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LUCKY SHOT ATIN COURT A · 2017-12-17 · LUCKY BALDWIN SHOT ATIN COURT Emma Ashley Undertakes to...

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LUCKY BALDWIN SHOT AT IN COURT Emma Ashley Undertakes to Avenge Her Sister's Wrong. HYSTERICAL GIRL'S ACT. Two Angry Attorneys Confront Each Other With Revolvers. A BIG HOLE IN THE WALL. One More Dismal Chapter in the Wetched Story of the Ashley Sisters. "E. J. Baldwin ruined my sister Lillian and disgraced her name, and, not satis- fied with that, he has, with the help of his paid witnesses and detectives, heaped un- speakable calumny upon her. I have sat in that courtroom day after day and heard them swear those foul things, and she is my sister and and " And the speaker cried. It was Miss Emma Ashley speaking. She was sitting in the City Prison. She had just made a frenzied attempt to killE. J. Baldwin, and only an inch of space had intervened be- tween the millionaire's head and her bul- let For the second time "Lucky" Baldwin has escaped an enraged woman's revol- ver. The first time his niece, Verona Baldwin, waited for him in an upper hall of his hotel and fired two shots at him. At 9 o'clock yesterday morning Judge Slack's court was called to order for the suit of Lillian A. Ashley against E. J. Baldwin. It was to be the last day, and the trial was to have ended at 10 o'clock, when the Craven-Fair case was to have beeun. The plaintiff was on the stand being cross-examined by Attorney Highton of | the defense as to the identity of several photographs of herself. It had been con- tended that she had been on more than friendly terms with one Osborne, and she had given him one of the pictures. The picture was shown her, and she was asked by the lawyer ifit was hers. "It may be," said she, "but I don't think itis. " At that instant Emma Ashley, who had been sitting on a long bench placed along the wail at the back of the courtroom, arose and walked over to ti.e rail, seating j herself directly behind and near Baldwin, j as he sat with his attorneys and Henry A. Unruh, his secretary. As she had been in the habit of sitting in that place, rather j close to the defendant's party, no notice was taken of her movements. Infact, the mild and quiet demeanor of the woman throughout the course of the triai has been j marked. Not a sound has ever come from her, not even a sob, when her sister was enduring the terrible cross-questioning at the hands of the defendant's learned at- torneys. She either sat and listened stol- idly or read her Bible, which she carried in her handbag. "Are you quite positive that this is not your photograph? ' asked Highton of the witness.. "It is not mine, 1 ' shf> answered, "I never saw it before I never wore my hair crimped so." "Do I understand you to " Then a pistol shot rang out and a splash in the plaster on the wall told where a deadly bullet had found lodgement. Then the white powder smoke followed, and all was confusion. When the startled Judge looked up from his notes he saw a large woman with a revolver grasped in b>»th hands standing over Baldwin, who sat limp and speech- less in his chair, his face whiter than the few locks of hair on his head. With her weapon a few inches from the back of his head she had fired, but it be- ing a double action or self-cocking revol- ver the muscular force required to pull the trigger back had elevated the muzzle of the gun and the leaden missile went high to strike the opposite wall. Before another shot could be fired, if Buch was the maddened woman's inten- tion, Henry A. Unruh sprang up. and, reaching over the rail, grabbed her hands. She held Srmly to her weapon and a fierce struggle took place. For a few instants not another move was made. The witness sat in her chair stricken dumb, her face as pale as that of the man who had just es- caped death. The attorneys, a few seconds before engaged in their wordy battle, were silent, so quickly had it all come upon them. But the shock of the unexpected soon passed and confusion reigned throughout the room. Attorney Crittenden started forward just as Unruh wrenched the pistol from Miss Ashley. He turned around, flourishing the weapon in his hand and faced Crittenden, who doubtless, in his excitement, thought that Unruh in- tended to assault him. He quickly threw his right hand to his hip and partly drew a pistol from his pocket, shouting, "Drop that gun." This new stage in the course of affairs awoke the spectators to the fact that two excited and angry men were confronting each other with weapons in their hands, j Highton and Lloyd soon approached the two, and Clerk James McElroy sprang between them and, disarming Unruh, ordered Crittenden not to draw his pistol. In the meantime Emma Ashley had run around to the southern part of the room j pursued by Baldwin, angry and excited. While they were struggling together Judge Slack stepped down from behind his desk and separated them, and the qniet and dignity of the court came back again. "Mr. Crittenden," said the Judge, "have you a pistol?" "Yes, sir," answered the lawyer. "Deliver itup at once, sir," ordered the court. The attorney did so, and the two weapons soon lay side by side in the clerk's drawer. "Mr. Crittenden," said bis Honor sternly, "you must show cause before this court why you should not be punished tor contempt. Why do you come here armed ?'' "I live across the bay, your Honor, and carry a pistol simply for Drotection. I have always done so. I would not have attempted to draw it had not Mr. L'nruh made a hostile demonstration toward me I with the other gun. He was pointing it directly at me, otherwise I should not have gone for my own weapon. If I am cited for contempt I ask that Mr. Unruh be treated the same, as his action caused me to act as I did." "Very well. I will order you both to appear before me to-morrow morning at | 11 o'clock." The court then asked if there were any : more revolvers in the room, and all present j denied that they were armed. Qaiet having settled down upon the ! court the trial was about to proceed, when Lillian Ashley, who had remained in an almost fainting condition through all the I tumult seated in the witness-chair, sud- ;denly began to cry. "O, I can't go on," she said, wringing iher hands in a pitiful manner; "1 am all 1 unstrung. My baby is sick unto death at ! home and this is the last straw. I don't j know what to do what to do, nor what to ! say. What have J done that all this I should come upon me? It seems that I ; haven't had enough to contend with all I these terrible days, and now this muet come! O, my sister, my baby! I can't Igo on now I can't." I And, utterly broken down, the woman i sobbed in her wretchedness. "I think we are ali too excited and too j nervous for further proceedings to-day," i said Judge Slack. "I will bear the con- j tempt proceedings to-morrow morning j and will resume the trial of this case next | Monday morning at 11 o'clock." As Miss Emma Ashley was being taken down to the City Pnson'she acted like a person demented. She stared up at the ceiling and sang "Nearer, My God, to Thee" and fragments of other hymns. She wanted to kneel down and pray, and said she bad asked God to direct her, and it was not his will that her sister's seducer should die now. One of her sister's attor- neys walked with her, and she asked him his name, failing to recognize him. She stood calmly in the police station, where she was formally charged with as- I sault to commit murder. In the ma- tron's room she walked up and down the little apartment, wringing her hands and crying. "O, I did it, I did it. I shot him because he has ruined my poor sister, and ruined all of us. I sat in the courtroom and heard his witnesses from the East accuse her of ;gross immorality. And that dear little baby, Baldwin's own child, that JooKs just like him, is at home dying, I think, for want of proper care, medicine and food. I I sat till morning after court adjourned last j night and nursed that poor suffering child, I and this morning I did not take a bite of I nourishment, but came down to the trial. "I asked God on my knees this morning if I should do it, and prayed ifit were not | right to make me fail. I gueaa it was not I ri^ht. But lam trusting in him even in ttiis dark hour. Ihave never done any- thing wrong in my life. I came from my .'ciiool over two years ago at the call of LiJlian, who was in trouble. I would have graduated but this came, and ray nappy school days were over. Nobody knows what anguish 1 have suffered, what hard- ships and poverty I have put up with since I came to California. "Andneither have I suffered alone, for poor Lillian and baby have suffered, too. Last Thankseiyine we sat down to a din- ner of thin soup and crackers, aud while sitting there over that poor meal we read in a scrap of a newspaper how E. J. BalJ- I win entertained a party richly. That was our dessert. God only knows how this will end, but He is our only trust.'' Then she clasped her hands together, and, looking upward, began to pray. In the small Bible which she carried in her hands during the trial, and which she must have been reading just before sue fired the shot at Baldwin, was a mark at the thirteenth chapter of John, twenty- sixth and twenty-seventh verses. They Rive an account of the entrance of Satan into the heart of Judas Iscariol, inciting the unfaithful disciple to betray his mas- ter. ALL WERE EXCITED. Attorney CrSttenden Thought Un- ruh Intended to Assault Him With Emma Ashley's Pistol. "The report of that revolver came like a veritable bombshell to me," *aid Attorney Crittenden, soon after the snooting. "At first I couldn't locate the sound and of course I was much excited. When I saw Mr. Unruh struggling over the rail with Miss Emma Ashiev my first impulse was to learn why and to separate them. As he jerked the revolver out of her hands he whirled around as if to meet me with the weapon pointed directly toward me. He seemed to be intent upon using it; why I could not understand. He was certainly trying to cock the gun and it struck me that I had better look out for myself. "So of course I threw my band behind me toward the pocket in which I carried my pistol. When I saw there was no need I did not draw it out, and when I was or- dered to surrender the weapon I did so. "I imagine we were ali pretty well ex- :cited, and probably did not have a clear | idea of affairs. I was surprised to see a young woman so quiet and gentle wrought up to tne point of using a revolver as she did. Through all the trial she has sat silently in the courtroom, and I have never heard any outbreak from her. She must have been laboring under some se- vere nervous excitement that made her unaccountable for her acts." LILLIAN'S STORY. She Js at a Total Loss to Account for Her Sister Emma's Des- perate Act. Miss Lillian Ashley was seen at her room shortly after the shooting. She was trying to prepare a flaxseed poultice for her baby, who is very ill with bronchitis. The little child lay tossing on the bed, its tiny face drawn in the intensity of its suf- fering. At the request of its mother it looked up and lisped that it was "Lucky Baldwin's baby girl." "I do not understand it at all," said the mother, "and I am not able to tell any- thing about the incident. Itis so unlike sister. That is not her disposition, and I never heard her speak as though she was desperate. lam also at a loss to account for the pistol. If she had it all the time she -has kept the fact from me. Oh, why has all this come upon us? "When I was in such deep trouble I thought of my young sister at school and, having no one else to apply to, I sent for her. When she, arrived here baby was several months old, and that was the first she knew of my being a mother. You may well imagine her feelings, but she hurriedly put her sorrow away, and has been a good and a most patient nurse to our helpless innocent baby. There never was a sacrifice too great that she was not willing to make for this child without a father. We two wretched sisters have struggled for our three lives such as few women have struggled before. But no need to speak of the past when the dread- ful present and the more dreadful future is at hand. "In October, 1891, I met E. J. Baldwin in my happy Eastern home. I had every comfort and life looked very hopeful to me. Now look at me. Fair name gone; I womanhood ruined; feeding upon the ashes of a dead life; a veritable Hester Prynne walking through the scornful multitude. "Sister has had but little sleep for almost a week, being at the trial all day and sitting up much of the night with this child. She must have grown so nervous I that she was not accountable for her actions. I can't find any other reason and I am wholly in the dark regarding the whole matter." JUDGE SLACK'S ACTION. How His Honor Restored Order After the Attempted Murder. Judge Slack's actions throughout the exciting scene in his courtroom were such as might have been expected on the part of that decisive official. The report of the pistol of the would-be murderess had hardly died away before his Honor set about restoring order. He left the bench and coming down past the clerK's desk commanded the excited attorneys and spectators to take their seats. Miss Emma Ashley had been disarmed, but Lawyer Crittenden and Superintendent Unruh seemed about to spill one another's blood. Judge Slack's determined words brought the men to a realization of their surroundings, and in a moment, except for the sobbing of Lillian Ashley, the courtroom baa resumed its usual quiet. After court adjourned, the Judge told several reporters his impression of the dramatic scene. "1 was engaged looking over a paper which had been handed me," he said, "and not looking in the direction of Mr. Bald- win when the shooting took place. The in- stant the report sounded I looked up and saw Miss Ashley holding the pistol in her hand. Mr. Unruh immediately grasped her and took the pistol from her. While the young woman was being secured, Mr. Crittenden and Mr. Unruh seemed in dan- ger of getting into a difficulty. "I commanded them to be seated. Mr. Unruh held the pistol which he had taken from Miss Ashley and Mr. Crittenden's attitude suggested that he might draw one from his pocket. 'After order was in a measure obtained, I asked Mr. Crittenden if he had a pistol in hie pocket. He acknowledged that he had and handed it to the clerk. No one else acknowledged being armed. I then ordered both Mr. Crittenden and Mr. Un- ruh to appear in court to-morrow and ex- plnin their actions. "The attorneys on both sides were ready to continue the case, hut Miss Lillian Ashley, who was testifying when the trouble occurred, was on the verge of hys- terics and I thought itbetter to continue the hearing until Monday." The Thieving Supervisors is the subject of one of the leading articles inBarry's Star. * NEVER TOUCHED HIM. Lucky Baldwin Says He Felt the Bullet Pass the Tod of His Head. "Lucky" Baldwin walked jauntily out of the City Hall and downtown to his hotel as though one of his horses had brought home a plethoric purse. Before he went out of the courtroom he took a look at the bole in the wall which the bul- let made after missing his head, and said, "It never touched me." "I saw my hair fly up," he continued, "but such things never disturb me. I often noticed the woman sitting close behind me, but she seemed to be of a religious turn of mind and was always reading her Bible. I did not know of her near pres- ence until I felt the wind of the bullet lift my hair up and the tingle as the lead flew so closely over my scalp." While he was standing in court- room, rather ruthfully looking at the pitted wall, Attorney Lloyd clapped him on the shoulder and said, comfortingly : "Well, old man. you live up to your name, and are Lucky Baldwin indeed." The weapon was a cheap double-action 38-caliber five-chambered revolver. When examined alter the shooting one chamber was found empty. In Police Judpe Joachimsen's court last evening a warrant was issued for Emma Amanda Ashley's arrest, with bail fixed at $10,000. Her attorneys, Crittenden and Van Wyck, considered this sum excessive and argued against it, but Baldwin's attorneys insisted that it should stand in that sum. An effort will be made to get the bail reduced. Yesterday afternoon a physician treated Emma Asnley's hand, which was badly wrenched in her struggle with Henry Unruh. EMMA A. ASHLEY. A Quiet, Religious Person, She Was Not Considered to Ba a Desperate Character. Emma Amanda Ashley is a large woman, weighing over 200 pounds, but is of corn- pact build and does not appear to weigh within twenty-five pounds of that figure, bne is fair, with blue eyes and very light- brown hair like her sister Lillian, and was born in Vermont twenty-two years ago, tieine about five years younger than the plaintiff in the now celebrated Ashley- Baldwin case. She has always been a member of the church and of a very relig- ious nature, and even to strangers she ap- peared to be a mild, timid sort of person. "I would never have considered that woman of the kind that carry guns," said Attorney R. H. Lloyd last" evening. "I have been watching for a possible out- break on the part of th 3 other one, but have looked upon Emma Ashley as harm- less. I often noticed her sitting near us, nut paid no partfcuiar attention to that. It was the appearance of the photograph that started her out of her lethargy. It proved that the plaintiff had not told the truth regarding the pictures of herself that Osborne had. This woman, in all probability, recognized the photograph, and realizing that the game was lost, was excited to frenzy and pulled her gun for deadly work." The Scene in Judge Slack's Court Yesterday Morning When Emma Ashley, Sister of the Plaintiff in the Ashley-Baldwin Case, Tried to Kill the Man Whose Nickname "Lucky" Is so Justly Deserved. Miss I mma Ashley, the Young Woman Who Tried to Kill E. J. Baldwin. Fruit Shipments. Fruit shipments from California for the first six months of the year are somewhat below those of the year before, owing to the bactwardness of the season. For tfte six months ending with June 30, 1895, there were shipped 623 carloads, including 90 carloads of apples. For the same period of 1896 438 car- loads were shipped, and these shipments in- cluded no apples, as this fruit is about three weeks late. ._. When Baby was 6ick, we gave her Castoi ia. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, JULr 3, ioye. 16 ' y_ HEW TO-PAT. « Jamaica (singer : '+---:"* \u25a0 - - has been curing the ills of human kind. A spe- j cific for all stomach trou- I bles. Sold everywhere, j Ask for FRED BROWN CO.. PHILADELPHIA. \u25a0 NEW TO-DAT-DBT GOODS. : TO^DAA^S^PECIALS : - :: : A :=: GREAT :=: SACRIFICE! To bring the sales of this THE LAST BUSINESS DAYOF THE WEEK up to the EXTRAORDINARY RECORD of the preceding days we offer the following and many other lines at CUTS Il\ PRICES! MEN'S FURNISHINGS! ]VECKWEiVn. At 15 Cents. 350 dozen LADIES' AND GENTS' TECK and REVERSIBLE fOUR-IN-HAND SCARFS, in a variety of stylish pat- terns, regular price 25c, will be closed out at 15c each. At 25 Cents. 350 dozen LATEST STYLE TECK AND FOUR-IN-HAND SCARFS, in plaids, stripes, figured and Dresden effects, usually sold "at 50c and 75c each, will be offered at 25c each. BOYS' WAISTSAND BLOUSES ! At 35 Cents. 90 dozen FAUNTLEROY BLOUSES AND PLEATED WAISTS, in light and dark colors, regularly sold at 65c, will be closed out at 35c eacb. BOYS' Slip SUITS! At 65 Cents. 65 dozen SAILORSUITS, made of Striped Linen Duck, Galatea collar and cuffs, lanyard and whistle, regular price $1, sale price 65c each. WASH GOODS. 50 pieces WIDE-WIDTH HEAVY ENGLISH PERCALES, the 15c grade, at) 171^ 250 pieces WOVEN SHIRRED CREPON, every one new and stylish, a great) H\ line, value for 12}£c on sale at. .J 1 2^ 4 cases HEAVY WOVEN TENNIS FLANNELS, a clean, good fabric, the) t^ Bj^c grade, on sale at '. .....................'... ) O\j 300 pieces BEST % INDIGO PRINTS, all fast colors, the Bj^c cloth, on sale at) A* .. . " \u25a0 \u25a0 1 Case National Bunting for Decorating, per yard, 5c / BfgH&*^ MURPHY BTJILDrNG, / (/(/ Muriel SlTfifii corner of Jou; / CLOSING 'EM OUT! Our Summer Stock :of Tan ; Shoes now offered fa r below factory prices. {NPi'i rfj ft -j K Ladies' Tan Boots, It I VtAV latest styles; needle or / V I . narrow, square toes,- C V-shaped Tan ; all sizes button or lace; very latest styles; needle or narrow square toes, V-shaped tips ; all sizes r\^ ts\ and widths— s2.ls. \^_Vv_v\ Cannot be bought YTx^V elsewhere for less than ' \u25a07"? X S* B^^>s3.oo. As $1 /IK Ladies 1 Tan Kid Cloth /**— »M Top Oxford Ties, nee- \\~ yt die toe.-V-shaped tip, w^%. \l , turned soles; in Vpc "• all sizes and widths— v —* at $1.45. Vfl 4?1 1?\ Misses' Tan Button, \ %\ <M«ltF s P rin - . heel narrow 1 V V •'-'\u25a0 square toe, V-shaped / 7\rV tip, straight foxed; I ip \^ very stylish and good p^^/Vf,* =S. wearers; sizes 11 to 2 » Nat U^/* Ladies' Russet Oxford, i r^ "'""\u25a0-% UVXJ pointed toe, V-shaped j I " Vv, tip, turned soles; sizes i V T^^T*"*^^^ 2^ to 7—95 c. <M ACT Ladies' Extra Quality v \l MriTan Oxford Ties; ! t-.-sssSt™** v " hand - turned soles, | ft*""* ""^k needle toe, V-shaped V^-^Vyi^^. tip; strictly latest \~r*C style in every detail - J **^ atsl.9s. 1346 and I.MS Market Street* Opposite Odd Follows' Building. Country orders receive prompt attention. <j% 7 4 rooms %qP m; i^dr i INSISTING op :F=xj H.NITTJR.E PARLOR,BEDROOM L DIMING-ROOM, KITCHEN EASY PAYMENTS. Tapesiry Brussels, per yard 50 Cents OilCloth, per yard ';'.... ........ .... .25 Cents Matting,per yard .... ................. 10 Cents Solid Oak Bed Suit, 7 pieces \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 825 OO Solid Oak Folding Bed, with Mirror ...... S£s OO T. BRILLIANT, 410 POST ST., above Powell OPEN EVENINGS ; ' FoaT-Room Catalogues Mailed Free. '. JC7* Free Packing and Delivery across the Bar. >, Baja California Dam iana Bitters Is* powerful aphrodisiac and specific tonic for tin sexnal and urinary orgass ot both sexes, and * great remedy for diseases of the kidneys and blad- der. A great .Restorative, Invlgoratorand Nervlna. bells on * Its own Merita—no lonir-wlnded teiii" monlals necessary. . : .-~rT NOTARY PUBLIC. /-IHARLE3 \u25a0H. PHILLIPS, : ATTORNEY- AT- \J law and Notary FubUc, 638 Market . st, oppo- Palace HoteL Telephone 570. Besldooo* 1&I ieUit. - lei lion*, "fine" V&tfl. - HOSIERY APJJMERWEAR! At 12# Cents a Pair. CHILDREN'S BLACK RIBBED COT- TON HOSE, seamless, double knees, heels and toes, regular price 20c, re- duced to 12>£c a pair. At 12 l A Cents a Pair. LADIES' BLACK MACO COTTON HOSE, high-spliced heels and toes, full finished, fast black, regular price 2ac, reduced to l'J^c a pair. At 25 Cents Each. LADIES' JERSEY RIBBED EGYPTIAN COTTON VESTS, high neck, long sleeves, drawers to match, regular price 50c, reduced to 25c each. At 35 Cents Each. BOYS' NATURAL GRAY SANITARY WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, warranted non - shrinkable, regular price 65c and 75c, reduced to 35c each. At 50 Cents Each. CHILDREN'S SILVER GRAY SANI- TARY CASHMERE WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, non - shrinkable, regular price 75c and 85c, reduced to 50c each. REDUCED RATES FOR 4th of July -EXCURSIONS^ HAVE BEEN MADE BY THE | SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY FOB Round-Trip Tickets BETWEEN ALL STATIONS ON ITS . LINES AS FOLLOWS:. i ONE FARE AND A THIRD: To Stations Distant from Selling Sta- tion 125 Miles or Less. i ONE FARE AND A FIFTH : To Stations Distant from Selling Sis- tion 200 Miles ot Lees, but oT«r 125 Mlies. ONE SINGLE FARE: To Stations Distant from Selling Sta- tion 300 Miles or Less, but over 200 miles. Tickets eood for going trip on July 3d and 4th. Good for return till and including July 7. THESUCCESSQF THE SEASOS ! THE LADi'GBILL BOOM Of THE PALACE HOTEL DIRECT .ENTRANCE FROM MARKET ST. OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT. *"\u25a0'"'\u25a0" •__' \u25a0 .__•\u25a0•,. \u25a0 \u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0- \u25a0 •\u25a0; WEDDING ; Invitations. Announcements, Cards, e&.", Engraved i and Printed. Correct style, low rates. 20 samples t and directions for correct form, modern weddings, < mafledpostpald for 10 cents In stamps. » BRUNT ! Fine. Pbijjtino, 535 Clay St.. San Francisco. Call iTMIIIin A laxative refßWhluf tm 1 la Isl&I X frult lozen ce. I n 111 11 very agreeable to take. , CONSTIPATION _ mm'.'^. m _ hemorrhoids, bile, - 811 II I L SI low of appetite, gastric &M lIVIII E. PI intestinal troubles and \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0•' \u25a0\u25a0 ;; headache arising \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0"-•. from them. Anil I AM c. obilLon, II X I 1 IN iS Rue dcs Archives! Part* lIS 811 RmB»«I if Bold by til DnngUt*
Page 1: LUCKY SHOT ATIN COURT A · 2017-12-17 · LUCKY BALDWIN SHOT ATIN COURT Emma Ashley Undertakes to Avenge Her Sister's Wrong. HYSTERICAL GIRL'S ACT. Two Angry Attorneys Confront Each


Emma Ashley Undertakesto Avenge Her Sister's



Two Angry Attorneys ConfrontEach Other With



One More Dismal Chapter in theWetched Story of the Ashley


"E. J. Baldwin ruined my sister Lillianand disgraced her name, and, not satis-fied with that, he has, with the help of hispaid witnesses and detectives, heaped un-speakable calumny upon her. Ihave satin that courtroom day after day and heardthem swear those foul things, and she ismy sister



"And the speaker cried. It was Miss

Emma Ashley speaking. She was sittingin the City Prison. She had just made afrenzied attempt to killE. J. Baldwin, andonly an inch of space had intervened be-tween the millionaire's head and her bul-let

For the second time "Lucky" Baldwinhas escaped an enraged woman's revol-ver. The first time his niece, VeronaBaldwin, waited for him in an upper hallof his hotel and fired two shots at him.

At9 o'clock yesterday morning JudgeSlack's court was called to order for thesuit of Lillian A. Ashley against E. J.Baldwin. Itwas to be the last day, andthe trial was to have ended at 10 o'clock,when the Craven-Fair case was to havebeeun.

The plaintiff was on the stand beingcross-examined by Attorney Highton of |the defense as to the identity of severalphotographs of herself. Ithad been con-tended that she had been on more thanfriendly terms with one Osborne, and shehad given him one of the pictures. Thepicture was shown her, and she was askedby the lawyer ifit was hers."Itmay be," said she, "but Idon't

think itis."

At that instant Emma Ashley, who hadbeen sitting on a long bench placed alongthe wail at the back of the courtroom,arose and walked over to ti.e rail, seating jherself directly behind and near Baldwin, jas he sat with his attorneys and Henry A.Unruh, his secretary. As she had been inthe habit of sitting in that place, rather jclose to the defendant's party, no noticewas taken of her movements. Infact, themild and quiet demeanor of the womanthroughout the course of the triai has been jmarked. Nota sound has ever come fromher, not even a sob, when her sister wasenduring the terrible cross-questioning atthe hands of the defendant's learned at-torneys. She either sat and listened stol-idly or read her Bible, which she carriedin her handbag.

"Are you quite positive that this is notyour photograph?

'asked Highton of the

witness.."Itis not mine,1

'shf> answered, "Inever

saw it before—Inever wore my hair

crimped so.""DoIunderstand you to

"Then a pistol shot rang out and a splash

in the plaster on the wall told where adeadly bullet had found lodgement. Thenthe white powder smoke followed, and allwas confusion.

When the startled Judge looked up fromhis notes he saw a large woman with arevolver grasped in b>»th hands standingover Baldwin, who sat limp and speech-less in his chair, his face whiter than thefew locks of hair on his head.

With her weapon a few inches from theback of his head she had fired, but itbe-ing a double action or self-cocking revol-ver the muscular force required to pullthe trigger back had elevated the muzzleof the gun and the leaden missile wenthigh to strike the opposite wall.

Before another shot could be fired, ifBuch was the maddened woman's inten-tion, Henry A. Unruh sprang up. and,reaching over the rail, grabbed her hands.She held Srmly to her weapon and a fiercestruggle took place. For a few instantsnot another move was made. The witnesssat in her chair stricken dumb, her face aspale as that of the man who had just es-caped death. The attorneys, a few secondsbefore engaged in their wordy battle, weresilent, so quickly had it all come uponthem.

But the shock of the unexpected soonpassed and confusion reigned throughoutthe room. Attorney Crittenden startedforward just as Unruh wrenched the pistol

from Miss Ashley. He turned around,flourishing the weapon in his hand andfaced Crittenden, who doubtless, in hisexcitement, thought that Unruh in-tended to assault him. He quicklythrew his right hand to his hip and partlydrew a pistol from his pocket, shouting,"Drop that gun."

This new stage in the course of affairsawoke the spectators to the fact that twoexcited and angry men were confrontingeach other with weapons in their hands, jHighton and Lloyd soon approachedthe two, and Clerk James McElroy sprangbetween them and, disarming Unruh,ordered Crittenden not to draw his pistol.

In the meantime Emma Ashley had runaround to the southern part of the room jpursued by Baldwin, angry and excited.While they were struggling togetherJudge Slack stepped down from behindhis desk and separated them, and theqniet and dignity of the court came backagain.

"Mr.Crittenden," said the Judge, "haveyou a pistol?"

"Yes, sir," answered the lawyer."Deliver itup at once, sir," ordered the

court.The attorney did so, and the two

weapons soon lay side by side in the clerk'sdrawer.

"Mr. Crittenden," said bis Honorsternly, "you must show cause before thiscourt why you should not be punished torcontempt. Why do you come herearmed ?''"Ilive across the bay, your Honor, and

carry a pistol simply for Drotection. Ihave always done so. Iwould not haveattempted to draw ithad not Mr. L'nruhmade a hostile demonstration toward me

Iwith the other gun. He was pointing itdirectly at me, otherwise Ishould nothave gone for my own weapon. If Iamcited for contempt Iask that Mr. Unruhbe treated the same, as his action causedme to act as Idid."

"Very well. Iwill order you both toappear before me to-morrow morning at

|11 o'clock."The court then asked if there were any

:more revolvers in the room, and allpresentj denied that they were armed.

Qaiet having settled down upon the!court the trial was about to proceed, whenLillian Ashley, who had remained in analmost fainting condition through all the

Itumult seated in the witness-chair, sud-;denly began to cry."O, Ican't go on," she said, wringing

iher hands ina pitiful manner; "1am all1 unstrung. Mybaby is sick unto death at!home and this is the last straw. Idon'tj know what to do

—what to do, nor what to!say. What have J done that all this

Ishould come upon me? It seems that I;haven't had enough to contend with allIthese terrible days, and now this muetcome! O, my sister, my baby! Ican't

Igo on now—Ican't."

IAnd, utterly broken down, the woman

isobbed inher wretchedness."Ithink we are ali too excited and too

j nervous for further proceedings to-day,"isaid Judge Slack. "Iwill bear the con-j tempt proceedings to-morrow morningj and willresume the trial of this case next

| Monday morning at 11o'clock."As Miss Emma Ashley was being taken

down to the City Pnson'she acted like aperson demented. She stared up at theceiling and sang "Nearer, My God, toThee" and fragments ofother hymns. Shewanted to kneel down and pray, and saidshe bad asked God to direct her, and itwas not his will that her sister's seducershould die now. One of her sister's attor-neys walked with her, and she asked himhis name, failing to recognize him.

She stood calmly in the police station,where she was formally charged with as-

Isault to commit murder. In the ma-tron's room she walked up and down thelittle apartment, wringing her hands andcrying.

"O,Idid it,Idid it. Ishot him becausehe has ruined my poor sister, and ruinedall of us. Isat in the courtroom and heardhis witnesses from the East accuse her of;gross immorality. And that dear littlebaby, Baldwin's own child, that JooKs justlike him, is at home dying,Ithink, forwant of proper care, medicine and food. I

Isat tillmorning after court adjourned lastjnight and nursed that poor suffering child,Iand this morning Idid not take a bite ofInourishment, but came down to the trial.

"Iasked God on my knees this morningifIshould do it, and prayed ifit were not

|right to make me fail. Igueaa itwas notIri^ht. But lam trusting in him even inttiis dark hour. Ihave never done any-thing wrong in my life. Icame from my.'ciiool over two years ago at the call ofLiJlian, who was in trouble. Iwould havegraduated but this came, and ray nappyschool days were over. Nobody knowswhat anguish 1have suffered, what hard-ships and poverty Ihave put up with sinceIcame to California.

"Andneither have Isuffered alone, forpoor Lillian and baby have suffered, too.Last Thankseiyine we sat down to a din-ner of thin soup and crackers, aud whilesitting there over that poor meal we readina scrap of a newspaper how E. J. BalJ- Iwin entertained a party richly. That wasour dessert. God only knows how this willend, but He is our only trust.''

Then she clasped her hands together,and, looking upward, began to pray.

Inthe small Bible which she carried inher hands during the trial, and which shemust have been reading just before suefired the shot at Baldwin, was a mark at

the thirteenth chapter of John, twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh verses. TheyRive an account of the entrance of Sataninto the heart of Judas Iscariol, incitingthe unfaithful disciple to betray his mas-ter.


Attorney CrSttenden Thought Un-ruh Intended to Assault Him

With Emma Ashley's Pistol."The report of that revolver came like a

veritable bombshell to me," *aid AttorneyCrittenden, soon after the snooting. "Atfirst Icouldn't locate the sound and ofcourse Iwas much excited. When IsawMr. Unruh struggling over the rail withMiss Emma Ashiev my first impulse was

to learn why and to separate them. Ashe jerked the revolver out of her handshe whirled around as if tomeet me withthe weapon pointed directly toward me.He seemed to be intent upon using it;whyIcould not understand. He was certainlytrying to cock the gun and itstruck methat Ihad better look out for myself.

"So of course Ithrew my band behindme toward the pocket in whichIcarriedmy pistol. When Isaw there was no needIdid not draw it out, and when Iwas or-dered to surrender the weapon Idid so."Iimagine we were ali pretty well ex-

:cited, and probably did not have a clear| idea of affairs. Iwas surprised to see ayoung woman so quiet and gentle wroughtup to tne point of using a revolver as shedid. Through all the trial she has satsilently in the courtroom, and Ihavenever heard any outbreak from her. Shemust have been laboring under some se-vere nervous excitement that made herunaccountable for her acts."

LILLIAN'S STORY.She Js at a Total Loss to Account

for Her Sister Emma's Des-perate Act.

Miss Lillian Ashley was seen at herroom shortly after the shooting. She was

trying to prepare a flaxseed poultice forher baby, who is very illwith bronchitis.The little child lay tossing on the bed, itstiny face drawn in the intensity of its suf-fering. At the request of its mother itlooked up and lisped that it was "LuckyBaldwin's baby girl.""Ido not understand itat all," said the

mother, "and Iam not able to tell any-thing about the incident. Itis so unlikesister. That is not her disposition, and Inever heard her speak as though she wasdesperate. lam also at a loss to accountfor the pistol. If she had itall the timeshe -has kept the fact from me. Oh, whyhas all this come upon us?

"When Iwas in such deep trouble Ithought of my young sister at school and,having no one else to apply to,Isent forher. When she, arrived here baby wasseveral months old, and that was the firstshe knew of my being a mother. Youmay well imagine her feelings, but shehurriedly put her sorrow away, and hasbeen a good and a most patient nurse toour helpless innocent baby. There neverwas a sacrifice too great that she was notwilling to make for this child without afather. We two wretched sisters havestruggled for our three lives such as fewwomen have struggled before. But noneed to speak of the past when the dread-fulpresent and the more dreadful futureis at hand.

"In October, 1891, Imet E. J. Baldwininmy happy Eastern home. Ihad everycomfort and life looked very hopeful tome. Now look at me. Fair name gone; Iwomanhood ruined; feeding upon theashes of a dead life; a veritable HesterPrynne walking through the scornfulmultitude.

"Sister has had but little sleep for almosta week, being at the trial all day andsitting up much of the night with thischild. She must have grown so nervous Ithat she was not accountable for heractions. Ican't find any other reason andIam wholly in the dark regarding thewhole matter."

JUDGE SLACK'S ACTION.How His Honor Restored Order

After the Attempted

Murder.Judge Slack's actions throughout the

exciting scene in his courtroom were suchas might have been expected on the partof that decisive official. The report of thepistol of the would-be murderess hadhardly died away before his Honor setabout restoring order. He left the benchand coming down past the clerK's deskcommanded the excited attorneys andspectators to take their seats.

Miss Emma Ashley had been disarmed,but Lawyer Crittenden and SuperintendentUnruh seemed about to spill one another'sblood. Judge Slack's determined wordsbrought the men to a realization of theirsurroundings, and in a moment, exceptfor the sobbing of Lillian Ashley, thecourtroom baa resumed its usual quiet.

After court adjourned, the Judge toldseveral reporters his impression of thedramatic scene.

"1 was engaged looking over a paperwhich had been handed me," he said, "andnot looking in the direction of Mr. Bald-win when the shooting took place. The in-stant the report sounded Ilooked up andsaw Miss Ashley holding the pistol in herhand. Mr. Unruh immediately graspedher and took the pistol from her. Whilethe young woman was being secured, Mr.Crittenden and Mr. Unruh seemed in dan-ger of getting into a difficulty."Icommanded them to be seated. Mr.

Unruh held the pistol which he had takenfrom Miss Ashley and Mr. Crittenden'sattitude suggested that he mightdraw onefrom his pocket.

'After order was in a measure obtained,Iasked Mr. Crittenden ifhe had a pistolin hie pocket. He acknowledged that hehad and handed it to the clerk. No oneelse acknowledged being armed. Ithenordered both Mr. Crittenden and Mr. Un-ruh to appear in court to-morrow and ex-plnin their actions.

"The attorneys on both sides were readyto continue the case, hut Miss LillianAshley, who was testifying when thetrouble occurred, was on the verge of hys-terics and Ithought itbetter to continuethe hearing until Monday."

The Thieving Supervisors is the subject ofone of the leading articles inBarry's Star.



Lucky Baldwin Says He Felt theBullet Pass the Tod of

His Head."Lucky" Baldwin walked jauntily out

of the City Hall and downtown to hishotel as though one of his horses hadbrought home a plethoric purse. Beforehe went out of the courtroom he took alook at the bole in the wall which the bul-let made after missing his head, andsaid, "Itnever touched me.""Isaw my hair fly up," he continued,

"but such things never disturb me. Ioftennoticed the woman sitting close behindme, but she seemed to be of a religiousturn of mind and was always reading herBible. Idid not know of her near pres-ence untilIfelt the wind of the bullet liftmy hair up and the tingle as the lead flewso closely over my scalp."

While he was standing in court-room, rather ruthfully looking at the

pitted wall, Attorney Lloyd clapped himon the shoulder and said, comfortingly:"Well, old man. you liveup to your name,and are Lucky Baldwin indeed."

The weapon was a cheap double-action38-caliber five-chambered revolver. Whenexamined alter the shooting one chamberwas found empty.

InPolice Judpe Joachimsen's court lastevening a warrant was issued for EmmaAmanda Ashley's arrest, with bail fixed at$10,000. Her attorneys, Crittenden andVan Wyck, considered this sum excessiveand argued against it, but Baldwin'sattorneys insisted that it should stand inthat sum. An effort will be made togetthe bail reduced.

Yesterday afternoon a physician treatedEmma Asnley's hand, which was badlywrenched in her struggle with HenryUnruh.


A Quiet, Religious Person, She WasNot Considered to Ba a

Desperate Character.Emma Amanda Ashley is a large woman,

weighing over 200 pounds, but is of corn-

pact build and does not appear to weighwithin twenty-five pounds of that figure,bne is fair, with blue eyes and very light-brown hair like her sister Lillian, and wasborn in Vermont twenty-two years ago,tieine about five years younger than theplaintiff in the now celebrated Ashley-Baldwin case. She has always been amember of the church and of a very relig-ious nature, and even to strangers she ap-peared to be a mild, timid sort of person."Iwould never have considered thatwoman of the kind that carry guns," said

Attorney R. H. Lloyd last" evening. "Ihave been watching for a possible out-break on the part of th3other one, buthave looked upon Emma Ashley as harm-less. Ioften noticed her sitting near us,nut paid no partfcuiar attention to that.Itwas the appearance of the photographthat started her out of her lethargy. Itproved that the plaintiff had not told thetruth regarding the pictures of herselfthat Osborne had. This woman, in allprobability, recognized the photograph,and realizing that the game was lost, wasexcited to frenzy and pulled her gun fordeadly work."

The Scene in Judge Slack's Court Yesterday Morning When Emma Ashley, Sister of the Plaintiff in the Ashley-Baldwin Case, Tried toKillthe Man Whose Nickname "Lucky" Is so Justly Deserved.

Miss Imma Ashley, the Young Woman Who Tried to KillE. J. Baldwin.

Fruit Shipments.Fruit shipments from California for the first

six months of the year are somewhat belowthose of the year before, owing to thebactwardness of the season. For tfte sixmonths ending with June 30, 1895, there wereshipped 623 carloads, including 90 carloads ofapples. For the same period of 1896 438 car-loads were shipped, and these shipments in-cluded no apples, as this fruit is about threeweeks late. ._.

When Baby was 6ick, wegave her Castoi ia.When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.


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