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LR-NUMBER 1. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., … · 2015. 12. 3. · neotion of tbe State, Th e...

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•rew>ntn tbe ayer- I bona Ode clrcuin-., In nf.the grin for. f ol tlioii f H average wan 111)20, 9 . F Cotmtdcrable pt LR-NUMBER 1. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1902. SUBSCRI PTION::$I:M Barn// Burn Almost Simultan' SUSPECTED ItalEina Had..'Sworn Revenge on Cress- ' man and Transue. Forty Head ol Live Stock Perished In Ibe FUmcs— Only Slight Insurance. Five broke out almostBlmultanooufily Ia two big barns near tho village of Columbia about midnight on Monday. The oircumRt races were BO peculiar tbat incendiarinm is ttrongly suspocted and It is more thnn likely that two re- vengeful It iHans, who were Been in the neighborhood tbflt night, were the ones who applied the. matcTies. The two barns were Bitunted only a balf mite apart. One wan on the Clark Smith firm, occupied by Kinney Tran- Bne, and the other on the farm of the Paulina Kill Oonsolidnted Power & Ice bot>i cases aaalatance came too late beofmuoh value and the contents of tho buildings were tot illy deftroyed, . along with all the live f.tick. The fire lompany from Portland hurried to Mr. jn«i»u«'a plituo hut the barn wna nonr- | consumed and tbey directed their |lort3 to saving tno wagou house, Ihicb they succeeded in doing. iTranano lost several wagons, a eBlior and binder. Besides these, a hors?fl,.ien COWB and eight aheep re consumed ; alan, n. team of horses nnging t3 Pttsr Waiters, who ha9 , ,'ge of the stone crusher whoro the arlam Ubeintr construct id. Tranaue :; led only $350 insurance. , .•laaman's loss comprised four tea, three cows, n now wagon, eight •of harness, a binder nnd mower, insurance amoatt-jd to $650. he buruing of two barns brings ont It t (resting st >ry. Last fall two of .i-Tfiiiinns employed io building tbe s ditm were arreetod nnd proBectited fa violation of the parue lawn. Ttiey '-'a putiiahed for hunting on Sunday _ Tranaue and Crlasman were the a principal witnesses against them. Or,this the Itilians swore yenfreatice nt the. two men..,-' 6 diff^rect since thentheybHve showu t'iftir ling toward t^e two farmers by m whereby First AesUtunt Postmaster General Win. M. Johnson fa to ba ap- polLt »d State Treasurer and Mr. Stokes elected United Stitce Senator. Tneea gentlemen nro members of diifarent pntiticat factions. Senator Kean und Mr. Stokew aronot the warmc-Ht politi- cal fi-ionds but in consideration of Mr. Johrmon being made Stitn Treasurer tlie Senator would probably withdraw his opposiiion to Stokes. Moreovw, pp tho Pennsylvania Railroad is backing Stokes. I I I They openly declared t'lat _. _. Tdo'etlll greater harm to the hen who had asaUtid iiThavlng I prosecuted. :--, h particular Italians referred to Columbia Saturday, night, having |ed their work on the new clam, lolleved they did not go far away 'Otnrhftd on Tuesday night nnd •leted their revengeful work by vg. flreto the batfns. The people flumbia and vicinity are-up in er the outrage and if they can iCofaomo. evidence with one jid tbe Italians with the other Fill be" BOOH thing doinV ivBreporter. had a talk with Mr. \e, wbo acts as; intarpreter for •ans, on Tuesday. He remark- Taneofthe Itiliai-e, especially, i a grudge against; the two far- s a "bad rooster." }the horses burned in Orias- irii were recently owned by ton,paittes. One was John -.apple gray ami tho other waa Irty owned by H. W. Alleger, 1 used'! by him as a factory dray W. agents of tbe intonated insur- Rcompanies viewed the premises ,uesday,,and, it is said, will ad- [he losses immediately. . A Remarkable Church. •'••• Writing a friend la this -pla'ce"Dr. >ftbe Buggies Street BaptlBtchurob. ^Incloses tbe church program for L-naawep*:.;. According to ttitti.au- __y-tliel > o' were fifty-one meeting} in rphurch during tho aefren days ending >. 28tK Sixteen of these are on Sunday [at 1215 a lunch ia served in the weal tit? f<>r_wprkerB_iind tbone coming from Jot, wniy uOea ill to feiuttikiitjltj" . all the UHual societies con- l with It but it has a debating so- Pety, Greek and Hebrew classea., boya * ade, cook!off, Rewing. housekeeping, ™.thnnd, typewriting and music classes [iree reading room and a free^employ- Jeiit agency aro open daily. A, Medical Bfoponwiry and a,,relief.department are srated la connection with the church :n d-iysa wees.- Surely Dr. Dlzon and ,,.„ numerous assistants are trying to ru?oh the people and no" wonder they VilMiV new developments." A new Idea entered Che rat d of the editor of the "" ~HINQTON tjTAK, N, J., to bring meBs- ;«e»f'Oiu ' Old Fiienda" from tbe,.North,' Jltat, South and WcBt to their 1 former Homo, Warren county, wbiob was put into T et, and ti»u Htipreoiatlon haa been over- belminc, from not only old pntrons of ,,je*'BrAB n of Warron county, hut from thoso wbo once were residents of that neotion of tbe State, The growth of that paper has heen marvelous, 1 ,and its enter- prises have baen inore«Bing rapid y c£s!n vear to y e a r . T h e queBtionj_now^ in the minds or the many reane-e, :; " what wiU : be In store for them next?" •• ., • ! ProercoH in themntto of thesu Umos, and the "STAB" IB determined to'beep apace with the times: .The frtlfcor-lias..our;,best wi^hea and a hnppv Nnw Year greeting. THE R08BVILLB WEEKIiT. It la stated that Borne one h«fl' offered to l«nBe Ihe basement of the Opera HOUHO Bloofc at a much larger routal than WillUm 3arroi IB pas lag, and th»t the latter, htia " >t<1ed to move hfa anloon mid retitHUrmit to other quarterb. Both tbe bunk ...and Mr. Barron havei cocflrmed statements. •*- i^aad Tri-WoeBl3rNoK-=York •** - " - "Tar, In advonc"e. , SENATOR SEWELL D1KS. After « IJOIIR and Succrasful Curccr Ihc Ciiiiidfii SiiMtsman I'UBSCU Awiiy— Dlttlculiy In N«m- •:'"'•" Ing Succcfisor. Unitpd S^ati^a Senator Sfwell died on Dpcember 27th nnd tlie Stite hns now lust one rppreser.tttivo in the Senate. His Illness dated from tvo yours ngn when ho collapsed from tho etttjet* of overwork and, although he tried tho leading health renorta of tbe world, his lienlth was gone forever. - For many yoarn hn was tho hoad of the West Jttraey Rtllrond, a branch of the Pennsylvania, and it was through this corporation that' he first became a political factor In New Jersey, Asa railroad man he wns a euccrss nnd was very popular with thoso undor him. Ao a SeniitDr he developed a great faculty for organization and the admirable condition of the Republican machioery In this State 1B due more to bis efforts, perhaps, tban to fiose of any other one man. In every county ho hnd many nraunch friends but it can harldy be said that he got so near to the heartB of the maPHea as did tho late la- mented Hobert and other leaders of reoont yenra. General Seweil's military career was ouo of which the Sttte will ever be proud. He w*>nt Into tho army RB a captain In the Fifth New Jersey Vol- unteers, and by dint of courageous ser- vice at Ohancelloraville waB brevetted Negro and White Woman Musi Not Co-habit Here. 200 PEOPLE PARTICIPATE Lundy's Dilapidated Abode Torn Down and Smashed Into Kindling Wood. Negro Brandishes an Axe and is Felled With Slone. Tlie Women Gel Out of Town. It wan demonstrated most effeclually on Monday night that a white woman and a blauk man will not be allowed to cO'habitate In Washington. The Lundy case furbishes tbe example. A mob of 200 mtn visitsd the aged negro's home aud when tbt-y bad finished an hour later there was noth- ing left of tho home and not much of Lundy. Tho motive for the r.ttack upon, the offensive habitation was well iuspired, out'the methods UBed were in Burious l l d h Brigadier General nnd subsequently violation of tho law and "they were as waa made a Maior General.. . . . . Ic will 'be a difficult mntter for the party in power to nud a man for Gen- eral Sowe It's place who will do the work as well as lie did it. Various work as well n he i i . Vriou names have been suggested, nmun; thorn hftint; Oovernor Voorheea an Ool. Wm.Hnrboiir, but it is more than ikely the neWtlon wltl be aomcon >lse, poHBibl S C t O l k K 0. Stokefl. ng Liirl y upreme Court Olerk K. There ia aald t > bo a deal i P , aid to be i Suit*, , Januar? 8.h, 1902, - /ill bo tbe day that wu wllls'.artour Kutnmage Bale. Aa ROOH as Christmas Is ovor wecom- aieoce to piepare for this Kale. Every nook and craimy Is thoroughly looked la to, all odd Iota, broken a^ortmetitH, Bbort Iflogtns, attlcleanlightly soiled or rnussed from handling, articles that did not foil as 'r^ti an we thought they would. AH are brought, a'l^ and "placed on.tho bargain tabiea. Utttnyou will flnd^uic tne wsnttd ftrticles, at a half and Jes* ofwhattboy woro only a few days ago. Every .depart- mentln thontore will toatrlbute to this sule— Drww Goads Depurtrno'it, Silk Do- pnrtnifint, Clnr.k nnd Suit, Department, Do mo-tie Dopartment, Nation Dfcparl- tuent, Underwear Department, Upholalery Department and Carpet, Department. It is u sale looked fur ward towith n groat deal of intomst by the people of this section of tho country, nnd it look?, BR far as wo have gone, that this stile will eclipse oil previous eaiefl of Its kln<I ever held in our city. Wcdnredny, Jan. Sth, will be the day that we will utart this Bale, nnd yon can afford to comn many uiilfg, for the savlnR on each andevery article you buy will bo gttut— ofton two for ODR. RADER'S, Enston'rt Best Dry Goods Store, and tr-'in W«dncsd.»y, January Scb, for two weeks, ailumaiago Sale Store. An'KxhlblHon in Klsticull'd. On New Year's day a tquAid of tncil portauien held ii nliooting nuicb In a He'li iKKr the railrond Btatinn. Live birris wi re istd and the usual number of u bush^ hack- ers" were on the outside looklnp for stri.y birds. BUI Van Qeiucn, n colored man, WHS one these and on diflVrunt icu-uioiifl e bandied his gun in a roost c ir^tts- tii'tn- oer. He was ivurnod about llrii g to .VHMIH be crowd, but It lecmed to trnvu no t tl't><" nd presently he blfzerl away nirectty inio tbe crowd uf people btc^ of the traps. A half dozon were peppir«d aud one of the rtliot cralna found lodgement in Harry KnowlOH' cheolt. Knowles waa so thor- iitgbly ciasperatea over the fellow'B care- ebsnesB that be laid down his pun and pro- neded to teach tbe colored man a lesson, Knowles was formerly n oily policemen and besides being powerful has a thorough knowledge of pugilism. What be handed into the darky comprised all the fancy jppercuts, shoulder blown, short armjilte, polar plexUB fitabB and pivot hlows *«« finishing touch tiegaveoueof Ktd McCoy's famous "cork-screws." Van Qetaen promised to be careful in the future, tben away back and sat down. .-•„•.,. JLJTho Best of Them All. No weekly thatoiime to'ourerchftnVe desk w«s fo perfect In typography, priut- i«g and geritiral make-tip «s wan the holi- day edition of THE WASHINGTON (N. J.) STAR. : Tho firilttnn -wtiH_-MMod- l 'An Olit Prleiids' Edition." The twenty foiir paguu contained^ hiilRone^ongravinga of tho STAR'S'i»ld : a'nd-iusw-ff ivutiiy-fuur in all. Ouoofthe ppecial features of I he iMtion was u "History of the Your" de* rurtinent, there beingfilxter'n columns of personal mention, publio iinprovemer.ts, deaths of local people, etc. There wore ighty columns of advertiseraonts, wliich were not "thrown" togethur, ns la ofte»- tlmfR Utoense In Ohriatmns rumbors. THE WASIIINOTOK STAK, notwilhstandirg r.'>i- f»OL that It published in n town of 3,800 inhabitants, DHH a flworn circulation of 1,335 Tlis Is possible by tilling the neigh- oring soil thoroughly. To Ohtirles L. 'rybor, editor and proprietor, vie say, •Vour"Otirl8tiuaB"itBuo^waa- a *birdi*•"—* I'owspapordom. a Smallpox la Peunsylvanlaf' ". V/hlle"thb am^llpiix scaro In Stroudsburg nd E.titt Stroudabtirg is about over, the lBeaue ia said to be siirefldine rapidly In lie country districts of Mnnroo coii"tv. If Is declured that tho true state offifJMrsin bho-e dlBtrlotB is beh g held back ai>ri nnly ho moitt favnrnhlo reports sent out. There bt i Stdb d l i o m p n o . but one case in Stroudsbars and t S t d h u r K i hut. In thi wirrnnf th b ee in i EastStrondMurKi u In th w n ditty country outside those boroughs eleven new caaeo were ropor ltd in turto d*\a I nub woek. FortunntelyJ thiHSido of the river is unaffected by t.bo plaeue, notwithstand- ing tho faot tbat there Is more or lets i teroourse between the two counties.. n an iiTinppPHsnrv. - Tholndecentrelfttions between David Lundy, a negro veteran 71 years old, and Hannah Howe, a yoiiDg white woman 21 years of age, have existed in the Luudy house on Broad street for_ several, weeks,,or..ever, since.the woman cutae there to work as house- keeper. The obscene actions of the two were no Iligrisi t to the decent white neighbors as to become intoler- able. Many persons were aware of the exiting conditiofcH, but the facts were not brought to public notice until Icut week, when the STAR camo out with a stor> written in a. vein of humor. On Stiturdiiy morning Luudy ceived a notice reading eomt t-ilng like thip: "David Lundy: You are hereby warned againtt harboring the whitj woman in your houHe. If it ]B .not stopped we will tear tho house down. WHITE CAPS." Oa the Bamo morning George B tVndrswf, auother aged colored man, received, a similar nitce. Andrews, in the old house adjoining the j Lundy dwelling. Pi.cube L tl f H h b b tbe Lundy dwelling. Pi.cube LDHaw, tbe mctlier of Huunah, bus been living with Andrews, also in the capacity of housekeeper, for tho past three years. She is a drug fiend and is m a atupur almost all tbe time, particularly when she has money enough with which to pnrchase roorpbioe, iaadannmor eum opiumr Thbtuaa Bimmonsi another colored man, and nged Josiah Lynn, a blind white man, also live in the houBe. When : L'nndy and Andrews rend their Ku-Klus-Klan ccticeB they com- pared notes. What Andrews said is not known, but Lundy ioj quoted as flayiug: "I'se not afeerd of "no White Capg bekase I'ae got an axe." - Oa Monday night shortly before ton o'clock a crowd of men got tigether uptown aud proceeded to the Lundy house. By the time the house was reached the crowd liad swelled and the proceedings which followed were wit- nessed by probttbly 200 people, includ- iuga few women. {, 'he mob was timid at the start. Presently someone pounded agaiimt (ho door of the little two-story, shack. Then cfchorn pulled off the shut- tors nnd smashed in tbe windows. Ai- mott at the same time the front door w\is baitered down. The crowd poured in. A tramp who was inBide warming bis shins tt Cbe kitchen stove made a break for the paNRageway and ran out ii to the street. He was trembling with fear, believing tnat he was going to be roughly dealt with. He said his name was Bepra and tbat he bad relatives here. Upon being told to go find bis relatives, be made off with a sigh of rrlief. The whiti woman Hannah was not in the dwelling. Ibis said tbat after Lundy received the White;Oap notice she stayed over night with her mother next door. Lundy waa found upstairs, but no one in the crowd cared t i visit the attic when it waa learned that tbe negro, had:P.Gase;!n;b!H;p039esF | ionc ; ;r" Ancther method of bringing matters ta a climax was then devised. Some- one threw a pailful of water on the flre in the Btovo and a volume of steam went up.: Lundy thought the house bad been fired and he Boon came down from the loft, desperately clutch- ing the axe'iirhis i hands.-""He"'raade; a break through the crowd: and dashed out of the door, with Beveral men in pursuit. The chase continued down Monroe.street,J>ut_-the,,negro, finding that his pursuers were'gaihingupou tiim.turiied and brandished thftjiYR, ftll_ the whileyelling""murder. 1 *;^ ';•'; " When Lundy turned and faced the mob, tbe pursuers fell back out of mrm's way, but presently began pelt- ng him with stones. One' of these Btruok Lundy a fearful hlow under tbe right eye. He began ti groan in a piiiful:wny, "Oh Lordy, I'm killed. Oh Lordy, if you eber bad pity on a poor olo man bab it now," he cried. Tho crowd let him go after that and when fie'bid follow reached tbe home of;JosephuTaylor,-a :b!ock;away,:his courage' had returned. Taylor bad a revolver and this Luudy tried to g(t possession of. Taylor wisely, withheld tho firearm;'and..had:he...not.doue ;ao Berlnus results might have followed. ''• After leaving the old negro, the orowd 'returned to the house. Some of the men went into Charles Force's shop nearby and secured a very long, hoavy ropo. This was run tirough the windows.npstairB and fastened--inside. A hundred men pulled with a will, but the fattanings tore loose. The next ef- fort was'more successful and the old shack was lifted from its foundations aud rolled over on its eide^'The'rope was readjusted and a couple more bard tugs made the wreck complete. A K,u. pan cyclona could not have wrougl groiter havoc. Tho crowd by tbiH time was Iraburt with thn "spirit of '70" and other kind of "flplritb" had been imbibed in i couple of caees. One of the men wlio had partaken too ltberully of the latter began to inquire fur a match wit I which to ignlw thfl wreck. Happily, at this roomert, Officer Shrope enmp upon the ectne nmi he soon succeedet' In restoring order and the crowd slow ly dispersed. It ia said that the officer waa kept from interfering with the mob while the work WOB going on through A race which had been arranged beforehand. Two boya climbed upon the roof of a building in tie rear of Dell & Marzsen'a store and made a racket. Shrope went to inveatigate and the boyB kept his attention directed away from the Luu- dy house for the better part of an hour. Spmo of tbe morn humane people in the crowd called Dr. Smith to attend tbe woundtd negro. Lundy was found In the Taylor liouee, where Heeeie Andrews was murdered some j'eais ago, and he presented a pitiful Bight, Blood flowed freely from U.a cut under the eye and had besmirched the en- tire front of his clothing. HI'B eye was swollen shut and a lump had formed BS large as a hen's egg. The physician took several stitcbf B to clpae the wound. Lundy will probably lose the use of the eye. He hnd been hit in several places about tbe body end since tben these have caused him much pain. Tho proceedings above narrated, vrhilo G»latary in their.;:.'. effot t," 'fiie greatly to ho deplored. Such utter disregard of law and order Is a disgrace to the community. The subjsctB ol the assault aro so ignorant as to be scarcely responsible for their aetB. An order to "clear out" from Ihe authorities would douttlens have had the desired effect. Mrs LOBUW and her daughter Dasaed sleepless night and Tueeday got their bundles together and weLtouDof town through ttie back streets. They art- now living with Dan Van Gelsen, who is Lundy'u son-in-law. Van Geisen ia colored man and lives near the lock along the canal, this aide of Pott Ool- deu. It is eaid that Lundy is going to live with them again us soon as be re- covers from hia injuries. The colored population seem to he considerably wrought up over the ratli- il measures adopted to break up the Lundy nest. 1 The claim that a similar CJB9 of miscegenation exiBta in "t v je Crook," only^in this iDBt.ioco the man is white and the woman black. It was generally repoited that the colored people were going to clean out thip ranch on Tuesday nlglt, but nothing has yet been done. The man referred .> is a boatman on the Morris canal and ia living with Fanny Qook. He beard tbat the colored men were coming up on Tuesday ( n5,"jht to give him a -ducking in the canal and during* the day^ he VPme -down 'own and purchased a"repeating riflg." Tlieb le announced tbtt be was ready for ny attack, and even went so far as to nvit9 some of t i e colored men to come up. This move on the pnrt of the white mail took the bravado Bpirit out if them and they have decided not to inBtitate any Bociety reforms in tlut quarter for fie present, :it least. Proposed (ias Plant Knterprlse. The Journal learns from an excellent source that a prominent and well known gas plant engineer _haB uuder I ^?'f JUDGE PITNEY ON l§tiH New Justice Makes His Debut in Warren County. TWO LICENSES REFUSED Drinking Places at New Village and Alpha Not Considered Necessary. llackettstown Bribery Charge Now Being Presented (o the Grand Jury.) PoBBibly the Deermber terra of com t, which opened at Belvidtre on Tufe- day, WPB atl(-rded by a prtater num- bfr of intern ted peeple than ia neual i.tthis t3iin. Thu annountemeut tbat tho new Pretiiding Jiuticp, Hon. Mablon Pitnfy, would make his initial appearni cp, ibtk for the big Th would make his initial (ioubtkes one rtaeon d g tamce. The new Justice, however, fallfd to Bhow up. I ontend, bo sent word that owing to the funeral of General Sewell, he would he nbliged to go to Uflraden, hut would be on band this (Tlmrfulny\ mnrninf Judgo Shipman rbnn tnnk hold of ;he rt-iiiB. II-Hp-nt everybody quiet and ;hen told the Grand Jury wi at their "*—•• Tlirco or it Eind. ./ Copfitnblo Jrfrpb C. Thcmpeon Gmtidiri JudioLO-dabcrrj'fl crurt n _ r'fiyHBfiO VPIICU a STAn mtn'dtopptd In U find out 'fwlifll vim dolra" Bt tt^at Itpal mill. Tho Justice Jnkinvly *aid that there would bu^Koinittiiu' doin" 1 vtiy Bhmtly I lit he could r.ot tell wbnt tho tutcom w<u!d tip btciiHte hn liar] not kttn Pttti a jit, THanmaik Ud'CorrtaHe Tb'trap- f-on to till the rollowine tn\t: BI«ny yti*r PRO tlitro WOB a Utrrnan Justlco ol tin Pence wbese borne Mood on tbe battbs o t lie Delaware. A ccrtnin nierclmnt placed a i.uiiihciroftccoui.ts with Ihe German fc collection <ir.d In fevtml cefiffl IUUS Ken brought. In ench cute the ji:d(>ment otilained hnd heen mtbt-r unsallbfacinry ti tto mcrcnnr,t, btnee bo cDnciudid thi uonuthiiig V,SH Ikchintr. Ho lo&dfd op a Iratload of eood kindllr g wocd nnd, piddling down lo the Oennnti's iilhce, uulondtd tbo carjio &t his door. When tbe jKfttlcu BSW the pile he IneiKfd rnpoyintr for Ibe load of word Lut tbe mticliBi t rt-fiiFed in mkrnny pny. "Veil, I lell you" e«ld I he Dutchman "I give you onu d—mfine judgment nixt wttk." . V He wits a trrmp. Of this ,U ere waa no doubt hut tie braced up manfully BBbe np- proachtd tho bnck door rf a Eclvldcro avf-nuo htmc. Ho was butgry be f-x plnlDtd find wanted scmt-tllrp to cat. The Isdy of tbo bfmo looted'him over and Hun Invited blm in. In a few niiruUB he had dcTOUied fill tbo left ovir feed In tho brweand Ihnrkhg ihe Ury ftiarled for tbe door. "Hold on" i-ho en:d "can jou fawuoo**?" He boned vtty low FB he repliid "Pardon me, madam, if I correct ,our pn mm«r. You thould Buy, «CHn you itettiouciOd."' Wljtntlo pc od noui»n c(overtd from her tbtoulbLmect the hobo ueoifji!Tie'reoD'wsslcrtlrp'nt a morn Inn paper In front cf Chilstlnc'e ntwa «"tiiiid o fewditys apo when hit eye tudt 1 " 1 - lylellontbe report of Mnrroura HUC in ttlccn<phfPK without wlrtn PCTOPB the <jtmn "Gte" Bild Georce 'Mliat thcro v.lrtlefB telegrRph Fcbtme'H preit. If tbey l u\trt!tilit lo woiklhK out ttils Kfiv I'm 'coin'to strike the bota of ibe outfit fur a job as linimaa." JUSTICE MAHLQH PiTKEY. duties He said it 'was not nee- i •y for. him. to chargp trjem ijpon any suhj-'ct b.-irring the Hackettbtown briherv- ch.irtrH."'" UKth TIllR •>nsideration the contemplated organi- .tionofa company which .will have Tor it* purpose the building of a biggflB slant at a convenient point in Warren jnunty. It is proposed to estsind pipe lines from the plait t-o the towns and villages within a ceittin rndius, as is tone in the natural gas fields, Bupply- ing the people with gas for illumiu.t- ting and other purpose's. Prom what we learn, Washington will probably be selected as the moat cent nil point for bbe location of the plant. Th« promo- ors have estimated tbtt within the ooe they will pipe there ia a'popula- tion of over 15,000 people, and there is lure to be a demand for all tbegaB iich a plant could furnish. Belvidere, Oxford, Buttzville, Hackettstown, Hope, Danville and Vienna, Asbury, Broadway, \ StewartBville, Hampton Junction, Glen Gardner and other ow-ns are all within; tbe zone of the :ontom plated enterprise. Warren An Iowa Wedding. iPibTaiisyBiirt^gV nriMrs. Albert Balrd of Muscatine, I , ormerly of Bulvldere, was united in raar- -luce to Mr. Frank P. Blatichard of tbe lame city oa Dec. 24th. Theiwoddiog wan very quiet nfialr on acconut of the recent id bereavement In the bride's family. The Muscatine D:iilv Joarnal asya: "Both of the principals in this happy iveht areraemberB'"ol'"-Musoatlno'a'bcat nd moat prominent families. Tho brido Is one of thoso wbo Ins done much to keep up Muacatlue's fame for its fair laughters. She has a large circle ol 'rieridsand is much admired for tbeuweet- of her natuio aud character as for ;^pcnf!p.a!ibcr.at7.-cTti2;cr65n<;;i5;!be on of Wm Blanc hard, of this city,and Is >ne of the moat" Buceeaaful of Mu-catine's outigor buaiueaa men. He ia at urgent general manRger of the-BiancliRrd Puck- inp;Co,, which ODeratea a largo picking Establishment and the meat market form- rly run by O. E. Itiohards." Kngllsh Wiilnuta. About this lime last year,' wo culled at- tention to tho < proapsct.ivo profit thnt might itccruo from pluming tbo E»gllEih walnut, says a correspondent in a Sustex r.spor.=--Tba,r.ksgivir!K:rDay-',TQ-di:;cd-^iih. Dr. Carlos Alien of yernon. aud us part of the dessoit ate some English wnlnuta from a tree tho doctor p]nhtcd in bis garden a few years BRO. The quality ..was tqual to nny we' hare'ever tinted. One of tuo DrowB of the Vernon Valley tins planted quite a large orchard and will probably reap a bundfome return in time. Twenty- flvu yoars ago, when neurlv nil our p^achta camo from ft*i'rrl3 and Warren countlep, the writer stated through these columns, tbat Sussex would in, a. few year? ox t t bTitrri b ' i l b i t port tbeaituieTruitr&uri b H a vilonary Pehaps year? ox ilangbeti tit th matter thacHhould be iriveptlgi-ted abd he wanted them to hear the facts in ;hfi case und report t > him nt any time ftiey wanted auy instructions. Hi 1 ;>ir) them that Prosecutor Angle would also tend his assistance in putting the :aae before them. Somo minor'matters will in all Ilkeli- lood bo brougl t before theGrand Jury. Is is understood that lnnyfi Dahlke is not goinp to push tho chargt ageinBt Frank Wolff, ttie farmer ,whc 'iot him in the leg a couple of moLtbs Aftar the jurymen had pone into re- tirement, undfr the custody of Con- stables Lnaiuh B. Burd and Oyrns Vos- ler, Jiidgo anipnuin took up some licanae ppplicjtiunB. The following were graured and tho ft-rs set in tl'o same amount aw last yenr: CharlpHB. Dole, Brflvider*; S. J. Brobaw, Buttz- ville; John Bump, Bhiiretowu; Solo- man D. Bigley, Poliatnong. Alpliouso DeMillier, a Wdsbington bonier, applied for a license to keep a hct^l itr, Alpha. The Judge said be wub obliged to refuse the implication on the griiunda that it WBB unnecessary. John G. E.-khart presented a now application lor a license at New Vil- lage. In disposing of it Judge Ship- man UBed these worde: "ThiB appli- cation is refused on the grounds that —well, I refuse it. Iu'ja net necessary." The following constables were namrd ti do duty fir, ihit f t 0 N Sh W m of court: 0. bg dy ihiSitarm of court: 0. N. Shrop*, Washington borough; Geo. B. Vliet., Hackettstown; OvruB Vosler Oxford; Liaiah B. Blr?;>BlairBtown; Joseph M. Snyder. Wj/enington town- ship; J. D. Uibbe,.Independence: Philip OlburnepPo 11lipaburg; "Jn mea" H."S h i p- man, Franklin; Frank Kimble, Pdha- quarry; Gt'o.-ge B. Ho well, Hardwick. The Grand Jury selepted by Sheriff Colo IB composed principally of old- ttmerB—men of mature age. Follow- ing is tbe list of. members: ElhsJ. Mncfcpv, Belvidere. ^ ""KobHrtOrHltjiBluUBlown:""^^^-^-"-™- Roberto Rlohey, Franklin Cour>en B. Albert&on, Independence. Eiiphnlet Hoover, Waahiugton Borough. Rulnb Rush, Hnrmony. - - Obh"a. FlemlPR, Hope. 'i.! ZL"! 1'Z" sjKowito'n; -r ^~ : —"~ laavi lonary. Perhaps in another qunr- B^taVSS^ -" «»»•."?. P™P« represenrea ttluly will ifour fruit growers ene^e n«w \™ B d W^J? 0oD P reBB and afterwards ia plintlng tho trees Twelve to twenty i*™s electad State Senator from Morris Pr;dScar:^,Marr,llc!d.... ^ Mieliiml MtO.be, Oxroia... D.vid Smith, Pblllipsburg. AdHin Martin, " , J.cobFi'tB, Oxford. 'E.iwaid Vowler, Washington township': "* Theopolis Relder, Pohatcong. Mlchhel Donlty, Phi HI pa burg. : Jofioph A. Darling, U»cke)t\town. Wm A.. McLtaghlln, Pnilli[)tsburs. Norman Dopue, Pahnquarry. u•.<*; Joseph T, Smith, Phlllipabure. " v Geort-o \V. Wllcon, Allamuchy. *- Wrn.C Wlliipiek, Hnrdwlck. J^mts JTrelpar^Philllpaburs 1 . """ Oonrt" aSj bur7ied~oiT" Tuesrl« y after- nooii and reconvenes this Touraday rnoriiing at 11 o'clnnk. The. case of John Karr va. The United Electric Im- provement Oo. will probably occupy the attention of the court the whole day and will not gotathe jury until noon on Friday. 1 Intfiresr, will also be centered today in tlie'debut of tho new Justice, MahIon Pitney..-He willdoubtless make a ve^v favorable impression. i> Justice Pitney is well known to War- rn.coui.fcy people. He represented Lottu's ll^t M-ht. Lottn, tlie cc-(ietr«B3, in private life known HH M^a Clurlottc Crubtiee, IB a mrifit charmiiiK ui d dignified wurmiri of tetito Hnuieand advanced nee, She him lived In rutlrement for nearly twenty jearw near tho Hotel BresIIn on the (stores of Luko Hopatcong. Sholctl tbe stage at the bf la tit of her pT.ularity alter a painfu frill In ttie Able Optra House, in Erf^ton whluli wus tier la^t appearance in public Hcrt-lnau^r h fluerca over rough men was exemplified when BIIO was about fletenteon. I» charge of bur mott^er she nas mttking a tr-ur of tbe Nevada mining campp. She landed at H.mliton, OLO rit the JOuphtstciimjiB in the territory. An expeuta~nt crowd of particularly rough mlneru wesas thetavern to meet her when the«t:igo drove up, When thore alighted from tlio Btnce a op»re, ttltleily lady, who WHS Mr*. Ciab '-te.hrid a little «iil in short frocks, ttbo 'fa tiUa Crahtree, the dmappointment as, loudly and vociferoubly tzprees However any Bhow was better than iini. v, fni) that e\enine.tbo mlntra fairly pecbto thoplfico. .Two billiwrd thlilts btd befn pusbed tceetber to.make n st'ge, a curtum being dropptdbetween tor this purpose oi retirement. At tlie hour tet for the open- Idg there stepped from bebfr.d this cur- tain on to t be front billiard uble a dtrourt little crt-ature wi:h tkiita ref clilrg to the kcee?, cudcarrying a batjo BIUDEJ ne gently over btrsbi-ulders. The »udienca w«B very ("Did In less thnn half an hour, however, Lottn. had every mother's eon of them In .a'atate of bigtj wrought entbusiPBm. She cane to tbem, intx'td fnr them and told tbem funnj -»to!ies with tlrt-k'89 nnerpy, wi they en- cored her ng<<in ai d again. Finally one man in the Inrgo nurier ce, carried entirely nwi.y by enthusiasm, came down to the fro:; I'with a woop, and, throwing aome- tblncon tbe Htfigf, cried out: "Thereyou can have mv pile." Tbe ccample WES contai:eous. In leEs thnn a minute every rnim In Ih- place HIS (icrnmhliiifr engerly forwwrd to divest bim- Helfcfricbes in oider to lay thnn nt her feet. Tbe result of tbat night's work w-ns tbo most, profititble in tlie lii^ry ot Mi-fa Lolta'H cureer on the Btnge,either In Novu.- da or auy where else. Peribiiers' for Januurj'. Sctibner't) Magazine has seldom bad a bettor union of a gieRt sulj^ct with tlie right man totre^t. it tbnn in the series Phf;*h beai'S in the Jat uary numhenm 'The American 'Comniereial InvaVioti'of Europe^" Frank A. V-inderlip, on resign- ing Ma position as AstistMit tiecreiary of thfiTreadury lHBtBprinir, went to Europe pith letters from the highest American fflcUls to tbe Ministers of Finance and oth«r leaders Jn industry and cotnmerco In II the great nation?. Fresh frniu an in- oftte as3ocl>itioti with the industrial nnd financial problems in this country, ho waa ueculiarly fitted by aptitude nnd trainii g to Hppreclate the bearings of this probltm abroad. The key-note cf hln articlea is that "the industrial world la ns yet by no UlcniJi Jii'Oollttt« nt ulir f«el.-~Wo-iitn^ lio- fore us a long crimp*tenof nnrd work." It it thB Rim of Mr. Vanderlip'e articles to point ont tbe directions in which this hard work must be done. They have been written with unuBual cleverness and vi- vacl r y, BO thnt thegeneral render will find tbem as entertaining as the capitalist, and manufacturer will find them instructive - Newtou'stNewTruBt Co. A corttficato of incorporation of "The Nowton Trust Oompniiy" h»s been filed in tbe Sussex county, clerk's office.-./Tho cam- pany id "to'cHiry on and conduct tbe gen eral huafness of^a tiust^companyrand to ufitf end *o~-~ t»c oj"^ c si p*07 ~" •*i*u—d^ 5*"Oi o A11 tbo rlgbtF, powers nnd privileges that ure now or may be hereafter granted to trust companies by the laws of tho State ot New r ~ The capital stock ia $100,000, divided into 1,000 Bhnres of (100each. Tue nrnneB and Changewater's Coming Prosper- it i th Rl Thi; || ity is the Real Thing; | Old Snuff 'Manufacturing Plant Nowv [Being Rc-Conslrucled.' ^ ; . Machinery (o De Ruiinlag by February ISth— :; Employment for a Large Force. , Tho moeio of a dozen' carpenters* hammere Ia thF/K*snod tbat bringBia pleaeantfchoio the tors of tbe citi- zens of Chsngawater^ these frosty mornings for, with'all «nf"V a force of men are ptttinp the oldflnnfl"manu- facturing plant into shape for its new tenoi t_~A. T. Skerry &Co.,; woolen factors. AB told in (be STAR of Jptt week, the .sperB for Ihe rranbfer of the properly were tlgred on Thursday. This fact is cor firmed in all t*fr to tbe publisher on Tueedny from Prrsidenr GForge A. Hflmoof the American SnufF Co. in wliii.Ii betayb: '-We take pleuBuru ia BjinR that we have leaBfd onr prop- •rty at Changewi \nr to MfBsra. A. T. Skt-rry & Co , 47 Leonard street, New Yoik city, fora term of three years. t ciiy, for privilege the privilege having been accorded *, tb l I Ih l d T lo JJUILI Hny Ihe properly during 1 occupancy. We are indeed pleased to be able t* furnlBh this information, and join with yon in the hope that this enterprise mpy biing much propperity to the peoplo tbrougboLt jour sec- tion." It is nndrr t'-od thpt the purchase price is about $17,000 The prop°rty includes the mill, a farm, f-everal ten- ant houses and other buildings and superb water power. When contractor Wm. R Brjanfc re- turned from New York last vvukhe had with him a full pet of woiking plans for the recent traction of the building and ha lot t no time in getting: to«ork. On Friday a big supplyof lumber was unloaded at Obangewater and early on Saturday morning tho carpenters nent to work Tnere is comparatively a vaft smnut b of work to be done, but Mr. Bryant thinks everything will be finished by Ftb. 1st. AH the old floors are being token tip and tbe beamB are being itrengtened-: by the uae ot steel columns Tbe 1 as well 11B the other metaUmat ., used is being furnished by Flint &'-- Hflll nf Wash'ngtor.^A. n f cuni hcatin*"^ plaLt will probably be put in later. "" One of the amuemg features of the reconstruction Is the effect on the workmen of tbfi aceumulttion of snuff in tbe floors Thefirstfew days were terrible one for the carpenters and plumbers who ' nth their coi t kefpi the air mlinutit "sjietz -— s Mr. Bryar thaa not had t'rae to do much figuring, but he believes there is at leasta ton of tiie snuff hidden away ia :be cracks and crevu.es of thn old structure IfcisacaBe where 'finders IB keepers," but the contractor will willingly give up hiB claim to the snuff to anjone who will remote il" A3 noon as t*je floor work is com- itt'd, it is proposed to gi\e all the rooms several coats of whitewash, put in more windows nnd generally re- arrange the building intoliglitandniry working quarters Wubin the next two weeka Bome of the machinery will )pgm tj arrive and expeitj will be on. mnd to put it in p'aee The majority f tbe employees will be brouglfcfrom ther sections, but no doubt; local peo- ile will be given work when t le plant ;t t3 under wny and thfBe in charge iave an oppoitunity to Instruct begin- ierB The firm of A T Skerry & Oo is •neoftbebett known in the woolen irnde and there are a number of per- lona in town who are familiar with. ;beir goods. The house baa been aatabhsbed over twerty j ears and en- IOJ B the confidence of the entire trade, ^hev already ha\e three mills in euc- sesaful operation Indications points to Washington Dpcoming tho ho_me.of a^maioiitv of— ;he new workmen Skerry & Oo' did' not take bold until certain that the Lackawanna'would arrange the train service to accommodate tieir eiu- iloyees and this doubtless means n, restoration to Wn&hington of the big Hunrerdon com ty trade which for- merly came here. __ a of tbu incorporators i i Fred P, Sonrlntr, Henry T. Bull, John K. Coobe, Jmnes Mitchtll, Henry O. Knox, Peter Qehonbui-h nnd Albert O. Fuircblld, all r Ptiterser;-Isaac"W. Soaring and Jamea H, Blmpton, of Dover. n The President of the'University at Syra- cuse Is out with another Ht»tttnent dtclat- b>C that the temperance peoplo have used undue Influence In get tine certain text- hookH Into ihe publio bcbools. He snys tht i ! l ht J ill ook Into i hat, in many tl tht o c . y n hart a are UB< J illus- a in many ^ J ratlng theteirihlo iflVcls of «'cohol on the'stomnoh wbeii no such effects exist. He'dftolflVos that the trmperauco people nre' warfelng alone theorita wtilcb were bejleved lo nu truLLs u dozen years ago but ivhttih^l] BHnnlitlo mennowiknow to he Incorrect Ho nccutes tho antl-hquor'folks nf knowing thin to be the case but claims they refine t6 bring ttelr boohs and obnr's up to date for fear tiucb, action will weaken thi Will Call It Wtiarton. The lefjislntiirn will bo neked this inter to change the name of Port )ram to WhartoD. —111 che^old dayB""^~" ^••'•wrt Or«ui~ke(jL tho""i.uuotry~store ' B and was tbe biggest man In the village. Twenty years ago Joseph Whaitjn came to town. He had a little money and this be put into a blastfurnace RobeitOram haB lone since been gathered to hia fathers but his Bon Et 11 rana tbe stcre. In the meantime tbe fortunen of Joseph Wharton have riser), until he is, today 11 ,1 recognized ae- one of tbe wealthy men of the nation. He hfiB built two furnaces' at Port Oram and ia putting up an- other. He pays oijt $44,0uu /for" labor" every month and hiB own proQrs are- pi obably core than twice this amonnt. There ia n genpnil frfline that ahonld the change be made Mr. Wharton will remember the town in somn substantial manner a la Onrnegie. Many of the cit'zens feel thst they need a public-^ librarv and 1MB irtfmated that If the clmutro is made the town will net Ion, remain without one. ,, , „.«,. _, n What e^crv one ncpdi 1 for ^BD disorder (s Rnmin»s Irqh Tonlu most impoverished Byt-Um nil! be I ated and toned up by the ..... '- RBbottlw of thh
Page 1: LR-NUMBER 1. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., … · 2015. 12. 3. · neotion of tbe State, Th e growth of that paper has heen marvelous,1,and its enter-prises have baen inore«Bing

•rew>ntn tbe ayer-I bona Ode clrcuin-.,

In nf.the grin for.f ol tlioiif H average wan 111)20, 9 . F Cotmtdcrable pt


Barn// Burn Almost Simultan'

SUSPECTEDItalEina Had..'Sworn Revenge on Cress-

' man and Transue.

Forty Head ol Live Stock Perished In IbeFUmcs— Only Slight Insurance.

Five broke out almostBlmultanooufilyIa two big barns near tho village ofColumbia about midnight on Monday.The oircumRt races were BO peculiartbat incendiarinm is ttrongly suspocted

• and It is more thnn likely that two re-vengeful It iHans, who were Been in theneighborhood tbflt night, were the oneswho applied the. matcTies.

The two barns were Bitunted only abalf mite apart. One wan on the ClarkSmith firm, occupied by Kinney Tran-Bne, and the other on the farm of thePaulina Kill Oonsolidnted Power & Ice

bot>i cases aaalatance came too latebeofmuoh value and the contents oftho buildings were tot illy deftroyed,

. along with all the live f.tick. The firelompany from Portland hurried to Mr.jn«i»u«'a plituo hut the barn wna nonr-| consumed and tbey directed their|lort3 to saving tno wagou house,Ihicb they succeeded in doing.iTranano lost several wagons, a

eBlior and binder. Besides these,a hors?fl,.ien COWB and eight aheepre consumed ; alan, n. team of horsesnnging t3 Pttsr Waiters, who ha9, ,'ge of the stone crusher whoro the

arlam U beintr construct id. Tranaue:; led only $350 insurance. ,

.•laaman's loss comprised fourtea, three cows, n now wagon, eight•of harness, a binder nnd mower,insurance amoatt-jd to $650.he buruing of two barns brings ontIt t (resting st >ry. Last fall two of

.i-Tfiiiinns employed io building tbes ditm were arreetod nnd proBectitedfa violation of the parue lawn. Ttiey'-'a putiiahed for hunting on Sunday_ Tranaue and Crlasman were thea principal witnesses against them.Or,this the Itilians swore yenfreatice

nt the. two men..,-' 6 diff^rectsince thentheybHve showu t'iftirling toward t^e two farmers by

m whereby First AesUtunt PostmasterGeneral Win. M. Johnson fa to ba ap-polLt »d State Treasurer and Mr. Stokeselected United Stitce Senator. Tneeagentlemen nro members of diifarentpntiticat factions. Senator Kean undMr. Stokew aronot the warmc-Ht politi-cal fi-ionds but in consideration of Mr.Johrmon being made Stitn Treasurertlie Senator would probably withdrawhis opposiiion to Stokes. Moreovw,pptho Pennsylvania Railroad isbacking Stokes.


I They openly declared t'lat_. _. Tdo'etlll greater harm to thehen who had asaUtid iiThavlngI prosecuted. :--,h particular Italians referred toColumbia Saturday, night, having|ed their work on the new clam,

lolleved they did not go far away'Otnrhftd on Tuesday night nnd

•leted their revengeful work byvg. flreto the batfns. The peopleflumbia and vicinity are-up in

er the outrage and if they caniCofaomo. evidence with one

jid tbe Italians with the otherFill b e " BOOH thing doinVivBreporter. had a talk with Mr.\e, wbo acts as; intarpreter for•ans, on Tuesday. He remark-Taneofthe Itiliai-e, especially,

i a grudge against; the two far-s a "bad rooster."}the horses burned in Orias-irii were recently owned byton,paittes. One was John

-.apple gray ami tho other waaIrty owned by H. W. Alleger,1 used'! by him as a factory dray

W. agents of tbe intonated insur-Rcompanies viewed the premises,uesday,,and, it is said, will ad-[he losses immediately. .

A R e m a r k a b l e Church . •'•••Writing a friend la this -pla'ce"Dr.>ftbe Buggies Street BaptlBtchurob.

^Incloses tbe • church program forL-naawep*:.;. According to ttitti.au-

__y-tliel>o' were fifty-one meeting} inrphurch during tho aefren days ending>. 28tK Sixteen of these are on Sunday[at 1215 a lunch ia served in the wealtit? f<>r_wprkerB_iind tbone coming from

Jot, wniy uOea ill to feiuttikiitjltj". all the UHual societies con-l with It but i t has a debating so-

Pety, Greek and Hebrew classea., boya* ade, cook!off, Rewing. housekeeping,

™.thnnd, typewriting and music classes[iree reading room and a free^employ-

Jeiit agency aro open daily. A, MedicalBfoponwiry and a,,relief.department are

srated la connection with the church:n d-iysa wees.- Surely Dr. Dlzon and

,,.„ numerous assistants are trying toru?oh the people and n o " wonder they

VilMiV new developments." A new Ideaentered Che rat d of the editor of the" " ~HINQTON tjTAK, N, J. , to bring meBs-;«e»f'Oiu ' Old Fiienda" from tbe,.North,'

Jltat, South and WcBt to their1 formerHomo, Warren county, wbiob was put into

T et, and ti»u Htipreoiatlon haa been over-belminc, from not only old pntrons of

,,je*'BrABn of Warron county, hut fromthoso wbo once were residents of thatneotion of tbe State, The growth of thatpaper has heen marvelous,1,and its enter-prises have baen inore«Bing rapid y c£s!nvear to y e a r . T h e queBtionj_now^ in theminds or the many reane-e, : ;" w h a t wiU :beIn store for them n e x t ? " •• ., •

! ProercoH in the mntto of thesu Umos, andthe "STAB" IB determined to'beep apacewith the times: .The frtlfcor-lias..our;,bestwi^hea and a hnppv Nnw Year greeting.THE R08BVILLB WEEKIiT.

It la stated that Borne one h«fl' offered tol«nBe Ihe basement of the Opera HOUHOBloofc at a much larger routal than WillUm3arroi IB pas lag, and th»t the latter, htia" >t<1ed to move hfa anloon mid retitHUrmit

to other quarterb. Both tbe bunk. . .and Mr. Barron havei cocflrmedstatements. •*-

i^aad Tri-WoeBl3rNoK-=York•** - " - "Tar, In advonc"e. ,

SENATOR SEWELL D1KS.After « IJOIIR and Succrasful Curccr

Ihc Ciiiiidfii SiiMtsman I'UBSCUAwiiy— Dlttlculiy In N«m-

•: ' " ' •" Ing Succcfisor.Unitpd S ati a Senator Sfwell died on

Dpcember 27th nnd tlie Stite hns nowlust one rppreser.tttivo in the Senate.His Illness dated from tvo yours ngnwhen ho collapsed from tho etttjet* ofoverwork and, although he tried tholeading health renorta of tbe world, hislienlth was gone forever.- For many yoarn hn was tho hoad ofthe West Jttraey Rtllrond, a branch ofthe Pennsylvania, and it was throughthis corporation that' he first became apolitical factor In New Jersey, Asarailroad man he wns a euccrss nnd wasvery popular with thoso undor him. Aoa SeniitDr he developed a great facultyfor organization and the admirablecondition of the Republican machioeryIn this State 1B due more to bis efforts,perhaps, tban to fiose of any otherone man. In every county ho hndmany nraunch friends but it can harldybe said that he got so near to theheartB of the maPHea as did tho late la-mented Hobert and other leaders ofreoont yenra.

General Seweil's military career wasouo of which the Sttte will ever beproud. He w*>nt Into tho army RB acaptain In the Fifth New Jersey Vol-unteers, and by dint of courageous ser-vice at Ohancelloraville waB brevetted

Negro and White Woman MusiNot Co-habit Here.

200 PEOPLE PARTICIPATELundy's Dilapidated Abode Torn Down

and Smashed Into Kindling Wood.

Negro Brandishes an Axe and is Felled WithSlone. Tlie Women Gel Out of Town.

It wan demonstrated most effecluallyon Monday night that a white womanand a blauk man will not be allowed tocO'habitate In Washington. TheLundy case furbishes tbe example. Amob of 200 mtn visitsd the agednegro's home aud when tbt-y badfinished an hour later there was noth-ing left of tho home and not much ofLundy.

Tho motive for the r.ttack upon, theoffensive habitation was well iuspired,out'the methods UBed were in Burious

l l d hBrigadier General nnd subsequently violation of tho law and "they were aswaa made a Maior General.. . . . .

Ic will 'be a difficult mntter for theparty in power to nud a man for Gen-eral S owe It's place who will do thework as well as lie did it. Variouswork as well n he i i . Vriounames have been suggested, nmun;thorn hftint; Oovernor Voorheea anOol. Wm.Hnrboiir, but it is more thanikely the neWtlon wltl be aomcon>lse, poHBibl S C t O l k K0. Stokefl.


y upreme Court Olerk K.There ia aald t > bo a deal

i P

,aid to be

i Suit*,, Januar? 8.h, 1902, -/ill bo

tbe day that wu wllls'.artour KutnmageBale.

Aa ROOH as Christmas Is ovor wecom-aieoce to piepare for this Kale. Everynook and craimy Is thoroughly looked lato, all odd Iota, broken a^ortmetitH, BbortIflogtns, attlcleanlightly soiled or rnussedfrom handling, articles that did not foil as'r^ti an we thought they would. AH arebrought, a'l^ and "placed on.tho bargaintabiea. Utttnyou will flnd^uic tne wsnttdftrticles, at a half and Jes* ofwhattboyworo only a few days ago. Every .depart-mentln thontore will toatrlbute to thissule— Drww Goads Depurtrno'it, Silk Do-pnrtnifint, Clnr.k nnd Suit, Department,Do mo-tie Dopartment, Nation Dfcparl-tuent, Underwear Department, UpholaleryDepartment and Carpet, Department.

It is u sale looked fur ward to with ngroat deal of intomst by the people of thissection of tho country, nnd it look?, BR faras wo have gone, that this stile will eclipseoil previous eaiefl of Its kln<I ever held inour city. Wcdnredny, Jan. Sth, will be theday that we will utart this Bale, nnd yoncan afford to comn many uiilfg, for thesavlnR on each and every article you buywill bo gttut— ofton two for ODR.

RADER'S,Enston'rt Best Dry Goods Store, and tr-'in

W«dncsd.»y, January Scb, for two weeks,ailumaiago Sale Store.

An'KxhlblHon in Klsticull'd.On New Year's day a tquAid of tncil

portauien held ii nliooting nuicb In a He'liiKKr the railrond Btatinn. Live birris wi reistd and the usual number of ubush^ hack-

ers" were on the outside looklnp for stri.ybirds. BUI Van Qeiucn, n colored man,WHS one these and on diflVrunt icu-uioiifl

e bandied his gun in a roost c ir^tts- tii'tn-oer. He was ivurnod about llrii g to .VHMIHbe crowd, but It lecmed to trnvu no t tl't><"nd presently he blfzerl away nirectty inio

tbe crowd uf people btc^ of the traps. Ahalf dozon were peppir«d aud one of thertliot cralna found lodgement in HarryKnowlOH' cheolt. Knowles waa so thor-iitgbly ciasperatea over the fellow'B care-ebsnesB that be laid down his pun and pro-neded to teach tbe colored man a lesson,

Knowles was formerly n oily policemenand besides being powerful has a thoroughknowledge of pugilism. What be handedinto the darky comprised all the fancy

jppercuts, shoulder blown, short arm jilte,polar plexUB fitabB and pivot hlows *««finishing touch tiegaveoueof Ktd McCoy'sfamous "cork-screws."

Van Qetaen promised to be careful in thefuture, tben away back and sat down.

.-•„•.,. JLJTho Best of Them All.No weekly thatoiime to'ourerchftnVe

desk w«s fo perfect In typography, priut-i«g and geritiral make-tip «s wan the holi-day edition of THE WASHINGTON (N. J.)STAR. : Tho firilttnn -wtiH_-MMod-l'An OlitPrleiids' Edition." The twenty foiir paguucontained^ hiilRone^ongravinga of thoSTAR'S'i»ld:a'nd-iusw-ff ivutiiy-fuurin all. Ouoofthe ppecial features of I heiMtion was u "History of the Your" de*

rurtinent, there beingfilxter'n columns ofpersonal mention, publio iinprovemer.ts,deaths of local people, etc. There woreighty columns of advertiseraonts, wliich

were not "thrown" togethur, ns la ofte»-tlmfR Utoense In Ohriatmns rumbors. THEWASIIINOTOK STAK, notwilhstandirg r.'>i-f»OL that It i« published in n town of 3,800inhabitants, DHH a flworn circulation of1,335 Tlis Is possible by tilling the neigh-oring soil thoroughly. To Ohtirles L.'rybor, editor and proprietor, vie say,

•Vour"Otirl8tiuaB"itBuo^waa- a *birdi*•"—*I'owspapordom. a

Smallpox la Peunsylvanlaf'". V/hlle"thb am^llpiix scaro In Stroudsburgnd E.titt Stroudabtirg is about over, thelBeaue ia said to be siirefldine rapidly Inlie country districts of Mnnroo coii"tv. If

Is declured that tho true state of fifJMrs inbho-e dlBtrlotB is beh g held back ai>ri nnlyho moitt favnrnhlo reports sent out. Thereb t i S t d b d l io m p n o .but one case in Stroudsbars and

t S t d h u r K i hut. In thi wirrnnfth b

e ein

iEastStrondMurKi u In th w n dittycountry outside those boroughs eleven newcaaeo were ropor ltd in turto d*\a I nubwoek. FortunntelyJ thiHSido of the riveris unaffected by t.bo plaeue, notwithstand-ing tho faot tbat there Is more or lets iteroourse between the two counties..

n an iiTinppPHsnrv. --Tholndecentrelfttions between David

Lundy, a negro veteran 71 years old,and Hannah Howe, a yoiiDg whitewoman 21 years of age, have existedin the Luudy house on Broad streetfor_ several, weeks,,or..ever, since.thewoman cutae there to work as house-keeper. The obscene actions of thetwo were no Iligrisi t to the decentwhite neighbors as to become intoler-able. Many persons were aware of theexiting conditiofcH, but the facts werenot brought to public notice until Icutweek, when the STAR camo out with astor> written in a. vein of humor.

On Stiturdiiy morning Luudyceived a notice reading eomt t-ilng likethip:

"David Lundy: You are herebywarned againtt harboring the whitjwoman in your houHe. If it ]B .notstopped we will tear tho house down.

WHITE CAPS."Oa the Bamo morning George B

tVndrswf, auother aged colored man,received, a similar n i tce . Andrews,

in the old house adjoining thejLundy dwelling. Pi.cube L

tl f H h b btbeLundy dwelling. Pi.cube LDHaw, tbe

mctlier of Huunah, bus been livingwith Andrews, also in the capacity ofhousekeeper, for tho past three years.She is a drug fiend and is m a atupuralmost all tbe time, particularly whenshe has money enough with which topnrchase roorpbioe, iaadannmor eumopiumr Thbtuaa Bimmonsi anothercolored man, and nged Josiah Lynn, ablind white man, also live in the houBe.

When :L'nndy and Andrews rendtheir Ku-Klus-Klan ccticeB they com-pared notes. What Andrews said isnot known, but Lundy ioj quoted asflayiug: "I'se not afeerd of "no WhiteCapg bekase I'ae got an axe." -

Oa Monday night shortly before tono'clock a crowd of men got tigetheruptown aud proceeded to the Lundyhouse. By the time the house wasreached the crowd liad swelled and theproceedings which followed were wit-nessed by probttbly 200 people, includ-iuga few women. {,

'he mob was timid at the start.Presently someone pounded agaiimt(ho door of the little two-story, shack.Then cfchorn pulled off the shut-tors nnd smashed in tbe windows. Ai-mott at the same time the front doorw\is baitered down. The crowd pouredin. A tramp who was inBide warmingbis shins t t Cbe kitchen stove made abreak for the paNRageway and ran outii to the street. He was trembling withfear, believing tnat he was going to beroughly dealt with. He said his namewas Bepra and tbat he bad relativeshere. Upon being told to go find bisrelatives, be made off with a sigh ofrrlief.

The whiti woman Hannah was notin the dwelling. Ibis said tbat afterLundy received the White;Oap noticeshe stayed over night with her mothernext door. Lundy waa found upstairs,but no one in the crowd cared t i visitthe attic when it waa learned that tbenegro, had:P.Gase;!n;b!H;p039esF|ionc;;r"

Ancther method of bringing mattersta a climax was then devised. Some-one threw a pailful of water on theflre in the Btovo and a volume ofsteam went up.: Lundy thought thehouse bad been fired and he Boon camedown from the loft, desperately clutch-ing the axe'iirhis ihands.-""He"'raade; abreak through the crowd: and dashedout of the door, with Beveral men inpursuit. The chase continued downMonroe.street,J>ut_-the,,negro, findingthat his pursuers were'gaihingupoutiim.turiied and brandished thftjiYR, ftll_the whileyelling""murder.1*;^ ';•'; "

When Lundy turned and faced themob, tbe pursuers fell back out ofmrm's way, but presently began pelt-ng him with stones. One' of these

Btruok Lundy a fearful hlow under tberight eye. He began t i groan in apiiiful:wny, "Oh Lordy, I'm killed.Oh Lordy, if you eber bad pity on apoor olo man bab it now," he cried.

Tho crowd let him go after that andwhen fie'bid follow reached tbe homeof;JosephuTaylor,-a :b!ock;away,:hiscourage' had returned. Taylor bad arevolver and this Luudy tried to g(tpossession of. Taylor wisely, withheldtho firearm;'and..had:he...not.doue ;aoBerlnus results might have followed. ''•

After leaving the old negro, theorowd 'returned to the house. Some ofthe men went into Charles Force'sshop nearby and secured a very long,hoavy ropo. This was run tirough thewindows.npstairB and fastened--inside.A hundred men pulled with a will, butthe fattanings tore loose. The next ef-fort was'more successful and the oldshack was lifted from its foundationsaud rolled over on its eide^'The'ropewas readjusted and a couple more bard

tugs made the wreck complete. A K,u.pan cyclona could not have wrouglgroiter havoc.

Tho crowd by tbiH time was Iraburtwith thn "spirit of '70" and other kindof "flplritb" had been imbibed in icouple of caees. One of the men wliohad partaken too ltberully of the latterbegan to inquire fur a match wit Iwhich to ignlw thfl wreck. Happily,at this roomert, Officer Shrope enmpupon the ectne nmi he soon succeedet'In restoring order and the crowd slowly dispersed.

It ia said that the officer waa keptfrom interfering with the mob whilethe work WOB going on through A racewhich had been arranged beforehand.Two boya climbed upon the roof of abuilding in tie rear of Dell & Marzsen'astore and made a racket. Shrope wentto inveatigate and the boyB kept hisattention directed away from the Luu-dy house for the better part of an hour.

Spmo of tbe morn humane people inthe crowd called Dr. Smith to attendtbe woundtd negro. Lundy was foundIn the Taylor liouee, where HeeeieAndrews was murdered some j'eaisago, and he presented a pitiful Bight,Blood flowed freely from U.a cut underthe eye and had besmirched the en-tire front of his clothing. HI'B eye wasswollen shut and a lump had formed BSlarge as a hen's egg. The physiciantook several stitcbf B to clpae the wound.Lundy will probably lose the use of theeye. He hnd been hit in several placesabout tbe body end since tben thesehave caused him much pain.

Tho proceedings above narrated,vrhilo G»latary in their.;:.'. effot t," 'fiiegreatly to ho deplored. Such utterdisregard of law and order Is a disgraceto the community. The subjsctB ol theassault aro so ignorant as to be scarcelyresponsible for their aetB. An order to"clear out" from Ihe authorities woulddouttlens have had the desired effect.

Mrs LOBUW and her daughter Dasaedsleepless night and Tueeday got theirbundles together and weLtouDof townthrough ttie back streets. They art-now living with Dan Van Gelsen, whois Lundy'u son-in-law. Van Geisen ia

colored man and lives near the lockalong the canal, this aide of Pott Ool-deu. It is eaid that Lundy is going tolive with them again us soon as be re-covers from hia injuries.

The colored population seem to heconsiderably wrought up over the ratli-

il measures adopted to break up theLundy nest.1 The claim that a similarCJB9 of miscegenation exiBta in "tvjeCrook," only^in this iDBt.ioco the manis white and the woman black. It wasgenerally repoited that the coloredpeople were going to clean out thipranch on Tuesday nlglt, but nothinghas yet been done. The man referred.> is a boatman on the Morris canal

and ia living with Fanny Qook. Hebeard tbat the colored men werecoming up on Tuesday (n5,"jht togive him a -ducking in the canal andduring* the day^ he VPme -down 'ownand purchased a"repeating riflg." Tlieble announced tbtt be was ready forny attack, and even went so far as tonvit9 some of t i e colored men to come

up. This move on the pnrt of thewhite mail took the bravado Bpirit outif them and they have decided not to

inBtitate any Bociety reforms in tlutquarter for fie present, :it least.

Proposed (ias Plant Knterprlse.The Journal learns from an excellent

source that a prominent and wellknown gas plant engineer _haB uuder I ^?'f


New Justice Makes His Debutin Warren County.

TWO LICENSES REFUSEDDrinking Places at New Village and

Alpha Not Considered Necessary.

llackettstown Bribery Charge Now BeingPresented (o the Grand Jury.)

PoBBibly the Deermber terra of com t,which opened at Belvidtre on Tufe-day, WPB atl(-rded by a prtater num-bfr of intern ted peeple than ia neuali.tthis t3iin. Thu annountemeut tbattho new Pretiiding Jiuticp, Hon.Mablon Pitnfy, would make his initialappearni cp, i b t kfor the big


would make his initial(ioubtkes one rtaeon

dg t a m c e .The new Justice, however, fallfd to

Bhow up. I on tend, bo sent word thatowing to the funeral of GeneralSewell, he would he nbliged to go toUflraden, hut would be on band this(Tlmrfulny\ mnrninf

Judgo Shipman rbnn tnnk hold of;he rt-iiiB. II-H p-nt everybody quiet and;hen told the Grand Jury wi at their

"*—•• Tlirco or it Eind. . /Copfitnblo Jrfrpb C. Thcmpeon

Gmtidiri JudioLO-dabcrrj'fl crurt n _r'fiyHBfiO VPIICU a STAn mtn'dtopptd In Ufind out 'fwlifll vim dolra" Bt tt^at Itpalmill. Tho Justice Jnkinvly *aid that therewould bu^Koinittiiu' doin"1 vtiy BhmtlyI lit he could r.ot tell wbnt tho tutcomw<u!d tip btciiHte hn liar] not kttn Pttti ajit , THanmaik Ud'CorrtaHe Tb'trap-f-on to till the rollowine tn\t: BI«ny yti*rPRO tlitro WOB a Utrrnan Justlco ol tinPence wbese borne Mood on tbe battbs ot lie Delaware. A ccrtnin nierclmnt placeda i.uiiihciroftccoui.ts with Ihe German fccollection <ir.d In fevtml cefiffl IUUS Kenbrought. In ench cute the ji:d(>mentotilained hnd heen mtbt-r unsallbfacinry titto mcrcnnr,t, btnee bo cDnciudid thiuonuthiiig V,SH Ikchintr. Ho lo&dfd opa Iratload of eood kindllr g wocd nnd,piddling down lo the Oennnti's iilhce,uulondtd tbo carjio &t his door. Whentbe jKfttlcu BSW the pile he IneiKfdrnpoyintr for Ibe load of word Lut tbemticliBi t rt-fiiFed in mkrnny pny. "Veil,I lell you" e«ld I he Dutchman "I give youonu d—m fine judgment nixt wttk."

• . VHe wits a trrmp. Of this ,U ere waa no

doubt hut tie braced up manfully BB be np-proachtd tho bnck door rf a Eclvldcroavf-nuo htmc. Ho was butgry be f-xplnlDtd find wanted scmt-tllrp to cat. TheIsdy of tbo bfmo looted'him over andHun Invited blm in. In a few niiruUB hehad dcTOUied fill tbo left ovir feed In thobrweand Ihnrkhg ihe Ury ftiarled fortbe door. "Hold on" i-ho en:d "can joufawuoo**?" He boned vtty low FB herepliid "Pardon me, madam, if I correct,our pn mm«r. You thould Buy, «CHn youitettiouciOd."' Wljtntlo pc od noui»nc(overtd from her tbtoulbLmect the hobo

ueoifji!Tie'reoD'wsslcrtlrp'nt a mornInn paper In front cf Chilstlnc'e ntwa«"tiiiid o few ditys apo when hit eye tudt1"1 -lylellontbe report of Mnrroura HUCin ttlccn<phfPK without wlrtn PCTOPB the<jtmn "Gte" Bild Georce 'Mliat thcrov.lrtlefB telegrRph Fcbtme'H preit. If tbey

lu\trt!tilit lo woiklhK out ttils Kfiv I'm'coin'to strike the bota of ibe outfit fur ajob as linimaa."


duties He said it 'was not nee-i•y for. him. to chargp trjem ijpon

any suhj-'ct b.-irring the Hackettbtownbriherv- ch.irtrH."'"

UK thTIllR

•>nsideration the contemplated organi-.tionofa company which .will have

Tor it* purpose the building of a big gflBslant at a convenient point in Warrenjnunty. It is proposed to estsind pipelines from the plait t-o the towns andvillages within a ceittin rndius, as istone in the natural gas fields, Bupply-ing the people with gas for illumiu.t-ting and other purpose's. Prom whatwe learn, Washington will probably beselected as the moat cent nil point forbbe location of the plant. Th« promo-ors have estimated tbt t within theooe they will pipe there ia a'popula-tion of over 15,000 people, and there islure to be a demand for all tbegaBiich a plant could furnish. Belvidere,

Oxford, Buttzville, Hackettstown,Hope, Danville and Vienna, Asbury,Broadway, \ StewartBville, HamptonJunction, Glen Gardner and otherow-ns are all within; tbe zone of the:ontom plated enterprise. — Warren

An Iowa Wedding.iPibTaiisyBiirt^gV

nriMrs. Albert Balrd of Muscatine, I ,ormerly of Bulvldere, was united in raar--luce to Mr. Frank P. Blatichard of tbelame city oa Dec. 24th. Theiwoddiog wan

very quiet nfialr on acconut of the recentid bereavement In the bride's family.The Muscatine D:iilv Joarnal asya:"Both of the principals in this happy

iveht are raemberB'"ol'"- Musoatlno'a'bcatnd moat prominent families. Tho brido

Is one of thoso wbo Ins done much tokeep up Muacatlue's fame for its fairlaughters. She has a large circle ol'rieridsand is much admired for tbeuweet-

of her natuio aud character as for;^pcnf!p.a!ibcr.at7.-cTti2;cr65n<;;i5;!beon of Wm Blanc hard, of this city,and Is>ne of the moat" Buceeaaful of Mu-catine'soutigor buaiueaa men. He ia at urgent

general manRger of the-BiancliRrd Puck-inp;Co,, which ODeratea a largo pickingEstablishment and the meat market form-rly run by O. E. Itiohards."

Kngllsh Wiilnuta.About this lime last year,' wo culled at-

tention to tho < proapsct.ivo profit thntmight itccruo from pluming tbo E»gllEihwalnut, says a correspondent in a Sustexr.spor.=--Tba,r.ksgivir!K:rDay-',TQ-di:;cd- iih.Dr. Carlos Alien of yernon. aud us part ofthe dessoit ate some English wnlnuta froma tree tho doctor p]nhtcd in bis garden afew years BRO. The quality ..was tqual tonny we' hare'ever tinted. One of tuoDrowB of the Vernon Valley tins plantedquite a large orchard and will probablyreap a bundfome return in time. Twenty-flvu yoars ago, when neurlv nil our p^achtacamo from ft*i'rrl3 and Warren countlep,the writer stated through these columns,tbat Sussex would in, a. few year? ox

t t b T i t r r i b ' i l b i tport tbeaituieTruitr&uri bH a vilonary Pehaps

year? oxilangbeti titth

matter thacHhould be iriveptlgi-ted abdhe wanted them to hear the facts in;hfi case und report t > him nt any timeftiey wanted auy instructions. Hi1;>ir) them that Prosecutor Angle wouldalso tend his assistance in putting the:aae before them.

Somo minor'matters will in all Ilkeli-lood bo brougl t before the Grand

Jury. Is is understood that lnnyfiDahlke is not goinp to push tho chargtageinBt Frank Wolff, ttie farmer ,whc'iot him in the leg a couple of moLtbs

Aftar the jurymen had pone into re-tirement, undfr the custody of Con-stables Lnaiuh B. Burd and Oyrns Vos-ler, Jiidgo anipnuin took up somelicanae ppplicjtiunB. The followingwere graured and tho ft-rs set in tl'osame amount aw last yenr: CharlpH B.Dole, Brflvider*; S. J. Brobaw, Buttz-ville; John Bump, Bhiiretowu; Solo-man D. Bigley, Poliatnong.

Alpliouso DeMillier, a Wdsbingtonbonier, applied for a license to keep ahct^l itr, Alpha. The Judge said bewub obliged to refuse the implicationon the griiunda that it WBB unnecessary.

John G. E.-khart presented a nowapplication lor a license at New Vil-lage. In disposing of it Judge Ship-man UBed these worde: "ThiB appli-cation is refused on the grounds that—well, I refuse it. Iu'ja net necessary."

The following constables were namrdt i do duty fir, i h i t f t 0N Sh W

mof court: 0.

bgd y ihiSitarm of court: 0.

N. Shrop*, Washington borough; Geo.B. Vliet., Hackettstown; OvruB VoslerOxford; Liaiah B. Blr?;>BlairBtown;Joseph M. Snyder. Wj/enington town-ship; J. D. Uibbe,.Independence: PhilipOlburnepPo 11 lipaburg; "Jn mea" H."S h i p-man, Franklin; Frank Kimble, Pdha-quarry; Gt'o.-ge B. Ho well, Hardwick.

The Grand Jury selepted by SheriffColo IB composed principally of old-ttmerB—men of mature age. Follow-ing is tbe list of. members:

ElhsJ. Mncfcpv, Belvidere. ^""KobHrtOrHltjiBluUBlown:""^^^-^-"-™-Roberto Rlohey, FranklinCour>en B. Albert&on, Independence.Eiiphnlet Hoover, Waahiugton Borough.Rulnb Rush, Hnrmony. - -Obh"a. FlemlPR, Hope. 'i.! ZL"! 1'Z"

sjKowito'n; - r ^ ~ : — " ~

laavi lonary. Perhaps in another qunr-

B ^ t a V S S ^ - " «»»•."?. P™P« ™ represenreattluly will ifour fruit growers ene^e n«w \™B d W ^ J ? 0 o D P r e B B a n d afterwardsia plintlng tho trees Twelve to twenty i*™s electad State Senator from Morris

Pr;dScar:^,Marr,llc!d....^Mieliiml MtO.be, Oxroia...D.vid Smith, Pblllipsburg.AdHin Martin, "

, J.cobFi'tB, Oxford.'E.iwaid Vowler, Washington township': "*Theopolis Relder, Pohatcong.Mlchhel Donlty, Phi HI pa burg. :

Jofioph A. Darling, U»cke)t\town.Wm A.. McLtaghlln, Pnilli[)tsburs.

• Norman Dopue, Pahnquarry. u •.<*;Joseph T, Smith, Phlllipabure. " v

Geort-o \V. Wllcon, Allamuchy. *-Wrn.C Wlliipiek, Hnrdwlck.J^mts JTrelpar^Philllpaburs1.

""" Oonrt" aSj bur7ied~oiT" Tuesrl« y after-nooii and reconvenes this Touradayrnoriiing at 11 o'clnnk. The. case ofJohn Karr va. The United Electric Im-provement Oo. will probably occupythe attention of the court the wholeday and will not gotathe jury untilnoon on Friday.1

Intfiresr, will also be centered todayin tlie'debut of tho new Justice, MahIonPitney..-He willdoubtless make a ve^vfavorable impression. i>

Justice Pitney is well known to War-rn.coui.fcy people. He represented

Lottu's l l ^ t M-ht.Lottn, tlie cc-(ietr«B3, in private life

known HH M^a Clurlottc Crubtiee, IB amrifit charmiiiK ui d dignified wurmiri oftetito Hnuieand advanced nee, She himlived In rutlrement for nearly twenty jearwnear tho Hotel BresIIn on the (stores ofLuko Hopatcong. Sholctl tbe stage at thebf la tit of her pT.ularity alter a painfufrill In ttie Able Optra House, in Erf tonwhluli wus tier la^t appearance in public

Hcrt-lnau^r h fluerca over rough menwas exemplified when BIIO was aboutfletenteon. I» charge of bur mott^er shenas mttking a tr-ur of tbe Nevada miningcam pp. She landed at H.mliton, OLO ritthe JOuphtstciimjiB in the territory. Anexpeuta~nt crowd of particularly roughmlneru wesas the tavern to meet her whenthe«t:igo drove up,

When thore alighted from tlio Btnce aop»re, ttltleily lady, who WHS Mr*. Ciab'-te.hrid a little «iil in short frocks, ttbo

'fa tiUa Crahtree, the dmappointmentas, loudly and vociferoubly tzprees

However any Bhow was better than iini. v,fni) that e\enine.tbo mlntra fairly pecbtothoplfico. .Two billiwrd thlilts btd befnpusbed tceetber to.make n st'ge, a curtumbeing dropptdbetween tor this purpose oiretirement. At tlie hour tet for the open-Idg there stepped from bebfr.d this cur-tain on to t be front billiard uble a dtrourtlittle crt-ature wi:h tkiita ref clilrg to thekcee?, cud carrying a batjo BIUDEJ negently over btrsbi-ulders.

The »udienca w«B very ("Did In less thnnhalf an hour, however, Lottn. had everymother's eon of them In .a'atate of bigtjwrought entbusiPBm. She cane to tbem,intx'td fnr them and told tbem funnj-»to!ies with tlrt-k'89 nnerpy, wi they en-cored her ng<<in ai d again. Finally oneman in the Inrgo nurier ce, carried entirelynwi.y by enthusiasm, came down to thefro:; I'with a woop, and, throwing aome-tblncon tbe Htfigf, cried out:

"Thereyou can have mv pile."Tbe ccample WES contai:eous. In leEs

thnn a minute every rnim In Ih- place HIS(icrnmhliiifr engerly forwwrd to divest bim-Helfcfricbes in oider to lay thnn nt herfeet. Tbe result of tbat night's work w-nstbo most, profititble in tlie l i i^ry ot Mi-faLolta'H cureer on the Btnge,either In Novu.-da or auy where else.

Peribiiers' for Januurj'.Sctibner't) Magazine has seldom bad a

bettor union of a gieRt sulj^ct with tlieright man to tre^t. it tbnn in the seriesPhf;*h beai'S in the Jat uary numhenm'The American 'Comniereial InvaVioti'of

Europe^" Frank A. V-inderlip, on resign-ing Ma position as AstistMit tiecreiary ofthfiTreadury lHBtBprinir, went to Europepith letters from the highest AmericanfflcUls to tbe Ministers of Finance and

oth«r leaders Jn industry and cotnmerco InII the great nation?. Fresh frniu an in-oftte as3ocl>itioti with the industrial nnd

financial problems in this country, ho waaueculiarly fitted by aptitude nnd trainii gto Hppreclate the bearings of this probltmabroad. The key-note cf hln articlea isthat "the industrial world la ns yet by noUlcniJi Jii'Oollttt« nt ulir f«el.-~Wo-iitn^ lio-fore us a long crimp* ten of nnrd work." Itit thB Rim of Mr. Vanderlip'e articles topoint ont tbe directions in which thishard work must be done. They have beenwritten with unuBual cleverness and vi-vaclry, BO thnt the general render will findtbem as entertaining as the capitalist, andmanufacturer will find them instructive

- Newtou'stNewTruBt Co.A corttficato of incorporation of "The

Nowton Trust Oompniiy" h»s been filed intbe Sussex county, clerk's office.-./Tho cam-pany id "to'cHiry on and conduct tbe general huafness of^a tiust^companyrand toufitf end * o ~-~ t»c o j"^ c si p * 07 ~" •* i* u—d^ 5 *"Oi o A 11

tbo rlgbtF, powers nnd privi leges t h a t urenow or may be hereafter granted to trustcompanies by the laws of tho State ot Newr~ The capital stock ia $100,000, divided into1,000 Bhnres of (100 each. Tue nrnneB and

Changewater's Coming Prosper-it i th R l T h i ; | |ity is the Real Thing; |

Old Snuff 'Manufacturing Plant Now v

[Being Rc-Conslrucled.' ^ ; .

Machinery (o De Ruiinlag by February ISth— : ;

Employment for a Large Force. ,

Tho moeio of a dozen' carpenters*hammere Ia thF/K*snod tbat bringBiapleaeantfchoio the tors of tbe citi-zens of Chsngawater^ these frostymornings for, with'all «nf"V a forceof men are ptttinp the old flnnfl" manu-facturing plant into shape for its newtenoi t_~A. T. Skerry & Co.,; woolenfactors.

AB told in (be STAR of Jptt week, the.sperB for Ihe rranbfer of the properlywere tlgred on Thursday. This fact iscor firmed in all t*fr to tbe publisheron Tueedny from Prrsidenr GForge A.Hflmoof the American SnufF Co. inwliii.Ii betayb: '-We take pleuBuru iaBjinR that we have leaBfd onr prop-•rty at Changewi \nr to MfBsra. A. T.

Skt-rry & Co , 47 Leonard street, NewYoik city, fora term of three years.t ciiy, for

privilegethe privilege having been accorded *,tb l I Ih l d Tlo JJUILI Hny Ihe properly during1

occupancy. We are indeed pleased tobe able t* furnlBh this information,and join with yon in the hope that thisenterprise mpy biing much propperityto the peoplo tbrougboLt jour sec-tion."

It is nndrr t'-od thpt the purchaseprice is about $17,000 The prop°rtyincludes the mill, a farm, f-everal ten-ant houses and other buildings andsuperb water power.

When contractor Wm. R Brjanfc re-turned from New York last vvuk hehad with him a full pet of woikingplans for the recent traction of thebuilding and ha lot t no time in getting:to«ork. On Friday a big supply oflumber was unloaded at Obangewaterand early on Saturday morning thocarpenters nent to work Tnere iscomparatively a vaft smnut b of workto be done, but Mr. Bryant thinkseverything will be finished by Ftb. 1st.

AH the old floors are being token tipand tbe beamB are being itrengtened-:by the uae ot steel columns Tbe 1as well 11B the other metaUmat .,used is being furnished by Flint &'--Hflll nf Wash'ngtor.^A. nfcuni hcatin*"^plaLt will probably be put in later. ""

One of the amuemg features of thereconstruction Is the effect on theworkmen of tbfi aceumulttion of snuffin tbe floors The first few days wereterrible one for the carpenters andplumbers who 'nth their coi

t kefpi the airmlinutit "sjietz-— s Mr.

Bryar thaa not had t'rae to do muchfiguring, but he believes there is a tleasta ton of tiie snuff hidden away i a:be cracks and crevu.es of thn oldstructure IfcisacaBe where 'findersIB keepers," but the contractor willwillingly give up hiB claim to the snuffto anjone who will remote il"

A3 noon as t*je floor work is com-itt'd, it is proposed to gi\e all the

rooms several coats of whitewash, putin more windows nnd generally re-arrange the building intoliglitandniryworking quarters Wubin the nexttwo weeka Bome of the machinery will)pgm t j arrive and expeitj will be on.mnd to put it in p'aee The majorityf tbe employees will be brougl fc fromther sections, but no doubt; local peo-ile will be given work when t le plant;t t3 under wny and thfBe in chargeiave an oppoitunity to Instruct begin-ierB

The firm of A T Skerry & Oo is•neoftbebett known in the woolenirnde and there are a number of per-lona in town who are familiar with.;beir goods. The house baa beenaatabhsbed over twerty j ears and en-IOJ B the confidence of the entire trade,^hev already ha\e three mills in euc-sesaful operation

Indications points to WashingtonDpcoming tho ho_me.of a^maioiitv of—;he new workmen Skerry & Oo ' did'not take bold until certain that theLackawanna'would arrange the trainservice to accommodate tieir eiu-iloyees and this doubtless means n,

restoration to Wn&hington of the bigHunrerdon com ty trade which for-merly came here. __

a of tbu incorporators i i FredP, Sonrlntr, Henry T. Bull, John K. Coobe,Jmnes Mitchtll, Henry O. Knox, PeterQehonbui-h nnd Albert O. Fuircblld, all

r Ptiterser;-Isaac"W. Soaring and JameaH, Blmpton, of Dover. n

The President of the'University at Syra-cuse Is out with another Ht»tttnent dtclat-b>C that the temperance peoplo have usedundue Influence In get tine certain text-hookH Into ihe publio bcbools. He snyst h t i ! l ht J illook Into ihat, in many

tl t h to c . y

n hart a are UB< J illus-a in many J

ratlng theteirihlo iflVcls of «'cohol onthe'stomnoh wbeii no such effects exist.He'dftolflVos that the trmperauco peoplenre' warfelng alone theorita wtilcb werebejleved lo nu truLLs u dozen years ago butivhttih^l] BHnnlitlo mennowiknow to heIncorrect Ho nccutes tho antl-hquor'folksnf knowing thin to be the case but claimsthey refine t6 bring ttelr boohs and obnr'sup to date for fear tiucb, action will weakent h i

Will Call It Wtiarton.The lefjislntiirn will bo neked thisinter to change the name of Port

)ram to WhartoD. —111 che^old dayB""^~"••'•wrt Or«ui~ke(jL tho""i.uuotry~store '

B and was tbe biggest man In thevillage. Twenty years ago JosephWhaitjn came to town. He had alittle money and this be put into ablastfurnace RobeitOram haB lonesince been gathered to hia fathers buthis Bon Et 11 rana tbe stcre. In themeantime tbe fortunen of JosephWharton have riser), until he is, today11,1recognized ae- one of tbe wealthy men ofthe nation. He hfiB built two furnaces'at Port Oram and ia putting up an-other. He pays oijt $44,0uu /for" labor"every month and hiB own proQrs are-pi obably core than twice this amonnt.

There ia n genpnil frfline that ahonldthe change be made Mr. Wharton willremember the town in somn substantialmanner a la Onrnegie. Many of thecit'zens feel thst they need a public-^librarv and 1MB irtfmated that If theclmutro is made the town will net Ion,remain without one. ,, , „.«,. _, n

What e^crv one ncpdi 1 for BDdisorder (s Rnmin»s Irqh Tonlumost impoverished Byt-Um nil! be Iated and toned up by the. . . . . ' - RBbottlwof thh

Page 2: LR-NUMBER 1. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., … · 2015. 12. 3. · neotion of tbe State, Th e growth of that paper has heen marvelous,1,and its enter-prises have baen inore«Bing



leading'/ClothingHouse,222 and 224 Northampton St., Easton, Pa.

The Overcoat we want to talk about is a swell affair; itcan hold its own in the best of company, but, as it's madefrom Irish Frieze it's a tough article and will wear like iron,and it's cut on long loose lines with a yoke, and plain. It'sfull of style, but devoid of any passing freakish fashions. Youcan find a plentiful stock at our store—priced from $10 to $15.

Don't rack your brain; come and see what we have onthe rack for New Year gifts.

Smoking Jackets,

" Bath Robes,

Fancy Shirts.

House Coats,



t: Every new fad in Neckwear, Silk Handkerchiefs, SilkMufflers, Hosiery and Canes.

Isn't a present that is useful as ,well as beautiful doublywelcome? Men are practical beings.

A high standard for our Boys' Clothing. This store is a"freeze out" for poor quality. We keep only the real article^

Our Boys'Overcoats are made in the very latest styles. of Frieze and Cheviots, long, full skirts, pointed lapels, verti

cal pockets. "(Priced at $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00. The boysget a man's money's worth here.

, We certainly have the, most elaborate_gxhibitipn of Clothing and Furnishings ever displayed outside of New York and.Chicago. - -

O X K O K U . . (*;The following ofllcera woro elected for

tdo etifluli g terra by Mount-No-MoroLodCp, No. 117, K. of f , at their regularraeeilniz on Monday oronfng: C. O.,N,Latupsblre: V. 0., Tbeo. Pobl; prolate,Joseph tiwlek; K, or U. and S , Kd vnrd

vl>-o-coupcllor, Mary RHdle; Ruidi*, AnnieI Fox; recording secretary, Je-nnnla Pfoh-! tel; HP^ocUte rocorrilng scoretirv. Mar*caret K-iapp; Qnanci>0secretary, WillUn)ticburior; tru-auror, QUSHIO Rlmple; In*ftldo puqrd, William Bulky; ouifltdo guard,Max Pobl; trustee for elghtoan months,Sarah Unrtman; roproioatutlvo to StatoCouncil, Clias. Flolilo], •

Mlns Gertie Klein of your town BpentChristmas Diy horo with her mother,Mrs. Polur Klioo. .

Mrs. LUle J. Sobarror of Waitalnjztanmade a hu^lnesi trip t j ojr town loat Sat-

W. SbtirpH; &1. «t W., August Bardow; urday oveulnK.M.ti tA, Elinor Sllvorthorn; M, (if Ex., I Mttn MPZ.Q Rico of JacfeBon Valley andJan A. Alton; M of F , Goo. T. Scnoliz; Edward Bcbarrer of this placo wero tbo[ G..Jus DlliiiiridiO U.-Cbas. WIeshurn; RUCSU of Mr. and Mrs. Alox. Eulor ontrustco, Ctrna Wlcaburu; Rep. to EJ.L-N. Bolvldoro avonuo on CnrlBtrms.Liiupiblre, and alternate, Cyrus Vosselier.

At the mecttniF of Harris Loige, No, 157,t. O. O. P., tho lolloping officers wero

Cutiirrli Cannot be Curedwith local applications, as they cannot

elfcicd: W. U.( N._ Lnapublie; V. G, reach tho scat of" tho (Unease. Catarrh IsaWilliam Miller; Rtc. Buc ( J M u. Myvm; blood or constitutionnl disease, nnd inFin, See, Honry Scuarrer; treasurer, Ed- order to euro It you must tnko internal ro-wwd W. Sharps, aud trumee, Abram Pit* medics. Hall's Catnrrh Cure Is taken in-tei-Bar. I tortmlly, and new directly on tho blood

The following olllcors were Installed nt and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ctitarrb Curotho rs«ular meeting of F. & A. M., ou ianotaqunckraedic.no. It wns prescribedTnimday ore"ing luHti W. M., Clinton by one of the best physicians In thiBB. Snitb ; S. \VM W. M. Morsbon; J. W,, country for years, and Is a regular pre-A-*run W. DuvU; Trend., J. C. Alyorn; Bcrtption. It it composed of tho best•inc., J. A. Allen; S. D., Goo. Sharp; J. tonics known, combined with the beatD.-Cba-i. Lnpell; H, M.O., William Allen; blood purifiers, acting directly on thoJ. M. C, EJwurd Parcel!; tyler, Henry mucous surfaces. Ttie perfect combinn-Seliarrer; trus'eu, John W. Cojpor; tion of the two Ingredients is whnt pro-suwardf, Michael Hubert, T. J. Thomp- ducos such wonderful results in curing Ca-

F.J. Props., Toledo,O.ice 75c

J. 6. Myers, aud

Jeremiah Dsnohuu 39 years old, of No. 9H icitio Htroer, Newark, died suddenly onThursday last. About a we-k previouswuliu at hfs work at tbe Hay Foundry and a.^ „.._ „„ ..,„Iron Woiks, he was fu tally injured. He Brooklyn aud Oxford from Saturday untilwns operating a nmchino for punching Monday.

Sold by Druggists, price 75c.

J U N C T I O N .Mrs. Deaglo entertained friends from

Mrs. Frank Creager and son of Morrlx-loes In ulieet iron, tho work being doneby a heavy drill and while he was tending' tolvTspcnt CbJlsSas with Mrs. Elbibethover it the point t-nuppud off and struck piHdltiim fn tho neck. Tno Hhatp piece of steel

l beddd I biB neck dtiim fn tho neck. Tno Hhatp piece of steelwas completely i nbedded In biB neck andIt cut HU urtory. He was taken to Sr

I Herbert Staples of Port Morris passed.Christmas lutown.

J4mes Hospital- Newark, who^o the ateel Mr. nnd Mrs. 8ydno? Goblo and Mr. andwas removed and tbe wound dressed. Tho1 Mrs Bart Homier of Jeraay City HDentwound was ot Buch a character that food Christmas with their mother, Mrs. Peterbad to be supplied him by meaus of a tube i Heati.Inserted through his -nostrils. Ho lm- . Mrs. Frank Hummer and four childrenproved rapidly and in a few days returned of Elizabeth passed thu holidays with Mr.to his home but on Tnursdny he w«s and M s Geo H m m lproved rapidly and in a few day returned of Elizabeth passed thuto his home, but on Tnursdny he w«s and Mrs Geo. Hummelaeizfd with fit fVuhing which ooned

and the following s-stera; Alice and Rise I Miss Maud Davidson is visiting at Chn-of Oxford nod Llzzlo, Kate, Mary, Eilen ; ton.and'Srtrah of Newark. Tbe body was1 The Bozmr hold lastsiturday night bybrought to town on Sunday and taken Si, Ann'd cburch will be continued everyto the home of bis mother. Tne funeral Saturday ni^ht in Jdiunry.services were held Monday morning In St. f T o e m a n y friends of RJV and Mrs. J. B.

C/tholic cburch; interment In the ( ymber-er regret to le-tni of tbtir intendedPresbyterian church,

„ „. „,_, .._ _ _ _ rlace this spring. Dr.wife uf Michael Mountain, Sr , died nt her Umbereer is acbnowlcdged ny everyone tohome on School street of pneumonia. Da- be a very able prenctit;r jind will leuve bo-ce«sid Is survived by a husband and seven'hind him many loyal friends, whilochildren, tbe latter an» Mra. Miry Set Me j Mrs. Umberger la universally baloved, notof Philadelphia, Mra, Kitty McU-ill of NBW only by ttje Presbyterian congregation,York city, Henry of Morrl-ttown, and but by everyone wbn has had a performJohn, Mlchie), Joseph and R )ao of town. \ knowledge of her. Wo wish them much

Jacob 0 overs nf Philllpiburg waq the' e u c c f * a B l l d renewed health, lu their fu-guestof hlagrandmother, Mra. John Schar- - t u r e borne.

RoibA C ithlic cbucemetory adjoining.

At 5 o'clock Tuesday morning, Bife f M i h e l Mountain Sr d id

la tbe Umber^er regret to ldop iriuro fom the

ridget, 'which will Uko plt h Umbereer is acknow

BKLVIUEKU.A couple of voung ladles wero overheard

conversing. Oaosald, looklug Ht a verypretty marriniie ctrtiQcati1: "Sty, oldsweetness- I gueu I'll buy ono of thesevt. O's." What for? » queried her friond."Why, I'll nocor get onumiy other way."Then H lar-olT look seemed to settle d-wnupon her, and her companion wltha fool*Ing v*ry akin to her dlacousolite finer,said: "well, thero'u this about It: Thesenon-Hupport case*, divorce proceerffnija,desertlunsand n. thoimnd Rtid one ttifngethat bappmi to tu.tr the fultcity of tbo raar-riago relation, aro enousjti to dlscouragoany 8elf*ro«pt!Ctlng y«un(j woman fromover enterlntc tho bonds of matrimony,"" 'Bonds* Is good," said No. 1, "and I don'twant any of thorn fastened on tne." Andthey tripped down tho street as gaily ana p d r or aixieenera. j

Wm. MomborRcr, son of Charles Mom-borger, a former resldont of town, dropped 'Into Bolvldoro the lutter pir t of tbo weekto BOO some of tils old ooumt. He left beroKomo elovon years ago an J for tbe most oftbo time has lived in St. Paul, Recentlybe has been working in ono of tbe bite1-MIaon factories near No vark. He willprobably return to the Wont in a shorttime.

Tbo following ollicers were elected bythe members ot Cove >ant L-d-ie, No 13,I. O. O. F., last Toured ty evmilng: N. G.,Thomati O'Nte'; V. G., Jos-*o Cowull; Hec'v,Honry W. P^uM: Trustees, N. Han la, D.Perry, John G. KlBt.

M jor Charles W. Buttz h.ns been pnylncbit annual vhltto bid old homuatSarepta.He wa3 in BelWdero tho latter pirt of thoweekend had the pleasure of meeting anumber of bis farmer companions whofoutfht wltb In the gro tt struggle of 'lll-'&l.The MMJor'fl frleuda buro are always gladto meet him.

Honry Austin Ad-ims, the famous Iceturer, will give om of nil series of lectureson great men, in Botvldore, onthoeveningof January 4tb.

With a number of churches In the coun-ty pastorluss and the Iljckn going astrayfor tbe Wrint of c tre and attention, it see tinas though someone ought to look nfterthorn, nnd no doubt they will. Someonehis Hbkcd tbe quostlon; '-Art* tbero not toomany churohes In the cou'ity ? We wouldsay, no; emphiltcally, not fdo more thebetter, but they should be tqkoncireof—presided over by good, eonalhle, Godlymon, whoso solo object Is the wiuningofsuuls for toe Master. • j

smiles theio dayn. He knows a good thing IwhoQ bo sees it, and the bouncing boy'baby at his home fills a long felt want.George mtkfs wagonH, sleds go-carts andall sorts of contrivances f>r the,comfortand convenience of tbe travollng public,nnd that now boy will have the finest"rlginugii;" that bis factory oin turn out.

Riy, a little son of John Allen, suporin'tendentofthe silk mil, fell dowu a f

ofstai;intoftheIrj a few day a ago and broke Ills arm-

rer, durir g pm t of tast wuek, Alva Johnson of Pbilllpsburg was amon].John Stelter of New H iven, Conn , was t b e Cnnstmua visitors in town.

• ! . l_ L " . _ ~ I— ~ ** O J _ I Rf I - . r l M - . t j - D M l l n - f K* A I—with bf» parents on Sund-iy. Lizzie Sells of Newark spent NewPatrick Curley was a visitor In town dur-.A e a r s w l t D h e r parents-

ing the Hol'dayH, stopping with his sister, I Mr. and Mrs. John Miller give a I irp,Mrs. Kite Curley. . party on New Yen's eve. Dancing we

James Kane, who has been ill at bis' tbe principal feature of tbe evening. Ahome for two week*, la able to go out. | elaborate collation was served and man;

The fair and festival under tho auspices ' g U ^ T S i e ' ^ " w n Id f S uth Bethl

The co^nteaVfor i b e m l s t D e B«eht of Mrs. Jacob Alpaugb.arZ RoMsditholVo

clote Siturd .y evoning The contest for ithe trip to Ireland WHH.WOI bv Mlc-inel IS h l f fl b

A New YnHr'n putty wan givenveniug by Mrs Castner in honoSweeney, the" barrel of flour by Andrew eveniug by Mrs. Castner in honor of hei

R'chter and tbe umbrella by Michael gue-Jt, MIFS Etbel Brown, of A3 bury. Musitirakh. Tboatlair waa a big success. | of the guests were from Asbury and Gle

The Rolling Mill started up Monday af-i G a r d m j r -ter being closed down several weeks. A watch-night service was held In th

Mrs. Airon W. Dtvls returned home ! M - f* church TueadHy uUtt. lotereatiDgfrom Newark on Monday wbere she hid Bsrvices were conducted by the past ir,attended the funeral of her brotheHu-law. -Rev. A. J. Blias. naslstud by Rev. Binder,;

berger ol Glen Ct irdner. '•-.<N

Principal R. J. Eileoberger spent NewYear's atTrunton.

Mrs. John a ousel and children of Eliza-beth were guests of Moses Hummel anfamily laat Sunday. ,

Miss Ethel Wild rick of Balvidere vi-iltedat the home of Miss Mabel Hendersonover Sandiy., Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Hartmin presantod

to tbeir chi'dren a banddome : (Jornishorgan for aChristmis prejent. It ia oneone tbe latest style—tho P-in-AmerJcan.In appearance it Is beautiful.

Mi-is Maggie Owen is spending the Holi-days witb her mint, Mrs. Maggie Euler.

Miss Miry H irtnun is visiting a fewd-iys in Phillipsburg us tbo guest of heraunt.

We are glad to fiee Edward Scharrorabout tbe streets again titter a few duya'sickness.

Mi99 J. M. Liifiknl'Hopeppent last Sun-day with her I'ritud, Miss Mary Kllen.. Leopold Limpsiiire, formerly an Ox-

,ford boy and now ofEastnn, is •vitMng hisparent.-!, Mr. nnd Mrs Nicholas Lam(.satre.. Mrs. Jamea Lukens of Phillipsburg spenta Cow d i.vs IIHI ifffiuk with bar parents,Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pohl.

The Ep<vorth Le IRUO has elected the fol-lowing ciftlcers for tho ensuing year: Prt-si-dant, WiiiUm •'chnrrer; vice-presidnnls,Jo tin Mjera, M i«el HunderBon, EthelBtickley, Fanny Vos--ltr; aecre'a-y, iletaBaylor; treasurer, Geo. T. Sch-irrer.

is spendingmothe ""

jncob Owen of Phillifew dHys with his grandmother,

John Sjlmrrer, on Uelvidere avenue.

What every one needs for any blooddiaorrfer fs Rani -n's Iron ' Tonic. Thomost impoverished system will be in vigorated Hiid toned up by the use ot t.hfe greatblood purifier. IArge bottles fl 00. War'ten County Drug Store.


; K LOOMS B UKY.Rev. Percy Y.Schelly, pastor of the Pirsl

Presbyterian church of Phillijjsburg, madta brief visit to town Saturday afteruoon.*. Rev. Mr. Montgomery of Jeraey Citydelivered inttreating sermons, morningand evening, laat Sunday. He waa enter-tiined while here by Jlr. and Mrs. G. M,Pidcock, i(

Mrs, Martha Shannon and Mrs. J. E1-,ward Anderson of BuzMon, PA., havebeen spending a week with relatives andfrienda in town.

Miss Elizibetb Gardner and fllefor, MIt_Minnie, have been soending a week iuNewark and New York.

Rev. Thomas Ssott Lnn», pnator of tboPresbyterian church at Dayton, N. J., diedof pneumonia on Sunday evening, Dec. 22" " a brief illness. Rsv. S. M.Studdlford

i this n i l

™ J_ ^^*l_j.Yi

If,..--L'atiilogue, which uocurately nall the lntcst styles in CornlHii Aincn-

i« cun Orpnns nnd Pianos. It ls u work ofurt that;you .\vlll appreciate und it Inyours for-ttio iiKlrltifT. It also cxpluliiH

^Iho unique Cornlhb 1'lan of Bulling on

rOneT Year's Freg trialTliln method lins comtnenilcd tlflelf ton Ounrtcr of a ifillliou I'lirPliOfi

•Wrfiofurfiill Infornmtlitn.- Aijilri-us



r?™d to^ Mf"s Gertrude Klicn,

Thoodore Elien lias acreoted a positionwith R )bert Ahlis at Buttzville.

Thomas Hardmai, b IBS at the Washing-tin minefl, has hten, sfck with the grip.Wo are elad to see him out again.

Rev. R J. Chrfatio is holding fxtramtetinga this week at the M. E. church.All ftro'cordiallyioviledlo'ttttoiidr*™"--"-11""-"'

JohnSchrirrer and BOH, Cbarics, of LingHill, are veiling a few days with relativeshere. •.( .

MrsGeor Potts spent" R' few "days lnat•woi-k w.th^hwr^flnii^VVTn^Tefil.in^Fiethl^

Miss Lizzie Hufi'mnn ofrPIenaant Valleyis spending a few dftys with her parents,Mr, aud Mrs. Abroni HLfTman.

!artha Shafdr of Blairstewn spenther Hiilldny vRcatfon with her motber,Mrs. Margaret Snafer. '• •'

Mr. nnd Mra. John Blessing; of Phillips-_urg spent a few day Inst week at tbohome of faor parents, Mr. and Mra. MaxBlessing.

Mias Margaret Hartnan .of(PhHI]pBburg"pent a week at tho home of, bor aunt,Mra, Geo. Hartman. ''_ ;"~Uebrgo" Pottsr S r;f spent "a" fr w'da'y B" w....relatives and friends in New York city laatweek. . '-'• ••'

Mrs. Max Blessing Is vtaitlngnt tbe homojf her daughter, Mrs, Cbas. ttuokgesang,at Hnckettstown. v ' (i

Gi'O, Daringor and Mrs. Alice G. Hall ofPttlllipaburg.wtro untied In the holy-bondsf matrimony at the Pnsbylerian parson-go on Christmas night by Rev. W- J, Me-

whlnnew!/1 G, P. Drleabich 'and ^ MissMyrtle lUrlnger, dauifhtor of the groom,were witnes^ea to the happy ceremony.Wo wish tbem a long and happy life. -•...-...-' MiBsEva Hartman spent Sunday withler (aunt, Mra. Cbas, Blessing of your, o w n : " - • - " : • - . - • • • • • • • • • ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ . . . " . . _

At tbo;:meeting of the Daughters otInnrty on Pp|r)jy.Htenin.;-the-following'Seers'were elected: Jri cxooocllor,

Gusiio Kimple; Jr. ex-Annnointn councilor,irah Harttainjicouncilor, Sirah Huff-

wica PreBbvterian church, where he re-nmined for fifteen ye-rs a faithful ministerof the gospel, honored and loved by hispeople. He oftou asabted our pastor inhla church work, ' t

Preparatory services will be hclrl in thoPrpsbyterian church Saturday afternoonat 2 o'clock.Jby. Rev.. Perny Y. flnhfllly,~--T«t. Sftcrameitof tHn Lord's dupper wi.bend ministered In the Pronbyterlan churchSunday morning. Mr. Schelly will conductthe services.

-J 'Edward Anderpon of HnzletbrirPa.,passed a few dava.list. week-with his par^

Chester Wiliwnion wns tiio puest'of bistriothor, Mrs. El-zibet h Williamson, nearPiittonburg, on Tnursday.';• -The Bloomtbury Cornet Rand, 39 nieces,undertbe instrnotion of Gustav Thiede,director of the Etston Bind and nlso oftbe orchestra, la mnking noted progre'snnd It is only a matter of R short timewhen the organization will oonapnre fav-orahlv with any of our county binds. Dr.Crispin performs his part as leader admir-ably. ' ••

Perclval VHet of Neahanlo was in townt of Neahanlo was in town

L'ist S'turdny evonlnfj In the Methodistchurch, R9V. J. B J, Rhodes delivered alecture on tbo Pan-Amorlcan Exposition-

Union services were held In the Presby-torinn cburch Sunday evenincr. Rev. Mont-gomery conducting the services.,UMIBB Ethel Smlr.h returned to theNormal

School at Stroudsburg on Mondty. ,: "

TliouBanris Sent Into Kxtle.. Every year a large number of poor suf-

ferers whoaeluDors' are soreand raokedwl'h con?hs aro urged to go to another cli-mate. But this is costly and .not Alwaysnufe, Don't, bo an exile when Dr. King'sNow Discovery for Consumption will euro

n ah homo. It's the mort infallible med-lino for COU^IIH, Cold-i.and all Throat and

Lunar dise&scs-on-- earth.:-^Tho, first" flouobrings relief. ARtoundlncr curea result from

l t t nne,;..Trial bottles free at F. NW O t D St

St. John's night, Dec. 27uh, was an occa-sion of much pleasure to lh« Mtu-uuic frA-ternfty of thld pl-ica. The nawly oltctodolllcors wero installed, then came an en-tortaiument by a lady and gen tie.nun froma New Vurk burt.HU, and then followed abamiuet in which all participated. Theevening was very pleasantly spent.

Ttiu two sons of Wm.Sftrsott.ofSunmier-ilald, were arrested by Game Warden Hi<l,charged with bunting rabbits in tho snow,which is contrary to law. Tne one youngman WHS given a hearing, or rather tritd,a couple ut weeks ago but up to presentwritiug t i e jmtlco has not civen any docision. * -- •*-'" L - J '•fo




Steinway & Sons.Kranich & Bach.Estey Pianos. . . .

Ant. othcrs-at Manufacturers' LowestPrices, Cash or Easy Payments.

New Pianos, $175 to $850.

. . . . Eatca nn& Tfflcavct O r o a n s . . .EVERVT1I1N0 MUSICAL CATALOOUE FREE.

Keller's Music House,219, 221 Northampton St.,


Made byStandard Oil


The First NationalBank of Easton allowsinterest on time depos-

:ision. Lis t Friday was the day aer down ' J i - «rf>rv\ r \ i i<-r t rJ U i rfor the trial of the other so-called offuuder | I I S , C O l T i P U L C Q D Y]Ut as the warden did not put In h is j ip - » , - •> •

dar months, at 3 percent, per annum.

w ppuarance the case was not 'heard. Thedefendants allege that they were no: hunt-ing but were ou tbelr way to some otherIKtrlufluti iiiriii to iook aftor tbt» sLut-k, _jfunn to iook afior LlioMr. Sill happened alone the road thatmorning and seeing tbe youn? men, whohad a g-m with them, he took for grantedthat they were out after game. He there-upon arrosted them, but not without BODICd iliculty, as trie p-irtiea did no kjiow him.Tne c-ises have attracted a good denl ofattention and a large nuuibr of witnesseswero here on Friday to tell wlmt theyknew of tbe atTiiir. /*'- r '

Amos JOOPS and f-imtlv have u'urned toBelvidere. Toey moved to Trenton lastfall but did not like it there and have comehick and now occupy tbt.tr home onWater street, which is a very pleasantborne.. Mr. J.mea Is a merchant and forrnany ye«ra car ied ou Llie mercantilebueincsa hero. He will re-encage in tho

.ticl thestoreroim on Front «treer,recently occupied bv V-uiSaotcn, in helngfi'ted up for bim- It is said that the bubi-neaa will be conducted by a firm and Unit

general store will be opened. Tne loca-tion la a good one.

No public wfltch nieht aervice WHS heldIn BelvMero. Tnore may havo been aev-eral that were not reported.

Mra.-Senwar*z, widow of tho late G.Swarlx, is the sole heir by will of her 1 >tohuiband't) real and personal estate. Thereal t-etate cnn<tit-ti of a house and lot ontheeustend of Water Htreer, ivrtich willmtke tne widow a very cum fortablu home;

Some of our young men have n mind toenlist in the reguUr «nny. They havovisited the recruiting oiiifio in Eihton andnow know what Ia expected of them.

ThB sile of the real n|iti personal estntonftbnlato AusuatuR Stridden took pi-co

It Depends on You.If,von w a n t (In; lumt meat, tho Inr^frit va.ct.v, tlit- liL>i4Li.-umlitliiiiM, It nil IIL'IIUIKIK on


WE HAVE THE MEAT.Wo don't ofti'ii luivi- anyOtluT kind but the

bent, .hint now wctirvNi-ninii jfrcat .|iinnt|.tlwt ot '1'urke.Vri, Qevm, Duvkri and CiilckciiH.

HANCE BROS.,7 Belvldrre Ave., Wash*nEtnn, N, J,

FOR SALE.The Farm of the late Daniel But/, for

sale. Twenty-five acres of good farmland and house, containing tinht rooms.Ihe above lies within the corporation lirii

at hla late home, on the mountain buck of of Belvidere. A rare chance, l-or lurther

are a house and barn. Tnomaa Butler; oneof; Kaclisrjurft'rf. H"barRiitial_cilizsn8,.wnathe purchaserrir-iaHald ih «t "Tom'j.viirflt"np tho placo and occupy it for a summerresidence,

Edward 'Uoaencrana won tho bij beefthat was disposed of at tin- slion'ii)^ mttchheld at Hope, OT Cfiri-tmis Day. SnmntiDiBiieoyouttfr V.-in Horn asked Edwird10 buv n ticket nnd proml-ed to do thoghnttlner.for.blrn. When tho mqtcbV.cqme011 Van" Horn; who la a crack; m-irhsmui,hit the bull's eye and the hear wna hid.Tbe animal will not Ed. about $50, -

Thore is some talk of removing Georgerm-jlronc, whi>;Ncf>iiflnpii to his -homo'

• EVERITT, Belvidere, N. J.

ThoS*WhoU s e ; H : ••••*

Cement -should know that the\ loc^Wholesale and Retail Agencyfor the celebrated Alpha Port-land Cement is with >

LKorttiampton St.,



SH: FleminKtoii, N, J.

I ArtlHtle Flora' Pi

RUPTURE, , . . » - . „ ,. , mral by,t.LA.Slicrmnu'H.MlJTli6D:wltii6iit

ikon P.nklc to tbe Easton hospital,- oiiuniLhiHrtiiriiu'iiUnc-tniHBL'H-nr' hliulnuice

n l . t u I m n i n In P ,.1 ,.i#-l j * . n t I . -, « _ - , - - _ « . . . ' ? " " « • ' • " a i H . t ' t ' H M ' » r . . ' ' _ . _ _ _

yith.-a broken p.'nklo to tbe Easton hospKal,-iiDr.'iSwni' - - - - - - -quite ill for _ _ ._ . . , . . . ._ „be t-iken to tiia homo ia Belvidoro the pre-sent week.

Wm. Haye1* has eone to New Haven,

' • ' .

,'din,mer to

Conn., to work ut his trade.Finley Burd cave a Chrfatim __ „

number of mUtives and frionda. Amoni*thnne present wero: Mr. nnd Mra. CharlesR. UuHh and Bin. Morris. Mr, nnd 'MM J,J Burd and dwughter, Ida, of Montflna;rfr and Mrs. Woi. Burd-ind son. Howard,if WnHlilneton ; Mr. ah^VTrH. Prank Colond \Tr. ond Mrs. E m'-r Fromn and1 BOO,

Prink, ntOxford. andJWr. and Mra^SwavzH.and family dfthia'placeV """" '

nn;Har i to in ; \councilor, Sirah Huff- jenklnh's Wnrron County Drusf Store.'ijwofiiate nn'iiooHor, JuHa>,8ohror; Price 50c and Sl.OO. Evory bottle guaran-

vice-councilor, Philipena Little j associate" teed,1

X Cure for Ijiunba^o.W. 0. Williamson, of Amherat, Va.,BR.vB:For mor« th-ti^z^ar I HufF'red frrun ln'm-«ef>. I Qnnlly tried1 Ohamborlaln'H P«in

Balm and it givn mo entire rellff. whichill fil.her remedies hid failed to do " P-w,'enkins, Waabingfcon J. A;;Allen, Oxford.

LOPATCONG.Thorowi l lbe an enter t i lnmnnt and fea-

Ival held at t*to VJurMo Hill school housaome time dur tae the present month. ': Mrs ' Edward Aher has been quite 111 flur*[tier tho past week, but a t present is i'm-provlng, , *<: • •:.. •

Mr. arid Mra. Herbert (Weller ands'e Ru-uioll are viilting friends a t

more, Mri\, thlaweek. ., . . .i-Ziiithnr.L(ince, of near yonr town,

t f 1 t k with hi l Ed

WhyOonUYoufayOffthat Mortgage

weeks, sitiil for\nr"KHtUk"1*lftti>tlHMimS ljVi'irii'"riiv.RO'JILLOTCOMMISSION .CO.^ . .^ , .

1224 Markot Stroot, Phlladolphla-i Par

Have your Worms got Horses?Aro tHey Retting Chin and Wont: ? Are the? "oDmolr food ? " Do they "uwont and wni-ry ?"

DR BHBRSON'S ' pBAD SHOT"food ? Do they uwont and wDR BHBRSON'S ' pBAD S

emoyo worms dead orlalivo frorill removiSitlo." II

wni-ry ?HOT"

hwill remova worms, dead or!alive, from horses ano* "' »••-*•' purify the bioud, correct and torn

:b aud Btron/;thpn thp norvfla.1''it'i oocn bJs. Sold by druggist*

:pon re-:nli>t of Fifty Cents. ,-.-••

C. B. Smith & Company,

uptheatomiDirections wi

oreont by nmll

iZiiithnr.Lince, of near yonr town, sp^nbpart of 1 tut week with his uncle, Ed. Aber,at this plaoe. w


at the Washington LumberYard, whence it is shipped incarload lots. It is sold in car-load lots direct from the millthrough advices from the com-pany's Washington agent at asIowa price as it can be. ob-t a i n e d a n y w h ere, I , 'Alpha is a very superiorduct, as you will find upinquiry or practical test.

. We keep everything else!Masons' supplies, as well;Slate, Paint, Tile Pipe, and

Lumberof EveryDescription

--Just, now.i--.ve -.are-specialty on Shinghave more shingles ailgreater variety than has]before been containedWarren county yard. Wei

Red Cedar, While

Hemlock, Pine and Sfin the several grades jwhich we are quotingprices. In this coyour attention is invitediact that we deal lafgiRoofing Papers of thegrades. No one beats ulprices in these or any-jstandard article, i


Just a MomentPlease!


g_ers.bas.been m,e.\tens!ve and varied = -

that for the past two years we havohad constantly in our employ oneofthe best house painters' in. all this -section. We have found • his'serv-ices necessary in order to facilitate:our work. At the same time It h Wbeen demonstrated that if our fo«c«were larger it would be even betWs-r--and we have determined to employother painters and place ourselves•«i?lti:"5r=~1'~' V ^

Contracting Painters., Therefore, we deslje the publlc.toknow that we are now ready to glv*estimates on house painting of-all

; kinds We shall assume all respon*^siblity- in the matter, guaranteeingprompt and.carefully executed work.;and charge no more than others for"the same'clasii of service. We knoVhow such W(,rk should be done. ;«'',

Allow us to submit color, scheme^"iand estimates the next, timeyou drfelds to have your buildings palnte*


Page 3: LR-NUMBER 1. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., … · 2015. 12. 3. · neotion of tbe State, Th e growth of that paper has heen marvelous,1,and its enter-prises have baen inore«Bing

• i •


N .John McCrackon, the barber, baa recent-

ly puicbiueil or John D. Vail the housemid lot near tbo buna house, which JO busoccupied Tor several years.

Jobn H. Shannon will vaoite Iho Pallialiounu on Uiieh etreet In trio uprlots Hndmovo tr> tho YeLter houao nowoccuuled by

.tho 8t rick I n da. Mm. PCUOIIKIU. neoSirlckUnd, will go with tior buaband lo

I Ma>aicbusettfl,m.d Itfctalao probable thatMr, and Mis. StrlefclHiid will leave town.

, A now brldga lots recently been erectedOFor tuo Hrfulii 8 Kill ut Paullnn.

Wfitcli-nluhtBorvIcef* were huH Tuesday,evening, as usual, In our Mulliodlnt churchand HH ttio old etoefc fltii-hed strikingout tho old year, [no now vcar was wel-comed by tho ringing of bells. :

Eugene ft. Cole man of H.icbcttutownbeg-iii teaching the WaMilnpton aolioul onTbunday, auinjeodintj Miss Hlldobr<uit ofBel v Id or 0 who bad ruMgned.

The Week of Prayer will bo observedore by our two murcb i

Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,

Outer and Under Garments,Millinery, Books, Toys,

Shoes, Blankets, Quilts, Etc.PRICES TALK.

10 yards Unbleached Muslin, 39c

UAItfllONY.SftDtA O1*D8 bad a very busy season tbli

^ear ia Harmony and vicinity. Ue appeared iu tbe MtithoaM Episcopal enuredat Harmony ou Cbrlatmas nig tit ia aoparminj cantita called "Sinta Glaus*Defenders." And excelloac defenderstbuy were, too. from tbe lively little, wlu*ter sprites nnd Qrimmy, the nowoboy, totbe Bprlgbtly old iiuida and ludustrtousold ladltw; not to apeak of that Tory rc-apectable old guntl mm, Air. Discontent,so crusty and fault-finding at flrat and soCental and good-naturea at Ust. At tboclose of tho otfenltiR'd program, tbe goodSiiitaOIaua distributed gentroui boxes ofcandy nnd utliergifla to ttie Sunday scbool

10 yards Bleached Muslin, 49c(0-4 Sheeting, bleached, 20c10-4 Sheeting, unbleached, 16c

3 0 0 0 yards of Best AmericanCalico at . . 3 3-4c

7 20c

10c Canton Flannel25c Dress Goods50c Dress Goods

7 l-2c19c

39cSpecial prices on Ladies' Waists.Millinery Special—Your choice of

our entire line of trimmed hats;were up to .$6,00, now ?2.49.;

Special priceson k n t o sComfortables to close out.

29c fable Linen50c Table Linen . 39o

59c Table Linep . 4h'Don't forget our Shoe and RubberBest Apron Gingham 5c Department.

Substantial reductinns in every department before weI begin stocktaking. : A grand opportunity to stock up at prices•that no merchant can name except when bound to accom-plish and object regardless of financial loss.

I. WARREN FITTS, Prap'r.33 East Washington Avenue.

.hero by our two r (lurches, commoircing[Sunday oroninfr. Union services will *>o1 bo!d—tht» drat four meetlogs in the M. E.church nndtbo laat throe lu tbe Prcsby

Tho annual entertainment was held inibo Presbyterian churcb Obriatmofi Evoind H mticn appreciated program »BB ren-Jored. No aamiitsien fee was charged andtho children wuro given the usual trout.

Ueorgo Croute and bride will beginonsehteplne at tho home of hia parents1 Ihe near future. ... . • ,It la with eadnoss we record tho deilh of

-tuto Treasurer Georgfl Swain, which oc-:urr*d at hia home In Newark on Wednea-lay of Isat week Tho family's summerlomeiaonlya abort distance from here

..nd the deceased WHS wnll and favorablyknown by our people. Wm. O. Howtll at-1 ended tbo funeral, wbleu Win held onSaturday. '

The Methodist Sunday school ontertain-ment WUH held Wednesday evenirg andttie well prepand program was ptebtilpgly

.rendeed to a large audlenc. Ton centeHdrnltolon was charged and $17.75 was re-

I allzed.Li very nin n Edgorton recenliv purchased

two new Port laud cutters. Now let tbeynow flj I

Tho people Bcom to apprcciato tbe stagerun by Liveryman Kdtfeiton between ttiiapldco and Newton every Thunday. hintweek ho roadu two very profitable trips.

Conductor Brown is passing a few days'vncatlon In POKSHIC. Mr. Bruah is fillitigIIIH place on the.'? Dfnkoy.1—..•'-- ' •- --• -

On Christmas Eve about a dozen youngmcu got Into " Bike" Ed cert on'a otHce, intho Aiidress building, and after partakingof H quantity of fire water which they had

.procured at the hotel, b'gan fighting'among themselves ar d made a great dealof r OIHO, Une of the party get ft black eye.

bxim; UIIU iimuruiiia to itie auuaay scbDoiHis next appuaruuee wan in tbe ttetnodtdtEpiscopal ebur.-ii, Lw'a floliW. TnOcanKU WHH called "A Good Time WithHanUUlali9,"anddeRplte too daik, rainynlp-bt there wata lancu audloiica tiureiythere was nover a jollier Bduta Ulnug,

I a. cl an>onu wbo tmw the bu«y lltilu| workers making jumplngjicka, dulls andociier to>D, will ay roe time Hi**y, as woll aitho Hudiuuco, enjoyed the "Oood Time,"

, Above tho wide, orictc flrepUce was aI buautlfully decorated Ctirlotmua tree, and,after the lust sona.S-inta Utaus appearedwith a great baakclful of candlea lor ttiemembers of the Sunday scbool. Therewere other gift«, too. A tine, largo turkeywatr presented to tbe pastor, Uov. W. H,Carson, nnd Mra. Oirflou received a beauti-fully bound copy of the byraus used in thechurch service,

John Stopp and family spent Christmaswith relatives in Stewartavllle.

Miss Allle Arndtof Mauch Chunk, Pa.,, was tho cutst of Alias Liilfo Elefer thu post| week. . ... . • • •. " T

Mr, and Mra. John Howell, flr., npontChristmas with their son at Cfaeatiiut Hill.

Mr. and Mra. Henry Miller bad a homegathtriog on Chi Isttnaa Day.

No services wore held in tho i'reabjtorlanchurch tabt Sunday on account of rain.

Mra. David Amey died at tbe homo ofher ton, Mattfson Ataey, on Sunday morn-ing, after a loujr Illness, aged 77 years. Sheisaurvived by two sons and tbret) daugtr

, teis, 7iz: Mrs IBAHC Frey of Carpentersvllle, Mrs. Fred Mat-key of Httzmi, MrB.Nuwman Jones of Oxford, and George andMattlaon of thin place. Tne funeral willbu beld today ( Thurdday) at tho home ofher son; Interoienc lu the Presbyteriancemttery.

John Allshouse is sutrorlng. from bloodoiiouiug, tne result of a cut In tho hand.While John and Oliie Ki«fur, brothers,

were out hunting on Saturday John shot, at a quail teat was in tbe bushes and a btiotgrain struck O'lio in tbe eye. He WAStaken to the Easton Hospital for trout-cue lit. It i.t not known as yet whether howill lose the tight of his eye or not.o the tig-Mrs. Mabel"i i i M

On Friday Bfternoon tbe " Didlcey" left, here at 1:30 o'clock with a carload oflum-1 ber. Jubl btl'iw the juticlion one of thewheels became Iccfceu and before it wasdlMcovered 112 rails bad heen torn up. ThoBlafratown, HfllntHburg nnd Delaware BEC-

i were cilled out.

•IN'-E X. 1? !


SALES^commence promptly. We have provided liber-

I a l l y i0T t ^ s e a l e^' L o t s of goods, bought recently

' M ^ P ^ i c e s r ^ u i > e - i n these sales.. At the same i

time we will clean out all odds and ends—all rem-1 nants of everything from regular stock.

Tbe rrtin of Saturday night' and Sundayn Hin flooded tbe metdows atid severalcellnra wtre filled wltb water. J, A. Car-ter's tDHcniue shop wna completely uur-rounded by water'making it Imposaible forthu men to work on Monday.

Several of our sportsmen attended tbeshoi.tit'g match at UopeonChribtmaaDay.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Glbns attended thewedding of her cuu-tln, Minn Ida DeWltt,to Juincd Ayera, ut frankfjrd Plains, onChristmas Day.

Waldo Martir, wo are glnd to say, is re-covering from an attack of typhoid fever.Mrs, Edward Jonea Is also regaining herhealth.

OQ Thursday Tbomaa Engler: movefrom Vail to Albert Raub's tenant bouse.

The Methodist congregation will Hateto two sermons by Rev. Henry R Carro!LL. D., of New Vorfc city, next Sunday,large attendance ia expected.

ye not.and "cliiJdn-jii!™are

oh H d lMrs. Mabel Ceulct and cliiJdn-jii!

visiting Mr. and alt*. John Handlong.Mra, Hannah Stiles la seriously 111 at her

home in Lower Harmony.

V1JBN.NA.Dr. McCormict,'president of the Hack-

ettbtuwu Seinluary, will preach in ttioMotbodfst otiurch here oa Sunday morn-

COLUMBIA., Mm. Stewirt Winters «avo a Obrlsttnudltmeroa Weltienday to ber moibor, Mrs.

'Gllbertandeon, Mr. and Mrs. Klnney ofW-lnut Cirner and the Mlwes Cist.

, Mr. and Mrs. Wai. Kitchen, Mr. andMra. M. W. Kitchen of Poilllpaburff, Mr.and Mrs. Jam-* D.ocrici aud rUmthter

land MissBdnh East partook ofCbrlbtmasdinner witn Mra. J. C. Kitchen.

O.li. Davenport Joined bis family overI Cnrlattnas.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward alo Ch rial mmdlnnur with their daughter, MrB. H.AlberUon,

Mr. and Mrs, It. Snyder spent Christmaswith relntivos at DeUwaro.

, Ctirlsmqn A. Tra sue and family dinod| with relative" below town.

Last week Owen Evam visited his undo[Q town.

, James Ei ' t a-id fitnlly ato Christmas[diuner wku Clark 0.-inman.1 Mr. end Mm, Oigt'id after spendingChrtstmud with tne>irls relumed to Mrs.Transue'd boarding house.

MiuiCarrlo U. Bru'ter. who|waa sick,Isbetter.

Mr. and Mra. Wm. Evana visited frieudsID Portlurd List weuk.

.- Mrs. Hirry Collhia of Portland Is verysick. Homo m'Hitha ago Mr. C\>lllnH s<ildhis residence itntl atiop in Columhlu to B.anyderand nuved hia family to Portland.

E. Dietrich, who Is employed in NewYork, Jolnod hii family over ClirLitmaa.

Mrs. A. A. Tollman fitirtid Tuesday foithe home of her snn In Nts>v York immediate'y after reudlvim; a toleitram that heidaughter In-liwr wasserlnualy III.

8aturday Mlsa Eva WIesJ visited MajDavenport.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. E I B I and dauglAda apont Onrlstmaa In Newark wltb t»oirdttui^hter, Mra. Harry PhUlfpa. Mr. Cast

, returned Tnursdity. Mr*. East will spendsome time visiting friends In Ihe city.

An a cure fir burns, bruises, cut" sprain*add the Itko, Ramon's Nerve & Bone 01b Tdem on tt.e miraculous. Its appli-cation la painless to tbe mostKenbltlve skin,25c. Warren County Drug Store.

I REMARKABLE CURE OF CROUP.A Little iioy'A Life Saved.

I have a few words to say regarding:Chamberlain's Cotigb Remedy. It savedmy little boy's life and I feel that I c»n-io* praise it enough. I bought a bottle oit from Ai :B. Stecre of Goodwin, S. D.and when 1 got homo with It the poobaby could hardly breathe. I gave tbemedicine aa directed every ten miuutcnuitLil he "tbrtw up" and then Ithought sure he was going to choke todentil. We had to pull the phlegm out ofbis mouth In great long strings. I ampositive that if I had not got that bottle ofcough medicine, my boy wnu'd not be on

, eartu todny.—JOEL DEMONT, Inwoo<'I Iowa. For sale by F. N. Jenkins, Wastiiugton; J. A. Alleu, Oxford.

- A L S O -

! It will be to your interest to visit Easton during-these';

telTSH Jc BXJLL1!Eastorf's Largest Business House.

^ J . r . •• o . > •••• *•••• . . , " • • u - - ' ^ • • v

itOUKSJJUKG.The public sale of tbo late Aug-

ustus Scaddeo's p/operty was held lastweek. The eighteen acres of land wnapu chased by Thomas Butler for {336,wtiich is coneidertd very cheap. TherebaaaliVAysbeen a question aa to tho oldman's age.' A Bible was found on the dayotHftle which showed that he vj&t bornFcb 16,1816.

John Butler returned to hia home In But-ler county, Pu., last week.

. James P. Kent is building a' new shopand will have'a be] per the coming year.

It la reported tbat we are to have freemail delivery In about two weeks.

Tbe men employed at tho cement millsare having a two wteks' vacation. _ ._„ . .

An old chap wasi heard" to" remark 'that, be wished there wao a trolley running be-tween this place and Markaboro Saturdaynights.' Mr. Duit, who lives on the E. J. Mackoy

pUce, la confined to the house by illness.Mr. and Mre. Robert Bowlby are both

very sick and Dr. Aloertson calls dally.Mr. and Mrs. ..Van-Young. apo"nt"Nesy

Year's'-arMountairiville, Pu., with Mr.and Mrs. John Blank.

James Seguino and son, Samuel, arvlaitiug frienda in Newark^ ; ^.^, _.u-:.""Xaaac Llghtcap entertained..coaipanyjon.Tuesday." .--.~J.'~I. z—^- ^~*^«—'""T.^ '-^y^:—--

!fog, Jttu.6th.The Aiiron Sharp furm, against which

the estate ot the uttuSbufer fintke held aclaim, was Bold on Saturday. Ic was pur-ohdsed by Mr. Sfmrp for^2,500. Tue ciaimcalled lor about $1,500.

, Wm. Teel attended the wedding of bisbrother Hurry aud Mina Creveliug uf Phil-lipsburg on Coriatm-H,

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Gullcfc entertainedtheir children and grandcbildreo at dinnerOurlsLinaa Day.

Henry Haves and Harvey Rusb of Madi-son have moved tbeir families to this,place- Mr, Hayes will occupy the roomsover Teel's etore and Mr. Husfa will spendthe wioter with bis brotber-ln-law, ElijahCox, wbo waB so unfortunate OH to havehia right leg brokea a fow days ago. Bythe way, we will add tbat Mr. Cox has his

.unfortunate member iu plaster of Parisand is doing as well as could be expecLed.

Mrs. Jacob Babcock, wbo sustained aparalytic stroke 6ome time ago, was ablelo take her Cbrlbtmas dinner with heretep'daugoter, Mrs. Wm. Kisbpaugb.

' Among otbor Holiday visitors wo noticeRev. aud Mrt>. HHggerty of Hope, Mr. and

• Mra. David Henry of EUzabethport, Wio-liield Luce aud family of Hackettatown,I Mrs. Elizabeth AyrtB of Wirttown andMilton AlberUton.

i The leading social event or the weekwas the marriage of David AI. Vreeiand of

! PanvlJle to Miss May E. ilibler of thistown. Promptly at noon the bridal partyentered the parlor where tbe impressiverin? ceremony was performed by Rev. W.W. Wdlkbr in the presence of ttie Imme-diate relatives of tho bride and groom.The bride received many handsome prts-

, eats, among whlcb was a substantialcheck from Mr. Mundy by whom thegroom ix employed. Tbe bride was at-

I S U T T Z V I J L J I J E .Tho woddlnc of Harry Banghart, ticket

, agoiit at Bioomlield, and Mina Bcesle Ferrislof Chatham, a airitt-r of Lbe Kuv, Percy'Ferris, has just bten announced In ourtown. Mr. bantjhnrtia tbo sou of Mr. andMrs. ETazun Bang hurt of our town. His

i many friends here extends their congratu-lations.

Mr. and Mrs, Amoridt of Cornish wereCji?Nt*f"nt t ia Hamo of thelf nun Fuiiipon Chrlatuias.

Mr. find Mrs. John M. Banghart ofNewark spent pirt (>f Ist-t wotk at thehome of Mr, Bm^hnri'tj naro'its, Mr. andMm. John Bjiigiiart, in thU place.

Zenas G^es movod hi* family from PortMurray tn C deb Holt's house ueur thedepot on Thursday.

! The liitaemont, of tho Methodiat churchhue be on £e-il(.'d with cuairs. Tho oldseats were getting ucs-ne. The congrega-tion fcelfl indebted to Mra. Johu Aiidfisoi)

.nudMrti D.it I'roine Slater for the effortsthey miidu to get ttie uniUrft.

!• Rev. Buckmaii Rave a pletoral lecture toa small crowd in the baeemeut of tbeMethodist church on Sjminy night.

, Miss Kalie A mend t of Cnrnish wns tbeguest of hur oroth&r Pliitip tbe flrat ofthis week.

, Rev. Burlay he'd a WHtcb meeting in thechurch ou New Yeat'd Bvo.

' n

, Mrs Georce German find dnughters, andMrs. Stacbhouse spent Tuesday with Mr.and Mrs. Miller Meruhou near Petersburg.

Miss Grace Miller wns the guest ot MissBurtba Jones ou Saturday and Bunday.

Miller Mershon of resr : Petersburg;wan [the guest of friends iu town Friday an*?.-'Saturday.

• Mr. and Mrs. George Jones was tguest of Mra. Jones' brother ou Christ mi

' Misses Bessie and Bertha Jones attend*the outertaioment at Oxford on ChristtnEve.

Blanche Averp, who has be«.,, . JEI a short time iu Philiipaburg, breturned home.

Mra. John Anderson left here tod(Thursday) to undergo treatment athospital in Peterson.

Most Men: want the best of everything.;:^;

A man desiring the best ofLife Insurance can be pro-1;vided for in The Prudential,and as usual the best costs"less in the end. ;



Home OfficeNewark, N. J.

JOHN P. DKVDKN, Prertrfent.hE&LlK I). WAltD, View I'mttdentKWiAU II. U'AJU),'2(1 V. I'ri'H't fiml Counop].FOIIKK8T I*. DKVDKN, Secretary.V.C. DICDKKJKtAHrit. Supt., Wnnhlncton Xat'I Hank

'I'd'ir, Uroml St. ntnl Wiittliliigtoa Ave., Washington, N. J.


o New Yeaid Bvo.Fred Saraon tpsnt a few days last weekEystoii ;

HASR-HEALTH always brings back tlie nnt-urai atift hcntttiiul color of ynntli to ijriiv. fiided oItlonrhH lr>ir. Gfv.-suv.v!:fc:;:u!sr«»0.l./il.uiluir. I'rt-vuuls (latuJrtiir :md lialdticHS. la nota dyst but n liair foml, ntnl positivL-ly ruMurts

5n y li;iirtoits youtlifiil rolor.. A lifalthful liairrussiiiK for men snit women; it<- use cannot

be dftvctcit. S«c li.nv Mrs. Mason, NiiitL-IUuii-jjIi.\V. Va., was niadu young again by using

. l int I w:.5u»l:;i:ji':.i (.>r an.-wic!" SL-C m", ond U.nz M> >UIIII^ it almost killed me lo iMnk my

gray hair ciithvi £'c f^nitd tit it'y httxtiand 1 fi ivc iiut u^ctl all uf ojtc L^tilc."LARGE 5OC. D0TTLCS.'1 AT LEADING DRUOU1STS.

pvcd Snap, i

, i'ie''"ir.o«r>r<>r Hajr, Hcn!t>.r i r i" : . 7.;". [JfiJeenitiJ by luaiife Phllo HuySpecIaltlL's Co.. » .ly wjirws, i'ic[i:»id, iu j;!ain it-jlcu

Name . . . H I ECm-filed may li

uni>k.tiitn. llattiatit! Tuilci.boih forFjltytlruRgtsts everywhere at thefr shops.:tr.iyetii; St.,iN'L-wark, N.J., etilicr wi;h or

laok eceipt of 60c. and this coupon, •«on purctiaslnn Hay's Hair-


urns Rsfusitttfatilutt's. huii'titZ'havinf'titty's tfair-ifealih.'Following Druesists supply Hay's llilr-lleallb and Hurfloa Soap In Ibelr ihops only:

P . X. Jt'iiklna' U'nrffii Cntiniy Drug Store. :

it Costs So Little

groom ix employed. Tbe bride was at'tired in a light traveling suit, toe groomwearing tbe conventional black Att

ASBVJBV.• Miss Grace Carpenter is enjoying a visit! with friends iu Brooklyn.

Among the visitors In town during theHolidays were: Wm. Hulsizer and Blwood

, Biner, ot Blair HP.U; Mi-sea FrancosI Rlchey and Kate CarlingT of Normal Hull,Trenton: H. L. Bowlby of Princeton Uni-versity, Mies Bertha Watson of E^Bt

, Orange, Mifls Allio Lamb of Philllpaburp;Nathan Beekley of Pnllndolphla; MlBsesUmre. Smith,' Annio DsHart, Lina Smith,^"jrrie-Oimun^snd-Hertba-Sralth^aU-'bfNewark.

Memorial services in mamory of Mrs.Rankle will be held In the Presbyterianchurch next Sunday evening.- NonervJcts

, will be held In tho M. E. church and nilare invited to attend. ;; <, ^

l-'Mre. Jobn Smith and ohildren of Perth1 Amboy have been spending poeerai daysin our viHng,e, tbe guests of Isaac Smithand family. •:•:..'•

Mrs A. O. Covey and little daughter-ofMt. Freedom are guestssof-'parents, Mr; and Mr^KChas. H

wearing the conventional black. Attor abountiful dinner tho happy pair atarttd ona wedding trip to Michigan and otherpoints of interest. On their roiurn theywill be given a reception by Mr. Vretland'amother. • .

irshall Morgan has purchased a prop*in Bacbettatown aud will move hia

family there in tbe spt ing.

POKX itUKBAX.Andrew Davidson and family of Newark

rere the guests of Mr. aud Airs. EdwardIitrlatt over Buuduy.John Thomson of Oxford and Mrs. Eunice

Banghart of Karraville were married Sit-•'-day evening of laat week. They have

le well wishes of many friend*.Among tbe Christmas visitors in towii

/ere: Miss Bertha Everett, James Somer-/Jlle, Bert Hunt. Cfcurlee Tinsman andWife and pbarlee Woolevor.

— la^is-indcrsonziG-critlcallv'-IU^it^tuiiwriting. v, ZanasOiss moved his household goods' and blacksmith tools to Buttzville Thurs-day where be will work the oontlng year.f.-i Edward Marlatt and family speut Christ-mas at Sarepta the guests of S. V. Hutiac,'-»:on. .''"

Daniel Winters had a family reunion OG

Mrs. Jacob Petty has returned from aI visit to her sons at Newark.

Mrs. S-tmuel Perry and children aresending a week at Glen Gardner with her

arents, Mr. and Mr^Chas. Ha.Tzard.^Miss Alice Mitrtnrils has beoiji' spendinge past week atYo'hkeraiN Yi tbe gL'cstMiss Alice Mitrtnrils has beoiji' spe

tbe past week at.Yo'hkera,iN. Yi tbeof her eiBti r, Mra. W ^ C r o n k . ' • •

^J;:H.-\Voo!6V6i1"ia;biack8raitnib^^iiFthe'shop vacated by Zjnas OASS. <>" The Rod Men are stirtlnff a band fortheir future benefit—they need music In

I their war dances. .; . <. Tho railroad company Is putting up coalsobutes at the Port Murray station.' Q. W. Wrijrht is spending the winter?ith Edward Marlatt. , t> v

, Attiumberofmen havo boon laid off atthe terra cotta worka.

Mfas Blanche Btglor, who has not boonwell for a longtime, doe3 nob seem to lui-

Miss Sadie MoCatliariti hs«) returnedborne from Connecticut where she hasbeeu visiting her aunt.

Owing to the rain, tho Sunday schoolchildren did not renelve their treat at theM. E ohurob last Sunday.

, S. R. Brown, our merobantt Is vary lowwith heart trouble.

Stewart Frlttefsnow in charge of thebar at the Port Murray Hotel. • $

BSIghtIt is a sad thing to see fin

fruit trees spoiled by the blightYou can always tell them fromthe rest. They never do.wclafterwards but stay small and


. It is worse to see a blightstrike children. Good healthis the natural right of childrenTBat-'somG^of-th'eivr^cloni-'r^gcitheir rights. VJh'ilc the restgrow big and strong one stayssmall and weak.

rr.-;-.Scott'S:.-,EmuIsion can; stopthat blight. There is" noreason why^such a child should.

Joseph Williamson fall through tho mowhole iu a hara near FiomiDgton last weekAnd broke bis Hkull.--Ho < was Uken to aTrenton Hospital where it i t b l l d

a medicine with lets, ofstrength in it—the ^indW^

|strength that makes thingsgrow.

Scott's Emulsion

f HESE"pAYS'tob'aprJMded with a sleigh that everyone who keeps a horse shouldhave one. How many people there are who would willingly pay morehan a year's interest on the investment for the use of a nice S S

just a few hours when the sleighing is good. At that tinfe, howeverit is practically impossible to hire one. f v

Our stock comprises all the up-to-dateness, all the goodness andthe low pricedness to be found in sleighdom. •'•'

Do not delay buying. When the first considerable fall of snow:omes, we, and other dealers as well, are apt to have our stock ex*lausted within two days; at least, the selection will not be so good.


irive on'less food than do the neg-ated beasts. It is, therefore, plainnat it is real ecpnpmyitdSbuvfwa'rmsS

ranlisee6ur"new1"line',"u'Vi'e have'warm blankets to suit every wallet,for outside use as well as indoors.

And laprobes, of course, and lots ofthem. Some handsome ones at a lowprice.

And broke bis Hkull.-Ho < was Uken to aTrenton Hospital where it ia not bellovodho oan recover. I

nakes them sleep, makes themslay.*.--. Give the weak -child a:hance. Scott's Emulsion will

make-it catch up'with the rest.

This picture representsthe Trade Mark' of Scott'sEmulsion and is on the

rjperof every bottle. '•

Send Tor free sample.


1409 Pearl St., New Votk.

50c nnd fi.-.all dru

(S' i~\'n4-c^ f 5 "' Two carlpads of fine .*S V J ' C & C & i :v




Page 4: LR-NUMBER 1. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., … · 2015. 12. 3. · neotion of tbe State, Th e growth of that paper has heen marvelous,1,and its enter-prises have baen inore«Bing


C H A « . L. S t u r m * . EOITOKAMD

, flPBMRimON* rATAHUt IK ADVANCE.1YEAR($1.50;8MOS.(75c;3MOS., 40C


AT LASTGreenwich Votes to Assume The

Ten Per Cent. Tax.

;FRANKL1S. COM.ES.'NEXTCitizens of That Township Will Vote on

Same Proposition January 9th.

Little Doubt of Macadamized Highway FromEaston Here Next Summer.

ThbGood Roads iclea, like a snowball rolHug down tail), is galninc ad-herents every day, and wit bin mi other

-• moct'3 it Is more than probable thatplane will be perfected for a throughthoroughfare from Eiatoii 11 Port Ool-den. Is is possible tliat before springarrangement] will also be made forcontinuing t*ie work to HacKtt *t>wn.St i te aid is to be ueed in each case.

In Qreeuwich an election was heldone day last week for the purpose ofl i th t w s h i p sentiment on

THE BAXGHAKT FAMILY.More Thin. One Hundred mid Sixty

Ycurs In America, N»»\v In lia Sixth -,(• o n tr ration.

ID this ago ot rapid transit by railroad.*pre-«8 trolns and ocean Jluuro, oistuiict'cjutits but little when tuoimudH of tullescan be covered In ft fow days, but when wolook back to tbe cmly Bettlonienl of thiscountry uiid cotibldur a century a\>o fromu)gbt to fcljfuteeu winks wore consumedbynbit.s rouktrig tho \oyaee rromtLouldworld to the new, [t required uiuio tbunordinary fortitude fora tainUy to hid hue-well to frleuda und fathcrlai.d Hi d crotwthe great water to tbo new world discover-td by C»luuit,uj.

Thu A'.si English Hettlement In thincountry was at Jdimittowii, Virginia, nudit wn» under the euro or C»pr. dniilh ; tbeUna Germans arrived at l'ulladelputi inH3S-S, under thu command of CJJU. i'a -lunu'e, and golnn beyond tne tbu:i v.H-tgiabout s x mi lea built ttietr cimns In tinwoodland. Tney culled tbeir cabin lioiuiBOermantjwn, now the most beautiful stc-tioii of the great city of Phlnuisltmu.Tbey t&rove as Gerinnns do everywhereund on tlat ineiuomble Oc obo. 4, 1"helped Washington in hisdtsptrilu »u _plo to dislodge me Brillsu from tuu largoucouc tuausloii occupied by the Clio*" t'lini-ly, known ia ubtory as tlie twtllu or Utr-tuantown.

Among the pioneer Qermnn r,iiuU ei tosettle In New Jersey was tho Itai^guattfamily. J.ieob Banghart with biiwlu. andiWe cbilrtreu— Barney, Androw, Mieiael,Udorge and alary—arrived hi PuilndtlpUi*about tbo ytar 17-10, They cruwtd HieDelaware mid journeyed through tbe wit*deriitss U'ltil tney arrived in ttiu vicinityof Itigu Bridge where tiio cabin WHH buntand tne huuie established. The f..mer ub-talncd employ in oat at the old ouarcualfurnace, tne llLtlu plant from wnicn thegreat lrou ludustry at High Bridie datesits bibtory. Ho retualucd iu thutiiuploy octhe company ei^Iitten >ears.

Uu jriM, tne yutiujeal t-o.i of Jacob Bans-hart, nunied a Mloa Van Uunkiik andBuitled nu;tr Uleu Gdtdnyr wheru the veu-erHbte Anrabam Bmguart now lives, andwtiich hm been thu honiOiteaJ ot thefamily for more than 120 years. Barney,wbo never married, wot) a a.tldlorii) ttiolearning tho. township •sentiment on —• •--, ••--

the proposition relieving tbe abutting ^ a r or tno Itovoluaou, waBUriljwound.dproperty of the ten per cent. tax. Tne Sf,eSaS

Uma°rrl Jd and wtt?i? n«!r SrldJS. township voted t iassumo the oollga- v tu e , this county, aud raised a family of

tion, the vote standing bo to 3-S As fourieea children, ono of whom w«s thewill be remembered in tho ctiag of KBV. Ujorge Uii gu.irt, known mtblaSttUd

"\Vasbiu«ton and nthor Dictions where! at.d u«<* in Peintsyiv^nU aa one of the

WASHINGTON, N. J., January i, lyoa.


We desire to extent! the heartfelt thanks andassurance of our appreciation for the liberal patronageaccorded us during the past year.

We have just passed through a very successfulholiday season—a fitting close to a year of notableachievement and growth, which is but the naturalresult of the business methods we adopted at the be-ginning: Hair dealing, low prices and money refundedfor any article not satisfactory.

We desire to satisfy every customer, not only asto price but to quality of floods also.

Hoping to merit your indorsement in the future,we remain, with best wishes for the New Year,

Very respectfully,


t i e road to ba improved, ha* been as-sumed by thfi tasDnvers of the entiretownBhip or borough.

This ftct has not been folly under-Lt;od. perhaps, io the pa^t and this ia

IV [jvi^v* l u a L i j v*"i *** • * j »*jw* *H *»•'•!• « » — w «

sitid people, t!ia mime and t'line madohim ttie most popular proacuct1 In parts oftwo S;atcs. Hu travclad on lioruol)..ck midbta cotutiis being announced to the peopleot'a nui^tiborbood ttiey would turti out oa

to hear Ului preach,

$ 9 7 - 5 0

one of che reasons why there ha* not

to t ike adyantagy of it. Only otiedrawback 1B reported from that town-Bhip. Oae landowner whose propertyfaces on the highway has declined toeign the application for tbe State Aid,and as his land con&tisutea over 11third of the feet front along thatroad it looked at Brat as though he hadstilled t i e entire proceening. Anotherlaw, bowever, has been discoveredwhich, it ia Baid, will do away with tbenecessity of getting these signatures,and this moans that tbo work will goon denpite tho one objector.

In Franklin township an election^-ill hn hold on .-January 9ch, and,there

"appears little'dbubt that tlie taxpayerswill vote t ) relieve those along t jeroad of the teu per cent. tax. Iti fact,it is understood, a pall haB been takenand the progressive citizens aro preitysore of their ground. Tne picsen,t aw-ful condition of the old road is a pow-erfuV'good road argument, and it iahaving itB efiVt on fioae oppased t j |the improvement. :

For Once tile Llukcr Was Licked, iThumpcty tiiuinp; bumpoty bump.• Paddy Hyan was coming co.vn the

avtiNUe over a rough piucu of ni-iCndtmi.He was tn his coal wagon. U was Satur-day afternoon.

" Tf 'Inner," fmys Paddy.Tne hoi's! did not accelerate its motion.Sa-isU ; s-viati. _Paddy was haadlns the horse out a few

with ttiti Ush.~ -Then the horse got into the game. It

raised uu its hind (jiiirters and let a ho>f11 >- iu me direjiio;. uf Paddy, who WAB sit-ting on tliu sett. The hoof struck the nh-jtciive point and the oilier of the horsethought fiVa minute that his shin bunuwas bro!n;n\

Wiiat llya»i.s*id when tho pFtin bad sub-sided noiniiW-liat seemed to sulphuiiza Lbet,ir. Theu If i realized that it was life turnto the biit«^iid. .,

He dulivevecl two stinging hlowa, andand was about t.o;;ive the third wiieii upcams the u6W-'a hoofs again. Both fontUnderfill ttiafl-ibhy part of Paddy's lc«.Tnatfiuished tlie battle and tlm horsewalked home with P,id.i.v helploaa in theboltotn of the wHgon. Hi3 fHinily,,carriedhim into the liouss und a doctor wiii wassummoned lud to take several; atitcbeatoclone the wound. ^

Up lo date the horse has the laugh on1 • ' - • - " • - • !—•* is soon na he,-'-,".^..,.._*_B.>"ay» but ho atiya that just as,™^^./_r.—-~can gfctiroouTiiVrtiirput'air-kit-,— . - i i c E i i

and whip the horse into aut-Jectlnn, or elsekill it in the attempt. If nobudy In tortures.

On the Buffalo Express over which |Charley Thompson, formerly of Ed. Mu-•Cdun's gang,1 prt-aided, thtre was onewoman and six children in the front seatof the forwaid car on one of his list |trips. Ohsritiy noticed them just after i

• leavingSiroudsburg, and going up to triewoman be gently whimpered '•Ttokots,"When she handed him one full ticket hepuckered his mouth for a whistle and

raised n frtinity uf ten c ill-druu, viz: tUrney, Peter, Ueo.-go, Mary,Jutiu.Tliouija, Andrew, Mietiaet, Wiinauiand Abraham. Four of tne elilMren set-led on tarffisudjolnitiii the old hoiuubteudand lived and Uitd amid teems of theircliildhood. Mictiatt moved to Oui> andlocated noar ttiu city ot Olnulnmttt; Uuorgelived near tipriuytown, ihla comity; Abra-,hum, Ht the ultl hotneue id, is tno ouly onu !of bis generation li.-iag. Hir "-— '~ "'yearn.

Tne Bauyhart family, descending frijm | rivuthe orl»inul Jacob, ia now in. thw tdxth , J,;;};gentralioii. li id anuxcroua budy of yood j 1.1.1American cUlzens, tbounh wlutly stat-ttred throughout tnis great country.

"r : " ; ' : ' 1 A " " D A Y 5 O r O L D . - '•••'•'•-

How They Trevulleti More Than <»oYours Ago—lireitt Sti»s« Couch to

thu West via Washington.We preaeut herewith a repryauelion of

the Lixiie-tubld of tDe Jeibay Uuy lerry,luten truui tuo column or tuu Jaibny(Jay CrazoLio and Bergon (Jjuuty Ad.ei-iaur ui J UUB yj, lS3ii.

JKUbKi UlTV FEllUV,To foot of UouriU.Htt struct, Xv,v York.The ue;v HUU Dfj.ejdia .btoani bjxXs

3i33l£X HUU SJidEX, ura now pljiuy UJJ-111 tins teny, uiaftlug toai trips pci'uour

iSlGUT liO.VT—FaroGJ Couts.THE fuu.ic >.re i.iturmeu, lu.tt a boat

Kin ruu tn»iu . \ o " Yurii to J^racy Cay,is u NlUiil' liOA.r, coiunt.-uuiug liii-iitditHily after ma lust trip or iu« d.iyju^in. «Lud cuoilnutuy Uidll ONE O'-

' TUB uoat will leave NJW Vorli'at thejvt;ii nuur ana Jersey UlLy ut lae liHb.-

-•• • 'fora very handsome

"" -•' - ' | "t1l.|V;TU j " vi=«j. with stool and music

ii'j-'M 'iTriiia'iinin'ii- Write at once for"?'•- '•'•''"• illustrated catalogueAdtlresa or Cull Upon


WE ARE GOING TO MOVE.On Saturday; February i, 1902, we will occupy the store room in the

Nutze Building, No. 26 l a s t Washington Avenue.

To reduce the labor connected with moving stock, fixtures, etc., weare going to reduce our stock as much as possible by allowing

25 per cent discount on everything in the store.



lti wni uo n-jtud that tbe forry fare bti-tw«cii Sew Yji-kuiid Jersey City iu 1SLSGWua H 1 1 CtiUlAUtl UOlll tllU (Jlty Hull Uiglitbu-iib, mm tuj.t> LUC u^y uoiiiq made itjurtrip3 per 11OU:, «iu lUu lll uL survlou Wad

T..e uiu print ulsj uonlains the adver-Uatmieuia or buverui stage iiuis, niunianit;Lliu New V01K and K.iatou Imi anil in.-iiouuijemtiit ia mude tLat paaoui gaia t»yLuia Huu will luavu itie ellluo of li e coui-uuuy.73 UuriUudb atieui, Saw York, ht5 1-*J o'clock H. in. unU aruw tbo i«ir^ tu

V Ouy—thm-e tufee tnu railroad «.tr«t._ ..JW.-VIK, Wlioro pusseugcis will tukupoist cuueucs lurougu apriiiytlttliJ, Ouui-.am.HjLL.e Hill, >,vioiribloWii, Meiidhain,

Ktiiuruiut; tne atagu left Eaaton everymuraiui,', Bunaay txeepttd, uiu arnveaiu No.v V01E tue SAUM L-vuuiu . J'uendvertitemeiit unnouucea turn ut PortUolden inure will bo a btago in rtadineiato convey piiatei.^tiiB to Bclvidure Ltiesame evening u.ua return tbu fjilowmg

•ruing io 11 Hit) Co take thu stage IruiiiEaaton 10 New York. ' ". •" " "S.< -.--.

is arts requested to secure theirseals ltie evening pievioua, utid ml bag-

1 purled at tue owner'u n k

came tho reply. ,,1 Thompson thought that the six1 certaln-ly looked it, but ho wua deeply perplexed.He passed on, howovar, and when Waau-ington was rencbed Dr. Cox boarded thetrain. A. happy thought atr.uck the con-ductor: he would refer the pr'oOloin to hisf i d th fiynioian.

Go r^k tifij woman how many twinsthero are in tho lot,'1 'suggested tbe doctor.

Charley returned to tne forward end oftuS t^sluiS&d'SUt tb» niieattop. 1U .

-' "Tbese two In iny lap aud those two in-..... the cbtuer'of tho seat nre twins," w.ia the

' ^* incor'a , explaniitlon. Thompson de-• " her favor and let1 the teyen ride

atination on one ticket

d c ofriend, the f

"Go r k t

I of an Amateur Itolnaman.l e Shropa and Peter L. Thomas'Llvldere on Tuesday to atttnd

had a live.-y rig. On the wayhandled, tbe ribbons and

.j shiveriDg. SUrope droveflt overtook the horte. The

«b In tbo.air seversl tlmeaoing 'round and 'round Iulatins tho wheels by tho

ii)ltutoring the shafts,t h t hn drove like an)lt

9 thath

tdrove like an

k9 thatt haven't Bpokon BIDCB,i d t t s ny

»N.;_V. Tribunel&i'JL

Transportation Com puny t and from Neurk by pout couched thiuu^h Moirlatown,N'-wlou, Milforu, Tuxtuii, Carbunualo,Dundee and Moiitrose to Oivego,'aiiii fromOA-tKo by rail to Icnaea. Ou alierutitdayn thia lino ran over tue HRWO route toNewton and from Miat town to Au^uatrand ililford.

Tha second line left Nevvburgh everyi 2 ' l k d d through


Tha second line leftmorning at 2 o'clock andBlnmiBbury alt Piuua, file. Pieauaut, Biughumi-n

wore ttanbfurred by railThe tnird liuo left CatBknl every morn-

Ing on tbe'.arrival of tne oveuing boatfrom New York and passed tnroufjhMeudhain, Delhi, Umdillti) Greene audiuternmdiate towna to Ithaca,

J. J. Roy &Co. are announced to be thoownera of boiii tbe New York and D.istonand th« webtern lint-, und tntjlr ofllcu WHBat 73 Cortlandt S.,rfcOt, New Y01R.—Eail-roaa Employee. •'•' -

• UU*-r ^ - •• iiWliy They Advertise. ". \

Not many buslnosu men adveriiso m thenewupRpers for any other reason than that

Tney keei» it iip because it p-ijB.0 aa The Now ,York EveolnR Post

It payiIciaUL. . _. . ,_says, that "the moat Eucce*-sful merchantsio any city are those who advertise in thenewspapets j T»»e»-e -tiQRy-hfl-exnaptlonB,but ' tue re aro not one In a hundred."When Virtually all aucceraful men foliowa certain policy it is rtsaaduable to ar* i-mothat It ia a Benaible and profitable i policy.

Your room has limitations.The right paper will improveit, the wrong paper will mar it.The color and figure are bothimportant. Our variety isgreat enough to enable us tnsuit you and your room. You'llbe pleased at the unge of de-signs and puces 7/

Cooke's Storehas been the d i s p e n s e r ofIhuusands-of-iolls-thcse lastt w e n t y - o d d years and weknow our business.

Without going into detail;w i t h o u t making any rashclaims, we urge you to

Look Over Our— -Shoe-Stock. „.

It's not the laigest in town,but we know of ,no worthierl i n e — w o r t h y because^grades; woithy because prices'

so extr.emely low forup-to-date, reliable



I V .



$1.00 Pieces, 50c. il:s£0c Pieces, 25c. 25c Pieces, 13c.EVERYTHING AT THIS RATE,

25 Per Cent. Discount on Jewelry, 20 Per Cent. Discount on Watches20 Per Cent. Discount on Ebony Goods.

These prices on articles last mentioned are actually less than cost of them,

This will be your last chance this year to gM.lhem at above prices.

Sale Commences Sat., Jan. 4, 1902; Ends Thurs., Jan. 30,1002,N. B.-NOTH1NG RESERVED. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED.

Jeweler and Optician. \23 W. Washington Ave.S."W. Christine, 2,.;lin--[i:iAt. I.ACKAWANNA

About 200 Men's Fine EgyptianRibbed. Undershirts, made of fineyarn in dark pearl color, sizes mostly38, 40 and 42; sold everywhere at50c a garment, and .worth it. Ourspecial price this week only—„

No drawers to match.

Clothier and furnishe

that mMiomoMroi-tin m Pollnom ilrom oji™ ,rS,n i to 3 o'clork, p inlOto ll;i i luck,« m „...,._ "*- n w ElLnNUCKaEB.CasWcr


The montli of

JANUARYIwill be interesting

in our store.


on many lines will bethe great attractions.

Come and see us.

Heavy reductions have been made in the prices of

Cloaks, Raglans, Fur Scarfs , - ;

Dress Goods, Tailored Suits, Skirts,

Petticoats, Underwear,, Silk Waists,

" Flannel "Waists,and all kinds of Dry Goods. If you wish1 to save.money j'. your purchases, come to the Globe Store.

ALLEN CAR PENT]229 Northampton St. Below the Square.



To"every customer who purchai.es all the following goodsIb Extra Fine Evaporated Peaches. . . . 18cl b " t, //' " Apricots ificIb " ( « " " Apples 15cIb Our Extra Fine Coffee 25cpackage Pancake Flour ioc0

Lp.ictogp Ralston Health Food 15c ^st9SiS=

A/ i 1 1 G'i v e R R E E|

3 Pounds Extra Fine

Granulated Sugar.

• g S s ^ F . . ' ™ " • ' . • • • • - • " - • • • ' - ? :

Page 5: LR-NUMBER 1. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., … · 2015. 12. 3. · neotion of tbe State, Th e growth of that paper has heen marvelous,1,and its enter-prises have baen inore«Bing



Celebrated Scranton CoalAT-KBTAIL. !

. . -Jhlagton, N; J.( Docomber 3,1900.>Attho D., C. * W. K. K. Blovated Chuton, at

*eadof nretrighthaadBtrootabov Now Wind-sorHitiL

tfiJ. $4.25 p e r .'•Egg 4.fiii jiur ton.Btove 4.Tr> [jerton.Chestnut 4.75 per ton.Feaftermod by Homo companies

No.2OhO8timt) 8.25 per t<Burkwheiit t'J.W)

.. BlackMraimingorUitumioouucoal, fioojior too.••WBoBt quAlltlen nlwayti on band, dry (undor

covor.)Coal loaded direct from chutoa (over ecroene) It

wagons JA.MB.S L


> can be obtained only at oar chutes Along the. Morris Caonl, at Ita junction wltn Uolvidore

Avenue.Egg |4.75 per ion

: Stovo. 0.IHI •,•*. "Chestnut MX) •*Pea «.5O «All coat Under Cover ADd delivered io wagon

••• Over Scrwua. Tlin superiority of Lotion Valley' Coal HOB In the fact that U la harder, burns" longer, gives forth morn boat, burnt) up cleaner

--the beflt, therefore tho chf npest.Bituminous Coal 65.00 por tou.

R. I*. CLINK & CO.


Tho owner of tboStephonsburg rollermill is advcrtlalog It Tor Hale.

Kav. J. F. William « n of Clinton has ac-cepted a c*ll Irom the lie formed churcli

' of Aunaudalo. . : .The February pxamtnation Tor to»chnra

will be held In Bolvtdoio. No dnto hanbeen nuratdaflj-ot.

The Hunterdoi 'ooanty pra'oli basketfactories IIHVO nearly fill resumed opera-tfoos. They are preparing for ti big 'poachMason.

Many Hunterdon county hnrscs aro Buf-^jferltii trom dlNteniper and spinal trouble.- • T n e vecertimrlnnH^are uuable to account

for the atMi go dlseuMB...-The STAR prlntery hoa Juufc been still

furtho*1 Improved by the addition ot* some-ortho t a toa t r i cw f a j u b type, especiallyBUltutl*/> wuddiiig invitatlotiH, business anil

; ! . calling cards pnd flno stationery.,George W. Hnyler liai become HWti^tint

goiier.it paisonger ngmt, nnd A. 11. W*)-lace nsilHtant (joneral freight t-tprtnb of theLick*wanna. Both uetillcmeu have tioenotilef clerks In their rutpuctlvo depart-ments htretoforo.

Tho mom tier* of the 0 apt 1st church will'-celubrato tho Week nf Pmyer by n serlos

ofcittai(O pra>or imitittogii. Tbey will bo: beM inrtlfl'-jreiit domes in 10*11, announce-

ment of iviiloh will Oo made at tbo church: ; on Sunday inornlug.

0 . 0 . Hartpupue, who vMted Washing-ton several tlmt > wirh a view of building ti

r g n s plant bore pftor the Nuwart tipplt*Cinta fora franclii"o hnri been turned down,hna joined forces with Win. Bu-n tinii will

' have -charge of tbo construction of the! Boonton plant.

' \" Tho term oFoffise of tho State Treiwurer

A new D., L A W , tlmo-tablo will sointo effect on January 23.

J. Wtrr^n Fltla names somo vory strik-ing prices ID his "ad" oa page 3.

A. Djfflaofi, thojewolo'-, has purchaseda ciah register to placo In at* store.

Tiie Neodham Piano & O.-gan Oo. hasbeen taking account of siook tbia week.

Tho Ladles' Whfsi Club will bo entor-tulnod tbfa evening by Mrs JOB h. Safulds

Seo Bush & Bull'd now "ad" on pa goTboy Bay little but do more than they aa;

James L Shields announces In anotbcolumn that be h&a a very dealraolo farmfor rent.

On Prldty evening Miss Jennie Cornlfl]'ill entertain the Twentieth Contur

EuehroClub.Next Hunday, morning and evening, Dr

England will preach bormona opproprlatfto mo new year.

Next week Is tho Week of Prayer amspecial service a will bi. hold every evenloiexcept Saturday at tho Prcabyterlmchurcb.

On Thursday evening of tbia week MiaEdith Tiristnmi will entertain the SAWHouel Euchio Club at hor homo on uppeBroad street.

Tho colored folks gave a very ODjoynblidance and ciko wa>k in tho AuiermacHull on Now Year'nEve. WeafaorchestrioT Eaaton furnished the

Mrs. O;to will not omtlnuo the mo olho (jriion homo on West Wdrren street

but will procure her hot-house- productsfrom another uouruu for tbo pfeaeut.

Merchant Fred Staple of AUttuiuchy" liisold his mercnntilo hu>he8:i thero to Rich'ard O'Connellof New YorkStato and tb(now owner hit)already taken charge.

T, G. DuqUp, an agod citizen of Alia-mucby, while at r.'ork a few days ago, wssovercome by tbe cold and tvlvm found w-*sunconscious He liat now nearly recovered.

It is Bald that the Btoam laundry .Pdullnn, which has b'.'on idle for uionhan a year becmse of low water, u l'OHUtne work again early In tbe cow ycai

A very successful watchnlgbt service wa1

hold Iti tho Uupliat chureU on Now Year'teve. There wan an oiitorcainlnir program!omo refreelimeiitu and a tegular service 1;hu upper room.

On account of some change of plans, At-:orney Junes -Fiiher of S icke t t i to cdngrtln advertises for a farm or. See ccft-a-word column. Those who answered beforehtid ueUur do s ) again.

Row II. S [lardway, pastor of the Johnlonbure Lutheran cburcb, has resignedmd will luavo April lit. I t jv .W. I . "B is-iut of tbo Hope Uiir.u!>mu u'ju-uli, afiu,hat date, will (tupply both pulpits.

I-unc Deromer, formerly an employee Iij.*tiirtti'.s ftctory, han titcen tho ptac

of Lovcll Youns at dtillvefy clork for J K.Conko. Mr. Young renlgiind to take alOHitlon na collector fur the Colonial IQ-

surnuce Co,

Howard Barron will vaoito tho room onWest Wanhiimton avenue which he - .botiii occupying as a restmrntit for fiever*!years piLst, and rumor has U that he willtMtcecriari;uol' Hotel Belvhlero at Belvi-dere abaut April 1st.

Mr. E P. Burd of Mt. PloiaantClirhtniiiH cntert>itifld Mr. and Mrs. JohnScott and sou, William Walter Snntt, ofWrtHhington ; Mr. mid Mrs. David PitjrfiOlof duiiiinorflulrj; Mr. mid Vlrs. Albert andson, [toy of Mt. Pletinnt, utid Misses Belleand tj'Liira Beera of Townsbury.

Fred Ytwgor, who h u j t a e h ajwlBtlng U k e Hop^eong bus hcon stocked with machinery Is only stored ta*re, whileJ. R. Bryant during tho Holiday oeaeou, 10,000 boai of tbo atrawher/y variety. This othtra beHevo that tb» plant will bo Mart!

[ry : Tre«Mir*-*r. John S. Oibbo.,op of tho'Iron Era at Dover, hasni'iontly Bpjken of in connection

ongreasmin In New Jeranv will" ;bu>Ion SV)ls year H.C00 far-


studies durinir tho remainder of the year,having bten dropped for virious reasons.

u';.'»h;i-'P. Pidcoek, President of theGeorgia Northern railroad who was marrlod Ht Wtiitehoute, two montbs ago, nnhour before a critical operation, wiia mTurmuu, ia in auanyoVoua condition. : Toperation was aiiccea^rnl hut enmplica-tion Inter sot In and now Ms death Is hourlyexpected.

Thore are about SO residents of Washing-

_.. ut farm proiiuoK Theall.itmont of «e<ut thla year has been al-most dimblcdi and as a renu!t fl'tch NawJersey CongrunHinan will have 14/100 UHek-oifR-*ofvei;utHlilu seeds nt.d 400 uackHged , , ,of t l .wer hofds to bo dhtrlbuttd among; ton worklnir Ht the EJlton Uemnnt pUi.

ihlseofstltiicnts. Tlieae will bo Dent outjnear New Villagont present. The wortJn Mtirch.

t'; -The neven-year-olrl diusthter of Mr. andA Mm E^r* Moore of (Junn in Valley camelnear IOHIIIK lior life in H mon horrtnio iium-(ner a ftiw'd'tys a%o. Tno lilt Io one wasplH.vI»g j-biiut a burning lime kiln.and f-tlliiic u(."t|[ist tho mouth, her drcHs

•~WLV tgnltucl : 1 i an insMint^ttio child'sdreFH wus» • m-tcs of llniH'H. but her sere HUB

• brnuirht 'Kmniddiaiu iw^i't mco and tiie :

thus far has been Ih-ttof corstruellon amtiie instillation of machinery, but the promotera announce now that tfiey will posi-

• tivelv no re-tdy to manufacture cement by.; tbe ilrBt of March.1 At the m net ing nf Uco Triba, No.

Imp. (). It, M., last PHday nlirht. Mr J>ihn• W. Lini','rtr, tlio ritiri •[{ G.o«t I'rophut,i who hud jint pn^sed through t ime!; was p rowted with mi ernbl-mitic

bupnTiiiidfeas'-iv.ii "torn off. Slio escaped ! watch c'min. Il'i WAS al*» m trie n-pre-withafoUHerlou-shurnH. , Bantu tlvo tn.the OroHtCJouucil which

DNWngVrhnpusi25year8tho fi-o lnm in \ i n rrinton in fcobruiry. . •theUntted S-Iatua n*i ixuteiod f2,S0O.O0O,-t Tho Tronton True A^ierlc4iv outdid it-

"iiftS TJi'a vu-rthe value of tl.« nmu^iy so'f laHt week on tho neensinn of tho eelu-:d«atrov ;n hv tiro will «xco-d $170 000,000. brat inn of I no battle nf Trenton. A .b i s

Newly 1,200 lire inHurnnee eoinp.u.icB witc «P- « l ' ' pdlllmi wns puSlwhed." every p^poDdM-Iii v*nh cHpltnlfl, nuttunl coinp«ntd of which was richly Illustrated wuh pic*no; included, havoKonfflo tins w»li In the t"-eB aporopriuto to the event. The pub-

itlnitf*d rtinio' Nonrly till 'of these mm- ii»ht»r I» to bo congratulated on his-ptinlpo h^ve boon either burnod to dts.ith succwa In getting out such an entertaining;

: or crushed out of exiitenco by opprubuive number.

" law.-", tho trisui'iiiice people cWim. Tno members of the Washington Ath. Mrs. Michael Mountain; wife of a woll lotio Association wlih, iht-ir Irlonda very

• k n o w n Oxford ci izjn, died 'it hur hnne happily whllud away Uio last liouw of tho" t h e r e ou Dec Slit, atfod 61 yearn. S .e oM'.ywr and tlm cnf5B[ ones of tho now

•hiKUbcen 111 for nomo <Uys from pm-u:! ^I th adanco fn their eub rooms on New• monUaud hor'death was not Hlt'tuetber; \««r ' s eye ami morning. Thoro were

j>ao>od. Asldo from her hiifb.nd sho, «bout thinyUve couplesi proven t. Holl'sEiH survived by thu^e children: „ John of. oroliwtni fun. Hhod exce limit music. Dur-" • » • •• - " - - • • ' ° - t...n inn. iim evening splondid relrcshmentsBAlexandor, Ind; Mrs. Fred dea t l% Ptillr

Mrs. JIH. MoOill of New York;Hen'v of MorrlsMiwn, and

wuro served.

"t ti'

.. „ . __ , y>me good friend of the Second Presby-lichHel, Jr., and Itosulio of Oxford. . : ;i tori4n church of Oxford han provided tbo•TTite're WHB n Wito aniUoiico present a t ' m o n e v necassiry for tho liquidation ofn

•boMoChocnVohiirch Thursday Bvoninc' f2,000 m t r t c ^ o which has bean h.injjlni*' t h e Tael Bwlc Band, an oxoallinb- ' :°v»r thPcongug-itlon for thepn«telfihteon-.1 famllv, appaarod. \Mr. Teul nnd >;eiirs- T , ' c in.jney han been given with

wo dHUtfhtera rendered a very inter-Ji tho provision that the givcr'a ntmo shall* • ••• • • • -,]„ n . . j not be reveuled Hnd.thin Dart of thoaDrrae-

Thet-^ilnir proemm, which Droved-hiKhlv-0.i-i-not>eirovealudand.thla part oCthoaproB-.-:-'»; n&.TO^ J t fh l fe-M[»orTeorpbM; «i contndlo voice of a liiga order nnd property ia now un In cumbered,

the other Is an elocutioiiiat of no liitlo A speolnl serviro will bo hold In tho Bap-ability, while tlio father Is _a muslolari ol. t j a i o h Uroh next Sandny innmlng. It bulnir•c!»isldorrtblo,hklll. The whole ent<srt»inr t l l ( i t i r s 6 o l - t i i o nuw year, Pastor Boom hasment was one of the b e n e f i t s char«clee!p ro 'p i r tKl a special address nnd all tho

• been board here for a long timoi' members aro ur«cd to attend. Tho NewLwk'iwannu repa.tr shops ab Year's mes'age in tho form of ' a circular

™ were burned to. the ground oil letter ha»'homi pent to tho members of th«lulahtof Jait we^tc. .-Tho IOSH will congregation and no doubt a Jar»e uurfi-

luttliis-lfl'futly-covercd by^nsur-j-bca-.gosipcl Herviee and an appropriate ed-ie area burned over would coyer) dress for tho openiag of tho new year. '

I ftt- lin"« bid"''ida for thd*J'lU'V inoludod.Mr. aiid VIrs""John"Tboiiip-j_ noii oo a u -.-a nrieon nnd fonilly; Mr. and MM. Harry Lvnn

• \ i . ' ; . Jdrow Yard and-fimlly; Mr.and Mra Ed-„.„. J .D.Tjylur of Tavlor streot has j , v a r d L v n n , i l l d Orally of Hoboken; Dr.,an vory muoh annoyed of Into by s o m a a n ^ M r g i 0 , M , Williams and dauBhtor,

parson* who nivo cropt up to M'aies Poarl nud LouiaoThomnBon, M'FH• loot and raopod upun (ho j o i m t a Burrell. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Qltite

- 3thor times tho d™rrfa n a danghtor of Wasbtoston.

" " t n 0 W - ' " d < ! W : ob l i ; ^ Tho W. O. T. U. of W«,h.neton huS sot

IQ Unt'aP*rh Thursday next an n. day of prayoribay inif'"1 tbo oiuso of temp^nnoo. This day is

L hor havo'thut purposo andI the local Unl m is only\ from tbV'ff9^'0? Into1 lino wlta the rest of Miojno-iWttt. societies. Tho exoroisoa will begin at 9 a,(only tho im- All Unions in ' Warren county hnvo

iibenn.incited to oomo and n good time isIloxpsotod. 'Dinner and supper will be

"Z'*~<\'r oT"hirf'f'orvodl in fl»o M. E. church for tho con-Tie nt, ot a D«I Unlanca of thnse coming from a distance.

• • - ..;• - H i B ' o " on ™ iAlltholoeilpwtorahavoboen invited to

people ^aro.^ntioipAtlnB ^a ] ! J a r f l d n f f l m , | y o f T T l r m o n v i9 expected toa prbnentnnd onlltfen the occasion with

idsinga. ''Ttioro will bo asertoa1 union mootini8 and a day that

.,,„. . xhe rpmerabercd.1 All tbe moet-™$ ngfl will bo held In tbe U. B. church.

ivy Clearing 9alo la the ' even t* In mercantile circles. Tne

my "adVonpa«o Sglvoanay ba expe-'twl.- —• - - -


i lug buaine^ after next year. | In aictlt. Tho trouble" wi th ' the ore~wui Jeweler, will on! Whileaahootlng match waaIn progress t u a t thero WAB conhiderablo m'ca In It

.«« Fulpor hnlldlnc to ' a t ^ ' i a i t l O' tv l l Joa rewd*yfl ago Win. Bice,' which could not bo 8aiI»foctrrlJy extract-in tho room Ju«v«wat -1 l 8 yt'iia old, stood oulalde tho grounds t d * Tt>o prop rid tore have hcon exoerl-»ro. Mr. Ou.Iailueun- I f l l l o o t i I"rHt birds wtiloh tiie expert mmka-i mentlngBlnce and li it now claimed that

men njiaad. Suddenly bis gun burst tear-; tboy hnvodN ovored a prrceni by which["«» t'itrlblo hole in hla hea'f from tho tQo mici can be successfully climated.

Tho Rev. Charles Lawrerca of Hfgli

for further particulars.S. W. Christine, the

Fob. l i t move from tbo 'tho Nutzd building, ine d b y W . L WhitinorL.nounces in this Isaue a upecliil remo/ul aaloat greatly reduced prices,

Tho number of complaints about tbosanitary condition of tbo public schoolbuilding Is growing weekly, and severalparents have recently expressed tbo pur-poso of keeping their children out ofschool if conditions aro not at onco Im-proved.

The Loyal Totnperince Legion, whichfor tho pwt three yeura lias met in tho M,E, chapel, will make a ctunge next weekwhen they will i m H In tbe Baptist dun-day school room. The day of the msotlrtghim been changed to WednuHdayu InsteadofTuesdaya.

Joseph 11. Seranton, the enterprtslnsproprietor of tho Edgeburut Drfiry F^rm,presented each of hl» ciiHtomerH with anoxtra bottle of Alderuey milk on NowYtar'd mofnlng. O.i tho stopper of encl.buttle was printed tbo proprietor's NowYear'd greeting.- ••••-• - - -

Tho improvements that have been mak-ing at tho PffWAtit Oro7e PruftbytoiiHi.church—Including the Installation of nit-tnurUI windows and rep inuring—irec >mpleted and services will ba rtHumed nexSundav, when tho pJRlor will preach o"The New Yoit: a r t f l ,x potvor of futureon present."

The Week of Prayer will he observed lithe M. E. oburch every night next weikexcept Saturday. On Sundty tho Sicrwraontof tho Lord's SupDfr will hondminh-tored and metnboru will be received at 10:30n. m. In tau cvonln? the pastor will Hpe«kon "Now Year Uesoluiiona: what artthey worth?

Mr.and Mrs. Divid Linchern wish trpublicly announce tliolr alucore apprecia-tion and thuukato the kind frlenrta andneighbors wno na-Isttd them during thtong Illnes-i and at the dearti of Ihtlr

brother, also to Hunk tho members olWarren Council No. 1IJ, Jr O U. A. 81., fortheir loyalty to the di-uenaed.

Mr. John B. Thompson, a well knownoitlzan of Ox'ord and fatnor of Meaira"Ifiier 3. fl-idJ.>hn Tnomp'-O'i of thta bo.--

«n tirrlblo hole in hta hn&t frooff.ots or wlilch ho died on Monday.ho y Tho Rev. Charles Lawrer.ca of High

A drover p-wned Mrs. Hezektuh Pedrleft's Brldgo iifw ncrtoptod a eill extended toI l u n t o r d n o o t y recuntJy and tHk ic h i r T ) by tbo Firat Ueformed cliircb at

A drover p-wned Mrs. Hezektuh Pedrlefts B ldgoin Iluntordoncouoty recuntJy, and, tHkii.c h i r T ) b• fancy to her line Aldernoy cow,icr^lOO forit. Sberefusod the ofr.tr«nd

half mi hour later when the wont to milksbu discovered tbe animal lying do^id. Ith-idciiock-d Itstalt* with tbo halter withwhich It wad tied. .

Jnmea B. Parker, of Atlanta, Oa., lh_negro who knocked jown Czolgoiz whenho shot Preaidtnt' AlcKlnley Tu BufTitoiHst September, baa bcon appointed nines^Anjop la the Senate. Parker WttaolTdftcf-1,000 by tbeatrlciil managers to trnvel, buto would not accept tho offer aa It waaigainst his sense of decency.

Tno Chestnut Ridge railroad nearIt'oudabnrg,' which conntcts n famousirlckyard with tho Lackawanna. has beenuor^anlzpd and both tho railroad ai.d the

•trick yard-will resume operations at onco.loan S. Hriyler, tho famom confectioneryn in, and J. 8, LiP-tge of gluo renown aromong tho interebted parties.Contrary to the custom of former years

JVunklin Miirphy; tbo Governor-elect

cop tod a eill extended toFirat Ueformed cl'iircb at

topo.-os to livemy, I Iin Tron his term

'''oflico. He will settle thero on JanuaryHid in a house owntd iy Mm. Jamoi B.i'o- zo. Later ho prnposea suing to FJorl-tfi for a time, and when bis term expiresio will apend Beveral years abroad.Thero 1B likoiy to be many chaneea In

ho PreBldcnt's cabinet between now nndMarch 4th. Prenldant Ruofi^velt la theEmperor Wdlinm of tbe Western worldtiJ lie oxpucta to have his o-vn way inUfiningtho Rovernmeut This poll '

ta to i ovn wayU i n g t h o Rovernmeut. This pollc;

so dilTttrunt from that pursued by tiie "J i d H t K K l l o y t h t tb

iy IsluteilTtrunt fom that pursued by tiie .

id'JHt KcKltiloy that tbe cabinetUlcurs feet their usefulneiB Is gono. .It 'the old raying, "AM the world lovea a

over," ii true, tnun tno fiction in the Cos-mopolitan for January uliould be popular,indeed. All thentorttis vary tn t 'eatmant,plot, and notion, frum Frarc=a CourttnayB.ivlor'n c-iartniiig story, "Cupid's Praoti-u<l Juke," to Maureen Mmrtiiria' strotip

l>« Port, .\ftirr-*y M. B e'tUi-jli. Mr.'utiil'•Ira. Tnompson will rosido at tho letter's 'Tarm home nenr tturravillo.

MIBS Millie Onld ln . the fiafen-yeir-olddxughterof DtWitt (Jonklln of Brj^idway,

coming down auirs at her homo thero a

" w l l l c will allow banks

he niRht befjro intondiug to put itaw-iy before going to he I, but had nt'glect-odtodofio A ptiynictin who w « l l dA ptiynicitirfound It neoosmry to tnke several s

to loan uinnny on THHI e^tife.- Eusterub.niters are opposed to the Idex butfthewestern people i.re eotld f«p it. In IheBtrijily agricultural commuriid-js western

A Q a r n w n ' " 3nnays'own township, S* C > u n t V owusa pot boiir whlen id

In-cho of Bro.ul ..nluyed nt tho Ed

ay, v,dlbOU

O l i | , (] jscx county, owuna put beiir whlon Id bo<cumlngu turror in tiiiitcouunuuity. Aboutevery thrt'o d-us hrul'i ftre-tk-i awny andthke-a to tha WOOCIH. Oa uuvcral occasloun

works MIUCU tho flrat Khovel of earth w-iaturned, Is no longer connected with tho

woods. On uvcral occaslounho bus stayed out ovor night and has put

:o work in a bitter cold rain aomu d,ivnnio. One of tho superintendents found I.he men under a sbelttr and discharged I - - . ti r — - f i - — . - , - - , — - —.h^in. -Mr.'Inscboa'Ko asked fjr his tlmo j ' l . u w ° r K B , T 1 O W » |»v H " n ; , M " r ' i Q nodirn,ml WRSglvfnlt. List week he secured a. Hirecfor <jf tne Oili^e or Ilo.d Tnqufiy, U

•••- - • • S Deptrtmentof Agriculture. Tbl.i .irilcio

" T o e Good Hoads Movement" Is thol>j^i-' f an artiule In tbe January Ko-

r r R i | v H M i i D dg U n It. List week he secured ..

M M in ilia mnchitid shop but hud onlyworked an hour when the snme oneappeared and d^crmraed him with-out eiine. Mr. luHoho'ri IVianda feel thatho bat) been very unju-tly truated fspecl-lly silica ho wiia or.cnf the oldest em-

ployees on tho company's bcois.

p r tmen tu fAi f i cu tu re . Tbi.iitrticioin fuHowed hy a brief account by OuarlesR. Kti.ves.of a r(jc«nll.v-riiscjvertd Bui:Bti-tuie for micttd-tm wbicn proves well-adupted to prairie roads. Tbia is nothingclue thun burnt clay or " Rumbo."

John V. B Hh of S.roudsburg hna s i lkdfor Cub<i, where tiu i;oes to 'each the"iiosn boys tue Amerio«n met •K-.di off,rm-

t. llsnert abaut thirteen railed from Hav.Notes of (he Week s Happenings ia Other Mr- Bush was sdiectBri fo-a among t vo

d izen applicants nltur JI ritji J exum'Counties and States.

Items of General Interest u.ckcd Up Here ant!

Tbere, and Humorous Squibs.

Senator Depow, G5yt),na old, wag mnr-•leri In Fritnuu lust wtivk to Alias -May Pal-•ler, 25 mid pretly.

Tbo tirma-* of SMllivnlrr vicinity havesuHsorihed *100 to.vard the t-reeTinn of aflrcarnory in ttitir. nc!gtiho<'lint!(] and work

n Lho biiililin^ w m bu b»gun iitonce.Banking Is pr< ll-«blo in Sussex cotm'y.ho Snisox N.ui.,(ial Bink IIHH Jmt "du-lurea uHtJini-iitmiiiil dj.,itlen(i of deeper

;e»t. mid has pissed a g.jodiy sum to hs•CSLTVG.

A f.irmlia'id employed by an Oringeinnnty, N. Y., prenchurgot uvets with the

ittii.g tho tails oft' twolve of ihe miuiater'sQuest to-vs.

S J many reports hnve heen circulatedbout, bountios beinu dim tho vhin t - ora tuhu Sjunlsli war tli tt U o Pennon Depait-[tent hits issued u utrcuhrcxul tininjj tlmtIOIIO has buon puid and iniiinating thatlono ^ due.

Pormer President Grovor Cleveland islot by n'iy means a well m m . He hnBmen coiii iud to tho hoiiS'i for more thanvo week;; and docs not'Hoom to improvejunh. The lo'itrcr Mr. Cleveland livoa thoioro tbo world thinks of liim.Thoro arc now 1 339s;uJBiits enrolled nt-.

'rlnceton Uiilversny, mi increnwe of 110vtr tho number which attendtd lust yum*,

rho groiitest gain ia' In tho tclentiuo de-3nrtment which turtia out practical men

ho cun build it houso or run a farm. Tbisasjtsaould.be ..™..... -.-.. • J , « .J6sepir'A"uhleT"t-vpntfaoveni years old

who waa mHklng hii.'IrHt trip as a. brake-mn on Mio Lickawiinnu was fatally i-i-ired at Franklin Furmtco a few daya ago".o WUH caught


ys ago.ii no n do la and a

h d b d l hg t w o n ii no n do la and a

umoltjjj post aud crushed so badly thatio died a little Ular. • • • *Two turkeys which weirrhed forty-twonurKisenoh wero .Bhlp»<?d- F-om.Cjlifim

lBti t N ' Y kurKsenoh wero .Bhlp»<?

ust before OlfrlBtinns to Nolov W 6 r 6 T t i 1 i e ( i - I , y : K l h oil!k-iD.Hunterrion.-ooiinty.r,,-:They.»

l t b i d er s o t t f

. , - - itloo.Fur many yems ho h.is hud cuar^e of thobig Coolbaugh f.trui near Stroudioupf;.

President R losovnlt has received infor-mafon from Andrew Curiieifle tntit is^ex-pected to emblo him t<» uubiulr loCon-ure-fi n form of tho latt^r's prop wed gitt offlO 000 000 to Ihe United Suites for lifg iorL'duuHii'iii. Thisollor will n i t bo i<i bondiof the United dtalei S:col Corporation, usfurtnerjy propoat cl, but will be in a formoxuecltd io bo cennmlly aatisractoryr The

jL'ift is likely to bb in cash or In aecuriiias.i2r>iwu>^'tiiiuiiai inturtiat. 1 -

Du Witt MuClain, u notorious High Bridgechiirauttr who attat'kt-d ayitung jady no<trthat town one uignt about, six ntoutiia ajio,and wno cscaued from Lho polled on theway to tho lockup, is onco more in cinrndy.\la w-is indicted hy the List Unmil Jury atFlcnii'igtou and Hince then ttiu Slieritf hnnl)t'tn looking out for tho fellow. A shorttime ago hulociied him in Middlctown, N.Y., and Ihe uitiiurilios ihoru arrested in'm.Ho U doutitluas jjood for a long term InStite prisou.

Hon. Amoa CumTninpo, who did a gooddo il to milks lho Nuw York mortiinp andevening Sun wtiut they »re, nnd who, itwill be remembered, dutivt'red the addressat t'<o unvuiling of tho Holdierb' mouiiineiitHt Newton aovenil years nyo, is a rfuvsex

inniy boy and w«a born at Bilevillti,hero bis father w«s n Christ inn minister,

Tne Su i corporation rAliiprl$3iG 000 to ix-pond to estatiliahln;? tVip Evei.inn dun. Mr.Cuiumln^s only used $12 000 of thin amountitnd Ob fore- the Sun WHS a momh old Itmado a prcflt.—Suuaex Independent.

Joiihthnn Oiborne,Jfor many years post-master a t West Summit, went away more111-Ufa monch »g,j lo visit relatives and

then nothing bus beau heard f'om.

but when she cimo to piooaro a. rfcport f >r

Irvincron. There were Ove candid*tea forthe pulpit.

CENT A WORD COLUMN.Advertisements under thla heau aro pubtlnhM

at the uniform rat" of OD# cent a word, bat noadvertlsem'Dt wlllborocolTOd Ur less than 15coQtn for the flrat Insertion.

SITUATION ' -WANTBD — Bookkeeper —thoroujruly nxpenenc- d in manufacturlnRline, up-todftte inothodn; can Install RoodCBPh rccordins nyBlem; all around m«n,capn^io of tnkfr K nhMtgo of office. AddreaB,, "WAsnisoTnN STAR. i t .

FOR SALE—120 nailon oil tank, Bhowcss'S, ptovo, c ock, otc, very otio»p, C<tllat 2-1 East WHS u ing ton avenuo, Wnshinc-to:i. ...."; , • : ; : ; . 1-2 tf.

W A S T E D to rent—a farm and stock.Adrfres* J . M., Bex 47, Oxford, N. J, I t

FOR UKNT—T'ie ollluea of the lato Dr.Wm. ytittu; burn on promiaas. Mrs.fatltee. 1-2-tf.

A GOOD DAIRY FARM Tor rent or silo.Theodore Y. Uonover, Box 02, Clinton,"N.J. 1-2 tf.

WANTED—A well broken saddlo horso.3r.q'jirwHttiTAH oflii:e.

FARM FOR KENT—Apply to Jamrs L.ihl-slda. 1-2-tf.

V7ANTED'-A widow, with nicely behaved12ytar-ulti Hot),deairoja ponllion and homofor cotli in ii family wderu1 f-ilthruldisn andcomputencv would bo Hpprtclated. rievonyears in pre.sout p'>Hltiitn; best of refer-ences. Ir<q>iiro nt STAR fi\Uo.

I F YOU W A S T A-TASTE of tho flaost


Rummage Sale

I F YOU W AMew O.-ieauMW

STE of tho Haostidat lias been In

t tWashington lit 10 years, nnmo to my Horeor neiid me your or lor. Tno old f»tyiiiune<lopon kettle pure, unbleached kind wo usedto Ret, sweet us t*ug tr. It. M. Rush.

F O R RENT—House coutiininit biz roomson Jack HO 11 nvonue, II. B, GrofT 1-2 If.

FARMER WANTED —Married, no yourgE A S K D Marrcbi ldibi ,on ApdU-t,1902,01

l '(»iiiiiiin(?r tf i l

ygmall farm


g w i i i i i in(?r tiMiie»eir Hackcltstown—use of iniplenients, frirm ttock-ed. Wife ptitin cook. Terms liberal. lie»trefereucisrtq'itrcd. Addris< Jdiiies Fisher,Atlornoy-ut-Lnv, Ilacktttslowi), N. J.

1 2 tf.Fousn—A brass house bey. Call al

STAK olllue.Do you want a set of books openofi

closed or str<tli;nttiuod out, or hav.i ynumy woile in thn occonuili g Hut? AddreH'* B ,_WASHINGTON STAR. It.

WANTEU—A married firm hand hy thoyear iroui April 1st, on fdrm near Washlu»ton. J-ioob Flttn. 1-2 tf.'

FARJI FOR SALE OR RENT-In first CUFStbtpt; iiuiv bum Mid Bntdh; good dairyfarmj nandy to creamerj; good opponun,ty to atcuro an exuelltftit fmn. Cnll on»rdd.1r«-ss Waned H. Wildrlck, Willing-

the Eovernmont n focovered certhintti g-

diys Hgn she dis-?bielt convinced hur

that her husband wai short in ills uccouuts.Stio notified the department and ihe in-spectors who enmoon decUro they have

een a worsa tancfle. The stealingsorer a u i d >f a rlcz^ year id

n orsa cfextend orer a ueriod «>f ain iy run Into thousHiida of dollars.'

gyears aiid

Tho throo cnrlqiids of .m^chlnery^thatrrivod~iro-o:::huvo:-iit;oii-pl«ced--in:~tne

.3n.:county,—They-w^re [ p!umb!"yo mil! -httwecu-this-plucc and.be largest birds over sout out of tbo Higi Bridee, wrltisan Antmndale corres-:ounty, so f.tr as kno^n.:.-^—-„:.;-::.--.„: - - - j poudent. I t ia lepoitod by aouiythat tbe

every re-

ing powder use "Royal."It will make the foodof finer flavor^ more di-estible and wholesome,

• • • : ;g

t o n , N . J . . " " ' 12 tf.'AUCTIONEER—Persons deslrinp; the ser-

flce.iofrt tli-Hi'cl'isi hUClfoneerBtiotiid notf-iil to call upon or write fur terms tn Har-vey Colcmttti, Anthony, N . J . 1-2 It.

ONLY A F E W O P E N OATEs-Novor be-foio fii)L*ij I liitve betn crylngsales have Ihad HO many engageaieuls booked m flt' ' tlmw. Therfi are but;;very Tew open

i in March. I snail be pleased to fur-nish particular* to those intending to Lave

ilt'H during tbe coming season. Marvin. Fitrson, Huuiionter, Bolviuere, K. J. -P A R J I yon RENT—Tbe Lnmeisun f-irm8/ir Uro<td.vny for rent. Inquire of Win

M. LomerHon, Pbilllpribure. N. J- 12-2C-tfFOR RENT—TWO houses for rent. Each

i pt=r moiith. Wm. A. Slr.vktr.Tho trustees of the Butlzvilla M. E

church will hold an oyster bupper in tlitcburuh biisemfnt on Thursdiiy eveningJ.iuuiry If3, 190^ Ico cream and candywill bo on a;i!e. If stormy, next fair even-ing. Alt are invited io como atid hgood time. 12-26 S=.

Colonwl Daniel P. Bontty, Wasbit-j'eiv • Jr-iHHV. - Utility's Organs f.

PiaDos.fi)7 50Foit RtiM'oiiSALti— .-VgiHKlaiuall f

HOITV U. i oh-, SuniiiitJill.-ld, N. J. 12 20 -It.W A N T E D — Exptiriorcad Agricuilural

Sale-nun. Splendid uutiilion. F.irmciurolorred. Americdu Furm Co,, Uttll,iloN. Y. 12 20-It.

F O R SALE— Four fresh cows, extra goodjn i s . . Prit'fs'reasonable). Tbeo. K. lieu-uett, near Unioniown. 12'2G-'2t.

FOK SALE—•MX-yfar-old cow with calfhy huraiuo. Melville L. Rush, Mnntjirui,N . J . ' - laai-tf.

LOST — G^ntlenun'a brown, silk-llucdov«. Findur will'bu rewarded. L-iivtsi '

STAR olllca. 12 2lS 1cHOUSE FOR SALE—Will drive single and

:JUblf-; Veiy (Jt:liLie. liqili.O Ht t-'ihliUl'i.v mill on Alonrou strtei. 12-10 2t.SATURDAY, J A X . -1—Sulo of tbu 137-ncra.nuu r ' i bo into Abrain Dci:iio,-Hh.iiit.TU

IUIIOS north ivtai oftlie Hiinno.<y pet'et lllct1,tbu premiss, by the iniiijiiiistratiir^,(J. nnd James Uepue; M, A, Pier BOH,

auction* er. c\

F O R SALE—Fine Jersey cow with calf'iy h«r hi'rie. airs. Louiaa Mujor, near

Uattnviii'S (Ji rner.I M A K E BROOMS—Anyone hnvlng broom

Wm7H. ailliiiocir'Jiiuuiloii^'1 12;12*-lt7F O R RKNT—Ekven acrcB with brick

barn, c<oud irinnu buuto, unrcli full length,neur Irvlii Oomua's. A. W. Cievtlh tr,

12 5-tf.\ V A N T K D - 5 0 0 tors of oar corn nt biKlieat

market, piicus. Thuuiua Urni^, Jr., liullz-ville, N. J. .

F O R SALE CIIBAP'—Three good or^iins,ono..in.u piaua ease, U. S. Amerniau,"WashihBtonr ~~.^~-~ u ^ . ^ . -

""' F O R SALE—TWO "good horses," vory cheap;fil o ^cverul ijT od1 s^C')Ld 'b iiiQt d Uuyit;H,at Christine's LI very Scnblo, 11 21-tf.

City,..and country resiliences .all farmproperly, stbr(js,:iiiiiivet6;rinsureo.;Dori'Cw/iit. Liberal iidjustment; small cost;W-iitefor fircutars or, ior pcraoiwl inter-view. Oivon Onerly, Siewarisvllli*, N J.,agent Fttrmera' Mutual. ' 11-7 9t.

T H E BEST OYSTERS ntt.he price of thoindiU'ereiit ttind, at J. K. Rislcr's. ^

Go to G. S. Mattison's for crs-^a andpicture frames, 19 Taylor atroot.- , \ /

T R A I N E D NURSB.—MIBS, Annie DuSord,medical, surgical and obstetrical nursing.Address:—WaBhliiKlon. N. J. 7-28-tf

ALBUMS, BIBLES, Clocks, LncoCurtalnaand Rugs let cut oa- time.-_;;E.:CrSuyder,"7nflhington.

WANTED—1,000 pigs, 50 pounds and up-ward, at ii1(jlitBi cash price If you linvuany for s.Uo write mo. Wm.TliiHuiaii, PortMurray. •> \\ *•

T h o la to Andrew B. Kinney Ia eucceededby Owon Oborl.v of Stuwnrttvlllu as acon tof ttie Faruiora' Iusurance Co. orRearitiig-ton, N. J . (l ° ll;7-9t.

F O R R E N T — T W O nrat-claBs dwellings idporfeot o rde r ; pot-aenaion lmmedia t t ly .Apply (o tbo (Jornish Co. v

F O B RaiiT—House with doublo lo t , sta-ble and uuiultun bi'UHCB, No. 5 Kant War-renHtrfat. F .M. Uehlein. . 10*i-tf..

WANTBD—Two single men to" work onfarui. Good wagea to good mon; none

\ s soon as Christmas is over we commence to prepare for this sale.. Hvery nook and cranny is thoroughly looked into.




All are brought out and placed on the bargain tables. Often youwill find just the wanted articles at a half and less of what they wereonly :i few days ago. .; Every department in the : store will Contribute -to this sale. " ' "";" " """ ; " •"" " "'.' :""'"

Dress Goods Department, Silk Department, Cloak and Suit

Department, Domestic Department, Notion Department, Underwear

1Department, Upholstery Department and Carpet Department.

It is a sale looked forward to with a great deal of interest by thepeople of this section of the country, and it looks, as far'as we havegone, as though this sale will eclipse all previous sales of its kind everheld in our city. 'Wednesday, J a n u a r y : 8th, will be the day thatwe will start this sale, and you can afford to come many miles, for thesavin*: on each and every article you buy will be great—often two for one

'S,Easton's Best Dry Goods Store,



A Mew Leaf Turned."AlHI Cvitli'tHe ;alvenfor'"the'Ne\v-

Ye:ir, Ihe ;in;iv;il of Fiirniliire and" "'Carpets for our Sprihgtrade b'eginsV;

Yesterday's bringings—20 rolls of •Brussels Carpets, direct from themills. More to follow, soon as theycan be woven. "Direct from themills" means a saving of from 5cto 7^c per yard to you when youcome to buy them. ' .. '•'

Why so early, do you say ? Wefind.it necessary in order to take•care of our constantly increasingtrade, to begin_( _arly.(\j Ours is alarge family,-~numbering severalhundred, all depending upon us to

'J ;5"iiave just tiie "newest and best the./,-:• markets afford ready for them when

needed. - . :To search the East for the best

obtainable for our Carpet Depart-—irrrriire-j,^,,,.] ful FullnUtic, the v've I

and South, icqunet. time But weshall be i c idy foi you, and we - s ;sure \ou oui Spiiiic offenngs willbe a rrenuiiK s inpn e We m i k e

.•..this statement, and our good willbeal us out in it, th it « e h w e

~ " j ? ? . Y c r bee 1 .<L!<_- to ^ o w _ i more _be.-.utilul InitTuI j,oud, subst intiM ~

hou^ c; furnishings t h i n ou | s will~~ ~be"this ea on '


Ford & Flemiqg.

SUCCESS IN BUSINESS,"GbodTocation, Iirge stock, capable t t n t s i

v liable goods, and, above all, kind t reatment—thmagnet that draws the trade Ibis w iy .

I have Farmers who trade here because they save money._•..- They say that saving money is the same .is getting

interest. Do you think the same ? , ' "' *,? I am determined to make tin year's business ex-

• 1 cee'ii any in the history of The Opera Housed Phar-• • • j macy.'; Let u begin right, we want your trade anda! willlhave"it, if you are willing to patronise a pro- <f

% |: gressiye, up-to dateistore * j ^





Page 6: LR-NUMBER 1. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., … · 2015. 12. 3. · neotion of tbe State, Th e growth of that paper has heen marvelous,1,and its enter-prises have baen inore«Bing


mmt T—tO NG-GTJ-T—^ -——^


SMOKING&.' And '

CHEWINGTOBAGJCOhasfor twenty=five years beenin.-.the., pipes, mouths andhearts of the American peo.pie, and cannot now nor everwill be matched for a finesmoke and a luscious chew.

itobacco car* be made'.Buy it, Smofee it, Chew it,

and continue to buy and useit, for the quality never wasso good since it was firstmade a quarter of a. centuryago. Quality, not Quantity, always

the first consideration.HONEST Long Cut has

stood the test because it isthe best. ^: other?

Send wrappers of HOffEST Long Cut by mailor express, prepaid, far premiums to The AmericanTobacco Company, S07 West 23d Street, New YorkCity. Write name and address plainly. State nameand number of article desired.

OUR BUSINESSis not to bother you with impertinent advice when you come

here for a pair of shoes. You know what you want better §y-" ,—- :~~ ;- --—•:'".«i:i.::,:;::;,::;c::.;-::^:.-".r-.l:;..:-:_-j-u:::. • - - I?)than anybody else, and you ask for it. -.

Our stock embraces everything from the size your baby

wore first to top boots for men who take

Special Sizes and Qualityfrom a coarse..strong shoe at S1.25 per pair to the fev-st hand-

finished kind turned out by the best manufacturers at $4 era.

We have your confidence on the shoe question. A de-

fective shoe will noi be passed off on you; we're not bunco-


The Washington Shoe Store,HERMAN PETTY, Proprietor.

The Dr. Barnes Electro-Medical Institute

G U A R A NT E E S-CURES-LUOD'I lUfTer b«c&u*oof ruo*iej, Miatlsfactory uning**

mentn etvn be mnde with tlie^* Doatorti for puym*nL Con-•uUutlou nod ndvlco by mall or tu otlloe free and confiden-tial If Incurable you will be told IO, ihus saving Umo andmoney Ditllcult cuseii In pnrtloular wuniftd.

HOURS—1> to lieu m..2to5and 6 to I Handayifrom 10 A..M.to2P.M. Treatment Klectriwil and UedloaL Tbol»U»t ft»dbeat given to tba medical world.

X e Dlacaiei, Lumbago, Self Abuse, Bladder DUease*.Lumbago, Self Abuse, Bladder DUeaut.BroncbltU, Eczema, Lnnc Disease, Skla Dlscaiei, Chronic Dtieatea,Bloi'd Diasa»-i, Hyaterii, ,„. Llrer Disease, Stricture), Female DUeaiei,CitBfr-T^"-" Hemorrhoids;' Kidney Disease, Tape Wars... JTervom mieajet,Coaitipation, Hay Fever, Men's Diseases. Tumors, Private Diieasei,Dlar'hoea, Head HoUes, Malaria, Olcero.

Pearalirlfl, Varicocle,Phtrjnltl V

Throat Dlaeaiei,.Women1! Diseases,PiaeasRs of ft Special

Ratire.Dyspepsia, Indirestlon, PhtrrnirltiB, Vertigo,DyteaUrT, Tanndice, Rheumatism, Dlscaarclnt!ar n iuuu .~ io«t Vitality,-Scctal ^lwaaea, Eara,Tki Dr. Bar&ea Electro-Medical Institute and stall Qi-I»octers,—ra-=ici"n». Si

r « n i aid Specialist*, DRAK3 BUILDIHG, U S. Tklrd Street, IASTOIT, PA.

2OO-Huindr-eid ThousarM

Boutwho live here _,___.,._ ...tries of tbe other t-mn mid tho poorser-?tco latoly glvun them by the utruet r«H- At tho specM oleciion bold on Thur*d .„

loft good roada carrltd by a large m«j irity—for pood roads. 33; iguinst, 33. . So it ap-ptars that tlie people have at lout get outof the Tut of od fopjl-m and want to boon

_ -, - — - -_ — a n equality with I'ul'ow citizens of sisterThursday of IHSI week. Sho WH» novonty-! COutit(i'ti In tho State. And why should

- ' " - J ' " • — - - - - t h p y bQ d,barred tlie privilege which Istheirs by rlfjht.

The funeral of John F. Limping on Sat-urday afternoon Inst was Ittrguly Hltunded;in fact, tho Lutheran church, of which hvwaa a pronilitont ai d (tllcient officer, andfrom which hu WHB burltd, WFH crowdedftlmntfc to Us limit. Warren Lidjro, N<>53, I. O. 0. F*, turned out In a.body,76nieiuhoia paying their Inut reaptcta toamember, who,.during a long association,had over been moat lo.val to his obligationsnnd In whose nihid the beat Intercuts ofWarren Lodge were always foremost. Thechurch services were beautiful in their en-tire simplicity, and were conducted byR»»v."J O. Yudcr, pastor, assisted by llev.William Thomson, pastor of thn Fnsby-terian churct j the former conveying lo thestricken family and friends tbe story of a•• ;oodto everybody

road company has prompted thesw work-niuu louek the Central company for thisfavor. :

Mrs. S»plila Itiub, widow of tho latopinlfl Itaub,died at, her homo hire.on

of IHSI week, aho WHS seventy-'i old aud leaved thruo biotbcrj

,1,(1 one itlstor.It has been definitely decided that the

fare by trolley from hero to Philadelphiawill ho feixtytWu cent*. Tho line will beoperated over tho entire distance earlyicxtmunmer, Saciulri ttie rond bo builtfn in Washington Li.Is winter aa promised[t is not Improbable- 1h«t Philadelphia will[ret much of tho trade of that sectionwhich now ROCS to New York. *'

The Huns and Slavs got into a fltjbt nearGreen's Bridge on Wednesday nigut of lastweek and for H time R mio bowled. Therewtro dc/,3118 of broken hcuds when tbefray was ovor but.no one wa9 seriouslyurt.The industries hero are feeling the ef-

fects of the short coal supply. Tbe sheetmil) and horseshoe works lire shut downand hundreds of men are out of work. Itla understood that the thortage Is causedhv the railro-d ofllcUlu, wbo are trying tofloit a big coiil trust and want lo prove inthis mi oner that they have absolute:ontrol of tho situation.

Harry 0. Teel of Hackettttown and MissAlictiCrevoling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Howard Crevellng of No. 87 Mercer streetwero wedded at the bride's home at t)o'clock Wt'dnord4v evening t;f last weok int><o presence of 60 relatives and fri*>ndi).Rev. Joseph Stump, pnstorof tbo GrnceLutheran church, performed tho cere-mony. They will resldo In Boston.

Dan. Keating, one of Washington's prod-ucts, bits been doing nl i t te time In tbotown lockup at the invitation of MayorRowers. Samo old complaint.

Mis* Edna C. Mo*2. ngediTi years, died atChrist's hospital in Jersey City last week.Sbo WHB operated upon for appendicitisand did not recover from the shock. Theremains were brought hero for burial onSunday.

Rev.J.R. Bryan, formerly.: of ..this c'ty, titrader.celebrated his golden wmiUUig itimlversury Dr. p.

ttTKlV A B T S V li i l>K.Good-bye, old year! Stdly, wistfully we

• neo theo pan^out Into oblivion, but say_ | good bye. You took our moth or from us,~ and wo have neither tho heart nor feeling

to say God bleoa you, old year. YtB, we, know that beautiful young lives came into

It Is possible thut tho Central railroad'existence uta>r your regime and la God's111 put un n train botween this pUco and j provldunco nil Ta'weli, but thoughts willDuth Boston ,. 0<rcr one 'hundred men' como with tho posslnft of tho old year—

vrwfcmployod In tho mam- cr»n« to evorytbh-g but Moioory. Gotd-1 " " (yol You have been good, even If pitiless.

with whom he enmu In contact. Tberewas somtthing a^ractlvo about tho per-sonality of John F. Lomplnc; bis genial-ity, his generosity and his kindly feelingeverappatont to all caused him to be re-garded, to uso the language of a life-longassociate, as "good man gone too earlyfiora among his people" He will bemlt-sed not only In bla hospitable homewhere bla'friends were ever welcome, butIn other rircles where good thoughts, ashe promulgated them, were cultivated andBaic.od utrength in the growth, and it 1B nowonder that men and women alike mourn-ed and d b d d thstanding

n and women alike murndiiesa brooded ovor the groupy the erave side as all that WHH

mortal of Jobu F. Loin ping was placed IDearth's mold in tho Lutheran cemetery ontho bill. Tne following members of War-ren Lodce, No 63, officiated as pall bearers:Godtrev B.3t«ck«r,U:E Fro?,Edw.Ship-mun, G. W. Carhart, Edw, Millar, CultbRush. H. H. Stone acted aa marshul.

Mrs. Harry Hunt and family of NewYork are gueats of her mother, MrB. M. M,

„ „ , _ ,"Fultuo'r or Dlnjiman's Ferry,and neventy-thlrd birthday nt bis home In pa , was in town a short time list week

•'- ' -<••-- -- - •»* a u d while here eold two buildlncioti situ-ated on Washington avenue, west, the ex-

and seventythird birthday nt bis home ISoinervillo on Mondav of lost we«k. Itw«a a very happv occaBltn and was en- B , _.., _

>ycd by a number of old friends from hero : act location of which Is that propertwho attended. Many valuable presents betwem the West Crw-k and Ibe r"-


wore received. I of Lev! McOrncken. We are informod thatThe nfl'.ilr3 or Rabbins Brothers, the de-j Mr..Ruibi proposes the erection of coni-

fa cf. cnrrai?o nunuf cturern of thia nlac?, modluus dwelling houses In tbo near future,are belnc; rapidly wound up by W. M. | The unusually heavy rainfall on Sutur-Davis, Frank Kneedler and Ejau Dal- fliy nignt and Sundiy mornine turned tb«rympte, who have been appointed ap' two creeks into raging torrentH und thopralsers. waters of the East Creek iose rapidly to

—»'•+.'•;"". : '•""" " • ."' within a few inches of the drtiiger mark,„ , T , „,,, . _ , _ „ , but luckily subsided without doing anyRamon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets j m p o r t l I , t damage, to tbo great relief of

cure constipation and billouanef-ft by re* i £ | 0 u a p r o p s r t y owners.Hevine tbe cause of tbetrouble. Odlnary 1pills purge the bowels but leave the livtrin a dormant state. Ramon's Trtatmentis thorough—one Pink Pill arouees tholiver and tbe Tonic Pellets tone up thoorganslarmony.


nd frtart all Nature to work in25c. Warren (Jounty Drug

B. F. S:rader left town on Saturday fora hasty visit to his old home, Bridgeport,Oonn. Ho returned on Monday evening.

Mr, and Mrs. Luther Hance of PerthOhl t f f i d

Mr, and Mrs. Luther Hance of PerthAmboy were OhrlBimaa guests of friends.

Wo are not apprised at this writing thaithe vacancy in rural free delivery servicecau+3d by the resignation of carrier SMp-man htts been ill led, but In all probabilitytbe assistant carrier will serve until buchtime aB the office can bo regularly appoint-d 'ed.There dot a not appear, to ordinary ob-

Eervera, any very cheering prospect of the

HA.LNESBUKU.Tbo Ia9t quarterly conference of the

year will be held iu the church on Satur-dny nfternnon January 11, at 2:30; Presid-ing Elder Ryman will be preBent.."William T>«Mifl haR decided to quit farm-

ing and will have a sale of farmiug utenbilson Thursday, January 9;h.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Andrew spentFriday with relatives at Jobnsonville, Pa.

Prof, and Mrs. Alvln Davlson of Eaatoocame up on Saturday and spent threedays with bis parents, Mr. and MrB. JohnDavison.

The regular monthly'business meeting ( uof the Ei>worth Leaguo will be held In the ebting to hear thorn relate their eiperj-church on Situidty evening, January 4th.' ences and adventures In various parts of

Mrs. Marshall Macfcpy and Mrs. Joseph the world, for they are, as a iulc, intelt-Hill of Walnut Valley were the guests of gent and observing, to wbtch nny be ad-Mrs. Anna Beck one day last week. I ded. the faculty of conveying information

Mrs. Frank Transue of Stroudsburg'-Whi«h com.Er oniyi from geueral inter-stoppod on Tuenday with Mrs. Jacob : C O U P 8 ° w i t h b h o l d

A d

_ W, B. Selvage, formorly a tesoher in theHigh school, will givo a reel t i l In St.J-tines' guild room orj Monday eve a In ff,Jan. 6th,.under tho au-plces. of rK. Mary's - Dj;

during hla year here, which was greatly Wo b;erjoyed. ' - """"•

Miss AnnloH. K^rr lisponding the Holt*days with 0. 0.1 friends at Salem, N. J.

Mm. F. M. Cook and son, Cl-iu1, aroBpendlng the Holldijfi at Beth lo htm, Pa.,with her eUter, Mn. Wallo.

Harry Kemple, a clerk at Rico & D<-.. mer'n, wns rrcontly united in marriageto Mies Emma (J>pbersof Vienna.

MIBB Mtibol McCrackon is a pending hor,Holiday vacation with hor aunt,-Mrs, T. 8.Robblns, in Hoboken.

Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Plato hold their an-nual fxmily reunion on Chris>mat day•vlion nil of their children and; Rraiidohlld-cn were piestint.}Ir and Mm. W. H. Drake gavo a din-

ner party on Christmas day._ wnk 1. Cook is nltonriing the Colum-

bia Liw Hithool In Now York city.Mifa N. Wildrick attendtd tlie funeral of

tier uncle, State TrnsHurerSwniu, last S't-urday, and is n^w spunding tho week withher brother in Newark.

Mr. and Mia. Pttter R!co will give a dln-nor pxt-ty at tbtir homo on iligU btrettN e w Y e i r ' H . : -• . '

: [ ' • ' • • • • • • - - - : " . - . . .:. .,;

Mr. nnd Mrs. John H. Sharp will holda family reunion of the Carr family onNew Year's at Brookside Farm.

Miss Jennie Etrjker of Washington faspending a few days with her aunt, Mrs.John Karr. ; .

Tbo Presbyterian Sunday school hadtheir Chrlstmrts trent last Friday evening.Santa Glaus wns present and lbs Infant de-paitment rendered a program.

The Christian Endeavor Society hold amid-nlgbt prajer meeting on New Year'sEve.

Tbe HdckottBtown Orchestra bus beenre-organized with C. N. Wade as director.

Dr. George Tltman is ill at his homo onMountain uvoi-ue.

Sime of the Presbyterian ladles havointerfsted thoniBelvea in iho family of tbelate Rev. John W. Bull of Beatyeatownand assisted them.

CURED GRANDPA! F W K l |It^nenrjCrciror

Tin1 rcailrra of this rioper ran olualn n irlnl t>ot*t! • of IHM womk'rfiil imilldni' niul a putupbli-t oC

ilitil>ly win]Iiic Ihi'Ir full post otltff ni'lilrt-Hs to tlio•lit. liAVir* KKMNliDY COHI'OItATlON. Itoiiilont..-.. I . , ami mrntldtilni; where this Ei'tiermin offceivns Bifn. Tt? public cm nf thU pnp>r piarantcoIbi' conninonffs of tlila UHF.tt.Uj Ol'FF.U.

KuvorltL' Iloincdy Is mild hr nil dtiicelata OCJlrjct, |1.CD a boltlp, 0 bottles for 45.UQ. . . ,

Among tlio visitors who were in town onChi Ml Rids Day were: Mlsa Williams ofDeckertowu, who tmused tho any ft heruncle's, Wm. VanRlper; E. Sbafler andF-Uter HDent the day with their sfstbr, Mrs.K V. Kennotij; M . and M's, OHO. Cooperand daughter of Huntsville nnd Mr, undMrs. John Mariin of Allnniucby , withPotor Mttrrln; E. Stout of Newark withhis father, RRV. Win. Stout; Frank Stmleyand MODCI of Nowtou with his sister, Mrs.Qeo Ruuion. ,

Tlio new steam heating plant is beingtried but la much feaied It will not proveeatiofdctory; it is impossible to ho.u tbechurch ou a cold day.

Tho H-ickottatowu people were expectedto be present last Sunday »t the morningservices, it b»lng Otscistnn U.iy, but owingto tbe bud weather no Ber vices were held. ,

Grant Cooper, a young man living nearGreenville, whllo working near LukeGiinneil, bad bid eye seriously hurt. We |symp.UbizB greatly and trust the sight |may not have been irjured. . •

G. Irving Laing or Philadelphia Is at ipresent visiting bta mother, Mrs. Clinton IV B B S . . - • ; • - - . - . . . . • - I

Hazel Hendershot of Franklin Is spend1

ing the Holidays with her parents in thispldce. I

The Chrtatmts exorcises held in tbecburch on Obristmas Eve were largely at-1tended. At a meeting some time egonearly all were in favor of observing tdeday, however tbe majority ruled and an

speedy erectiou of the new Capital cement excellent program was rendered. To thei>laut, although-opticss.jver* Ahtninen and QU;s*.iS!> of the little nnttn "Santa Claus"are held on various properties adj ice at tothis villa. But perhaps tbe old sayingmay be verified in thia iostance: '"Xla uiwaya darkest just before dawn."

It is singular but true that about thegreatest wanderers, particularly wherethey are engaged in mechanical pursuits,are that class known aa iron workers,bridge builders, etc., and it is really inter-

And rets.Prof. B. F, Ward of Hackottstown wns

tho Kuest of Mr. and Mra. William O.Ward over Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Beck attended alarge dinner1 party held at tbB home of Mr.and Mis. Abram Smith, at Walnut Valley,on Saturday.

Mr and Mrs. Chirles Smith of Shawneeapent Uhrhtmas with Mr. and Mrs. AndrewSmith.

The Christmas entertainment held in thechurch on Tuesday evening last was asuccess. Tbe.proRram was well renderedand everything p»s«ied off well. The con-gregation presented their pmtor. Rev. H.P. King, with a very fine buffalo robe.

M1-/B Ada Micheua of Dover and JosephBeck of PaterBon spent Christmas withMrs Abram Beck,

Mrs. Armlnto Vouch and son of Blaira-town are Btopplng with Mrs, Anderson.

Among f.he guests out of town on Christ-mas were Mr. and Mrs. William Decue, atMr. and Mrs. Stewart Bartholomew's inPortland; Mr. and Mrs Frank Beck at Og-din Brand'*; John Young with Mr. andMra, W. D BrAnd of Middle Village; Ray-

Ancle's in Columbia; Carmil Snovor at his'daughter's near Johnsonville, Pa.

Miss Bessie Beck spent last week withMrs Blair Crisman at Ebenczer.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Q'ltntfln of Pater-,son qpent a few days With Mr. and Mrs.John L. Bock. •>

| Mr and Mrs Leslie Vanscoten enter-tained several guests on Christmas

We fall to understand why the Sunday Warner of Wire-town, Wm. Bird and frnnllynewspaper service by the railroads is BO ' of this place, and Mr. and Mrs. Walltrvery irregular, in fact tantHlizinp;, and so Bird and son of Newton.uiuoU so that a news agent dots iiot know

W H I T E HALL.Mr and Mr3 John Ball and two children

spent Christmaa with his paients at



Mrs Eljzibeth Bird Is spending sometime with Mrs Fred Tims at Long Bridge

Mr. and Mrs. Frank L'Homadieu andlittle daughter Vlola'spent Christmas with

noar Rockport. ~""":7: :*-~"'~.77TTr-7;' :~-r.-~Mr. and Mm. R. M, Price of EaBton and

Mr. and Mrs. J^nah Smith were leuests ofMr. and Mrs. William Parr.

Miss Viola Parr loft Christmas night' toBpend several weeks with friends In Eastonand Belvidere.—KrsrEdwardrLlHoniiidieu is stiU.on-tbe.sick list. She does not lm Drove as fantas her friends would like. Wm. Shackle-ton is also sick so he has been unable towork for a few days.

Goorge Wilson and Mrs. Muy Titus Daida hurried visit to friends in Long Bridgeon Thursday last. u .\ M r . and Mrs. Aaron Van Buskirkbfvillo wore entertained on Christmas,atWm. Shacklelon'a.

Wm. Hall of " Hackottotown arid JohnBall of tbls place spont Friday'in Belvl-.dore. ' ^ '

Iwnc Parr and daughter Emma, of Mar-ble Hill visited his brother in tbia placeInat Saturday.

frbfa Ziba Prlco ard two datgbters ofPen Arjryl and Mrp William Di Its of Hack-ettfltown visitea Mrs. Jwui ^IjtiH on Tacs-day. ~ — --. .

Miss Ruth Godfrey is entertaining Misa

IOIUO of Mr, and Mrs. H. A.'Godfrey.

appeared carrying a large bog of sweetson one shoulder and a fine turkey on theother, the latter was presented to thepastor by the P. 0 S. of A. camp.

Irene Hamilton Is tho jjuest of ber par-ents at Newark at this writing.

Tbe public school will re-open on Mon-day after a vacation of two weeks, duringthe Holidays.

"Somo folks can't mind their business,Toe reason is, you'll find,

They either have no business.Or elso they have no mind."

M E A D V I L L E .Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bird entertnined

on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bird andH i t l M d M A d

on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bird ndson of HuntKvitle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew

_ thousands of teatimonlaU acot our forafatbtrn bj jour forefathers, scut our tatbori b)your fatberi. nod scat us by *uOerlnff men «u(woatcn i-trrry day In tbo yrur (mm every part <dtbo world. It Is aa aaquotioDablu fnct Itiat,

,Dr. David Kchnedy»JaSSm

now have a fine stock oil

It nil] enrr ran, no tnnttor Iiotr anKrovalnl tbar c e o r u f linvr liiuctlanilliii;. Knvorltu Ilcmi'ilrlflI!II. only Klilm-jr im'<IU'lui> tbot ai-ls ad a lumtlTU—all utburs coastlpatv.

Watch Bargainsticedother dealerswho claim tomake a spe-c i a l t yWatches ask

for (lie Holidays, consisting of" *i~f


: • - a t all three stores : ; ; ;^

Carber Store, NEWTON,)H.\.


The oIJtst and largest dealers In North

New Jersey. Established 18671,

•wmore for themthan 1 haveever thoughtof asking. =

When itcomes towatch sellingthis store isunquestionably th? best pi ace to buy. Justco upare these" prices with others, llieiicome and see the goods. Vou cannot bedeceived.

Seth Thornas'_ movement in a 20-year\guaranteed gold case, 18 size, $1t. 00.

Waltham op Elgin movement in thesame case, $12.00.

I have otlier sizes at proportionate prices.Here Is also je-velry of: every other Ue*

scription, including wedding rings of myown make—made from Uieiiieltcrbir. j to buy that coal which gives the best rV

Also C!jcUs,SpectadesandKyeKlasses.jSU|ts"for the money. Lehtgh coal being' s harder, burns longer; gives forth less gas;

E l H l ' I I > l ^ j leaves no clinkers and produces a'hotter:' * fire. Since it burns longer, it Is more val-;,

uable—so much more, indeed, tint Uie :slight difference In the prices of Uhlgh

pahd tlie common sort is quickly wiped out/Lehigh Cual is the best artdrch

coal mined.

BUSINESS SENSE.Good business sense would advise you • ,

38 E. V/ashinrjton Avenue,

Chair Covering

at Bargain Prices.lhave on hand about 2m yards lehiqh Coal in Wash,

in remnants or chair covernigSj J

Only R. L CLINE & A

>gsjwhich i offer at very low prices. -Several colors and patterns.

1 do all kinds of repairing andupholstering, making a specialty ofre-covering parlor suits, couchesand lounges.1

At very reasonable expense, 1put my

PATENTED BUTTONSon furniture. They will not pullout.

Couches and Adjustable HeadCouches made to order.


has removed all old stock and presents; \:a new and complete line of ': ,v;

All classes of work Pa i"'s. °«s. Glass-, PatentEdward Pool »nd «ifo of Vionna spent mmg carriages

Oa Sunday evening tbe East Greet over! ^ V / y 1 ^ " " M e ^ B a t d i U B e f °D C h r i B t*S S i f ^ i S of° S i vilia°K

We!ado1;gncon° I Oren Bdw.11 of Onnee spent part of theiiderable damage to the property, but tbe . Hol'dnyB with h ^ t e ^ a r u .

" mts aro thankful that it Richard O'Conner of McAfee baa bou|Biderable damageowners and reaide ght

howners and reaidenta aro thankful that It I Richard OConncr of McAfee baa boughtwasnoworso, and consequently take the the atoro of. Ford Staples at Al'aniuchy

//. >?. Schuermann92 West Stewart Street,

Near Grand Avenue. \

matter philouopblcally. nnd tbe latter will move on the farm heThe sudden and entirely unexpected lately purchHi

death of Deacon John F. Lumping uecessi-1 Jacob Cummins and family attended atated an entire change ia the arrange-1 large dinner party at the homo of P. R.menta for celebrating. Christmas by tbeLutheran Sunday Bchool, and the "SantaCiaus Defender*" were unable to provetbelr devotion until New Year'B Eve,.the%\IM nelenlfld for-theipreaeutatlon.of ,tbo |canVaWwhlch'wtts'rendered^with^properspirit and feeling;, and was all that couldbe desired under the conditions. The "De-fenders" were under tbe charge and direc-

Cummins, in Vienna, on New Year's Day-Watson Glbba will quit farming: next

spring and move his family to tbe West.• Frank Dolan is lying very 111 from ex-

MisflGussie WiUiricbl)fydur'tov?tiistbe?,aeat for Gome time of her grandparents.*Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Flumerftlt entertain"

tlon of Mrs. Annie Hance Kremer, wbo'ed their children and grandchildren at adenerves unstinted praise for her labor of UhrlBtmaB dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Williamlove that brought order and melody out of | Bryant bad as their guests on ObrUttnaschaos, and when thinking of all the vexa- Mr. and Mrs. Silas Cummins and son, Gm-Lioufj difficulties that tire ever confronting mett, and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Fleming anda director, endeavoring to get a Int of. family of Danville. . i: .youogatera into proper shape and method, I Mr_ a n d Mr8< 8u a B cummings and Mr.

characterized the audience, and, with our-«ralf, are oaly happy to thank the directressaud her-assistantsrfor^tbo ptea£ure_of_a

t j b l ig ~~ "-most enjoyable evening.After speech mahing,dlaloguesand i

had concluded, Santa Clans'

It Glrdlea the Globe.The fame or:Buckien:8"Arnii:u-Biiivt), a

the best In the world, extauds round tboearth. U's the one perft ct healer of Cuts,

nta- Corna, Burns, Bruisea, Soreu, Scalds. Botla,* TTI-™° w - l M - A n l 1 " D a I " u anA ah ftL*ln

Our low priefs will surprise and please'Ksfyou. Our profits are small, but that is :i£Jour lookout and your benefit. ; " ^

We are wishful that the citizenWashington and yUinity will allowiulopportunity to prove \fcJ truth lofBstytements and the me its of .our - j "We assure courteous,and satlsfiattention o •-•



While primarily *his is a men's talloritg HADWP^C WHIDC Diitabiisliment, we are thoroughly conversat i i r tRi^Loa, i-yvilirj, Dltivia appeared" and delivered hia gifts to Ulcers, Pelonfl, Aehes,, Pain« and all Skln..es ..__

the expectant and delighted youngsters. I Eruptlona. Only infalliblei Pile cure. 2oo wi th the tailoring needs ot the women,<o- 'a box at P. N.Jenklnfl's Warren County wnom we have catered v<*.h marked succes

for several years. We beepvwe|l posted'oall of Dame Fashion's whims, and now "

pIt has been decidot),;'80~wd*are informed,that the two old brick tannery buildingsthat hare, in their dilapidated condition, |been eyesores on S>utb Main street, will1

speedily bo torn down to bo replaced bycommodloaa resldenc^B, for which there is ia great demand, The^e old buildings wereP.t nnt\ timB the seat of.one.ot.the ^largestIndustries, in Warren cbubty; and;Pulmer?stannery was recognized among the leathertrading people, not only In nearby com-munities, but in the groat trading marts ofNew York and Philadelphia, as a thor-oughly reliable concern, and under tbeconduct of John Fulmer, Sr., It thrivedand flourished for many years, and an nuohwns regarded as the one tannery in NorthWe4t Jersey. But business, muthodachanged, tbe old tannery buildings,wereatan4on<-d, and for years have been unoc-cupied, allowed to fall Into docny untiltheir nppearanca was unsightly and oondi-tlon dangeroua.-butaa they were on pri-vate property the dangerous condition hadto be assumed by tho trespasser.

_ ^ h « ° t " an*! Tri-Waaklv N. T. Tribune{2 35 per year, in advance." ,_' '"ZJL _

A N T H O N Y . ,Robert Ribbons lost a valuable horoe laBt

? e e k . . " , • . • :Mece Bildebrant and wife spent a week

with bis parents stOran

making a specialty of the swell

LONG COATS jfor both men and women. A^nlcelineifi (or bothmen ana women. A^nlce ij

ire celebrated You will not buy the careless"readymaeAlex. Anderson aud wife celebrated You will not buy the careless re^dy-maeOhriatmaa with Geo. B. HofTman. ' • - J - "- - - •-•"•*• - -

Harry Apgar and wife visited his parentsChristmas. }• (i .:•

Wm. Beatty is yet very sick. |, ^Alex. Anderson Is colleotlug for the

Hillabi-rough Fire Insurance Co. " ^ ._Chester and Wm. Apgar aro stopping

with Edgar Apgar. ^ "Miaa Edith Klnnoyman received a hand-

sonie organ as a Christmas present fromher'parents.

Mrs. Lawrence Fritts spent iwith Bonry S Apgar,

garments after you compare them'with arsuperior workmanship, and our prices. t,

H. Breriner61 E. Washington Ave.

Election Notice.itinn ot tho plot ounennt

tlia IllooiUHbnry Uetnetiry AHHOLIJUIOH riflltoomHlnirj, N J , for tlio plertloii * ""

Silas Walters irave a Ohrletmas dinner to "u"llf,".f," " TO'or SSSJf r

... ot tl ,Vlll »;n 1)1

UB owiareu HUU snuu ouuwsu.— i, | iry Niitlonnl H'mk, Tm-mlny, January r. ^ » » /-%• / - \ B C ^Miss Mabel Stalur in u«it improviag as 10CJ, a t » oMock p in. I T T *

^ist^as hor^muu^ Trlwiius wish, WSS-JSJU^ _J ^v A LOUIS AADLIISON, Sccrctarj „)„ _IO2 S TMrA O»—*-


S. T;Belvidere Ave.,Jj

Mcents and upwards v&r/PBorders l-2o per yardielfMoulding lo p e r f o o U ^ >

Great reduction in 1Wall Paper a


Page 7: LR-NUMBER 1. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., … · 2015. 12. 3. · neotion of tbe State, Th e growth of that paper has heen marvelous,1,and its enter-prises have baen inore«Bing




I l was weak, nervous and dizzy, with aTntitie sensation when walking." writesJ s e ChlldreM. Esq., of Samuel. Sullivan• „ Tenn. "Could not walk nny distance;Tvoys felt bad after eating; felt ns though

nicthlug was sticking in my throat, nl-•s uneasiness in,stomach. Doctoredi three physicians but they illd notivc me. I grew worse and used

Serythiug I could.think of; «,vns nearlyi-tdy.ia give up and then some one toldlie Hint Dr. I'ierce's medicine wns good,

J j I began taking his 'Golden Medical•llscovcry.'' 1 have taken seven bottles of• ' a t now and am as stout as ever, nnd <.'••

ying health ns much ns ever before. IDrkcd all summer and thin winter as

...tich n« any onr, ...My case wns liverdis-•easc nnd nervoua dyspepsia of which your^medicine has cureil me. In Rcplember

1898 tny weight was nboiit 95 TKJIIIUIH. nowit Is 195. 1'lcase accept my sincere thanks."

MAKKSBOKO.Mr. and Mm. J. Reed Kerr or Korr'a Cor-

, ner save tbelr annual Obriatmas dinner for[their children and grandcdldrea asatnthis >ear. blace last Obrl-tinu tbo familyhas fncreaaed by twu memberfl: Mi a. Grace

<8*ayzo Kerr, wife of tbelr granriuon,Harry G. Kerr of tbls town, and JohnSwayzo Kerr, a little grandson. The fam-ily now numbers 27 persons "Mr. and Mrs.J. Head Kerr pawed tht> Qflletb milestone

I of their married life Novemoor 30tb, 1001.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vongh bad as gneats

Ion Christmas her ancle, Mr. David [feeder,and wife, and grandaoa, Harry Guble of

' JaokRonburg; her bruthur, Milton Hold andMIBO E?a Anaeraon of Newtou.

The week of prayer beginning with S;b-latb, January Qtb, will ba observed Leroby preaching services uvery oveuing in thecntiroh. . . • - : • :

Our Christmas entertainment was wellattended and everyone seemed pleatedwith too program—"sMnttL OIHUB'S Defen*ders." We would like to make especialmention of eouie who, i'dld themselvesproud" but all took tneir p-trtaao well thmwe cannot. Tho small admtsiiun fee of 10cents was taken for the cautata and re*detmed at tbe tables below, where oysters,sinctwiches, cake and coffiie wero pro-vided. The sum of $28 was realized.

Mr. Hendrlokn, general superintendentof the cement plant and a brother-in-lawof Mr. Brooke; one of tbe proprietors, hada strange experleace recently and a nar-row escape from serious I'jury, If not


! One Application Gives Relief,

CHANGEWATEK.A. W. Golden was in town on Thur«a«v

loiblDg after the interests of the T. W. P.Co.

E. D. Stall of Gishen, N. Y., "DentCnrlstmaa with his sister, Mrs. J. O. Hill.

Eiward Creveling Is very sick withBtomaoh trouble

J. O, Hltl and wife spent part of thoholiday eeason in Newton.

Frank Gibson of Somorvlllo spentChristinas with Ms parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. Eiward Castner enter*talned on Ohrislmna their sons, Alva andwife, and Waller of New York, and Fetorand wife and Mrs. Hagerty of tbli place.

The married ladles of this place are re-quested to meet at the borne of Mrs. PeterUnatner on Friday evening, January 3rd.

France* Cram is taking German lessonsof GustwSuckerow, •. Ohnnirnwitflrl<« very mnoh pleoaed with

hor CbrlBtm*a prtsant. Who now can sayshe Is not all wo JI and a yard wide.

The many friends in tble pUco of Mr.ann Mrs. Prank Anderson wish to expresstheir t-ympathy in the loss of their onlydaughter, Mildred. The reports receivedfrom Oharles Creveiing, who was taken tothe. Peterson hospital last week are notvery favorable, ~ ".1.111"'. ' :" ','

Grant Moore and family spent Christmaswith his Bister, Mrs. Prank G*no of Wash-ington, a>d the remainder of the weekwith f. lends In New York.

A. R. Pen-e and sitter Jennie had theirhome gathering onChrlBtmns. Those pre-sent were; Mrs Annie Frltts -of Dover,Harry Frltts of Ellzubetb, Mrs. HannahTerrlberry of Hackeitntown, Miller andClaude Anderson of Port Oniden, MTH

death. Ho was standing 160 vardn from Caroline Skinner and Ulaies JulU «ndwhere there wns to bo a hla»t made on a pioraio Skinner, Ml»8 Susan Wolf of Wanh-Bwith BWdlng lookloe toward tbat spot ^ M| C E l h f thiswitch grading, looking toward tbat spot,'whon he thougbt be beard something. He D ] a c 0turned to find that ono side of tbe skirt ofblB overcoat bitd been cut entirely off by apiece of rock from tbe blast aud his bodynot touched. Imagine, if you can, bis sen-sations at tbe algnb presented.

Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Kcaler entertainedon OhriatmHS her bister, Airs. George Tewand Mr. Tow and tbelr diughter Miss CoraBelle, and her friend MiaB Caroline Fioat

Skinner, Ml»8 Susan Wolf of Wanh-o n a M|sa Cora Elnehart of this

William Bloomfielrt Is slowly passlne In-to the better land. He aleepn most of thetime. Hia lee, which waa broken a num-her of years ago, in In a very bid condi-tion, yet it does not seem to give htm muohpain.

The Riv. and Mrs. D. B. Tompkln anddaughter nonnt the Holidays with hermother at Eliz.bttb.

MiBs Annie Moore of Eaat Orange visit-ed some of her many friends here on

of Newark.Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Ingersol entertained

^:Zl\t^kT^JA\f^X.\ M/«. »B..brth WlW «- the Superin.ana Mrs. Lewis C. Bu*ttyof Hope and tendent of tbo Holston Methodist Orpban-MIBUSarah Cfiaman of Blairstown. . age, • looated at Greeneville, Tenn. 8ur-

'rounded by hu dreds of little orphan

W A L N U T V A L L E Y .Mr. and Mm. William Vdn OamDon'o

Spirtaspentapdrtofthe past week wltLtheir parents at this pkce.

Joseph Dugan has sold his farm near tbli-villaue and expects to go in the grocerybuHiuoosHt Bingor.

Silas Bill of Berwick , Is visiting friendbore. Frank (fill will return with hli-brotherto Berwick where tie has ueoureoa position iu the car shops.

Mrs, Thorn is S vartz and ion Albert artspending ttiU week with friends at Bow-

atistown, Pa.Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin B. Howoll ate

Christmas turkey wlto. their daughter,Mm. I. O. Hill.

Mrs, Mary Van Cam pen, who has beenspending the winter <t Stroudsbitrg, barroturacd to hor homo bore.

Jrtmes Hill baa gone to New York tocare lor his sun Walton, who la conflued tohis bed wltu rheumatism.

Thomas EiglorC moves from the Tltubhome hero to AI. limb's house at UnionBrlek. . .

Mrs. Joshua Smith la seriously a!ck withrljoumitlrim of tho heart with nu hope olher recovery. ••.,-.

This place In bslng represented at Bolvl-doro thla week by Onarles Jones as ono olthe jurymen.

Mrs. George Dennis Is visiting her moth-er, Mrs. Erviu Buck, woo Is und^rgoinctreatment for cancers at Dr. Kilmer'sSanatorium at Bingdamton, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Abram L. Smith gave adinner party on Saturdny last. Amongtho guesta present were Rev. and Mrs. W.J. Hampton of Blairatown, Mr. and Mrs.Juhn Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ueck, Mrs.Anna Bock and Mr. and Mm. John Smithof Haineshurp, Mr. und Mrs. Joseph Bill,Mr. and MM. Gdo. Titioan, John Tltmanand Mrs, Henry Waldron, of Walnut Val-lejj aod MM. Nelion Klshpaugn and tonClHrk, of Mt. Hermon, and Mrs, JohnAllen and sun of Bldiratown.

A Deep'Mystery.'.It Is a mystery why women endure Back-

ache, Headache, Nervousness, Hleepletu-nesB, MeUucboly, Fainting and D.zzyBpella when thousand-* tmvu provtm ui*iElectric Bitters will quickly cure suchtroubles. "I suffered for years with bldooytrouble," writes Mrs. PbObe Oaeriey, ofPeterson, Ia,, "and a lame back palm d moBO I could not drefs myself, but ElectricBitters wholly cured me, and, although 73years old, I now am able to do all myhousework." It ovtrcomea Constipation,

• • • - • • " perfect fjonlth.

Forrest H. McLiury, Georgo Linnlng andRaaael Cooke, all of town.

Among those who were very agreeably

G L E N G A U D NEK.Some ono stole cabbage from Commo-

Everyone in Franklin township that IsInterested iu good roads uhould nuke it apolntto be « cho towndblp house on the

"n* vole In favorh di

' I t cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External!'orlntcrnal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or'"Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im-^mediate—cure certain.;.:.,It cures Burns and Scalds. The relief•Instant,

y-i It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts andi: Sore Nipples. .Invaluable. "' >a It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy

Eruptions, Chapped Kands, Fever Blisters,rSore Lips or Nostrilr. Corns,. Bunions,

\ Chafed Fee', Stings of insects,iBitcs and Sunburns. : r.:r: :r~:-:.;

^ a , 35o,; 5Oo. and 31.00jgtj , or jenl fita-paM en recuiptof proriPHREYS' mEu . C C ,

n A John Su.. NEW YORK,

The Sunday school will holdsociable In tne lecture room on ;

The carpenters have now finished their In their room here list Saturday to receivework on the new building at tbe cement applications for tbe Poor Home ttteward-works aud tbe painter* are nearly done. ship. None were received.

Miss Lena Hill of this towa, teacher of Tho rain storm of Saturday night causedthe Spring Valley school in Hardwick, is Spruce Run to ovei Bow Its bankB. I prize, as wM also"tne next blgbesfc "therespending, nor two weeks' vacation with the cnristmasEve was very quiet here; not will also be an entertainment given iu

on the street. Chrlstmis connection with it, consisting of phono-fSmily o-f her lister, Mrn. Peter Spindle r, ofPuwe. The family of Mr. Sptadler haveall been sick with tne grip.

and <

I electric

9 from

lie MmlerTi"fetop when


lACTORV,irfon, N. J._


" A r t e r I v i u induced to try CA8CA-ISET8, 1 will never bu" without lliom In tbe house.My liver iris In a very bud Bhapo. mid tnj headrelied and I linil Btomnch trouble. Now. since ink-ing Cascanjts. I foal lino. My wife Imsnlso uhcdthora "i'h tn'iietlclfil result* for Miiirfttnnincli." ,LJ«.S/KfcEllI.iSa,_l!Sl CuuKress Ht.. 81. Louis. Mo.




jfleasnnt' Paiaiable. I'otcnt. Tnste Good: DoOood, NQTur .Sicken. W e.-iktiii. or Gripe. 10c. 2jc.Mc.' . . . C U R E CONSTIPATION, . . .

Eltrllni Itnyilj riimpan,, I'hlentn, Muni iml. Nf» Vark. IIS

HO-TO-BAO SSi ; nil drue-. lluoll.

Do You See thisMan in the

" Chair?"now Ma — HUUIKI,hearty anil well.Afterawlillehefo.lt

— eU ii; why? neciiunf- he did not tlien

know tlie CIUIHD.We now know It,and trout It. Li

. -Rheiimnttmn In' caiiKCil In- uric acid. liitlii'bluoil. Kllmi.1* mite It Irom tlie

•Hystem uml you- •MOToonAfHEP FRQU LiFi will have no rlieum-

'siTHEN'S "SPEEDY" RHEUMATIC CURE willjureybu ]UHtnn Riiroly.fLs water wlllmienclithirst, It you will tnko the remedy. KverybottlOjguariintocil. Olio bottlu will not cureeTcry ciiHCfiiuicoulIuue Ha nee for n nhnrttime and a euro Is neBiired.

" ' " J 1' andgenDrEilntorss.—

NV: Oovoted ioiHtn of countryineBB men i tIf. Mako yourto a'-jear andir frco Hamploon. fQranolile, Pa

• ii( • i v ; T H E „'

Morris County Savings Bank,4 : MORRISTOWN,, N. J.

59th SeiAUAsaiial Interest Dividend.

THE MnnusurH of tlilH Biuik lmvo nnleroil1111I4I fruin tliu •tiriilnKH of tins 1I»H1III-KH

tlie Uj f "iiwT "11 Si mt~A~uiiutii intefeVt Dlvl-

iHt— At tin rtiti of tlir«'euml oiic-luilf (HV4)p r i ntinn per 111111 it 111 on all nccoiiiitH fromS n o o t ? IK* uml on tlio llrnt $300 of (illlarfc r uctouutH

2ml—VttliL rutt of thrc« (It) per centperutumm on uiii txtcsn of f Q00, n\> to umlIncluding the HUIII ol ?2,O(H>. , ; i

Ird —At the rate of two (2) per centum perannum on 11 in nrinn of$2,i)0l). ,.••• ,'--\,r

Pa^aule 011 iiiui uftLrTucftdlnj) JanV SI, 1002

DcppsttB received on or before Jau-* »p(l, w*\l (lra\\ intVreHt fPoin,

f January Isti ';, '..'•:'.,.,:

wa9 nothing in my stocking graph, recitations and sinking. A chargeuntil I put my foot In it. " " " iof ten cents will be made to all persona

Mr. and Mra.G. B Girrta met a largo Word was received here Saturday that over twunty years old. Everybody U ia-compauy of old friend* at the uoapitable Alvah Ioele living a t High Bridge, had vited to come. Proceeds from paper en-uOuioOf uls pi-oatG.Mr. andilrs. daniue! ultd suddeDlv Ueceaeoii was a fords'- tBrtainmeut for the benefit; of the SundayQarrlB, at dwartawood, oa Ohrlatmaa at "eaidentof?SS^place. .school.rt " " " . . . Dimmer Miller came from PlaloQoldand' The Ohrlutmw entertainment given by

°^n" spent Chiiatmaa with his stater here. | the scholars of the publfc aobool wasStones are in auch demand now that Jlffl

r^ mn»h ntewBd*10 The clevery man who owns a atooe row can con- !!;„,,*_?*_ «„»« Rnri rnntMi

James Little spent hU Ohrlstmaa in Ken- W m . 3 D r u n k m o v e d f r o m KV I 1 ' , housa today ( Cbursdiy) to 3,

We want no special Jury Commissioners j , o u a e recently v icaied oy Jaoob Hendiir-' - Uunterdon county drawing anyirbere 8 0 n . Edward Snvder also moved from

-irg had us guests on uhrJtitiQds uayMr. and Urn. Edward Rice and the familyof WnltQuld C jafee of tnls vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. William L Mott ate theirChrtstmtts dinner witn tbe f tmily of tQelrdaugnter, Mr. and Mrs. William O. Cookeat Branch viile.

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian L. Cooke and

W S J . and ™ S V&?A?™Stmar ftomJSOO » • 11.™ fordoing about twel .0 BoweS-hOMB to Good 3pringl.wuoaUhrlstmua. ilr. aud Mrs. djy-,'work iu a year. Oar tax rate is larg-'

Ity of Mr. anHncketiBtowu ouChristmus. mr. HUU jira. — -Walier L Coobe of Pminueld were also enough.

' h M d M N l

^TLDpIscaiiilJiS !ioldthc!r-Oh!t!t)2Sexercises with a tree deoorated for theocuaalon o i Thursday evening last with aft tr attendance. y

Miss Jennie Wilton of O itatmucjua spent.few days witb P. R. Vanklrk'a family

last week, returning home Monday.Our public school re-opened on Monday

with a good attendance after a weok'dvacatl n.

Mary Atbeitson was home from EaBtStroudsburg for a few diya last week.

Henry Dopke of the Island intends re-moving to Mrs.^Jo&n- Emery'B-J firm- i<\Pennaylvanti noit spring. Tbe recenth i h ' t l t h e D l ' iPennaylvanti noithigh'water la -the-D

d the to b

g. Tbe recent'ire.:river.:.nearly.U l out on thcaused thetn to bu wusUeil"out on-the

Manunbacliunb lalaod. : - • -John A. Wird is building in nddititn to

his barn south of town wblcli will be usedfor storage. Elmer Albeitsoa 1B doing thework for him.

The Loyal Legion mat on Friday after-noon last In tne Presbyterian lecturo roomwith a fair attendance and Mru.J.ns, P.Am merman aa lender. '*•' ,-

Itev. Roovoof Brooklyn filled the .tfretKbvierlui church pulpit here on Sundayafternoon lust. :

Sodstymetat:Mrs.--j!P. Ainmormtn's oa Tuesday of this weekwltb tho usual attendance. <A

A Bpbcliliat from PnUadqiphla waa

ealth.. Sunday inorolns be wa£

Melvin Haon has a sprained wrist.James and Mrs. Smith enj »yed a Christ-

mas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. George Fo-a.Eugene Cowell and family of Woodglen

gutsta ol' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. NelsonAyrea, at that time.

Frank Oouisen of Wllfeesbarre apeutChristinas with his Daront", Mr. and Mrs.Harvey Cjursen of liorr'tt Cjrner. : ;

___j . John C. Mtyberry give alarge oiuner party Carotin s Day. TboaeparLlciuailug were LIIQ fmiiiiy of tier stater,Mr. und lira Siverelof'O mi^e; 11 s Siv-orel, tier four uous—.VKsus Deiuiont, Run-netn, RuBsel and Eurl, tier oaugbtcia MissFlorence and Mrs. Irwln, and'Mr. Xrwio;also Airs. May berry's brothwr. Geoige B,Armstrong, and his fatnilj; Uls-ieu Oaraand Hattle Arrobtronp; Mias Toanie L.Qomadieu and graudaou Waireu Waiters,of ihiatown. -I-

Mrn. Rttna Huff spent lior Christmas atthe h«ime of her dautititer, Mr. and Mrs.John Hill or Jackaontmrg.

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Luco below town U t t , m n w H ) W 1 H , o u »^u O J U l u ^ „,..ipent Ulirlstuna at tho home.of their lutely cure Onnstipali >n and Sick

duughler, Mrs. D. Brands Koyaer, at Vail. - - - « • • - • " - • • " « T . _ ^ > - . I . ,


Borton Snyrier and wife of Columbiaspent Chricjlinus with C. Ceatn and family.

Among those in our midst on Christmaswas Edward Kelloy of PnltadelphU, Ml-sMtibel Mcnollum of KaGbonsnote, J P.Jones of Newark, Whyland McMuririeand family of RUerside, and Harry Qaigof Orange.

ge I H i r r ? G f iy o f N a f l . York spent Cbrist-maa with ni3 parents, Rev. and Mrs. Hleh-

d G f thla pUcaEdward Creveling, a young man living ard^ou Gray of thld pUca.- i ^ u.. sin Mt Airy dUrlet, w « I M [ s g ^ m A Mutchtor op . . . . . . . _..,_

K .^hlSifhTnnnnrintiv •!"W6Wd0k with hcrslstor, Mrs. Win. Brink,

I . ' t io blue birds denole an early springwe are HUTS to b*ve It c >rno soon, as yourcorrespondent saw a.flnsfc' while drlviugto Wrtsulugcou Ust M<iti:liv uftapnooa.

Rav. J. M.d At M E

^, ptuturot' the Bed-h C b l d Md

Rav. J. M. Yingiiu^, ptutur he Bedford At. M. E. church, Cumberland, Md ,

took tbelr OhrUtmns dinoer with ills Bays: "Is aifirds me g-e it pleasure to roc-brother, Calvlu, on '-ProapBct Terrace.'*

: Blown tu Atoms,The old Id-ja tnab the body sometimes

needaa powerful, drnRtic niir^Htivu pill tmabeen exploded; for Dr. King'd NdW LifePJIIN, which tire.perfectly barmleus,ge >tiystimulate liver and bowels to expel u<>i ou-OUH matter, cleanse the system attd abso-lutely cure Onnstlp^tim and Sick Eland-aohe. O il.v 25 j» tF . N. Jenkins's WarrenCounty Drui; dtore. •

mnmend Uhim'ierlaio'M Colic, Cholera, andDUrrhoei Ratneiy. I have used it nndknow others >vu i have nevdr kno vn it tofrtil." For sale by F. N. Junkins, Washing-ton, anri J. A A ' « - • 'l ' o >,

MT. HEBMOK.MissHinntih LiRne Is spending a week

at Butlzvllle with relatives. ""[J linos LHaborry is repairing both his

house and barn.Q, lite a number from here attended the

enierUlnmdnt at toe Hope Onnstianchurch.

ere attended theHope Onnstian

weeks' vacation.It is said th-it Mrs. Klshpauffh will move

in the house on the J. B. Lillerfarm la tbespring. ^

There was no service held In our churchlast Sunday oa account of tne raiu.

Miss Sadie Matlock ia spending a fewdays here with her sister.

T. Lataon and family-are visiting friendsla BftUgor for a fo v days.

Notice to A b mnt UeftIN CIIASUKUV oi" X

To LIZZIE LACBY:—Take iiotlci' tlitib by virtm* «

tlio Umirt "f ClMHicury of NnOil ttio tlilrU'L'iitil.iliiy of It.'fc

iu Mii-iviii p-jtnlinj;-"'wlitiii'j* l« tliu putltlmior niulliittt, you uru ru(|nlruii

, jll, HllrtWtir: or ilollllir In mis in.-uuuin.-rH'tltlon of uoiiinliilni on or hufore the Ton

tuuntli iluy of I'Vhruiiry i.ext, or iluit lii<l'(milt tlieri'of.Hiicliih'cret.' will liemiulu ni-iitiu

on us die CUaucellor Nbull think wiultiih'ml )unr.Tliu siilil niitltlnii of uninpitilntiiraliiNtyou by tliu Hiilil ii.-UUontTuri)OMej)Ll|r»l'»ring ,JL_<1"i)ini

RKAL,; List of real eatato trtiiiHfora lo'Igud7 furrecord at the Couuty Clerk's office sinceD 2 1 1 0 p l i

The B. & Loon AssociationN 4 M Pburg N» 4 to MargirotPowera, of Eaaton,

dated Deo. 20, 1901, oouvevs oroporty inLopatcong; conaidemtion |l,G00.

Wm. 8-iuBter and wife to Strah O. Hillof Hardwidb, dated Jim 14 1901, onnvoysUnd in Hardwick; consideration $3 750

Dinlel 8. Slpley ot als. to JohnsonGanger of BUlratown dited March 29,19C1, cnnvovfi_land_in- Blairatownj oonBld-ertttion?l,COO." '',, H H. Hunoeand wife to Thomas Crng

{ of Oxford dated Aiipuat 14,' T901, conrojs:~j;lanci inrtiope}':ouUBiubralIOi|51 00. ~s^r^

John a. Hawk et sis. to Hawk LindImp. Co., of Philltpsbure, d*ied Deo. 23,A specialist om P U a d p w

oilled by George O, Adams on Friday last,but as yet we have not heard his decision.

'Somo, time ago my daughter caught asevere cold. She complained of paina inber cheat and bud a bad'eough. I gaveher Cbamborlala'a Cough, Remedy accord-ing to dlreutlona aod^ In two daj/a sho, waswell and able to goto Bchoo). I have usedtt d I f t l f th twell and able to goto Bchoo). I h e u etnta remedy In my famtly for the post sevenyearrana~tiWe nevtft fcnown It to fail,"

J Prtndemaat merchant Annatotft fcnown ,aat merchant, Annato

I d i I l d Th«.™JH Jamos PrdS^STS1—„ •.Bav, JatnaioaV?est India I-ilanda The

'.on in the,.3hVfc l">*Hoatod an approachoff by.

p1001, onnpVfteration $4,200.

hilltpsbure, d*iod Deo. 23,land ia Pohatcoog; consid-

;Marv P. Girdner t6 Lewla Beatty of

Mantflold aUed Feb. 21, 1893, conveysland in Mantfield; consideration $225.

D ividM. Coot and wife to Math Ian T.Welsh, of Morris Co., d ited Sept. 18, KOI,-coavoysland in Hacketta'ovn.and Inde-pendence; consideration $1.00. ' , v . . ....'. Emma Oroolcehl* and husband to FredBinabln of N. Y., datod Sept. 14,1901, con-veys land la MaoBfleld; oonsiideraUon Jl 00,

Wm <HDumlnof

HameB et als to Margtretd Deo 20 1901,

)urg, consider*

• Jersey, nunlf

ili|-:,-\\'ililiiiii C.

o uppHiir

> flk(or ti


WM. A. XTUYKKIl,MilU'ltortif Pt'lttloner,

IITMH: iid K. Wunlitiifjtoii Ave.,WHHhln^toit, New JtTHt'j

BOBOUaH ORDINANCESRegulating the Grades on

Youmans Avenue andBroad Street

ItornuKli o\ U'liHhltigtoii, Warren county,«w J**rm>y. •An or.llniinto to t'»tubliHli tliu 11 neH, tlic?

width <if tlie roiuHMiy ttnit width <>! HIIII*viiikH, al«(» tlie KriKltt of YouinaiiH uveiiuerom lirouil Htreut eanterly to Jtallruad uve-iiic.VlfBKBAS, Hevenil eotifplnlntH Imrc Ii«>ntmule to ttii'Mnyur and C'onimoii Counciluliout tlitu'iirb KHi'lf alnnj; VuutnaiiH IIVL*-nue, ami whtreart t it* natil Mayor anil Coin-tnonCouncltillil on Lliuxuveiitli diivolOciola-r, KliU, tif tliu regular IIHTIIHK<I*" ' '

tnltU-u of H'llil Com itto vinpiny mi 4-imlmI.rutlk-HofMaUM'mi

nine ""

ular m e t n ^iMii.Int IL *\>i>vh\\ coioit Council with Jiowi'ur to iirt'imrtMimpMrMiilmaiix uvvnue ami otheriH tlu> Hu.hl cdnimlttcc

Younlime iiuuk' II rt'l'»rt on YounmiiH avi-nue,tu t IIIIVL' raiini'il to bu prciiarvil u iniij* umljirofilt! of Htild iivi'iiuc wlilch acrinniiaiik'nMil' n'liorl of IIIL* until H|itflal untiiikltti v,

JHUI <;omiiioii (J'Mitii;1! of thu noroiitfli olWiixlihi^ton, Wnrri-ii county, New Jersey.

SK0T1ON NO. 1.Tlmt tliu contcr Hue oi Voiimmm ftvontic beUilir.ii>in'l to correwiiowl tn thu follow luir

.I'Mi-rlptloii: Iti^liinhiK In tlie tuxtfrly lineol (troinl Mwi a illntuiiiu of 24 7-luil feet-Kjiiili of ti nioiiutiieiit Htonu a t the nortliniHtcorner nf YOUIUUIM awmic and llroud ntrci t,

lieltitr iiitfiiHurul uliitifr the_ _ .>! Itroail Htrect; thence (in a

cuurae north Ht-venty-Hk (7t;i ilegn-eH uiulnine (0) i!iliiiUen,eniUoiii'liuiulreil niiili-evcti-•y Hevt'ii iifiit Hrwn niie-lnin-lri' IthH fwt <177

1.100) tn IUIKIC No 1 In Hal I YoumaiiK ave-itii'i tlieiR'e north "t-u-iity-three (7.1) di' rceM.rid Mcncuti'cii (17) ml nil ten, eunt nlxteenuntilriiil ntitl twi'tity-f •tiriunl nkty i-lx liitn-.rmltlin lei-t (lli- 't f .nimi) t-. anuli- N'o. 2;tlll-IICL'HOllth tU-LHtJ-thref CJ'-i) lltm'L'K lltldfortv-tliri'L' (III) mluiiteri, cawt wlxtv-four nndHUlv-tlircu luimlrciU fret (HI «Jj lt)0) toancle No. it. theiiw MIIUUI illty-Hirlit (r.HjilfCrei-Hei>!tlleeii (IS) mlniitcx, ruwtrwo IMIII-ilrLilmiiUhlrty-lheiuidMxiy-tiiH'hiiiiiln'dlhH

ii(irth"t'lil'rty.foiir (:i 1) thrri'i1'" thlrty-'ulx (:t(J)luiiiutOH, eiirit four liutiiiri'il .mil iilui'ti-dii undnlin'tffn litiinlre'lllm fi-i-t (110 UMOO) u t thent'rtterly line of llullroad iivemii-, nnd einliutrtliere, MIIIII endlut; point liulnc ilUtuut twon-ty-oue(lil)'eetHoiitli of a nioiiiiiiit-nt wtnnonttli** nnrthwertt corner of Youtnuim tuenueand Kallroud avenue.

SUCTION XO. 2.That the mild YnumaiM iivpnup nhriH t»e

forty-elLjIit (IM k-et In u Id tli from liroaitHtnwt to ii'iirlv No. L1: twi'iitv-linir (*-M) feeton e.ich MMI' of tlie <leHerlhu><f u>uter lluu he-

ivi'L'ii Itroud Ktrwt and un^le No. '2.S1XT1OX NO. :t.

That the wnht YmmmtiH IL>CIIIIC betweenliVu. No. !i iiml Kfiilniml awnue Hhnll he»rty-tw« fwt In «lilth or twenty-one feet ontrliHliluuf die iL-nter line a t dtwrlhed h*--

.ivi'i'ii imirU' Nn. l! and tho wenturl^ line ofItallroad a veil no.

SII0TIOX NO. 4.Tlmt the roiidway nliall be thirty (JI0) feeti width or llftei'ii ( lo ) feet ou each HIIII- of

the ahoM> dexcrltieil eetiter line. That theHlduwiilU between it road «trect ami ancleNo. a MlmlljM' iilnu (SI) Iwt In width.That the Hlduwiilk? between niik'lu No. a uml••he wenterly line of railroad au'iiuo tttuill lieilx (0) feutlti wltlth.

SI:CTIONNO. r,.That thP curli ttniiluM ol the Hubl YOUIIIIIUH

i\eiiue Khali he I'HtuhllHtied JIH folluwx:North eiirti ln'clniiing In thenortli eurl* InterHt'ctlon of «ald Youmans avenue wlih IlruiulHtreet iitun eleuitlou of four hundred andthlrty-"l* luiilI It'll h»nilre<HhH k-et (-1:1(110-100); thence iiKCt'iiiIliijr a t the rate nf twoin.l nineteen liiiwlrethti feet (ii UMOpi Injne hiittdred (HIM) fei-t for a dlwtanee of fourlliindri'il mill He\eiity-nlt (1-70; feetatniielevn-

of four hiindri'il anil fort.v-nK anil ilttj-huiiilreiltliM (L'L't (4HI nl-lOUt, llu-in-u'iidlnj; a t tin1 rale of llftv oi'e-liuiiilreiUliH

rJwttnit-HMl) lnoiii'hnnilred (Hio) feet for atllxttinee uf Imirltniidreil mid forty-four feet(44+) to the center Iliu- of Vuunatta streetiu an elevation or f.mr li.tnilre<l iimMorn-lour and twenty-nine InindrHthH f.ut (4(1'*9-lti0); theiK-earitLMiOlnj: »r n rate nf uliie-tv-oiieoiii'-lniinlredtim feet (01 1UO) In oneliuiulnil fikt (10(1) f..r .» .'.Ul.tiut- r.l !,.i.rhiimlreilainielKliU foot (W>) ' " "» ' ' « " •tlon of four hundred and titrtj el«ht and HIX-tv four Immlrt'dtin* fwt (448 iU-100); thence* inllntr u t a rate of t « o ami twenty-two-

ilreiltlmk-'td1 1*2-100) In one hundredk-et (100) for a dlwtnnei- of sei-fti hiinrlreilmid IHtei'ii and t irivun hundiL>Utli« fwt (7 .'.1.1-101)) nt an I'levutlon of Tour IIIIIKIKHI umlHlvty-fniir mid llfty-two liundn-illliHfeet (H>4

anu^hlVtv-o'iu'hundVi.'lni'iH reft [1 :Jl-l<>0] InouLhunVlK.dkK[lim]fora (ll»tanceof lourhundreilaiid tt'it mnl twenty-«U hiimlmltli-feet [HO 20 HID] a t an elevation of fitii:liuudruil inxl llttv-nliieaud llfteeu hitndrethiketri.V.) 15-Hio"] and the hitemectlon \iltlthewe.teurb^nin^Uullro.yl ^^^^^^ ^

IiUerrtultloi!"lof tliV'Jia'l'if Vou'iiiiuitt axeiiuiwith ltroinl Mn'tii n t mi c!oiut!nii nt foil:hundred ami tlilrt.t-nU and furt.v 1 iindreilthi*feet t»«" 4 ( l M111^ U l '"ItlL'Of I ml 1 t.'iity-n•"'••Ji-UHniiit.iie liiimlr.il fwt [1011] ti

dl-tanu- ol four liiinilreil Jiml i-i/wntv.an.l Heventy-tliree hundredth^ fa>t [17UHi] ut an elevation of four 'mifum-Kt>M-n uml out' tuit'liuudiethMl-H'mj. tlh-nci'a-u'L'ildliur a t a ratone hiiii.lreiltlH feel [r.D-100] for «

iUl.itlo i of font

n hiimlnM..ll.Hr>


idtliH khundrel ffnprj-Hi'\ -

lllLM)ne^um'iVVc^Tl'et[^-.-l'l)V.]riloii1."iiini.iln-d feet [1 on] for n dlHt.ince of fmir humlm!and tweiit\-r\\o niul rnrtv luinilrwltiiH k—[1JJ4O-1UO] tn tht-eeiitt-r Hue nf VainiatHtroet ut n» elevation of (our Immlivil ivt.irtv-fom nnd H'-vuntj-nlm1 lniiulii'iltlis f.[411 71) I I)I>], HitUI luilnt belnu; hlv Ineliabmethe north uirh «rade a t thin i>ohthence iHeeinlluir at u rate of eighty one nun..lretli«f.etrM)-H>iniiioiiebiindie«!fi'ei[l()0]inr n ilMnnu- of four liutnlred and <-Vr>H"ri«Bt[4S«l tn mi iluMillnn <.( four huii.lrennd fnrt\-i'lL'ht und nKty-fnur luindri-dthleet [»4S Ul-ltiOl.nalil eb'vjitbin behiK levtwith theuni-th cinb HI dcrtcrlh - '

with the mirth cune huuilrud nn'd

l l t l l [

r j^iSps!llitntice ot 181 45-100 feet, toa'carresthenea •"'''urvliiur to tlio i-iRht oa radla* oi USA 87-100 _..

feet ( rndltttance nrountl the curve of 147 •7i'ie

01-l«0 feeti theneo aooth 14 decrees ond 14.V J>miimtfH, went447 t>l*10O fwt; thvnre •oath .i >-'IB dcKrvea nnd 47 minuted, went381 OlMUO^r +feet to tiiu lioinidapy lino bctwwn the Bor--T>

"j of WaHlilHgton und thu Townuiilp of , ^ 2

SECTION NO. 9. * * *'*%""—il bel t further ordained that tho iald v

I'urii llneHHliull bo Inlil (Hitaccording tn tbeman of upper nroudHtrtwtBhnwInir iirooic u r l i llnofl, ""••••••"•'- "• « ' - • " i " - . ' " 1 * - 1 "f.

' SECTION NO. 3.Ami be It further onlnlocit tlmt nil ordl-luic-Hor nartKi>ronllimncen or rcnolutlonahim-ver niuyhc inioiiHlHteiit or contrary to

tlu- t.mvlHloiiH of thl* ordinance be and theuimelH hereby repealed.

= ^ = = = = :


OCULIST,will be at

Si. Cloud" Hotel, Washington „

Second and Fourth Fridays Monthly,* •

from 2 *o 5 p. n.

Cramer's Hotel, High Pridge,

First Friday In Each Monthf'

from 9 to 12 a. m.

Weller's Hotel, Clinton, -

First Friday In Each Month,'

from 2 to 5 p. m. / '

Pre* Eye examinations.

latest Dentistry.Prlren of work to aolt

everybody. Teeth examinedand advice given free.

Teeth Extracted 25c.All local applications Ire*.

Teoth extracted positivelywithout pain by tho use o!our vitalized air or vapor,50 centH.

Coeth Fillca with Gold, $1 and np.Peeth Pillod with SHverr75c.V sot of reeth, $5.

unr»8Beta of teeth are tho beat that nwaade no matter how much you pay for them,rerae the teeth are out, patients coming la-hem rnliiffcan have their teeth made theumeday bynotlfylnjc Qfl three days la »fl.'Mice. Teeth ailed as palnlesaly aa deataliclence will permit. GolilfllllnK a specialty.Partial seta of teeth put In with gold with-°o* plateB, called bridge-work. AlT kinds of"rtlaclal teeth made. All work la fully var<

Philadelphia Dental Rooms,212 Northampton St., Easton, Pa.((rtlets opuuFrom 7 a* m. to 8 p. m.

Everythinga Farmer Wan*s>"

in the way of Farm Machinery,Plows, Wagons and Castingsis supplied upon the most fav->rable terms at the old estab-lished


R. Q. Bowers, Jr., Proprietor.




Administrators' SaleOF A

Valuable Farm/._ . , S ^ ^ ^ v i i H t f a ^ o F i

X. 1MIK (lecciiw-d. liv vlrtiiu of tin onler ofthe UritlimiH'Court -»t Wtirreu county, niiideon Urn ittli day of DecenibLT, 11101, will m-lla t piilillc vctidim mi


lit 2 o'clock p. m., ill New Wlmiuor Hotel InWiiHlitnutoti, New .lerwt'.v, all t lmt vnliiiitilefarm Hitimte liiLlieTowiiHlilp nf WnsiiliiKton.about ii mile from r.lii? ImrouKli. I» houuilod

U t l y Iheimlillc rnml leuillut; fromWii^liliiKtou to Oxford Kiirnnti', on tin;Houth by the iiublli'. roail leadlair frumWiiHiiliitftnu to .lackHon Valley, on tlie eu«t> ! i f r l [ " l t t L a i t hWiiHiiliitftnu t>>y !!iM'iw-nf-.raby lnmlrt'of S

crn more oriicren,tlmt w


ackHon Valley, on tlie e u tl)-[-"lttH. a iuLonai ie .nor th

iTui.rcrWclleprcoiitalnH l'_Hlens, It IMiiKtlu1 name fu

l b K l l L d l fe or lens, It IMiiKtlu name furmnnve.ieil by Kinlly Lanurdulf amirn a t l n w of Joint G lotiiiHti'Mi to

_ . . Sillily LaiiL-Hlalf ami.jtlicrn, tielrfl a t law of John G. •lotuiHti'Mii tnElijah N. 1)1H», liy Oiied ilatcd April I, 18T">,ami rrcunlud in tlie Wurruu County Ck-rk'nulllcc In "ook tt\\ ot Dufils, on i»i(re« 27, US.20. Ucfori'iii'cbviiiK had thereto will murefully ami a t luri^e iipiieai

- tiKORtlB W. DIhTS. \SMNKY JOHNSTON,/Dccia.lOOi; > ; , ,:



for Clioicest De-igns,: BestWorkmanship and MostReasonable Prices.

- _.jf ismi-f four lunitlriHl ami

tlftv-nhiL' niul nluctv-fnur lmmlrciltliM fwt(45!) 04-100] (mil PIKIIIIK tlu-rc.

SIXTH >N NO. (!.That the HIIM xlilcwiilkri Hh illh

of oni'-lmlf IW] ln-'h tn I'lirli foot fmin tcurlilliittttillu! Hide line im wtnblNI] "that tlio wild ''iirtiNtouc ffnill tu> (.'Itrlit iiti-lii>>hlirtiiT than tin* top of rln<mitU'rnttlu< uiitt'i

IfneoofHiilil curbstoniMind that Hit- crownof tln> Hlreut bi< ten inclu* tibtne the(?utwr.

RUCTION NO. 7.Thai tht't'lpiatloiiHii»-('tntL'nik'il to ho ton

by tin- Now .ILTHI'.V Kuolimldul »urM*v wltliIICHLII ntiirkH in Lhe HoroiiK" »( Wnslilnjrmti.S, J . T ^ - , , ^ „ - • — ^ ^ -- _ _ RHCTION NO. S." "

Tlmt tlil« nrdliiiinuf Is tn cotitorinnrlnrrtllleof YomnunHin enncliiiliut wnitiliiiitoii. Wiirrt'ii coiitilv, Ninn'imri-'l bv Wlllliim S LUKIIII' of)IiiU',v\. lioiran, Hur\'i\vor<, NVwiOptnbor, T.MH, nnd tin.' HIMIH! forniithit) orilluutiLc.

SHOTLON NO.1.).Anil ln« It liirther nrilnlUL'il that nil

whutHitL'M'r that may lie 1nci)nHlMt<trarv to tlioitriivlKioiih uf thin onuutl the Name "ire lioroliy roncaleil.

Horouirh ot WnsliliiRton, Warren con

An ordinance to cstabllHli the curb linenalone Uroad Ktrcut from thf MorrlH ft KHHCX

l l d SDiittu'rly to ' t l ie biiun.lnry lino bholloroujih of Wtuhlnirton and t'ahln of \ViiHhln«tou

Page 8: LR-NUMBER 1. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., … · 2015. 12. 3. · neotion of tbe State, Th e growth of that paper has heen marvelous,1,and its enter-prises have baen inore«Bing



PERSONAL MENTION.A Week's Record of tbe Movements of

: > " the People You Know.

Soclil Events of tbe «lx Days Briefly Chron-icled for Quick Perusal.

Mrs. Win. Sbropo has been a 'victim ofthegrlpaiid croup.

v M*. D. Ford Henry la on a business tripto Wilkesburre, Pa.

Mrs. Joseph Petty snfldred another para-lytic strobe on Tuesday.

Mra. E B. TiioinDeon enterfincd tlioLadies' Whist Ctub Friday evening.

Miss Bertha Tboinutson tmeiit ttio firstpartof tbe week visitiiiK in Dover.

Mr. T. S. Bray of New York spent theHolidays here with his old associates.

Mr. John P. Cook rpentthe tint day ofthe new year with his parents in Oxford.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Searfb'S worn'withhis parents at Port Murray ou Now Year'sDay.

Mr. Charles FHSII and tfotcr, Mny. ,nroBtending a low days in Newark and NewYork.

MISB Ella InFcho is spending a week" witli liur'brother,'Robert Inscho, at • Stan-

hope.Miss Jennie Str.vker ba3 boon spending

several days with her aunt io Hacbetts-town.

Wlllf nm, SOL of Mr. John C. Bonerd, nearBrass Castle, is (seriously Hi with Umonla.

Col. Eno3 Qoble Bubb of Budd'a Like isvery sicte and his recovery la hardly ex-pected. . .• :

Miss Rio lu'siey of HiRh Bridge is SDnne the week with Misiee May and AnniePickel.

Mra. William F. Mattlson and son "Wil-liam are spending a fow days with relativesin Dover. ,

Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Williams and theirlittle daughter visited In -Lnmbertvillo ovurChristmas.

Mrs. E. E. Jenkins entertained her Sun-day school class of young men at dinner ouWednesday.

Joseph Cummins will return to C. C. I.on Monday, after having had a vacation ofover two wctka.

Mrs. Elizabeth Smith entertained a num-bsrofrelatives and friends at dinner onNew Year's Day.

Mrs Repp of West Warren street entertalned a party of fiiends from Oxford ouTuesday evening.

Mrs. F. A. TenBrock of Now York cityhas been • vieitlng her mother on UpperBelvidere avenue.

MissH4rrshorne of Newark is spendingthis week here ns the guest of Mr. andMrs. J. B. Hampton.

Mr. and lira. L. T. Labar of Boatyei-town have b>en spending several days intown with relatives.

••"Prof. O. J. Oiwald of the Htphfaculty spent the vacation with his par-enis at Slatingtoii, Pa.

Mr Milton RuMzer of Belvidere spentChristmas with his brother-in-law, OrvtlleScnuler of Washington.

Mr. and Mrs. P. \V. Wangling have beenentertaining for a few days Mr. and filra,Hor.-ib*ker of Scracton.

Mien L'Ezie Lynn of Hackflttstown wasthe guest of Mrs. Oi-vlilo Schuler of West

, "Warren street on Friday.Miss May Opdycke of PbHHpsbiin* Fpent

part of thta week visiting lire. Nell Bow-ers on West Courch street.

ppiaolpalJ. L. TerwilHger of Newark,tirmTly a resident of our towu, spentMonday ID town wUVi friciid

Miss Carrie Shields hns been spendingthe greater part of the Holiday vacationWith friends in New York city.

Dr. P. M. Cook and family of Hackfitts-town were the guests nf Mr and Mrs. Wm.8. Kittenhouae over New Year's.

Carl Jenkins will enter the C. C. I. ntthe beeinnins of the wintor term. Hewill take the commercial course.

Mrs. Bert SearfoFB of Newark has beenhome during the Holid^vi visi'ing hermoiber, Mrs. Sarah A. McMurtrle.

Messrs. Clark Vouch of' New York andHarry McDonald of Newton • were amongthe visitors in town on New Year's.

Misi Florence Slater of Ilnckettstownwas entertained here for a few days lastwe**k by her uncle, Mr. J. R. Bryant.

Mrs.*, -iree Davis, living at Port Coldeh','la slowly : 'vering frnm * very sovi>re ill-

. ness dating- ,^ce tbe latter part of Novem-ber.

Miss Ella Quick of Newnrk, who hf"been spendine the ttn]lrinys with Mra. 3. E.Craft, has been confined there with aseverecold.

MiFs Anna Regan, a school tencher inNew York city, has been {wending theFTo'idays with her coualu, Miss Mary l i t-Nally.-: . , . . ' .

MiHsL'zz'e Cummins of Jersey City, afrersnendlnetho Holidays with her brother,Mr. Henry Cummins, returned home yes-terday.

Mi-«s Florence Wood nf Lind^dale, Pa.,has been the guest of Mr. and Mra. Wm.Spelr* during this week. She will returnon Friday. : .

Mies Mae Hice of Fleiningtori and Mia;Irene Weaver of-MiKord were guests ofMias Annie Picteel from Saturday untilWeduesdny.

Mr. Lymarf A.TJendershot, of the Bis-tdn College of BaHiness, resumes his duties

,ioday after.spending a.week ,with_rela.tlyes"•"'in th'ls place.-"—"•-—'~»~"---™ •*-'— —-

Mrs. Wm. Shields entertained Mr, andMm. J . W. Johns ton , Mr. and Mra. S. M.Young and Mrs. J J S . Stewart a t dinner ouNow Year'tJ Day.

Mr. and Mra. W. Payson Har tahorneand Mr. Wm. Hea th of Newark were en-tertained on New Year's Day by Uapt. andMrB. H. H.OrocBer. V

Misses Lizzie Lance and Lizzie Cravatta r e s u e n m u g this week In R o c k a w a y t h eguests of Mrs. J o h n Baldwin and other

. f r iends and .relatives. ••_-.-•_ ..._•Mi-sSuHlp Boaaof Pkinfield lav ish ing

Mrs John Ever i t t i his week aud on New= r « i i r ? B -D«y atteafif d- t t h i a t h c r i 3 g

a t Mrs. Jobn Moore'a.Mr. J . B. Thompson nnd bis son Bayard,

fortuer residents of Washington, spent toufirst rity of t h e new year visiting: Iriendsand relatives in town. i*v '*

JohD Angle and William St. Skinner re-turned on Saturday from a ten-days 'visi tt o Rtchmond, Va., s 'aving whi le therowith H brother of t he former./ Mr. am.1 Mrs. J . IS. Dean and d a u g h t e r /Jesi ie .nf EiBton, were Kolldny visitors atMr. J. II Bartle'B on Canton avenue. Mr.Ar thu r Dam also made a short visit t be re

Mrs.ThVimasCrirk of Johns ton avonuei* in the Paterson Hospital convalescingfrom a dollcate and rare operat ion whfcnw e aro glad t o say proved highly success,ful.

Mr Chprlea Karche r of PhilHpsburg andMiss L'r. 'ie U Woolvorton of Stewartsville

, wernun l t ed in mnvrlflge n t Stewartsville

Mr.-; J^E. Thatcher/

ary Fills on Mond*y eveningtcrtalnod a coropmy of fourteen joungifriends at her parents' homo on Belvidtreavenue In honor of her guest, Miss, Annajirmon of Huckettstown.

Dr. William B. CrevoUug, who has beenvisiting his parents here over tbo Holidays,

an been kept from returning to Tulladul-bit by reasou of a heavy cold which hnaDp: him iu tbe bouse since Saturday.Sirs, Lturn Pottit and son Hurry spent

a happy Cnristmas with ox-Mf.yor P«rryof Bound Brootc "nd returned Immo Itilolust week. Mr. Putt it leaven on FricUy forPhiladelphia to resume Ills medic tl tttudks.

Mr. nod Mrs. Wurrcn G, Shinier andchildren returned Mondiv \nst from n,uiiMt delitihlful visit with Dr. J. 0 Shhi.orand f.mlly of 'Baltimore Dr. Sl>lmer Is aprncltctng reHdent physician of tbnt city,

Mr, nnd Mrs, Rot-crt M. Petty, accom-panied by Muster Arttiur Petty, are spend-ing the week in Washington, D.U.,asthecucHtH of the young tnait't) father, Mr.Luther I'utty. They aro expected homeoti Frid ly. ''•:

Mr. -Charlfts Crevllmr of Chargownterwas on Tuo-dny operated on at tho Paiur-son Hfiflpit.il for thortiuoviil of a tumor Intbo nhdoinen.. It was not (bought expedi-ent to remove It at tlio time, aud bo willprobably soon return home.. , . .

Enri nnd George Rweberry, sons of Ab-ratn Roseberry of Port Coldon, have beenenrolled as students at the WashingtonHigh School. Thoro aro now n num bur ofout-oftown students t-iking advantage ofthe excellent course that is Lflered tLero..

Mrs. Thomas S. Dedrick.who fs engagedIn tCrichlng school at Orargc, spent Chriat-n)as in town with her parents, Mr. andMrs. June* L, Boyd. On her way backHhvi stopped to spe-id Now Year's Dny atDover with Mr. aud Mrs. Howard H.KInc.

Last Friday evetilog Miss Mnbol Lowlscave a party to about thirty of her friends,Cnrdri nDd dancing were the principalniottns of entertainment anil served tomake the evening pass moht pleasantly.The refreshments served were particularlynice.

Mrs. Sirah Bvrntn Jenkins of 80 Eliza-beth avenue1, N«wnrk, hns issued invita-tions to a reception to be given by her incelebration of the twenty-fifth weddingaunivorsary of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N.Jenkins of this borough, tho former beingher sou. L

Mr. and Mrs. John C. GrofT entertainedMrs L'Hvirt W. Largdon of Chester, Mr.nnd Mrs. A. W. Kfoorof Netcong, Mr, andMrs. Joseph W. Ader nnd duuuliter nndMr. Georsie Kitchen of Trenton, on Uhrlst-ma«. Mra On fl".* mother, Mrs. Langdon,will extend her visit here.

Mr. Frank B. Frost Is about again aftera month's confinement due to an attack ofstotmch trouble. He had boon employedin the uimhine shop at the Rroat Cmuipship yard in Philadelphia until compelledto relit q-Hsli work. His trouble is attrib-uted to ilio Impure water used in the pity.Hr. Frost will not return !o Philadelphia,at least for some uiontbs.

Among the lo'tc list of Christmas mar-rinaes was thutof Mr. Diivid Stiotwcll ofVail, Warren rountv, to Mfss Colo, a nioceot Jackson Colo of Newton. Tlie newlymarried couple ftftFr the weddtna cere-mony eaiui! Io tbe home of'Freeholder J.~J. 3botvv>ll of Andocor where they tuit ahearty reception m:d received congratula-tions nor only from tho membersof th«Freeholder's itnm"diate family, but alsof'om a largo circle of acquaintances.—Newton Herald.

h. S. PluuWV; Co. Mtike An ImportantAniiouiiL'fiiifiit,

The Fpecisl atlcntion of patrons is calledto our Aununl Muslin Wear, Infants' Wear

id C ir^et Sales, beiriiininct tbis week.t'aidea a most complete nnljection of spec-

ia'ly made Amoricnn U-iderwoar frnmclean. ivholeHomt> fictorii's, we shall rfTerExulu'iife Imported PYencti Gowns, Skirfp,Draivpra and Corset Covers at very import-ant reductions. Ann^n^cing alfii (he nd-vaticfl "fwortraent of 19D2 "Hk«, 1902 Millin-"t-v. 1902 White Gnods, 1902 Emh-oirlerl*"',100>Wi.sh Pabrlro. L. S. Plaut & Co., 707to 721 Broad 3c, Newark, N. J.

A Christmas Wedding.A quiet but very ploasai.t home wed-

ding was that which took place at thecomfortable farm home of Mr,' nnd Mrs.Wlljinm Warne dhloman in H«zen onChristmas Day nt 11 a., m., when theironly dhujhter. Gfirtmiie, was unitpd in"larriiige to Mr. William Apgnr of NewVillage. Th« ceremony was performedbv theR°v. Win. Slieddan. pastor of theHnzsn Presbyterian church, in ' thopresence of about thirty relative.^ andneur friends. Miss Lulu Teeter playedthe weddlns march.

After the ceremony and congrntulatlonf,hecnmpMtiy Hat dnwn to a fine repast,

nnd then Mr. nnd Mrs. Apgar took a trainfor Ne'wrrk wheraa part of th ir liouey-monn was spent.

Tno hride was the recipient of severalvery nice presents. '

On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Apgar re-,turnt-d from their bridal trip and wereGiven a delightful reception nt the homenf the trroom's narentu, Mr. and Mra.John Ap?»r, nt New Village, ubouc thirtybeing In attendance.

Mr. ADZHX is employed ia the nKchlnai hop of ttio EHain cement works, andMrs. Apsrnr presides over the Sireptischool, and both are worthy of the bestthat D-ime Fortune can bestow.

QOH1NU SALKS.The following persons hava already se-

lected dates for the punJioa-lo of personalproperty, an noted bo low. This column Isfree to pf-rsons who place their orders withthe STAR for posters or a display space toadvertise tho sales mentioned. Our adviceto our patrons Is to choose their dutts earlyand send dt&Ufcs to this office as soon aspossible* t w_.~ -~. —- -- i1u..-.u.w --.

by George Marlatt, near Pequest Furnace."1; A. Pierson, auctioneer

MONDAY, MARCH 3—Farm stock, etc., byEHj in Cravwtt on tne Shields farm near*"e*r Hampton. M. A. Piersnn, auctioneer.

TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4AND 5 Farm stock; etc., by Lev! W. Iluahneur New Village. J. T. Thatcher, auction-eer.

THURSDAY, MARCH 6—Farm stock, e tc ,by James Rid dip, between Asbury andJunction; Jesse Like, auctioneer. •"•••"• "•'

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MARCH 6 AND. -Parm^Ht^ickj^nniwchold. gO'ids,.elc • t>y-Owen Reiiner on Katidolpb farm nefi.rLow-pr fTarmonv. M. A. Pierson, uucMoueer;E. Frank Cllne, clerk.. .;. . s "^v

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12—Farm Btock,etc , by Wilaon O Rice'; on Jaa, Koch f'trmnno m*le northwest of Harmony P. 0M. A. Pierson, auctioneer; J3. Frank Cline,clerk.

MONDAY, MARCH 17th—Farm stock,. o., by John H. Corni>h on tho ValentineYoung farm near Bloomsbury. M. H.Harrison, auctioneer.

TUESDAY. MARCH IS—Farm stock, e tc ,

PierSnh7SuiHIdneVi^B;Tnink'Clibo7blerk7THURSDAY, MARCH20—Farmstncti, etc.,

hv Jcicon It. Rush, netweon Sbillinger,'sMill and Montana. M. A. Pierson, auction-


EDITOR STAR:—I fuiltd to see notice ofan iiicldotitwnich happened recently th»twas of interest to tbe people of Broadway.P M > G l : tl 70 earawas of interePeter M>Gulld idi


ler M>Gulrr, a gentlem nresiding la. that place, wneaif'hls home was t< ken



r 70 yelkiing la. that place, wblfv ^alkipf?,

'hls,. home was ,t< ken-with' a sink-1U ;/jV<th; rpE^^Uto:d'

OUOK AM) O r i l H l t Kl>KCIlONS.Matwflold Lidce, No. 42, I. O. O. F.,

_ ft Saturday night elected tbo folio wine*oiliutra: N. G., Petor Frittn; V. G , J .Van Bosst Sao., T., H. Onllok; Tio-w.,John BeldU'tHiUi; trustee, Nathan Curl;jnnitoi;, Juhu Lewis; chaplain, HenryThompson.

Tbo Mizpnh Brnlherliood of tho Metho-dist churuti on Sunday morning electedthese rfllccrs to tervo (>r tho coming eixmontliH: Prcsidi'iil, Lewis C. Boatty;vice-prt^idont, Henry Thompson; secre-tary, William Ploits, Jr ; treusurcr, Daniel

Ute Trfiif, No. SO, Imp. O R. M-, elected" oDkern hist Fridny nljiht: Arthurnitr.Hiin, Jr. Stizam'Tt; Jamm Snnrtx, Sr,Stgimo.~t"> .loseph Snvder. Snel.eiu: LI. A.Mftrxiitn, Pro|»hci;Huniirl Wfllcr. 0 Hec-tor of Wiimpimi; Willtntn Vannatta.Keep-or of Waui[jum; John Thornton, Cbiof ofR'.cordx.

Tho fo'lniving ofllc 's were elected byLitu-ity Council, No. 15, to servo for thoenMiltitr term! C , Ribert L-nc-c: V. 0.,Joints Ilecn; It S., J : H. .McMurtrk; A.R. d., A. W. AiJrser; F. S., M. V. Bjty;Treas., H. W Al'eso*; J.V., Hurry Lnipf;Ex , George C't'NMnan; I. S, P., George II.Lmce; Trustee, IS months, Alfred Uance ;Janitur, George H. ItHiico.

Warren Council, No 16, Jr. O. U. A. M.,on Monday night elected the following*i Ulcers to serve for f ie coining f-ix months:Councilor, Chns, B, Thompson ; vico-poun-cilor, Dt'Witt R imwv;A."B. H , AustinPUbcr; Con,, Clyde Edwnrds; W., Geo.Preston Smith; I. S , Miller Widenor;0. S.,'Qporge Orocbec; trustee, HwrveyFlorey; Uop. S, C , Elmer Snyder, andRep. F. B. A., L M. Shrope.

The following are the newly elected ofll-ccrsof the Epwnrth Leagup of the M. E.c'lurcti: Pres , George F. Snrdof; 1st V.Pre.",, ChnrloH E. Stabler; 2 id V. Pres. Mrs.D. Snangonbcrg; 3d V. Prea., O. J. 0-wiiid;4lb V. Pros, Mi«8" Murv BarbRr; 5:b V.Pres , MISH Bessie LawiF; 0:h V. Pres , MIBSCanio SnaneenbTe; (Jtiorister, GaorgePreston Smith; Orp-mfst, Jacob Hahn;Pittnlsts, Miss Belle Mitchell aud Miss Nel-lie Flint. . ' ' :

Wirron Caatle, No. 12. K. of tho G. E.,this wctk elected tbo following nUlcers ;P. C , F. W Cnamberlaln; N. C, WilliamAndrews V. C , A. J . Smith; H. P., J. M.Ohamberlii: V. H., Henry Miller; K. ofE.. Charles Ufihiim:' 0. of E , Hirry H.Orake; M. of R., J. P. MarlaU; S. HM A.Morgur; Trustee, Frink Howell. Duringthe pint yeir the Castle's membership hasbeen near]y,dnulil{;d. A public BID ok e willbe held ln-the Castle'd hall on Tuesdaynigi!t,,Jat!. l l h.

The following officers hive been electedby American Advocate Council, No. 61,Daughters of Liberty: Com cllur, Ml»sLulu Gun ison; associate, Miss Anna Co>le ;vice-councilor, Mrs. l/m!so Burd; nsso-ciate, John Lewis; cu'de, Mrs. Sa-5foThorp; recordiug Hocrelwry, Harry Crnls-tine; aiMocinto, .vllsa Ne'.lia R*.nh; fl nn-ci.l secretary, Mfss B.-ssfo L^wl.; irifis-uror, Mrs E.-*U> Linen \ In-'ldociwni, AnizIAllpger; outsldti i>uaiil, Ribert Luicu;trustee, Elmer Ttiotnpson; roproHHiitn-licistoStitn Ctjunci', Misws Bo-bie L°wisnnd Lizzie Y'lunn; Mlternat-s, Mis. KuteLmcoaud Mrs. Lizzie.Lewis.

They All Liked It.HEAR OLD FRIEND:—I rrc*=ivcdtbe"O'd

Friuuds" number ol'tue CTAR, and I wishto eongraluUtuyoii on tho bticccss of yourventure. It was interesting and very plea-sant to look upon the faces of so mmjy oldacquaintances, find to r«ad their words ofgreutiug, uuc) the account they gave ofthemsQivcs. I was glud to be in their com-puny. It was a ne.v idea in special issite-i,and nil will vote it a craud aucc&sa, Maythfl STAR conLinually shine with inureasiugbtilhaticy. Yuurs mm-t truly,

GEO FLEMING.Eiizibetb, N. J.,Dec. 21,1901.

EDITOR STAR:—I usually receive theSTAR «n FiitUy, but whtn it did not comeou Saturday I waBdieappointed as 1 like tohavtt it for Sunday rfartinti, but on Wed-nesday it came Inaud I must say it, morethan repuid me for tbe waiting. It wastruly a great edition. I -vould like to havehften numbered among your old friends usI w-is born antl raised in your vicinity.May great success attend your tfforts.

You-s, e tc ,JOIIK V00BIIEE3.

Elizabeth, N. J., Deo. 22,1001.

Tho advertising expert for a big NewYork whoio-alo liGUSn, wliOau • bu-iuoKai Itis to prepure advertising mBtter for thefirm's customers, writfs one cf theirW* sriingtnn pfflrons as follows :

Accept tbanhn for the copy oF tho STABwhicd yon kindly sent me. This is truly a" S T A R of tho first magnitude," a " briehtparticular STAK," or whatever quotationmiy be apt under the. circurusuncw. I'.:::7e Giijoyed jooelng it over, and it reflectsere.n orudlt upon the publisher,

Ir i-i in Momti respects a unique inue. The'Old Priondi" Idoii X had na^er seen ex-

ploitod on l.he ECIIO in which itte'dono inthis dumburiand that lsamoat excellentyebeme for a'cr.int.ry paper whoro old tiesof fellovsbip and friendship are maintaia-;d more permanently, I think.

The ChriHtmasideiis held to tho frontin the entire paper in admirable shape.Your own announcement was fully up tol he mark in thin respect, and I am sure itwill do you good heyond the number ofpurchasers it may have attracted.

Most cordUlly yntirs,D. li. HIXON.

New York, Dec IS 1001.

.'-' HOPK.Miss Bertha Male Edinger, who has

been in Newton learning tbe dress makingtrade, spent Christmas with her pareutanear Hope,

Mrs Joseph Andresscut a .Urge cbeBsepumpkin last week that bad begun to rot

three yearsaeo Uat fall. : {

Aaron Rider, Jr , of Danville is visitingblssister, Mra. J. H. Matlock. • ..

The annual business meeting of themembers of the Cariatian church will heheld on Saturday evening, Jan. 4th, at 7:30'clock. \\J. C. Crissman of Stewartsville la bore

looking after buslntsa interests.The personal property of tbe late John

<idnmB will be sold at public vendue Sat-dayafternoon, Jin 4th, a t l o'clock. ..

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BiHendersbot, Mr.and Mrs G -A. Reid ami poo -aad:Mr.-.aad"IrsTRrvi; VariHora and family gathered,.tt tho Read's ' R<-sf homtBteiid ;on "NewYear Day fordlnnor.j Mr. and Mrs. Hen-dersnoc have spent tbe past week withtbe latter's parents there.••• Irving VanHornc^mo up from Plainfieidto spend the Holidays^and will probublyremain all winter.

Miss Ella GIbba of Mt. Pleasant WRBhomo during the Holidays. Her friend-gave her a pleasant surprise party on Fri-day evening of last week.

Mis. 3. A. Seals was called by telogramto tho bedside of her mother.lost week.

Mr! and Mrs. George V. Howell andniece, AletfiTrimmerof^ewark, returnedon Tuesday after Bpending a week here.

Mrs, Gonrge Howell, 9r., and children6pe.it Cnrinttuaa with reintives iti Dorety

Jacob Railey returned from a five wot ks'viiit with bis daughter "in.Madison last

Nlss Gnrtrudo Lack of Brooklyn is en-it ',*•-. herself ut the Union Inn with her

| » V e a t a . .-- • • • . ^ ; " ' " ^ - . r_j Anna Warner and nephew, Miltonfir, spent the aolidays.in .Newark.«t-Liu< Atoo is visiting roli.tlves- in

various good nurkamoo aboat hero. Tbo IG50-pouiid beef WHS knocked oQ to a Mr.Roseukrans of Bulvldoro.

Mm. Ellsworth Black Is vlsitiDg her par-ents here.

The Christmas entertainment)! in bothchurches brought good crowds. At theM. E. '•liurcb the proceeds were flO, andnt tho Christian church the proceeds were


FI l lLLIPBBUJ tCO.; [Continued from Page fl.]

Tho Christina* oilerlnp at tft*> Philip andJamts' church amounted to fGGO.

Again tho PenBsylvnnln rhilrond com-puiy bus notlQitd all its umplnyecs to boCHroful about the uso of iittoiiciitingliquors. .' - . - • • - •

James W. Vnndcrclft, one of tho oldest Ioii(;ltuera un the Central mllrond, died jhere Monduy morninir ut nn early hour.Ho bad bfun R ri'bidont of the town fortnoro than ft»rly yenrH nnd was wry wellknown. Ho is survived by eltvon children,all of whom aro grown. ;

O J Saturday six shares of tho Phillips-burg National Bmk stock belonging tothi>estHtfl«f the Into Mary Dercnmer weresold at the U-fon Sqatre Hntel to F. J.SliiOWt fit ?1I7.6O RHimrp. TenslinrrBofthe Phillliisimre Water Company Btock,belonging to D I Selfc* wnre sold at then«ni" tluiuand piece to W. Clark Smith at?2130 pur snare. . - . .=• .•

John Burke, twelve years old, shot him-self in the hand Moiidny morniDg whileattempting to clean a gun. The ball en'tered tue fleshy part of the band aud iu'fllctod a b^d wound.

Mies Emma C. Plsk, formerly of thisnlarft, wus ingrriud on Saturday to RobertT Vincent of Danville, Pa., at the homeof her Bister in the latter town. They lefttlieflamodny fora Innz trip through IhoSouth. Upon thtir return Ihoy will liveat Mt. Canne), Fa.

Thomas Proine, tbe painter, has gone toPequest where he will paint the handsomohome of David Pursol.

S B. Putforflon, superintendent of theAndovor I-onCo., has beHnelecied treas-urer of tbo Empire Steel & Iron Co.

Resolutions of liespcct.We, tho undersigned coiumlttao, an-

(Ointed by Warren Lodce, No. 53,1. O. O.\ , to drift suitable rteoiutiors, do hereby

report the fullowing preamble:\VUERP:AS, ItbasptoaHed Almifrlity God,

tho supremo ruler of the universe, to re-move from our midst our esteemedbrother, John P. Limping, thus depriv-ing tho commuuity of a useful citlzotiitml leaving a vacant seat in uur order.

WHEREAS, True to the custom and npiritof Odd Fellowship, Wo, hlfl survivinghrothtrsof Warren I^odgp, No. 53 I OO. F., of Sfewartivillo, N. J., deairo torecord his friendship end acknowledgenis g.-oi'r-'ess and preserve bis memory jthnrpforo he it

Resolved, That in the departure of ourbrother from nmoDg?t ua we have lost onewhom we all tcpected for hte kind dh-position, his uinnly vir!u°sand tils many

oi'le qinMtfe? of mind and henrt.Resolved, Thflt whi'e w e -humbly nrjd

revtrt-miy acknowledRe tho superior wi*-dom «nd power of the ono who doeth allthings well, yet we cannot refrain frommourning tbe IOHB of one of tho oldestmembers of our beloved ordor, and onowho vvasfo untiring In the support of ourno bio cause and so active in advocatii gthe principles of Odd Fellowship in thiscommmiilv.

Resolved, That we tender our heartfeltsympathies to tbe bereaved family andrelatives, nnd that with them we wi'lcherish the memory of the absent oneuntil we aro called to meet him in the

fent-.rflunioM beyond the river of deathResolved, That a copy of .these resolu-

tions i-e engrossed and p!nc?d in a suitableframe and presented to tho immediatefamily of our deceased hrother, «'d (hitthpy be published in THE WASHINGTONSTAR, and that tbe secretary of our lod^ebe and i hereby instructed ro transcribethem upon tho minutes of this lodge.



Stewartsville, N. J., Dec. 2Sth, 1901.

The best New Year's

resolution is a resolution

to begin a savings account

with —




Interest 'at three per

cent, on" amounts of one

dollar and upwards.


Pocket Books;mas time like we thought theywould. Perhaps they were alittle too expensive. We'regoing to sell them, neverthe-less, and hence announce

on trie price of all these goods.They are really exceptionalbargains. :.



Hampton'sBest Sugar Cured California Hams, IOC 1b.

Our Best Minnesota Lion Brand Flour,S2.20 per cwt.

Best American Fine Granulated Sugar,5#c per 1b.

Best Elgin Creamery Butter, 26: per Ib

Best Creamery Butterlne. 1 Ib Prints, 20c;; lbs fur t)oc.

Fancy Maine Corn, 2 cms for 25c.

Best 'Ntw York State Canned Corn, 3cans for 2?c.

Good Canned Corn, Sc ptr can.

Fancy String Beans, 4 cans for 25c.

Fancy Early June Peas, ioc per can.

Columbia River Salmon, 10; can.

Baker's Cocoa, ioc per box.

Best Laundry Starch, 5c per Ib.

Our Best Cornstarch, ;cper pa kage.

Fancy New Canned Peaches, iargecan 12c.

• Large Bottle Maple Syrup, ioc.

Full 3-pound Can White House Soup, ioc.

Best Catsup, ioc per bottle.

Best Tabli Syrup, large can 10c,

Fancy New California "runes, $c \b.:

Large Bottle Ammonia, 5c.

Fancy Spaghetti Macaroni, ioc per Ib.

Best Currants, ioc per package.

Best Pancake Flour, large package ioc.

Fancy Maracaibo Coffee, 20c per Ib.

Fancy Rio Coffee. 13c per Ib; 2 Ib. for 25c.

Dry Goods, Notions. Boots, Shoes,1 Felt' "Boots and Rubbers of all kinds :.

at the rignt prices.

Country Produce Taken in Exchange.

Call and see us; we want your trade.

/. B. HAMPTONS llelviilerc Avc. ' '4 IU11I6 W. WiislitnBttm Ave:


33 Per Cent OffUntil Jan. 10, 1902

on our entire stock of

Silverware, Rings, Clocks,Jewelry; Etc.

before we commence inventory.~'if"y'o(rwant'a bargaiifcome ijy.—

A. DAVIDSONi/a woler-Optici'st

Fine watch repairing a specialty.Eyes examined by our new method fr°e

nf co t. Come in and have yours tested.It will cost you nothing.


rlorrlstown. New Jersey.





2,155,235 5;|;22l,86l 2.

flXTUIUiST is declnred ntxl pnici in [nmtnry null Julv of t-Rch \eiit Inim iht-

piontsortliu pre'viuu!. six moi.Un' liusiness

mKI'OSITS made on .ii'Wlorc ;iie .ir-ltli,;of JRmnry. April Jnlv hii'l dctotx-i

ilnnv IttWst1 rrom Hie first day of saiduiuiittis rtsimclU-ely

over JBBBBIn e s s J H HquiclOUBtheir M ^ H |will maB^^M—•—^"^^H$10.00 Co.it^BS.oo " ' ^

5 . 0 0 " .••••

IO.OO Jackets r

S.oo "


S5.00 Ladies' Outer Skirts ' S4.00 " " " 2.1

Children's CoatsBlankets and Comfot

It is quite unnecessary?]!prices quoted above are le Mso much so, in fact, as to,believe that many dealer:,while the assortment is be:

Make YourWhy not have plenty!

Here is a formula that wil Ipay for tlie cost in a few \\pure and we will supply th]

Take i Ib Ked Albumen. ; f1 Ib Best Keel Pi2 lbs Powdered Cttl\l

The above is .tlie best,Byet 4 lbs for S'.5°.

Come let us lill it for v( I

Opera House Pharmacy,Opera House Block.

Conquer You/

if you have any ahout buyingstore. Try the little store on t1

It's a small store with small exi'its size it does the largest busin .in town. We keep on the littime. None but the best gooftmoney.

No baits to catch those who are notposted. If we can't do a fair, clean, open'business, we'll quit. ^

HttMtart i'.aisins.• , Now Ourrjint.s,

\i:\v Citron,

IIOIIUMDIKII! Mince Mont,.Nfoo l''at jUlilokens,

All kinds oi'Nuts uud Confectionery.

If you ore not satisfied with your pur-chase, bring it back and i»et your mon;ylThat's our way of doing business.

Blue Front GroceryL. M.DAVIS, PROPRIETOR.

Opposite Cornish's Factory.


VALUABLFLAND.IJv vlrliipnf a n u n i v r o f the Warren County

OrnlmiiH' Court, inntle on tlie !tl Hi (lay of De-ciimlier, A. I). 1001.1 tlie riii!;Hcrll*ur, nil ml 11 w-t r u i o r n[ Jiifob CKImiLW, ilL'C0UHL'ii,,.\vlll:s«3.'lat'itubllc vuiuluc 011 - — r ~~" """"

»ATUKI)AY, T n E ' E1HST D A Y - - -OF FEIlltUAltY, A. I), llioli,

a t tlie St. Cloml Hotel, In U'liHhiriKton, N. .I.,1

ultjtlmt tract ol tillable and woml Iniiil «IU-ati- in tlm tiiwimliliiB of Friinklln and Wn»li-liiKtun. In tlif pomity of Wurrun, nf wlilcli.IiiL-ob 0. Kliincy died Hclzt'il, niljulnliif: HIIHIH

bvVi-miV'l'. ltiilHlzcrmVil nthurHi contnininK4:t SN-100 ;uTrn of limit. TliuHiild lanilawureconvuyiol tn tim HUIII J a c o b C. Kliinvy in w r .i>rnIlijtHiiHrrill»WH: lly Ailam Wnndllntf Inlgf i t . d 1 recorded in the WUMCII CountyClerk'i* uiHw In Hunk 40 of IX-eiK I X W H "^r.,!!.!(• •-.llv,Br.iiJiinihK\Viirnt!r. In.J 870. ilotul A-

li"rWiuVb.\rV:nobVtiv.(1(i'i'il"ilati4KFi'bri]iir,v.•lft,"18I)i;iiiiirreconleilliritook'1--i:|-|>t-»t'Wlt«1-IMIKI'M nttri, etc.: b.v JIHUCH I-omerMon liy threeduJilM—iiiieinadi' in isr.-l , recorded In Hunk-IU of Ik-ciln, )IIIKI> It.'tCi; IIIIU miidi-ln 1S79,ilcfd rt'conlcd In lionk 1^8 of Docdi*, im^e.•t'j:!, f t c . nnd out- nmrit> In 188(>, Meed reconl-td In I tool; V2H of DWIIH, pii^e :i^">.

Tbu inmlH nn> free trotn any IIOIIH as the re-


Big Ct.Big C.-1Best G : |jood IBest Pe I

iood C,lBest C o i |


T lonlHTh

lill H

lconlH will HIIOW.

The Innil IH valn»ol(>sl!)r. ,tTiickinir, whiciiMr. Kltmi'v mira'HHluliv rnllowi!il^f::nc living.; COIKIHIOUH nnulu known a t tlmLMUiii lilace

° f H U l U l OSCAR JEFFKRY,,, , Ailnilnlrttrator of Jncob (!. Kliinoy.

^ ' i J a t c i l : Dei:. :»1, IDO.l,. I T ' H tee, ST.2IJ.


yoniittiiu'ii who nrc unemployed, or wlioart? IIIHHII iHllL'ii with tlu'lr prexunt employ-incut, can luaitHmniL'.v with our new Dark-cliiimlier VlHtnHtopt' ami tlionnainiH "f IU'WOriKlnul StcrcoHcopIc PiiotoBriipliH from nilpiirtM of Aim-rkn, HiiroiM, Clilnn, .Tap dthe I'lilllpiilm-H. Our h l l VIUWK

f l l f f l W nntiilOiintmi,ut Mckinlor.iiiioiiey-iiuiorkvru, find

' ' '

Tln'y nrtita . .liiKoiitiortunUy lor enrmHldetHlld CliaTICO for fanIhL-rrt - pnnn avr IHUM

- t ) | 0 1 V | i l t ( . r mmitliH. Expert.Writ* r/t. ouco. lor liar-

i'phia, Pa,





I'll mmnty-ofthe C

nf DecL'mln'r.l t ' i i to all in

Un) CBtatc ofCounty of -JVnHIUlUttOtilOHIIorlicforu thu1UO2, bi'lntfiilunttl ordor; 111brliif; in and coath oratllrmed, will bofoniupi.lnHt.ttio HI!

Dated Dec. 3
