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lrHE Hi lmj, M Platednyx.uky.edu/dips/xt734t6f2c27/data/0210.pdf · lrHE SENTINEL....

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lrHE SENTINEL. THURSDAY,:::::::::MARCH 11, 18G9. Local, a e air :M..j.xi,s , Foa Sale. Fifty barrels Salt,,, for snle by( , IIoffmas iSt Co. .! .The r.ey Congress opened with a vow-o- Thursday lust. Jt5T'Honv John 51. Rice lias been ad- mitted to bis seat in Congress. . Stock Bills. Wo are prepared to print stock bills in the latest style and on flhort notice. Give us a trial. The 15th article of tho constitutional i (.1 u amendmend, has, been ratified by the Mich- igan Legislature. v General Samuel F, Cary is, to taka the tump for the Democratic ticket in Con- necticut.. &John Maupiu lias gone to C.incir.-pinna- ti to lay in liis spring stock of goods. Look out, when ha returns, for low prices. t The Republicans of Kentucky will hold a convention in Lexington on the 27th of March to nominate a candidate for State Treasurer. .' i Jt3?7,'tJnited we stand, divided we fall." iThera is no danger of a man falling below par financially, if he buys China from Hoffman & Co. Metcalfe sold on Wednesday last tp J. Davis Reid, the Conglcton farm at 899 rser-iticr- The fana contains 270 acres, and !rps about 2 miles vvest of town on the Winchester. pike. jC"The regular Spring Term of the Montgomery Cifbait Court commences on 'Monday next. We understand the docket is heavy, there bemg several Conimon- - wealth cases in addition to innumerable common law suits 3?""Let us havo eace" (in the fami- ly.) To insure this go to Huffman it Co.'s and buy your wife one of their splendid cooking stoves. Notice. Ileieafter onr, charges for hauling lumber from Paris to Mt. Stciling will be 51 00 per 100 feet. : . 110 WE & ANDERSON. HOFFMAN & CO. ' g&r The Post-Ofiic- e at Howard's Mills in this county, having been burned, h;is been discontinued, by the Depai ttiient. :Matter intended for that office, should be sent to the Mt. Sterling. office. IT Our young friend Howr.nl Barnes at present on a visit to. his friends and. relatives in this town. Howaid informs us that his private business was such, that he could not accept a position in Grant's Cabinet. g3T Immediately after the inauguration of Gen. Grant, he sent to the Senate for confirmation the names of Gen. W. T. Sherman to be General; P. II. Sheridan to ie Lieutenant General, and Jno. M. Scho-fiel- d to be Major General; all of which were confirmed. jf"" We'll hang our banners on tho 0uter walls, the cry is still they come." Hoffman & Co., are receiving another jttsck of beautiful French China. They have some of the handsomest sits we have ever ,seen -- Jahri Manpin says you can save twenty 07c per cent by buying boots and shoes at bis store. As everybody knows John to be man of his word, there is no necessity for saying anything further. 3T0ur clever friend Joe W. Jordan, of the firm of Samuels & Jordan, started for New York yesterday to lay in the spring stock of goods for his house. Joe's well-know- n taste is a sufficient guarantee that the selections will be well and tastily made. We wish him a pleasant trip and speedy return. - ; jpgrThe Court of Appeals has decided that money lost at faro can be recovered at Jaw by the loser or his creditors, within six months after the money was lost, and after lix months by any one who msy choose to gua for it. , Gov. Baker, of Indiana, has issued a proclamation for special, elections in the several Sonatcrial and Representative dis- tricts whore vacancies have occurred by resignations of Democratic members of the present Legislature, to be bt.hl cn the 23d instant.. A special session of will be held early in" April. , . The Senators who go out. The term of service of half the State Senators expires with the present sssion. Nineteen Sena- tors go out. These are as follows: Mess. Binnef, Baker, Chandler, Carlisle, Dud- ley, Voriee, ,C. T. Worthington, Lilly, - Thompson, Cardwell, Curley, W. John-io- O, P. Johnsoh, Halbert, Garriott, Field, Parker and Swigert. S3T We call the attention cf our read- ers to the extracts from the report of the Senate Committee, on the subject cf in- surance and insurance companies, which we publish on the outside of ourpaperto-day- . There is swindling in insurance as well as anything elsa, and the only way to guard against bogus companies is to insure in a thoroughly reliablo company, such as ei. ther the ..Etna, Enterprise, or Putnam, represented by Win. Hoffman, Esq., as agent at this place. Our Duli. s about Kail Itoads. t is n )v evident tn all that the time has ai rived when the material wealth and re- sources of K jiitucky are to be developed.,. I here, t ii be no postponement. Her cen- tra! position among the Stales, her rich soil and above all, the untold value of the iron coal and lumber that exist in inexhausti- ble quantites in many sections ore just now beginning to attract attention of thoughtful men and the necessity for the building of lines of railroads to carry our products to market .and to develop our mineral wealth is becoming each day more and more im- perative. JUilroads.wilh important North- ern and Southern connections n.e demand- ed and will be speedily built, 'and built in spito of Kentucky. Whether the Legisla ture matures a b'1,1 giving State aid to Railroads or not, they vv ill be built and by Northern capitalists. The question for us to c!ccsdi and that right early, is whether we will by individ ual, corporative and State enterprise build our own roads, or stand still and see stran- gers come in and build them for us and reap our harvest of wealth. In the one case the benefit will all accrue to our own people; in the other, the Yankees who are now longirg to possess the goodly heritage cal- led ours, will grow rich lit our expense, contiol the roads running through our bor- ders and '.ve will be hewers of wood and drawers of water. Great monopolies such as exist in the Eastern and Western States will oppress us and direct the whole course of our legislation. If we expect to save ourselves from the dominion of the Yankees on the matter of Railroads, it is high time we were setting to work. . We have no time to lose. At least three or four great trunk roads arc now needed through our ten'tory, and they will be taken in hand by farsigiitod men from other States and completed unless we are before them. Wo are wholly unconscious of the risk we are running ai:d of the wealth wo are endangering. Wediave an opportuity to become one of the wealthiest States in the Union, ami to give our own ci lizcns the larger partic- ipation in this wealth. Only prompt, res- olute, vigorous and combined action, can secure us the prize. If we fail to attain it, it will be immediately seized by strangers who will be with us, but not of us and we will labor only to enrich thc!n. How to Kill a Town. The Pubuiue Herald gives the foliowing recipe for knocking a town stiff and dead:. If you wish to kill a town put no more buildings than you are obliged to occti'jy yourself. If you should accidentally have an empty building, and any one should want to rent it, ask just about threo times its value. Look at every new comer with a scowl. Turn a cold shoulder to every businessman or mechanic seeking a hor-.- o among you. Ga abroad for wares rather than purchase of your own merchants and manufacturers at the s.ttio price. Refuse to advertise, so that persons at a distance will not sup- pose any business is being done in your city. A prompt and close observance of these rules will ruin any town in two years. 3TAs next Mo holey is tlie first clay ol our Circuit Court, we doubt not a large crowd of people will assemble in town, and among the large crowd that will be here, we have no doubt there will be a number indebted to us for advertising, job work and subscription. As we are great- ly in need of money, all such will confer a favor on us by calling at our ofl:.ee aa"' settling their indebtedness. It is said a hint to the wise is sufficient. Wc will see. KIT II , C- - Thompson is out in a new advertisement in our pr.per this week let- ting the people know that he has on hand a large .stock of saddles, harness, &c, ol his own manufacture. Everybody pro nounces Henry a good woikninn, and what everybody says must be so. Ha is sole agent in Montgomery county for the cele bra ted Spurgeen patent spring saddta, which is pronounced by persons who have used it, the best saddle mada. Call at his shop on Maysville street, and examine his stock. Whiskey Howard,- - Barnes & Co. mashed week before last 1800 bushels o! grain, making 5,550 gallons of wiskey, or over 138 br.rrels 40 proof gullous tw the barrel. Counting it at 1 CO per gal" Ion, it amounts to the nice sum of 68,880. They placed in bond during the month of February 10,351 gallons, and .with drew 11,127 gallons which they shipped to Boston. The Maysville Sdn. We have re- ceived ths first number of this new candi- date for public favor, published at Mays- ville, Ky., by L. A. Welch, Esq. The Surus a seven column paper, neatly printed and is edited with Mr. Welch's usual abil- ity. Wo congratulate our contemporary on the fine appearance of his paper typo- graphically, and hope the Sun may. al- ways shine as bright as now. Here's our 4T friend" Welch, hoping abundant suc- cess may crow n your efforts. W call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Devon & Company, in o;ir today's paper. The length of time this House Iras been in business is a guar- antee of its being entitled to confidence, and is fully able to held out great inducement to the trade. We adviss our milliners and merchants to give.thema call mid examine their 6tock. AST We have icceived It is seldom that we use the columns of conmjimieiaiun with a request it. this paper to 'puff" or notice the "thousand We comply with the request, having no and one" articles known as Patent Medi-wor- d of cxmment to make: cines. We, however, vary from our rr.le KENTCcKV.CoMMiTTF.ii of Justice. ! tl,B F'-"- t case, that we may call atten Offenders! Know ye: "Istud, lempus neccss;tasqne po&tttlut toe." Whereas, It has becprae our painful du- ty to organize this body, for the protection ot our lives and property against an organ- ized band of lawless marauders , .who, for a number of years have defied law and or- der, and by whom many as.tauljs have been made upon the innocent; and, r.lso, by the same clan, many of our best citizens have been deprived of their property. . Now,, whereas, it behooves eveiy person in a christian land t preserve order and en force justice:' . . i We take thn method to inform you, the maruders of the vicinity of Cainaig", Ticktown, and more especially tho.-e- if t. e counties of Wolfe, Morgan and Bath; that we have o.btaiued your narnesj.ntw' ii yon wisli to remain in this port:--:- : cf coun- try, you. had better reform, ;,, You know that Wells had his Rangee, and Stan: per ,his Carr; therefore, you ought to profit by t!ie3e examples. We would say to tho good citizens, you need not be alarmed, for we will protect you and your property; but to v'dlians wi; can only say, that we are lcth !a (r.ke. liie, and hope we will not ha"e to change our peaceful habitations into crimsoujd r.ie- - nas, hovever our motto is: " Suli: 2opuli suprema est le.c." By, order of the Committee. Owingsville Inquirer is requested to copy. JC5?"Our energetic fellow-eitiz'Ti- , Mr. Thomas Clarke, has a negative:! in our paper this week. Mr. Cl.n kn can still be found at his old stand ;n Haiti street, a few doors below the Kentucky Hotel, with a large stock of saddles, li'.r- - ness, whips, spurs, blankets, and in fee'.' ovcrvthiiiir to be found in a first-clas- s sad - dle emponum. Jlr. (..iarke s worli 1. well known to tho people of this and the adjoining counties, and needs no word of commendation from us. For anything in his line rrive him a call and vou mav ii'.-- t assured that ho will do ycu right. i? Perhaps it is not generally known that Samuels h Jordan have opened in connection with their dry goods a met chant tailoring department. , such is the fact, and that department of. their business is tinder the management ar,! of Mr. A. S. Wancn, v.hj is one of the best cutters and .most, tasty t lilors ever in our town. He is piepaivd to cut and make ur garments in the at?sl style, and guarantees satisfaction k: r.ll case 0. The public are invited to give him a cell. Thr 2ew Illustrated EuiTi'tN ok Webster's Dictionary. This seeming- ly dry and certainly ponderous book its peculiar charms. Here is collected and tersely set down a vast quantity of varioii and useful knowledge, such as is indispen- sable to educated men and woman. Here are an hundred and fonrteen thousand words, defined with a clearness, J'nllness, precision, and wealth of illustration, that denote the soundest scholarship, and the most entire fidelity to laborious details. Altogether the work is a ni irve 011s specimen of learning, taste, and thorough labor. We praise it heartily, because we believe it deserves the heartiest praise. Xeio York Albion. The Reasons Why. Some of the rea- sons why Dr Roback's Blood Pills should be kept iu every family are, Because! they can be employed in all cases where a "family physic" is required and ate perfectly s?.fe in their aniiti ibtra-tio- n at all times. .. . Because! they act promptly ic reir.gving all obstructions from the bowels, afford-i- n cr immediate relief iu cholic or other oaiu". ... Because! they are a Liver Pill acting di- rectly on the spleen and liver, removing the bile and assisting tho digestion. Because! in taking them they do not in- terfere with the regular avocation of the pa- tient, or leav8 the bowels constipated. Because! they ate made both with and without sugar coating, thus adapting them to the use of every body . Because! they being purely vegitable are perfectly harmless, and can be taken by children or adults at all stages or periods of life. Because! they are especially adapted to the use of persons of sedentary habits, and to the use of females about to become mothers. Because! they are what their name indi- cates, a Blood Pill, searching out diseases of the blood, leaving the system in full vi- gor of health. Because! they are perfectly gentle in their operation, causing no griping,. and ate saf- er, surer, and every way better purgative pill than has ever before been offered to the public. Because! when followed in their use bv R obaks Stomach Bitters they cure the very worst cases of dyspepsia. . ... Because! they can ba purchased at anv drug store at the extremly low price ot 25 cents per box. A ncgrogazing at a Chinese, exclaimed, 'If de whits fclks is dark as dat outdare, I wonder what'e ds color ob do nigger?' Ladies wear corsets fron instinct-ttr- al -- nat- love of Icing squeezed. tion to, the article known as "S. T. J SCO X., rMantulion Bitters." We desire it understood that we do so without any so- licitation cr promise of benefit from the propiieior or ether interested parties. We simply do it as s'.Ti act of duty towaid.-tho.-- e who are laboi'nj under physical dis- ability, weakness, and the various com- plaints arising fi cm impurities of the blood. Having used the Bitters at the instigation cf a fiiend, (and, we confess, some s at tho outset,) we found t licni a t:pat valuable medical compound, and to our 'rc;'.t satisfaction, accomplished tho ob- - j ui-- lor y. Lie!! they were used. ' Magxolia Water. Superior to the be.-- t impoitcd German Cologne, and sold J at hail the pi ice. . . So;-- , us grow less and less every time hey are toid, just like the age of a woman. Tho c'a ter cf Monut Cierlin; h: amended bv the Letiislar.iie. ICIAL NOTICES. A luiuUirious Month. Marclr t'hnt: gives us a nv is nlso tin; inau moni'.i of" ::i r.n v l;a: r;i.--s ins: ilisor- - dor?. Kutanglt'tl in iia fogs n re the seed. of coujib?. tol'-?- , rfrd of tlmt allrtiatioi) oi'friid- - itv find Hre, more widely Ur.o'vn tli.in admired. ejilierl ft er :u.d nur. T!ie only :y to iivoitl ilicye" Hule uriple;t?iiiitrip?ses'' is to render l!ie stem ?;-c- enough to fiplvt ic poison l!u.t produces tlicm, and ihz bet way ' to endow it vit'l his ri peilant power is to tone it w ith IJOSTE.": S STOM ACtl BITTERS. I! a wayfarer wer: ertdibly informed that n n:l!!an ivsj .va:t inj; at h; uc::t ecu ner, lie would di.uoilvss turn his tracks, and a safer roiMe to bis ion. With just about tlje same amount of trouble, the attacks of uise"C?: preva- lent at tliis season may be evaded. Nrtvthtrou- - Oie w ill be less-- for drn stores lie in er ones ronlc, and every respeetab.e drue , TKUS. The article is a staple of trade, and it wo'ulil be as oasy to find a groceiy U i'.hout su- gar, r.i "o s.iore of an apothecary without t!.i popular remedy. In view of the experience of the nation with n g ird to the article, dtti iug ti.'e pp. ice cf t'.yen. ty yeais, it seems tilmiis.t r'hir("?cssary to reca- pitulate its niei its tc a erik. ins. 13.it as our p palatini! is iucieasiaj al the rate ot couple of millions a yetr, in the nature! way and by it may be as we!! to hint to the ris- ing generation ar.d new arrival", the oldscttlcis knew nothing about, that liOSTETTKU. STU MACil ISriTEKS is the most ivhf.-ioT- i and potent vegitable tonic ever inarm factor-- . t; that it is a specific fi r debility, fly? pepsia, hi'iiwiis-ne-s- , and miasmatic feveis; thai it prevents as .' I as cures, these complaint id their com- - 2:1 lions; that it is not bad to lake,'' and is .(dniely harmltss. wm sE3n-.mu.i- L expose' s; E, 5 8G9. eovt c v: ASSftTS (at Market Value: Cash on hair.! iu liauk and iu tran- sit $302,C:'0 07 Real Estate 2..3.3I!) 14 linnkStock" ),307,33(i 00 Mortgage Jionds 17,700 00 L". S'.. State and City Stock and ether public Securities, 2,07;',9o3 00 5,100,931 71 Totul Liabilities. St,?dl,377 Duly attested, sworn to and signed BRANCH, 171 V.rXfc STREET, CIN'CINNATI J. C. JjENNETT, .Manager. ThcEtna Insurance Compa- ny is the Trustee of its Patrons to an extent ten. fold greater than of its own Stockholders. WJI. HOFFMAN, Agent, Feb. G. Mt. Sterling, Ky. f V CVIN'GSViLLE, CATH CO., KY. ESPECTFCLLY tenders his services to $j the people of Montgomery county as an experience and skillful L'enti.-- t of twelve years standing. lie feels that he 1ms peculiar and strong claims upon them for their patronage by reason of an advantage rarely enjoyed by Den- tists. ' fiit'viiij attended a' thorough course of clinical lectures, lie" is under no necessity when administering laughing gas or chloroform ot calling in a l'hysician, thereby incurring an additional expense. Such has been the marked success that he has met with iu cxtraclinf teeth that his practice has extended over the greater portion of Fleming and counties. He uses iu the extraction of teeth all the Mod- ern Anesthesia known to dentistry. Tiiose who are desirous of having teeth extracted without pain would do well to engage his ser- vices. All M'ork Warranted. TESTIMONIALS. I have been under the necessity .of twenty-fiv- years dentist's-care- , and regard Dr. W. S, Moores as the most efficient with-who- I have met. ' J. A. J. LEE. July 30, 1BC3. I La-r- had some work done by Dr, Mooree, and consider bin: well skilled in his profession. J. II. JtlCHAHT. References. Dr. 'Wills, M. D., Dr. Maurv, M D., Dr. Biggerstaff, M. D., J. M. irsbitt,' Wm. Phelps, Henry L. Stone, and M. R. Lockhart, Bath county; Col. Thos. Turner, Nim. Byrd, Dr Phillips, Dr. Edward Guetrant, Wm, Dale, Montgomery comity. july 23-- - Hi -. hi tM M .U- - c: f) J. Sewing Machine. S of the (,.Sin;rpr'' I .3ijK-liine- over all uiImtp, for either Fam ily i.lC or i;tnu turi:irjr purpost-s- are so will ecta'jl!, !.eJ and so ailtnittcil, tint! to enumeraMon of tlit-T- r ndative exeelleneics loutr e;:nsiti-re- necessary. NEW FaRIILY MACHINE. .vliivli lias Ikv i: 1j: oirjris t to jei f.'i-- i ion resrunl-les- : of mc, l.ilior oi is now cor. I'ulpnt-I- v prcserito'l tn (lie pahli.- ; iac'."itr:u-:tli'- tin liE-V- SEWIXO .MACIliX'iCT ''ISriiXCK. l'lie Machine in fj m es; ion SIMPLE. . DURA3LEAN0 BtA'jTlf'Jl. ft is quiet, li'lit running, and CAl'ABbK OF PEHrOlllflXC; A ItAXGK AXU VARIETV OF WORK never before atteniuerl ij.on a single Machine, usir.tr e it h Silk. Ti.t, IJnoa or Cotton Tlire1, and scwi.ig Willi equal f.iei'.ily I lit very !:iicst and coarsest materia!?, and an; lliiny between !iiet o ex rein.-o- in l.iu n.oat beauti- ful ami su'isiantial manner. Its at tac'.imc nts foi Hnii.fiii, Conliiv, TuekiiiR. 0 ij :i n rr, T;:r'T.tiif,nn.iifif, etc., are Xvel, I'arcl iral, an '. i;avj been invented and r.iijnst-e- d p.ipieinliv for this M,ir!iiue. Xi-.- di'Jipns of jlic l.i'ijiip, I.'sefal, ami Pop- ular FoMinj; Tups and Ci dnet Cases, iieeuliar 10 the Maebines inanufiic'tured bv ibis company. have been prepared tor euciosin the new )U c'1','f'' ,V""" hanrVT- 'i ? b-- "e.,cV?: ed ta? n:ed.u:n c: a (neceisarilv) linii- - u-- nd ve. tieemeu;; and we therefore urre c erv I'erso!) in rneM of a Sewiii" Maeliine bv all mMns ,n 05i"n",le "'" I! "" possioly do so, nil the lea. lit,!' rival Machines maing a puvc'i'asi'. selection can then be made Hraacli npencies for supplying the ' iiiojei" Jlacliines will tic found in nearly every city and town throughout the Civilized W fibl llrre l ill n iiuiiv .: ,i iui ju, anil any lniornniuon promptly furnished Or tommuuie.r.ions ma ' be ad- - dressed to ' T!ic Singer faiiiifaiiiiring Co. fSro'.ttl'i-iiy- AVw York. V,'c refer to the fn' iovi lug' persons w iio have lit en using the Xe.v Ka :;.:! Machines tor some time pa.t, end the ino-- l of whom hae"had sewing machine Mrs. 11. Jones. Miss 1. Smith, Miss !. Yoris, Mrs. T. Chirk. Sirs. I. !'. Calk. Mrs. Tipton, Misses Hurroughs, Mrs. (!. K. Mii;..r. Mrs. V. T. Howe, Mis. J. T. llreeu. Mrs. W. !1.U. Wright, Mrs. V. m. Ste-iea- Mrs. John Munin, Jlrs. I'. Sonieur, lit. Sterling, Kv. Mrs. JI. Oidliam, .1. V,'. Anderson, W.OH-harr;- ', A, Coekveil, .1. A. Thom'..son. .1. Ii Jones, ;:rs. ".'' I,V..tt, Mrs. Dr. Jiui'.ud. Mrs. 1. Thomas vi eo. Anderson, V. ii. iiid.l, AV. A. liovd. John M. Joues. Wp.i. Judy. Mrs John Pani.-h- , Join .Maggie Wid;er-son- , Joe Wiikersoa, Tlios. Calk, Mrs. Willie Dentin, K It. C (iTctnfi'.t'e. Ji:fS M.ittie l'er- - gusoo', Miss Moss, e.'rs. T, i'aland, Meut- - gf.trit .:j wmity. T. r. Thos. K'tooJ, county. James Il,,rreuh, Tiiorntoa Lewis, Chirk county. . ' John M. M'dierly, i. .Tor.es "'r'. on po inty. We alio refer to the following persoaj in Ml S'eiluir, who are using our Manufacturing; II. Campbell, It. T. Smith. Currett i. itogers, John Cuiley. Henry Thoiopson. REI53E, Agent, Oet. 20. Ml. SterliiiK. Ky. Ayer's a For restoring Gray Hair to lis natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once ngreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving' the-- Ml. .it k t: hair. Faded or gray, G 1 f 3 hair is soon restored to its origiucd color urilh the rloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald- ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing, can restore the-hai- where the follicles are destroyed, or file glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can b' saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi- ment, it v.'ill trjep it clean and vigorous. It3 occasional use will prevent ths hab-fro- faming gray or falling off, aud consequently prevent baldness. Free from tl19.se deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous, aud injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil uor tlye, it does not soil white cambric, aud yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre aud a grateful perfume. , Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. FBICE $1.00. J. T. P.P.EKX. Sole Agent, Mt. Sterling, Kv. ALLEN & CO., Cincinnati, Wholesale Agents. Mav 14-- 1 v. M. J. CHASE. E. 1MMM1TT. II. H. COLLINS. Pianino; and Flooring Mill. DGGa. SASH & BLIND FACTORY. CHASE, DMMTT & COLLINS, M inul'aeturers of n'l hinds of BUILDING IV.LTEIIIAL, Shaved and Sawed Shingles, Fencino. Fence Posts, Palriqs, Mouldings," Lath, Poplar Lumber, Planed and Rough. Cobxer Second and 1'ori.Art Streets, (fifth ir.(RD,) M.WSV1IJE, KV. lmj, Silver& Plated Ware ..1! fn Eastern Kentucj! CINCINNATI Uvuiy Plain 1SU. lling Mailc My. OrIer tZT SPECIAL AND PERSONAL ATTENTION r AID TO REPAIRING FINE 'vATCffE "a Ml. Sierlius, Kv. Xov. 5, lSij-i-- 5 ?f,.. ,4 Mm m mm ' Also, Oil, AH kiads s No-- , ember o- v. Mwm i IIFlIiTo Our Patrons; : o recfivj;J. their. Dry G-oocis- . tf'S-"- :! and 1'xaniiae. Are iuvitefl to caii at Joiieson Thompsons and examine their tine dplay ot DRESS GOODS. CLOTHS & CASS1MERES cf al:, kinds, At JOUNSOX k THOMPSON'S. Cloakinirs & Overcoatings. Just from New York JOI1XSO.V THOMPSON' S. And imported . In full assortment. JOHNSON i THOMPSON. ;rs .&,caps. A GOOD STOCK, At JOHNSON ft THOMPSON' S, Notions' & Dfess Trimming's FANCY VELVETS & SATINS, In endless variety, At JOHNSON' & THOMPSON'S. Ilaaiburg, Jaccnct aad Swiss EDGINGS & INSERTlNGS, Of every Style. JOHNSON & THOMPSON". S. E. TIPTOH, Agent for tho world-renown- ' . Singer Sewiitglachmes Is prepaml to 1'urnisii the celebrated 7inger Sewini; Maehines to his former customers and friends in. Montgomery and the adjoining coun-de- s ' ' .' at ITrtcjx- - Prices. He is iiov connected with the Cheap Cash House of Geo. Ileiuion, in Paris, where he would be pleased te see his friends from .Montgomery w hen they visit that place. Keh. 18-l- f. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Villi Street, btticren J'onl and Second, CIXCLYX.iT, O. OWING to a gt'fat reduction in our rent, we have determined; tc rcdut-- our rates to Our accommodations shall be second to no ho-X- in the city. W. A. Tl'L'PtiTOV, Feb. Proprietor. u. gai.i.eiii:k. c. xn.son. ,T. a. m.ittiikw Late Mason Co. Late Mt. Sti'r.g Late.Maysvili Pormerly D'cnnison House. Ga'lelier, Nelson &. Co., Proprietors. Fifth Street, Near Mam, This House, having been thoroughly repair ed, renovated and newly furnished, is now "Pen. . jan 10-- tf JOB WORK. NEATTjT exectted AT THE SLXTIXEL OFF1CK.. iUOi LLEl I i UU, PRICES! Sf.K KINDS OF FIUST-CLAS- S ewina achinesl constantly on hand the liest Quality- - of Needles, Spool Silk; Thread, jLsincn, &c ALU KIXDS MACU:"K?. ' I of Fir-c!a- .s Maclinc s Uepuirtd, P. I.. UKCSE. HAVIN'Ct Fiibl our stock of Clothing ami rurnisliin'g'Goods to Mr Win. II, U ilkerson, formally of ihic firm of I!. F. Hi rk-- i ley Si Co., it gives us pleasure to recoiniuend liim to the patrons of the house and the pub- lic generally fls .a J'Btlcman in every way wor- thy of .Ihcir patro oipe. nnd we hope tbe 5iitn liberal-- patronage that has heretofore been upon U3 w,:).! be extended to the . n'ejncetfnllv. rUAXK", GUMP & CO. In rcferiing to the above curd of Messrs. Frank, Gump ti Co., I would announce to tl $ people of Montgomery and (be adjoining comp- lies that I have new on hand a LARGE AND tOmETK STOCK -- OF mm or tiiv , ' - ' I ' Laim & Most Fasliionablc Sty Sosf And tunutacturcd from tha 13 o m to r C Jo 1 . '. My stoek of Gcnfc Fufnisliing Goods! , Is large nnd iu. PRICE AND QUALITY Will compare favorably with nay house iu !t is section of the State. I have alto on hand a GOOD STOCK of WOOJ. h SOFT FUR HMS ' "'Vbicb will bo SOLD LOW DOWN! In returning thanks, to my friends W ifci anu lue nnjoiniug counties who J'.iive hi;ri given me tlmir patronaiff .. hiit in the business, I would that it is my intention to See., r.' a'tp "and 'complete stock of.Goor';i kVny line','' and that I will make :'c"S their Advantage 16 buy their Cloth- ing and I'lirnishing Goods of mr. " V M. !!. WILKKPSON. Junll-tf- . MQVlE A ANDERSON,..', , Wliolesalo Gioccf:s LIQUOR DEALERS, K EEP constantly on hand a large and well Selected a5soitine..t of Staple & Fancy Groceries; AVi.l buy ail Ti": ds'o.""-- " COUNTRY FRDtTCJCS, For which we wili pay t'e Highest. Market Price. . E3yrSorh-'?ns- t corner of .Vain and Mays- ville t'tre:t,. Ml. Sterling, Ky. . HOWE & ANDERSON". Having sold out my entire sto' k of Gr ice-- 1 ies. Liouors. Ac., to Mp?ra n, . .(.- - V..'.i' son, I take pleasure in recominomil.i? nst gentlemen wortliy ot I'onhdnnct and n coniin-uanceo- f the libiral liatroviV-- rvin.,a.l tA .... while in business, ari .0." which accept my 'nanus. C. J. GLOVEf1', Jan. 2S-l- A.S. 3J. THOMAS, DFALKIt IN , LATH, Cor. Main St. and Georgetown I'itt, Terms Cash. Paris, Ky.
Page 1: lrHE Hi lmj, M Platednyx.uky.edu/dips/xt734t6f2c27/data/0210.pdf · lrHE SENTINEL. THURSDAY,:::::MARCH 11, 18G9. Local, a e air:M..j.xi,s, Foa Sale. Fifty barrels Salt,,, for snle


Local, a e air :M..j.xi,s, Foa Sale. Fifty barrels Salt,,, for snle

by( , IIoffmas iSt Co.

.! .The r.ey Congress opened with a vow-o-

Thursday lust.

Jt5T'Honv John 51. Rice lias been ad-

mitted to bis seat in Congress.

. Stock Bills. Wo are prepared to

print stock bills in the latest style and onflhort notice. Give us a trial.

The 15th article of tho constitutionali (.1 uamendmend, has, been ratified by the Mich-

igan Legislature.

v General Samuel F, Cary is, to taka the

tump for the Democratic ticket in Con-


&John Maupiu lias gone to C.incir.-pinna- ti

to lay in liis spring stock of goods.Look out, when ha returns, for low prices.

t The Republicans of Kentucky will hold

a convention in Lexington on the 27th of

March to nominate a candidate for StateTreasurer.

.'i Jt3?7,'tJnited we stand, divided we fall."

iThera is no danger of a man falling below

par financially, if he buys China from

Hoffman & Co.

Metcalfe sold on Wednesdaylast tp J. Davis Reid, the Conglcton farm

at 899 rser-iticr- The fana contains 270acres, and !rps about 2 miles vvest of townon the Winchester. pike.

jC"The regular Spring Term of theMontgomery Cifbait Court commences on

'Monday next. We understand the docketis heavy, there bemg several Conimon- -

wealth cases in addition to innumerablecommon law suits

3?""Let us havo eace" (in the fami-

ly.) To insure this go to Huffman it Co.'sand buy your wife one of their splendidcooking stoves.

Notice. Ileieafter onr, charges for

hauling lumber from Paris to Mt. Stcilingwill be 51 00 per 100 feet. : .


' g&r The Post-Ofiic- e at Howard's Mills

in this county, having been burned, h;is

been discontinued, by the Depai ttiient.

:Matter intended for that office, should be

sent to the Mt. Sterling. office.

IT Our young friend Howr.nl Barnes

at present on a visit to. his friends and.

relatives in this town. Howaid informs

us that his private business was such,

that he could not accept a position in

Grant's Cabinet.

g3T Immediately after the inauguration

of Gen. Grant, he sent to the Senate for

confirmation the names of Gen. W. T.

Sherman to be General; P. II. Sheridan to

ie Lieutenant General, and Jno. M. Scho-fiel- d

to be Major General; all of which were


jf"" We'll hang our banners on tho

0uter walls, the cry is still they come."

Hoffman & Co., are receiving another

jttsck of beautiful French China. They

have some of the handsomest sits we have

ever ,seen-- Jahri Manpin says you can save

twenty 07c per cent by buying boots and

shoes at bis store. As everybody knows

John to be man of his word, there is no

necessity for saying anything further.

3T0ur clever friend Joe W. Jordan,

of the firm of Samuels & Jordan, started

for New York yesterday to lay in the

spring stock of goods for his house. Joe'swell-know- n taste is a sufficient guarantee

that the selections will be well and tastily

made. We wish him a pleasant trip and

speedy return. -;

jpgrThe Court of Appeals has decided

that money lost at faro can be recovered at

Jaw by the loser or his creditors, within six

months after the money was lost, and after

lix months by any one who msy choose to

gua for it.

, Gov. Baker, of Indiana, has issued

a proclamation for special, elections in the

several Sonatcrial and Representative dis-

tricts whore vacancies have occurred by

resignations of Democratic members of the

present Legislature, to be bt.hl cn the 23d

instant.. A special session of

will be held early in" April. ,

. The Senators who go out. The term

of service of half the State Senators expires

with the present sssion. Nineteen Sena-

tors go out. These are as follows: Mess.

Binnef, Baker, Chandler, Carlisle, Dud-

ley, Voriee, ,C. T. Worthington, Lilly,- Thompson, Cardwell, Curley, W. John-io-

O, P. Johnsoh, Halbert, Garriott,

Field, Parker and Swigert.

S3T We call the attention cf our read-

ers to the extracts from the report of the

Senate Committee, on the subject cf in-

surance and insurance companies, which we

publish on the outside of ourpaperto-day- .

There is swindling in insurance as well asanything elsa, and the only way to guardagainst bogus companies is to insure in a

thoroughly reliablo company, such as ei.ther the ..Etna, Enterprise, or Putnam,represented by Win. Hoffman, Esq., asagent at this place.

Our Duli. s about Kail Itoads.t is n )v evident tn all that the time has

ai rived when the material wealth and re-

sources of K jiitucky are to be developed.,.I here, t ii be no postponement. Her cen-

tra! position among the Stales, her rich soiland above all, the untold value of the ironcoal and lumber that exist in inexhausti-ble quantites in many sections ore just nowbeginning to attract attention of thoughtfulmen and the necessity for the building of

lines of railroads to carry our products tomarket .and to develop our mineral wealthis becoming each day more and more im-

perative. JUilroads.wilh important North-ern and Southern connections n.e demand-ed and will be speedily built, 'and built in

spito of Kentucky. Whether the Legislature matures a b'1,1 giving State aid toRailroads or not, they vv ill be built and by

Northern capitalists.The question for us to c!ccsdi and that

right early, is whether we will by individual, corporative and State enterprise build

our own roads, or stand still and see stran-

gers come in and build them for us and reap

our harvest of wealth. In the one case the

benefit will all accrue to our own people;

in the other, the Yankees who are now

longirg to possess the goodly heritage cal-

led ours, will grow rich lit our expense,

contiol the roads running through our bor-

ders and '.ve will be hewers of wood anddrawers of water. Great monopolies such

as exist in the Eastern and Western Stateswill oppress us and direct the whole course

of our legislation.If we expect to save ourselves from the

dominion of the Yankees on the matter of

Railroads, it is high time we were settingto work. . We have no time to lose. Atleast three or four great trunk roads arc now

needed through our ten'tory, and they will

be taken in hand by farsigiitod men from

other States and completed unless we are

before them. Wo are wholly unconsciousof the risk we are running ai:d of the wealthwo are endangering.

Wediave an opportuity to become one

of the wealthiest States in the Union, ami

to give our own ci lizcns the larger partic-

ipation in this wealth. Only prompt, res-

olute, vigorous and combined action, can

secure us the prize. If we fail to attain it,

it will be immediately seized by strangerswho will be with us, but not of us and wewill labor only to enrich thc!n.

How to Kill a Town. The PubuiueHerald gives the foliowing recipe for

knocking a town stiff and dead:. If youwish to kill a town put no more buildingsthan you are obliged to occti'jy yourself.If you should accidentally have an emptybuilding, and any one should want to rent

it, ask just about threo times its value.

Look at every new comer with a scowl.

Turn a cold shoulder to every businessmanor mechanic seeking a hor-.- o among you.Ga abroad for wares rather than purchaseof your own merchants and manufacturersat the s.ttio price. Refuse to advertise,so that persons at a distance will not sup-

pose any business is being done in your

city. A prompt and close observance of

these rules will ruin any town in two years.

3TAs next Mo holey is tlie first clay ol

our Circuit Court, we doubt not a largecrowd of people will assemble in town,and among the large crowd that will be

here, we have no doubt there will be a

number indebted to us for advertising, jobwork and subscription. As we are great-

ly in need of money, all such will confer

a favor on us by calling at our ofl:.ee aa"'

settling their indebtedness. It is said a

hint to the wise is sufficient. Wc will see.

KIT II , C- - Thompson is out in a newadvertisement in our pr.per this week let-

ting the people know that he has on handa large .stock of saddles, harness, &c, ol

his own manufacture. Everybody pronounces Henry a good woikninn, and what

everybody says must be so. Ha is sole

agent in Montgomery county for the celebra ted Spurgeen patent spring saddta,which is pronounced by persons who haveused it, the best saddle mada. Call at hisshop on Maysville street, and examine hisstock.

Whiskey Howard,- - Barnes & Co.mashed week before last 1800 bushels o!

grain, making 5,550 gallons of wiskey,or over 138 br.rrels 40 proof gullous tw

the barrel. Counting it at 1 CO per gal"Ion, it amounts to the nice sum of 68,880.

They placed in bond during the monthof February 10,351 gallons, and .withdrew 11,127 gallons which they shippedto Boston.

The Maysville Sdn. We have re-

ceived ths first number of this new candi-

date for public favor, published at Mays-

ville, Ky., by L. A. Welch, Esq. TheSurus a seven column paper, neatly printedand is edited with Mr. Welch's usual abil-

ity. Wo congratulate our contemporaryon the fine appearance of his paper typo-

graphically, and hope the Sun may. al-

ways shine as bright as now. Here's our

4T friend" Welch, hoping abundant suc-

cess may crow n your efforts.

W call the attention of our readers tothe advertisement of Devon & Company,in o;ir today's paper. The length of timethis House Iras been in business is a guar-

antee of its being entitled to confidence, andis fully able to held out great inducement tothe trade. We adviss our milliners andmerchants to give.thema call mid examinetheir 6tock.

AST We have icceived It is seldom that we use the columns of

conmjimieiaiun with a request it. this paper to 'puff" or notice the "thousandWe comply with the request, having no and one" articles known as Patent Medi-wor- d

of cxmment to make: cines. We, however, vary from our rr.le

KENTCcKV.CoMMiTTF.ii of Justice. ! tl,B F'-"-t case, that we may call atten

Offenders! Know ye:"Istud, lempus neccss;tasqne po&tttlut toe."

Whereas, It has becprae our painful du-

ty to organize this body, for the protectionot our lives and property against an organ-ized band of lawless marauders , .who, for

a number of years have defied law and or-

der, and by whom many as.tauljs havebeen made upon the innocent; and, r.lso, bythe same clan, many of our best citizenshave been deprived of their property.

. Now,, whereas, it behooves eveiy person

in a christian land t preserve order and en

force justice:' . . i

We take thn method to inform you, the

maruders of the vicinity of Cainaig",Ticktown, and more especially tho.-e- if t. e

counties of Wolfe, Morgan and Bath; thatwe have o.btaiued your narnesj.ntw' ii

yon wisli to remain in this port:--:- : cf coun-

try, you. had better reform, ;,,

You know that Wells had his Rangee,

and Stan: per ,his Carr; therefore, you oughtto profit by t!ie3e examples.

We would say to tho good citizens, you

need not be alarmed, for we will protect

you and your property; but to v'dlians wi;

can only say, that we are lcth !a (r.ke. liie,

and hope we will not ha"e to change our

peaceful habitations into crimsoujd r.ie- -

nas, hovever our motto is:

" Suli: 2opuli suprema est le.c."

By, order of the Committee.Owingsville Inquirer is requested to copy.

JC5?"Our energetic fellow-eitiz'Ti- , Mr.

Thomas Clarke, has a negative:!in our paper this week. Mr. Cl.n kn can

still be found at his old stand ;n Haitistreet, a few doors below the KentuckyHotel, with a large stock of saddles, li'.r- -

ness, whips, spurs, blankets, and in fee'.'

ovcrvthiiiir to be found in a first-clas- s sad-

dle emponum. Jlr. (..iarke s worli 1.

well known to tho people of this and the

adjoining counties, and needs no word of

commendation from us. For anything in

his line rrive him a call and vou mav ii'.--t

assured that ho will do ycu right.

i? Perhaps it is not generally knownthat Samuels h Jordan have opened in

connection with their dry goods a

met chant tailoring department. , such

is the fact, and that department of. theirbusiness is tinder the management ar,!

of Mr. A. S. Wancn, v.hjis one of the best cutters and .most, tastyt lilors ever in our town. He is piepaivdto cut and make ur garments in the at?slstyle, and guarantees satisfaction k: r.ll

case 0. The public are invited to give him

a cell.

Thr 2ew Illustrated EuiTi'tN okWebster's Dictionary. This seeming-ly dry and certainly ponderous bookits peculiar charms. Here is collected andtersely set down a vast quantity of varioiiand useful knowledge, such as is indispen-sable to educated men and woman. Hereare an hundred and fonrteen thousandwords, defined with a clearness, J'nllness,precision, and wealth of illustration, thatdenote the soundest scholarship, and themost entire fidelity to laborious details.Altogether the work is a ni irve 011s

specimen of learning, taste, and thoroughlabor. We praise it heartily, because webelieve it deserves the heartiest praise.Xeio York Albion.

The Reasons Why. Some of the rea-

sons why Dr Roback's Blood Pills should

be kept iu every family are,

Because! they can be employed in all

cases where a "family physic" is requiredand ate perfectly s?.fe in their aniiti ibtra-tio- n

at all times. .. .

Because! they act promptly ic reir.gvingall obstructions from the bowels, afford-i- n

cr immediate relief iu cholic or other

oaiu". ...Because! they are a Liver Pill acting di-

rectly on the spleen and liver, removing thebile and assisting tho digestion.

Because! in taking them they do not in-

terfere with the regular avocation of the pa-

tient, or leav8 the bowels constipated.Because! they ate made both with and

without sugar coating, thus adapting them

to the use of every body .

Because! they being purely vegitable are

perfectly harmless, and can be taken by

children or adults at all stages or periodsof life.

Because! they are especially adapted tothe use of persons of sedentary habits, andto the use of females about to become

mothers.Because! they are what their name indi-

cates, a Blood Pill, searching out diseasesof the blood, leaving the system in full vi-

gor of health.Because! they are perfectly gentle in their

operation, causing no griping,. and ate saf-

er, surer, and every way better purgativepill than has ever before been offered to the

public.Because! when followed in their use bv

Robaks Stomach Bitters they cure the veryworst cases of dyspepsia. . ...

Because! they can ba purchased at anvdrug store at the extremly low price ot 25cents per box.

A ncgrogazing at a Chinese, exclaimed,'If de whits fclks is dark as dat outdare,I wonder what'e ds color ob do nigger?'

Ladies wear corsets fron instinct-ttr- al -- nat-

love of Icing squeezed.

tion to, the article known as "S. T. J SCO

X., rMantulion Bitters." We desire it

understood that we do so without any so-

licitation cr promise of benefit from the

propiieior or ether interested parties. Wesimply do it as s'.Ti act of duty towaid.-tho.-- e

who are laboi'nj under physical dis-

ability, weakness, and the various com-

plaints arising fi cm impurities of the blood.Having used the Bitters at the instigationcf a fiiend, (and, we confess, some

s at tho outset,) we found t licni

a t:pat valuable medical compound, and to

our 'rc;'.t satisfaction, accomplished tho ob- -

j ui-- lor y. Lie!! they were used.' Magxolia Water. Superior to the

be.-- t impoitcd German Cologne, and soldJ at hail the pi ice. . .

So;-- , us grow less and less every timehey are toid, just like the age of a woman.

Tho c'a ter cf Monut Cierlin; h:

amended bv the Letiislar.iie.

ICIAL NOTICES.A luiuUirious Month.

Marclr t'hnt: gives us a nv is nlsotin; inau moni'.i of" ::i r.n v l;a: r;i.--s ins: ilisor- -

dor?. Kutanglt'tl in iia fogs n re the seed. of

coujib?. tol'-?- , rfrd of tlmt allrtiatioi) oi'friid- -

itv find Hre, more widely Ur.o'vn tli.in admired.ejilierl ft er :u.d nur. T!ie only :y to iivoitlilicye" Hule uriple;t?iiiitrip?ses'' is to render l!ie

stem ?;-c- enough to fiplvt

ic poison l!u.t produces tlicm, and ihz bet way '

to endow it vit'l his ri peilant power is to toneit w ith IJOSTE.": S STOM ACtl BITTERS.

I! a wayfarer wer: ertdibly informed that nn:l!!an ivsj .va:t inj; at h; uc::t ecu ner, lie would

di.uoilvss turn his tracks, and a safer roiMe

to bis ion. With just about tlje sameamount of trouble, the attacks of uise"C?: preva-

lent at tliis season may be evaded. Nrtvthtrou- -

Oie w ill be less-- for drn stores lie in erones ronlc, and every respeetab.e drue


TKUS. The article is a staple of trade, and itwo'ulil be as oasy to find a groceiy U i'.hout su-

gar, r.i "o s.iore of an apothecary without t!.ipopular remedy.

In view of the experience of the nation withn g ird to the article, dtti iug ti.'e pp. ice cf t'.yen.ty yeais, it seems tilmiis.t r'hir("?cssary to reca-

pitulate its niei its tc a erik. ins. 13.it as ourp palatini! is iucieasiaj al the rate ot couple ofmillions a yetr, in the nature! way and by

it may be as we!! to hint to the ris-

ing generation ar.d new arrival", the oldscttlcisknew nothing about, that liOSTETTKU. STUMACil ISriTEKS is the most ivhf.-ioT- i andpotent vegitable tonic ever inarm factor-- . t; thatit is a specific fi r debility, fly? pepsia, hi'iiwiis-ne-s- ,

and miasmatic feveis; thai it prevents as.' I as cures, these complaint id their com- -

2:1 lions; that it is not bad to lake,'' and is.(dniely harmltss.

wm sE3n-.mu.i- L expose's; E, 5 8G9.

eovt c v:

ASSftTS (at Market Value:Cash on hair.! iu liauk and iu tran-

sit $302,C:'0 07Real Estate 2..3.3I!) 14linnkStock" ),307,33(i 00Mortgage Jionds 17,700 00L". S'.. State and City Stock and

ether public Securities, 2,07;',9o3 00

5,100,931 71Totul Liabilities.

St,?dl,377Duly attested, sworn to and signed


ThcEtna Insurance Compa-ny is the Trustee of its Patronsto an extent ten. fold greaterthan of its own Stockholders.

WJI. HOFFMAN, Agent,Feb. G. Mt. Sterling, Ky.

f V

CVIN'GSViLLE, CATH CO., KY.ESPECTFCLLY tenders his services to

$j the people of Montgomery county as anexperience and skillful L'enti.-- t of twelve yearsstanding. lie feels that he 1ms peculiar andstrong claims upon them for their patronage byreason of an advantage rarely enjoyed by Den-

tists. ' fiit'viiij attended a' thorough course ofclinical lectures, lie" is under no necessity whenadministering laughing gas or chloroform otcalling in a l'hysician, thereby incurring anadditional expense. Such has been the markedsuccess that he has met with iu cxtraclinfteeth that his practice has extended over thegreater portion of Fleming and counties.He uses iu the extraction of teeth all the Mod-

ern Anesthesia known to dentistry. Tiiosewho are desirous of having teeth extractedwithout pain would do well to engage his ser-vices. All M'ork Warranted.

TESTIMONIALS.I have been under the necessity .of twenty-fiv-

years dentist's-care- , and regard Dr. W. S,Moores as the most efficient with-who- I havemet. ' J. A. J. LEE.

July 30, 1BC3.

I La-r- had some work done by Dr, Mooree,and consider bin: well skilled in his profession.

J. II. JtlCHAHT.References. Dr. 'Wills, M. D., Dr. Maurv, M

D., Dr. Biggerstaff, M. D., J. M. irsbitt,' Wm.Phelps, Henry L. Stone, and M. R. Lockhart,Bath county; Col. Thos. Turner, Nim. Byrd, DrPhillips, Dr. Edward Guetrant, Wm, Dale,Montgomery comity. july 23--

- Hi -.

hi tM

M.U- -



Sewing Machine.S of the (,.Sin;rpr''

I .3ijK-liine- over all uiImtp, for either Family i.lC or i;tnu turi:irjr purpost-s- are so willecta'jl!, !.eJ and so ailtnittcil, tint!to enumeraMon of tlit-T- r ndative exeelleneics

loutr e;:nsiti-re- necessary.

NEW FaRIILY MACHINE..vliivli lias Ikv i: 1j: oirjris t to jei f.'i-- i ion resrunl-les- :

of mc, l.ilior oi is now cor. I'ulpnt-I- v

prcserito'l tn (lie pahli.- ; iac'."itr:u-:tli'- tinliE-V- SEWIXO .MACIliX'iCT ''ISriiXCK.

l'lie Machine in fj m es; ionSIMPLE. . DURA3LEAN0 BtA'jTlf'Jl.

ft is quiet, li'lit running, andCAl'ABbK OF PEHrOlllflXC; A ItAXGK

AXU VARIETV OF WORKnever before atteniuerl ij.on a single Machine,

usir.tr e i t h Silk. Ti.t, IJnoa or CottonTlire1, and scwi.ig Willi equal f.iei'.ily I litvery !:iicst and coarsest materia!?, and an; lliinybetween !iiet o ex rein.-o- in l.iu n.oat beauti-ful ami su'isiantial manner. Its at tac'.imc ntsfoi Hnii.fiii, Conliiv, TuekiiiR.

0 ij : i n rr, T;:r'T.tiif,nn.iifif, etc., are Xvel,I'arcl iral, an '. i;avj been invented and r.iijnst-e- d

p.ipieinliv for this M,ir!iiue.Xi-.- di'Jipns of jlic l.i'ijiip, I.'sefal, ami Pop-

ular FoMinj; Tups and C i dnet Cases, iieeuliar10 the Maebines inanufiic'tured bv ibis company.have been prepared tor euciosin the new )Uc'1','f''

,V""" hanrVT- 'i ? b-- "e.,cV?:ed ta? n:ed.u:n c: a (neceisarilv) linii- -u-- nd ve. tieemeu;; and we therefore urre c ervI'erso!) in rneM of a Sewiii" Maeliine bv allmMns ,n 05i"n",le "'" I! "" possiolydo so, nil the lea. lit,!' rival Machinesmaing a puvc'i'asi'. selection can then bemade Hraacli npencies forsupplying the ' iiiojei" Jlacliines will tic foundin nearly every city and town throughout theCivilized W fibl llrre l ill n

iiuiiv .: ,i iui ju, anil any lniornniuon promptlyfurnished Or tommuuie.r.ions ma ' be ad- -

dressed to '

T!ic Singer faiiiifaiiiiring Co.fSro'.ttl'i-iiy- AVw York.

V,'c refer to the fn' iovi lug' persons w iio havelit en using the Xe.v Ka :;.:! Machines tor sometime pa.t, end the ino-- l of whom hae"hadsewing machine Mrs. 11. Jones.Miss 1. Smith, Miss !. Yoris, Mrs. T. Chirk.Sirs. I. !'. Calk. Mrs. Tipton, Misses Hurroughs,Mrs. (!. K. Mii;..r. Mrs. V. T. Howe, Mis. J. T.llreeu. Mrs. W. !1.U. Wright, Mrs. V. m. Ste-iea-

Mrs. John Munin, Jlrs. I'. Sonieur, lit.Sterling, Kv.

Mrs. JI. Oidliam, .1. V,'. Anderson, W.OH-harr;- ',

A, Coekveil, .1. A. Thom'..son. .1. IiJones, ;:rs. ".'' I,V..tt, Mrs. Dr. Jiui'.ud. Mrs.1. Thomas vi eo. Anderson, V. ii. iiid.l, AV. A.liovd. John M. Joues. Wp.i. Judy. Mrs JohnPani.-h- , Join .Maggie Wid;er-son- ,

Joe Wiikersoa, Tlios. Calk, Mrs. WillieDentin, K It. C (iTctnfi'.t'e. Ji:fS M.ittie l'er- -

gusoo', Miss Moss, e.'rs. T, i'aland, Meut- -

gf.trit .:j wmity.T. r. Thos. K'tooJ, county.James Il,,rreuh, Tiiorntoa Lewis, Chirk

county. .


John M. M'dierly, i. .Tor.es "'r'. on po inty.We alio refer to the following persoaj in Ml

S'eiluir, who are using our Manufacturing;II. Campbell, It. T. Smith. Currett i.

itogers, John Cuiley. Henry Thoiopson.

REI53E, Agent,Oet. 20. Ml. SterliiiK. Ky.


For restoring Gray Hair tolis natural Vitality and Color.

A dressing whichis at once ngreeable,healthy, and effectualfor preserving' the--

Ml. .it k t: hair. Faded or gray,

G 1 f 3 hair is soon restoredto its origiucd colorurilh the rloss andfreshness of youth.Thin hair is thick

ened, falling hair checked, and bald-ness often, though not always, curedby its use. Nothing, can restore the-hai-

where the follicles are destroyed,or file glands atrophied and decayed.But such as remain can b' saved forusefulness by this application. Insteadof fouling the hair with a pasty sedi-

ment, it v.'ill trjep it clean and vigorous.It3 occasional use will prevent ths hab-fro-

faming gray or falling off, audconsequently prevent baldness. Freefrom tl19.se deleterious substances whichmake some preparations dangerous, audinjurious to the hair, the Vigor canonly benefit but not harm it. If wantedmerely for a

HAIR DRESSING,nothing else can be found so desirable.Containing neither oil uor tlye, it doesnot soil white cambric, aud yet lastslong ou the hair, giving it a rich glossylustre aud a grateful perfume. ,

Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co.,

Practical and Analytical Chemists,


J. T. P.P.EKX. Sole Agent, Mt. Sterling, Kv.ALLEN & CO., Cincinnati, Wholesale Agents.Mav 14-- 1 v.


Pianino; and Flooring Mill.


CHASE, DMMTT & COLLINS,M inul'aeturers of n'l hinds of

BUILDING IV.LTEIIIAL,Shaved and Sawed Shingles, Fencino.

Fence Posts, Palriqs, Mouldings,"Lath, Poplar Lumber,

Planed and Rough.Cobxer Second and 1'ori.Art Streets,

(fifth ir.(RD,)M.WSV1IJE, KV.

lmj, Silver& Plated Ware


fn Eastern Kentucj!CINCINNATI


Ml. Sierlius, Kv. Xov. 5, lSij-i--

5 ?f,.. ,4

Mmm mm ' Also,


AH kiadss

No-- , ember o- v.


IIFlIiTo Our Patrons;: o recfivj;J. their.

Dry G-oocis- .

tf'S-"- :! and 1'xaniiae.

Are iuvitefl to caii at Joiieson Thompsonsand examine their tine dplay ot



cf al:, kinds,


Cloakinirs & Overcoatings.

Just from New York


And imported .

In full assortment.


;rs .&,caps.A GOOD STOCK,


Notions' & Dfess Trimming's


In endless variety,At JOHNSON' & THOMPSON'S.

Ilaaiburg, Jaccnct aad Swiss


Of every Style.


S. E. TIPTOH,Agent for tho world-renown- '


Singer SewiitglachmesIs prepaml to 1'urnisii the celebrated 7ingerSewini; Maehines to his former customers andfriends in. Montgomery and the adjoining coun-de- s

' ' .'at

ITrtcjx- - Prices.He is iiov connected with the Cheap

Cash House of Geo. Ileiuion, in Paris, wherehe would be pleased te see his friends from.Montgomery w hen they visit that place.

Keh. 18-l- f.

METROPOLITAN HOTEL,Villi Street, btticren J'onl and Second,


OWING to a gt'fat reduction in our rent, wehave determined; tc rcdut-- our rates to

Our accommodations shall be second to no ho-X-

in the city. W. A. Tl'L'PtiTOV,Feb. Proprietor.

u. gai.i.eiii:k. c. xn.son. ,T. a. m.ittiikwLate Mason Co. Late Mt. Sti'r.g Late.Maysvili

Pormerly D'cnnison House.

Ga'lelier, Nelson &. Co., Proprietors.Fifth Street, Near Mam,

This House, having been thoroughly repaired, renovated and newly furnished, is now"Pen. . jan 10-- tf


iUOi LLEl I i UU,



ewina achineslconstantly on hand the liest Quality-- of

Needles, Spool Silk;Thread, jLsincn, &c



of Fir-c!a- .s Maclinc s Uepuirtd,


HAVIN'Ct Fiibl our stock of Clothing amirurnisliin'g'Goods to Mr Win. II,

U ilkerson, formally of ihic firm of I!. F. Hi rk-- i

ley Si Co., it gives us pleasure to recoiniuendliim to the patrons of the house and the pub-lic generally fls .a J'Btlcman in every way wor-thy of .Ihcir patro oipe. nnd we hope tbe 5iitnliberal-- patronage that has heretofore been

upon U3 w,:).! be extended to the.

n'ejncetfnllv.rUAXK", GUMP & CO.

In rcferiing to the above curd of Messrs.Frank, Gump ti Co., I would announce to tl $people of Montgomery and (be adjoining comp-lies that I have new on hand a


-- OF

mmor tiiv

, ' - ' I '

Laim & Most Fasliionablc Sty Sosf

And tunutacturcd from tha

13 o m t o r CJ o 1 .

'. My stoek of

Gcnfc Fufnisliing Goods!

, Is large nnd iu.


Will compare favorably with nay house iu !t issection of the State.

I have alto on hand a GOOD STOCK of


"'Vbicb will bo

SOLD LOW DOWN!In returning thanks, to my friends W ifci

anu lue nnjoiniug counties who J'.iive hi;rigiven me tlmir patronaiff .. hiit in the

business, I would that it ismy intention to See., r.' a'tp "and 'completestock of.Goor';i kVny line','' and that I willmake :'c"S their Advantage 16 buy their Cloth-

ing and I'lirnishing Goods of mr."

V M. !!. WILKKPSON.Junll-tf- .


Wliolesalo Gioccf:s

LIQUOR DEALERS,K EEP constantly on hand a large and well

Selected a5soitine..t of

Staple & Fancy Groceries;AVi.l buy ail Ti": ds'o.""-- "

COUNTRY FRDtTCJCS,For which we wili pay t'e

Highest. Market Price.. E3yrSorh-'?ns- t corner of .Vain and Mays-ville t'tre:t,. Ml. Sterling, Ky.


Having sold out my entire sto' k of Gr ice-- 1ies. Liouors. Ac., to Mp?ra n, . .(.-- V..'.i'

son, I take pleasure in recominomil.i? nstgentlemen wortliy ot I'onhdnnct and n coniin-uanceo- f

the libiral liatroviV-- rvin.,a.l tA ....while in business, ari .0." which accept my'nanus. C. J. GLOVEf1',

Jan. 2S-l-


LATH,Cor. Main St. and Georgetown I'itt,

Terms Cash. Paris, Ky.
