amy Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and three interesting children, of the Tie Plant, enjoyed Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weir Miss Lula Erickson, of Water Val- ley, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. J. Allen. On last Friday afternoon Mrs. Ida Angevin and daughter, Miss Evelyan, entertained Misses Lula Erickson, Minnie and Carrie Rose. Jessie Ber- son, Lucile Weir. Virginia Allen, Mrs. C. J. Allen and Mrs. T. H. Weir. Miss Mary Griffin, of Bryant, is visiting Lena Williams ancj Lucile Weir this week. Some of the farmers are making molasses and are having splendid re- sults. rtiora that as v you f Chancery Court meets third Monday* m April and October. Board of Supervisors meets first Monday of each month. 1He\vs ©vet* tbc County j F also ail City Officials. pat Regular meeting of Council first MnniU, night in each month. the They are going where big shells are found. s Hovis visited relatives , They will land in La Belle France, week. j And expect to make the Germans dance. daughter. Mary Helen, from Mattson, Some singing low. others loud. Miss., Mrs. R. Dailey, of Torrance, j Each clothed in his beautifulshroud.and sister. Mrs. Mary Hagler and Farewell boys. ahead; Hope you will get home before you are dead. HARDY ITEMS. Mayor____ ------ Major B. K Thoms, Clerk....................................................H. (I. Tallun Treasurer..........................................J. A Gibiot Attorney---------------- --------- ------- Cowles Horton Marshal and Tax Collector____ Claud Hail Chief of Police----------------------- W. A Mcwod Street Commissioner________J. Collins Jones Supt. City Schools__________ A. B. Campbell Supt. City Plant------------------------- H. C. Weit jus Miss Bessis in Carrollton last to Several items were omitted by ac- cident from The Sentinel of last week and among them was the return of the accommodating express agent in Grenada, Mr. Stanley Brown and wife from a months stay in the West, most of which they spent at Tucson, Arizona. They state that they had a most enjoyable trip and are much pleased with what they saw. While in Tucson they met Mr. George Fields, who is prominently connected with some important manufacturing enterprise there. Mr. Fields was very solicitous, so Mr. Brown states, about old Grenada friends to whom he ask- ed to be remembered. thi Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Eggleston and sp ht ai Aldermen. East Ward—W. A. Thompson and W. P. Ferguson. West WardJ. W. Vanee and Robot Horton. City at LargeR. Pressgrove and J. H. Horn. 1< There is trouble daughter. Edivina, of Alabama, vis- ited with their aunt, Mrs. Jack Townes last week. o a i i TED.Mr.s Minnie Smith spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thomas. Churchas. First Methodist ChurchRev. R. A. Tuck* er. Pastor. Services every Sunday n„ rnisf and evening. Prayer meeting every Wsl. nesday evening. Sunday School 10 a. to. Firet Baptist ChigchRev. J. B. Quia, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Wed- nesday evening. Sunday School 10 a m Central Baptist ChurchRev. J. W. Lee, Pastor. . Services every second and fourth Sunday of each month, morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Wednenday evening. Sunday school every Sunday morning EMBRY DOTS. Mrs. W. H. Arendale ami little son. W. H.. contemplate a visit to rela- tives at Swan Lake, Charleston and Oakland. Miss Ethel Smith is at home after a month's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dudley McLeod of Memphis. Master Barclay Coats is visiting his grandmother. Mrs. Thomason, in Tatum. Mrs. E. T. Aldridge made a trip to Winona and Grenada during the week. Mrs. Bettie Pendergrast spent Su day at Mrs. L. J. Pittmans. Mrs. Georgia Pittman and M,s. •leftie Pittman made a trip to Grena- da Sunday to see relatives and friends Mrs. Nannie Montgomery Sunday with Mrs. Lou Clanton. Mr. S. A. Pittman was a visitor at Mr. Lee Pittmans Sunday. meeting was greatly enjoyed at Philadelphia last week. C. Land preached glorious as he always does and nine united with the church. 11- Misses Minnie Rose, Jessie Berson and Thomas Rose Forded to Charles- ton Saturday, where they spent a pleasant day. Vernon and Hugh Peeples spent the week-end with Louie Angevin. Boyd McCormick visited friends and relatives in Weir Springs Sun- day. Mrs. Janie Anderson Hughes of the A. & M. College, accompanied by her baby daughter, Virginia, has been delighting her daughter and the many friends of this very highly esteemed and popular young lady, Miss Anna Bell Hughes, for the past week with her presence. Mrs. Hughes is a very accomplished woman and has seemed to enjoy very much the work of her daughter as home economics agent in Grenada county. Mrs. Hughes has visited a number of places in the county with her daughter. The Sen- tinel but expresses the hope of all who have had the good fortune to get to know Mrs. Hughes that she may soon return. spent II X. Presbyterian CburchRev. J. C. Ctroth* ere. Pastor. Servicee every Sunday morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Wed- nesday evening. Sunday aehool 10 a. m Epiecopai ChurchRev. Edward A De- Miller, Rector. Services every Sumlsy ing and evening. Mr. Quinn McCormick is riding quite a good deal this week. Mr. Sidney J. Sullivan was in Tor- rance again Tuesday. The Rev. B. sermons Mr. J. L. Townes has about com- pleted a nice country mansion for his father near town. Miss Josie Townes and little nephew. W. H Arendale spent a day in our little burg" the past week. Mrs. Junius Townes and si Fraternities. Crsnada Lodge No. 31, F. * A. M.Regu- lar communication second Monday in each month. M. V. Higginbotham. W. M.; T E. Moody. P. M. Secretary. DeWltt Clinton Royal Arch Chapter, No. 13Regular convocation third Monday in each month. T. E. Moody. H. P.: H H. Heath, Secretary. Wm. H. Stevens Council Royal and Select MaatercFiret Monday in each month. J. T- Keeton, T. I. M.; H. H. Heath, Secretary. Yalobusha Commandary, No. 28, K. T Regular conclave fourth Monday in each month. Dr. W. H. Whitaker. E. M.: T. E. Moody, Recorder. Woodmen of the WorldMeet first and third Thursday nights. J. A. Blount, Con- sul Commander; A. J. Davis. Banker; S. T. Tatum. Clerk. Knighta of PythiasMeet first and thi-d Tuesday nights. S. T. Tatum. Chance re Commander; -J. P. Broadstreet, Vice-Chan- cellor; W. B. Barnes, Keeper of Record, and Seals. Independent Order Odd FallowsMe-ta every Monday night. S. T. Tatum, Nobla Grand: W. S. P. Doty, Secretary. SCARECROW.Quite a number of Weir Springs business men spent Saturday in Gre- nada. Misses Aria. Lela Mae and Etis Montgomery spent Sunday at Mrs. G. \\. Avery s and attended service at Mr. ( harlie Clanton's Sunday after- noon. BRECKENRIDGE FULMER DROWNS AT HOLCOMB Miss Fay Bell was a recent visitor to the City Beautiful.Mrs. T. H. Weir and Lucile Weir enjoyed a pleasant afternoon with the Misses Rose and Jessie Berson Monday. Junior Angevin visited Miss B. Johnson in the home of his tunt, Mrs. Mollie Weir, Sunady evening. We are sorry to note the illness of Howard Rose. The Holcomb community was shocked last Sunday afternoon when it learned of the drowning of young Breckenridge Fulmer, age 15, son of Mrs. L. R. Fulmer. It seems that young Fulmer went in swimming along about 12 oclock in Guy Creek on the Old Guy Place about a mile and a half east of Holcomb. The place wheer he went in was within fifty yards of a negro house and the negroes heard him splashing around for a considerable while and then they state they did not hear him any more and became uneasy and went down to the creek to see about him and found his clothes on the bank Rev. Clanton did the preach- ins are hack from a several weeks visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ter- erll, in Grenada, and are now visiting with Junius, at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Townes, Sr. ing. Mr. Ben Jenkins and family and Mr. John Pendergrats and famiyl din- ed at Mr. Leslie Pittmans Saturday. Mr. George Simmons visited friends and relatives in urday. Mr. Maud Avery is on the sick list We hope for him a speedy a Lieutenant Joe Neely Powers pass- ed through Gernada Friday afternoon of last week and while in town was an appreciated visitor at The Sentinel office. Lieutenant Powers enlisted for the officerstraining camp at Ft. Ben- jamin Harrison, Ind., soon after the declaration of war, and when his two Mr. Horton, of Dallas, Texas, is with his brother, Frank Horton, here. Mrs. Minnie Smith and Miss Josye Townes spent a day with Mrs. R. Dailey at Torrance. Midshipman E. Talbert Aldridge arrived Sunday for a short vacation, which he, his mother and little broth- ers will spend touring the west. They spent a few hours in Grenada Mon- day, and leave Thursday for a day and night in Memphis, thence to Chi- cago. Denver, Ogden, Salt Lake City and Yellowstone Park and other places. Will return in two and one- half weeks. Miss Margaret Aldridge returned Sunday from a two weeksvisit to her brother and wife in Memphis, and to friends in Arkansas. Messrs. Martin, Hill, Smith, Hor- ton and Gully were Memphis visitors this week. Misses Louise and Edith Horton and Gwendolin Yorks of Scobey visit- ed friends here Saturday. Mrs. Howie and Mrs. Hugh visited Mrs. Horn during the week. Messrs. G. D. and R. B. Thomason will open a store here Sept. 15. The W. M. S. met at Mrs. Thoma- sons on Tuesday. Each did a bit of fancy work, which is for sale. The following poem is by Mr. J. L. Townes, Sr., a splendid veteran of the Civil War, and now past the three score and tenmark: The soldier boys have left our town. our community Sat- this week. VIOLET. ercovery. "BLONDE AND BRUNETTE.V ITEMS FROM THE FORK Mr. S. J. Sullivan, who had a posi- tion in Greenwood awhile, returned JEFFERSON ITEMS. and one-half months were up, he was the first called out of 2500, a very high compliment indeed. He was of- Washington it Warned of New Kind but could not locate the boy after fered a captaincy in the National 0f Propaganda. diligent search and they became Guard or a second lieutenancy in ------------ frightened then and sent for Mr. tbe reKular army and very properly Washington, Aug. 26.__Warning Singleton, an uncle of the youth, too't tbe lieutenancy. Lieutenant against a German propaganda seeking who came and had one of the negroes Powers is a son of Chancellor Powers to stir up insurrection among Ameri- wade out in the creek and after a |and w'^e tbe State University and can negroes, is given in a statement short search his body was found at \ *s an exceptionally fine young man issued tonight by the Patriotic Edu- the bottom of the creek. It is sup- jan^ one of unusual talents and bril- cation Society. posed that he was taken with cramps i liancy. The Sentinel congratulates Anonymous letters and postal cards and became helpless. The water was j b'm as we" as hi* parents. urging negroes to rise against the only about 2 V4 feet deep. He was * * * whites and promising there will be no buried at Como on Monday. The ' thirt ar^mad^a^b^had1 C°lor line when Gern«any rules, the Sentinel joins with the entire com-| Grenada Sentinel. Phone 26 and we! statement saVs. have been brought to mumty in extending sympathy to the will send you one. Any machine, ithe attention of the officials of the grief-stricken mother, brother and any color. ! society by the negro leaders, sister. GERMANS STIR UP NEGROES. v] " e are sorry to learn cent burning Story, who lives a few miles west of Jefferson, he had. our neighborhood last week, ■here he will stay now for awhile. We are all glad to have Mr. Sullivan f the re- f the home of Mr. t< He lost most everything J back with us. Mrs. F. H. Horton was a caller in Albert Little, who has a position at the home of Mrs. L. M. Williams one C harleston, returned home to his fam-, afternoon last week, ily for the week-end. Glad to have him back. Mr. H. I. Stevens made a short \ incent Inman returned visit to see the sick Tuesday morn- with him for a visit to relatives Mon- ing. day. Miss Grace Sanderson is still keep- ing house for her father. Mr. S. J. Sullivan made a business trip to Torrance last Tuesday. Miss Mary Horton has returned home from a delightful visit from over across the river. Mrs. D. E. Horton and son spent a short while with Miss Carrie Wil- liams one afternoon last week. We are very glad to state that Miss Carrie is much better at this writing. Mr. Riley O'Neil is enjoying the f his sons family from south Glad to have them. visit Mississippi. There is some talk of the school starting for a month of pay, but it did not materialize. This is a good move if our people will take hold of it. .Taking Cathartic* Every Day for' Weaks Dont Cure Stomach Trouble. 400 TYPEWRITERS. All kinds and all grades, REM- INGTONS $12 up. Instruction book with each machine. Type and re- . They do not ruminate the pol»onou» Bile Mr. D. R. Horton was at the homepair parts for all makes of Type- iUiCThi™™ shtomS.rht''se'pcT.iur1often of his sons, Mr. F. H. Horton, a while writers. 10 Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcere of the Stom- Wedensday morning. | Empir. Type Foundry, Buffalo. N. Y. Mr. H. I. Stevens spent a while in ------------------------ jilment. .re the con.«,ue„«. 5.the home of Mrs. L. M.Williams . Engraved visiting cards, wedding i.s„dhinu'?!„rr»ii^Pr Thursday afternoon. b home rds' blrth an- It ha, restored millio"d oX:!^ ... . _ ... nouncements everything engraved, th,t win help yon. Mayr's Wonderful Miss Minnie Belle Williams, with at The Sentinel. . Remedy la for sale by Fatherree Drug Co. 1 The B. Y. P. U. is arranging for a picnic next Fri-1 y. This will be the first one oi t.,.s union, and the first one for our esetion for this year. A number of our people took ad- vantage of the excursion to the A. & M. from this county last week, and they report a good time. It is hoped that there will be much good come from this trip to the county. PRINTING Of All Kinds not the cheap kind but the good kind done here. 161 X. mm 3^/m
Page 1: Lowestcostperpound h' of real roughage o

srfr MHt

r-v-.. * **”»gf j> iTHE GRENADA SENTINELEIGHT . in.

CASTOR IA a-HO]And right here let me aay that we have organized a Better Farming Club for this place. It is hoped that there will be some good come from this as well. We are striving to have better farming in our section, and to that end shall have several meet­ings in which there will be some il­

lustrated lectures along lines of the farming industry. May we raise our standard of farming, and I am sure we shall be able to raise better crops and have better farms.

Syrup making is the order of the day here, and the crop, is turning out right good. Crops are all doing well, we are glad to say. Hope the yield will turn out as well or better than it looks now that it will.

Mr. C. C. Hamrick was not able to go to his work on the roads Monday morning. Hope he will soon be all

right.Mr. C. E. Heath bought a register­

ed Ayershire bull while at the A. & M. He is trying to grade up his cattle. Our people here are begin­ning to take some interest in the

dairy business, until it looks like there will be something doing along this line before this time another year. Let the good work go on.

H. C. Colvin and family motored down to Greenwood visiting Mr. Tom Flannigan St nday.

Mr. Locke and wife visited Mrr. Lola Wood in Montgomery county

last week.Myrtle Inman returned last week

from a short stay with friends at

Greenwood.Mr. C. E. Heath spent the week­

end with friends in the Pisgah neighborhood.

Mr. George Goza and family visit­ed near Winona Monday.

Mr. Tom Boon is using a new cane mill outfit this week. He will soon be lickin’ lasses.

W. B. Chambley was out looking after his interests here Sunday.



Lowest cost per pound of real roughage

PRINTFor Infants and Children |In Use For Over 30 Years jAlways bears


theSignature of U.UME lLD style

hulls cost more per

yj pound of rough- 5a age than the 5j| price per ton 5p indicates. This f is because they §#& are one - fourth Vlint which has * no food value.

To know how much each pound of roughage in this form is costing you, you must divide the price per ton by 1500—not by 2000.

oSS&St: <oP217:..3»

ItHDQUfcher little sister and brother, Eury Horton and Jaunita, were visitors at Mrs. H. I. Steven’s Thursday after­

noon.Miss Grace Sanderson and her vis­

itor, Mr. Ivy Crawford, of Oxford, motored over to Grenada Thursday

night.Mr. MoCord had company at the

old Hickory Mill one afternoon this

week.Mrs. P. D. McCarley, a recent vis­

itor of the Fork, returned to her home in Coldwater last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gillon spent a delightful afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. M. Williams Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gillon are good Christian people and we love to have them

come.Mr. D. E. Horton called by to see

Mr. S. J. Sullivan a while Friday eve­




in*** , |Cr«w<* Fo*

Stirring »


,atriot,c A aneIraADt MAM


tMFFAUfcM.**. Grenada;oiupany ” field ArtiU

tutrustJackson, «

Every b closed an<

pninity ithe b°ys | God-speed

miss muc

31,How’s This?We offer One Hundred Dollar „

ward for any case of Catarrh " not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cl*

Hall’s Catarrh Cure has been* by catarrh sufferers - ecn thlrty-flve years, and has i —. known as the most reliable Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure '* the Blood on the Mucous- suite.,. » pelling the Poison from the 'healing the diseased portions ‘ M

After you have taken Hall's c„ Cure for a short time y<,„ Wli, great Improvement in vour * health. Start taking Halls S’”1 Cure at once rnd get rid of ca,.V' Send for testimonials, tree l:

F*. J. CHENEY fir CO.. Toledo os Sold by aU Druggists. 75c ’ 0t“

local personalUNTUSS

cost exactly what you pay for them. Every pound is all roughage— no useless lint. To really know the difference in cost between old style hulls and Buckeye Hulls you must know the cost per pound of real roughage.Even though Buckeye Hulls do sell at a much lower price than old style hulls, you can’t realize how much less they are costing you until you consider how much more real roughage a ton contains.


Mr. R. M. Lawson has tendered

his resignation as traveling salesman

with the Simmons Hardware Com­pany of St. Louis and has bought out a hardware business at Shelby, where

he will shortly move with his excel­

lent family. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson have made a host of friends during

their stay of three years in Grenada and while The Sentinel regrets that they are to move, wishes him well.

* » * *

This hot weather brings intense

suffering with Itching and Sore Feet,

Eczema, Poison Oak and other itch­

ing skin diseases. The itching stops,

pain is relieved and the worst skin

sores healed when you apply Q. B.

Eczema Treatment. Liquid and

quick. Price 50c. Sold and guar­

anteed by your Druggist.* * *

Mr. J. H. Horn, of Grenada, Miss

lima Shores, of Biggers, Ark., and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Sims, of Teasdale,

were Charleston visitors Tuesday af­

ternoon, and while here paid this of­fice a pleasant visit. Miss Shores is the guest of her uncle, Mr. J. Alfred

Shores and family, and Mr. Horn, formerly of this county, is visiting

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sims and attend­ing the big revival at Bethel.—

Charleston Herald.

v.»for the Pin

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sanderson, Miss Grace Sanderson, Mr. Ivy Crawford

and little Ruth Williams spent Friday in Grenada with Mr. Jack Sanderson.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wyeneth, of

Grenada, went to Memphis to do some shopping and while there sent

Mrs. L. M. Williams, who is still in the hospital there, some beautiful flowers, which spoke words of cheer

and encouragement to her. Mrs. Wil­liams went to Memphis for an opera­tion for either floating kidney or in­fected spleen, but took typhoid fever while there, which delayed the opera­tion.


wereOther Advantages >■

Sacked—easy to handle.They mix well with other forage. Take half as much space in the


Buckeye Hulls go farther.They allow better assimilation

of other food.No trash or dust.


brated » jninstrel

(leUgbteiMr. Dan Wolf, Hammond Bldg. AMfg. Co., Hammond, La.,says:

*7 am feeding Buckeye Hull* to milch cows and find them a satisfactory filler when mixed with cottonseed meal and other concentrates. At the feed stuff, Buckeye Hulls are the market.”

rate errconclusiL. Hod| which 1

fathers that th

cal cai He sai

came had h

present price of the cheapest roughage on COUNTY AND CITY DIRECTORY

Ta secure the best results end te develep the ensilage edor, wet the hullsIt is ess; te de this by

fer the next feeding. If et any time unites. If you prefer ta

County Officials.thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. wetting them dawn night and naming this esnnet be dene, wet dewn at leeet thirty

Sheriff------ --------------------_-----w }j n ,Deputy Sheriff and Jailer........... S. E r.iivSChancery Clerk-------------------------- m . jr PniTnDeputy Chancery Clerk________ v d vCircuit Clerk------------------------------W. 5 EUraa

Tree tr................ ................... _W. R. aSuperintendent of Education___ M McKihhHTax Assessor...................... ..............L. B YeiXCoroner anf Ranger__________ j. (-

feed the hulls dry, use enly half es much by bulk as ef eld style bulla.

Book of Mixed Feeds FreeGives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat­tening. for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for using them properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill.

Dept. K ' The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Dept. K

Birmingha Charlotte

Messrs. McCord and Sullivan were

in Grenada Saturday afternoon.Mrs. J. F. Smith is at home, after

spending a very delightful week with

her daughter, Mrs. O. P. Farrell. We are glad to know that Mrs. Smith is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Stevens and lit­

tle ones were Bryant visitors again Sunday.

Mr. Counsel, of Eudora, is visiting at the home of Mrs. E. L. Sanderson

for a few days this week.Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Horton, with

Messrs. R. V. and Grady Horton, call­

ed to see Miss Carrie Williams and

sisters Sunday afternoon.Mr. Quinn McCormick passed thru

the upper part of the neighborhood

Monday morning.Misses Grace Sanderson and Car­

rie Williams and Messrs. Counsil and Sullivan were visitors at the Hickory Mill Monday morning.

Mr. S. J. Sullivan was a guest of Mr. W. V. Horton Sunday night and

was in town Monday.Mr. T. A. Horton and family, Mr.

Duke, Mr. Jenkins, and Mr. Coleman Horton and sons spent a delightful

day at the home of Mrs. Jas. Pritch­

ard Sunday.Miss Katie Sherman, of Grenada,

is spending a few days with Mrs. E.

L. Sanderson this week.Mr. and Mrs. Ed Van Hoozer re­

turned home Monday afternoon from a few days’ delightful visit with Mrs.

Van Hoozer’s father.

otlnoBoard of Supervisor,~W. V. Horton, I'residW|--------------------- J. E. Carpeeur-------------------- -V.. Y Horton

----------------------- D. R. Childen------------------------ L. T.

413 owed

“all c

are n

Dist. One_____Dist. Two...........Dist. Three____Dist. Four____Dist. Five..........County Attorney



Greenwood Jack

Atlanta A ag met a 1myH&ydca -W. M. MitcS

Home Economic Afrt._Mis8 Annabel] HugheiFarm Demonstrator----------------- Harry c. Bel]

Circuit Court meets fourth Monday* ,a January and July.

Miss Jessie Berson, of Ponotoc, is the attractive guest of Miss Minnie

Rose.Mrs. Jim Rose, Miss Evelyan An­

gevin and Bays Rose spent Sunday at Duck Hill and Eskridge.

Misses Ada and B. Johnson, of

Water Valley, are spending a few days with Miss Amy Weir.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and three interesting children, of the Tie

Plant, enjoyed Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weir

Miss Lula Erickson, of Water Val­ley, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. J. Allen.

On last Friday afternoon Mrs. Ida Angevin and daughter, Miss Evelyan, entertained Misses Lula Erickson,

Minnie and Carrie Rose. Jessie Ber­son, Lucile Weir. Virginia Allen, Mrs.

C. J. Allen and Mrs. T. H. Weir.Miss Mary Griffin, of Bryant, is

visiting Lena Williams ancj Lucile Weir this week.

Some of the farmers are making

molasses and are having splendid re­sults.



as v

youf Chancery Court meets third Monday* m April and October.

Board of Supervisors meets first Monday of each month.1He\vs ©vet* tbc County j F


ailCity Officials.patRegular meeting of Council first MnniU,

night in each month. theThey are going where big shells are found.

s Hovis visited relatives , They will land in La Belle France,

week. j And expect to make the Germans

dance.daughter. Mary Helen, from Mattson, Some singing low. others loud.

Miss., Mrs. R. Dailey, of Torrance, j Each clothed in his beautiful‘shroud.’ and sister. Mrs. Mary Hagler and Farewell boys.

ahead;Hope you will get home before you

are dead.

HARDY ITEMS.Mayor____ ------ Major B. K Thoms,Clerk....................................................H. (I. TallunTreasurer..........................................J. A GibiotAttorney---------------- --------- ------- Cowles HortonMarshal and Tax Collector____Claud HailChief of Police----------------------- W. A McwodStreet Commissioner________J. Collins JonesSupt. City Schools__________ A. B. CampbellSupt. City Plant------------------------- H. C. Weit

jusMiss Bessis

in Carrollton lasttoSeveral items were omitted by ac­

cident from The Sentinel of last week

and among them was the return of the accommodating express agent in

Grenada, Mr. Stanley Brown and wife from a month’s stay in the West, most of which they spent at Tucson, Arizona. They state that they had a

most enjoyable trip and are much pleased with what they saw. While

in Tucson they met Mr. George Fields, who is prominently connected

with some important manufacturing

enterprise there. Mr. Fields was very solicitous, so Mr. Brown states, about old Grenada friends to whom he ask­

ed to be remembered.

thiMr. and Mrs. R. B. Eggleston and sp



East Ward—W. A. Thompson and W. P. Ferguson.

West Ward—J. W. Vanee and Robot Horton.

City at Large—R. Pressgrove and J. H. Horn.

1<There is troubledaughter. Edivina, of Alabama, vis­ited with their aunt, Mrs. Jack Townes last week.

oaii“TED.”Mr.s Minnie Smith spent the past

week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thomas.

Churchas.First Methodist Church—Rev. R. A. Tuck*

er. Pastor. Services every Sunday n„ rnisf and evening. Prayer meeting every Wsl. nesday evening. Sunday School 10 a. to.

Firet Baptist Chigch—Rev. J. B. Quia, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Wed­nesday evening. Sunday School 10 a m

Central Baptist Church—Rev. J. W. Lee, Pastor. . Services ‘every second and fourth Sunday of each month, morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Wednenday evening. Sunday school every Sunday morning

EMBRY DOTS.Mrs. W. H. Arendale ami little son.

W. H.. contemplate a visit to rela­

tives at Swan Lake, Charleston and

Oakland.Miss Ethel Smith is at home after

a month's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dudley McLeod of Memphis.

Master Barclay Coats is visiting his grandmother. Mrs. Thomason, in Tatum.

Mrs. E. T. Aldridge made a trip

to Winona and Grenada during theweek.

Mrs. Bettie Pendergrast spent Su day at Mrs. L. J. Pittman’s.

Mrs. Georgia Pittman and M,s. •leftie Pittman made a trip to Grena­da Sunday to see relatives and friends

Mrs. Nannie Montgomery Sunday with Mrs. Lou Clanton.

Mr. S. A. Pittman was a visitor at Mr. Lee Pittman’s Sunday.

meeting was greatly enjoyed at Philadelphia last week.C. Land preached glorious

as he always does and nine united with the church.


Misses Minnie Rose, Jessie Berson

and Thomas Rose Forded to Charles­ton Saturday, where they spent a

pleasant day.

Vernon and Hugh Peeples spent the week-end with Louie Angevin.

Boyd McCormick visited friends

and relatives in Weir Springs Sun­


Mrs. Janie Anderson Hughes of the A. & M. College, accompanied by

her baby daughter, Virginia, has been

delighting her daughter and the many friends of this very highly esteemed

and popular young lady, Miss Anna Bell Hughes, for the past week with her presence. Mrs. Hughes is a very

accomplished woman and has seemed to enjoy very much the work of her daughter as home economics agent in Grenada county. Mrs. Hughes has

visited a number of places in the

county with her daughter. The Sen­tinel but expresses the hope of all who have had the good fortune to

get to know Mrs. Hughes that she

may soon return.

spent IIX.

Presbyterian Cburch—Rev. J. C. Ctroth* ere. Pastor. Servicee every Sunday morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Wed­nesday evening. Sunday aehool 10 a. m

Epiecopai Church—Rev. Edward A De- Miller, Rector. Services every Sumlsy ing and evening.

Mr. Quinn McCormick is riding quite a good deal this week.

Mr. Sidney J. Sullivan was in Tor­rance again Tuesday.


Rev. B.

sermonsMr. J. L. Townes has about com­

pleted a nice country mansion for his

father near town.Miss Josie Townes and little

nephew. W. H Arendale spent a day in our “little burg" the past week.

Mrs. Junius Townes and si

Fraternities.Crsnada Lodge No. 31, F. * A. M.—Regu­

lar communication second Monday in each month. M. V. Higginbotham. W. M.; T E. Moody. P. M. Secretary.

DeWltt Clinton Royal Arch Chapter, No. 13—Regular convocation third Monday in each month. T. E. Moody. H. P.: H H. Heath, Secretary.

Wm. H. Stevens Council Royal and SelectMaaterc—Firet Monday in each month. J. T- Keeton, T. I. M.; H. H. Heath, Secretary.

Yalobusha Commandary, No. 28, K. T — Regular conclave fourth Monday in each month. Dr. W. H. Whitaker. E. M.: T. E. Moody, Recorder.

Woodmen of the World—Meet first and third Thursday nights. J. A. Blount, Con­sul Commander; A. J. Davis. Banker; S. T. Tatum. Clerk.

Knighta of Pythias—Meet first and thi-d Tuesday nights. S. T. Tatum. Chance re Commander; -J. P. Broadstreet, Vice-Chan­cellor; W. B. Barnes, Keeper of Record, and Seals.

Independent Order Odd Fallows—Me-taevery Monday night. S. T. Tatum, Nobla Grand: W. S. P. Doty, Secretary.

“SCARECROW.’Quite a number of Weir Springs business men spent Saturday in Gre­nada.

Misses Aria. Lela Mae and Etis Montgomery spent Sunday at Mrs. G.

\\. Avery s and attended service at Mr. ( harlie Clanton's Sunday after­



to the “City Beautiful.”

Mrs. T. H. Weir and Lucile Weir enjoyed a pleasant afternoon with the Misses Rose and Jessie Berson Monday.

Junior Angevin visited Miss B. Johnson in the home of his tunt, Mrs.

Mollie Weir, Sunady evening.We are sorry to note the illness

of Howard Rose.

The Holcomb community was

shocked last Sunday afternoon when it learned of the drowning of young Breckenridge Fulmer, age 15, son of Mrs. L. R. Fulmer. It seems that young Fulmer went in swimming along about 12 o’clock in Guy Creek

on the Old Guy Place about a mile and a half east of Holcomb. The place wheer he went in was within fifty yards of a negro house and the negroes heard him splashing around for a considerable while and then they state they did not hear him any more and became uneasy and went down to the creek to see about him and found his clothes on the bank

Rev. Clanton did the preach-ins arehack from a several weeks visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ter-

erll, in Grenada, and are now visiting with Junius, at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Townes, Sr.


Mr. Ben Jenkins and family and Mr. John Pendergrats and famiyl din­

ed at Mr. Leslie Pittman’s Saturday.Mr. George Simmons visited friends

and relatives in urday.

Mr. Maud Avery is on the sick list

We hope for him a speedy

aLieutenant Joe Neely Powers pass­

ed through Gernada Friday afternoon

of last week and while in town was an appreciated visitor at The Sentinel office. Lieutenant Powers enlisted for the officers’ training camp at Ft. Ben­

jamin Harrison, Ind., soon after the

declaration of war, and when his two

Mr. Horton, of Dallas, Texas, is with his brother, Frank Horton, here.

Mrs. Minnie Smith and Miss Josye Townes spent a day with Mrs. R.

Dailey at Torrance.

Midshipman E. Talbert Aldridge arrived Sunday for a short vacation, which he, his mother and little broth­

ers will spend touring the west. They

spent a few hours in Grenada Mon­day, and leave Thursday for a day and night in Memphis, thence to Chi­

cago. Denver, Ogden, Salt Lake City and Yellowstone Park and other places. Will return in two and one- half weeks.

Miss Margaret Aldridge returned Sunday from a two weeks’ visit to

her brother and wife in Memphis, and to friends in Arkansas.

Messrs. Martin, Hill, Smith, Hor­

ton and Gully were Memphis visitors this week.

Misses Louise and Edith Horton and Gwendolin Yorks of Scobey visit­ed friends here Saturday.

Mrs. Howie and Mrs. Hugh visited Mrs. Horn during the week.

Messrs. G. D. and R. B. Thomason will open a store here Sept. 15.

The W. M. S. met at Mrs. Thoma­

son’s on Tuesday. Each did a bit of fancy work, which is for sale.

The following poem is by Mr. J.

L. Townes, Sr., a splendid veteran of the Civil War, and now past the

“three score and ten” mark:The soldier boys have left our town.

our community Sat-

this week. VIOLET.


Mr. S. J. Sullivan, who had a posi­tion in Greenwood awhile, returned

JEFFERSON ITEMS.and one-half months were up, he was the first called out of 2500, a veryhigh compliment indeed. He was of- Washington it Warned of New Kind

but could not locate the boy after fered a captaincy in the National 0f Propaganda.diligent search and they became Guard or a second lieutenancy in ------------frightened then and sent for Mr. tbe reKular army and very properly Washington, Aug. 26.__Warning

Singleton, an uncle of the youth, too't tbe lieutenancy. Lieutenant against a German propaganda seeking who came and had one of the negroes Powers is a son of Chancellor Powers to stir up insurrection among Ameri- wade out in the creek and after a |and w'^e tbe State University and can negroes, is given in a statement

short search his body was found at \ *s an exceptionally fine young man issued tonight by the Patriotic Edu- the bottom of the creek. It is sup- jan^ one of unusual talents and bril- cation Society.posed that he was taken with cramps i liancy. The Sentinel congratulates Anonymous letters and postal cards and became helpless. The water was j b'm as we" as hi* parents. urging negroes to rise against the

only about 2 V4 feet deep. He was * * * whites and promising there will be noburied at Como on Monday. The ' thirt ar^mad ̂a^b^had1 C°lor line when Gern«any rules, the

Sentinel joins with the entire com-| Grenada Sentinel. Phone 26 and we! statement saVs. have been brought to mumty in extending sympathy to the will send you one. Any machine, ithe attention of the officials of the grief-stricken mother, brother and any color. ’! society by the negro leaders,



" e are sorry to learn cent burningStory, who lives a few miles west of Jefferson, he had.

our neighborhood last week, ■here he will stay now for awhile.

We are all glad to have Mr. Sullivan

f the re- f the home of Mr.


He lost most everything J back with us.• M rs. F. H. Horton was a caller in

Albert Little, who has a position at the home of Mrs. L. M. Williams one C harleston, returned home to his fam-, afternoon last week, ily for the week-end. Glad to have him back.

Mr. H. I. Stevens made a short \ incent Inman returned visit to see the sick Tuesday morn-

with him for a visit to relatives Mon- ing. day. Miss Grace Sanderson is still keep­

ing house for her father.Mr. S. J. Sullivan made a business

trip to Torrance last Tuesday.Miss Mary Horton has returned

home from a delightful visit from

over across the river.Mrs. D. E. Horton and son spent

a short while with Miss Carrie Wil­liams one afternoon last week. We

are very glad to state that Miss Carrie is much better at this writing.

Mr. Riley O'Neil is enjoying the

f his son’s family from south

Glad to have them.


There is some talk of the school starting for a month of pay, but it did not materialize. This is a good

move if our people will take hold of

it. .Taking Cathartic* Every Day for' Weaks Don’t Cure Stomach

Trouble.400 TYPEWRITERS.

All kinds and all grades, REM­INGTONS $12 up. Instruction book

■ with each machine. Type and re- . They do not ruminate the pol»onou» BileMr. D. R. Horton was at the home pair parts for all makes of Type- iUiCThi™™ shtomS.rht''se'pcT.iur1“often

of his son’s, Mr. F. H. Horton, a while writers. 10 Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcere of the Stom-

Wedensday morning. | Empir. Type Foundry, Buffalo. N. Y.Mr. H. I. Stevens spent a while in ------------------------ jilment. .re the con.«,ue„«. 5.”“

the home of Mrs. L. M. Williams . Engraved visiting cards, wedding i.s„dhinu'?!„rr»‘i‘i^P“rThursday afternoon. b home ™rds' blrth an- It ha, restored millio"d oX:!^

... . _ „ ... nouncements — everything engraved, th,t win help yon. Mayr's WonderfulMiss Minnie Belle Williams, with at The Sentinel. . Remedy la for sale by Fatherree Drug Co. 1

The B. Y. P. U. is arranging for a picnic next Fri-1 y. This will be the first one oi t.,.s union, and the first

one for our esetion for this year.A number of our people took ad­

vantage of the excursion to the A. & M. from this county last week, and they report a good time. It is hoped

that there will be much good come from this trip to the county.


not the cheap kind but the

good kind done here.161


