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LU - University of Hawaiʻi

Date post: 01-Jan-2022
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... t! I. I') J. ( .'n ' i , 'I THE IA Jinc Xuunusr: .!'? r - V f .I Id H llH-Mi.- tt. THE P. C. ADVERTISER CO. J'tlrsllr i'ivi'v !Saturl:iy Monini.'. .'?5r' i- - .r- x.. Twssraj .a sad llanH HHbrrlplia. !- - 'M 1 :' . 6 in. I 12 m. i m Idttarr, t i.lnin an. x: ' e I.. : i v " ; . . ; I .' ft CO 10 H AUaihfc V. km Hi. r. I ". LA B 9 R I m a Bfl i : i.i. ,. u.i ' i r I 0 i v k l i 00 "rlj Nb-riyii- i. r..'iil u Vrm. . a fe ii 2 i 2 I . .. . o 4 'o on 7 iiu lo to Ik CO . i. ii . (i'.i. . .i ov : ;.i. io tu li iio .tj (o Thx pimn pr e- - t r i..-- r ( .rr it :'. pri ( I Li: . t!. i:r .1" 4 ' lu vu U wu ID ltllt fix. L atu ?f4 f 4 . p-- r ' n .m. r. r t iinv.. 'v y v V Y U i ,t i r t . linn . . i, :,i ' iim is ij ;o hi 40 oo hix irv-lul- Maw si. an I. I A;: r I V r ) 1 i. Ill I) ... . CO 12 ixi ! ( " IH' Hi mi 60 00 any part of Eir(i-i- :i t xt.a .r I th- - t"1 - ''ei 1 ' Ii:t C'lijilin l.' i'j .i. (m v oti mi eu li WI 1 wi ! pos arB.'-- x, wii.-t- i Tar.xs fr 'CO 4 ,m on m-t- W h.. e 1'i'i'jH.ii. . .. '. i.m o on 4i WI Ti Oo loo 00 lMit I icojrfi'i Parana lt i : If a fr m ail pr:s of tfcx Pv.fi- - alway b ery fr Pxrsoo. rsi l.n in any prt of tr t t..t--- I f. mil lb amount of sunsxr.piioi d ix ! r ihi. paper " mxrtxa p4tk( lmp TT CmU'ir' n ai I a-- l lr.-a- -I and j'r-a.- l paid, t F ti. llarci.D . mif F.lCCtUJ COMMERCIAL A V V KKTI li't (MPA is k lkc rr k i io i :t i y A Sall.t-'- a lam, As XitMrrn a-- r Tiir. s: f.i llitr T' i. IHK Mi:tr. This 14 the 1 that wa til 1 1 la.e By shattvrx in ! bitter" I n of the To mx anl my inxumatx, Silas ffrxxu. When I ti a mlxle ymriif iurb-- - 'T th ' tii. All on Ih- - i:u ; WitU th win I m I tin- - . t ii f rt. T t. h tl.r nniiMr TK tio P'.rKit- - ''f ti.e ilfck Ti th mat- - la t!i' iiili'n t.t h. With th- - lxM lu tb- - lu-- l t. V k'r,ini hi lrx.rl wtb. II 'w J our " 1 tiip hf l r.itit li iMf tkrxl nar KilUt rri!l ' Uli. b bt,l E. S. W. by N.. Au.l the bmiii. li-- fi lft. UJi. ht tti- - j l.lrnt IL.dl.-t- - AD'I hnw i- ttir Hoitxut t3 1 fi 1 thx ju lrnt l.x.t bin 1 ' 'h. If tli- - .in.lriit' l"? litn l. An tli' n'ltslit fnlU !. It our IhxIj n 1 t u- - t lvjr J.iuk tht nllit r Ix.an.t to go. on, rtjr aloft t. t!j- - tcuir U.rJ -- trmk. An I irt-- l thr Kpank r Ixx.m. bo I a traily nail t th mrt:ijli T ifTr h-- r Wi, boatswain, J u In tti- - I r itl hoi I. What wat-- r il JoU ft ml Toar frt ti l a hIf by th- - r.j l rt. Anil rttir luorr ltun.l. Ub aallori. rollar jour luarlin .ik And rarh iu ; Co tux, utir j nr tniuii t xpikr tlix ouiupa, Cr mrx will bt riKiuaif In.' Th. y tirr. toxtr at amp, thxjr xpikrj thx pmujn Thy j apluxl ttix iuIzku bra--a , Aloft an l atow tlixy workxil, t.ut. lao '. Tb wat.-- r Kainxil aparx. Tbxy lxiix.1 a botx bxl.iw hxr ll tax To lxt tlix watxr mil. But ruoro au l niorx with awful r ur Tb watxr It iliil TLxn np pokx thx c.x k of our kH''I ab:p AnJ b wm a lubt-r- r brvx aatvcral wix in Tarlou tort. An. I my lifx 1,1 like t. aavr. ' Thxn up iHjkx t!tx captain of tlix uiarinxa. Wtiu tlxarly livr.l bia . It's awful to ilix. an It's ntM t lx dry. An-- ! I ruovx wx rn-- x a tri. Ob, tlixu 'twa thx gallant nn'imJ uialo A b at"Ii5x. thrtu aailora' jaw. 'Twa. thx axronil mate wbone ban. I hm wrixbt In laying down thx law. tlx tnuk thx an-bi- r on bi b. k, Aa I Ixapt int the mam ; Through foarn an ! "pray hx rl..x bl war. An l aank ami rix awain. Through foain an J opray a Ixarfur away. Thx an-bo- r atont hx bure. Till fx at lat. bx nia.lx It fa.-- t. And warpx I tb ablp aaborx. Thi I thx tatx that i .l t lux. By that bonxt ami truthful of thx And I fcirj thx life of a Kxci.n matx. Though raptaln riin him an I xailor bate ; t'ut b ain't hkx .mx of thx waht I'vx xu. A wotil.l it' an Iix t a p.H.r marinx. A rm i ami .Vrry J.rnif, The proposed Purchase of Gibralter. One hun.lre l arJ xentj-90te- n yrars ito. tbe . .... I Drtreax) oi u )runer, wiucn w.i- - c .nsiucreii im- - f j rejtnable in the hand ol 5puin, w.i ucce-fu- ll I axxrtulteil ami (Mturt.l Irutu it- - ami lr..a Ihaldttei; ba. been I..-1- J t, Kn;LinJ a.n.t j 4s.ll oroeT. Mrentlien.; 1 III It- - lr .eiiCC, botll on 1a) LiOil anil c:t l:OC, bj It- - refllt owners, it ' ' ban inJeeJ b.rcoioc iiaprPisnantc. an j cunequently a thorn in the i Je or .jviin. ami an object of je.il- - ounj t.j other n.iti hi- -. It ban nlw.tj-- . been ile- - oowiniitcJ trie trie k-- T l the Jleliierraiiean, ; not only from it cuanuamlin iiici n. jutuni i out into the w- - ;rii ami threatening jax.in - " yea- - , ' aeb witn us piweriui ii.iiierixn, nut iroru im tx- - tet.ix anj chuid 1i.u.-- i bujr, in which a ' fle-- l enn aneh-i- r with sure r.r tei:t ion from eer- - i tain winil. Withnuch reeiuiin,Mi.iati.in4, it h.- - i come of ttis? utm-xs- t t.itue t u m.iritirne l'.mer, an si the qucxtion of iti retmiion by tnl.inl or itt m.i, .r- r I, in fi. Ni.nifi rinii!il rixcxr I .r a iii.inii'rit I u niertainel hj anj Knlii.'im.m who i.i true to hi countrj. LnilT th-i- e circutnst.iiice it ia eiart- - liujx t, have to rccar l a rrji irt whieti c.iuie Ir m f i.lri.l tlmt & fen I ir -- x uiii of iunncw In. 4 hon uhnoribtftj with iew to purcu-vii- (Jihraher, a nil that houM Knlliul rU-- e t ?!! It. tilO tn in- - ej i to br espenj-n- l in lurlif jin jHiliuns on the htraibs. b.jtti in Atrii'a anj Spam. I is true there? wo-- a rumour, which iitt-- J croutiJ a few jear a . iv--t the p'K--i,)ii- of our Leeoiuin mananuuou's in I a nl.n over to the Spaniards the l'rtren-- t we h-- t 1 from them; but, if there wn the laa-- l loutui iti.ir. (or xui'li a rumour. the cnuuwnis winch appeareJ up n it ) JeciJcJ-Ij- r N showe l t.'ie l. e'iti,; ot t!i nati.m that the ilea WM 0,'iii'WIj ah iml ineil. NicS, a report iintj, however, have ijivrn L the movement now referrel to, and lent it pr a liope that the uffr of a aoftniheeni puui of miner unbt t mi ace Ihe ruoncj-l-ivin- ,; r.i.lI.iii.in C jxvrt with a bir- - , ten rick, vtfiifti Lrin,; ni) rTi-nuc- . but De.ir hrasily on the F.l :ti '1'icr for its luAititenancc The j rn-- e lent ul' lde 1 mi.tri (!noi- - m tjr n iTC Itifcn pur ! the h'j in th hrta-- t of Iffin, but Ichiu;h Kfig!.iiiJ nit J .u!t c immitu-t- l a blumlt-- r in ilfiii'jui.'iin the f .rtilij.i'i ris of Corfu anj t'cf ilorii.t, anl linking the a rre'nt t. tircroe, it djes nut fII.)W llmt a aecurij an l w r-- e; tilun l.T etiouM tie c uitDtt tcl by selling the? 'fr'inr'.t f rtrc' in her l"Hx!-i- n for anj urn of id mejr that tuihl fx? itTt-rc- J for if, or lor anv .ithrr c 'neiJcr.it i.ni that inilit he a In r 4.11 It in.; of the cut ture ! I.ihralter, is rrokabir. h V toM there it Sjmeri the Charitj itIf. is not up, jet Borne men expect to indigent eociety. did joii travel. you were India?" the principally.-- ' Thi i regarded by the of aforesaid Jones an elephantine joke. of did for me s r7 eii rJ.ictor of patient. Well y (J I coulda t up tnj d ioz VOL. XXVI--X- O. 32. jusincss J. M. DAVIDSON, ttoi"no V n.t Xjn' noi-- i lyr I i K tau Mrrrl PHILLIPS & Co., HdRTKRH M XV 11 O I. US A I. K I K A 1M ;a CloUilnaj. B x.!a. li "- - . Ilt. M-- Kurniihicit and i'anry (ixla. (jinl i i S- - II Kiiliuminu !"t.. iionululv H. E. McINTYBE BROTHER, NI Y V.V.I STORK. Ci.rnxr of Kinic rort trxxta. j.r.l k II. I. JOHN S. McGREW, M. D., XKTIZ KUItCiKON U. W. AltMY, Can cmtul'xil at hU Rxi.xtif on llot'l atrxxt, A!kxa and Tort atrxxta. jaul 81 rnc ri-iL- i a. ti. IKWt. WM, G. IRWIN L Co., Satjar Fiictors Commission Agents, IIONULULl. II. I. CHULAN & CO., l O K T K K OK II l K A L. KK I X CHINA iJi.L: Of dxarriptiona. anj in all in.l of Urr ilooils. A lao, con- stantly on hand, a .UHltty of Hawaiian Kiex. Jmnl Nuu.a u trei. il'inolulu. 61 A. W. BUSH, iKIICKIl AVI l'K() !!() DKAI.KK. family irocxry and rxxd rttorx. I"- - iir ra t mx iroin othxr inland will be promptly in. .": Fort irxxt. Ilonolula. janl 81 kliBT. 1IMI4 c. M. com I LEWERS t COOKE, (' irrr.v.ra to Limn & Vickus) KII.KHS M'MllKIt A.M HIILDINO 13 auT Vla'.Tiali. Slrxxt. 61 C. AF0N6, MPOKTKK. WIKM-KSAI.- K AND KKTaIL I lixalxr in Uxnxrai Mxrchandiae Firx-pro- btore, Nona no Sirx- -t ja3 81 BROWN fc CO., MIMIKTKIIS . Nt )K4I.F.RS IX AI.KS I M1.NK4 ANUSPIRITd. AT WIluLKdALK. V Mxrcharit jrrxxt, Ijanl 81) Ilmolalu, I. J. HAYSELDEN, A of Rxni ; .N and Property of xrrry d cription ait'ndxil t'. .nai na'Hlrrte. tnyT ly S. ROTH. ERC'IIAXT TAILOR. 3S FORT ST. jan Honolulu. II. I. 81 WILLIAM AULD, H EX T TO TAKE CKXOVI.EIC.MEXTS lo ( attracts for I alxir in Ih- - District of Kona. Island of 0-.h- at Ibe Orhrx of thx llonola o Water Works. fxt ol Ncuanu ?.ret. Jal 81 ly JNO. A. HASSINGER, ET TO TAKE A'K.XOVI.EIG- - mxr.ts 10 Tontracls lor Labor. oflicx. Honolulu. 81 JOHIN KALUA, TIOKKV AM) COlSELI.IR AT I. A V. tg'ht lo take acknoa-ix.litmxnt- of instramenla for the Island of Maui. Alao Asxnl to t ike acknowledgments for Labor f.r the District of Wailuku. janl 81 ly JOHN RUSSELL, TroKNKV A X'O- - 32 MERCHANT ,a .lKl.l.l,l.'a.r.ni'r ri;in ninLM. n.,tH,iuiu. Fehruary U' th. 1sh. itMly CECIL BROWN t ro K X Et M . ol'NsELOR AT 'X MiriBV Pl'KLIC arid t.mi f'.rlakiriK Inatrumxnta f..r I.Un.1 of Oahu. Kaabumai.u stree,. n .n..iaiu, ll. I. fe2 80 RICHARD F. BICKERTON, iTTOKKl iMK iil'NsEl.tiU ATL.IW. - M 111 attend the t erra, of on the other Islands to lend on loi rtesof Freeholds. r OFFICE. No. .,, irt-r,aii- i Mr-- rt j ftainfcn wald's. my 16 M) E. H. THACHER. e xx x- - ; o xa. JLJ 3 xx t t KT I. OFFICK. lOI l-- U fan Mrrrl, in xt d or li.i'ason' I'llot'igraph Oallery. jal bl A. S. C LEGHORN k Co., MI'Oll Tt-:- AM) WHOLLS.ILK AND KLTAIL UKALKRS IN General Merchandise, Comer Qaexn and ?:s. janl 81 t r III. IMI Kl IHoO. H r. witkt. moBT. WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, ,?urcx,or to II. M. Whitney.) IMI'ORTIMa A M ,MA.-i- r AHi-Ri.- al i":aii n-- r. News rum aner. ami nwi u ihi-- i.. j ll :! tl Merchant Street. 11. 1. 51 lylU ( WONG LEONG i CO. r1rnrr mf Nuummu m nd M urine SlrrrU, HoriT'lutu. 11- - in lr ClothinsT. Boola hr. m. rtt r,c- - llase also to oit. Also CniM tnice lt Lnin, Twne. Ch.na i ilk Handker chixf. anl nr. (Jirufisft .l.i;iti j-t- r l'biu'iitl.m. .lliralxokvlaa 1'Uutali 'D. K.opa Rice Plantation, and 1'al.aia Kice I'unt.iti m. jail) SI E. COOK WEBB, D., II o xxx co pntliist, TK CIHF.F OF STAFF II O M YAK lA 1. rillC llil.-P- I r L. Warii'- - N . Y. Ilrhce. 60 1. rt ,r ililrr II 1 10 A. M..2to 4 P M. jl S' qr H.e Puui-- a ?heen r,anth Company. The Plantation. Hilo. Xne Wllk,Pa l I'Untalion, llu-l- o sj.-i- r Mid. M:rrl-- x. Tait & rucar Machinery. John liay A; IVi Liverpool anl London Packets, jir.l Trie ii:a,if w and II. nolul i of Packets. 1 JOSEPH WISEMAN A I. EnTAT VZ IIKOKER, (Ml KM- - IM.O V Al K.X I lf itK I. IION'OLl Lf.H I Rxnta C'.tuc-- s. -s. and sell, and Real li.t-- e in all parts o: KiiKdom. KMHUiVMIST found for those w.wk in all the brancbes of busioess these Islands LEU A I. Documents drawo. Bills Collected. Books and Arrr.Bni. kept and t.xnxral emre work transacted. Fatracaf c .Coomistioos Moderate. ap.l,ly. ' bin M.tjentjr Kinx Williuu .. wht-- Duke of y pjeMsewnun of a f.rtre ot ine:iiuahl t.tlux. which ' tioit TEH A M DEU.EK IX t'l.OTII-Cb- e voitel force f Kar.it c h. 1 ti. t. r been able 1 1N'. " !'h""- - ,U:- - J'"Irr. Perfumery, t wrrl tr.tu her. the K "li is a jewel in the ri4VilC .'a ai.d I.- - esery Benkrrf. description of Calf Uxnt Urea. s ffupenor Hoots. Cr.jwri of Knl.llnl. an l ;i such. iuti-- l he rcuirit'J aiwaysnn hand. at all e. ll i well tiiat the ub-crib- cr tot lie ; K. r-- ar 'i''' ST"T- - J01 l Fuiehaie Fun.J hue iroTi.lei n ahermtive, in tlie evr-n- t of the non-ace- rf t.inee of thnr off.T hj JAMLo 111. T TflVC; o All rt Al , Irjpinin4 to utioe the amount subcribej in lor- - TroilF.V AM for "ELLR AT tiffing their own I r .xettsiniw on the .Strait-.- . T.ir- - : L a-i. ; onsevan'ir "i"' a; ".''V I? "i..'Xr T??iVi it on ttie one nide, anl on the other, are Et.it- -. fjrtifi.'il ; but a large num of money mi -- tit MiTiRV I'C'III.ICT nud be applie l in a i ling t their strength, some ConiBii..lonrr f Drrd fur the Mtr or York point for a new be founi in .re im- - fa:jfornla. tneJialelj oj polite Tanfa. between Cape Cartel mcE: No. Kaahamanu t. anJCeuta. It will, b be wi-- er it the Don . s. tn r. b i. jnl 81 at once turn their attenti n t t thin, rather tli.in ; - - wtelimean lirrre-.p.n.h-ii- . e by m ikinz a futile j Q TTr MACFARLANE k Co., offer which Kn.anl Can ne.-- r acvpt.-.4r- ,ny afli ,ORr.K.. NI, niMIISMUN l KK- - Aur Oazrtle. j cimm-- . - - K h.o..o' F.re-.ri- f VJ'en Pt . Honolulu. II. 1. Tiie truth alw.ij jaj in the J " ! an olJ i igmk roa tayitivr. aoJ that the reAon. hy i o of at the beginning of a businrite; tranaction. Journal. Taunteth not pufled and a puff eTery time tbey giye a dollar an ol-- woman's How Jone. in O, by trunk line, frieDd t- t- a) i ht not ou xtid a."- - dijctor, make uiod la des perate." tixbi. htiutii M. k an.l il'inolulu. and janldl fl M all .uxTior xntrux, tlix attxndxil IN Fort U. THOS. Interior jaul W. Contracts AT .A I.AW Ackaowledjr m'otsof rhe N" Court .Morx-- d.xirstroni llr j D ahore Kahumanu A Honolulu. ja ?he. Milk'ii Rirr M. o dren -I- 'm Watton. Line fF. lxaxs the tarious coDoxctxtl with tfvl.cued. r.ne Lenta alreaJf while rw fortre miht wecr. Hui..iinz. en little when HONOLULU-- ' DOCTOR KRAFT. PHYSICIAN a SURGEON FROM Kristiania University. Norway, o. li Kukni strfft. oppoitf Ihf Ljfram. OFFICE IIOUKS: ('ROM J TO li A. !.. AM FKOV. TO 8 P. f.. KXl'KHT St XD.lV'.. nraiG n t u b Tj Xj. ex ae24 3m NEW LAW OFFICE. IIr C. JO KS. ( Irkoj A liorraxy an.l ( oun- - axllor at I. aw and Gxnxral Land Airnt and t'o'.lxrtt.r. will practice in all Courts of the aereral Inland in the King dom. lifTicx, oer Allen Robinion's. yuxt-- ffirtrt. ll.irin ulu, ii.I. JAS. GAY, Cl'KVCYUK. WA1MKA. HAWAII V B. tfi urTeya of importance on other Islumls attended to. ao '! tt . - - - F T LENEHAN & CO.. Importers and General Commission Merchants. I WIIolesaLK DKAI.EKS ix j WINES, ALES AND SPIRITS, HONOLULU. II. I JaSt ly j CHAS. T. GULICK, InT O T A. n 37 TT 13 Xj I O CKXT TO T A KK ACKNOWI.KHOM KN'l J TO LABOR CONTRACTS and General Business Agent. Onlce In Makee't Block, corner Queen and Kaiitiuinanu Streets. Honolulu jnnl-H- l ly W. C. AKANA, Chinese and Hawaiian ' Translator and Interpreter, 4S KIX STREET. IIOMILI'LI'. Translations of either of theal ove lancua. . made with accuracy and dispatch and on reasonable terms, my'21 ly S. MAGNIN, IMPORTER and JOBBER or STAPLE and FAM Y GOODS, CLOTHIXC, COOTS. SIIOIIS, Lt. At Great Eastern Store, 62 Fort Street. HONOLULU. Iniar&'Slly C. C. COLEMAN, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST. Horse Shoeing, Ojn-i-ififf- o Work. Sco. jan 1 Fhnp on King street, next to Castle At Cooke. 81 I CHAS. STRATEMEYER, PRACTICAL SIGH AUD SHOW PAINTERS IIOTKI. STRKKT. Ap. 2. 3m. OHHOITK HART. BRorilfcRS. 8. c. aLLa. a. P. robix.mox. ALLEN & KOBINSON, KOBIXNO.X'S WHARF. IIKALKKS I.N 4T l.L.MHKKand all kinds of Bl 1 1.1' I NO .MATKHlAO Hairts, Oils. Nails, Ate, Ac. aUKSTs roa scbdo.ii.m KULAMANl", KIKAULUOIII. MARY KI.LKN, PAI'AIII. FAIRV yt'KKN. I I LA MA I. K III jnUJ H inolulu. Hawaiian Isl.imls. nicrbnnitnl. WM. JOHNSON, 1, Mrrrhnut Tnllor. 'ort Street, Honolulu. - Hawaiian Itlan ls. jn 1 hi WM. FENNELL. (Successor to I. Dltoti) 3Tz. 92 Kins wtrooi, I)II.F. . IIAR.NF.SS M1KKK i.h.I Im-porte- rof SA LKATHKlt and AMU.KR'.S MAR 1V A It H All work done in my establishment is under my dir-c- t si(erviion. and I "ill use my best endeavors to idensx my customers. 1V Oire me a call. fe6 'SI ly" S. M. WHITMAN, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. 0 aa King Street, near Bethel, Honolulu. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Horse-Shoeingf- it Carriage Work jy3 81 TIIOS 15. walker, Contractor and Eailder, F A RT ll'CLIR ATTKNT i in jl to the setune of all kinds of fleam B. iilers. Furnaces, Ovens and Ranges, lirick or Stone C'himnes. any 1 beifht; Cornpivntion Monuments and iieuii stones. marhie or (f ran i.e. XT SatiHfctory References given when required. Address V O. jan tl THOMAS TAN N ATT, No. 3 Fort St.. nj.posite E. O. Hall Sn. Honolulu. V.TFHF. ('MICKS. JKWKI.KV i'7 and FI.XK I A C II I . F. II V carelully re- - paired in a workmanlike manner. IT Orders from the Other Islands rrimptly at tended to. jal St HICK A XO STOXF. l A SONS A XI tl - TRACTUKS AM Bl'ILObRS, Kinj Street, Honolulu, with W. M. Uihhs. A KK I'KKIMHKi) To Undertake all Kinds of Mason Work. "erial attf tmn given to setting Kirn-'.- . Hiker Ovens and ad kinds of Cooking apparatus. Cniuini-i- . Found.itions and Ci.txrns t.uilt. xtc , elc. IManlation Owners and Superintendents wou!. do welt to entrust us with business in our line. We wi.h the utlic to nndxrstand that all work done by us is guarant-e- d I give satisfaction. jan 1 M WILLIAM TURNER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, LITE OF SAX FKAXFISFO. Has established himself at 8 S KIM S I'.. opp..i:e M Rose's Carnage Factory. FIXE AVATCII WORK A STKC I A I.TY, and eatifaction guaranteed. A.2.11 CEO. S. HARRIS, SHIP & GENERAL BLACKSMITH WORK. RKIDCK. IIOFSK. A XI) SHIP Waitou Work. Moulding liitis, I'Unmf Knives, Anchors and Anvils repaired. Uooscnecks. Crank Axles and Wagon Axlet made for tbe trade on reasonable terms. Wuyon for Traction ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS With all tbiir Fittings a speciality. 1 Order Promptly Attended to find Work Guaranteed. CT P hop K,n the Esplanade, iu the reir ol Mr. Geo. Lucas Planing Mill. jal 11 ,3 - - . .nam- -i an Hi an i ixiTr rjiKr-rts:aAi.TKx- --, HAWAIIAN I. S LANDS, Steam Boilers, Furnaces, Ranges Set, BRICK and STONE WORK ! .iii on r.j"inib tiTiin. Ad !r- -i 5 Kmtua rqu irx, or thr uh thx Pi.t OfScx j.nl N. F. BURGESS CARPENTER AND BUILDER, su jp. No. si. kino srRKKr. opj'oin: m.j r.o?E"S. M ITKS CIVKNOV I.Ia KIXIISOK E'l wlirn rt (jaireii; ;lii-- - n.l '. ites fitted tip in the latent l'.HtTU !:yl. KK!Mli:iii OF i:KRY DESfRirilOX J 0.nx in the let p'lasibli? inunner, and at reasonable raie.. ! UAKI'KN ORN'A.V'KNTS of all kin.ls mile toorder. as j tiled and set. j I'ersimiil atrenti'm aiil I iriven to the moving of u j kinds f bcil.iiiij:ji Hjvuii bad expxrience in thx Kaatrrn ' Mte. f,.t culident I eau give llfaction ! the moat fa- - ' '! n u- - t-- f lelt at my vn or residence will receive prompt attlentnii, it. at of ref'Tt-IKTe- s uiven. Riid.nce. 2H Fort Street. II inolulu. Orders from the other islands rolicited. C H R . G-3SRT- Z, S KDRT STREET, Importer aiacl Dealer in CENTS', BOYS', LADIES', MISSES and CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS ALO Gen' ools & SUoes MADE TO ORDER. jaal Ml J.. W. IIOPP Co., No. 1." Fort Si. iiikI Xo. 78 Kins Si. Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers ANI- - 1? v o ii c li IJ o 1 i s h e rs . Inriilttii'o oi" fill Ivincl? CONSTANTLY O.N HAND. Window Cornices and Curtains furnished to ordkr. Houses Entirely Furnished In a Complete nnd Satisfactory Manner, At Moderate Rates. GIVE US u CALL. TJT Oid. rs frnm the other Is! in.! for Kuroiture, Keildinp or .MaitiiiK pttvnitoi to witn iroinptni-?i- . noni 'no ly i G. MICAS, Contractor and r.inildei' 4 Honolulu Planing Mi'lf, flj ii i?ri-f- i UiiiU " fill. I !. : i tv rr -- r- -- w- -- r s i ESPLANADE, Honolulu, H. I. Jliinul.u'tiireg all kin. In ol Miiuldinjr-i- , Unitkets. Window 1'ramrs, Saslirs, Doors Illlnds and all kinds of Woodwork finish. TUItXIS(t AND SCfiOLL SAWING. All kind of Planing- - nnd Sawing. Morticing and Tenoning, I'Lin.. Speciliculion.. i Irri DniwinS" mil raiiniiilr. I'u riiilirit upon A pplirtilioii. OKDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED, and V.rk (Juranteed. Orders from the other Islands solicited. jl 81 lv T. BJ r.lUfxRAY, Carriage & Wagon Builder, No. .jO Kir. Street, inor-il-e Station House. . j TK K.ai.dat Hed Rock Trees f. r CASH rr CJive me a I'ail. litnl SI COKCHEE & AHUKG, IMPORTERS & GENERAL DEALERS j China Goods aud Merchandise F KVKKY DKSCRIl'TION. Ahvtiys on Hanclifc For Sale, j Urusn Co th-i- , Chiries Crepes. Silk Handkerchiefs, Ires St.k in tir-- a; Van- - ly, LnCijuered Ware fancy W..rk ni.d t.li.ve H .e. Ivory i T..r:oi-e- . Sh- - II ar. l S.u.dle Wond Fans. '1 liT'-- Caw Set in I'aiiipli'.r V....d Trunk. Fi'.e (Jh na Teu, K.itt in t. h iir. China Mi'tiru', Vn T 11 VTI -- XT lZTCW ' " Jv- - ru'iit..- - at 1.1:7 .uuanu ana -- o. st ror Sire- -t nol9 ly ; . - - ! IPOStS ! i J UST RECEIVED FX .MAItll'A KIUKOIT, IeI "Nrj3 LOT OP 7 FEET GEDAR POSTS ! Far "uporiur tj IleJwooJ in all particulars. FOk SALE BY d3i tf ALLEN & ROBINSON. JUST RECEIVED ! ! i;y .1. XI. 13 TJ rv fS. XO. 4I. FORT STREET, A CHOICE LOT OF NO. 1 FRESH SALMON ! ! V CALL E1KI.V, and wrurc i Good Article. unll U in n imi n ia FEBRUARY 1, ISS5. Rlrrtaninl. J. ID. MilRBS WORKS- - BET.1KI. STRKE.', NEAR KINO. MAN U FAOTU RERS mom!i;:ts. i1k.u)st0!:s, touks. TACLliT.S. M1UUI.K M AMKLS, WASHSTWI) TOPS, and 'iling in White & Black Marble. MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION M A D K T- - ORDKR AT TIIK Lowest Possible Iates .Mouomrnts aud Headstones ( ieaued and Kfft. ti-i- T Order rrom the other NUuJs prouiptly attended to. jan 1 SI HIGGiS & JESSETT, ai-.'- i NOS. 50 & 52 KING STREET, tirOl'Ll) IM'OKM TIIKIlt I'ATKONS T and th pener.il imhlic, that they have formed a Co- partnership for the purpose of carrying on the business ol Carriage Building, Trimming, Varnishing, Harness Making, And. JSsicica.l03r3r, A nd have enpneed the services of First-Olns- s Workmen FRO M S A X F II A N CISCO: VVImi are Thoroughly Ai"unla!ed villi all the - details of jP.tintiiic t cl We are Prepared to Furnish K XC K LL K XT WO U IC AT A M IT WILL FA V TO GIVE.US CALL. (j'll SI ly) ffs.HK INDF.KSICJN Kl BKBSTO INFORM I. in Cuslumers a:id ilie pulilic scnerallv that he is ure- - pared at his SHOPS OK QUEEN STREET, Ailjoiiiiiitf II II Ai'KEKLI' Co.. where he is prepared to MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS Carnages, Buggies, Express Wagons, Cane and Dump Carts, Aim i, to a 1 tend to Repairing, Biacksmithing - A Nil Ad (Jrdirs FilUd Promplnrss and Dispatch. ITIV I tf G . WEST. CREAM i. i i rs i: it rv y, Importer & Home Hannfactarer of Cautlies OF ALL H ESC'R I ! TUNS, . 112 Fort Street, Jnt Abtue Hotel St.. Has jut mad.- - lire- - a.'ditiii.s to h s estaliiishment, and is n w prepared to furni.-- h t the trade, the 11. nolulu r.ub- -' lie. and residents n tl.e other Iliiiuis, the VKKV h.kst of i:3ir.-j- i m: a. i;irosTi:i (wdius, l)f all Description?. AT VI. RY liKIH'CED I'RICES. Receives Fr-- Caii.li-- s hy arrival. Ile fiu irante--s the jurity f hn s, .1 THE kf. .m candies are a specially with him. a;'d are ma le hy the best manu- - ' factureis in La:i:oi r.i.i, ai.u received ny every steamer. Soda Water, and all kinds of Iced Drinks. ' TIIE BEST 1CE CREA2E IN THE CITY. The BEST I1R AND5 t f CIDHCK CI(I.RS aiwaj on hand. ocjy-t- f ,M'':w1'rnEW""11J"-'- mmilkl Hl'je-v- i' XTw .Mm BEoS TO IXTIMATE TO HIS CUSTOMERS, AfSID TH E PUBLIC GENERALLY, TH AT HIS EXPRESS OFFICE IS AT 84 KING STREET, Next to Mr. Eurgess's Carpenter Shop, where orders may be left at any time of the Day or Night. TIXLTHOM: M31DER, S au?27.1yr WIIOLK NO. VMO. ' in an in .naiaii HAWAIIAN HOTEL Guests Entertained or.' Either the American or European Plan. THE RESTAURANT Is an Acjucct to the Kctd. Kucui. with Hoard. . .. ..Tan I V,nr mid a H:ll er day Rooms w it Hoiiid. .. . 11. n e I'. Uais . r (lay Kun without Hoard. .Hi e l,.l!.,r " r I iv and upwurdi tott.i::es In foanettien vilh the Hutrl at Srtlal Kali JO IIX M. I. V I. OK .V 0.. J.iu 181 I'roiirirlor.. ASTOR. HOUSS ft ' I Iwaifa Ux' BM1 k LU Nos. 78 in ! TS Hotel S.reets. HART BROTHERS, Proprietors. Board by the Day. Week or Transient JBILTT RD3, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco, Soda Water & other Iced Drinks. MEALS SERVED Ui FIRST CLASS STYLE AT A Ma IIOI Its. HENRY J. HART. (jal 81) ELLIS A. II A RT. ITE8ITI0IL HOTEL ! nCKT fXTVV JP. A PTT a eri Tin ATlTlTTonrtTirt NO. 81. HOTEL STRKKT, HONOLULU. The lasSirgcsf, Coolest, :asi. DIISTIjSTGt eoom i iv rniiz city. Meals served at all Hours and no Pains nor Expense Spared to Keep th Table Supplied with the Eest the Market Affords. Table Board $4 to $5 per Week. mayUBl COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT, :No. (V2, riotol Street. I r THE LEST 0? FOOD. I v' COMPETENT COOKS, ATTENTIVE WAITERS. FIRST-CLAS- S COARD, AT REASONABLE RATES. PETER COSTA, PROPRIETOR, 1L: tie Cliit'f Kfcwnrd vA juUii. Sl.lyr Just Received, Ex. ''Ceylon," FROM RDSTON Fine Assortment of Oak Plank For Sale in Lots to Suit, Sr.otf Hy ILLKV ii. ROHINMIV. HAWAIIAN INVESTMENT & AGENCY COMPANY. (I... mile.!.) MOXKV LOAVKI) O N FI U ST-- C I, A SS for lot.jf or hort re-i- ,!s Aj to V . I., li llV. IN. Min ;,m trm. Office: i.;e-- S:re t. i.v.-- r ;. W. M ACIARHNL K CO. aueju.i f McOHESNEY & GITHENS, HKALl-.K- I.N LEATHER, HIDES AND TALLOW Sb Oonni-iisiioi- Morchanls. A. Gr XJ JSJ- - 'X m xT O l"i ROYAL SOAP COTJ1PAUY. 42 HVY.KS STRKKT, If. i. wi tf X-- 1VE ! H. M. EVIOORE, AN1 1EALl.R IN STATIOXERV. CIGARS. TO It AC CO, JtC. 13 FORT STREET. mchlS.Sl. lyr .v. i. iii:wi:tt, fi nn rYr J ' J 1 X II UU1U1 Uxll ALL OBIIF.KS LEFT AT I.'. I. AIMM'S AltTIOV BOOM WILL BE PROMPTLY ATTK.MlKI) TO. no5 3m the rAOinc (Commercial Ibbfrliscr ri ri ia i at Ii i ;'. . .1 ul 1 I 1 1 iilil . Commercial I fi . i i l J i. 'i :r i i r. r I ' t ' i ' I l I , . ! i i . - .. " ' . 1 i i mfMiigv I Horse-slLoein- s JADIES. h PMUES, 1 1 17" A.ivxr'.i!.-T- S ri'i. !:r; in tiix K'a.trrn t'nitrd Plates, raa iy fur their eanls ly o i'ii'.ii t turret. harks or I' rilled Mats I oH.t Munpi fr uJ. ar.:. ui I a. the) m tsn tu aay and Uir cards wiil inserted as r ai e ti.l'le, .r thr l.ni paid fur XT C'arJ. a hen rmpun ri' A Till, art ali.'srxl a I. -- count lr.ru tl.e.r Hit-s- , ahi. h ar tut transient d er: inetnma wi en )'i.l or it srrd quarterly, tfintle dines nf the A iTtl HTissa. Ten C nts t ahen char(4 F.fw-- :i .'i hi - the d.if en. iiie lelinr. .0p.th british and mercantile insurance: co OK LONDON AMI KI 1 Ml I" It ii II . 1SC9 CAPITA L. 12.OOU.UOO trrutiiiiliitnl nml liiir.inl Kwatl. I .OUT, 84 iMiKiiviiami iiavk iikkx ab K l'i)INTl l AUKNTeh.r the - indwlch Island. and ar authorised :o Insure airauisi Kir. uo.jn liT.irahh terms. Kink, t ik.i'11 in any prt i.f tl.e Is'amls on tTual AMD Wooav E HuildinKb.an.1 M"rchar.disf )arxllin llouaxa and Kurnuure. Viml er, t'oals. ' In harhor with or itlthout cariri.es or O'ider repair. jsn I SI KI. II I'r'M'HLAKdKK CO. Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Of NMV 7KA1.AM). r.u'M'u.. lio.nou.ouo. J JUTVli FST III.ISFI AN Alii:('V 11 at Honolulu. hr the lliax Ian Islands, the undersigned are pre.'ared to aivept rik iiininit fire In dellni;s, stores, warehouses and men handle, on luverahle ternia Marine risks on carg i, frt ilus. Imttomr , pr. (us and cuiiiniicsiona. I.os.ra promptly ntlju.lccl uo.l puyable Iserv. Jim 1 81 J. ll. WAI.KKR. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LIVERPOOL. t'Al'tT.U. IO.QOO.OOU. lM.IMITrI I.lAtULITV. KIRK lM HANC II ot all ileseriptlont lit ba elierted at .Modernlc Rates of I'mnlum, by the undxrsljfneil, J. 8. WAI.KKR, Ap. 2, '$1, 1 r. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. 1 1 A M H t KU - M A I. I) F. It V HU FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OK 11 AM lit' HU. XI II. IM M.S. MI.UCIIAMIISE, FI'HM. B lure and Machinery insuitd .iinst Hre on the most favnrahle terms. ' -- V. JAlXi I lit Ak'eiit f r th Hawaiian Islands. Jan 1 til Ix o SWISS LLOYD MARINE INS. CO., OF WIXTKKTIIl'K. 'R1IIK I'NDKUSKJ V F.I) ARK A FT II O It I A KI T0 1Nl'KK ON CARGO FREIGHT and TREASURE From Honolulu. TO ALL PA UTS OF THE WOULD AND I'l'ON FOASTKUS. II V SI'KCMb FKHMISSION On the most r'avoral.le Terms. J. 8. WAI.KKR. an 1 81 A if. lit for the Hawaiian I. land.. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. XX 33-A.X- D O X- - Tj11 I O IJ , SO WALL ?Tlti;r.T. NLW VOItK. rmF. AltOVF t'OMTTtxr IIAVIXO K.- S- k t ihlished an Aeenrv Ht HoiikIiiIu. lor Hie lluar.iian I.I. iiiidn, the uiideraium d is authori.i d lo accept and write M AI6INJ3 RISKS ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Com. missions, ana iiuiis. At current H.itei. J. S. WALKER. ly Agent for the Hawaiian jslanls. Ill TiTa ar mi n in n iiswniaMi.ini. Dcmrstir JlroDiiff. WAILUKU FOI FACTORY, KST Ul'AI.H'1 Of IMI AI mam:fautlrkd . All orders filled with dinitrti. K. II. BAII.KV. SI Mailuku, Maul. IONOLULU STEM1.: BAKERY! R. LOVE & EROTIIER, Proprietors, xi'Iam: ktrkkt. gfcll.OT. MKDIF.M AM NiVl KKKtli, m always on hand and made lo order. .!si), U tier. Sotla nud llxtUr I'rarkrrit, JI'.SXV LtM CAKM. Asc. SI1II' HRK.ll) It Fit A It Kl) on the shortest notlr FAMILV BREAD, made'of the Rent Klour, haked daily and always on hand. .v. a.nnoirjv hufad of the iifst vjr.irr jan 1 hi HONOtULO SOIP WORKS, I f onoltilti. S'ltr 11 u.i in.. oT l lie alioit concern hntlag transferred to r. w. n aav j, i isr s . He her't-- (fiv n'lie I hut Hie initnuf icluie of All Kinds oZ Soap; Will he continued by him. H FT f')AI' always on band, "rt ill huy beef, 'iiuttou and anai ifrease, and solicit. Coiiiigiinients of the s une If. in the other jalO IsliiT.dH. Ill METROPOLITAN MARKET, ' l. IV A I.L KK, Pure rired Aylesbury Dueks. Home Fed Turkeys. A .V(,' STHLF.T. HO.VOI lil.U. jan 1 81 Ifa m i ly p. i a r k et, Cl. VA LLE ll, I liOTF.l. K V.MOy STttELTS. sflliOICK .MEATS FROM TIIE FIX ENT H"rds. lih, Ivm'.fry, xt" lu'.l. , .c. furn'ahxd lu Order. Shipping tui'ili-- d on short ri'dicx. un 1 81 COAL, COAL, COAL ! TIIE Ii'.VULIl-l'J.NK- li HAVINii IliJ'X A1T0INTEU Sole Agents for the HawV- - Islands of mi; t.u.i.;; it tTU-t- i IVELUNCTOK COLLIRIE I1KIARTI'RE IJAV. Offar this F ir rta in Jn itiii. In Slit at very rii i.ler.it.. ra'i.n. ror I'lan-tntio- n u- -. i hi, ('..ul i bett'T than any other that comet to this Market, eivinjj 1) percent, rnoxe r'L.'a ii hy actual t.t. TT First ('aro l i ut I i c..u.lier oQlh. t bk RF.VKRE. ut3 tf ALLK.N i UOUl.NSON. W. C. BORBEN, AUCTIONEER & COKniSSION MERCH'NT I) LA LLR IX LADIES A.M EXTS.IIOSIF.KV, GENTS FURNISHING" GOODS ! Ladle, (.rnts" &. ( liililren's I'oiit- - k. Sliofs, GROCF.RIM AND CANXEII Hardware, Crockery and Glassware, To- bacco, Cigars, Pipe? Yankee Notion, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. SO, 32. .1X1) a I FRO XT STREET. HILO, HAAYA1I. tnyia 80 ly i
Page 1: LU - University of Hawaiʻi






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THE IA JincXuunusr: .!'? r - V f .I

Id H llH-Mi.- tt.THE P. C. ADVERTISER CO. J'tlrsllri'ivi'v !Saturl:iy Monini.'. .'?5r' i- - .r- x..

Twssraj .a sad llanH HHbrrlplia. !-- 'M 1 :' . 6 in. I 12 m.i m Idttarr, t i.lnin an. x: ' e

I.. : i v " ; . . ; I .' ft CO 10 HAUaihfc V. km Hi.r. I ". LA B 9 R I m a Bfl i : i.i. ,. u.i ' i r I 0 i v k l i 00"rlj Nb-riyii- i. r..'iil u Vrm. . a fe ii 2 i 2 I . .. . o 4 ' o on 7 iiu lo to Ik CO. i. ii . (i'.i. . .i ov : ;.i. io tu li iio .tj (o

Thx pimn pr e- - t r i..-- r ( .rr it :'. pri ( I Li: . t!. i:r .1" 4 ' lu vu U wu ID ltlltfix. L atu ?f4 f 4 . p-- r ' n .m. r. r t iinv.. 'v y v V Y U i ,t i r t . linn . . i, :,i ' iim is ij ;o hi 40 oohix irv-lul- Maw si. an I. I A;: r I V r ) 1 i. Ill I) ... . CO 12 ixi ! ( " IH' Hi mi 60 00

any part of Eir(i-i- :i t xt.a .r I th- - t"1 - ''ei 1 ' Ii:t C'lijilin l.' i'j .i. (m v oti mi eu li WI 1 wi! pos arB.'-- x, wii.-t- i Tar.xs fr 'CO 4 ,m on m-t- W h.. e 1'i'i'jH.ii. . .. '. i.m o on 4i WI Ti Oo loo 00 lMitI icojrfi'i Parana lt i :

If a f r m ail pr:s of tfcx Pv.fi- -

alway b eryfr Pxrsoo. rsi l.n in any prt of tr t t..t--- I f.

mil lb amount of sunsxr.piioi d ix ! r ihi. paper "mxrtxa p4tk( lmpTT CmU'ir' n ai I a-- l lr.-a- -I and j'r-a.-l

paid, t F ti. llarci.D .


is k lkc rrk i io i :t i yA Sall.t-'-a lam,

As XitMrrn a--r Tiir. s: f.i llitr T' i. IHKMi:tr.

This 14 the 1 that wa til 1 1 la.eBy shattvrx in ! bitter" I n of theTo mx anl my inxumatx, Silas ffrxxu.When I ti a mlxle ymriif iurb-- -

'T th ' tii.All on Ih- - i:u ;

WitU th win I m I tin-- . t ii f rt.T t. h tl.r nniiMr

TK tio P'.rKit- - ''f ti.e ilfckTi th mat- - la t!i' iiili'n t.t h.

With th- - lxM lu tb- - lu-- l t.V k'r,ini hi lrx.rl wtb.

II 'w J our " 1 tiip hf l r.ititli iMf tkrxl nar KilUt rri!l '

Uli. b bt,l E. S. W. by N..Au.l the bmiii. li-- fi lft.

UJi. ht tti- - j l.lrnt IL.dl.-t- -

AD'I hnw i- ttir Hoitxut t3 1

fi 1 thx ju lrnt l.x.t bin 1

' 'h. If tli- - .in.lriit' l"? litn l.An tli' n'ltslit fnlU !.It our IhxIj n 1 t u- - t lvjr J.iuktht nllit r Ix.an.t to go.

on, rtjr aloft t. t!j- - tcuir U.rJ -- trmk.An I irt--l thr Kpank r Ixx.m.

bo I a traily nail t th mrt:ijliT ifTr h-- r

Wi, boatswain, J u In tti- - I r itl hoi I.What wat-- r il JoU ft ml

Toar frt ti l a hIf by th- - r.j l rt.Anil rttir luorr ltun.l.

Ub aallori. rollar jour luarlin .ikAnd rarh iu ;

Co tux, utir j nr tniuii t xpikr tlix ouiupa,Cr mrx will bt riKiuaif In.'

Th. y tirr. toxtr at amp, thxjr xpikrj thx pmujnThy j apluxl ttix iuIzku bra--a ,

Aloft an l atow tlixy workxil, t.ut. lao '.

Tb wat.-- r Kainxil aparx.

Tbxy lxiix.1 a botx bxl.iw hxr ll tax

To lxt tlix watxr mil.But ruoro au l niorx with awful r ur

Tb watxr It iliil

TLxn np pokx thx c.x k of our kH''I ab:pAnJ b wm a lubt-r- r brvx

aatvcral wix in Tarlou tort.An. I my lifx 1,1 like t. aavr. '

Thxn up iHjkx t!tx captain of tlix uiarinxa.Wtiu tlxarly livr.l bia .

It's awful to ilix. an It's ntM t lx dry.An-- ! I ruovx wx rn-- x a tri.

Ob, tlixu 'twa thx gallant nn'imJ uialoA b at"Ii5x. thrtu aailora' jaw.

'Twa. thx axronil mate wbone ban. I hm wrixbtIn laying down thx law.

tlx tnuk thx an-bi- r on bi b. k,Aa I Ixapt int the mam ;

Through foarn an ! "pray hx rl..x bl war.An l aank ami rix awain.

Through foain anJ opray a Ixarfur away.Thx an-bo- r atont hx bure.

Till fx at lat. bx nia.lx It fa.-- t.

And warpx I tb ablp aaborx.

Thi I thx tatx that i .l t lux.By that bonxt ami truthful of thx

And I fcirj thx life of a Kxci.n matx.Though raptaln riin him an I xailor bate ;

t'ut b ain't hkx .mx of thx waht I'vx xu.A wotil.l it' an Iix t a p.H.r marinx.

A rm i ami .Vrry J.rnif,

The proposed Purchase of Gibralter.One hun.lre l arJ xentj-90te- n yrars ito. tbe. .... I

Drtreax) oi u )runer, wiucn w.i- - c .nsiucreii im-- f

j rejtnable in the hand ol 5puin, w.i ucce-fu- ll I

axxrtulteil ami (Mturt.l Irutu it- - amilr..a Ihaldttei; ba. been I..-1- J t, Kn;LinJ a.n.t j

4s.ll oroeT. Mrentlien.; 1 III It- - lr .eiiCC, botll on1a) LiOil anil c:t l:OC, bj It- - refllt owners, it '

'ban inJeeJ b.rcoioc iiaprPisnantc. an j cunequentlya thorn in the i Je or .jviin. ami an object of je.il- -

ounj t.j other n.iti hi- -. It ban nlw.tj-- . been ile- -

oowiniitcJ trie trie k-- T l the Jleliierraiiean, ;

not only from it cuanuamlin iiici n. jutuni i

out into the w-- ;rii ami threatening jax.in- "

yea- - ,'

aeb witn us piweriui ii.iiierixn, nut iroru im tx- -

tet.ix anj chuid 1i.u.--i bujr, in which a '

fle-- l enn aneh-i- r with sure r.r tei:t ion from eer- - i

tain winil. Withnuch reeiuiin,Mi.iati.in4, it h.- - i

come of ttis? utm-xs- t t.itue t u m.iritirne l'.mer,an si the qucxtion of iti retmiion by tnl.inl or ittm.i, .r- r I, in fi. Ni.nifi rinii!il rixcxr I .r a iii.inii'rit I u

niertainel hj anj Knlii.'im.m who i.i true to hicountrj. LnilT th-i- e circutnst.iiice it ia eiart- -liujx t, have to rccar l a rrji irt whieti c.iuie Ir m

f i.lri.l tlmt & fen I ir -- x uiii of iunncw In. 4 honuhnoribtftj with iew to purcu-vii- (Jihraher,

anil that houM Knlliul rU-- e t ?!! It. tilO tn in- -

ej i to br espenj-n- l in lurlif jin jHiliuns on thehtraibs. b.jtti in Atrii'a anj Spam. I is truethere? wo-- a rumour, which iitt-- J croutiJ a few

jear a . iv--t the p'K--i,)ii- of our Leeoiuinmananuuou's in I a nl.n over to the Spaniardsthe l'rtren-- t we h-- t 1 from them; but, ifthere wn the laa--l loutui iti.ir. (or xui'li a rumour.the cnuuwnis winch appeareJ up n it ) JeciJcJ-Ij- r N

showe l t.'ie l. e'iti,; ot t!i nati.m that the ileaWM 0,'iii'WIj ah iml ineil. NicS, a report iintj,however, have ijivrn L the movement nowreferrel to, and lent it pr a liope that theuffr of a aoftniheeni puui of miner unbt t mi aceIhe ruoncj-l-ivin- ,; r.i.lI.iii.in C jxvrt with a bir- - ,

ten rick, vtfiifti Lrin,; ni) rTi-nuc- . but De.irhrasily on the F.l :ti '1'icr for its luAititenanccThe j rn-- e lent ul' lde 1 mi.tri (!noi- - m tjr n iTC

Itifcn pur ! the h'j in th hrta-- t of Iffin,but Ichiu;h Kfig!.iiiJ nit J .u!t c immitu-t- l ablumlt-- r in ilfiii'jui.'iin the f .rtilij.i'i ris ofCorfu anj t'cf ilorii.t, anl linking thea rre'nt t. tircroe, it djes nut fII.)W llmta aecurij an l w r-- e; tilun l.T etiouM tie c uitDtt tclby selling the? 'fr'inr'.t f rtrc' in her l"Hx!-i- n

for anj urn of id mejr that tuihl fx? itTt-rc- J for if,or lor anv .ithrr c 'neiJcr.it i.ni that inilit he a

In r 4.11 It in.; of the cut ture ! I.ihralter,

is rrokabir. hVtoMthere it

Sjmeri theCharitj itIf. is not up,jet Borne men expect

to indigent eociety.did joii travel. you were

India?" the principally.-- '

Thi i regarded by the of aforesaidJones an elephantine joke. of

did for me s r7eii rJ.ictor of patient. Well y (J Icoulda t up tnj d ioz

VOL. XXVI--X- O. 32.jusincss


ttoi"no V n.t Xjn'noi-- i lyr I i K tau Mrrrl

PHILLIPS & Co.,HdRTKRH M XV 1 1 O I. US A I. K I K A1M ;a CloUilnaj. B x.!a. li "-- . Ilt. M-- Kurniihicit and

i'anry (ixla. (jinl i i S- - II Kiiliuminu !"t.. iionululv


Ci.rnxr of Kinic rort trxxta.j.r.l k II. I.


Can cmtul'xil at hU Rxi.xtif on llot'l atrxxt,A!kxa and Tort atrxxta. jaul 81

rnc ri-iL- i a. ti. IKWt.WM, G. IRWIN L Co.,

Satjar Fiictors Commission Agents,IIONULULl. II. I.


CHINA iJi.L:Of dxarriptiona. anj in all in.l of Urr ilooils. A lao, con-

stantly on hand, a .UHltty of Hawaiian Kiex.Jmnl Nuu.a u trei. il'inolulu. 61

A. W. BUSH,iKIICKIl A V I l'K() !!() DKAI.KK.

family irocxry and rxxd rttorx.I"- - iir ra t mx iroin othxr inland will be

promptly in. .": Fort irxxt. Ilonolula. janl 81

kliBT. 1IMI4 c. M. com ILEWERS t COOKE,(' irrr.v.ra to Limn & Vickus)

KII.KHS M'MllKIt A.M HIILDINO13 auT Vla'.Tiali. Slrxxt. 61

C. AF0N6,MPOKTKK. WIKM-KSAI.- K AND KKTaILI lixalxr in Uxnxrai Mxrchandiae Firx-pro- btore, Nona

no Sirx- -t ja3 81


V Mxrcharit jrrxxt, Ijanl 81) Ilmolalu, I.


of Rxni ; .N and Property of xrrry d criptionait'ndxil t'. .nai na'Hlrrte. tnyT ly


jan Honolulu. II. I. 81


lo ( attracts for I alxir in Ih-- District of Kona. Island of0-.h- at Ibe Orhrx of thx llonola o Water Works. fxt olNcuanu ?.ret. Jal 81 ly


mxr.ts 10 Tontracls lor Labor.oflicx. Honolulu. 81


I. A V.tg'ht lo take acknoa-ix.litmxnt- of instramenla for the

Island of Maui. Alao Asxnl to t ike acknowledgments forLabor f.r the District of Wailuku. janl 81 ly

JOHN RUSSELL,TroKNKV A X'O- - 32 MERCHANT,a .lKl.l.l,l.'a.r.ni'r ri;in ninLM.

n.,tH,iuiu. Fehruary U' th. 1sh. itMly


'X MiriBV Pl'KLIC arid t.mi f'.rlakiriKInatrumxnta f..r I.Un.1 of Oahu.

Kaabumai.u stree,. n .n..iaiu, ll. I. fe2 80


- M 111 attend the t erra, of on the other Islandsto lend on loirtesof Freeholds. r OFFICE. No..,, irt-r,aii- i Mr-- rt j ftainfcn wald's.

my 16 M)

E. H. THACHER.e xx x-- ; o xa. JLJ 3 xx t tKT I. OFFICK. lOI l-- U fan Mrrrl,in xt d or li.i'ason' I'llot'igraph Oallery. jal bl


General Merchandise,Comer Qaexn and ?:s. janl 81

t r III. IMI Kl IHoO.H r. witkt. moBT.

WHITNEY & ROBERTSON,,?urcx,or to II. M. Whitney.)

IMI'ORTIMa A M ,MA.-i- r AHi-Ri.-al i":aii n-- r. News rum aner. ami nwi u ihi-- i.. j

ll :! tl Merchant Street. 11. 1. 51 lylU (

WONG LEONG i CO.r1rnrr mf Nuummu m nd M urine SlrrrU,

HoriT'lutu. 11- - in lr ClothinsT. Boola

hr. m. rtt r,c- - llase alsoto oit. Also

CniM tnice lt Lnin, Twne. Ch.na iilk Handkerchixf. anl nr.

(Jirufisft .l.i;iti j-t- r l'biu'iitl.m.

.lliralxokvlaa 1'Uutali 'D. K.opa Rice Plantation,and 1'al.aia Kice I'unt.iti m. jail) SI


II o xxx co pntliist,TK CIHF.F OF STAFF II O M YAK lA1. rillC llil.-P-I r L. Warii'- - N . Y. Ilrhce. 60

1. rt

,r ililrr II 1 10 A. M..2to 4 P M.

jl S' qr

H.e Puui-- a ?heen r,anth Company.The Plantation. Hilo.

Xne Wllk,Pa lI'Untalion,llu-l- o sj.-i-r Mid.

M:rrl-- x. Tait & rucar Machinery.John liay A; IVi Liverpool anl London Packets,

jir.l Trie ii:a,if w and II. nolul i of Packets. 1


IM.O V Al K.X I lf itK I. IION'OLl Lf.H IRxnta C'.tuc-- s. -s. and sell, and Realli.t-- e in all parts o: KiiKdom. KMHUiVMIST foundfor those w.wk in all the brancbes of busioess

these IslandsLEU A I. Documents drawo. Bills Collected. Books

and Arrr.Bni. kept and t.xnxral emre work transacted.Fatracaf c .Coomistioos Moderate. ap.l,ly. '

bin M.tjentjr Kinx Williuu .. wht-- Duke of y

pjeMsewnun of a f.rtre ot ine:iiuahl t.tlux. which ' tioit TEH A M DEU.EK IX t'l.OTII-Cb- evoitel force f Kar.it c h. 1 ti. t. r been able 1 1N'. " !'h""- - ,U:- - J'"Irr. Perfumery,

t wrrl tr.tu her. the K "li is a jewel in the ri4VilC .'a ai.dI.--esery

Benkrrf.description of


Urea.s ffupenor

Hoots.Cr.jwri of Knl.llnl. an l ;i such. iuti-- l he rcuirit'J aiwaysnn hand.at all e. ll i well tiiat the ub-crib- cr tot lie ; K. r-- ar 'i''' ST"T- - J01 lFuiehaie Fun.J hue iroTi.lei n ahermtive, intlie evr-n- t of the non-ace- rf t.inee of thnr off.T hj JAMLo 111. T TflVC;o All rt Al ,

Irjpinin4 to utioe the amount subcribej in lor- - TroilF.V AM for "ELLR ATtiffing their own Ir .xettsiniw on the .Strait-.- . T.ir- - :

L a-i.;

onsevan'ir"i"'a; ".''V I?"i..'Xr T??iViit on ttie one nide, anl on the other, are Et.it- -.

fjrtifi.'il ; but a large num of money mi -- tit MiTiRV I'C'III.ICT nudbe applie l in a i ling t their strength, some ConiBii..lonrr f Drrd fur the Mtr or Yorkpoint for a new be founi in .re im- - fa:jfornla.tneJialelj oj polite Tanfa. between Cape Cartel mcE: No. Kaahamanu t.anJCeuta. It will, b be wi-- er it the Don . s. tn r. b i. jnl 81at once turn their attenti n t t thin, rather tli.in ; - -

wtelimean lirrre-.p.n.h-ii- . e by m ikinz a futile j Q TTr MACFARLANE k Co.,offer which Kn.anl Can ne.-- r acvpt.-.4r- ,ny afli ,ORr.K.. NI, niMIISMUN l KK- -Aur Oazrtle. j cimm-- .

- - K h.o..o' F.re-.ri- f VJ'en Pt . Honolulu. II. 1.

Tiie truth alw.ij jaj in the J " ! an olJ i igmk roatayitivr. aoJ that the reAon. hy

i o of at the beginning of abusinrite; tranaction. Journal.

Taunteth not pufledand a puff eTery time tbeygiye a dollar an ol-- woman's

How Jone.in O, by trunk line,

frieDd t-t-a)

i ht not ou xtid a."- -dijctor,

make uiod la desperate."







fl M


xntrux, tlixattxndxil




Interior jaul





m'otsof rheN"


d.xirstroni llr

jD ahore



Honolulu. ja




dren-I- 'm





coDoxctxtl with




while rwfortre miht








Kristiania University. Norway,o. li Kukni strfft. oppoitf Ihf Ljfram.


8 P. f.. KXl'KHT St XD.lV'..

nraiG n t u b Tj Xj. exae24 3m

NEW LAW OFFICE.IIr C. JO KS. ( Irkoj A liorraxy an.l ( oun- -

axllor at I. aw and Gxnxral Land Airnt and t'o'.lxrtt.r.will practice in all Courts of the aereral Inland in the Kingdom. lifTicx, oer Allen Robinion's. yuxt-- ffirtrt. ll.irinulu, ii.I.


V B. tfiurTeya of importance on other Islumls attendedto. ao '! tt. - - -

F T LENEHAN & CO..Importers and General Commission

Merchants. I

WIIolesaLK DKAI.EKS ix j


CHAS. T. GULICK,InT O T A. n 37 TT 13 Xj I O


General Business Agent.Onlce In Makee't Block, corner Queen and Kaiitiuinanu

Streets. Honolulu jnnl-H- l ly

W. C. AKANA,Chinese and Hawaiian


Translator and Interpreter,4S KIX STREET. IIOMILI'LI'.

Translations of either of theal ove lancua. . made withaccuracy and dispatch and on reasonable terms, my'21 ly



SIIOIIS, Lt.At Great Eastern Store, 62 Fort Street.

HONOLULU. Iniar&'Slly


Horse Shoeing,Ojn-i-ififf- o Work. Sco.jan 1 Fhnp on King street, next to Castle At Cooke. 81




Ap. 2. 3m. OHHOITK HART. BRorilfcRS.

8. c. aLLa. a. P. robix.mox.


Hairts, Oils. Nails, Ate, Ac.aUKSTs roa scbdo.ii.m




I. K IIIjnUJ H inolulu. Hawaiian Isl.imls.


WM. JOHNSON,1, Mrrrhnut Tnllor.'ort Street, Honolulu. - Hawaiian Itlan ls.

jn 1 hi

WM. FENNELL.(Successor to I. Dltoti)

3Tz. 92 Kins wtrooi,I)II.F. . IIAR.NF.SS M1KKK i.h.I Im-porte- rofSA LKATHKlt and AMU.KR'.S MAR 1V A It H

All work done in my establishment is under my dir-c- t

si(erviion. and I "ill use my best endeavors to idensx mycustomers. 1 V Oire me a call. fe6 'SI ly"

S. M. WHITMAN,GENERAL BLACKSMITH. 0aa King Street, near Bethel, Honolulu.


Horse-Shoeingf- it Carriage Workjy3 81

TIIOS 15. walker,Contractor and Eailder,

F A RT ll'CLIR ATTKNT i injl to the setune of all kinds of fleam B. iilers. Furnaces,Ovens and Ranges, lirick or Stone C'himnes. any

1 beifht; Cornpivntion Monuments and iieuii stones.marhie or (f ran i.e. XT SatiHfctory References given whenrequired. Address V O. jan tl

THOMAS TAN N ATT,No. 3 Fort St.. nj.posite E. O. Hall Sn. Honolulu.

V.TFHF. ('MICKS. JKWKI.KVi'7 and FI.XK I A C II I . F. II V carelully re- -

paired in a workmanlike manner.IT Orders from the Other Islands rrimptly at

tended to. jal St


Kinj Street, Honolulu, with W. M. Uihhs.A KK I'KKIMHKi)

To Undertake all Kinds of Mason Work."erial attf tmn given to setting Kirn-'.- . Hiker Ovens

and ad kinds of Cooking apparatus. Cniuini-i- . Found.itionsand Ci.txrns t.uilt. xtc , elc.

IManlation Owners and Superintendents wou!. do welt toentrust us with business in our line. We wi.h the utlic tonndxrstand that all work done by us is guarant-e- d I givesatisfaction. jan 1 M


LITE OF SAX FKAXFISFO.Has established himself at 8 S KIM S I'.. opp..i:e M

Rose's Carnage Factory.

FIXE AVATCII WORKA STKC I A I.TY, and eatifaction guaranteed. A.2.11


WORK. RKIDCK. IIOFSK. A XI)SHIP Waitou Work. Moulding liitis, I'Unmf Knives,Anchors and Anvils repaired. Uooscnecks. Crank Axlesand Wagon Axlet made for tbe trade on reasonable terms.

Wuyon for Traction

ARTESIAN WELL TOOLSWith all tbiir Fittings a speciality.

1 Order Promptly Attended to findWork Guaranteed.

CT P hop K,n the Esplanade, iu the reir ol Mr. Geo. LucasPlaning Mill. jal 11


- - . .nam- -i an Hi an i ixiTr rjiKr-rts:aAi.TKx- --,


Steam Boilers,Furnaces,


! .iii on r.j"inib tiTiin.

Ad !r- -i 5 Kmtua rqu irx, or thr uh thx Pi.t OfScx


N. F. BURGESSCARPENTER AND BUILDER,su jp. No. si. kino srRKKr. opj'oin: m.j r.o?E"S.

M ITKS CIVKNOV I.Ia KIXIISOKE'l wlirn rt (jaireii; ;lii-- - n.l '. ites fitted tipin the latent l'.HtTU !:yl.

KK!Mli:iii OF i:KRY DESfRirilOXJ 0.nx in the let p'lasibli? inunner, and at reasonable raie..! UAKI'KN ORN'A.V'KNTS of all kin.ls mile toorder. asj tiled and set.j I'ersimiil atrenti'm aiil I iriven to the moving of uj kinds f bcil.iiiij:ji Hjvuii bad expxrience in thx Kaatrrn' Mte. f,.t culident I eau give llfaction ! the moat fa- -

' '! n u- -

t--f lelt at my vn or residence will receive promptattlentnii, it. at of ref'Tt-IKTe- s uiven.

Riid.nce. 2H Fort Street. II inolulu.

Orders from the other islands rolicited.

C H R . G-3SRT- Z,

S KDRT STREET,Importer aiacl Dealer in




Gen' ools & SUoesMADE TO ORDER.

jaal Ml

J.. W. IIOPP Co.,No. 1." Fort Si. iiikI Xo. 78 Kins Si.

Cabinet Makers, UpholsterersANI- -

1? v o ii c li IJ o 1 i s h e rs .

Inriilttii'o oi" fill Ivincl?CONSTANTLY O.N HAND.

Window Cornices and Curtainsfurnished to ordkr.

Houses Entirely FurnishedIn a Complete nnd Satisfactory Manner,

At Moderate Rates.GIVE US u CALL.

TJT Oid. rs frnm the other Is! in.! for Kuroiture, Keildinp or.MaitiiiK pttvnitoi to witn iroinptni-?i- . noni 'no ly i

G. MICAS,Contractor and r.inildei'

4 Honolulu

PlaningMi'lf, flj ii i?ri-f- i

UiiiU " fill. I !.: i tv rr --r- --w- --r s i

ESPLANADE, Honolulu, H. I.

Jliinul.u'tiireg all kin. In ol

Miiuldinjr-i- , Unitkets. Window 1'ramrs, Saslirs, Doors

Illlnds and all kinds of Woodwork finish.


Planing- - nnd Sawing.Morticing and Tenoning,

I'Lin.. Speciliculion.. i Irri DniwinS"mil raiiniiilr. I'u riiilirit upon A pplirtilioii.


Orders from the other Islands solicited.jl 81 lv

T. BJ r.lUfxRAY,Carriage & Wagon Builder,

No. .jO Kir. Street, inor-il-e Station House.

.j TK K.ai.dat Hed Rock Trees f. r CASH rr CJiveme a I'ail. litnl SI


China Goods aud MerchandiseF KVKKY DKSCRIl'TION.

Ahvtiys on Hanclifc For Sale, j

Urusn C o th-i- , Chiries Crepes. Silk Handkerchiefs,Ires St.k in tir-- a; Van- - ly, LnCijuered Warefancy W..rk ni.d t.li.ve H .e.Ivory i T..r:oi-e- . Sh- - II ar. l S.u.dle Wond Fans.'1 liT'-- Caw Set inI'aiiipli'.r V....d Trunk. Fi'.e (Jh na Teu,K.itt in t. h iir. China Mi'tiru',

Vn T 11 VTI -- XT lZTCW '"

Jv-- ru'iit..- - at 1.1:7 .uuanu ana -- o. st rorSire- -t nol9 ly ;

. - - !

IPOStS ! i



Far "uporiur tj IleJwooJ in all particulars.




.1. XI. 13 TJ rv fS.XO. 4I. FORT STREET,



V CALL E1KI.V, and wrurc i GoodArticle. unll U

in n imi n i a



J. ID.


MAN U FAOTU RERSmom!i;:ts.

i1k.u)st0!:s, touks.TACLliT.S. M1UUI.K M AMKLS,


'iling in White & Black Marble.MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION


Lowest Possible Iates.Mouomrnts aud Headstones ( ieaued and Kfft.ti-i- T Order rrom the other NUuJs prouiptly attended to.

jan 1 SI

HIGGiS & JESSETT,ai-.'-i


tirOl'Ll) IM'OKM TIIKIlt I'ATKONST and th pener.il imhlic, that they have formed a Co-

partnership for the purpose of carrying on the business ol

Carriage Building,Trimming,

Varnishing,Harness Making,

And. JSsicica.l03r3r,A nd have enpneed the services of

First-Olns- s WorkmenFRO M S A X F II A N CISCO:

VVImi are Thoroughly Ai"unla!ed villi all the- details of

jP.tintiiic t cl

We are Prepared to FurnishK X C K L L K XT WO U IC



GIVE.US CALL.(j'll SI ly)

ffs.HK INDF.KSICJN Kl BKBSTO INFORMI. in Cuslumers a:id ilie pulilic scnerallv that he is ure- -

pared at his

SHOPS OK QUEEN STREET,Ailjoiiiiiitf II II Ai'KEKLI' Co.. where he is

prepared to


Carnages, Buggies,Express Wagons,

Cane and Dump Carts,Aim i, to a 1 tend to

Repairing, Biacksmithing- A Nil

Ad (Jrdirs FilUd Promplnrss and Dispatch.ITIV I tf G . WEST.CREAM

i. i i rs i: it rvy,Importer & Home Hannfactarer of Cautlies


. 112 Fort Street, Jnt Abtue Hotel St..Has jut mad.- - lire- - a.'ditiii.s to h s estaliiishment, and is

n w prepared to furni.--h t the trade, the 11. nolulu r.ub- -'

lie. and residents n tl.e other Iliiiuis, the VKKV

h.kst of i:3ir.-j-i m: a. i;irosTi:i (wdius,l)f all Description?. AT VI. RY liKIH'CED I'RICES.

Receives Fr-- Caii.li-- s hy arrival. Ile fiu irante--s thejurity f hn s, .1 THE kf. .m candiesare a specially with him. a;'d are ma le hy the best manu- - '

factureis in La:i:oi r.i.i, ai.u received ny every steamer.

Soda Water, and all kinds of Iced Drinks. '


ocjy-t- f

,M'':w1'rnEW""11J"-'- mmilkl Hl'je-v- i' XTw .Mm





84 KING STREET,Next to Mr. Eurgess's Carpenter Shop,

where orders may be left at any timeof the Day or Night.



WIIOLK NO. VMO.' in an in .naiaii


Guests Entertained or.' Eitherthe American or European


THE RESTAURANTIs an Acjucct to the Kctd.

Kucui. with Hoard. . .. ..Tan I V,nr mid a H:ll er dayRooms w it Hoiiid. . . . 11. n e I'. Uais . r (layKun without Hoard. .Hi e l,.l!.,r " r I iv and upwurditott.i::es In foanettien vilh the Hutrl at Srtlal

KaliJO IIX M. I. V I. OK .V 0..J.iu 181 I'roiirirlor..


Iwaifa Ux'

BM1 k LUNos. 78 in ! TS Hotel S.reets.

HART BROTHERS, Proprietors.Board by the Day. Week or Transient

JBILTT RD3,Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco,Soda Water & other Iced Drinks.




nCKT fXTVV JP. A PTT a eri Tin ATlTlTTonrtTirt


The lasSirgcsf,Coolest, :asi.

DIISTIjSTGt eoomi iv rniiz city.

Meals served at all Hours and no Painsnor Expense Spared to Keep th TableSupplied with the Eest the MarketAffords.

Table Board $4 to $5 per Week.mayUBl


:No. (V2, riotol Street.I r THE LEST 0? FOOD.






1L: tie Cliit'f Kfcwnrd vA

juUii. Sl.lyr

Just Received, Ex. ''Ceylon,"FROM RDSTON

Fine Assortment of Oak PlankFor Sale in Lots to Suit,



(I... mile.!.)MOXKV LOAVKI) O N FI U ST-- C I, A SS

for lot.jf or hort re-i- ,!s Aj toV . I., li llV. IN. Min ;,m trm.

Office: i.;e-- S:re t. i.v.-- r ;. W. M ACIARHNL K CO.aueju.i f



Oonni-iisiioi- Morchanls.A. Gr XJ JSJ-- 'X m xT O l"i


wi tf

X-- 1VE !




13 FORT STREET.mchlS.Sl. lyr

.v. i. iii:wi:tt,fi nn rYrJ ' J 1 X II

UU1U1 Uxll



the rAOinc(Commercial Ibbfrliscr

ri ri ia i atIi i ;'. . .1 ul 1 I 1 1 iilil .




.i i l


'i:r i i

r. r






' I



, .















Horse-slLoein- s




1 1

17" A.ivxr'.i!.-T- S ri'i. !:r; in tiix K'a.trrn t'nitrd Plates, raaiy fur their eanls ly o i'ii'.ii t turret. harks or I' rilled Mats

I oH.t Munpi fr uJ. ar.:. ui I a. the) m tsn tu aay and Uircards wiil inserted as r ai e ti.l'le, .r thr l.ni paid fur

XT C'arJ. a hen rmpun ri' A Till, artali.'srxl a I. -- count lr.ru tl.e.r Hit-s- , ahi. h ar tut transientd er: inetnma wi en )'i.l or it srrd quarterly,tfintle dines nf the A iTtl HTissa. Ten C nts t ahen char(4

F.fw-- :i .'i hi - the d.if en. iiie lelinr.

.0p.th british and mercantileinsurance: co

OK LONDON AMI K I 1 Ml I" It ii II .1SC9

CAPITA L. 12.OOU.UOOtrrutiiiiliitnl nml liiir.inl Kwatl. I .OUT, 84

iMiKiiviiami iiavk iikkx abK l'i)INTl l AUKNTeh.r the - indwlch Island. and ar

authorised :o Insure airauisi Kir. uo.jn liT.irahh terms.Kink, t ik.i'11 in any prt i.f tl.e Is'amls on tTual AMD Wooav

E HuildinKb.an.1 M"rchar.disf )arxllin llouaxaand Kurnuure. Viml er, t'oals. ' In harhor with or itlthoutcariri.es or O'ider repair.


Fire and Marine Insurance Co.,Of NMV 7KA1.AM).

r.u'M'u.. lio.nou.ouo.J JUTVli FST III.ISFI AN Alii:('V11 at Honolulu. hr the lliax Ian Islands, the undersignedare pre.'ared to aivept rik iiininit fire In dellni;s, stores,warehouses and men handle, on luverahle ternia Marine riskson carg i, frt ilus. Imttomr , pr. (us and cuiiiniicsiona.I.os.ra promptly ntlju.lccl uo.l puyable Iserv.

Jim 1 81 J. ll. WAI.KKR.



KIRK lM HANC II ot all ileseriptlont lit baelierted at .Modernlc Rates of I'mnlum, by the undxrsljfneil,

J. 8. WAI.KKR,Ap. 2, '$1, 1 r. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

1 1 A M H t K U - M A I. I) F. It V HU


XI II. IM M.S. MI.UCIIAMIISE, FI'HM.B lure and Machinery insuitd .iinst Hre on the most

favnrahle terms.' -- V. JAlXi I lit Ak'eiit f r th Hawaiian Islands.

Jan 1 til






On the most r'avoral.le Terms.

J. 8. WAI.KKR.an 1 81 A if. lit for the Hawaiian I. land..


XX 33-A.X-D O X-- Tj11 I O IJ ,


rmF. AltOVF t'OMTTtxr IIAVIXO K.-S-k t ihlished an Aeenrv Ht HoiikIiiIu. lor Hie lluar.iian I.I.iiiidn, the uiideraium d is authori.i d lo accept and write


Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Com.missions, ana iiuiis.

At current H.itei.

J. S. WALKER.ly Agent for the Hawaiian jslanls.

Ill TiTa ar mi n in n iiswniaMi.ini.Dcmrstir JlroDiiff.


. All orders filled with dinitrti.K. II. BAII.KV.

SI Mailuku, Maul.


xi'Iam: ktrkkt.gfcll.OT. MKDIF.M AM NiVl KKKtli,m always on hand and made lo order.

.!si), U tier. Sotla nud llxtUr I'rarkrrit,JI'.SXV LtM CAKM. Asc.

SI1II' HRK.ll) It Fit A It Kl) on the shortest notlrFAMILV BREAD, made'of the Rent Klour, haked daily and

always on hand..v. a.nnoirjv hufad of the iifst vjr.irr

jan 1 hi

HONOtULO SOIP WORKS,I f onoltilti.

S'ltr 11 u.i in.. oT l lie alioit concern hntlagtransferred to

r. w. n aav j, i isr s .He her't-- (fiv n'lie I hut Hie initnuf icluie of

All Kinds oZ Soap;Will he continued by him. H FT f')AI' always on band,

"rt ill huy beef, 'iiuttou and anai ifrease, and solicit.Coiiiigiinients of the s une If. in the other

jalO IsliiT.dH. Ill


l. IV A I.L KK,Pure rired Aylesbury Dueks. Home Fed Turkeys.A .V(,' STHLF.T. HO.VOI lil.U. jan 1 81

Ifam i ly p. i a rk et,Cl. VA LLE ll, I


H"rds. lih, Ivm'.fry, xt" lu'.l. , .c. furn'ahxd luOrder. Shipping tui'ili-- d on short ri'dicx. un 1 81



Sole Agents for the HawV-- Islandsof mi; t.u.i.;; it tTU-t-i


Offar this F ir rta in Jn itiii. In Slitat very rii i.ler.it.. ra'i.n. ror I'lan-tntio- n

u- -. i hi, ('..ul i bett'T thanany other that comet to this Market, eivinjj 1) percent, rnoxe

r'L.'a ii hy actual t.t.TT First ('aro l i ut I i c..u.lier oQlh. t bk RF.VKRE.ut3 tf ALLK.N i UOUl.NSON.





Ladle, (.rnts" &. ( liililren's I'oiit- - k. Sliofs,GROCF.RIM AND CANXEII

Hardware, Crockery and Glassware, To-

bacco, Cigars, Pipe? Yankee Notion,


HILO, HAAYA1I.tnyia 80 ly


Page 2: LU - University of Hawaiʻi

--1. S. S- - Co.'s T:nie Table for 13S2.r ... - I H . t .. i. Lf - L.

"Hifli r OS t'to At-A .......... 1 ': f S liuJJ

I I I. I . , i't:.. .... M .r.Oi I . :tv . f ., ., V. r". .Mir. t 1

ItV - !l T . . V' 1 . ., h .. . r.i ISi - 1 .tv .( '.,.... !ayll

"it ..' .N. r . .J .i ." A .T.t. a'.a '. II7e. I ..f j "M. ..f V. w V ra.. ..Ji.iv !

J "7 ;!. '..- i in; in ., - t :ilit) ( .v lr4 ..hj.. A.cr:i" ... .

" n t 1

""'I "tt ' f X- - V' r. . ti nr of j ti.,y x 3. r. :ti.i' x.v it.

J. I ,t, . , ..,,!, Jr.- - .'i

4 t r::u i . ..a r ir :.

fc sijot,. ha- - Tirfi.i-- u; ...i." hat -- in. e lat r.t--

ufr rri.ia frrl .I jri'.j .a- -t few .lava and, with fjttt:nul tu-- r t.r.(.f.t j,., it.t t. arij

a of irl vtt.t- - i:t t - trMliti,' or our -- U.frodik't.

Tb irt f.r thr ri . ,i.....t f tu- orthy I.ijr I.:ai,..u mi l J Marriv t . ttiijjjr mni mu l tuttut la diuriti. v l t.. i.y.l M .


TU iiutHjrt iccla 1 t'i- - r,;-- . ,I ,: j.r L

fruiu Xw. at. X. . W.. i:a. 'nil. rj. rilvy .i(lirsQi n,r. hin.!i f r lm.- - uf AImt-.t- frvuil-jr-'T;o-- ,l

a I tkt Uu rr i.f An.frn u rM.i. ti .r.uLtt7 I'm t'itiri :i't l'..mr fr..u tl.- - ..-- l ll.r nmtutat in !n o( tbr rr-.- iu uti .ur 1 l- - tu '

H'ikihU rh'-- i i.f i.'.,ii. !

Tb next lprtiir: fur s'l h rii. i . . ; r .l,oIy l.e J

th W. . Vimrtti.i, .in. fr' in . -- r. . i: t,r ih'.i.t tl.cnt. , TU n-- vrl it ir fr.iu tiff l.i IIk J I. t.Uin- -

turK, t j rrU abont tU 'th lut.Ilrrrwitb w rr. i,t ..ur ul4! in .i,ti:ji ll.Ir of l

prtilr: ' .

Dare. Vmn. VALI h f Al;iiiI

Jan a. John ll..laii I.X Anjer lia.i. l.tii K'ni... Trau-i- t.

nna ' I '.' .'. t- -

'I l.irt-aa.- . S f ' :iT..',4 1.17lUvarr K'.yal Balla-- tKlla t' ttHt.-i- "''-

1 "ir Ucui rt.a'i J. O. m, ..'.-- 7Vlartua KM-"i- it - T.. nn l

Kirry.I t i,rU..Mtiito Tahiti.Snxtralia

J) 'ln.-n- lia I T-.- u- - :! llaila-i-rilik'tat V Tuwuariiii; f.allait..

ii'J l "(.rultla... I ..'.--.

a'.'lty of ?jrilney.. A(iu-r- l MilUr l.aNnlria. Hl.'.O.'BJ

2V Alaska... Jaluit itaila.--t.Iliywaril KnrrU Jr.) o

V"Coul tiitioo K al K'-- l Hall.'.': PaA:l-r- r Vnsrt H..un,l,ilalla-- t .

I, IjuXj lMnnm,u... ? i 4,HM.'J $ITiJ.i

pour or HonuLULU, 11. i.

iiwrai-r.- .

Jtn J- - itiur ' K Htl-)- , f fin KauaiiHS. tr Ka M l. fn.in liii.j2H thr Lrabl. fr'.ui lliiifii.u?. Ptiur IJk'lik.--. fri ni II .

X .strur lhua. ffiu M .L.aal ami Maul11 ctr Laka. f fm o.kala

' 'jr. sttut Kilaura H u. from KaliiilmJ'J -- tmr Uoiulil, Ituiii KiM.lau

Lr Jniia, fr .ui Kuhalairlo10--Mmr Jauira Jijkn-- . Irmii kaualIf -- JVbr I ihnliho, frmu iiaiia iMf Htm VVaimaualu, frmu Malinaoalu3 Ht:hr Kaala. f rmu W alalia

Frb 1 rV bf Mariua. froui KuUmbcleI r Haasaut, fr'irn lianailI Hrut HalrakaU. frMin Pcpckr--

- 4 Stur t talaui, from K .ua ami Kaa

Jma -- H Am ik C'aibalr lao. Il'itl ar l. San ( nut U 11

11 Brabip Llitkoi f Al- - Illnuir. I.tT-ro- ll Aiu bktD Am. I. a. Xewhall. I ugt-- t S..uimI

11 Br bktn Loco Ijrr. lxtn, Xe. a-t-;r

21 Am brlif Piuuarr, lirtw. Mau U' I'.IlKIM IIT( R:.

loimiriii.Jaa 2H Stmr Jauira Makrt-- . for Kauai

V St-h- r Manuokawai, fr Kul'J- -S. orFnDct. f.ir K.iLaJi-.- Vhr Wallcla. fur Kail;tO Jsrbr Eaila, fr Waiaria:KiMmr Ktlaura II n. fi.r Kthului: stmr Jaiuca Maker. fr Kauai:ui near Lnka. for M.ikala--'.I s.-b- r I.' a lit. fur H"iip.

31-K- ttur Likrl":r-- . f.r lilloJl Stmr t' U Biaixi.. fr Kauai.11 Ctuir Ilu.a fur .Maul an. I Mulokaiai Stmr Xukulil. f.ir K.m Ibu

Frb 1 Schr CaUrina. for llaualrifokEIii.

Jan U Br bk I.bJt I.amp.u. llaraton. hu t'rauciai'uleb 1 An r, t C Murray. Kaep, San Francixcu

3 Aui bk Cani.li n. Swanli n. Port Towntrud

FUIIKIU.V t'K-SKl- I. POUT.Ant bk Parlftc Sl-i- IlarnraAiu bktnr W U Ljiiu' il l. HoudUttA:u bktn.- - Ila-uvrr- I'ernuiaaAiu bk Ii W Ainiy. t'r. rmaatr li:p Xinrvrli. C'lulow(.r bk A.Idjii, l.rlAm b t'irrt Qurrn. il..I.UAm bk Amy Turner XVwrllAu) bk Liurralii. L"r-- i

Ilavn arbr Jrnuy Walkrr. KaackaAlas bk C'albairiau. HubbanlBr abip 1oka uf Abrni.ni. BiouieAm Mtae Anirha. NrwhallBr bainr Lo b Lt-e- . llar-- h.Mmmmnnr b MuniHK star. BrayliWD br.n Pi.uiarr. Lirrw

V ' I a Giarclcil fr-oia- Pria.Bk Plntrr. Port Tuwnacml. January. t. Ha. kf. Ul i Co.ilk C H Bib i. Brrniru. tebruary. Hatkfild k Cu.Pk Cry t. in. Hi.jao. Fran.r. February.Bk Atalanta. I.irrpucl, Marvh. to J T WatrrhotieUk Emrl Palb.iuaie. Louilon ma St MiohatU, llartb, to

Brrwrr at Co.Fk lulwant May. LlTrrpooI. April. W Macfarlane i CoBk CurnrM Abbry. U.t.D. April, to Ilrrwrr )l ('.Bk I.izzlr brll. IJrrp.l, Moir'anJ, to T H tiavitra.M B M Triutupb, Cbilr. .ibtliAnt Kuoboat Iru.ju.4a. r F .lbtflAui xuntH'at Atlanta, Callao tlbtflAm IkFS Tbompaun. L).parturr bay. Frl.ruarybk Strlla. Nrw York. April. Cantlr Ac CokStr Mary Tatbaui. Man kranrtavo. Frb. M HatkfeU t CoBk An.ilph. brriuvB. Jnnr. II Hackfrl.l 4. Cobk Para.loa. Brrnirn. Jnii, ii Hackfrl.l X CoPair Earrka, aa r rurmrii, Frblk Kalaka'ia. ?n l'niiti.i. frb. F A ?i b f. r 4. Coatur A Falkmbvrg. 4 F. rrb

MkKi.xt: Norts.Tha acbooorr Twilisbt arriT-- t at II1I0. Hawaii, on tba

ltb loot witu a carif" Talnr l at i Jl.taa) in. luniKt 1 uiulca.1ik;.(jiJ ablunl bbit flour, lot bairn bay, rtc. Fbrelii paprra ett that th Isr.-- t ntcrl Bailing ihi(

f.' afloat. rriiatrrln iJJI bin. ba jut b.u lajucbed for.lainay. Iiurie Co.. manaurr "f tbr Wbitr Star Line. Itra naiuad tb tAarflrtd. ami will b einployc-- t in the

Thr f.illowin Xulirr t rhipruaAtrra an.l Aruta uf'ifutrt'm" ban bru pla-r.- l In thr Cut n II. jus- -:

" Ail Tra-l- rin tiin .rt for a port of il.t:natloutawfhe rmtr I -- tat. will br re imrr.l by thr Hraltti driverat tf.r port of arrival to produce tae Biil of Uaaltti

ti.r ll.i I ma and K'u!atl..ii- - of tbe NationalBoard uf U'aith uf thr I nit-- d ttr, lanard by aud War.luil tbe aeal of luH t ODn!atr.IH'ID Mif I'uruit,) . X II. McKisi ti.llonululu, January, Irvi. V. s. Cuul.



cf the bk Acuy Turner. Xewrll. Master. SailedSew York. September I'Jtti, 11. Cronsed the K.jna-- ;

lor in th Aflantif, 0-t- . JTth. 3 day ont; fniu thet.ee to' tap 11 ora Ti days day; exprrieacnl flue weather off the

1 Cap. M 1' day f rotu fs S in the Atlantic to 3 S inIlia Pacific; ? oaya from Capr Horn to the Equator inthe Paa-i!t-- ; from tUrnce t. pnet It day. Hal lidht ftueWatru--r the antire pa-a..- -. Sjvke .j vrrl on tlie p.-aat'- r.

Tha following Teai-rl- a w- - rr .p. .ken by tbe Amy Turneraj lie vuyage from Xrw V rk to tbia port :

Ortober Mth, 11. Br bk etrrn Brlir, m Lat. 0- - X,'Li.tu. iS V . from K'.elou for Huenoa Ayrra.

Ilrk.trr itt. Am amp br.d-watr- r IU Lat. Ijs .;' X.IMIK. la3 3"i" W. front I iv. rp.nd for b uubay.

Ut toiler 'itril. Am abip t.r. rgi Srt.n In 4 - :n" X.. Ijmj. i V" yt. 'XI day out from Liverpool fur San

t rauciaciaaXovrmljer 5th. P.r ahip Ogwrn in Iat. S. I.ng. 'J7-- n.r

W .1 day out frou ardirT for San Fran.-isc..- .

Xovenibrr 10th, An l Taoroa. in Lat. - - . 1 1' S. Ing.4J , Jtf V' ; front Xew York for u I rn.ir-o- .

Pcenibrr lith. Ana Mp a In Lat. S; 5.t'J-- W ; lot out from Nrw York for -- an Franci-- .

rVrml.eT Tib. Br bk ."fr I India In I.at. :' .

Tt . ti.. W; 27 day out from l:io de Janerio forSan r'ranri-.- .

wrqi,rr irth. F. b bk Pro.!-- nt in fat 5T,2VS: Long.Jt , JJ" ; Tit .lat fr i St. Xay.aine t ran Franci.-..- .

IVcrmrrr Illb P.r ahip Travelrr la l at. 'ii - . ' S;Lou. M3 W ; --ti (jvaout from sn Fram i. o for Watrr-- f

rtlKmrr 1 ittx. Prbk Isabtl in I.at. M .'SI' Lng.H . ii' H ;! day out from Vrdroasan for San rraiicia-C- ".

r ilt. Ala bk Wr-tr- rn I'.rlle in i.at. :iT . ."O'

S. I.org. ! , li" ; lj day vut fr.m Xew York for Port-land. U.

harrnilirr .'Htb. r.r blp Ben lioiivau. In I .at JO - , ' S.Ijiog. 1:1 1 ; w. lay out front Glaj.tfow for San Fran-ti"- '.

Lfrcajlnt ar 2!tb. Am !--! u Arniri n lu Ijt. 2T- -, to' ,

1V0(. 0 i . I f W, f r ut Nrw York for San 1 ranru 1...

IMI'OKTH.Frn N"wcatte. X S W. pr L. h Lee, Jan il i- -I ton

coal.From Pt Blakcly pr Ati.elia. Jan :il .. tt r..iik;h

4 Iirubrr. lit.V.l aurfaced lurnl-r- . loO.TA) nt shingleFriiu Mi. roneian island, pr Morron : Star. Frb .is.i

p n.aU, 'il lb pearl alirll. J' rorinuut. lot rurirrona I raueta.'o pr Fornare. Jan V) bx gt a.

'1"T balra hav. I'l. a. rnu uia. bli.e. I'i bbllirur. ii . nut oil. lt brick.. loidi ahingle. 5 . a

C uar. i Ia Inrubrr. :' best tea. ainall fcro rrl.a.Ury gtl ma I mi.- - ui4r.

Fnnu Saa Eranrl.-- . frl ailsarin. Jau ft IIDaks flonr.101.1 ak Kraln. lart' i't ar,''",. rai.rtrd g.l and n.

pki: pot it.. .'7 pfc.' bar J.l.tJ fhm-Kl- r.

JiJ bid lui.r. lfl pk leal. lo ft lnnbrr. .

Iir bar. i-- .j b.11 h. . II bin l.rad. to. a ammoniaV.l bga charcoal, lot l..r. wl idorv. an ! K.iud. H bbla

almon. Jl pk" furnitnr. : ) rick. I Ti p. a uxar pti.e,47 p. a iron,'-- p' pipe. It nu-- e nidr.

rrom liv-rpo.'- ! pr .k- - Wri-ern- . Jan H b o b!lfioop lrc.it. b) pkvt tr'alvd ir.'i. lot abret 1r.11. har.lwarr.Ac. 17 iv woolru l. T cotton i;.a... mall I. t.lev a i'l. olcae i'tu. i-'- pk li'j ior. 31 anchor. I't't!11 wir". tTI pk punt and oil l' l'k- -' g. ' 'j--

aa. k 4i k aalt. 1 l b.Ii rruirnt. l.'.t ton roal. "T'.it

ainlle an.l I b.11 raiia. 17 kx ma. blurry. I 1T0 .1. rprr--,

t.'ita cukr, c.-- .p fowl.V p-- .lr"i p.

tXI'OHTS.r'.-- r - . i rai. . ir !..! I..i.-- - .. Jn

I'lJlr, !ii t. .! ! .;j...-- . l.a. r:. t -- a. I!.i , i :T 'r 1 i .. i

-. : t-,.. : ..- - ;

e. . .. .a !.:.- - :i. f - I j" 1'... u vi i

I' r M- - (!,.; r I i ' M .' r ' ! - ' ;

i.i; r. r . I ? a. - . . ; r I . i i. - :'.4lk.':-:ll-.- - . .- - I a$ i. i r i ..-.-


Vrwii ra :. . ; r I' ..--. J i J ."t wart,i'r.-i- t N Y r i r I'i.i 1 .r.. r. Ja:i -- 1' W art r'Fij.n rti r ri. ..-- ' i r iiir:aii, Jan - A , L i

lr-ti:.- (i, t H b .a r., i'ri'ru 31 trroci-iar- IIr.-- l .r M riiiri star, I i Kvln ai ij auJ ' til. 1. fc.ai.ai. h i il'i.'.l. All i

f r W in lar 1 I' t. j r 1 ii :. . ..'an j H-- r Ki' yK'la uikr. J i !:!. in:. J II II. I !.. k. ti L.I.. :.a:i.,

' ' i t J. k- - u. It 1 1 I . f -r j ji : :i. M . Vt .t.r. r. li Mr " Hilt, l l Lt'. l.1' lil.' l BUUr .r.k I t -- iii ffj i. ji - ... K.i.- -

ml ?a:. titu. i 7tl'' 1 ..rr . i i ij t.:: V.nVbi..!.'!.:, 1 i:.,! di.; l.u.tte. arr M.l- -

!rr, t. Mr K .1 Ualvi, M.intT, 1 C Lilian. an.l .r VV.i, la,t 1 ,rt. ,r I.il. nit. Jin si j m r:kcLt

fm t(v mu I i L.I J. i; .f a;.J wifr. r.- -v J l i'ana. aMitr. Uu-- , i j,i.u I.uu;, J M luic, I. Aaau. J

a.l ii, s (. ii !r. I. H 141.1 ai. 1 ,u. lit 1 ii.la!. .


( aal. 1 irrart' Krparli1: l!ir l.i.'ii.r ., . f u.. l.x.rl ijcj V. X. Aril. -- If 1 j;,

M11.1 'Kr of U.r luWi r and i'rr-- l tf,t of ttit: olI:ul.il,rall r are ri.al.!.- - i to .i ri.t In rr"itb tlir .

p. rt of tl.. brt.( Pir I. 11. 1 .lri:r: t ira att. ti 11

t t tb- - x ""l j.i lniti.t .liiplarrd by C, t. Turur) la for-

ward.!. ti.r int. rrt of t': 0.. riiuiri,t, an 1 lu prorii'.t-ii- i

tbr J iian.o of t:. Kn.. .iti :

Ho- - t.L'i.r. January ;.

T 1 II. Li ' .i:n. y W X. Ar.'utroi.,I'rrKidiit Ilawalsau Board of Iinn.liatl.u.

Vol i. Kx ;l.l.ti : 1 Lavr tbr b"t r to aubiuit In rr-i- ti

my f.nal trj.ort it'i rrfrr. i.. r t tbr voyaijr of tbrl.n t .r:a Bird. l.i. b l I o 111

bar-- Ma-- t' r. riutad 1:1 r' turnib to tl.'ir bo:nrglariorrra t I .lin.y t tbv i.lll" rt, .Marshall a:: 1 New II cb-rld- rn

Ial.ill'U.In luy rrport foiwardr.1 j y..u p r b.x m r Sta'lioui.d.

wbl. Ii xailr.l from Jaluit on or atout tbr loth of SrptI bad tbr b nr f pr. utiu u w.tb a alatriuvut

in drtail r. 'ar hn tbr loi ..f tl.r t.nu Bird on tbr rrrfat Boiibaui at i uVI.m k a. M. ou tin- - tuoruiu i fAiift'il-- t lt. and al.o my rri ua movruii lit in Iaiidiuijtbirty-mii- r pann. r at var.oin l.nla:..U of tbr KlunMUU Kroup. and t ao at Jaluit, Mar-lia- !l Island. In tbatrrj.ort I xtatr.l tbat 1 would aail for tbe X'.-- Hrbrl.Ira inthr Jaluit M hin.u r Alaxka which I bad rhartrred for tbrpurp'r of a.aiitixi) the Hawaiian ovrrniurbt torrdrrmth': proiuixr inadr by tbrlr Iniliilxrnt 1..11 At'.r.t. viz: Torrtnrn tbr Ix.at' rrr'411 ruairrd by bl:u wbilr in tbe brii;I'ouiarr, and 1.. I ti'ihk t tbr X. w II. brol. h Iriaml-.- .

With to tbr hart. rilij of thin vrxitrt I drir; topla. r brforr Your Kt. rllrnry tbr atatrmriit tbat my lirhtju I:u tit ha I.m ii nurd and 1 have, made pp.poHi tiou..arid a Ivan, ra to Kniirf tbe nri:rri?.ary tiirana of traiiior-tatio- n

with the lraet Imki11m rljinisr to tbe Hawaiian(...vermin ut. I had brrii offered by Mrxtra. lieriiarbeiiuAt Co., of Jaluit, tbr rrrvlre of a vi - I at the rate of i 'hper ii)'. but frarln tbat tbo voyage iutbt be proluiiirdt. an util.Kk"t f'ir rjtr it. I 1 l.trd to dr.-liu- tbe oflrr,whu b on niy part I hope will meet with Your

approval. Auoth.-- r propo-.itio- van ma le tobrie,; tbe boat' errw belonging to tha New Helrid- -

and inynrlf aud rrew ba k to llouolulu for the xuinof $l.'.i). Thi ofl. T a alao Un lined by me, luy reasonbeln that tbe a. ci i taui r would entail additional expruaeon tli" Board of Immigration, m I understood tbat thewa-e- a of tbe Iutrriirtrr an.l people of the Newwere bi continue until aurh time an they were l.mdnl attheir hamn. Finally I chartered the Alaska, which vrs-ar- l,

although a dull nailer and poaxi-aae- of little a.'couiuio-Uatiotia- .

vu the Ix-n- l aud least rxpenwlve means of trans-portation that I could procure.

I aailed from Jaluit September lt. in the Alaska, aspaarM-tig- t r and in cl.are of thr Xrw liebridrs people.U. tobrr lt'tb tbe Alaska arrived at the Inland of Tanna ;

there I paid off and lauded tbe five mi 11 belui;iui; tothat Islaud, they exprrtiug on departute, their satlsfaf-tioi- l

ami plea-stire- . lue by the Interpreter) for tbeluauner in which the promise made to them had beenf ulr.ll.-i- l by tbe Hawaiian Government Mailed the nameday for llavautiah Harbor. Sandwich Island, where wearrived on October 11th. There I paid oft aud dischargedtht last of the latV crewa. consisting of live men andalso the Interpreter. Th.se people also expiVooed. r.tleaviu, their arkuow lediuent uf the care aud kind treat-ment received from the Hawaiian Board of Immigration.I also aet ured and paid the passage of the young chiefTerrecimbo to hi home, in the Brisbane schooner MayQueen, taking from the captain of that vessel an ai knowlede'uieiit therefor.

I lie ire to call tbe attention id Your Excellency to thefact that the return uf tbe boats' crews ha been a aourceuf pleasure aud ati.faction to the white s ou theNew Hebridm ami baa assisted greatly in re instatingamong the native im putation the former good opinionheld by them regarding the Hawaiian Government, andw hich had suffered to a ereat eiteut by a report fullycirculated among those that these returned 1 reus

Isrn kidnapped. I am happy to nay that tbe returnuf tbe crew ana their atatruieut. t their people have en-

tirely dispelled the feeling which wan formerly gainingground. 0Sailed Iruui Uavanuah Harbor October 'JtJth. Shortlyalter lmving tbe vicinity of tbe New Hebrides experi-eticr- d

some vrry boist.-ro- weatlier during which curriedaway foremast bead ; afterward. encountered an uuprrc-dentc-

iu my experience, m ries af calms and very lightairs, drifting some day an mil. h aa forty mile. to thewestward aud so continuing until we had drifted nearlyAve hundred nil lea out of our course ; thru IiKht wind tob X.. then ftroug X. E. w iud with a heavy aea to U.1 --

X. thence to M.rt utrong westerly wui.ls, a.rivmg iu Ho-nolulu hartx.r January Jlst lsx.'.

Iu coiicliiiiioii I desire tJ call the attention of Your Ex-

cellency to the account tendered u by me, and whichahow the amount received and expanded, aud hope thattbe auditing will prove aatisfactory. Hoping that youwill be satUfle.l with my lalmr and cr.dit me with hav-ing performed the dutlr of my station in a proper man-ner, I have the honor to be, with much renpect.

Your Obedient Servant,( His. H. Ti. enkt.

Late Master H. M. Brig Storm Bird.

HI K Til.f KSHLI- - Iu thi city u January :Wth, to the wife

uf K. M. McsnLL. a daughter.

M akkik; k.I!1Ii)I'Ks-('- I1 I'M VX In Honolulu. Tuesday. Janu-

ary --'1th. at thr Loinau Catholic l atb.-dral- . by the llr.v.Fvi hkk Cl i:im, tbe Hon. (...itki v Kh. IiKs,' Member ofthr House of Xoblra, A;.-.- , to Mis X isct Chaivia.v, late ofLou.loii, Ktii-Isu-

UK tTHS.BoLsTEM - February 2nd. in Hunolulu. LaviMA.j uuLg-e- .t

child of Ai.t xmi it BoLj.rr.il.MKKIIM -- tin the 2nd lust . at hi residence, Kama- -

keia. uf arroTia aplH.pIrxy. CtPT. W. A. MtP.IH.iM, Prut.Mtrvryor of Uouululu. aged t'J year.


Lommcrfi.il bbcrtiscrSYTfUDAY FKUKUAHY 4. Is.

The Result.

The People have declared their choice ;

and according to the amplest evidence,they have in '(oiiohilj made their declar tio

in : perfectly free and independentmanner." The electors went to the ballotbox nntrammeled by any influence; andwithout i ntimidatioii or tersuaioii th.--

desitel the names of the men whom theypreferred as their representatives iu theLegislative As-nnb- ly of Is2. There areno well defined parties in this Kingdom ;

ami it may bo said, that there were noparty pie-tio- ns raised during the canvassin Honolulu. The candidate- - stood ontheii personal merits and on t lit ir record,before tin; jn-opl-

e ; and those elected t

a personal prcfer.-nee- , and not anyparty iufltieiiee. In considering the result,it is evident that the constituency of Hono-lulu d s not cling to its idols, inasmuch asfive x men, b.-r- s for Honolulu were iu thefield; and every one was rejected. Theinterest of the mutest centre ! nioii the twoforeign candidates-- , Mr. Cibson and Mr.Carter; both supposed to be popular can

among the native eople; but eachrepresenting widely different opinions inthe forei.'ii community ; the latter lu-in-

put forward as the exjMinent of certain reli-

gious an 1 business cli'pies, whil-- t theformer represented :, more general .sent-iment, independent of cli-pi- and coterie. Abitter was brought into the can-

vass, by those representing the old cliqueinfluence, and a certain business eombina- -

P A C 1FIC CO M 31 31 E K C I A L, A 1) V K U T I S E R, F E B it U A R Y 4, 1882.

tit!i, in tin-- hope of ati!ii!ii!atin:r Mr. iil- -

ni's j i sijn- to a voice in tiubiiea!3'..ii.-- . l'.ut ail t!...- - who .!ouiotc-- l, orwlio :t.'ijuif-c-- l in tlit'-n- i pr)onalitif s,iit:uiif.-t-.- l a iiti:tle i irtiorittu of theh.ir:n t r uu i of the people whom

they Imp. i to iiifhu-iK'- e ; a their dishonor-ahk- -,

ho-til- ,- rvel only to inspireii riA t ut tlic-i- r unwortJiy antaroiisiii aiul

a more ":et:eriti- - suj.port of tlie indi vi.lualix :ai Mr. ffihson may iu wonl attri-- 1

buteii to mi e iiiini iit Frenchmen say, I re- -.

turn thanks tu friends who are my! enemies " i le amis men eneniis;) '' who' tli-- l s'inueh to promote my election." We! leak alvi-.e-ll- y when we say, that Mr. Oib-- !

on a niontli ago, did not desire a candid- -acy ; or if -- o inclined, would have solicitedthe suffrage of his former constituency ofLahaiua. Hot an unscrupulous attackwithout warrant or decency roused a deter-mination to appeal to the tribunal of publicopinion in the capital, and the verdict hasbeen rendered so emphatic and it may be-- ;ii l unanimous, that the atupid and cow-ardly -- pirit of slander has received a sigualrebuke from a free, nenerous, aud iudepen.dent people.


Our Portuguese Immigrants.Havino; in vie a-- the recent report of our

Commissioner of Immigration, which vir-tually intimates that the Portuguese arethe only suitable available immigrants,either for the purjtose of supplying ourplantations with labor or as addition to ourpopulation, it becomes of much consequenceto know how these Islaudsare spoken of totheir friends by those Portuguese who havealready adventured tiere as immigrants.That a great many of them are satisfh d andtntit give a good account to others of theiradopted country, we know. What is mostimportant however, is to get at the ideas ofthoe who have more recently arrived, whohave yet their terms of service to fullll amiwho are, as new comers, more active corre-spondei- its

witli those whom they have leftbehind than are those who have beenlonger in the country. It is also more im-

portant to know what is said against usaud what complaints are indulged in, thanwhat is said in our favor. Few we believe,are aware that an active correspondence,full of complaints and of vilification of thiscountry, has been carried on by a nutnberoftlie more recently arrived Portuguese; yetsuch is the case, and it is important tbatsomething should be done to rebut theslanders that have been thus freely circu-lated in the Portuguese language. Our Com-

missioner to Portugal will, no doubt, beonly too anxious to do what he can in thisdirection, but his efforts need to be sup-plemented from here and especially by theresident Portuguese whose word is likely tohave more weight thau any other.

V'e have before us two of the class of letters to which we have alluded. They areaddressed to a journal published in thePortuguese language in Krie, Pennsylvania.Of one of thertc, which is from a free immi-grant, we shall give a translation in full,both on account of certain statements itcontains which ought to be inquired into,aud to show the character of the complaintsmade against the management of our plan-tations, even by those who have not thegalling yoke of contract servitude to bear.The other letter before us contains a violentand we may say, foul-mouth- ed attack onthe editor of the Voz Portuyueza, a SanFrancisco journal, and on a correspondentof that paper named Ed. Harris, who hadwritten favorable accounts of what he sawas to the condition of the Portuguese ouvarious plantations visited by him duringa tour of the Islaiujs. An extract from oneof the milder portions of this letter maysuffice to show the writer's view.

Then a poor devil to the dohs, heis told that he is vicious, aud is sent about hiswork, often with a kick. Sometimes un aperientor a musturd poultice is applied, as 1 only lateljsaw in the ease of a poor St. MicLuels man atl'ankaa, ou Ilawuii, 1JJ miles from Hilo, whoscreamed in the torments of one of thenepoultices ! touching screams which tore my heart!They also apply some other medicine intendedfor horses, for they are so powerful that they fre-quently cause the poor patient's skin and evenpieces of rlehh to full off. Such are the medicinessupplied to the ilave on the Sandwich Islands."

The character ami temperament of thewriter is well shown by his concludingsentence which runs as follows :

I should also recommend Mr. Stone, Editorof the wretched Voz to take care of himself, ifhe wishes to live much longer, because if he con-tinues to publish falsehoods, he will certainly bemartyrized by the Portuguese, in acknowledg-ment of his foolish conduct."

J,etters written iu such a style are notlikely to carry weight with educated per-sou- s,

and we are surprised to find that a re-

spectable journal is ready to give a columnand a half of its space to it. But such de-

clamation is too often influential with theclass of people from amongst which wehave to recruit for immigrant laborers.Moreover, this is but one letter out of many.The journal in which it appears O Jornalde Xoticiax, refers to it and that given be-

low in its editorial columns, drawing atten-tion to them and saying that it entirelyagrees with the strictures upon this countrywhich they embody. We are unable to af-ford space this week to our translation ofthe other letter, which wili be publishedin our next issue.

The Election in Honolulu.

For some weeks past the close approach of theelection Las been indicated by the activity ofcandidates, and their lunas, iu distributing but-lot- s,

and printed addresses ; by an immenseamount of talk at street corners and every M'here

else ; and towards the close of the period by nu-

merous meetings in th city and!the suburbs, atwhich the candidates addressed large, and, we arepleased to say. extremely orderly crowds of elec-

tors. On last Monday evening largo meetingswere held in Kaumakapili Church, and in theChurch in Pau-'- Valley. At the latter meetingMr. Gibson addressed the assemblage. TheChurch was crowded with an enthusiastic audi-dii- v.

consisting elderly of Hawaiians, At Kau-

makapili. the Church was fairly filled, aud thoseassembled there Wei e addressed by several speak-ers, anions whom were Mr. D. MaloandMr. Ho-lo- k

ihiki. At other meetings not held for political purposes, politics seem also to have been theord'-- r of the day, the proceedings of the Temper-ance meeting at Fort Street Church, having beenvari'-- by an attack on Mr. Gibson. The mostiuipottaut nji-- i tings were however, those held onthe very of the election, at the XJusic Halland at Kaumakapili Church. At the former Mr.I). K.iLami occupied the chair, and Messrs, E. K.Liiik.il.ini, II. W. Lahiiahi and D. Nuhaku, andII. 'ii. W. M. Gibson, delivered addressee. Thehall was crowded, the ticket which included theabove Iialin.-- ' 1 gentle meu being emphatically thepopular one. as subsequent events provtnl, threeo it of the four being among the successful can-- di

l.it. s. The proceedings at this meeting wereclosed about half jast t ight, whe--u the candidatesan 1 nearly the whole of the audience proceededto j.tin the in. ting at Kicunikapili. There theCLurch was already nearly full, and became crammed to Mirloentioii when a large number of theuew arrivals pushed their way iu. A large crowdi'fiuuiiied outside, holding animated conversation

oa th relative merits an 1 chv.ues of the principal candidates. Others found their way into thestill uiir.ihrl uj pr p irt of th huiMir.g, whoiewhat was Vjoing on b- -! w couM be eJii!y hardthrough the Krtn boarding that ha 1 Leeu tem-

porarily laid down. Mr. Ib-nr- Wate-rle-us-- -

th chair, aud tlie meeting was addressedby Messrs. J. O. Carter, Kaulnkoa. Kun'iiakea.Holokahiki, Jotin Kalaina, J. Sheldon, and J.Kanui, H m. W. M. Gibson and Hon. S. K. Kaai,Mr. Gibsou spoke in response to a lond callfrom the meeting, and was most enthusiasticallyreceived, notwithstanding the fact that he wasvirtually iu the enemy's camp.

Wednesday, Feb. 1st, was th election day.According to custom the Marskul had instructedthe holders of retail hceuses for the sale ofliqner, that their places of business mast beclosed throughout the day. No doubt this pre-

caution had something to do with the extremelyorderly character of the proceedings. It maybe doubted whether an electiou wa ever carriedon iu any country with so much decorum andgood humor aa was witnessed iu Honolulu onWeduesday last. And yet the contest was excit-

ing enough, and interest was taken in it bytha electors, especially by tho-.- e of the nativerace. No pains were spared t bring to the pollthose who possessed the necessary qualification,and to persuade them to vote tor theticket. From IV-for- eight o'clock in the morn-ing the grounds in front of Aliiolaui Hale auda long stretch of King street in its neighborhoodpresentod a busy scene. Before twelve o'clockhome eight huudrt-- voters had deposited theirballots. Throughout the day and till a late hourin the evening enthusiastic orators took up theirposition on an improvised platform in front ofthe btiildiug, and kept the crowd alive with theireulogiuuis ou their favorite candidates, aud theirj3kes against those whom they did not favor.The excitement moderated somewhat during theafternoon to revive again as the hour of closingthe poll arrived. Although it was well-know- n

that it would probably be eight o'clock before theresult could be declared, a large and animatedcrowd remained in front of the GovernmentBuildings, and was steadily, through-out the evening.

Declaration ok thk Poll.About ten minutes before eight Judge Bicker-to-n

made his appearance ou the balcony in frontof the Foreign Office and the noisy talk andlaughter with which the teelium of waiting hadbeen beguiled quickly subsided. His Honordeclared the result of the poll to be as follows :

' Walter M. Gibson Ho3' E. K. Lilikalaui G02

V II. W. Lahiiahi 5631 F. Pahia 531

He declared the above named gentlemen to beduly elected to serve as Representatives of Hono-

lulu in the Legislature of 1S82. He then an-

nounced the numbers polled for the unsuccess-ful candidates to be as follows :

J. Keau 510

J. A. Nahaku 398

J. W. Moariauli Jr 3C4

J. O. Carter 350A. K. Kunuiakea 277A. P. Kalaukoa 209

F. S. Keiki 176

J. Kauui 92

J. M. Toepoe 80W. L. Holoktoiki 75

John Sheldon 72

J. Kalaina 50

Besides the above shout forty other personsreceived votes, of whom thirty-thre- e had onlyone vote each. The total number of ballots castwas 1473 but 22 of these were informal leaving1451 effective votes. It will therefore be seeuthat of all the legal ballots cast there were only298 on which Mr. Gibson's name did not appear.

At the last election, 1880, 1490 ballots wercast of which number no candidate secured evenone-hal- f. As it will no doubt be of interest, we

give the results of the last three previous elec-

tions with the numbers polled.1880.

. A. K. Kunuiakea 643

E. K. Lilikalaui 620

It. Hoapili Baker 596

James Keau 54C


D. Male 1076

Jas Keau 756S. Pauiani 648

J. Moanauli 545


II. Waterhouse 742A. P. Kalaukoa 702S. M. Kamakau 586E. K. Lilikalaui 512

The Country Elections.

The following are the returns from variousdistricts so far as received up to the time of ourgoing to press.

. Ewa and Waiaxae.

Frank Brown (elected) 232Kaanaana 77Haupu 12A. Kaoliko 4

Keone 2

Total ballots cast 327KOOLAUPOKO.

L. Kaulukou (elected.) 239

J. K. Kaoliko 95

J.'X. Paikuli 29

Total ballots cast .363Koolacloa.

JL Kaluhi (elected.) 111

S. Li. Naili . 75

J, Kaae . 45

J. M. Kauahikaua . 10D. R. Kekua . 8

II. Kauaihilo 5

J. Kupau 5

S. M. Iuiaikalani 3

N.K. Nehemia o

Total ballots cast 265

Waialca.The official returns had not been sent in, but

ti is known that the result of the poll was thereturn of District Judge S. K. Mahoe.

North Kona.G. W. Pilipo (elected) 129

J. W. MakanoanoaE. Kahulanui 15

P. J. MioiNo name . . 1

Total ballots cast . . 196SoCTH KoNA.

The certificate of election has been sent in to

the effect that Mr. P. H. Nahiun has beenelected. The return of numbers polled has notbeeu received.


V. H. Rice (elected) 26--

B. K. Holi 96

A. W. Maiobo 26

Total ballots cast .... 390

IIanalh.G. B. Paluhau (elected).. 17 4

J. Kakiua 90E. P. Adams 66J. M. Kealoha 3

Total ballots cast 333Waiuka.

Judge Kauai (elected) 162

I. II. Kapuniai 103

The Niihsn rote coes in with the Wd'mi dis-trict, and h.is not beeu rrp..irtd yet. however, itis not large eue-ug- to .nJT-c-t the result.

Wailckc.Geo. E. Richardson (elected) 32UJ. N.ikookoo (elected;. 2o7S, W. Kanealii 21--

H. A. Wideniann is.",We obtain the numbers from a private .setirce,

the oilieiid return not having come to han !.

Mr. Gibson before the Electors.

On Monday evening Mr. Gibson attended ameeting, to which he was iuvited, held in thechurch building of Pauya. The place was tilledtj overflowing. Qa this occasion Mr. Gibsonwas especially itivitd to give his views Lu tLeTen Million Loan question. He remarked thata great many, now-a-dav- s, were talking about a$10,000,000 loan, without any clear ideas as tothe magnitude of the sum or as to tha possibilityof incurring such a loan. Notwithstanding thegood name and excellent credit of this littlecountry, he did not believe it would e possiblefor many years to come to negotiate such a loan,nor did he see at the present time in w bat waywe could possibly beneficially use such a sum.Adapting his remarks to the comprehension ofhis Hawaiian audience, he went on to say ' A

loan, like anything else in this world is good orbad, as it may be used. It is like tire and water,a good servant and a bad master. In the handsof a wise man it can prove a blessing, in thehands of a fool a curse, were we always sure ofwise and patriotic men at the head of the gov-

ernment, a judicious loan should be a blessingto Hawaii. Great aud wise nations have con-

tracted loans to their advantage. Unwise na-

tions have contracted loans to their utter injury.But let us not be scared about this question of aloan. To the minds of some it is a scarecrow, aghost, a frightful thing that the imagination seesiu the dark, but on closer observation provesa white sheet or a white horse. This governmenthas already contracted debt and been benefitted. '

It could pay its present debt twice over by theproperty ou hand, obtained through a loan. The '

most of the flourishing plantations of these is-

lands now are all built up upon credit. Theirproprietors have contracted loans amounting tomany millions, and in the majority of cuses tothe advantage of the borrower. We have seen arecent instance faLiiliar to us all of a great ad- -

vantage to be derived from a lonu. Messrs.Bishop Jt Co. borrowed from the government aquarter of a million of dollars to enable them toassist iu important industrial enterprises, aud itis fully admitted that this loan to Bishop & Co.proved the saving to a large extent of the busi-ness enterprise of the community. Now, if pri-

vate individuals could borrow from the HawaiianGovernment a quarter of a million dollars, withvery beneficial results, why should not the Ha-

waiian Government borrow, if desirable, sev-

eral quarters of million of dollars, and therebypromote the general prosperity of the country.But he did not see any hurry for a loan justat present. Notwithstanding many unwise ex-

penditures, the Hawaiian Treasury showed agood balance, and at the end of the financialperiod would no doubt, have a balance in hand.Let us first spend this surplus for some excellentpublic purpose, and then if other important in-

ternal improvements and undertakings shouldpresent themselves, he was ready to admit thatthe national credit should be employed to ac-

complish them. He did not concede that meas-ures for the development of the country shouldbe limited to the extent of its revenue. Whilstthat should provide for, current expenditureswhenever auy good public measure of enter-prise was culled for the national credit shouldbear the cost of a portion of the work, andour posterity who will share the benefit of theenterprise of the present day should also sharethe burden of its cost.

On Tuesday eveping the four candidateswhose names appeared together ou whr.t we mayjustly call the popular ticket, addressed theelectors at a mass meeting in the Music Hall.Hoa. D. Nahinu was in th.j chair. The firstspeaker was Mr. E. K. Liiikai.ini who, iu alengthy speech set forth in temperate languagethe principles which h? was prep nv.l to support.To make the public health the ioo-.i- i care ofgovernment, to guard wiih je.ir.msy the Inde-pendence oi Hawaii au.l uphold Hie constitu-tional monarchy under winch we live ; to obtaina large louii to assist the country in makingmuch-neede- public improvements, and iu un-

dertaking public works which the ordinaryrevenue could not provide for; and to repeal thepresent law which only allows liquors to be soldto foreigners, would be his objects il returned asa Representative for llouolulu. lie was iisteuedto with attention and frequently applauded. Mr.II. W. Lahijahi was the next speaker. In areally eloquent address he declared his adhesionto the platform sketched out by the previousspeaker. He also warned his audience againstputting in a candidate whose sole aim in seekingadmission to the Legislative Assembly was tobuck up his brother, whose political career wasonly too well-know- n to them. His remarks werereceived with frequent applause. Mr. D. Nahakufollowed, and in a qujet and earnest speech en-

dorsed the views of his colleagues. The Chair-man then called on Mr. Gibson to address themeeting. The call was the signal for a thunderof applause, which was continued whilst the Hon.gentlemau was making his way to the platform,aud often reiterated during his speech.

Mr. Gibson presented some points that wouldbe his rule of action in public affairs. The firstof these was honor to the King aud a determina-tion to uphold the Hawaiian Monarchy. He wasan American in his political education andsympathies. Nevertheless, here where he hadmade his home and had received so many bene-fits, be felt that it was his duty to advise theHawuiiau people to uphold aud maintain theMonarchy as the surest basis of their independ-ence. He referred to His Majesty's tour roundthe world and called attention to the honorshown to our King ; how when he was in thegreat cities of London, Edinborough and othercities there was a marked display of honor tohim as a Sovereign, and this was not alone tothe person of the Sovereign, but was intended asan honor to you the Hawaiian people. Thesecond point which he held to was that hewould regard as of paramount consideration thesanitary welfare of the nation. He appreciatedwealth and all its opportunities and blessings,but he considered the lives of the people astranscending in importance any questions ofmere material progress. He dwelt feelinglyupou the condition of the lepers on Molokaiprior to 187S, how they had been herded likeanimals, without lights for their huts, withoutsoap for cleauliness. without rags for their sores,and who many of them went with bleeding fotta long distance to obtaht and carry back thafood provided for them, from where a boatmight find it convenient to land. Hut theLegislature of 1S"S provided liberally, more sothan the Ministers of the day asked for, so thatthe bad condition of affairs in regard to the treat-

ment of lepe-r- s had passed away, and they nowhad light and soap and clean lint and othernecessaries in abundance, Bui they have stillno proper medical attendance. He induced theLegislature to provide 51 0,000 for eminentmedical skill with the understanding that medical talent should be sought for in Europe andIndia and couutries where leprosy had long' existed, but no effort was made by the parties inpower to fulfill the hope of the Legislature in;this matter. He wan glad to observe that viewgi-

hcthenanlaftem-ard- s divussed in respect toto beBranch Hn.apitM for lepers were proven

of Pr. Fitch incorrect bv the excel-n- l successwho are alJu'trdforwardindr.cin.Tp to o; me

r s isp.v t. d of U iu afflicted with leprosy who

h .v.y come forward voluntarily to be treated. Dr.

Fitch's ti, atment was inspiring great confidence.

In Mr. Gibs-m'- s concluding remarks made in the

native lauguagv l.e alluded to the many benefitsLe had received i:i this country at the hands of

Hawaiian natives, even to the f.ivmg of his life.

Although infirm in health he was made strongby their enthusiastic support and applaase, andwould devote bis htreiigth to the support of

measures to the benefit of the people and the

country. Owing so much to the kindues of Ha-

waiians if he could forget and $o buck upon thatkindness he would deserve that the very light-niu- g

of Heaven should strike him dead. (En-thusiiis- tie

applause.)At the close of the mee-tiu- g iu the Music Hall

Mr. Gibson and a large proportion of the crowd

which had listened to him then adjourned to

the Kaumakapili church. When Mr. Gibson inresponse to a call from the meeting rose to

nmke an address, the great lecture room of thatbuilding wus crowded to its utmost capacity by

an audience which included many foreigners ofiurldence and position in the community. Thecall for Mr. Gibson awakened great enthusiasmthroughout the meeting. He said to the assem-

blage that he did not stand up before them tosupport any ticket or to denounce any in-

dividual. He really had not sought or workedfor this candidacy. Had it been his object to doso, he would have returned to his former La-hai- na

constituents, who had previously iuvitedhim to represent them ouce metre. Recent dis-

cussion and unscrupulous hostile attacks hadaroused a public sentiment in his behalf and inaccordance with a wide call, from the mountainsto the sea, he stood up to-d- ay a candidate for thesuffrages of the electors of Honolulu. Hiscause was iu their hands. He had been assailedand they, he felt, would fight for him, aud thatthe verdict of the morrow would prove the rightor the wrong, the justice or injustice of hiscause. (Applause.) He had heard somethinguew there this evening from the lips of a speaker,namely, that Mr. Carter, a candidate for theirsuffrages, claimed largely the credit of theFinance Committee investigations of 1878. Heknew nothing of this, and it may be remarked thatit would be little to the credit of an officer in agovernment department that he should pridehimself ou having acted as a spy and informerupon a sister department. Mr. Gibson's subse-quent remarks were in great part a repetition ofwhat he had said at the Music Hall, ne con-

cluded by saying that whatever might be the de-

cision of the electors on the morrow he wouldnever cease to devote his energies to the elfareof this nation as an independent Kingdom. Hehad planted his stakes here, he would no doubt,leave his grey hairs in Hawaiian soil, and hehoped that when all was over, not that he shouldbe honored by trappings of woe, but that fellow-citize-ns

should atand etver his grave and say" Here lies a true friend of the Hawaiian nation."(Enthusiastic applause. ) After Mr. Gibson hadconcluded his address the Hon. Noble Simon K.Kaai spoke. Whilst he recommended the ad-

visability of choosing two competent foreignersnow before them, jet were their preference forone alone, he was inclined to recommend Mr.Carter for their suffrages. The Hon. Noble'sremarks were rather coldly received.

Immediately after the declaration of the polla crowd of Mr. Gibson's supporters assembledin front of his residence to congratulate himupon the result. After several ringing cheershad been given Mr. Gibson addressed the assemblage in the Hawaiian language, and subsequently interpreted for the benefit of his foreign friends the substance of his speech. Hesaid that he rejoiced wi'di a sincere aud thankful heart in this result of what his friends hadbeen doiug for him. There had been a severecontest, and a strenuous opposition to fightagainst, but he had never doubted what theresult would be, although the extent of thevictory had exceeded his most sanguine expectations. He had said in coming forward at thiselection at a time when he had subjected to somuch accusation and abuse. " Here is the Courtaud here the jury before whom I lay my cause,"and now here was the verdict which the people ofHonolulu had brought in. A great deal had beensaid lately about us and against us as a people, butcould the people of America and other civilizedcountries have seen msthat day, could they havebeen es of the order that had beenkept throughout that excitiugday, when a crowdof perhaps 3,000 people tlecply interested in thecontest had beeu gathered about the pollingplace aud had behaved so admirably, would theynot have felt, would they not have been coin- -

pelled to acknowledge that here was an orderly,a law-abidin- g, a noble people ? Whilst rejoicingin his success aud proud of the position con-

ferred upon him, he came out of the contest at.he went into it, without a single vindictive feel-

ing towards those who had opposed him, andshould devote his best energies to promote thewelfare of all the people of the country alike.

Anniversary of the Honolulu Fire Depart-- -


j Yesterday being the anniversary of theorganization of the Honolulu Fire Depart-ment, it was celebrated according to customby a procession, a ceremonial visit to HisMajesty aud the usual subsequent festivi-ties at the halls of the various companies.A very desirable change in the programmehad, however, been mude for this occasion,the time of the procession being fixed for7:30 P. f. instead of during the daylighthours when so many members of the De-partment are unable to leave their occupa-tion to join in the demonstration. Anotheradvantage of the change lay iu the increasedeffectiveness of the procession, as a displajWith the engines and apparatus all brill-iantly lighted up, and a torch in the handof each fireman, the procession formed abright and pleasing spectacle, ami especial-ly delighted the hearts of the young folks,for whose delectation so few out-doo- r,

pageants occur here.The various companies assemble, as usual,

in Hotel and Union streets; the start beingfrom the Bell Tower. Three strokes of thebell was the signal arranged, and these weregiven shortly after half-pa- st seven o'clock.The procession moved in the following order.

Band.Chief Engineer JI. F. lb, George Lucas. j

1st Asst. Engineer, John Nott. 1

Honolulu Engine Co. No. 1, C. Wilson, Foreman,Mechanic Engine Co. No. 2, C. Lucas, Foremun.-Hawrii- i

Co. No. 4, J. H. Boyd, Foreman.Drum Corps.

2d Asst. Engineer, Robert Lewers.Pacific Hose Co. No. 1, J. Bryson, Foreman.

Protection H. .v. L. Co. No. 1, S. Nowlien, Fore-man.

China Engine Co. No. 5, W, C, Akana, Foreman.The line of march was along Hotel street

and dowrt Maunakea street to King street,thence along King street to the Palace gates.Entering the Palace yard by tbe Kingstreet gates, the companies passed in orderbefore the King. His MAjesty had takenup a position on the h5ps leading to thefront entrance of the new Palace, and wasattended by Cols. Allen and Iaukea. A j

company of the Hawaiiau Guards was j

drawn up on either side of the stair-cas- e, j

After inarching past, the members of the j

ncveral companies left their apparatusformed en iiinnfr before His Majesty. M.

Lucas, the Chief Engineer of the Depart-ment, then called for three cheers for HisMajesty, which were given with a will, theDand following with 44 Hawaii Ponoi." Mr.

Lucas then read the following a Idie-s- s : -

SibK, The Fire Department of your ei.pitalcity do themselves the honor of calling on your '"Majestv on this, the Anniversary of tin ir organ-ization, in accordance with your Majestyexpressed wish that they should do so; andtheir representative, I would beg leave t r-- .

sure your Majesty of the continued loyaltyuiy brother firemen, not only to the throneour common country, but to yours. If inptrso'f..r whom we all entertain a more than h.ya. --

sentiment as an old and tried oinra le.I take pleasure iu presenting to your M.ijesty

this evening, a much better appointed organiza-tion in manv respects. more especially bythe accession of steam fire engines, than on

our parades in years gone by. But 1 venture t

suggest we will" need at least two more steamfire engines added to our force, in order to keepup with the raj 'id extension of the city.

We do not wish to trespass long on your Maj-

esty's time this evening and would one midall congratulate you on continued health andstrength since your extended travels b the oldworld. In conclusion. 1 would say: may Godpreserve the King."

His Majesty replied in a few words thank-

ing the firemen for their loyal address, andexpressing his pleasure a-- , seeing them onthis occasion. Three cheers wen ngain givenfor His Majesty, ami then the companiesfiled off in order to the front of the oldpalace where they greeted Her I loyalHighness the Princess Liliuokalani In likemanner. The procession was then reformedand marched out of tlie palace grounds bythe Itichard-stree- t gate, down Uiehard-strr- et

and along King, Punchbowl andlleretania-s- t reels to the junction of the lat-

ter with Xuuami-strec- t. Here company No.4 retired from the line, the others proceed-dow- n

Nuuanu-stree- t to King-stree- t, wheiethey parted with China C. No. 5. Themarch was continuenl along King-.-trce- l,

to Fort-strea- t, the No. 2 company return-ing to their hall by the latter street, andthe other companies whose buildings areou King-stree- t, returning direct to theirown premise. The evening was finishedby the membeis of each company at theirown rooms in the orthordox fashion.

pair At the New Music Hall to-uig- lt ouramusement lovers are promised a treat, Mr.Edwin Browne who is ever on the alert to secureattractions announces that he has scented theservice! of Xavier, the Illusionist, who playedan engagement at the old Theatre about eighteenmonths ago. To-nig- ht he will present his newspecialty entitled " Sojihisfry of the 19th Cen-

tury." The charming cantatrice, Miss JennieBoyer, will appear for the last time, and willsing " Bird of Beauty " nnd the Waltz Song,

First Love," from the Opera of Olivette. Mr.Browne will offer for approval, Maskelynu Sr

Cooke's mystery, The Cabinet of Phydias,groupings of Grecian and Roman Statuary, finda Burletta, "The Member from Lchuti," thawhole forming uu unrivalled bill.

SkaT A case purporting to contain dried beefwas seized by Cupt. Morrill when being landedfrom the brig Poruare on Thursday. Its contentswere found to be opium, about loolbs in all.The man who passed the inward entry for tin'spackage, which was one of a lot of sixteen inclu-ded iu an invoice of several other lines, is nowbeing looked for by the police. His name, is YuWo. The other fifteen cases of the lot had beenpreviously landed and the man who paid thedray hire ou them is now in custody, but thfeases themselves, which are now objects of sus-picion, have uot beeu truced yet as they weieremoved from the store whore they were firstdeposited immediately after their arrival there.



To Planters, Expressmen & Ota !




HARNESSOf All Kind a on Hand and Ma le to Order,


Ioolt At Tliis I 3Double Plough Harneta From $20 00 ur.

do Carnage or Kxureaa llxrneaa 40 00Single CarriaKH llarr.eaa 30 00Break ilaruea. 3500Dray Uarnea Si L0Mexican Sadilles 12 0Kngliah Saddles g u0ladiea' Saddles IS 00


Guaranteed For Six Months !

I Superintend all Work tbatleaves My Shop. I don't peddle Cane,Hogs. Hen Fruit or Cold Water,I Make Harness and sell them. Ees-pectfu- lly

Yours,fe W. FENNEL.

wel.cqivt:h newsMl inE.DIM foTlSIT LUI.IIH


Health or Otherwise.ri'IIK I'MIKItMUNKD

A the lunar IV It WUIlt ..f Viatltrara . sara.lKKCOUM.INU

.A , . t .. k. .. .

ha htt built, at rt exine, fine, Urge two-Btor- y

Boarding & Lodging HouseOn the E.pUnale, near tlie stureofMr. Kir a wood,

and where I e is now t i

Furnish Nice Airy Rooms and Clean Beds!To all who deaire the aame, at rcaonabie rates.

XT The tal'!e will I uipli-- l Willi the vrry b-- al the Hoaolulu and l.al.a na Markets an" .id Tt.err is at-n- m communicatioa with llouuluiu ttirr- - tutis a Wren, beai les the remlar sailing packri - .Nettie Merrill."

I" in A II I'OdK.. KXUL1MU. jiiis savsujTU.

C. ENCLINC & CO.,(Surer aaors to (i. ttegelkeu & Co.,)

Tinsmiths & Plumbors,U. 0 ALlint KTKKtT,

a Dealers in btovesand Kanges,SkM. Tin, Sheet Iron a Coppfrwtre


Galvanized Iron and Lead Pipe, .

jl 81 ' India Rnfcber nvSe,

vtPissa. NOTICE.

E HAS I.EMOVKI 1 1 KHAOttEa8 --- U ROOMS to No.. o ., ,.l Kich.rd.alraet. corner 1 001 , tha lata renidenca of Prince Kuuula- -

Page 3: LU - University of Hawaiʻi

- I


(k viiH


I- -






i - .

f,- -






lJ mJs JlJ' 9 ?Ji;X D rr I I I Z L A S--A.

VWill iKEaver--

?"" Those irhn tin tint

.'A DAYS, mill hove LOST 11111 OSLY OPPOR


HAEE ('OST, Ihitl has ever

TIic Usual Auction Sale xvill be lieIdI'liis Saturday Afternoon and Evening,"bj" Mr. E P. Adams,Ocloclx.

It a. v m hii m atv ' mm m

F B:V VOKU,Capital, 5G,000,000,


A . M . 3VXof


Spf?ei?il --Aent lor tlio ZEDiwaiian Islnncls.IMIEKM(1HI II AS-- IIK .IKKAf;:.MEVTi WITH TIIK

I'ANY l tu ly thr of ih-- e nh their

WORLD RENOWNED READY MADE CLOTHINGAnn her-h- y l!i I'uh.l,- - in j'rrrl 1 1 I'. A M I N K TIIK HU.T INVOICE. r!.i h he han r.feied ex hark

I. V. Ill RKA Y. r.mi..tiDi of


fcrnl St!r h Inrrd X fJicirrr Sail. l,rnl(.als Srolrb 7rd X (uinrrr rant,

l.mU Uhlir Mara af,trpt- - Wliltr MjrrU c!s,

Ua)N srttfli Tuff J NollsC.)' aj I'.iae

Th- -i iiHf4 hv te n nta! rf.r4ntr t utt thit Market. f..tre net hi---n tnken in c.rii'leratin to farilitatetH- -r nati.r-.- . r. hii( Ihr-- n from tl.r r.rt. ry .lirTt. I am rriile.l lo .ell il.cm K.t I'l.lt THAN A.N V OTIII.R lltll'SEa tie I i



A. fI. PrlELL!S,Ilonolulu Clofliinsr Kmporinin,





the whvothers.





Ben Sold.I'urrhuse ihiriiiif the iYJE.Y7'


lirrn nfferrtl ii Honolulu.

commencing at One




Ntrh Tutrtl (s-in- ifif (oats;Lent, I.alrvt M)!r Stl. (o.i:, (Sunn-thin-;

Uhitr Unrn Paats.(.ruN CroHB I.ioro Suits,

Cvt'i UroMn Llnrn Soils,Sji.'i.r Salt.



1 Si i PIA!0



with three

but ono-fn- ii the tuning necessaiy

oie luil. uniiiinc(lowering



lai.. intuir-rabl-e


Will Remain Permanently in TuneJTilis xvill interest ALL wlio con-

template Purchasing OBIS ofthese Household Treasures,




.V MAimL Ol; EXCELLENCEAs will Ii-- t hire win lmve hatl the pleasure of ho;trinp; them.

Nv'i':i! of tliem Ii:evo :iIro:sIy Iicen SoBI, lie5oici- - ills priIik to Siis dittosBicrs Avlao Ii:tvc

tliv Iood )Tii(li2iciit to psei!li:i.e :t FI.MI.TajlJ.1ia-:.T- . Dt speaks Wcll cither

lor tlieir tfiiflmeiit or.13ii.iesil T:itc.

THE I R O IU FRAME,entirelv ai.il nnvel, most substantia! in its

cross bars, oii'lciiiiLC it

Impregnable lo Any Pressure Ever Brought lo Bear Upon II.

THE U BI I PJ G PINS,which, when once .!a cl. arc

anil thero now n chnure tor tlie action of the atnio-j.her- e to lengthen orcontract tlie n- -. (a- - the ca-- c when tlie j.in-- are in the wooiltV.rne), aii'l they have the a woo-- l ami the j.infirmly iicl. to the very point at which the triiii; takes Lol.l. Tiii.s is one

rea-or- .s our Piano re-juir-


'KKTIFT KKM lltK OK OLE IMI.I..of ih. M t Hit m- -- f'.'..-u.- fin r'.- - I t:. t tti- -e iro r. rl). Lf !,

t'nti! the inr-ti- 'i' ti I our Ft.u i' i t S" 5i b-- v.na--

iv.? ni.i.ir.il iii3tium t. was i".e ..ue of all t fad.No other m.rs bv any cl-- b ive ever h o abH- - to pr --

f..rniKr lov.. aivt ir..p.i i:.g i K iv-- - p: e. ti a thm.maiC il ear.



. .m ' m i (a ar 1 m i r w


Tin:- -


In et)l.rol

lot K.















th of

Ih io. arii-- ;. while ex the e

no o'.h r V. !. "h. 1 been his hand at



I I t t'lii i!i.- - I'i in , one ..f most expen- -

a l':-- tl: f !ln. .!. .r i ite a f. w yrirs that itsv 1:1 1, !'.. rli-i- t:.e ' aim 'St to any




vet all f isI of

i'-- . i'--

(.ta.1 i:l



GSO. F". OTSIal-S-, IVTo. 107 f.ort Street,Sjle Aent fcr many of the Leading P;anos and Organs of the World.

Send ibr- - CnialoijrtK? nricl li'ice Hiisf.jai if

- .. - ... - .. X "in if hi i Hi ys'n Jttaa V-- ... L


r nji UPd8PJA. W. BUSH, IVIaiiager.



fh California H.y and Jr:n cf the Cct-.-- J cfully ty tL Maimer d'lrii.g a r. -

2,000 ilSaESS




TIIK VERY BESTAi. l C!u s-- tLe sam at ibr-- LOVK r liATIIS. us uv l.ny !:ir-- c ly nml f..r CASH.

T th'sr Coii-iume- who Lave ln-- tfiv Iinj.ort .1 fr we illi-

cit their patronage, trusting we can iv .iti-t'- a, tin. tli. rtl y savingthf-U- i time mill labor.


Careful Attention Given to theLare Additional Supnlies


KALAKAUA. All Orders to be sent

j:i-2- 3m

We Bog to HotiiV

UITe Have ULecentlv ReceivedA LARGE


That at No Time SinceHAVE WE

Without Hay or Failei to fill All

Nor have we ADVANCED THE PKICEthe past few

Wc Will Continue toas Cheap as it Can be Purchased

in Ilonolulu !


Goods. UITares or StfSercliaxiLdLise,WI1ET1IKK

In Our Line or Not, Will BeNO COMMISSION Charged. Telephone, No. 147.


(INK NEW OI'KX IICIOGV A M?j3Z2 HAKMKSScoirplete, priee12. Enquire at

thia Office. ja28 tf

Rare OpportunitiesHOMES i MIDDLE CLASSES.


LOTS!nut quit two mil' from Town, to sell on th. Most Reasona

ble Terms l inose who uesire 10 duiiu

Cottage H o m e s !These Lnla are the Cheaneat anil Moat Profitable Invest.

ment our Workinir Classes will have for a long time to comeThe object in selling these

LOTSat a LOW FIGUREto Koilil np a gettb-un-n- i which lias aireaily commenced.

The Location is Most Desirable, and for Health, lew anilI'rodnctitre Soil, they cannot be Surpasvel on the IslandMiburbs.


A Pleasant, Romantic

Country Homestead !

a', out two miles in the suburbs, to I.eae for a Term. llonecontains some Six Rooms, with variou s. Stable.Csrriane Cbirkeo House, and Hood Pasturage fr a

ow ai d Horse the year round. Kental. $i50 a Yejr. PartlyAl.o, to


about 1 mil's from Town, lluilt with all Modern 1m- -'

provements. including Two Xeat Cottages,srpArKte fmm the Main Building.

suitable for STl'OV ROOMS, with plenty cf Water,Stable, Carriage Home, Ac. Kental, $450 a year. Also,



Houe contains 8 Comodious Rooms, situated on Two Acresof UrounJ. with a Running Hrook and Spring on the Premises,p.rtlj Kurnish-- d. Rent il, $300 a year; or WILL SELLTIIK LEASE, which has four years to run yet, with aprivilege of five more, including Kuruiture in Two K.wms,with Matting on all the Hoots. Also. u of Other Fuswturegratis, for 00 CASH. The buyer having no Rent to Payuntil Next Octi.ber. Clear Tiile on the above Ststenieut.

ALSO. TO LEASE. A NEAT COTTAGEON PENS A CO I, A STREET, contains 6 Rooms.witt Stable, ic. Rental, $300 a year.

ALSO. TO LEASE. TWO COTTACJES, Located on a I'evp Lot on the Waikiki M'ad. nearly o: te j

Mi. C. V. Ward s -- sunny soutu " Residence, "in ieaseb.)th Cottages, on Very Reasonable Terms, to a good party.

I have also a nimkr of Acres of Uround on Nuuanu ValleyR I. K ililn, Waikiki and in the City to -- ll. Also. SeveralCi t'age Houses and Furniture for Sale. Rooms to Rent inall parts cf the City. Apply, or Address,

J. E. WISEMA N.27 Merchant M., Real Kslate Rroker, tmployment Uur-a-

and tieneral HunneiJ Agent. J.i'- -l

. NOTICE.'B'hr -- ! k K T. KKSIII l II ERE l OFlMt KI rxi.lin between the undersigned, under the firm narre

of tlllINFV ROHKRTrO.M. was di.solved by mutualconrnt r.n the olt ol I)reemler, 1SS2. j

Thiikin)( the public f. r their eenerou. support ilurit.g ihepast veais. we trust theame will becontinu-- d to our success ..r .

H. K. w HITNKi.J. W. KOHtlt I OON.

R. J. V. ROBERTSON WILL CIRRIi'i ou the Stationery. I'utiliniuf; and 1'rviitin Uasiness. under the firm of J. W. KOBKRTS'lN X. CO.,vh will assume all liabilities of the late firm. All out-tan- j,

inp liil's due the late firm are to be paid toJ. W. ROBERTS. N. v

Honolulu, Jan. 12ib, ItSJ. -1 1m

Household Effects for SaleHTOl Nf ()K OIVINO I I' IIOI SE- -

Keeploz. a Superior lil.ick Walnut Marble Top -

room et with French Mirror; Cardinal Velvet Sola and eayChairs. Fiench Cluck. Sewiog Machine, Sr.rinii and CurlhairMattraJS Wardrobe. Vienna Rocking C hur, Pictures,and numerous other articles of household gear and furniture,

i App.y No. 40 We.t King Street near l.iliht Street, residence .f. jaltlm CAPTAIN F. KNACKK.


.u.p...:.v . f VKI'Y StTEUIOK QUALITY,i.t vi-- it to the C : ON HAND.





Shipping of Orders to other Islands.are now 0:1 the '.vav per EUREKA and

W A.


AT W. BUSK,MAXA;i:n of uxiux feed co.

Our Many PatronsTHAT



We Commenced BusinessBEEN

Orders of Our Replar Customers !

to them during the great scarcity of Hay inMonth; and

Sell May and Grain


Filled at LOW RATES, and

P. A. DIAS,No. 7 8 KING STKK.KT, nearly oioite Bethel St.'

iioxoLixr. ii. i.IMPORTER and DEALER



Island Orders Solicited, xor llemeuiber the Xomber 7 8King Street. jsl'Bi 6m

I V Tin; only i!.tco tolmy CSkxts good cloth-in"- o

at tht' vrty liiwkst kates is at Chas. J.1'ImH KLS Pol'LT.Ai: stokk.

iif The 1'est l'oroale shirts, extra ccffs andtwo coi.LAns, for only $1 511, at Cii.vs. Fishels'rowrr.AK stouk.

Z'if Boys" all wool suits from $t up, nt Chs.J. Fishkes' roi'i'L.vu stoi;e. ,

Zf You can buy a most beautiful straw hatfor only 1, at Chas. J. Fishels' popularstoke.


inIt IWS

The undersigned offer il

For Sale a large and wellselected stock of WINES, H

LIQUORS. ALE, &c. ji

Those wishing to obtain i!

the Rest Goods at Rcas- -onable Prices, will find itto their interest to exam-ine the Stock ofLOVEJ01TS CO.

810 MKUiIlAM ST.. !M0l.l LI.

P. S. from theother Islands shall alwaysreceive prompt and care-ful attention. ja2i 3m

NEW EVKiSIC HALL!This Saturday Evening, Feb, 4,

Fsircivcll AppearanceOF

IVIiss Jenxiib BoyerPrior to hr for th- - United States. On this

occaM' n the refined and pleasing Illusionist,

PROFESSOR LOUIS XAVIER.Will make h:a in Honolulu, after an

al set:ce of 15 moi.ths. in his original Sjiecialty,entitled.

Sophistry of the 19th Century !

Mr. dvjin BrowneWill present fji the first time here

The Wonderful MysteryCALLED

The Canopy of Phydias !



Grecian Statuary,Forming the most varied and Interesting Programme ever

presented lo this city, ty Reserved Seats at J. V. Robert-son A Co 's. ja'--S it

jlr iv 5. tlrrttfa'f meat.?.



POKZARE,"--. Cot I KEW. !.i::r.

Will Have Immediate Dispatch for theAbove Port.

f-- r i'te or Vs-ii- . apply toft4 VM. G IKWIN A CD., Ajint.


i W. II, OIMOIMD,Ilorni.tTT. C?VMNDtR.

Will Sail with Immediate Dispatchtar the Above Port.

Vor Frriw-b- l .r :ipp y lo

)i.it VV.M. G IKWIN CO, Afi-n- ti

MEETING NOTICE.put: KiRsr (;kkicai. mekvink ok

the Honolulu Alhtic A4.rtation. wui b held at theLyceum on MONDAY EVENING NEXT. lT' !Hk. A

Cvrjiil invit.tii .n U ex'.enJed to ai! ixrties ir.teres.ed. It

NOTICE.'IIF. IM)EKSIGK HAVING SOMI1 out hi St..-- ( I'ru-- . I'rr'uuicrr c . to MESSRS.

J NO. A. I'ALMF.K X C , retire from the lruir Busioeu,an J bejs to recommend this firm to lii- - former customer.

K. MOrhMANN, M. U.HuQoiu'u, I'rb. 3rd, lsbj. it

SPECIAL NOTICE.The undersized having disjinsed ef all his interest in

the Iilarksu.ilhiiii; and I'arriakre Sfakilii; l!usin ss to Mr.M. .1. Kose. hereby reiinests all those who are indebted tohiui, to mske immediate jiaytneiit to hiiii of their account. s. M. WHITMAN.

Dated Ilonolulu. January 1st, lssi. ja14 3m

8s A very large assortment of fine white era--

emliroiileries at figures never offered before, atChs. J. Fishei.s" rorrLAi: stoke. '


IIERF.BV GIVE NOTICE THAT 1 WILLnot be responsible for any debt contracted in my name

without my written order.co5 5m J. Al. uiiULt..


riIIE ItKOl l.All SESSIONS OFOCEANIC1 Council No. 777 A. L. of H. are held in the KnigbU

ot rythiiis Hall. Carnphcll's lluilding on the tiKBT andTUIRU XL EsUAYS ot every .Mnth.

jali 3m HENRY SMITH, Sec'y.


Tupi! of DR. HANS VON BULOW, will be glad


Evening PartiesOn Moderate Terms.

XT Lessons siren in Pianoforte tilayinir. at One Dollarper Lesson, if within ha f a mile of I'ost Office, beyond thatdiHtame 1 wo Iollra.Conimuni. aliona lelt at WELLS' MUSIC STORK will bepromptly attended to by Mi-- . Kcssler. ji23 3m


IIKOMXIUrSKS WILL RI XTO-.MO- R.T ROW on the following time for the accommodation ofour church people and Sunday School Children, and also lorthe benefit of all who desire an early, invigorating morning orevening bath. Mr. lOl)D has received numerous congratulations, on all sides, Uit his enterprising nimpitality in seekingth wants nf our geuerous community, and for comfort, convenience, reliability of drivinir and cheapness in fares, together with promptness as per schedule, he certainly deserveslue respect of cur entire community.

LEAVB 3T1BLE8: I. HAVE I'tNAUOl; ST:6:30 a m..to 'Aaikiki Ilaths.. 8 am9:l!k a m 9:30 a m

10:15 a m..... 10 3(1 am1215 p m 12 40 p m

i p m p m4 p m . . . to Wuikiki I'aths. . 5:30........... p m7 pm 7:20.... pm8:30 p m 9:05 p m

Ij- - The Vall'-- Time Table will be as follows:LkAVE STABLKS: LKA VK J H PATV'S KESIDSNCB :

9 a m. . 9:30 am10 a m.. 10:30 .am12.10 .Mnn.. 12:45 p m2 p m.. 2:30 p m4 pm.. p m6 50 p m. . 7:15 p m8:40 p m.. 9:10 ...p m

H3T 1'lease notice that at 6:30 a. m. and 4 p. m., the Hunswiil ruu to the Waikiki Baths, and the charge for the roundtrip, Bath included, will be only fifty Cents. Tickets eight!lor One lioliar.

Olllce of Pantheon Stables, corner Hotel an.! Fort Streets, '

ja2S tt J As. UUUU, froprietor.

Jigg Thirty-tw- o pieces all wool dross gootla,oronly 25 cents per yail, at Chs. J. Fishels' rcjc- -


Boundary Commissioner's Notice.PPLIOATION II 4 VINO HE EN MADE541 to me in due form by W. L). Alexander, Superintendent

of More rument Survey, fr the settlement of certain pieces ofimrernment Lind situated 111 kiki. Inland of Oahu, viz.lt Keauhou and Waihinalo, adjacent to Paakea, in twoparts.

Jj Wainka, a tr ict f hind ailj ouiri: Kamoiliili Church.3d The " Kula o Kaaipusa," in Kalia, mukai of Kaluao-loh- e.

4th Tract A., of Rice Lnd. in Kalia, Wai ilta and Mooka-h- i,

includin); tlie Loi o llumtaKkii, and adjoins 1'au andKimnka.

5th Trsct It., of Rice Land, in Kalia, a ij .iinng the " Au .

wai of A lanaio '6th Kauatnoa, adjoining I'au. Therefore, all parties inter-

ested in the settlement of said Boundaries, and all owners ofbinds adjoining, are hereby notified to be present at my office.No. US Merchant Street. Ilonolulu. at 1 o'clock p. m , ONMONDAY. February 6th. at which time and place the

iMjve application will be heard.

toundary Commissioner for the Island of Oahu.Dated Honolulu, January 2kh, 1382. ja28 2t


Commcrcmllbbcrtiscr. I


NOTES OF THE WEEK."e We tivo rniuosti'il t state that the ball

to le k'ivtn liy lit r Rnyal Hihnvss R. Kcelikolani

is to be on Friday ''i-ib-t, ainl not as statoil in

invitations alrf-ail- issut il uu Thursday. The

luau will bo mi Thursday.

. On WediK'sday and Saturday of lust werfcand again yt tviday, there were no charges t$occupy the attuution of His Honor the FeliceJustice.

I IT The Editor of the P. C. A. jiiomiseil awhile ago to clean oil' his side walks. A neigh-bor remarked th;it ll 'i.j iit-- brooms, in thehands of voters, did this j .ib very effectually forhim last Wednesday.

ST Mr. Dodd informs us that the Sprinkloiwill lay the Ua,-.-t I'liglit ami early m the morningif the thoroughfares lequire it. Who is a moreserviceable man to the community than Mr.Dodd ?

't Z1T Ibe I!uss will make her regular morningiiid afternoon tri.s to the Waikiki Ilaths tomor- -

vvw at ::) a.m. and 4 oclock p.m. Evet j-- one

id invited to take the refreshing trip onl- - 50tjtnts the round trip, bath included. LeaveJAutheou Stables . .See the Sunday TimeTable in or.r column- - to-da- y.

s m

A suit by a Portuguese named Antonio daRocha to obtain cancellation of his contract ofservice, with Dr. McGrew- - was tried at the PoliceCourt on Thursday and resulted in judgmentfor defendant. The evidence given by da Rochaand his wife was that they did not get foodenough, had too small a bedroom and were illtreated, but when details on the subject 'werepressed for they had very little to say in supportof the charge and the evidence of Dr. McGrew'sother servants decidedly contradicted them. Be-

fore giving judgment His Honor inspected thesleeping apartment complained of.


ilt -- ir. ar.i mts. .louanmstn wm uoiii a re-4,- -t

riion tlii tvt ;.t tLc n'ilci:ct of CpUinKfi!lur;, iu PaU'a Vuliey.

C'ii.i: to i'.:iii.iir.;a!iiu, ofti.ilu inrrr- -

r-- tat-r.i!ii- ajipt::vt .1 lt Inst Srtttmlny s isnof I. C. Avi Ki.rt:i: in rs.. t to tho utrii.i;:f II. u. C5iHr(V U!sviV-s- Tin not!oi w i!I

l fi.HRl auu'Tij; t!i- : i..r--t ii. cur ic

S."tf i Le 1.: M i::-- t tU'.i.' I'i t !. l ..ctu r I tifv.ution lu; l.tti fUnl for T;. il.iy, M.-irr- Tt't

It is txim toil h-.- t mi jut ft -- tine .ftijn r, i to., will In.' f irtl then, iiu liii;v :;

;i i.r:iv lical t rsiti: i:. lv Mr. Scott, of ju-:1- h I

of tf'acLitiij 't:JiHvsit;oi:.

i,fj lit fc is your al.l.i 'iilsjii ol Inn s,wtjea u foreigner . (nt..su:ii -- it r ti.

1 tlie llawtui:ili i t s o! llot..ii'.l:i : aroUn--foreigner fl.5rov.ii) j..lls tw of the Hn- -

Otrs of l.wa a!M .natsae; aii.l oi.trforeigners have i! iliu-t- lmlleil elst-wht--

larvre majorities 'i

I'C At Fort-f-t- it t t Chim h. Suiulay lnor.iini;.I. A. I'man. iii-ti.-r. will lata. h. In the evening there will ho a union missionary st rwi--

with tuhlreSNes 1'V .Hjtain Hray. of the Mv'i niiigStar, and llev. Mr. AV:,;k:'t. niissonary to the(Jilhelt Ilatlils. A eolihai v. eu Olile to all.

I s1" Following is tl,t j'.r.igrannne for thisafternoon's eoiutit in i'nmia Square at l:;tip. m., liy ttie l.o::t liawunau lian.t :

Min li Comrade. t rri etnig . . KaustOverture ...llxrtFantasia -- The l'r:n-- Air A lr i:tSeWetlili I'lH'i'fc'i'io, by reii't . .Mllt,uadnllt l.lk'lits ii' L.iu.liiu. new . . .finiteHungarian l'su.i I taids" . .I'i't.'l V

We are requested to lh-.i- t the Fialld eouhlnut ive the sect'iid Mmnlil.t eoneert on

of the extreme wet and damp weather,but will malie it up as somi as the weatherpermits.

- -

tir Tlie last news of II. 15. M. S Triumph,so lon; expeeted in these waters, is that the Admiralty Office has a dispatch frnm Ilear-Aduiir- al

Sterling, reporting that an explosion had occur-

red on board the flagship Triumph by whichthree nun were Villed and seven wounded. 1 hoexplosion occurred while the ship w as off C'o- -

quimbo, on the 'J 2d of November.

F" The state of the approaches to the Esplanade wharves during and after rainy weathergrows worse nnd worse. It may be convenientto citizens in the ubsence of available roads totumble Mr. Wihler's boards into the mud in order to make the way passable, but it is hardly tobe supposed that he imported then: for any suchphilanthropic purpose. The Minister of the In-

terior, who in virtually the Mayor of the city,should take a walk in that direction next timeit rains.

l Dr. Hoffman premises on Merchant St., --j

have changed hands and it is understood thatMessrs Bishop & Co., are the purchasers, witlia view, no doubt, to future necessary extensionof their Banking premises, sure to bo forced oitlieui by the rapid extension of the commerce othe Kingdom. The price has not transpired. DrHoffman will still retain a nook in the old prem-- j

ises for an office, but lias disposed of his KtocW

of materia medica to Messrs. Palmer A Co. Mr.J. M. Davidson has leased the remainder of thebuilding for offices.

ty At the well which Mr. Fcssler is sinkingat the residence of Hon. S. K. Kaai tho denseblack lava which had given so much trouble gaveout at 7C feet from the surface showing the flowat this point to have been over (i5 fee t thick.After the black rock came 14 feet of clay follow-ed by n new layer of rock similar to that above.Thia layer lias also been pierced and the boringis again in clay. Mr. Fcssler now hopes that byperseverance water will be found, there beingnothing in the character of the clay to distinguish it from that which has been come in contact with on the other side of Honolulu whereit is always found lying alovc the water bearingrockbed.

Edy The monthly social "athetint' al theDethel Church was held on Thursday Evening.The exercises opened with the usual hymns, andthese were followed by the reading of selectionsfrom Scribner by Mr. H. L. Sheldon, and of anextract from " Very Dad Boys" by Mrs. Dilling-ham. Among the musical items of the entertainment were a vocal solo by Miss Dishop, aduet, ' Meet Me by Moonlight," by the MissesCampbell aud Pierce and a vocal solo by MissTurtou of Lahaiua. Mrs. S. M. Damon presided at the Melodeon. The ladies of the congregation had made au ample provision of delectable things to the discussion of which the fatterpart of the evening Mas devoted.

ry Ah Sue, (a female) and Wing Chingwere fined at the Police Court last week $10and sentenced to tn-elv- e hour's imprisonment athard labor for gaining. Yah Yau was on thelame day fined $0, with twenty day's penalservitude for the same offence. Ah Cham audAh Wing who, according to their own accountwere only assisting at the game, and not gambling themselves, were at th') same time sen-

tenced to ton day's penal servitude with fines of$20 each. Ah Sing, Ah Sang, and Ah Yau

pleaded guilty to gambling. Ah Sung, who hadacted as banker was fined . 10 with fiftaeuday's hard labor and the other two were fined$15 each with seven day's hard labor. Are Chi-

namen the only gamblers in the town i

ir On Monday evening a meeting of thosefavorable, to the formation of an Athletic Associ-

ation in Honolulu, was held in the Lyceum. HisHonor the Chief Justice was in the chair, andRev. W. A. Swan acted as Secretary. A draft ofa Constitution for the proposed Association, andof Uy-ia- for its working, was presented bythe Provisional Committee appointed to prep.irthe same. After some discussion and a ferslight amendments, these were adopted andwas arranged that another meeting should bheld on Monday evening next, when those whohad in the mean time paid the entrance fee tinsigned the Constitution, should elect Directorand other officers, to serve for the ensuing year,'The following were appointed a Committee to receive fees and signatures of intending nn i:ib rs :

Mrs Adams, Miss Dernice Parke. Dr. Hutchiusonjand Messrs. Austin, Whiting, H. M. Whitney.-A-.

M. Hewett and F. Godfrey. About eighty,members are already enrolled. t

Mr. W. A. Markham, Port Surveyor of Hono-lulu, died at his residence, Kainakola, at 4 :''o'clock on the morning of the Jn 1 inst. Thedeceased was an old resident in Honolulu, andhad a wide circle of friends and acpiakitalice-i- ,

his genial nature making him a favorite with allwho knew him. He was a native of Ireland,born in Dublin in the year lv32, and thereforein his fiftieth year at the time of his death. Itis now more than thirty years since Mr. Mark- -

ham became a resident in this Kingdom. Forthe past seven years he held the post of PortSurveyor for Honolulu, in which ho earned forhimself recognition as an able and zealous offi-

cer. His funeral took place on Thursday after-nou- n

from St. Andrews' Pro-Cathedr- and wasattended by a large number of those who enjoy-ed the friendship of the deceased. The. mem-

bers of the Order of Odd Fellows, to which de-

ceased belonged, attended the funeral in body.Mr. Markham leaves behind him a widow andfive children, all but the youngest of whom aregrown np. His eldest son occupies a position inthe Customs service at this port.

2T The n w of sho. tinp ftCniy, in whichn IV i uty ShrriiT and a j l int.ilion O'.f rs r vuvo

i'ii ,',icd uu one kM. an. I u Mob of u orseventeen !i.b. r, r on U.e other, i

i.ota plcjtfunt thiut! t. at tt j rtsentjuncture in or ufT.tir v, 1,. n the trc.-.tt'.iiai-t of ourplant;. tioii l.tiMTirs In I ii ; so tinnier ifu"y ""'nntruthfiilly critic!, d fih" i 1, :n.1 taj u we rfnn:;. d in a i O.'.nt t- - in. 1 ncc 1. .i tugU'fo

Lib. r.-- r to come W.. All w?!l ..'.v:ut with 'curiosity i.nd inteii st tie- - i.fT".iril rip..rt of :ut

of t'.i- - i:ature wl.i.-- h I n V plai-t-) i,u thH.tiku Sur ir t'o.' plant. itiou ri ll.vu akunpoko,Maui, last we. k. The only unthcLtio newt u

yet to liHtul on the uVjct I contineJ in thfollowi"" k-tt- r from li . 1'nJ. I, ad lrossetl tothe Marshal : K ki-l- i i, January 2t!w 1S52.tV. C. 'urAv. Ftq. lr ir Sib : IlavinR Justreturned from HamAkuupoko ud kiiuuing yoawill ht-H- of the iif.'r:iy whi U occnrre-- 1 ther to-tla- y,

in a git atly eag;; rsited form, I writ a fWlines to tell yon of it. It em tl.t DeutySheriff. Mr. M.tvx n. had : warrfiiil for the tr- -

rest of a lVrtnvjuisc utid thy dettininiHl hoshould not betak. n: s ir.l nit'nof themresisted the oll'ti ers, when Mr. Bob.pii, th luna,went to their assistatice, s ized the niani whenthey made their attack with pitch-fol- k, caneknives, etc. Mr. M.igoon threutcned litem with ;

a 1'istul but with no ffect. He finally flreJ. thball, ta vi ry small one) takinjr r fleet on thethigh of ono man. and again thin sttilinj theleft cheek-bon- e of another man and petirlmtiujjdeeply, but not to b..se .f the brain. Th '

probability is that both will recover ' Kam.Alexaiivier and other tin re s. em to think theDeputy did only ht duty. IIxchh hste, theKilaut'a Hou is about h aving, and I urn eu .deavoring to get this on board. With kind re-

gards, F. It. F.nokiis. " Marshal I'aike went toMam per l.ikehke on l ncsdny lavt, to tnveftligutAthe matter.

Ceniiiiiiiitcat. it )


lty Own.


Rkvfbkd F.niTor., A littU while be foro election day I dropped in on the King-tre- t t Man,who being, as I had understood, ft CAndidat forParliament, I hoped to get a job as ft 'lunahooikaika," or canvasser as I knew L wan

flush, and would bleed w i ll for tho sake of hiiviujj11. O. N. stuck to bis name. Hut I found Lirarather down in the mouth.

" Don,'' said he, its no u se, there arc alreadytwo hnoles (foreigners) in the tUld, nnd two' a

many as the kanakas will stand. Tho Shephoi Jis cock of tho walk among the HLjrliwyatiSj funlJoe (not our Handsome Joe, but Um hwo f

the Gb nsannox), has got the 1111010 betcVing,

and tho Jank to boot ; so I have no show, findshall take caro of the shop. ;

As wo chatted away u kanaka, walked in.scratching his head vigorously with loth hcU offinger-nail- s, as he held aloof with ft thumb audforefinger a flimsy straw tile. Hn's 11 Polft (awharf man) named Opupelo (or Kirc belly).

Said he, addressing King-stre- et t "Itapa ! (forBob) I come hooikaika (canvass) for yon. AU

Pola men belong me more than three Jionerlkr.naka. All luna hooikaika (canvassers) for you.You givee haneri dala 1110 uuV ; and by nnd by,two haneri dala more when you mfinba. Youfix up coffee shop for all Iuiiasim la balokn (buUloting) day, and have plenty gini, make kanakastrong, and you pir (win) sure." ,

"Say, Opupele," observed King-stree- t, in asneering tono, aint yon lyiug, Hasn't, Iliad,pious dry goods duck corral led id I tl Polacrowd ; and won't he march them in line to thoballot-bo- x to vote for Joe ? "

" () P.apa," said Fire Belly, depiecatingly, "Ino lie. What you say? L0I0 Fopopo (rottendry goods), he got all Pola boy ? Aole !" (No.)The native spitting out the negative with in

tensity, as he at the same time IicKeil tint Uls

tongue, aud reversed both palms. ' YnBapa, by and by Lolo "opopo ho no get ninny ,

balokas (ballots). He work plenty bard. " O, ,

yes. Small-po- x time, he and Keo(Jo) go rou idand scratch aim (vaccinate) kaimkn. EJbody say this they do for hooikaika felecineering). So you see, now. And Lolo I'oPjpo, hogive plenty wool shirt, hat, boot, and kukae-nal- u

(cotton cloth) to Pol 11 boys, to make themoluolu (all right.) But, Bapa, I ted you, it 110

go. Pola boy want the tleiuakule (the Shepherd).All kanaka want the clemakuh; ; and you, Bapa,put his name on your pan balolcn (ticket), andyou puka (win)."

'See here, Opupele," uuid King-stree- t, la!f !

" ain't you humbugging ma ? Joe'sbound to go in. Ain't the whole miani-max-

crowd backing him V "Mikioneri ! " xclaimed Fire Belly, with h

grimace. " Ao!e waiwai ! " (Nothing in rbein)- meaning that they amounted to littlfl ornothing, as backers to influence the votes of

kanakas. "Aole hilinai, ia lakoil '' (No oou-ti- dt

uce in them) continued Fire. Belly. " Theytalk soft just now ; but all the timo they 110 want .

to go near kanaka w ith long pole. Ono kahuna- - .'yule (preacher) speak me this morning. Ho way

Opupele, what for you vole for that b id man,the eleiuakulo V ' I say : ' You good, eh ! Voltalk that way? No, you inikiom ri got badhear- t- when you talk that way.' More all sam.this mikioneri, talk all same ou the street.They work hard against eleiuakulo. They turnkanaka heart against thein. And mora tlteytalk, more strong thty make th elemakule. AH

fool men. these men talk Christian wale no1'

(only). They think kanaka no heart he same

dog he same slave, and don't krujw wlu hi

friend. But he tell 'em on Mr etiou day he wot '

forman belike. More they say bad, more he )iku. ,

Now I tell you, Bapa, yon put elemakule name rwith v .11 name, and vo.i puka (wiu). Keo. h -

smart man, plenty good haoie. One tim hw

kanaka's man, and thfy givo 'him junta COO

balokns. That time all Bank men, and 'Boach '

men fight him. Now all Bank nu n nnd ' Beach '

men help him. Kanaka no und-'istaiul-, kAnalnft

(in doubt). And say, Keo is not safflo haolo,

and he help his brother ' the Knhina (King'sMinister). Besides, Keo's friend fight thodemakule, and no want bis name. They fool

for that, I tell you, Bapa, ou 'lot-tio- n day Keo Umake "(a dead cock).

King-stre- had fin th.r pulby with Optltxle,but finally made up his mind that it was too latato make up a ticket, notwithstanding the asHUij-ance- s

of Ihe native canvasser, that all tho Pol ;

nun, and other societies and bauds ot !Lvwere under his influence. King-stre- et saved himoney, and coffee, and gin, and took can of hishop.

Since then, thu result of th.J election .haproven the truth of Firo Belly's words. Joe,who would not fraternize, with the Shepherd,tailed otf hadly ; and ho can now Appre-ciate tho value of certain assurances that howould have all '.he Pola voto, and other im- - 'portant an 1 influential constituencies. Lots ofchaps, foreign and ii.lfiv who braggedof the votes they controlled have provedto bo nowhere ; and the stone that was rejectedby the buildeis becomes the corner-ston- e.

gziJ Well, Neighbor, you made " a long pull,a strong pull, and a pull altogether; " and youmade ,' a strenuous efl'ort, and came out in forcewith a solid front; " and you had tho inspectionof the ballots, on your own man's insidious sug-

gestion; and, after all, you fell on your back,and look rather appropriate as a lamo duck laidout. But, never mind, look up ami smile, yourwonted smirk.

7"."";"' v.. '.:sr" T ';r!ry5K--




f i

Page 4: LU - University of Hawaiʻi

j:.i;,r. .V.- ' : r- ; n J t


rf . . k I I N ! N -- I I . i I J InnIOl I tr. ..... ilrr I -- ,, I,.;..- - ,r ..

I 4 I - K.

1LUAXS. UIIIu D & CO.. i

Ship;,::.!; & lonimivMon .ucrchaiUs,m.-- i I H i:alirral Mrrrl.

mf.J l -- IN MUMJM 'iIID.r.iliPHi. nritr'tT r 10m

GEORGE F. COFFIN ic CO.,sinppnr. it, ioiniMi .ii.umut.

" IZ Pin I'm It rlc,

I RTIC'l" I.A R. lilt NTIn I.IV t. ill19 fluiug Hawaiian orlr, .! :.'-- l n ir jarant"-.!-.

f : i- -

JOHJX HARVEY & CO..MKKI'll t IN und Ulllll.(IOMMISMoX llROKrH.-1- .

Ilamilln. Ci.M.t.ti.aVf-Tsn- r'- rUBX rf M'.rrrI.J1T 01 rh a I . t, ..m..i;:D:-li- t

W. H. CEOSSMAN & BE0.fM It i p J 1 ti &r ! ' in iuIhIiiii

M KliOII A X Tfit Ckaak'M Mrrn. Illllh.

Rrfwnc Cut!- - '...- - ar, I J T. rl.-.-

apjo II


Irl. Kxjflaitfl,UK I'KKiMKKOToirilMMI l'l. I .

Ml KBa"i f..r 4)fl:'l- - Traiiiwij. wi:n rwithout car mr l.e.itn'.'iT". ipfcw'.li (:--- ..rPlant anions. Permanent Kill)., witi. rr i.tiv-- ar r irn,Trartin Knsirm arwl Ra.l I '.. .t:v. Mi.ti I'l'.uzl.iniraa Caltivatioa' Maco.nry . rVr'aM.; rK-a- Lr zia .r a'.lparpovs. torims; Eri;in. fr IitIium.

lxilita', with illolr:i-fi- . MoW.n r.l I!, ni.tn .f

ths arw plane r)'1 ry ciif h-- a: tt.': !! .fIfM onrtTJ ;cil u. i. i;kf.i: ar. i

. w. i c iklvm: ..tafitf Aari4 frr J In '!rr Ai Co.

fcRATEFi r- - - omfoktim;.


ra tb oraina i 4 rl nutfitt n. arni t acartful application of ih flt ppijrri' wll-.:r:H- .I

ciimak. Mr. t'pfia baa ir.. il. 1 mif i ill. i nh alliirat-ly-(- l nrl brrai-- hx-- ! njr o mic)

4octer'a bill. I: by tUt j .l!i-i-u .f urli art:cir- - c.f

iiit Itat conatiiatfin mar r'llnly Lu:i U nutila'mrc anooih 10 ri.t rr ! Jifsr. Han IrnNat wbtlw nalatUca are ft ti: r '.in 1 u t aitarlcbrrr ibrr? la a weak .'iiit. W- - m-- rrr in mjr

riai ihaft by knpuf ourl- - f rtitl .1 i:b ur iillao'l a property ouirih-- frnKr." rr-- ari "It 10 tb-- (Hitftrncm Qaatttt.

Matt limply wilb rxuhott li-- r or iaiiW.

8iUI only ra packvta, r. :


CPIS'S CHOCOLATE f.'.Vrf, .lroai'lnll.ly


EXCkMNUK. !ja frwrnfn, Calif .rnU. ta au.horiicitl rcciv 'lTcrttacmmta r lb ruliimw i.f ih

in 15.I,. P. FISHUK75a


Ror. ma 211 anj 21. MrtrhanU F.ichingc,Calilornia itr'-t- . San Frnci.tco.

5. B. ldrtii3S S!iritrd far all Xfs-lap- M

rikilhr5 03 tte rrlSr I S ndw'uh

lUadS Pljl 3ir;.iB Ttirt. I'.ia.ttn.i. ;ilp

Japia, tUiaj, ZIjaJ. thethe Fatf m Matr- - act! 1'arspf . HI cf

rly ererj Xrwpapfr rbbli-L- f 01 line rarifirCt5t are fcf pt Cn'tnt!j oa Kjbi!. asi a'.i Jilifr-Use- rs

art alUurd l rre arc to t&ero darlns Coi-iHiOt- tn.

Tbe PICIIXC (n:u:&CHL U)il-TISE- S

I irpt file tbe Office af 1 I. I'lUKB.b4 if



X XX O XD CTCEHaitels Renew & General Prices Ccrrent !

Puhb.he.! Mr.nlhly, ao.l in Kr.3!.;h. In.ii--n- b:

tir furehaarra it CDtinrntal . U. 2,. - V bu--

r'ricva.an-- l lwconni of

Wiwi, BrrdiK, frerrr.l l'r..iit!. rancy :oo.- -.

Viiliwtry. I)rfa Jl ttrrml. Ul . lrtfi-!aio- .

Pla'tnt War. Wati-f.e- , CUirk U.l fn:titn J. wnry.B, oca aa-- 4 !b. Frrfumfry. Toy. vLniraitbn,

' FbutrarrapUc mwl rrinnns " l

fetimtifld n. MosiCal IltruJlo , l)ru;. '!uToir',Pbarmaecathral rrrprr'M.. ?ti.i...-ry- . ru,i.ika. Varautx-.-. Painia. I'jp-- r II incin,-.- . rirr , Ktc.

Alao FrtcM Carr-- nt of Pro. n-- r. M irk.-- t Krt. N'oti. m

Iadaatrlai iioTl!:a. Trj-- Intrbijcncr. r'.c.

ASXCkV 5 Pr l'" Ul l ui'w. an.l C

lav ln Coonuic.Mao7 antcr. payable! WTEK! ra I'jmM Im-d- t.

or the ifiiit in any brl tnrtTWj i.r r.l.s- -



A4.lmar Tl rRbCH TftAMlJm KAL P.i: r K ItK.oc j J4. r.of de Cbabrl, Pain, IraiHTi.-- .

n Kv ;iw.VA r;


Beale and Howard Streets,r5NCI-- " '. CALIH'BM

- - - rre-iJca- f.W. H. TAltOU,

JOS. BOORE, - - NaperiBlrndrnt.




Steamboat,.Stc:inisliip, 2.;in2

ENGINES AND BOILERS,Illzb Pff-'a- r mr impoB?rJ.

Tlr-- VKSSKI all klt. bu It r - ; V;'. t.

UaiW of Wwal, Iron n Cvno-ii- e.

DRDINARV K S Ci I - K? eomp-on- .l li :i Jr-M- --

TM l.l'.VCIIK.S Bar.-- ' an ! M am Tu-- " r- uatraewt iritk r't r'tx l tbe 1 ra.br .r. m b tt.-- y rr ..

beplyJ lonnf aia draft ol t- -i tiLNn- -


""- - al:.r f ' nio- -l an-- r r-t i .,i 1 1 .X

AlaCall ii- -r If " th' rr" ''h- -

avaTKH I'll'K. foilrr r Ir-m- . of ai.y .

l. io citable k. .h. a.r..ncrti..BKoIlrJ. Puocb'.l and Pa..--- ! ( r ?b ini.t. t- -i ; be

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m. : I ui.n St., weal a. ' Knginri m.. iiucl Nu. ii: llolrl M

Ixprebs Nos. 7. 9. 32. 34. 53. 91. 193.

First Class Horses and CarriagesT . ! I at ji.y II :r ! tli- - !..- - .r Mht.

All OidtTs Piouiptiy Attended to- -

Trlrpkanr IIS. Trruia K enaoau blr.r.iri.. i;Ur cr.i ii l I: nj II'Trrby thr Ijy


ARCHITECT & BUILDER,i ioii:it7, ii. i.


jDcta.il Drawings !M on a plirii- n ami jt no-ic-

Estimates Given on all WorkCoiiUfTlird ailtl the

jBxxilding Trade,W I..-- lir il le in


Vt i.l ii-- u ar.y rt of Ibr otlr lnamN to TI.M.TKaol I'l.ANi for ruiK-- J

Mill Works, Bridges or ResidencesMotitiritinn ot Old Rui'liwji a Speciality.

First Class Work GuaranteedAND


t'af of Architect k Unil.kr,. ii U n.i:a V Co., Honolulu. 11. I. noJ6 ly


tt'K II.WK KKCK.M'l.r lll'K KI TII KT .reniix-- at 1 H Nuun.U atrr-t- t. mtviuliuj t'i carry

on buiif.t:a aa ,


lur b.nj exptni-i.c- a- - MKCII l.Ml'S warrant ua in

.t.ir i.- - iilure will m' -- t a waul b.ng fell io UnaCom tnutiity.

All Orders wo may be Favored With,WILL BK

Attendel to under our own PersonalSupervision.

An.l r :ro'cI in a ti.orou.'h. cmi-tl.-i- it and workmanlikeon Ibc ni't kppr.rl auilary Prinriplra.



An. I wr -- ball at al tirnra cn.lt a v. r lo (f.e.or i'airouab"ih in r.-ciion lIbc ii in'i't n.ui-taeti'-

Work and Jl.xt- - '.- tbarg'J.



rcil Atlrnlmn riven lo the filling U of thei i.i.u s m vcihm:.--.

IJROWN 4. 111 1 I.I.I PS.Plunib.-r- . G Kittra ami

I.ivsite V . T, vi.eban A to.. No. 11 unarm M. ilea 3m

A Kcw Departure !

railiK imkmcm:i' iti-;- s to inform1 ha r'r.-t'.- orxl Patr.-m- . that be has vrate.l l.ia old

: m r-- rl rtrcvl. r. ar l.n--- Planing Mill, an.l baIn a

Large and Commodious PremisesKicia!Iy built "f bim.

ii K i 1 a u o a Street !

Itvk of t!.e Cblnrse Th.-atre- . ami next tnWar- - boue, wb. re be ha ecry farililira to

Carry on 1 lis iHu.siiiess

Boat Building and Repairing !


Vii v i:iiii r i3wit.M1E T OKDKR ON SHORT NOTICE.

Ilepairing Promptly Attended to,At Mo.b r.ite Ral. Tb "Uj!h Workmanahip HnarantC"!.

,,.!.;.,. H. B.RYAN.

NOT RESPONSIBLEI l..r.l iiur I'Ul.ti. ii.'li.-- that I WILL NOT !

iubli.- - whrn tlir-- b' rr ami layi 'KF. ta'.lit.i; at my N.w . I'T lort

tr. l.( ami Il'a n.w l.utt.lim,). I" r thi y uill fttr-- l ..

tlia. tit.f S.11I Walnut an l I.W I KICKK

I nrntMr.-- . l'arl'.r t- -. im-- . Mattra- - Xc.

Plan.- -, an I ur.:an an. I 1 v. ry -- f Mum. at

in. ii- -. ui!.tni. l.n:ra tn. Albrotyj..

Chr.uii'Hi. M tt". r. .v.-- . I'i. tur.- fraun-- mart.- - U r.t r.

Al! ktU'N "f Pi t'tr.- - I'ranii an.l 'rui. f n.Lra-k.t-- . Hat Ka' k. W LUik t- -. JIiiu' Mau l'.. Ar.. r.1

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st. Jo ii n ! st. John:: t. John : vI !.. ina. Inn.- - ru:miiic In.th wan without ban-1:- 1

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! . t. !j f'-- r t!. 'ra.l.-- l'T 1 rt St.. i

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ii" 1.' tt

OOO IiCIM iVCO.,1 marr Karl llolrl ilrrrU.

Arc Constantly Receiving New Additionsto their


x 1 y o o cl 3Ci M V f:ol-- . MI.K. I IN- -

I. t(' mI HMIIKIMKKKIrA.Follovfiiig ar.- - n Jew of the Leadins Lines :

I., lib I I in i. .r. Mlk ' i" ail .;..l"r.1 bio. - ik i. all i.r' r r"'k.I. nta" I ' i.ic 11 k Miirln. p.i- r.l- I bill-- .I.io n I. .an.. I ..if) Mu.lil". I.ljt...!.'.I .nit-- . I in' I i.'btarar

f 1 Lt. i n r rMen's and Youths' Clothing Hats and Caps.


I'rni at: I Triniii.m-- .Lalt. ran. y C- - .Vtii . all .

I v j ti . ir.rT M jilifr - " II 1"".Wl.il.- - Irr." J..I r I

tin- - nt ' f r ii e llaii.l-- . rrr.irM t ..

Oth'T I bri-tlll- li'M'dn.

Come Quick lor lisirjraiiiAll abon- - are .!.! M the v-- rr LOW FsT M AR

KiTKin:?. OrllU) Ulio KIM a LO.


I' A C I F I C C O MM 31 E R C I A L. A;D V E R T 1 S ER; F E R ii U A R Y 4, 1882.

K,!'uuntrciaiDbtrtistr.ITHE PACIFIC

S ATI" l: DAY KKi:r.r.i:Y .

FOKEIGN I,W3.1 tic A in. '.mi A'-'.- ci ti'l l'ro leici.1111 tlni-i.-- ci

il.L jii I c tiutn.MiUi 011 the itiiti.tti'itt jf ihrf

attack on our lifCijT.MUty treaty : i.

J ltiu.iry 'J. An attack on Ilawaiiinli.-oif.- r Aii'.y l'ro.tty wns uia'lc in the Sfii.itc tu-d.i- y

f.y iiieari .f two .ruf."r-iti'j:i- s uitr .iiu.'cd.iie by Hill. )f fi--it- ari'i one hy J me.--, tA'

l'l.e Iui-mu- a Snut-.- s uioveunnti in the firm ol u j .int Mem '.oil withtl.ar. Iieretol-.r- intr.j'Jucc'J in the il u.--e ol Kepre-- f.

tita live.-- by liif-.- n. o( Louisiana, which fcimplyrrrjut-t- s t!ie Prefi'lenr i.l llic Uni'eiJ istatet. togive the iio:ice t j terminate the treaty in theLuitini-- r uti'i at the time 't Inrih in lt filtiiarticle. the liith articie rli juli tf--d that '1 he

hall icuiain in lorce h.r heven year"(rout the d'tte at which time it may cmie intoi)i.-- r Uiuti, iiti i lurther until the es.iirt li..r oftwt-U- ; ui jtilhf after the time that one of the hilicuiiiructin rtii- rhull ive notice to tlie oth-- r

al the end ot the r.nid term uf pcvt-i-i yearn, or atany tune there.ilter.' The treaty wan illcd inJanuary, 187-j- . and the ratification) were ex-

changed a lew tuotiltir. euh.-eriuent- ly ; hut therequeue Act ol Cotirer.! to put it into effect wmnot paM-e- d and approved until the loth of --August,1870. Some question has heeti mi sod an to thedate from which the ceven, or rather the eiht,jears if the treuty'u asMired duration shall bereckoned ; but it is practically conceded oti allhands that under the lerm ol the treaty 110 noticeof intention to can be given iielorcAugust 14, 183, and that according to thebtipulation above quoted, it cannot be terminateduntil Auut-t-. 1884. Senator Hill hold this-opinio-n,

but be alo thinks that the circuui-fctaiic- ca

under wltich the treaty was procured andthe practical tiled. of its operandi have beenhucli an to warrant nummary action on the partol Courers to net rid of it. and be, therelore.provider, by the bill which be introduced to-da- y

that the act ot August, 1876, carrying it intoaffect, ehail be forthwith repealed. In order,however, to secure au examination of the subjectin all ltd phasce, lie alno, to-da- y. offered a reso-lution, winch was adopted without debate, di-

recting the Senate Committee on Foreigu Rela-

tions to inquire whether the treaty ought not tobe terminated, and if o, whatuidc ol action lorthat purjioee Will be necessary and proper. Hillin a member of tins Committee and ho id GeneralMiller Tho tuibjcct will therefore undoubtedlyreceive i investigation, both from the)

Southern and Pacific Coast points of view.A despatch of the same date Iroiu Washington

Contain the following reassuring news; A re-

ciprocity treaty with Mexico is now a popularmeasure. Senator Maxey of Texas, will very soonintroduce a bill on the subject, (jeneral MarcusWright ol Tennessee 111 1879 prepared a bill forthis purpose and submitted it to Secretary Evarts.who said if the representatives of the people wouldvote its approval he would enter mto negotiationsto in. ike a treaty. General Wright drew the billwhich Mr. Kvarts approved and bubuutted to theCommittee on Foreign Affairs in the House. TheHouse jusscd the bill almost unanimously, butstrange to Bay Mr. Kvarts took no further steps.The bill now introduced, and which will be thebasis or the new treaty, ir substantially whatGeneral Wright suggested in bis letter to theCommittee on Foreign Affairs.

Los Angeles. January 10. The most de-

structive lire ever recorded in Iajs Angeles brokeout this morning about two o'clock in the whole-sale grocery and provision house of A. Vignolo& Son, 108, Main-stree- t. By the frequent bursting of the hose the fire got beyond the control ofthe firemen and consumed hve buildings betweenthe United States Hotel and the Cardona block,including buildinne in the rear. The total loss

j is $82,500.i New York, January 13. The express trainj from Chicago, leaving Albany at 8:40 o'clock thisI afternoon with many members ol the Legislaturei on board, wus run into by tbe Tarrytown spe- -' ci-i- l train io a cut about one-quart- er ot a mile

cast of the St.uvten Duvvil iunctioti with theHarlem main line. Two of Wagner's drawingro tu ears, at the rear of the Chicago expresstrain, were telescoped. The damaged carB tooktire and neatly a dozen persons were burned todeath. It was at first positively announced thatSenators Webster. Wagner. Kawson and Hoffmann were killed, but it was afterward as-

certained that only Seuator Wagner was amongthe victims. He was one ot the dircctois of theline.

Galvestou, Janucry 13. A destructive lirewhich broke out on the premises of W. S.Moody t Co., caused the destruction of the Su-

preme Court rooms, with two-tlnr- ds of llic records,and the Couuty Library, besides several largebusiness premises. Total loss, over 850,000.

The jEANNtTTE. "A'abliinjftoii, January 12.Frelinghuysen, Secretary ol State, bus just re-

ceived the following telegram from Hoffman, ourCharge d'Aflaires at St. Petersburg, resectingthe fate of the Jciinneiie and crew :

Danuenhatier and five of the crew of the whale-bo- at

arrived al Yakutsk, December 17tli. Theywetc comfortably lodged and all wants supplied.Melville and six men were tsjiected soon. DeIxing and the crew of the first cutter were notfound on November IGth, the last date Iloulaugerreported. The Jeanuettc was caught in the packOctober 1, 1S79, and driltcd with the windsand currents till June last, and was thenabandoned.

Guitcau's trial had made slow progress up tothe 10th. On that day counsel for the defencewas to commence bis address to the jury whichwas exj-ccte- to occupy three days. 1 tie pre-

vious week had been occupied in arguing lawpoints raised by the defence during the trial andthe address of the prosecuting counsel. AWashington telegram of 10th says : Judge Cox,in giving bis dicisiun on the law points reviewedthe progress of the opinion, and cited all the im-

portant rulings from the early day of commonlaw in England, and decided against the prayer ofthe defence. He summed up the question : "'Thatjurisdiction is complete in the place where thewound is completed ; consequently this Court hasfull cognizance of the offence."

Judge Cux next took up the question of thelegal test ol insanity, and decided that knowledgeand appreciation ol the difference between rightand wrong must be taken an the correct test.

Judge Cox concluded his decision at 12 o'clock,having consumed an hour and forty minutes with, . . . .- I I ' " 1 Irapio rpcaaMUg. L pon every uiiiit'liai point insrulings were decidedly against the prayers ol thedefence. The only grain of comfort for theprisoner was offered when Judge Cox reached

of icasonable doubt. Uihjii this subjectbe said, " I shall not charge the jury to acquit if j

they End reasonable doubt as to any clement, butI shall take into consideration and charge themrelative to the demand, and that if from all cir- - j

cutusJanccs and evidence they have reasonabledoubt ol the commission by the defendant of the i

crime as charged then they shall acquit. " j

As Juilge (Jox finished speaking Guiteau calledout, I am perfectly satisfied with that exposi-tion nt it all. "

L.ndoii. Jan. 13. The AVtci understands thattin- - British Cabinet will refuse to recognize, as I

inconsistent with international law in generaland with the C'lay ton-Bulw- Treaty in purlieu- - j

lar, the claims ol the United States to txeicise j

entire control over the Pr.nama Canal, and saysthat Lord Granville will explain to Minister Sack- -villi: Wc--t the giuiirids upon which this decisionis based.

lit.il .11, Jan. 10 I lie arrest of Council pruv- -

i d ol great iiuportan.-c- , having led to the appre- - i

i.oiibion ol :in entire band of midnight raiders inMill-stre- district, of which be was the leader,flit- - in 1 1 :t ry rurti.unjed the precincts of Millstreet to t'tevent escapes whiU tlia police- madetl.e arrests.

Dublin, Jan. 1 1. The emergency Committeeto-d.i- dispatched a messenger by the mail trainfrom 'Dublin w ith a bag of writs to be deliveredat llu.' police stations in Westmcath. GalwayKosuoijifcioii and JIyo. While the train wastraveling at rapid sj-tc- j a gng of men attackedtl.e messenger in the railway tuiriige, seized thebag and destroyed the writs.

Dublin, Jan. 12. A force of 200 military uiidconstabulary has gone to Flcnbory . King's Countyto protect persons carting oats bought at Sheriff s

Mi'. 'J'mJ mob broke up the roads, threw treesacinsH them ui.d I'ttroyed four bridges.

A foice of 3o0 jH.licd nJ Liilitnry has evictedsix families at Teronaereau, near bullagtutdsrer).

1 lie dtml I) dit.-- jl .rovse tv.-- llrtiiv and!it- - nephew, who rectiitlv di-- ij pe.ired, have beenf. uiiiil chained t .cther i.e.ir Liughtuask. l iveai r.-s- ! w ere made uti s.:si ICI.Ui.

Berlin. J in. . An im j rial r. dated J.wi-ninlersi-

u.oy 4th utid r by liasb.-.-- addressed t ti e l'n..-r-i to Miuistv. Iteaye :

TI.e rig'it nf tl c King to d:rect the Govern-Ui.-r- it

and p'.ii.-- of Prus-'.- a 'ri - r 1 n:. c Willi hi?own judgmtn: - re.--tt ic:e 1. iui ab-i- t. d. by theConstitution Tl-- ..ffi.-ta- i s ..!' t'.e King require tfie t'..unter-igiiatur- e .l a .vlitiister, andare curried out bv hi- - MiM-tet- s, liut tfiev remain,2ioial acts of the King, in whose rea-.lv- they or-

iginate, and wtm m them gives a e institutionalexpre-sK.- n to hi. will. Tberefoie it is not per-missible tu rj. resent their eir-n-is- e as ptoeeciiugfrom a responsible Minister. 1'i.e Pru i.in Con-stitution is tl.e n ol tii iiioi'tto-tnea- l

tradition "f this country, whose riveloj-nn-n- resison the living re.utions of its King to the pcopl.'these lel.i'l :'pS tatin i: be critn-iene- d to Ministersbei.MUse they appertain to the person ..f the Kingand their luaiiitamanee is necessary for Piussia.It is, therefore, my will that in Prussia, and alsoin the legist. itivi.; bodies of the Kiupire. no d iubtwill be allowed to attach to my constitutionalright, or that of mv successors, to personally di-

rect the policy of the Government. It is tl.e dutyof my Ministers to support my conali; u t ionn 1

rights by protecting them (rotu d itibt and obscur-ity, and 1 expect the miuc from all omvials whotiave taken the oath of loyalty to me. I am firfrom wi-iii- ng to restrict the freedom of elections,but functionaries intrusted with the execution o!my official acts are hound to mii l the policyof my Government, even at the elections. I shallacknowledge the laitliiul discharge of this duty,and shall expect ail ulBcials, remembering theiroath of ullegi.uice, to hold aloof, even at elections,from all agitation against my G iverntuent. "

LoMiwN, January 0. A Berlin correspondentsays In? heirs from trustworthy authority thatEmperor William's rescript to the Prussian Min-istry is only the first step toward protecting theGovernmeut from becoming the mere instrumentof parliamentary majorities.

Paris, January 9. A Berlin dispatch to LaPrance says that Emperor Willi. im ha decidedto proclaim Crown Prince Frederick WilliamKegent on the 22d of March next.

Vienna, January 9. The Allrycmcine Ztilunyhas been seized, in consequence of an article des-ignating Emicror William's recent manifesto as acoup d'etat.

Berlin, January 10. The majority of the Cot --

servatives in tl.e Reichstag will support Windt-hirst- 's

motion abrogating the law forbidding theexercise of ecclesiastical functions without Gov-ernment authority. It is stated that Bismarckwill anticipate the Liberals, who desire to debatethe rescript, by lortually submitting tfie docu-ment to tbe Reichstag. Tne Government intendsto placard the rescript in all parts of the country.Tfie Conservatives of this city are agitating infavor of an address thanking the Emperor for therescript.

The Iiondon AVir.v says that international poli-ties are the subject of unfavorable attention ontbe Stock Exchange. The rescript of the Emperorof Germany is regarded as so unconstitutional asto amount to revolution, while the designs ofPrince Bismarck may also have cause uneasiness

Berlin, January 13. There has been an activeexchange of dispatches during the last few daysbetween the German and Austrian Cabinets withreference to the Anglo-Frenc- h note to Egypt. Itis stated that Austria regards the understandingbetween France and England in this matter as adisturbance of the European concert.

Constantinople, January 13. The Porte hasaddressed r note to the Powers, declaring thatforeign Governments have no right of interventionin Egypt, and demanding an explanation of theAnglo-Frenc- h note.

Paris, January 14. In the Chamber of Depu-ties to-d- ay Gambetta ascended the tribunal andread bis bill for the revision of the Constitution.The principal points or the bill are as follows :

The election ol Life Senators by both Chambersvoting separately, instead of by the Senate alone ;

delegates to be chosen by communes, one to beelected by each five hundred electors ; the prici-pl- e

of the scrutin de Iiste to be inscribed on theConstitution, the details to be subsequently set-tled by an ordinary bill ; tl.e Senate to be ilcpiiv-e- d

of the power of restoring items stricken fromthe Budget by the Chamber The final clause ofthe bill provides lor the discontinuance of publicprayers at the opening of the Legislature.

Itinis, Jan. 11. A storm has greatly damagedtbe French military camps and stopped communi-cation with the coast. A famine is imminent.

Tripoli, January 13. Three French missiona-ries have been murdered near the oasis of Gha-dama- s,

in the Desert of Sahara. The leadingassabsin is said to be the chief of the Ghadamas,who was concerned in the massacre of the Frenchexploring expedition under Colonel Flatters, nearAssituic, in February of last year.

Rome, January 8. General Garibaldi has beenseriously bruised on the head and limbs by theupsetting of his carriage.

Rome, January 7. La Defense says : Allarrangements are complete for the departure ofthe Pope for Malta, in case he deems it impossi-ble to remain in Rome.

Paris, January 7. La Defense publishes atelegram from Rome, saying that Bismarck hassent a courteous but very explicit note to theQuiiinal, in which he states in his opinion thatthe Pope's independence cannot be regarded as aquestion for Italian home politics, but should beheld as an intei national question. The note de-

clares an intention on the part of Bismarck toi promoto the meeting of a congress of r he Powers

. . ... . .. . .i i r l. : t : i i. lor luc I'uiiioee 01 iiiaKini iii.j j:ii.ii'iiiv9 01 mcj independence of the Holy See stronger and morei effectual.

London, January 10. The King and Queenof Spain arrived to-da- y. The members of theroyal family, attended by a brilliant court, re-

ceived their Majesties.St. Petersburg, January 10. The Czar has

signed a ukase, in accordance with which pay-ments by peasants on nccount of lands they rc-c- e

ved at the time of emancipation will be re-

duced by 12.000,000 roubles a year.St. Petersburg, January 13. The coronation

of Czar Alexander 111. bus been postponed untilJuly, as the Czarina expects to be confined inMay.

Italv and China. On December 11, 1881,(lis Majesty King Humbert received in solemnaudience at the f a luce of the Quirinal, Rome,His Excellency the High Mandarin. Li Fang Pao,

f as Chinese Ambassador. Li Fang Pao expresseda lively sympathy for Italy, winch had estab- -

lished relations in ancient times with China,(Marco Polo). II is Majesty expressed great satis-faction in establishing diplomatic relations withthe Celestial Empire under tho present auspices.

Why Chile Proposes to Absorb Peru.Tho recent State paper of Secretary Blaine on

the relation of the United States to the SouthAmerican Republics, and especially to Chile andPeru, dots not quite please Chile ; neither doesit please the English mercantile backers of thatRepublic, who do not care a snap for the fate ofeither Republic any lurther than certain privateinterests are concerned. These interests just nowcentre in the guano and niter beds of Peru, whichare heavily mortgaged to English capitalists.Aud so it turns out that the iatterare disposedto take a hand in settling the State policy ofChile touching annexation. ' Secretary Blainelooks quite beyond these commercial interests.He is solicitous for the fate of a Republic, which,whatever may have been its errors, lie holdsought not to be blotrcd out. Coi querors arealways bard masters, and Chile is not au ex-

ception to ti.e rule. Mr. Blaine proposes modera-tion and an effort to settle the controversy upouterms which will be just to both countries, liehas given Chile to understand that the UnitedStates will not view with unconcern the propo-sition to annex Peru. The result is a deal ofLiuter c.u the part ol Chile, instigated, no doubt,by English capitalists w:.u aru behind the sjetis.Among other things there is the suggestion thata Chilean war fleet might play havoc in the portof San Francisco. So could a Chinese war 3eet,for that matter, since the litter country has afleet of gunboats far superior to anything everowned by the United States. The latter con-tt-g.'- :ts

vessels for special emergencies, ms in thelate Civil War, and v, oul.l ponstruet them againII iiicy were wanted, i.ui possibly not until sow.ghard knocks had been received, as at Norfolkmany years ago.

Tne United States having recognized the Gov-ernment of Peru represented by Scnor GarciaCalderon, the Chilean Government captured that

iifiktal thriu ;:U tl it.sirunieu'ia:it v t I'uiti.man ii-- i L i.i ; . W'.t Wac i n- ,i liritil. subject.th. p ihv- - evi o'ly Demg to ohhtcriiie all si.owot or lerly governujei , uti i to iiiMke r. impossiblefor iVro i tn at w iti Chi !e except by a nominalgovernment v!ne'.- - v uhl as-e- nt to ail the dc- -mauds


ol t;.e cot.ii-n.re:- '''e ' ! ::iatid-- i are1. It T. ioacKtu oy .rigl.,'i eapitnt.-- : i- - tniothrrn. Ii n f f. ir..- : a I .t- - "- - "vj in .7 .f..i: v I. i.i.;; . lite;viz: lhat tii,- - L'ni''' 1 willi i. .t e ,r. .. : tBritish or otnc! f ua-.g- i.. "' (i )1 , i,., ,,.. ,2,;,of the South American ll.-- j ol, ICS A .,,. hein any way to the preju f u-i-

- ;i,e hs.ter. liiarhas been the sensitive "pu.nt in ti.e matter .d a

Canal. European guar.uiters .1

i! given at all, must be -- v .udary to t'.ebetter and more important gu..ran-'e- winch theG iverntrjci.t of t!.. Unite 1 State.- give- -. foe at-tempt to i'.-- tr .y die nationality t Peru j amatter..: e nieeru i tt:e United SuitesIt is an a'temp: to blot o :f s -- i'er RepnMK bymditary force, baeke-- by AngL. Chilean capital-ists. w!:o are perfectly indifferent to the Uie ofhji either 'in Sjuth or North Ameri.n.Now, it Wan precise I v tin- - iiiflnnc.. whi.-f- i

broug on the war between C .ile on one sideand leiu and Bolivia on t:ie other. the re-sources of Peru were rapidly exhausted by tnewar, because she had n i revenue e ther from theniter beds or the u mo d. p.i-it-

, and had noforeign capitalists to ack In r. Cnile w as fli texiiausted, because practically she had in I er tis-aessio- ti

both the niter and guuuo deposits, and asyndicate ol Anglo-Chilea- n capitalists to backall her operations. That was just the differencein resoutees, and the difference was made in justthe manner pointed .ut.

In I860, the boundary between Chile andBolivia had been settled by a treaty which

took effect. That bound 'try wis mark-ed on the 24th degree ol south latitude. Therewas, however, this hang-na- il left. The revenuesto be derived from the st mige and ext ortati.tnol minerals between the 23d and 2"ith degrees ofBout. latitude, were to be equally dividedbetween Chile and B.livia." English capitalpoured in u. der Chilean names, and the troublebegan. Then eame another ueaty in 1872between the same countries. By that time anEnglish company were owning the AntofugastaRailway and were working about all the valuablemines in Bolivia. Tne latter country had passeda law laving an export duty on nitrates. Thatlaw had been kept in abeyance for two yearsthrough the influence of Anglo-Chilea- n capital-ists. At length the Bolivian Government un-dertook to enforce the law. Tne Anglo-Chilea- n

capitalists refused to pay. In 1879, the BolivianGovernment annulled the law which had madethose important concessions. Chile at once be-gan aggressions against and two monthslater, declared war ngainst Per-- ' on the groundthat the latter was secretly aiding Bolivia. Itwas a war begun by Angl influence,and it was carried on by that influence to itstermination. Precisely that influence is now-excite-

to wring terms from Peru which areequivalent to the loss of national existence. Onthe one hand we have a group of Anglo-Chilea- n

capitalists who, having furnished the sinews ofwar for Chile, now demand protection for therisk they have assumed before nil other consider-ations. On the part of the United States, asforeshadowed by Secretary Blaine, we have anassertion of State policy a declaration in sub-stance that a Republic should not be blotted outbecause a syndicate of Anglo-Chilea- n capitalistsdemanded this sacrifice aa the crowning result ofa speculative venture.

It is now about sixteen years sin e Spain, inthe progress of a quarrel, took possession of theChmeha Islands, belonging to Peru. Tne UnitedStates notified Spain promptly that 6he would notbe permitted to hold any territory belonging to asister Republic. That admonition was heeded.It satisfied both Peru and Chile, and was a goodoffice rendered to both Republics. What wasequity then cin be hardly less so now. Chilehas practically taken possession of Peru by theaid of foreign capital. The Anglo capitalisthave been foremost in proposing and assertingthat Peru should be annexed to Chile, and thusa sister Republic practically extinguished. Thepolicy of the United States, foreshadowed bySecretary Blaine, is not a new one. It had beenasserted on former occasions. When the timecomes it will be practically asserted again. Thatis the reason that Secretary Blaine's recent paperis not just now relished by Chile, and especiallyby the syndicate in the background. That isprobably the reason of the bluster about whst aChilean fleet could do in case the Government ofthe United States should be drawn into any closerrelations with the Peruvian Republic. S. F.Bulletin.

business 3bb U:.;mrnt5.


UNION SALC)v;X,.V THE RK.Ik OF HAWAII Ay G Azr.riB Buir.v- -

.U. il MEKCHA.yT STkHET.jiili 1 SI

ED. H0FFfc0HLA'jf & CO.,MHOKTKKs nut l'svtn M K R- -1 Cil A NTs.

Corm-- r t ! rt ..ill strr.- j .n I SI ly

MR J. ol iMMONS;

voiAL imimm mm,No. 31 Beretania Street- -

dec 10,3m


F. HORN,Praetiral Confectioner, Paltry (uok and Baker,

No. 7 ." Hotel street, letweeii Nuu inu and Fortjnn 1 81 .


(jeneral Business Agent

Collect Account.lo t IS00K.

Kent Itoom & S3 "uses.

Address :


d24 tf HONOLULU, H. I.



SPECIFICATIONS DRAWN UP!Mrcbnnii'nl ni.rl Sunryor'. Drnuifht

inn Done, iiixl 1'liaita Coimtruclfilfrom Kirlil Vulra

TranslationsFKOM T .'F:


liOttors and Hciiiiieiit.-Written in the above lauguag- - s.


limd. lCvcurds SeiH";li;cl uncinoi2 Doeumcnts I? oytlwt ercd. 3m

hoop I it 0 - ;

A V K KKCKIVKt) AM) XOW OFFKKsale, bundles IIOOH lKuX of the f.llnwiog 2xi,

21-16- . Hxl-1- 8 AUo. on hand and f.r salej

lastern Shooks, Molasses Birrels, all sizes;

Sugar Kegs, &c. Made to Order.J. II. BRUAS,

ja2 Sm Eiplanadc,


i ok


IIAILAVAYS.15 tt. TM. I I ll. I'r.K V k It l

i. rr.v.. -r I'uac- - i.l AttaC-'r- fr.ioI. !'! t'i. A l'l- V

1.. ilitbEN. orvv l ACKaKLANK Co.ASi-u-t Ji.hn Kiirlrr C.


l3UtIllij?lS .Sc GasiilttOlKI,i'E LEKS IN

Stoves & Ranges,Tl, SHKKT IR0X AMI (OrTtltt HACK,

Ker. C on h tai a Large auJ Superior Aaaurlmaut tx

U ALVIMZKO I BOX and LEll PIPE.d:;rsi ly




Dealer in Dry Goods, Hardware, &

Patent Medicines.


Au.-us-t 12lh, 18SI. aug27.m

FIRE!!Marnralf & I rban Safes,

Hre-proe- f, Hrf & Burglar Proor, & Burglar Proof,

smaller size.i constantly im hand.

Orders for Large Sizes Killed at Shortest XotUf.Old Safes Taken la Exchange.

Babcock's Fire Extinguishers I

BUFFALO SCALES,Platform. Dormant, aud Combination Beam Scales!

ITJ- - for Pricca and Cirrulara, write lo

C O. UKKGEK,General Agent for the Hawaiian Ialaoda.

myla 'SO


.... - ..., i- mm fl- - ?' i 'fie

a. J; f v: J':i I- JIf ' 1'

.'V. -- .': -a.

lit W I

BRICKLAYER & BUILDER.A KT 1 C l! I. A R A TT K XT 1 0 X PAID TOIB tfttine Steam Boilers, rurnaee. Baker'a Orens and

Kanges, ami all kindsof Ilea ng Apparatua. Alao, VariegatedConcrete rMdewalki. All Work entrusted to me will be execu-ted promptly, and on recaonable terms.

Address through tbe Post Oltlce Jan 1 81

Notice to Travellers!



s. r. k mm thwsfre ro.


ST Baggage landed from the Steamerand Delivered s per Aaddress:


"Big Collar " Harness Shop

C . H A m M E R ,8i; KING STREET


Fine Single & Double Buggy HarnessConcord and Mule Harness

Plantation Harness of all sorts,Riding Bridle., Saddles & Whips

Currycombs, Brushes, Saddle Cloths.And erery necenaary for atahle uae al

BEDROCK PRICES for CASHXT Repairing of every description done in the tet possible

Lianner, with the beat material, at lowest workmen's rates.

All Work Guaranteed or ExchangedffaT Look for the "Big Collar!" -- a

jal 81 t


SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT,At No. 141 Fori Sirecl. oppoalie the

Panthraa Slablr-a- .


raillK i: MIERMGNEI) IIASJlST IIF.CEIVEU1 direet from I'hiVdelphia an I ('a iforma Mann'artQrers,

a very Superior Asortini-n- t of

Ladies', Mis?ea and OliildreA'3 Shoesand Slippers.

Gentlemen's & Youth's Boots & Shoes.IN (ill K4T VRIETV.


31ri n fiicturehFIRST CLASS 'BOOTS & SHOES !





SUPEB10B OURHaMCOWS12 Well-Bre- d Fresh Calved Milk Cows,





HERBERT,tli Hawaiian Hots,

i "


tx Kecriit Arrivals, a Lare Lot of CliOlCK

DATS. IIUA N, II It l r V.

CO ItN. Ii It (I t N l illltl.KV.ii v. ki c. i:t. Kr..

W'.utU w." wii ''11 M'W 'as can Up Ur.tisht In

Tow a 1CU ( AMI.

AI.M), KX K.tl.th I ' .4 . TWO r'

Putnam & Cos Spring Brake-Cart- s,

Easy, Light andServiceable,

aud are a 3Iack Saperlor t the Ortlli ar) Two-- H

beeled tarts as a I.lzht Kn')Is to aa 0 Cart.

LAINE & CO.,J17 tf KSI'I.4N.IK.

Gcrmania IVTarlnct,a ivi:w ii:iatiiui:BLOOD PUDDING.


PORK SAUSAGES !Our Customers are informed that we




Will Guarantee to Please with Our Goods



RAUPP & SCHRAEDER,selT ly No. 85 llolrl olrrol.

THE UMWiiSIUMU)I.L.Y IXr'OKM TIIKKESHKCTFl' have purchased the Eatalilinhiuent


S. D. Burrows' Planing MillAnd are nosr prepared tn carry on llie baainms 1.

Contractors A; ISuildcrMVoder thr corporative name of



And that by strict attention lo liuninesi ihey will b war-ranted In reducing prices to a standard that will mass It aainducement lur all parties winning any work lo their line tofive them a oil, and tbey will use their best endeavor to fiveentire aatisfaction.

Planing, Shaping, Turning,Band and Scroll Sawing,

Door, Sash, Blinds,Door and Window FrsmeK,

Brackets, JJallastern, Stair, Etc.,Made to Order


XT All orders filled on short notice, and Jobbing promptlyattended lo.

Mouldings made to any pattern without extra chary tuTknives.


$1.50 PER HOUR.XT' Orders from the other Islands promptly filled. Flans

and specifications furnished to order.





By reading of tbe vehicle of the natiooa of tbAntique World, we learn that their chariot wheelswere made of solid blocks of wood, similar to thosemade up by the schoolboy of to-d- ay in bis firsteffort at carriage making ; and it must be said,notwithstanding tbe progress made in the means oflocomotion iu these modern tin-i- , the primitivesolid block wheels are still in use iu the wine grow-ing Islands of the Eastern Atlantic, and on tbe,coast of Africa. However,

m. J. sUOsi;,in bis tstablishment on King 8tjt, offers thofinest specimens of roolern art in carriage manu-facture. He presenta tbe farthest remove from thosolid block, in the production of the most perfectcombination of littU ijess and strength in biswheels, aad ofjers the most surprising results ofvehicular uiechunim in his admirable

imilyCAIBIAG-ES- !


Iiiini Wilson,singer Wagons

illnlc Carts siiulIVsitivc Expresses.

MR. ROSE imports the best of Easterntimber, and executes all orders in the

most thorough, workmanlike man-ner. He has also opened a


and will fill orders for

Fine Single andDouble Harness,

Concord andIII 11 1 e Harness,And all kim'

Plantation Hani'As we are frugal in our styH:K

afford to sell cheap. You can fu''and fare worse than by calling m

EVI. J. R'i

og27.tf 3o. Is, 81 k bf

Page 5: LU - University of Hawaiʻi








5 -


v . r

4 .

r w-








i :!


c - x r . . . . a i i m

H U ir--i a a Lis Las

is; rorr sr:r.r.irr; out.Itfor Giving Up the$21,580 WORTH OF MY Mil JET RECEIVED !


The Greatest iisiriraiiisever Offered iu Honolulu



More Room, iVIore Goods.

More forXTTXZ.X. XX2E: oft crut. Iwrr lino any ttLer

23cxlira Zephyrs 15




Money Ih'an !

can them King lorn.

Cents Ounce


C':i i'(l!o:ii-l- . plain erit.s per sheet.';iiil!o;tt-I- . silver - i2"

i'aflbcai'cl. coloi-et- l tml li.O 'nr For Facts, all I ask is for you to Come and sse for Yourself- - JH









Ccunt22r Stores 2?laniations !


brwtt Liurn Lci:K l or LifMriu. Brown so l W hitr Ctc ,n, Tirsinyi, Turk-- T ltd. White M'wquilo NrUing,

Tin.i n. TnwK. XfV H hile lirown Cy tnn IIaIf-ho?-. L.l.r.' ilosrln icrrat Tiritty, at vrrjr low price:IIL A NK f 4.r HUnk-'4- . W hil-- - n. l anrjr hlan . r'anrjr ir ipni H' Am. to White Hoolrn, 3 4 point;H. firry If r Ul inkrt. b l- - t'ttfi illank-!- . Wk1.q DlinHcl, ii Jk w.l.t; Wuulcn Jc Cant JO FUQMla,Titry !. rlrt 1 iV. Mat and laf. In.lt Kjbtwr Coat, ltaila a-- Muu; Phirta.

Bridles, Girths, Saddle Cloths, AVhips, &c- -

Sole and Saddle Leather, Tanned Goat and Sheep SkinsConUntIr on Lao.1 ami 6f u from th wr!l-kno- o WAIMKA T.NNERT. l'arker. Proprietor;

lilLO TAN.NLBV, V. 8 L;au, Pn.prictor.

Beautiful Lines of New Plated Ware, Wonderfully Low 1

Fans, Purses, Bags and Albums, at Astonishing Prices !


Durham Long Cut & Granulated Tobaccos & CigarettesCIGARS-Hava- na and CIOAE HOLDERS (Meerschaum).




Gralvaniecl I3uckets, Tubs and Basins.Pn. Saerpn, Fry Pan. t hiroal Iroc. Tinned Iron SpooD.

Boston Matches,Zinc, Paints and Boiled

Kerosene Oil and Downer's Oil.

A CIIOICK ASSORTM'TOF GROCERIES,Vunmtun .rf J'Ui'. Jn. TM Fruit. Tomalor-,- . Mkwl. Hkrl It-- ti. !ire.

l'.He.l M- -t. Brwn. Pir Fe--t, CUia. r. nr. Lubater. ?ur ol Lemons.

Bright Kcd, Full Weight Plantation Salmon,IX n tKRCI.S AM FHKKKI.S.

DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF SOAPS,' TOILFT S4IPS. pcla!tj; BLl JHT7Li:i SO IP. trot-ri- r kM a koi.

I pf!l tttrnllsa ! the Cartfil Srlrctles f tod fr tsnitrj Orders attar lire

Prf Mrf, Hutta and kaahora-B- B Strrft, Hooololo, H. uu2C, tf


1 tu ti e rrmivt &.rm'rl iccapir.l by Mr.

Oitrni't - '.'Unl. M pr..r4 to carry r.n theBL Kt riltN'i sH.Ii BlflSr..-.-" ina I briiv-- . an.l y trv: aiien;ioo t bin' .t"l

..rk ami k.w rh.r. ! enntimw to r.rie trt upfrt fromtub. ihi t.e I thnk:ul to h -t. ,re

Jl'-wo-l- (lit, II. IL-..- V


jfU H- - U II.M) II IVIXJ I'Kon BKDmhim n.( U IJ -h per, n Bow riparr-- l lo da






All It?--. X5fiiiic?li !

Artesian Well Work.Wagon atd Carriage Work.

House Work.Bridge Work, etc, etc-- .

Done by Experienced WorkmenAT RTZ- - THAT WILL

Defy Competition!ALL, I ASK. IS A TKUL ORDER.

l y J. ru-- 1 ih- - iXwp. c.aiit' lnyrt' mad oca 4.xrstM Locaa' PlMiof Mtlla.

j.72ly ' CHAS. O.WILSON.


a I. a s u u

Dry !

::- -


Your ElsewhereEMBROIDERIES !

If i in the



n.lix- -:

ait ail


J. P.





F. la


.y. be




WING WO TAI & CO.,Have Constantly on Iland


K O K SALEAt t!..r Firpfct f 5'.ore. e Moumio'i, Naasoa ilrrt,


Both II t anj Lr Prieni, acror-linj- r to Quality.

I No I fail at. or riaotalian Sopp!lf. all Llodi.l.;4,.nMn. a l.K;K STOCK OP RICE,

thrj l)Q( a; --ot. I r ibrre fl.iiLat on.A ffw of fj j 1 1NCV MLK TIULOS S(BEF..S Iff

jal l ly WINO Wtt TAI 4c CO



sriai: a.ii:k iii;i,lOO ilolls

White China Malting !


ZT Call Early, or it Will AllBe Gone. -

VING WO TAI & CO..auana turn, uppuait. MoaamAo'. tj

..' ... -

PACIFIC COMME It CI A L A 1 V E KT I S E K, F E B It U A It Y 4, 1882, 3



lrcj Ui5ritz::si.T!:.


Jjii to --Vrr J v it 1 .A ...

Lino AssortmentOl


Cases Hennessey Brandy,

Cases De Laage's Brandy,

Cases Jules Iioleur's Brandy,

Cases Boutellieur A Co.'s Brandy,

Casks Hennessey's Pale Brandy,

Cases Burke's Irish Whisky,

Cases Kinahan's LL Irish Whisky,

Cases Burke's Scotch Whisky.

Cases Cutter No. 1 & O K Bourbou Whisky.

Cases Kentucky Favorite Whisky,

Cases O F C Sour Mash Whisky,

Cases Green Case Key" Gin,

Baskets Stone Jug Gin,

Cases Red Palm Tree Gin,

Cases Red Anchor Gin,

Cases Benker Gin,

Cases Best Cockburn's English Port,

Cases Best Duff" Gordon's Sherry Wine,

Cases Best Extra Dry Sherry,

Cases Genuine Madeira Wine !



ALSOCasks Budmeiser's St. Louis Beer, quarts

and pints;Cases Anheuser's St. Louis Beer, quarts

and pints;

Casks St. Pauli's Beer, quarts and pints;

Cases Foster's Ale, quarts and pints;

Cases Bass's Ale, quart 3 and pints;

Cases Foster's Porter, quarts and pints;

Cases Burek's Porter, quarts and pints.


OF FIRST QUALITYAnd will be sold Reasonable

TO SUIT THE TIMES.3itf - F- - T. Lenehan & Co..



Island Horsesvs.

Imported Stock I

Vancouver, the Beneficent Navigator, FirstIntroduced

TELES HORSEA fpirited and hardy animal from Spanieh Amer-ica into the Ielanda ; and the original SpanishAncestors have produced in this day, a hardy.enduring and useful

That cannot be beat fur certain qualities.

A Good Island HorseSuch aa we have been receiving lately from the

rica pasture plain of Hawaii andLanai, is

Invribly Kind ! !When well broken, keeps in good condition onemail feed, is generally healthy; and will last asa good, ueeful working animal

For Over Thirty YearsWhen your costly Imported Horse is brokenwinded, "tiff kneed, and used up before he isFifteen YtarB Old

THESE ARE FACTS IWe can supply a Kind, Well-Forme- d,

and Useful

Fam lly Horse,ol Native Stuck, for lens than half the cot of anIMPORTED ANIMAL, and THAT WILL DOTWICE AS MUCH AND BETTER WORK.

Give us a Comniiooion for a Good IslandIloree, with which you can



Horses Boarded by the Day, Week orMonth Horses Bought and Sold.



Ladies will find our SADDLE HORSES Su-

perior to any in the City, both for Gentlenessand Appearance.

REASONABLE RATES and SPECIAL CAREtaken of Stock entrusted to our care.

X. B. Thoie Bo.irding their Hor.es will notBE CHARGED EXTRA f.r DOCTORING orSHOEING.

Horses Brotato Saddle or Harness!

Pony Livery and Sale Stables,King streetnearly opposite Bethel. d24









The Line of NewOmnibussesWILL START ON

Next Monday Morning,And wll leave each of the Termini according to

Die S. hedule Time Table found below.

OUR CITIZENS GENERALLYWill find tuia new enterprise

A GREAT BEiVIiFIT,And the following will prove the statement.

1 al The BiMse are new, commodioui and made for comfort.

2l Cometeiit and experience.! Driver oipIj emplojed.

3rd The charge aoliciled are leas than one-ha- lf the regularHack Fare.

4 lb The Uuflses will be promptly on lime, accordingSwelled ulc annexe.'

EisJit Tit kc ls For 81.00TO

Any Part ol the Town !


Tlic I'aty II omcst cad,On Nuuxnu Valley, wilt be one Terminal, and

W. G- - IRWIN & CO.'S OFFICECcn.er Fort and Qut-e- n streets, the other Terminus.


Leave . G. Irwin Jl fo.s 6.15, 7, $ and 10.30

1. M 12.0'), i, I, 5.10, 6.30 and 9 P. 31,

Leave rt's Homestead, .Xanana Valley, 6.30,

7.30. $.30 and II 1. 51. 12.14, 2.30, 4.10,

5.40, ? and 9.20 P. 91.

JAM ICS DODO. Proprietor,

al4tf Office Pantheoa Stable, corner Fortji Hotel ft.


iS. I

- i - i

S !5 i.--.

0M 1 f

ia s z s

j r n ctt--; n

E S ! f-t I

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s M ! : ;: ; -i :

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3 ? !w


7, i t



I 2i as

r k



Proposed Amendment,To Article ttl of the Constitution granted by Kameha

meha V ou the 'JOth day of August 18M iu accordance withArticle 80 of Baitl Constitution.

Section 1. That Article CI of the Constitution grantedby Ilia Majesty Kamt-hamch- V on the 2t)th day ofAugust 1304 be aud the saiue is In ri by amended iu accordance with Article SO of said Constitution, by strikingout the words " five hundred " and by Kiibstituting there-fore the words two thousand " and by striking out thewords ' two hundred and fiity " anil substituting there.fore the words one thousand " so that the Article (shallread as follows:

AuticleAI. No person shall be cligable fur a Representative of the people, who is iusane or au idiot; norunless he be a male subject of the Kingdom, who shallhave arrive at the full age of tweuty-on- e years, who shallknow how to read and write, who shall understand sc.counts, and shall have been domiciled in the Kingdomfor at least three years, the last of which shall be theyear Immediately preceding his election and who shallown real estate within the Kiugloni of a clear value overand above all incumbrances of at least two thousanddollars, or who shall have an annual income of at leastleast one thousand dollars, derived from any property orsome lawful employment-- "

I hereby certify that the foregoing Hill passed its thirdreading in the Legislative Assembly of the HawaiianIslands on the 0th day of August A. D.'IHSO.

oc JAMES M. MOXS.VRltAT. Secretary.

Amendment.To Article 56 of the Constitution grunted by His Maje

ty Kamehameha V., on the 20th day of August A. D. 180,as amended and approved on the lath day of May, A. D.lHt8, according to Article 80 of the Constitution.

That Article 5T of the Constitution be and the same ishereby amended so as to read as follows :

" Section 5G. The Representatives shall receive fortheir services a compensation to be ascertained by law,and paid out of the l'ublic Treasury ; but no increase ofcompensation shall take effect during the year iu whichit shall have been niade ; and no law shall be passed in-

creasing the compensation of said Representatives beyondthe sum of Five Hundred Dollars for each Session. "

I hereby certify that the foregoing Rill passed its thirdreading in the Legislative Assembly of the Hawaiian Is-

lands on the 'Jth day of July. A . 1. Ih.-k-

oc29 3ui JAMES M. MOXSARRAT, ."Secretary.

JO II X II. BIKMVV, Inspector of Weights and.Measures, for the IIai:d of Uahu. 13 licretania 8 tree t.Orders may he left at the Police Matiun. july9,81,tf

iiiLinnk-imj.iii- uri

I continue to sell crctons at 2 cents perA very small assortment left at Chs. J.



Milliner and Dress Maker,FORT STREET, IIOXOLl'LC.


Latest Novelties in Millinery !

Comprising the Newest Styles in

ll.its, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Laces, if., &r.

:im::e.js. DAVIS,Wloe taste and (kill are tno n to require anyrec rnmeO'1 linn. i still in charge of the Millinery andTrimming Departments, which ia a sufficient guarantee thatwork will be dune in an artistic manner.

THE DRESS MAKINGWill be under the ini supervision of Mrs. Wilkinson,whose reputation for accuracy an 1 nestneis id tothe ladies nl Honolulu and lue otier Islands.

Li A 1) I E' I R ESS C A PS ON II A N I,Or made to orJer. Also,

Ladies' an.l Children's Ki?a1y Made Clothing. Zephyr fhawls,Hilem.mi, rrencn ur snadine. Lace

lidmlkerchiefs, Japan TMfes, 4rc.; &c.

A Fine Line of Mourning Goods( onstanllr on hand.

M RS. W. hopes by strict attention lo the wants of hertron, moderate terms, and furnishing only tirat-clas- s arti

cles in ner line, lo merit a snar- - of tt,e puMic pitronage.ap.lo.tl.

HAIR TVOJFtlSL!from the States. i now prepared to I'L'RNlr-- or

MAKE TO OR DfcK on short Notice,

Switches, Curls, Seams, Coquets, waves,Wigs, etc , etc-Th- e

Watervliet and Lisbon Wave,A SPECIALTY.

MRS. BURGEES Weeps on hand for tale. a very SelectStock of Invisible and oilier Hair Pins, lrmiiple Hair Nets.Crimping Pins, Pinching Irons, Coronets. La.lie' Kmc BlackCombs, lresit and Une Combs. Children' Celluloid andRublier Round Couihg. Hair Unifies. Hair Oils, Fine Qualitiesof Colognes. Bay Hum and Florida v ater, Kipie Face Powdersand Cammeline, etc., etc. Also tun

SHAMPOO MIXTURE!Warranted to cleanse the Scalps and Hair from all



Uaarme.l an.l PioeJ to Order, and at Short Notice. HAIRDKESSINtS and SHAMPOOING, and in fact, all Kinds ofWork appertaining to the trade, promptly and artistically executed. ,

M.MS. BUKGtM would also announce mat ane i mo

tnt for the Firm of A. BKKS H ARU CO.. of New Xork.Manufacturing Jewelers and Importers of Inamond. Pearlsand Precious Stones, Onyx and Diamond Jewelry, Hair Jewelry and Device Work.

IT fiemranfr me aaares, y or . ....... .j uipjjsuvthe Fort Street Sohool. TKLKPHOSE NUMBKR J58a

ia7'82 MRS. BURGESS,

' Soiurliur.S.i.et-.;.- s thu a'.l life's l ha, e 1 n If ara'd

An 1 m'j anil tt f rti r:u re he set. ,.

the tl.Lis htcfc cur a . hcrt' La ;nrn'fl.Ti e thu g !' r vi'h..-- e "d nh laches w. A,

Will b u ; rt ni l.t'eV larkniLt,A tars l.i):e noul ia do. j r ttnts of Mile ;

m. M--r ht'W a'.l 1 p,l'o la'ia vere ril.t.An.l l.p f what seriotd rvpro . was ru-- t trite.

Au.l we ?hali N while ;i and si-- h.

i..-1- 's plans si- .u 1 .t !. r yi v. an I mr ;

II. w, l.i n we aU. d. IU let Ua ti. t cur ty.Viue fci v.; ; iu l the !.! c tttJ fee.

A:; t t'lii a prai at i a:ei.U diIK--T.'O much il '. . t ; . lai:.;; lal- L.vd.

S i OoJ. perU.il , la k i ;its fr :u usLife's sei t. t tUu:.jS becjuse it xtiuetii S'.'mI

And if. )!uetiiii. s. with life's wu,e.We fin 1 th werinw' od. nu 1 rebel at: I shr.tik.

b'e sure a wis-- r hc I than yo.irs r mumPours out this portion t r . ur 1 i r ir:uk.

An.l if some frien 1 e love i le;!: low.Where human kisses fjuii.-- t reach his in c.

Oh. do not bla!i;e the loving Father so.But bear your S'Tivw w:th :r. e '

And you shall shortly tun that 1 ivt!.. tied l i villiIs tot the sweete-- t jilt Oid h uds his frit Utl.

Aud that, sumetians. the sable, pall cf i! tht'onccsls the fairtt lc:i 11. s love can stiiil.

If wi could pui-- h ajar the tes of lift ,

And taud within, and all liod's uorkiu i v.We could interpret all t!n d- ill t and

And fr esch u.j s! rj c,nl 1 .'iti-- a L- - y.

lint not y. Then be i t,t. p.i.-- heart :

Goil's plans, like likes ;.;1ri an I Whltl , untold.We must not tear tlie b vm apart

Time will reveal tlio cslyxe ..f f 11.Aud if, through pati nt tel. we re a h the land

Where tired fei t, i :t!i a:i Ms l.p.ie may rc-d- .

When we .hs!l clearly know and understand.I think that we shall ssy that U.'d kti'-- be.-.t-. "

Germany as a Military Power.

The U.iron v jii Fircks win, is ut the head uf t!ieiStatticul lo:irtinont ol the (.iciinan Army, liasr.ublilieil in a raiut!ilct, entitled ISoitrne zurJStatistik dc Koiciicliecri's," iiiio cxiu-utJinl-

interesstiti btatvtuciittj us ti tl.o itiun i!

the Imtiei ial (uroe uf that gve.it Mmi ire.It ut pe.iro tli.it the (ierman iirmy uf

one million and a half of 8 .tMicrn, without c itintins the reserves. In jicaee there ore 4S.-- Iiat-talio-

of infantrv, and 20 of rifle, with 4(".'ieqtiadroiw ol cavalrv, 340 field h tileries, 31 battulioiis of loot artillery, 10 of engineers, 2 of rail-way and telegraph, 39 of military train, makingin all 18,(100 oflieern and 150.S00 men.

On a war footing the army is divided into fourClassen, namely, held troop, field troops inreserve, mid garrison. To thene mutbe added the lindstutui, which really tortus afifth or last class.

The field troops cunist ol 1 G,o 12 ufliivrs, about700.000 men, and 223,000 hordes. The fieldtroops iu reserve have 0,500 ofiieers and 250.000men, bj that in round numbers about 1,000,000of men are ready to confront an enemy at the verycommencement oLa. campaign.

The reserve, or third elas, is formed of about4,000 officers and nearly 300,000 men, and thegarrison duty takes 100.000 men, no that if wcadd up the total forces contained in these fourchases we find, that in time of war, the (iermanKuipire can dispose of upwards of 30.000 officers, l,34o,UOO men, and 2'J0,000 horses !

The Landsturm consists of all males (notenrolled in the preceding classes) between 17and 42 years ol age. This force amounts to atleast 900,000 meu, divided into oOO regiments olfoot, and 100 of cavalry. This, in addition tothe foregoing, forms therefore an army ofabout 2,500,000 men, the whole of whose equipment is said to be ready fit a day 8 notice.

Tbcee figures speak for themselves, and considering the splendid organization of this immense body ol men, there can be little doubtthat the German army is the most powerful inEurope, and aKIo to cope with any enemywhich would be foolhardy enough to attack thehmpire, for whose ecrvico and defence it hasbeen enrolled. Bchnnn iNY'ir.

The Island Labor Traffic.

The Fiji Times publishes the following accountof the cruise of the Jessie Kelly, which givessome insight into the peculiarities of the islandlabor trade and the uillicullies of procuring la-

borers.The Jessie Kelly left Lcvuk on the 9th July

last, licensed to recruit labor for Fiji in the NewHebrides and Solomon groups. Experienced lightwinds until we reached Murderer's Hay, or Jj.itNapnce, on the lee coast of Pentecost, on the 10th.Found it hard to communicate with the natives,but when they found ogt we were Fijians wc hadless trouble. Remained here at anchor until the20th, and got in the interval 11 men aud boys, anice lt. Found the natives timet enough, notwithstanding their bad reputation hereabouts,and they constantly came off to the vessel iu theirmiserable canoes. On the 22d oil the lee coast oOba. Anchored at Walu-rik- i. Found the Auroraand Idaho from Noumea, and the Mavis, fromFiii also at anchor there before us. Under thesecircumstances the recruiting was not successful.Six boats pulling about in pairs does not tend toget men. --Natives did not even care lo sell yams.and few came near us.

From 2Gtb to 23th on lee of Pentecost got oneman. At liusnmau s iay saw two men iromStanley's plantation recently landed ; they complain sadly ol a --Nuumean vessel taking men awayforcibly, and giving ins "yarj ma" to the men'sfriends.

1 think they worship their ancestors here.Every post in their large temples is carved tore- -

present nude human figuies, intended to representtheir dead duels, lliese are the presiding deities,whose heads arc kept for generations in the bodiesof large timber fash, representing the shark andswordfish, stuck on posts all over the interior..No women or children dare pass these temples onpain of death. Remained on this coast until14th August, and got in that time 15 men, u therate of two or three a da'. I he natives weremore civil on this island than on any other in theSolomons. lis an odd thing that there are nocockics on tli's island, while all the rest, someonly 40 miles off. are full of thein. What canaccount for it ? Met many old Fijiaus, they aremuch more civil and obliging than returnedQueenslandcrs. '

On the 5th oil Mala, or Malay ta. ihey use thebow and arrow as well as the spear on this coast.and are rogueish and cheeky. Don't care to re-

cruit ; want to see their friends back first. Manyleft this lee coast three years ago, and are expected back daily. Out into calms here and onlyrecruited three men, two from canoes.

On the 11th anchored at Aliti i!ay. Cheekyrogues ; gettini; a man only occasionally. S.iw aman here with only a hole f'ir a mouth and twolittle pig's eves a hideous object and yet liepounds up betel nut and lime and pops it into thehole, lhc natives are continually eating thisbetel nut and lime with a peppery leaf. Theyeay it keeps away fever and ague, and if withoutfood lor a day or eo, it keeps up their strength.We have joined in a native betel spree. It makesyou tight for ten minutes or so alter eating it;you stagger, aud everything seems to swimround, out il is a ennous tutng mat a drink olwater at once takes off the e fleet. You also breakout into a perspiration (a hint for the doctors)after eating it.

On the 19th aneiiore 1 at Ku Iliy ; got sevenmen and left for Coleridge Bay. Here wc foundthe rsuifo, Captain liner, with Captain Proctoron board. Had recruited SO I.ibrers, havingbeen to Duke of York, New Ireland and NewBritain and bad cot men attach is! ml a fine,

set of powerful fellows, but ad black as blacking.The vessel had also some 15 .tigainvuie or nuoiauapeople. Mr. Proctor eaid he recruited them asfast as he Could give eacn oi u.em a kiiuo ano.

tomahawk over the si le. Fully 200 canoes wereround him and as many more coming, so hethought it best to clear out.

On 28th off N.h. coast ol the of Isabel orGau. as it is caded oy the natives. Remainedon this coast until the 3d ol September and gotten men. The princijal people nere wear wigs onstate occasions, antic old traders in the Soluinontell ue it is the badge of a secret society, a sort ofMasonic order. Certain it is that boys of 20 wearthese wigs as well as older persons ; the womendo not wear them. Yc saw a but here with aheap of fresh hum in bones in one corner and aot of blood on the other, lhe people had

evidently been surprised, and the usual result fol-

lowed, viz, a feast ! ,On the 7th off S.ivo, on the Ice coast of Guadal

canal and recruited hard along this pide of theisland until the 15th ; result two men. Nearlyevery one is a returned labor immigrant. Evethe women and children eay 'uood morning inEnglish. Nativea are afraid to go in the bushand get recruits, as they do in New Hebrides.

Each local chief Ure is kft a little tru4. by thetrling vessels (j buy copra, which ia kept untilV.ie ve-- cl arrivj), ntv.l thus tho native are veilapplied in every little thing they require, nd

wou'l rceruU. When a man can get ! if pipe andtobaeca for 10 i t 2l tints, a they can ticre, bin Lappraud wont change li estate. V1J aliotilJlie? He gets all hi littbj wnnt suppliedwell as if he worleJ in Su.i or lcvuka.

On 17tb off west cvfist or Snn Ci it.l (Multir) 1

asain, an l up to the 2"thjjot a d zen rccTutl. "

On 2Sth anchored at Mry qarbor. Cut lain Me-- ,

Donald has a linn bit of land her. Mr. Mc-

Donald at home, but the two brother over at ,

mainland opening a plantation tl.ere. A day ortwo afterward anchored at Kaianti, the nfiro oftheir plantation. They bavo 16,000 acr of Roodblack noil, twj rivers through it. Up lo tba 7tbgt 13 men here? and left for New Hebrides. . yt

Anchored at Torre Oct .brr J2:h, at Gaa an- - ,

ehorage. Found jams scare' nd very dear. Thej ,

used to fell fjr little or nothing here, but now" ftlot of returned Quccnelmi ler are baek, and theplace is spoiled for jamming. , '


JaM'ARV TaRM.Ihursd.iy, Jan. 2tith

the Full Court.Julius Maguin, by bin next friend, S. Magnln

vs K. Furgie ; exception I the ruling of Air.Justice McCully, sustaining the demurrer. Mr.Dayidson argued the exceptions, contending thatan oral agreement could be put in evidence taexplain tho contract. Mr. Preston for lha defend-ant, argued that it was only in case where themcaniug of an agreement wits doubtful, that teatl-i- n.

my as t.j what had parsed between the parties,by word of mouth, could bo used to elucidate it.Mr. Davidson in reply sought t.i brint; thl eaaowithiu the rule cited by counsel for tho defenceTho contract Contained an agreement to returnthe premium, iT tho directors of the lonuranoeCompany did not chose to carry it out ; and theoral testimony wa offered in order tr fix tho timca,

within which tho opti.in lelt with tho ditiwtoflwas to be used. Judgment rceryed.'.

Joe Burrows vs P.iaiuhi : appeal from the In- - 'termed. ary Court. Mr. Bickerton for pi tin tiff,Mr. Castle for defendant. Mr. LWIe said thotUtstion was whether the parties were tenants Incommon, and proceeded to f41J a brief. Mr. Bick-

erton claimed lor his client, that be bad not vio-

lated any of the rules of tlio llui, and submitted,the case on tho decision of Judge McCulIy as giv-

en in tho Court below, saying that be did notthink he could tile a better brief.

Antone Pedro vs (Jhtim Yun Fan: appeal Iromthe Intermediary Court. Mr. Hatch for plaintiff,Mr. Whiting fir defendant, the appellant. Asurvey, filed in tho Land Office, dated March 22,1SG2, was produced by Mr. Smithies. This cor-

responded with the survey relied on by the plain-- ,,

tiff. Tho exceptions were argued and thetf '

Honors reserved their decision. "'

litre. Bareuah.i deceased. This matter was or--k

dered to stand ovr till next term. '

Fook (!ee vs B. Ahlo. The new trial orderedin this case was continued to next torra. ,

F. Enos vs Wo Sing : appeal from the decisionof the Commissioners of Ways and Waters. MrJ. Ii. Kaulukou for the plaint ill', Mr. CastU fordefendant. The defendant's caso was that . theCommissioners bad no jurisdiction, thnmatter being in fact an action of trespass. . Plain--'

tiff claimed a right of way, and the testimony wasthat there had been a public tight of way thero(or thirty-tw- o years ; his petition wna to hare theroad kept open. An argument occurred between "

counsel as to tho right of tho plaintiff to bring Inevidence in addition to that given before tho Com- - '

missioncrs. Tho Court decided that tho plaintiffmight supplement his testimony to make any-thing clear that appeared obscure. Tho caso notbeing finished during the afternoon, was adjourn- -rd to tho following afternoon. t

. ,Friday, 27th. .

', .

Before Mr. Justice McCclly. .

.11. Ilackfeld, & Co. vs Eugcno Bal, eL atThis was a motion for a new trial on the groundthat the verdict was not in accordance with ' thoevidence. At the bottom of the dispute was (bo ,

question as to the surrender to plaintiffs by Balot certain cattlo ; also as to whether or not a re--lease had not been granted to Bal on his surren-dering bis property, although it bad not been git-e- n

in writing. Mr. Bickerton for defendant, ar- -gucd that thoouly question for tho jury was, hadtho defendant been released, although the release'had not been signed. B.il had agrool to do Cer-

tain things, such as giving up all his property (

plaintiffs, and he had perlormed his part of thoagreement. Plaintiffs bad on their part agreed ,

that if ho did this bo should have a release, anda member of the firm bad promised him, (Mr.Bickerton) that he would sign the release, buthad put i l off from day to day, and hadj never. -

signed it. Ho submitted that it was not neceo- - 'sary the release should bo signed, if the undertaking to sign could ho proved. In regard to allhead of cattle, about which thero was a dispute,Mr. Pfluger bad himself told couu.scl, that thofirm had received them. Mr. Dole lor plaintiff, -

submitted that if they thought Ji.il had deceivedthem in regard ton certain hundred head of cat-tle said t ) belong to bis son they were porfeotlyjustified in refusing to sign the relessi. He contended that no time had liecn shown when therelease had been niad-- j and that a letter which.had been put in evidence and which bore date 13thJune showed the the matter had not then been ..

settled between the parties. Mr. Bickerton saidin reply that there was a positivo release in Ho'ember 1880. if his own evidence was to bo be-

lieved. His Honor said that tho verdict iautstand if there were evidence to support it,' andthat in Ins opinion it was not with mt tentlminy --

to support it, and ho should therefore refuse thomotion. Mr. Dole rioted nn exception to ll0 ml--ing. .

Kawainui k. vs Kawainui w. Tho Court rendered judgement granting the divorce.

Lydin Chapman vs W. A. Chapman. Jivorce.Decree granted. - -

T. B- - Foster vs Jjuaialani. It bciu arrangedto carry this before the full Court, His Honoroverruled the motion pro forma, and Mr. DoInoted bis exception to the ruling.' '

Kalaiokikoi vs D. Kahauu : motion for a newtrial. The same ouro was pursued it this case.

Bex vs W. M, jibs n : lib.il. Tbo Attorney-Oener- al

entered a 7ioe jroxryui herein. , ,Before the Full Court. , '

F. Enos vs WaSing: tho bearing of this mat-

ter was continued, and the Court doeidel to vltrftthe disputed right of way in person, at 2 p.m.on the next day. '. -

Satuiday, 2Sih.Before the Full Court.

I.ii ni k. vs Pa han't al. : cxeeptims to theruling ol M. Justice McCully. Case submitted.

Before the Ciiilf Justicic.J. P. Mend mca vs Kaaiahua. This case stood

over from the October term on account of Mr.ll irtw.'Il's absence. His Honor sai 1 that he badfully considered the ease, and gave judgement forthe plaintiff for $203 50 and costs.

Before Mr. Justice McCL'Lt.Y.Iluug W-et-t al. vs Chung Wa : npiical from tho

Intermediary C urt. The Chief Justico bad de-

clined to bear this ease at the October term, hav-

ing presided in the lower Court w hen it was triedthere. Mr. Hatch appeared for plaintiff, and Mr.Iltrtwcll for the defendant. An agreement towaive the jury had been filed during tho Octoberterm, but us tho Chief Justice had declined thejurisdiction. Mr. H irtwcll considered that he waaentitled to a jury. On this point the Court de- -'

cided that tho w aiver having been once filed it wasfinal, and binding, and fixed 23th February asthe day (or hearing the ease.

The Court then adj jumc i suit: die.

Mon.lay, ,30th.1 CllAXfKRY.

Before His Honor the Chancellor.Henry N. (rccnwtll vs. John 1). Paris and

John D. Paris. Jr. This was a petition to havothe certificates of boundaries of Kaawaloaand Koalakekua, Ivona, Hawaii, an issued by thoBoundary Commissioner set asido and the RoyalPatents issued in accordance with such certificatecancelled. The point on which this applicationwas based, was the absence of any notice to com-plainant that an adjudication on tho boundariesin question was about to be made. Moreover,patent had been issued long ago, includ-ing both the lauds and the issue of these newpatents wa irregular and illegal.' Complainant .disputed tho correctness of the boundary, as de-

fined, and claims th;.t it cuts t.ff some 500 acresthat belong to him. The respondents sry, in reply,that the boundary as shown in the Royal Patentsis correct; that tho survey and new patents weremade at complainant's request, and put in evidence .,

to show that complainant wis actually prosenrduring at least a part of the time that the surveor was running the lino. Judgment reserved.





' I



Page 6: LU - University of Hawaiʻi

A .1. V L U 'f I L 1. w- - w-- a

G PACIFIC CO 31 31 31 F It I A L A D V E U I S E R, FEBKUARY 4, 18S.


(Commercial bbertiscr.SAT tl: DAY ri :i:::r.vi:v i. --'i

Waiaianala Correspondence.Having avvn a'iuiitK of l!.c itM ul ti.e

jiM of tt. i:trHl mar j !;t.t.iu,,i ,r. tl r vtl.rrmianii. acJ a n.ithinj; ri: r .r r.ntictilio ti tlie r iui 'i .r i,f m;ar in ..or vr

Dice little, tii.i l.ttir j. tl..it - :i .pi--Ttrumi of the work !.- - nt il ? Wtni,:ui;il., -- u ir(laaUlioa tuni r.ui I ur.inu re.tin.

The work cl i;rn.iifi w" r.iuiiirii - List jenrCD 17th Janurv, I53I I I t raiW .,r,lv (Lett laiJfor one half luilr, ajf.'.r truck I t.., hit

ibifrtj fr.jia EclJ u :!J a ti e wric ofgrinJtnjt pror-- ! Fr f-- r uunrri- - the wrkfcl carting ot cati f the mil! wu- - f r r,rrn.ijlaule team, and not uri'il tt.e 10 h of Mitour Dew I jCr.i'tive cri.ii. i.ce oj iatin .

' 'f,cwork prfjrnue' "luring tl.r jn-ije- -jr i- - (

v lit. : Nururr f 'lay griming tiurinj; ihrjear 1C2, ,fAltcin 3.220 cUriErr. or ai ni:r:iKof 20 J per Jaj. The mill it wj.ru i' trtni"'J d8-t- mill. slikI in lfv.t n.r- celeKrite'l u.;ikTMirl.e, Tait, Watrj. If- - rutu.in- - .ir .k.-i-i via fruiu 8 to 10 for.a r lciu nnj on iK?-r-

occasion ha turnnl out 'j t ti- - p r rlc ' I fiveiLij. The juice of the cm; t..nii.J h.i- - .t.MI atC anJ 7" in the dunCr. u4 h n.jtthat aftraf, althooti j : .iucm nt dr.-ir- j Ol')lb. to tie clar.Cer c more th tn thejuice of other rnilU ol riuniur i-- ;i.-i-r v. wherethe juice w re.orie.J t rai lr. no 'J- - t. 12-- .

This mill bun neter : hr-r- i u-f- .e to fullCapacity ; C lb. i e.irri.-- I. um, during theauincner mnth little, il nay, o;iI h:i (M-- t rTcun-ume-


the (rincijul luel being trab. From 80to ton of ratt'toiii of ten monthn prowthfrom t!ie of the well kn .wn yl ,ut in H,,pe itCo., aoJ L. Akiu (hIid i- - l irt Ijr int. mthe several Chiiiei-- e I inrin cui ai.ie here),hate beta taken off during thin r i. t . nver:iiii24 torn to tKeaere ; ar. 1 other - have .r J.ienlresult mlui.-- t fiuiihir. Our inot!.t recnl forthe bo?e rrrioj i- - 1S0O ton of u!ir. OurrUntatioo tuiiii to-o!.- iv a foll.jvi. viz , 100 to1000 acre jhinteJ unJ jjrowin, lHit veur" cropbeinj; 423 acre ; and iiuniar remit fciajr be con-CJent- lv

exjiectcd for the com jcur.Haoi.e.

Kohila Correspondence'

TIe weather still rinjr. whieii iu ike the roadsalmost iropi.trt-.ibl.;- . Cin.; rvr well, iiowever,ao we will not Cuu lain. Mud Jj rou i make uiWant the railrond badly. and we are l.nl to thinkthat we won czpect to be uhle t. land our codsat our door without on uccount ofweather.

Ve note that ojon the return of our M.I),from the Const, both lie and hi.- popular .irtnerignored Buddie l)ores. and now j tr.inihuiate thetown in a new and nijh-- h vehicle. U'c like to

aucb advances.(juite ao accident ixrenrred at Iliml'it mill the

fjrat of Che week. A native, while Ujm witha piit&I, ccidenlallj il-- cl ir. 1 il ; the ballfawie-- 1 through lle left nrm. ami buried itt-el- f inthe breast of bis wife. I)x-to- r Ili.in andThouipmjn extricated the ball, and she i out ofdanger, though the epca from u uioriai woundwii n narrow one.

All tho mill are grinding, but we learn thatthe juice stand very low, owin i robablj to wetweather. All the mill are more than full ofsugar, awaiting hit lutnt, but detained on ac-

count of rough weather. Another trouble thatthe railroad will fut an end to.

We notice, mi iookin:; over the dmtrict, thatthe Portuguese, a. fat ua their time of shipmentexpire, take up mull plot of land, and makethem bIooru like the rxe. Tin clarm of p'iplcwill do more toward rt jx.pulatinr and enrichingthe couotrj t' an ten ti ne the number of China-men.

Election excitement run high, but. n n' foreigner propoc to run, it unikc but little

difference which one of the candidate arc elected,as all the principal one arc of the beet clacs ofnatives. It eeni. however, a though the ruonejinterest of this district outfit to have eneriryenough to ee to it. that the district i Buitablyrepresented but till we aleep. Mr. Hind. Dr.Wijht. Mr. II.lmcM, Mr. WikmI, and Dr.Thomraon hve ken cpoker. t,t. anJ eitiier of

'them would do the d.tritt the honor ; but self,interest are uroner thnn public duties, so tliejrefund to becouie candidate. Too bad.

Wailuku Correspondence- -

Wailiec, Jan. 2S.

Lat undaj, the 22nd, three Spaniards fromthe Wailuku plantation got off with CaptainWilbar's pilot tout for some prt unknown,

v'hey were helping to unload the lumber-!- . iphat went on t'ie reel It is reported that a native

t'rnan sod woman uki went with them. Onewould think thul shipowner" would be atraid tolet their veancl come into Katiului harbor, thi

v' bein tl;e econd veel that ha pot on the reelduring the fast year If another tcw camein now with cal, and got mi the reef, we mightpoawiblj get ome c'.eap coal as well a cheap

f lumber.?? The weather here i now Cue 10 rain fr the

past week.Io buMoe matter wcmciii to he ing thtad.

Two new piotoripli gall--ri- e liae been ojrf-ned-.

aci two new barber iiup are alreadyand one is jtettmg rea.ly to go mr buint. Now

the onlv the need i u meat uiaiket. There i

only one bu.inc street in the town that i

Markel-etree- t. Io thut tree I tiiere are twobutcher's bo. tw Chinte pork a Esh

marluit. whicli. on iturdaj, jou can rcircclypast. The smell ol the street is very offemuvebetween the atucll ol Cb. and beef, and o m inyChinese eatmg-hotm- . Now, tiiere i plenty ollarxi ai the head of Vineyard-tree- t whuli couldbe rented at a I w figure for such a purpose.TbeT have Kt a itetv ruirkct at Lahaina ; 1 J ;n't

. t . i. a n- - .i. i .see wnv we aliouio not nam imc. in mou-- m

there wa money appropriated for thi i urposedur.ng the last cst-.io- ol LeojIature. We ln- -

it will not be l'n before ltd matter is attendedlC A TX-r.tTrR- .

What the People Sajr.

WV t riprii'ii of "I'tnlon from tlie pul l. upeoa! I aiibjwt ' iteneral lul-re- t for nmrrtn.n un.l r tin.had .f th AuFoii rit- - fu. h rotutuMtii. ati .n .hotiltlt autUetitu at-.- ! lv t he name ..f t.- - writ. r a a tcua

ranle ef faJta, but uot a. i r.-arl- ly f- - r pul.il. a- -

tion.Our bjH t i to offer tt f uV.- -t opportunity f- - r a vari. tj

f putiula i'.i.i-uji- and inairy.To ait inquirer we shall rn.lrv..r t f.irti.-- ti iitf rela-

tion or ttj niiwt r..iiipl-- l rharv t r en any sul.j-- vt uwhich thrf awi lntreti-i.- J

M. Ei:toi4. Oim; oT the in-w- t ri lu'ul usfeature ol jouriIim. t. mjr mind, is liic

critic or jerliaj. 1 shou.d ratl.er caj.in thi connection. cjmiueiitif.r. lie certainlywake hi pira.c? frejnei.tljr in all ptria l

the ciiliX'"l land. txl ' erccial!j frrquent in

tm of th 11 i"!ulu rap.r. Tlie critic ntces-aril- y

ha to lake that crvpicuou ground bvtmetm the er!orni-- nd C e fuhlic; and il hetanke ' aptarent to both that !e i- - utterly in-

competent to ei t utet.e ta-- k nwignej l.iin. Sic

i crrtaiolj in a ridiculoii position. 1'ublic

opinion avay be wn ; hut lhcr-- 5 arc iirt iitdymany pci jie in Honolulu vrho are well able to

el Tenia u w.uroj opinion in ma'ttr pertaining toroUKlC. art. the drama.

At recent entert urmnit in tl:i city, theleosratnui announceJ walrx of Cho in t. ! he

rrr.ikr. d by Mi' C. I hi- - I id po- r- - a fn c

touch, ru- - gs" cleeo'i.n. sml lalcf nit- - ticeompoiitioo before er ; in fact d:ri,if there W t b n opinion f.m-r- -J u

tl'At H opnion hai: at Ua-- t h lucid

and incere. i) thw occa-io- n the la Jj in .pie-tio- o

riw ft to chis iit - numrwr, and. in-te-

f pUjir' ChopinV "Z reo.i.r,d a tf ;tte of

I'.praV. Th commn.fat r of th.- - Nter iseued

Ihe-- foIli.. Wrd't-fn- j. Janunry It. Ul an' opinion rerJin- - the I..IjV l3"'et; "

arallzthat herthe a.foui.dm- - -- talrm..t,n AM by

.Chp,n. -


itcticr receitJ

.,! I.ttiniler'"" ;"

Crt fiamrier. --Now mi " -ri aa it lho- -

thi-- r.e-'- o cri m ik. iiia.iuu.' . ... . . ...... - .. .t..tin 'LllSlitru tlie lact mm n is un -- i .

.. m .. ai.,1 cuvotte. nno

ii entire. unacp mtej wirl. the character ol... . .... P, ;..:.. ine tin ir otaiiionf

iiorti ' in unir avthe fubbc iitf-- eunjto knoir W fit IIMT Jre w.iiii.- - j ....... i

- .. ....... ..i. t Wivt-J- laii V yt'iy nun u n.e;

In hot n'ttltf aud j ijouu.I h ; .Danielle!- - .'' I '


REPORT OK Tilt. -- 3I0::SISG STAC"w, 1 a i: h j i i '.it - f t'.i. 11th

t. f t!.- - M;, k. t "M. rti.:.,-r.u-

. t . :!.. Mi. i. -- l.t:j I

S.i.!. I fr .i.i II. .ij ..:;iu. .I.iii. 1. 1. an I

j r .. . ..!! f.r t t.. t:.- - ;. !.. rt i ; il,v..:li Mr-- . L. V. m, ..v ,h Mi L. S it!., irtn-- i t:;--!..i.:- tr j..: !:.-- i t K:i- - n. . J'i! v 7th.'-- l .!:. I t".;i 1 I; ,i.. r - I! n. 1 : Fulv :h.

I Jtl.-- I ! i 1 1 1 v r I : t !. I ;it!! ; .fu'y l tli. ;.o h' r 1 at Ta; ;: i.. a

and - .i.- - iii; tl.- - !.i;. .i t. r j ith 1 f. !.on I, I I'ii.r i:it il.iy ..t Natioiiri f .r tL-t- .

i h r t!,. r- -. At th- - t .v.. httt- - r inland w w.-r-

in e..:i. p. ,tl. t !. fo " ;..riu l::r.l."7ti., .i:k l.or. ! at Aj ti. ir;: i t: l -- :.ih 1 th-- - !. til.iv with t.aihr-- : on th- - I'Mh -- t at M ii- -

i.n.i .in i t.k tja...l.-- i uiid -- uii-.i nit day : Juiyi to'-- thi- - frot.i Ma: tike I Hi tLfc I;lvl"U- -

in- - a.:. i.r.i.Lvred ollt1id Apuiai.; buIl-- c evciiij:.Af:. r ral oJ tli- - Gilbert Ilnt Jt ::!. . at At ail:-.'- , we sailed frm tL'-fe- . Iiar-ro-,;- y

t the Ictf Hi otiieijO'-lic-e of aLati-i-- th leathers twain at Marakfi on

tii- - l.ioii,ii!0' of Ar.Ut 4tii aud uncLored outrideH'.it.iutati siitie evettit';;; sailed frou Iiutaritarito v through t!.- - t;ri.r.ji utain and return thet a h. l. Au'iiit th, t j'Uhili at fi-ru- .

A'-iii- t 21st. Suj.j.li'--d teachers tLt rewith provisions, a the "John Williams" withth' ir -- iij i ii s .va, overdue and they were livingon We w. r at Tujit tiea aain Au-u- -t

liinl .u. l 2'5rd ; Naiiouti. 2!th; Apemama,2"th, J;th. 27th and ith ; Maialia. 30th, in com-pany wifli the s' ho'.ii. r " I'alitiol.ia ; '' Tarawa,Ai'vi't :JUt and S. pt-iu- 1st uiid 2tid, returu-inu- ;

to Apaiai; S. pt. tub. r 1th in eoinpatiy withth'- - baikeiitine Jeor- - Noble. "

't.t'l:i). r :th w- - sail'l fn!ti the (jiib-r- t toth..-- Marshall Islands, with K.-v- . A. C. Walkupatid .vifeits J.asseijt-rs- . Passed the tx;hoOIi r

Ala-ka- ," bound s .uth September l'i, We auth-or. . I at J.il.iit. Iiassin the wreck rf tlie "SturmUird" as we went in. From there we shippedprovisions and mail to the Hawaiian missionariesat Mrjuio and Arno, and sail' d next day. er

1Mb sighted Kill and Xitliierick "i.slauds.iiiid Kusuie on the 2lst, eomini; to anchor on the21th. aft- - r a Ion.,' calm in whic h the vessel wascarried toward the island by a strong current,and only escaped destruction by her anchorstaking ground and holdui her st ru axut fiftyfeet from dangerous breakers. lJy the aid of aIiht breeze whi'-- sou Ki)ruug up we workedout to a naff distance from a position similar tothat in which the last " Morning Star" waswrecked, upon this same island. There appearedno little pro.-pr- ct of saving her that all the ladypasseners had been started away from her iu aboat.

Aft r remaining ten ditr ut Kusaie hiLnlui' ahouse and other caro, and all the missiouarypasseligurs, we sailed, October oth, for the Car-oline Islands. October 'th passed l'iligelap;stopj. d at Mokil on the H)th, and anchored at1'i.t.ape n the 11th. Taking in Her. K. T.Ioaln- - and native paseuger.s. we sailed on ourretnni to l'ingelap nml Mokil October loth.Spent th- - isth f October standing offand on atMokil. and the 22nd at l'ingelap. October 2othwe hove to off" I'onnpe aud Mr. Doane w-n- t

ashore in th boat and, leaving his s lioIars,came on lx-a- again in the evening, when wesailed for Mortlocks and link. We were in com-pany all th it day w ith the schooner ' Pamionia"bound fur San Francisco, by which we sent alarge mail. From October 13th to 31st laithmates were laid up and we were without officers.Arrived at Lukuuor November 2nd ; Satoau 4th;Lt.il Mh; Naiin.li.uk tub and 11th. Inentering Losop Iagoou agaiust a head wind andtide we r:ih aground in a foot less water than thevessel was drawing, and remain d there for overtvi hours, when the rising tide ".ook as off witha damaged she. Fr-m- i the time f leaving Hon-olulu a leak in the ship had been gradually in-creasing until we were pumping two hours ormore a day. After the accident at Losap up toIeceniler .'Jrd. in more pumping was required.

November 12th stopped at Nauia and anchoredin link lagoon on the l.'Jth. Visiting three dif-ferent islands in that lagoon we sailed on the re-

turn trip to the east. November lMh and arrivedagain at I'onape November 2sth.

December 1st we sailed from I'onape for Ku-saie, stopping at Mokil the third time, to landpassengers, on the 3rd. On the night of Decem-ber 3rd the old leak broke out again und coii- -

tinned to increase- - rapidly till the luh iust., whenwe arrived at Kusaie with a tired crew and annnseaworthy ship, making more than five feet ofwater in twenty-fou- r hours. Not having themeans of heaving down we discharged everythingnnbelit sails, sent down spars and at the highesttides hauled up into the mud at the mouth of ariver to examine the bottom us far us possible.At the lowest tide three large places were foundwith broken 'copper, one above ullll fwo below.These planks were entirely riddled by worms,and a larye leak discovered in the garltoard-strea- k.

The leak above water we were abl torepair quite thoroughly ; the two below we wereobliged to trnst to the work of the Hawaiiansailors who did their best to cover them withtarred duck and copper by. diving. Consideringthe condition of the vessel it was thought bestby all to make the attempt to reach Honoluluand have the vessel put in thorough repair be-

fore finishing the work in the Marshall Islands.Loading the vessel in ballast trim we took onboard Kcv. A. C. Walkup. wife und child forApaiang via Honolulu, and sailed for this portD-- c mUr 2"Jth.

We have sighted and passed islands tifty-si- x

times ; made thirty-si- x stopping places ; enteredfifteen lagoons ; anchored forty-si- x times; be-lyi- ng

to and standing off und on one hun-dred and fifteen hours, and had three hundredand nineteen passengers. Calms aud currentshave been more favorable than usual, havinghad but four hundred and twenty-nin- e hoursc:!lm and three hundred aud ninetj'-tiv- e milesadverse currents. The whole distance sailed inthe entire voyage is twelve thousand, three hun-dred and sixty-tw- o miles. From the meridianand 30- - north latitude we have had nothing butfresh breezes from K. to N.N.E. till we reachedjH.it. Isaiah 1i:ay, Commander.

Honolulu, Feb. 2nd. 1V2.

?2f III the cae Glbbs VS WiseUlllU decided,on appeal at the Intermediary Court last weekaitirtns the law of this land to be that who evermakes a "net with another, depositing his stakewith a third party, can reclaim his money when- -

,.(, r i.,. p.kes. s. lutu as it remains with the stake- -

iin;,i,.r As he can als.. sue for and recover itfr"i.i the I'ther party to the 1 t after it has beenpaid pop!e will naturally be careful whotin luakebt tsor gamble with ill the future.Gambling are everywhere debts of honoronlv. but her- - it remains a matter of honor withthe oiiriil.h r whether he will not, when he losesand h is paid, make the winner disgorge his gainsagain by pr.c ss of law.

The Intermediary Court sat on Jnth ult.,postpoueil from the previous d iy on account tfall the .Iiidg-- s Ix ing engaged at the Ham-- sit-

ting. H:s H 'lior the Chief Justice presided,atnl tl.' following business waa trausaet.- l : J.H. King vs. M. Perry. Iu this ease the Police.Iiisti. e gave ju lgm- - t.t for th plaintiff for $"an.! costs. This decision was overruled, theCourt holding that under th- - circumstancesplaintiff could Hot recover. Mr. Russell appear-ed f. r plaintiff and Mr. II artw 11 for defendant.J. W. Gibbs vs. .1. K. Wiseman : actioti f.rmoney -- t.ik d nt jh.U : Mr. W. ('. Join s f..rpI.iintirT a-- i l Mr. II .t. h f .r the th f. Use. Th-Co- urt

r.d that Wiseman was r sponsiblef.r the holding of th.- - im uey. and gave judg- -

tnelit for pi.-mti- ff s"7o atid costs. All app-.- d to

th.- S.tpr in- - Court was lu ted. L. Ah.ina (ch)vs. Mautialoa (k : appeal (rota Waiahia: Mr.

lb 1 1; ihiki f r the defense . The app H int c-n- -

bti his oun with snie ability and woni:. s. ciiiiug a j i t for th- - ntnount I uni' d.

', tii- - I ii-.-: "f an in coiint. The ca-- e

!...;.-- , s 1' It. Thomas, was. bv agr.-.-tu- - nt.i sti.oiud till m m. nth's sittit-.g- : Ah l- - k vs.tip. als.i coiitinn. d b Fbru.irv.

I - The f .i!"V !llg l coI-- f th r e rd of

rainfall f r th- - tuoiith I . il. II it at Mr J. If.Wood's farm, in Niiuanu Vail y. as taken by JrHit.,; i. y :

Ja:i i 0..'S Jan. IT. . e.M2 . . .Sliowrr is. . tl.4:i . ) J.. Iit . . . . II i i . 1 I..... .. Sl.o-.ie- r


f-- iai .tl7 ..i' i .shoners

' Jts ...s!miri . 1)

::: ii. ir.!... 1.II ..'... "A-- '

I o.taiU j f vs... 0iIJ .-

- O.Ik) j ... ii im.' , ..Stli.Wer K... lo

...st-owe- r- j 31... 0.A0.00 I

Titai locbes... loO

P A C 1 F I C C O A I M M K H n I A I



H. W. SEVERANCE,A II ANDCOM.MISSIOXnAW 11 A N T. 314 Cii'.T3i Street, ea frmoenco,

L ii t.;. y r B'V.m No I. ol ly


Shipping k t'omiiiiien Merchants,. 2 I ( alilarnla sirrel.


oeu r. corn. miiiiiit roLeia.


SHIPPING COMMISSION SEEltIl.TS.No 13 P.b :irrci., L'ni. d Block,


I.4R ATTENTION GIVES TO1J4RTICI or r. al.Uc:icn gurntefd(frT !



Ilniuillow.I'.nk tf Montrvl.

jK SI Ch Jiuc- - oo ConngarceDt

W. H. GROSSMAN & BRO.,- li i l 1 ii IS mid oni in 1 nm! on

M K li C II A N T S.118 t l... inbr, sirrel. NEW TURK.

Krfr-iw-- . .ail- - & 'c.lie and J. T. WatThoue..J'i Si

JOHN FOWLER & CO.I.eriU. Kuload,

CKKJ'iKKI) TO Fl'RMSH PhiXSVKE f .r Sirrl Portable Tratnwaya. with orki.Iioui can. ir specially aduplnl for tugarPUiitatioii Htfrmaiifiit Uailways, with locomotive and Cars,Traction taurines and Itoad I.'icomotive, Hleam Ploughingand CultiTHtmi; Mncbmirry. Portable Steam Engines for allpurjH.9-s- . V ind.nj; Rnxinea for Inclines.

Cataloga. wiih il airations. .Mo.lt Is and Ph t"(rrpha oftti- - asr,e Plant and Mnrh:urry may be aeeo at the offices ofth undersign!


augOU tf Agenta fcr John Pouter & Co.



" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which gov-

ern the opraU'ina of digestion aud nutrition, and by acareful application of me tine prop-me- n of well-seiect-

cocoa. Mr. Epps ban provided our breakfast tables withdrliculely-flavnre- it lieverage which may save us many heavydoctor's bills. I: i by the judicioua use of such articles ofdiet I hut a cunatilu'ion may tx gradually built up untilatronx enough to ever? tendency to disease. Hundredsof subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attackwherever there ia a wrak point. We may escape many afatal shaft by keepii.g ourselves w-- l fortified with pure bloodand a properly nourished frame." See article in the CivilStrviee Gazette.

Made simply with boilioK water or milk.Sold only iu packets, labelled :



AUo EPVS'S CHOCOLATE ESSENCE, for Afternoonute. junll.ly

L. P. FISHER,A V KM. 81 liEftCH ANTS'AllVKRTIMNU Franrix o, California, is authorired

to receive aavertiitemenia for the column, of this paper,

lrsilliMli.ecl in 1H5S.P. FISHER'S


Rooms aOand 81. Merchants' Exchange,Culitornia rlireet. San Francisco,

I iST X. C IdrertUlrfi; Solicited for all News-

papers Published on tlie Parlfle (oast, the S ndwltbIslands, Polynesia. Sfevlran Port. Panama, Valpa-

raiso. Japan, fhiua. ew Zealand, the AnstrallanColonies, the Kastern States and F.orope. Files of'nearl) rvery .Newspaper Published oo the Pacific

"aast are kept lonstaotly on Hand, and all adver-tlse- rs

are allowed Free arcrss to them dnrins Easi-


TISER Is kept on file at the office or L. P. FISHER.d8 if



X n. O TT TJ OBMarkets Renew & General Prices Current !

Published Monthly, and in English. Indispensihlefor Purchasers of Continents Hoods; girei Whole-

sale Prices, and allowed, ofWines, Brandies, Preserved Provisions, Fancy Goods,Mi.lim-ry,- . Dre.s Materials. Ulasa. Porcelain.Plated Ware. Watches, Clocks. Real Imitation Jewelry.B ot and Shoe. Perfumery. Toys, Oleograph.Photoitraphic and Printing Materials.Scientific and Musical Instruments, Drujs. Chemicals,Pharmaceuiicnl Preparations, Stationery, Sweets,Silks. Varnishes Paints, Pnjivr Hangings, etc , Ktc.

Alv Prices Current of Produce, Market Reports, Notices onIndustrial N'ovelities, Trade Intelligence, etc.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS 5 for Postal Union, sod 0for other Countries.

Money orders payable to UK0KGK WA.TKRS on Pariaor Loo-- di

n, or the equivalent io any local currency or pualagelamps.

XT l'NI'AII LETTERS RKKl'SBD. MAddrea: The FRfc.NCH TKADK JUl'KSAL REPORTKR.oc9 ly It. Ku-- de Chsbrol, Paris, Prance.


Beale and Howard Streets,8A FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA

W. II. TAILOR, ... President,

JOS. MOORE, ... Superintendent,



iStc:imbo:it,Ste:imslii, Tand

ENGINES AND BOILERS,Hlsh Prepare or fompoind.

i Kl M VKSsKl.s f all kin. I., built complete withHail ui Wool. Iron or Compuaiie.

IIKPIV llil K.t I E compi.uodej bu advisable.

sIKlM I. V I . .' II KN, Bances and steam Tuns construrl-.- ! with reference to the Trade in wt.irh they are tobe employl ?le 1. tounage and draft of water guaran.teel.

K Mll.l-- S A l M C; R MAKINGVI A t'll I K. It V mtde after t'.e mil approved plans.

Ai. u li i.er Iron IV. irk connected therewith.

V tTKK I'll'E.of iloiler or Sheet Iron, of any liie,oia le iu suitable lengths for connecting together, or SheetsK .ll. J. Punc.'i-sJ- . and Pack-- d for Shipment, ready to be

veted on Ihe ground.

Hi l)K It I.IC III VKTI.N'G. Boiler Work and Wa-ter Pipe made t.v ttii-- . iTatabliahmrnt. Riveted by I!y-rau- lf

1. vtlnr Machinery, that quality of work beingCar superior to hand work.

S 1 1 1 1 Willi K. !hp and eiram Cptaus. ttetn Winch-- s,

Air .nd nrca:ilii.g Puui;.. made after the mosl ap-

proved plans.

11 MH. Uireet AutiriB Pomps, lor Irrigation r City Wa-

ter Works' purpotes, bu.li with thr celebrated larr Valvelolioo, superior to auy other pump diT'sl tf

AOEXTS lor Worthingtoo Duplex $tem Pump.



JUST 11EC lilV12tBV


Europe and United States.



Hennessy Brandy, all Qualities;BUl'TELLEAl' BltA.N'UV, all qualities;


ROtVER. COt LET . CO. BRANDY, allqualities;

DOKOVlLLr: &. CO. B R .4 X OY. all qualities;

JULES KOBIX A. CO. BKANDV. all qualities;

I14LTEII 4K k CO. BRA NOV, all qualities;

MARMIENSE X CO. II It A X I) Y. all qualities;

JIL.E!" I..EFR.4XC 4. CO. BRANDY, allqualities;

And various other kinds of Me-

dium and Common Brands.Cutter & Co, Whiskies, all Brands;KENTUCKY FAVORITE WHISKY,





Also, Sole AgentsFOR

Reuben Earley's Whiskyr'roui Lou aville, Kentucky. Both Brands being well-kno-

for there unsurpassed excellenceand flavor.

KEY BRAND GIIU !In Small Bottles. Stone Jugs and Large Squares,

J Gallon Packages:

II out mm n Si CO. PRIZE MEDAL. GIN, verysmooth and fine;

Koorn Si Mou'a rrlrbrnlrd OLD TOM GIN.Waller's) SCHIEDAM and SCHN APPS,Daalel Vlsaer Si Son's) celebrated GRAY

STALLION" brnod rfCI.V

SOLE AGENTSFor the Celebrated and World-Renowne- d


Ooiistiiiitly on HaudAND

Iteeeived by tvery vessel from the Atlantic Ports.





S H E E E Y !




JOHANNISBERGER,CLARET WINE, in casks and hf-cas-ks ;

CLARET WINE, in boxes. 1 dozen each ;

from $3.50 to $25 00 per dozen.



pints and quarts ;





Wm. Rankin & Son's










And lOO Other Tiling !



Lowest Market Rates !



P- - S. Orders from th.3 other Islandsod Promptly attended to.



Vickery's Fireside JournalHas tht? l.r$'-- l Cir. n m-- ! r on th

Island. Th- - in:- - keT r. 1 r.n-tAui-

in LiCh NumO-- r rt 1 f t- xnmr. lastrr-liv- e

oatur'', ttie


Lare Size ChromosExcel any:ii!.; ever tn away ia tt.s tine.

Each Subscriber For Si. 25Roives moo'.hlv a rper fr yar. sn.l with the

flrsi number ihe Two H;:l n:e Chromj,.XT Over 400 new Subscrif., T noce NovcmLer lU xu.i

crjvrs are Jaily conun in.

j14 3m OtBci 2T Mrctiant s:rr-t- . Boooljiu. 11. I.

The Undersigned has For Sale




Imrlrl from New Zfalan.t f .r MK. MOVF1TT. fai.t tobe the finest Hereford Bull ever imported here.

These BULLS Will be Delivered,IF IEIKKD BV l'URCU ISKP..

vrr iloistocuiijTJ".Price According to Aje and duality,

from $75 to $100- -

Jal4 3m W. U. RICE. l.ihue. Kauai.

Having Jut SSctiii'tiedFrom the United States,

GEORGE W. LINCOLNContractor & Builder,


TO INFORM HIS K K I K.N" USDESIRES public generally, that he ia now prepared toaccept Contracts fur

Buildings, Cottages, Stores, orDwellings,


American, French, Italian, Swissor German Styles

And from New Designs, which combine all the necessary requisites for health and comfort, io a warm climate.

Plans and Estimates made upon Applica-tion.

Having formed a business connection with one of the

Principal Mills on the Coast,I AM PREPARED TO DO

First-Clas- s Work at Moderate Rates.

Satisfaction Grviaraiiteed.Sole Agent for the

Housekeeper's Kitchen Cabinet,An invaluable requisite for good Housekeepers.

Xar-vellovis- ly Cheap.One of the Latest Inventions for retoothing 8AW9 has been

brought by me from the Coast, and old Customersand new ones, are invited to call on me with

their old and worn-o- ut SAWS and Iwill make them as good as

new, and at mod-

erate rates.

GIVE ME .A. CALL.ocl8 ly


Has a Ltiwge High AnnAND A

Self-Settin- g Needle.HAS

IVo Holes To Thread,EITHER IN

The Machine or Shuttle,EXCEPT

The Eye of the Acedle.


From Irregular, Cams, Cogs and Springs.

13 THE

Only Machine MadeWHICH


And continues to sew in ihe same d rectirn.


Only M a c h i ii c M st d eN ITHUL'T ....

"Y i o 1 cl i ii g: .TointSjAnd ia consequently Kreest from Wear and Lost Motion.

Is Simple; it cannot be pnt out of Adjust-ment. Is Light Running, and Easy

Motioned; it can be run lon-

ger without fatiguethan any other Machine.

A Great Convenience 2

Each ROYAL ST. JOHN MACHINE is pr.vided on fronteilgeof table with a convenient Yard Measure.

"With each Machine we furnish the follow-ing OUTFIT:

Cnc Hemmerand Feller. Braider, Quitter, Set Pi-it- Hem-ine- rs

and Binder. Gauge and Thumb Screw, two Screw I'riv-er- s.

Oiler filled with fiperra Oil. one doien assorted Needles,six Bobbins, one extra Throat Plate, and Book ol Instructions.Kuker. Ruffier, Corder, Extra Braider, Extra Uuiiter.


W 3ES X-- Xi '



mIrjiiBaBft?Eeu a y etfr$

(CLOSUTfi- - fiTTT1 SALE OV .fSWSLBiY! Id Silver Watins .2

An Assortment of Precious Stones !

DIAMONDS, PEARLS, RUBIES, ic, &cCS-oI- d and Silver .Plated Lrare !. HELL and KUKUI ORNAMENTS. GOLD and SILVER SETS.




CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TASTEFUL JEWELRYWhich we will Sell tit Very .Low E::lo.

As this is a BONA FIDE CLOSIIS a OUT SA 11,

CALL. Uefore You liuxi Elsvichvvv, on

delO 3m

Just Received by Late Arrivals the

DIAMB, GOLDTTLMl v r w .vr'u ii.i ilii:u INTO TIIIS KI(iI)()M.

i uivk a ni.L li.m:OF








I.adie:'Goli & Plated Sets


Finest Quality,CHARMS



Etc, Kit.. K.tc.



Finest. Largest of


















bx.'karm,blcxKl Il.ll.i



Hlmrati.auiliori- -



aT.lt.,Which Prepared Sell at Most Unprecedented Low Prices

All wishing to purchase wi-1- 1 by examining BEFORE rURC'HASINUAll varieties required Jewelry Business on hund nnd ShIi-- .

Fine Repmriug and Jewelry Manufacturing a specialitt! EST ALL WORK XRR'iNTFDt" hold myself personally responsible for ALL ;OODS cure Msgurc alimy Patrons perfect security their goods. E2T COME ONE COME ALL



Manufacturing and Importing Jewelers !


Holiday Goods is Complete I ICOXSISTINO i.v hart op



"?SZx1X1jlclidci. aEt specialty.Silver Filagree Jewelry,Tasmanian Shell Necklaces in all shades of Color,

Silver Plated Ware. American Clocks.

VK WOULO STATE THAT FlCTl UK A l.I. opGold, K!ului, Shell and other Jewelry !

WjLteiieis Tiopaii'ecl lyy 0inputnt WorknuMi.DIAMONDS SET THE LATEST STYLES.

A Speciality Itfladc in Kiirssviii sill kindsIXCLl'DINt; OF


Every Article Guaranteed as represented, or Money Refunded75 FORT STAC 12 KT,

iy. oppo.ii.. iiiii.,-i,,,- m


Ibis Klegantly Bred TROTTI XC A 1. 1. ION willat MAKAIVVi. ...son to COM J A N U A.......w. ..uo-.- . a iui.iii iv, i)uii!

wbeo the mare is ascertained to be with foal or parted with.

'IL'X is a Beautiful Coal Blackwhite. 18 and weii;h p. umls a"',ut

arched heary broad, chest, showing f""ti.r.y riuuu upwuu uarrei. very ninu

A So. I fetar.d ieirs. Is Tery compactly huili anil bis form is...... .. ......... ...u '"--l mn ik.i trri

the world. Ills styie action ia harness is unsurpassed,

Sunday. Young





nnd Mctt Select tcck


"Ill f...

large immensev.-r- airoiiK ),!c.rnourHIllli.r...

carriaur ui.H

Morrill, recordJennison horse,


...im cartlul

e, by mi,,.!.




amwill Stock

of Goods ForWatch W



THE lll.lt;



T,,K -- MW


MAUI. E.OKpayable

STANDS HANDS Hltitl, ahoatbeautiluily mck. shoulders the immense lunjf ")' '"'f- -



VOI VKXTCR was bred litOKGK TRKAT.. Oaklandtunc ."TA N EMX RE, 2TJ; Am-ric- t'rl '"m"1'1

CBE'S dam was ADA MuRKILL. purchased rr'nor,! mV rr'at f'.'r'i'li."!1'; K'"",""-er- y

fst being kept brood ..... "r. .asI 30 any dayoC the wek except was sired by2 : t. uint luuug ..ivrnii uw jiorrui, ne oy me

The sut'ject of bre-d:n- is such that It in:.,..La nr. i.Ki.w.f n.t .kl. fl,.m ..I ....u.q nul ua uic u.r..i:tr ........- -.... ..c..,c...c-.- .. er

denrnd upon his judmenl measure proper a.'lecti..ii In,.- - bigmy oao experi.nce matter have alraa ..lloed rule, '"i"

mres the fcet stali.n Inui.lIhe every person the ilht irnci; and 5"'1 'l'l""t.tedpays only the beat, the pn.Ktny inferior aires ainmim lhat

coll atandard horse alwayt rtmunerativ.- - nut thoself evident irum. win not auaie upon

believe that offer the VOL' E XTlli.ru.mn Ihn aiil.ifroui whom many tlvers have descended; the

wh rh llorsemeo know, theHons, color magmflcent

STOCK PI Kl'O.-E-S cull possibly found. Usingle double, and trv-le- r exceedingly se,l,.

with him KURT V SKCONDd. rORFKlrwhich there now about country, thoybearing stronjf th-i- being

extr.tor.linary breeder










STAND OK yv.tV I .1 nml K s i A.

lime ol 1 NSi; KF V- - :IMl (s,

Hurse. witli a aunil ,.i .i. .

power, ab n.e and n u- - iV


verv H,." in, L ....v - in.Miei um ......

a proud , lrv'''- " H.i). V

' loV,rT.-- ad ne 2 anda.m t, vn..- - iiu w .M.aain- -

11. i.. r. .....ic. . III t ic hniilit...; i . .. -I ir Ili.TI. .... ni ... ....... .... niiiT- ..i. iiiL'Tesitrii: iui ii

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as this mu,t ,t.

V R E, a " Mull W irillV l.f III.'

- " ti i, lMe norss

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fa, other will 1 2oO has a. v' " ' "t u

and i.husjoa roundand

. i .


U E by taq of1.1. D 2 he .on of Boy ,'v

"" 'VbM a mare V. bymr-- : as a mare and never uaed lir racini i.m k.d .... '. " Mih aShe

mm ujger.

of l,i."rH. hi--... ll.d K..i ....... ,, mM wi irn ,ai . ,



:ii, th'-a-



is obli.-- I iown. and owo e as to tii- - of il,e a. ., .', ain the 1 one wuir-- , .' .tl' ' ' r""uit',H mi,. th .t ,r

vv .s t.bre..d ill- - best th u I coul g- -t to very thtt ii l ami 1 1 .'" ' "with result, and I believe lhal so is on in- - ,, ,7 i

"il raise very as of i ..... 'i. Ce to us all

from a bred will he saleable at " r

i it.I I to pullic, in X Vmiiat nl..l (In hi. .. V. .

lion, so and oa aideii every

with his fine .iie, st,le, andf..r that be

botb and a a Heof a in or r IVK UV

are a -a .n jlhe and area to greatly






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iik. . L'.ll-ra- l

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" ""' '" '"'I'"- -'ul b Uam hr , rledl-Importe- d

fountain head of tl, aVIvL. f"'mU.r 'men direct to.trotting action n!

,!;','",rT'.' J,1",'":'-hors- es

n I , (Tii !: ! T ,e m ,sl valuafcteliWreVjlJriir .'".iT . f"".'' U"K,y

Dllr' V"L .TT ""'wsln'T- - eVceulion l,"s' ' "- - Colls, ofwiih mt K r. . 'u ,n

bv ever. .hi .. ev,'r: all

XT GOOD PASri'KAUK will be faro.fhed for mares sentfromEB M..XTII. and Ho. rare uken to prevent accid-nt- a. Iu, no !:; w "te." Z. occur.


I r I willgive 30 OOM) COI X to Ihe pers.n exblbitiog the BKsT i;uLT I'uAl V vR E. and out of a unlive Oars; $M to the second and $20 to th. third he .i.. , VJ I!"?' .,red VOVSO

tember 2nd, USA.


